We're at war with Reptiles, folks! It's us against them!
Blacklisted News and Bible Prophecy Watch
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
And hello, everybody. Welcome to the show. I’m Sherry Shriner. A couple things I wanna talk about today. I was looking over a bunch of stuff. Didn’t have many shows last week. Everything was pretty much sabotaged all week. So, try it again this week. [laughs]
You know, I’ve been watching all the signs of stuff going on, so it’s hard to pinpoint on any one thing, when you gotta analyze the octopus of events going on, and so. Tuesdays, I like to keep towards politics. And then Wednesdays, deal with Bible prophecy more. And then Thursdays, deal with just about everything in general.
The things that have caught my eye—I know everybody’s waiting—because we’re all still waiting for [FBI Director] Comey to actually do something, start making arrests. And, you know, if you look the New Age site and stuff, the stuff they’re putting out, you know, most of the time, it’s complete garbage. And you can’t understand what they’re thinking, who supports that nonsense.
But you gotta watch that whole regime, because that’s the 8th regime, that’s the one coming in. And you got the 7th regime now that’s on its way out, and Trump is the leader of all this, for right now. And, of course, they wanna get him out of there. And, you know, there’s a lot of people that will fight to keep him in there. And me being one of them, because—no, I don’t—it’s not like I support politics. Anybody that listens to my show knows I understand full well there’s no two-party system. They’re all a bunch of Satan baby-raping criminals. But what you would have without Trump is you would have Hillary, which was a big, “Hell, no.” And if they get rid of Trump, they wanna replace him with Paul Ryan, which is just another equal big, “Hell, no.”
And so, we gotta kind of stick with Trump here. Because if they put Paul Ryan in—and I don’t know what their thinking is. Paul Ryan is just a big of a criminal as anyone else in Pizzagate, and so is Mike Pence. And so, what the media is doing is flooding it with “the Russians are doing this, the Russians are doing that” and they’re trying to keep everybody distracted away from Pizzagate and the Hillary e-mails.
You know, where’s all the talk of Pizzagate gone? Where’s all the talk of Hillary’s incriminating e-mails gone? The fact that she was using a home server. I mean, if you’re in the military and you got caught doing that, you’d be in Leavenworth [U.S. federal prison]. But where’s the fact that she was using the State Department as her own bank to fill the coffers up of the Clinton Foundation? Ever since Trump became elected, everything against Hillary’s criminalism has stopped. And they’ve pushed the buttons so that everybody’s looking somewhere else at Trump—against Trump.
And so, we need to just ignore—ignore mainstream, and start demanding the arrests. One of the things I found interesting about Comey—because he does have ties to the Clintons. We all knew he was just a fixer, right? Because he’s all talk and no action, all bark and no bite. He’s like a poodle acting like he’s a Pitbull. He’s a fixer. Comey was a board member of HSBC, which is the Hongkong Shanghai Bank of China, which has been taking over the economics, the financing, of America. If you’ve noticed, they’re taking over banks everywhere. And HSBC was the bank of the Clinton Foundation. And the drug cartels of choice bank through HSBC. And so, Comey was a board member on it. So, they all have ties.
You know, what do you do when you’re investigating the wolves? You put wolves as the investigators. That’s why the investigations never go anywhere. That’s why we’ve been screaming for Trump to get rid of Comey and get somebody else. Comey’s not gonna do anything. He’s there to stall. Stall, stall, stall.
A lot of the people that were put around him [Trump] suggested to him—that he took the suggestion of—were put there to stall, and lead him away from the directions he was going in. They’re working against him. He needs to get rid of that entire criminal Obama regime and all those working for him. And the problem is they’re all working for him, because even the Republicans, or Rhinos (Republicans in name only), they’re all up to Pizza Heaven, in Pizza Hell. So they’re trying to die down talk about that. They want him—divert him away from that and go into other things.
This will be an interesting month. March is gonna be interesting, because between March and April, they probably have about six different plots to assassinate Trump during this time. Now, I came out with the one I saw on April 5—15th. April 15. He just has to get to that point, because if you get past April 15—which they’ll probably cancel, because they always do when you expose their plots—then we might be heading into a direction. But I don’t think, until then—you know, if he doesn’t do anything, he’s letting the criminals loose to sit and plot against him. If they were all in prison, they wouldn’t be sitting and plotting together. So his people are being really stupid.
And his Secret Service, I’ve never seen such a lame Secret Service in my entire life. I mean, what was it last year? Somebody post a threat to Obama on Facebook and, immediately, the FBI is storming his apartment. For a threat. On Facebook. And here you have Pelosi, and senators, and politicians threatening—and Lynch, even—threatening terrorist activities against the president. Where’s the SWAT? Where’s the Secret Service? Why aren’t they protecting Trump? Why are all these people making terrorist threats against the president? These Hollywood celebrities advocating riots and violence, why aren’t they arrested? Why isn’t anything being done?
This is, like, the biggest dog and pony show I’ve ever seen in politics. It’s like nobody is protecting Trump. Fire the Secret Service, hire new ones, and do what you’re supposed to be doing. These guys aren’t doing anything. Secret Service isn’t doing anything. You hear, “Oh, 1500 pedophiles have been arrested since Trump was president.” You know what? That’s awesome. Which Air Force base have you shut down that was bringing in all the kids? Which politicians have been arrested that are raping and killing them in MILABs [military abduction bases]?
1500 what? The supply chain hasn’t been targeted. You haven’t even gone after the hookers. I mean, you see all these police stings. They put the female hookers—acting like they’re hookers—and they arrest the Johns, even clicking on the—going after the bait of the fake hookers. Well, how come they’re not rounding up the politicians that are the customers for this child trafficking ring? Why aren’t they going after the supply chain?
You know what? I can list off five supply chains, bases, right here. Let’s see. MacDill Air Force Base, Edwards Air Force Base, Andrews Air Force Base, Nelson [Sherry means Nellis –transcriber] Air Force Base, and Rickenbacker Air Force Base [actually, Air National Guard Base]. Probably all of them, but these five I know for sure. So why isn’t the Pentagon being pulled to the carpet on Pizzagate and being their supply chain? Why isn’t the Air Force?
You know, you put the wolves around the chicken house. And then you say, “Oh, we’re gonna protect the chickens.” Really? I can see that. General “Mad Dog” Maddis, one of General Gray’s boys. And what’s he now, the Chief of the Pentagon? Really? Maddis used to be one of those guys that would lure politicians into children’s sex parties so they could film them and use that to blackmail politicians. Yeah. He used to be involved with drug-running, child trafficking, human trafficking. You name it, Maddis was one of the boys, and now he’s the chief defense.
Seriously, folks, you think we’re getting better? You think things are getting better? I wanna see things get better. And the more you wait, and the more you hope, the more these kinds of appointments are made. You’re like, “What the heck is going on? I thought we were draining the swamp, not promoting it to Washington.”
Trump really wants to drain the swamp, he is going to have to go to Army officers and promote them from the ‘90s. Haha. Maybe. Maybe. I know, when Bush was president, they made it so that if you wanted to be promoted to colonel status and higher, you had to be a Satanist. So they were getting rid of the all the Christians out of the military. And this is back when the Christians all thought Bush was a Christian. You know, you couldn’t tell them nothing back then. This is how long this has been going on. You had to be a Mason, you had to be in the Brotherhood, you had to be a Satanist. So now you try to promote from what? What kind of ranks are there? What does Trump have to choose from here?
Anyway, you know what? I had, uh, let’s see. I wrote this note, this article, Tearing Down the Reptilian Regime that’s Dominating Us [https://sherryshriner.blogspot.com/2016/04/tearing-down-reptilian-regime-thats.html]. And I wrote this last year. And I wrote this for the Prayer Warriors out there who are awake and alert to what’s going on. And I typically write out spiritual warfare prayers that people can focus on to try to destroy the things that are going on, dominating us, around us. And so, I’m gonna go through some of these points. Some of the things we were praying for last year that are just as good for this year, folks.
You know, they continually abduct, kidnap, rape, torture, kill children, and adults, in secret facilities around America. They transport them in from other countries on a daily basis. Their networks are worldwide. In America, what they do to the dead—the children they kill in these bases and the adults that are sacrificed on their satanic altars—they grind them up and put them in the food supply. In particular, our meat supply, by companies such as Cargill Meat Suppliers out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The government refuses to do anything about this, because they’re all complicit.
Meanwhile, we’re saturated daily with their attempts and their war on the people of our country. They pasteurize our food, which takes all the nutrients and vitamins out of it. They fluoridate our water, which is poisoning and killing people. They’re blocking out the sun, they’re keeping vitamin D3 away from people, and many other vitamins. Humans need the sun to survive. I can’t even remember such a terrible time on earth, the last 12 months, 10 months, where it’s just constantly—the sun—being chemtrailed/sprayed-out. Chemtrails constantly going, daily, every day.
They’re attacking us by our air, our food, our water. Then they try to persuade you and bully you into getting vaccines that will kill you. They’ll give you cancers and tumors, nanobots and microbots, and chips inside your body. It never ends, folks. We are at war. Who are we at war against? Against this Reptilian regime that dominates our country.
Now, people have been screaming for years that humans are possessed by Reptiles. And you guys have laughed and laughed, mocked and ridiculed. And now you’re finally getting it. There’s a lot of you waking up, because, thanks to HDTV, people can see for their own selves that people’s eyes on TV are not normal. They turn from normal round pupils to slits. You can watch them shape-shift on TV.
And I have on my websites—I have articles on how they soul-scalp humans, how they take humans over. And I was warning all last year about how the push was on that all those who had joined Secret Societies were being soul-scalped. And, for the most part, most of them have now been.
We’re at war against Lucifer’s Reptilian fallen angels. When Lucifer fell, and he was cursed to be a snake, a reptile, it’s all metaphor. It affected all of the angels that were with him at the time. And they all became snakes, they became reptiles. They lost their angelic looks, and they became Reptilians. That’s where they’re from, folks. They were once former angels, now they’re the offspring of these former fallen angels. And there’s various different types of them, just because of the breeding, and the generations, over the years, of these fallen angels that were cursed to become Reptiles.
They take over human bodies. They operate in human bodies. Look at George Bush, Sr. Most of them are not even human. Obama, he’s just a clone. Hillary, she’s cloned. They also used doubles and look-alikes for both of them. All the celebrities, most of them have been replaced by tranny doubles. There’s a thing going on with this tranny thing. They’re replacing the real celebrities with trannies, look-alikes.
When a Reptilian takes over a human body, the human is pushed out. Their whole subconscious—consciousness is pushed out of their own body. And that entity takes over that body. It’s like being demon possessed. They no longer have control of their body. This thing, this monster, this being takes over their body, has full access to their memories, their thoughts, their brain. They become that person, or who that person used to be. They take over.
What happens to the person that got pushed out of their own body? They end up—if they’re not killed—they end up in the 5th dimension, which is kind of like a neutral dimension. It’s not heaven, it’s not hell. It’s the real 5th dimension.
The New Agers want you to think the 5th dimension is some angelic la-la dimension that everyone’s going to ascend to. The only ones that go into the 5th dimension are people that have been pushed out of their bodies, they’ve been soul-scalped. I hate to tell the New Agers that, because what they’re really embracing is for themselves to be soul-scalped and taken over by an alien entity. And then pushed out of their own bodies and into the 5th dimension. There’s various levels of the 5th dimension. You can end up in a hellish one or a not so bad one. The kids usually end up in not so bad ones. There are angels there that typically will try to protect the children. There are angelic cities there that the children can get to. But it usually doesn’t fare too well for adults.
It’s a war against humans, folks. Look at General “Mad Dog” Maddis. His Lizard tongue, his slit eyes. Comey, his slit eyes. They have slit eyes. They’ve been soul-scalped. Someone’s looking at you with slit eyes and talking, they’re not human. That human’s been pushed out.
People need to stand up and start fighting back, instead of just, “Oh, we need to pray for our enemies. Let’s form a circle. Let’s form a prayer circle.” [laughs] Meanwhile, Father’s saying, “Who will stand up for Me against the wicked.” “Oh, let’s go form a prayer circle.” What are you praying for? These beings are gonna be judged and cast into their own hell. They’re not humans, what are you praying for them for?
Wake up, folks, and realize the war is on, and get busy fighting against them. Ask the Father to send His destroyer angels against those who harm children, who kidnap and abduct humans, and put them in these underground bases and hold them in cages, use them on experiments, kill them and put them on meat hooks and grind them up and put them in the world’s meat supply in the food chain. I wish people would wake up and look at the war around you. Because it’s against us as humans. It’s us against them. Those who want to enslave us and destroy us are not human.
Look at all the Liberals, the Libtards. Look at mainstream media. People who post a bunch of garbage, they’re not human. One thing I really noticed about daytime TV is that even the small-time actors—you look at—all day long—the college commercials that come on TV, or the law firm, legal firm commercials that come on TV, they’re not even human actors. They all look like Barbie dolls, they’re using synthetics as actors. They used the fake, plastic synthetics. That’s what most of that is, the fake and the plastic. They don’t have to pay them, probably. Got people using them.
Cleveland TV’s really bad. It’s all fakes and synthetics during the day. And then you look at all these news anchors they bring in replacing all these news reporters. Fox [news network] is always bringing in new news reporters. Fox has a big thing for using synthetics and trannies posing as women. Fox is huge on that one. Most of the women on TV are trannies. They’re trying to eliminate and wipe out humans on earth, folks. Stand up and get involved with the war against them, or just become another victim of theirs.
Anyway, folks, time’s already running out. See you tomorrow. Tomorrow at noon.
Yah bless.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
And hello, everybody. Welcome to the show. I’m Sherry Shriner. A couple things I wanna talk about today. I was looking over a bunch of stuff. Didn’t have many shows last week. Everything was pretty much sabotaged all week. So, try it again this week. [laughs]
You know, I’ve been watching all the signs of stuff going on, so it’s hard to pinpoint on any one thing, when you gotta analyze the octopus of events going on, and so. Tuesdays, I like to keep towards politics. And then Wednesdays, deal with Bible prophecy more. And then Thursdays, deal with just about everything in general.
The things that have caught my eye—I know everybody’s waiting—because we’re all still waiting for [FBI Director] Comey to actually do something, start making arrests. And, you know, if you look the New Age site and stuff, the stuff they’re putting out, you know, most of the time, it’s complete garbage. And you can’t understand what they’re thinking, who supports that nonsense.
But you gotta watch that whole regime, because that’s the 8th regime, that’s the one coming in. And you got the 7th regime now that’s on its way out, and Trump is the leader of all this, for right now. And, of course, they wanna get him out of there. And, you know, there’s a lot of people that will fight to keep him in there. And me being one of them, because—no, I don’t—it’s not like I support politics. Anybody that listens to my show knows I understand full well there’s no two-party system. They’re all a bunch of Satan baby-raping criminals. But what you would have without Trump is you would have Hillary, which was a big, “Hell, no.” And if they get rid of Trump, they wanna replace him with Paul Ryan, which is just another equal big, “Hell, no.”
And so, we gotta kind of stick with Trump here. Because if they put Paul Ryan in—and I don’t know what their thinking is. Paul Ryan is just a big of a criminal as anyone else in Pizzagate, and so is Mike Pence. And so, what the media is doing is flooding it with “the Russians are doing this, the Russians are doing that” and they’re trying to keep everybody distracted away from Pizzagate and the Hillary e-mails.
You know, where’s all the talk of Pizzagate gone? Where’s all the talk of Hillary’s incriminating e-mails gone? The fact that she was using a home server. I mean, if you’re in the military and you got caught doing that, you’d be in Leavenworth [U.S. federal prison]. But where’s the fact that she was using the State Department as her own bank to fill the coffers up of the Clinton Foundation? Ever since Trump became elected, everything against Hillary’s criminalism has stopped. And they’ve pushed the buttons so that everybody’s looking somewhere else at Trump—against Trump.
And so, we need to just ignore—ignore mainstream, and start demanding the arrests. One of the things I found interesting about Comey—because he does have ties to the Clintons. We all knew he was just a fixer, right? Because he’s all talk and no action, all bark and no bite. He’s like a poodle acting like he’s a Pitbull. He’s a fixer. Comey was a board member of HSBC, which is the Hongkong Shanghai Bank of China, which has been taking over the economics, the financing, of America. If you’ve noticed, they’re taking over banks everywhere. And HSBC was the bank of the Clinton Foundation. And the drug cartels of choice bank through HSBC. And so, Comey was a board member on it. So, they all have ties.
You know, what do you do when you’re investigating the wolves? You put wolves as the investigators. That’s why the investigations never go anywhere. That’s why we’ve been screaming for Trump to get rid of Comey and get somebody else. Comey’s not gonna do anything. He’s there to stall. Stall, stall, stall.
A lot of the people that were put around him [Trump] suggested to him—that he took the suggestion of—were put there to stall, and lead him away from the directions he was going in. They’re working against him. He needs to get rid of that entire criminal Obama regime and all those working for him. And the problem is they’re all working for him, because even the Republicans, or Rhinos (Republicans in name only), they’re all up to Pizza Heaven, in Pizza Hell. So they’re trying to die down talk about that. They want him—divert him away from that and go into other things.
This will be an interesting month. March is gonna be interesting, because between March and April, they probably have about six different plots to assassinate Trump during this time. Now, I came out with the one I saw on April 5—15th. April 15. He just has to get to that point, because if you get past April 15—which they’ll probably cancel, because they always do when you expose their plots—then we might be heading into a direction. But I don’t think, until then—you know, if he doesn’t do anything, he’s letting the criminals loose to sit and plot against him. If they were all in prison, they wouldn’t be sitting and plotting together. So his people are being really stupid.
And his Secret Service, I’ve never seen such a lame Secret Service in my entire life. I mean, what was it last year? Somebody post a threat to Obama on Facebook and, immediately, the FBI is storming his apartment. For a threat. On Facebook. And here you have Pelosi, and senators, and politicians threatening—and Lynch, even—threatening terrorist activities against the president. Where’s the SWAT? Where’s the Secret Service? Why aren’t they protecting Trump? Why are all these people making terrorist threats against the president? These Hollywood celebrities advocating riots and violence, why aren’t they arrested? Why isn’t anything being done?
This is, like, the biggest dog and pony show I’ve ever seen in politics. It’s like nobody is protecting Trump. Fire the Secret Service, hire new ones, and do what you’re supposed to be doing. These guys aren’t doing anything. Secret Service isn’t doing anything. You hear, “Oh, 1500 pedophiles have been arrested since Trump was president.” You know what? That’s awesome. Which Air Force base have you shut down that was bringing in all the kids? Which politicians have been arrested that are raping and killing them in MILABs [military abduction bases]?
1500 what? The supply chain hasn’t been targeted. You haven’t even gone after the hookers. I mean, you see all these police stings. They put the female hookers—acting like they’re hookers—and they arrest the Johns, even clicking on the—going after the bait of the fake hookers. Well, how come they’re not rounding up the politicians that are the customers for this child trafficking ring? Why aren’t they going after the supply chain?
You know what? I can list off five supply chains, bases, right here. Let’s see. MacDill Air Force Base, Edwards Air Force Base, Andrews Air Force Base, Nelson [Sherry means Nellis –transcriber] Air Force Base, and Rickenbacker Air Force Base [actually, Air National Guard Base]. Probably all of them, but these five I know for sure. So why isn’t the Pentagon being pulled to the carpet on Pizzagate and being their supply chain? Why isn’t the Air Force?
You know, you put the wolves around the chicken house. And then you say, “Oh, we’re gonna protect the chickens.” Really? I can see that. General “Mad Dog” Maddis, one of General Gray’s boys. And what’s he now, the Chief of the Pentagon? Really? Maddis used to be one of those guys that would lure politicians into children’s sex parties so they could film them and use that to blackmail politicians. Yeah. He used to be involved with drug-running, child trafficking, human trafficking. You name it, Maddis was one of the boys, and now he’s the chief defense.
Seriously, folks, you think we’re getting better? You think things are getting better? I wanna see things get better. And the more you wait, and the more you hope, the more these kinds of appointments are made. You’re like, “What the heck is going on? I thought we were draining the swamp, not promoting it to Washington.”
Trump really wants to drain the swamp, he is going to have to go to Army officers and promote them from the ‘90s. Haha. Maybe. Maybe. I know, when Bush was president, they made it so that if you wanted to be promoted to colonel status and higher, you had to be a Satanist. So they were getting rid of the all the Christians out of the military. And this is back when the Christians all thought Bush was a Christian. You know, you couldn’t tell them nothing back then. This is how long this has been going on. You had to be a Mason, you had to be in the Brotherhood, you had to be a Satanist. So now you try to promote from what? What kind of ranks are there? What does Trump have to choose from here?
Anyway, you know what? I had, uh, let’s see. I wrote this note, this article, Tearing Down the Reptilian Regime that’s Dominating Us [https://sherryshriner.blogspot.com/2016/04/tearing-down-reptilian-regime-thats.html]. And I wrote this last year. And I wrote this for the Prayer Warriors out there who are awake and alert to what’s going on. And I typically write out spiritual warfare prayers that people can focus on to try to destroy the things that are going on, dominating us, around us. And so, I’m gonna go through some of these points. Some of the things we were praying for last year that are just as good for this year, folks.
- We can use Spiritual Warfare prayers and ask Father that He give flesh-eating plagues on those who harm and kill children; to both the humans and the Reptilians involved. Ask the Father to give them flesh-eating plagues.
- Ask that they get accelerated necrosis, which is aging, of the humans and Reptilians involved.
- Ask that they get rabies.
- Ask Him to increase the aether orgone energy that is around our country; causes them increased headaches, pains, rashes, and asphyxia.
- The quarantine and ban of Chinese and Islamic agendas, political/spiritual, both from this country.
- Ask Him for the end of the gay agenda; the push, promotion, the tolerance, acceptance being shoved down our throats.
- Ask Father to tear down the central banking and the Federal Reserve owned by the Rothschilds empire. Of course, they’re doing that now, only to be replacing it with the Chinese.
- Ask Father to tear down the IRS that funds and is owned by the Queen and Vatican City. If you think the money the IRS collects from you is going to our federal government, you’re wrong. It goes to the Queen and Vatican.
- Ask Him for the destruction of the deep underground military bases and deep underground alien bases that are being used for child and human trafficking. The destruction of Nellis Air Force Base using children for child rape, murder, trafficking.
- Destruction of the MILABs under the White House and Pentagon used for child rape and murder.
- The dismantling and destruction of the entire German Reptilian regime and network dominating our military and government, our black projects, shadow government, and underground bases, train shuttle networks and everything else that they use. Of course, now it’s not going by shadow government, they’re using the term “Deep State.”
You know, they continually abduct, kidnap, rape, torture, kill children, and adults, in secret facilities around America. They transport them in from other countries on a daily basis. Their networks are worldwide. In America, what they do to the dead—the children they kill in these bases and the adults that are sacrificed on their satanic altars—they grind them up and put them in the food supply. In particular, our meat supply, by companies such as Cargill Meat Suppliers out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The government refuses to do anything about this, because they’re all complicit.
Meanwhile, we’re saturated daily with their attempts and their war on the people of our country. They pasteurize our food, which takes all the nutrients and vitamins out of it. They fluoridate our water, which is poisoning and killing people. They’re blocking out the sun, they’re keeping vitamin D3 away from people, and many other vitamins. Humans need the sun to survive. I can’t even remember such a terrible time on earth, the last 12 months, 10 months, where it’s just constantly—the sun—being chemtrailed/sprayed-out. Chemtrails constantly going, daily, every day.
They’re attacking us by our air, our food, our water. Then they try to persuade you and bully you into getting vaccines that will kill you. They’ll give you cancers and tumors, nanobots and microbots, and chips inside your body. It never ends, folks. We are at war. Who are we at war against? Against this Reptilian regime that dominates our country.
Now, people have been screaming for years that humans are possessed by Reptiles. And you guys have laughed and laughed, mocked and ridiculed. And now you’re finally getting it. There’s a lot of you waking up, because, thanks to HDTV, people can see for their own selves that people’s eyes on TV are not normal. They turn from normal round pupils to slits. You can watch them shape-shift on TV.
And I have on my websites—I have articles on how they soul-scalp humans, how they take humans over. And I was warning all last year about how the push was on that all those who had joined Secret Societies were being soul-scalped. And, for the most part, most of them have now been.
We’re at war against Lucifer’s Reptilian fallen angels. When Lucifer fell, and he was cursed to be a snake, a reptile, it’s all metaphor. It affected all of the angels that were with him at the time. And they all became snakes, they became reptiles. They lost their angelic looks, and they became Reptilians. That’s where they’re from, folks. They were once former angels, now they’re the offspring of these former fallen angels. And there’s various different types of them, just because of the breeding, and the generations, over the years, of these fallen angels that were cursed to become Reptiles.
They take over human bodies. They operate in human bodies. Look at George Bush, Sr. Most of them are not even human. Obama, he’s just a clone. Hillary, she’s cloned. They also used doubles and look-alikes for both of them. All the celebrities, most of them have been replaced by tranny doubles. There’s a thing going on with this tranny thing. They’re replacing the real celebrities with trannies, look-alikes.
When a Reptilian takes over a human body, the human is pushed out. Their whole subconscious—consciousness is pushed out of their own body. And that entity takes over that body. It’s like being demon possessed. They no longer have control of their body. This thing, this monster, this being takes over their body, has full access to their memories, their thoughts, their brain. They become that person, or who that person used to be. They take over.
What happens to the person that got pushed out of their own body? They end up—if they’re not killed—they end up in the 5th dimension, which is kind of like a neutral dimension. It’s not heaven, it’s not hell. It’s the real 5th dimension.
The New Agers want you to think the 5th dimension is some angelic la-la dimension that everyone’s going to ascend to. The only ones that go into the 5th dimension are people that have been pushed out of their bodies, they’ve been soul-scalped. I hate to tell the New Agers that, because what they’re really embracing is for themselves to be soul-scalped and taken over by an alien entity. And then pushed out of their own bodies and into the 5th dimension. There’s various levels of the 5th dimension. You can end up in a hellish one or a not so bad one. The kids usually end up in not so bad ones. There are angels there that typically will try to protect the children. There are angelic cities there that the children can get to. But it usually doesn’t fare too well for adults.
It’s a war against humans, folks. Look at General “Mad Dog” Maddis. His Lizard tongue, his slit eyes. Comey, his slit eyes. They have slit eyes. They’ve been soul-scalped. Someone’s looking at you with slit eyes and talking, they’re not human. That human’s been pushed out.
People need to stand up and start fighting back, instead of just, “Oh, we need to pray for our enemies. Let’s form a circle. Let’s form a prayer circle.” [laughs] Meanwhile, Father’s saying, “Who will stand up for Me against the wicked.” “Oh, let’s go form a prayer circle.” What are you praying for? These beings are gonna be judged and cast into their own hell. They’re not humans, what are you praying for them for?
Wake up, folks, and realize the war is on, and get busy fighting against them. Ask the Father to send His destroyer angels against those who harm children, who kidnap and abduct humans, and put them in these underground bases and hold them in cages, use them on experiments, kill them and put them on meat hooks and grind them up and put them in the world’s meat supply in the food chain. I wish people would wake up and look at the war around you. Because it’s against us as humans. It’s us against them. Those who want to enslave us and destroy us are not human.
Look at all the Liberals, the Libtards. Look at mainstream media. People who post a bunch of garbage, they’re not human. One thing I really noticed about daytime TV is that even the small-time actors—you look at—all day long—the college commercials that come on TV, or the law firm, legal firm commercials that come on TV, they’re not even human actors. They all look like Barbie dolls, they’re using synthetics as actors. They used the fake, plastic synthetics. That’s what most of that is, the fake and the plastic. They don’t have to pay them, probably. Got people using them.
Cleveland TV’s really bad. It’s all fakes and synthetics during the day. And then you look at all these news anchors they bring in replacing all these news reporters. Fox [news network] is always bringing in new news reporters. Fox has a big thing for using synthetics and trannies posing as women. Fox is huge on that one. Most of the women on TV are trannies. They’re trying to eliminate and wipe out humans on earth, folks. Stand up and get involved with the war against them, or just become another victim of theirs.
Anyway, folks, time’s already running out. See you tomorrow. Tomorrow at noon.
Yah bless.