World, Meet Sherry Shriner
Hello, World. Welcome to Sherry Shriner's Sherry Talk Radio & Transcripts. If you’re new to the who, what, and why of Sherry Shriner, let me introduce you.
Sherry Shriner was an amazing woman here on Earth. Of course, she would tell us that there was nothing special about her, which was true, to a point. You know, she had a husband, four children (and, later, grandchildren), as well as dogs and cats, and lived in a house in a cow town in the state of Ohio in America.
Sherry was a stay-at-home mom. And although she had gone to college, earning three degrees(!), God the Father took her out of the 9-to-5 workforce so that she could focus on, well, working from home for Him. She always said He was her Boss. And she was still able to use her college-earned skills and knowledge to complete the mission on Earth that the Father had assigned to her.
Sherry Shriner had a four-part mission:
Sherry Shriner was an amazing woman here on Earth. Of course, she would tell us that there was nothing special about her, which was true, to a point. You know, she had a husband, four children (and, later, grandchildren), as well as dogs and cats, and lived in a house in a cow town in the state of Ohio in America.
Sherry was a stay-at-home mom. And although she had gone to college, earning three degrees(!), God the Father took her out of the 9-to-5 workforce so that she could focus on, well, working from home for Him. She always said He was her Boss. And she was still able to use her college-earned skills and knowledge to complete the mission on Earth that the Father had assigned to her.
Sherry Shriner had a four-part mission:
- Warn the world of the coming UFO and alien invasion, the rise of the Antichrist and the False Prophet.
- Lead the Lord's people back to Him.
- Analyze last-days Bible prophecy and current events as revealed in the Bible Codes.
- Tear down the strongholds of Satan.
Prophet to the Nations - Sherry Shriner - Babylon (America) - Yahweh (Yahuah) - Word of God
A Woman of Indomitable Spirit
Messenger, Mouthpiece, Prophetess, Seer, Servant, Warrior, Friend...many titles, many attributes, a very anointed person directly linked to the Father Himself in these last days.
Learn Much More About
Sherry Shriner and Her Mission at
Here at Sherry Shriner's
Sherry Talk Radio & Transcripts You'll Learn:
Sherry Talk Radio & Transcripts You'll Learn:
Who Aliens Are and What They Have to Do with the Antichrist and False Prophet of the Bible
Why God the Father Wants His People to Come Back to Him
What Bible Codes Are and How God Uses Them to Help Us Know What's True
How to Attack, Resist, and Be Relentless in Tearing Down the Strongholds of Satan
Why Didn't Somebody Tell Me? |
There is so much more to learn about who Sherry Shriner was and about why we need to pay attention to what she was saying. She told us the truths that no one else will, and those that no one else can.
See, there's information that the Most High God wanted us to have, that's been kept from us by the enemy of our very souls who goes by various names in the Bible; the Satan (which means adversary) in the book of Job, the serpent in the Garden of Eden in the book of Genesis, the Great Dragon in the book of Revelation, and Lucifer in the book of Isaiah (who was God's angel son in heaven who wanted to take God's position and power for himself). Lucifer also wanted to control mankind, the people whom God made in His own image, and one of the easiest ways to do that was to control information. Hiding it, rewriting it, and deceiving us into believing things about it that are not true. |
The control of information is something the elite always does, particularly in a despotic form of government. Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you can control people.
--Tom Clancy, Author
So, by deception, Satan controls the world. But we don't have to fall for his lies or be victims of his deceit anymore. The Most High God has revealed a lot of hidden truths through His mouthpiece on Earth, Sherry Shriner, shedding light on things that have been done in darkness.
However, what leaves me scratching my head is that some of us don't even want to learn the truth. Why settle for a life based on lies? And why risk missing out on heaven because of it? And for those of you who have been led to believe that heaven is about sitting on clouds while playing harps, you've got a few things to learn about God and His heavenly system, so keep reading.
You know, I don't know about you, but I don't want to be one of those people who ask, "Why didn't somebody tell me?" when they realize they've spent their entire lives being deceived about things they thought were true but were not. You don't know what you don't know, and no one knows everything but God Himself.
So, if you're wondering now about what it is that I think you don't know, well, good. Browse through this website and see for yourself.
I'm sure that something will grab your attention and pique your interest. You'll find what seems to be an endless amount of information that's been kept from us by "the powers that be" (the people--whether human, alien/fallen angel, or hybrid--in charge of our communities, organizations, industries, and countries for hundreds, even thousands, of years).
According to the Lord, His people perish or go into captivity because of their lack of knowledge. But He's made it possible now, through the Bible Codes and Sherry Shriner, for us to finally step out of the darkness that Satan has had us in, to step into the light of His Son, Jesus of the Bible (whose real name is Yahushuah), the Light of the World.
The Most High God (whose real name is Yahuah) appointed Sherry Shriner to show us the way, while also showing us how to tear down the strongholds of Satan as we go along. So let's get going...