Learn what's going on behind the scenes, the real news behind the news as Sherry Shriner reveals and exposes whatever the Father, the Most High God leads her to. Sherry also correlates the news to Bible Prophecy and where we are in these Last Days.
Blacklisted News and Bible Prophecy Watch
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
And hello, everybody. Welcome to the show. I’m Sherry Shriner. I’ve been trying to get the chat room open for the last 20 minutes. So it’s not gonna happen. Doesn’t look like Blog Talk Radio’s having server problems. So no chat room, folks. Sorry about that. I know a lot of people get blocked out of there anyway. But it's nice to have, so people can get together.
Anyway, a couple things I wanna talk about. Nothing like starting the week of shows with a bang. If it doesn’t start with one, it ends with one, right? It’s always something.
So, couple things. Um. Mm. We’re in the last week of March. And if you’re following—which most of you aren’t even aware of the Enochian calendar—yesterday was actually the first real day of Passover. I know we don’t start it on the Hebrew calendar that we use now until April 10. And so, it’s just a FYI [for your information] compared with the real calendar to the one we use now, on what’s really going on. And so, yeah, yesterday would have been the official start of Passover on the original calendar if we were anywhere near following that one. So that’s just interesting.
I know a lot of folks getting ready for Passover April 10. April 10 to the 18th. And then Firstfruits begins. That is my favorite time. But if you’re following the Enochian calendar, the original, then the Firstfruits would be starting about April 4 or 5th, so. You know, it goes without saying, that every month it’s the first week and the last week where most of the action is, you know, especially in the Bible Codes. Because it’s the first and the end. You know, when you look at cycles—and everything—a lot of these weird stuff going on on the phone. [laughs] Just gonna try to ignore it. I don’t know if you can hear that or not. Anyway. [laughs quietly] Sounds like one of those little teletype machines where someone’s typing on a typewriting or something. It’s kind of weird. Anyway, where was I? [coughs]
Yeah, this…this is just gonna get thrown out of the window today. But they don’t want me to talk. They always want me to shut up. Why should I shut up, you know? That’s what I’m here to do is blab. So that’s what I do. But, anyway, when you learn how things actually go, it goes by signs. Signs, code words, and cycles. The code words is their thing. That’s what you pick up along the way; code words, code words. So you’re always looking for the codes. And I’m not the smartest crayon in the box. It takes me a long time to pick up that stuff, because I just don’t speak occultic speak. It’s not my thing. Numbers, they’re not my thing. I mean, they’re the Father’s numbers, and they twist them and contort them for their own occultic garbage. And so, I know a lot of people try to get into the numbers thing and catch things. And more power to you. It’s just not my thing. [laughs quietly]
But signs and cycles, this is what I’m picking up, because, you know, since I was five-years-old, growing up as a Baptist, boy, you’re always looking for that rapture, you know. And it never came. It never came. Still hasn’t. And then, when you’re an adult, and you start learning stuff—you could learn the stuff as kids, but nobody guides you, nobody teaches you, you’re not gonna learn anything in the churches—you learn that things are all guided by the master plan. And the master plan is all designed on cycles and signs in the skies, which means constellations, planetary objects, signs in the moon, the sun, the stars.
They don’t go by Gregorian calendars. And so, you know, when you’re in November, and December, and January, and February, and you’re one of these rapture people waiting for the rapture to happen every day, forget it, it’s not gonna happen in the winter. Nothing happens in the winter. Everything is spring; planting, everything’s new, it’s like creation begins all over again for the year. And then harvest time. And then there’s some little things in-between. So you have spring, planting season. And the fall, harvest time. And you’ll find God’s calendar fits in-between that time. And so, does the occultic one. Big shock, right?
You know, if people had broken this down for me when I was a kid, it would have been so much easier to understand all this stuff. I’ve had to learn it on my own, with the Father.
And so, we are starting spring season. And that’s exciting, because, for once, you don’t think of it in terms of, “Oh, we’re gonna get pounded with rain.” You think, “Oh, the trees are budding.” Where does the Father talk about trees budding? In the New Testament. And what to watch for, signs. He uses it as metaphors all the time. When you see the trees budding or the flowers or whatever. You know, it’s the beginning. The beginning. That’s the whole gist of it, it’s the beginning of something. And so, what do we have shortly after the beginning? Because, you know, in the Hebrew calendar, the month of Nisan is actually supposed to be the first month of the year.
Now, there’s two different new years in the Hebrew calendar. You have your religious new year that starts in Nisan. And then you have the civil, government-type calendar that starts in October, Day of Atonement. So there’s two different calendars; the civil and the religious. The religious calendar starts the first day of Nisan, which would be the first day of spring for us. Not necessarily March 21, but—because they have a floating calendar. But it’s the first day of the year. And so, it’s the first day of I guess what we would call spring, when the trees start to bud, the leaves start to bud back on the trees. It’s about the beginning. The beginning. And so, this is an exciting time of year.
You know, I think I said on my last show that everything exciting always seems to be the most going on in March and April. Because the month of Nisan always floats between those two months. One year it’ll start in March, and the next year it starts in April. It’s a floater. Because their calendar’s different from ours. But that’s the exciting time. It’s the beginning. The birth of the year, so to speak. Birth, renewal. Hm. And those are interesting concepts when you’re looking at events in Bible prophecy to watch for, the timelines, the things to watch for.
All right. So, anyway, I just wanted to break that down. Because you’re all just looking all over the place. You get channeled messages in your heads with dates, and you don’t even—you know, and you just pump out all these videos. Stop it. Learn something. Get a grasp of what reality is and truth, and stop wasting so much time on apostasy and garbage. The Father’s not gonna be giving people messages out of alignment with what truth is. It’s not Him.
Anyway, folks. Uh, mm. I don’t even know where to start, you know. OK, so I’ve talked about the beginning. And this whole global revaluation (RV), that is considered a beginning of the Age of Aquarius. It’s the next New Age agenda that’s taking over. And Trump is like the placemat between the Old World system, which was known as the New World Order, and the new one coming in. And, in their scheme of things, he was supposed to be a placeholder, a temporary president. But the way it’s working with everybody else is they would as soon just see Trump stay in.
And so, there’s a lot of fighting going on in the background, because they wanted to prop up Paul Ryan as the president of this new regime that they’re establishing coming in. And, you know what? He’s pathetic. He’s a disgusting human. Not even human, sorry to say that. He’s a Reptile. He’s disgusting, he’s pathetic. And he’s got Pizzagate up to his eyebrows. And nobody likes him. We don’t. And Mike Pence is the same thing. And so, you know, I’d rather deal with Trump and the issues with his son-in-law than deal with baby-rapers. I absolutely cannot deal with baby-rapers. And that’s what the other ones are.
And we know the mark of the beast is coming. So, at least, with Kushner and that whole garbage, you know it’s coming. It’s not something that’s hidden, gonna stab you in the back. I mean, his family owns Lucent Technologies Company and his building in New York, so you know what’s coming. It’s right in your face.
I hate all the back-stabbing, and that’s what you get with the Liberal agenda. You know, it’s crazy, but the Liberal Left agenda are the Globalists, OK? They’re the ones who want open borders. In the Bible, that would be called unwalled villages, unwalled cities. Just no walls, open borders, allow all these migrants in, illegal immigrants in, to destroy our culture.
They want to destroy the American culture. Because the American culture, as much as everybody else—Obama wanted to deny it—Obama declared America is not a Christian nation. Really? To who? To what? You? Obama, who wasn’t even an American, to begin with? And the Liberal Leftists who wanna bring in Globalism? America was founded as a Christian nation on Christian principles. And that’s the one thing they wanna destroy.
And so, they raise up all these Liberals, because they wanna promote the gay agenda. And the gay agenda’s what’s being shoved in our faces now with transgenders on TV everywhere. Celebrities being replaced by transgender look-alikes and doubles. So, a lot of times, when you see these videos on the Internet, “well, so and so is a transgender,” it could be their double that the video is about. See, these people that are putting out all these videos, they can tell, hey, that’s not a guy, that’s a girl. Or, that’s not a girl, that’s a guy. But they’re not putting two and two together that a lot of people are just replaced by transgenders. Because that’s the thing going on; replacing people with transgender look-alikes.
Everybody has a double, everybody has a replacement. And I was warning about that years ago. And so, when you look at all these celebrities now, it’s like, “Who is that?” And, of course, the media’s complicit, so everyone just thinks, “Oh, they got plastic surgery.” “They gained weight,” “They lost weight,” “Changed their hair color.” I mean, there’s a million and one excuses to hide the fact when they replace somebody on why they look a little bit different.
But, anyway, back to what I was saying. They’ve got this whole gay agenda, and this whole gay mafia that used to run New York, Broadway, and now they took over Hollywood. And it’s these people that are the Globalists. They’re the heart of the Globalist agenda to destroy America, destroy the values of America.
But the crazy thing is is that as much Globalist as they are, they would never be welcome in the Globalist community itself. Two-thirds of the world would rather hang and kill them for being homosexuals. I mean, there’s over 1.5 billion Chinese. I’ve never known one gay Chinese person. I’ve never known a gay Asian person. Now I know I’m gonna get e-mails, “Oh, there’s gay people. We see them in the bars.” I’ve never known a gay Asian.” I live in Ohio. My worldview is a little bit small. I’ve never known a gay Asian, I’ve never known a gay Muslim.
And so, imagine what these bold and out loud gay pride people would do in their own Globalist community, when two-thirds of them would rather kill them. In Islam, homosexuality is punishable by death. So how do they think they’re gonna fare in the world if they open the borders and let all these Muslims in, and establish Sharia law—because that was their plan—and then be the very ones on the chopping block, because they’re homos.
It would serve them right. I mean, look what they’ve done to London. I mean, years ago—years ago, you could see that coming. You saw the Muslims overtaking Europe. Fast-forward now to the present, 2017, what’s happened? The Muslims have taken over Europe. They’re going to completely destroy and rot Europe from within. It’s not going to recover.
London, you’re not gonna get any better, you’re gonna get worse. You might as well just leave. Any white Europeans left better just leave. It’s not gonna get any better. Brexit’s not gonna save you, because the Queen already done destroyed you. The Queen Reptile of them all.
And when are they gonna bring her body out and announce she’s dead? Because she’s dead, too. Rockefeller was dead for months before they finally announced he was dead. The Queen’s the same thing. She’s been dead a while. They’ve got no big honchos left. Soros is gonna be on the chopping block as a terrorist, which is about time. You know, they’re rounding up the Reptilians. That’s what I was told the other night. They’re rounding up the Reptilians.
I know a lot of these people coming out in disclosure videos, like William Tompkins and everybody—Cory Goode. I don’t get involved with the drama of the military and government agencies. All that interagency stuff, who’s doing what, who has what, who knows what, I don’t get involved with all that drama, because it’s just drama. It’s drama. You know, I deal with the source themself. If I wanna know something, I’ll just go to Lucifer and ask him. I’m an ambassador on Earth from heaven. I have access to anyone on the planet. I will just ask them myself. I’m not gonna get involved with all these dramas.
You know, I was talking to Germain the other night. And they were telling me what the coming plans are. And you can never believe a word they say, but it’s amusing. I don’t like dealing with them. I typically don’t. Kind of just thrown into it, because Lucifer’s in—still in detainment. He will be free here soon, shortly. But, until then, these rats have control of the ship. And the Ashtar Command—Germain and Sananda and all them, the rats—they’re tall Greys. And so, when you hear Tompkins and all them say, “Oh, it’s the Dracos. It’s the Reptilians, and they’re taking over human bodies, and they’re taking over the world,” you know, that’s the old regime on the way out. Those Reptilians are being rounded up. That’s why the Queen’s dead, and Rockefeller’s dead. All those Reptilians have been rounded up.
They’re rounding up the Reptilians. Why? Because the tall Greys wanna take over. If you’re listening to my show, you know who the tall Greys are. They’re the offspring between Solomon and Lilith. She had her children in space. Who runs Freemasonry? Who do they worship? Solomon. Who is the chief ruler over Freemasonry? It’s a tall Grey. Other than Lucifer—we’ll just give him that, because he gets the credits for being over everything—who actually runs it? A tall Grey.
A tall Grey is over Freemasonry. And that’s what you learn when you spend your entire life climbing up the ranks of Freemasonry, because there’s, like, 360 degrees. You learn the tall Grey is over it—is in control. And the tall Greys are Solomon’s children with Lilith. Yeah, you might wanna reread Song of Solomon, chapter 2. Haha. I mean, it’s a love book, you know. Chapter 1 talks about his love affair with Queen Sheba of Ethiopia, the black queen. That’s why you have the east coast Africans, the Ethiopians, that whole branch of Black Hebrew Israelites, they come from Queen Sheba and Solomon. And then you have his love affair he was having at night. Sneaking out at night and having a love affair with Lilith.
Lilith. She’s a demon. Goddess of the damned. She’s a—whatever you wanna call her. Because she ain’t human, she’s not demon, she’s her own dimensional it, thing, being. She’s very seductive, very pretty. She was the first woman created on earth with Adam, who left Adam. And so, she had children with Solomon. That’s who the tall Greys are. And the tall Greys are her kids. Ashtar Command, they’re her kids. They reside on Shema. They’re the ones taking over right now.
This whole New Age blah-blah-blah-blah-blah agenda is Lilith’s offspring with Eve in charge of it, because Lilith can’t function in our dimension. Eve can. Eve left Adam. Eve is not in heaven with the Lord, folks. Eve left Adam. She left the Father. She joined Lucifer. And when she died, he went and got her soul, because it wasn’t really a hell back then. And she has been with him since. And she is coming back to play Mary. So when Sananda, this tall Grey, acquisitions a human body that looks like Jesus—you all know what he looks like, because you got his pictures plastered all over your churches. You say, “Oh, that’s Jesus.” Well, that’s Sananda. And he’s coming with Eve, who’s playing Mary.
Do you see the setup? Do you see how strong the delusion is gonna be to lead people astray? Sananda arriving with Eve, calling themselves Jesus and Mary, and establishing this New Age blah-blah kingdom on earth. This is what’s coming. And this is what I’ve been screaming about for 17 years. And it’s coming. It’s at the door. It’s finally at the door. Because this is what Trump’s in power for. Trump is the transition man. Get rid of all the Reptiles, and the old New World Order, and the Globalists, and they’re bringing in the New Age blah-blah kingdom on earth.
Now, he probably has no idea what this New Age blah-blah kingdom is, but when you get into the details of eliminating the Federal Reserve, the IRS [Internal Revenue Service], the police state, all the slavery and controls we’ve been under by the old New World Order scheme, that sounds pretty good to a lot of people. Returning to constitutional law, making America great again. That all sounds really good. But when you get a handle and a grasp of what’s gonna replace it, you throw your hands up in the air and you just say, “We can’t win. We can’t win.”
And, according to the Bible, we’re heading into a time of tribulation, not revolution, not peace, not prosperity. When they say peace and prosperity, sudden destruction cometh. Hello? That’s your sign. There’s your signal. Sudden destruction comes. Because when they set their ugly feet on our planet, even the planet will rebel. We’re gonna have a pole flip. We’re gonna have all kinds of destructions on earth. Even the planet pukes at their arrival, let alone all the real believers of the Most High. There’s gonna be huge problems, folks. There’s not gonna be no blah-blah peaceful kingdom on earth. That’s to get their feet in the door. That gets their feet in the door. And then once their feet are in the door, boom, destructions, one after the other. One after the other.
And what’s the Bible tell you? About two-thirds of mankind are gonna die, so, either way, Agenda 21 wins. You’re not gonna get rid of Agenda 21 by getting rid of the old New World Order crowd. Because Agenda 21 is something out of Lucifer’s mouth himself. Because he hates mankind. It doesn’t matter which regime you have, when he’s at the top, his hatred rules all. He hates humans. So Agenda 21 will never go away. It won’t go away under Trump or anybody else who takes his spot. It’s there. The Bible says it is. It’s the Father’s judgment on the world. Lucifer wants it through chip-implanting and just destruction and plagues. Ah, but the Father’s judgment’s on the world. His wrath against the wicked.
Yeah, the tables are gonna be flipped, because the Father’s people will be protected, and Lucifer’s people will be destroyed. Two-thirds. But there’s a lot of Christians gonna die, too, because FEMA judgments are coming. But guess what. Those are of the Father. That’s because He’s—judgment comes at the house of God first. It’s gonna come at the Christians first. They all think they’re high and mighty and gonna be taken off in a huge rapture. In all their apostasies? I don’t think so. And the Bible doesn’t say so. If you looked at the way the Bible is, the majority of people will be left here, because only a fraction are found without guile, without witchcrafts, without apostasies.
It’s OK to be wrong, but when you’re drowning in witchcrafts [coughs heavily], which most of you are--get out of the megachurches, get out of the religions that practice witchcraft. [coughs deeply] Oh, now they wanna hit me, because they hate it. They hate it when I preach to the Christians. They like them where they’re at. They like them sitting in their megachurches, and their fake tongues, and their fake fairy dust, and prosperity teachings. They like them drowning in apostasies that anger the Father. And I don’t know how many people you hear, “Oh, I go to church. I sing, and pray, and feel the Holy Spirit.” Well, of course. That’s Praise 101. You wanna feel the instant presence of the Father, start singing. But then you stop and you start the apostasies. You start your Pentecostal garbage. That’s not of Him.
Anyway, folks, it should be about time. But this Talk Radio is not working right. I hope this is even being broadcast. [laughs] I’ll be back tomorrow. According to my time, time is up. I’m not hearing anything from Blog Talk. Good stuff. Always starting off the week making them mad with this show. Maybe I should do it five days a week.
Anyway, folks, I’ll be back tomorrow at noon. Pick up where we left off. I wanna talk about the current state of affair with the Dracos.
Till tomorrow, everybody. Yah bless.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
And hello, everybody. Welcome to the show. I’m Sherry Shriner. I’ve been trying to get the chat room open for the last 20 minutes. So it’s not gonna happen. Doesn’t look like Blog Talk Radio’s having server problems. So no chat room, folks. Sorry about that. I know a lot of people get blocked out of there anyway. But it's nice to have, so people can get together.
Anyway, a couple things I wanna talk about. Nothing like starting the week of shows with a bang. If it doesn’t start with one, it ends with one, right? It’s always something.
So, couple things. Um. Mm. We’re in the last week of March. And if you’re following—which most of you aren’t even aware of the Enochian calendar—yesterday was actually the first real day of Passover. I know we don’t start it on the Hebrew calendar that we use now until April 10. And so, it’s just a FYI [for your information] compared with the real calendar to the one we use now, on what’s really going on. And so, yeah, yesterday would have been the official start of Passover on the original calendar if we were anywhere near following that one. So that’s just interesting.
I know a lot of folks getting ready for Passover April 10. April 10 to the 18th. And then Firstfruits begins. That is my favorite time. But if you’re following the Enochian calendar, the original, then the Firstfruits would be starting about April 4 or 5th, so. You know, it goes without saying, that every month it’s the first week and the last week where most of the action is, you know, especially in the Bible Codes. Because it’s the first and the end. You know, when you look at cycles—and everything—a lot of these weird stuff going on on the phone. [laughs] Just gonna try to ignore it. I don’t know if you can hear that or not. Anyway. [laughs quietly] Sounds like one of those little teletype machines where someone’s typing on a typewriting or something. It’s kind of weird. Anyway, where was I? [coughs]
Yeah, this…this is just gonna get thrown out of the window today. But they don’t want me to talk. They always want me to shut up. Why should I shut up, you know? That’s what I’m here to do is blab. So that’s what I do. But, anyway, when you learn how things actually go, it goes by signs. Signs, code words, and cycles. The code words is their thing. That’s what you pick up along the way; code words, code words. So you’re always looking for the codes. And I’m not the smartest crayon in the box. It takes me a long time to pick up that stuff, because I just don’t speak occultic speak. It’s not my thing. Numbers, they’re not my thing. I mean, they’re the Father’s numbers, and they twist them and contort them for their own occultic garbage. And so, I know a lot of people try to get into the numbers thing and catch things. And more power to you. It’s just not my thing. [laughs quietly]
But signs and cycles, this is what I’m picking up, because, you know, since I was five-years-old, growing up as a Baptist, boy, you’re always looking for that rapture, you know. And it never came. It never came. Still hasn’t. And then, when you’re an adult, and you start learning stuff—you could learn the stuff as kids, but nobody guides you, nobody teaches you, you’re not gonna learn anything in the churches—you learn that things are all guided by the master plan. And the master plan is all designed on cycles and signs in the skies, which means constellations, planetary objects, signs in the moon, the sun, the stars.
They don’t go by Gregorian calendars. And so, you know, when you’re in November, and December, and January, and February, and you’re one of these rapture people waiting for the rapture to happen every day, forget it, it’s not gonna happen in the winter. Nothing happens in the winter. Everything is spring; planting, everything’s new, it’s like creation begins all over again for the year. And then harvest time. And then there’s some little things in-between. So you have spring, planting season. And the fall, harvest time. And you’ll find God’s calendar fits in-between that time. And so, does the occultic one. Big shock, right?
You know, if people had broken this down for me when I was a kid, it would have been so much easier to understand all this stuff. I’ve had to learn it on my own, with the Father.
And so, we are starting spring season. And that’s exciting, because, for once, you don’t think of it in terms of, “Oh, we’re gonna get pounded with rain.” You think, “Oh, the trees are budding.” Where does the Father talk about trees budding? In the New Testament. And what to watch for, signs. He uses it as metaphors all the time. When you see the trees budding or the flowers or whatever. You know, it’s the beginning. The beginning. That’s the whole gist of it, it’s the beginning of something. And so, what do we have shortly after the beginning? Because, you know, in the Hebrew calendar, the month of Nisan is actually supposed to be the first month of the year.
Now, there’s two different new years in the Hebrew calendar. You have your religious new year that starts in Nisan. And then you have the civil, government-type calendar that starts in October, Day of Atonement. So there’s two different calendars; the civil and the religious. The religious calendar starts the first day of Nisan, which would be the first day of spring for us. Not necessarily March 21, but—because they have a floating calendar. But it’s the first day of the year. And so, it’s the first day of I guess what we would call spring, when the trees start to bud, the leaves start to bud back on the trees. It’s about the beginning. The beginning. And so, this is an exciting time of year.
You know, I think I said on my last show that everything exciting always seems to be the most going on in March and April. Because the month of Nisan always floats between those two months. One year it’ll start in March, and the next year it starts in April. It’s a floater. Because their calendar’s different from ours. But that’s the exciting time. It’s the beginning. The birth of the year, so to speak. Birth, renewal. Hm. And those are interesting concepts when you’re looking at events in Bible prophecy to watch for, the timelines, the things to watch for.
All right. So, anyway, I just wanted to break that down. Because you’re all just looking all over the place. You get channeled messages in your heads with dates, and you don’t even—you know, and you just pump out all these videos. Stop it. Learn something. Get a grasp of what reality is and truth, and stop wasting so much time on apostasy and garbage. The Father’s not gonna be giving people messages out of alignment with what truth is. It’s not Him.
Anyway, folks. Uh, mm. I don’t even know where to start, you know. OK, so I’ve talked about the beginning. And this whole global revaluation (RV), that is considered a beginning of the Age of Aquarius. It’s the next New Age agenda that’s taking over. And Trump is like the placemat between the Old World system, which was known as the New World Order, and the new one coming in. And, in their scheme of things, he was supposed to be a placeholder, a temporary president. But the way it’s working with everybody else is they would as soon just see Trump stay in.
And so, there’s a lot of fighting going on in the background, because they wanted to prop up Paul Ryan as the president of this new regime that they’re establishing coming in. And, you know what? He’s pathetic. He’s a disgusting human. Not even human, sorry to say that. He’s a Reptile. He’s disgusting, he’s pathetic. And he’s got Pizzagate up to his eyebrows. And nobody likes him. We don’t. And Mike Pence is the same thing. And so, you know, I’d rather deal with Trump and the issues with his son-in-law than deal with baby-rapers. I absolutely cannot deal with baby-rapers. And that’s what the other ones are.
And we know the mark of the beast is coming. So, at least, with Kushner and that whole garbage, you know it’s coming. It’s not something that’s hidden, gonna stab you in the back. I mean, his family owns Lucent Technologies Company and his building in New York, so you know what’s coming. It’s right in your face.
I hate all the back-stabbing, and that’s what you get with the Liberal agenda. You know, it’s crazy, but the Liberal Left agenda are the Globalists, OK? They’re the ones who want open borders. In the Bible, that would be called unwalled villages, unwalled cities. Just no walls, open borders, allow all these migrants in, illegal immigrants in, to destroy our culture.
They want to destroy the American culture. Because the American culture, as much as everybody else—Obama wanted to deny it—Obama declared America is not a Christian nation. Really? To who? To what? You? Obama, who wasn’t even an American, to begin with? And the Liberal Leftists who wanna bring in Globalism? America was founded as a Christian nation on Christian principles. And that’s the one thing they wanna destroy.
And so, they raise up all these Liberals, because they wanna promote the gay agenda. And the gay agenda’s what’s being shoved in our faces now with transgenders on TV everywhere. Celebrities being replaced by transgender look-alikes and doubles. So, a lot of times, when you see these videos on the Internet, “well, so and so is a transgender,” it could be their double that the video is about. See, these people that are putting out all these videos, they can tell, hey, that’s not a guy, that’s a girl. Or, that’s not a girl, that’s a guy. But they’re not putting two and two together that a lot of people are just replaced by transgenders. Because that’s the thing going on; replacing people with transgender look-alikes.
Everybody has a double, everybody has a replacement. And I was warning about that years ago. And so, when you look at all these celebrities now, it’s like, “Who is that?” And, of course, the media’s complicit, so everyone just thinks, “Oh, they got plastic surgery.” “They gained weight,” “They lost weight,” “Changed their hair color.” I mean, there’s a million and one excuses to hide the fact when they replace somebody on why they look a little bit different.
But, anyway, back to what I was saying. They’ve got this whole gay agenda, and this whole gay mafia that used to run New York, Broadway, and now they took over Hollywood. And it’s these people that are the Globalists. They’re the heart of the Globalist agenda to destroy America, destroy the values of America.
But the crazy thing is is that as much Globalist as they are, they would never be welcome in the Globalist community itself. Two-thirds of the world would rather hang and kill them for being homosexuals. I mean, there’s over 1.5 billion Chinese. I’ve never known one gay Chinese person. I’ve never known a gay Asian person. Now I know I’m gonna get e-mails, “Oh, there’s gay people. We see them in the bars.” I’ve never known a gay Asian.” I live in Ohio. My worldview is a little bit small. I’ve never known a gay Asian, I’ve never known a gay Muslim.
And so, imagine what these bold and out loud gay pride people would do in their own Globalist community, when two-thirds of them would rather kill them. In Islam, homosexuality is punishable by death. So how do they think they’re gonna fare in the world if they open the borders and let all these Muslims in, and establish Sharia law—because that was their plan—and then be the very ones on the chopping block, because they’re homos.
It would serve them right. I mean, look what they’ve done to London. I mean, years ago—years ago, you could see that coming. You saw the Muslims overtaking Europe. Fast-forward now to the present, 2017, what’s happened? The Muslims have taken over Europe. They’re going to completely destroy and rot Europe from within. It’s not going to recover.
London, you’re not gonna get any better, you’re gonna get worse. You might as well just leave. Any white Europeans left better just leave. It’s not gonna get any better. Brexit’s not gonna save you, because the Queen already done destroyed you. The Queen Reptile of them all.
And when are they gonna bring her body out and announce she’s dead? Because she’s dead, too. Rockefeller was dead for months before they finally announced he was dead. The Queen’s the same thing. She’s been dead a while. They’ve got no big honchos left. Soros is gonna be on the chopping block as a terrorist, which is about time. You know, they’re rounding up the Reptilians. That’s what I was told the other night. They’re rounding up the Reptilians.
I know a lot of these people coming out in disclosure videos, like William Tompkins and everybody—Cory Goode. I don’t get involved with the drama of the military and government agencies. All that interagency stuff, who’s doing what, who has what, who knows what, I don’t get involved with all that drama, because it’s just drama. It’s drama. You know, I deal with the source themself. If I wanna know something, I’ll just go to Lucifer and ask him. I’m an ambassador on Earth from heaven. I have access to anyone on the planet. I will just ask them myself. I’m not gonna get involved with all these dramas.
You know, I was talking to Germain the other night. And they were telling me what the coming plans are. And you can never believe a word they say, but it’s amusing. I don’t like dealing with them. I typically don’t. Kind of just thrown into it, because Lucifer’s in—still in detainment. He will be free here soon, shortly. But, until then, these rats have control of the ship. And the Ashtar Command—Germain and Sananda and all them, the rats—they’re tall Greys. And so, when you hear Tompkins and all them say, “Oh, it’s the Dracos. It’s the Reptilians, and they’re taking over human bodies, and they’re taking over the world,” you know, that’s the old regime on the way out. Those Reptilians are being rounded up. That’s why the Queen’s dead, and Rockefeller’s dead. All those Reptilians have been rounded up.
They’re rounding up the Reptilians. Why? Because the tall Greys wanna take over. If you’re listening to my show, you know who the tall Greys are. They’re the offspring between Solomon and Lilith. She had her children in space. Who runs Freemasonry? Who do they worship? Solomon. Who is the chief ruler over Freemasonry? It’s a tall Grey. Other than Lucifer—we’ll just give him that, because he gets the credits for being over everything—who actually runs it? A tall Grey.
A tall Grey is over Freemasonry. And that’s what you learn when you spend your entire life climbing up the ranks of Freemasonry, because there’s, like, 360 degrees. You learn the tall Grey is over it—is in control. And the tall Greys are Solomon’s children with Lilith. Yeah, you might wanna reread Song of Solomon, chapter 2. Haha. I mean, it’s a love book, you know. Chapter 1 talks about his love affair with Queen Sheba of Ethiopia, the black queen. That’s why you have the east coast Africans, the Ethiopians, that whole branch of Black Hebrew Israelites, they come from Queen Sheba and Solomon. And then you have his love affair he was having at night. Sneaking out at night and having a love affair with Lilith.
Lilith. She’s a demon. Goddess of the damned. She’s a—whatever you wanna call her. Because she ain’t human, she’s not demon, she’s her own dimensional it, thing, being. She’s very seductive, very pretty. She was the first woman created on earth with Adam, who left Adam. And so, she had children with Solomon. That’s who the tall Greys are. And the tall Greys are her kids. Ashtar Command, they’re her kids. They reside on Shema. They’re the ones taking over right now.
This whole New Age blah-blah-blah-blah-blah agenda is Lilith’s offspring with Eve in charge of it, because Lilith can’t function in our dimension. Eve can. Eve left Adam. Eve is not in heaven with the Lord, folks. Eve left Adam. She left the Father. She joined Lucifer. And when she died, he went and got her soul, because it wasn’t really a hell back then. And she has been with him since. And she is coming back to play Mary. So when Sananda, this tall Grey, acquisitions a human body that looks like Jesus—you all know what he looks like, because you got his pictures plastered all over your churches. You say, “Oh, that’s Jesus.” Well, that’s Sananda. And he’s coming with Eve, who’s playing Mary.
Do you see the setup? Do you see how strong the delusion is gonna be to lead people astray? Sananda arriving with Eve, calling themselves Jesus and Mary, and establishing this New Age blah-blah kingdom on earth. This is what’s coming. And this is what I’ve been screaming about for 17 years. And it’s coming. It’s at the door. It’s finally at the door. Because this is what Trump’s in power for. Trump is the transition man. Get rid of all the Reptiles, and the old New World Order, and the Globalists, and they’re bringing in the New Age blah-blah kingdom on earth.
Now, he probably has no idea what this New Age blah-blah kingdom is, but when you get into the details of eliminating the Federal Reserve, the IRS [Internal Revenue Service], the police state, all the slavery and controls we’ve been under by the old New World Order scheme, that sounds pretty good to a lot of people. Returning to constitutional law, making America great again. That all sounds really good. But when you get a handle and a grasp of what’s gonna replace it, you throw your hands up in the air and you just say, “We can’t win. We can’t win.”
And, according to the Bible, we’re heading into a time of tribulation, not revolution, not peace, not prosperity. When they say peace and prosperity, sudden destruction cometh. Hello? That’s your sign. There’s your signal. Sudden destruction comes. Because when they set their ugly feet on our planet, even the planet will rebel. We’re gonna have a pole flip. We’re gonna have all kinds of destructions on earth. Even the planet pukes at their arrival, let alone all the real believers of the Most High. There’s gonna be huge problems, folks. There’s not gonna be no blah-blah peaceful kingdom on earth. That’s to get their feet in the door. That gets their feet in the door. And then once their feet are in the door, boom, destructions, one after the other. One after the other.
And what’s the Bible tell you? About two-thirds of mankind are gonna die, so, either way, Agenda 21 wins. You’re not gonna get rid of Agenda 21 by getting rid of the old New World Order crowd. Because Agenda 21 is something out of Lucifer’s mouth himself. Because he hates mankind. It doesn’t matter which regime you have, when he’s at the top, his hatred rules all. He hates humans. So Agenda 21 will never go away. It won’t go away under Trump or anybody else who takes his spot. It’s there. The Bible says it is. It’s the Father’s judgment on the world. Lucifer wants it through chip-implanting and just destruction and plagues. Ah, but the Father’s judgment’s on the world. His wrath against the wicked.
Yeah, the tables are gonna be flipped, because the Father’s people will be protected, and Lucifer’s people will be destroyed. Two-thirds. But there’s a lot of Christians gonna die, too, because FEMA judgments are coming. But guess what. Those are of the Father. That’s because He’s—judgment comes at the house of God first. It’s gonna come at the Christians first. They all think they’re high and mighty and gonna be taken off in a huge rapture. In all their apostasies? I don’t think so. And the Bible doesn’t say so. If you looked at the way the Bible is, the majority of people will be left here, because only a fraction are found without guile, without witchcrafts, without apostasies.
It’s OK to be wrong, but when you’re drowning in witchcrafts [coughs heavily], which most of you are--get out of the megachurches, get out of the religions that practice witchcraft. [coughs deeply] Oh, now they wanna hit me, because they hate it. They hate it when I preach to the Christians. They like them where they’re at. They like them sitting in their megachurches, and their fake tongues, and their fake fairy dust, and prosperity teachings. They like them drowning in apostasies that anger the Father. And I don’t know how many people you hear, “Oh, I go to church. I sing, and pray, and feel the Holy Spirit.” Well, of course. That’s Praise 101. You wanna feel the instant presence of the Father, start singing. But then you stop and you start the apostasies. You start your Pentecostal garbage. That’s not of Him.
Anyway, folks, it should be about time. But this Talk Radio is not working right. I hope this is even being broadcast. [laughs] I’ll be back tomorrow. According to my time, time is up. I’m not hearing anything from Blog Talk. Good stuff. Always starting off the week making them mad with this show. Maybe I should do it five days a week.
Anyway, folks, I’ll be back tomorrow at noon. Pick up where we left off. I wanna talk about the current state of affair with the Dracos.
Till tomorrow, everybody. Yah bless.