Sherry Talk Radio
Originally Aired on
February 27, 2007
And hello everybody. I’m Sherry Shriner. You’re listening to a live broadcast of
Sherry Talk Radio.com. I’m broadcasting almost all day long at Sherry Talk
Radio. I play pre-recorded shows. Tuesday nights at 7 o’clock, I’m here live. (Liz:
in 2009 show airs Monday nights at 8pm ET) If you have a question or a
comment for the show, you can send it to [email protected].
Somebody shoot me an IM or something and let me know how I sound on your
end. If I’m loud enough. Clear enough. I’m still playing with this stuff. I have to do
a million things at one time now. I guess that’s the backside of not going through
a regular radio network in the fact that I have to do everything myself now. So I’m
pushing a bunch of different buttons at one time and playing with a bunch of
different levers.
I don’t know how many of you listened to the broadcast Saturday night with
Daniel Ott. I had a great time doing his show and got to cover various topics and
various things.
This week I wanted to focus on Satan himself and his kingdom on Earth; and
probably the next couple of broadcasts. I’m just trying to paint a picture. Because
it’s one thing that the churches never do; really sit back and paint a picture of
anything. They don’t talk about what they can’t explain. The thing they tend to do
all of the time is sweep everything under a rug and give it a generalized
explanation. So what I’m trying to do is dig in and dig out the truths.
I pray all the time that the Lord would reveal the truth in all things to me and that
He’ll reveal the mysteries of His Kingdom to me. I’ll tell you what; when you start
being really persistent, and He knows your heart and you really want to know
what the truth is; He’ll start to open up your eyes to a lot of things that you just
didn’t realize were there before. A lot of things that you didn’t know existed
because you just accepted general explanations of what the churches told
you…of what your parents told you and what your pastors told you….or
whatever. So the Lord starts revealing things and opening up a whole new world
to you. He has certainly taken me places that I never thought I’d go.
Enoch is one of my favorite patriarchs; one of my favorite prophets. Daniel asked
me on Saturday night who was my favorite one. It’s gotta be Enoch by far. There
is so much there. You gotta wonder….there are three books mentioned in the
KJV that were never canonized for the KJV. That was Enoch, Jasher and
Jubilees. All three of these books are mentioned by Old Testament prophets and
even referred to in the New Testament, but not put in by the RCC (Roman
Catholic Church).
People think “Well, the books we have in the New Testament were canonized by
the church.” Who was doing the canonizing, folks? It’s so easy to just sit back
and except everything.
“Oh yes, the government loves us and wants to take care of us,” when the
government is sitting in back board rooms trying to figure how to annihilate 200
million Americans.
Pull the blinders off your eyes and realize that not everybody is always looking
out for your best interest, because they’re not. What’s usually seen on the
forefront, you can peel the layers off and get to the real meat behind it. You get
to the real truth behind everything. So you have to approach that with everything.
Somebody had sent me a question for the show last week and I’m going to
answer it this week.
It says: What do you think about the validity of books outside of the Canon?
Enoch…it is a good book. Book of Adam; is it a fake? What do you think? What
has your research shown you about who wrote what and when?
This is already along the lines of what I’ve been talking about.
Enoch wrote 365 books. How many are in the KJV? Okay? And the Lord refers to
him as a great patriarch of the Israelites. So where is Enoch?
I think Noah was the eighth son from Adam. Enoch is between Lamech and
Noah. So Enoch is right between Adam and Noah.
He was one of the greatest patriarchs every born. He wrote 365 books. The Lord
literally gave him a tour of the universe. I’ve been praying for this same tour.
“What you showed Enoch, why can’t you show to me?” I want to see everything
Enoch saw and even more. It’s one of those things I keep waiting on. It’s one of
those things you don’t know whether the Lord’s going to fulfill or not. You know
what? Enoch was just an incredible patriarch. You need to read his book The
Secrets of Enoch. I have it on SherryShriner.com. You can also buy it at Amazon.
com. But you can read it for free online. So it definitely should have been
canonized. He’s in the Ethiopian KJV. He was in the Catholics rendition of the
Bible, but certainly not in the Protestant version.
The Book of Adam… is it fake? I don’t know about these books. I have them on
SherryShriner.com. I also have them at SherryAudios.com, instead if you don’t
want to sit and read it. I have a bunch of various things at SherryAudios.com.
Chew the grass, spit out the hay. Take it with a grain of salt because we don’t
know about some of these earlier books. We simply don’t know. Some of them
contradict each other. So just ask the Lord to make the nuggets stand out.
“There are nuggets in this book….let me see them. Let me grasp them and
understand what they are”.
You’ll find a little bit of truth here….a little bit of truth there. It’s in various places. I
don’t just stick to the KJV, simply because there were so many books
purposefully left out so that the church in the last days would be dumbed down to
what is going on around them. Most people don’t know that America is the
modern day Babylon talked about by the Old Testament prophets. Satan’s main
headquarters; his main foothold on Earth is America.
You say, “Well how can that be? We’re the Christian nation?”
Satan isn’t coming as Satan…he’s coming as God and out of a Christian nation;
he is going to arise as the Antichrist. He’s going to come and rise up out of our
own people here. Once you start seeing the truth, and the layers start being
peeled back, hopefully you’ll be able to grasp it.
I get emails from people, “The Lord led me to your website.” Then they try and
straighten me out on everything He has shown me the last 10 years. I don’t want
to hear it. If He’s led you to my website, He’s trying to show you something; He’s
trying to teach you something. I just sit back. I put them up and the Lord leads
them there. I don’t do any kind of personal promoting other than mentioning my
main site when I do interviews. And I don’t do that many online interviews. I’m
doing one next week with Unabridged Universe. That will be posted on my
website when the interview is done. I can’t even give you a date because I don’t
remember….it’s in a couple of weeks.
So that’s so much for the canonized books. Why do we have two books of Peter
in the New Testament that weren’t written by Peter? A lot of people rejected the
books of Peter as being written by Peter.
The book of Matthew; a big question on who exactly wrote the book of Matthew.
There are two Apostles named Matthew. Mathias replaces Judas. We already
had Matthew the tax collector and Matthias, the Matthew that replaced Judas. It’s
obviously not Matthew the tax collector that wrote the book of Matthew because
the person who wrote the book of Matthew refers to Matthew the tax collector. He
would have referred to himself in first person instead of third person. So
obviously the tax collector didn’t write the book of Matthew.
Paul’s books; some people are saying that Paul didn’t even write four, five or six
of those books and all thirteen that are attributed to him, weren’t written by him.
A lot of people are claiming that Luke did not write the book of Acts and they don’
t know who wrote the book of Acts. A lot of people are saying they’re thinking
that Luke or Paul wrote the book of Hebrews, and don’t know who wrote the book
of Hebrews.
So if it’s a question of who wrote what; then why was Jasher, Jubilees and Enoch
left out because they say, “We don’t know who wrote those books”? It’s just a
carpet excuse, folks. It’s a carpet excuse to leave out good books and put in
ones they have no idea who wrote them.
And with all the Shakespeare…Frances Bacon who was hired by King James to
translate the King James Version is why you have all these “thee’s” and “thous”
and “thou shalts”. It’s very hard to read and follow especially when you’re just a
child or a beginner and you’re trying to sit down and read the word of God and
get “thou shalt” this and “thee” and “thou”….the Lord doesn’t talk that way. It was
a very Shakespearean thing; the language of that era when the KJV was written
and accepted and adopted into the KJV when it was translated. A lot of other
things were added on or subtracted. You’ll find passages in Mark that were
added on later and not in the original letter itself. You’ll find verses that were
taken out and extra verses put in. Even in the Old Testament, it stops at Daniel
chapter 12. If you get hold of original Hebrew writings, Daniel goes up to several
chapters past 12 that were cut out of the KJV. So there are a lot of variations
taking place, folks.
That’s why I don’t hang my hat on just one book. The Lord’s Word is in this book,
but a translation is not inerrant. A translation means that man translated it. In this
case (KJV) Frances Bacon who was a Mason, and also who was Shakespeare,
translated the KJV for King James who was not a Christian at the time, but a
pagan homosexual and high ranking Mason.
If you start to look at the reality of things folks, it’s not going to risk your salvation
to question what you believe and why. It’s believing on the Lord and doing as He
says that is our salvation. It’s not being afraid to question things.
Certainly in Genesis chapter one and chapter two…I want to talk a little bit about
that tonight. I want to talk about a whole lot of things to paint a picture here. The
reason that I’m bringing this whole thing up; something that the Lord has been
leading me to over and over again….a little bit here…a little bit there….and back
They’re coming back to Earth….they’re already here, but a lot of forces have
been imprisoned in this Planet Nibiru. It looks like their army; their
reinforcements. The main ones who are going to take over during the Tribulation
and help subdue the earth for the Antichrist are already here. They’ve been
working behind the scenes for eons. They do live under the Earth in
subterranean cities. They do fly above the Earth in UFO spaceships. That’s how
they get around. These spaceships have been depicted in ancient hieroglyphics
and caves. I don’t have to go through all that; they’ve just been around for
thousands of years. So they had a means of travel. You’ll find that this means of
travel that’s existed for thousands of years; even before the Earth was re-
created by the Most High in Genesis chapter 1.
There was a high-tech angelic civilization that used to live on Earth. It was the
one that Satan had rule over as a high ranking cherub. He was also over all of
the music here on Earth. When they would praise the Lord and stuff…..he was in
charge of the praise and wanted that for himself. He got jealous about the whole
thing. That’s where pride and greed entered his heart and he wanted to be
worshiped as God. He had rule over all of these planets in our solar system that
you see now – Venus…Mars…Saturn.
All these planets were a bit different back then because they all held angelic
civilizations on them. When Lucifer rebelled against the Lord had got one-third of
the angels to rebel with him against the ownership and sovereignty of the Most
High God, he was cast out of Heaven. He no longer had access. At the time, they
were no longer living amongst the planets anyway. They weren’t just fixed living
in Heaven and visiting Earth. They lived on Earth. They lived on Mars. They lived
on Venus. They had whole angelic civilizations living on these planets. So when
Lucifer rebelled they forever lost access to Heaven – except for Satan himself
because the Bible says “the accuser of the brethren who accuses us daily before
the Lord”. He still has some kind of access to the Lord; but his forces don’t. The
other angels that rebelled with him lost their access to Heaven.
So the Lord in His Judgment against Lucifer and his forces for their rebellion
destroyed Earth and all the planets that were involved with this rebellion with
hailstones of fire. That’s one thing that I’ve seen in the Bible codes.
I’m going to talk about Mars tonight and what they don’t want you to know. And
some of these other planets. These were angelic civilizations. Angels actually
lived in these civilizations. There were men and women. They always hide that
aspect. I don’t know why they do that. In everything, they hide the aspect that
there were women angels, that there are women demons. The Greeks and
everybody else didn’t hide the aspect that they had female pagan gods that are
literal beings. Not literal gods, but literal beings that were worshipped as gods.
When we get into some of this history, they tend to wipe out a lot of women in it.
One of these days I’ll tell you exactly why. I don’t know if I’ll do that tonight. It’s
because they have a lot to hide. Why does anybody ever bury or hide anything?
Because they don’t want to talk about it. They want to hide things. Then they
give you these reasons, “Oh it was because it was just a male dominant society
and women weren’t a part of it and blah, blah”…whatever you want to believe. It’s
not necessarily the truth either. I’m going to bring that out ones of these times
because females are very dominant in Heaven in the past and as in today; and
just very dominant period. God created Adam and Eve together. He created Eve
out of the rib of Adam. They were helpmates. They were equals. They weren’t
“Okay, I’m going to create you under his foot to be treated as a toenail the rest
of your life.” It’s Satan who degrades women and there are big reasons for that.
I’m not going to get into that tonight.
But what I do want to get into; I’m going to go through Genesis chapter 1 and 2. I
just want to bring something up. I brought this up Saturday night with Daniel Ott.
In Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 2 there are two different creations.
What the church will tell you is, “Well, chapter 2 is just building off of chapter 1.”
And you hear the sweeping. It all gets swept under the rug. Go on to something
It’s because they don’t understand it, they don’t want to explain it and they
certainly don’t want to think for themselves, and have to think there is something
here that they’re missing. They think they know everything already. You can’t
teach somebody with the mindset that they already know everything already.
They can’t learn because they already know everything. It’s the same people
that are going to be jumping up and down when they realize how much error
they're in and mad. “Well, Lord why didn’t you tell me that I was in error?” The
Lord is not going to tell you if you are in error. He will let you drown in your
errors. If you want to know what they truth is about anything, you have to verbally
ask Him. You have to ask Him for the truth. He is not going to just give it to you.
That’s what hangs up so many people. “Well, the Lord has never told me that.”
Or “I love the Lord, so why would He let me to fall into errors and apostasies?” It’
s because you’re not asking Him. You’re not seeking Him. You’re talking the talk,
but not walking the walk and meditating and communing and spending time with
Him. That’s walking the talk.
If you look in Genesis 1:26 it says:
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the
air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping
thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he
him; male and female created he them.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,
and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish
of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that
moveth upon the earth.
I’ll stop right here, because in the original Hebrew translation you’re going to find
that the term “God” was actually Elohim. Elohim was a plural term that means
“Gods.” So the Christian church will say, “They’re just talking about the Trinity.”
Well…no. They had to have the Trinity concept to have this make sense. Instead
of tackling this for truth, they just covered it up with more lies and errors. Elohim
is Gods. It’s “rulers”. It’s also translated as “rulers”. The Lord had made us rulers
over His creation. Think about Genesis chapter 1 here….this is done before He
rested on the seventh day. Because right after this, it says in the last verse of
Genesis chapter 1:
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very
good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Okay, and after that He made man and all of this creation on the Earth. And it
was this God. It wasn’t Yahweh in particular. In Genesis chapter 2 it goes into
Yahweh in particular. But in Genesis chapter 1, this plural “rulers” term; this
plural God term is used. This is what the Annuniki are claiming. I don’t know if
you’ve read any of Sitchen’s material. They're saying that they are our creators
and they created mankind. And when they come back, they're coming back as
our rulers….because “they’re our parents…they're our creators”. I don’t know if
they're going to say we were created in a test tube or what. The Lord does not
say how in verse 27 here how man and women were created. They were both
created at the same time. It says God created man and woman in verse 27:
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male
and female created he them.
It doesn’t say how. In Genesis chapter 2, which is after He rested, it talks about
how He created Adam and Eve. In verse 7 of chapter 2:
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Now you have And the LORD God, because now you have the Lord Himself
creating. And this starts the whole creation of Adam and Eve and how He put
them in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis chapter 1, there was a creation and they
were given dominion over the Earth. They were not set in Adam and Eve. And it
doesn’t say how He created this first man and woman. A lot of people have these
questions, “Who were the people Cain mingled with?” After Cain killed Abel out
of his jealous rage, because the Lord accepted Abel’s sacrifice and not Cain’s
the Lord marked him on his forehead so that the other people who found him
would not kill him. So they ask, “Who were the other people?” You’ll hear pastors
say, “Well, this happened hundreds of years later and Adam and Eve had all
these other kids off to the side, and they created nations and cities at that time,
that Cain had to be afraid of”.
It doesn’t make any sense. They know it doesn’t make sense. They’re just trying
to make sense of something they don’t understand themselves. So that’s what
I’m saying. Let’s throw it all out there and try and figure out what it says.
It’s these little things; what we call gray areas that are going to come back to the
church in these last days to really hurt them and attack them. If you don’t hear it
from God’s people, you’re going to be hearing it from Satan; and he is very
good. A lot of people are going to be either accepting what He says because it
makes sense or having heard it firsthand from the Lords people, so that they're
prepared for what some of these mysteries are that the church has been
withholding all of these years.
It seems to me that it’s very clear in Genesis chapter 1, that He did create a man
and a woman, that the Earth was created. This man and woman that were
created were given dominion over the Earth. So there was definitely a
creation…we don’t know how many years there were between Genesis chapter 1
and Genesis chapter 2, but there were people here on Earth when Adam and
Eve were created and put in the Garden of Eden. It was because of this Genesis
1 creation.
Now let’s talk about the Gods that created this creation in Genesis chapter 1.
Remember in Genesis chapter 2, it gets very specific LORD God, meaning
Yahweh. In Genesis chapter 1, it uses the plural Elohim, which is Gods.
When I wrote my article Angels in the Flesh last year, the Lord had told me there
are many people on Earth today that were also here at the foundation of the
world. If you’re a truth seeker and you seek Him on things, you can find out if you
were there. A lot of people just don’t have remembrance.
There is a big difference between reincarnation and incarnation. Reincarnation
is a big perversion of incarnation. If you look at incarnation, the Lord has done
this throughout biblical history many times. Angels from Heaven will actually be
born on Earth as mankind. They will come down to Earth as mankind to fulfill a
specific role. The Lord told Jeremiah that He knew him in the womb before he
was born. People think He just knows everybody. That’s the whole thing behind
it. When people asked John the Baptist if he was Elijah. The early Jews knew
about this whole concept; this whole practice of incarnation. People will say they
believed in reincarnation and that’s Kabalistic and mystical and part of the early
believer things they’ll try to hide it. Actually the whole reincarnation thing was just
a perversion of incarnation. Incarnation being where the Lord sends one of His
angels down to Earth to be born as a mankind and fulfill a specific role. The Lord
had told me that many people that are here today were also there at the creation
of the world. So that would put many of us there at Genesis chapter 1. Many of
us were there when Satan rebelled. If you read my article Angels in the Flesh 2,
it gives a short insight into that.
So this is something that most people….they know that from the time they’ve
been born on Earth, there is just something different about them. They’re
hounded from the time that they’re born. They’re not like everybody else. They
see things in the spirit realm. They experience things that other people don’t
experience. That’s because Satan knows who you are. He pretty much can tell.....
and I don’t know how he can tell. People ask me that all the time. I don’t know. He
knows who these incarnated souls are. If you’re sent from Heaven with a specific
calling from Heaven, you are born as a mankind and have no remembrance of
being in Heaven. Maybe later in life a light starts to go off. The Lord starts to
bring to remembrance some of the things to tries to wake you up so that you’ll
seek Him for the truth. So that you’ll seek Him so that He can reveal it to you.
Satan knows who these people are; who these incarnated souls are. His purpose
from the time that they’re born is to kill them. He wants to kill them. He wants to
destroy them. He’ll assign his generals to them to do exactly that and why these
people will have so many odd experiences with demons, aliens and the spirit
realm, that so many other people simply just don’t have. Satan’s main thing is to
stop that person; that incarnated soul from Heaven, from fulfilling their calling
that they were sent to Earth to fulfill.
So many of you I’ll hear from and I’ll be like “I know who you are. I know you’re
here for a purpose. So seek the Lord to reveal the truth so that you can find out
what that is.”
The Lord finally just opened my eyes to a lot of this stuff over time because I’ve
been praying for the truth in all things so much. I do it every day. I’ve done it for
years. So He reveals things to me. A lot of times it’s hard to put it into words. It’s
hard to explain it. The first time people hear it, they just think you’re totally
nuts…totally crazy, but the Lord can bring you into the truth on things if you seek
Him on it. For a lot of people, things will start to make sense. They know they're
here for a reason….they have a nagging about them….but they don’t know what
it is. It’s simply because we’re born with absolutely no memory of it, but as you
seek the Lord, He will start to open your memory up and reveal things to you
from the past….from the present and why you’re here on Earth.
A lot of people are here in the last days were also present at Satan’s rebellion;
working together to fight against his rebellion. You need to read my articles
Angels in the Flesh 1 & 2. I don’t know how many people….it’s certainly not
everybody, but certainly 144,000 at least, because the Lord says He knew us
before we were formed. He knows the end from the beginning because He just
put His own people here in the last days. That’s why He already knows what’s
going to happen. We were there and fought his first rebellion; we’re here to fight
his second one. A lot of us are here to fight the second one. Of course it’s going
to be different this time around. The first time around, he only deceived one-third
of the angels. The second time around he will deceive two-thirds of mankind. So
the tables are turning a little bit and we have to work all the more harder just to
keep one-third of mankind from being deceived by him and staying true to the
Satan actually has a total of three rebellions that he’s been allotted. He won’t be
destroyed until the third is up. The third is up at the end of the millennial reign
when he is unleashed back on Earth to gather up armies against Jerusalem. You
can read about it in the end of Revelation. It coincides with Ezekiel 37 and 38.
There are so many people that consider themselves prophecy guru’s….Jack Van
Impe, Hal Lindsey and all them, refer to this Ezekiel war as one that’s going to
happen during the Tribulation Period. They’ll describe it as Russia and Gog
advancing on Jerusalem. They’re all out of timeline, folks; that doesn’t take place
until after the Millennial Reign. That’s the same war that John describes in
Revelation at the end of the Millennium when Satan is loosed on the Earth for a
short period of time. He gathers up his armies and makes one final attempt; one
final rebellion against the Most High. And that’s all related together.
That’s why people simply don’t know where we are in a prophetic timeline; when
you’ve been brainwashed and brain controlled your entire life to believe that
certain events are going to happen before Satan arrives on Earth, and they don’
t happen, you’re still waiting for them to happen. So you don’t realize where you
are in the prophetic timeline. People ask me all the time, “How do you know
where we are?” When Satan arrives; some of you are seven years….some of
you are 3 ½ years; depending on how long the Tribulation period is. When he
arrives, he has 42 months to rule and then it’s over as far as he’s concerned. So
there’s your timeline. When he arrives. Because there is no mystery rapture. It’s
almost a dangerous teaching in itself, because this whole rapture theory was
brought in by Paul and the RCC (Roman Catholic Church). They knew that they
could mimic that. If Satan comes to Earth in these UFOs and he whisks about
100,000 off the Earth as prisoners in these UFOs, he’ll call it a rapture. There’s
your Christian rapture. He just took 100,000 people off the Earth. If you think I’m
I was reading a book by Mary K. Baxter, Divine Revelation of Hell. I read this
book years and years and years ago; before I was even in the alien agenda….
before the Lord brought me over into this part. I started off just doing the New
World Order agenda and realized they are hand in hand. It’s the aliens pulling
the strings of the New World Order. In her book (you can listen to the audio for
free at SherryAudios.com) she talks about – for 40 days being taken to Hell and
being given a revelation of Hell and writing down everything the Lord showed her
about it. Towards the back of that book, she talks about seeing UFOs entering
down into Hell and tons of people getting off of these UFOs. I was like, “What are
they doing on UFOs?” There’s your rapture, folks. Satan coming to take all these
people off the Earth and proclaim it’s a Christian rapture. He’s going to have his
own fake rapture and these people are going to be imprisoned in Hell. You’re not
going to Heaven….you’re not going to a fifth dimension bliss. If you listen to all
the garbage that the New Ager’s put out, and all their rhetoric. They’re always
talking about how we’re going to evolve into a fifth dimension…..he’s going to
take certain people off the Earth to “work with” so they can become ascended
masters…every lie he can think of. The truth is these people are just going to be
hoarded up in these UFOs, taken to Hell and dropped off. Once you’re there,
you don’t get out. There’s no escaping it.
I have an article called 666 and the Phony Seal of God Club at my website
SherryShriner.com. Just go to the articles section. It’s about the beast prophets
and Satan all working in cahoots for. You gotta wonder how they pull that off. If
Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn and the blasphemous beast network
TBN…all these preachers that preach this pre-trib rapture. If the rapture comes
and they're still here….then how are they here?
They’re supposed to be Satan’s cheerleaders on Earth while he’s here. They’re
the ones; like Pat Robertson is already doing. “The chip is not the mark of the
beast and its okay to get this chip.” He had the CEO of Verichip on CBN a couple
of years ago. He was promoting this chip. You’re going to find all of them do that.
“Oh, this isn’t the mark of the beast. This is just a chip. This is so we can
organize our world economics…and everybody…and build ‘God’s kingdom on
Earth’.” They’re all going to be Satan’s cheerleaders, promoting this chip. It says
by deception he deceives the people, folks. He’s not going to come here and
say, “Okay get my chip or my tattoo or my mark on or in your right hand or
forehead and join my kingdom. It’s not evil, it’s of God. ” And “This isn’t what the
Bible refers to.” They're going to outright lie to you people. They’re going to lie!
The thing is the big mouths like me aren’t going to be here during this time. We’
re going to be long dead and gone, or protected by the Lord’s Hand. Either one.
But we’re not going to be able to pound the internet with what the truth is. You’re
not going to hear it at that time. You’re going to be on your own….well not on
your own; you’ve always got the Lord. But so many of you are so comfortable in
your deceptions and following these beast prophets and everything you hear on
TV. “Well, they said it on TBN. It must be true.” That’s why I always encourage
people, think for yourselves. Ask yourself questions. Don’t accept what people
say at face value. Ask yourself why you believe what you believe. You’ll be the
only one that’s held accountable for you. It’s you. You’re going to stand on your
own for accountability.
I’m going to take a short break and get back to this.
I want to get back to this. I wanted to because I always go off on rabbit trails. I
have so much info; it doesn’t look like I’ll get to half of it. Even a quarter of it. But
yeah, Read Genesis chapter 1:1-27 for that. A different creation. A creation of
the world by the Elohim God. Then in chapter 2 you have a creation of Adam
and Eve in the Garden of Eden by Our Elohim, which is Yahweh.
It makes a difference; LORD God in the original translations also switches to His
original Name which is Yahweh. In this translation it always just uses the same
general term “God.”
That’s why it’s so important to learn His Name and call Him by His Name. The
term “God” is generic. It’s a generalization. A general term. An office. It’s just like
Christ. Christ is an office. It’s a general term. Jesus was not His Name. Jesus is
Satan’s name. The churches are worshipping this Jesus, and the Son of God’s
Name is Yahushua. So you think, “Well, Jesus knows who I’m talking about and I’
m just going to keep calling him Jesus.”
Well you know what? He has a lot of grace and mercy on His people, but once
you know His Real Name, quit calling him Satan. Jesus was just another for
Satan. So quit calling him Satan!
If you have a question for the show, you can send me an email at
[email protected].
Another thing I want to bring up is Enoch. Should it have been canonized? Yes, it
should have. He’s written 365 books. The one book they do have they never
canonized. They put it in the earlier versions of the Gospel, but not in the final
KJV – Sir Frances Bacon, Constantine approved version of what you can know
and what you can’t. Most people won’t go and do extra research on their own.
There are maybe 70 chapters of Enoch. I’m not really sure. I’ve only read it
about three or four times. I break it up into parts because there are four different
areas that he addresses in his book. In the first part alone, it will settle any doubt
of exactly what was happening in the early times of creation. He names the
angels involved with the rebellion. There were two different rebellions.
Satan’s rebellion- I started off talking about how there were angelic civilizations
on all of our planets. The Lord destroyed them in judgment. So all of the angels
that lived on those planets were relegated to the inner planets. All these planets
are hollow. Just like Earth, they are all hollow. So they all live inside of these
planets today. You look at the Moon. You look at Mars. You look at Saturn….
Venus. They all live in the inner hollow aspects of these planets. So the Lord
replenishes the Earth. He re-creates the Earth with his angels at that time. His
angels, not the Annuniki. Satan was already a cast away being at that time.
I don’t know how much say the angels had at that time over this first creation. It
just says that they were made in their image. They were made in an angelic
image. If you look at the earliest civilizations of mankind; there was obviously a
civilization created in Genesis chapter 1 here that Cain and them ran into in
Genesis chapter 2. When Cain was cast away out of the Garden of Eden and
away from Adam and Eve, he went to deal with this other civilization that was
here on Earth at that time. Some of the earliest civilizations being the ancient
Egyptians. They were an early ancient race. Another ancient race that seems to
be here for eons is the Asian race. The Chinese Oriental people. So you have
those two races; the Orientals and the ancient early Egyptians that were
probably the oldest races on Earth. So it had to have been one those two that
Cain mingled in with and then created his own seed and offspring with.
You can read some of earlier books that say that Cain and Abel were twins.
Then I’ve read other ones where it says that Cain had a sister twin and Abel had
a sister twin and the real reason that Cain killed Abel was because they were
going to force Cain to marry his twin sister and he wanted to marry Abel’s. (LOL)
You can really get into some really funny stuff. And you don’t know if it’s true.
You’re just…okay, whatever. I’ll just wait ‘til the Lord reveals it. It’s like listening….
like "in one ear and out the other" until something grabs you and you can verify
whether it’s true or what kind of truth is in it. Until then it’s just like chewing the
grass for a while, stew on it for a while and see where it goes. There’s a lot of
different stories about the beginning there. The Lord hasn’t told me one way or
the other about the twin thing; if they were actually twins. I think I looked in the
Bible codes. The only thing I found that stuck out at me the most was that Cain
and Abel were very tall beings. Some of the Hebrew terms used in describing
angels are the same with Cain and Abel; very tall beings. Very tall guys. So
you’re probably looking at six feet. Seven feet. Eight feet. It doesn’t say how tall
they were; it just says they were very tall. There goes the concept of a small
Middle Eastern people’s type thing where they’re five foot four, because they
were very tall. They were very tall. They were Aryan. One thing you’ll see in the
Bible codes about these earlier races is that they were Aryan races. Aryan being
that they had blond hair or red hair. Red hair was very dominant even among the
Israelites. Esau had red hair. Jacob I loved, Esau I hated. I have an article on
that. If you looked at Europe today, that would be what ancient civilization was
back then.
So once you start seeing things, pictures start to form of how exactly things were
back then. It starts to peel back the layers of the fog that we’re all in because we
have half-truths everywhere. We really don’t know who we are or where we came
from because we don’t have all the truths being told to us. So it just takes a lot of
digging and a lot of research and a lot of prayer. The Lord gives pieces here
and there. He just gives pieces. And I’ve had questions for a long time.
I know two years ago, I started calling Lucifer “Lucy”, and people that are on my
lists; we always refer to Lucifer as Lucy. It’s not just calling a guy a girl. Seriously,
it’s always coming back to the fact it seems that Lucifer/Satan is a lot different
than what we think he is. Was Satan a female? Was it a woman? So I’ve been
doing a lot of stuff on that lately. What I’m finding is that all of these pagan
gods…..I’m on a rabbit trail, but hang with me; I’ll get back.
A lot of these pagan gods had a male and a female counterpart. A male and a
female. There was Ashera and Ashtoreth. Iris and Osiris. So you go through all
of these pagan gods; there is always a male and a female counterpart. So there’
s more to that than we’re lead to believe.
I’ve asked people and I appreciate these people more than I do half the others
online who will just lie to you. There just Satanists. They’ll tell you they're
Satanists, they’re in the brotherhood, and they’re Masons….whatever. I have no
problem with these people. If they don’t want to hear about the Word of God,
fine; but don’t play games with me. Just tell me who you are, and if you have
questions to ask, I’ll answer them. I answer questions for a lot of people. And I
won’t proselytize. I won’t try to convert them. I’ll just answer whatever questions
they’re asking me. Every once in a while I’ll ask them a question if something
comes up. Even they don’t know….which I find amusing. Some of these Satanists
that I’ve talked to have actually been to this Crystal City that I talk about at
CystalCityFraud.com. This fake New Jerusalem that Satan is bringing to Earth. I
don’t know if he’s bringing it to Earth or up out of the Earth, but its coming. It’s
supposed to be a mimicry of New Jerusalem, hovering above the Earth when
Satan is here as God. They don’t even know if he’s a female. To a lot of these
people he will manifest himself as a male…to the Great Brotherhood, which is a
huge satanic organization across the United States. It’s called the Great
Brotherhood – East, Midwest and West Coast. It actually has weddings in
churches across the United States. They have their whole kingdom divided up;
witches have regions…the Bride of Satan. They have actual weddings with Satan
and stuff like that. They’ve seen Satan manifest as a white male. They’ve seen
him in white suits. Very good looking…bronze colored skin…blond hair. The
other people will say they saw Set, which is the Egyptian name for Satan. They
see him as a horned god with hoofs.
There are different various manifestations of Satan…Lucifer. So there are so
many different ones. I’ve been asking the Lord, “What’s the real one?” “I want to
know the real name. Was Satan a hermaphrodite?” Is that why there are so
many different variations of these pagan gods? If you look at the Buddhist God,
the Buddha statue is a hermaphrodite. We do have that creep, freak DNA
hermaphrodite gene from somewhere, so I’m really thinking that this Lucifer was
a hermaphrodite and that’s why she/he can shape shift; he can morph into male
or female or any animal. The Bible calls it “transform”. They can transform into
angels of light. They can morph into an angelic being. They can morph into a
man. They can morph into looking like a woman. They can morph. It’s not just
Satan, but all of his forces that are with him. His ministers of unrighteousness
here to deceive the world. They have this ability to morph; to transform.
So it’s just seeking HIM and being able to pin this down and know exactly what
Satan is and what his or her real name is. That’s what I’ve been writing on that I
thought I would have done by tonight and be able to share with you guys, but I’m
far from being done with that. But it’s very interesting when you get into this stuff.
Some of the stuff….I’m waiting on the Lord to teach me. I know this is blowing
some of you guys away, because you haven’t even gotten past the basics on
who these fallen angels are, who these aliens are and what their agenda is on
Earth. So I know I’m way ahead of a lot of people. That’s why I just tend to
backtrack a lot. I have recordings on my websites. Everything the Lord teaches
me, I write. I told Him a long time ago; anything He taught me, I would re-teach
His people. So I write about almost everything He teaches me in my articles that
are on my websites. SherryShriner.com and SherryTalkRadio.com.
I try and keep them updated. I’m not real proficient at keeping things updated,
because I do so many things at once. I’ve got a million things to do. And I don’t
have any help. I’m just doing this all myself…and I have four kids on top of this.
So I’m a busy Christian, but I do the best I can. I know my blog has suffered
because I’ve been paying more attention to broadcasts lately than keeping my
blogger updated.
(Reading emails) Some of you out there want to go on an Enoch trip with me.
“Don’t go without me, I want to go.” Yeah. (LOL) I asked first. The Lord can’t give
you what you don’t ask Him, folks. Some of you think, “Well, I could just never
ask that. He would never give that to me” Really? Well, ask Him. Build a
relationship with the Lord. It starts with communicating with Him. What you want
from Him…ask.
I have an article about how people will pray amiss. They pray for material thing.
They want a house. They want a car. They want a job. And they never bother to
ever pray and ask for spiritual things; strength, discernment. Discernment is
something everybody needs to pray for. I pray for it constantly. You never have
enough discernment. Wisdom…boldness.
Boldness, folks. That just comes from walking daily in the Lord. The more you
see what He can do, and He does; the more confident you become in Him. So it
just becomes an inward thing; it becomes who you are. You’ve seen Him and you’
ve seen how He works in your life and you know without a doubt that He’s there
with you. That’s where boldness comes in. The opposite of fear is boldness.
What does He say about His people? He says the fearful will be cast into the
Lake of Fire. Because the fearful don’t know Him. Those who know Him become
very bold in Him because their confidence is in Him. It starts with having a
relationship with Him. You can’t be bold in Him if you don’t have a relationship
with Him.
So many people think that that, “Okay, when martial law hits America, I’ll
straighten up and I’ll come back to the Lord.”
“I’ll get off the fence.”
“I’ll rededicate my life when I start to see things happen.”
Because right now you just want to live your life of sin and you want to do the
things you are doing. You don’t want to have to dedicate and commit to the
Lord. I’ll tell you what; you simply won’t be ready for that. Christians need to
strengthen their spirits in the Lord now.
When martial law comes, it’s not just going to be, “Okay, we’re going to round
you up, throw you into one of these Halliburton camps funded by Dick Cheney’s
He’s salivating over the thought of killing Christians, folks. I’m telling you. They
have it all planned to round up Christians. It’s the Antichrists war on the saints.
You’re not even going to see it coming. It’s just going to happen. You’re not
going to realize it’s the Antichrists war on the Saints. All of a sudden there’s
going to be martial law roundups and people are going to be rounded up and
taken to these fenced in areas. Then they’re be put on trains and taken to these
camps where they’ll be killed. It’s going to be an American holocaust, just like it
was in Auschwitz for the Jews. That’s how they’re going to come after the
Christians in America. It’s going to be one quick swoop. And they can kill about
100 – 200,000 people a day in these facilities. And that might be a conservative
number. I’ve heard the one in Alaska can kill over 100,000 a day and we have
them all over the country here. And you say, “Well, I haven’t seen any.” But you
laugh every time people talk about it and they show pictures of these camps on
the internet.
The people revealing this info get mocked and ridiculed….called conspiracy
theorists…freaks. And that’s their one handle to get you not to believe what
you’re being told; to mock and discredit people. Then you won’t read what
they’re saying. If they can discredit everybody who’s got good information and
call them conspiracy theorists; people that know the truth, then a lot of people
are less likely to read what those people have to say because they're being
branded as conspiracy theorists. They give a negative connotation to the word
conspiracy theorist. What exactly is a conspiracy? Conspiracy is just unanswered
questions around an event. That’s what creates a conspiracy – unanswered
questions. What happens when a conspiracy is proven true? All of a sudden
nobody wants to hear the truth because it’s already been branded as a
conspiracy, so questioning it is just unthinkable….and the people questioning it
are a bunch a kooks. That’s what the government wants you to think and how
they get by with everything folks. It’s about accountability. And the people that try
and hold them accountable are branded as kooks. They label them and brand
them as conspiracy theorists.
Anyway, back to Enoch. He talks about 200 angels that met on Mount Herman.
They made a pact amongst each other. They realize that they’re going to be in
judgment for what they’re about to do; that’s why they made a pact that they
would all come down together. Because they knew they were going to get into
trouble from the Lord for leaving Heaven and coming down to Earth. Their job
was to be watchers of the Earth; to be watchers of His creation. This is apart
from Satan, folks. This is a totally different angelic rebellion here. There are 200
angels that meet on Mount Herman, and make a pact. They start taking mankind
women as wives. In other words, I don’t know if they came down with their UFOs
or how they were taking these women, but you know what was going on at this
time – massive abductions. The women on Earth are being raped by these
angels. These tall giants. Angels are very tall (unless you’re talking about the
ones who fly around the throne. I’m not going to get into those) but angels are
pretty tall. These women who were on Earth at this time were just being picked
up, kidnapped and raped by these angelic beings. So children were born as a
result of this.
Somehow through all of this, some of the angels actually befriend mankind and
start to show them how to do things. Enoch depicts what and he goes through
about 10 of these angels and how they led tens and tens of thousands of angels
into this rebellion, into showing them, how to make music…how to play
music…making weapons of warfare. They started teaching them warfare…and
how to build cities. They taught the women how to make make-up and jewelry.
Enoch depicts who did what and who was teaching what. It was all part of this
angelic rebellion, to come to Earth and create a hybrid seed here on Earth;
mixing their own angelic seed with mankind’s seed. That’s where we got the
giants from. Enoch talks about two of these giants that were brothers. One was
somewhere around 30 feet high and the other was around 33 feet high. These
were brothers. So these were giants. You can imagine a giant that’s 30 feet high.
In Hollywood television, all we ever see are dinosaurs chasing mankind. They
don’t show giants chasing mankind. What happened was they would eat up to
500 cattle a day. When the cattle ran out….they had no more cattle around them
to eat, they would start eating mankind.
That’s pretty telling of the kind of world pre-Noah that was going on. Pre-Noah,
before the Lord destroyed the world with the flood. So you had these giants on
the Earth. This is where we probably got Jack and the Beanstalk, if you heard
that story. A huge giant lives up in a beanstalk up in the sky. I find it interesting
that they have him located in the sky. Depicting that he was from the sky and he
was chasing Jack because he wanted to eat him. So you kindof get some truth
mixed in with a lot of this. Depictions in their own way, trying to tell people what
was going on.
So imagine tons and tons of these giant offspring. This hybrid race on Earth.
These children. And they had their own cities. You’ll see beds being dug up and
found with bones that are 18 feet long that these giants slept on. Moses when
he sent the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel to spy on the giant cities (Numbers
13) came back and said they were “like grasshoppers” compared to these guys.
And this was after the flood. So you have these giant races before and after the
flood. They’ve always been mingling with mankind.
Today we have the same thing. It has kindof gone underground. With various
mutations of mankind’s genes over generations and numbers of years, they’ve
been able to perfect the gigantism defect. So you’ll no longer see the giant
aspect of these hybrids. They can walk amongst us as mankind today and you
don’t know that they’re hybrids. They’re half-mankind and half-alien, but you
cannot tell that. Looking at them, they look totally normal.
After the Israelites defeated 18 to 20 of these cities to reclaim the land of
Palestine, you don’t really hear about the giant races after that. It just kindof
disappears out of what we have available to read. I’m not saying they
disappeared; I’m just saying what we have to read no longer brings it up. In the
Old Testament you can see these races that they fought and overcame. The
Jebusites, the Hittites.
That’s why the Lord was so mad at Esau; Esau married Hittite women, which
were alien, hybrid women. Esau married into that and gave up his birthright to
Isaac. The whole thing there between Jacob and Esau.
That’s kindof a picture. There is so much there that I could spend hours on this
stuff just trying to paint a picture of what our early civilization was like, so that you
can get a grasp of what the truth is. In the last days, these Annuk are coming,
claiming that they were the Gods…rulers of Genesis chapter 1 who created us.
And the truth is folks; they do have a hybrid race on Earth. Whatever race they
had would have been destroyed at the flood, because the Lord destroyed
mankind. There were more races that sprung up after the flood. Genesis 6:4
says that the angels fell before and after the flood. We know there are giant
races that were here after the flood as well as before the flood. They don’t have
a leg to stand on as far as we’re concerned, but they’re going to fool a lot of
mankind into thinking that they do. It’s part of the last day’s deceptions that are
coming. That they are Gods and they created mankind out of test tubes. They
couldn’t do it. If you look at the Cro-Magnum and the Neanderthal, the big
difference between the cave men and mankind today (they call it the missing
link) is because they were made by two different creators. Yahweh did not create
the Neanderthal and the cave men. Those were the beings created by this
Genesis chapter 1 creation. These rulers who were trying to make their own
humans on Earth, and their own animals. Then you have the Lord’s creation,
which is Adam and Eve – mankind. They had no part in that. They had no part in
our creation. The only thing they can brag about is putting together a Cro-
Magnum man or a caveman. They had no part in this (Adam and Eve). Angels
are falling. They are rebelling. God does not hold them in Heaven against their
will. They can fall to this day.
There was no redemption in the early days for hybrid races, where there is now.
That’s the biggest thing folks. Under the Old Covenant, there was no redemption
for hybrids; for children that were born half-alien, half-mankind genes. When
they died, according to Enoch, they became what we refer to as demons. The
Lord let them roam the Earth. They became what we know as demons. Middle
Eastern nations call them Jin. In the New Testament, under the New Covenant,
the Lord is offering His Redemption to anyone….to all people who accept Him as
their Savior and follow Him and His Commandments. Follow His Ways. So His
Redemption is available to these hybrids.
When you start talking about the last days being as the beginning days, where
98 – 99% of populations were contaminated by alien DNA, people start to freak
out, “What if I have contaminated DNA?!”
Only the Lord’s Spirit can call you to Him. So if the Lord is calling you, then He is
calling you to be with Him. To be one of His. So it doesn’t matter what kind of
DNA you have at that point. The Lord is calling you. He is inviting you to become
one of His. Only His Spirit can call you. So it’s mans free will that will either accept
or reject His Calling. So that’s some of the differences people say between the
New and the Old Covenant.
People say that Grace replaced the Law and now it’s….NO there are a lot
aspects to the New Covenant. It certainly didn’t replace the Law of Moses. That
still stands. We’re still to celebrate His Seven Feasts. His Appointed Times every
year. There is just so much more available now. We have grace in the fact that
it’s the Lord who teaches us and leads us by our spirits in the way in how to
worship Him and how to serve Him. The Ten Commandments aren’t written on
stones; they’re written on our hearts. He leads us and guides us in how to follow
Him and worship Him. So there are a lot of differences, but one didn’t replace the
other. It just absorbed it and made it better.
So I’m going to end this broadcast, at least for tonight. I could probably talk for
three more hours on this stuff. Look at the time…it’s already 8:13. I’ve got so
much info here.
I’m going to pick it up next week where I left off. But I wanted to at least start a
base with Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 2. Enough to get you thinking
that everything isn’t the way you’ve been led to believe. There are some various
things here, not being swept under the rug. Let’s pull it out the rug and look at it.
Let’s find out what he truth is.
You can go online and do your own research between Genesis chapter 1 and
Genesis chapter 2 and you’re going to find that it leads into a whole thing of not
only angels having hybrid races on Earth and Cain having his own seed on
Earth, but Satan himself having seed on Earth. It’s just goes on and on.
These are the kinds of subjects that I talk about on my show and some of the
things that I’m going to be addressing. You won’t hear anybody else talk about
this stuff. They just won’t touch it. I have websites up on it. If there’s something
to reveal, expose or teach; that’s what I’m here for. I’m just the Lord’s servant.
Whatever He wants me to do is what I’m going to do. So hopefully now, He’s the
One who’s glorified so that we can become wiser and better servants for Him.
I’m going to wrap it up. I’ll see you next Tuesday. (Liz: In 2009 Sherry is on
Monday nights at 8 pm ET) During the week you can go to SherryTalkRadio.
com, I have pre-recorded broadcasts playing all day long.
Until then, Yah bless everybody.
I’ll see you next week.
Originally Aired on
February 27, 2007
And hello everybody. I’m Sherry Shriner. You’re listening to a live broadcast of
Sherry Talk Radio.com. I’m broadcasting almost all day long at Sherry Talk
Radio. I play pre-recorded shows. Tuesday nights at 7 o’clock, I’m here live. (Liz:
in 2009 show airs Monday nights at 8pm ET) If you have a question or a
comment for the show, you can send it to [email protected].
Somebody shoot me an IM or something and let me know how I sound on your
end. If I’m loud enough. Clear enough. I’m still playing with this stuff. I have to do
a million things at one time now. I guess that’s the backside of not going through
a regular radio network in the fact that I have to do everything myself now. So I’m
pushing a bunch of different buttons at one time and playing with a bunch of
different levers.
I don’t know how many of you listened to the broadcast Saturday night with
Daniel Ott. I had a great time doing his show and got to cover various topics and
various things.
This week I wanted to focus on Satan himself and his kingdom on Earth; and
probably the next couple of broadcasts. I’m just trying to paint a picture. Because
it’s one thing that the churches never do; really sit back and paint a picture of
anything. They don’t talk about what they can’t explain. The thing they tend to do
all of the time is sweep everything under a rug and give it a generalized
explanation. So what I’m trying to do is dig in and dig out the truths.
I pray all the time that the Lord would reveal the truth in all things to me and that
He’ll reveal the mysteries of His Kingdom to me. I’ll tell you what; when you start
being really persistent, and He knows your heart and you really want to know
what the truth is; He’ll start to open up your eyes to a lot of things that you just
didn’t realize were there before. A lot of things that you didn’t know existed
because you just accepted general explanations of what the churches told
you…of what your parents told you and what your pastors told you….or
whatever. So the Lord starts revealing things and opening up a whole new world
to you. He has certainly taken me places that I never thought I’d go.
Enoch is one of my favorite patriarchs; one of my favorite prophets. Daniel asked
me on Saturday night who was my favorite one. It’s gotta be Enoch by far. There
is so much there. You gotta wonder….there are three books mentioned in the
KJV that were never canonized for the KJV. That was Enoch, Jasher and
Jubilees. All three of these books are mentioned by Old Testament prophets and
even referred to in the New Testament, but not put in by the RCC (Roman
Catholic Church).
People think “Well, the books we have in the New Testament were canonized by
the church.” Who was doing the canonizing, folks? It’s so easy to just sit back
and except everything.
“Oh yes, the government loves us and wants to take care of us,” when the
government is sitting in back board rooms trying to figure how to annihilate 200
million Americans.
Pull the blinders off your eyes and realize that not everybody is always looking
out for your best interest, because they’re not. What’s usually seen on the
forefront, you can peel the layers off and get to the real meat behind it. You get
to the real truth behind everything. So you have to approach that with everything.
Somebody had sent me a question for the show last week and I’m going to
answer it this week.
It says: What do you think about the validity of books outside of the Canon?
Enoch…it is a good book. Book of Adam; is it a fake? What do you think? What
has your research shown you about who wrote what and when?
This is already along the lines of what I’ve been talking about.
Enoch wrote 365 books. How many are in the KJV? Okay? And the Lord refers to
him as a great patriarch of the Israelites. So where is Enoch?
I think Noah was the eighth son from Adam. Enoch is between Lamech and
Noah. So Enoch is right between Adam and Noah.
He was one of the greatest patriarchs every born. He wrote 365 books. The Lord
literally gave him a tour of the universe. I’ve been praying for this same tour.
“What you showed Enoch, why can’t you show to me?” I want to see everything
Enoch saw and even more. It’s one of those things I keep waiting on. It’s one of
those things you don’t know whether the Lord’s going to fulfill or not. You know
what? Enoch was just an incredible patriarch. You need to read his book The
Secrets of Enoch. I have it on SherryShriner.com. You can also buy it at Amazon.
com. But you can read it for free online. So it definitely should have been
canonized. He’s in the Ethiopian KJV. He was in the Catholics rendition of the
Bible, but certainly not in the Protestant version.
The Book of Adam… is it fake? I don’t know about these books. I have them on
SherryShriner.com. I also have them at SherryAudios.com, instead if you don’t
want to sit and read it. I have a bunch of various things at SherryAudios.com.
Chew the grass, spit out the hay. Take it with a grain of salt because we don’t
know about some of these earlier books. We simply don’t know. Some of them
contradict each other. So just ask the Lord to make the nuggets stand out.
“There are nuggets in this book….let me see them. Let me grasp them and
understand what they are”.
You’ll find a little bit of truth here….a little bit of truth there. It’s in various places. I
don’t just stick to the KJV, simply because there were so many books
purposefully left out so that the church in the last days would be dumbed down to
what is going on around them. Most people don’t know that America is the
modern day Babylon talked about by the Old Testament prophets. Satan’s main
headquarters; his main foothold on Earth is America.
You say, “Well how can that be? We’re the Christian nation?”
Satan isn’t coming as Satan…he’s coming as God and out of a Christian nation;
he is going to arise as the Antichrist. He’s going to come and rise up out of our
own people here. Once you start seeing the truth, and the layers start being
peeled back, hopefully you’ll be able to grasp it.
I get emails from people, “The Lord led me to your website.” Then they try and
straighten me out on everything He has shown me the last 10 years. I don’t want
to hear it. If He’s led you to my website, He’s trying to show you something; He’s
trying to teach you something. I just sit back. I put them up and the Lord leads
them there. I don’t do any kind of personal promoting other than mentioning my
main site when I do interviews. And I don’t do that many online interviews. I’m
doing one next week with Unabridged Universe. That will be posted on my
website when the interview is done. I can’t even give you a date because I don’t
remember….it’s in a couple of weeks.
So that’s so much for the canonized books. Why do we have two books of Peter
in the New Testament that weren’t written by Peter? A lot of people rejected the
books of Peter as being written by Peter.
The book of Matthew; a big question on who exactly wrote the book of Matthew.
There are two Apostles named Matthew. Mathias replaces Judas. We already
had Matthew the tax collector and Matthias, the Matthew that replaced Judas. It’s
obviously not Matthew the tax collector that wrote the book of Matthew because
the person who wrote the book of Matthew refers to Matthew the tax collector. He
would have referred to himself in first person instead of third person. So
obviously the tax collector didn’t write the book of Matthew.
Paul’s books; some people are saying that Paul didn’t even write four, five or six
of those books and all thirteen that are attributed to him, weren’t written by him.
A lot of people are claiming that Luke did not write the book of Acts and they don’
t know who wrote the book of Acts. A lot of people are saying they’re thinking
that Luke or Paul wrote the book of Hebrews, and don’t know who wrote the book
of Hebrews.
So if it’s a question of who wrote what; then why was Jasher, Jubilees and Enoch
left out because they say, “We don’t know who wrote those books”? It’s just a
carpet excuse, folks. It’s a carpet excuse to leave out good books and put in
ones they have no idea who wrote them.
And with all the Shakespeare…Frances Bacon who was hired by King James to
translate the King James Version is why you have all these “thee’s” and “thous”
and “thou shalts”. It’s very hard to read and follow especially when you’re just a
child or a beginner and you’re trying to sit down and read the word of God and
get “thou shalt” this and “thee” and “thou”….the Lord doesn’t talk that way. It was
a very Shakespearean thing; the language of that era when the KJV was written
and accepted and adopted into the KJV when it was translated. A lot of other
things were added on or subtracted. You’ll find passages in Mark that were
added on later and not in the original letter itself. You’ll find verses that were
taken out and extra verses put in. Even in the Old Testament, it stops at Daniel
chapter 12. If you get hold of original Hebrew writings, Daniel goes up to several
chapters past 12 that were cut out of the KJV. So there are a lot of variations
taking place, folks.
That’s why I don’t hang my hat on just one book. The Lord’s Word is in this book,
but a translation is not inerrant. A translation means that man translated it. In this
case (KJV) Frances Bacon who was a Mason, and also who was Shakespeare,
translated the KJV for King James who was not a Christian at the time, but a
pagan homosexual and high ranking Mason.
If you start to look at the reality of things folks, it’s not going to risk your salvation
to question what you believe and why. It’s believing on the Lord and doing as He
says that is our salvation. It’s not being afraid to question things.
Certainly in Genesis chapter one and chapter two…I want to talk a little bit about
that tonight. I want to talk about a whole lot of things to paint a picture here. The
reason that I’m bringing this whole thing up; something that the Lord has been
leading me to over and over again….a little bit here…a little bit there….and back
They’re coming back to Earth….they’re already here, but a lot of forces have
been imprisoned in this Planet Nibiru. It looks like their army; their
reinforcements. The main ones who are going to take over during the Tribulation
and help subdue the earth for the Antichrist are already here. They’ve been
working behind the scenes for eons. They do live under the Earth in
subterranean cities. They do fly above the Earth in UFO spaceships. That’s how
they get around. These spaceships have been depicted in ancient hieroglyphics
and caves. I don’t have to go through all that; they’ve just been around for
thousands of years. So they had a means of travel. You’ll find that this means of
travel that’s existed for thousands of years; even before the Earth was re-
created by the Most High in Genesis chapter 1.
There was a high-tech angelic civilization that used to live on Earth. It was the
one that Satan had rule over as a high ranking cherub. He was also over all of
the music here on Earth. When they would praise the Lord and stuff…..he was in
charge of the praise and wanted that for himself. He got jealous about the whole
thing. That’s where pride and greed entered his heart and he wanted to be
worshiped as God. He had rule over all of these planets in our solar system that
you see now – Venus…Mars…Saturn.
All these planets were a bit different back then because they all held angelic
civilizations on them. When Lucifer rebelled against the Lord had got one-third of
the angels to rebel with him against the ownership and sovereignty of the Most
High God, he was cast out of Heaven. He no longer had access. At the time, they
were no longer living amongst the planets anyway. They weren’t just fixed living
in Heaven and visiting Earth. They lived on Earth. They lived on Mars. They lived
on Venus. They had whole angelic civilizations living on these planets. So when
Lucifer rebelled they forever lost access to Heaven – except for Satan himself
because the Bible says “the accuser of the brethren who accuses us daily before
the Lord”. He still has some kind of access to the Lord; but his forces don’t. The
other angels that rebelled with him lost their access to Heaven.
So the Lord in His Judgment against Lucifer and his forces for their rebellion
destroyed Earth and all the planets that were involved with this rebellion with
hailstones of fire. That’s one thing that I’ve seen in the Bible codes.
I’m going to talk about Mars tonight and what they don’t want you to know. And
some of these other planets. These were angelic civilizations. Angels actually
lived in these civilizations. There were men and women. They always hide that
aspect. I don’t know why they do that. In everything, they hide the aspect that
there were women angels, that there are women demons. The Greeks and
everybody else didn’t hide the aspect that they had female pagan gods that are
literal beings. Not literal gods, but literal beings that were worshipped as gods.
When we get into some of this history, they tend to wipe out a lot of women in it.
One of these days I’ll tell you exactly why. I don’t know if I’ll do that tonight. It’s
because they have a lot to hide. Why does anybody ever bury or hide anything?
Because they don’t want to talk about it. They want to hide things. Then they
give you these reasons, “Oh it was because it was just a male dominant society
and women weren’t a part of it and blah, blah”…whatever you want to believe. It’s
not necessarily the truth either. I’m going to bring that out ones of these times
because females are very dominant in Heaven in the past and as in today; and
just very dominant period. God created Adam and Eve together. He created Eve
out of the rib of Adam. They were helpmates. They were equals. They weren’t
“Okay, I’m going to create you under his foot to be treated as a toenail the rest
of your life.” It’s Satan who degrades women and there are big reasons for that.
I’m not going to get into that tonight.
But what I do want to get into; I’m going to go through Genesis chapter 1 and 2. I
just want to bring something up. I brought this up Saturday night with Daniel Ott.
In Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 2 there are two different creations.
What the church will tell you is, “Well, chapter 2 is just building off of chapter 1.”
And you hear the sweeping. It all gets swept under the rug. Go on to something
It’s because they don’t understand it, they don’t want to explain it and they
certainly don’t want to think for themselves, and have to think there is something
here that they’re missing. They think they know everything already. You can’t
teach somebody with the mindset that they already know everything already.
They can’t learn because they already know everything. It’s the same people
that are going to be jumping up and down when they realize how much error
they're in and mad. “Well, Lord why didn’t you tell me that I was in error?” The
Lord is not going to tell you if you are in error. He will let you drown in your
errors. If you want to know what they truth is about anything, you have to verbally
ask Him. You have to ask Him for the truth. He is not going to just give it to you.
That’s what hangs up so many people. “Well, the Lord has never told me that.”
Or “I love the Lord, so why would He let me to fall into errors and apostasies?” It’
s because you’re not asking Him. You’re not seeking Him. You’re talking the talk,
but not walking the walk and meditating and communing and spending time with
Him. That’s walking the talk.
If you look in Genesis 1:26 it says:
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the
air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping
thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he
him; male and female created he them.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,
and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish
of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that
moveth upon the earth.
I’ll stop right here, because in the original Hebrew translation you’re going to find
that the term “God” was actually Elohim. Elohim was a plural term that means
“Gods.” So the Christian church will say, “They’re just talking about the Trinity.”
Well…no. They had to have the Trinity concept to have this make sense. Instead
of tackling this for truth, they just covered it up with more lies and errors. Elohim
is Gods. It’s “rulers”. It’s also translated as “rulers”. The Lord had made us rulers
over His creation. Think about Genesis chapter 1 here….this is done before He
rested on the seventh day. Because right after this, it says in the last verse of
Genesis chapter 1:
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very
good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Okay, and after that He made man and all of this creation on the Earth. And it
was this God. It wasn’t Yahweh in particular. In Genesis chapter 2 it goes into
Yahweh in particular. But in Genesis chapter 1, this plural “rulers” term; this
plural God term is used. This is what the Annuniki are claiming. I don’t know if
you’ve read any of Sitchen’s material. They're saying that they are our creators
and they created mankind. And when they come back, they're coming back as
our rulers….because “they’re our parents…they're our creators”. I don’t know if
they're going to say we were created in a test tube or what. The Lord does not
say how in verse 27 here how man and women were created. They were both
created at the same time. It says God created man and woman in verse 27:
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male
and female created he them.
It doesn’t say how. In Genesis chapter 2, which is after He rested, it talks about
how He created Adam and Eve. In verse 7 of chapter 2:
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Now you have And the LORD God, because now you have the Lord Himself
creating. And this starts the whole creation of Adam and Eve and how He put
them in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis chapter 1, there was a creation and they
were given dominion over the Earth. They were not set in Adam and Eve. And it
doesn’t say how He created this first man and woman. A lot of people have these
questions, “Who were the people Cain mingled with?” After Cain killed Abel out
of his jealous rage, because the Lord accepted Abel’s sacrifice and not Cain’s
the Lord marked him on his forehead so that the other people who found him
would not kill him. So they ask, “Who were the other people?” You’ll hear pastors
say, “Well, this happened hundreds of years later and Adam and Eve had all
these other kids off to the side, and they created nations and cities at that time,
that Cain had to be afraid of”.
It doesn’t make any sense. They know it doesn’t make sense. They’re just trying
to make sense of something they don’t understand themselves. So that’s what
I’m saying. Let’s throw it all out there and try and figure out what it says.
It’s these little things; what we call gray areas that are going to come back to the
church in these last days to really hurt them and attack them. If you don’t hear it
from God’s people, you’re going to be hearing it from Satan; and he is very
good. A lot of people are going to be either accepting what He says because it
makes sense or having heard it firsthand from the Lords people, so that they're
prepared for what some of these mysteries are that the church has been
withholding all of these years.
It seems to me that it’s very clear in Genesis chapter 1, that He did create a man
and a woman, that the Earth was created. This man and woman that were
created were given dominion over the Earth. So there was definitely a
creation…we don’t know how many years there were between Genesis chapter 1
and Genesis chapter 2, but there were people here on Earth when Adam and
Eve were created and put in the Garden of Eden. It was because of this Genesis
1 creation.
Now let’s talk about the Gods that created this creation in Genesis chapter 1.
Remember in Genesis chapter 2, it gets very specific LORD God, meaning
Yahweh. In Genesis chapter 1, it uses the plural Elohim, which is Gods.
When I wrote my article Angels in the Flesh last year, the Lord had told me there
are many people on Earth today that were also here at the foundation of the
world. If you’re a truth seeker and you seek Him on things, you can find out if you
were there. A lot of people just don’t have remembrance.
There is a big difference between reincarnation and incarnation. Reincarnation
is a big perversion of incarnation. If you look at incarnation, the Lord has done
this throughout biblical history many times. Angels from Heaven will actually be
born on Earth as mankind. They will come down to Earth as mankind to fulfill a
specific role. The Lord told Jeremiah that He knew him in the womb before he
was born. People think He just knows everybody. That’s the whole thing behind
it. When people asked John the Baptist if he was Elijah. The early Jews knew
about this whole concept; this whole practice of incarnation. People will say they
believed in reincarnation and that’s Kabalistic and mystical and part of the early
believer things they’ll try to hide it. Actually the whole reincarnation thing was just
a perversion of incarnation. Incarnation being where the Lord sends one of His
angels down to Earth to be born as a mankind and fulfill a specific role. The Lord
had told me that many people that are here today were also there at the creation
of the world. So that would put many of us there at Genesis chapter 1. Many of
us were there when Satan rebelled. If you read my article Angels in the Flesh 2,
it gives a short insight into that.
So this is something that most people….they know that from the time they’ve
been born on Earth, there is just something different about them. They’re
hounded from the time that they’re born. They’re not like everybody else. They
see things in the spirit realm. They experience things that other people don’t
experience. That’s because Satan knows who you are. He pretty much can tell.....
and I don’t know how he can tell. People ask me that all the time. I don’t know. He
knows who these incarnated souls are. If you’re sent from Heaven with a specific
calling from Heaven, you are born as a mankind and have no remembrance of
being in Heaven. Maybe later in life a light starts to go off. The Lord starts to
bring to remembrance some of the things to tries to wake you up so that you’ll
seek Him for the truth. So that you’ll seek Him so that He can reveal it to you.
Satan knows who these people are; who these incarnated souls are. His purpose
from the time that they’re born is to kill them. He wants to kill them. He wants to
destroy them. He’ll assign his generals to them to do exactly that and why these
people will have so many odd experiences with demons, aliens and the spirit
realm, that so many other people simply just don’t have. Satan’s main thing is to
stop that person; that incarnated soul from Heaven, from fulfilling their calling
that they were sent to Earth to fulfill.
So many of you I’ll hear from and I’ll be like “I know who you are. I know you’re
here for a purpose. So seek the Lord to reveal the truth so that you can find out
what that is.”
The Lord finally just opened my eyes to a lot of this stuff over time because I’ve
been praying for the truth in all things so much. I do it every day. I’ve done it for
years. So He reveals things to me. A lot of times it’s hard to put it into words. It’s
hard to explain it. The first time people hear it, they just think you’re totally
nuts…totally crazy, but the Lord can bring you into the truth on things if you seek
Him on it. For a lot of people, things will start to make sense. They know they're
here for a reason….they have a nagging about them….but they don’t know what
it is. It’s simply because we’re born with absolutely no memory of it, but as you
seek the Lord, He will start to open your memory up and reveal things to you
from the past….from the present and why you’re here on Earth.
A lot of people are here in the last days were also present at Satan’s rebellion;
working together to fight against his rebellion. You need to read my articles
Angels in the Flesh 1 & 2. I don’t know how many people….it’s certainly not
everybody, but certainly 144,000 at least, because the Lord says He knew us
before we were formed. He knows the end from the beginning because He just
put His own people here in the last days. That’s why He already knows what’s
going to happen. We were there and fought his first rebellion; we’re here to fight
his second one. A lot of us are here to fight the second one. Of course it’s going
to be different this time around. The first time around, he only deceived one-third
of the angels. The second time around he will deceive two-thirds of mankind. So
the tables are turning a little bit and we have to work all the more harder just to
keep one-third of mankind from being deceived by him and staying true to the
Satan actually has a total of three rebellions that he’s been allotted. He won’t be
destroyed until the third is up. The third is up at the end of the millennial reign
when he is unleashed back on Earth to gather up armies against Jerusalem. You
can read about it in the end of Revelation. It coincides with Ezekiel 37 and 38.
There are so many people that consider themselves prophecy guru’s….Jack Van
Impe, Hal Lindsey and all them, refer to this Ezekiel war as one that’s going to
happen during the Tribulation Period. They’ll describe it as Russia and Gog
advancing on Jerusalem. They’re all out of timeline, folks; that doesn’t take place
until after the Millennial Reign. That’s the same war that John describes in
Revelation at the end of the Millennium when Satan is loosed on the Earth for a
short period of time. He gathers up his armies and makes one final attempt; one
final rebellion against the Most High. And that’s all related together.
That’s why people simply don’t know where we are in a prophetic timeline; when
you’ve been brainwashed and brain controlled your entire life to believe that
certain events are going to happen before Satan arrives on Earth, and they don’
t happen, you’re still waiting for them to happen. So you don’t realize where you
are in the prophetic timeline. People ask me all the time, “How do you know
where we are?” When Satan arrives; some of you are seven years….some of
you are 3 ½ years; depending on how long the Tribulation period is. When he
arrives, he has 42 months to rule and then it’s over as far as he’s concerned. So
there’s your timeline. When he arrives. Because there is no mystery rapture. It’s
almost a dangerous teaching in itself, because this whole rapture theory was
brought in by Paul and the RCC (Roman Catholic Church). They knew that they
could mimic that. If Satan comes to Earth in these UFOs and he whisks about
100,000 off the Earth as prisoners in these UFOs, he’ll call it a rapture. There’s
your Christian rapture. He just took 100,000 people off the Earth. If you think I’m
I was reading a book by Mary K. Baxter, Divine Revelation of Hell. I read this
book years and years and years ago; before I was even in the alien agenda….
before the Lord brought me over into this part. I started off just doing the New
World Order agenda and realized they are hand in hand. It’s the aliens pulling
the strings of the New World Order. In her book (you can listen to the audio for
free at SherryAudios.com) she talks about – for 40 days being taken to Hell and
being given a revelation of Hell and writing down everything the Lord showed her
about it. Towards the back of that book, she talks about seeing UFOs entering
down into Hell and tons of people getting off of these UFOs. I was like, “What are
they doing on UFOs?” There’s your rapture, folks. Satan coming to take all these
people off the Earth and proclaim it’s a Christian rapture. He’s going to have his
own fake rapture and these people are going to be imprisoned in Hell. You’re not
going to Heaven….you’re not going to a fifth dimension bliss. If you listen to all
the garbage that the New Ager’s put out, and all their rhetoric. They’re always
talking about how we’re going to evolve into a fifth dimension…..he’s going to
take certain people off the Earth to “work with” so they can become ascended
masters…every lie he can think of. The truth is these people are just going to be
hoarded up in these UFOs, taken to Hell and dropped off. Once you’re there,
you don’t get out. There’s no escaping it.
I have an article called 666 and the Phony Seal of God Club at my website
SherryShriner.com. Just go to the articles section. It’s about the beast prophets
and Satan all working in cahoots for. You gotta wonder how they pull that off. If
Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn and the blasphemous beast network
TBN…all these preachers that preach this pre-trib rapture. If the rapture comes
and they're still here….then how are they here?
They’re supposed to be Satan’s cheerleaders on Earth while he’s here. They’re
the ones; like Pat Robertson is already doing. “The chip is not the mark of the
beast and its okay to get this chip.” He had the CEO of Verichip on CBN a couple
of years ago. He was promoting this chip. You’re going to find all of them do that.
“Oh, this isn’t the mark of the beast. This is just a chip. This is so we can
organize our world economics…and everybody…and build ‘God’s kingdom on
Earth’.” They’re all going to be Satan’s cheerleaders, promoting this chip. It says
by deception he deceives the people, folks. He’s not going to come here and
say, “Okay get my chip or my tattoo or my mark on or in your right hand or
forehead and join my kingdom. It’s not evil, it’s of God. ” And “This isn’t what the
Bible refers to.” They're going to outright lie to you people. They’re going to lie!
The thing is the big mouths like me aren’t going to be here during this time. We’
re going to be long dead and gone, or protected by the Lord’s Hand. Either one.
But we’re not going to be able to pound the internet with what the truth is. You’re
not going to hear it at that time. You’re going to be on your own….well not on
your own; you’ve always got the Lord. But so many of you are so comfortable in
your deceptions and following these beast prophets and everything you hear on
TV. “Well, they said it on TBN. It must be true.” That’s why I always encourage
people, think for yourselves. Ask yourself questions. Don’t accept what people
say at face value. Ask yourself why you believe what you believe. You’ll be the
only one that’s held accountable for you. It’s you. You’re going to stand on your
own for accountability.
I’m going to take a short break and get back to this.
I want to get back to this. I wanted to because I always go off on rabbit trails. I
have so much info; it doesn’t look like I’ll get to half of it. Even a quarter of it. But
yeah, Read Genesis chapter 1:1-27 for that. A different creation. A creation of
the world by the Elohim God. Then in chapter 2 you have a creation of Adam
and Eve in the Garden of Eden by Our Elohim, which is Yahweh.
It makes a difference; LORD God in the original translations also switches to His
original Name which is Yahweh. In this translation it always just uses the same
general term “God.”
That’s why it’s so important to learn His Name and call Him by His Name. The
term “God” is generic. It’s a generalization. A general term. An office. It’s just like
Christ. Christ is an office. It’s a general term. Jesus was not His Name. Jesus is
Satan’s name. The churches are worshipping this Jesus, and the Son of God’s
Name is Yahushua. So you think, “Well, Jesus knows who I’m talking about and I’
m just going to keep calling him Jesus.”
Well you know what? He has a lot of grace and mercy on His people, but once
you know His Real Name, quit calling him Satan. Jesus was just another for
Satan. So quit calling him Satan!
If you have a question for the show, you can send me an email at
[email protected].
Another thing I want to bring up is Enoch. Should it have been canonized? Yes, it
should have. He’s written 365 books. The one book they do have they never
canonized. They put it in the earlier versions of the Gospel, but not in the final
KJV – Sir Frances Bacon, Constantine approved version of what you can know
and what you can’t. Most people won’t go and do extra research on their own.
There are maybe 70 chapters of Enoch. I’m not really sure. I’ve only read it
about three or four times. I break it up into parts because there are four different
areas that he addresses in his book. In the first part alone, it will settle any doubt
of exactly what was happening in the early times of creation. He names the
angels involved with the rebellion. There were two different rebellions.
Satan’s rebellion- I started off talking about how there were angelic civilizations
on all of our planets. The Lord destroyed them in judgment. So all of the angels
that lived on those planets were relegated to the inner planets. All these planets
are hollow. Just like Earth, they are all hollow. So they all live inside of these
planets today. You look at the Moon. You look at Mars. You look at Saturn….
Venus. They all live in the inner hollow aspects of these planets. So the Lord
replenishes the Earth. He re-creates the Earth with his angels at that time. His
angels, not the Annuniki. Satan was already a cast away being at that time.
I don’t know how much say the angels had at that time over this first creation. It
just says that they were made in their image. They were made in an angelic
image. If you look at the earliest civilizations of mankind; there was obviously a
civilization created in Genesis chapter 1 here that Cain and them ran into in
Genesis chapter 2. When Cain was cast away out of the Garden of Eden and
away from Adam and Eve, he went to deal with this other civilization that was
here on Earth at that time. Some of the earliest civilizations being the ancient
Egyptians. They were an early ancient race. Another ancient race that seems to
be here for eons is the Asian race. The Chinese Oriental people. So you have
those two races; the Orientals and the ancient early Egyptians that were
probably the oldest races on Earth. So it had to have been one those two that
Cain mingled in with and then created his own seed and offspring with.
You can read some of earlier books that say that Cain and Abel were twins.
Then I’ve read other ones where it says that Cain had a sister twin and Abel had
a sister twin and the real reason that Cain killed Abel was because they were
going to force Cain to marry his twin sister and he wanted to marry Abel’s. (LOL)
You can really get into some really funny stuff. And you don’t know if it’s true.
You’re just…okay, whatever. I’ll just wait ‘til the Lord reveals it. It’s like listening….
like "in one ear and out the other" until something grabs you and you can verify
whether it’s true or what kind of truth is in it. Until then it’s just like chewing the
grass for a while, stew on it for a while and see where it goes. There’s a lot of
different stories about the beginning there. The Lord hasn’t told me one way or
the other about the twin thing; if they were actually twins. I think I looked in the
Bible codes. The only thing I found that stuck out at me the most was that Cain
and Abel were very tall beings. Some of the Hebrew terms used in describing
angels are the same with Cain and Abel; very tall beings. Very tall guys. So
you’re probably looking at six feet. Seven feet. Eight feet. It doesn’t say how tall
they were; it just says they were very tall. There goes the concept of a small
Middle Eastern people’s type thing where they’re five foot four, because they
were very tall. They were very tall. They were Aryan. One thing you’ll see in the
Bible codes about these earlier races is that they were Aryan races. Aryan being
that they had blond hair or red hair. Red hair was very dominant even among the
Israelites. Esau had red hair. Jacob I loved, Esau I hated. I have an article on
that. If you looked at Europe today, that would be what ancient civilization was
back then.
So once you start seeing things, pictures start to form of how exactly things were
back then. It starts to peel back the layers of the fog that we’re all in because we
have half-truths everywhere. We really don’t know who we are or where we came
from because we don’t have all the truths being told to us. So it just takes a lot of
digging and a lot of research and a lot of prayer. The Lord gives pieces here
and there. He just gives pieces. And I’ve had questions for a long time.
I know two years ago, I started calling Lucifer “Lucy”, and people that are on my
lists; we always refer to Lucifer as Lucy. It’s not just calling a guy a girl. Seriously,
it’s always coming back to the fact it seems that Lucifer/Satan is a lot different
than what we think he is. Was Satan a female? Was it a woman? So I’ve been
doing a lot of stuff on that lately. What I’m finding is that all of these pagan
gods…..I’m on a rabbit trail, but hang with me; I’ll get back.
A lot of these pagan gods had a male and a female counterpart. A male and a
female. There was Ashera and Ashtoreth. Iris and Osiris. So you go through all
of these pagan gods; there is always a male and a female counterpart. So there’
s more to that than we’re lead to believe.
I’ve asked people and I appreciate these people more than I do half the others
online who will just lie to you. There just Satanists. They’ll tell you they're
Satanists, they’re in the brotherhood, and they’re Masons….whatever. I have no
problem with these people. If they don’t want to hear about the Word of God,
fine; but don’t play games with me. Just tell me who you are, and if you have
questions to ask, I’ll answer them. I answer questions for a lot of people. And I
won’t proselytize. I won’t try to convert them. I’ll just answer whatever questions
they’re asking me. Every once in a while I’ll ask them a question if something
comes up. Even they don’t know….which I find amusing. Some of these Satanists
that I’ve talked to have actually been to this Crystal City that I talk about at
CystalCityFraud.com. This fake New Jerusalem that Satan is bringing to Earth. I
don’t know if he’s bringing it to Earth or up out of the Earth, but its coming. It’s
supposed to be a mimicry of New Jerusalem, hovering above the Earth when
Satan is here as God. They don’t even know if he’s a female. To a lot of these
people he will manifest himself as a male…to the Great Brotherhood, which is a
huge satanic organization across the United States. It’s called the Great
Brotherhood – East, Midwest and West Coast. It actually has weddings in
churches across the United States. They have their whole kingdom divided up;
witches have regions…the Bride of Satan. They have actual weddings with Satan
and stuff like that. They’ve seen Satan manifest as a white male. They’ve seen
him in white suits. Very good looking…bronze colored skin…blond hair. The
other people will say they saw Set, which is the Egyptian name for Satan. They
see him as a horned god with hoofs.
There are different various manifestations of Satan…Lucifer. So there are so
many different ones. I’ve been asking the Lord, “What’s the real one?” “I want to
know the real name. Was Satan a hermaphrodite?” Is that why there are so
many different variations of these pagan gods? If you look at the Buddhist God,
the Buddha statue is a hermaphrodite. We do have that creep, freak DNA
hermaphrodite gene from somewhere, so I’m really thinking that this Lucifer was
a hermaphrodite and that’s why she/he can shape shift; he can morph into male
or female or any animal. The Bible calls it “transform”. They can transform into
angels of light. They can morph into an angelic being. They can morph into a
man. They can morph into looking like a woman. They can morph. It’s not just
Satan, but all of his forces that are with him. His ministers of unrighteousness
here to deceive the world. They have this ability to morph; to transform.
So it’s just seeking HIM and being able to pin this down and know exactly what
Satan is and what his or her real name is. That’s what I’ve been writing on that I
thought I would have done by tonight and be able to share with you guys, but I’m
far from being done with that. But it’s very interesting when you get into this stuff.
Some of the stuff….I’m waiting on the Lord to teach me. I know this is blowing
some of you guys away, because you haven’t even gotten past the basics on
who these fallen angels are, who these aliens are and what their agenda is on
Earth. So I know I’m way ahead of a lot of people. That’s why I just tend to
backtrack a lot. I have recordings on my websites. Everything the Lord teaches
me, I write. I told Him a long time ago; anything He taught me, I would re-teach
His people. So I write about almost everything He teaches me in my articles that
are on my websites. SherryShriner.com and SherryTalkRadio.com.
I try and keep them updated. I’m not real proficient at keeping things updated,
because I do so many things at once. I’ve got a million things to do. And I don’t
have any help. I’m just doing this all myself…and I have four kids on top of this.
So I’m a busy Christian, but I do the best I can. I know my blog has suffered
because I’ve been paying more attention to broadcasts lately than keeping my
blogger updated.
(Reading emails) Some of you out there want to go on an Enoch trip with me.
“Don’t go without me, I want to go.” Yeah. (LOL) I asked first. The Lord can’t give
you what you don’t ask Him, folks. Some of you think, “Well, I could just never
ask that. He would never give that to me” Really? Well, ask Him. Build a
relationship with the Lord. It starts with communicating with Him. What you want
from Him…ask.
I have an article about how people will pray amiss. They pray for material thing.
They want a house. They want a car. They want a job. And they never bother to
ever pray and ask for spiritual things; strength, discernment. Discernment is
something everybody needs to pray for. I pray for it constantly. You never have
enough discernment. Wisdom…boldness.
Boldness, folks. That just comes from walking daily in the Lord. The more you
see what He can do, and He does; the more confident you become in Him. So it
just becomes an inward thing; it becomes who you are. You’ve seen Him and you’
ve seen how He works in your life and you know without a doubt that He’s there
with you. That’s where boldness comes in. The opposite of fear is boldness.
What does He say about His people? He says the fearful will be cast into the
Lake of Fire. Because the fearful don’t know Him. Those who know Him become
very bold in Him because their confidence is in Him. It starts with having a
relationship with Him. You can’t be bold in Him if you don’t have a relationship
with Him.
So many people think that that, “Okay, when martial law hits America, I’ll
straighten up and I’ll come back to the Lord.”
“I’ll get off the fence.”
“I’ll rededicate my life when I start to see things happen.”
Because right now you just want to live your life of sin and you want to do the
things you are doing. You don’t want to have to dedicate and commit to the
Lord. I’ll tell you what; you simply won’t be ready for that. Christians need to
strengthen their spirits in the Lord now.
When martial law comes, it’s not just going to be, “Okay, we’re going to round
you up, throw you into one of these Halliburton camps funded by Dick Cheney’s
He’s salivating over the thought of killing Christians, folks. I’m telling you. They
have it all planned to round up Christians. It’s the Antichrists war on the saints.
You’re not even going to see it coming. It’s just going to happen. You’re not
going to realize it’s the Antichrists war on the Saints. All of a sudden there’s
going to be martial law roundups and people are going to be rounded up and
taken to these fenced in areas. Then they’re be put on trains and taken to these
camps where they’ll be killed. It’s going to be an American holocaust, just like it
was in Auschwitz for the Jews. That’s how they’re going to come after the
Christians in America. It’s going to be one quick swoop. And they can kill about
100 – 200,000 people a day in these facilities. And that might be a conservative
number. I’ve heard the one in Alaska can kill over 100,000 a day and we have
them all over the country here. And you say, “Well, I haven’t seen any.” But you
laugh every time people talk about it and they show pictures of these camps on
the internet.
The people revealing this info get mocked and ridiculed….called conspiracy
theorists…freaks. And that’s their one handle to get you not to believe what
you’re being told; to mock and discredit people. Then you won’t read what
they’re saying. If they can discredit everybody who’s got good information and
call them conspiracy theorists; people that know the truth, then a lot of people
are less likely to read what those people have to say because they're being
branded as conspiracy theorists. They give a negative connotation to the word
conspiracy theorist. What exactly is a conspiracy? Conspiracy is just unanswered
questions around an event. That’s what creates a conspiracy – unanswered
questions. What happens when a conspiracy is proven true? All of a sudden
nobody wants to hear the truth because it’s already been branded as a
conspiracy, so questioning it is just unthinkable….and the people questioning it
are a bunch a kooks. That’s what the government wants you to think and how
they get by with everything folks. It’s about accountability. And the people that try
and hold them accountable are branded as kooks. They label them and brand
them as conspiracy theorists.
Anyway, back to Enoch. He talks about 200 angels that met on Mount Herman.
They made a pact amongst each other. They realize that they’re going to be in
judgment for what they’re about to do; that’s why they made a pact that they
would all come down together. Because they knew they were going to get into
trouble from the Lord for leaving Heaven and coming down to Earth. Their job
was to be watchers of the Earth; to be watchers of His creation. This is apart
from Satan, folks. This is a totally different angelic rebellion here. There are 200
angels that meet on Mount Herman, and make a pact. They start taking mankind
women as wives. In other words, I don’t know if they came down with their UFOs
or how they were taking these women, but you know what was going on at this
time – massive abductions. The women on Earth are being raped by these
angels. These tall giants. Angels are very tall (unless you’re talking about the
ones who fly around the throne. I’m not going to get into those) but angels are
pretty tall. These women who were on Earth at this time were just being picked
up, kidnapped and raped by these angelic beings. So children were born as a
result of this.
Somehow through all of this, some of the angels actually befriend mankind and
start to show them how to do things. Enoch depicts what and he goes through
about 10 of these angels and how they led tens and tens of thousands of angels
into this rebellion, into showing them, how to make music…how to play
music…making weapons of warfare. They started teaching them warfare…and
how to build cities. They taught the women how to make make-up and jewelry.
Enoch depicts who did what and who was teaching what. It was all part of this
angelic rebellion, to come to Earth and create a hybrid seed here on Earth;
mixing their own angelic seed with mankind’s seed. That’s where we got the
giants from. Enoch talks about two of these giants that were brothers. One was
somewhere around 30 feet high and the other was around 33 feet high. These
were brothers. So these were giants. You can imagine a giant that’s 30 feet high.
In Hollywood television, all we ever see are dinosaurs chasing mankind. They
don’t show giants chasing mankind. What happened was they would eat up to
500 cattle a day. When the cattle ran out….they had no more cattle around them
to eat, they would start eating mankind.
That’s pretty telling of the kind of world pre-Noah that was going on. Pre-Noah,
before the Lord destroyed the world with the flood. So you had these giants on
the Earth. This is where we probably got Jack and the Beanstalk, if you heard
that story. A huge giant lives up in a beanstalk up in the sky. I find it interesting
that they have him located in the sky. Depicting that he was from the sky and he
was chasing Jack because he wanted to eat him. So you kindof get some truth
mixed in with a lot of this. Depictions in their own way, trying to tell people what
was going on.
So imagine tons and tons of these giant offspring. This hybrid race on Earth.
These children. And they had their own cities. You’ll see beds being dug up and
found with bones that are 18 feet long that these giants slept on. Moses when
he sent the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel to spy on the giant cities (Numbers
13) came back and said they were “like grasshoppers” compared to these guys.
And this was after the flood. So you have these giant races before and after the
flood. They’ve always been mingling with mankind.
Today we have the same thing. It has kindof gone underground. With various
mutations of mankind’s genes over generations and numbers of years, they’ve
been able to perfect the gigantism defect. So you’ll no longer see the giant
aspect of these hybrids. They can walk amongst us as mankind today and you
don’t know that they’re hybrids. They’re half-mankind and half-alien, but you
cannot tell that. Looking at them, they look totally normal.
After the Israelites defeated 18 to 20 of these cities to reclaim the land of
Palestine, you don’t really hear about the giant races after that. It just kindof
disappears out of what we have available to read. I’m not saying they
disappeared; I’m just saying what we have to read no longer brings it up. In the
Old Testament you can see these races that they fought and overcame. The
Jebusites, the Hittites.
That’s why the Lord was so mad at Esau; Esau married Hittite women, which
were alien, hybrid women. Esau married into that and gave up his birthright to
Isaac. The whole thing there between Jacob and Esau.
That’s kindof a picture. There is so much there that I could spend hours on this
stuff just trying to paint a picture of what our early civilization was like, so that you
can get a grasp of what the truth is. In the last days, these Annuk are coming,
claiming that they were the Gods…rulers of Genesis chapter 1 who created us.
And the truth is folks; they do have a hybrid race on Earth. Whatever race they
had would have been destroyed at the flood, because the Lord destroyed
mankind. There were more races that sprung up after the flood. Genesis 6:4
says that the angels fell before and after the flood. We know there are giant
races that were here after the flood as well as before the flood. They don’t have
a leg to stand on as far as we’re concerned, but they’re going to fool a lot of
mankind into thinking that they do. It’s part of the last day’s deceptions that are
coming. That they are Gods and they created mankind out of test tubes. They
couldn’t do it. If you look at the Cro-Magnum and the Neanderthal, the big
difference between the cave men and mankind today (they call it the missing
link) is because they were made by two different creators. Yahweh did not create
the Neanderthal and the cave men. Those were the beings created by this
Genesis chapter 1 creation. These rulers who were trying to make their own
humans on Earth, and their own animals. Then you have the Lord’s creation,
which is Adam and Eve – mankind. They had no part in that. They had no part in
our creation. The only thing they can brag about is putting together a Cro-
Magnum man or a caveman. They had no part in this (Adam and Eve). Angels
are falling. They are rebelling. God does not hold them in Heaven against their
will. They can fall to this day.
There was no redemption in the early days for hybrid races, where there is now.
That’s the biggest thing folks. Under the Old Covenant, there was no redemption
for hybrids; for children that were born half-alien, half-mankind genes. When
they died, according to Enoch, they became what we refer to as demons. The
Lord let them roam the Earth. They became what we know as demons. Middle
Eastern nations call them Jin. In the New Testament, under the New Covenant,
the Lord is offering His Redemption to anyone….to all people who accept Him as
their Savior and follow Him and His Commandments. Follow His Ways. So His
Redemption is available to these hybrids.
When you start talking about the last days being as the beginning days, where
98 – 99% of populations were contaminated by alien DNA, people start to freak
out, “What if I have contaminated DNA?!”
Only the Lord’s Spirit can call you to Him. So if the Lord is calling you, then He is
calling you to be with Him. To be one of His. So it doesn’t matter what kind of
DNA you have at that point. The Lord is calling you. He is inviting you to become
one of His. Only His Spirit can call you. So it’s mans free will that will either accept
or reject His Calling. So that’s some of the differences people say between the
New and the Old Covenant.
People say that Grace replaced the Law and now it’s….NO there are a lot
aspects to the New Covenant. It certainly didn’t replace the Law of Moses. That
still stands. We’re still to celebrate His Seven Feasts. His Appointed Times every
year. There is just so much more available now. We have grace in the fact that
it’s the Lord who teaches us and leads us by our spirits in the way in how to
worship Him and how to serve Him. The Ten Commandments aren’t written on
stones; they’re written on our hearts. He leads us and guides us in how to follow
Him and worship Him. So there are a lot of differences, but one didn’t replace the
other. It just absorbed it and made it better.
So I’m going to end this broadcast, at least for tonight. I could probably talk for
three more hours on this stuff. Look at the time…it’s already 8:13. I’ve got so
much info here.
I’m going to pick it up next week where I left off. But I wanted to at least start a
base with Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 2. Enough to get you thinking
that everything isn’t the way you’ve been led to believe. There are some various
things here, not being swept under the rug. Let’s pull it out the rug and look at it.
Let’s find out what he truth is.
You can go online and do your own research between Genesis chapter 1 and
Genesis chapter 2 and you’re going to find that it leads into a whole thing of not
only angels having hybrid races on Earth and Cain having his own seed on
Earth, but Satan himself having seed on Earth. It’s just goes on and on.
These are the kinds of subjects that I talk about on my show and some of the
things that I’m going to be addressing. You won’t hear anybody else talk about
this stuff. They just won’t touch it. I have websites up on it. If there’s something
to reveal, expose or teach; that’s what I’m here for. I’m just the Lord’s servant.
Whatever He wants me to do is what I’m going to do. So hopefully now, He’s the
One who’s glorified so that we can become wiser and better servants for Him.
I’m going to wrap it up. I’ll see you next Tuesday. (Liz: In 2009 Sherry is on
Monday nights at 8 pm ET) During the week you can go to SherryTalkRadio.
com, I have pre-recorded broadcasts playing all day long.
Until then, Yah bless everybody.
I’ll see you next week.