Listener Call-in
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
September 5, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 05 September 2005 - 1st hour
And hello everybody and welcome to the show, I'm Sherry Shriner. Hurricane Katrina was probably the largest natural disaster to ever hit this country, and it's been a time a lot of people are, at all levels, out right incompetent in dealing with it, from the local and federal levels. A lot of finger pointing, blaming, but in the midst of it all, a lot of people suffering and dying.
And this is just the beginning. This isn't something we're going to have time to sit and read in history books years from now. This isn't something review boards are going to have time to sit back and analyze to make recommendations for future disasters in how to prepare and deal with them. Neither does it matter how many review committees they set up to pinpoint where the blame lies. So much destruction and who didn't act when and who didn't do what.
I mean this is just the beginning folks and we're going to see a lot more coming to this country. And that's what I'm going to talk about tonight. -Listener call in line 260-356-2611. I've now shortened my shows to 9:30- Eastern Time. I've shortened them by a half hour, so they'll be running from 8 - 9:30. We'll have a break at the top of the hour like usual. It's just the second hour will be shortened. And I think that's going to be a lot easier to get through the school year that way. And easier on a lot of people. After 90 minutes people just start loosing focus and so I'm just going to keep it at 90 minutes.
If you have a comment or question, you can call in at 260-356-2611. I got an e-mail earlier this week, in fact probably not two days after Hurricane Katrina had hit New Orleans. And it was from a gentleman who had lived in Slidell, who had lost his home. Had lost his job, both being under water. Wherever it was he worked, I can't remember where he said. And you can tell he was one of the Lord's people. It was really amazing hearing from him, because here he's just lost everything he's had and he's telling me, "I like to listen to your show. I'll donate as soon as I can to keep you on the air". That just broke my heart, I mean here's this guy whose lost everything and he's worried about me staying on the air. And so I e-mailed him back. I asked him if he had food, if he had water. He must have a place to stay. He was contacting me with a computer.
But one of the things that he said in his e-mail that struck me, was he was very offended about being called a refugee. And he gave me the definition of a refugee being one who's fleeing their country from government tyranny and persecution. And basically just a lot of people down there don't like being referred to as refugees. They're American cities, they've lost.. They're Americans, they've lost everything they have and they're being evacuated. And so I wrote that on my blogger.
A couple of blogg posts, that I put out this week in regards to Katrina and the fact that they are evacuees and not refugees. Some people that live five states away or whatever don't see the significance of it. Couldn't care less, just want to nitpick with words. But you know what, it means a lot to them. These are American citizens. They're not... you consider refugees as people running from a country that's war torn and they go live in another country and that's why they're called refugees because they're finding shelter in another country.
You know these people are just trying to find a shelter to live within their own country and they're being bused all over the country. You've got hundreds of thousands being bused up to Washington, to Texas, to Cleveland, to Detroit. They're going to be in every city across America. I guess what's happening is any kind of government housing that's available in any city in any state is going to be filled up with these evacuees.
This is an on going thing. These people are not going to have anything to go back to right away. And winter's coming, and a lot of these kids need to be in schools. Some of these people just have nothing to rebuild. Anyway, if they were living on government assistance, or they were renters, you know they're not going to get rebuilding aid from the government or kind of help like that. You know they've lost their homes for good a lot of them. A lot of people... You've already heard that the insurance companies aren't going to be able to afford to pay out all of the claims, even if they do get them piled in. So yeah, it's going to be a real disaster down there and it's not going to go away anytime soon.
Last I saw, they were still flooded with water. They don't get the harsh winters we get up here. Time's going, by the time you get settled in and start cleaning up that city, we're going to have more destructions hitting some of these other cities. There's much destruction coming to this country and people need to start preparing and I have some links at If you go to the left hand side of that page look for the survival links. Be prepared to be out of food and electricity in the dead of winter. Be prepared to be out of fuel. So this will tell you unless your generously stocked up on fuel, your generators or not going to work. So a lot of you need to stock up on fuel. Get generators now. If you wait for an emergency, they're going to be sold out. You're going to need back up plans to survive. There's no mystery rapture coming to save the church from the destructions of the tribulation period. So start preparing now.
We heading into right now a three year period that could see 90% of the church eliminated by the third year in death and persecutions. If you want to pinpoint a year of when the tribulation period would start. I've always said September 2005 would probably be the starting year, and it looks like it's going to be that way. You know a lot of people wanted to back up at 2003, and that was probably very viable too, but 2005 definitely also being a starting point year. And it look like that's exactly what this is going to be.
Most of you need to have backpacks handy that you can grab and run, already stocked with things you would need to survive for three or more days. You can put a backpack on a child that's not too weighted down. So start pre-packing backpacks and you know some adults could probably carry two apiece. If you have to leave your home and get out of there, have these things already stacked and stocked up, so you're ready to go at a moments notice.
Get away from the coastlines. Get away from the Mississippi River from Chicago all the way down to what's left of New Orleans in the south. Get away from that river at least by a 100 mile stretch. Imagine if this river were widened by a 100 miles, or even 50 miles on each side of it, because it's going to divide this nation in half. You're going to see the Mississippi split and divide this nation. It's going to destroy every city in it's path, from the north to the south of this country.
Some areas will just be out of fuel and electricity, while others will lose everything they have from natural disasters. Be prepared to relocate but not in a government relocation. Do your own thing. Don't let the government throw you in a camp. Don't find yourself having to be thrown in a relocation camp. Have some kind of backup plans to where you can go somewhere else, anywhere else but having to be dependent on the government. And that's what's going to be the biggest problem, so many people aren't going to be prepared for that and they're going to end up in government help. And they're going to end up in government camps. And that's where 90% of persecutions are going to come from because...
You've got thousands probably millions of church believers expecting some big rapture to come and rapture them away before it gets really bad in America, and they're going to be caught right in the middle of it. They're going to find themselves caught in hurricanes, they're going to find themselves caught in the coming earthquakes. The volcanic disruptions, tornadoes, rivers widening, coasts coming farther inland. They're going to find themselves in the middle of all these destructions because they weren't listening and they weren't preparing.
So you need to start thinking ahead. You've probably got.. some of you could have a month, some of you could have a year, to get away from where you are. And right now the biggest concerns for worry, obviously the coasts, either side of the Mississippi River. I don't know how far, but just imagine if it stretched 100 miles from what it is now, all the way down to the south. If you're in a city, or you're living right up near the Mississippi River, start making plans to get away from there. Move out of there.
Northern Arkansas is supposed to be a safe zone. Also North East Washington. What I want to do is go over Chuck Youngbrandt. Somebody sent me some prophecies of Chuck Youngbrandt has in one of his books, I'm not even sure what book it is. But what I though was amazing was he touched on everything that I've warned about, just what I've learned in the bible codes over the last four years. In fact everything he said was everything I've being saying. The only difference being an earthquake in St Louis that he prophecized for in this September 19th. I've never seen an earthquake in St Louis, but that's a possibility. Just because I haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not going to happen. So be prepared in St Louis. If you live in St. Louis, Missouri, there could be a devastating earthquake there this month on September 19th.
Chuch Youngbrandt has started his years, starting at 2000 because his book was written back in the 70s I believe. But I guess if you take his book and rearrange it from being 2000 to 2003 to 2005 and 2008, it gives you a better idea. Because he starts with the New Orleans hurricane, he does mention that. And of course we know that we just had the New Orleans hurricane. So it you start his prophecies with the first year being the hurricane and go from there, then you can start to see some what of a timeline in his prophecies that he gives.
And that's what I'm going to do, is go through this timeline. Because of lot of his stuff, like I said, completely coincides with things I've seen. So what he did, was he divided the judgment that he saw from visions into a three year progression. But he believed it would start in 2000. We're now seeing it starting in 2005 and what it would do is progress into an enemy occupation of America lasting seven years. At the end of the seven years, the occupying armies will be driven out. And of course if it started in 2005, then you would see a seven year progression ending at 2012. And everybody's pretty familiar with 2012 being a target date for the year, for time as we know it just ending.
So what I want to do is finish off this year that he has prophecized for. You might want to get a pen. I might say something of interest to you. All I can do is sound the alarms folks, it's up to you to seek the Lord and prepare and get out of your areas if He leads you to get out of them.
According to Chuck Youngbrandt, you could see a devastating earthquake in St. Louis on September 19th, felt all the way to Chicago. On October 5th an earthquake in California. I don't think this is the big one, it maybe the one a lot of other people have seen, it takes out the city of San Francisco. And so that being in October. And he also... and this is what surprised me because I was starting to come out with it like he did, but he details the whole plan, the whole facade where Russia would nuke, accidentally nuke four of our cities. And then in retaliation the United States would nuke three of theirs.
And he has this happening for this December. Because it was in the first year of his prophecies he had it broken down into three years. And so what I had to do was go through, starting with the hurricane in New Orleans that he prophecised would be in August which really started in August and carried through in September. And then he had St. Louis in October. California.. oh wait, St. Louis in September, California in October and four cities being nuked in December.
Try to go through here for 2006, what you can expect. In 2006, North Korea will attack South Korea. China attacks Taiwan. So this puts us still at war in the Persian Gulf, where we will loose. The stock market will start it's fall in July. And it will result in one half of the people being out of work with great inflation coupled with food shortages. Starvation will start then.
Other prophets have said that terrorist attacks will become common here. The destruction of trains, planes, school buses, power plants and just on and on with our economy reduced. Fuel being in short supply. Food riots starting in August of 2006. August will be a turning point. Those who were rebellious against God will now rebel against the government, including the communist fifth column which we have here. Military troops will have to be called out as a result. Some will repent, but many will continue in rebellion. Chuck said God said 90% of the rebellious and the disobedient church people will die during this time.
Also germ warfare, at least a plague, breaks out in California in Georgia, killing thousands as it spreads. Panic and fear will result. China and Japan will buddy up because they're coming closer in their economies. And 2006 you can expect a very cold winter. Some places no snow and others too much. You'll see -46 degrees in Chicago. 80% of the homes in America will be without heat. And with little food, many will starve to death. Dead bodies will line the streets and it will reach 120 degrees by mid May. And so this is 2006 folks. So you need to start preparing, stocking up on food. Stocking up on water. Over and over again, people are out of work next year. The economy has basically crashed for all intents and purposes. Terrorist strikes going on everywhere. And also it was in 2006 where a huge earthquake will hit Chicago.
And of course I've warned about this. I had of vision of this last year. A huge earthquake hitting Chicago. Lake Michigan taking down pretty much the entire city. An estimated 62 million people will die in this earthquake in Chicago of 2006. So if you're in Chicago, start heading out of that area. I've read and seen where this earthquake that hits Chicago in 2006 will be felt for a mile radius of 500 miles. I don't know if it will do damage in all 500 mile radius of it, but it will be felt. And it's this earthquake that will get the Mississippi River flooded. Something to do with that. Maybe it happens around the same time or as a result or effect of it. I don't know. But it's at this time that the Mississippi River will also divide the country in half. So this you have to look forward to in 2006.
So if you say you can't afford to stock up now, just think of next year when you're not working at all. Because a lot of people are going to be loosing their jobs especially in the service oriented industries. If people aren't working then they're not going to be wanting hamburgers. They're not going to be wanting a lot of luxury items or be shopping in a lot of stores other than food. And right now we're seeing that there's going to be a lot of fuel shortages and there's going to be a lot of store shortages as well. Truck drivers can't get goods to the stores, there won't be anything to buy. So better be buying it now. Stock up now.
The third year being 2007. Starts out in January with an earthquake in Northern Iowa followed in Febuary by another one in Boston. And in 2007 they just becoming common throughout the year. In late spring God's prophets will go across the land calling people to repentance. Electrical power will be rationed, and this could be the result of strange ejections from the sun, which can destroy power grid hardware. Oil imports are cut off. There's very little food. Again half the people out of work. Mexico and Canada restricts how many Americans can cross over. Fear, pain and misery for the unbelievers. Miracles for the christians. Food increased, dead raised. At this time persecution of christians will go wild with government approval. So you're not only looking at martial law, you're looking at a lot of mass christian persecution with government approval. That could have been the second year. Yeah it was. That's 2006 starting with an earthquake in Iowa, followed by one in Boston. That's more things to look forward to in 2006.
And this is what it's saying. He says it's during the third year, on July 5th is when the earthquake will hit Chicago. But I've heard it going for both years so be warying of it happening in 2006 or 2007 a huge earthquake of Chicago. Let's see... the water in Lake Michigan will rush to the north, then return 15 stories high, and totally destroy Chicago. And that's exactly what I saw. I saw the water knocking over the Sears Tower like it was a cardboard box. The water will continue down the Mississippi River Valley wiping out all the cities in it's path including New Orleans. That even saying it's rebuilt by then. 30 days later angels will tell the Christians where to flee. And 7 days after, an all out nuclear attack will hit America. And this is 2008 folks, 2007-2008.
At this time in Florida, most of the southern half of the state from Orlando south will go under ocean water to be gone. And of course I've been waring people I know in Florida to get out of Florida. It's just a matter of time before that whole... I call it an island waiting to sink even though technically it's not an island. The northern part of Florida is a safety zone. Up by the border probably, up by the northern part of the state in the border there. But most of the leg of that state is going to be gone.
A lot of the US military decimated, and then two months later after we loose most of the State of Florida, is the Russian invasion. Troops will land at Slaughter Beach in Delaware. They'll move on into Philadelphia were no one is alive from three neutron bombs. That being from Chuck Youngbrandt, and I have said the same thing about Philadelphia about a dirty bomb. I think it was a dirty or neutron bomb going off in Philadelphia. That will already have happened by the third year so that could have taken place during the second year.
China. Some of the nations involved. China, Cuba, Mexico, Japan, Nicaragua, Serbia and other countries join in on the attack. On the West Coast, the Chinese land and enter through Mexico with Mexican help and up into California. They also land at San Francisco. They land in Astoria Oregon with mainly Japanese personnel. In California, the Chinese are ordered to kill all Americans. They dig great holes with earth movers and bury people alive. This is stopped by a battle in San Fransisco where a Chinese general who promoted death to all was killed.
Alaska will be taken by the Russians, and they kill everyone there. Hawaii surrenders to the Japanese. The Russians will take some Americans back to Russia for slave labor. Russia and China will plunder through our land. Chuck saw busts of Karl Marx set up in churches, and people worshipped him.
As the seven years go by, children are sold for food. Chuck said at this time you could buy a child for a pack of cigarettes. Witches and homosexual will hunt Christians for food. So we're seeing wide spread cannibalism here. Near the end of this occupation, Americans are put on trains, told they were going to re-education camps and taken to slaughter, where they're processed for food. Again the satanic groups wish to kill millions of people. It's always been a big part of the NWO agenda. And so this is what we're going to see over the next three years.
By the time three years is up all totaled, 70% of Americans would have died. Chuck says there's five safe zones. North East Washington, North North Dakota, North East New York State, North Arkansas and North Florida. So you might want to make notes of that. And this is stuff happening just over the next three years. I'm going to try and put some kind of an outline of this on my site. Somewhere. One of them. Probably at least the,, and even the radio site
And I was looking at the bible code on this whole Hurricane Katrina. And I didn't have to go very far. You know crossing right through the center of it is "Amalek", and "accomplished". And so Amalek, I had to do some research to figure out who they were. I kept seeing their names in the codes for the latter days. And these were the Nazis. The Nazis of the Old Testament times, they were called Amaleks. In our times they're called Nazis. So it's the NWO faction. And we know they're behind this whole weather induced, man made weapon, that caused the hurricane in New Orleans.
I know a lot of people that I heard would complain on the list that these weapons don't even exist and that it's a conspiracy think that they do. But if that's true then why are they having a bill being passed next month in the House of Representatives, to make the use of using weather weapons not illegal anymore. Right now it's illegal to use weather weapons. And so they've got a bill coming up in Congress next month to make it not illegal to use them. And so obviously they exist, and you can look at the patents online.
And people have been talking about HAARP for years. A lot of good books. I've done shows where I've spent some time talking about HAARP technology, weather weapon technology. The Russians also have their own weather weapon technology. They've had it for 20 some years. They've had it 10 years before the United States even had it. The Russians also have scalar beam technology, space weapons, that we can't even begin to touch. So they clearly dominate us on the weather weapons and the space technology.
And it's the Russians who will invade this country with the Chinese. But for all intents and purposes from what I've read about this coming invasion, is that the land will be given over to the Chinese. It's just the Russian superiority technology that will help them take it over. I've seen where airplanes, our air force airplanes won't even be able to get 100 feet off the ground, and they'll be shot down to the ground from space weapons from the Russians. So all they have to do is sit in space and point their scalar beam weapons at our airplanes and zap them right out of the sky. And of course some of it, just the planes not even being able to get off of the ground.
You can give me a call with comments or questions. 260-356-2611. Going to take a break in about three minutes. Yeah so I'm going to talk about Hurricane Katrina tonight, but I also want you to be aware, there's much more, much more destruction coming. And we'll get into some of that. I want to talk about an e-mail I received from a friend in Massachusetts who heard on a radio station that 25 victims, that 2500 victims from Hurricane Katrina were leaving Texas and headed for Massachusetts. The original plan was that they were to go to the Boston Convention Center.
But then the plan had been changed to take them to Otis Air force Base, Camp Edwards. Governor Nick Romney had been on the radio and said they had been fingerprinted and contained within wire there. He used the reason that there was a need for very high security because top secret planes come and go in and out of that base. And obviously we know that this is just the beginning of using some of these internment camps we've been warning about for years. So yeah it's all starting, it's all going to come to a head. We're going to see these internment camps doors opening. They're going to start being filled up. New Orleans evacuees I've heard, aren't even being told where they're being taken once they're loaded on the buses. They find out once they're on the bus. And so families are being separated, have no idea where their loved ones are. Just being herded on buses and hauled off.
There's places online that they can get a hold of each other. But again I don't want to get into all the details of this entire Hurricane Katrina because there's just so much of it online right now. But the thing being is that it's not going to be the same. A lot of these people will probably never go back. And one of the warnings I put out is to watch for anarchy to erupt in Texas. And if they're being pushed and shoved off into all these different cities across the United States, watch for anarchy to erupt.
There's going to be riots in cities because these people, they're stuffing them like sardines everywhere they can. And the boredom's going to set in. The boredom and the anger, and there's going to be complete riots, there's going to be complete chaos in our cities. We've got a lot more. This hurricane, it's not going to be here today and gone tomorrow, dealing with the aftermath. It's carrying over into many many cities by the effects of having these evacuees taken into them. And then once the anger and boredom set in, watch for the chaos to erupt. And that's what's going to happen, and that's what I've been warning about. I sent a warning out to watch for the anarchy in Texas, it's coming. If that.. they're going to put Texas in marital law.
I've also seen people warning about the cable television shows, showing a movie on the FX channel called "Oil Storm". Which this exact thing happened about a hurricane hitting and devestating New Orleans and taking out oil refining capabilities on the Gulf Coast. And during the same time, they were repeatedly showing a show, where the Houston refineries were taken out by a terrorist strike, or some kind of a nuke bomb in Houston. And so that could be another card on the table for these guys. You know they got their Hurricane Katrina. Now if they take out the Houston refineries, it would leave us totally dependant on Mid East oil.
And really the whole aim is not to have us with oil. Fuel shortages is really what they want. Iran's already offered to sell oil, and Venezuela, give us oil at $35 a barrel. You think the government would be jumping on it. Are they? No. No, in fact they've turned down offers from 23 different countries for aid and help while they've sat back and done nothing. Talk up a big storm on TV about everything they're doing when they haven't done anything.
We're going to take a break folks, we're going to be back in 2 - 3 minutes. I'll see you back in about 2 minutes.
And welcome back everybody. Call in listener line 260-356-2611. If you have a comment or question give me a call. Also if you'd like to send me an instant message or an e-mail with a comment or question, you can reach me at [email protected]. Or you can go to Steve's website over at and send him a message for me. So either one will work.
I'm going to talk tonight about some of the disasters that we've been getting into over in New Orleans and Louisiana. And of course one of the big ones being that the Red Cross and other help agencies, that have tried to get into the city, were turned away be FEMA. You know FEMA wasn't anywhere in the city but on the outsides keeping people from getting in. And so that's why there's such an uproar in this country from residents seeing these people are getting help, and the government is supposedly supposed to be down there, that nobody can see visible anywhere, was basically serving an opposite end of keeping any kind of help and relief getting out. So it kind of shows a purposeful negligence by our government, for people to die, for people to suffer.
And so there's going to be a lot of anger and a lot of questions coming out over this. You know, why was FEMA keeping help from getting in? Why were they rejecting aid, from all of the cities that offered aid? Why were they doing a lot of things to hurt people more that help? And so one of the things I did read today, was that the governor of Louisiana, hired the former head of FEMA, I can't remember his name, but he was an appointee by Bill Clinton back during his administration. Who had been fired and replaced by this Brown, this guy who is head of FEMA now. Who's been a complete incompetent joke. He's still in charge of FEMA, but what the governor of Louisiana did was hire Nixon's ex-head of FEMA. Probably one of the smartest things she's done.
So like I said, there's going to be a lot of finger pointing going on. At the same time just a lot of complicit acts by the government itself to sabotage any help down there. So a lot of questions being asked. One of the whistle blowers from the government office, people down there talking about communications lines in and around New Orleans purposely being jammed and cut by the US government. The jamming is having an adverse impact on emergency disaster recovery and news media communications. It was even effecting police radio frequencies in Jefferson Parish.
And of course he had talked about some of the things going down in Jefferson Parish. The head of it, Aaron Brusade told the press that FEMA had cut his emergency communication lines. And he had to have his sherif restore the severed lines and post armed deputies to ensure that FEMA didn't try to cut the communication lines again. Brusade's statement was being yesterday, "yesterday FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency communication lines. They cut them without notice. Our sheriff, Henry Harry Lee, goes back in. He reconnects the line. He posts armed guards on our line so as no one is getting near these lines." And so you see the sherif's department down there having to post their own armed guards to protect their communication lines from FEMA who wants to come in an cut them.
So why is FEMA trying to sabotage communication lines in New Orleans? Why is FEMA trying to keep help from coming inside the city, instead of allowing them in to take food and water to the people that were stranded at the dome, at the convention center, on the bridges? No help was allowed to get to these people. And it's all going to come back to FEMA.
And of course you know what my opinion is of FEMA. I've done a bible code on FEMA. And this is the organization itself, that kind of evolved over time. Had always been the help organization. It had always been an organization and now it's a federal agency, part of the homeland security, that steps in when there's a natural disaster to help the people. And now all of a sudden they've taken a role to where they're nothing more than a stumbling block to the people. They're not helping the people, they're forbidding aid and help to getting to the people.
And this is one of these agencies that I've seen in the last days, that the antichrist will use to enforce people to receive the mark of the beast. To enforce worship of the beast. You know the bible doesn't say that if you receive... if you don't receive the mark of the beast they'll kill you, but you can't buy or sell anything. You're going to end up starving to death if you don't get it. But you will be killed if you don't worship the image of the beast. And it's this FEMA agency that's going to be overtaken by the antichrist armies, that will be going around ensuring that people are worshipping the image of the beast. And I don't know if it's some kind of visible worship, exactly how it's going to happen. But this is one of the arms of the antichrist, that he going to be able to use, one of these agencies that will be working for the antichrist in the last days.
There's things going on. Give me a call folks 260-356-2611, if you have a comment or question. A lot questions being, could Katrina have been redirected to intentionally strike New Orleans? Was the city strategically targeted because of it's oil refinery capabilities? Thus providing a perfect excuse to drive up gas prices to astronomical heights? And it was. I mean this scenario was outlined in the latest TV movie entitled "Oil Storm", which had been shown on cable several weeks ago, taking place during labor day weekend. Or the event happened labor day weekend. Yeah actually they had it happening labor day weekend. In actuality it happened a week before.
And so this movie, part of conditioning. What they'll do is tell you their plans. And so one of the things they've done, is tell you what they're going to do, in that movie. Another one being the one about Houston, which I would assume is going to be next. Where Houston is targeted for destruction, so the oil refining capabilities are destroyed there. So you take out Houston's oil, you take out New Orleans, and America's strapped on oil.
Also some speculation, not even speculation, but allegedly 25 people witnessing the fact that the levees were blown up, so that the water would get into the city. Because you see a lot of people on their roofs and stuff. A lot of people who thought, "hey I can make it through a hurricane". Survive throughout the wind damage, and then a day to two days later is when the flood waters came in, because the levees broke loose. People saying the levees weren't broke loose, people saying that bombs took out the levees, causing the water to go in and destroy the city. So at least 25 people saying that. That they saw people blowing up the New Orleans levees after the main storm had subsided. And that was what allowed the water to go in.
Looking at some of this information here. Some of the things that I had seen, being one of the reasons the government was being so inept is that.. the NWO we start from the beginning, death and suffering is what they're in business for. To prolong the death. You know put in implementations, that these steps that would kill time, to take up time to where people couldn't get any help because they had to go through bureacratic red tape first. That was another stall strategy. Because there was nothing the mayor could do or the government could do without getting approval. And a lot of this was stalled, it was red taped to death.
Listener call in line folks 260-3562611. Give me a call with a comment or question. I'm going to jump back to this because.. well first of all I want to say thank you to the 23 countries that did offer aid. ABC news reported that Bush denied all help from 23 countries. NATO and the organization of American States. Denied help from Russia, Japan, Canada, France, Honduras, Venezuela, Jamaica, Austria, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Hungary, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, China, South Korea, Israel and the United Arab Emirates. And even Iran. It's not listed here, and probably countries I haven't even mentioned. And if you look at some of these countries that have offered aid. Unbelieveable because I mean Iran, offering to send 5 million in aid and so many barrels of oil at reduced at $35 a barrel, the same with Venezuela.
And these are two countries that are on Bush's target list. Let's go destroy them. He has destroyed Iraq, and now he's got his eyes on North Korea. He's had his eyes on Syria. He's had his eyes on Iran, and now Venezuela. And some of these very countries, that he's had his eyes on destroying, have turned around to help Americans. It says a lot of course. They have to realize that the American people are not in sync with what our government thinks and does. We don't agree. 62% wanting the American troops back home from Iraq. Most not even agreeing to begin with, for them to be sent over there.
But what they do is back when it started, this mass you're unpatriotic campaign, if you were against going to war against Iraq. And they would try to shut up all the anti war resistors with you're being unpatriotic. Well there's nothing unpatriotic about wanting to prevent people from being killed or sending our boys and girls over to a desert to be killed for nothing but that a war based on lies and greed. There was no weapons of mass destruction over there. It was all for the NWO agenda. And so there's always been resistors to that. And there's even more so now.
Some of the couch potatoes are waking up. They're waking up, they're finally realizing that the conspiracy theorists aren't as crazy as the president makes it sound like we are. There's actually a lot of truth to the things we've been saying, the things we've been warning about for years. And now they're finally waking up. You know the mere fact he would call an entire city of American citizens refugees, and refer to them as refugees, offended a lot of those people. Has offended a lot of people across this country. He's so out of tune with reality and the American people.
During the whole time of Katrina, he was golfing and strumming guitars. The Secretary of State was in New York shopping for shoes. And so it's just ludicrous. There's no leadership in this country and if anything hopefully this disaster can do something about installing a government or leadership in this country and getting rid of the regime change. All we ever hear about is regime change in Iraq and regime change in Venezuela and regime change in Iran. What about the regime change that's badly needed here in America?
Got about ten minutes folks. Call me with a listener call in comment or question. 260-356-2611. It's been a quiet night and I didn't really know exactly what to expect tonight. Would it be a listener call in night and be busy with the call ins, or would it be one of those shows where people just sitting back listening, making me do all the talking. I guess it's going to be one of those nights, but I'm not going to sit here and drudge over for the next half hour about what Bush did or didn't do.
I've said enough on my blogger. I posted a lot of things on my list. One of the things I did post on the list, was a picture of buses, thousands of them in a parking lot in New Orleans. And if the mayor Nagin had used those buses to evacuate the citizens of New Orleans, they wouldn't be sitting in water up to their bumpers now useless, and unusable. You know he had a two day mandatory evacuation before the hurricane hit. And he could have used everyone of those buses to go through normal school routes throughout the cities and evacuate homes one by one. Make sure there wasn't any elderly sick or disabled that couldn't get out. He could have used those buses to bus people out. You know and there they sit, about a thousand buses knee deep in water, up to their bumpers in water. Can't be used now.
And so like I said there's a lot of finger pointing going on and a lot of blaming going on between the local and federal levels. And there's a lot of blame to be said, but there's also a lot of accountability that going to have to be had because some things could have been done a lot differently that weren't done on a local level. And they want to push it off all on the federal level. And of course the federal level extremely too slow on their response. Even if they felt the local officials were incompetent in handling it, they should have stepped in and said, "hey we're here, we're bringing the troops, we're going to do this do that". Should have been on the phone, not waiting to see how far they were going to throw, fall themselves in the mire, before they stepped into help.
So it was uncalled for when you've got thousands and thousands of people that have died as a result. People that were alive two, three and four days after what happened and then dying on the fifth. There's a lot of accountability going to be going both ways, a lot of blame going both ways. And like I said we're not really going to have a lot of time to sit and review who should have done what. Who could have done what. Who's behind this. We know the hurricane itself, most likely being a manipulation of HAARP..
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: .. technology. Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hello Miss Sherry.
Sherry: Yes.
Caller: My name is Johnny, I'm the one that e-mailed you.
Sherry: Hey Johnny, how are you doing?
Johnny: I'm doing fine. I'm actually home this week because I'm not in New Orleans and I didn't mean, you know for you to feel sorry for me. Because I actually work in New Orleans and I have a trailer up in Slidell which was devestated. But I actually my whole family lives in Monroe, Louisiana, I work down there during the week. So I'm doing fine, so just to make sure you know that.
Sherry: Okay good, because I sent you a couple of e-mails.
Johnny: I did, I saw your other one, and I tried to let you know that I tried to do what you asked me to do and get a hold of... It's kind of strange because I went and e-mailed WWLTV because I saw that they could do it now. Nagin's in that (unclear). And that's the mayor. And you know it's kind of hard getting hold of them. And they had e-mail places you could get to him but that's all out right now. So I thought maybe if I just go to the only TV station that's on down there, and go to them and ask them to ask that question about the people being transferred to Boston. So I tried that, but you know my e-mail came back to me and it said it was... I tried to copy what it said, but about forty things jumped up on there and said this can't go through.
Sherry: Yeah.
Johnny: And I don't know whether it's just bad connections down there or going to the station which they're e-mail fight was.
Sherry: Well it was probably their e-mail boxes are probably so full.
Johnny: Probably.
Sherry: They're probably couldn't get half of them I would imagine. Yeah I sent you that e-mail about the one my friend had sent me from Boston.
Johnny: That's what I sent. I tried to send it on to them and ask them, is this true? And also to talk to the governor to try to find out is this true. And these are wonderful people and they don't need to be treated like this. And as a citizen here I expect them to find out what's happening to their people and not let these people get lost. And that's what I e-mailed them, and I also copied your letter to them too.
Sherry: Yeah it's probably the last thing on their mind right now. You've still got search and rescue to go. And I think once they get all the people out of there, then they'll probably be able to think now... right now getting the people out of there. You can see Nagin just in a complete fit. I mean he's just in a frenzy. You can't blame him. You can't blame him.
Johnny: These people I've worked down there all of my life. I was raised in Slidell which is near there. And so these are really wonderful people. And I know that they have many things going on. I heard something today which kind of disturbed me. I saw on TV where they had all of the prisoners from the jail, they had a big jail right there in New Orleans, and they had them all sitting on the interstate. And I heard someone say today that they allowed them to leave. And I wondering if they might be your people that's tracking the people around. Because they're mostly people that would not do that unless they're these are drug addicts but..
Sherry: Yeah. Those inmates were still sitting on the bridge, when people were in the superdome. And when you hear about a lot of the murder and looting and raping that was going on in the superdome. And then it just went out into the cities, where they were just shooting people and it was just mayhem.
Johnny: Yes.
Sherry: It very well could have been, but most of the people if you look at their testimonies, they're talking about young black teenagers. So it's the teenage crowd.
Johnny: Well it's strange but anarchy always happens when the law goes you know.
Sherry: Yeah.
Johnny: It's the law and that's probably what these people are. It's just amazing. But I know a lot of black people down there, and they're wonderful people. They love the Lord and they want to raise their family in peace and very few of these people you're talking about.
Sherry: You always have the minority that gets most of the attention.
Johnny: It's true.
Sherry: You've always got... you watch these other people on the videos on the internet on TV, and you're heart just breaks, it goes out to them.
Johnny: It does. My heart breaks too. You know I really just want to take this time because I may never talk to you again. I just want to let you know that I appreciate you so much and I think that.. I watched my progression over the years of how.. I asked the Lord back in the 90s. I said, "what's going on here?" I repeated it from my heart and it's amazing the things I've been a part of and how I've looked back to see, what I've listened to and how it just progressed on and on. The Lord has me here with you, and as far as I'm concerned, you're tying things all together. That is so true. And it's going to be awful the things that are going to happen. Sherry I just think that God truly has sent you, and He has truly sent you to be a voice crying out in the wilderness. But the ones that will hear you is only the ones God's called. No other will. And you know it just breaks my heart to see so many wonderful people that just won't believe what God says.
Sherry: Yeah they're going to find out the hard way. He's standing me up to warn His people to prepare.
Johnny: Sherry... I'm sorry.
Sherry: Go on, go ahead.
Johnny: I'm sorry, I'm always mad when I listen to people talk with you and they always talk over you and I'm saying it's very unkind. I guess it's nervousness a lot of part, and I just did it and I apologize to you.
Sherry: Oh that's, that's..
Johnny: I just did it again to you. But I want to share something with you and I know you have a limited time tonight and you're about to go. But I tried to wait and let other people speak. But when I first started in this, and actually this was January 24, 1999, I was just reading my bible and I just was just praying and something came to me. And I started to write it down and I kept it all of this time. And it was amazing I put it on my bible today and looked at it. And the title of it the chapter right there is "Never Give Up". And it really amazes me. And anyway, may I read this to you what was given to me filling my heart? Hello?
Sherry: Yes.
Johnny: Okay, I said would you mind if I read you this?
Sherry: Oh no, go ahead.
Johnny: It's pretty short. This is what I wrote down. It says:
"I'm calling a people, that they might be one. That they might know that the things that are happening to the right and to the left of them, are allowed for the purposes of drawing many into the net. For I will send you out as fishers of men. And I will drive them into the net, that there will be a great harvest. Yes judgment, yes calamity, yes difficult days. But beyond all this, glory for those who hear and who martyr themselves, but because of My will are called."
There's more and I'm just too nervous to read it. I think I'm just going to e-mail it to you.
Sherry: Okay.
Johnny: And, but the thing is I believe with all my heart Sherry. These things.. what you said a while ago was so true. And you struck my heart. The bible says that we're going to have great adventures. Do exploits it said. I think Solomon said, "what was will be again". And I think the bible says also, "that all these things are given to you for example". All these people in the Old Testament and all. You think about it. What happened when Daniel was thrown in the lions den. Well those that threw him in were the ones the lions ate not him. Those that threw the three young men into the fire. Who got burned up. Those that threw them into it. And when the enemy was in (unclear), mountains to the south and the Red Sea at the back, what did God do to His children, He opened the sea and they walked through on dry land. It's going to be the way again for us. People have got to believe the Word of God. The only thing that's going to save us is the Word. Nothing else. Not arms, not food, nothing. God will even send ravens to feed us, just like He did the prophet.
I think that we're living in marvellous times. And I think we can depend on God. He's faithful and just. Thank you Miss Sherry and God bless you.
Sherry: All right, well thank you for calling in. I appreciate hearing from you and (unclear) I sent you one asking if you had food and water.
Johnny: I am fine because the northern part of the state is where my family live. I come home every other weekend to my family. It's almost like working out, if you worked out in the Gulf. It's the same thing. I worked down there. Yes I've lost all that but I'm fine. I'm really fine.
Sherry: Okay (speaking together) broke my heart. It was one of these e-mails that just really touched me. I mean..
Johnny: I didn't mean to do that.
Sherry: (unclear) lost everything he had, and he's worried about me staying on the air. I was floored.
Johnny: Well Miss Sherry. The one thing I know that's bothered me ever since I started listening to you. You've had a cold. And I would like to bless you, so that you might get rid of that cold.
Sherry: Okay.
Johnny: Can I do that for you?
Sherry: Yeah sure you can.
Johnny: Dear Father in Heaven. I just bless my sister in Christ. Lord bless this thing that seems to linger and chase her. Lord your power is everlasting and your power is thorough. Lord bless my sister. Keep her safe and her family. Thank you for blessing her ministry. And Father bless her from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. Her insides through her outsides. The way she goes and the way she comes. Lord bless that. Bless food that will always be available to her and her family. Bless protection to her. Father You are the only way. You are the only hope. In You we will trust. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Sherry: Amen. All right. Well thank you for calling in. We're going wrap up the first hour and come back the second hour.
Johnny: Well thank you Miss Sherry.
Sherry: All right. Thank you.
Johnny: Bye.
Sherry: Bye. And that's going to wrap up the first hour folks. I'm so glad he called in. He's one of these people e-mails that totally touched my heart last week, when he e-mailed in, right after the hurricane. And I worried about him, if he had food, if he had water. It's just one of these things that you need to (unclear) to start helping fellow citizens, especially when they come in contact with you.
I've got listeners down there that I'm waiting to hear from. The Widemans. I'll put it on my blogger. If you're listening to this show, give me a call or send me an e-mail to let me know you're doing okay. It was the Widemans big supporters, that got this radio show off the ground, last year with me. Helping me get it off the ground. And I know they live down in that area. I'm not sure if they're exactly in the hurricane affected area. But they're in those states. Mississippi I believe it is. Yeah I'm worried about them, and I haven't heard from them.
But we're going to wrap up the first hour and come back for the second half hour, in about five minutes. We'll see you back then folks.
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
September 5, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 05 September 2005 - 1st hour
And hello everybody and welcome to the show, I'm Sherry Shriner. Hurricane Katrina was probably the largest natural disaster to ever hit this country, and it's been a time a lot of people are, at all levels, out right incompetent in dealing with it, from the local and federal levels. A lot of finger pointing, blaming, but in the midst of it all, a lot of people suffering and dying.
And this is just the beginning. This isn't something we're going to have time to sit and read in history books years from now. This isn't something review boards are going to have time to sit back and analyze to make recommendations for future disasters in how to prepare and deal with them. Neither does it matter how many review committees they set up to pinpoint where the blame lies. So much destruction and who didn't act when and who didn't do what.
I mean this is just the beginning folks and we're going to see a lot more coming to this country. And that's what I'm going to talk about tonight. -Listener call in line 260-356-2611. I've now shortened my shows to 9:30- Eastern Time. I've shortened them by a half hour, so they'll be running from 8 - 9:30. We'll have a break at the top of the hour like usual. It's just the second hour will be shortened. And I think that's going to be a lot easier to get through the school year that way. And easier on a lot of people. After 90 minutes people just start loosing focus and so I'm just going to keep it at 90 minutes.
If you have a comment or question, you can call in at 260-356-2611. I got an e-mail earlier this week, in fact probably not two days after Hurricane Katrina had hit New Orleans. And it was from a gentleman who had lived in Slidell, who had lost his home. Had lost his job, both being under water. Wherever it was he worked, I can't remember where he said. And you can tell he was one of the Lord's people. It was really amazing hearing from him, because here he's just lost everything he's had and he's telling me, "I like to listen to your show. I'll donate as soon as I can to keep you on the air". That just broke my heart, I mean here's this guy whose lost everything and he's worried about me staying on the air. And so I e-mailed him back. I asked him if he had food, if he had water. He must have a place to stay. He was contacting me with a computer.
But one of the things that he said in his e-mail that struck me, was he was very offended about being called a refugee. And he gave me the definition of a refugee being one who's fleeing their country from government tyranny and persecution. And basically just a lot of people down there don't like being referred to as refugees. They're American cities, they've lost.. They're Americans, they've lost everything they have and they're being evacuated. And so I wrote that on my blogger.
A couple of blogg posts, that I put out this week in regards to Katrina and the fact that they are evacuees and not refugees. Some people that live five states away or whatever don't see the significance of it. Couldn't care less, just want to nitpick with words. But you know what, it means a lot to them. These are American citizens. They're not... you consider refugees as people running from a country that's war torn and they go live in another country and that's why they're called refugees because they're finding shelter in another country.
You know these people are just trying to find a shelter to live within their own country and they're being bused all over the country. You've got hundreds of thousands being bused up to Washington, to Texas, to Cleveland, to Detroit. They're going to be in every city across America. I guess what's happening is any kind of government housing that's available in any city in any state is going to be filled up with these evacuees.
This is an on going thing. These people are not going to have anything to go back to right away. And winter's coming, and a lot of these kids need to be in schools. Some of these people just have nothing to rebuild. Anyway, if they were living on government assistance, or they were renters, you know they're not going to get rebuilding aid from the government or kind of help like that. You know they've lost their homes for good a lot of them. A lot of people... You've already heard that the insurance companies aren't going to be able to afford to pay out all of the claims, even if they do get them piled in. So yeah, it's going to be a real disaster down there and it's not going to go away anytime soon.
Last I saw, they were still flooded with water. They don't get the harsh winters we get up here. Time's going, by the time you get settled in and start cleaning up that city, we're going to have more destructions hitting some of these other cities. There's much destruction coming to this country and people need to start preparing and I have some links at If you go to the left hand side of that page look for the survival links. Be prepared to be out of food and electricity in the dead of winter. Be prepared to be out of fuel. So this will tell you unless your generously stocked up on fuel, your generators or not going to work. So a lot of you need to stock up on fuel. Get generators now. If you wait for an emergency, they're going to be sold out. You're going to need back up plans to survive. There's no mystery rapture coming to save the church from the destructions of the tribulation period. So start preparing now.
We heading into right now a three year period that could see 90% of the church eliminated by the third year in death and persecutions. If you want to pinpoint a year of when the tribulation period would start. I've always said September 2005 would probably be the starting year, and it looks like it's going to be that way. You know a lot of people wanted to back up at 2003, and that was probably very viable too, but 2005 definitely also being a starting point year. And it look like that's exactly what this is going to be.
Most of you need to have backpacks handy that you can grab and run, already stocked with things you would need to survive for three or more days. You can put a backpack on a child that's not too weighted down. So start pre-packing backpacks and you know some adults could probably carry two apiece. If you have to leave your home and get out of there, have these things already stacked and stocked up, so you're ready to go at a moments notice.
Get away from the coastlines. Get away from the Mississippi River from Chicago all the way down to what's left of New Orleans in the south. Get away from that river at least by a 100 mile stretch. Imagine if this river were widened by a 100 miles, or even 50 miles on each side of it, because it's going to divide this nation in half. You're going to see the Mississippi split and divide this nation. It's going to destroy every city in it's path, from the north to the south of this country.
Some areas will just be out of fuel and electricity, while others will lose everything they have from natural disasters. Be prepared to relocate but not in a government relocation. Do your own thing. Don't let the government throw you in a camp. Don't find yourself having to be thrown in a relocation camp. Have some kind of backup plans to where you can go somewhere else, anywhere else but having to be dependent on the government. And that's what's going to be the biggest problem, so many people aren't going to be prepared for that and they're going to end up in government help. And they're going to end up in government camps. And that's where 90% of persecutions are going to come from because...
You've got thousands probably millions of church believers expecting some big rapture to come and rapture them away before it gets really bad in America, and they're going to be caught right in the middle of it. They're going to find themselves caught in hurricanes, they're going to find themselves caught in the coming earthquakes. The volcanic disruptions, tornadoes, rivers widening, coasts coming farther inland. They're going to find themselves in the middle of all these destructions because they weren't listening and they weren't preparing.
So you need to start thinking ahead. You've probably got.. some of you could have a month, some of you could have a year, to get away from where you are. And right now the biggest concerns for worry, obviously the coasts, either side of the Mississippi River. I don't know how far, but just imagine if it stretched 100 miles from what it is now, all the way down to the south. If you're in a city, or you're living right up near the Mississippi River, start making plans to get away from there. Move out of there.
Northern Arkansas is supposed to be a safe zone. Also North East Washington. What I want to do is go over Chuck Youngbrandt. Somebody sent me some prophecies of Chuck Youngbrandt has in one of his books, I'm not even sure what book it is. But what I though was amazing was he touched on everything that I've warned about, just what I've learned in the bible codes over the last four years. In fact everything he said was everything I've being saying. The only difference being an earthquake in St Louis that he prophecized for in this September 19th. I've never seen an earthquake in St Louis, but that's a possibility. Just because I haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not going to happen. So be prepared in St Louis. If you live in St. Louis, Missouri, there could be a devastating earthquake there this month on September 19th.
Chuch Youngbrandt has started his years, starting at 2000 because his book was written back in the 70s I believe. But I guess if you take his book and rearrange it from being 2000 to 2003 to 2005 and 2008, it gives you a better idea. Because he starts with the New Orleans hurricane, he does mention that. And of course we know that we just had the New Orleans hurricane. So it you start his prophecies with the first year being the hurricane and go from there, then you can start to see some what of a timeline in his prophecies that he gives.
And that's what I'm going to do, is go through this timeline. Because of lot of his stuff, like I said, completely coincides with things I've seen. So what he did, was he divided the judgment that he saw from visions into a three year progression. But he believed it would start in 2000. We're now seeing it starting in 2005 and what it would do is progress into an enemy occupation of America lasting seven years. At the end of the seven years, the occupying armies will be driven out. And of course if it started in 2005, then you would see a seven year progression ending at 2012. And everybody's pretty familiar with 2012 being a target date for the year, for time as we know it just ending.
So what I want to do is finish off this year that he has prophecized for. You might want to get a pen. I might say something of interest to you. All I can do is sound the alarms folks, it's up to you to seek the Lord and prepare and get out of your areas if He leads you to get out of them.
According to Chuck Youngbrandt, you could see a devastating earthquake in St. Louis on September 19th, felt all the way to Chicago. On October 5th an earthquake in California. I don't think this is the big one, it maybe the one a lot of other people have seen, it takes out the city of San Francisco. And so that being in October. And he also... and this is what surprised me because I was starting to come out with it like he did, but he details the whole plan, the whole facade where Russia would nuke, accidentally nuke four of our cities. And then in retaliation the United States would nuke three of theirs.
And he has this happening for this December. Because it was in the first year of his prophecies he had it broken down into three years. And so what I had to do was go through, starting with the hurricane in New Orleans that he prophecised would be in August which really started in August and carried through in September. And then he had St. Louis in October. California.. oh wait, St. Louis in September, California in October and four cities being nuked in December.
Try to go through here for 2006, what you can expect. In 2006, North Korea will attack South Korea. China attacks Taiwan. So this puts us still at war in the Persian Gulf, where we will loose. The stock market will start it's fall in July. And it will result in one half of the people being out of work with great inflation coupled with food shortages. Starvation will start then.
Other prophets have said that terrorist attacks will become common here. The destruction of trains, planes, school buses, power plants and just on and on with our economy reduced. Fuel being in short supply. Food riots starting in August of 2006. August will be a turning point. Those who were rebellious against God will now rebel against the government, including the communist fifth column which we have here. Military troops will have to be called out as a result. Some will repent, but many will continue in rebellion. Chuck said God said 90% of the rebellious and the disobedient church people will die during this time.
Also germ warfare, at least a plague, breaks out in California in Georgia, killing thousands as it spreads. Panic and fear will result. China and Japan will buddy up because they're coming closer in their economies. And 2006 you can expect a very cold winter. Some places no snow and others too much. You'll see -46 degrees in Chicago. 80% of the homes in America will be without heat. And with little food, many will starve to death. Dead bodies will line the streets and it will reach 120 degrees by mid May. And so this is 2006 folks. So you need to start preparing, stocking up on food. Stocking up on water. Over and over again, people are out of work next year. The economy has basically crashed for all intents and purposes. Terrorist strikes going on everywhere. And also it was in 2006 where a huge earthquake will hit Chicago.
And of course I've warned about this. I had of vision of this last year. A huge earthquake hitting Chicago. Lake Michigan taking down pretty much the entire city. An estimated 62 million people will die in this earthquake in Chicago of 2006. So if you're in Chicago, start heading out of that area. I've read and seen where this earthquake that hits Chicago in 2006 will be felt for a mile radius of 500 miles. I don't know if it will do damage in all 500 mile radius of it, but it will be felt. And it's this earthquake that will get the Mississippi River flooded. Something to do with that. Maybe it happens around the same time or as a result or effect of it. I don't know. But it's at this time that the Mississippi River will also divide the country in half. So this you have to look forward to in 2006.
So if you say you can't afford to stock up now, just think of next year when you're not working at all. Because a lot of people are going to be loosing their jobs especially in the service oriented industries. If people aren't working then they're not going to be wanting hamburgers. They're not going to be wanting a lot of luxury items or be shopping in a lot of stores other than food. And right now we're seeing that there's going to be a lot of fuel shortages and there's going to be a lot of store shortages as well. Truck drivers can't get goods to the stores, there won't be anything to buy. So better be buying it now. Stock up now.
The third year being 2007. Starts out in January with an earthquake in Northern Iowa followed in Febuary by another one in Boston. And in 2007 they just becoming common throughout the year. In late spring God's prophets will go across the land calling people to repentance. Electrical power will be rationed, and this could be the result of strange ejections from the sun, which can destroy power grid hardware. Oil imports are cut off. There's very little food. Again half the people out of work. Mexico and Canada restricts how many Americans can cross over. Fear, pain and misery for the unbelievers. Miracles for the christians. Food increased, dead raised. At this time persecution of christians will go wild with government approval. So you're not only looking at martial law, you're looking at a lot of mass christian persecution with government approval. That could have been the second year. Yeah it was. That's 2006 starting with an earthquake in Iowa, followed by one in Boston. That's more things to look forward to in 2006.
And this is what it's saying. He says it's during the third year, on July 5th is when the earthquake will hit Chicago. But I've heard it going for both years so be warying of it happening in 2006 or 2007 a huge earthquake of Chicago. Let's see... the water in Lake Michigan will rush to the north, then return 15 stories high, and totally destroy Chicago. And that's exactly what I saw. I saw the water knocking over the Sears Tower like it was a cardboard box. The water will continue down the Mississippi River Valley wiping out all the cities in it's path including New Orleans. That even saying it's rebuilt by then. 30 days later angels will tell the Christians where to flee. And 7 days after, an all out nuclear attack will hit America. And this is 2008 folks, 2007-2008.
At this time in Florida, most of the southern half of the state from Orlando south will go under ocean water to be gone. And of course I've been waring people I know in Florida to get out of Florida. It's just a matter of time before that whole... I call it an island waiting to sink even though technically it's not an island. The northern part of Florida is a safety zone. Up by the border probably, up by the northern part of the state in the border there. But most of the leg of that state is going to be gone.
A lot of the US military decimated, and then two months later after we loose most of the State of Florida, is the Russian invasion. Troops will land at Slaughter Beach in Delaware. They'll move on into Philadelphia were no one is alive from three neutron bombs. That being from Chuck Youngbrandt, and I have said the same thing about Philadelphia about a dirty bomb. I think it was a dirty or neutron bomb going off in Philadelphia. That will already have happened by the third year so that could have taken place during the second year.
China. Some of the nations involved. China, Cuba, Mexico, Japan, Nicaragua, Serbia and other countries join in on the attack. On the West Coast, the Chinese land and enter through Mexico with Mexican help and up into California. They also land at San Francisco. They land in Astoria Oregon with mainly Japanese personnel. In California, the Chinese are ordered to kill all Americans. They dig great holes with earth movers and bury people alive. This is stopped by a battle in San Fransisco where a Chinese general who promoted death to all was killed.
Alaska will be taken by the Russians, and they kill everyone there. Hawaii surrenders to the Japanese. The Russians will take some Americans back to Russia for slave labor. Russia and China will plunder through our land. Chuck saw busts of Karl Marx set up in churches, and people worshipped him.
As the seven years go by, children are sold for food. Chuck said at this time you could buy a child for a pack of cigarettes. Witches and homosexual will hunt Christians for food. So we're seeing wide spread cannibalism here. Near the end of this occupation, Americans are put on trains, told they were going to re-education camps and taken to slaughter, where they're processed for food. Again the satanic groups wish to kill millions of people. It's always been a big part of the NWO agenda. And so this is what we're going to see over the next three years.
By the time three years is up all totaled, 70% of Americans would have died. Chuck says there's five safe zones. North East Washington, North North Dakota, North East New York State, North Arkansas and North Florida. So you might want to make notes of that. And this is stuff happening just over the next three years. I'm going to try and put some kind of an outline of this on my site. Somewhere. One of them. Probably at least the,, and even the radio site
And I was looking at the bible code on this whole Hurricane Katrina. And I didn't have to go very far. You know crossing right through the center of it is "Amalek", and "accomplished". And so Amalek, I had to do some research to figure out who they were. I kept seeing their names in the codes for the latter days. And these were the Nazis. The Nazis of the Old Testament times, they were called Amaleks. In our times they're called Nazis. So it's the NWO faction. And we know they're behind this whole weather induced, man made weapon, that caused the hurricane in New Orleans.
I know a lot of people that I heard would complain on the list that these weapons don't even exist and that it's a conspiracy think that they do. But if that's true then why are they having a bill being passed next month in the House of Representatives, to make the use of using weather weapons not illegal anymore. Right now it's illegal to use weather weapons. And so they've got a bill coming up in Congress next month to make it not illegal to use them. And so obviously they exist, and you can look at the patents online.
And people have been talking about HAARP for years. A lot of good books. I've done shows where I've spent some time talking about HAARP technology, weather weapon technology. The Russians also have their own weather weapon technology. They've had it for 20 some years. They've had it 10 years before the United States even had it. The Russians also have scalar beam technology, space weapons, that we can't even begin to touch. So they clearly dominate us on the weather weapons and the space technology.
And it's the Russians who will invade this country with the Chinese. But for all intents and purposes from what I've read about this coming invasion, is that the land will be given over to the Chinese. It's just the Russian superiority technology that will help them take it over. I've seen where airplanes, our air force airplanes won't even be able to get 100 feet off the ground, and they'll be shot down to the ground from space weapons from the Russians. So all they have to do is sit in space and point their scalar beam weapons at our airplanes and zap them right out of the sky. And of course some of it, just the planes not even being able to get off of the ground.
You can give me a call with comments or questions. 260-356-2611. Going to take a break in about three minutes. Yeah so I'm going to talk about Hurricane Katrina tonight, but I also want you to be aware, there's much more, much more destruction coming. And we'll get into some of that. I want to talk about an e-mail I received from a friend in Massachusetts who heard on a radio station that 25 victims, that 2500 victims from Hurricane Katrina were leaving Texas and headed for Massachusetts. The original plan was that they were to go to the Boston Convention Center.
But then the plan had been changed to take them to Otis Air force Base, Camp Edwards. Governor Nick Romney had been on the radio and said they had been fingerprinted and contained within wire there. He used the reason that there was a need for very high security because top secret planes come and go in and out of that base. And obviously we know that this is just the beginning of using some of these internment camps we've been warning about for years. So yeah it's all starting, it's all going to come to a head. We're going to see these internment camps doors opening. They're going to start being filled up. New Orleans evacuees I've heard, aren't even being told where they're being taken once they're loaded on the buses. They find out once they're on the bus. And so families are being separated, have no idea where their loved ones are. Just being herded on buses and hauled off.
There's places online that they can get a hold of each other. But again I don't want to get into all the details of this entire Hurricane Katrina because there's just so much of it online right now. But the thing being is that it's not going to be the same. A lot of these people will probably never go back. And one of the warnings I put out is to watch for anarchy to erupt in Texas. And if they're being pushed and shoved off into all these different cities across the United States, watch for anarchy to erupt.
There's going to be riots in cities because these people, they're stuffing them like sardines everywhere they can. And the boredom's going to set in. The boredom and the anger, and there's going to be complete riots, there's going to be complete chaos in our cities. We've got a lot more. This hurricane, it's not going to be here today and gone tomorrow, dealing with the aftermath. It's carrying over into many many cities by the effects of having these evacuees taken into them. And then once the anger and boredom set in, watch for the chaos to erupt. And that's what's going to happen, and that's what I've been warning about. I sent a warning out to watch for the anarchy in Texas, it's coming. If that.. they're going to put Texas in marital law.
I've also seen people warning about the cable television shows, showing a movie on the FX channel called "Oil Storm". Which this exact thing happened about a hurricane hitting and devestating New Orleans and taking out oil refining capabilities on the Gulf Coast. And during the same time, they were repeatedly showing a show, where the Houston refineries were taken out by a terrorist strike, or some kind of a nuke bomb in Houston. And so that could be another card on the table for these guys. You know they got their Hurricane Katrina. Now if they take out the Houston refineries, it would leave us totally dependant on Mid East oil.
And really the whole aim is not to have us with oil. Fuel shortages is really what they want. Iran's already offered to sell oil, and Venezuela, give us oil at $35 a barrel. You think the government would be jumping on it. Are they? No. No, in fact they've turned down offers from 23 different countries for aid and help while they've sat back and done nothing. Talk up a big storm on TV about everything they're doing when they haven't done anything.
We're going to take a break folks, we're going to be back in 2 - 3 minutes. I'll see you back in about 2 minutes.
And welcome back everybody. Call in listener line 260-356-2611. If you have a comment or question give me a call. Also if you'd like to send me an instant message or an e-mail with a comment or question, you can reach me at [email protected]. Or you can go to Steve's website over at and send him a message for me. So either one will work.
I'm going to talk tonight about some of the disasters that we've been getting into over in New Orleans and Louisiana. And of course one of the big ones being that the Red Cross and other help agencies, that have tried to get into the city, were turned away be FEMA. You know FEMA wasn't anywhere in the city but on the outsides keeping people from getting in. And so that's why there's such an uproar in this country from residents seeing these people are getting help, and the government is supposedly supposed to be down there, that nobody can see visible anywhere, was basically serving an opposite end of keeping any kind of help and relief getting out. So it kind of shows a purposeful negligence by our government, for people to die, for people to suffer.
And so there's going to be a lot of anger and a lot of questions coming out over this. You know, why was FEMA keeping help from getting in? Why were they rejecting aid, from all of the cities that offered aid? Why were they doing a lot of things to hurt people more that help? And so one of the things I did read today, was that the governor of Louisiana, hired the former head of FEMA, I can't remember his name, but he was an appointee by Bill Clinton back during his administration. Who had been fired and replaced by this Brown, this guy who is head of FEMA now. Who's been a complete incompetent joke. He's still in charge of FEMA, but what the governor of Louisiana did was hire Nixon's ex-head of FEMA. Probably one of the smartest things she's done.
So like I said, there's going to be a lot of finger pointing going on. At the same time just a lot of complicit acts by the government itself to sabotage any help down there. So a lot of questions being asked. One of the whistle blowers from the government office, people down there talking about communications lines in and around New Orleans purposely being jammed and cut by the US government. The jamming is having an adverse impact on emergency disaster recovery and news media communications. It was even effecting police radio frequencies in Jefferson Parish.
And of course he had talked about some of the things going down in Jefferson Parish. The head of it, Aaron Brusade told the press that FEMA had cut his emergency communication lines. And he had to have his sherif restore the severed lines and post armed deputies to ensure that FEMA didn't try to cut the communication lines again. Brusade's statement was being yesterday, "yesterday FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency communication lines. They cut them without notice. Our sheriff, Henry Harry Lee, goes back in. He reconnects the line. He posts armed guards on our line so as no one is getting near these lines." And so you see the sherif's department down there having to post their own armed guards to protect their communication lines from FEMA who wants to come in an cut them.
So why is FEMA trying to sabotage communication lines in New Orleans? Why is FEMA trying to keep help from coming inside the city, instead of allowing them in to take food and water to the people that were stranded at the dome, at the convention center, on the bridges? No help was allowed to get to these people. And it's all going to come back to FEMA.
And of course you know what my opinion is of FEMA. I've done a bible code on FEMA. And this is the organization itself, that kind of evolved over time. Had always been the help organization. It had always been an organization and now it's a federal agency, part of the homeland security, that steps in when there's a natural disaster to help the people. And now all of a sudden they've taken a role to where they're nothing more than a stumbling block to the people. They're not helping the people, they're forbidding aid and help to getting to the people.
And this is one of these agencies that I've seen in the last days, that the antichrist will use to enforce people to receive the mark of the beast. To enforce worship of the beast. You know the bible doesn't say that if you receive... if you don't receive the mark of the beast they'll kill you, but you can't buy or sell anything. You're going to end up starving to death if you don't get it. But you will be killed if you don't worship the image of the beast. And it's this FEMA agency that's going to be overtaken by the antichrist armies, that will be going around ensuring that people are worshipping the image of the beast. And I don't know if it's some kind of visible worship, exactly how it's going to happen. But this is one of the arms of the antichrist, that he going to be able to use, one of these agencies that will be working for the antichrist in the last days.
There's things going on. Give me a call folks 260-356-2611, if you have a comment or question. A lot questions being, could Katrina have been redirected to intentionally strike New Orleans? Was the city strategically targeted because of it's oil refinery capabilities? Thus providing a perfect excuse to drive up gas prices to astronomical heights? And it was. I mean this scenario was outlined in the latest TV movie entitled "Oil Storm", which had been shown on cable several weeks ago, taking place during labor day weekend. Or the event happened labor day weekend. Yeah actually they had it happening labor day weekend. In actuality it happened a week before.
And so this movie, part of conditioning. What they'll do is tell you their plans. And so one of the things they've done, is tell you what they're going to do, in that movie. Another one being the one about Houston, which I would assume is going to be next. Where Houston is targeted for destruction, so the oil refining capabilities are destroyed there. So you take out Houston's oil, you take out New Orleans, and America's strapped on oil.
Also some speculation, not even speculation, but allegedly 25 people witnessing the fact that the levees were blown up, so that the water would get into the city. Because you see a lot of people on their roofs and stuff. A lot of people who thought, "hey I can make it through a hurricane". Survive throughout the wind damage, and then a day to two days later is when the flood waters came in, because the levees broke loose. People saying the levees weren't broke loose, people saying that bombs took out the levees, causing the water to go in and destroy the city. So at least 25 people saying that. That they saw people blowing up the New Orleans levees after the main storm had subsided. And that was what allowed the water to go in.
Looking at some of this information here. Some of the things that I had seen, being one of the reasons the government was being so inept is that.. the NWO we start from the beginning, death and suffering is what they're in business for. To prolong the death. You know put in implementations, that these steps that would kill time, to take up time to where people couldn't get any help because they had to go through bureacratic red tape first. That was another stall strategy. Because there was nothing the mayor could do or the government could do without getting approval. And a lot of this was stalled, it was red taped to death.
Listener call in line folks 260-3562611. Give me a call with a comment or question. I'm going to jump back to this because.. well first of all I want to say thank you to the 23 countries that did offer aid. ABC news reported that Bush denied all help from 23 countries. NATO and the organization of American States. Denied help from Russia, Japan, Canada, France, Honduras, Venezuela, Jamaica, Austria, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Hungary, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, China, South Korea, Israel and the United Arab Emirates. And even Iran. It's not listed here, and probably countries I haven't even mentioned. And if you look at some of these countries that have offered aid. Unbelieveable because I mean Iran, offering to send 5 million in aid and so many barrels of oil at reduced at $35 a barrel, the same with Venezuela.
And these are two countries that are on Bush's target list. Let's go destroy them. He has destroyed Iraq, and now he's got his eyes on North Korea. He's had his eyes on Syria. He's had his eyes on Iran, and now Venezuela. And some of these very countries, that he's had his eyes on destroying, have turned around to help Americans. It says a lot of course. They have to realize that the American people are not in sync with what our government thinks and does. We don't agree. 62% wanting the American troops back home from Iraq. Most not even agreeing to begin with, for them to be sent over there.
But what they do is back when it started, this mass you're unpatriotic campaign, if you were against going to war against Iraq. And they would try to shut up all the anti war resistors with you're being unpatriotic. Well there's nothing unpatriotic about wanting to prevent people from being killed or sending our boys and girls over to a desert to be killed for nothing but that a war based on lies and greed. There was no weapons of mass destruction over there. It was all for the NWO agenda. And so there's always been resistors to that. And there's even more so now.
Some of the couch potatoes are waking up. They're waking up, they're finally realizing that the conspiracy theorists aren't as crazy as the president makes it sound like we are. There's actually a lot of truth to the things we've been saying, the things we've been warning about for years. And now they're finally waking up. You know the mere fact he would call an entire city of American citizens refugees, and refer to them as refugees, offended a lot of those people. Has offended a lot of people across this country. He's so out of tune with reality and the American people.
During the whole time of Katrina, he was golfing and strumming guitars. The Secretary of State was in New York shopping for shoes. And so it's just ludicrous. There's no leadership in this country and if anything hopefully this disaster can do something about installing a government or leadership in this country and getting rid of the regime change. All we ever hear about is regime change in Iraq and regime change in Venezuela and regime change in Iran. What about the regime change that's badly needed here in America?
Got about ten minutes folks. Call me with a listener call in comment or question. 260-356-2611. It's been a quiet night and I didn't really know exactly what to expect tonight. Would it be a listener call in night and be busy with the call ins, or would it be one of those shows where people just sitting back listening, making me do all the talking. I guess it's going to be one of those nights, but I'm not going to sit here and drudge over for the next half hour about what Bush did or didn't do.
I've said enough on my blogger. I posted a lot of things on my list. One of the things I did post on the list, was a picture of buses, thousands of them in a parking lot in New Orleans. And if the mayor Nagin had used those buses to evacuate the citizens of New Orleans, they wouldn't be sitting in water up to their bumpers now useless, and unusable. You know he had a two day mandatory evacuation before the hurricane hit. And he could have used everyone of those buses to go through normal school routes throughout the cities and evacuate homes one by one. Make sure there wasn't any elderly sick or disabled that couldn't get out. He could have used those buses to bus people out. You know and there they sit, about a thousand buses knee deep in water, up to their bumpers in water. Can't be used now.
And so like I said there's a lot of finger pointing going on and a lot of blaming going on between the local and federal levels. And there's a lot of blame to be said, but there's also a lot of accountability that going to have to be had because some things could have been done a lot differently that weren't done on a local level. And they want to push it off all on the federal level. And of course the federal level extremely too slow on their response. Even if they felt the local officials were incompetent in handling it, they should have stepped in and said, "hey we're here, we're bringing the troops, we're going to do this do that". Should have been on the phone, not waiting to see how far they were going to throw, fall themselves in the mire, before they stepped into help.
So it was uncalled for when you've got thousands and thousands of people that have died as a result. People that were alive two, three and four days after what happened and then dying on the fifth. There's a lot of accountability going to be going both ways, a lot of blame going both ways. And like I said we're not really going to have a lot of time to sit and review who should have done what. Who could have done what. Who's behind this. We know the hurricane itself, most likely being a manipulation of HAARP..
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: .. technology. Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hello Miss Sherry.
Sherry: Yes.
Caller: My name is Johnny, I'm the one that e-mailed you.
Sherry: Hey Johnny, how are you doing?
Johnny: I'm doing fine. I'm actually home this week because I'm not in New Orleans and I didn't mean, you know for you to feel sorry for me. Because I actually work in New Orleans and I have a trailer up in Slidell which was devestated. But I actually my whole family lives in Monroe, Louisiana, I work down there during the week. So I'm doing fine, so just to make sure you know that.
Sherry: Okay good, because I sent you a couple of e-mails.
Johnny: I did, I saw your other one, and I tried to let you know that I tried to do what you asked me to do and get a hold of... It's kind of strange because I went and e-mailed WWLTV because I saw that they could do it now. Nagin's in that (unclear). And that's the mayor. And you know it's kind of hard getting hold of them. And they had e-mail places you could get to him but that's all out right now. So I thought maybe if I just go to the only TV station that's on down there, and go to them and ask them to ask that question about the people being transferred to Boston. So I tried that, but you know my e-mail came back to me and it said it was... I tried to copy what it said, but about forty things jumped up on there and said this can't go through.
Sherry: Yeah.
Johnny: And I don't know whether it's just bad connections down there or going to the station which they're e-mail fight was.
Sherry: Well it was probably their e-mail boxes are probably so full.
Johnny: Probably.
Sherry: They're probably couldn't get half of them I would imagine. Yeah I sent you that e-mail about the one my friend had sent me from Boston.
Johnny: That's what I sent. I tried to send it on to them and ask them, is this true? And also to talk to the governor to try to find out is this true. And these are wonderful people and they don't need to be treated like this. And as a citizen here I expect them to find out what's happening to their people and not let these people get lost. And that's what I e-mailed them, and I also copied your letter to them too.
Sherry: Yeah it's probably the last thing on their mind right now. You've still got search and rescue to go. And I think once they get all the people out of there, then they'll probably be able to think now... right now getting the people out of there. You can see Nagin just in a complete fit. I mean he's just in a frenzy. You can't blame him. You can't blame him.
Johnny: These people I've worked down there all of my life. I was raised in Slidell which is near there. And so these are really wonderful people. And I know that they have many things going on. I heard something today which kind of disturbed me. I saw on TV where they had all of the prisoners from the jail, they had a big jail right there in New Orleans, and they had them all sitting on the interstate. And I heard someone say today that they allowed them to leave. And I wondering if they might be your people that's tracking the people around. Because they're mostly people that would not do that unless they're these are drug addicts but..
Sherry: Yeah. Those inmates were still sitting on the bridge, when people were in the superdome. And when you hear about a lot of the murder and looting and raping that was going on in the superdome. And then it just went out into the cities, where they were just shooting people and it was just mayhem.
Johnny: Yes.
Sherry: It very well could have been, but most of the people if you look at their testimonies, they're talking about young black teenagers. So it's the teenage crowd.
Johnny: Well it's strange but anarchy always happens when the law goes you know.
Sherry: Yeah.
Johnny: It's the law and that's probably what these people are. It's just amazing. But I know a lot of black people down there, and they're wonderful people. They love the Lord and they want to raise their family in peace and very few of these people you're talking about.
Sherry: You always have the minority that gets most of the attention.
Johnny: It's true.
Sherry: You've always got... you watch these other people on the videos on the internet on TV, and you're heart just breaks, it goes out to them.
Johnny: It does. My heart breaks too. You know I really just want to take this time because I may never talk to you again. I just want to let you know that I appreciate you so much and I think that.. I watched my progression over the years of how.. I asked the Lord back in the 90s. I said, "what's going on here?" I repeated it from my heart and it's amazing the things I've been a part of and how I've looked back to see, what I've listened to and how it just progressed on and on. The Lord has me here with you, and as far as I'm concerned, you're tying things all together. That is so true. And it's going to be awful the things that are going to happen. Sherry I just think that God truly has sent you, and He has truly sent you to be a voice crying out in the wilderness. But the ones that will hear you is only the ones God's called. No other will. And you know it just breaks my heart to see so many wonderful people that just won't believe what God says.
Sherry: Yeah they're going to find out the hard way. He's standing me up to warn His people to prepare.
Johnny: Sherry... I'm sorry.
Sherry: Go on, go ahead.
Johnny: I'm sorry, I'm always mad when I listen to people talk with you and they always talk over you and I'm saying it's very unkind. I guess it's nervousness a lot of part, and I just did it and I apologize to you.
Sherry: Oh that's, that's..
Johnny: I just did it again to you. But I want to share something with you and I know you have a limited time tonight and you're about to go. But I tried to wait and let other people speak. But when I first started in this, and actually this was January 24, 1999, I was just reading my bible and I just was just praying and something came to me. And I started to write it down and I kept it all of this time. And it was amazing I put it on my bible today and looked at it. And the title of it the chapter right there is "Never Give Up". And it really amazes me. And anyway, may I read this to you what was given to me filling my heart? Hello?
Sherry: Yes.
Johnny: Okay, I said would you mind if I read you this?
Sherry: Oh no, go ahead.
Johnny: It's pretty short. This is what I wrote down. It says:
"I'm calling a people, that they might be one. That they might know that the things that are happening to the right and to the left of them, are allowed for the purposes of drawing many into the net. For I will send you out as fishers of men. And I will drive them into the net, that there will be a great harvest. Yes judgment, yes calamity, yes difficult days. But beyond all this, glory for those who hear and who martyr themselves, but because of My will are called."
There's more and I'm just too nervous to read it. I think I'm just going to e-mail it to you.
Sherry: Okay.
Johnny: And, but the thing is I believe with all my heart Sherry. These things.. what you said a while ago was so true. And you struck my heart. The bible says that we're going to have great adventures. Do exploits it said. I think Solomon said, "what was will be again". And I think the bible says also, "that all these things are given to you for example". All these people in the Old Testament and all. You think about it. What happened when Daniel was thrown in the lions den. Well those that threw him in were the ones the lions ate not him. Those that threw the three young men into the fire. Who got burned up. Those that threw them into it. And when the enemy was in (unclear), mountains to the south and the Red Sea at the back, what did God do to His children, He opened the sea and they walked through on dry land. It's going to be the way again for us. People have got to believe the Word of God. The only thing that's going to save us is the Word. Nothing else. Not arms, not food, nothing. God will even send ravens to feed us, just like He did the prophet.
I think that we're living in marvellous times. And I think we can depend on God. He's faithful and just. Thank you Miss Sherry and God bless you.
Sherry: All right, well thank you for calling in. I appreciate hearing from you and (unclear) I sent you one asking if you had food and water.
Johnny: I am fine because the northern part of the state is where my family live. I come home every other weekend to my family. It's almost like working out, if you worked out in the Gulf. It's the same thing. I worked down there. Yes I've lost all that but I'm fine. I'm really fine.
Sherry: Okay (speaking together) broke my heart. It was one of these e-mails that just really touched me. I mean..
Johnny: I didn't mean to do that.
Sherry: (unclear) lost everything he had, and he's worried about me staying on the air. I was floored.
Johnny: Well Miss Sherry. The one thing I know that's bothered me ever since I started listening to you. You've had a cold. And I would like to bless you, so that you might get rid of that cold.
Sherry: Okay.
Johnny: Can I do that for you?
Sherry: Yeah sure you can.
Johnny: Dear Father in Heaven. I just bless my sister in Christ. Lord bless this thing that seems to linger and chase her. Lord your power is everlasting and your power is thorough. Lord bless my sister. Keep her safe and her family. Thank you for blessing her ministry. And Father bless her from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. Her insides through her outsides. The way she goes and the way she comes. Lord bless that. Bless food that will always be available to her and her family. Bless protection to her. Father You are the only way. You are the only hope. In You we will trust. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Sherry: Amen. All right. Well thank you for calling in. We're going wrap up the first hour and come back the second hour.
Johnny: Well thank you Miss Sherry.
Sherry: All right. Thank you.
Johnny: Bye.
Sherry: Bye. And that's going to wrap up the first hour folks. I'm so glad he called in. He's one of these people e-mails that totally touched my heart last week, when he e-mailed in, right after the hurricane. And I worried about him, if he had food, if he had water. It's just one of these things that you need to (unclear) to start helping fellow citizens, especially when they come in contact with you.
I've got listeners down there that I'm waiting to hear from. The Widemans. I'll put it on my blogger. If you're listening to this show, give me a call or send me an e-mail to let me know you're doing okay. It was the Widemans big supporters, that got this radio show off the ground, last year with me. Helping me get it off the ground. And I know they live down in that area. I'm not sure if they're exactly in the hurricane affected area. But they're in those states. Mississippi I believe it is. Yeah I'm worried about them, and I haven't heard from them.
But we're going to wrap up the first hour and come back for the second half hour, in about five minutes. We'll see you back then folks.
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
September 5, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 05 September 2005 - 2nd half hour
And welcome back everybody to the second half hour of this show. I'm ending the show early from now on. It will be from 8 - 9:30 pm EST, so if you have a call in question, call in now at 260-3562611.
I wanted to read this e-mail I got from a listener, in response to what I had said about Mayor Nagin earlier. And she or he says, "Even though Nagin had 1000 buses sitting in a parking lot, remember this hurricane happened on the weekend when drivers were hard to find. And even with 1000 buses, it would be difficult to move over 100000 people. Think of the time it would take to load passengers, drive to another location and unload passengers. I don't think this could be done knowing the enormous number of people to be relocated, and all the problems overwhelmed the officials. Some of the people did not want to leave the city, and most of the people who stayed in their houses didn't want to evacuate. Just another thought."
And that's true. We all know older people get set in their ways and that I could hear most of them saying, "I'm not leaving". And like I said, I know a lot of people probably thought they could ride it out in their basements or whatever. Maybe not basements in New Orleans because it's below sea level. But a lot of them being in their home thinking, "I could get through the wind damage part". And then a day later, boom, here comes all the waters because the levees are busted.
And so it was obviously the water that probably did most of the death toll, that caused most of the death toll. In New Orleans all the water damage being done from what some people are alleging the levees themselves being blown up to force that flooding.
Another question from a listener in Florida. "I was wondering if martial law is implemented, would our local police department be liable for enforcing these new laws. Or will federal agents take over law enforcement maneuvers?" Well actually it's neither. In martial law, martial law is military law. And so the military takes over. The constitution is suspended. The president of the United States can implement all of the executive orders that they've been declaring since Nixon left office. And they've been setting up all kinds of executive orders that the president of the United States can implement and act. And we will be literally be under military rule, with the president taking the role as commander and chief.
Of course right now, it's pretty much been commander and sleep for all of these years. I don't think it's going to change then either. But one of his titles is commander and chief, and that's part of his job as being chief over the military. So martial law basically means military law. So that's what you would see in the streets. And running everything would be soldiers, military soldiers. And of course a lot of people are thinking, how can we have military law in this country, martial law in this country, when all of our soldiers are overseas? And so you bring out the other aspect of the NWO that we've been sounding the alarms on for years. The fact that the United Nations would step in with their troops.
And nobody seems to take notice that Singapore has said that they were going to send some of their troops to New Orleans. We've been hollering for years that they've been stocking up foreign soldiers on American military bases. They've been closing military bases. Officially being closed, but unofficially, they've been taken over by foreign occupations. You look at one of these bases out in California being run by the Chinese in San Diego. Look at Holloman Air force Base, where the Germans have pretty much taken over it. And they say it's just training for German Air force pilots, but whatever you know.
But that's what they would do, bring in foreign troops. Because I don't think they would ever plan on bring American soldiers back home. They've spent all this time, and all these excuses, and all this fighting to get them out of this country. And that's exactly why they trumped up wars on just about every continent in this world, And of course now rumors are heading south to go after Chavez. And you know what, I like the guy. I like Chavez, I like Venezuela. I think he's one of these hold outs like Emmanuel Noriega used to be. They weren't going to be bullied by the United States and had the cahoonas (I think that's what Sherry said. It's a new word for me - Simon) to stand up against them. And that's what this Chavez has.
Of course Emmanuel Noriega was eventually taken over. He didn't want drug running through his country, coming into the United States. And of course the government having their drug running channels everywhere, because it what supports and funds their NWO, is drugs. Also part of why we're in Afghanistan is because the Taleban didn't want the United States growing their drugs over there. And so we went over there and took back Afghanistan. Now we've got poppy seed production back up. I mean face it, it's not a war on drugs, it's a war to bring drugs in. You know they say one thing, they do another.
And that's how they've gotten a lot of their funding for a lot of their black projects. A lot of projects they've been able to keep from congress. Congress doesn't know half of what's been going on. Congress doesn't have any clue about the shadow government. Some of them might. Even the president of the United States. Any kind of revolving door that we have here, especially the office of the president. They don't tell them anything.
I know every president that goes in there, wants to know about the real alien presence here. What we do or don't know about extraterrestrials or aliens and ufos. And they're lied to. They're never revealed the whole truth about it. There's always been a shadow government running this country, a secret non elected government. And it's funded through these various ways.
The only difference between the mob and the government is the government is fully elected officials. The government doesn't do anything the mob doesn't. In fact if you look at some of these conspiracy theories about John F. Kennedy's assassination, was that they were mob hit men that took him out. One of the theories about John F. Kennedy's death. And so they work together a lot of the times. They're not always the enemies people think they are.
I got another question about some of these prophecies that I was reading from Chuck Youngbrandt for 2000, the rest of this year 2005, 2006 and 2007. And so what I'm going to do is go over these because I know a lot of people tuned in late, or just now tuning into the show. And so what I want to do is go back over everything I said about to be prepared for over the next three years. And so get a pen and paper out. You can write these down. I'll try to give you an overview.
Like I said, we're not going to have a whole lot of time to go over and do all the finger pointing over the disaster of New Orleans. Because this kind of destruction is coming to a city near you, coming to a state near you. Not exactly a hurricane, but massive death, massive destruction. New Orleans is just the beginning folks. It's just the beginning. I've always said once we hit a state of martial law anywhere, it would never stop. It would just start to increase and spread. And so that's what we're going to see. They needed a crisis to get the ball rolling. Now that they've got it, it's not going to stop. It's going to be a ripple effect.
And so what Chuck Youngbrandt did, was he had a series of visions, and he broke them up into a three year progression. And the reason I'm bringing his stuff up is because it aligned with everything that I've seen in the bible codes. Things that I have seen in visions, especially the Chicago going down. I was floored to see that was part of his as well. Also some of these other destructions just lined right up with things I've seen in the codes or in visions myself.
Let's start off with his first year for 2000. He had thought it would be 2000, the year 2000 to 2003. But the Lord never gives dates, and so all you can do is try to get a general timeline. And so if you move this up to now, since the hurricane happened in September, you can start with 2005, because that's where it pretty much starts. In October 2005, expect it to be very very cold. There could be volcanic eruptions on the West Coast. Destructive hurricane will hit the New Orleans area. We're already on that one, in the middle of that one now. Followed on the 19th by an earthquake in St. Louis. So September 19th, this month, possible earthquake in St. Louis.
Let's see, October there will be an earthquake in California. I'm not sure if that's the big one itself or one just taking out San Francisco that a lot of people have seen. I do believe it will just be one that takes out San Francisco, because I think it's too early yet for the big one to hit California. I haven't seen that in the codes happening till 2009. So California, and it's still here when the Chinese invade America with the Russians. California is still here. So I don't see the big one happening anytime soon. So I'm going to go on a limb, and state that that prophecy is probably one that affects just one of the cities, part of California itself. But it's not the big one. So expect that in October.
In December, America will experience an accidental Russian firing of a nuclear missile attack, on four American cities. They hit Lexington Kentucky, Colombia South Carolina, Richmond Virginia and just north of New York City. And if they hit just north of New York City, they could hit that indian power plant there. It's in northern New York somewhere. But Russian missile attacks in December and we'll say it again that will hit Lexington Kentucky, Colombia South Carolina, Richmond Virginia and just north of New York City. In retaliation the Americans will fight back and hit three of Russia's cities.
In the following year, 2006. North Korea will attack South Korea, China attacks Taiwan. Continuing war in the Persian Gulf where we loose. I have always stated we will loose any war in the Persian Gulf. We weren't going to win again if we went over there.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hi Sherry.
Sherry: Hi.
Caller: How are you?
Sherry: Good, how are you?
Caller: Good. I called about that hurricane business. And I don't know, I'm kind of naturally skeptical of some of the charitable organizations, and I guess I wanted your thoughts on that.
Sherry: Ah you know what, they're all rackets. The American Red Cross, this whole Clinton and Bush disaster relief campaign. These people wont see a dime.
Caller: Really.
Sherry: They wont see a dime. You know what. Camp Casey has moved to Covington Louisiana.
Caller: Camp what?
Sherry: Camp Casey. I don't know if you're aware of Cindy Sheehan, who camped out at Bush's ranch at Crawford Texas.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: Well now she's in Covington Louisiana. And they have a place where you can send donations in. And I'll tell you, out of anything I've heard I would.. my money would go to her.
Caller: Really.
Sherry: I mean you these people are going.. they took all the belonging they had in Texas and took them to Louisiana with them. They had thousands of tons of food. They were able to deliver immediately, formula and diapers.
Caller: Well you know what I have to give isn't unfortunately a lot of cash, but I've got a big house. And I've had people stay here before for like 6 or 8 months, mostly kids. And I would love to find a way to offer that. And with the church community here I'm sure they would get some help.
Sherry: Well you know what I'll do, is I'll post their address. And there was also a man's website earlier which you could contact for donations. So you could get a hold of him through his website. And his name is Kevin Kyne, k y n e or something.
Caller: I'll check the website.
Sherry: I'll post it on my blogger. Do you know where that is?
Caller: I'll find it.
Sherry: I'll post it on there for you and for anybody else who wants to donate, and doesn't want to waste their money by giving it to the Red Cross, or the Clinton and Bush facade going on right now.
Caller: I want to donate space. I don't know how to do that exactly. I don't really have much cash to give. I have some of course but..
Sherry: Yeah. I could put you in touch with him, and you could offer your home or whatever, space or whatever.
Caller: That'll be great. I have a very naive question for you.
Sherry: Okay.
Caller: What is a blogger, what does that mean?
Sherry: A blogger is like on online personal diary.
Caller: Oh, okay.
Sherry: And so what people do you'll hear about in the news all the time. My mother asked me the same thing, "what are bloggers?" Because the news media always calls them bloggers. And what it is, if you can get a blogger for free online, it's free space. And a lot of people will write, like if you're an editorialist or a columnist or a college kid like me. I just get on there and talk about anything. You can use them for anything. It's like a online journal.
Caller: Wow.
Sherry: And so I started one last year. And I've got a faithful steady readership on it. And sometimes I just get silly, sometimes I say things the Lords tells me to say or reveal. Sometimes I give my views on the news of the day. And people just like.. you know these are called bloggs.
Caller: I see.
Sherry: And so people can go to your blogger and you can be political, or you can be religious, or you can be funny, or you can do recipies. People have..
Caller: You know an internet fabby I am. I surprised I didn't know that. I should really know that, but..
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: I'm glad I asked.
Sherry: Yeah, but I've got a blogger at
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: And I try to get on it everyday and write something, usually before I go to bed at night. Sometimes at 4 or 5 am.
Caller: I have another comment, a little more controversial maybe. I was listening to your show one time, and you were pretty hard on Paul, you know the Apostle Paul. And it really kind of disturbed me because if that's true, if what he's got to say doesn't mean a lot. Well that kind of undermines a lot of people's understanding of the Christian faith and everything. But anyway it disturbed me enough and I wanted to look and see what evidence I could find in the bible, because I think everything has to go back to scripture ultimately. I found a passage in Peter, 2 Peter verse, oh gosh I don't remember, 33 maybe. And he said pretty much that Paul's word was scripture.
Sherry: Yeah and there's lots of people that say that was manipulated and put in, added in.
Caller: I see.
Sherry: Because his original, his other books that were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls did not mention him at all.
Caller: Which other books?
Sherry: They were 50 years apart. In fact the books that were written, Paul's books were written 50 years earlier than anybody elses books were written or something like that. But yeah, they say that was added in and that was manipulated. People also use the one where he calls him a brother, and that doesn't mean he was an apostle. The Lord Himself said, and this is where I always pay my most attention to, are the words in red. Where He said He had 12 apostles.
Caller: Yes.
Sherry: And so where's Paul? He wasn't a twelfth apostle. He's thirteen.
Caller: He wasn't an apostle, that's right. That is correct.
Sherry: You know..
Caller: I certainly misspoke that.
Sherry: You know and so it just goes from there.
Caller: He's not an apostle.
Sherry: I don't even like getting into those kinds of conversations with people. Because it was a truth He lead me to, had to, because when you start praying for truth in all things and the only one person you're reading is the one who irritates Him the most. Because I was.. Paul was the only person I would read and memorize.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: It's the only person I would study.
Caller: Since then I've also looked at some other scripture that, and of course I pray for truth to that's what I desire. But once you mentioned that, I was so looking for it in everything. And I did notice a lot of things that Paul says, are contradictory to what Peter says.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: I can't remember them all..
Sherry: But one book to the next is different. You can read Corinthians and then go and read Galatians and they totally contradict each other.
(At this point the closing music started, and it became hard to hear the dialog - Simon)
Caller: Well it's a lot of contradictions. But the one place I can remember is Romans, I believe it's 14, not it's 13 about submitting to authority.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And the reason for submitting to authority that Paul gives is very different to that of what Peter says.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And Peter's thing was more like you do that to mimick Christ. He submitted to authority. But the time you submit to authority is when you can show that even through persecution you are still happy and for Christ.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: But anyway.
Sherry: We have to wrap up the show.
Caller: Okay it was good talking to you.
Sherry: Thanks for calling in.
Caller: Bye
Sherry: Bye. That wraps up the show this week folks, we'll be back on the air next week at 8 o'clock. I'll see you then. You can watch my blogger at I'll keep you informed of what's going on throughout the week for the next show. I'll see you then, God bless everybody.
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
September 5, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 05 September 2005 - 2nd half hour
And welcome back everybody to the second half hour of this show. I'm ending the show early from now on. It will be from 8 - 9:30 pm EST, so if you have a call in question, call in now at 260-3562611.
I wanted to read this e-mail I got from a listener, in response to what I had said about Mayor Nagin earlier. And she or he says, "Even though Nagin had 1000 buses sitting in a parking lot, remember this hurricane happened on the weekend when drivers were hard to find. And even with 1000 buses, it would be difficult to move over 100000 people. Think of the time it would take to load passengers, drive to another location and unload passengers. I don't think this could be done knowing the enormous number of people to be relocated, and all the problems overwhelmed the officials. Some of the people did not want to leave the city, and most of the people who stayed in their houses didn't want to evacuate. Just another thought."
And that's true. We all know older people get set in their ways and that I could hear most of them saying, "I'm not leaving". And like I said, I know a lot of people probably thought they could ride it out in their basements or whatever. Maybe not basements in New Orleans because it's below sea level. But a lot of them being in their home thinking, "I could get through the wind damage part". And then a day later, boom, here comes all the waters because the levees are busted.
And so it was obviously the water that probably did most of the death toll, that caused most of the death toll. In New Orleans all the water damage being done from what some people are alleging the levees themselves being blown up to force that flooding.
Another question from a listener in Florida. "I was wondering if martial law is implemented, would our local police department be liable for enforcing these new laws. Or will federal agents take over law enforcement maneuvers?" Well actually it's neither. In martial law, martial law is military law. And so the military takes over. The constitution is suspended. The president of the United States can implement all of the executive orders that they've been declaring since Nixon left office. And they've been setting up all kinds of executive orders that the president of the United States can implement and act. And we will be literally be under military rule, with the president taking the role as commander and chief.
Of course right now, it's pretty much been commander and sleep for all of these years. I don't think it's going to change then either. But one of his titles is commander and chief, and that's part of his job as being chief over the military. So martial law basically means military law. So that's what you would see in the streets. And running everything would be soldiers, military soldiers. And of course a lot of people are thinking, how can we have military law in this country, martial law in this country, when all of our soldiers are overseas? And so you bring out the other aspect of the NWO that we've been sounding the alarms on for years. The fact that the United Nations would step in with their troops.
And nobody seems to take notice that Singapore has said that they were going to send some of their troops to New Orleans. We've been hollering for years that they've been stocking up foreign soldiers on American military bases. They've been closing military bases. Officially being closed, but unofficially, they've been taken over by foreign occupations. You look at one of these bases out in California being run by the Chinese in San Diego. Look at Holloman Air force Base, where the Germans have pretty much taken over it. And they say it's just training for German Air force pilots, but whatever you know.
But that's what they would do, bring in foreign troops. Because I don't think they would ever plan on bring American soldiers back home. They've spent all this time, and all these excuses, and all this fighting to get them out of this country. And that's exactly why they trumped up wars on just about every continent in this world, And of course now rumors are heading south to go after Chavez. And you know what, I like the guy. I like Chavez, I like Venezuela. I think he's one of these hold outs like Emmanuel Noriega used to be. They weren't going to be bullied by the United States and had the cahoonas (I think that's what Sherry said. It's a new word for me - Simon) to stand up against them. And that's what this Chavez has.
Of course Emmanuel Noriega was eventually taken over. He didn't want drug running through his country, coming into the United States. And of course the government having their drug running channels everywhere, because it what supports and funds their NWO, is drugs. Also part of why we're in Afghanistan is because the Taleban didn't want the United States growing their drugs over there. And so we went over there and took back Afghanistan. Now we've got poppy seed production back up. I mean face it, it's not a war on drugs, it's a war to bring drugs in. You know they say one thing, they do another.
And that's how they've gotten a lot of their funding for a lot of their black projects. A lot of projects they've been able to keep from congress. Congress doesn't know half of what's been going on. Congress doesn't have any clue about the shadow government. Some of them might. Even the president of the United States. Any kind of revolving door that we have here, especially the office of the president. They don't tell them anything.
I know every president that goes in there, wants to know about the real alien presence here. What we do or don't know about extraterrestrials or aliens and ufos. And they're lied to. They're never revealed the whole truth about it. There's always been a shadow government running this country, a secret non elected government. And it's funded through these various ways.
The only difference between the mob and the government is the government is fully elected officials. The government doesn't do anything the mob doesn't. In fact if you look at some of these conspiracy theories about John F. Kennedy's assassination, was that they were mob hit men that took him out. One of the theories about John F. Kennedy's death. And so they work together a lot of the times. They're not always the enemies people think they are.
I got another question about some of these prophecies that I was reading from Chuck Youngbrandt for 2000, the rest of this year 2005, 2006 and 2007. And so what I'm going to do is go over these because I know a lot of people tuned in late, or just now tuning into the show. And so what I want to do is go back over everything I said about to be prepared for over the next three years. And so get a pen and paper out. You can write these down. I'll try to give you an overview.
Like I said, we're not going to have a whole lot of time to go over and do all the finger pointing over the disaster of New Orleans. Because this kind of destruction is coming to a city near you, coming to a state near you. Not exactly a hurricane, but massive death, massive destruction. New Orleans is just the beginning folks. It's just the beginning. I've always said once we hit a state of martial law anywhere, it would never stop. It would just start to increase and spread. And so that's what we're going to see. They needed a crisis to get the ball rolling. Now that they've got it, it's not going to stop. It's going to be a ripple effect.
And so what Chuck Youngbrandt did, was he had a series of visions, and he broke them up into a three year progression. And the reason I'm bringing his stuff up is because it aligned with everything that I've seen in the bible codes. Things that I have seen in visions, especially the Chicago going down. I was floored to see that was part of his as well. Also some of these other destructions just lined right up with things I've seen in the codes or in visions myself.
Let's start off with his first year for 2000. He had thought it would be 2000, the year 2000 to 2003. But the Lord never gives dates, and so all you can do is try to get a general timeline. And so if you move this up to now, since the hurricane happened in September, you can start with 2005, because that's where it pretty much starts. In October 2005, expect it to be very very cold. There could be volcanic eruptions on the West Coast. Destructive hurricane will hit the New Orleans area. We're already on that one, in the middle of that one now. Followed on the 19th by an earthquake in St. Louis. So September 19th, this month, possible earthquake in St. Louis.
Let's see, October there will be an earthquake in California. I'm not sure if that's the big one itself or one just taking out San Francisco that a lot of people have seen. I do believe it will just be one that takes out San Francisco, because I think it's too early yet for the big one to hit California. I haven't seen that in the codes happening till 2009. So California, and it's still here when the Chinese invade America with the Russians. California is still here. So I don't see the big one happening anytime soon. So I'm going to go on a limb, and state that that prophecy is probably one that affects just one of the cities, part of California itself. But it's not the big one. So expect that in October.
In December, America will experience an accidental Russian firing of a nuclear missile attack, on four American cities. They hit Lexington Kentucky, Colombia South Carolina, Richmond Virginia and just north of New York City. And if they hit just north of New York City, they could hit that indian power plant there. It's in northern New York somewhere. But Russian missile attacks in December and we'll say it again that will hit Lexington Kentucky, Colombia South Carolina, Richmond Virginia and just north of New York City. In retaliation the Americans will fight back and hit three of Russia's cities.
In the following year, 2006. North Korea will attack South Korea, China attacks Taiwan. Continuing war in the Persian Gulf where we loose. I have always stated we will loose any war in the Persian Gulf. We weren't going to win again if we went over there.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hi Sherry.
Sherry: Hi.
Caller: How are you?
Sherry: Good, how are you?
Caller: Good. I called about that hurricane business. And I don't know, I'm kind of naturally skeptical of some of the charitable organizations, and I guess I wanted your thoughts on that.
Sherry: Ah you know what, they're all rackets. The American Red Cross, this whole Clinton and Bush disaster relief campaign. These people wont see a dime.
Caller: Really.
Sherry: They wont see a dime. You know what. Camp Casey has moved to Covington Louisiana.
Caller: Camp what?
Sherry: Camp Casey. I don't know if you're aware of Cindy Sheehan, who camped out at Bush's ranch at Crawford Texas.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: Well now she's in Covington Louisiana. And they have a place where you can send donations in. And I'll tell you, out of anything I've heard I would.. my money would go to her.
Caller: Really.
Sherry: I mean you these people are going.. they took all the belonging they had in Texas and took them to Louisiana with them. They had thousands of tons of food. They were able to deliver immediately, formula and diapers.
Caller: Well you know what I have to give isn't unfortunately a lot of cash, but I've got a big house. And I've had people stay here before for like 6 or 8 months, mostly kids. And I would love to find a way to offer that. And with the church community here I'm sure they would get some help.
Sherry: Well you know what I'll do, is I'll post their address. And there was also a man's website earlier which you could contact for donations. So you could get a hold of him through his website. And his name is Kevin Kyne, k y n e or something.
Caller: I'll check the website.
Sherry: I'll post it on my blogger. Do you know where that is?
Caller: I'll find it.
Sherry: I'll post it on there for you and for anybody else who wants to donate, and doesn't want to waste their money by giving it to the Red Cross, or the Clinton and Bush facade going on right now.
Caller: I want to donate space. I don't know how to do that exactly. I don't really have much cash to give. I have some of course but..
Sherry: Yeah. I could put you in touch with him, and you could offer your home or whatever, space or whatever.
Caller: That'll be great. I have a very naive question for you.
Sherry: Okay.
Caller: What is a blogger, what does that mean?
Sherry: A blogger is like on online personal diary.
Caller: Oh, okay.
Sherry: And so what people do you'll hear about in the news all the time. My mother asked me the same thing, "what are bloggers?" Because the news media always calls them bloggers. And what it is, if you can get a blogger for free online, it's free space. And a lot of people will write, like if you're an editorialist or a columnist or a college kid like me. I just get on there and talk about anything. You can use them for anything. It's like a online journal.
Caller: Wow.
Sherry: And so I started one last year. And I've got a faithful steady readership on it. And sometimes I just get silly, sometimes I say things the Lords tells me to say or reveal. Sometimes I give my views on the news of the day. And people just like.. you know these are called bloggs.
Caller: I see.
Sherry: And so people can go to your blogger and you can be political, or you can be religious, or you can be funny, or you can do recipies. People have..
Caller: You know an internet fabby I am. I surprised I didn't know that. I should really know that, but..
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: I'm glad I asked.
Sherry: Yeah, but I've got a blogger at
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: And I try to get on it everyday and write something, usually before I go to bed at night. Sometimes at 4 or 5 am.
Caller: I have another comment, a little more controversial maybe. I was listening to your show one time, and you were pretty hard on Paul, you know the Apostle Paul. And it really kind of disturbed me because if that's true, if what he's got to say doesn't mean a lot. Well that kind of undermines a lot of people's understanding of the Christian faith and everything. But anyway it disturbed me enough and I wanted to look and see what evidence I could find in the bible, because I think everything has to go back to scripture ultimately. I found a passage in Peter, 2 Peter verse, oh gosh I don't remember, 33 maybe. And he said pretty much that Paul's word was scripture.
Sherry: Yeah and there's lots of people that say that was manipulated and put in, added in.
Caller: I see.
Sherry: Because his original, his other books that were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls did not mention him at all.
Caller: Which other books?
Sherry: They were 50 years apart. In fact the books that were written, Paul's books were written 50 years earlier than anybody elses books were written or something like that. But yeah, they say that was added in and that was manipulated. People also use the one where he calls him a brother, and that doesn't mean he was an apostle. The Lord Himself said, and this is where I always pay my most attention to, are the words in red. Where He said He had 12 apostles.
Caller: Yes.
Sherry: And so where's Paul? He wasn't a twelfth apostle. He's thirteen.
Caller: He wasn't an apostle, that's right. That is correct.
Sherry: You know..
Caller: I certainly misspoke that.
Sherry: You know and so it just goes from there.
Caller: He's not an apostle.
Sherry: I don't even like getting into those kinds of conversations with people. Because it was a truth He lead me to, had to, because when you start praying for truth in all things and the only one person you're reading is the one who irritates Him the most. Because I was.. Paul was the only person I would read and memorize.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: It's the only person I would study.
Caller: Since then I've also looked at some other scripture that, and of course I pray for truth to that's what I desire. But once you mentioned that, I was so looking for it in everything. And I did notice a lot of things that Paul says, are contradictory to what Peter says.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: I can't remember them all..
Sherry: But one book to the next is different. You can read Corinthians and then go and read Galatians and they totally contradict each other.
(At this point the closing music started, and it became hard to hear the dialog - Simon)
Caller: Well it's a lot of contradictions. But the one place I can remember is Romans, I believe it's 14, not it's 13 about submitting to authority.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And the reason for submitting to authority that Paul gives is very different to that of what Peter says.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And Peter's thing was more like you do that to mimick Christ. He submitted to authority. But the time you submit to authority is when you can show that even through persecution you are still happy and for Christ.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: But anyway.
Sherry: We have to wrap up the show.
Caller: Okay it was good talking to you.
Sherry: Thanks for calling in.
Caller: Bye
Sherry: Bye. That wraps up the show this week folks, we'll be back on the air next week at 8 o'clock. I'll see you then. You can watch my blogger at I'll keep you informed of what's going on throughout the week for the next show. I'll see you then, God bless everybody.