Listener Call-in
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
September 26, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 26 September 2005 - 1st hour
And welcome to the show everybody, I'm Sherry Shriner. Barely here tonight, I can barely speak. I'm going to do the show. I lost my voice over the weekend. I was losing it to begin with, and then had some really intense football games over the weekend, and I think the side whose parents are yelling the loudest wins. We won both games in overtime and I just about lost my voice with it.
So I'm going to hang in their tonight anyway. I wanted to have a listener call-in tonight, so go ahead and call in with your comments and questions at 260-356-2611. These are probably the nights I should bring a guest on, I don't have to talk as much. No shortage of guests, a lot of people wanting to get on this show. And a lot of requests to have certain people on this show. And you know basically, I just do as the Lord leads folks.
You know this a Bible prophecy oriented type show, and I want things on here that are relating to end times events. Or NWO oriented, or aliens oriented. So a lot of people in the mainstream just don't fit that mold. So that's the only reason I don't have a lot of guests on this show. When I bring somebody on, it's usually to talk about something specific. I don't always agree with my guests, but some of them have had some good view points that needed to be heard.
Like I said, don't ever box yourself in one view point. Don't get boxed in, in believing things are only going to happen one way. And just because I spend a lot of time on particular ways or views, doesn't mean I won't bring somebody else on this show with a different view. You know it's not about who's right. It's who's prepared. You know there's a lot of preparation needed for the last days, a lot of people expecting for things to happen a particular way. And I don't think things are going to happen, bullet-proofed outline like the churches teach, like we've been lead to believe they will. There's going to be a lot of monkey wrenches thrown in the mix. A lot of things happening people don't expect.
And the only way that's going to happen, you're not expecting it, is because you got boxed in on one type of a viewpoint. This way if you know them all, you know all the players behind the scenes, then you're not going to get taken by surprise.
I wrote an article this week on my blogger, called "The Coming Oil Crisis". And I thought it was really kind of funny because of all these self prescribed prophecy gurus on the internet from the church crowd. The only comment was "What oil crisis". You know, "we're not in an oil crisis". And the only thing I have to say is, "how's the temperature in the sand?" You know these people need to pull their heads out of the sand. There's a lot of things going on. Just because their pastors aren't teaching it, doesn't mean these things aren't reality. And it's a lot of these people in the churches today, that are so mind controlled and brain washed, ignoring reality, that are going to get blind sided by it.
You know a lot of these persecutions are coming up for the Christians. The reason why so many are going to die, is because they simply weren't expecting it. And when it did happen, the only thing they can resort to, was the mind controlled conditioning to submit and go like sheep to the slaughter. The Lord doesn't teach that. The Lord teaches self defense. He teaches to protect your self and your families and your properties. And you know what, when the goons come for you, take a few out on your way out. Defend yourself, defend your property. Don't roll over like a bunch of sandbags. That's exactly what they want you to do.
And that's exactly what some of these preachers on television or anywhere else, even on the internet will tell you to do. Because they work for the agenda. And their whole thing is yeah they're going to give you all of the information they have. They're going to tell you about the coming martial law. They'll tell you about all the camps that they have. They'll even tell you where they're at. They don't care what kind of information you have, it's your reaction to it, that they're trying to control. So that's where the whole spin angle comes in. That's where they want you to submit and go like sheep to the slaughter.
And the Lord has stood me up, especially this week. He's told me, "Fight for My people, and teach them to defend themselves". You know I wrote an article on that a while ago. I don't .... maybe a month or two ago. "A Call to Arms". And you can read it at, or in my articles section. It's called "A Call to Arms". And it details Christians who should be ready and prepared to defend themselves and their families.
And that also works as a deterrent folks. They're going to think twice about coming after the Lord's believers that they know are armed. And I'm not talking about the period when the Lord will hide His bride during the mid part. When He protects His bride from the hour of temptation that comes upon the world. And the hour of temptation being when the mark of the beast is enforced. He will protect His people at that point. But we've got a way to go before that happens folks, and we'll probably see a Russian and Chinese invasion here on American soil. Some kind of invasion, some kind of martial law, before we even get to that point. And so you need to be prepared for that. And so read that article..
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry:.. it's called "A Call to Arms", that I put out.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Listener call in line 260-3562611.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Sherry, Hi this is Anita.
Sherry: Hey Anita, how are you doing?
Caller: Really good. I've been listening to all of your articles even when you very first started. And I just recently listened to "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow".
Sherry: Yeah. Constance Cumbey.
Caller: Where you were talking about how the New Agers were putting in their bibles, when they see.. when Christ comes the second time, that they're going to see Him on TV.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: Well I had been listening to an Assembly of God, Church of God minister for quite some time and he was promoting his own bible, and it was quite expensive. And he wanted to sell some, and you know you send your money in to buy other people bibles who couldn't afford them. So when I got my bible, I got all the other bibles I purchased also that were supposed to be given to these other people. So the first thing I did was I gave them out, and then I flicked over to Revelation. And the very first thing I see, is he's talking about how it's going to be seen on TV. And I'm thinking, this is not the word of God You're having a form of power but denying it, you know what I'm saying?
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: Because I think when God says you're going to see Him, you're going to see Him.
Sherry: Literally in the skies returning with thousands of His saints according to the prophet Zechariah.
Caller: Right. But that just blowed me away. And my mouth just fell open. And I'm like oh my gosh I deny it when I hear. This other lady, I mean that's just confirmation. And I'm like that's just a real thing. Then we went through Hurricane Katrina, and we didn't lose our homes or anything, but martial law came to our town.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: I have been listening to you talk about martial law and I was blown away again. So I start telling my mum and dad, some of things other people would talk about on different radio talk shows and everything. And I got blasted.
Sherry: Of course.
Caller: You know "I'm a nut", "I shouldn't listen to stuff like this". But it's all there.
Sherry: Yeah. And you know what, no matter how crazy people think you are, they will remember the things that you say. And when they start to see things for themselves, then they'll recognize what you we're talking about. All is not lost.
Caller: It's just mind blowing. Then today I heard... let me ask you this. Do you have a minute?
Sherry: Oh sure.
Caller: I heard on CNN the other night when they were expecting Rita to hit Houston and Galveston where the chemical factories were and the oil refineries and all of this stuff, that they were expecting a chemical vapor cloud. Toxic cloud, and they were going to contain it.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: And I asked my mom and dad at the supper table, I said, "how are they going to contain a chemical cloud?"
Sherry: (unclear) making the hurricane
Caller: What?
Sherry: There's a war going on behind the scenes of that hurricane, I'm going to talk a little about it here later. But it really was a war between the factions on that whole hurricane there. And so what they... do you live in Houston or are you over in Louisianna?
Caller: I'm in Mississippi.
Sherry: Okay, you're in Mississippi. Yeah because these are man-made hurricanes.
Caller: From HAARP right?
Sherry: Yeah but I threw out an article this week, whose agenda is it really, is it NWO is it aliens, "who's behind the hurricanes". I don't know if you read that?
Caller: Not yet.
Sherry: I think I put it on my blogger.
Caller: I read the blogger that you put out today.
Sherry: Okay, yeah well I think I threw it on my blogger, "Who's really behind the hurricanes?" And it was interesting because somebody sent me a link to another website online. And it was the same group trying to detail that the aliens were the ones behind the hurricanes. And they were getting all kinds of attacks, and sites being taken down because of it. And here when I put it up, I didn't have any problem. So obviously they don't want that kind of info out. But there's a two edged sword on the whole thing. I'm going to get into that later tonight, over who's trying to control the hurricanes. What exactly is going on. People think I'm crazy when I talk about aliens so walk in my shoes for a day.
Caller: I'm not sure if I agree on the alien part or not. I think they're demons or fallen angels or whatever you want to call them...
Sherry: They're fallen angels. They're fallen angels.
Caller: I've never seen an alien, I'm aware of the other spiritual realm that we're dealing with.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And the Lord will give you discernment if you pray for it, and ask Him to show you.
Sherry: We know that the fallen angels inhabit the first and second heavenly. And demons are just spirits of the dead Nephilim. So there's two different enemies, and the churches don't teach that. The churches just teach you, "oh they're demons".
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And they don't teach you that there's a difference between demons and fallen angels. And so that's when you get into the book of Enoch you'll learn it. If you read the Book of Enoch, you'll learn it. If you read the Book of Enoch.
Caller: I asked my uncle who was a preacher about the Nephilim because my mommy and daddy had never heard of it. He said that's just theory (speaking together)
Sherry: because the churches don't teach it and they didn't put Enoch in the final KJV version.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And so people don't go out to search it to read it. And I have it on my website at
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: You can go and read Enoch, and it'll explain within the first ten chapters, you know, everything. Who the demons are, who the aliens are. What they did, the watchers when they fell. Their rebellions and it explains so much, puts so much into context.
Caller: I just want to encourage you to keep up the good work. I thank you for all your information that you're putting out there, and your websites that you put for us to go look at. It's just really astonishing what the Lord's doing with you.
Sherry: Oh well thank you, you know..
Caller: You're welcome. I appreciate you, and you have a wonderful night okay.
Sherry: You too, thanks for calling in.
Caller: Bye
Sherry: Bye, God bless.
I kind of had fun with this week, I was putting up various articles again about things going on. And one of the articles I sent out was who was really behind the hurricanes. And so I don't even know if I have that here. Ah yeah, it's in this article right in front of me on the oil crisis. And so I wanted to get into that because... and I what I didn't even detail in this article here, is the fact that there was a war over Tina. Is her name Tina? The latest hurricane. I keep calling her Tina. Rita, her name's Rita and I keep calling her Tina for some reason. Probably because she came right behind Katrina, and she's just like her.
But Rita, definitely man made, and was supposed to take out Houston. And the reason... you know the fires that were there were purposeful, man made. We've got a mess over there now, because what they had did, and this is just second hand info I have I can't prove what I'm saying or anything. But allegedly what they did was they had set up buildings with explosive devices. And they're running on charges. And as soon as the wind had reached a certain level, these buildings were supposed to explode.
And so the wind never reached that certain level. And so you now have a ton of buildings down in Houston, that have charges and explosives sitting in them, that were ready to go off when the wind hit a certain level. So if anybody can confirm that. I would love some confirmation on that. Send me an e-mail at [email protected]. Because that's what I heard about it. They were pretty much were going to burn that city down with fires this time.
There was a war between the aliens themselves and the NWO faction. The one increasing the wind, had it up to 170 or whatever 100 miles an hour. And the aliens weren't going to let them take out Houston. So what they did was they allegedly killed the whole hurricane, so by the time it hit landfall it only hit about 80 miles per hour wind. And so they weren't going to let them have a repeat on what they did in New Orleans for their own reasons. And so we've got factions fighting behind the scenes.
And so I wanted to point out this one article I put on my blogger this week. About the fact that the earth is running out of oil. Imagine transportation coming to a complete halt in this country. No one can drive their vehicles because there's no more gas. Which means trucks can't deliver goods to the stores. People can't get to work. The stores are empty and chaos erupts everywhere. I'm not just talking about outrageously high gas prices, which we will deal with for a while, but a complete blackout of oil and gasoline altogether because there just isn't any more.
You know as I sat thinking about this last week. The Lord had brought to my mind a scripture about the Chinese heading towards to Jerusalem to take on the Antichrist, in an attempt to kick him out of there overthrow his global rule. And they are described as going up the dry bed of the Euphrates River on horses. If you wonder why horses, it's because there's no fuel for all of their military vehicles. Apparently the Antichrist will have access to some. He gathers the world's armies to Jerusalem to help him fight against the advancing Chinese army, but the King of the East doesn't seem to have any.
Lately I've been reading about the Arabs in new places trying to find additional oil wells. I think the crisis is much more imminent that they're letting on. Experts estimate an oil crisis in 30 years or so. I don't give it 3 years. So what's their plan? To destroy America. American oil refineries making us dependent on foreign oil, to justify increasing the prices to perhaps $7 or $10 a gallon (Editors note: one US gallon = 3.79 litres). So the rich get richer, and the poor take to the streets in riots. And they're looking to implement martial law across the country, and this would seem to be the case the way to do it, just keep hiking up the oil.
But the problem is, the oil will start to run out everywhere. You know it doesn't matter how many countries the commander in sleep overtakes and conquerors for their oil, they're going to run out of it. So apparently he isn't aware of the coming events as he thinks he is. In the near future, probably not too distant future, no one is going to have any oil. There's going to be pandemonium in the nations. Massive starvation, death, chaos, mayhem, martial law and destruction.
And during this time, you're going to see Israel striking it rich. Israel's going to find a huge haul of oil on their land, and everyone's going to want it, especially the Chinese. And this folks is what will spark the Battle or Armageddon. And as I've stated, what I think about it, I think the idiots of the NWO here in America, aren't thinking twice of destroying our oil refineries with their HAARP weather weapons, because they have a two fold plan going. One to conquer and control everyone else's oil, whereby two they can sacrifice America's to put the population under martial law and implement their agenda from hell here.
And if you look at it, if they're controlling everybody else's oil, then they can sacrifice America's oil. They know if they destroyed our oil making capacity here in America. They did it with New Orleans. They attempted to do it with Houston. Then they could implement martial law here in America to start the planned pandemonium and chaos of what it would do to our oil and gasoline industry.
So that's why they weren't too worried. Only they're going to find soon enough, that all of the countries they've planned on controlling, are going to run out of oil themselves. You know, they've been played on their own chess board. And at this point, with their own logic, it's not those with the most gold gets to rule, it won't make a bit of difference, what it will be is those who can travel will. You know those who can travel are going to rule the world.
And this brought me to another thought, about what if it's not HAARP creating and directing these hurricanes, but the aliens themselves. And this is something other website had picked up, and when they voiced their views on it, they were attacked and taken down. The aliens know how dependant mankind is on oil, and if they destroy our refineries or prohibit access to them around the world, it would bring the economies and earthly societies to a complete halt, causing massive chaos. And then here they come, completely taking over the earth, holding mankind hostage to their demands.
You know, notice how vacant the squatter house has been over the past few months. Are they on vacation, or are they just on the run? Because they know the aliens are behind the hurricanes to destroy our refineries, and they know that these aliens are going to make good on their threats and are coming soon to take over. You know it makes you wonder which agenda is playing the cards right now. The NWO or the aliens? Because face it, I mean the White House, probably since the mid summer has been a place of... the last place I'd want to be. Put it that way.
You know Cheney's always hiding. Bush is on the run, he's hiding. He's doing everything he can to stay away from the place. And that's because they know that the aliens can target them and get a hold of them at the White House. It's not a big deal for aliens to show up there. And so yeah, it seems to me, they're like more or less on the run. You know in a time of war, people want to see their leader. Not necessarily traveling around the country, but showing a sense of strength from the oval office. That's another aspect Bush has completely failed at. He doesn't get it. And supposedly coming out with stories that he's drinking again. So he's probably been doing it a lot longer. I mean you can remember back when Reagan had Alzheimers, and they waited almost until his second term to even say a thing about it. So he's probably been going on a lot longer with his drinking.
But that's only one of his problems, I mean Bush has many. Drinking's just one of them. So this country is in trouble, you know. This country is in trouble. But as the Lord has told me, He says "don't pray to save this country, My judgment's already on it". What He wants us to do is pray for the salvation and repentance and redemption of the ones in it that are going to perish.
A lot of destruction coming. A lot of people are going to be dying in this country. And they're going to perish, they're going to be lost for eternity. So that's where our focus needs to go now. It need to go towards a message of repentance and salvation. And winning these people to heaven because when they die, they're going to spend eternity in hell folks. And so basically it's what He's told me this week. Stop praying for this country, don't try to save it. Try to save those that are in it because they're going to be perishing and lost for eternity.
And so now it's time to evangelize folks. It's time.. you know we've done what we can. Six, seven years I've been on these agendas, trying to wake up and warn people. And groups forming and protesting. We've just done too little, too late. We can no longer save this country. It's beyond our control now. And if it's not the Bush regime that takes it down, it's the faction in the wings waiting to take it down. There's no big patriot faction in the wings, that cares about us, the cares about the citizens of this country, that's going to restore it to what it once was, to what is should be.
If the Bush regime falls, all we've got is another regime in the background that's just as bad as he is. So time to change focus. Change of shift and not work to save this country any more, but the people that are in it.
Listener call-in line 260-3562611. Give me a call with your comments or questions. A tidbit of information this week from somebody out in Tacoma Washington. Who stated that big jumbo jets flying into McCord Air force Base, loaded with fully armed Russian troops. He stated that as soon as they landed, they were quickly unloaded, pushed into plane hangers, and closing the doors. You know this person lived in Tacoma Washington, was a listener of this show. Sent me this e-mail on it, so I sent it out to groups. Tried to see if anybody else had confirmation of seeing the same thing. I believe McCord Air force Base does have a several layer underground base there. And so they could easily hide Russian soldiers there.
I've been reading e-mails. Mexicans are in Texas. Soldiers coming in there armed soldiers. You know this is a hurricane this isn't a war zone. Why aren't these people coming in with food and water and blankets and shelters instead of machine guns? You know I think it's obvious that the whole thing was to condition the public into showing us, strong arming us into seeing a police state form in front of our eyes. You know that's what they want. They want a police state here.
But they kind of had one of their own legs chopped off underneath them this week. Because what they were doing was going through New Orleans and confiscating peoples guns. And of course we know that's the second amendment, is our right to own guns. It is illegal for the government to confiscate our guns. But they were doing it anyway stating that they had these emergency powers or whatever. But a judge struck them down and sided with groups like the national rifle association, and told them they could no longer confiscate citizens guns.
And so that was a victory in our court. You know just because this country is going down, doesn't mean we have to roll over. You know the Lord expects us to do exploits in these last days and to fight for the people. And that's what we're going to do, we're going to give them a fight. We're not going to just roll over and lay dead and let them walk all over us. You know we're to stand up and fight. And that's what people are doing and that's what I hope they continue to do, as it keeps going because it's not going to get any better.
But don't let yourself get embroiled and entangled in getting involved with government help and letting yourself being whisked off to these FEMA camps. Because you don't want to be taken to these FEMA camps. You know like I've said, these people that were involved with Katrina, some many hundreds of thousands of people evacuated, and no way of knowing who went where. You know and now the search is on for these families trying to find each other. And as time goes, we're going to hear less and less about these displaced evacuees. And a lot of these displaced evacuees were taken to FEMA camps and locked in, and they're not allowed to leave them. So they went from survivors of Hurricane Katrina to prisoners of the federal government.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Yeah, go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hello Sherry.
Sherry: Hey, how are you doing?
Caller: Pretty good, how are you doing?
Sherry: Oh, I'm ready to loose my voice here.
Caller: Ah too bad. This is Jeff from Tucson. (I think that's the place he meant - Simon)
Sherry: Hey how are you doing?
Caller: Pretty good, I just thought of calling you. You're just mentioning right now that it's time to evangelize and all that..
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: Like what because right now I'm trying to get certain family members to mind, I don't know to wake up to talk to them about that. To show them articles. Like my mom. She's getting there. She's starting to believe and wake up. Like my brother he's less skeptical and my wife too. Is there anything else that I could do that, you know that could steer them in that direction.
Sherry: All you can do is keep planting... like planting seeds of information to them. You know just talk it, and when they see it and they start seeing something funny, they'll recognize something you said. You know that's the only thing you can do because you can talk about.. like when I started talking about the alien agenda and people thought I was completely flipped until they go outside and see a UFO.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And all of a sudden it's like, "whoa, what's she talking about. She's right." You know, and that's all it takes. Just planting information, so that when they do see something they'll click and all you can do is pray for the Lord to open their eyes. Make them receptive to hear the truth.
Caller: You know, my wife and I have had debates about it, so I just thought... do I... if she asks questions I do try and give the best answers I can for her. But most of all... but most of all she's still skeptical.
Sherry: Right because they don't teach it in the churches. The church shepherds aren't preparing the people.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: They've left out Enoch and if anybody would read the first ten chapters of Enoch they would be very well aware of what's going on around us. You know so they kept this stuff in the dark. The Lord said as in the days of Noah. And encourage your wife to find out what happened in the days of Noah. Most of them... I don't know if she's a church-goer or not.
Caller: Yes she is, she's still caught in the catholic church you know the deceptions they're in the doctrines.
Sherry: Okay, the catholic church doesn't even preach.. I've never met a catholic that knew the prayer of salvation. So that's where you start. That would be the place to start, because I've never met a catholic that knew the prayer. They just don't teach it. They teach them they have to go to mass and do sacraments. They teach works before the acceptance of His salvation. You know faith is justified by our works. You can't be saved solely by works. You have to accept and receive His salvation. And they leave that part out with the Catholics.
Caller: Yes I know and this is you know I started reading your articles and listen to your program and all that. Now I see how deceptive the catholic church is. They've really kept a lot of important information out purposely. And it's lead a lot of people astray.
Sherry: Yeah, yeah.
Caller: I didn't realize how bad it was till I woke up. It's bad.
Sherry: Yeah and you know what just talk to her about the prayer of salvation. And I have it on my websites.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: Because they've never see it. I've never met a Catholic that knew it. That knew just to bow to Him, to accept the Lord as their Saviour. They don't... they're not taught that. That's the most basic fundamental of our faith. the only part of our faith that matters. You can be wrong in doctrines and teachings, because that doesn't save or condemn you. What saves or condemns you is the fact that you've accepted His gift of salvation. And so these people don't know that.
Caller: That's good advice.
Sherry: Yeah thankfully we're not judged on what we're right on or what we're wrong on, because nobody has it all right.
Caller: Yeah that's for sure, no one's perfect.
Sherry: Yeah, nobody has it all right, and He doesn't judge us on that. But He judges us on the fact that we accepted Him and we followed Him. Everything else is just secondary. So many people spend their entire lives on secondary issues, and fighting with the brethren on those, but they never build fruit for the kingdom.
Caller: Yeah there's just too much debates about (speaking together)
Sherry: Yeah debate and fight and keep on day and night...
Caller: Yeah, and they don't agree to disagree like you always say.
Sherry: Yeah they can't agree to disagree with any of them.
Caller: Yeah, it's hard, it's hard, it's real hard.
Sherry: Yeah. You know they think you're a pariah because you wont accept their view points.
Caller: And they think you're nuts.
Sherry: Yeah, and if somebody doesn't accept mine, I couldn't care less.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: Go to the Lord. Seek Him. Ask Him. You know that's all I have to say. I'm not going to sit and argue with somebody.
Caller: That's how I feel now, I just don't even bother with those people who don't want to even..
Sherry: Yeah you know anybody can get into a scripture war. You can prove any point you want to make by pulling out scripture. And I wont even go there.
Caller: It's just a waste of time.
Sherry: Yeah it is. (speaking together) Go ahead.
Caller: I'd like to ask you too, as far as martial law. When do you see America going into total martial law?
Sherry: We should have been in total martial law in 2004.
Caller: Oh really?
Sherry: So we've had a lot of delay. Yeah we should already have been knee deep in it by now.
Caller: Do you know why it's been delayed or...
Sherry: It's just the Lord. It's just the Lord's timing. It's His timing. You know watch Planet X. Because it's one of these judgments of His, this Planet X. He speeds it up and He slows it down. And if you keep on eye on Planet X because as it comes closer we're going to get a lot more destructions. We're going to be in martial law from two different things. One being so many natural catastrophies that they can't control. It will just turn this country into chaos because of Planet X coming in. Another being a planned martial law like these HAARPicanes St Louis and Houston. And the Russian accidental nuking of American cities, and you know terrorism. They'll try to use their own terrorism to throw America into martial law, or an oil crisis.
Caller: Right so it's hard to say right now when we're going into total martial law. Do you see it like in a year or two maybe?
Sherry: Yeah it's hard to say. And you know what the only thing that the Lord is putting on people right now is to stock up.
Caller: Yeah, I've been doing, like I told you, I've been doing that and I plan to buy some MREs, and I know you said those taste pretty good.
Sherry: They are, they're really good.
Caller: I'll probably order some pretty soon here.
Sherry: Yeah you can get a box online. I have on my site. I think it's
And they have 72 for $139.
Caller: Oh really?
Sherry: Yeah, and then at the, you can for meal deals, 14 Deluxe meals for like a $48 or $50. He also sells them on e-bay. You can get a lot of these MREs on Ebay. People need to stock up on food. Another thing is alternate energy sources so they can stay warm this winter if you're in cold area. Start looking for ways to stay warm. You're probably looking for ways to stay cool out in Arizona.
Caller: Yeah. The winters are pretty mild here, but who knows how it's going to be this winter.
Sherry: Yeah but those are the two biggest things. I think we've got about six months to stock up.
Caller: Yeah I remember you saying that, yeah.
Sherry: Yeah then after that it might be a really rough... I don't know what's coming up, for the next six months we need to be busy stocking up.
Caller: Yeah you know the water, the gallons of drinking water at Walmart are running at 58 cents a gallon (= 3.79 litres), so it's pretty cheap there.
Sherry: Yeah (speaking together)
Caller: ..I've been buying it there.
Sherry: That's a place to stock up. get one of those huge 55 gallon drums or whatever, that are food gradable. You can get those. Fill those up now why you've got water in your wells. I don't know if they have wells out in Arizona.
Caller: They have these underground pumps that they pump..
Sherry: Yeah people need to start getting ready. You know what, because like I said, we're lucky as it is. We should have already been in full blown martial law. And so we've had a reprieve.
Caller: I know you mentioned too that you expect maybe the first group of 144000 to be taken before next August. Can you give advice to people who might want to be the elect, like what else they can do besides keep the commandments and focus on the Lord. Is there anything else we can do to prepare..
Sherry: You know what, as long as you're seeking the Lord, it doesn't matter how much you know. I've been hearing from people that are so unlearned about what the bible says and I know they're the part of His elect. They're the part of His people, because it all comes down to your heart not your head. If you are seeking the Lord everyday and following Him.
Caller: I have been yeah.
Sherry: You know, don't open your bible and read it and say I'm seeking the Lord. I'm talking about a one on one talking to Him. Getting to know Him, talking to Him, building a relationship. These are His truth seekers, these are His people. And you've got to spend time talking to Him everyday.
Caller: Yeah I've been doing that, doing one on one with Him before I go to bed and in the morning when I wake up..
Sherry: And do it all day long.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: He likes hearing about the silly stuff. I'm lost, which way should I turn? One of these days, you're going to get an answer, you know what I mean? He likes being a part of everybody's daily lives.
Caller: I know it's too like I like being a part of Him too everyday, I like seeking Him talking to Him. Like you said it's like a relationship, friendship.
Sherry: And those are His people. Those are His. And especially if I make an ounce inkling of sense to you, it's for a reason. Because His people will recognize what I'm saying, He wakes them up, He leads them to me. And then things start clicking, and things start making sense to them.
Caller: Yeah that's what I feel about you, ever since He lead me to you that's how it feels, exactly.
Sherry: I make a lot of sense to the elect.
Caller: Yeah you do.
Sherry: (speaking together) You can always pretty much tell, but you know what, there's two different groups, and so one group is like a little bit totally different from the other. Like I've said, the elect and the bride are two totally different groups.
Caller: Yeah I read your article, your latest article, and it was very good. You talked about.. you clarified it even more towards the end where He talks about.. is it the bride, the one He says are allowed in heaven that are judged. The ones that help the second group.
Sherry: The first group is a support group for the second. And the first group is going to be able to do things that Enoch did, things that they can't even imagine. The first group is going to be a lot of fun.
Caller: That's the group I want to be part of.
Sherry: The second group is going to be here on earth pretty much evangelizing and healing.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And going throughout the actual tribulation period because they'll be dealing with the people. So it's a bit of a difference on what they do.
Caller: And the second group is a bride correct?
Sherry: Right.
Caller: And that's the part you clarified... you made. That made a lot of sense. You answered my question right there when I read that article. Because when He says you clothe Me you fed Me you sheltered Me that's why you're allowed into My kingdom, and I thought before He was talking about mainly the homeless the needy. But you clarified He's talking about the second group of 144,000 right?
Sherry: Yeah well those are the people that He allows into the millennial reign, the people that protected the second group.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: That fed them and clothed them and stuff. Yeah and He allows them into the millennial reign based on how they treated the first group, second group of people. If you notice in Matthew 24 which is something He had pointed out to me, and I had never noticed it before. I think it's verse 25. Is that when He is coming in the clouds with the saints. He is with 10,000s of His saints, at that point the angels go through the heavens to collect the elect. So why is the elect in the heavens, is because we're not always here on earth during the tribulation period. We can go back to and fro. And people don't understand that and you know what I told Ronda my partner and friend, "I'm crazy but this is how it goes". And then we'll see it just come pieces pieces before it's starts forming the puzzle much latter. Because I've seen in visions where this first group will be on, I don't know where we are, I guess some kind of planet or heaven itself or somewhere, and we come to and fro from the earth, and that's one of our landing places. That's where we stay.
Caller: That sounds so cool
Sherry: And you just can't even put it in words. But then latter over time, the Lord just keeps confirming and revealing more and more, you start to see the puzzle come together. It's pretty amazing, and there's a lot of things I've never come out with yet.
Caller: Yeah and I read what.. the message that He gave you on the 24th. That was very interesting. That shows that it's really getting close isn't it for His elect.
Sherry: Yeah it is getting close. And you know what it maybe the six months where the elect have to stock up and prepare for their families for leaving or whatever. All I can tell people is the we definitely have six months where we need to be stocking up.
Caller: Yeah I've definitely been doing that, I definitely..
Sherry: Especially if Chuck Youngbrandt is right and this is... we don't even know if this is the year, because I for some reason cannot get his years straight reading his material.
Caller: Kind of confusing.
Sherry: Yeah it's impossible. I need to get it myself, his own book and stuff. But yeah, if we were under attack in December, and his timetable is right, next August there could be a total fuel black out here. It would be pandemonium.
Caller: Oh yeah I can imagine.
Sherry: You know I've seen this coming myself. What better way to completely stop everything we're at and start the whole tribulation period by all of sudden no more oil anywhere in the world.
Caller: It would be chaos.
Sherry: Every nation goes into chaos, exactly. And that's how the whole exact tribulation period is, that's why it's the Anak who come in, his troops from Planet X and become FEMA, become the enforcers of the beast, become our law enforcement. You know all across America, they're going to be the ones that's going to be our law enforcement.
Caller: Yeah I know, I remember those articles about that.
Sherry: Yeah, I mean I can't even explain it. I mean.. you know if I can explain what I see it would be a miracle in itself. But it's going to be total chaos here and any kind of man law enforcement will be replaced by these giants. And it's just going to be pandemonium and chaos and that can come either from an outright alien invasion or the fact that we're out of oil and they take over. Because what I think is interesting is that I just posted on my blogger today, a confirmation about every year, I post there, that I see this alien this UFO invasion on capital hill on July 4th.
Caller: Yeah I read that.
Sherry: Yeah and somebody sent me a link and sent pictures of all of these UFO's they saw on Capital Hill on July 4th and July 16th.
Caller: Yeah I saw those today. I was looking at those this afternoon.
Sherry: Yeah and it's stuff I've been saying every year for four years, five years now.
Caller: It's happening.
Sherry: Eventually these things are going to come shooting.
Caller: Really?
Sherry: They're not only going to come, "Oh here we are, now you see us, no you don't". They're going to come shooting. When they come, when they invade, it will be a hostile invasion. And so at this point, it's either going to be one or the other. The NWO faction crowd wins or the alien crowd. If the alien crowd does come in, they will come in shooting.
Caller: You know you said they're in derision our governments a total joke and so's the illuminati crowd..
Sherry: And they're running from them. Bush and Cheney are running from them. They're hiding from them. Because they are threatening to take over, and they've been for quite a while. (speaking together) Every time they come close to doing something, the NWO throws in a monkey wrench like a hurricane to distract them, to delay it.
Caller: Do you expect more hurricanes then down the road? Do you think...
Sherry: Definitely still have till the end of October this year. Could see like an earthquake based tsunami in October.
Caller: Oh October.
Sherry: That pounds the west coast. We are not out of the light yet. Especially next year, the same thing's going to happen all over again. More devastating hurricanes that were worse than this year's. It's going to keep getting worse and worse and worse, it's not going to get any better.
Caller: Part of the bombings... we expect bombings right like maybe in December if I remember correctly.
Sherry: Yeah, well you know some people are saying that the Russian attack doesn't happen till 2007. I have seen the same Russian attack and never had a year on it. But it's always in the winter.
Caller: Can I ask you a question about your visions that the Lord shows you, are they pretty clear or are they kind of fuzzy?
Sherry: Oh no, they're very clear.
Caller: Are they?
Sherry: Oh yeah I could open my eyes and still see them.
Caller: Really?
Sherry: Yeah, it's like, you know it doesn't matter, eyes closed or open you can still see the same thing over and over.
Caller: I know you've mentioned about the reptilian eating people. I don't know if you're comfortable talking about it, but can you describe what they look like? I know...are they snake looking or..
Sherry: Well the thing with reptilians is that they can shape shift into Anaks. They can look humanoid. But what I think.. you know the Anaks themselves.. I have not seen the lizards eating people, I've seen the Anak themselves.
Caller: When they're in human form?
Sherry: The 9 foot (= 2.74 meters) human looking... are vicious. They're vicious. They're cruel. And so they will be the ones walking the earth eating people. (speaking together) ... eat them. And these are people that are still alive. (speaking together) The reptilians... I might have to get up and walk a little bit here. The reptilians will eat dead corpses as the greys will. But I don't think the Anaks do, I think the Anaks eat live corpses.
Caller: (speaking together) are more like vultures then.
Sherry: What's that?
Caller: They're more like vultures then, they just eat what's already dead.
Sherry: Yeah, and they all do. And the things is that the famine is going to get so bad that mankind's going to be doing it too.
Caller: Oh gosh.
Sherry: Everybody is going to be doing it. Because food is going to become to a complete halt. When we have an oil and gas black out. There's going to be no way of stocking the shelves in the stores, there's going to be no way to survive.
Caller: It's going to be insanity then.
Sherry: Especially people in the cities. You know, if that isn't bad enough, then you've got this whole zombiism thing coming up.
Caller: Yeah I remember.
Sherry: I mean we're just getting hit from so many different directions. People wont see it coming and I can't stress strong enough, hard enough, get out of the cities. Have a plan to get away from cities. And go hide.
Caller: Luckily I live outside the city limits of Tucson. I don't live directly in Tucson, I live on the other side of the Tucson mountain so it's. I guess I kind of lucked out on that. (speaking together)
Sherry: You don't want to be around other people. You know I would get into a.. find other believers. Kind of band together with them to go somewhere. But you do not want to be with people that are not believers. You do not want to be mixed in with general society people during these times.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And the Lord eventually during the tribulation period, He is going to hide His people. But the problem is before that even comes about, they're going to go through a persecution and testing. And He's going to allow it. He's allowing His people to go through this. A lot of them.
Caller: Well even the believers are being tested, like you and I right..
Sherry: Well there are people that He's already tested. I mean I don't know about you, but I'm tested about every day of the year.
Caller: Oh yeah I know. Yeah you've been through the mill I know.
Sherry: If you're already one of these ones that's been through the mill, you've already been tested and you're already telling me what you're going to do. You've already gone through that. There's a lot of them in the churches today who've sought Him in their own ways and not the ways He's told them to do, and He's going to allow them to be tested.
Caller: Oh I see.
Sherry: You know they're in disobedience to Him, but they're His. And those are the ones He's going to allow to be tested.
Caller: I have to ask you too before I let you go. Do you plan on writing a third book?
Sherry: I don't have any plans right now. I didn't even think I would see the first one come out.
Caller: If you ever do plan to, let me know if you want me to design another book cover for you. I'd be happy to do it. Just let me know.
Sherry: Oh yeah it would be great. I mean yeah I don't have plans, I don't think we have enough time.
Caller: Yeah I know. I understand. Time's very short you know. But I'm going to let you go Sherry.
Sherry: All right, thanks for calling in.
Caller: God bless you and your family Sherry, I'll talk to you later.
Sherry: Okay God bless.
Caller: Bye.
Sherry: Bye.
We've got about... yeah? I though Steve said something I must be hearing things. I'm hearing Steve. Got about five or ten minutes left here folks. If you want to call in at 260-356-2611, we have ten more minutes of this hour.
Ah...where am I? I'm going to talk about Iraq here, because in this article that came about this week, is that Iraq soldiers were found dressed as Arabs. And what they did, was they detained, Iraqi soldiers detained, two British soldiers in civilian clothes in Basra for firing on a police station. And so what the Britons do is bomb this police station to break out these two Britons out of jail. And it's classic of what we keep seeing, is that they keep the terrorism going by posing as our enemies. You know these Britons were dressed up as Iraqis, bombing the police station so they would blame it on Iraqis, when it's really the British.
You know we keep seeing.. that's such a Mossad tactic, you know it's so Mossad. They want to keep doing is foment the violence, keep it going. Blame it on our enemies so that justifies the fact that we go to war against our enemies, when our enemies, supposed enemies didn't do it to begin with. You know if you need proof on that you've got 911. Have our government spend years planning that thing. Planting explosive devices in the basement of those towers. Lining the columns of those towers with explosive devices. And then blaming it on Arabs and airplanes running into the towers. You know it's hog wash.
You know our government's behind all these terrorism acts...
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hello Sherry.
Sherry: Hello.
Caller: This is Al Ron from New Jersey.
Sherry: Hello (speaking together)
Caller: a while back, three or four months ago. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and he came up with some pretty interesting questions which I want to ask you. One of the questions was, what's the color of oil?
Sherry: The color of oil?
Caller: The color of oil.
Sherry: I know by the time we get it, it's black.
Caller: That's correct. Where does oil come from?
Sherry: Don't tell me it comes out green and by the time we see it it's black. (unclear) your question.
Caller: Where does it come from?
Sherry: The earth.
Caller: Ah yeah, but from what? What make a well I should say?
Sherry: I don't know, I mean I just want oil, I don't know how..
Caller: Well basically dead bodies and dead plants. And he caused me to think about some things and what these people in power are fighting over is death basically, black death. Oil.
Sherry: They call it black gold.
Caller: They call it black gold but it's exactly black death because it comes from death.
Sherry: Ah interesting.
Caller: (unclear) in the earth, the (unclear) in the earth are dead bodies, dead plants, that where oil comes from.
Sherry: But they find this stuff in oceans and in the deserts. Maybe previous civilizations or something?
Caller: Well that was his point. So I thought was kind of an interesting thing to think about, I thought. So I thought I would put the question to you. But I'm praying for you always. Like I told you in the past I thought I was the only one that was thinking in the area you're thinking in. And I still get the dreams of the attacks of the UFO's are whatever you want to call them.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: And it's a real thing that people have got to wake up, and not only that but everything else we were talking about. People taking over, the scalar weapons, the weather modification weapons, that they're using on us. Everything they're doing. The genetic food, genetic modified food, everything. I means it's crazy so. People better just get with the Lord Jesus Christ real quick.
Sherry: Yeah, just like you said, they're going to be many perishing here. It's not even time to start saving our country any more, it's time to fight against them, try to stay alive. And evangelize those who are perishing.
Caller: Right, that's what we're here for. I just read about that when the disciple said to Christ, well Lord why don't we call lightening down from the sky and destroy these people. And Christ said to them, "I don't come to destroy man, I came to save man." And that's our job I guess. People will become saved.
Sherry: He had duel roles you know. He came as a suffering messiah, and when He comes again, He's coming with a sword to judge.
Caller: When He comes again, they better watch out.
Sherry: Yeah. And time's running out and people have no thought ahead. They can fight and haggle with you about camps if they exist and martial law, if it's going to happen or not. But one thing that's not guaranteed to anybody is they've even going to wake up alive the next day.
Caller: That's right. And that could happen now.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: that...
Sherry: I mean you can haggle about the future, but what about now?
Caller: That's right.
Sherry: You know.
Caller: He said "now is the day of salvation".
Sherry: Exactly.
Caller: Not tomorrow or next week, because it's not promised to anyone not any of us.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: The bottom line is I know where I'm going, when I go.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: I'd be happy to be there.
Sherry: And you want to take as many with you as possible.
Caller: Absolutely. I want some crowns when I get there...
Sherry: This whole part of this is building His kingdom while we're here, and not being so focused on building up how many possessions we have.
Caller: That's exactly right, I agree.
Sherry: You know because they're all going to be stolen and looted and robbed...
Caller: That's true.
Sherry: People need to shift their focus.
Caller: All that stuff is temporary.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: The only thing that's going to last is the kingdom of God. And that's where we stand. That's where we should be living in right now as we speak. All of us.
Sherry: Yeah it's time for a massive shift in priorities.
Caller: I love to listen to your show and God bless and I know He's with you. And just keep on keeping on and I sure He will continue to bless you.
Sherry: Well thank you for calling in.
Caller: All right you're welcome.
Sherry: Yeah don't be a stranger just keep calling in.
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: All right.
Caller: Good evening.
Sherry: All right, you have a good night. God bless.
And we've got about two or three minutes here folks. The guys from New Jersey. (I think Sherry was trying to imitate an accent when she said "New Jersey" - Simon) I like those people because I can always recognize them when they call in. The New Jersey or the New Yorks or the Bostons. The east coast has these distinct accents. I mean then you get the southern ones. (Editors note: All Americans sound the same to me - Simon) Of course the people, the really out there ones who claim I have an accent. I don't have an accent. You know I don't .... Ohioans don't have accents. And I always here from these people about this accent I have. I don't have an accent. But you do. (hahaha)
Let's talk about the NWO and the Talmud. Simply because last week I said I would. And I'm going to simply because they're so annoying. You know as soon as you start talking about the Talmud, anywhere on line, all of sudden you have all of these trolls attacking you. To come up against you and fight against anything you're saying, because they don't want people to believe what you're saying. And these are the same people that I battled years ago with the site. They kept having my site being taken down. And finally I got around it. The web host providers, kind of did something through the back door to keep me up, to keep my sites up. You know otherwise my site would be permanently down because of these people.
And they also petitioned Paypal to have me kicked out of Paypal for writing up a hate site. And what they thought they would do is that, if I lost Paypal, I would pretty much loose my ministry, my business, I would just go away. And the fact is I don't run a business. So the fact I lost Paypal and I could no longer use them to get donations, didn't mean a whole lot to me. You know so what. The Lord will provide. I'm not running a business here.
And what really appalled me was hearing from other messianic website on the internet that had lost their websites because these people had done the same things to them, and they could no longer afford to stay up. Simply because they lost access to Paypal. And you know it's like where's you faith you know?
I mean the Lord's always provided for me on a month to month basis. Most of you following these since day one. Usually it will come down to the last day of the month, but He's always paid my bills, always kept me up. You know and so I'm not going to let these retards (Editors note: "me-pha-greem" in Hebrew. - Simon) win. They're not going to win in their attacks against me. And what they want to do is keep anything that reveals and exposes the Talmud off the internet. So they attack the people behind it, they attack the websites behind it that do. And that's why they've always come up against me and my websites.
We're at the top of the hour. In about five minutes. We're going to take about a five minute break, and then we'll be back for the second part of the show. See you then.
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
September 26, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 26 September 2005 - 1st hour
And welcome to the show everybody, I'm Sherry Shriner. Barely here tonight, I can barely speak. I'm going to do the show. I lost my voice over the weekend. I was losing it to begin with, and then had some really intense football games over the weekend, and I think the side whose parents are yelling the loudest wins. We won both games in overtime and I just about lost my voice with it.
So I'm going to hang in their tonight anyway. I wanted to have a listener call-in tonight, so go ahead and call in with your comments and questions at 260-356-2611. These are probably the nights I should bring a guest on, I don't have to talk as much. No shortage of guests, a lot of people wanting to get on this show. And a lot of requests to have certain people on this show. And you know basically, I just do as the Lord leads folks.
You know this a Bible prophecy oriented type show, and I want things on here that are relating to end times events. Or NWO oriented, or aliens oriented. So a lot of people in the mainstream just don't fit that mold. So that's the only reason I don't have a lot of guests on this show. When I bring somebody on, it's usually to talk about something specific. I don't always agree with my guests, but some of them have had some good view points that needed to be heard.
Like I said, don't ever box yourself in one view point. Don't get boxed in, in believing things are only going to happen one way. And just because I spend a lot of time on particular ways or views, doesn't mean I won't bring somebody else on this show with a different view. You know it's not about who's right. It's who's prepared. You know there's a lot of preparation needed for the last days, a lot of people expecting for things to happen a particular way. And I don't think things are going to happen, bullet-proofed outline like the churches teach, like we've been lead to believe they will. There's going to be a lot of monkey wrenches thrown in the mix. A lot of things happening people don't expect.
And the only way that's going to happen, you're not expecting it, is because you got boxed in on one type of a viewpoint. This way if you know them all, you know all the players behind the scenes, then you're not going to get taken by surprise.
I wrote an article this week on my blogger, called "The Coming Oil Crisis". And I thought it was really kind of funny because of all these self prescribed prophecy gurus on the internet from the church crowd. The only comment was "What oil crisis". You know, "we're not in an oil crisis". And the only thing I have to say is, "how's the temperature in the sand?" You know these people need to pull their heads out of the sand. There's a lot of things going on. Just because their pastors aren't teaching it, doesn't mean these things aren't reality. And it's a lot of these people in the churches today, that are so mind controlled and brain washed, ignoring reality, that are going to get blind sided by it.
You know a lot of these persecutions are coming up for the Christians. The reason why so many are going to die, is because they simply weren't expecting it. And when it did happen, the only thing they can resort to, was the mind controlled conditioning to submit and go like sheep to the slaughter. The Lord doesn't teach that. The Lord teaches self defense. He teaches to protect your self and your families and your properties. And you know what, when the goons come for you, take a few out on your way out. Defend yourself, defend your property. Don't roll over like a bunch of sandbags. That's exactly what they want you to do.
And that's exactly what some of these preachers on television or anywhere else, even on the internet will tell you to do. Because they work for the agenda. And their whole thing is yeah they're going to give you all of the information they have. They're going to tell you about the coming martial law. They'll tell you about all the camps that they have. They'll even tell you where they're at. They don't care what kind of information you have, it's your reaction to it, that they're trying to control. So that's where the whole spin angle comes in. That's where they want you to submit and go like sheep to the slaughter.
And the Lord has stood me up, especially this week. He's told me, "Fight for My people, and teach them to defend themselves". You know I wrote an article on that a while ago. I don't .... maybe a month or two ago. "A Call to Arms". And you can read it at, or in my articles section. It's called "A Call to Arms". And it details Christians who should be ready and prepared to defend themselves and their families.
And that also works as a deterrent folks. They're going to think twice about coming after the Lord's believers that they know are armed. And I'm not talking about the period when the Lord will hide His bride during the mid part. When He protects His bride from the hour of temptation that comes upon the world. And the hour of temptation being when the mark of the beast is enforced. He will protect His people at that point. But we've got a way to go before that happens folks, and we'll probably see a Russian and Chinese invasion here on American soil. Some kind of invasion, some kind of martial law, before we even get to that point. And so you need to be prepared for that. And so read that article..
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry:.. it's called "A Call to Arms", that I put out.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Listener call in line 260-3562611.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Sherry, Hi this is Anita.
Sherry: Hey Anita, how are you doing?
Caller: Really good. I've been listening to all of your articles even when you very first started. And I just recently listened to "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow".
Sherry: Yeah. Constance Cumbey.
Caller: Where you were talking about how the New Agers were putting in their bibles, when they see.. when Christ comes the second time, that they're going to see Him on TV.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: Well I had been listening to an Assembly of God, Church of God minister for quite some time and he was promoting his own bible, and it was quite expensive. And he wanted to sell some, and you know you send your money in to buy other people bibles who couldn't afford them. So when I got my bible, I got all the other bibles I purchased also that were supposed to be given to these other people. So the first thing I did was I gave them out, and then I flicked over to Revelation. And the very first thing I see, is he's talking about how it's going to be seen on TV. And I'm thinking, this is not the word of God You're having a form of power but denying it, you know what I'm saying?
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: Because I think when God says you're going to see Him, you're going to see Him.
Sherry: Literally in the skies returning with thousands of His saints according to the prophet Zechariah.
Caller: Right. But that just blowed me away. And my mouth just fell open. And I'm like oh my gosh I deny it when I hear. This other lady, I mean that's just confirmation. And I'm like that's just a real thing. Then we went through Hurricane Katrina, and we didn't lose our homes or anything, but martial law came to our town.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: I have been listening to you talk about martial law and I was blown away again. So I start telling my mum and dad, some of things other people would talk about on different radio talk shows and everything. And I got blasted.
Sherry: Of course.
Caller: You know "I'm a nut", "I shouldn't listen to stuff like this". But it's all there.
Sherry: Yeah. And you know what, no matter how crazy people think you are, they will remember the things that you say. And when they start to see things for themselves, then they'll recognize what you we're talking about. All is not lost.
Caller: It's just mind blowing. Then today I heard... let me ask you this. Do you have a minute?
Sherry: Oh sure.
Caller: I heard on CNN the other night when they were expecting Rita to hit Houston and Galveston where the chemical factories were and the oil refineries and all of this stuff, that they were expecting a chemical vapor cloud. Toxic cloud, and they were going to contain it.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: And I asked my mom and dad at the supper table, I said, "how are they going to contain a chemical cloud?"
Sherry: (unclear) making the hurricane
Caller: What?
Sherry: There's a war going on behind the scenes of that hurricane, I'm going to talk a little about it here later. But it really was a war between the factions on that whole hurricane there. And so what they... do you live in Houston or are you over in Louisianna?
Caller: I'm in Mississippi.
Sherry: Okay, you're in Mississippi. Yeah because these are man-made hurricanes.
Caller: From HAARP right?
Sherry: Yeah but I threw out an article this week, whose agenda is it really, is it NWO is it aliens, "who's behind the hurricanes". I don't know if you read that?
Caller: Not yet.
Sherry: I think I put it on my blogger.
Caller: I read the blogger that you put out today.
Sherry: Okay, yeah well I think I threw it on my blogger, "Who's really behind the hurricanes?" And it was interesting because somebody sent me a link to another website online. And it was the same group trying to detail that the aliens were the ones behind the hurricanes. And they were getting all kinds of attacks, and sites being taken down because of it. And here when I put it up, I didn't have any problem. So obviously they don't want that kind of info out. But there's a two edged sword on the whole thing. I'm going to get into that later tonight, over who's trying to control the hurricanes. What exactly is going on. People think I'm crazy when I talk about aliens so walk in my shoes for a day.
Caller: I'm not sure if I agree on the alien part or not. I think they're demons or fallen angels or whatever you want to call them...
Sherry: They're fallen angels. They're fallen angels.
Caller: I've never seen an alien, I'm aware of the other spiritual realm that we're dealing with.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And the Lord will give you discernment if you pray for it, and ask Him to show you.
Sherry: We know that the fallen angels inhabit the first and second heavenly. And demons are just spirits of the dead Nephilim. So there's two different enemies, and the churches don't teach that. The churches just teach you, "oh they're demons".
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And they don't teach you that there's a difference between demons and fallen angels. And so that's when you get into the book of Enoch you'll learn it. If you read the Book of Enoch, you'll learn it. If you read the Book of Enoch.
Caller: I asked my uncle who was a preacher about the Nephilim because my mommy and daddy had never heard of it. He said that's just theory (speaking together)
Sherry: because the churches don't teach it and they didn't put Enoch in the final KJV version.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And so people don't go out to search it to read it. And I have it on my website at
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: You can go and read Enoch, and it'll explain within the first ten chapters, you know, everything. Who the demons are, who the aliens are. What they did, the watchers when they fell. Their rebellions and it explains so much, puts so much into context.
Caller: I just want to encourage you to keep up the good work. I thank you for all your information that you're putting out there, and your websites that you put for us to go look at. It's just really astonishing what the Lord's doing with you.
Sherry: Oh well thank you, you know..
Caller: You're welcome. I appreciate you, and you have a wonderful night okay.
Sherry: You too, thanks for calling in.
Caller: Bye
Sherry: Bye, God bless.
I kind of had fun with this week, I was putting up various articles again about things going on. And one of the articles I sent out was who was really behind the hurricanes. And so I don't even know if I have that here. Ah yeah, it's in this article right in front of me on the oil crisis. And so I wanted to get into that because... and I what I didn't even detail in this article here, is the fact that there was a war over Tina. Is her name Tina? The latest hurricane. I keep calling her Tina. Rita, her name's Rita and I keep calling her Tina for some reason. Probably because she came right behind Katrina, and she's just like her.
But Rita, definitely man made, and was supposed to take out Houston. And the reason... you know the fires that were there were purposeful, man made. We've got a mess over there now, because what they had did, and this is just second hand info I have I can't prove what I'm saying or anything. But allegedly what they did was they had set up buildings with explosive devices. And they're running on charges. And as soon as the wind had reached a certain level, these buildings were supposed to explode.
And so the wind never reached that certain level. And so you now have a ton of buildings down in Houston, that have charges and explosives sitting in them, that were ready to go off when the wind hit a certain level. So if anybody can confirm that. I would love some confirmation on that. Send me an e-mail at [email protected]. Because that's what I heard about it. They were pretty much were going to burn that city down with fires this time.
There was a war between the aliens themselves and the NWO faction. The one increasing the wind, had it up to 170 or whatever 100 miles an hour. And the aliens weren't going to let them take out Houston. So what they did was they allegedly killed the whole hurricane, so by the time it hit landfall it only hit about 80 miles per hour wind. And so they weren't going to let them have a repeat on what they did in New Orleans for their own reasons. And so we've got factions fighting behind the scenes.
And so I wanted to point out this one article I put on my blogger this week. About the fact that the earth is running out of oil. Imagine transportation coming to a complete halt in this country. No one can drive their vehicles because there's no more gas. Which means trucks can't deliver goods to the stores. People can't get to work. The stores are empty and chaos erupts everywhere. I'm not just talking about outrageously high gas prices, which we will deal with for a while, but a complete blackout of oil and gasoline altogether because there just isn't any more.
You know as I sat thinking about this last week. The Lord had brought to my mind a scripture about the Chinese heading towards to Jerusalem to take on the Antichrist, in an attempt to kick him out of there overthrow his global rule. And they are described as going up the dry bed of the Euphrates River on horses. If you wonder why horses, it's because there's no fuel for all of their military vehicles. Apparently the Antichrist will have access to some. He gathers the world's armies to Jerusalem to help him fight against the advancing Chinese army, but the King of the East doesn't seem to have any.
Lately I've been reading about the Arabs in new places trying to find additional oil wells. I think the crisis is much more imminent that they're letting on. Experts estimate an oil crisis in 30 years or so. I don't give it 3 years. So what's their plan? To destroy America. American oil refineries making us dependent on foreign oil, to justify increasing the prices to perhaps $7 or $10 a gallon (Editors note: one US gallon = 3.79 litres). So the rich get richer, and the poor take to the streets in riots. And they're looking to implement martial law across the country, and this would seem to be the case the way to do it, just keep hiking up the oil.
But the problem is, the oil will start to run out everywhere. You know it doesn't matter how many countries the commander in sleep overtakes and conquerors for their oil, they're going to run out of it. So apparently he isn't aware of the coming events as he thinks he is. In the near future, probably not too distant future, no one is going to have any oil. There's going to be pandemonium in the nations. Massive starvation, death, chaos, mayhem, martial law and destruction.
And during this time, you're going to see Israel striking it rich. Israel's going to find a huge haul of oil on their land, and everyone's going to want it, especially the Chinese. And this folks is what will spark the Battle or Armageddon. And as I've stated, what I think about it, I think the idiots of the NWO here in America, aren't thinking twice of destroying our oil refineries with their HAARP weather weapons, because they have a two fold plan going. One to conquer and control everyone else's oil, whereby two they can sacrifice America's to put the population under martial law and implement their agenda from hell here.
And if you look at it, if they're controlling everybody else's oil, then they can sacrifice America's oil. They know if they destroyed our oil making capacity here in America. They did it with New Orleans. They attempted to do it with Houston. Then they could implement martial law here in America to start the planned pandemonium and chaos of what it would do to our oil and gasoline industry.
So that's why they weren't too worried. Only they're going to find soon enough, that all of the countries they've planned on controlling, are going to run out of oil themselves. You know, they've been played on their own chess board. And at this point, with their own logic, it's not those with the most gold gets to rule, it won't make a bit of difference, what it will be is those who can travel will. You know those who can travel are going to rule the world.
And this brought me to another thought, about what if it's not HAARP creating and directing these hurricanes, but the aliens themselves. And this is something other website had picked up, and when they voiced their views on it, they were attacked and taken down. The aliens know how dependant mankind is on oil, and if they destroy our refineries or prohibit access to them around the world, it would bring the economies and earthly societies to a complete halt, causing massive chaos. And then here they come, completely taking over the earth, holding mankind hostage to their demands.
You know, notice how vacant the squatter house has been over the past few months. Are they on vacation, or are they just on the run? Because they know the aliens are behind the hurricanes to destroy our refineries, and they know that these aliens are going to make good on their threats and are coming soon to take over. You know it makes you wonder which agenda is playing the cards right now. The NWO or the aliens? Because face it, I mean the White House, probably since the mid summer has been a place of... the last place I'd want to be. Put it that way.
You know Cheney's always hiding. Bush is on the run, he's hiding. He's doing everything he can to stay away from the place. And that's because they know that the aliens can target them and get a hold of them at the White House. It's not a big deal for aliens to show up there. And so yeah, it seems to me, they're like more or less on the run. You know in a time of war, people want to see their leader. Not necessarily traveling around the country, but showing a sense of strength from the oval office. That's another aspect Bush has completely failed at. He doesn't get it. And supposedly coming out with stories that he's drinking again. So he's probably been doing it a lot longer. I mean you can remember back when Reagan had Alzheimers, and they waited almost until his second term to even say a thing about it. So he's probably been going on a lot longer with his drinking.
But that's only one of his problems, I mean Bush has many. Drinking's just one of them. So this country is in trouble, you know. This country is in trouble. But as the Lord has told me, He says "don't pray to save this country, My judgment's already on it". What He wants us to do is pray for the salvation and repentance and redemption of the ones in it that are going to perish.
A lot of destruction coming. A lot of people are going to be dying in this country. And they're going to perish, they're going to be lost for eternity. So that's where our focus needs to go now. It need to go towards a message of repentance and salvation. And winning these people to heaven because when they die, they're going to spend eternity in hell folks. And so basically it's what He's told me this week. Stop praying for this country, don't try to save it. Try to save those that are in it because they're going to be perishing and lost for eternity.
And so now it's time to evangelize folks. It's time.. you know we've done what we can. Six, seven years I've been on these agendas, trying to wake up and warn people. And groups forming and protesting. We've just done too little, too late. We can no longer save this country. It's beyond our control now. And if it's not the Bush regime that takes it down, it's the faction in the wings waiting to take it down. There's no big patriot faction in the wings, that cares about us, the cares about the citizens of this country, that's going to restore it to what it once was, to what is should be.
If the Bush regime falls, all we've got is another regime in the background that's just as bad as he is. So time to change focus. Change of shift and not work to save this country any more, but the people that are in it.
Listener call-in line 260-3562611. Give me a call with your comments or questions. A tidbit of information this week from somebody out in Tacoma Washington. Who stated that big jumbo jets flying into McCord Air force Base, loaded with fully armed Russian troops. He stated that as soon as they landed, they were quickly unloaded, pushed into plane hangers, and closing the doors. You know this person lived in Tacoma Washington, was a listener of this show. Sent me this e-mail on it, so I sent it out to groups. Tried to see if anybody else had confirmation of seeing the same thing. I believe McCord Air force Base does have a several layer underground base there. And so they could easily hide Russian soldiers there.
I've been reading e-mails. Mexicans are in Texas. Soldiers coming in there armed soldiers. You know this is a hurricane this isn't a war zone. Why aren't these people coming in with food and water and blankets and shelters instead of machine guns? You know I think it's obvious that the whole thing was to condition the public into showing us, strong arming us into seeing a police state form in front of our eyes. You know that's what they want. They want a police state here.
But they kind of had one of their own legs chopped off underneath them this week. Because what they were doing was going through New Orleans and confiscating peoples guns. And of course we know that's the second amendment, is our right to own guns. It is illegal for the government to confiscate our guns. But they were doing it anyway stating that they had these emergency powers or whatever. But a judge struck them down and sided with groups like the national rifle association, and told them they could no longer confiscate citizens guns.
And so that was a victory in our court. You know just because this country is going down, doesn't mean we have to roll over. You know the Lord expects us to do exploits in these last days and to fight for the people. And that's what we're going to do, we're going to give them a fight. We're not going to just roll over and lay dead and let them walk all over us. You know we're to stand up and fight. And that's what people are doing and that's what I hope they continue to do, as it keeps going because it's not going to get any better.
But don't let yourself get embroiled and entangled in getting involved with government help and letting yourself being whisked off to these FEMA camps. Because you don't want to be taken to these FEMA camps. You know like I've said, these people that were involved with Katrina, some many hundreds of thousands of people evacuated, and no way of knowing who went where. You know and now the search is on for these families trying to find each other. And as time goes, we're going to hear less and less about these displaced evacuees. And a lot of these displaced evacuees were taken to FEMA camps and locked in, and they're not allowed to leave them. So they went from survivors of Hurricane Katrina to prisoners of the federal government.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Yeah, go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hello Sherry.
Sherry: Hey, how are you doing?
Caller: Pretty good, how are you doing?
Sherry: Oh, I'm ready to loose my voice here.
Caller: Ah too bad. This is Jeff from Tucson. (I think that's the place he meant - Simon)
Sherry: Hey how are you doing?
Caller: Pretty good, I just thought of calling you. You're just mentioning right now that it's time to evangelize and all that..
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: Like what because right now I'm trying to get certain family members to mind, I don't know to wake up to talk to them about that. To show them articles. Like my mom. She's getting there. She's starting to believe and wake up. Like my brother he's less skeptical and my wife too. Is there anything else that I could do that, you know that could steer them in that direction.
Sherry: All you can do is keep planting... like planting seeds of information to them. You know just talk it, and when they see it and they start seeing something funny, they'll recognize something you said. You know that's the only thing you can do because you can talk about.. like when I started talking about the alien agenda and people thought I was completely flipped until they go outside and see a UFO.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And all of a sudden it's like, "whoa, what's she talking about. She's right." You know, and that's all it takes. Just planting information, so that when they do see something they'll click and all you can do is pray for the Lord to open their eyes. Make them receptive to hear the truth.
Caller: You know, my wife and I have had debates about it, so I just thought... do I... if she asks questions I do try and give the best answers I can for her. But most of all... but most of all she's still skeptical.
Sherry: Right because they don't teach it in the churches. The church shepherds aren't preparing the people.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: They've left out Enoch and if anybody would read the first ten chapters of Enoch they would be very well aware of what's going on around us. You know so they kept this stuff in the dark. The Lord said as in the days of Noah. And encourage your wife to find out what happened in the days of Noah. Most of them... I don't know if she's a church-goer or not.
Caller: Yes she is, she's still caught in the catholic church you know the deceptions they're in the doctrines.
Sherry: Okay, the catholic church doesn't even preach.. I've never met a catholic that knew the prayer of salvation. So that's where you start. That would be the place to start, because I've never met a catholic that knew the prayer. They just don't teach it. They teach them they have to go to mass and do sacraments. They teach works before the acceptance of His salvation. You know faith is justified by our works. You can't be saved solely by works. You have to accept and receive His salvation. And they leave that part out with the Catholics.
Caller: Yes I know and this is you know I started reading your articles and listen to your program and all that. Now I see how deceptive the catholic church is. They've really kept a lot of important information out purposely. And it's lead a lot of people astray.
Sherry: Yeah, yeah.
Caller: I didn't realize how bad it was till I woke up. It's bad.
Sherry: Yeah and you know what just talk to her about the prayer of salvation. And I have it on my websites.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: Because they've never see it. I've never met a Catholic that knew it. That knew just to bow to Him, to accept the Lord as their Saviour. They don't... they're not taught that. That's the most basic fundamental of our faith. the only part of our faith that matters. You can be wrong in doctrines and teachings, because that doesn't save or condemn you. What saves or condemns you is the fact that you've accepted His gift of salvation. And so these people don't know that.
Caller: That's good advice.
Sherry: Yeah thankfully we're not judged on what we're right on or what we're wrong on, because nobody has it all right.
Caller: Yeah that's for sure, no one's perfect.
Sherry: Yeah, nobody has it all right, and He doesn't judge us on that. But He judges us on the fact that we accepted Him and we followed Him. Everything else is just secondary. So many people spend their entire lives on secondary issues, and fighting with the brethren on those, but they never build fruit for the kingdom.
Caller: Yeah there's just too much debates about (speaking together)
Sherry: Yeah debate and fight and keep on day and night...
Caller: Yeah, and they don't agree to disagree like you always say.
Sherry: Yeah they can't agree to disagree with any of them.
Caller: Yeah, it's hard, it's hard, it's real hard.
Sherry: Yeah. You know they think you're a pariah because you wont accept their view points.
Caller: And they think you're nuts.
Sherry: Yeah, and if somebody doesn't accept mine, I couldn't care less.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: Go to the Lord. Seek Him. Ask Him. You know that's all I have to say. I'm not going to sit and argue with somebody.
Caller: That's how I feel now, I just don't even bother with those people who don't want to even..
Sherry: Yeah you know anybody can get into a scripture war. You can prove any point you want to make by pulling out scripture. And I wont even go there.
Caller: It's just a waste of time.
Sherry: Yeah it is. (speaking together) Go ahead.
Caller: I'd like to ask you too, as far as martial law. When do you see America going into total martial law?
Sherry: We should have been in total martial law in 2004.
Caller: Oh really?
Sherry: So we've had a lot of delay. Yeah we should already have been knee deep in it by now.
Caller: Do you know why it's been delayed or...
Sherry: It's just the Lord. It's just the Lord's timing. It's His timing. You know watch Planet X. Because it's one of these judgments of His, this Planet X. He speeds it up and He slows it down. And if you keep on eye on Planet X because as it comes closer we're going to get a lot more destructions. We're going to be in martial law from two different things. One being so many natural catastrophies that they can't control. It will just turn this country into chaos because of Planet X coming in. Another being a planned martial law like these HAARPicanes St Louis and Houston. And the Russian accidental nuking of American cities, and you know terrorism. They'll try to use their own terrorism to throw America into martial law, or an oil crisis.
Caller: Right so it's hard to say right now when we're going into total martial law. Do you see it like in a year or two maybe?
Sherry: Yeah it's hard to say. And you know what the only thing that the Lord is putting on people right now is to stock up.
Caller: Yeah, I've been doing, like I told you, I've been doing that and I plan to buy some MREs, and I know you said those taste pretty good.
Sherry: They are, they're really good.
Caller: I'll probably order some pretty soon here.
Sherry: Yeah you can get a box online. I have on my site. I think it's
And they have 72 for $139.
Caller: Oh really?
Sherry: Yeah, and then at the, you can for meal deals, 14 Deluxe meals for like a $48 or $50. He also sells them on e-bay. You can get a lot of these MREs on Ebay. People need to stock up on food. Another thing is alternate energy sources so they can stay warm this winter if you're in cold area. Start looking for ways to stay warm. You're probably looking for ways to stay cool out in Arizona.
Caller: Yeah. The winters are pretty mild here, but who knows how it's going to be this winter.
Sherry: Yeah but those are the two biggest things. I think we've got about six months to stock up.
Caller: Yeah I remember you saying that, yeah.
Sherry: Yeah then after that it might be a really rough... I don't know what's coming up, for the next six months we need to be busy stocking up.
Caller: Yeah you know the water, the gallons of drinking water at Walmart are running at 58 cents a gallon (= 3.79 litres), so it's pretty cheap there.
Sherry: Yeah (speaking together)
Caller: ..I've been buying it there.
Sherry: That's a place to stock up. get one of those huge 55 gallon drums or whatever, that are food gradable. You can get those. Fill those up now why you've got water in your wells. I don't know if they have wells out in Arizona.
Caller: They have these underground pumps that they pump..
Sherry: Yeah people need to start getting ready. You know what, because like I said, we're lucky as it is. We should have already been in full blown martial law. And so we've had a reprieve.
Caller: I know you mentioned too that you expect maybe the first group of 144000 to be taken before next August. Can you give advice to people who might want to be the elect, like what else they can do besides keep the commandments and focus on the Lord. Is there anything else we can do to prepare..
Sherry: You know what, as long as you're seeking the Lord, it doesn't matter how much you know. I've been hearing from people that are so unlearned about what the bible says and I know they're the part of His elect. They're the part of His people, because it all comes down to your heart not your head. If you are seeking the Lord everyday and following Him.
Caller: I have been yeah.
Sherry: You know, don't open your bible and read it and say I'm seeking the Lord. I'm talking about a one on one talking to Him. Getting to know Him, talking to Him, building a relationship. These are His truth seekers, these are His people. And you've got to spend time talking to Him everyday.
Caller: Yeah I've been doing that, doing one on one with Him before I go to bed and in the morning when I wake up..
Sherry: And do it all day long.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: He likes hearing about the silly stuff. I'm lost, which way should I turn? One of these days, you're going to get an answer, you know what I mean? He likes being a part of everybody's daily lives.
Caller: I know it's too like I like being a part of Him too everyday, I like seeking Him talking to Him. Like you said it's like a relationship, friendship.
Sherry: And those are His people. Those are His. And especially if I make an ounce inkling of sense to you, it's for a reason. Because His people will recognize what I'm saying, He wakes them up, He leads them to me. And then things start clicking, and things start making sense to them.
Caller: Yeah that's what I feel about you, ever since He lead me to you that's how it feels, exactly.
Sherry: I make a lot of sense to the elect.
Caller: Yeah you do.
Sherry: (speaking together) You can always pretty much tell, but you know what, there's two different groups, and so one group is like a little bit totally different from the other. Like I've said, the elect and the bride are two totally different groups.
Caller: Yeah I read your article, your latest article, and it was very good. You talked about.. you clarified it even more towards the end where He talks about.. is it the bride, the one He says are allowed in heaven that are judged. The ones that help the second group.
Sherry: The first group is a support group for the second. And the first group is going to be able to do things that Enoch did, things that they can't even imagine. The first group is going to be a lot of fun.
Caller: That's the group I want to be part of.
Sherry: The second group is going to be here on earth pretty much evangelizing and healing.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And going throughout the actual tribulation period because they'll be dealing with the people. So it's a bit of a difference on what they do.
Caller: And the second group is a bride correct?
Sherry: Right.
Caller: And that's the part you clarified... you made. That made a lot of sense. You answered my question right there when I read that article. Because when He says you clothe Me you fed Me you sheltered Me that's why you're allowed into My kingdom, and I thought before He was talking about mainly the homeless the needy. But you clarified He's talking about the second group of 144,000 right?
Sherry: Yeah well those are the people that He allows into the millennial reign, the people that protected the second group.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: That fed them and clothed them and stuff. Yeah and He allows them into the millennial reign based on how they treated the first group, second group of people. If you notice in Matthew 24 which is something He had pointed out to me, and I had never noticed it before. I think it's verse 25. Is that when He is coming in the clouds with the saints. He is with 10,000s of His saints, at that point the angels go through the heavens to collect the elect. So why is the elect in the heavens, is because we're not always here on earth during the tribulation period. We can go back to and fro. And people don't understand that and you know what I told Ronda my partner and friend, "I'm crazy but this is how it goes". And then we'll see it just come pieces pieces before it's starts forming the puzzle much latter. Because I've seen in visions where this first group will be on, I don't know where we are, I guess some kind of planet or heaven itself or somewhere, and we come to and fro from the earth, and that's one of our landing places. That's where we stay.
Caller: That sounds so cool
Sherry: And you just can't even put it in words. But then latter over time, the Lord just keeps confirming and revealing more and more, you start to see the puzzle come together. It's pretty amazing, and there's a lot of things I've never come out with yet.
Caller: Yeah and I read what.. the message that He gave you on the 24th. That was very interesting. That shows that it's really getting close isn't it for His elect.
Sherry: Yeah it is getting close. And you know what it maybe the six months where the elect have to stock up and prepare for their families for leaving or whatever. All I can tell people is the we definitely have six months where we need to be stocking up.
Caller: Yeah I've definitely been doing that, I definitely..
Sherry: Especially if Chuck Youngbrandt is right and this is... we don't even know if this is the year, because I for some reason cannot get his years straight reading his material.
Caller: Kind of confusing.
Sherry: Yeah it's impossible. I need to get it myself, his own book and stuff. But yeah, if we were under attack in December, and his timetable is right, next August there could be a total fuel black out here. It would be pandemonium.
Caller: Oh yeah I can imagine.
Sherry: You know I've seen this coming myself. What better way to completely stop everything we're at and start the whole tribulation period by all of sudden no more oil anywhere in the world.
Caller: It would be chaos.
Sherry: Every nation goes into chaos, exactly. And that's how the whole exact tribulation period is, that's why it's the Anak who come in, his troops from Planet X and become FEMA, become the enforcers of the beast, become our law enforcement. You know all across America, they're going to be the ones that's going to be our law enforcement.
Caller: Yeah I know, I remember those articles about that.
Sherry: Yeah, I mean I can't even explain it. I mean.. you know if I can explain what I see it would be a miracle in itself. But it's going to be total chaos here and any kind of man law enforcement will be replaced by these giants. And it's just going to be pandemonium and chaos and that can come either from an outright alien invasion or the fact that we're out of oil and they take over. Because what I think is interesting is that I just posted on my blogger today, a confirmation about every year, I post there, that I see this alien this UFO invasion on capital hill on July 4th.
Caller: Yeah I read that.
Sherry: Yeah and somebody sent me a link and sent pictures of all of these UFO's they saw on Capital Hill on July 4th and July 16th.
Caller: Yeah I saw those today. I was looking at those this afternoon.
Sherry: Yeah and it's stuff I've been saying every year for four years, five years now.
Caller: It's happening.
Sherry: Eventually these things are going to come shooting.
Caller: Really?
Sherry: They're not only going to come, "Oh here we are, now you see us, no you don't". They're going to come shooting. When they come, when they invade, it will be a hostile invasion. And so at this point, it's either going to be one or the other. The NWO faction crowd wins or the alien crowd. If the alien crowd does come in, they will come in shooting.
Caller: You know you said they're in derision our governments a total joke and so's the illuminati crowd..
Sherry: And they're running from them. Bush and Cheney are running from them. They're hiding from them. Because they are threatening to take over, and they've been for quite a while. (speaking together) Every time they come close to doing something, the NWO throws in a monkey wrench like a hurricane to distract them, to delay it.
Caller: Do you expect more hurricanes then down the road? Do you think...
Sherry: Definitely still have till the end of October this year. Could see like an earthquake based tsunami in October.
Caller: Oh October.
Sherry: That pounds the west coast. We are not out of the light yet. Especially next year, the same thing's going to happen all over again. More devastating hurricanes that were worse than this year's. It's going to keep getting worse and worse and worse, it's not going to get any better.
Caller: Part of the bombings... we expect bombings right like maybe in December if I remember correctly.
Sherry: Yeah, well you know some people are saying that the Russian attack doesn't happen till 2007. I have seen the same Russian attack and never had a year on it. But it's always in the winter.
Caller: Can I ask you a question about your visions that the Lord shows you, are they pretty clear or are they kind of fuzzy?
Sherry: Oh no, they're very clear.
Caller: Are they?
Sherry: Oh yeah I could open my eyes and still see them.
Caller: Really?
Sherry: Yeah, it's like, you know it doesn't matter, eyes closed or open you can still see the same thing over and over.
Caller: I know you've mentioned about the reptilian eating people. I don't know if you're comfortable talking about it, but can you describe what they look like? I know...are they snake looking or..
Sherry: Well the thing with reptilians is that they can shape shift into Anaks. They can look humanoid. But what I think.. you know the Anaks themselves.. I have not seen the lizards eating people, I've seen the Anak themselves.
Caller: When they're in human form?
Sherry: The 9 foot (= 2.74 meters) human looking... are vicious. They're vicious. They're cruel. And so they will be the ones walking the earth eating people. (speaking together) ... eat them. And these are people that are still alive. (speaking together) The reptilians... I might have to get up and walk a little bit here. The reptilians will eat dead corpses as the greys will. But I don't think the Anaks do, I think the Anaks eat live corpses.
Caller: (speaking together) are more like vultures then.
Sherry: What's that?
Caller: They're more like vultures then, they just eat what's already dead.
Sherry: Yeah, and they all do. And the things is that the famine is going to get so bad that mankind's going to be doing it too.
Caller: Oh gosh.
Sherry: Everybody is going to be doing it. Because food is going to become to a complete halt. When we have an oil and gas black out. There's going to be no way of stocking the shelves in the stores, there's going to be no way to survive.
Caller: It's going to be insanity then.
Sherry: Especially people in the cities. You know, if that isn't bad enough, then you've got this whole zombiism thing coming up.
Caller: Yeah I remember.
Sherry: I mean we're just getting hit from so many different directions. People wont see it coming and I can't stress strong enough, hard enough, get out of the cities. Have a plan to get away from cities. And go hide.
Caller: Luckily I live outside the city limits of Tucson. I don't live directly in Tucson, I live on the other side of the Tucson mountain so it's. I guess I kind of lucked out on that. (speaking together)
Sherry: You don't want to be around other people. You know I would get into a.. find other believers. Kind of band together with them to go somewhere. But you do not want to be with people that are not believers. You do not want to be mixed in with general society people during these times.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And the Lord eventually during the tribulation period, He is going to hide His people. But the problem is before that even comes about, they're going to go through a persecution and testing. And He's going to allow it. He's allowing His people to go through this. A lot of them.
Caller: Well even the believers are being tested, like you and I right..
Sherry: Well there are people that He's already tested. I mean I don't know about you, but I'm tested about every day of the year.
Caller: Oh yeah I know. Yeah you've been through the mill I know.
Sherry: If you're already one of these ones that's been through the mill, you've already been tested and you're already telling me what you're going to do. You've already gone through that. There's a lot of them in the churches today who've sought Him in their own ways and not the ways He's told them to do, and He's going to allow them to be tested.
Caller: Oh I see.
Sherry: You know they're in disobedience to Him, but they're His. And those are the ones He's going to allow to be tested.
Caller: I have to ask you too before I let you go. Do you plan on writing a third book?
Sherry: I don't have any plans right now. I didn't even think I would see the first one come out.
Caller: If you ever do plan to, let me know if you want me to design another book cover for you. I'd be happy to do it. Just let me know.
Sherry: Oh yeah it would be great. I mean yeah I don't have plans, I don't think we have enough time.
Caller: Yeah I know. I understand. Time's very short you know. But I'm going to let you go Sherry.
Sherry: All right, thanks for calling in.
Caller: God bless you and your family Sherry, I'll talk to you later.
Sherry: Okay God bless.
Caller: Bye.
Sherry: Bye.
We've got about... yeah? I though Steve said something I must be hearing things. I'm hearing Steve. Got about five or ten minutes left here folks. If you want to call in at 260-356-2611, we have ten more minutes of this hour.
Ah...where am I? I'm going to talk about Iraq here, because in this article that came about this week, is that Iraq soldiers were found dressed as Arabs. And what they did, was they detained, Iraqi soldiers detained, two British soldiers in civilian clothes in Basra for firing on a police station. And so what the Britons do is bomb this police station to break out these two Britons out of jail. And it's classic of what we keep seeing, is that they keep the terrorism going by posing as our enemies. You know these Britons were dressed up as Iraqis, bombing the police station so they would blame it on Iraqis, when it's really the British.
You know we keep seeing.. that's such a Mossad tactic, you know it's so Mossad. They want to keep doing is foment the violence, keep it going. Blame it on our enemies so that justifies the fact that we go to war against our enemies, when our enemies, supposed enemies didn't do it to begin with. You know if you need proof on that you've got 911. Have our government spend years planning that thing. Planting explosive devices in the basement of those towers. Lining the columns of those towers with explosive devices. And then blaming it on Arabs and airplanes running into the towers. You know it's hog wash.
You know our government's behind all these terrorism acts...
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hello Sherry.
Sherry: Hello.
Caller: This is Al Ron from New Jersey.
Sherry: Hello (speaking together)
Caller: a while back, three or four months ago. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and he came up with some pretty interesting questions which I want to ask you. One of the questions was, what's the color of oil?
Sherry: The color of oil?
Caller: The color of oil.
Sherry: I know by the time we get it, it's black.
Caller: That's correct. Where does oil come from?
Sherry: Don't tell me it comes out green and by the time we see it it's black. (unclear) your question.
Caller: Where does it come from?
Sherry: The earth.
Caller: Ah yeah, but from what? What make a well I should say?
Sherry: I don't know, I mean I just want oil, I don't know how..
Caller: Well basically dead bodies and dead plants. And he caused me to think about some things and what these people in power are fighting over is death basically, black death. Oil.
Sherry: They call it black gold.
Caller: They call it black gold but it's exactly black death because it comes from death.
Sherry: Ah interesting.
Caller: (unclear) in the earth, the (unclear) in the earth are dead bodies, dead plants, that where oil comes from.
Sherry: But they find this stuff in oceans and in the deserts. Maybe previous civilizations or something?
Caller: Well that was his point. So I thought was kind of an interesting thing to think about, I thought. So I thought I would put the question to you. But I'm praying for you always. Like I told you in the past I thought I was the only one that was thinking in the area you're thinking in. And I still get the dreams of the attacks of the UFO's are whatever you want to call them.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: And it's a real thing that people have got to wake up, and not only that but everything else we were talking about. People taking over, the scalar weapons, the weather modification weapons, that they're using on us. Everything they're doing. The genetic food, genetic modified food, everything. I means it's crazy so. People better just get with the Lord Jesus Christ real quick.
Sherry: Yeah, just like you said, they're going to be many perishing here. It's not even time to start saving our country any more, it's time to fight against them, try to stay alive. And evangelize those who are perishing.
Caller: Right, that's what we're here for. I just read about that when the disciple said to Christ, well Lord why don't we call lightening down from the sky and destroy these people. And Christ said to them, "I don't come to destroy man, I came to save man." And that's our job I guess. People will become saved.
Sherry: He had duel roles you know. He came as a suffering messiah, and when He comes again, He's coming with a sword to judge.
Caller: When He comes again, they better watch out.
Sherry: Yeah. And time's running out and people have no thought ahead. They can fight and haggle with you about camps if they exist and martial law, if it's going to happen or not. But one thing that's not guaranteed to anybody is they've even going to wake up alive the next day.
Caller: That's right. And that could happen now.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: that...
Sherry: I mean you can haggle about the future, but what about now?
Caller: That's right.
Sherry: You know.
Caller: He said "now is the day of salvation".
Sherry: Exactly.
Caller: Not tomorrow or next week, because it's not promised to anyone not any of us.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: The bottom line is I know where I'm going, when I go.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: I'd be happy to be there.
Sherry: And you want to take as many with you as possible.
Caller: Absolutely. I want some crowns when I get there...
Sherry: This whole part of this is building His kingdom while we're here, and not being so focused on building up how many possessions we have.
Caller: That's exactly right, I agree.
Sherry: You know because they're all going to be stolen and looted and robbed...
Caller: That's true.
Sherry: People need to shift their focus.
Caller: All that stuff is temporary.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: The only thing that's going to last is the kingdom of God. And that's where we stand. That's where we should be living in right now as we speak. All of us.
Sherry: Yeah it's time for a massive shift in priorities.
Caller: I love to listen to your show and God bless and I know He's with you. And just keep on keeping on and I sure He will continue to bless you.
Sherry: Well thank you for calling in.
Caller: All right you're welcome.
Sherry: Yeah don't be a stranger just keep calling in.
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: All right.
Caller: Good evening.
Sherry: All right, you have a good night. God bless.
And we've got about two or three minutes here folks. The guys from New Jersey. (I think Sherry was trying to imitate an accent when she said "New Jersey" - Simon) I like those people because I can always recognize them when they call in. The New Jersey or the New Yorks or the Bostons. The east coast has these distinct accents. I mean then you get the southern ones. (Editors note: All Americans sound the same to me - Simon) Of course the people, the really out there ones who claim I have an accent. I don't have an accent. You know I don't .... Ohioans don't have accents. And I always here from these people about this accent I have. I don't have an accent. But you do. (hahaha)
Let's talk about the NWO and the Talmud. Simply because last week I said I would. And I'm going to simply because they're so annoying. You know as soon as you start talking about the Talmud, anywhere on line, all of sudden you have all of these trolls attacking you. To come up against you and fight against anything you're saying, because they don't want people to believe what you're saying. And these are the same people that I battled years ago with the site. They kept having my site being taken down. And finally I got around it. The web host providers, kind of did something through the back door to keep me up, to keep my sites up. You know otherwise my site would be permanently down because of these people.
And they also petitioned Paypal to have me kicked out of Paypal for writing up a hate site. And what they thought they would do is that, if I lost Paypal, I would pretty much loose my ministry, my business, I would just go away. And the fact is I don't run a business. So the fact I lost Paypal and I could no longer use them to get donations, didn't mean a whole lot to me. You know so what. The Lord will provide. I'm not running a business here.
And what really appalled me was hearing from other messianic website on the internet that had lost their websites because these people had done the same things to them, and they could no longer afford to stay up. Simply because they lost access to Paypal. And you know it's like where's you faith you know?
I mean the Lord's always provided for me on a month to month basis. Most of you following these since day one. Usually it will come down to the last day of the month, but He's always paid my bills, always kept me up. You know and so I'm not going to let these retards (Editors note: "me-pha-greem" in Hebrew. - Simon) win. They're not going to win in their attacks against me. And what they want to do is keep anything that reveals and exposes the Talmud off the internet. So they attack the people behind it, they attack the websites behind it that do. And that's why they've always come up against me and my websites.
We're at the top of the hour. In about five minutes. We're going to take about a five minute break, and then we'll be back for the second part of the show. See you then.
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
September 26, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 26 September 2005 - 2nd hour
And welcome back to the show everybody. I got an e-mail from a listener, and I wanted to read this because I thought it was really good. A little provoking. It says,
"Sherry, are you sure you're not being too liberal saying we have six months to stock up on food and water. I think we may have possibly until the end of December of this year. If we have one more catastrophic event such as Katrina, Rita, another powerful hurricane, a New Madrid earthquake or a quake on our west coast that may affect refineries, we lose the possibility of gasoline rationing and a possible lock down of major cities. Can you see the pandemonium among the people? I sense today when Bush suggested not to take unnecessary trips, that there maybe stronger restraint coming soon, that is if there is another event.
"As far as the Nephilim or the Annunaki, just wait until they physically reveal themselves, and NASA has to reveal that they are here. We're on the brink of more spectacular events." This is from Drew.
And I totally agree, you know I totally agree. We don't know how much longer, how much more time that we do have. You know some areas may have six months until they start feeling the pinch on things. Other areas may not have next week. I mean hurricane season is not over by any means. There is a third disaster coming. I don't know if it will be the end of September or the end of October. But definitely a possibility, we're not out of hurricane season yet. And you know what anything could happen by December, by January.
We know there's supposed to be all kinds of pandemonium and chaos by March, just from their own hidden speech. What we've been able to find, backward masking the speeches of these politicians who give hints away, of things going on with their own agenda. And so they're planning for some kind of big event in March. And so we know things are definitely winding down.
I just got an IM. You can contact me at [email protected], or you can send me an instant message at [email protected]. And I got one from Warren and it says, "I believe the Mayan calendar of 2012 was a lie, purposefully put there to deceive us, into thinking we have more time than we really have." And that could be true. I mean the Lord keeps saying He's coming soon, He's coming. But if we keep thinking well it's only 2005, but hey we've got till 2012, that's at least 7 years. We could be kidding ourselves.
You know like I've said all along, don't expect things to go along a predefined path that you think last days events have to be. Because when it comes, the biblical prophecy, they can be spiritual, they can be literal, they can be figurative. Between those three different routes, that prophecy can take, you don't know which one you're looking at, when exactly how it's going to happen until it happens.
I know I grew up for 30 years thinking things were going to happen in a predefined particular way. And then you start learning that that was figurative to explain a spiritual concept, or that was spiritual to explain a literal concept, and you just go on and on. You know what, He can do things exactly how He wants them, at any time He wants them. He can pull a rug out from under all of us now and decide He's going to come back now. And you know and use everything else as spiritual and figurative meanings to try to explain things.
You know His ways aren't our ways. And so we don't know how much time we have. And certainly even, if you're planning on, okay I've got seven years for a seven year trib, how do you get seven years, when Daniel counted out 42 months. John counted out 1260 days. And the church adds both of them together. And so there's a good argument on that, on why people seem to believe that there's a seven year period, when by all counts it only seems to be 1260 days, or one 3 1/2 period.
And so you know what, just don't get to the point where you think you know it all, because nobody knows it all. The Lord's already said that, nobody has it all right, Nobody does. And so what we can do is learn from each other, and use the information that each one of us has, and put together pieces of the puzzle, to try to figure out these last days.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hello Sherry my name is Mark, I'm from Sacramento.
Sherry: Hey Mark, how are you doing?
Caller: Love your show. I've e-mailed you several times, but you never responded. I know you're pretty busy. I'm still at work in Sacramento, and I thought hey maybe I should try to call her.
Sherry: You know what, it always depends on the e-mail.
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: Sometimes if it sounds like the subject line is questionable I just delete them.
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: Other times if it's thought provoking and I want to get back to it later, I don't respond right away.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And so that's what I tell people to just keep e-mailing me to get my attention.
Caller: Well one of the things I asked you about was Iridium, the alternate internet that they already have set up. That's a thousand times faster than the regular internet.
Sherry: Yeah. I've already heard of that. They're already testing it in universities.
Caller: Yeah there are 73 satellites covers every inch of the earth. With GPS you can have an Iridian phone call from the middle of the bad lands in Australia or something you know.
Sherry: Right you're one of these e-mails I probably put aside for future info. Because there are always people who send me info.
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: And I just set it aside for info.
Caller: Okay. Well I do have a question though. Hurricane Rita was.. it seemed like it was really going there, category 5, then it kind of died down to a category 3. And I'm thinking because I know the timetable of a lot of this stuff. I know what their plans are, NWO all of this stuff. I'm thinking that the Lord is giving us kind of a breather. So that people who are paying attention can have more time to prepare because I really thought that that was going to be a lot harsher than it turned out to be.
Sherry: It should have been. It should have been. You know He allows, He sees what these factions are doing. And He allows things to happen, and He'll step in and throw His own monkey wrenches in to disrupt their plans. If people can't wake up now, and this is like a last push to wake His people.
Caller: I think so too.
Sherry: You know to wake up to start stocking up. Get away from the coasts. Everything that the prophets and the watchmen are yelling about is coming about.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: You know because He doesn't want His people caught unprepared. And so many of them are.
Caller: Yes.
Sherry: And so He's doing everything He can.
Caller: Well I have one final point because I consider myself kind of a prophet too, because I try to tell my friends and my family. But it's like they're all missing this perspective of sin. They're all Christians, because I'll only minister to Christians, I'll only talk to Christians because I have an expectation that they should know what's going on. But it's like they don't see evil for what it is or the sin of this nations for what it is. Because if they put it all together, they would never God has to act, God has to do something about what's going on here.
Sherry: Yeah well you know what, they've compromised with it. They just go along with it now.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: You know it's like it grows on you and you just go along with it, instead of being appalled and shocked and fighting against it. When you deal with so much of it all the time, it's constantly in their face.
Caller: Yes exactly.
Sherry: Yeah and it's apathy. And that's a big problem with the churches today. And the churches today really just don't preach against it.
Caller: Exactly.
Sherry: I've had people donate to my ministry for the sole reason because I taught against sin. That their pastor didn't.
Caller: Right exactly.
Sherry: And it's apathy and you know what. You know what I'm hearing more and more and more of from believers, is people that are searching for the truth, is they can't believe that God is a God of judgment.
Caller: Oh the bible has many many examples of that side of the Lord.
Sherry: You know they take the fruit of the spirit, which is love, joy, peace and long suffering and they say that's God.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And they totally leave out what He says about His own aspects of being a judge, and holding people accountable.
Caller: Exactly.
Sherry: You know, and so they totally ignore that aspect, and just embrace the fruit of the spirit and say that's God. There's no judgment, there's no accountability.
Caller: I agree, I think that's one of the biggest problems. Because they keep hearing about bad times are coming. I'm like, look, bad times are already here. They've been happening, you're just not seeing it for what it is.
Sherry: Yeah and now that we're losing, starting to loose massive amounts and chunks of population here and there. Start waking up a little bit. It's going to keep going, this whole country eventually is going to be under martial law from all of these disasters. Either man made or natural. And wait till His judgment kicks in, they are natural disasters.
Caller: Exactly.
Sherry: They can't even count on that one.
Caller: Well I'm curious to see how far this New Orleans thing is going to go with martial law there. They've already had some kind of ruling that they can't confiscate guns any more.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: But I've got a feeling that that's... you know the federal government has a hold on it now. They're not going to let go that easy. (speaking together)
Sherry:........ is just going to get buried somewhere. You know, and I've heard from Christians down there. I was going to bring this one girl on the show who lived down there, being constantly harassed by the black helicopters and FEMA. And they're evil and they're scaring the people. They're not down there helping them. And it was just going to move on. Houston was going to be their next testing ground for a police state.
Caller: Yeah that's what I think. FEMA is really showing their hand by some of the things they did when Katrina first hit. You know cutting the communication lines and different things. I mean if people think they're going to help them..
Sherry: Yeah, and you know what, I came out last year warning about FEMA. I did a whole show on FEMA. You know warning people what FEMA was and was becoming and what it was going to do. And now they're seeing it.
Caller: Yeah (speaking together)
Sherry: ... how they're acting in Louisianna. It's going to get much worse. FEMA is going to be the enforcement agency of the antichrist.
Caller: All the signs are there, I just wish people would really open their eyes and start paying attention. Because every sign you need to see to let you know what time it is, it's there.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And you won't miss it. But it's like noone's paying attention. They're not seeing it with the proper perspective. So it really concerns me.
Sherry: So giving people six months is generous. I don't think we going to last that long.
Caller: Right. Well I really appreciate your show. I never miss it. Always download the MP3. But I though I'd just call you. Maybe I'll be on there this time. But God bless you.
Sherry: All right well thanks for calling in.
Caller: You have a great evening.
Sherry: You too.
Caller: Bye
Sherry: Bye.
Listener call-in line folks 260-356-2611. You can call in with your comment or question. And you know what, that's very true. We don't how much time any of us have left. Some of us may have six months, some of us may not. You may be in one of these hot areas that are going to suffer a hurricane or an earthquake. I mean right now we're going through a period of hurricanes, possible earthquakes and tsunamis. Up until November. And so anything could turn around and strike. We've seen how fast they can whip up these hurricanes when they want one. You haven't even seen the earthquake aspect yet.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have Art on the phone.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up Art.
Art: Hi Sherry, how are you doing?
Sherry: Good how are you?
Art: Sherry, I've got a quick question.
Sherry: Okay.
Art: When you brought up the Second Coming of Christ, and all the things that would happen. And I'm not really... I just started following your show about two months ago, but you mentioned the link really quick about zombieism. And went ahead into that link and it talked about the zombies and the vampires and so on. And that kind of like hit me for a curve a little bit. But I was wondering what really happens to these people? Are they possessed or is something that their souls is still there but no..
Sherry: Not with zombies. With zombies the soul is gone, and what happens is that a demonic entity just takes over the body. And they'll hang out, I've heard that they hang out in morgues, cemetaries, and literally just take over a dead body and bring it back to life. And you know what, our government has been studying how to do this for some reason. It's necrobiology the study dead cells. Because if you think about it the aliens are running the government anyway. And what they've done is to figure out how to do this. And you know what Hollywood's conditioned us for everything that's coming. If you look at all the movies that we thought we just horror films...
Art: Oh yeah..
Sherry: These are coming. These are coming. It just freaks me out to no end. The more I learn to look back at what we've been conditioned already been conditioned to know what's coming. And so what these zombies are, is they're already dead, these people are dead. And they're long gone, and a demonic entity takes over that person's body.
Art: Okay, what's your take on the vampires then? I mean once your bitten, you get (unclear) you become one, you know you can't be exposed to the sun. You have super powers and.. I mean what's your take on that? What's happened to the people there?
Sherry: On what?
Art: As far as the vampires are concerned?
Sherry: Vampires?
Art: Yes.
Sherry: That's actually a real...that's real too. I don't get into that as much because I really (unclear). It's some kind of a disease. But this whole thing with Dracula was real, it was true. This person actually existed, and vampires actually do exist.
Art: Right.
Sherry: But I don't have much on that. Not like I've been learning about zombies. You know I've just been thrown into this area.
(I don't have any sources for this, but what I was told once, is that in Transylvania there did live at one time a family who suffered either from a disease or genetic defect. The net result being that they were a. sensitive to sunlight, and b. suffered from an iron deficiency in their blood. This they overcame by drinking blood at first of animals, but eventually they got a taste for human blood. Hence the vampire legend began. - Simon)
Art: It kind of threw me for a loop when I was reading your link, and all of a sudden I went into that. And I was like whoa, what the heck is this? I thought.. just trying to absorb the alien aspect which I'm accepting now but...
Sherry: Yeah then she throws something else at you. She's really crazy.
Art: I'll tell you what, I had a hard time thinking for a couple of days. Because I watched all those movies. I enjoyed being afraid and you know the fear of what could happen. Although I'm not a sadist and into looking at people getting eaten up or anything like that. But it's kind of interesting to watch once in a while and be scared...
Sherry: You know I've heard this phenomena that's starting about people that are... they insert some kind of a tube, insert a tube into somebody's arm and drink blood out of it. This is actually something that starting to go out amongst the gringe crowd I guess you could call it.
Art: What is that the gringe crowd? I've never heard of that.
Sherry: Oh the grunge or whatever, the freak crowd I guess you could say.
Art: Oh yeah.
Sherry: This is actually something that is starting because I was reading something online about somebody who was feeding off of somebody else. And they inserted a tube in their arm, and was drinking their blood.
Art: It kind of brings me back to that movie with Wesley Snipes. (I think Art means "Blade Runner" - Simon) Watching all those movies I kind of wonder like, this is really high tech you know sci fi, but is there any realism to it. And after reading that link, I'm like you know, you take a little bit of truth from everything from the movies...
Sherry: Yeah, I'm thinking I've got to go back and watch some of these older movies. You know a lot of that stuff I ignored. You know I never got into the horror flicks stuff. But now I wish I had. When I first got into the alien agenda, I had to go back and watch "Close Encounters" I, II and III and all those alien movies. Because they're revealing info in those movies.
Art: It kind of scares me a little, because they tell you basically, where they like to hang up the vampires aspect. The zombies I'm not afraid of them much, the reality of it...
Sherry: The zombies.. the zombie, yeah, you could take a 357 and shoot their head off (speaking together) You know what if you saw "The Night of the Living Dead", the big thing was to cut their head off. That's exactly what that website was saying, get their head off. Shoot them in the head.
Art: They were kind of saying the same thing with the vampires too. But I was wondering, I know you came across orgone by talking to God Himself, but I was wondering do you have any take on what kind of protection we can use, as far as Christians are concerned, to keep this.. is it an evil or is it you know.. I want to know more about it. Because you know I've been reading Revelation, and all the way you decifered everything and all is that Hey what can we do about that too?
Sherry: Well you know what, Christians have power, spiritual warfare power against the demonic. We can rebuke them, we can come against them in His name. But in the last days, during the time of testing, I don't think He's going to allow us to just rebuke them. Because He's telling us to defend ourselves and prepare now. And it is a time of testing. People don't understand the tribulation period is a time of testing for His people and that's why He's allowing all of this stuff. And so I don't think going into spiritual warfare against the alien coming at you down the street against you is going to work. It may, I don't know. He's never told me one way or the other. He's told me to prepare, prepare His people.
Art: I'm trying to prepare...
Sherry: I know now we can come up against them in spiritual warfare prayers, that everything's still on a spiritual level. But when they come to our physical level, I don't know. Because they're going to be on our physical reality, our physical level during the tribulation period. And a lot of believers are going to be killed. So if all the believers knew how to combat them, then they couldn't kill them.
Art: So when a believer gets bitten let's say, I mean hypothetically speaking. Do we change, do our souls change, do our mind sets change, I mean what really happens. Because in order to survive..
Sherry: I don't know.. I don't know about believers being actually coming into zombieism thing, because like I said you die. Your soul is gone. So if you got bitten, you just go be with the Lord. I mean when you die your spirit goes to heaven or hell. It's going to go.. the believer's spirits go to be with the Lord at that point. So whatever happened to their body afterward is irrelevant. His spirit is already with the Lord at that point. You know what I'm saying?
Art: Ah I can understand the zombie aspects I read about the transition as far as the vampires concerned. I'm just thinking like okay, what really happens to us? It doesn't really specifically talk about it, I thought just maybe since you connected with that link on the website, that you knew a little bit more about it.
Sherry: Yeah, there's not a whole lot of info out there. And so all you can do is really make people aware, like I was doing with it. And then maybe hopefully latter coming out with more indepth info as the Lord reveals it. But as far as I know, as soon as something like that happens to a believer, you just go be with the Lord, and what happens to your body afterwards is whatever. You know the demons could take over it, become a zombie or whatever, but you're already with the Lord at that point. You know you don't know what's going on with your body on earth. And another thing people don't see coming is Christians are beheaded, they're decapitated in persecutions. Then they're using their body at the point for food and to harvest organs. And so you know what, when you're dead, you don't know what's going on with your body anyway. I mean at that point you no longer care. You with the Lord that's all that matters to you.
Art: You know Sherry, I'm on this yahoo forum really quick, and I want to talk about the orgone and the way you make them. And I know on your site, you have a link and how to make it. But you also mentioned to be careful as far as what you use and who you get your information from. Because some orgone can be used as a negative source too.
Sherry: Right.
Art: You know I have a lot of.. there's people on the yahoo forum and they'll talk and they'll say this makes it more powerful, this is better for cell powers blah blah blah...
Sherry: Yeah you put that voodoo water in it or you twist the coils backwards. I don't listen to it. You know I've got in rounds with those crowds and that's where I stay to my self. And most of them hate me anyway.
Art: Okay so the way you suggest making it..
Sherry: The way I do it, is the way the Lord told me to. And so I don't want somebody else telling me I have to change it to make it more powerful. To add this or add that, because the Lord hasn't told me that. And so what's on my site is just what the Lord told me to do.
Art: But now the government knows what we're doing as far as orgone..
Sherry: Oh yeah because it knocked down their chemtrails program. You know they can't even get chemtrails in my area.
Art: Well you know the funny thing is that, you know I was at the big (something) here in Massachusetts on Saturday, and I just saw the chemtrails going all over the place. Back and forth, back and forth. And I was wondering, is there kind of like a symptom that you get from the chemtrails. Like eyes burning, tiredness..
Sherry: Depending on what they're spraying on any given day. People can just get deathly sick off those things. They can experience burnings, (unclear) or how do you say it.
Art: (unclear)?
(Editors note: I couldn't make out what either of them said, but here's a site that talks about chemtrail related illness. - Simon)
Sherry: Yeah that's a disease from chemtrails. And so are some of the others that are getting more prevalent and dominant today, that weren't dominant... (closing music starts)
Art: Well Sherry thanks very much for your time. I enjoy listening to you and I hope to hear from you next week.
Sherry: All right well thanks for calling in.
Art: Take care, bye.
Sherry: God bless.
That wraps up the show tonight everybody. I'll be back next week on Monday night at 8:00pm eastern. Keep tabs with me and what's going on with me on my blogger everyday at
I'll see you next week everybody, God bless.
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
September 26, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 26 September 2005 - 2nd hour
And welcome back to the show everybody. I got an e-mail from a listener, and I wanted to read this because I thought it was really good. A little provoking. It says,
"Sherry, are you sure you're not being too liberal saying we have six months to stock up on food and water. I think we may have possibly until the end of December of this year. If we have one more catastrophic event such as Katrina, Rita, another powerful hurricane, a New Madrid earthquake or a quake on our west coast that may affect refineries, we lose the possibility of gasoline rationing and a possible lock down of major cities. Can you see the pandemonium among the people? I sense today when Bush suggested not to take unnecessary trips, that there maybe stronger restraint coming soon, that is if there is another event.
"As far as the Nephilim or the Annunaki, just wait until they physically reveal themselves, and NASA has to reveal that they are here. We're on the brink of more spectacular events." This is from Drew.
And I totally agree, you know I totally agree. We don't know how much longer, how much more time that we do have. You know some areas may have six months until they start feeling the pinch on things. Other areas may not have next week. I mean hurricane season is not over by any means. There is a third disaster coming. I don't know if it will be the end of September or the end of October. But definitely a possibility, we're not out of hurricane season yet. And you know what anything could happen by December, by January.
We know there's supposed to be all kinds of pandemonium and chaos by March, just from their own hidden speech. What we've been able to find, backward masking the speeches of these politicians who give hints away, of things going on with their own agenda. And so they're planning for some kind of big event in March. And so we know things are definitely winding down.
I just got an IM. You can contact me at [email protected], or you can send me an instant message at [email protected]. And I got one from Warren and it says, "I believe the Mayan calendar of 2012 was a lie, purposefully put there to deceive us, into thinking we have more time than we really have." And that could be true. I mean the Lord keeps saying He's coming soon, He's coming. But if we keep thinking well it's only 2005, but hey we've got till 2012, that's at least 7 years. We could be kidding ourselves.
You know like I've said all along, don't expect things to go along a predefined path that you think last days events have to be. Because when it comes, the biblical prophecy, they can be spiritual, they can be literal, they can be figurative. Between those three different routes, that prophecy can take, you don't know which one you're looking at, when exactly how it's going to happen until it happens.
I know I grew up for 30 years thinking things were going to happen in a predefined particular way. And then you start learning that that was figurative to explain a spiritual concept, or that was spiritual to explain a literal concept, and you just go on and on. You know what, He can do things exactly how He wants them, at any time He wants them. He can pull a rug out from under all of us now and decide He's going to come back now. And you know and use everything else as spiritual and figurative meanings to try to explain things.
You know His ways aren't our ways. And so we don't know how much time we have. And certainly even, if you're planning on, okay I've got seven years for a seven year trib, how do you get seven years, when Daniel counted out 42 months. John counted out 1260 days. And the church adds both of them together. And so there's a good argument on that, on why people seem to believe that there's a seven year period, when by all counts it only seems to be 1260 days, or one 3 1/2 period.
And so you know what, just don't get to the point where you think you know it all, because nobody knows it all. The Lord's already said that, nobody has it all right, Nobody does. And so what we can do is learn from each other, and use the information that each one of us has, and put together pieces of the puzzle, to try to figure out these last days.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hello Sherry my name is Mark, I'm from Sacramento.
Sherry: Hey Mark, how are you doing?
Caller: Love your show. I've e-mailed you several times, but you never responded. I know you're pretty busy. I'm still at work in Sacramento, and I thought hey maybe I should try to call her.
Sherry: You know what, it always depends on the e-mail.
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: Sometimes if it sounds like the subject line is questionable I just delete them.
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: Other times if it's thought provoking and I want to get back to it later, I don't respond right away.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And so that's what I tell people to just keep e-mailing me to get my attention.
Caller: Well one of the things I asked you about was Iridium, the alternate internet that they already have set up. That's a thousand times faster than the regular internet.
Sherry: Yeah. I've already heard of that. They're already testing it in universities.
Caller: Yeah there are 73 satellites covers every inch of the earth. With GPS you can have an Iridian phone call from the middle of the bad lands in Australia or something you know.
Sherry: Right you're one of these e-mails I probably put aside for future info. Because there are always people who send me info.
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: And I just set it aside for info.
Caller: Okay. Well I do have a question though. Hurricane Rita was.. it seemed like it was really going there, category 5, then it kind of died down to a category 3. And I'm thinking because I know the timetable of a lot of this stuff. I know what their plans are, NWO all of this stuff. I'm thinking that the Lord is giving us kind of a breather. So that people who are paying attention can have more time to prepare because I really thought that that was going to be a lot harsher than it turned out to be.
Sherry: It should have been. It should have been. You know He allows, He sees what these factions are doing. And He allows things to happen, and He'll step in and throw His own monkey wrenches in to disrupt their plans. If people can't wake up now, and this is like a last push to wake His people.
Caller: I think so too.
Sherry: You know to wake up to start stocking up. Get away from the coasts. Everything that the prophets and the watchmen are yelling about is coming about.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: You know because He doesn't want His people caught unprepared. And so many of them are.
Caller: Yes.
Sherry: And so He's doing everything He can.
Caller: Well I have one final point because I consider myself kind of a prophet too, because I try to tell my friends and my family. But it's like they're all missing this perspective of sin. They're all Christians, because I'll only minister to Christians, I'll only talk to Christians because I have an expectation that they should know what's going on. But it's like they don't see evil for what it is or the sin of this nations for what it is. Because if they put it all together, they would never God has to act, God has to do something about what's going on here.
Sherry: Yeah well you know what, they've compromised with it. They just go along with it now.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: You know it's like it grows on you and you just go along with it, instead of being appalled and shocked and fighting against it. When you deal with so much of it all the time, it's constantly in their face.
Caller: Yes exactly.
Sherry: Yeah and it's apathy. And that's a big problem with the churches today. And the churches today really just don't preach against it.
Caller: Exactly.
Sherry: I've had people donate to my ministry for the sole reason because I taught against sin. That their pastor didn't.
Caller: Right exactly.
Sherry: And it's apathy and you know what. You know what I'm hearing more and more and more of from believers, is people that are searching for the truth, is they can't believe that God is a God of judgment.
Caller: Oh the bible has many many examples of that side of the Lord.
Sherry: You know they take the fruit of the spirit, which is love, joy, peace and long suffering and they say that's God.
Caller: Right.
Sherry: And they totally leave out what He says about His own aspects of being a judge, and holding people accountable.
Caller: Exactly.
Sherry: You know, and so they totally ignore that aspect, and just embrace the fruit of the spirit and say that's God. There's no judgment, there's no accountability.
Caller: I agree, I think that's one of the biggest problems. Because they keep hearing about bad times are coming. I'm like, look, bad times are already here. They've been happening, you're just not seeing it for what it is.
Sherry: Yeah and now that we're losing, starting to loose massive amounts and chunks of population here and there. Start waking up a little bit. It's going to keep going, this whole country eventually is going to be under martial law from all of these disasters. Either man made or natural. And wait till His judgment kicks in, they are natural disasters.
Caller: Exactly.
Sherry: They can't even count on that one.
Caller: Well I'm curious to see how far this New Orleans thing is going to go with martial law there. They've already had some kind of ruling that they can't confiscate guns any more.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: But I've got a feeling that that's... you know the federal government has a hold on it now. They're not going to let go that easy. (speaking together)
Sherry:........ is just going to get buried somewhere. You know, and I've heard from Christians down there. I was going to bring this one girl on the show who lived down there, being constantly harassed by the black helicopters and FEMA. And they're evil and they're scaring the people. They're not down there helping them. And it was just going to move on. Houston was going to be their next testing ground for a police state.
Caller: Yeah that's what I think. FEMA is really showing their hand by some of the things they did when Katrina first hit. You know cutting the communication lines and different things. I mean if people think they're going to help them..
Sherry: Yeah, and you know what, I came out last year warning about FEMA. I did a whole show on FEMA. You know warning people what FEMA was and was becoming and what it was going to do. And now they're seeing it.
Caller: Yeah (speaking together)
Sherry: ... how they're acting in Louisianna. It's going to get much worse. FEMA is going to be the enforcement agency of the antichrist.
Caller: All the signs are there, I just wish people would really open their eyes and start paying attention. Because every sign you need to see to let you know what time it is, it's there.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And you won't miss it. But it's like noone's paying attention. They're not seeing it with the proper perspective. So it really concerns me.
Sherry: So giving people six months is generous. I don't think we going to last that long.
Caller: Right. Well I really appreciate your show. I never miss it. Always download the MP3. But I though I'd just call you. Maybe I'll be on there this time. But God bless you.
Sherry: All right well thanks for calling in.
Caller: You have a great evening.
Sherry: You too.
Caller: Bye
Sherry: Bye.
Listener call-in line folks 260-356-2611. You can call in with your comment or question. And you know what, that's very true. We don't how much time any of us have left. Some of us may have six months, some of us may not. You may be in one of these hot areas that are going to suffer a hurricane or an earthquake. I mean right now we're going through a period of hurricanes, possible earthquakes and tsunamis. Up until November. And so anything could turn around and strike. We've seen how fast they can whip up these hurricanes when they want one. You haven't even seen the earthquake aspect yet.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have Art on the phone.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up Art.
Art: Hi Sherry, how are you doing?
Sherry: Good how are you?
Art: Sherry, I've got a quick question.
Sherry: Okay.
Art: When you brought up the Second Coming of Christ, and all the things that would happen. And I'm not really... I just started following your show about two months ago, but you mentioned the link really quick about zombieism. And went ahead into that link and it talked about the zombies and the vampires and so on. And that kind of like hit me for a curve a little bit. But I was wondering what really happens to these people? Are they possessed or is something that their souls is still there but no..
Sherry: Not with zombies. With zombies the soul is gone, and what happens is that a demonic entity just takes over the body. And they'll hang out, I've heard that they hang out in morgues, cemetaries, and literally just take over a dead body and bring it back to life. And you know what, our government has been studying how to do this for some reason. It's necrobiology the study dead cells. Because if you think about it the aliens are running the government anyway. And what they've done is to figure out how to do this. And you know what Hollywood's conditioned us for everything that's coming. If you look at all the movies that we thought we just horror films...
Art: Oh yeah..
Sherry: These are coming. These are coming. It just freaks me out to no end. The more I learn to look back at what we've been conditioned already been conditioned to know what's coming. And so what these zombies are, is they're already dead, these people are dead. And they're long gone, and a demonic entity takes over that person's body.
Art: Okay, what's your take on the vampires then? I mean once your bitten, you get (unclear) you become one, you know you can't be exposed to the sun. You have super powers and.. I mean what's your take on that? What's happened to the people there?
Sherry: On what?
Art: As far as the vampires are concerned?
Sherry: Vampires?
Art: Yes.
Sherry: That's actually a real...that's real too. I don't get into that as much because I really (unclear). It's some kind of a disease. But this whole thing with Dracula was real, it was true. This person actually existed, and vampires actually do exist.
Art: Right.
Sherry: But I don't have much on that. Not like I've been learning about zombies. You know I've just been thrown into this area.
(I don't have any sources for this, but what I was told once, is that in Transylvania there did live at one time a family who suffered either from a disease or genetic defect. The net result being that they were a. sensitive to sunlight, and b. suffered from an iron deficiency in their blood. This they overcame by drinking blood at first of animals, but eventually they got a taste for human blood. Hence the vampire legend began. - Simon)
Art: It kind of threw me for a loop when I was reading your link, and all of a sudden I went into that. And I was like whoa, what the heck is this? I thought.. just trying to absorb the alien aspect which I'm accepting now but...
Sherry: Yeah then she throws something else at you. She's really crazy.
Art: I'll tell you what, I had a hard time thinking for a couple of days. Because I watched all those movies. I enjoyed being afraid and you know the fear of what could happen. Although I'm not a sadist and into looking at people getting eaten up or anything like that. But it's kind of interesting to watch once in a while and be scared...
Sherry: You know I've heard this phenomena that's starting about people that are... they insert some kind of a tube, insert a tube into somebody's arm and drink blood out of it. This is actually something that starting to go out amongst the gringe crowd I guess you could call it.
Art: What is that the gringe crowd? I've never heard of that.
Sherry: Oh the grunge or whatever, the freak crowd I guess you could say.
Art: Oh yeah.
Sherry: This is actually something that is starting because I was reading something online about somebody who was feeding off of somebody else. And they inserted a tube in their arm, and was drinking their blood.
Art: It kind of brings me back to that movie with Wesley Snipes. (I think Art means "Blade Runner" - Simon) Watching all those movies I kind of wonder like, this is really high tech you know sci fi, but is there any realism to it. And after reading that link, I'm like you know, you take a little bit of truth from everything from the movies...
Sherry: Yeah, I'm thinking I've got to go back and watch some of these older movies. You know a lot of that stuff I ignored. You know I never got into the horror flicks stuff. But now I wish I had. When I first got into the alien agenda, I had to go back and watch "Close Encounters" I, II and III and all those alien movies. Because they're revealing info in those movies.
Art: It kind of scares me a little, because they tell you basically, where they like to hang up the vampires aspect. The zombies I'm not afraid of them much, the reality of it...
Sherry: The zombies.. the zombie, yeah, you could take a 357 and shoot their head off (speaking together) You know what if you saw "The Night of the Living Dead", the big thing was to cut their head off. That's exactly what that website was saying, get their head off. Shoot them in the head.
Art: They were kind of saying the same thing with the vampires too. But I was wondering, I know you came across orgone by talking to God Himself, but I was wondering do you have any take on what kind of protection we can use, as far as Christians are concerned, to keep this.. is it an evil or is it you know.. I want to know more about it. Because you know I've been reading Revelation, and all the way you decifered everything and all is that Hey what can we do about that too?
Sherry: Well you know what, Christians have power, spiritual warfare power against the demonic. We can rebuke them, we can come against them in His name. But in the last days, during the time of testing, I don't think He's going to allow us to just rebuke them. Because He's telling us to defend ourselves and prepare now. And it is a time of testing. People don't understand the tribulation period is a time of testing for His people and that's why He's allowing all of this stuff. And so I don't think going into spiritual warfare against the alien coming at you down the street against you is going to work. It may, I don't know. He's never told me one way or the other. He's told me to prepare, prepare His people.
Art: I'm trying to prepare...
Sherry: I know now we can come up against them in spiritual warfare prayers, that everything's still on a spiritual level. But when they come to our physical level, I don't know. Because they're going to be on our physical reality, our physical level during the tribulation period. And a lot of believers are going to be killed. So if all the believers knew how to combat them, then they couldn't kill them.
Art: So when a believer gets bitten let's say, I mean hypothetically speaking. Do we change, do our souls change, do our mind sets change, I mean what really happens. Because in order to survive..
Sherry: I don't know.. I don't know about believers being actually coming into zombieism thing, because like I said you die. Your soul is gone. So if you got bitten, you just go be with the Lord. I mean when you die your spirit goes to heaven or hell. It's going to go.. the believer's spirits go to be with the Lord at that point. So whatever happened to their body afterward is irrelevant. His spirit is already with the Lord at that point. You know what I'm saying?
Art: Ah I can understand the zombie aspects I read about the transition as far as the vampires concerned. I'm just thinking like okay, what really happens to us? It doesn't really specifically talk about it, I thought just maybe since you connected with that link on the website, that you knew a little bit more about it.
Sherry: Yeah, there's not a whole lot of info out there. And so all you can do is really make people aware, like I was doing with it. And then maybe hopefully latter coming out with more indepth info as the Lord reveals it. But as far as I know, as soon as something like that happens to a believer, you just go be with the Lord, and what happens to your body afterwards is whatever. You know the demons could take over it, become a zombie or whatever, but you're already with the Lord at that point. You know you don't know what's going on with your body on earth. And another thing people don't see coming is Christians are beheaded, they're decapitated in persecutions. Then they're using their body at the point for food and to harvest organs. And so you know what, when you're dead, you don't know what's going on with your body anyway. I mean at that point you no longer care. You with the Lord that's all that matters to you.
Art: You know Sherry, I'm on this yahoo forum really quick, and I want to talk about the orgone and the way you make them. And I know on your site, you have a link and how to make it. But you also mentioned to be careful as far as what you use and who you get your information from. Because some orgone can be used as a negative source too.
Sherry: Right.
Art: You know I have a lot of.. there's people on the yahoo forum and they'll talk and they'll say this makes it more powerful, this is better for cell powers blah blah blah...
Sherry: Yeah you put that voodoo water in it or you twist the coils backwards. I don't listen to it. You know I've got in rounds with those crowds and that's where I stay to my self. And most of them hate me anyway.
Art: Okay so the way you suggest making it..
Sherry: The way I do it, is the way the Lord told me to. And so I don't want somebody else telling me I have to change it to make it more powerful. To add this or add that, because the Lord hasn't told me that. And so what's on my site is just what the Lord told me to do.
Art: But now the government knows what we're doing as far as orgone..
Sherry: Oh yeah because it knocked down their chemtrails program. You know they can't even get chemtrails in my area.
Art: Well you know the funny thing is that, you know I was at the big (something) here in Massachusetts on Saturday, and I just saw the chemtrails going all over the place. Back and forth, back and forth. And I was wondering, is there kind of like a symptom that you get from the chemtrails. Like eyes burning, tiredness..
Sherry: Depending on what they're spraying on any given day. People can just get deathly sick off those things. They can experience burnings, (unclear) or how do you say it.
Art: (unclear)?
(Editors note: I couldn't make out what either of them said, but here's a site that talks about chemtrail related illness. - Simon)
Sherry: Yeah that's a disease from chemtrails. And so are some of the others that are getting more prevalent and dominant today, that weren't dominant... (closing music starts)
Art: Well Sherry thanks very much for your time. I enjoy listening to you and I hope to hear from you next week.
Sherry: All right well thanks for calling in.
Art: Take care, bye.
Sherry: God bless.
That wraps up the show tonight everybody. I'll be back next week on Monday night at 8:00pm eastern. Keep tabs with me and what's going on with me on my blogger everyday at
I'll see you next week everybody, God bless.