Listener Call-In
Transcription of the October 24, 2005 Radio Show Broadcasted Worldwide
Listened to by over 130 countries
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
October 24, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 24 October 2005 - 1st hour
And hello everybody and welcome to the show, I'm Sherry Shriner. Listener call in line tonight folks 260-356-2611. It's going to be listener call-in night all night long. So just give me a call with your comments or questions. I don't have anything real specific I'm going to be going through tonight. I've just being going through a lot of different stuff all week long. The Lord's had me everywhere. And so what I want to talk tonight a little bit about is this Mahdi thing, this fiasco in Nigeria.
So the human aspect, I mean.... you know we've had hurricane after hurricane and I've warned last month that there would be a hurricane, a worse one in October than the one that hit in September. And it remains to be seen yet. I mean it's just not getting hit by Wilma over there, and they've got another one coming in. A tropical storm named Alpha. And the hurricane season's not over yet. And I know that the Lord has been warning His people in Florida to just leave the state. Leave the state. You know there's going to be a lot of disasters. They're really targeting that whole area from central to southern Florida, to sink it. To sink that part of the state.
You know a couple of years ago I started warning about a bomb, a dirty bomb that they wanted to let off in Miami. And that would have sparked their war in Syria, because they would have blamed it on Syrian terrorists. And so with that plan exposed... it never went away. It's still on the boards.... I still see it every once in a while. It was a huge defeat to them for that plan to be exposed. They were frustrated, they were angry. But they didn't cancel it, they just delayed it. And so what they were going to do was come back to it later.
But now we see they've changed their tactics more or less lately to the hurricanes, because we know that these hurricanes are man-made weapons. By their HAARP weather machine. And some of you are just getting into this now. It's basically not new information that our government has weather weapon machines. And so what you want to do is.. you can Google this on the internet. Google H A A R P. That's HAARP. I don't have what all that stands for but type that in and you'll find it.
Also there's books out, "Angels don't play this HAARP". So if you start doing some research on the internet, on the HAARP. What it is, it's a weather machine that our government has had for over 10 years now. Some of you say, "Well it's impossible, it's a weather machine", but I spoke on this show before about legislation that was coming up this month in Congress to outlaw weather machines. So if they're coming up with legislation to make them illegal, to outlaw them, obviously they have them.
And we weren't even the first nation with it. The Russians were the first ones with a weather making machine where they could control the weather. Our government was a little bit behind. Now they've caught up. And they've had it probably for the past 10 years. Russia has probably had it for 20 or 30 now. And they can create hurricanes, they can create tsunamis, they can create earthquakes. They can have an earthquake tremors underneath volcanoes to try to set those off. They can control the weather.
And that's why everything is going to become so out of sync. The earth is going to react to what they're doing to it. You know we're going to have really hot summers, really cold winters (audio went blank for a couple of seconds) out of balance and that is because the earth is going to react to what they're doing to the earth with their weather weapons. They're changing jet streams, they're manipulating wind streams.
And they're doing just about everything possible to try to blame catastrophes on God. You know they'll say these are God-caused events, that these are natural disasters, when it's really not God at all. They're man-made disasters, they're caused by man.
And so it's a whole new concept for a lot of you out there. But it's really nothing new, you're just a little bit behind. So what you want to do is start Google, and start researching man-made weather weapons. Definitely something we're going to deal with in the future, as they try to get control of the globe for a one world government. These are the seedliners behind all of this, the serpent seedliners. Those pushing Satan's agenda on earth. And so we're definitely heading into the last days.
Listener call-in line 260-356-2611. So, despite all the hurricanes.. And listeners out in Florida.. you know you have my prayers with you. I kind of just got to laugh through all the break, all the horror hurricanes, and what next, what's hitting Florida next? With this story about Nigeria, so I wanted to talk about it tonight because just a little bit (unclear) at the intro. Because it was interesting. When you talk about stuff for so long and then you start to see it finally happen. You know it's like finally let's get the ball rolling.
Nostradamus, this was sent to me by a reader. Nostradamus had said that the third antichrist.. I'm not saying Nostradamus was a true prophet. If you're like me you take anything with a grain of salt. He was interesting. That's about it. Everybody, you always hear, "Nostradamus said this, Nostradamus said that". And everybody always knows that he was a false prophet, but they kind of keep one eye on what he says. He said that the third antichrist would be a man in a blue turban. And his name would be Mabus, and would come from the Middle East.
And I've studied this Mabus person before. And I've seen it in the Bible codes where this Mabus is literally just a fallen angel from Mars. Most of you are starting to think little green men. And that's not true. If you look at the ancient Egyptians they were descendants from Mars. They were hybrids from the fallen angels that lived on Mars. They weren't little green men. And so that's basically where he's from.
And Mars is very habited. They try to make it look like it's a totally uninhabitable planet. And it's a lie. The United States has had bases on Mars for years. Very popular up there with all their bases, alongside the fallen angels that reside up in Mars. So that was interesting that this Mabus would come from Mars.
And news reports stating this week, that in Nigeria, stating that this whole country is almost in revolt. A plane carrying what many Nigerian Muslims believe to be the Mahdi who had descended from the heavens in a white cloud, was shot down in an attack by an unidentified foreign nation's fighter aircraft. But it was believed the Mahdi survived it.
This beginning, "that last week a mysterious white cloud enveloped the entire capital of Nigeria Lagos and from which emerged a blue turbaned man who began to immediately heal many thousands of sick and diseased peoples. But to which western media sources reported as pollution. At this point the Nigerian authorities had ordered all schools closed. And Lagos has about 14 million people in it."
But this is something that the western media pretty much had tried to keep out. We did hear about the plane crash. And I'm going to get to that for a minute because the plane crashed supposedly had all 114 people aboard feared dead. But they're claiming that 50 of them survived. Initial witness reports from the downed remains of the plane carrying this Mahdi. And this Mahdi is a term for like a military messiah. They're saying that as this plane was hit by a missile shot from a fighter aircraft, a bubble of light appeared and descended slowly to the ground, from which then emerged the Mahdi and many others. They appeared out of the light. They got out of the plane from a bubble of light and descended to the ground.
And so, this obviously also expected because the Muslims... because this is their holiest month, the month of Ramadan. And they were expecting an extraordinary solar and lunar eclipses during this holy month. "And this signals a total world war, as Muslim faithful await their Mahdi. The United States prepares a final battle for survival."
But what I though was even funnier was that their messiah, who this Mahdi is supposed to be a military messiah, can descend to earth in a white cloud. But then he needs to take an airplane to Mecca. Because that's where he was headed. He was headed to Mecca.
The Arabic term Mahdi, that's translated as divinely guided one. "The main principle of this Mahdi is that he is a figure that is absolutely guided by God. And this guidance is a stronger form of guidance than normal guidance, which usually involves a human being, willfully acting according then to guidance of God. And the Mahdi on the other hand has nothing of this human element, and his acts will be in complete accordance to God's will." That's because there's nothing human about him. He's just a freak from Mars folks.
"The figure of Mahdi and his mission is not mentioned in the Koran, and there's practically nothing to be found among the reliable (unclear) on him either. The idea of the Mahdi appears to be a development in the second and third centuries of Islam." So that'll tell you right there that most likely another doctrine instituted by the Jesuits into a religion. Yes I know you're all shocked, especially the ones who follow this show. Imagine that the Jesuits planting another false doctrine into a religion. We know that they set up this whole Moslem religion anyway. If you hear how Mohammad was set up to become the leader of this, it's all pretty black and white.
And you know who has it on their site, is the Chic website. Chic tracts. I know you guys have heard of it. I think it's C H I C (No it's C H I C K - Simon), chick tracs. Google that and go to their website, because they have an awesome chick trac on how Islam started. And you can read it right on line. And they make it very very simple so that even an eight year old could read this stuff and understand it. And they talk about how his wife was sent to him from the Catholic Church. She was working for the Jesuits. And what they wanted to do was build up a religion in the Mid East that was counter to the Jews. So their agendas are running even back then folks.
Because Mohammed himself stated that he had thought himself that he was tricked and being talked to by a demon. And it was his wife who was behind it, who had told him that he was the messiah, that he was this, he was that. They were doing the tricking on him, and she was there to reinforce the fact to him that he was some kind of a prophet from God. And so it wasn't something that he just drew on himself. It was mostly his wife and the catholic church.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611. I wanted to read this thing from Joseph Farah. I don't usually read World Net Daily stuff. It's usually just another Debka. It's usually just a bunch of Mossad writers working the Zionist agenda. You never know what you're going to get over there, it's kind of like a grab bag. But he was saying the same thing, "Signs in the heavens and a popular notion in the Islamic World that Osama Bin Laden is the Mahdi". And what WND, World Net Daily was coming out and saying, was that it was Osama Bin Laden who was going to play the part of Mahdi. This a long awaited messianic deliverer. Expected this month and expected to be a sign that an American Hiroshima is on it's way.
And so that's their take on it. Joseph Farah's, that he believes that this Mahdi.. and even many of the Muslims today claim that Osama Bin Laden is the fulfillment. Which means he would have to be dead, or somehow got a plane ride to space so he could descend in a white cloud over Nigeria. You know when I first read that report, it was kind of amusing because Nigeria is the stomping ground for Maitreya. And Maitreya hasn't been one known to wear a blue turban. He's been one known... to wear white ones. He likes the white ones. I have pictures of him on my website at, Pictures of Maitreya and his little chef white turban.
The role of Mabus in the last days. I know that Nostradamus said he's a third antichrist. He's a forerunner of the final one. This Mabus, from what my understanding is and it's very limited, is the fact that he will arrive as some kind of messianic deliverer. But he is not going to last long. He is going to die. And so I was wondering I remember back then, way like last year if this would actually be Maitreya, who comes, makes a splash across the world scene and then dies. And then of course predicted after his death would be a comet striking the earth. And then just the commencement of this tribulation period.
So it really makes you just sit back and watch events. So when things happen you can kind of recognize where they're at in their game plan, because they change them all the time. One of the biggest things I think they're going to find, is that when they do finally pull off the grand entrance of the antichrist to earth. To them it might be grand, but I think 80% of the population's totally going to miss it. Because you know they want everybody to see him arrive in Israel, in a cloud above Jerusalem coming as the messiah.
Well the thing is is that.. you know I'm not even outside half the time. I know a lot of people aren't. You're in your houses at night or in the early morning. Nobody's going to be outside to watch this spectacle. Unless they have TV news crews there to beam it on everybody's television, so you could at least watch it on television. Then that would give you some kind of a hint that there's premeditation involved. And doesn't the Lord say no one's going to know when He arrives. So if he's on the air prime time or morning drive or whatever happens, and he's shown on TV, that gives the plan away of premeditation. They knew he was coming then.
They have various ways of doing it. They wanted to bring the antichrist in after a North Korean holocaust, where they totally destroy the Korean Peninsula. The world's on the brink of a final destructive, destruction and war. And then boom here coming in the skies is the antichrist. And I call this the Blue Beam Project. And you can Google that. I have it on my website at You can go to my site and do a search. Find the Blue Beam Project.
They've gone back and forth about bringing him in, in a ufo, hail of ufos. Because his aliens, they all have this fake glowing facade thing going, where they can look like angels. I mean Satan will come as an angel of light, if you are aware of the Scriptures, he can pose as an angel of light. They're not coming as Martians from Mars and fallen angels from space. They're coming as God and God's holy angels. And so they're going to be good. They're going to be very deceptive at first. Because I'll tell you what, you give these creatures five minutes of having to be nice, polite and honest people, and they can't stand it. They lose it, they can't stand it. They cannot hold that form very long. And so if you start getting them even a little bit rattled, just a little bit rattled, you'll see their tempers flare and fly. And they're going to give themselves away for what they are.
A lot of you won't be deceived. Some of you will be. I mean if you're liking Benny Hinn and all these beast network preachers now, they're going to love these guys. Lord help you then, because I don't know who's going to be able to pull you out of your errors by then. That the whole beast network (TBN) was been nothing but a facade, a conditioning to get the bulk of churches, the masses, big congregations prepared and ready to accept these beings as the returning messiah, as Jesus.
And you'll notice many, many, many churches today don't talk about prophecy. They don't touch it. They never talk about the last days, the end days. But they will harp on the rapture all the time. Oh they want you to believe in a rapture. Because they want everybody.. when all these ufos start taking people off the earth as food, they want people to believe they're raptured.
You know Satan's going to have his own fake rapture here. he's going to take hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of the earth at one time. The aliens eat them as food. They know destructions are coming on earth. They know the earth's going to go through a slight pole shift. They know all these plagues are coming. And so they're going to stock up on food because these beings eat off of humans. I've always stated it. It's in the Bible. The times of Noah. Enoch talks about it. These beings are cannibals, and they feed off of humans. And now you know where all these milk carton people are. Between the Satanists and their satanic ritual sacrificing of innocent children, to the aliens who prefer to eat children. That's where you get hundred of thousands of missing children around our globe every year.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611. So is it time, is it time now for these messiahs that we were warned about in Matthew chapter 24, "Many will come in My name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many". Is it time for their appearance? And maybe this was a test run, I don't know. It will be interesting, that the west was trying to hide this. So how are they going to pull off their own if something like this could be so easily hidden in Nigeria.
They have a shoot clause against ufos, that if they see them they will shoot them down. And that makes a lot of these fallen angels, and these ufos hesitant to try to pull off their agendas on earth. So what they have to do is work the politics on the ground and try to get some of those orders cancelled. Especially to try and shoot them down. They don't want to sit and fight with humans all the time. They want to get their agenda off the ground. Global government, Bring in Satan ruling as the antichrist.
And of course we have our own messes here with George Bush indictments coming. And this is something I saw years ago in the codes. I can remember back in 2002, 2003 and seeing in the codes about Bush and Cheney being indicted and being decapitated. And so see some of the stuff coming out now with the indictments. Don't know which way they'll go. You know that treason is punishable by death. Hanging or being shot. But in the codes I definitely saw the fact that they're being decapitated.
So I don't know if that card will be played. But it's there, I saw it years ago. So it's interesting to see that with so many other people saying that Bush would never finish his second term. And the fact that he is indicted now, to see this coming out. I guess we'll see the ending when we see it. And the fact of it being that this could drag out for another year. Two years even. Or it could just be over in a matter of months. You know a matter of weeks, a matter of months. It really depends how much time, that they're going to give to this whole charade.
I know that they're not set up enough. They have to have a lot of acceptance on earth of the people here, to accept these alien beings on it. And so they're working with mankind's acceptance. So they put out these disinfo artists with agendas like Zechariah Sitchin and Dr Boylan and some of these others behind the alien, "we love the aliens" freak things...petitions asking them to come to earth and help us. Why do we need them here to help us? They're the cause of half of the destruction to our solar system, because they're coming here.
You know Planet X, Planet Nibiru, Planet Rahab whatever you want to call it, is a big reason, a lot of the pull going on with the earth right now. And so it's going to be a cause for a lot of the destructions happening on earth. A lot of the hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic disruptions. Because of the magnetic pull of Planet Nibiru getting closer and closer to earth.
And what is Planet X, Nibiru? It is .. picture it as a huge space ship. That's basically what it is. It's a hollow planet full of Annunaki, that Zecharia Sitchin wants you to think, based on ancient Sumerian tablets that nobody can decifer but him...that these guys are our forefathers, that they created us. And they left earth and now they're coming back to see how, after all these thousands of years, how their creation has done, has become.
So it's a bunch of hogwash. And you'll also see that being introduced into the schools to replace Darwinism, which was always a joke. Evolution never could find the missing link. Never could find the half of common sense about the theory because there is none. They couldn't prove it. They just wanted something else. They wanted an alternative as to why they wouldn't have to believe and acknowledge in a creator, in a God. So they came up with Darwinism.
And now that's on the way out. And Intelligent Design is on it's way in. And this Intelligent Design is trying to creep into the schools. And you parents you might want to pay attention to this coming in. If your school system starts talking about it and wants to institute it, I would go and I would fight them at the school board meetings, keep it out of your schools. This backs the whole theory that the Annunaki are our creators. This is an alien agenda. And it backs the whole alien agenda disinfo program. That the Annunaki created us in a test tube, that they created us and they went away and now they're coming back. And so that's what that whole Intelligent Design thing is.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay, go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hey Sherry.
Sherry: Hey, how are you doing?
Caller: This is Mark Church.
Sherry: Hey Mark.
Mark: I PMed you on line, just like about ten minutes ago.
Sherry: Okay.
Mark: And I just wanted to say that you're really doing good on the air. And I just thank God that He lead me to your site, and that I'm able to talk to you. I really believe that you're from God and all these things that you're speaking is true. And the reason why I'm shaking is because I feel like you're an angel sent to speak to people, and tell them what's going to happen. Because God has been showing me some of the same things. And I wanted to tell you about a dream that I had about Bush. Because you were just talking about George Bush. And it was before he got reelected. And my brother said, I was in the dream I was with my brother. And my brother said, "Isn't it going to be something when George Bush gets reelected and then gets assassinated." So, I mean that's just like a small dream of all the stuff that He's been showing me.
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: Like God has been showing me that the year 2007 for some reason. He just keeps confirming 2007, 2007.
Sherry: Dominant year for the arrival.
Mark: Yeah, and I didn't know what it was about. And so I started.. and so I asked God, "What is the year 2007. What are You trying to show me?" And He said, "Well you just need to be patient. I'll show you here in a second." So a couple of days after that, a friend of mine online, sent me an e-mail of this guy who had an article in a paper in New York I think it was. He was a moslem guy. And he wrote an article about how he took like the first book of the Koran, and it came out to be like 231 sirus. And he added 1776 to 231 and that came out to be 2007. And He said that would be the year of the destruction of America. And after that.. and then I started getting.. and this was like about 3 or 4 weeks ago when I read this. And so I started looking into to it. And I was typing in 2007 on line. And I don't want to take up too much of your time. But I was typing in 2007 and it seemed like there was a whole bunch of sites and a whole bunch of preachers and stuff from like 1970, that were prophesying about the year 2007.
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: And that would be like the big year of the earthquake hitting the middle of America. And the three meteors hitting in the Gulf of Mexico, right off the coast of Florida, and then out to sea in the Atlantic. And a whole bunch of other stuff like Russia and China coming in and occupying America and stuff like that.
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: And so it's just been tripping me out, because God showed me that before.. God would show me the year 2007 before I knew anything about it. And then I came across your site, and you were basically saying all the stuff that's about ready to happen. And I really believe that a lot of bad stuff is about to happen.
Sherry: Yeah it is. I try not to get hung up on dates because I know that they can move up or they can be delayed. And so what I like to do is know what everything's coming, every route they're going to take. And then just analyze things as they happen.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: I know the prominent dates are out there. But like I said, I just try not to get hung up on dates. Because I've seen too many times where they'll just delay. As their plans get exposed, they'll delay it.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: So if everybody's expecting 2007, they'll move it up to 2006, or they'll push it back to 2008. Or maybe they'll surprise everybody and do something like they've planned it, You never know.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: And so I just try to stay prepared. I know that next year 2006 is going to be almost like a similar year 2005, but we're going to see much more destructions. And Bush is still..
Mark: That's why I wanted to call in because you know, I've been trying to talk to like different Christians and stuff to see if God has been showing them the same things. Because you said on one of your other shows before, that God will.. if we're all in accordance with God's will and we're all talking to God.. (speaking together, heard what Sherry said)
Sherry: If we're all seeking the Lord, we're all on the same page.
Mark: ...revelation. So I just wanted to ask you about the year 2007 as well so..
Sherry: Yeah, 2007 is really dominant for things over here, being over as we know it. Not life itself, not the planet itself, just the United States itself as a (unclear) country is over as we know it.
Mark: (started speaking during Sherry's last sentence) a third world country or something?
Sherry: What's that?
Mark: It would be kind of like a third world country?
Sherry: Yeah, we're going to be in so many... next year. Like at the beginning of this year 2005, I said it was a year of judgment. And 2006 is going to be a mirror year, but worse as far as natural disasters go. Because you're going to see Planet X coming in, and as it comes in, it's just going to tear this earth apart. And so we're going to see a lot of that in 2006, because when things do start happening in 2007, most of the United States is going to be under martial law. Most of our cities are going to have destructions. We're going to have plagues, famines, pandemics going on. Famines, stores are shut down. Cities are in chaos and riots. And so all these people who think that there's going to be a rapture. You know they're going to be in for a rude surprise because they're going to be going through these things....
Mark: Right. And ... I.. excuse me, you can go ahead.
Sherry: Oh no, go... I just
Mark: I was going to say, but I listened to one of your shows before, and you were talking about how people... they don't really know their bible. And there's a lot of people out there that say they love God and all this stuff. But the bible says in John 1:1, "That in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". You only love God as much as you love His word.
Sherry: There was no KJV back then, He was the Word. And the Gospel was His message of salvation, it wasn't the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the KJV. People get so wrapped up in that. And so they seek their KJV like it's God Himself. What does He say, "They search the scriptures for salvation. They can't find Me."
Mark: Right.
Sherry: "They don't know who I am", because they're so busy reading the Word that they don't talk to Him.
Mark: But in the Old Testament, it also talks about other books of the bible like the book of Enoch, the book of Jasher.
Sherry: Yeah, I love Enoch.
Mark: What are your thoughs on that?
Sherry: I love Enoch. I mean..
Mark: Have you heard of the book of Jasher?
Sherry: Yeah, I've tried reading Jasher before... Jubilees. Everytime I got to those books, something in the Nag Hammadi library would catch my attention, and I would be reading that all night.
Mark: Yeah, those are great. (speaking together)
Sherry: ...through the Nag Hammadi books, and somebody wanted me to give my opinion on that tonight and... you know what, I like them. I don't know what my opinion is. I just.. they're there. I don't know. Just chew the grass, spit out the hay. Remember what you read. Hang onto all your knowledge.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: You know...
Mark:... what I feel about it. Like you were saying, I don't believe that the KJV is it. Nevertheless you've got to be careful about the types of books that you're reading. You know, so you don't get caught up in false doctrines and..
Sherry: Oh yeah. Well you know what, a lot of these doctrines that people spend so much time on. The endless theology debates on raptures and stuff. These things are not detrimental to your salvation. I mean if you're wrong on a rapture theory, doesn't mean you're not going to get into heaven. These things don't affect your salvation. But the thing is they do affect your time. Because you could be witnessing.. being a light to the world and witnessing, sharing your faith and anything the Lord wants you to do. But instead you're sitting around endless theology debates all the time.
Mark: Yeah.
Sherry: And they're never going to stop. They're never going to go away because the church is always going to be divided. Because Satan has got both feet planted firmly in our churches. You've seen the Jesuits infiltrate. There never was a division from the Catholics. The Catholics just went underground and called themselves protestants. They've always had control of our mainstream churches. Anybody big, anybody with a big name is.... Like Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland and Graham and all them. They're all Knights of Templars or they're Jesuits and they're masons. I mean everything is connected to Satan. And he's got both feet firmly planted in every religion. And so that's how man needs to give them up and go straight to the Lord. Ask Him for the truth in all things. I regard the bible as a garden of Eden, it's there to test us.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: There's truth in it and there's things in there that are going to lead you astray.
Mark: Romans 10:17 says that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. And I mean a lot of people, they don't like people to preach to them or tell them about who God is, let alone picking up the bible for themselves and read of for themselves.
Sherry: You know, it's these people that don't want to be told who God is and don't want to be told about religion because they see they hypocrisy. And they have their eyes open to that. These are the very ones who need to be just asking the Lord Himself to reveal the truth to them in all things. Instead of looking at His followers, those who call Him by His name, and seeing the hypocrisy. They should just go to Him direct, and say, "Look God I believe in You. I know that there's a creator. I know you are out there somewhere. Reveal the truth to me, Reveal Yourself to me. Show me the truth". And go to Him direct. Go to Him direct. So there's no excuse. You don't have to sit in a church week after week. Sitting in hypocrisy knowing you hate it. Just because you feel obligated that you need to be.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: You know nobody has to be obligated to sit in any of these churches because they're not of the Lord's anyway, half of them. But what they do need to be obligated is in to seeking Him for the truth. To be talking to Him, to be actively seeking Him.
Mark: Right. There's a lot of people that don't have a real prayer life. Or they feel like they're too bad to pray or..
Sherry: You know what, it's just like one of these things, like what's a prayer life? Is it having to get quite, which is almost impossible for 90% of moms out there, and bowing your head and getting into quiet time prayer meditation. You know what, I sit and I talk to the Lord all day long.
Mark: Right, exactly.
Sherry: That's my prayer life.
Mark: Cease without praying.
Sherry: You know while I'm working, while I'm reading..
Mark: Pray without ceasing.
Sherry: While I'm listening to music, I just talk to Him. I talk to Him all day. Anybody can do that. Everybody should be doing that, because it means you're meditating on Him, which means He's on your mind. You're focusing on Him.
Mark: Exactly.
Sherry: And that's what meditating is, not this meditation concept that the Buddhists and yoga people took a mile long and perverted..
Mark: The New Age
Sherry:.. screaming mantras and chanting things forever and trying to develop your mind so that it can be opened to demonic access. That's all that stuff is. It opens up your mind to demonic access. Meditating on the word, when David meditated on the word, He was just dwelling on the Lord, he was singing, he was writing poetry, he was praising Him. You know he was just focusing on the Lord all day. He was the first one and the foremost thing on his mind all day long was the Lord. And that's what meditating is. That's what real meditation is.
Mark: I believe that. That's really good.
Sherry: It's not this sit down and chant these mantras forever. People take stuff and of course Satan perverts it. There's nothing real complicated about the Lord. I mean He's really very simple, because if you can talk like you're doing now, you can be doing that with the Lord all day.
Mark: Right, there's.. what is it, the Rhema that He gives to each one of us. And that's just as much as.. I mean if it lines up with the word of God, but it's just as much as the word of God as the bible itself. You know He told you to do something, then I take that just as much as the word of God or the power of the word of God that the bible even you know. So I mean God speaking to people and He's talking to them but they're not listening.
Sherry: Yeah well they're not and I mentioned that on my blogger earlier last week. He's just so frustrated with His people. You know so many people send me e-mails constantly, "I wish I knew what my calling was, so that I'm sure I'm in it." They want to be sure that they're in it. They love Him, and they wanted to do what they're supposed to do when they're here. And so the only thing I tell them is keep asking Him, keep seeking Him. Because what He'll do, is He'll just lead you into it. Whatever He wants you to do, He'll just lead you into it. But then you have all these people, that do know what He wants them to do. that can hear Him, that know when He's guiding them and directing them to do something. They know it's Him and they won't do it. They won't do it. They just come up with excuses. "I don't have the time, I don't have the money, I don't have the energy, I really don't want to do that now, I'll do that next month." And it's just one excuse after the next. And He's just so frustrated. He can... don't get me wrong, He can conquer and destroy this world with just one believer. You know one person claiming Him and calling Him by His name. And if He didn't even have one person, He would just go to the rocks. He doesn't need us. In a literal sense He does not need us. But seeing that there's so many millions of us that claim that we love Him, can't we do at least what He asks? Can't we be open to what He wants us to do?
Mark: And most people they think, "Well I don't have the talent to do this, or I don't have the ability to do that"...
Sherry: He doesn't lead you into what He doesn't open the door for you to do.
Mark: Right. Those are the people that God want to use, is the people that feel they can't contribute to anything. Or they're you know, long, too short. You know, "I don't have the ability of speaking in front of people or anything like that". That's who God wants to use.
Sherry: Yeah I can't even talk half the time, and He's got me doing a radio show.
Mark: Like when I first called in tonight. I'm shaking so bad. My.. like when I talk in front of people, my face gets red and everything like that, but I know that that's the reason why God is using me. I know that you have like a time schedule for your show, but is it okay if I tell my testimony?
Sherry: Yeah, go ahead.
Mark: Okay.
Mark's testimony:
Well I got out of high school in 2001. And I remember when I was in there, none of my family is saved basically, but I remember when I was in there, I got past boot camp and I was in my tech school. I was in the shower and I was scared because I was in there when September 11 happened. And I remember I just dropped to my knees... I was in the shower and I just dropped to my knees and I started praying. I was like "God", you know, "whatever it is that I've done wrong, please forgive me. And just get me out of here, because I don't want to be in here now". Because of September 11 and I knew that we were going to have to go to war and stuff like that.
And 30 minutes later, I called my sister, no actually she called me. And she said without me saying anything, she called me and she goes, the first words out of her mouth, she goes, "30 minutes ago"... Oh hold on one second. (Mark pauses for a few seconds). Okay are you there?
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: Okay.
Mark continues:
And so, she said, "30 minutes ago I was in the shower praying for you, that you would get out of the air force". 30 minutes ago, 30 minutes before that, I was in the shower too, and I broke down and started crying. And I asked God to do that. So I got really sick. Actually I was already kind of sick at that point. But then I started to get really sick and they sent me to the hospital. And they had to give me like three of those big bags of water like those IVs when you're dehydrated. And they said a really dehydrated person only needs two of them. And so I was like really dehydrated.
So then I was still sick after that, and they kept giving me antibiotics and stuff like that. And they said, "Well maybe like you need to go take an asthma test". The air force is the only branch of the military that you can have asthma to be in the military. So I went and took it and I failed it.
Well I got home, they had to send me home and discharge me. But they put on my DD214, that I lied to them before I got in the air force and said I had asthma before I came in. Which wasn't true. And so I went through the VA and told him, you know this isn't right. This is going to be on my record. I won't be able to get a good job or anything like that. They said, "Well it's going to be a while". This was in January of 2002. And they said, "It's going to be a long process and everything, but we'll try and help you out."
So I got my job, I came back home and was living with my parents and I got my job back. And when I was at my job, I met a guy that was going to get married on May 3, 2002. And he asked my to come to his wedding and everything. Because we started to hang out and stuff like that. Well one night, it was like two weeks before the wedding started. There was a guy, his fiance's brother, came to (unclear) with them. And we sat down and the whole time he was talking about God and the bible. And I never heard anybody talk about God this much and everything. So I though it was really wierd.
So then the wedding came around, and he kind of took me aside and started showing me the bible and stuff. You know this and that. And I was like, "Wow, you know this is crazy. You know, I've never seen anybody that knows the bible as much as you", do and stuff like that. Well he lived about 90 miles away from me in a small town called, Liberal, Kansas, and I was living in Lakin, Kansas at the time. Well on the weekends, I would work Monday through Friday, and on the weekends I would go to his house. And all we would do is just basically stay up all day and all night just reading the bible and stuff.
And so about 3 months into doing that, he got this crazy idea that we should start a ministry together, and we needed to put our money together and stuff like that. So I went into my bank account and took everything out. It came up to be like $2481. And I scrounged up every penny that I could find on the ground. Because I wanted to do something good for God. Because I felt like "Wow this is awesome, I can't believe that God's using me", and stuff like this. So I took that money and gave it to him to hold. And he didn't put any money to it either. So I was like, well that's kind of wierd.
But seven days later, he took that money and bought studio equipment with it. And so his wife was like, "Why did you do that? Why would you do that without talking to Mark about it?" And so he said, "Well I have a way of talking to Mark". And so he called me up and said we need to sit down and talk and stuff. So I drove over to his house. And we talked about it. And he's like, "Well I bought studio equipment, and I believe that I'm going to rap and you're going to sing. And we're going to make this CDs for God, and we're going to sell them on the street. And that's how we're going to make our money."
I was fine with that. I was like, "Okay, that sounds good." And then he said, "But there's one stipulation. I have to leave my wife and my four children." And at that point I was like, what? You know I didn't understand too much about God, but what I did know was Ephesians 5:25, "Love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it." And I told him that. I said, "I don't want to be a part of this. I don't want have anything to do with you leaving your wife and your children." And their age ranges were from 2 - 8. And they were so beautiful, I mean he's got such beautiful children. And I was like, "Your one main ministry is to your family. How can a man take care of the house of God if he can't even take care of his own family."
And so he said, "I'm going to go with or without you". Well backtracking here for a second. When I was there one time during that 3 months. A pastor and a (unclear) called. And he put him on speaker phone, so all three of us were talking and everything. And he asked me like if I had yahoo messenger and MSN messenger. And I told him yes, so we started kind of talking on the internet when I would get home too.
Getting back to this one guy. He took that money, bought the studio equipment. He had some extra money left over from it. He sold his house for $11000. Gave his wife about $3000 of it. Took the $8000 for himself and the rest of the money that I had given him. Went down to Dallas Texas because he felt like God told him to go to the Potters house. And there he would hear God's words. And if anybody knows anything about TV Jakes, he calls his ministry the Potter's house. So he felt he had to go down there, and that's where he would hear God's words. So he said, "I'm going to go down there with or without you. I'm going to do this because this is what I feel God wants me to do". So he left his family.
So I was like, you know kind of sad. It wasn't about the money. It was more the fact that he left his children and the fact that he used part of my money to do it. You know I felt guilty that I ruined somebody's family, that's the way I felt. So I started talking to the pastor on line. And we were talking back and forth. And he was telling me about the church that he was pastoring up there, and all the stuff that was going on. I want to believe the best in everybody.
And he told me, "Maybe you should come up here and live with me until you can get on your feet and everything. You can come here and stay with me for a while. And you can place for yourself." So I went up there, and well he kind of made moves on me. If you want to put in that terms. And so I lived there for about four months and everything. So then we kind of got into an argument and he said that I should go home. And I felt like I wanted to go home too, because I felt deceived and kind of trapped, because I was up there by myself and didn't really have a car or anything like that.
And so I came back and lived with my family. At that point I was kind of mad at God, I was like, "Why would You put me through all this stuff? Why would You allow the devil to use me to break up a home, a family and children? If you can't trust a pastor, then who can you trust?" I just didn't want anything to do with God anymore. I was just like, "This is bullcrap. Eveybody's a hypocrite. All the church people are hypocrites. You can't even trust the pastor."
Well I got my job back. And about two months into it, somebody sent me an e-mail. I don't know who it was, but it was out of the blue. And it was talking about the middle of the bible. Well the middle of the bible is Psalm 118:8. And it read, "It is better to put trust in the Lord than to put trust in man." And I was just sitting there in awe like, "Oh my God", all this stuff that I was ranting and raving about God. You know "Why would You put me through all this stuff?" And it was simple the middle of the bible says, not to put trust in man, but to put trust in the Lord.
And no matter who they are, it's not the suit that makes the man, it's not the title of the man, that "I'm a pastor, I'm a preacher", or whoever it is. But you should be putting your trust, totally 100% in God and not in man. It doesn't matter who they are because we're all wicked. And Isaiah says that, I think it's Isaiah that the heart is deceitfully wicked, or desperately wicked above all things. Who can know it? So our hearts are desperate to do wicked, to do evil no matter who we are.
And so after that I was like wow, God put me through all that stuff just to show me one principle. And the fact that it was in the middle of the bible was really wierd to me that God would, you know so me this stuff. Even though I had to learn the hard way, that God would still show me this stuff.
And so we had a church that was like two houses down from mine, and they would leave their doors open for anybody that would want to come in and pray and sing songs. So I thought in my mind, well I'm not going to church or anything so I might as well just go in there and do it on my own time. I would just go in there and sing songs and pray and read the bible and stuff like that.
And one night I was in there praying and reading the bible. And I can't remember what verse it is, but it talks about how can I being God can forgive you your sins if you can't forgive someone else for doing something wrong to you. And it convicted me. I was like wow, you know I have unforgiveness in my heart for this pastor guy and all this stuff. And so I was like, "Lord, how am I going to do this?" Because I like erased him for all, like everything. Like my MSN accounts, my yahoo accounts. I just deleted him, and I blocked him and everything.
And I don't even know how this happened. But I got home, and out of the blue, he PMs and said, "I'm praying for you, and I hope everything's okay with you and your family. I hope that God's will be done in your life", and stuff. And it's like wow, you know the same day that I was reading that verse, you know God's like, "Now here's your shot", to forgive him and do all that.
Well he PMs me and I PMed him back. And I said, "Well I forgive you". And we started talking again. And it was like you know I have stuff in my own life that I've done against God. I've backstabbed people before. I've deceived people before. I've lied to people before. And it would be unrighteous of me to say that you're a worse person than I am. And to say what you've done to me that I can't forgive that. So I forgave him and stuff like that. And so we started talking.
And you know it doesn't matter how old you are, it doesn't matter who you are, you're still going to have struggles in this life. You're still going to sin. You're still going to have temptation that comes and goes you know. So it doesn't really matter who you are. If you're a pastor or a preacher or if you've been in the church 50 years. It doesn't matter, we're all in the same boat.
And so I felt like you know, just forgive him and love him. Show people love. That's the two commandments that God gave us, was love God and then love people around you. And to go based on the fundamentals of God. And people get so big, that they think they're above and beyond the fundamentals of the faith. And that's where we lose it. Love and faith.
Sherry: So many people will blame Him when everything goes wrong. They blame Him. And that's why so many atheists today are former believers. You know God took their wife, their child whatever. Blame their deaths on Him. Or the fact that she ran off on me, or she divorced me. They blame everything evil that happens to them on God. And God uses every instance and every circumstance in our lives to bring us closer to Him if we allow Him to. Instead so many people fall short and put up a big block, a big wall and start blaming Him for the thing that happened. So He can't make good of the thing that happened. He allows things to happen to His people. He allows His people to be tested. He doesn't always step in and save the day for anyone. He allows His people to go through trials.
Mark: Right and it's for the betterment of them. You know even if.. like with Job, I had to look at Job and be like wow, my problems are nothing compared to that.
Mark continues:
But getting back to the story. So we started talking again and we talked for another three months or whatever. And then he decide, "Well you know, we talked about it, and you know, I'm sorry for it", and all this stuff. And so he said, "Do you still want to come back, because I believe that you're meant to be in this church, and be in this ministry. You can come back and stay with me, until you get on your feet", and everything.
So I went back, and this time I stayed for about two and a half years. Well rumors started going around in the church that he was gay. And what a 55 year old man doing with a 22 year old guy in the same house, you know, and stuff like that. And so people started leaving the church. Well I felt like it would be selfish of me to stay. Because all these people are leaving. Even that I know that it's good for me to be here. To be in a house with a pastor, you know it's good to have somebody to be accountable to. You know somebody to be real with. To tell him all your problems, and have him be prayed for. Like James says, "Confess your sins one to another, that they maybe healed. Prayed for and healed."
And it's really good to have, like iron sharpens iron. So will a man sharpen another man. You know that we could come together and have that accountability partner to talk to. And who better else to have than a pastor or somebody older that you can look up to.
But I felt like it was selfish for me to stay. You know people were leaving, and the fact they were having troubles with me being there. And the bible says don't let your good be spoken evil of. And so I felt like, well I just need to get out of here. I could still follow God and do that somewhere else. So I decided to leave and go visit my brother, who was in south west Kansas still. And that was in May to July.
And then in July of this year, July 22 I just moved up to Washington, which is where I'm staying right now with my parents now. And I'm in a really good church called Four Square here in Richmond, Washington. And I still feel like God is leading and guiding me. Even though, all that bad stuff has happened, I still don't blame God. I praise Him even the more for it all that God has brought me through it all. And that He's taught me. And that He's showed me that He loves me so much, that all things are working together for my good. And that no matter what happens, He's still going to be there. He's never going to forsake me nor leave me. And even though trials and tribulations, God never promises an easy life or anything like that. That it's all going to strengthen me and better me. Not only for my own sake, but the people around me.
I believe that that's why I'm telling my testimony tonight on your show, so that people will know that if you're going through some hard trials, if there's people that have hurt you or done something to you, that was in the church that you really looked up to. Whether it be a pastor or.. in my case it was a pastor and the guy that lead me to God. And I hear the music right now. But I just wanted to let everybody know that God's still there and He still loves you.
Sherry: Well thanks for sharing that with us tonight Mark. I'm going to have to wrap up the first hour, so that we can come back to the second. But thanks for sharing that, and thanks for calling in. I know that you did bless others out there. You blessed me listening to it.
Mark: Thank you.
Sherry: Okay God bless.
Mark: I love you Sherry.
Sherry: Bye.
Mark: Bye.
We're going to wrap up the first hour folks. We're going to take a five minute break, then we'll be back for the second half. I'll see you then. Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back.
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
October 24, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 24 October 2005 - 2nd hour
And welcome back everybody, I'm Sherry Shriner. And I'm sitting here going through some of these e-mail questions from listeners. And you can send me a question or a comment to [email protected]. You can send me a Yahoo instant message or an e-mail at [email protected], and I'll read it over the air. Or you can give me a call right now. The phone line's 260-356-2611, listener call-in line.
I got one e-mail from last week. A couple of questions a fellow sent in and wanted me to answer. And so I'm going to go back to it this week since I didn't get to it last week. It says, "Hello Sherry. What are your thoughts on the Bermuda Triangle? What exactly is going on over there?" Well the Bermuda Triangle, I know a lot of people say that the lost city of Atlantis is located in that area of the Bermuda Triangle. It's a possibility we know that there's been plenty of ufos seen under water, coming in and out of that area as well. So some kind of.. others believe there is some kind of a time warp thing over there. Which is why we've lost a lot of planes and ships and everything in that general area. Some kind of magnetic field that just kind of sucks them in.
I wouldn't doubt if it was a combination of all three. We know that the lost city of Atlantis being off the coast of Florida. Not too far, somewhere off of Florida, the lost city of Atlantis. Also the fact that there is some kind of underground base there. They've seen ufos coming in and out. And there also seems to be a lot of electromagnetic activity around that area. So it's probably a combination of all three theories, that I've read about the Bermuda Triangle.
"What are your thoughts on black holes in space? Their purpose?" You know what, I really don't know. I really don't know a thing about black holes. If those are what they're using.. the only thing I know about in regards that way would be portals. I don't know if those are the time warp speed things what they use for time travel. I have no idea. I know that there's portals that they can jump in and out of. I know the whole thing that we have to take rockets to the moon is a facade and a lie. Because we don't get to the moon or Mars or any other planets by these rockets. They just use portals. They just open up portals and go to these planets.
So this whole space rocket facade from NASA is nothing but a money soaker. You know they have this multi billion dollar agency that just takes that money, builds a couple of rockets and mostly funnels the money over to our real space program, which is in Pine Gap in Australia. You know that's our real space program it's in Pine Gap. Don't believe what they tell you. One ear maybe, believe it with one ear. What they don't tell you is what's mind boggling. So that's basically how they do get around in and out of planets and moons and stuff. It's portals.
"What are your thoughts on Halloween, Christmas, Valentines etc? Are these celebrations true christians should follow?" They're man-made traditions. The Lord hates man-made traditions, because they replaced these man-made traditions with His. And He's supposed to be our priority. He's supposed to be our focus. We were never to stop celebrating the feasts of passover..
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have Joe on the line when you're ready.
Sherry: Okay, just a second. Or any of His appointed feasts which were appointed times to meet with Him. And so what we did, was we replaced them with all these man-made things. And He hates them. Now we need to go back to celebrating His appointed times and feasts. And people try to use scriptures, well those are over with, He fulfilled all that. No He didn't. Those have always been appointed times. If He negated them now, would we go back to them during the millennial reign on earth when He talks about going up to the New Jerusalem celebrating Passover? No we wouldn't have this 2000 year hiccup, where He tells us to do something and we stop, and then we resume it again during eternity in the millennium. It would never be stopped. He's a consistent He's a God of yesterday, today and forever. We should be celebrating His appointed times and feasts now, not man's traditions. Oh yeah, go ahead and put him on Steve.
Steve: You're up Joe.
Joe: Hey Sherry.
Sherry: Hey, how are you doing?
Joe: Pretty good, how about you?
Sherry: I'm pretty good.
Joe: That's good. I had a couple of comments for you and a question. I wanted to comment on what you had written on your blogger back on Wednesday. (unclear) what you said that the previous day you were tired and you didn't feel like doing anything, and you decided to talk to the Lord. And you just sat there quietly and listened to Him. And you said that He was frustrated with His people. And basically just sat there and listened. And I just wanted to say that shows a side of the Lord we don't see. And I'm glad that you written that because there's a side of the Lord we don't see and realize that He's kind of like we are. We like to sit and talk to our loved ones and vent. So He just vented and you just sat there and listened. And I thought that was well written, because it shows a side that we don't know or realize. Because He's just like us, just likes to have a regular conversation with His loved ones.
Sherry: Yeah it is, it's a two partner relationship, two road. And if you're always the one doing the talking it's kind of rude.
Joe: Right.
Sherry: So sometimes I really don't know. I waver and think should I put this on the blogger or not. Well I figure it's my personal diary, it's my thoughts. I'll put it on.
Joe: Right.
Sherry: And basically just to help other people see different aspects. You know because there are other aspects to Him. I know growing up in Baptist churches and schools and stuff, that you just don't learn how to have that one on one with Him. You know everybody thinks that praying is a time of "me talking to the Lord". Well we need to be quiet and just listen from Him.
Joe: Right.
Sherry: Or just sitting and (unclear) talk to the Lord. And if He has something to say just sit and listen. You know that's the problem with a lot of people they don't want to listen, they want to do all the talking.
Joe: Right, plus I wanted to comment that call in said with your previous caller right now, that you were telling him it's not important how much knowledge you have, how many scriptures you have memorized or how many you can quote by memory. It's just basically are you seeking Him, it's the same advice you've been giving for years. Seeking the Lord, establishing a friendship with Him and just meditating on Him all day like you've been advising people.
Sherry: Yeah, that's the biggest bulk of what He wants us to do is just be in Him and to seek after Him. And so it always cracks me up when I see these naysayers online. What is it so evil and wicked that I do?
Joe: I know I don't...
Sherry: Leading people back to Him? That's what He told me six years ago. "Lead My people back to Me."
Joe: Yeah.
Sherry: So I do that. It's simplistic, give an example a story about myself. Or just anything that I feel lead to write. Just leading them back to Him.
Joe: Right, and I don't understand that either why they keep saying you're, I don't know, wicked and evil and... you always advise people, seek the Lord Himself. Even ask Him about your yourself. Ask Him if you're true and what you say is true. You're always advising people just seek the Lord.
Sherry: Yeah, that's the only ministry I have. Leading people back to Him. Waking them up, waking His army up for the last days. Preparing people.
Joe: I see the people that are still deceived, they just don't see it, they don't get it.
Sherry: Yeah well people like their deceptions. They become comfortable in them.
Joe: Right.
Sherry: They don't want to be told they're wrong. And that's the biggest thing about being childlike and coming to the Lord. Because they're not teenagers yet, they don't know everything (sarcastic). And so they're willing, they're able to be taught. They're willing to learn. And that's how He wants us to be. " I already know everything Lord, I'll tell you what Your word says." That's the attitude most people have. "I'll tell you what it says. I already know everything". When we need to sit back, throw everything out the window and say reteach me everything from the ground up. And the thing about that, when you adopt that attitude which we need to have, to be in Him to really learn, is that other people see that as a total sign of weakness, and think they need to shove all of their theologies on you. So it's best not to say anything to anybody. And just say, "I'm re-learning everything all over again from Him, not you". "From Him, He's going to lead me into all the truth from the start." Because it automatically invites other people to think, "I have the answers, and I'll give them to you". You know, so you end up with an earful and somebody else's religion.
Joe: Yeah I know. It just astounds me how people are.
Sherry: I know, and so you know it's just kind of things you keep quiet to yourself. And then over the years it just builds your confidence in Him, to where you can turn around and teach others how to do the same thing.
Joe: And I wanted to ask you too. You had mentioned too that you love the book of Enoch.
Sherry: Yeah.
Joe: And I have read the entire book also, and I love the book of Watchers. It goes into detail about what the Watchers did. And I wanted to ask you, what... the Watchers what was their duties before they sinned? You know because they're called the Watchers, what was their actual duties?
Sherry: To watch. They were guardians of the earth. To watch.
Joe: Just watch, that's it huh?
Sherry: So they were guardians. And so what they did, was these angels that were watching the earth, and watching mankind, went to the Lord and wanted to talk and mingle with mankind. And they were persuading Him.. and the Lord warned them. "If you go down there, you're going to fall in sin." "Oh no we won't. You know how much we love you. We would never do that." He knew. And so they came down here and ended up in sin. And angels can still fall to this day. People think that they don't and they can. It says before the flood and after they fell. They can fall to this day because they have free will just as much as we do. He doesn't force anybody to stay with Him that doesn't want to be.
Joe: You know I didn't realize that until I started reading your articles. I didn't realize that angels have free will just like you and I.
Sherry: Yeah.
Joe: People don't realize that.
Sherry: And we can think, "How stupid", and all they can think of is, "We were made in His image, how stupid we reject Him." There's a two way... they view us one way, we view them another. Because that was Satan's downfall, that was Lucifer's downfall. he was furious that mankind was made in God's image. he wanted to be like God, which was part of his pride and greed. Of course he wanted the whole shabang.
Joe: And jealousy too.
Sherry: Yeah, and so it was a big fall factor, jealousy factor for him, that mankind was made in His image. And we can think, "You see God, you've seen Him in all His glory." They had access to Him. They could say one word and be in the presence of His throne. And they gave all that up for human women? Come on. We're not all that, (unclear) than that, you know what I'm saying. And so you (unclear) back and forth. (Sherry was laughing quite a bit during the last two sentences) I know once I get up there, I wouldn't leave. Only if I had a sword and I was going to fight because I could imagine I'll be a warrior then as I am now. You know I don't like His enemies, I'll stand up for Him anywhere anytime.
Joe: I feel the same way, I want to go home to Him. Why would you want to come back here after going home to Him.
Sherry: I know. If you're on another assignment fine, but next time don't give me an 80 year assignment (LOL). I miss home.
Joe: 80 years is a long time.
Sherry: Yeah that's basically the lifespan of man on earth right now. Which is a lot longer that it's ever been. We went from a time where people were living up to a thousand years, to where the average expectancy of a male was 30 because there were so many wars. You know so it changes back and forth.
Joe: You know it's unbelievable their ages back then in biblical times, how long they lived.
Sherry: Yeah could you just imagine how many kids you could have in a thousand years.
Joe: Oh my gosh. It boggles the mind.
Sherry: The thing that boggles the mind the most, is just to realize how far off key we really are, off base, in understanding prehistoric times. Because we keep thinking they were glorified campgrounds. Cities, they didn't have anything. And when you realize all the tech that they did have, that they squash in our history books, that they lie about in our history books. They lead us, even our church pastors, lead us into conditioning thinking that these prehistoric times are nothing but dirt and glorified camps. And we don't realize the tech involved and how advanced those civilizations actually were. They were very advanced. Moreso advanced than ours. Even just in Noah's time. Very advanced. And they were well spread out. They weren't just a couple of thousand people generating in a desert somewhere. You know they were very well spread out.
Joe: A lot of people think they live in primitive types of, I don't know, villages..
Sherry: Exactly living in grass huts. That's the conditioning that we've had. And it's one of the things you have to throw out the window and realize they were very high tech. Because when these angels came, the sins.. and Enoch goes over it the best, about the Watchers and what they were guilty of. You know, one angel had shown them all the instruments of war, how to kill, how to go to war, and made instruments of war. Another one showing all the women how to adorn themselves with jewelry and makeup..
Joe: Yeah, I remember that, yeah..
Sherry: .. and fashion. It just goes on and on. All these different angels that taught these early civilizations all these things. And we think that just because in this century probably the last two hundred years was when women started wearing jeans and pants and stuff. They had all this stuff way long before. We just went through a stage like a fog age where all of this technology after the flood was buried and destroyed and they had to start all over again. So people don't realize all of this stuff existed before the flood.
Joe: Yeah when you were saying that right now I just realized that God had told those angels that He'd.. they they'd had given secrets to human people and He said those secrets were worthless ones. He didn't give them all the secrets.
Sherry: Yeah because you know what, nobody has it all because He gives it in measure. And that's why I say, if you have something, just keep asking for more. Because He only gives in measure. You can never have all of it. You just get a measure here, a measure there. You could be asking for more. And if you don't have something at all, start asking for it. You have a lot of things to ask for. And then people think, I know I need a car, a house. No not that stuff. Don't ask Him for material things, it's going to get destroyed. Build up your spiritual things first. The other things are added on to you later as you go. He takes care of your needs.
Joe: Some people expect a miracle over night and you've always said it doesn't work that way. He doesn't work that way.
Sherry: Yeah, He doesn't. I remember I wrote out a list of ten things I wanted to know. And I read them off to Him as I wrote them down, and throughout the year He taught me every one of those things that I wanted to know.
Joe: Cool.
Sherry: You know so people can do that. Give the Lord a list of things you want to learn. Things that you want to know.
Joe: He'll give it to you a little at a time.
Sherry: Read out a list, say it out loud as you're writing, and stick it in your bible. And then keep looking at it over time and you'll realize He lead you into the answers for everyone of those things you wrote down on your list.
Joe: That's good advice.
Sherry: Yeah, He just works in many different ways, various ways. There's no one way you can ever get stuck on. I'll have people send me e-mails saying, the Lord told me, gave them a word for me or whatever. And He knows I can hear Him direct. But that's the way He works. He'll send somebody else. There are various ways He works. I always get a kick out of that.
Joe: Yeah it's true, it's so true. Well Sherry, thank you very much for your time. And I'll let you go and to let somebody else call in. God bless you and your family and keep up the good work. We'll talk to you later.
Sherry: God bless you and yours. Thank you for calling in Joe.
Joe: No problem Sherry, talk to you later.
Sherry: Bye.
Listener call in line folks, 260-356-2611. And I've got a question from a listener. "Do you think the great pyramids of Egypt are built by man or aliens or a combination of both?" I'm still staying with what I've always felt, that the first one, the great pyramid was built by the Lord Himself and the other two are mimicks, they're copycats. They're not as perfected, perfect as the great original one. And there's so many things with the original one, that I've always... especially that, what was it? Deuteronomy 19 or Isaiah, somewhere in 19,
(Editors note: I think Sherry is referring to Isaiah 19:19-20: 19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.
20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.
- Simon)
It talks about the symbol in the middle of Egypt. His sign in Egypt and stuff. I really do believe the great pyramid itself was built by the Lord, and the other two are mimicks. I know people try to make it sound occultic that, "These line up with the belt of Orion, blah, blah, blah", well you know what with the earth tilting and shifting so much it would be off center off degrees with. How could that be a perfect science if the earth is constantly changing it's rotation speed. And right now the earth is slowing down.
This from a listener, "All right already, I can't find that Renegade song anywhere by Googling it. So please tell me how to find it." The Renegade, "Thank God for the Renegade" that Steve plays, you can get at it's on my audio index page. Yeah I really like that song. You can go to and look for my audio page. "Thank God for the Renegades", by Steve Voss, is on there you can download it. It has 17,000, I just put it on the other day. No actually, "Somewhere I belong" song by Lincoln Parks, 17,000 downloads just this month on that one. And I just put Steve Voss' Renegade a couple of weeks ago and got about 11,000 downloads of that one.
Another listener e-mail. "I'm lost how do I know who I can trust. I believe in God, but there are many views of religion. Which is right? Can you help me out? Thanks Tom." You know what Tom, Throw religion out the window. Don't even go near religion. You know what, just talk to the Lord, ask Him to reveal the truth in all things to you. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you because people go to religion to find God. God isn't lost. They go to churches to learn more about Him.
And churches can give you a good doctrinal foundation on what the foundations of the bible are. But they were never meant to be a life long habit of having to go week after week. You were to be trained and taught in the Lord and then sent out as witnesses for Him. And so this whole concept of a church age where you just sit and make wolves rich week after week. People think they're only calling is to tithe to the pastor and they've done their deed for the week or the month or the year. You know what, they've missed the whole concept. It was supposed to be a training ground and then His people would be sent out to witness to the world.
And you certainly don't see that in the streets today. He wants us to come to Him. He wants to reveal Himself to us and we don't need a man to be a mediator. We have Jesus between us and the Father. We don't need anybody else.
So just go to Him and ask Him to reveal Himself to you, to teach you who He is. To teach you how you can have a relationship with Him. And start there, ask Him for truth, for wisdom, for knowledge, discernment and start seeking Him. And that way, you don't have to get in the middle of all these hypocrisies and all these errors. And always wondering am I in the right one? Because the problem is, all of these places that teach these apostasies and errors all believe they're the right one. So they're not going to tell you that they're giving you errors that they're wrong. So my advice to you is just seek the Lord direct. Just seek Him direct.
A question from a listener, "I have a couple of questions. What accomplishments do demons get when they possess people? Do they control that person from that point? The people who are possessed are they bad good people?" Demon possession is.. these demons are the spirits of the Nephilim, of the hybrid children who died. Their judgment was to roam the earth. They don't have physical bodies to work and operate in, and so they will possess people and animals or forms to have a body. To operate in this realm. Because they are fourth dimensional beings, and we live in the third dimensional earth. And so that's why they'll possess people.
What accomplishments do they get? Well their whole job... some of them... a lot demons are assigned to babies when they're born, because a lot of them looking for their own bodies. You'll find people that have a legion where many gather, because they would rather be inhabiting somebody's body, that suffering and tormenting in hell and waiting for their next assignment from Satan so they'll all group in one person's body and stay there.
They can't physically cause a person to do evil, but they hound them, them manipulate them. They encourage them to support them to do evil things, because they're evil beings. And so they possess people to become very wicked people, do wicked things, because the demons inside them are driving them supporting them. It's like a little angel on their left shoulder talking to them, "Yeah, do it, do it, do it". Yeah anything as far as sin goes. And trying to destroy that person that they're in.
They don't physically control the person. A person always has the last say. They cannot take physically over a person 100% of the time. That person always has a say. The problem is that so many people who do become possessed and know they are, because they invited possession in, are helpless to do anything about it. And even some people who don't know they're possessed, think there's something wrong with them, they're hearing voices. These are the ones going to mental institutions instead of going to deliverance. Finding a God fearing pastor that knows deliverance and can deliver them from these demons that are speaking to their heads and causing voices. Or even just getting a magnet and deactivating a chip because they put a chip in you while you were sleeping or somewhere. And the voices you're hearing are directed from ELF weapons that our military has.
And so there's various different aspects of possession. Not necessarily bad people, just deceived and in need of deliverance.
That wraps up the show this week folks. We'll be back next week at 8 o'clock. It will be listener call in exactly like tonight. And I'll just be going through various information whatever the Lord leads me into. You can read my blogger during the week, I'll keep you up to date with what I'm doing on the blog.
See you next week at 8 o'clock folks.
Good night and God bless.
Listened to by over 130 countries
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
October 24, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 24 October 2005 - 1st hour
And hello everybody and welcome to the show, I'm Sherry Shriner. Listener call in line tonight folks 260-356-2611. It's going to be listener call-in night all night long. So just give me a call with your comments or questions. I don't have anything real specific I'm going to be going through tonight. I've just being going through a lot of different stuff all week long. The Lord's had me everywhere. And so what I want to talk tonight a little bit about is this Mahdi thing, this fiasco in Nigeria.
So the human aspect, I mean.... you know we've had hurricane after hurricane and I've warned last month that there would be a hurricane, a worse one in October than the one that hit in September. And it remains to be seen yet. I mean it's just not getting hit by Wilma over there, and they've got another one coming in. A tropical storm named Alpha. And the hurricane season's not over yet. And I know that the Lord has been warning His people in Florida to just leave the state. Leave the state. You know there's going to be a lot of disasters. They're really targeting that whole area from central to southern Florida, to sink it. To sink that part of the state.
You know a couple of years ago I started warning about a bomb, a dirty bomb that they wanted to let off in Miami. And that would have sparked their war in Syria, because they would have blamed it on Syrian terrorists. And so with that plan exposed... it never went away. It's still on the boards.... I still see it every once in a while. It was a huge defeat to them for that plan to be exposed. They were frustrated, they were angry. But they didn't cancel it, they just delayed it. And so what they were going to do was come back to it later.
But now we see they've changed their tactics more or less lately to the hurricanes, because we know that these hurricanes are man-made weapons. By their HAARP weather machine. And some of you are just getting into this now. It's basically not new information that our government has weather weapon machines. And so what you want to do is.. you can Google this on the internet. Google H A A R P. That's HAARP. I don't have what all that stands for but type that in and you'll find it.
Also there's books out, "Angels don't play this HAARP". So if you start doing some research on the internet, on the HAARP. What it is, it's a weather machine that our government has had for over 10 years now. Some of you say, "Well it's impossible, it's a weather machine", but I spoke on this show before about legislation that was coming up this month in Congress to outlaw weather machines. So if they're coming up with legislation to make them illegal, to outlaw them, obviously they have them.
And we weren't even the first nation with it. The Russians were the first ones with a weather making machine where they could control the weather. Our government was a little bit behind. Now they've caught up. And they've had it probably for the past 10 years. Russia has probably had it for 20 or 30 now. And they can create hurricanes, they can create tsunamis, they can create earthquakes. They can have an earthquake tremors underneath volcanoes to try to set those off. They can control the weather.
And that's why everything is going to become so out of sync. The earth is going to react to what they're doing to it. You know we're going to have really hot summers, really cold winters (audio went blank for a couple of seconds) out of balance and that is because the earth is going to react to what they're doing to the earth with their weather weapons. They're changing jet streams, they're manipulating wind streams.
And they're doing just about everything possible to try to blame catastrophes on God. You know they'll say these are God-caused events, that these are natural disasters, when it's really not God at all. They're man-made disasters, they're caused by man.
And so it's a whole new concept for a lot of you out there. But it's really nothing new, you're just a little bit behind. So what you want to do is start Google, and start researching man-made weather weapons. Definitely something we're going to deal with in the future, as they try to get control of the globe for a one world government. These are the seedliners behind all of this, the serpent seedliners. Those pushing Satan's agenda on earth. And so we're definitely heading into the last days.
Listener call-in line 260-356-2611. So, despite all the hurricanes.. And listeners out in Florida.. you know you have my prayers with you. I kind of just got to laugh through all the break, all the horror hurricanes, and what next, what's hitting Florida next? With this story about Nigeria, so I wanted to talk about it tonight because just a little bit (unclear) at the intro. Because it was interesting. When you talk about stuff for so long and then you start to see it finally happen. You know it's like finally let's get the ball rolling.
Nostradamus, this was sent to me by a reader. Nostradamus had said that the third antichrist.. I'm not saying Nostradamus was a true prophet. If you're like me you take anything with a grain of salt. He was interesting. That's about it. Everybody, you always hear, "Nostradamus said this, Nostradamus said that". And everybody always knows that he was a false prophet, but they kind of keep one eye on what he says. He said that the third antichrist would be a man in a blue turban. And his name would be Mabus, and would come from the Middle East.
And I've studied this Mabus person before. And I've seen it in the Bible codes where this Mabus is literally just a fallen angel from Mars. Most of you are starting to think little green men. And that's not true. If you look at the ancient Egyptians they were descendants from Mars. They were hybrids from the fallen angels that lived on Mars. They weren't little green men. And so that's basically where he's from.
And Mars is very habited. They try to make it look like it's a totally uninhabitable planet. And it's a lie. The United States has had bases on Mars for years. Very popular up there with all their bases, alongside the fallen angels that reside up in Mars. So that was interesting that this Mabus would come from Mars.
And news reports stating this week, that in Nigeria, stating that this whole country is almost in revolt. A plane carrying what many Nigerian Muslims believe to be the Mahdi who had descended from the heavens in a white cloud, was shot down in an attack by an unidentified foreign nation's fighter aircraft. But it was believed the Mahdi survived it.
This beginning, "that last week a mysterious white cloud enveloped the entire capital of Nigeria Lagos and from which emerged a blue turbaned man who began to immediately heal many thousands of sick and diseased peoples. But to which western media sources reported as pollution. At this point the Nigerian authorities had ordered all schools closed. And Lagos has about 14 million people in it."
But this is something that the western media pretty much had tried to keep out. We did hear about the plane crash. And I'm going to get to that for a minute because the plane crashed supposedly had all 114 people aboard feared dead. But they're claiming that 50 of them survived. Initial witness reports from the downed remains of the plane carrying this Mahdi. And this Mahdi is a term for like a military messiah. They're saying that as this plane was hit by a missile shot from a fighter aircraft, a bubble of light appeared and descended slowly to the ground, from which then emerged the Mahdi and many others. They appeared out of the light. They got out of the plane from a bubble of light and descended to the ground.
And so, this obviously also expected because the Muslims... because this is their holiest month, the month of Ramadan. And they were expecting an extraordinary solar and lunar eclipses during this holy month. "And this signals a total world war, as Muslim faithful await their Mahdi. The United States prepares a final battle for survival."
But what I though was even funnier was that their messiah, who this Mahdi is supposed to be a military messiah, can descend to earth in a white cloud. But then he needs to take an airplane to Mecca. Because that's where he was headed. He was headed to Mecca.
The Arabic term Mahdi, that's translated as divinely guided one. "The main principle of this Mahdi is that he is a figure that is absolutely guided by God. And this guidance is a stronger form of guidance than normal guidance, which usually involves a human being, willfully acting according then to guidance of God. And the Mahdi on the other hand has nothing of this human element, and his acts will be in complete accordance to God's will." That's because there's nothing human about him. He's just a freak from Mars folks.
"The figure of Mahdi and his mission is not mentioned in the Koran, and there's practically nothing to be found among the reliable (unclear) on him either. The idea of the Mahdi appears to be a development in the second and third centuries of Islam." So that'll tell you right there that most likely another doctrine instituted by the Jesuits into a religion. Yes I know you're all shocked, especially the ones who follow this show. Imagine that the Jesuits planting another false doctrine into a religion. We know that they set up this whole Moslem religion anyway. If you hear how Mohammad was set up to become the leader of this, it's all pretty black and white.
And you know who has it on their site, is the Chic website. Chic tracts. I know you guys have heard of it. I think it's C H I C (No it's C H I C K - Simon), chick tracs. Google that and go to their website, because they have an awesome chick trac on how Islam started. And you can read it right on line. And they make it very very simple so that even an eight year old could read this stuff and understand it. And they talk about how his wife was sent to him from the Catholic Church. She was working for the Jesuits. And what they wanted to do was build up a religion in the Mid East that was counter to the Jews. So their agendas are running even back then folks.
Because Mohammed himself stated that he had thought himself that he was tricked and being talked to by a demon. And it was his wife who was behind it, who had told him that he was the messiah, that he was this, he was that. They were doing the tricking on him, and she was there to reinforce the fact to him that he was some kind of a prophet from God. And so it wasn't something that he just drew on himself. It was mostly his wife and the catholic church.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611. I wanted to read this thing from Joseph Farah. I don't usually read World Net Daily stuff. It's usually just another Debka. It's usually just a bunch of Mossad writers working the Zionist agenda. You never know what you're going to get over there, it's kind of like a grab bag. But he was saying the same thing, "Signs in the heavens and a popular notion in the Islamic World that Osama Bin Laden is the Mahdi". And what WND, World Net Daily was coming out and saying, was that it was Osama Bin Laden who was going to play the part of Mahdi. This a long awaited messianic deliverer. Expected this month and expected to be a sign that an American Hiroshima is on it's way.
And so that's their take on it. Joseph Farah's, that he believes that this Mahdi.. and even many of the Muslims today claim that Osama Bin Laden is the fulfillment. Which means he would have to be dead, or somehow got a plane ride to space so he could descend in a white cloud over Nigeria. You know when I first read that report, it was kind of amusing because Nigeria is the stomping ground for Maitreya. And Maitreya hasn't been one known to wear a blue turban. He's been one known... to wear white ones. He likes the white ones. I have pictures of him on my website at, Pictures of Maitreya and his little chef white turban.
The role of Mabus in the last days. I know that Nostradamus said he's a third antichrist. He's a forerunner of the final one. This Mabus, from what my understanding is and it's very limited, is the fact that he will arrive as some kind of messianic deliverer. But he is not going to last long. He is going to die. And so I was wondering I remember back then, way like last year if this would actually be Maitreya, who comes, makes a splash across the world scene and then dies. And then of course predicted after his death would be a comet striking the earth. And then just the commencement of this tribulation period.
So it really makes you just sit back and watch events. So when things happen you can kind of recognize where they're at in their game plan, because they change them all the time. One of the biggest things I think they're going to find, is that when they do finally pull off the grand entrance of the antichrist to earth. To them it might be grand, but I think 80% of the population's totally going to miss it. Because you know they want everybody to see him arrive in Israel, in a cloud above Jerusalem coming as the messiah.
Well the thing is is that.. you know I'm not even outside half the time. I know a lot of people aren't. You're in your houses at night or in the early morning. Nobody's going to be outside to watch this spectacle. Unless they have TV news crews there to beam it on everybody's television, so you could at least watch it on television. Then that would give you some kind of a hint that there's premeditation involved. And doesn't the Lord say no one's going to know when He arrives. So if he's on the air prime time or morning drive or whatever happens, and he's shown on TV, that gives the plan away of premeditation. They knew he was coming then.
They have various ways of doing it. They wanted to bring the antichrist in after a North Korean holocaust, where they totally destroy the Korean Peninsula. The world's on the brink of a final destructive, destruction and war. And then boom here coming in the skies is the antichrist. And I call this the Blue Beam Project. And you can Google that. I have it on my website at You can go to my site and do a search. Find the Blue Beam Project.
They've gone back and forth about bringing him in, in a ufo, hail of ufos. Because his aliens, they all have this fake glowing facade thing going, where they can look like angels. I mean Satan will come as an angel of light, if you are aware of the Scriptures, he can pose as an angel of light. They're not coming as Martians from Mars and fallen angels from space. They're coming as God and God's holy angels. And so they're going to be good. They're going to be very deceptive at first. Because I'll tell you what, you give these creatures five minutes of having to be nice, polite and honest people, and they can't stand it. They lose it, they can't stand it. They cannot hold that form very long. And so if you start getting them even a little bit rattled, just a little bit rattled, you'll see their tempers flare and fly. And they're going to give themselves away for what they are.
A lot of you won't be deceived. Some of you will be. I mean if you're liking Benny Hinn and all these beast network preachers now, they're going to love these guys. Lord help you then, because I don't know who's going to be able to pull you out of your errors by then. That the whole beast network (TBN) was been nothing but a facade, a conditioning to get the bulk of churches, the masses, big congregations prepared and ready to accept these beings as the returning messiah, as Jesus.
And you'll notice many, many, many churches today don't talk about prophecy. They don't touch it. They never talk about the last days, the end days. But they will harp on the rapture all the time. Oh they want you to believe in a rapture. Because they want everybody.. when all these ufos start taking people off the earth as food, they want people to believe they're raptured.
You know Satan's going to have his own fake rapture here. he's going to take hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of the earth at one time. The aliens eat them as food. They know destructions are coming on earth. They know the earth's going to go through a slight pole shift. They know all these plagues are coming. And so they're going to stock up on food because these beings eat off of humans. I've always stated it. It's in the Bible. The times of Noah. Enoch talks about it. These beings are cannibals, and they feed off of humans. And now you know where all these milk carton people are. Between the Satanists and their satanic ritual sacrificing of innocent children, to the aliens who prefer to eat children. That's where you get hundred of thousands of missing children around our globe every year.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611. So is it time, is it time now for these messiahs that we were warned about in Matthew chapter 24, "Many will come in My name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many". Is it time for their appearance? And maybe this was a test run, I don't know. It will be interesting, that the west was trying to hide this. So how are they going to pull off their own if something like this could be so easily hidden in Nigeria.
They have a shoot clause against ufos, that if they see them they will shoot them down. And that makes a lot of these fallen angels, and these ufos hesitant to try to pull off their agendas on earth. So what they have to do is work the politics on the ground and try to get some of those orders cancelled. Especially to try and shoot them down. They don't want to sit and fight with humans all the time. They want to get their agenda off the ground. Global government, Bring in Satan ruling as the antichrist.
And of course we have our own messes here with George Bush indictments coming. And this is something I saw years ago in the codes. I can remember back in 2002, 2003 and seeing in the codes about Bush and Cheney being indicted and being decapitated. And so see some of the stuff coming out now with the indictments. Don't know which way they'll go. You know that treason is punishable by death. Hanging or being shot. But in the codes I definitely saw the fact that they're being decapitated.
So I don't know if that card will be played. But it's there, I saw it years ago. So it's interesting to see that with so many other people saying that Bush would never finish his second term. And the fact that he is indicted now, to see this coming out. I guess we'll see the ending when we see it. And the fact of it being that this could drag out for another year. Two years even. Or it could just be over in a matter of months. You know a matter of weeks, a matter of months. It really depends how much time, that they're going to give to this whole charade.
I know that they're not set up enough. They have to have a lot of acceptance on earth of the people here, to accept these alien beings on it. And so they're working with mankind's acceptance. So they put out these disinfo artists with agendas like Zechariah Sitchin and Dr Boylan and some of these others behind the alien, "we love the aliens" freak things...petitions asking them to come to earth and help us. Why do we need them here to help us? They're the cause of half of the destruction to our solar system, because they're coming here.
You know Planet X, Planet Nibiru, Planet Rahab whatever you want to call it, is a big reason, a lot of the pull going on with the earth right now. And so it's going to be a cause for a lot of the destructions happening on earth. A lot of the hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic disruptions. Because of the magnetic pull of Planet Nibiru getting closer and closer to earth.
And what is Planet X, Nibiru? It is .. picture it as a huge space ship. That's basically what it is. It's a hollow planet full of Annunaki, that Zecharia Sitchin wants you to think, based on ancient Sumerian tablets that nobody can decifer but him...that these guys are our forefathers, that they created us. And they left earth and now they're coming back to see how, after all these thousands of years, how their creation has done, has become.
So it's a bunch of hogwash. And you'll also see that being introduced into the schools to replace Darwinism, which was always a joke. Evolution never could find the missing link. Never could find the half of common sense about the theory because there is none. They couldn't prove it. They just wanted something else. They wanted an alternative as to why they wouldn't have to believe and acknowledge in a creator, in a God. So they came up with Darwinism.
And now that's on the way out. And Intelligent Design is on it's way in. And this Intelligent Design is trying to creep into the schools. And you parents you might want to pay attention to this coming in. If your school system starts talking about it and wants to institute it, I would go and I would fight them at the school board meetings, keep it out of your schools. This backs the whole theory that the Annunaki are our creators. This is an alien agenda. And it backs the whole alien agenda disinfo program. That the Annunaki created us in a test tube, that they created us and they went away and now they're coming back. And so that's what that whole Intelligent Design thing is.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay, go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hey Sherry.
Sherry: Hey, how are you doing?
Caller: This is Mark Church.
Sherry: Hey Mark.
Mark: I PMed you on line, just like about ten minutes ago.
Sherry: Okay.
Mark: And I just wanted to say that you're really doing good on the air. And I just thank God that He lead me to your site, and that I'm able to talk to you. I really believe that you're from God and all these things that you're speaking is true. And the reason why I'm shaking is because I feel like you're an angel sent to speak to people, and tell them what's going to happen. Because God has been showing me some of the same things. And I wanted to tell you about a dream that I had about Bush. Because you were just talking about George Bush. And it was before he got reelected. And my brother said, I was in the dream I was with my brother. And my brother said, "Isn't it going to be something when George Bush gets reelected and then gets assassinated." So, I mean that's just like a small dream of all the stuff that He's been showing me.
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: Like God has been showing me that the year 2007 for some reason. He just keeps confirming 2007, 2007.
Sherry: Dominant year for the arrival.
Mark: Yeah, and I didn't know what it was about. And so I started.. and so I asked God, "What is the year 2007. What are You trying to show me?" And He said, "Well you just need to be patient. I'll show you here in a second." So a couple of days after that, a friend of mine online, sent me an e-mail of this guy who had an article in a paper in New York I think it was. He was a moslem guy. And he wrote an article about how he took like the first book of the Koran, and it came out to be like 231 sirus. And he added 1776 to 231 and that came out to be 2007. And He said that would be the year of the destruction of America. And after that.. and then I started getting.. and this was like about 3 or 4 weeks ago when I read this. And so I started looking into to it. And I was typing in 2007 on line. And I don't want to take up too much of your time. But I was typing in 2007 and it seemed like there was a whole bunch of sites and a whole bunch of preachers and stuff from like 1970, that were prophesying about the year 2007.
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: And that would be like the big year of the earthquake hitting the middle of America. And the three meteors hitting in the Gulf of Mexico, right off the coast of Florida, and then out to sea in the Atlantic. And a whole bunch of other stuff like Russia and China coming in and occupying America and stuff like that.
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: And so it's just been tripping me out, because God showed me that before.. God would show me the year 2007 before I knew anything about it. And then I came across your site, and you were basically saying all the stuff that's about ready to happen. And I really believe that a lot of bad stuff is about to happen.
Sherry: Yeah it is. I try not to get hung up on dates because I know that they can move up or they can be delayed. And so what I like to do is know what everything's coming, every route they're going to take. And then just analyze things as they happen.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: I know the prominent dates are out there. But like I said, I just try not to get hung up on dates. Because I've seen too many times where they'll just delay. As their plans get exposed, they'll delay it.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: So if everybody's expecting 2007, they'll move it up to 2006, or they'll push it back to 2008. Or maybe they'll surprise everybody and do something like they've planned it, You never know.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: And so I just try to stay prepared. I know that next year 2006 is going to be almost like a similar year 2005, but we're going to see much more destructions. And Bush is still..
Mark: That's why I wanted to call in because you know, I've been trying to talk to like different Christians and stuff to see if God has been showing them the same things. Because you said on one of your other shows before, that God will.. if we're all in accordance with God's will and we're all talking to God.. (speaking together, heard what Sherry said)
Sherry: If we're all seeking the Lord, we're all on the same page.
Mark: ...revelation. So I just wanted to ask you about the year 2007 as well so..
Sherry: Yeah, 2007 is really dominant for things over here, being over as we know it. Not life itself, not the planet itself, just the United States itself as a (unclear) country is over as we know it.
Mark: (started speaking during Sherry's last sentence) a third world country or something?
Sherry: What's that?
Mark: It would be kind of like a third world country?
Sherry: Yeah, we're going to be in so many... next year. Like at the beginning of this year 2005, I said it was a year of judgment. And 2006 is going to be a mirror year, but worse as far as natural disasters go. Because you're going to see Planet X coming in, and as it comes in, it's just going to tear this earth apart. And so we're going to see a lot of that in 2006, because when things do start happening in 2007, most of the United States is going to be under martial law. Most of our cities are going to have destructions. We're going to have plagues, famines, pandemics going on. Famines, stores are shut down. Cities are in chaos and riots. And so all these people who think that there's going to be a rapture. You know they're going to be in for a rude surprise because they're going to be going through these things....
Mark: Right. And ... I.. excuse me, you can go ahead.
Sherry: Oh no, go... I just
Mark: I was going to say, but I listened to one of your shows before, and you were talking about how people... they don't really know their bible. And there's a lot of people out there that say they love God and all this stuff. But the bible says in John 1:1, "That in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". You only love God as much as you love His word.
Sherry: There was no KJV back then, He was the Word. And the Gospel was His message of salvation, it wasn't the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the KJV. People get so wrapped up in that. And so they seek their KJV like it's God Himself. What does He say, "They search the scriptures for salvation. They can't find Me."
Mark: Right.
Sherry: "They don't know who I am", because they're so busy reading the Word that they don't talk to Him.
Mark: But in the Old Testament, it also talks about other books of the bible like the book of Enoch, the book of Jasher.
Sherry: Yeah, I love Enoch.
Mark: What are your thoughs on that?
Sherry: I love Enoch. I mean..
Mark: Have you heard of the book of Jasher?
Sherry: Yeah, I've tried reading Jasher before... Jubilees. Everytime I got to those books, something in the Nag Hammadi library would catch my attention, and I would be reading that all night.
Mark: Yeah, those are great. (speaking together)
Sherry: ...through the Nag Hammadi books, and somebody wanted me to give my opinion on that tonight and... you know what, I like them. I don't know what my opinion is. I just.. they're there. I don't know. Just chew the grass, spit out the hay. Remember what you read. Hang onto all your knowledge.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: You know...
Mark:... what I feel about it. Like you were saying, I don't believe that the KJV is it. Nevertheless you've got to be careful about the types of books that you're reading. You know, so you don't get caught up in false doctrines and..
Sherry: Oh yeah. Well you know what, a lot of these doctrines that people spend so much time on. The endless theology debates on raptures and stuff. These things are not detrimental to your salvation. I mean if you're wrong on a rapture theory, doesn't mean you're not going to get into heaven. These things don't affect your salvation. But the thing is they do affect your time. Because you could be witnessing.. being a light to the world and witnessing, sharing your faith and anything the Lord wants you to do. But instead you're sitting around endless theology debates all the time.
Mark: Yeah.
Sherry: And they're never going to stop. They're never going to go away because the church is always going to be divided. Because Satan has got both feet planted firmly in our churches. You've seen the Jesuits infiltrate. There never was a division from the Catholics. The Catholics just went underground and called themselves protestants. They've always had control of our mainstream churches. Anybody big, anybody with a big name is.... Like Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland and Graham and all them. They're all Knights of Templars or they're Jesuits and they're masons. I mean everything is connected to Satan. And he's got both feet firmly planted in every religion. And so that's how man needs to give them up and go straight to the Lord. Ask Him for the truth in all things. I regard the bible as a garden of Eden, it's there to test us.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: There's truth in it and there's things in there that are going to lead you astray.
Mark: Romans 10:17 says that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. And I mean a lot of people, they don't like people to preach to them or tell them about who God is, let alone picking up the bible for themselves and read of for themselves.
Sherry: You know, it's these people that don't want to be told who God is and don't want to be told about religion because they see they hypocrisy. And they have their eyes open to that. These are the very ones who need to be just asking the Lord Himself to reveal the truth to them in all things. Instead of looking at His followers, those who call Him by His name, and seeing the hypocrisy. They should just go to Him direct, and say, "Look God I believe in You. I know that there's a creator. I know you are out there somewhere. Reveal the truth to me, Reveal Yourself to me. Show me the truth". And go to Him direct. Go to Him direct. So there's no excuse. You don't have to sit in a church week after week. Sitting in hypocrisy knowing you hate it. Just because you feel obligated that you need to be.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: You know nobody has to be obligated to sit in any of these churches because they're not of the Lord's anyway, half of them. But what they do need to be obligated is in to seeking Him for the truth. To be talking to Him, to be actively seeking Him.
Mark: Right. There's a lot of people that don't have a real prayer life. Or they feel like they're too bad to pray or..
Sherry: You know what, it's just like one of these things, like what's a prayer life? Is it having to get quite, which is almost impossible for 90% of moms out there, and bowing your head and getting into quiet time prayer meditation. You know what, I sit and I talk to the Lord all day long.
Mark: Right, exactly.
Sherry: That's my prayer life.
Mark: Cease without praying.
Sherry: You know while I'm working, while I'm reading..
Mark: Pray without ceasing.
Sherry: While I'm listening to music, I just talk to Him. I talk to Him all day. Anybody can do that. Everybody should be doing that, because it means you're meditating on Him, which means He's on your mind. You're focusing on Him.
Mark: Exactly.
Sherry: And that's what meditating is, not this meditation concept that the Buddhists and yoga people took a mile long and perverted..
Mark: The New Age
Sherry:.. screaming mantras and chanting things forever and trying to develop your mind so that it can be opened to demonic access. That's all that stuff is. It opens up your mind to demonic access. Meditating on the word, when David meditated on the word, He was just dwelling on the Lord, he was singing, he was writing poetry, he was praising Him. You know he was just focusing on the Lord all day. He was the first one and the foremost thing on his mind all day long was the Lord. And that's what meditating is. That's what real meditation is.
Mark: I believe that. That's really good.
Sherry: It's not this sit down and chant these mantras forever. People take stuff and of course Satan perverts it. There's nothing real complicated about the Lord. I mean He's really very simple, because if you can talk like you're doing now, you can be doing that with the Lord all day.
Mark: Right, there's.. what is it, the Rhema that He gives to each one of us. And that's just as much as.. I mean if it lines up with the word of God, but it's just as much as the word of God as the bible itself. You know He told you to do something, then I take that just as much as the word of God or the power of the word of God that the bible even you know. So I mean God speaking to people and He's talking to them but they're not listening.
Sherry: Yeah well they're not and I mentioned that on my blogger earlier last week. He's just so frustrated with His people. You know so many people send me e-mails constantly, "I wish I knew what my calling was, so that I'm sure I'm in it." They want to be sure that they're in it. They love Him, and they wanted to do what they're supposed to do when they're here. And so the only thing I tell them is keep asking Him, keep seeking Him. Because what He'll do, is He'll just lead you into it. Whatever He wants you to do, He'll just lead you into it. But then you have all these people, that do know what He wants them to do. that can hear Him, that know when He's guiding them and directing them to do something. They know it's Him and they won't do it. They won't do it. They just come up with excuses. "I don't have the time, I don't have the money, I don't have the energy, I really don't want to do that now, I'll do that next month." And it's just one excuse after the next. And He's just so frustrated. He can... don't get me wrong, He can conquer and destroy this world with just one believer. You know one person claiming Him and calling Him by His name. And if He didn't even have one person, He would just go to the rocks. He doesn't need us. In a literal sense He does not need us. But seeing that there's so many millions of us that claim that we love Him, can't we do at least what He asks? Can't we be open to what He wants us to do?
Mark: And most people they think, "Well I don't have the talent to do this, or I don't have the ability to do that"...
Sherry: He doesn't lead you into what He doesn't open the door for you to do.
Mark: Right. Those are the people that God want to use, is the people that feel they can't contribute to anything. Or they're you know, long, too short. You know, "I don't have the ability of speaking in front of people or anything like that". That's who God wants to use.
Sherry: Yeah I can't even talk half the time, and He's got me doing a radio show.
Mark: Like when I first called in tonight. I'm shaking so bad. My.. like when I talk in front of people, my face gets red and everything like that, but I know that that's the reason why God is using me. I know that you have like a time schedule for your show, but is it okay if I tell my testimony?
Sherry: Yeah, go ahead.
Mark: Okay.
Mark's testimony:
Well I got out of high school in 2001. And I remember when I was in there, none of my family is saved basically, but I remember when I was in there, I got past boot camp and I was in my tech school. I was in the shower and I was scared because I was in there when September 11 happened. And I remember I just dropped to my knees... I was in the shower and I just dropped to my knees and I started praying. I was like "God", you know, "whatever it is that I've done wrong, please forgive me. And just get me out of here, because I don't want to be in here now". Because of September 11 and I knew that we were going to have to go to war and stuff like that.
And 30 minutes later, I called my sister, no actually she called me. And she said without me saying anything, she called me and she goes, the first words out of her mouth, she goes, "30 minutes ago"... Oh hold on one second. (Mark pauses for a few seconds). Okay are you there?
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: Okay.
Mark continues:
And so, she said, "30 minutes ago I was in the shower praying for you, that you would get out of the air force". 30 minutes ago, 30 minutes before that, I was in the shower too, and I broke down and started crying. And I asked God to do that. So I got really sick. Actually I was already kind of sick at that point. But then I started to get really sick and they sent me to the hospital. And they had to give me like three of those big bags of water like those IVs when you're dehydrated. And they said a really dehydrated person only needs two of them. And so I was like really dehydrated.
So then I was still sick after that, and they kept giving me antibiotics and stuff like that. And they said, "Well maybe like you need to go take an asthma test". The air force is the only branch of the military that you can have asthma to be in the military. So I went and took it and I failed it.
Well I got home, they had to send me home and discharge me. But they put on my DD214, that I lied to them before I got in the air force and said I had asthma before I came in. Which wasn't true. And so I went through the VA and told him, you know this isn't right. This is going to be on my record. I won't be able to get a good job or anything like that. They said, "Well it's going to be a while". This was in January of 2002. And they said, "It's going to be a long process and everything, but we'll try and help you out."
So I got my job, I came back home and was living with my parents and I got my job back. And when I was at my job, I met a guy that was going to get married on May 3, 2002. And he asked my to come to his wedding and everything. Because we started to hang out and stuff like that. Well one night, it was like two weeks before the wedding started. There was a guy, his fiance's brother, came to (unclear) with them. And we sat down and the whole time he was talking about God and the bible. And I never heard anybody talk about God this much and everything. So I though it was really wierd.
So then the wedding came around, and he kind of took me aside and started showing me the bible and stuff. You know this and that. And I was like, "Wow, you know this is crazy. You know, I've never seen anybody that knows the bible as much as you", do and stuff like that. Well he lived about 90 miles away from me in a small town called, Liberal, Kansas, and I was living in Lakin, Kansas at the time. Well on the weekends, I would work Monday through Friday, and on the weekends I would go to his house. And all we would do is just basically stay up all day and all night just reading the bible and stuff.
And so about 3 months into doing that, he got this crazy idea that we should start a ministry together, and we needed to put our money together and stuff like that. So I went into my bank account and took everything out. It came up to be like $2481. And I scrounged up every penny that I could find on the ground. Because I wanted to do something good for God. Because I felt like "Wow this is awesome, I can't believe that God's using me", and stuff like this. So I took that money and gave it to him to hold. And he didn't put any money to it either. So I was like, well that's kind of wierd.
But seven days later, he took that money and bought studio equipment with it. And so his wife was like, "Why did you do that? Why would you do that without talking to Mark about it?" And so he said, "Well I have a way of talking to Mark". And so he called me up and said we need to sit down and talk and stuff. So I drove over to his house. And we talked about it. And he's like, "Well I bought studio equipment, and I believe that I'm going to rap and you're going to sing. And we're going to make this CDs for God, and we're going to sell them on the street. And that's how we're going to make our money."
I was fine with that. I was like, "Okay, that sounds good." And then he said, "But there's one stipulation. I have to leave my wife and my four children." And at that point I was like, what? You know I didn't understand too much about God, but what I did know was Ephesians 5:25, "Love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it." And I told him that. I said, "I don't want to be a part of this. I don't want have anything to do with you leaving your wife and your children." And their age ranges were from 2 - 8. And they were so beautiful, I mean he's got such beautiful children. And I was like, "Your one main ministry is to your family. How can a man take care of the house of God if he can't even take care of his own family."
And so he said, "I'm going to go with or without you". Well backtracking here for a second. When I was there one time during that 3 months. A pastor and a (unclear) called. And he put him on speaker phone, so all three of us were talking and everything. And he asked me like if I had yahoo messenger and MSN messenger. And I told him yes, so we started kind of talking on the internet when I would get home too.
Getting back to this one guy. He took that money, bought the studio equipment. He had some extra money left over from it. He sold his house for $11000. Gave his wife about $3000 of it. Took the $8000 for himself and the rest of the money that I had given him. Went down to Dallas Texas because he felt like God told him to go to the Potters house. And there he would hear God's words. And if anybody knows anything about TV Jakes, he calls his ministry the Potter's house. So he felt he had to go down there, and that's where he would hear God's words. So he said, "I'm going to go down there with or without you. I'm going to do this because this is what I feel God wants me to do". So he left his family.
So I was like, you know kind of sad. It wasn't about the money. It was more the fact that he left his children and the fact that he used part of my money to do it. You know I felt guilty that I ruined somebody's family, that's the way I felt. So I started talking to the pastor on line. And we were talking back and forth. And he was telling me about the church that he was pastoring up there, and all the stuff that was going on. I want to believe the best in everybody.
And he told me, "Maybe you should come up here and live with me until you can get on your feet and everything. You can come here and stay with me for a while. And you can place for yourself." So I went up there, and well he kind of made moves on me. If you want to put in that terms. And so I lived there for about four months and everything. So then we kind of got into an argument and he said that I should go home. And I felt like I wanted to go home too, because I felt deceived and kind of trapped, because I was up there by myself and didn't really have a car or anything like that.
And so I came back and lived with my family. At that point I was kind of mad at God, I was like, "Why would You put me through all this stuff? Why would You allow the devil to use me to break up a home, a family and children? If you can't trust a pastor, then who can you trust?" I just didn't want anything to do with God anymore. I was just like, "This is bullcrap. Eveybody's a hypocrite. All the church people are hypocrites. You can't even trust the pastor."
Well I got my job back. And about two months into it, somebody sent me an e-mail. I don't know who it was, but it was out of the blue. And it was talking about the middle of the bible. Well the middle of the bible is Psalm 118:8. And it read, "It is better to put trust in the Lord than to put trust in man." And I was just sitting there in awe like, "Oh my God", all this stuff that I was ranting and raving about God. You know "Why would You put me through all this stuff?" And it was simple the middle of the bible says, not to put trust in man, but to put trust in the Lord.
And no matter who they are, it's not the suit that makes the man, it's not the title of the man, that "I'm a pastor, I'm a preacher", or whoever it is. But you should be putting your trust, totally 100% in God and not in man. It doesn't matter who they are because we're all wicked. And Isaiah says that, I think it's Isaiah that the heart is deceitfully wicked, or desperately wicked above all things. Who can know it? So our hearts are desperate to do wicked, to do evil no matter who we are.
And so after that I was like wow, God put me through all that stuff just to show me one principle. And the fact that it was in the middle of the bible was really wierd to me that God would, you know so me this stuff. Even though I had to learn the hard way, that God would still show me this stuff.
And so we had a church that was like two houses down from mine, and they would leave their doors open for anybody that would want to come in and pray and sing songs. So I thought in my mind, well I'm not going to church or anything so I might as well just go in there and do it on my own time. I would just go in there and sing songs and pray and read the bible and stuff like that.
And one night I was in there praying and reading the bible. And I can't remember what verse it is, but it talks about how can I being God can forgive you your sins if you can't forgive someone else for doing something wrong to you. And it convicted me. I was like wow, you know I have unforgiveness in my heart for this pastor guy and all this stuff. And so I was like, "Lord, how am I going to do this?" Because I like erased him for all, like everything. Like my MSN accounts, my yahoo accounts. I just deleted him, and I blocked him and everything.
And I don't even know how this happened. But I got home, and out of the blue, he PMs and said, "I'm praying for you, and I hope everything's okay with you and your family. I hope that God's will be done in your life", and stuff. And it's like wow, you know the same day that I was reading that verse, you know God's like, "Now here's your shot", to forgive him and do all that.
Well he PMs me and I PMed him back. And I said, "Well I forgive you". And we started talking again. And it was like you know I have stuff in my own life that I've done against God. I've backstabbed people before. I've deceived people before. I've lied to people before. And it would be unrighteous of me to say that you're a worse person than I am. And to say what you've done to me that I can't forgive that. So I forgave him and stuff like that. And so we started talking.
And you know it doesn't matter how old you are, it doesn't matter who you are, you're still going to have struggles in this life. You're still going to sin. You're still going to have temptation that comes and goes you know. So it doesn't really matter who you are. If you're a pastor or a preacher or if you've been in the church 50 years. It doesn't matter, we're all in the same boat.
And so I felt like you know, just forgive him and love him. Show people love. That's the two commandments that God gave us, was love God and then love people around you. And to go based on the fundamentals of God. And people get so big, that they think they're above and beyond the fundamentals of the faith. And that's where we lose it. Love and faith.
Sherry: So many people will blame Him when everything goes wrong. They blame Him. And that's why so many atheists today are former believers. You know God took their wife, their child whatever. Blame their deaths on Him. Or the fact that she ran off on me, or she divorced me. They blame everything evil that happens to them on God. And God uses every instance and every circumstance in our lives to bring us closer to Him if we allow Him to. Instead so many people fall short and put up a big block, a big wall and start blaming Him for the thing that happened. So He can't make good of the thing that happened. He allows things to happen to His people. He allows His people to be tested. He doesn't always step in and save the day for anyone. He allows His people to go through trials.
Mark: Right and it's for the betterment of them. You know even if.. like with Job, I had to look at Job and be like wow, my problems are nothing compared to that.
Mark continues:
But getting back to the story. So we started talking again and we talked for another three months or whatever. And then he decide, "Well you know, we talked about it, and you know, I'm sorry for it", and all this stuff. And so he said, "Do you still want to come back, because I believe that you're meant to be in this church, and be in this ministry. You can come back and stay with me, until you get on your feet", and everything.
So I went back, and this time I stayed for about two and a half years. Well rumors started going around in the church that he was gay. And what a 55 year old man doing with a 22 year old guy in the same house, you know, and stuff like that. And so people started leaving the church. Well I felt like it would be selfish of me to stay. Because all these people are leaving. Even that I know that it's good for me to be here. To be in a house with a pastor, you know it's good to have somebody to be accountable to. You know somebody to be real with. To tell him all your problems, and have him be prayed for. Like James says, "Confess your sins one to another, that they maybe healed. Prayed for and healed."
And it's really good to have, like iron sharpens iron. So will a man sharpen another man. You know that we could come together and have that accountability partner to talk to. And who better else to have than a pastor or somebody older that you can look up to.
But I felt like it was selfish for me to stay. You know people were leaving, and the fact they were having troubles with me being there. And the bible says don't let your good be spoken evil of. And so I felt like, well I just need to get out of here. I could still follow God and do that somewhere else. So I decided to leave and go visit my brother, who was in south west Kansas still. And that was in May to July.
And then in July of this year, July 22 I just moved up to Washington, which is where I'm staying right now with my parents now. And I'm in a really good church called Four Square here in Richmond, Washington. And I still feel like God is leading and guiding me. Even though, all that bad stuff has happened, I still don't blame God. I praise Him even the more for it all that God has brought me through it all. And that He's taught me. And that He's showed me that He loves me so much, that all things are working together for my good. And that no matter what happens, He's still going to be there. He's never going to forsake me nor leave me. And even though trials and tribulations, God never promises an easy life or anything like that. That it's all going to strengthen me and better me. Not only for my own sake, but the people around me.
I believe that that's why I'm telling my testimony tonight on your show, so that people will know that if you're going through some hard trials, if there's people that have hurt you or done something to you, that was in the church that you really looked up to. Whether it be a pastor or.. in my case it was a pastor and the guy that lead me to God. And I hear the music right now. But I just wanted to let everybody know that God's still there and He still loves you.
Sherry: Well thanks for sharing that with us tonight Mark. I'm going to have to wrap up the first hour, so that we can come back to the second. But thanks for sharing that, and thanks for calling in. I know that you did bless others out there. You blessed me listening to it.
Mark: Thank you.
Sherry: Okay God bless.
Mark: I love you Sherry.
Sherry: Bye.
Mark: Bye.
We're going to wrap up the first hour folks. We're going to take a five minute break, then we'll be back for the second half. I'll see you then. Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back.
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
October 24, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 24 October 2005 - 2nd hour
And welcome back everybody, I'm Sherry Shriner. And I'm sitting here going through some of these e-mail questions from listeners. And you can send me a question or a comment to [email protected]. You can send me a Yahoo instant message or an e-mail at [email protected], and I'll read it over the air. Or you can give me a call right now. The phone line's 260-356-2611, listener call-in line.
I got one e-mail from last week. A couple of questions a fellow sent in and wanted me to answer. And so I'm going to go back to it this week since I didn't get to it last week. It says, "Hello Sherry. What are your thoughts on the Bermuda Triangle? What exactly is going on over there?" Well the Bermuda Triangle, I know a lot of people say that the lost city of Atlantis is located in that area of the Bermuda Triangle. It's a possibility we know that there's been plenty of ufos seen under water, coming in and out of that area as well. So some kind of.. others believe there is some kind of a time warp thing over there. Which is why we've lost a lot of planes and ships and everything in that general area. Some kind of magnetic field that just kind of sucks them in.
I wouldn't doubt if it was a combination of all three. We know that the lost city of Atlantis being off the coast of Florida. Not too far, somewhere off of Florida, the lost city of Atlantis. Also the fact that there is some kind of underground base there. They've seen ufos coming in and out. And there also seems to be a lot of electromagnetic activity around that area. So it's probably a combination of all three theories, that I've read about the Bermuda Triangle.
"What are your thoughts on black holes in space? Their purpose?" You know what, I really don't know. I really don't know a thing about black holes. If those are what they're using.. the only thing I know about in regards that way would be portals. I don't know if those are the time warp speed things what they use for time travel. I have no idea. I know that there's portals that they can jump in and out of. I know the whole thing that we have to take rockets to the moon is a facade and a lie. Because we don't get to the moon or Mars or any other planets by these rockets. They just use portals. They just open up portals and go to these planets.
So this whole space rocket facade from NASA is nothing but a money soaker. You know they have this multi billion dollar agency that just takes that money, builds a couple of rockets and mostly funnels the money over to our real space program, which is in Pine Gap in Australia. You know that's our real space program it's in Pine Gap. Don't believe what they tell you. One ear maybe, believe it with one ear. What they don't tell you is what's mind boggling. So that's basically how they do get around in and out of planets and moons and stuff. It's portals.
"What are your thoughts on Halloween, Christmas, Valentines etc? Are these celebrations true christians should follow?" They're man-made traditions. The Lord hates man-made traditions, because they replaced these man-made traditions with His. And He's supposed to be our priority. He's supposed to be our focus. We were never to stop celebrating the feasts of passover..
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have Joe on the line when you're ready.
Sherry: Okay, just a second. Or any of His appointed feasts which were appointed times to meet with Him. And so what we did, was we replaced them with all these man-made things. And He hates them. Now we need to go back to celebrating His appointed times and feasts. And people try to use scriptures, well those are over with, He fulfilled all that. No He didn't. Those have always been appointed times. If He negated them now, would we go back to them during the millennial reign on earth when He talks about going up to the New Jerusalem celebrating Passover? No we wouldn't have this 2000 year hiccup, where He tells us to do something and we stop, and then we resume it again during eternity in the millennium. It would never be stopped. He's a consistent He's a God of yesterday, today and forever. We should be celebrating His appointed times and feasts now, not man's traditions. Oh yeah, go ahead and put him on Steve.
Steve: You're up Joe.
Joe: Hey Sherry.
Sherry: Hey, how are you doing?
Joe: Pretty good, how about you?
Sherry: I'm pretty good.
Joe: That's good. I had a couple of comments for you and a question. I wanted to comment on what you had written on your blogger back on Wednesday. (unclear) what you said that the previous day you were tired and you didn't feel like doing anything, and you decided to talk to the Lord. And you just sat there quietly and listened to Him. And you said that He was frustrated with His people. And basically just sat there and listened. And I just wanted to say that shows a side of the Lord we don't see. And I'm glad that you written that because there's a side of the Lord we don't see and realize that He's kind of like we are. We like to sit and talk to our loved ones and vent. So He just vented and you just sat there and listened. And I thought that was well written, because it shows a side that we don't know or realize. Because He's just like us, just likes to have a regular conversation with His loved ones.
Sherry: Yeah it is, it's a two partner relationship, two road. And if you're always the one doing the talking it's kind of rude.
Joe: Right.
Sherry: So sometimes I really don't know. I waver and think should I put this on the blogger or not. Well I figure it's my personal diary, it's my thoughts. I'll put it on.
Joe: Right.
Sherry: And basically just to help other people see different aspects. You know because there are other aspects to Him. I know growing up in Baptist churches and schools and stuff, that you just don't learn how to have that one on one with Him. You know everybody thinks that praying is a time of "me talking to the Lord". Well we need to be quiet and just listen from Him.
Joe: Right.
Sherry: Or just sitting and (unclear) talk to the Lord. And if He has something to say just sit and listen. You know that's the problem with a lot of people they don't want to listen, they want to do all the talking.
Joe: Right, plus I wanted to comment that call in said with your previous caller right now, that you were telling him it's not important how much knowledge you have, how many scriptures you have memorized or how many you can quote by memory. It's just basically are you seeking Him, it's the same advice you've been giving for years. Seeking the Lord, establishing a friendship with Him and just meditating on Him all day like you've been advising people.
Sherry: Yeah, that's the biggest bulk of what He wants us to do is just be in Him and to seek after Him. And so it always cracks me up when I see these naysayers online. What is it so evil and wicked that I do?
Joe: I know I don't...
Sherry: Leading people back to Him? That's what He told me six years ago. "Lead My people back to Me."
Joe: Yeah.
Sherry: So I do that. It's simplistic, give an example a story about myself. Or just anything that I feel lead to write. Just leading them back to Him.
Joe: Right, and I don't understand that either why they keep saying you're, I don't know, wicked and evil and... you always advise people, seek the Lord Himself. Even ask Him about your yourself. Ask Him if you're true and what you say is true. You're always advising people just seek the Lord.
Sherry: Yeah, that's the only ministry I have. Leading people back to Him. Waking them up, waking His army up for the last days. Preparing people.
Joe: I see the people that are still deceived, they just don't see it, they don't get it.
Sherry: Yeah well people like their deceptions. They become comfortable in them.
Joe: Right.
Sherry: They don't want to be told they're wrong. And that's the biggest thing about being childlike and coming to the Lord. Because they're not teenagers yet, they don't know everything (sarcastic). And so they're willing, they're able to be taught. They're willing to learn. And that's how He wants us to be. " I already know everything Lord, I'll tell you what Your word says." That's the attitude most people have. "I'll tell you what it says. I already know everything". When we need to sit back, throw everything out the window and say reteach me everything from the ground up. And the thing about that, when you adopt that attitude which we need to have, to be in Him to really learn, is that other people see that as a total sign of weakness, and think they need to shove all of their theologies on you. So it's best not to say anything to anybody. And just say, "I'm re-learning everything all over again from Him, not you". "From Him, He's going to lead me into all the truth from the start." Because it automatically invites other people to think, "I have the answers, and I'll give them to you". You know, so you end up with an earful and somebody else's religion.
Joe: Yeah I know. It just astounds me how people are.
Sherry: I know, and so you know it's just kind of things you keep quiet to yourself. And then over the years it just builds your confidence in Him, to where you can turn around and teach others how to do the same thing.
Joe: And I wanted to ask you too. You had mentioned too that you love the book of Enoch.
Sherry: Yeah.
Joe: And I have read the entire book also, and I love the book of Watchers. It goes into detail about what the Watchers did. And I wanted to ask you, what... the Watchers what was their duties before they sinned? You know because they're called the Watchers, what was their actual duties?
Sherry: To watch. They were guardians of the earth. To watch.
Joe: Just watch, that's it huh?
Sherry: So they were guardians. And so what they did, was these angels that were watching the earth, and watching mankind, went to the Lord and wanted to talk and mingle with mankind. And they were persuading Him.. and the Lord warned them. "If you go down there, you're going to fall in sin." "Oh no we won't. You know how much we love you. We would never do that." He knew. And so they came down here and ended up in sin. And angels can still fall to this day. People think that they don't and they can. It says before the flood and after they fell. They can fall to this day because they have free will just as much as we do. He doesn't force anybody to stay with Him that doesn't want to be.
Joe: You know I didn't realize that until I started reading your articles. I didn't realize that angels have free will just like you and I.
Sherry: Yeah.
Joe: People don't realize that.
Sherry: And we can think, "How stupid", and all they can think of is, "We were made in His image, how stupid we reject Him." There's a two way... they view us one way, we view them another. Because that was Satan's downfall, that was Lucifer's downfall. he was furious that mankind was made in God's image. he wanted to be like God, which was part of his pride and greed. Of course he wanted the whole shabang.
Joe: And jealousy too.
Sherry: Yeah, and so it was a big fall factor, jealousy factor for him, that mankind was made in His image. And we can think, "You see God, you've seen Him in all His glory." They had access to Him. They could say one word and be in the presence of His throne. And they gave all that up for human women? Come on. We're not all that, (unclear) than that, you know what I'm saying. And so you (unclear) back and forth. (Sherry was laughing quite a bit during the last two sentences) I know once I get up there, I wouldn't leave. Only if I had a sword and I was going to fight because I could imagine I'll be a warrior then as I am now. You know I don't like His enemies, I'll stand up for Him anywhere anytime.
Joe: I feel the same way, I want to go home to Him. Why would you want to come back here after going home to Him.
Sherry: I know. If you're on another assignment fine, but next time don't give me an 80 year assignment (LOL). I miss home.
Joe: 80 years is a long time.
Sherry: Yeah that's basically the lifespan of man on earth right now. Which is a lot longer that it's ever been. We went from a time where people were living up to a thousand years, to where the average expectancy of a male was 30 because there were so many wars. You know so it changes back and forth.
Joe: You know it's unbelievable their ages back then in biblical times, how long they lived.
Sherry: Yeah could you just imagine how many kids you could have in a thousand years.
Joe: Oh my gosh. It boggles the mind.
Sherry: The thing that boggles the mind the most, is just to realize how far off key we really are, off base, in understanding prehistoric times. Because we keep thinking they were glorified campgrounds. Cities, they didn't have anything. And when you realize all the tech that they did have, that they squash in our history books, that they lie about in our history books. They lead us, even our church pastors, lead us into conditioning thinking that these prehistoric times are nothing but dirt and glorified camps. And we don't realize the tech involved and how advanced those civilizations actually were. They were very advanced. Moreso advanced than ours. Even just in Noah's time. Very advanced. And they were well spread out. They weren't just a couple of thousand people generating in a desert somewhere. You know they were very well spread out.
Joe: A lot of people think they live in primitive types of, I don't know, villages..
Sherry: Exactly living in grass huts. That's the conditioning that we've had. And it's one of the things you have to throw out the window and realize they were very high tech. Because when these angels came, the sins.. and Enoch goes over it the best, about the Watchers and what they were guilty of. You know, one angel had shown them all the instruments of war, how to kill, how to go to war, and made instruments of war. Another one showing all the women how to adorn themselves with jewelry and makeup..
Joe: Yeah, I remember that, yeah..
Sherry: .. and fashion. It just goes on and on. All these different angels that taught these early civilizations all these things. And we think that just because in this century probably the last two hundred years was when women started wearing jeans and pants and stuff. They had all this stuff way long before. We just went through a stage like a fog age where all of this technology after the flood was buried and destroyed and they had to start all over again. So people don't realize all of this stuff existed before the flood.
Joe: Yeah when you were saying that right now I just realized that God had told those angels that He'd.. they they'd had given secrets to human people and He said those secrets were worthless ones. He didn't give them all the secrets.
Sherry: Yeah because you know what, nobody has it all because He gives it in measure. And that's why I say, if you have something, just keep asking for more. Because He only gives in measure. You can never have all of it. You just get a measure here, a measure there. You could be asking for more. And if you don't have something at all, start asking for it. You have a lot of things to ask for. And then people think, I know I need a car, a house. No not that stuff. Don't ask Him for material things, it's going to get destroyed. Build up your spiritual things first. The other things are added on to you later as you go. He takes care of your needs.
Joe: Some people expect a miracle over night and you've always said it doesn't work that way. He doesn't work that way.
Sherry: Yeah, He doesn't. I remember I wrote out a list of ten things I wanted to know. And I read them off to Him as I wrote them down, and throughout the year He taught me every one of those things that I wanted to know.
Joe: Cool.
Sherry: You know so people can do that. Give the Lord a list of things you want to learn. Things that you want to know.
Joe: He'll give it to you a little at a time.
Sherry: Read out a list, say it out loud as you're writing, and stick it in your bible. And then keep looking at it over time and you'll realize He lead you into the answers for everyone of those things you wrote down on your list.
Joe: That's good advice.
Sherry: Yeah, He just works in many different ways, various ways. There's no one way you can ever get stuck on. I'll have people send me e-mails saying, the Lord told me, gave them a word for me or whatever. And He knows I can hear Him direct. But that's the way He works. He'll send somebody else. There are various ways He works. I always get a kick out of that.
Joe: Yeah it's true, it's so true. Well Sherry, thank you very much for your time. And I'll let you go and to let somebody else call in. God bless you and your family and keep up the good work. We'll talk to you later.
Sherry: God bless you and yours. Thank you for calling in Joe.
Joe: No problem Sherry, talk to you later.
Sherry: Bye.
Listener call in line folks, 260-356-2611. And I've got a question from a listener. "Do you think the great pyramids of Egypt are built by man or aliens or a combination of both?" I'm still staying with what I've always felt, that the first one, the great pyramid was built by the Lord Himself and the other two are mimicks, they're copycats. They're not as perfected, perfect as the great original one. And there's so many things with the original one, that I've always... especially that, what was it? Deuteronomy 19 or Isaiah, somewhere in 19,
(Editors note: I think Sherry is referring to Isaiah 19:19-20: 19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.
20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.
- Simon)
It talks about the symbol in the middle of Egypt. His sign in Egypt and stuff. I really do believe the great pyramid itself was built by the Lord, and the other two are mimicks. I know people try to make it sound occultic that, "These line up with the belt of Orion, blah, blah, blah", well you know what with the earth tilting and shifting so much it would be off center off degrees with. How could that be a perfect science if the earth is constantly changing it's rotation speed. And right now the earth is slowing down.
This from a listener, "All right already, I can't find that Renegade song anywhere by Googling it. So please tell me how to find it." The Renegade, "Thank God for the Renegade" that Steve plays, you can get at it's on my audio index page. Yeah I really like that song. You can go to and look for my audio page. "Thank God for the Renegades", by Steve Voss, is on there you can download it. It has 17,000, I just put it on the other day. No actually, "Somewhere I belong" song by Lincoln Parks, 17,000 downloads just this month on that one. And I just put Steve Voss' Renegade a couple of weeks ago and got about 11,000 downloads of that one.
Another listener e-mail. "I'm lost how do I know who I can trust. I believe in God, but there are many views of religion. Which is right? Can you help me out? Thanks Tom." You know what Tom, Throw religion out the window. Don't even go near religion. You know what, just talk to the Lord, ask Him to reveal the truth in all things to you. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you because people go to religion to find God. God isn't lost. They go to churches to learn more about Him.
And churches can give you a good doctrinal foundation on what the foundations of the bible are. But they were never meant to be a life long habit of having to go week after week. You were to be trained and taught in the Lord and then sent out as witnesses for Him. And so this whole concept of a church age where you just sit and make wolves rich week after week. People think they're only calling is to tithe to the pastor and they've done their deed for the week or the month or the year. You know what, they've missed the whole concept. It was supposed to be a training ground and then His people would be sent out to witness to the world.
And you certainly don't see that in the streets today. He wants us to come to Him. He wants to reveal Himself to us and we don't need a man to be a mediator. We have Jesus between us and the Father. We don't need anybody else.
So just go to Him and ask Him to reveal Himself to you, to teach you who He is. To teach you how you can have a relationship with Him. And start there, ask Him for truth, for wisdom, for knowledge, discernment and start seeking Him. And that way, you don't have to get in the middle of all these hypocrisies and all these errors. And always wondering am I in the right one? Because the problem is, all of these places that teach these apostasies and errors all believe they're the right one. So they're not going to tell you that they're giving you errors that they're wrong. So my advice to you is just seek the Lord direct. Just seek Him direct.
A question from a listener, "I have a couple of questions. What accomplishments do demons get when they possess people? Do they control that person from that point? The people who are possessed are they bad good people?" Demon possession is.. these demons are the spirits of the Nephilim, of the hybrid children who died. Their judgment was to roam the earth. They don't have physical bodies to work and operate in, and so they will possess people and animals or forms to have a body. To operate in this realm. Because they are fourth dimensional beings, and we live in the third dimensional earth. And so that's why they'll possess people.
What accomplishments do they get? Well their whole job... some of them... a lot demons are assigned to babies when they're born, because a lot of them looking for their own bodies. You'll find people that have a legion where many gather, because they would rather be inhabiting somebody's body, that suffering and tormenting in hell and waiting for their next assignment from Satan so they'll all group in one person's body and stay there.
They can't physically cause a person to do evil, but they hound them, them manipulate them. They encourage them to support them to do evil things, because they're evil beings. And so they possess people to become very wicked people, do wicked things, because the demons inside them are driving them supporting them. It's like a little angel on their left shoulder talking to them, "Yeah, do it, do it, do it". Yeah anything as far as sin goes. And trying to destroy that person that they're in.
They don't physically control the person. A person always has the last say. They cannot take physically over a person 100% of the time. That person always has a say. The problem is that so many people who do become possessed and know they are, because they invited possession in, are helpless to do anything about it. And even some people who don't know they're possessed, think there's something wrong with them, they're hearing voices. These are the ones going to mental institutions instead of going to deliverance. Finding a God fearing pastor that knows deliverance and can deliver them from these demons that are speaking to their heads and causing voices. Or even just getting a magnet and deactivating a chip because they put a chip in you while you were sleeping or somewhere. And the voices you're hearing are directed from ELF weapons that our military has.
And so there's various different aspects of possession. Not necessarily bad people, just deceived and in need of deliverance.
That wraps up the show this week folks. We'll be back next week at 8 o'clock. It will be listener call in exactly like tonight. And I'll just be going through various information whatever the Lord leads me into. You can read my blogger during the week, I'll keep you up to date with what I'm doing on the blog.
See you next week at 8 o'clock folks.
Good night and God bless.