We Did It! Shema's on Fire, Destroyed. So What Next?
Sherry Shriner on.....
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, October 19, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
We Did It! Shema's On Fire! Destroyed! So What's Next?
And hello everybody. You're live. It's Monday night October 19th. I'm Sherry Shriner. If you have a question for the show you can send it to [email protected]. I’m going to get into some questions that were sent in last week that I didn’t get to. And then whatever questions you have tonight,I’ll answer those as well.
It’s been an exciting week. I kept seeing a lot of things going on for October and January. There are a lot of things happening with the New World Order faction in July. A lot of those things didn’t pan out, which is pretty usual. With all the New World Order factions, they’re always sabotaging each other and they change their minds, are apprehensive and delay things. I’ve been talking about that for years, how they’re in such derision. And it’s no different within Satan’s kingdom. Total derision.
Interesting that I’ve been talking Shema for months now. Folks, we actually did it. I’m real proud of the warriors around the world. All working as a team. All on the same page. That’s why I’ve always said if you just seek the Lord for the truth in all things, He leads us all to the same page.
So it’s been exciting. This Orgone war has been going on for 5 years now. Nobody gave us a hoot when we took down the Capricorn last January. NASA was stating it was an errant satellite. It was really different. It was Jesus/Sananda’s ship that we took down. Now being credited in the Bible Codes in the Lord’s records with taking down Shema in October of 2009. Shema has been Maitreya’s starship. He has a palace there. He has a temple there. A literal city, as it were, in the sky.
We’ve been talking about this obnoxious star hanging 30 – 33 degrees above horizon. Just this real obnoxious bright, white star…for months. I first noticed it back in September of last year. It was probably there earlier than that. It just made its way over to above my house. That’s when I started noticing it. And I knew it wasn’t the Lord. So I started to point pipe blasters and everything else. I knew just getting the Orgone out more and more would saturate the air. I know the Orgone energy is a constant anointed energy from the Most High God and nothing evil can stand to be in its presence.
It’s been interesting to watch all of the evil weapons targeted at us. Chemtrails. If you saturate your area with this Orgone, the chemtrails won’t stick in the air. The planes will eventually just give up, leave, come back later to get nowhere and just leave. It’s interesting. It stays in the air. It’s a permanent presence. It doesn’t just disappear. It took down Shema. I’ve seen in theBible Codes that Shema was on fire. We had been talking about that for months; how it was taking on that yellow look. What these starships usually do is turn a darkish yellow and eventually they crash to earth. And the military and media jump on it as “meteorites” crashing to earth, when it’s simply these alien starships.
They live in these starships. They’re like planets. I don’t know how you’d want to describe them. I don’t know if they are made of rock or made of metal. I would assume, metal. Either way, they are crashing out of the skies. They pose as stars. So when you look up into the sky at night you really don’t notice anything different. They have white lights on them. They mimic stars. The big thing about them is they are so much lower to the earth than normal stars are. Then when they start to turn yellow, there’s no denying it. I mean, you would have to totally want to be stupid with your head stuck in the sand to just absolutely refuse to go outside and look up at the night sky to confirm and to see what I’ve been talking about.
Some people just don’t want us to be right. They don’t want to believe there are alien starships hovering over the earth posing as stars. You know what? They can go back and stick their heads back in the sand all they want to. We’ll just keep going forward.
There’s been just been a handful of us. My ministry, I don’t have millions. I have millions visiting my websites and listening to these radio shows, but a very, very tiny handful of supporters who actually support this ministry and the Lord’s work on earth in these last days. A bunch of Davidic warriors out there doing heroics in the last days. Just a very tiny handful of us compared to all the people who actually visit the sites and listen to my shows.
So it’s been exciting to see Shema is on fire. It’s dismembering. It’s coming down in pieces. Interesting that lately a lot of meteors are being seen. Yeah…we know meteors. Basically lots of chunk right now of this Shema is gone. It’s destroyed. That will be coming out of the sky.
I know Benjamin Crème was on Coast to Coast a month or so ago. I don’t know how long ago it was. He mentioned I guess that there were four Shema’s. I don’t believe there are four Shema’s. I believe that there are different spaceship type things that they use. They may call them Shema’s; I don’t. They had the Capricorn. They had the Shema. They have Nibiru. And they have the New Jerusalem. Those are the only four things that I’ve seen in the codes. Now if they’ve got different names
attached to each…whatever…Shema 1, Shema 2. I haven’t seen that. From what I have seen, we’ve taken down Capricorn, which was Sananda’s ship. We’re taking down Shema, which is Maitreya’s ship. Now we’re getting ready with Nibiru. They’re suffering in Nibiru because the Orgone is reaching even wherever this Nibiru thing is. I don’t know where it is right now. But seeing that the entire aerospace is becoming saturated with the Orgone energy, they are suffering now, being hit by it. I
don’t see a destruction of Nibiru. What I see is they will probably empty out of it and leave it, because they’ve seen what happened to their fellow aliens/fallen angels in Capricorn and also in Shema. Many died. Many got out. So they’re just going to abandon Nibiru and that’s when they will make their exodus to earth.
As far as the New Jerusalem goes; now their whole plan with the New Jerusalem was to lower it out of Orion’s Belt. Some of the New Agers call this the Blue Star. They’re going to lower it out of Orion’s Belt and descend down towards the earth. I have a website that explains this New Jerusalem that’s coming. I don’t know if it’s just a big brightly colored UFO or what it is, but they are claiming that it’s the New Jerusalem. Eventually that will crash, because anything that
comes towards the earth is going to crash. We’re going to crash it with the Orgone energy. So it will crash too. The other thing I haven’t seen crashing is Nibiru. I think it’s because it has the ability to stay out of our aerospace. So they will just empty out of it. I don’t know if it will crash or not. Maybe it’ll become more dominant in the codes as time comes up. I don’t know. If it does, I’ll let you know. It’s very interesting that Satan is furious about the whole thing. He’s furious about losing Shema.
There are various names, monikers used for Satan in the codes. Right now for just the month of December alone, you see Satan - Maitreya and the Philistines crossing the month of December. We could be seeing a lot or things or it could stay behind the scenes like they normally have been. Or they could become front and center. Obama is in alignment with Maitreya. I’ve told you he’s working behind the scenes along with this alien/New Age agenda; that he’s their pawn man. He’s already working with Maitreya. This whole H1N1 chipping program. This whole vaccine program. They call it the vaccine program. The Bible Codes just calls it their chipping program, because that’s what it is. They’re working in alignment with each other. They're both in on this.
I did a radio show a couple of week ago where I talked about how Satan wants to control each and every person on the planet. It is through this chip that he will be able to do that. He doesn’t want you to have your own free thoughts. And by golly if you do, he’s going to control them. He wants to control everything about you. He’s going to turn you into a robotic dummy; just a brainwashed mind-controlled dummy. For those of you who think that is too far-fetched…I hear from so many people
now who have gotten chips from having dental work done, ended up with chip implants unbeknownst to them. The ADA (American Dental Association) pre-loads all of their medicines with chips. So you go in for a tooth filling, and you end up with a chip in your tooth. The older chips: neodymium magnets. You used to be able to deactivate the chips with those. I’m hearing more and more about these newer chips that the magnets aren’t working. The older chips against the newer ones;
some of them may not work against. But people start hearing high frequency tones. They start hearing voices and other related things. It’s because they’ve got these chips in them. Now, can you imagine getting this RFID chip inside you?
What was really interesting; I had just seen a correlation in the Bible Codes with Echelon in the chips. Echelon as you know, is that monstrous NSA spy program where they can hear everything you say. They can filter all of your phone calls. Your cell phone. Your main line. They can filter and record every one of them. They can read all of your emails. They have total privacy invasion access to you. They can totally invade your privacy whenever they want to. That’s exactly what this RFID chip will do. It’s this Echelon in chip form that they’re putting inside of you. So they not only will be able to hear everything you say, see everything you see with your eyes (they’ll be able to read everything you read) but they will also be able to implant thoughts to you. So it’s very interesting, the total domination and control that I’ve warned about that Satan wants to do he’s doing it with these chips. And they’re putting them in their vaccines.
Now people want to know, they expect to see some black chip. Like a microchip. That’s ages ago technology. Now they have nanotechnology. If you look at the chips, they almost look like they are liquid. They must be some kind of liquid crystalline type chip. It can very easy go on the edge of a needle or even in nasal spray. It’s interesting, somebody had sent me an email who said they knew someone who had gotten the Swine Flu nasal spray, and they felt a sharp sting in their
sinuses and in their forehead.
So that’s exactly what I’ve been warning about; stay away from the vaccines. Stay away from the H1N1 Flu vaccine, the nasal sprays, the RFID bracelet itself. Just stay away from all these things. These are the Lord’s warnings for mankind – to not partake of these plagues. To stay away from the vaccines, the nasal sprays and the chips.
Liz my transcriber put up and interesting website She’s got everything on there. You can go there and she’s got links to everything. You can find out what’s in the vaccine. She’s got the patent on it. She’s got the WHO and the UNs involvement with it. She’s got my links on there, the Bible Code links on it in regards to Maitreya and Obama being on it and the whole agenda with them. The UN depopulation program. The latest advertisements for this microchip. It’s just a real
comprehensive site. We really needed that one on the internet. And she did a good job with it; tying in H1N1 with 666. So you can go to I’ll be putting the links on my websites after the show tonight. It’s just a real comprehensive site on exactly what H1N1 is and how it’s tying into 666 – the mark of the beast. So many people forget the Lords admonitions and warnings, but when you start to correlate today’s events and the things that are going on, that’s how you know when you are living in biblical prophecy. We are living in these times the Lord warned about thousands of years ago.
Revelation 13: 16 – 17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 14: 9 – 10 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
These are admonitions. Stark warnings from the Lord Himself about joining Satan’s kingdom in these last days with anything in regards to your right hand or forehead. The biggest correlation being, you
can’t buy or sell. If you look at the health reform bills that Obama is trying to pass, and the threats on this vaccine, this RFID bracelet, they can freeze your bank accounts until you get it. They're going to try to bribe, intimidate and bully you into getting it. So this is a direct correlation with what the Bible says. You wouldn’t be able to buy or sell, which means you wouldn’t be able to bank. You can’t go to the store to buy anything or have a garage sale or any simple silly things like that. So there is a
correlation there. Just the fact that there is a correlation should raise the flags and the hair off the back of your neck to stay away from it. Just stay away from it. The Lord is saying Stay away from it.
So to those of you who think you can be ignorant, go out and get it and then say, “Oh, I’m sorry Lord, I didn’t realize it was that. Please forgive me.” You know what? The Lord has given you plenty of warning. Ignorance is no excuse. So many people say, “Well, Psalms 91 says no weapon formed against me shall prosper.” People are just going to stand on that, all the way to Hell, because the Lord also said to use wisdom in all things and to not tempt Him. Don’t tempt Him. Don’t go and get this vaccine and then say, “Lord, I’m sorry…take it all away”. Back when it was just a regular vaccine
you could say, I’d just ask Him to turn it to water. But now that we know what we know, you can’t do that. You can’t even get near that vaccine. Roadblocks? Don’t get stuck in them. Drive around them. Drive your way out of them. It would really suck having to get on a bus because you would have to refuse to get this vaccine.
Literally they are trying to kill you, so you have a right to defend yourself against their murderous tactics against you and your family, even if it means having to run from your own government. The Bible says to obey the government, but when the government conflicts with God’s Word and God’s Commands for us, then we have to obey God. We have to obey Him. Our government is not acting in alignment with God’s rules. They’re trying to replace and destroy our entire Constitution. By
doing that, they are putting themselves at odds with every single American in this country…every single person in this country.
They’re trying to destroy our Constitution and replace it with a global authority. And who exactly is this global authority? The UN? They can’t even feed hungry people in Africa, and they want to control the world? C’mon folks. They have no power over any person in any country. Your Constitution is the power. That’s why they’re simply trying to destroy it and replace it with a one world government. They figure if they can get enough people chipped, they’ll be too sick and dying to put up much of a resistance. That’s their whole thing.
Look at every person. Even the basic flu shot. And the people that work for government health services, the Dept. of Health and Human services; they know the people who receive just the seasonal flu shot will be more susceptible to getting the Swine Flu. What’s the big deal, folks?! Every winter the flu goes around. You get sick for a few days. Every year about 40 people from the winter
flu’s. And that’s standard. This Swine Flu is nothing to get hyped about that you need to go out and get a vaccine to keep you from getting the Swine Flu. That’s like getting Echelon inserted inside of you from now on so you can be totally controlled by Satan, just so you can avoid a three day flu.
C’mon. Give me a break. Give me a break. It’s much deeper than that. There’s much more involved than that. And people that can’t get off their couches and do five minutes of research on the computer at the library…you deserve what you get then. We’ve been warning. We are sounding the alarms. I posted the Bible Codes on the RFID bracelet and the H1N1 chip last week at So
it’s very interesting that all this is heating up at the same time as Shema being destroyed.
They’re mad and they want to retaliate and will be coming to Earth soon. We’re going to be dealing with these beings. Exciting times we are living in.
I’ve warned on my list last week, watch for them to take biblical names. These ascended masters are also called Aryans. They like to take on biblical names. You may see the Archangel Gabriel coming…and Michael. You’re going to see Jesus coming. You might see Peter, Paul and Mary. They take on biblical names. So don’t be fooled by that; just be ready for it.
I had to laugh the other night. I was thinking back to Al Gore and his desperate attempt to stop global warming simply because they have no understanding of what global warming is. That’s their words for Orgone saturation. They don’t understand what they are dealing with yet and why a lot of places are seeing a chilling of the atmosphere so early right now, especially in the east. Practically everywhere it’s just a lot colder than usual. They’re trying to chill the atmosphere because the aliens/fallen angels are burning. It’s very humorous. You cannot stop Orgone saturation. They’re heating up in the
atmosphere and boiling. So they just accredit it to some kind of carbon contamination, when it’s actually just the Orgone. Humans don’t feel this stuff. Orgone doesn’t affect humans. If you have Orgone in your house it’s peaceful. Alien and demonic beings don’t like it so they won’t be hanging out in your house 24/7 like if you don’t have it. It’s like walking into an anointed temple. It’s just peaceful. So that’s the only effect humans feel from it. Anything evil is going to have a hard time dealing with the Lord’s anointed energy. His energy – a positive Orgone energy that comes into direct
contrast with anything that’s evil. Interesting.
Looking ahead for the next couple of months. December could be active. December could be a little wild, especially if Satan and the Philistines and Maitreya all show up in December. And which route they want to take. If they want to take the route of mimicking the second coming of Christ, otherwise known as the Blue Beam project. Whatever Maitreya will come first before Jesus with all his angels.
I don’t know exactly what they’ll be doing. I imagine they will be heading east, but I’ve also seen where the Lord is going to crank the Orgone up in the east. Right now it’s planetary, and the Lord is going to start cranking it up and they’ll have nowhere to hide. It’s going to very amusing.
I’m going to answer a couple of questions. Some came into the show last week.
Sherry, as days go by I see the whole picture. I am beginning to believe Obama is the Antichrist. Not an antichrist, but the real Antichrist. I don’t know if you agree with me on this, but it really looks that way. What’s you view on this issue?
Sherry: Nothing is set in stone with Maitreya and Obama right now. Right now Obama is just a pawn to Maitreya. If our Orgone can actually keep these ascended masters away from the earth, because they have nowhere to hide away from earth, possibly even kill them, then they would have to resort to their human clones on earth. That’s all Obama is. He’s a clone of Pharaoh Akhenaton. They would have to resort to what their hands have made…these clones. So I can’t say anything in stone. All I can tell you is their plans for now. I can give you the routes that they’re taking that I see. Obama could be a route. He could also play the Mabus role the Nostradamus had talked about. You hear every once in awhile about this Mabus. That could even be Obama. There are just many different roles. You never know which one they’re going to settle on. It’s like a chess board and they’re still moving their pieces around. They have a script. It’s like casting for a play. Which actor is going to play which part? And that’s exactly what they’re doing now. They’re trying to go by these scripted events, but also have to deal with the characters in the script. They are still scripting people for these positions. That’s why it’s very interesting. Never a dull day.
Listener comment: I had the volume all the way down on the football game tonight. All of a sudden that lizard Obama came on the TV. Is he possible Maitreya?
Sherry: That could be a route. If Maitreya just takes over Obama’s body and works through him, because his own has been fried. He himself says that his body is a created one. What I’ve seen in the codes is that Maitreya is a clone of Cain. So they can just clone another one. I don’t know if they will clone another one or just take over Obama’s or just come in the one he has that’s boiled and fried. We just have to see, folks.
Question: Sherry, what in the heck did Obama do to win the Nobel Peace Prize!? Is that the biggest joke ever?
Sherry: Yeah…considering that the deadline for the Nobel Peace Prize was two weeks before he took office, and they’re crediting him with all these things. What has he done!? Especially when he wasn’t even President yet when they had to nominate him for the prize. You can see how scripted it is. I was just reading something where they had told Obama when he was 20 years old that he would be president of the United States when he got older. It’s all scripted. It’s like Arnold Schwarzenegger…Arrrrnooollldd…he had a plan. He knew he was going to come to America, marry a Kennedy and
become governor of California. So very interesting. A lot of these people’s whole careers are just scripted and they just step into it. It’s like I said, they have this script and the cast of characters, and they have to fill those character spots.
Question from a listener: Did you see Monday Night Football, where the two helmets fly into space like comets and show two astronauts bumping into each other? What do you take of this?
Sherry: I don’t know. My thoughts are Capricorn and Shema crashing and are both destroyed. I don’t know. I haven’t watched Monday night football in ages.
Some of the more interesting things are coming out on You Tube video are actually showing how the RFID and how it’s a crystalline thing. Very interesting. Everything I’m talking about is very real. If you
don’t know that by now, just stick your head back in the sand.
Question from a listener: Hey Sherry when you suggested that people ask the Lord to change the vaccine into water before the needle touches the skin.
Sherry: I’m not saying that at all. Maybe a couple of months ago when the whole thing with the vaccine started coming out, but not at all now. You cannot get it at all.
Question continues: If I were to ask God to change a beaker of acid into water, it would make sense to drink it. Why not?
Sherry: He says no weapon formed against us shall prosper. But He also says to use wisdom in all things and not to tempt Him. So don’t tempt Him. If you tempt Him, you’re going to reap what you sow. That’s exactly what’s going to happen.
Question continues: Does the direction of the crystals in Orgone or the amount or shape of the aluminum effect how it works? I tried making my own and buying some of yours and none of it has had any effect on any of the reptiles I’ve come in contact with. Why might that be and what can I do about it?
Sherry: It may be having an effect and you don’t know about it, or may not even come into contact with reptiles. I don’t know what the answer to that is. The direction of the crystals does not make any difference or the amount or shape of the aluminum doesn’t make any difference. You should at least have 2/3 aluminum and crystal in your Orgone. It’s the crystal inside the Orgone that powers it. Some aluminum is very soft and some aluminum is very hard. I’ve always kindof shied away from the soft stuff, but I guess that’s the best stuff. So I’ve been using more of the soft stuff. They call it NASA grade quality. I have box loads of that stuff. It doesn’t really matter, because the aluminum just acts as an insulator. The crystal powers the coil. But the main part of the Orgone itself is the crystal. That’s the brain. That’s the engine of the whole thing. If you don’t see it effecting people, then fine. No big deal.
Question: Hey Sherry, when you talk to people, can you tell when someone is part of the 144,000?
Sherry: Usually I can pick them right out. But you know what? It doesn’t mean I get along with everybody. I’m just a person too, and there’s a lot of Christians who just outright annoy me. We may have personality clashes. Like anybody else, they annoy you. But I can usually tell who is the Lord’s. Sometimes Christians have a lot of issues to deal with. You’ve got Christians that love the Lord and still have one foot on the earth and one foot in the spirit, still dealing with earthly things.
Drug addictions, alcohol and things like that. There’s just some things I have no patience for. Some things I just don’t want to be around. That doesn’t mean they are not the Lord’s. That doesn’t mean that at all. Because the Lord sanctifies us. The Lord perfects us and makes us what He wants us to be. It’s a process and a journey and a relationship in growing with Him. Other than personality conflicts I’ll have with people or issues, I can usually tell if someone is definitely His. Sometimes it’s
just a lot harder on the internet because you’re reading things. Sometimes you sound different when you write something than you would if you were actually saying it. You know what I mean? Do you know what I’m talking about. So you can misread people. You can read things the wrong way. You can get an opinion of somebody based on something they’ve written andyou’ve read the wrong way. I don’t make rash judgments on people. I am very patient. I’m very patient. Usually when it’s a
genuine one of His, you know that you know that you know they are one of His and there is no doubt. I’m not going to sit and say how because then the aliens want to know so they can mimic that. They drive me nuts. I get aliens on my lists all the time posing as humans. I toy with them before I kick them off. Sometimes I just have fun sitting back toying allowing things to happen so that other people can learn to discern these things on their own. That’s the way I’ve learned over the years.
Having run-ins with these beings and having to deal with this stuff is how you learn, unfortunately. Some people say, “Why did God let me do that? or go through that!? Because He wants you to learn. He wants to teach you something. That’s the best way we’ve learned sometimes, because we’ve experienced something.
Question from listener: When the government takes over the internet how will we be able to stay in contact with you? Do you have an alternate way of hearing your program. Could transcribed programs be mailed via pre-paid envelopes? I hope there will some way to continue to get yours and Yah’s guidance in the days ahead.
Sherry: I really don’t know. They are defiantly going to come after the internet. Maitreya and Obama will be working together. In fact, there should be legislation and there probably already is. I just saw it in the codes last night. It was kindof funny – telecommunications statute. Yeah, they’re going to clamp down, especially the people that mock them, like me. I can’t stand them. They’re a bunch of Satan freaks. Yeah, they’re going to clamp down. I have no plans. I don’t have a secretary and an
office and a mailing list and organization. Trust me, I’m not organized. If something gets on my desk, it truly gets buried. Until I clean my desk off, I may never find it again. I’m just as disorganized as you can get. I don’t have any mailing lists. No. It’s just not safe to keep around. That’s why I’ve purposefully become very disorganized. Yes, it is part of my personality to be disorganized as well anyway, but who wants lists and records of the warriors around!? You know what a target I would be for all the government agents and their minions who are trying to find the 144,000!? I would be a huge target for them to just come in and gather my lists. Who I talk to. Who I associate with. Things like that. I would just be giving up all those people who are. I’m real protective of that. I won’t even put warriors together who live in the same states. I say if you want to meet other warriors in your state, join the Orgone list and meet up with other people from your area on my list, because I’m not
putting people together. You don’t know who you are putting together. The FBI is all over my websites and lists. They watch everything I do. You know, it’s just…it’s retarded. So I’m not going to put anybody at risk by having their addresses lying around my house. No, I don’t keep records and lists.
The Lord keeps us separated for a reason. He keeps us all off on mountain tops and deserts and woods and…He does that for a reason. He wants us all separated. So it’s a good idea, but I just can’t do it.
Question: What is your opinion of the new “V” alien series on TV in November? Did you watch the one from the ‘80’s?
Sherry: I didn’t watch the one from the ‘80’s. I wasn’t into the whole New World Order thing back then. I was in High School. I’m not revealing my age here. I’m kindof anxious to see what they’re going to reveal on the new one. I hope it’s not on Monday night. I’d have to miss it. I’m anxious to see what they’re going to reveal. It serves their purposes and it serves ours. You know? Waking people up to the fact of what’s coming. Shape-shifting aliens and morphing people. It serves everybody’
s interests by revealing this kindof stuff. I hope it’s entertaining…reveal some truth too. That’s all I can say. I never really watched the first series, so I don’t know how the first series went. I do have it on DVD. I bought the V series and Alien Nation series and I still have yet to watch them. They’re still sitting in my cabinet. I just don’t get around to watching stuff and listening to stuff. I’ve always got my nose stuck in a Bible Code. I work in codes all night, every night or I’m out in the garage
doing Orgone. Or on a football field somewhere. I’m a mom too. It just gets overwhelming all the work we need to do. But
I find it rewarding I guess, to see how pissed off they are that we’re handing out flyers on the vaccine. I’m seeing that in the codes. That’s another thing we’ve taken on; putting flyers out, hitting peoples cars, grocery stores, Wal-Marts, football games. Anywhere. Just putting flyers out, warning people of the H1N1 vaccine. Yeah, they’re very angry.
I’ve always said that nothing you do for the Lord goes unnoticed. Kids are even standing up and putting these flyers out, their names in the Bible Codes are noted as having done that. Nothing we do for the Lord goes unnoticed. Every person who has ever supported this ministry, you can see it in the Bible Codes. I don’t always individually thank everybody, but I love ‘em and I thank everybody for supporting this ministry. I don’t know if you want to call it a ministry. We’re kindof just a
group of warriors who go out and do heroics in the last days. But it has to start and stop somewhere and it does right here I guess at my house. It’s just been a journey.
I see all this stuff just come alive in the Bible Codes. Everything is so recorded. I’ve told you that. Everything you do is recorded. So don’t waste time. Even with the days we have left, get out and do something. Do something for the Lord. Don’t leave earth regretting that you didn’t do something, because something is a lot better than nothing, and nothing describes about 98% of churchdom right now. So many people are asleep. They think the rapture is going to come. They think this is
going to happen, or that’s going to happen. Chalk it all up to putting faith in man instead of faith in God. Because if you had asked the Lord for the truth in all things, He would be able to reveal to you the truth of things that are going on today and get you busy doing things for Him that matter instead of going to church week after week. That doesn’t matter. What does it matter? I’d rather be out putting flyers on a car on a Sunday, then to be sitting on a church pew with a picture of Sananda in
it (Satan’s general, which the churches call Jesus) They know that’s not what He looks like, but keep it there anyway. And listen to the pastor quote Paul who was a high ranking Mason and not even an Apostle. People just go to sleep. They are drowning in apostasy.
The thing that comes to mind is that people want to fellowship with other believers. Fine. I do that on the internet. I’ve got three lists. I’ve got a radio show. When I take questions, the reason being is so I can hear from the fellow warriors. So I can hear from you guys. It’s the only way I get to communicate with people that are out there. I don’t have the ability to take phone calls during the show, unless I went to Blog Talk Radio or something, then I’d just have to deal with them. I like having my own server. I can come on the air whenever I want to. So once Maitreya does put his ugly feet on the earth, I can broadcast every single day. I can broadcast every day and talk about what the freak is up to every single day. Be warning you and giving you a heads up on the routes they are taking, the things they are doing and which character positions they are settling in and things like that. It’s almost like refereeing the whole thing. The last days referee here. I have insight into a lot of things. That doesn’t mean anything until things start happening and I can relate to what I know and what I see and what they’re doing. It’s like three different things. Interesting. I don’t expect too much to happen right now because they’re dealing with Shema on fire and blowing up into pieces.
November could be interesting…December….January. These could be interesting months coming up. Especially if the Philistines are here. Philistines are just another name for the giants and locusts. They have so many different names. Buffalo, bison, Philistines, because there are assortments of them. There are different factions and groups of them.
When the veil is lifted. I’m going to close tonight with this finding from the Bible Codes:
This partition, this veil has been crushed. It’s being crushed right now. Being destroyed. I don’t know when the total destruction of this veil will be, but it’s being destroyed as we speak. So when that veil, that canopy over the earth is destroyed, they’ll be here freely. All these different aliens being cast out of aerospace onto the earth. Watching Revelation 12 come alive where Satan is cast to the earth. And with the partition, the veil being destroyed, that can come about at any time.
Very interesting that all this is coming out now. Things are going to be happening. It figures it’s in the colder months. If they go into this vaccine enforcement thing and start putting people into internment camps and it’s January and 20 degrees below 0, its gonna be pretty miserable.
So people need to fight to stay out of those things. Do not willingly get on the bus's. Don’t willingly let them take you to a camp. Fight! Do what you have to do!
Anyway, until next week everybody, Yah bless.
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, October 19, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
We Did It! Shema's On Fire! Destroyed! So What's Next?
And hello everybody. You're live. It's Monday night October 19th. I'm Sherry Shriner. If you have a question for the show you can send it to [email protected]. I’m going to get into some questions that were sent in last week that I didn’t get to. And then whatever questions you have tonight,I’ll answer those as well.
It’s been an exciting week. I kept seeing a lot of things going on for October and January. There are a lot of things happening with the New World Order faction in July. A lot of those things didn’t pan out, which is pretty usual. With all the New World Order factions, they’re always sabotaging each other and they change their minds, are apprehensive and delay things. I’ve been talking about that for years, how they’re in such derision. And it’s no different within Satan’s kingdom. Total derision.
Interesting that I’ve been talking Shema for months now. Folks, we actually did it. I’m real proud of the warriors around the world. All working as a team. All on the same page. That’s why I’ve always said if you just seek the Lord for the truth in all things, He leads us all to the same page.
So it’s been exciting. This Orgone war has been going on for 5 years now. Nobody gave us a hoot when we took down the Capricorn last January. NASA was stating it was an errant satellite. It was really different. It was Jesus/Sananda’s ship that we took down. Now being credited in the Bible Codes in the Lord’s records with taking down Shema in October of 2009. Shema has been Maitreya’s starship. He has a palace there. He has a temple there. A literal city, as it were, in the sky.
We’ve been talking about this obnoxious star hanging 30 – 33 degrees above horizon. Just this real obnoxious bright, white star…for months. I first noticed it back in September of last year. It was probably there earlier than that. It just made its way over to above my house. That’s when I started noticing it. And I knew it wasn’t the Lord. So I started to point pipe blasters and everything else. I knew just getting the Orgone out more and more would saturate the air. I know the Orgone energy is a constant anointed energy from the Most High God and nothing evil can stand to be in its presence.
It’s been interesting to watch all of the evil weapons targeted at us. Chemtrails. If you saturate your area with this Orgone, the chemtrails won’t stick in the air. The planes will eventually just give up, leave, come back later to get nowhere and just leave. It’s interesting. It stays in the air. It’s a permanent presence. It doesn’t just disappear. It took down Shema. I’ve seen in theBible Codes that Shema was on fire. We had been talking about that for months; how it was taking on that yellow look. What these starships usually do is turn a darkish yellow and eventually they crash to earth. And the military and media jump on it as “meteorites” crashing to earth, when it’s simply these alien starships.
They live in these starships. They’re like planets. I don’t know how you’d want to describe them. I don’t know if they are made of rock or made of metal. I would assume, metal. Either way, they are crashing out of the skies. They pose as stars. So when you look up into the sky at night you really don’t notice anything different. They have white lights on them. They mimic stars. The big thing about them is they are so much lower to the earth than normal stars are. Then when they start to turn yellow, there’s no denying it. I mean, you would have to totally want to be stupid with your head stuck in the sand to just absolutely refuse to go outside and look up at the night sky to confirm and to see what I’ve been talking about.
Some people just don’t want us to be right. They don’t want to believe there are alien starships hovering over the earth posing as stars. You know what? They can go back and stick their heads back in the sand all they want to. We’ll just keep going forward.
There’s been just been a handful of us. My ministry, I don’t have millions. I have millions visiting my websites and listening to these radio shows, but a very, very tiny handful of supporters who actually support this ministry and the Lord’s work on earth in these last days. A bunch of Davidic warriors out there doing heroics in the last days. Just a very tiny handful of us compared to all the people who actually visit the sites and listen to my shows.
So it’s been exciting to see Shema is on fire. It’s dismembering. It’s coming down in pieces. Interesting that lately a lot of meteors are being seen. Yeah…we know meteors. Basically lots of chunk right now of this Shema is gone. It’s destroyed. That will be coming out of the sky.
I know Benjamin Crème was on Coast to Coast a month or so ago. I don’t know how long ago it was. He mentioned I guess that there were four Shema’s. I don’t believe there are four Shema’s. I believe that there are different spaceship type things that they use. They may call them Shema’s; I don’t. They had the Capricorn. They had the Shema. They have Nibiru. And they have the New Jerusalem. Those are the only four things that I’ve seen in the codes. Now if they’ve got different names
attached to each…whatever…Shema 1, Shema 2. I haven’t seen that. From what I have seen, we’ve taken down Capricorn, which was Sananda’s ship. We’re taking down Shema, which is Maitreya’s ship. Now we’re getting ready with Nibiru. They’re suffering in Nibiru because the Orgone is reaching even wherever this Nibiru thing is. I don’t know where it is right now. But seeing that the entire aerospace is becoming saturated with the Orgone energy, they are suffering now, being hit by it. I
don’t see a destruction of Nibiru. What I see is they will probably empty out of it and leave it, because they’ve seen what happened to their fellow aliens/fallen angels in Capricorn and also in Shema. Many died. Many got out. So they’re just going to abandon Nibiru and that’s when they will make their exodus to earth.
As far as the New Jerusalem goes; now their whole plan with the New Jerusalem was to lower it out of Orion’s Belt. Some of the New Agers call this the Blue Star. They’re going to lower it out of Orion’s Belt and descend down towards the earth. I have a website that explains this New Jerusalem that’s coming. I don’t know if it’s just a big brightly colored UFO or what it is, but they are claiming that it’s the New Jerusalem. Eventually that will crash, because anything that
comes towards the earth is going to crash. We’re going to crash it with the Orgone energy. So it will crash too. The other thing I haven’t seen crashing is Nibiru. I think it’s because it has the ability to stay out of our aerospace. So they will just empty out of it. I don’t know if it will crash or not. Maybe it’ll become more dominant in the codes as time comes up. I don’t know. If it does, I’ll let you know. It’s very interesting that Satan is furious about the whole thing. He’s furious about losing Shema.
There are various names, monikers used for Satan in the codes. Right now for just the month of December alone, you see Satan - Maitreya and the Philistines crossing the month of December. We could be seeing a lot or things or it could stay behind the scenes like they normally have been. Or they could become front and center. Obama is in alignment with Maitreya. I’ve told you he’s working behind the scenes along with this alien/New Age agenda; that he’s their pawn man. He’s already working with Maitreya. This whole H1N1 chipping program. This whole vaccine program. They call it the vaccine program. The Bible Codes just calls it their chipping program, because that’s what it is. They’re working in alignment with each other. They're both in on this.
I did a radio show a couple of week ago where I talked about how Satan wants to control each and every person on the planet. It is through this chip that he will be able to do that. He doesn’t want you to have your own free thoughts. And by golly if you do, he’s going to control them. He wants to control everything about you. He’s going to turn you into a robotic dummy; just a brainwashed mind-controlled dummy. For those of you who think that is too far-fetched…I hear from so many people
now who have gotten chips from having dental work done, ended up with chip implants unbeknownst to them. The ADA (American Dental Association) pre-loads all of their medicines with chips. So you go in for a tooth filling, and you end up with a chip in your tooth. The older chips: neodymium magnets. You used to be able to deactivate the chips with those. I’m hearing more and more about these newer chips that the magnets aren’t working. The older chips against the newer ones;
some of them may not work against. But people start hearing high frequency tones. They start hearing voices and other related things. It’s because they’ve got these chips in them. Now, can you imagine getting this RFID chip inside you?
What was really interesting; I had just seen a correlation in the Bible Codes with Echelon in the chips. Echelon as you know, is that monstrous NSA spy program where they can hear everything you say. They can filter all of your phone calls. Your cell phone. Your main line. They can filter and record every one of them. They can read all of your emails. They have total privacy invasion access to you. They can totally invade your privacy whenever they want to. That’s exactly what this RFID chip will do. It’s this Echelon in chip form that they’re putting inside of you. So they not only will be able to hear everything you say, see everything you see with your eyes (they’ll be able to read everything you read) but they will also be able to implant thoughts to you. So it’s very interesting, the total domination and control that I’ve warned about that Satan wants to do he’s doing it with these chips. And they’re putting them in their vaccines.
Now people want to know, they expect to see some black chip. Like a microchip. That’s ages ago technology. Now they have nanotechnology. If you look at the chips, they almost look like they are liquid. They must be some kind of liquid crystalline type chip. It can very easy go on the edge of a needle or even in nasal spray. It’s interesting, somebody had sent me an email who said they knew someone who had gotten the Swine Flu nasal spray, and they felt a sharp sting in their
sinuses and in their forehead.
So that’s exactly what I’ve been warning about; stay away from the vaccines. Stay away from the H1N1 Flu vaccine, the nasal sprays, the RFID bracelet itself. Just stay away from all these things. These are the Lord’s warnings for mankind – to not partake of these plagues. To stay away from the vaccines, the nasal sprays and the chips.
Liz my transcriber put up and interesting website She’s got everything on there. You can go there and she’s got links to everything. You can find out what’s in the vaccine. She’s got the patent on it. She’s got the WHO and the UNs involvement with it. She’s got my links on there, the Bible Code links on it in regards to Maitreya and Obama being on it and the whole agenda with them. The UN depopulation program. The latest advertisements for this microchip. It’s just a real
comprehensive site. We really needed that one on the internet. And she did a good job with it; tying in H1N1 with 666. So you can go to I’ll be putting the links on my websites after the show tonight. It’s just a real comprehensive site on exactly what H1N1 is and how it’s tying into 666 – the mark of the beast. So many people forget the Lords admonitions and warnings, but when you start to correlate today’s events and the things that are going on, that’s how you know when you are living in biblical prophecy. We are living in these times the Lord warned about thousands of years ago.
Revelation 13: 16 – 17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 14: 9 – 10 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
These are admonitions. Stark warnings from the Lord Himself about joining Satan’s kingdom in these last days with anything in regards to your right hand or forehead. The biggest correlation being, you
can’t buy or sell. If you look at the health reform bills that Obama is trying to pass, and the threats on this vaccine, this RFID bracelet, they can freeze your bank accounts until you get it. They're going to try to bribe, intimidate and bully you into getting it. So this is a direct correlation with what the Bible says. You wouldn’t be able to buy or sell, which means you wouldn’t be able to bank. You can’t go to the store to buy anything or have a garage sale or any simple silly things like that. So there is a
correlation there. Just the fact that there is a correlation should raise the flags and the hair off the back of your neck to stay away from it. Just stay away from it. The Lord is saying Stay away from it.
So to those of you who think you can be ignorant, go out and get it and then say, “Oh, I’m sorry Lord, I didn’t realize it was that. Please forgive me.” You know what? The Lord has given you plenty of warning. Ignorance is no excuse. So many people say, “Well, Psalms 91 says no weapon formed against me shall prosper.” People are just going to stand on that, all the way to Hell, because the Lord also said to use wisdom in all things and to not tempt Him. Don’t tempt Him. Don’t go and get this vaccine and then say, “Lord, I’m sorry…take it all away”. Back when it was just a regular vaccine
you could say, I’d just ask Him to turn it to water. But now that we know what we know, you can’t do that. You can’t even get near that vaccine. Roadblocks? Don’t get stuck in them. Drive around them. Drive your way out of them. It would really suck having to get on a bus because you would have to refuse to get this vaccine.
Literally they are trying to kill you, so you have a right to defend yourself against their murderous tactics against you and your family, even if it means having to run from your own government. The Bible says to obey the government, but when the government conflicts with God’s Word and God’s Commands for us, then we have to obey God. We have to obey Him. Our government is not acting in alignment with God’s rules. They’re trying to replace and destroy our entire Constitution. By
doing that, they are putting themselves at odds with every single American in this country…every single person in this country.
They’re trying to destroy our Constitution and replace it with a global authority. And who exactly is this global authority? The UN? They can’t even feed hungry people in Africa, and they want to control the world? C’mon folks. They have no power over any person in any country. Your Constitution is the power. That’s why they’re simply trying to destroy it and replace it with a one world government. They figure if they can get enough people chipped, they’ll be too sick and dying to put up much of a resistance. That’s their whole thing.
Look at every person. Even the basic flu shot. And the people that work for government health services, the Dept. of Health and Human services; they know the people who receive just the seasonal flu shot will be more susceptible to getting the Swine Flu. What’s the big deal, folks?! Every winter the flu goes around. You get sick for a few days. Every year about 40 people from the winter
flu’s. And that’s standard. This Swine Flu is nothing to get hyped about that you need to go out and get a vaccine to keep you from getting the Swine Flu. That’s like getting Echelon inserted inside of you from now on so you can be totally controlled by Satan, just so you can avoid a three day flu.
C’mon. Give me a break. Give me a break. It’s much deeper than that. There’s much more involved than that. And people that can’t get off their couches and do five minutes of research on the computer at the library…you deserve what you get then. We’ve been warning. We are sounding the alarms. I posted the Bible Codes on the RFID bracelet and the H1N1 chip last week at So
it’s very interesting that all this is heating up at the same time as Shema being destroyed.
They’re mad and they want to retaliate and will be coming to Earth soon. We’re going to be dealing with these beings. Exciting times we are living in.
I’ve warned on my list last week, watch for them to take biblical names. These ascended masters are also called Aryans. They like to take on biblical names. You may see the Archangel Gabriel coming…and Michael. You’re going to see Jesus coming. You might see Peter, Paul and Mary. They take on biblical names. So don’t be fooled by that; just be ready for it.
I had to laugh the other night. I was thinking back to Al Gore and his desperate attempt to stop global warming simply because they have no understanding of what global warming is. That’s their words for Orgone saturation. They don’t understand what they are dealing with yet and why a lot of places are seeing a chilling of the atmosphere so early right now, especially in the east. Practically everywhere it’s just a lot colder than usual. They’re trying to chill the atmosphere because the aliens/fallen angels are burning. It’s very humorous. You cannot stop Orgone saturation. They’re heating up in the
atmosphere and boiling. So they just accredit it to some kind of carbon contamination, when it’s actually just the Orgone. Humans don’t feel this stuff. Orgone doesn’t affect humans. If you have Orgone in your house it’s peaceful. Alien and demonic beings don’t like it so they won’t be hanging out in your house 24/7 like if you don’t have it. It’s like walking into an anointed temple. It’s just peaceful. So that’s the only effect humans feel from it. Anything evil is going to have a hard time dealing with the Lord’s anointed energy. His energy – a positive Orgone energy that comes into direct
contrast with anything that’s evil. Interesting.
Looking ahead for the next couple of months. December could be active. December could be a little wild, especially if Satan and the Philistines and Maitreya all show up in December. And which route they want to take. If they want to take the route of mimicking the second coming of Christ, otherwise known as the Blue Beam project. Whatever Maitreya will come first before Jesus with all his angels.
I don’t know exactly what they’ll be doing. I imagine they will be heading east, but I’ve also seen where the Lord is going to crank the Orgone up in the east. Right now it’s planetary, and the Lord is going to start cranking it up and they’ll have nowhere to hide. It’s going to very amusing.
I’m going to answer a couple of questions. Some came into the show last week.
Sherry, as days go by I see the whole picture. I am beginning to believe Obama is the Antichrist. Not an antichrist, but the real Antichrist. I don’t know if you agree with me on this, but it really looks that way. What’s you view on this issue?
Sherry: Nothing is set in stone with Maitreya and Obama right now. Right now Obama is just a pawn to Maitreya. If our Orgone can actually keep these ascended masters away from the earth, because they have nowhere to hide away from earth, possibly even kill them, then they would have to resort to their human clones on earth. That’s all Obama is. He’s a clone of Pharaoh Akhenaton. They would have to resort to what their hands have made…these clones. So I can’t say anything in stone. All I can tell you is their plans for now. I can give you the routes that they’re taking that I see. Obama could be a route. He could also play the Mabus role the Nostradamus had talked about. You hear every once in awhile about this Mabus. That could even be Obama. There are just many different roles. You never know which one they’re going to settle on. It’s like a chess board and they’re still moving their pieces around. They have a script. It’s like casting for a play. Which actor is going to play which part? And that’s exactly what they’re doing now. They’re trying to go by these scripted events, but also have to deal with the characters in the script. They are still scripting people for these positions. That’s why it’s very interesting. Never a dull day.
Listener comment: I had the volume all the way down on the football game tonight. All of a sudden that lizard Obama came on the TV. Is he possible Maitreya?
Sherry: That could be a route. If Maitreya just takes over Obama’s body and works through him, because his own has been fried. He himself says that his body is a created one. What I’ve seen in the codes is that Maitreya is a clone of Cain. So they can just clone another one. I don’t know if they will clone another one or just take over Obama’s or just come in the one he has that’s boiled and fried. We just have to see, folks.
Question: Sherry, what in the heck did Obama do to win the Nobel Peace Prize!? Is that the biggest joke ever?
Sherry: Yeah…considering that the deadline for the Nobel Peace Prize was two weeks before he took office, and they’re crediting him with all these things. What has he done!? Especially when he wasn’t even President yet when they had to nominate him for the prize. You can see how scripted it is. I was just reading something where they had told Obama when he was 20 years old that he would be president of the United States when he got older. It’s all scripted. It’s like Arnold Schwarzenegger…Arrrrnooollldd…he had a plan. He knew he was going to come to America, marry a Kennedy and
become governor of California. So very interesting. A lot of these people’s whole careers are just scripted and they just step into it. It’s like I said, they have this script and the cast of characters, and they have to fill those character spots.
Question from a listener: Did you see Monday Night Football, where the two helmets fly into space like comets and show two astronauts bumping into each other? What do you take of this?
Sherry: I don’t know. My thoughts are Capricorn and Shema crashing and are both destroyed. I don’t know. I haven’t watched Monday night football in ages.
Some of the more interesting things are coming out on You Tube video are actually showing how the RFID and how it’s a crystalline thing. Very interesting. Everything I’m talking about is very real. If you
don’t know that by now, just stick your head back in the sand.
Question from a listener: Hey Sherry when you suggested that people ask the Lord to change the vaccine into water before the needle touches the skin.
Sherry: I’m not saying that at all. Maybe a couple of months ago when the whole thing with the vaccine started coming out, but not at all now. You cannot get it at all.
Question continues: If I were to ask God to change a beaker of acid into water, it would make sense to drink it. Why not?
Sherry: He says no weapon formed against us shall prosper. But He also says to use wisdom in all things and not to tempt Him. So don’t tempt Him. If you tempt Him, you’re going to reap what you sow. That’s exactly what’s going to happen.
Question continues: Does the direction of the crystals in Orgone or the amount or shape of the aluminum effect how it works? I tried making my own and buying some of yours and none of it has had any effect on any of the reptiles I’ve come in contact with. Why might that be and what can I do about it?
Sherry: It may be having an effect and you don’t know about it, or may not even come into contact with reptiles. I don’t know what the answer to that is. The direction of the crystals does not make any difference or the amount or shape of the aluminum doesn’t make any difference. You should at least have 2/3 aluminum and crystal in your Orgone. It’s the crystal inside the Orgone that powers it. Some aluminum is very soft and some aluminum is very hard. I’ve always kindof shied away from the soft stuff, but I guess that’s the best stuff. So I’ve been using more of the soft stuff. They call it NASA grade quality. I have box loads of that stuff. It doesn’t really matter, because the aluminum just acts as an insulator. The crystal powers the coil. But the main part of the Orgone itself is the crystal. That’s the brain. That’s the engine of the whole thing. If you don’t see it effecting people, then fine. No big deal.
Question: Hey Sherry, when you talk to people, can you tell when someone is part of the 144,000?
Sherry: Usually I can pick them right out. But you know what? It doesn’t mean I get along with everybody. I’m just a person too, and there’s a lot of Christians who just outright annoy me. We may have personality clashes. Like anybody else, they annoy you. But I can usually tell who is the Lord’s. Sometimes Christians have a lot of issues to deal with. You’ve got Christians that love the Lord and still have one foot on the earth and one foot in the spirit, still dealing with earthly things.
Drug addictions, alcohol and things like that. There’s just some things I have no patience for. Some things I just don’t want to be around. That doesn’t mean they are not the Lord’s. That doesn’t mean that at all. Because the Lord sanctifies us. The Lord perfects us and makes us what He wants us to be. It’s a process and a journey and a relationship in growing with Him. Other than personality conflicts I’ll have with people or issues, I can usually tell if someone is definitely His. Sometimes it’s
just a lot harder on the internet because you’re reading things. Sometimes you sound different when you write something than you would if you were actually saying it. You know what I mean? Do you know what I’m talking about. So you can misread people. You can read things the wrong way. You can get an opinion of somebody based on something they’ve written andyou’ve read the wrong way. I don’t make rash judgments on people. I am very patient. I’m very patient. Usually when it’s a
genuine one of His, you know that you know that you know they are one of His and there is no doubt. I’m not going to sit and say how because then the aliens want to know so they can mimic that. They drive me nuts. I get aliens on my lists all the time posing as humans. I toy with them before I kick them off. Sometimes I just have fun sitting back toying allowing things to happen so that other people can learn to discern these things on their own. That’s the way I’ve learned over the years.
Having run-ins with these beings and having to deal with this stuff is how you learn, unfortunately. Some people say, “Why did God let me do that? or go through that!? Because He wants you to learn. He wants to teach you something. That’s the best way we’ve learned sometimes, because we’ve experienced something.
Question from listener: When the government takes over the internet how will we be able to stay in contact with you? Do you have an alternate way of hearing your program. Could transcribed programs be mailed via pre-paid envelopes? I hope there will some way to continue to get yours and Yah’s guidance in the days ahead.
Sherry: I really don’t know. They are defiantly going to come after the internet. Maitreya and Obama will be working together. In fact, there should be legislation and there probably already is. I just saw it in the codes last night. It was kindof funny – telecommunications statute. Yeah, they’re going to clamp down, especially the people that mock them, like me. I can’t stand them. They’re a bunch of Satan freaks. Yeah, they’re going to clamp down. I have no plans. I don’t have a secretary and an
office and a mailing list and organization. Trust me, I’m not organized. If something gets on my desk, it truly gets buried. Until I clean my desk off, I may never find it again. I’m just as disorganized as you can get. I don’t have any mailing lists. No. It’s just not safe to keep around. That’s why I’ve purposefully become very disorganized. Yes, it is part of my personality to be disorganized as well anyway, but who wants lists and records of the warriors around!? You know what a target I would be for all the government agents and their minions who are trying to find the 144,000!? I would be a huge target for them to just come in and gather my lists. Who I talk to. Who I associate with. Things like that. I would just be giving up all those people who are. I’m real protective of that. I won’t even put warriors together who live in the same states. I say if you want to meet other warriors in your state, join the Orgone list and meet up with other people from your area on my list, because I’m not
putting people together. You don’t know who you are putting together. The FBI is all over my websites and lists. They watch everything I do. You know, it’s just…it’s retarded. So I’m not going to put anybody at risk by having their addresses lying around my house. No, I don’t keep records and lists.
The Lord keeps us separated for a reason. He keeps us all off on mountain tops and deserts and woods and…He does that for a reason. He wants us all separated. So it’s a good idea, but I just can’t do it.
Question: What is your opinion of the new “V” alien series on TV in November? Did you watch the one from the ‘80’s?
Sherry: I didn’t watch the one from the ‘80’s. I wasn’t into the whole New World Order thing back then. I was in High School. I’m not revealing my age here. I’m kindof anxious to see what they’re going to reveal on the new one. I hope it’s not on Monday night. I’d have to miss it. I’m anxious to see what they’re going to reveal. It serves their purposes and it serves ours. You know? Waking people up to the fact of what’s coming. Shape-shifting aliens and morphing people. It serves everybody’
s interests by revealing this kindof stuff. I hope it’s entertaining…reveal some truth too. That’s all I can say. I never really watched the first series, so I don’t know how the first series went. I do have it on DVD. I bought the V series and Alien Nation series and I still have yet to watch them. They’re still sitting in my cabinet. I just don’t get around to watching stuff and listening to stuff. I’ve always got my nose stuck in a Bible Code. I work in codes all night, every night or I’m out in the garage
doing Orgone. Or on a football field somewhere. I’m a mom too. It just gets overwhelming all the work we need to do. But
I find it rewarding I guess, to see how pissed off they are that we’re handing out flyers on the vaccine. I’m seeing that in the codes. That’s another thing we’ve taken on; putting flyers out, hitting peoples cars, grocery stores, Wal-Marts, football games. Anywhere. Just putting flyers out, warning people of the H1N1 vaccine. Yeah, they’re very angry.
I’ve always said that nothing you do for the Lord goes unnoticed. Kids are even standing up and putting these flyers out, their names in the Bible Codes are noted as having done that. Nothing we do for the Lord goes unnoticed. Every person who has ever supported this ministry, you can see it in the Bible Codes. I don’t always individually thank everybody, but I love ‘em and I thank everybody for supporting this ministry. I don’t know if you want to call it a ministry. We’re kindof just a
group of warriors who go out and do heroics in the last days. But it has to start and stop somewhere and it does right here I guess at my house. It’s just been a journey.
I see all this stuff just come alive in the Bible Codes. Everything is so recorded. I’ve told you that. Everything you do is recorded. So don’t waste time. Even with the days we have left, get out and do something. Do something for the Lord. Don’t leave earth regretting that you didn’t do something, because something is a lot better than nothing, and nothing describes about 98% of churchdom right now. So many people are asleep. They think the rapture is going to come. They think this is
going to happen, or that’s going to happen. Chalk it all up to putting faith in man instead of faith in God. Because if you had asked the Lord for the truth in all things, He would be able to reveal to you the truth of things that are going on today and get you busy doing things for Him that matter instead of going to church week after week. That doesn’t matter. What does it matter? I’d rather be out putting flyers on a car on a Sunday, then to be sitting on a church pew with a picture of Sananda in
it (Satan’s general, which the churches call Jesus) They know that’s not what He looks like, but keep it there anyway. And listen to the pastor quote Paul who was a high ranking Mason and not even an Apostle. People just go to sleep. They are drowning in apostasy.
The thing that comes to mind is that people want to fellowship with other believers. Fine. I do that on the internet. I’ve got three lists. I’ve got a radio show. When I take questions, the reason being is so I can hear from the fellow warriors. So I can hear from you guys. It’s the only way I get to communicate with people that are out there. I don’t have the ability to take phone calls during the show, unless I went to Blog Talk Radio or something, then I’d just have to deal with them. I like having my own server. I can come on the air whenever I want to. So once Maitreya does put his ugly feet on the earth, I can broadcast every single day. I can broadcast every day and talk about what the freak is up to every single day. Be warning you and giving you a heads up on the routes they are taking, the things they are doing and which character positions they are settling in and things like that. It’s almost like refereeing the whole thing. The last days referee here. I have insight into a lot of things. That doesn’t mean anything until things start happening and I can relate to what I know and what I see and what they’re doing. It’s like three different things. Interesting. I don’t expect too much to happen right now because they’re dealing with Shema on fire and blowing up into pieces.
November could be interesting…December….January. These could be interesting months coming up. Especially if the Philistines are here. Philistines are just another name for the giants and locusts. They have so many different names. Buffalo, bison, Philistines, because there are assortments of them. There are different factions and groups of them.
When the veil is lifted. I’m going to close tonight with this finding from the Bible Codes:
This partition, this veil has been crushed. It’s being crushed right now. Being destroyed. I don’t know when the total destruction of this veil will be, but it’s being destroyed as we speak. So when that veil, that canopy over the earth is destroyed, they’ll be here freely. All these different aliens being cast out of aerospace onto the earth. Watching Revelation 12 come alive where Satan is cast to the earth. And with the partition, the veil being destroyed, that can come about at any time.
Very interesting that all this is coming out now. Things are going to be happening. It figures it’s in the colder months. If they go into this vaccine enforcement thing and start putting people into internment camps and it’s January and 20 degrees below 0, its gonna be pretty miserable.
So people need to fight to stay out of those things. Do not willingly get on the bus's. Don’t willingly let them take you to a camp. Fight! Do what you have to do!
Anyway, until next week everybody, Yah bless.