Who is Jesus? Listener Call-In
Transcription of the October 17, 2005 Radio Show Broadcasted Worldwide
Listened to by over 130 countries
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
October 17, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 17 October 2005 - 1st hour
And hello folks and welcome to the show, I'm Sherry Shriner.
Tonight's going to be listener call-in. You can give me a call at 260-356-2611. That's 260-356-2611. This week I'm going to go over a few things the Lord has lead me into. I've heard from people, former leaders and directors of different areas, different groups of the New Age movement. And they're floored, they're floored how I can hit it on the head with the information I have in regards to that movement. And folks it's just the things the Lord leads me to expose to reveal, to teach. There's nothing hidden in the darkness that won't be brought to the light. And He's bringing all the wickedness and evil of these agendas to light.
You know at the same time when we see people involved with the New Age, they finally see it for what it is and get out, we see professing believers cross over and go to their side. So who wasn't going to be deceived in the last days folks? Many are. Many of you are going to be and that's why I spend so much time warning on this show. To encourage you to strengthen your spirits in the Lord, build a close realtionship with him. So you won't be lead astray.
You know so many people get caught up in the one Scripture from Paul that states that people won't be deceived, that if it were possible that even the elect would be deceived, wouldn't be deceived. The elect isn't deceived and they're not deceived now. You know they're not going to be deceived later. And the problem is the elect is a very very small group of 144,000 out of all the millions of believers on this planet. So that leaves a lot of millions of people very susceptible to being deceived. And that's why I spend so much time on it. If they're not going to be deceived in the future, then they wouldn't be deceived now.
And how many are sitting in doctrines in churches from hell, preaching doctrines of demons. They're supporting these beasts, these wolves. They're in errors now. They're sending them their money, their tithes weekly, monthly, making these beast prophets wealthy beyond imagination. Millionaires. And all the while claiming their not deceived.
And so folks we have a problem now with deception in the churches. It's going to get much worse later, much worse. And the true minority, the true minority of believers is going to be a hand full. Because your main church stream, your main people in all of these churches are going to be the ones who come against and persecute the Lord's true believers. You know I've said it before, a lot of the these beast prophets are in place to lead church people astray, to lead the believers astray, into accepting the coming deceptions. They're not there to protect you from them. They're there to lead you into them.
You see it with Pat Robertson how he goes on and on about the Verichip and how it's not the one in regards to Revelation 13. And right now the Verichip isn't, but it will be. I mean there's one that will be, could be and probably will be. And anything on or in your right hand or forehead just stay away from. You stay away from it. But he's conditioning people now. I mean why would you get it now. It's just as evil now. I mean it won't be as damning as later. But these chips they're putting in people now are tracking devices. And they've upped and upgraded them over the years.
You know for years, people have experienced these UFO abductions, and military abductions disguised as UFO abductions. There's both kinds going on folks. And what they do is they've been implanting tracking chips up people's noses or in their brains, various parts of their bodies. These are tracking chips the aliens... are not omnipotent and are not omniscient, they can't be everywhere at once. Their whole kingdom is designed by hi-tech and tracking control. And so what they do is they chip everybody when their born. And I've said it before how children, many children wake up with bloody noses. And there's no explanation for this. And you've probably had them growing up yourself, you just wake up in the middle of the night you have a bloody nose and you don't understand why.
Most people don't have to be abducted into a UFO to be chipped. You can be chipped right in your sleep. Okay they can come into your room and they can chip you. And I tell you most of the population is chipped. And these are just tracking devices. And the ones that are coming out now folks are like little two way transistors. And being two way being that they can not only track you and hear and see the things you're doing. You can hear them too. If you're susceptible to the other realm, some people aren't even. They'll just hear things they can't explain.
I had an e-mail from a listener last week stating that when he listens to my show, often times in his left ear, he can hear echoes of a radio station playing, you know different music. And I've heard that same thing and it's a military base somewhere folks.
And you can deactiviate these chips that they put in you now, these tracking chips. You can deactivate them with neodymium magnets. And I have this information on my website at the How to detect chips. I have a search box there. Just put in 'detect chips' and you'll get to my article. And it'll tell you about these neodymium magnets and where to buy them. You can buy them right on line ( They're only 70 cents a piece. And these things are strong enough to lift ten pounds (= 4.54 kgs) of steel.
And you can put them on your ear lobes with band aids or tape. Hold them in place for about 12 hours. Any kind of booster shots. Any vaccines that you've had. Any flu shots. Put a magnet on your arms in the place where they've given you these shots. The closet place where you can remember where they went. And leave those on... depending... some of you might have to leave those on for two days, these booster shots you got when you were kids. Some of these shots when we got when we were much younger, might have to stay on there for two days to deactivate chips. But these neodymium magnets will deactivate these tracking chips.
But these ones coming, that Revelation 13 speaks of. These will damn your soul. Because these are a sign of loyalty, of worship to the Antichrist and his kingdom. I don't know if he's going to come out and say, "Oh get this mark and show your loyal worship to me". You know I think it's going to be more deceptive than that. It very well could be. He could be bold and brave. I can't says he's not.
But anything that goes in or on your right hand or forehead, and any guise they try to deceive you into getting it. Don't get it. Because what... they've so much stuff coming. I mean they've got this whole crystal city fraud, the new Jerusalem thing they're going to pull off. "You want a tour, then you have to join the kingdom of God on earth." And of course God being this... the Antichrist masquerading as God, and his padre the false prophet. They're going to be encouraging people to join "God's" kingdom on earth.
And of course all those who don't are going to be seen as rebels, and targets. You're going to become targets of all of those who have joined the kingdom. And so it's going to be a kind of civil war type thing. And they show this kind of thing somewhat in Bible prophecy movies that you see based on the last days. I don't know if you've seen any of those movies The Beast Network (TBN) puts out. "Meggido" or any of those. And they basically give you an idea. You know not a lot of the stuff they show you is wrong. They will give you a lot of truth. They just mix in enough error to lead you going the wrong way.
The biggest problem with a lot of these net beast networks, is that they get people further and further involved, indelved in the fake pretrib rapture theory, so Christians never think they're going to be here. They're not going to be here to see all of this stuff happening. And there's the reality check. Like all of a sudden they start seeing things happening and they're thinking, "well it can't get any worse because God's going to come back for us". And they're not prepared, they're not ready. And they're going to be ripe for persecution. They're going to be the first ones rounded and falling to go into these FEMA camps.
And of course if you're listening to this show long enough, you know that these FEMA camps, you're never going to come out of them alive once you're in them. Once martial law hits this country folks, and you get in one of these camps, you're not coming back out. So don't get in them. Don't get in them at all.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611. A couple of questions from listeners over the last two weeks. I wanted to get to last week, didn't get to it.
A question from a listener. "What are you're thoughts on near death experiences. Are they like people say, or is it a function of the brain?" Near death experiences. You know I always thought it was a possibility, I never really thought much about it, until I stumbled on information from other people that are involved with the spiritual realm on the other side. And the person they were describing as seeing was Sananda.
And you get these people all over the country that do these.. some type of witchcraft, New Age type prayer circle type things. And the person they're describing seeing is Sananda. And if you ask the person to describe this Jesus they saw in the near death experiences, they'll describe Sananda. They're not describing Jesus Christ. They describe Sananda.
If you look at the typical picture that's in the churches today. On your bookmarks, book stores all over the world. And they say this is Jesus. And what it is is a MichaelAngelo painting, portrait of Jesus that he did of Sananda. And the churches have bought it that, "Oh this is Jesus". "Well we really don't know what He looks like but this is Jesus". And so he is the one dominant in all of these near death experiences. And I've heard him say it himself that he works behind the scenes in that.
And so he's the one people are seeing. And of course some people will fight you tooth and nail and say, "Oh it was not he was so loving. He was so this, so that." Well of course. He's trying to fool you. He's trying to play Jesus. If he can't fool you in a near death experience, how is he going to fool a majority of the world when he comes here as the messiah? It's all about deception folks. He's not always pure evil. And yes they do have the ability to create an aura around them to show that they're glowing. They have the way to manifest an aura to make them look like they're heavenly beings. That's why they call themselves light bodies and you know New Age garbage terms. It's because they can produce this. They can fake it.
And I've seen in the Bible codes where there's always something going on with they anklet that they wear. Some kind of jewelry that they wear. And I think it has something to do with what they can do with shapeshifting or producing this false glow, this false aura to make them look like a heavenly being. It has something to do with it. I see the term anklet or wristlet. And so it's an anklet or a bracelet or some kind of jewelry that they wear.
So that would be interesting to see one of these idiots arrive if they actually do have jewelry on. And they'll probably hide it now because I know they listen to this show (laughing). Yeah but we're onto you. We're on to all of them.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611. So yeah folks, it's Sananda pretty much behind the near death experiences.
"What are your thoughts on the other side. Does it exist? Sylvia Brown goes in depth about this. Is there another dimension where our spirits go after death? Do we reincarnate? Do we have a blueprint laid out before we're born? Thank you for your response and time."
I think the Bible makes it pretty clear that.. in Hebrews 9:27, for it is given for man once to die and then to judgment. I know a lot of people are into this soul sleep doctrine. Or they go all the way over the edge and we go on a different realm where we're on vacation for a while. And that's kind of the sort of think Peggy Kane believes and Sylvia Brown.
As far as the other realm goes, I do believe... well we have the astral realm. We've always had that. There's an astral realm. It's the same realm people go in when they astrally project. And they're people I deal with a lot. They astro project into your house, your homes. And they do so. It's a New Age practice, witchcraft practice. And it's a lot like remote viewing only astro projectors can physically look totally human. They have a full body. I've been told that remote viewers don't leave their bodies. They just sit some place and remote view to a place or a person.
Either way it's astro projectors I deal with and just often call them remote viewers. To me it's all the same. When believers are going to die, you're either going to hell, heaven or hell. Believer or unbeliever. People can get stuck in the astral realm. And a lot of these people that astrally project, if they can't get back to their bodies...
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: I just had a computer crisis, so I need to skip this first break. But then we should be back up to normal at the end of the hour.
Sherry: Okay.
Steve: If we can skip the bottom one it will help me, because I've got to reboot a computer.
Sherry: Okay. No problem.
Where was I? So I was talking about the astral realm. Peggy Kane and Sylvia Brown believe that there is whole another state of existence in the astral plane. And that is one that.. I think what they do is a pick up mixture. Because back in the olden times, let's say the Old Testament times, before the Lord came. There was an upper sheol and a lower sheol. And of course those who were inherently good, because they didn't go to heaven at that time when they died. Because there was no redemption at that time. They would go to what they called the upper bosom of Abraham. And then there was the lower sheol, where those just outright evil would go. And hell was originally made just for Satan and his angels.
But then mankind started being sent there. You can read about that.. I think it's Korah, when Moses was given the ten commandments and the Lord opened up the earth and swallowed up Korah and his followers. And they went down to the pit. And it's the first time that fire was kindled in hell. And so that's when people who were just outright obnoxious and rejected the Lord were sent to. And that's a place of punishment now. It was never intentionally designed for mankind. It was intentionally originally made for Satan and his angels. But now mankind will go there.
So I think what they do is they come out with some kind of facade about how this upper sheol, this upper bosom of Abraham was, they call it the upper paradise. I think it's carried over from that. But a lot of it's a facade too. When people die, most people have a familiar spirit that's attached to them. And when that person dies, it's the familiar spirit that looks exactly like that person. It's a familiar spirit meaning they look almost just exactly like that person. They know everything about that person. They either have to go find somewhere else to inhabit. Most of them do not want to return to Satan for reassignment.
So I think what they do is they just go to the astral realm and they work with people like Sylvia Brown to deceive people into believing in seances and these witchcraft circles. And speaking to the dead, the necromancy. It's not the real person that died you're speaking to. It's these familiar spirits. Because they knew that person, that person could have their familiar spirit there. And those are the ones that speak to these people like Sylvia Brown. Any kind of contact with the dead is forbidden. Forbidden by the Bible in Leviticus, termed necromancy. King Saul got into all kinds of trouble for trying to contact the dead. Through the witch, I think it was Endor in the Old Testament.
And we've always been forbidden to talk to the dead. And so that's basically what these people are doing. Sylvia Brown being that she is practicing necromancy. Speaking to the dead has all these people deceived into thinking they're talking to their lost loved ones. And what they're doing, they're talking to their familiar spirits that those loved ones had.
Another question. "When you were talking to Peggy Kane a few weeks back, she mentioned about people who for example are astral projecting and the silver cord snaps. Now I used to think it would be the start of eternity for them either heaven or hell. And Peggy mentioned it and you seemed to agree that their could be a different kind of dimension these folks could be trapped in. Could this be the dry places that Jesus talked about? Know any more about this topic or written any articles on it that I may have missed? Could such a person in this situation accept salvation?"
If the silver cord snaps, yes what would happen is there's a cord attached to your spirit your body. And when you leave it in spirit form you will see a silver cord attached to it. New Agers have talked about this. David mentioned something about a cord being snapped or cut asunder or whatever. And if that cord snaps, what that cord serves the purpose, so that person's spirit can get back into their body. Because when these people are astally projecting they can go all over the world. They can go anywhere that they want to. Basically. I don't know how it works, but they can.
And what they'll do is they can always get back to their body because they're still be attached to their cord. If that cord snaps then they are lost in limbo, they can't get back to their body. And so also could be some of these people stuck in the astral realm, stuck in that spiritual realm of just limbo. And so I don't know at that point. Eventually their body on earth will die because it can't live without a soul. But what happens is that the body on earth will die, but the spirit is trapped. And so the spirit is trapped in limbo.
I don't know at that point since they're already a spirit if they can all of a sudden have a conversion experience. They're in limbo. I don't know the answer to that. I would say it's over. The body's already dead. The only thing they're waiting for at this point is judgment. You know at that point when your body dies, you're facing judgment. I don't think in a spirit form lost in limbo that you can have a second chance. I could be wrong. I don't know. That's just my thoughts on it.
Another comment. "You seem pretty confident in the ability of a 357 magnum to stop a zombie or vampire attack. Would this weapon of choice be a recommendation from the Lord? Any idea if orgone would help out against one of these?" I
don't know if orgone would help out against a zombie. This is clearly something dead being driven by a demonic source, and these vampires. I wouldn't do without it either. I mean I would keep it around. They don't tend to like it. It's their darkness. These beings are negative energy beings, and orgone being one that creates positive. So it is always a war between good and bad, positive and negative. So I would keep it around.
357 magnum would it be a recommendation? Well you know what when the Lord.. when I get into all this stuff, I keep running into all these different people and they're all saying the same thing. Yeah when you recognize how the Lord works, how He will keep bring things to your mind over and over and over again. And these guys are saying yeah a 357 magnum will take these things out. Hit them in the chest. Take off their heads. Yeah, I would try it. I mean the Lord gives us things to protect ourselves.
And I've heard from so many people that, "Oh that's not having faith in the Lord because He would protect us". Well you know what, He just told you how to protect yourself. We can play the circle game all night long. And people just think they're just going to sit back on their couches during the entire tribulation period and do nothing. And you know what, it's enjoy your trip to the concentration camps, it's enjoy your know... These people that do nothing. What's the Bible say. It says in the last days it's going to be a time of exploits. His people are up doing things.
You know I'm not going to miss this couch potatoes one bit. I mean you know their riding on errors. They don't bother to seek the Lord on anything. All they want to do is sit around and harp and play harps. They're the type of people that sit in the churches on the church pews and sing about becoming warriors for the Lord instead of getting out there and doing it. You know they sing about it. I don't want to sing about it. I want to get out there and do it. And a lot of His people are. And so that's what you're having a lot of people sing about it and a lot of people who are just doing things. The ones the Lord can lead He can. And when He shows you things, He shows you what to do when you seek Him on it, then do it. Do it. You know self defense is of the Lord. Always has been. You can read my article at on self defense. And so that will show you a lot about it.
Another question. I don't know the book of Enoch by heart so if the answers there bear with me. "Should the Watcher angels that didn't rebel stand in the way or stop in the intermarrying of those that did?" Ah, No. The Lord... I mean they're not going to interfere with the Lord's creation unless He told them to. In Genesis, I'm paraphrasing here, it says, "Adam could have eaten of any fruit of any of the trees of the garden. Knowing what we know now of the whole story of Adam and Eve does this imply they could have known these tree angels in a sexual manner?" Well there wasn't any other angels in the garden but Satan that was evil. So yeah they could have mingled with the other trees of the garden. Satan was the one that was evil. He was the one forbidden. He was the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good and Evil.
"I wonder when today's show becomes archives?" The shows usually become archived later on tonight usually three or four hours after the show I get them up on my website. And so you can follow them there. You can listen to them on what I call archive Tuesday. And a lot of people, probably double the numbers that are even listening now, go back and listen to the archives.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611. You can send your comments your questions to [email protected]. You can send me an IM or an e-mail. And I'll try to get to your question this week. If I don't I'll get to it next week.
I wanted to start into something that I was into about five o'clock this morning. And I just started going through one of my favorite books which is the book of Matthew. And I've always been lead to this book out of all the books in the Bible. It has always been Matthew that has been my favorite book. And so I wanted to go in and take some highlights up because I spent some time last week on some of the false teachings that the Phoenix Journals have in them. And so what I wanted to do was come through and come back with some real meat of the Word and what the Lord says, and why the New Age has to discredit and disregard Jesus to make their own agenda work.
Jesus was, is the Son of God. And for the whole New Age facade to work they have to take that divinity away from Him and make it apply so that everybody else can become a Son of God. What they call it is an Ascended Master. And so what they do is take away His divinity in all of these teachings. You'll find that when it comes to gross religious doctrinal errors, that they take something away from the Lord. They take something away from who He is, or what He was, or what He said and deny it.
I was talking to somebody today about the whole soul sleep doctrine. Because this person just didn't believe that when you die you either go to heaven or hell. She just didn't believe you went anywhere. And the Seventh Day Adventist teach this doctrine. It's called Soul Sleep. There is a name for it in case some of you don't even know there is a name for it. But if soul sleep doctrine was true, then you would have to take away His resurrection because how can the Lord have resurrected from the dead if He went to the grave. If we go to the grave and stay there. I mean He couldn't have. He couldn't have resurrected.
The Transfiguration with Moses on Eli on the hill could never have happened. The story about the rich man and the poor man Lazarus, looking up in hell and asking for a drink of water, that could never have happened. The return of the Lord with 10,000s of His saints, at the Second Coming of Christ couldn't happen. And yet it's prophesied. Those are things off the top of my head just answering this e-mail. You take away a lot of... you're definitely taking away His resurrection and the prophecies of coming with 10,000s of His saints. Other aspects of scripture.
You have to ignore all that, manipulate it and twist it and take it away (Scripture) to believe in a doctrine of soul sleep. It says, "It is appointed unto to man once to die and this to judgment." And I believe that we are immediately judged. Hell is the first death. That's why it's says the Lake of Fire is the second death in Revelation. There are too many Scriptures that you would have to manipulate and twist to ignore and take away to believe in that soul sleep doctrine.
There's no way John himself could have seen thousands of saints dressed in white robes in heaven. When he described seeing the great crowds in heaven that were before the Lord. I mean it couldn't happen if they were sitting in graves sleeping.
Another aspect that they take away is that He's born, Jesus is born, conceived through a virgin. Because the Bible says He was conceived of the Holy Ghost. And I wanted to read this. In Matthew 1:18 - 25. You guys can read along with me.
"18. Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.
19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.
20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
24 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:
25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS."
And so the New Age will take this and say that the Lord was born, and conceived by the angel Gabriel. They say that it was not the Holy Spirit that conceived Jesus, that it was Gabriel. And another thing interesting if you're looking at this, is in the KJV every time they mistranslate a word they let you know the first time they do it. They will put it in all cap letters. And what that means is that it tells you this word was not in the original Greek Septuagint, or the original Greek translation. That they're adding it. And if you notice the word Jesus is in all caps in Matthew 1:21. And basically what this is telling us is that JESUS was not His real name. That it was inserted here, it was not in the original translation.
And of course we know His real name is Yahushua in the Hebrew, pronounced Yahushua. But in the Greek they added in Jesus and that's what it's always been in the KJV. That's what the churches today refer to Him as, as Jesus. But it was not His real name. It was something that the churches from this point on adopted for His name, started calling Him.
Another one Emmanuel, God is with us. This is also a name that this Sananda has picked up. He calls himself Emmanuel, Sananda Emmanuel. Sananda meaning Christ. But he calls himself Sananda Emmanuel, or Sananda Jesus. So some of the deceptions. Some of the things why they do what they do and how this is going to relate. Some of you might say this is never going to come about. Why do you spend so much time on it? Basically it is going to come about folks. We're going to see a lot of deceptions coming.
And they're going to rip this KJV apart when they come. I've seen and I've heard their plans. And I've read how they did it to the whole book of Matthew in their own Phoenix Journals, what they call the Phoenix Journals. You know they have all the parables there. Everything looks like it came out of the KJV. But obviously there are real problems there. They change things. They take away His divinity. They take away His Godhood. They take away His sole purpose on earth to redeem mankind from their sins.
And not only that, their book is openly channeled by Judas Iscariot who they say was wrongly accused of being the one that denied Jesus. They say he was wrongly accused, that he was set up by the "Apostle" Paul. And I thought that one was funny. Set up by the "Apostle" Paul to deny Jesus, to betray Him.
And so yeah, a lot of things coming out. And that's why I spend a lot of time on it, because the Lord leads me to spend a lot of time on it. If you also notice, speaking tonight on just who Jesus is. Who He was. He was born with a specific bloodline. You know He was the Son of David. The Son of Abraham. And in Matthew 1, you'll see 42 generations from Abraham, until Jesus arrived. And I thought that was interesting because we have 42 months in the great tribulation period. So what that has to do together. I'm sure there's a connection there somehow. But I thought that was interesting, 42 generations from Abraham until Jesus arrived.
Jesus Himself was prophesied by many prophets over thousands of years. When He came, He fulfilled over 500 prophecies. Genesis 49:10 one of them being. "And now Bethlehem in the land of Judah, art thou the least among the princes of Judah. For out of thee shall come a governor that shall rule My people Israel." One of the very first prophecies that Jesus was coming other than Genesis 3:15.
(Editors Note: I think Sherry got slightly mixed up. The verse she read above I believe is Micah 5:1 or 2 depending on what bible you use. Genesis 49:10 reads, "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be." - Simon)
Hosea 11:1, "Out of Egypt I have called my Son." "He should be called a nazarene". Fulfilling Judges 13:5. He was called a Nazarene in Matthew 2:23. So you can see a lot of Scripture fulfillment here. Jesus also said in Matthew 10:4, "It is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve." And of course in the new age, in the coming deceptions, you're going to have many. There's going to be many people come and claiming their a son of God or a Messiah, that they're light beings or that man can ascend into the same spiritual state. Ignoring the fact that we're only to worship one person. And never is a human worthy of worship (so we couldn't become an object of worship ourselves)
And that's why they try to snowball everybody into rolling around with this fifth dimension stuff, that we can evolve into a fifth dimension status. And I went into that last week, talked about it, how they need, how they're trying to change our linear time, our linear 3D dimension into a fifth dimension. Because they're trying to escape the coming judgment of God. And so they believe if the entire world is focused and meditating on ascending into another level, jumping into a fifth dimension type eternal time, that in that way they can stop time, demolish time, destroy time, and therefore avoid the coming judgment against them by the Lord. And of course we know it's not going to work. It's not going to stop them from trying either.
In Matthew 10:2-4, the names of His twelve apostles. Peter and Andrew. James and John. Matthew, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Thadaeus, Simon, Judas Iscariot. Twelve apostles, twelve gates of heaven. Judas when he died was replaced by Masias, Matthew. And no Paul here folks. There's no Paul.
Another thing that was prophesied, a prophecy fulfillment, was that when He would come He would heal. He would heal the people and He would teach in the synagoges, preach the gospel. You know Jesus said, "Think not that I came to destroy the law of the prophets. I came not to destroy but to fulfill." He fulfilled every one of the prophetic teachings about Him.
How many other of those who claim they are messiahs are fulfilling prophecy by arriving? The only prophecy they're fulfilling are the ones that foretold the coming of false apostles and false preachers coming. Wolves in sheeps clothing coming. Those are the only prophecies they're fulfilling. There's nobody else in the entire world
, no Mohammed no whoever whatever religion, Hindus, Buddhists, whatever they all believe.
Nobody else has fulfilled over 2000 prophecies just by appearing. With their own appearance, death and resurrection. His entire life was foretold. Before He even came. Everything about Him was foretold. And He fulfilled everyone of them. And the other parts of Scripture that haven't been fulfilled yet, will be fulfilled on a second coming. There never has been anyone like Jesus who walked this earth. No other of these ascended masters could ever even begin to touch or be who He was, or who He is.
You know also there's a push today, some would have us believe that the God of the Old Testament was never behind sacrifices. That He didn't institute them. That it was a practice the people picked up from some pagans. And they claim that the same God of the OT isn't the same of the New Testament. And you know what you have to be real careful when you start studying this stuff. You don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater folks. You know from the sacrifices of Cain and Abel to all those instituted by the Lord who came as the ultimate sacrifice. And He did away with all the blood sacrifices, as He was the perfect sacrifice. He became the perfect sacrifice.
And so what you have going on today with these kinds of teachings is if they can get you to believe that some violent bloodthirsty God of the Old Testament, and they paint Him horribly. And they say it wasn't Him. That it was Baal, that it was Ildabaoth and these other different names for him. Basically that the whole thing about sacrifices in the Old Testament was from Satan and not the Lord.
And that's not true, because what that does... what does that teaching do? It takes away the fact that Jesus's death was the ultimate sacrifice for mankind. And like I said, every time there's an error. Every time there's a deception coming, because it's always taking away something about what the Lord did or who He was or is. It always takes away something. So you have to be careful. You have to sit back and look when you're studying things to not throw out the baby with the bath water. Don't throw out your faith instead of accepting errors. Don't throw out fundamentals of our faith.
I know, yeah the pharisees and the scribes, they perverted things that Moses said, and they put a lot of legalisms on to the Jewish religion. And so they perverted things. They took things and ran with them for the mile and perverted them. And we have that today in our own religions. Our own Protestant denominations, our Catholicism, our own religions all over the world. Where things are half truth and things taken and ran with for a mile and perverted. And so that's what they did. That's what the scribes and the pharisees just perverted and took for a mile and slapped on a bunch of legalisms and false teachings. On top of the ones that Moses gave us.
That doesn't negate all of the laws of Deuteronomy and Leviticus and the commandments of Exodus. This does not negate any of the laws the Lord gave us. It just means that there are interpretations about them now that are wrong. And when Jesus was here and He walked the earth, He made a show of it to all of them. He loved pointing out their legalisms and inaccuracies in how they interpreted Moses and the laws.
And that's what He did and that's why they hated Him. That's why they wanted to get rid of Him. Because the scribes and pharisees were the self proscribed gurus of the Torah at that time of Moses's laws, of the laws of the Old Testament. And when Jesus came and spoke by great authority people were amazed by Him. And He proved and show them where they were wrong. Of course they didn't like it. They didn't like being told that they were wrong or showed up by somebody else.
You know there's Scriptures all through the Bible that referred to sacrificing or the altar. In Matthew 5:23 it says, you know Jesus was talking to somebody, and He says, "Therefore as thou bring thy gift to the altar and remembereth that thou brother has anything against thee, leave there thou gift before the altar and go thy way first be reconciled to thou brother and then come and offer thy gift." He's talking about bringing gifts to the altar.
When He healed a leper in Matthew 8:4, He says, "See thou tell no man but go thy way. Show thyself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded for a testimony unto them." He's telling them to offer the gift that Moses commanded. They had certain requirements of sacrificing certain things to the altar for different reasons. Jesus didn't negate all of that and in fact He was working in alignment with the same things that Moses taught.
So you can't throw out this whole thing saying that all sacrifices and any mention of sacrifices and altars in the Old Testament is wrong. And I've heard that one, and it's going to come. It's going to get more known and known because they have to take away the blood sacrifice of the Lord, The whole purpose for Him on the cross is our redemption and our salvation. And that's what that whole teaching would do.
You know again it reminds us in Matthew 7 that, "not everyone that sayeth unto Me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that do the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to Me that day, Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in Thy name and in Thy name have we cast out devils in Thy name done many wonderful works. And the will I profess unto them I never knew you. Depart from Me ye that work iniquity." Their workings, their miracles, their prophecies were not from the Lord. They were from the devil. That's what He calls iniquity. Ye that work iniquity. They are working in the power of the devil. And they weren't working in His power.
Another thing. I've just got into that. The scribes and pharisees of that time. It was clear that Jesus was leading the people away from their teachings and away from the apostasy of the synagogues at that day. Because that's where apostasy was dominantly taught. That's where the scribes and pharisees hung out at, in the meeting places of the people. And back then it was the synagogues. They met in the synagogues.
And today what do we have folks, we have the churches. Can you imagine the field day He would have just walking through our churches one after the other today. It's the same thing. That's where apostasy is abounding. That's where apostasy bounds. And so many people put their faith in the pastor or leader of their churches today. Because it's everybody else, it's not them. It's everybody else. Everybody's sitting in church today or denomination today believes that they're the right ones and everybody else is wrong. And that's just the way it is. Everybody believes they found the right one. They're in the right one and everybody else is wrong.
And the Lord says we all have errors. We all have errors. Nobody has it all right. But the difference being those who truly love Him and follow Him are seeking after Him daily for the truth. We know that we don't have all of the knowledge. But we know that we can get it. And you'll get it if you seek Him. He'll reveal the truth in all things to you. And it's a process. It's not something He gives any one person at any one time. And in fact I don't know anybody that has all of it, that has all of it.
There's pieces, and He can work with you, He can give you pieces to the puzzle and strip you of all the errors that you're in and start giving you the truth of all of His teachings. But you have to seek Him on it. Matthew 11:6 He said, "Blessed is he whoever shall not be offended in Me." You know I just get floored because like who can be offended in the Lord? I know many are. I deal with them everyday. It just floors me who could be offended by Him.
In Matthew 10, Jesus send His disciples out to preach to the lost house of Israel. And this chapter mimicks a lot of Matthew chapter 24. And He gives us the conditions of apostleship, of discipleship. And I thought it was wild because so many people just think that when they come to the Lord and they start this brand new experience with Him that all of a sudden their lives are going to become a garden full of roses. That everything... He's a give me God. The churches paint Him as a give me God. That all they have to do is come to Him, accept His salvation and redemption and all of a sudden they're going to have anything they want.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: You know what, as soon as you're saved, as soon as you accept you maybe have a day of peace before Satan comes to try and take that away from you. he tries to steel your joy, your happiness, your peace...
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have Mark on the line when you're ready.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up Mark.
Mark: Hello Sherry it's Mark from Sacramento.
Sherry: Hey Mark how are you doing?
Mark: We spoke a couple of weeks ago. I'm doing good. So much to talk about. Let's see where do I begin? I have so many things. The holidays are coming up. You know I studied those, the pagan foundations of those. I know you weren't talking about that tonight but I mean so many people are wrapped up in the, you know, halloween already. Christians (speaking together) come on... Satanist holiday. That's just one small point. Where do I begin? I wish I could take you to lunch and talk to you for like three hours. But I know you don't have that much time. But I guess the biggest thing that gets to me... for me seeing so much and you seeing so much of what's going on. Because it's like right in our faces. There's so much evidence of it. I try to talk to Christian people and they just refuse to use any logic. They refuse to check it out for themselves. They refuse to take the time to discern the different things that are going on.
Sherry: Yeah because they're cozy in their beliefs, their churches. Their pastors don't deal with this. They don't think they should have to.
Mark: Yeah well you're absolutely right about that. I guess my point is for you, I mean you would have to know that the average Christian who goes to church and listens to their pastor every Sunday, they're probably not the ones that are listening to you.
Sherry: This is true.
Mark: You would freak them out. Like me after three years of studying this stuff, my mind is so open to new ideas, even if this sounds nuts, because a lot of this stuff sounds crazy at first until I started checking out the different facts. There's books, there's articles, there's witnesses, there's so much evidence. I guess my point is, who.. my question would be who are you ministering to...
Sherry: Like I've always said, I'm not here to build an army, I'm here to wake one up.
Mark: Okay. That's a good answer because I think the information you put out is really good for people that already have... know some of it, because it would be far too shocking to these people that can't even accept that.
Sherry: I know that people who can relate to me..
Mark: Huh?
Sherry: The people that can understand what I'm talking about, who come back week after week after week..
Mark: Right.
Sherry: Are the ones that don't even think they are.. they are the elect. They are the elect, because the Lord brings them to me to wake them up. And I hear from people all the time, "I couldn't possibly be part of this elect group because I was just living in total sin and rebellion just six months ago and I just started coming back to the Lord". And it's like hello, I'm here to wake them up. That means you're just coming out of it. You're coming out of the sleep and the slumber and the sin that they've been in and they're realizing who they are. Finding themselves in these last days.
Mark: Well it's also interesting.. you know the Bible says in different places, in Jeremiah, Ezekiel to escape what's coming and all this. And so my friends say well America's the best place, you know it's the safest place. I'm like wait guys, does the bible have to say something about.. I mean if you know you're government's poisoning your food, poisoning your mind, poisoning your air, poisoning your spirit, setting up these laws, you can look at them yourself, to kill you. The only right you have after the Patriot Act and all these other things is the right to die.
Sherry: yes...sit down and shut up and die!!
Mark: Yeah if you know all this, do you really need somebody to tell you that you need to go, that you need to do something. That you need to escape and protect yourself. But they don't even see that so..
Sherry: I know. I get that all the time. People ask me where do I go? You know what, do they really think that I could tell them on a computer where at least 17 federal agencies are monitoring everything I do and say..
Mark: Exactly.
Sherry: If I told them where to go, then everybody else is going to know where to go. The government will go and find them.
Mark: It's coming to the point where people who can see what's going on, we're not left with much of a choice but to speak out.
Sherry: You know what I always say, if everybody is seeking the Lord, then we're all on the same page.
Mark: Yeah.
Sherry: Because He's going to tell us all the same things.
Mark: Right exactly.
Sherry: He's not going to contradict Himself. People just don't want to take the time. They think it takes less time or it's easier to shoot me an e-mail, than to just look up to the Lord and ask Him.
Mark: You're right about this cozy thing, because it's not cozy seeing something like the Statue of Liberty is pagan, you know when you've revered this all your life or your country's so great and then you learn about it's foundations, and the stars of the flag, I mean the design of the flag is occult. I mean it goes on and on and on and you're like wow!!
Sherry: It does. At the same time you have to realize that everything is done in duality. Where there's good there's evil. There's always a duality. And at the same time, this nation was given to us by the Lord. But at the same time, Satan came over and started perverting it from it's inception. And so what we do is we get bogged down with this whole thing is Satanic, we're living in Satan's cesspool. But don't forget the fact that we were also a chosen nation by the Lord. And He was the one who brought us over here to begin with too.
Mark: Yeah I realize
Sherry: There's a direct duality in all things, there's duality in all things. And so don't let one side overwhelm you.
Mark: Yeah that's a good point. Because at one point it did. I mean I can't help studying this stuff. I can't help researching all the details like I'm drawn to it (speaking together) the deeper you go the uglier it gets.
Sherry: Yeah. Just from the first president we had going through all the bloodlines, and it was set up from the beginning to become a Satanic nation.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: It does get overwhelming.
Mark: Well you see (speaking together) in place since 1934. I wasn't born then. All this stuff was in place before we were even born.
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: And that's not a good thought you know.
Sherry: Yeah, and a lot of these church doctrines that are errors have been taught all of our lives.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: And were taught to our parents, have been set up for almost 2000 years. When you look at Israel, how He's always talking about Israel's past, always in idol worship, always in deception, and you just want to slap them upthe side of the head.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: That's us today, nothing's changed.
Mark: Exactly. Another thing I've noticed. Remember the SARS disease a couple of years ago?
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: That just faded out, because it was discovered that vitamin C would solve that problem.
Sherry: Same thing with...
Mark: Now it's the bird flu now. Nobody's died of it, it's not even a real threat. (At the time of my transcibing, there have been a few reported deaths from bird flu in Indonesia. However those people contracted the disease directly from working with birds. So far it is not known that the flu can spread from human to human - Simon) But everybody's talking about it even the president. It's like doesn't he have more important things to do. But see when you know what his agenda is, it doesn't surprise us at all. He's just fanning the flames.
Sherry: I think what he's trying to do is send out intimidation tactics. I think if you read between the lines.... he's got these indictments coming against him on this CIA Plamegate affair. And he's saying, "if you're going to come at me with this, I'm going to unleash this virus like you've never seen." I think he's sending out intimidation signals.
Mark: And state governors are not going for it. I don't know if they're part of this whole thing, but they're saying, "Hey wait a minute buddy. Your administration... we govern our states."
Sherry: It's about time they stood up because they've been sitting down for so long and just letting the federal government take over slowly over every aspect of state government. It's about time these state governments stood up and said, "Wait a minute, we run our states". The state government can only go.. the federal government can only go as far as the state government. They can't rule and control the people of that state. Those people fall under the authority of the state government. For so long you've seen big brother just trying to take over everything across all boundaries.
Mark: Yeah no one's resisting because they're thinking it's all for our good.
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: They keep drumming safety and all this. One thing I enjoy telling my friends is when you think about the news at 6 o'clock and 11 o'clock at night. In interesting times, you know the occult numbers. But all you think about from the time you're five, all you hear is the news you can trust etc etc., like all you're life. So you think you're hearing the truth. So by the time you get to 20 years old you're completely brainwashed.
Sherry: Yeah, you're going to the TV to hear the news and you're being nothing but lied to now.
Mark: Right exactly. But I mean they just drum it in your head that you can trust it, you can trust it. But that's not true. One final point. I studied Revelations and a bunch of natural disasters and death comes before the mark of the beast. And we're looking at that pretty much right now. I mean it's begun.
Sherry: Yeah, what I'm going to get into the second part of this show is what I talked about on my blogger last week, is that we're going to see things implemented in three stages.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: I don't know if you read my blog.
Mark: Oh yeah, I read your entire website.
Sherry: Well I try to update that everyday, daily now because there as so many people that have that as their startup page. When they get on the computer it's the first thing they want to read. So I've been trying to post blogs early in the morning. Starting to do that.
Mark: The new,, what is this drivers license, national drivers license standard..
Sherry: The smart card
Mark: .. is to be enforced in 2008 so all the states have until then.
Sherry: Yeah but every time they say that, then you see it coming around the corner, "Oh we're moving it up".
Mark: Right.
Sherry: They always say that, "Oh we're not going to do that until then"
Mark: Well it's interesting. I only bring that up because we don't know what God's time frame is. But based on these natural disasters, these hurricanes, the gas prices, the economy, coming famine, all these different signs. You know the euro, I don't know if you follow Russia and China deinvesting in the dollar build up two years ago?
Sherry: Oh I have a friend that does, always keeping me up to date on this. I have no brains on gold and money matters..(speaking together)
Mark: billions and billions of dollars for the euro and other currencies. They're just dumping the dollar like crazy. That was two years ago so.. You see all these signs so you know America's not going to recover from whatever's happening right now.
Sherry: Well you know what, everybody keeps waiting for this big market crash that going to crash our economy and stuff, and that could be aspect that gets us into martial law, but you have to remember that Babylon is still a wealthy nation up to the time the hour she is destroyed, because the merchants are wailing.
Mark: I think it's your break time now.
Sherry: Yes I've got to take a five minute break and start the second half of this show
Mark: Okay.
Sherry: But thanks for calling in.
Mark: Great talking to you.
Sherry: Great talking to you.
Mark: God bless you.
And we're going to take a five minute break folks and we'll be back for the second part of this show.
We'll see you then in about five minutes. Don't go anywhere.
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
October 17, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 17 October 2005 - 2nd hour
And welcome back to the show everybody, I'm Sherry Shriner. I'll get ready for the second half here. I got an e-mail question from a listener. Again if you have questions or comments you can contact me at [email protected]. You can send me an e-mail or Yahoo instant message at sherrytalkradio.
"Sherry. Has anyone seen the trains yet that you warned us about, hauling people instead of cars?" I haven't heard anything. I posed that question a couple of weeks ago to listeners. Keep an eye out, let me know if they have seen them. And of course these trains, I have a picture of them at I have pictures of these trains that the government says are auto carriers. But they have shackles every three feet (= 91.44 cm) in these things. They're two or three stories high. And so they've been around for years.
They've had three different steel companies here contracted to build these trains and equip them with shackles. There's not a car that needs to be shackled especially every three feet. There wouldn't be enough room to shackle a car every three feet.
I have not heard of any being seen, in motion. We do know that they have been running over the years. But we've heard various reports here and there. Mostly out on the west coast is probably where you would see them. I thought about a year or two ago there was reports that they've been seen in Chicago and some down in North Carolina. So they're out there. I don't know of any that are running yet. But if they are I'll let you know. I'd be sending out some encouragement to disable these things.
Another question from an e-mail, another e-mail listener. "I've visited your websites and read a lot of your Bible codes and listen to your radio stations. I like a lot of what you say. I've always been interested in the end times. You say you are anointed and I do believe you the Holy Spirit in you. The only thing that gives me doubt is you run down everybody else that says they are anointed. How can you be the only person in the world who speaks for God. Do you believe there's anybody else in the world who speaks the truth. If so who do you believe in besides yourself?"
Well I don't think that's true. I think I do expose a lot of who aren't annointed. I don't touch the Lord's people. I have no reason to. I expose and reveal what the Lord leads me to expose and reveal. So the fact that I don't get on here and sound the alarms on who isn't or who's annointed doesn't mean there's nobody else that is. I just don't speak against them.
Now you have to take it very seriously when you do come against the Lord's annointed, when you come against people that are His. So many Christians take it so light hearted and so lightly, that they can sit around the internet and bash everything everybody else says and cause nothing but dissension and division. Because you don't like their doctrine or you don't like this about what they say or you don't like that. They're missing the whole issue, and the whole issue is being that that person is a genuinely blood brought born again believer of the Lord's and you're coming up against them.
And people don't take that seriously and what they need to understand that the Lord says that every idle word that we speak is written down and you will stand in judgment for. So I take it very seriously. I come against the beast prophets, the obvious ones that the Lord has me come against. I've gotten e-mails from people who would like me to address other believers on the internet especially those who attack me on a daily basis. That's going to stop eventually. The Lord's going to take control of that.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have Joe on the line when you're ready.
Sherry: All right. But that's basically it folks. It's not that there's no other annointed out there, it's just that I do speak against those that the Lord leads me to. Go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up Joe.
Joe: Hey Sherry.
Sherry: Hey how are you doing?
Joe: Pretty good how are you?
Sherry: I'm doing pretty good.
Joe: Yeah you sound a lot better.
Sherry: Yeah.
Joe: You got your voice back.
Sherry: A little bit yeah.
Joe: You haven't been coughing, that's good. I would like to ask you something. You know about that article you had written a couple of weeks ago about the 200 million resurrection of Satan's dead.
Sherry: Right.
Joe: Yeah on that one part where it says about... where the 200 million demonic beings appear with orders to kill one third of mankind who do not have the seal of God. You know that seal of God is that the same as the elect, or is that...
Sherry: There's a different marking at that time. Because the elect are already gone.
Joe: Oh I see.
Sherry: There are believers that do come to Him after the mark of the beast is enforced. Because I do believe there is a hiding or a rapture or whatever you want to call it of the church of that time. The church of Philadelphia. That they would be hidden shortly before the mark is announced and forced upon the world. Because He says He will save those people from the hour of tribulation. And that is the hour of tribulation. It's a time period, a time event is when the image of the beast is enforced upon the whole world. And so the church itself is hidden at that time. There will be people on earth that will refuse this mark for their own reasons afterwards. And so it's these people that will be marked on their foreheads that Satan can't destroy at that time.
Joe: Oh okay.
Sherry: They will be protected. Because if you look at that one parable, I believe it's the virgins who are left.
Joe: Yes.
Sherry: The door was shut, they can't get in. And so they're knocking on the door but the door is shut you can't come in. And so those virgins are left outside. And I believe what this is saying is that.. because the church is hidden away at that time. The ones who are left out, the virgins that didn't have their oil, are now left, they're locked out they can't get in. But I believe He's going to protect them. He's going to put a mark on their heads so that these hordes, these demonic beings can't destroy them.
Joe: Okay, yeah, I was wondering about this, the seal of God. That makes more sense now.
Sherry: Yeah. Sometimes it's hard to put things into words.
Joe: Yeah it is.
Sherry: And you don't always put things in words at the right times you need to. I've always said I'm not the most smooth talker out there.
Joe: Actually you know what, because I read your blog the last couple of days, and you're getting better at it. Because I liked what you've written on your last two blogs. You know getting people to focus more on the Lord. What you wrote it shows your getting more wise and you're getting better at clarifying your words and you're getting more int une with the Lord. It shows, your experience shows.
Sherry: Yeah, well I like just sitting and writing those. I love just dealing with Him instead of having to do with aspects that I'm called, like dealing with the New Age or dealing with the NWO or any of the other aspects, when you can just sit down and write about Him. I love that. And I think it just shows in my writing because I love dealing with just Him.
Joe: Yeah I can tell you're enjoying it. It really shows. I've been enjoying them. Keep up with the good work. You're doing a good job.
Sherry: All right well thanks a lot.
Joe: Yeah no problem. I would like to ask you too about that remote viewer that paid you a visit on Friday.
Sherry: Yeah.
Joe: You say that the same person has paid you visits before. Does that person ever speak to you or say anything to you or..
Sherry: No. No I basically I ignore them. I see them and I ignore them. If (unclear), I'll mutter under my breath, "You have five seconds to get out, or everybody's going to the abyss." And they can hear you just fine. What you mumble under your own breath they hear very loudly in the spirit realm. And so you give them five seconds, and then the house is cleared. Give them a head start. But some.. like this one I've dealt with a couple of times already. And you just get tired of it.
Joe: Doesn't freak you out at all?
Sherry: No I just ignore them. It ticks me off that they're here. But a lot of time He leads me to just leave them alone. A lot of them have come to the Lord, just sitting here spying. They see that you're real. That you are what you say you are. You do what you say you do.
Joe: Their whole purpose.... I don't know.. to intimidate you and know they can't.
Sherry: Yeah I don't think there's anything that could intimidate me enough to stop, except for death itself.
Joe: Yeah, you've seen it all, you've been through it all.
Sherry: Yeah and it's just.. you know, you get tired of it. It just wears you out. Drains your energy.
Joe: I'll bet.
Sherry: And sooner or later you just get fed up and stand up and kick them out to the abyss. And that's why you go in such lulls. For a long time you'll have peace and quite because they're all afraid to come near you. Then some bold ones will start coming up later. You always have these cycles. The idiots will come out of nowhere and start hounding you and you get rid of them. So it just goes in cycles.
Joe: Well thank you for clarifying that question I asked you earlier. Before I let you go I just wanted to say. Keep up the good work. Keep fighting the good fight. I thank the Lord every night, everyday that He lead me to you. That you and I have become friends. I especially got to know you a lot better when we collaborated on your second book cover. You know I've grown to love you like a sister and just keep up the good work.
Sherry: Oh you are sweet. I really... you're one of these guys that when I see you in heaven just want to give a big hug.
Joe: I feel the same way Sherry.
Sherry: You know you're just a true friend. One of the very few true ones, real ones that I've had on the internet. There's so many people that just try to infiltrate you, to change your direction, to change your focus. To steal your time, to steal your energy. And you've never been one of these people. You've always been just a true friend.
Joe: I'm glad that you realize that. And you've made me happy by saying that. And don't ever change and I'm behind you 100%.
Sherry: All right well thanks a lot Joe.
Joe: No problem. I'll talk to you later. God bless you and your family.
Sherry: God bless you and yours.
Joe: Thank you.
Sherry: Bye.
Joe: Bye.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611. I love hearing from Joe. Joe was the one who designed the cover for my last book, "Aliens on the Internet". He did an awesome job on that cover. And I enjoy it when he calls in. He's a sweet guy. He's one of these real people. You can always tell the real people as opposed to people sent to distract you. Take up your time, take up your energy, keep you distracted. Change your focus. And that's pretty much why I stay on my own. You know I have 20 websites, the daily blogger, the radio show. I don't have a staff. I don't have anybody to help and at the same time I don't have anybody to try and control me either. And I prefer that. And over the time I've seen that I don't have anybody trying to influence me and when I do get people trying to influence me, I just start to ignore them and I can just walk away.
And if I had a staff and had a ministry, you'd more or less kind of get stuck in that. You know always got people around you telling you what to do what direction to take. And anybody that know me knows that I've always stayed with what the Lord wants me to do. I do what He says. What He leads me to do. I don't have anybody else to try to distract me from my focus. Distract me from my job. So that's a plus in being by yourself, being on your own, as opposed to having staff and everybody else.
At the flip side you don't have promotion departments or whatever to keep your ministries funded. I rely totally on listener donations. I still need donations to stay on the air next month. I need about $250 to stay on the air next month. And so yeah, it makes it a little hard because you have to do everything. But one thing I do refuse to do is go out and get sponsors, because you're putting your name on that sponsor.
I could see it now, if I opened up my radio show to sponsors, I would have New Age stuff out the ying. I'm sure they would think it would be quite entertaining and amusing to become sponsors of my show. They listen to my show just as much as anybody else does. You know I'm not going to put voodoo health products on my show. I've seen some that do have the right idea. Try to get some of these survival places to sponsor, as sponsors. That would be fine, that would be fine. I would have to totally critique and discern who was going to be allowed... but that's why I don't become reliant on sponsors. I just rely on the Lord and His listeners.
I know there's a lot out here that are waking up daily. His people, His elect that are waking up in these last days. Because I don't make any sense to the church crowd, the bride crowd. They wouldn't be listening to me. It's usually the elect the 144,000 those that are involved, that are going to be called to be a part of that group. They are the ones that are listening. Because they're waking up now. All of the stuff makes sense. Most of them are on a journey of seeking the truth in all things with Him, no matter what level they are at. Some of them may be at the beginning. Some may be way more advanced. But that's basically where it is, is people waking up to the truth.
That's a silly e-mail from somebody. Um... I'm not going to read that on the air, it's kind of lewd. Should be expected. But folks that's basically what this listener audience is. Is basically His elect, His chosen elect that He is raising up. And also those who are sitting on the fence, who need to get off the fence. Need to recommit to the Lord in these last days. Because we don't have a lot of time. There's not a lot of time. You could die tomorrow. And you're sitting on the fence and you're wasting time. You could be fulfilling your calling in Him and you're not doing that. You're not fulfilling your calling in Him.
Matthew chapter 13 talks about four types of believers. And you better understand this is exactly what Satan is familiar with and how he manipulates and works with our churches today and believers. I'm going to read this parable. It starts in verse 19:
"When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side. But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it. Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended"
And these are the ones that Satan knows for a while. He uses what I call fast food religion. It's people that will go to these evangelists like.. people will say how can you say Billy Graham is evil? Well Billy Grahams has announced his loyalty to Lucifer. He's a 33rd degree mason. But how could he have this huge ministry leading people to the Lord, how can he be evil? People can't understand that. They use this fast food theology and right here is the first one. They count on people who will hear the words the message of the Lord and never grow a root. They're never given a foundation. I mean they hear the words of the Lord for the first time and they get saved.
And then their life goes to.. instead of going to roses, it goes to pot and dirt and soil. And they get all these trials and tribulations in their lives. And they just give up. They never have found a root in the Lord, a foundation to where they could withstand the persecutions and the attacks. And learn how to be drawn into Him and have a relationship with Him. And so they give up religion. They say, "been there done that, I'm never doing it again". Because when they accepted the Lord, they had an impression that life's just going to be great, a bowl of cherries. And then the persecution comes.
And that's what these type of evangelists count on. You know they have no problem going through the world and collecting millions and millions of dollars and becoming vastly rich to give you a salvation message that they know you're going to accept, and that sooner or later are going to turn your back on. Because when the hard times come you're not ready for it. You had no time and no knowledge in how to build a foundation with the Lord. And so you turn away from it. It's just done that way with a lot of these evangelists. The Hinns, the Grahams. You know it's never given root, people turn away from religion all together and never go back. And so all they have is a disgust for religion, and never learn the truth of the Lord and who He is.
Then you have others:
"He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful. But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."
So what you have here is basically a slothful, unfruitful believer. And then you have one that hears the word and embraces it. And it just changes their lives and takes a hold of them. And they start to bear fruit for the kingdom of God.
And so you look at the four different types of believers. Two of them just totally turn their backs on Him. And one you end up becoming unfruitful because they're more focused on the problems of the world today. The day to day living, and they never become fruitful Christians. They're slothful. And what does the Lord say about the slothful servant? He's going to cast them into the same lake as the unbelieving and the hypocrites.
And so this "Once Saved Always Saved" theology that the churches teach is going to dam a lot of people to hell that are deceived. They're deceived. Because what does the Lord say about it? He says "if you love Me keep My commandments." He says to follow Him. To follow Him means what, to do His will. To do His Father's will. And what's His will in our lives? We're supposed to be building the kingdom of God. Building, becoming fruitful servants for Him. And not unfruitful, and not slothful, and not backsliders, and not fence sitters. Which is the same as the unfruitful because they're sitting on the fence instead of getting off the fence. They're sitting on it and they know about the Lord. They have accepted His salvation, His redemption and then they do nothing about it. They do absolutely nothing about it.
The Bible talks about the mustard seed. "And the kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field. Which is indeed the least of all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greatest among herbs and becometh a tree. So that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof." Are you a mustard seed? Have you grown? Everybody starts with their faith at the level of a mustard seed which is the tiniest seed there is. You're just coming into the knowledge of the Lord. Have you grown into a tree that the greatest among the herbs, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches. People come to you for knowledge and truth and understanding?
Are you sharing your faith with others? And that's the one thing everybody's encouraged to do. You know this isn't something that you have to have a special calling or a special annointing or a special gift. So many people get caught up in that, "Well I can't do this because I don't have the calling". And that's not true, we're all commanded to grow in Him and be lights in a world of darkness that has rejected Him. It's for everybody to share their faith and be a witness and testimony of the Lord in this world. To all those we come in contact with. To everyone. It's not something that you hide. Don't hide your salvation. Preach it. Get out there and preach it.
You know something interesting also in the same chapter 13 of Matthew. About the parable of the wheat and the tares. Because if you read about it, the field is the world. And the good seed are the children of the kingdom, the tares are the children of the wicked one. So you have the wheat and the tares. The children of the wheat and the children of the tares. And you look at this wording, in Greek it's pronounced hweeos. And if you look in Strong's it's referring to literal children, to offspring, to descendants. And these are not followers folks, this is referring to offspring.
And of course I've always taught about the serpent seedline. And in this the Lord is talking about two seedlines, the wheat and the tares. About the children of the Lord's and the children of Satan's. And these are literal offspring folks. These are not followers. There is no way that when you start taking the words for exactly what they mean in the Bible, that you can deny and reject that Satan has a serpent seedline here on earth. There is no way you can deny it. You know take things for what they say at face value, instead of having to ignore and manipulate and twist to fit your own ideas, theories or religions. We are at a literal war here on earth with Satan's seed against the Lord's seed. It's always been that way.
And then you have everybody else that's kind of not one or the other, that's kind of on the sidelines. The Lord will deal with those. Salvation is open to them as well. Of course there's some that don't believe that. I do. I do believe His salvation is open to all. Even those who are born in the bad serpent seedline families. I've heard from these people who have accepted the Lord and received His salvation, and afraid they can't have it because they're born with bad seedline blood. And it's not true. Only the spirit of the Lord can call you to Him. And so if the Spirit of the Lord has called you, then you are available for His redemption, for His salvation. So accept it. Accept it. Only the Spirit of the Lord can call those unto Him.
And what does He say, once we're in His hands, He will lose no one that's called to Him and has accepted Him. He's not going to let you fall out of His hands. So stay in His hands. I know a lot of people get wrapped up in "Oh I have O negative blood I must not be the Lord's." (Editors note: I have O negative blood and I don't care - Simon) "I have Rh negative" or whatever it is. And you know what folks, if the Spirit of the Lord has called you, you are His. So rest in peace in the Lord.
That's it for this show, for this week everybody. I'll be back next Monday night at 8 o'clock. I still need donations to stay on the air next week. Visit my website at or I do need donations, would appreciate it.
And I'll see you next week everybody. God bless.
Listened to by over 130 countries
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
October 17, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 17 October 2005 - 1st hour
And hello folks and welcome to the show, I'm Sherry Shriner.
Tonight's going to be listener call-in. You can give me a call at 260-356-2611. That's 260-356-2611. This week I'm going to go over a few things the Lord has lead me into. I've heard from people, former leaders and directors of different areas, different groups of the New Age movement. And they're floored, they're floored how I can hit it on the head with the information I have in regards to that movement. And folks it's just the things the Lord leads me to expose to reveal, to teach. There's nothing hidden in the darkness that won't be brought to the light. And He's bringing all the wickedness and evil of these agendas to light.
You know at the same time when we see people involved with the New Age, they finally see it for what it is and get out, we see professing believers cross over and go to their side. So who wasn't going to be deceived in the last days folks? Many are. Many of you are going to be and that's why I spend so much time warning on this show. To encourage you to strengthen your spirits in the Lord, build a close realtionship with him. So you won't be lead astray.
You know so many people get caught up in the one Scripture from Paul that states that people won't be deceived, that if it were possible that even the elect would be deceived, wouldn't be deceived. The elect isn't deceived and they're not deceived now. You know they're not going to be deceived later. And the problem is the elect is a very very small group of 144,000 out of all the millions of believers on this planet. So that leaves a lot of millions of people very susceptible to being deceived. And that's why I spend so much time on it. If they're not going to be deceived in the future, then they wouldn't be deceived now.
And how many are sitting in doctrines in churches from hell, preaching doctrines of demons. They're supporting these beasts, these wolves. They're in errors now. They're sending them their money, their tithes weekly, monthly, making these beast prophets wealthy beyond imagination. Millionaires. And all the while claiming their not deceived.
And so folks we have a problem now with deception in the churches. It's going to get much worse later, much worse. And the true minority, the true minority of believers is going to be a hand full. Because your main church stream, your main people in all of these churches are going to be the ones who come against and persecute the Lord's true believers. You know I've said it before, a lot of the these beast prophets are in place to lead church people astray, to lead the believers astray, into accepting the coming deceptions. They're not there to protect you from them. They're there to lead you into them.
You see it with Pat Robertson how he goes on and on about the Verichip and how it's not the one in regards to Revelation 13. And right now the Verichip isn't, but it will be. I mean there's one that will be, could be and probably will be. And anything on or in your right hand or forehead just stay away from. You stay away from it. But he's conditioning people now. I mean why would you get it now. It's just as evil now. I mean it won't be as damning as later. But these chips they're putting in people now are tracking devices. And they've upped and upgraded them over the years.
You know for years, people have experienced these UFO abductions, and military abductions disguised as UFO abductions. There's both kinds going on folks. And what they do is they've been implanting tracking chips up people's noses or in their brains, various parts of their bodies. These are tracking chips the aliens... are not omnipotent and are not omniscient, they can't be everywhere at once. Their whole kingdom is designed by hi-tech and tracking control. And so what they do is they chip everybody when their born. And I've said it before how children, many children wake up with bloody noses. And there's no explanation for this. And you've probably had them growing up yourself, you just wake up in the middle of the night you have a bloody nose and you don't understand why.
Most people don't have to be abducted into a UFO to be chipped. You can be chipped right in your sleep. Okay they can come into your room and they can chip you. And I tell you most of the population is chipped. And these are just tracking devices. And the ones that are coming out now folks are like little two way transistors. And being two way being that they can not only track you and hear and see the things you're doing. You can hear them too. If you're susceptible to the other realm, some people aren't even. They'll just hear things they can't explain.
I had an e-mail from a listener last week stating that when he listens to my show, often times in his left ear, he can hear echoes of a radio station playing, you know different music. And I've heard that same thing and it's a military base somewhere folks.
And you can deactiviate these chips that they put in you now, these tracking chips. You can deactivate them with neodymium magnets. And I have this information on my website at the How to detect chips. I have a search box there. Just put in 'detect chips' and you'll get to my article. And it'll tell you about these neodymium magnets and where to buy them. You can buy them right on line ( They're only 70 cents a piece. And these things are strong enough to lift ten pounds (= 4.54 kgs) of steel.
And you can put them on your ear lobes with band aids or tape. Hold them in place for about 12 hours. Any kind of booster shots. Any vaccines that you've had. Any flu shots. Put a magnet on your arms in the place where they've given you these shots. The closet place where you can remember where they went. And leave those on... depending... some of you might have to leave those on for two days, these booster shots you got when you were kids. Some of these shots when we got when we were much younger, might have to stay on there for two days to deactivate chips. But these neodymium magnets will deactivate these tracking chips.
But these ones coming, that Revelation 13 speaks of. These will damn your soul. Because these are a sign of loyalty, of worship to the Antichrist and his kingdom. I don't know if he's going to come out and say, "Oh get this mark and show your loyal worship to me". You know I think it's going to be more deceptive than that. It very well could be. He could be bold and brave. I can't says he's not.
But anything that goes in or on your right hand or forehead, and any guise they try to deceive you into getting it. Don't get it. Because what... they've so much stuff coming. I mean they've got this whole crystal city fraud, the new Jerusalem thing they're going to pull off. "You want a tour, then you have to join the kingdom of God on earth." And of course God being this... the Antichrist masquerading as God, and his padre the false prophet. They're going to be encouraging people to join "God's" kingdom on earth.
And of course all those who don't are going to be seen as rebels, and targets. You're going to become targets of all of those who have joined the kingdom. And so it's going to be a kind of civil war type thing. And they show this kind of thing somewhat in Bible prophecy movies that you see based on the last days. I don't know if you've seen any of those movies The Beast Network (TBN) puts out. "Meggido" or any of those. And they basically give you an idea. You know not a lot of the stuff they show you is wrong. They will give you a lot of truth. They just mix in enough error to lead you going the wrong way.
The biggest problem with a lot of these net beast networks, is that they get people further and further involved, indelved in the fake pretrib rapture theory, so Christians never think they're going to be here. They're not going to be here to see all of this stuff happening. And there's the reality check. Like all of a sudden they start seeing things happening and they're thinking, "well it can't get any worse because God's going to come back for us". And they're not prepared, they're not ready. And they're going to be ripe for persecution. They're going to be the first ones rounded and falling to go into these FEMA camps.
And of course if you're listening to this show long enough, you know that these FEMA camps, you're never going to come out of them alive once you're in them. Once martial law hits this country folks, and you get in one of these camps, you're not coming back out. So don't get in them. Don't get in them at all.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611. A couple of questions from listeners over the last two weeks. I wanted to get to last week, didn't get to it.
A question from a listener. "What are you're thoughts on near death experiences. Are they like people say, or is it a function of the brain?" Near death experiences. You know I always thought it was a possibility, I never really thought much about it, until I stumbled on information from other people that are involved with the spiritual realm on the other side. And the person they were describing as seeing was Sananda.
And you get these people all over the country that do these.. some type of witchcraft, New Age type prayer circle type things. And the person they're describing seeing is Sananda. And if you ask the person to describe this Jesus they saw in the near death experiences, they'll describe Sananda. They're not describing Jesus Christ. They describe Sananda.
If you look at the typical picture that's in the churches today. On your bookmarks, book stores all over the world. And they say this is Jesus. And what it is is a MichaelAngelo painting, portrait of Jesus that he did of Sananda. And the churches have bought it that, "Oh this is Jesus". "Well we really don't know what He looks like but this is Jesus". And so he is the one dominant in all of these near death experiences. And I've heard him say it himself that he works behind the scenes in that.
And so he's the one people are seeing. And of course some people will fight you tooth and nail and say, "Oh it was not he was so loving. He was so this, so that." Well of course. He's trying to fool you. He's trying to play Jesus. If he can't fool you in a near death experience, how is he going to fool a majority of the world when he comes here as the messiah? It's all about deception folks. He's not always pure evil. And yes they do have the ability to create an aura around them to show that they're glowing. They have the way to manifest an aura to make them look like they're heavenly beings. That's why they call themselves light bodies and you know New Age garbage terms. It's because they can produce this. They can fake it.
And I've seen in the Bible codes where there's always something going on with they anklet that they wear. Some kind of jewelry that they wear. And I think it has something to do with what they can do with shapeshifting or producing this false glow, this false aura to make them look like a heavenly being. It has something to do with it. I see the term anklet or wristlet. And so it's an anklet or a bracelet or some kind of jewelry that they wear.
So that would be interesting to see one of these idiots arrive if they actually do have jewelry on. And they'll probably hide it now because I know they listen to this show (laughing). Yeah but we're onto you. We're on to all of them.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611. So yeah folks, it's Sananda pretty much behind the near death experiences.
"What are your thoughts on the other side. Does it exist? Sylvia Brown goes in depth about this. Is there another dimension where our spirits go after death? Do we reincarnate? Do we have a blueprint laid out before we're born? Thank you for your response and time."
I think the Bible makes it pretty clear that.. in Hebrews 9:27, for it is given for man once to die and then to judgment. I know a lot of people are into this soul sleep doctrine. Or they go all the way over the edge and we go on a different realm where we're on vacation for a while. And that's kind of the sort of think Peggy Kane believes and Sylvia Brown.
As far as the other realm goes, I do believe... well we have the astral realm. We've always had that. There's an astral realm. It's the same realm people go in when they astrally project. And they're people I deal with a lot. They astro project into your house, your homes. And they do so. It's a New Age practice, witchcraft practice. And it's a lot like remote viewing only astro projectors can physically look totally human. They have a full body. I've been told that remote viewers don't leave their bodies. They just sit some place and remote view to a place or a person.
Either way it's astro projectors I deal with and just often call them remote viewers. To me it's all the same. When believers are going to die, you're either going to hell, heaven or hell. Believer or unbeliever. People can get stuck in the astral realm. And a lot of these people that astrally project, if they can't get back to their bodies...
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: I just had a computer crisis, so I need to skip this first break. But then we should be back up to normal at the end of the hour.
Sherry: Okay.
Steve: If we can skip the bottom one it will help me, because I've got to reboot a computer.
Sherry: Okay. No problem.
Where was I? So I was talking about the astral realm. Peggy Kane and Sylvia Brown believe that there is whole another state of existence in the astral plane. And that is one that.. I think what they do is a pick up mixture. Because back in the olden times, let's say the Old Testament times, before the Lord came. There was an upper sheol and a lower sheol. And of course those who were inherently good, because they didn't go to heaven at that time when they died. Because there was no redemption at that time. They would go to what they called the upper bosom of Abraham. And then there was the lower sheol, where those just outright evil would go. And hell was originally made just for Satan and his angels.
But then mankind started being sent there. You can read about that.. I think it's Korah, when Moses was given the ten commandments and the Lord opened up the earth and swallowed up Korah and his followers. And they went down to the pit. And it's the first time that fire was kindled in hell. And so that's when people who were just outright obnoxious and rejected the Lord were sent to. And that's a place of punishment now. It was never intentionally designed for mankind. It was intentionally originally made for Satan and his angels. But now mankind will go there.
So I think what they do is they come out with some kind of facade about how this upper sheol, this upper bosom of Abraham was, they call it the upper paradise. I think it's carried over from that. But a lot of it's a facade too. When people die, most people have a familiar spirit that's attached to them. And when that person dies, it's the familiar spirit that looks exactly like that person. It's a familiar spirit meaning they look almost just exactly like that person. They know everything about that person. They either have to go find somewhere else to inhabit. Most of them do not want to return to Satan for reassignment.
So I think what they do is they just go to the astral realm and they work with people like Sylvia Brown to deceive people into believing in seances and these witchcraft circles. And speaking to the dead, the necromancy. It's not the real person that died you're speaking to. It's these familiar spirits. Because they knew that person, that person could have their familiar spirit there. And those are the ones that speak to these people like Sylvia Brown. Any kind of contact with the dead is forbidden. Forbidden by the Bible in Leviticus, termed necromancy. King Saul got into all kinds of trouble for trying to contact the dead. Through the witch, I think it was Endor in the Old Testament.
And we've always been forbidden to talk to the dead. And so that's basically what these people are doing. Sylvia Brown being that she is practicing necromancy. Speaking to the dead has all these people deceived into thinking they're talking to their lost loved ones. And what they're doing, they're talking to their familiar spirits that those loved ones had.
Another question. "When you were talking to Peggy Kane a few weeks back, she mentioned about people who for example are astral projecting and the silver cord snaps. Now I used to think it would be the start of eternity for them either heaven or hell. And Peggy mentioned it and you seemed to agree that their could be a different kind of dimension these folks could be trapped in. Could this be the dry places that Jesus talked about? Know any more about this topic or written any articles on it that I may have missed? Could such a person in this situation accept salvation?"
If the silver cord snaps, yes what would happen is there's a cord attached to your spirit your body. And when you leave it in spirit form you will see a silver cord attached to it. New Agers have talked about this. David mentioned something about a cord being snapped or cut asunder or whatever. And if that cord snaps, what that cord serves the purpose, so that person's spirit can get back into their body. Because when these people are astally projecting they can go all over the world. They can go anywhere that they want to. Basically. I don't know how it works, but they can.
And what they'll do is they can always get back to their body because they're still be attached to their cord. If that cord snaps then they are lost in limbo, they can't get back to their body. And so also could be some of these people stuck in the astral realm, stuck in that spiritual realm of just limbo. And so I don't know at that point. Eventually their body on earth will die because it can't live without a soul. But what happens is that the body on earth will die, but the spirit is trapped. And so the spirit is trapped in limbo.
I don't know at that point since they're already a spirit if they can all of a sudden have a conversion experience. They're in limbo. I don't know the answer to that. I would say it's over. The body's already dead. The only thing they're waiting for at this point is judgment. You know at that point when your body dies, you're facing judgment. I don't think in a spirit form lost in limbo that you can have a second chance. I could be wrong. I don't know. That's just my thoughts on it.
Another comment. "You seem pretty confident in the ability of a 357 magnum to stop a zombie or vampire attack. Would this weapon of choice be a recommendation from the Lord? Any idea if orgone would help out against one of these?" I
don't know if orgone would help out against a zombie. This is clearly something dead being driven by a demonic source, and these vampires. I wouldn't do without it either. I mean I would keep it around. They don't tend to like it. It's their darkness. These beings are negative energy beings, and orgone being one that creates positive. So it is always a war between good and bad, positive and negative. So I would keep it around.
357 magnum would it be a recommendation? Well you know what when the Lord.. when I get into all this stuff, I keep running into all these different people and they're all saying the same thing. Yeah when you recognize how the Lord works, how He will keep bring things to your mind over and over and over again. And these guys are saying yeah a 357 magnum will take these things out. Hit them in the chest. Take off their heads. Yeah, I would try it. I mean the Lord gives us things to protect ourselves.
And I've heard from so many people that, "Oh that's not having faith in the Lord because He would protect us". Well you know what, He just told you how to protect yourself. We can play the circle game all night long. And people just think they're just going to sit back on their couches during the entire tribulation period and do nothing. And you know what, it's enjoy your trip to the concentration camps, it's enjoy your know... These people that do nothing. What's the Bible say. It says in the last days it's going to be a time of exploits. His people are up doing things.
You know I'm not going to miss this couch potatoes one bit. I mean you know their riding on errors. They don't bother to seek the Lord on anything. All they want to do is sit around and harp and play harps. They're the type of people that sit in the churches on the church pews and sing about becoming warriors for the Lord instead of getting out there and doing it. You know they sing about it. I don't want to sing about it. I want to get out there and do it. And a lot of His people are. And so that's what you're having a lot of people sing about it and a lot of people who are just doing things. The ones the Lord can lead He can. And when He shows you things, He shows you what to do when you seek Him on it, then do it. Do it. You know self defense is of the Lord. Always has been. You can read my article at on self defense. And so that will show you a lot about it.
Another question. I don't know the book of Enoch by heart so if the answers there bear with me. "Should the Watcher angels that didn't rebel stand in the way or stop in the intermarrying of those that did?" Ah, No. The Lord... I mean they're not going to interfere with the Lord's creation unless He told them to. In Genesis, I'm paraphrasing here, it says, "Adam could have eaten of any fruit of any of the trees of the garden. Knowing what we know now of the whole story of Adam and Eve does this imply they could have known these tree angels in a sexual manner?" Well there wasn't any other angels in the garden but Satan that was evil. So yeah they could have mingled with the other trees of the garden. Satan was the one that was evil. He was the one forbidden. He was the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good and Evil.
"I wonder when today's show becomes archives?" The shows usually become archived later on tonight usually three or four hours after the show I get them up on my website. And so you can follow them there. You can listen to them on what I call archive Tuesday. And a lot of people, probably double the numbers that are even listening now, go back and listen to the archives.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611. You can send your comments your questions to [email protected]. You can send me an IM or an e-mail. And I'll try to get to your question this week. If I don't I'll get to it next week.
I wanted to start into something that I was into about five o'clock this morning. And I just started going through one of my favorite books which is the book of Matthew. And I've always been lead to this book out of all the books in the Bible. It has always been Matthew that has been my favorite book. And so I wanted to go in and take some highlights up because I spent some time last week on some of the false teachings that the Phoenix Journals have in them. And so what I wanted to do was come through and come back with some real meat of the Word and what the Lord says, and why the New Age has to discredit and disregard Jesus to make their own agenda work.
Jesus was, is the Son of God. And for the whole New Age facade to work they have to take that divinity away from Him and make it apply so that everybody else can become a Son of God. What they call it is an Ascended Master. And so what they do is take away His divinity in all of these teachings. You'll find that when it comes to gross religious doctrinal errors, that they take something away from the Lord. They take something away from who He is, or what He was, or what He said and deny it.
I was talking to somebody today about the whole soul sleep doctrine. Because this person just didn't believe that when you die you either go to heaven or hell. She just didn't believe you went anywhere. And the Seventh Day Adventist teach this doctrine. It's called Soul Sleep. There is a name for it in case some of you don't even know there is a name for it. But if soul sleep doctrine was true, then you would have to take away His resurrection because how can the Lord have resurrected from the dead if He went to the grave. If we go to the grave and stay there. I mean He couldn't have. He couldn't have resurrected.
The Transfiguration with Moses on Eli on the hill could never have happened. The story about the rich man and the poor man Lazarus, looking up in hell and asking for a drink of water, that could never have happened. The return of the Lord with 10,000s of His saints, at the Second Coming of Christ couldn't happen. And yet it's prophesied. Those are things off the top of my head just answering this e-mail. You take away a lot of... you're definitely taking away His resurrection and the prophecies of coming with 10,000s of His saints. Other aspects of scripture.
You have to ignore all that, manipulate it and twist it and take it away (Scripture) to believe in a doctrine of soul sleep. It says, "It is appointed unto to man once to die and this to judgment." And I believe that we are immediately judged. Hell is the first death. That's why it's says the Lake of Fire is the second death in Revelation. There are too many Scriptures that you would have to manipulate and twist to ignore and take away to believe in that soul sleep doctrine.
There's no way John himself could have seen thousands of saints dressed in white robes in heaven. When he described seeing the great crowds in heaven that were before the Lord. I mean it couldn't happen if they were sitting in graves sleeping.
Another aspect that they take away is that He's born, Jesus is born, conceived through a virgin. Because the Bible says He was conceived of the Holy Ghost. And I wanted to read this. In Matthew 1:18 - 25. You guys can read along with me.
"18. Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.
19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.
20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
24 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:
25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS."
And so the New Age will take this and say that the Lord was born, and conceived by the angel Gabriel. They say that it was not the Holy Spirit that conceived Jesus, that it was Gabriel. And another thing interesting if you're looking at this, is in the KJV every time they mistranslate a word they let you know the first time they do it. They will put it in all cap letters. And what that means is that it tells you this word was not in the original Greek Septuagint, or the original Greek translation. That they're adding it. And if you notice the word Jesus is in all caps in Matthew 1:21. And basically what this is telling us is that JESUS was not His real name. That it was inserted here, it was not in the original translation.
And of course we know His real name is Yahushua in the Hebrew, pronounced Yahushua. But in the Greek they added in Jesus and that's what it's always been in the KJV. That's what the churches today refer to Him as, as Jesus. But it was not His real name. It was something that the churches from this point on adopted for His name, started calling Him.
Another one Emmanuel, God is with us. This is also a name that this Sananda has picked up. He calls himself Emmanuel, Sananda Emmanuel. Sananda meaning Christ. But he calls himself Sananda Emmanuel, or Sananda Jesus. So some of the deceptions. Some of the things why they do what they do and how this is going to relate. Some of you might say this is never going to come about. Why do you spend so much time on it? Basically it is going to come about folks. We're going to see a lot of deceptions coming.
And they're going to rip this KJV apart when they come. I've seen and I've heard their plans. And I've read how they did it to the whole book of Matthew in their own Phoenix Journals, what they call the Phoenix Journals. You know they have all the parables there. Everything looks like it came out of the KJV. But obviously there are real problems there. They change things. They take away His divinity. They take away His Godhood. They take away His sole purpose on earth to redeem mankind from their sins.
And not only that, their book is openly channeled by Judas Iscariot who they say was wrongly accused of being the one that denied Jesus. They say he was wrongly accused, that he was set up by the "Apostle" Paul. And I thought that one was funny. Set up by the "Apostle" Paul to deny Jesus, to betray Him.
And so yeah, a lot of things coming out. And that's why I spend a lot of time on it, because the Lord leads me to spend a lot of time on it. If you also notice, speaking tonight on just who Jesus is. Who He was. He was born with a specific bloodline. You know He was the Son of David. The Son of Abraham. And in Matthew 1, you'll see 42 generations from Abraham, until Jesus arrived. And I thought that was interesting because we have 42 months in the great tribulation period. So what that has to do together. I'm sure there's a connection there somehow. But I thought that was interesting, 42 generations from Abraham until Jesus arrived.
Jesus Himself was prophesied by many prophets over thousands of years. When He came, He fulfilled over 500 prophecies. Genesis 49:10 one of them being. "And now Bethlehem in the land of Judah, art thou the least among the princes of Judah. For out of thee shall come a governor that shall rule My people Israel." One of the very first prophecies that Jesus was coming other than Genesis 3:15.
(Editors Note: I think Sherry got slightly mixed up. The verse she read above I believe is Micah 5:1 or 2 depending on what bible you use. Genesis 49:10 reads, "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be." - Simon)
Hosea 11:1, "Out of Egypt I have called my Son." "He should be called a nazarene". Fulfilling Judges 13:5. He was called a Nazarene in Matthew 2:23. So you can see a lot of Scripture fulfillment here. Jesus also said in Matthew 10:4, "It is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve." And of course in the new age, in the coming deceptions, you're going to have many. There's going to be many people come and claiming their a son of God or a Messiah, that they're light beings or that man can ascend into the same spiritual state. Ignoring the fact that we're only to worship one person. And never is a human worthy of worship (so we couldn't become an object of worship ourselves)
And that's why they try to snowball everybody into rolling around with this fifth dimension stuff, that we can evolve into a fifth dimension status. And I went into that last week, talked about it, how they need, how they're trying to change our linear time, our linear 3D dimension into a fifth dimension. Because they're trying to escape the coming judgment of God. And so they believe if the entire world is focused and meditating on ascending into another level, jumping into a fifth dimension type eternal time, that in that way they can stop time, demolish time, destroy time, and therefore avoid the coming judgment against them by the Lord. And of course we know it's not going to work. It's not going to stop them from trying either.
In Matthew 10:2-4, the names of His twelve apostles. Peter and Andrew. James and John. Matthew, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Thadaeus, Simon, Judas Iscariot. Twelve apostles, twelve gates of heaven. Judas when he died was replaced by Masias, Matthew. And no Paul here folks. There's no Paul.
Another thing that was prophesied, a prophecy fulfillment, was that when He would come He would heal. He would heal the people and He would teach in the synagoges, preach the gospel. You know Jesus said, "Think not that I came to destroy the law of the prophets. I came not to destroy but to fulfill." He fulfilled every one of the prophetic teachings about Him.
How many other of those who claim they are messiahs are fulfilling prophecy by arriving? The only prophecy they're fulfilling are the ones that foretold the coming of false apostles and false preachers coming. Wolves in sheeps clothing coming. Those are the only prophecies they're fulfilling. There's nobody else in the entire world
, no Mohammed no whoever whatever religion, Hindus, Buddhists, whatever they all believe.
Nobody else has fulfilled over 2000 prophecies just by appearing. With their own appearance, death and resurrection. His entire life was foretold. Before He even came. Everything about Him was foretold. And He fulfilled everyone of them. And the other parts of Scripture that haven't been fulfilled yet, will be fulfilled on a second coming. There never has been anyone like Jesus who walked this earth. No other of these ascended masters could ever even begin to touch or be who He was, or who He is.
You know also there's a push today, some would have us believe that the God of the Old Testament was never behind sacrifices. That He didn't institute them. That it was a practice the people picked up from some pagans. And they claim that the same God of the OT isn't the same of the New Testament. And you know what you have to be real careful when you start studying this stuff. You don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater folks. You know from the sacrifices of Cain and Abel to all those instituted by the Lord who came as the ultimate sacrifice. And He did away with all the blood sacrifices, as He was the perfect sacrifice. He became the perfect sacrifice.
And so what you have going on today with these kinds of teachings is if they can get you to believe that some violent bloodthirsty God of the Old Testament, and they paint Him horribly. And they say it wasn't Him. That it was Baal, that it was Ildabaoth and these other different names for him. Basically that the whole thing about sacrifices in the Old Testament was from Satan and not the Lord.
And that's not true, because what that does... what does that teaching do? It takes away the fact that Jesus's death was the ultimate sacrifice for mankind. And like I said, every time there's an error. Every time there's a deception coming, because it's always taking away something about what the Lord did or who He was or is. It always takes away something. So you have to be careful. You have to sit back and look when you're studying things to not throw out the baby with the bath water. Don't throw out your faith instead of accepting errors. Don't throw out fundamentals of our faith.
I know, yeah the pharisees and the scribes, they perverted things that Moses said, and they put a lot of legalisms on to the Jewish religion. And so they perverted things. They took things and ran with them for the mile and perverted them. And we have that today in our own religions. Our own Protestant denominations, our Catholicism, our own religions all over the world. Where things are half truth and things taken and ran with for a mile and perverted. And so that's what they did. That's what the scribes and the pharisees just perverted and took for a mile and slapped on a bunch of legalisms and false teachings. On top of the ones that Moses gave us.
That doesn't negate all of the laws of Deuteronomy and Leviticus and the commandments of Exodus. This does not negate any of the laws the Lord gave us. It just means that there are interpretations about them now that are wrong. And when Jesus was here and He walked the earth, He made a show of it to all of them. He loved pointing out their legalisms and inaccuracies in how they interpreted Moses and the laws.
And that's what He did and that's why they hated Him. That's why they wanted to get rid of Him. Because the scribes and pharisees were the self proscribed gurus of the Torah at that time of Moses's laws, of the laws of the Old Testament. And when Jesus came and spoke by great authority people were amazed by Him. And He proved and show them where they were wrong. Of course they didn't like it. They didn't like being told that they were wrong or showed up by somebody else.
You know there's Scriptures all through the Bible that referred to sacrificing or the altar. In Matthew 5:23 it says, you know Jesus was talking to somebody, and He says, "Therefore as thou bring thy gift to the altar and remembereth that thou brother has anything against thee, leave there thou gift before the altar and go thy way first be reconciled to thou brother and then come and offer thy gift." He's talking about bringing gifts to the altar.
When He healed a leper in Matthew 8:4, He says, "See thou tell no man but go thy way. Show thyself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded for a testimony unto them." He's telling them to offer the gift that Moses commanded. They had certain requirements of sacrificing certain things to the altar for different reasons. Jesus didn't negate all of that and in fact He was working in alignment with the same things that Moses taught.
So you can't throw out this whole thing saying that all sacrifices and any mention of sacrifices and altars in the Old Testament is wrong. And I've heard that one, and it's going to come. It's going to get more known and known because they have to take away the blood sacrifice of the Lord, The whole purpose for Him on the cross is our redemption and our salvation. And that's what that whole teaching would do.
You know again it reminds us in Matthew 7 that, "not everyone that sayeth unto Me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that do the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to Me that day, Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in Thy name and in Thy name have we cast out devils in Thy name done many wonderful works. And the will I profess unto them I never knew you. Depart from Me ye that work iniquity." Their workings, their miracles, their prophecies were not from the Lord. They were from the devil. That's what He calls iniquity. Ye that work iniquity. They are working in the power of the devil. And they weren't working in His power.
Another thing. I've just got into that. The scribes and pharisees of that time. It was clear that Jesus was leading the people away from their teachings and away from the apostasy of the synagogues at that day. Because that's where apostasy was dominantly taught. That's where the scribes and pharisees hung out at, in the meeting places of the people. And back then it was the synagogues. They met in the synagogues.
And today what do we have folks, we have the churches. Can you imagine the field day He would have just walking through our churches one after the other today. It's the same thing. That's where apostasy is abounding. That's where apostasy bounds. And so many people put their faith in the pastor or leader of their churches today. Because it's everybody else, it's not them. It's everybody else. Everybody's sitting in church today or denomination today believes that they're the right ones and everybody else is wrong. And that's just the way it is. Everybody believes they found the right one. They're in the right one and everybody else is wrong.
And the Lord says we all have errors. We all have errors. Nobody has it all right. But the difference being those who truly love Him and follow Him are seeking after Him daily for the truth. We know that we don't have all of the knowledge. But we know that we can get it. And you'll get it if you seek Him. He'll reveal the truth in all things to you. And it's a process. It's not something He gives any one person at any one time. And in fact I don't know anybody that has all of it, that has all of it.
There's pieces, and He can work with you, He can give you pieces to the puzzle and strip you of all the errors that you're in and start giving you the truth of all of His teachings. But you have to seek Him on it. Matthew 11:6 He said, "Blessed is he whoever shall not be offended in Me." You know I just get floored because like who can be offended in the Lord? I know many are. I deal with them everyday. It just floors me who could be offended by Him.
In Matthew 10, Jesus send His disciples out to preach to the lost house of Israel. And this chapter mimicks a lot of Matthew chapter 24. And He gives us the conditions of apostleship, of discipleship. And I thought it was wild because so many people just think that when they come to the Lord and they start this brand new experience with Him that all of a sudden their lives are going to become a garden full of roses. That everything... He's a give me God. The churches paint Him as a give me God. That all they have to do is come to Him, accept His salvation and redemption and all of a sudden they're going to have anything they want.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: You know what, as soon as you're saved, as soon as you accept you maybe have a day of peace before Satan comes to try and take that away from you. he tries to steel your joy, your happiness, your peace...
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have Mark on the line when you're ready.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up Mark.
Mark: Hello Sherry it's Mark from Sacramento.
Sherry: Hey Mark how are you doing?
Mark: We spoke a couple of weeks ago. I'm doing good. So much to talk about. Let's see where do I begin? I have so many things. The holidays are coming up. You know I studied those, the pagan foundations of those. I know you weren't talking about that tonight but I mean so many people are wrapped up in the, you know, halloween already. Christians (speaking together) come on... Satanist holiday. That's just one small point. Where do I begin? I wish I could take you to lunch and talk to you for like three hours. But I know you don't have that much time. But I guess the biggest thing that gets to me... for me seeing so much and you seeing so much of what's going on. Because it's like right in our faces. There's so much evidence of it. I try to talk to Christian people and they just refuse to use any logic. They refuse to check it out for themselves. They refuse to take the time to discern the different things that are going on.
Sherry: Yeah because they're cozy in their beliefs, their churches. Their pastors don't deal with this. They don't think they should have to.
Mark: Yeah well you're absolutely right about that. I guess my point is for you, I mean you would have to know that the average Christian who goes to church and listens to their pastor every Sunday, they're probably not the ones that are listening to you.
Sherry: This is true.
Mark: You would freak them out. Like me after three years of studying this stuff, my mind is so open to new ideas, even if this sounds nuts, because a lot of this stuff sounds crazy at first until I started checking out the different facts. There's books, there's articles, there's witnesses, there's so much evidence. I guess my point is, who.. my question would be who are you ministering to...
Sherry: Like I've always said, I'm not here to build an army, I'm here to wake one up.
Mark: Okay. That's a good answer because I think the information you put out is really good for people that already have... know some of it, because it would be far too shocking to these people that can't even accept that.
Sherry: I know that people who can relate to me..
Mark: Huh?
Sherry: The people that can understand what I'm talking about, who come back week after week after week..
Mark: Right.
Sherry: Are the ones that don't even think they are.. they are the elect. They are the elect, because the Lord brings them to me to wake them up. And I hear from people all the time, "I couldn't possibly be part of this elect group because I was just living in total sin and rebellion just six months ago and I just started coming back to the Lord". And it's like hello, I'm here to wake them up. That means you're just coming out of it. You're coming out of the sleep and the slumber and the sin that they've been in and they're realizing who they are. Finding themselves in these last days.
Mark: Well it's also interesting.. you know the Bible says in different places, in Jeremiah, Ezekiel to escape what's coming and all this. And so my friends say well America's the best place, you know it's the safest place. I'm like wait guys, does the bible have to say something about.. I mean if you know you're government's poisoning your food, poisoning your mind, poisoning your air, poisoning your spirit, setting up these laws, you can look at them yourself, to kill you. The only right you have after the Patriot Act and all these other things is the right to die.
Sherry: yes...sit down and shut up and die!!
Mark: Yeah if you know all this, do you really need somebody to tell you that you need to go, that you need to do something. That you need to escape and protect yourself. But they don't even see that so..
Sherry: I know. I get that all the time. People ask me where do I go? You know what, do they really think that I could tell them on a computer where at least 17 federal agencies are monitoring everything I do and say..
Mark: Exactly.
Sherry: If I told them where to go, then everybody else is going to know where to go. The government will go and find them.
Mark: It's coming to the point where people who can see what's going on, we're not left with much of a choice but to speak out.
Sherry: You know what I always say, if everybody is seeking the Lord, then we're all on the same page.
Mark: Yeah.
Sherry: Because He's going to tell us all the same things.
Mark: Right exactly.
Sherry: He's not going to contradict Himself. People just don't want to take the time. They think it takes less time or it's easier to shoot me an e-mail, than to just look up to the Lord and ask Him.
Mark: You're right about this cozy thing, because it's not cozy seeing something like the Statue of Liberty is pagan, you know when you've revered this all your life or your country's so great and then you learn about it's foundations, and the stars of the flag, I mean the design of the flag is occult. I mean it goes on and on and on and you're like wow!!
Sherry: It does. At the same time you have to realize that everything is done in duality. Where there's good there's evil. There's always a duality. And at the same time, this nation was given to us by the Lord. But at the same time, Satan came over and started perverting it from it's inception. And so what we do is we get bogged down with this whole thing is Satanic, we're living in Satan's cesspool. But don't forget the fact that we were also a chosen nation by the Lord. And He was the one who brought us over here to begin with too.
Mark: Yeah I realize
Sherry: There's a direct duality in all things, there's duality in all things. And so don't let one side overwhelm you.
Mark: Yeah that's a good point. Because at one point it did. I mean I can't help studying this stuff. I can't help researching all the details like I'm drawn to it (speaking together) the deeper you go the uglier it gets.
Sherry: Yeah. Just from the first president we had going through all the bloodlines, and it was set up from the beginning to become a Satanic nation.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: It does get overwhelming.
Mark: Well you see (speaking together) in place since 1934. I wasn't born then. All this stuff was in place before we were even born.
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: And that's not a good thought you know.
Sherry: Yeah, and a lot of these church doctrines that are errors have been taught all of our lives.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: And were taught to our parents, have been set up for almost 2000 years. When you look at Israel, how He's always talking about Israel's past, always in idol worship, always in deception, and you just want to slap them upthe side of the head.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: That's us today, nothing's changed.
Mark: Exactly. Another thing I've noticed. Remember the SARS disease a couple of years ago?
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: That just faded out, because it was discovered that vitamin C would solve that problem.
Sherry: Same thing with...
Mark: Now it's the bird flu now. Nobody's died of it, it's not even a real threat. (At the time of my transcibing, there have been a few reported deaths from bird flu in Indonesia. However those people contracted the disease directly from working with birds. So far it is not known that the flu can spread from human to human - Simon) But everybody's talking about it even the president. It's like doesn't he have more important things to do. But see when you know what his agenda is, it doesn't surprise us at all. He's just fanning the flames.
Sherry: I think what he's trying to do is send out intimidation tactics. I think if you read between the lines.... he's got these indictments coming against him on this CIA Plamegate affair. And he's saying, "if you're going to come at me with this, I'm going to unleash this virus like you've never seen." I think he's sending out intimidation signals.
Mark: And state governors are not going for it. I don't know if they're part of this whole thing, but they're saying, "Hey wait a minute buddy. Your administration... we govern our states."
Sherry: It's about time they stood up because they've been sitting down for so long and just letting the federal government take over slowly over every aspect of state government. It's about time these state governments stood up and said, "Wait a minute, we run our states". The state government can only go.. the federal government can only go as far as the state government. They can't rule and control the people of that state. Those people fall under the authority of the state government. For so long you've seen big brother just trying to take over everything across all boundaries.
Mark: Yeah no one's resisting because they're thinking it's all for our good.
Sherry: Yeah.
Mark: They keep drumming safety and all this. One thing I enjoy telling my friends is when you think about the news at 6 o'clock and 11 o'clock at night. In interesting times, you know the occult numbers. But all you think about from the time you're five, all you hear is the news you can trust etc etc., like all you're life. So you think you're hearing the truth. So by the time you get to 20 years old you're completely brainwashed.
Sherry: Yeah, you're going to the TV to hear the news and you're being nothing but lied to now.
Mark: Right exactly. But I mean they just drum it in your head that you can trust it, you can trust it. But that's not true. One final point. I studied Revelations and a bunch of natural disasters and death comes before the mark of the beast. And we're looking at that pretty much right now. I mean it's begun.
Sherry: Yeah, what I'm going to get into the second part of this show is what I talked about on my blogger last week, is that we're going to see things implemented in three stages.
Mark: Right.
Sherry: I don't know if you read my blog.
Mark: Oh yeah, I read your entire website.
Sherry: Well I try to update that everyday, daily now because there as so many people that have that as their startup page. When they get on the computer it's the first thing they want to read. So I've been trying to post blogs early in the morning. Starting to do that.
Mark: The new,, what is this drivers license, national drivers license standard..
Sherry: The smart card
Mark: .. is to be enforced in 2008 so all the states have until then.
Sherry: Yeah but every time they say that, then you see it coming around the corner, "Oh we're moving it up".
Mark: Right.
Sherry: They always say that, "Oh we're not going to do that until then"
Mark: Well it's interesting. I only bring that up because we don't know what God's time frame is. But based on these natural disasters, these hurricanes, the gas prices, the economy, coming famine, all these different signs. You know the euro, I don't know if you follow Russia and China deinvesting in the dollar build up two years ago?
Sherry: Oh I have a friend that does, always keeping me up to date on this. I have no brains on gold and money matters..(speaking together)
Mark: billions and billions of dollars for the euro and other currencies. They're just dumping the dollar like crazy. That was two years ago so.. You see all these signs so you know America's not going to recover from whatever's happening right now.
Sherry: Well you know what, everybody keeps waiting for this big market crash that going to crash our economy and stuff, and that could be aspect that gets us into martial law, but you have to remember that Babylon is still a wealthy nation up to the time the hour she is destroyed, because the merchants are wailing.
Mark: I think it's your break time now.
Sherry: Yes I've got to take a five minute break and start the second half of this show
Mark: Okay.
Sherry: But thanks for calling in.
Mark: Great talking to you.
Sherry: Great talking to you.
Mark: God bless you.
And we're going to take a five minute break folks and we'll be back for the second part of this show.
We'll see you then in about five minutes. Don't go anywhere.
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
October 17, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 17 October 2005 - 2nd hour
And welcome back to the show everybody, I'm Sherry Shriner. I'll get ready for the second half here. I got an e-mail question from a listener. Again if you have questions or comments you can contact me at [email protected]. You can send me an e-mail or Yahoo instant message at sherrytalkradio.
"Sherry. Has anyone seen the trains yet that you warned us about, hauling people instead of cars?" I haven't heard anything. I posed that question a couple of weeks ago to listeners. Keep an eye out, let me know if they have seen them. And of course these trains, I have a picture of them at I have pictures of these trains that the government says are auto carriers. But they have shackles every three feet (= 91.44 cm) in these things. They're two or three stories high. And so they've been around for years.
They've had three different steel companies here contracted to build these trains and equip them with shackles. There's not a car that needs to be shackled especially every three feet. There wouldn't be enough room to shackle a car every three feet.
I have not heard of any being seen, in motion. We do know that they have been running over the years. But we've heard various reports here and there. Mostly out on the west coast is probably where you would see them. I thought about a year or two ago there was reports that they've been seen in Chicago and some down in North Carolina. So they're out there. I don't know of any that are running yet. But if they are I'll let you know. I'd be sending out some encouragement to disable these things.
Another question from an e-mail, another e-mail listener. "I've visited your websites and read a lot of your Bible codes and listen to your radio stations. I like a lot of what you say. I've always been interested in the end times. You say you are anointed and I do believe you the Holy Spirit in you. The only thing that gives me doubt is you run down everybody else that says they are anointed. How can you be the only person in the world who speaks for God. Do you believe there's anybody else in the world who speaks the truth. If so who do you believe in besides yourself?"
Well I don't think that's true. I think I do expose a lot of who aren't annointed. I don't touch the Lord's people. I have no reason to. I expose and reveal what the Lord leads me to expose and reveal. So the fact that I don't get on here and sound the alarms on who isn't or who's annointed doesn't mean there's nobody else that is. I just don't speak against them.
Now you have to take it very seriously when you do come against the Lord's annointed, when you come against people that are His. So many Christians take it so light hearted and so lightly, that they can sit around the internet and bash everything everybody else says and cause nothing but dissension and division. Because you don't like their doctrine or you don't like this about what they say or you don't like that. They're missing the whole issue, and the whole issue is being that that person is a genuinely blood brought born again believer of the Lord's and you're coming up against them.
And people don't take that seriously and what they need to understand that the Lord says that every idle word that we speak is written down and you will stand in judgment for. So I take it very seriously. I come against the beast prophets, the obvious ones that the Lord has me come against. I've gotten e-mails from people who would like me to address other believers on the internet especially those who attack me on a daily basis. That's going to stop eventually. The Lord's going to take control of that.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have Joe on the line when you're ready.
Sherry: All right. But that's basically it folks. It's not that there's no other annointed out there, it's just that I do speak against those that the Lord leads me to. Go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up Joe.
Joe: Hey Sherry.
Sherry: Hey how are you doing?
Joe: Pretty good how are you?
Sherry: I'm doing pretty good.
Joe: Yeah you sound a lot better.
Sherry: Yeah.
Joe: You got your voice back.
Sherry: A little bit yeah.
Joe: You haven't been coughing, that's good. I would like to ask you something. You know about that article you had written a couple of weeks ago about the 200 million resurrection of Satan's dead.
Sherry: Right.
Joe: Yeah on that one part where it says about... where the 200 million demonic beings appear with orders to kill one third of mankind who do not have the seal of God. You know that seal of God is that the same as the elect, or is that...
Sherry: There's a different marking at that time. Because the elect are already gone.
Joe: Oh I see.
Sherry: There are believers that do come to Him after the mark of the beast is enforced. Because I do believe there is a hiding or a rapture or whatever you want to call it of the church of that time. The church of Philadelphia. That they would be hidden shortly before the mark is announced and forced upon the world. Because He says He will save those people from the hour of tribulation. And that is the hour of tribulation. It's a time period, a time event is when the image of the beast is enforced upon the whole world. And so the church itself is hidden at that time. There will be people on earth that will refuse this mark for their own reasons afterwards. And so it's these people that will be marked on their foreheads that Satan can't destroy at that time.
Joe: Oh okay.
Sherry: They will be protected. Because if you look at that one parable, I believe it's the virgins who are left.
Joe: Yes.
Sherry: The door was shut, they can't get in. And so they're knocking on the door but the door is shut you can't come in. And so those virgins are left outside. And I believe what this is saying is that.. because the church is hidden away at that time. The ones who are left out, the virgins that didn't have their oil, are now left, they're locked out they can't get in. But I believe He's going to protect them. He's going to put a mark on their heads so that these hordes, these demonic beings can't destroy them.
Joe: Okay, yeah, I was wondering about this, the seal of God. That makes more sense now.
Sherry: Yeah. Sometimes it's hard to put things into words.
Joe: Yeah it is.
Sherry: And you don't always put things in words at the right times you need to. I've always said I'm not the most smooth talker out there.
Joe: Actually you know what, because I read your blog the last couple of days, and you're getting better at it. Because I liked what you've written on your last two blogs. You know getting people to focus more on the Lord. What you wrote it shows your getting more wise and you're getting better at clarifying your words and you're getting more int une with the Lord. It shows, your experience shows.
Sherry: Yeah, well I like just sitting and writing those. I love just dealing with Him instead of having to do with aspects that I'm called, like dealing with the New Age or dealing with the NWO or any of the other aspects, when you can just sit down and write about Him. I love that. And I think it just shows in my writing because I love dealing with just Him.
Joe: Yeah I can tell you're enjoying it. It really shows. I've been enjoying them. Keep up with the good work. You're doing a good job.
Sherry: All right well thanks a lot.
Joe: Yeah no problem. I would like to ask you too about that remote viewer that paid you a visit on Friday.
Sherry: Yeah.
Joe: You say that the same person has paid you visits before. Does that person ever speak to you or say anything to you or..
Sherry: No. No I basically I ignore them. I see them and I ignore them. If (unclear), I'll mutter under my breath, "You have five seconds to get out, or everybody's going to the abyss." And they can hear you just fine. What you mumble under your own breath they hear very loudly in the spirit realm. And so you give them five seconds, and then the house is cleared. Give them a head start. But some.. like this one I've dealt with a couple of times already. And you just get tired of it.
Joe: Doesn't freak you out at all?
Sherry: No I just ignore them. It ticks me off that they're here. But a lot of time He leads me to just leave them alone. A lot of them have come to the Lord, just sitting here spying. They see that you're real. That you are what you say you are. You do what you say you do.
Joe: Their whole purpose.... I don't know.. to intimidate you and know they can't.
Sherry: Yeah I don't think there's anything that could intimidate me enough to stop, except for death itself.
Joe: Yeah, you've seen it all, you've been through it all.
Sherry: Yeah and it's just.. you know, you get tired of it. It just wears you out. Drains your energy.
Joe: I'll bet.
Sherry: And sooner or later you just get fed up and stand up and kick them out to the abyss. And that's why you go in such lulls. For a long time you'll have peace and quite because they're all afraid to come near you. Then some bold ones will start coming up later. You always have these cycles. The idiots will come out of nowhere and start hounding you and you get rid of them. So it just goes in cycles.
Joe: Well thank you for clarifying that question I asked you earlier. Before I let you go I just wanted to say. Keep up the good work. Keep fighting the good fight. I thank the Lord every night, everyday that He lead me to you. That you and I have become friends. I especially got to know you a lot better when we collaborated on your second book cover. You know I've grown to love you like a sister and just keep up the good work.
Sherry: Oh you are sweet. I really... you're one of these guys that when I see you in heaven just want to give a big hug.
Joe: I feel the same way Sherry.
Sherry: You know you're just a true friend. One of the very few true ones, real ones that I've had on the internet. There's so many people that just try to infiltrate you, to change your direction, to change your focus. To steal your time, to steal your energy. And you've never been one of these people. You've always been just a true friend.
Joe: I'm glad that you realize that. And you've made me happy by saying that. And don't ever change and I'm behind you 100%.
Sherry: All right well thanks a lot Joe.
Joe: No problem. I'll talk to you later. God bless you and your family.
Sherry: God bless you and yours.
Joe: Thank you.
Sherry: Bye.
Joe: Bye.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611. I love hearing from Joe. Joe was the one who designed the cover for my last book, "Aliens on the Internet". He did an awesome job on that cover. And I enjoy it when he calls in. He's a sweet guy. He's one of these real people. You can always tell the real people as opposed to people sent to distract you. Take up your time, take up your energy, keep you distracted. Change your focus. And that's pretty much why I stay on my own. You know I have 20 websites, the daily blogger, the radio show. I don't have a staff. I don't have anybody to help and at the same time I don't have anybody to try and control me either. And I prefer that. And over the time I've seen that I don't have anybody trying to influence me and when I do get people trying to influence me, I just start to ignore them and I can just walk away.
And if I had a staff and had a ministry, you'd more or less kind of get stuck in that. You know always got people around you telling you what to do what direction to take. And anybody that know me knows that I've always stayed with what the Lord wants me to do. I do what He says. What He leads me to do. I don't have anybody else to try to distract me from my focus. Distract me from my job. So that's a plus in being by yourself, being on your own, as opposed to having staff and everybody else.
At the flip side you don't have promotion departments or whatever to keep your ministries funded. I rely totally on listener donations. I still need donations to stay on the air next month. I need about $250 to stay on the air next month. And so yeah, it makes it a little hard because you have to do everything. But one thing I do refuse to do is go out and get sponsors, because you're putting your name on that sponsor.
I could see it now, if I opened up my radio show to sponsors, I would have New Age stuff out the ying. I'm sure they would think it would be quite entertaining and amusing to become sponsors of my show. They listen to my show just as much as anybody else does. You know I'm not going to put voodoo health products on my show. I've seen some that do have the right idea. Try to get some of these survival places to sponsor, as sponsors. That would be fine, that would be fine. I would have to totally critique and discern who was going to be allowed... but that's why I don't become reliant on sponsors. I just rely on the Lord and His listeners.
I know there's a lot out here that are waking up daily. His people, His elect that are waking up in these last days. Because I don't make any sense to the church crowd, the bride crowd. They wouldn't be listening to me. It's usually the elect the 144,000 those that are involved, that are going to be called to be a part of that group. They are the ones that are listening. Because they're waking up now. All of the stuff makes sense. Most of them are on a journey of seeking the truth in all things with Him, no matter what level they are at. Some of them may be at the beginning. Some may be way more advanced. But that's basically where it is, is people waking up to the truth.
That's a silly e-mail from somebody. Um... I'm not going to read that on the air, it's kind of lewd. Should be expected. But folks that's basically what this listener audience is. Is basically His elect, His chosen elect that He is raising up. And also those who are sitting on the fence, who need to get off the fence. Need to recommit to the Lord in these last days. Because we don't have a lot of time. There's not a lot of time. You could die tomorrow. And you're sitting on the fence and you're wasting time. You could be fulfilling your calling in Him and you're not doing that. You're not fulfilling your calling in Him.
Matthew chapter 13 talks about four types of believers. And you better understand this is exactly what Satan is familiar with and how he manipulates and works with our churches today and believers. I'm going to read this parable. It starts in verse 19:
"When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side. But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it. Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended"
And these are the ones that Satan knows for a while. He uses what I call fast food religion. It's people that will go to these evangelists like.. people will say how can you say Billy Graham is evil? Well Billy Grahams has announced his loyalty to Lucifer. He's a 33rd degree mason. But how could he have this huge ministry leading people to the Lord, how can he be evil? People can't understand that. They use this fast food theology and right here is the first one. They count on people who will hear the words the message of the Lord and never grow a root. They're never given a foundation. I mean they hear the words of the Lord for the first time and they get saved.
And then their life goes to.. instead of going to roses, it goes to pot and dirt and soil. And they get all these trials and tribulations in their lives. And they just give up. They never have found a root in the Lord, a foundation to where they could withstand the persecutions and the attacks. And learn how to be drawn into Him and have a relationship with Him. And so they give up religion. They say, "been there done that, I'm never doing it again". Because when they accepted the Lord, they had an impression that life's just going to be great, a bowl of cherries. And then the persecution comes.
And that's what these type of evangelists count on. You know they have no problem going through the world and collecting millions and millions of dollars and becoming vastly rich to give you a salvation message that they know you're going to accept, and that sooner or later are going to turn your back on. Because when the hard times come you're not ready for it. You had no time and no knowledge in how to build a foundation with the Lord. And so you turn away from it. It's just done that way with a lot of these evangelists. The Hinns, the Grahams. You know it's never given root, people turn away from religion all together and never go back. And so all they have is a disgust for religion, and never learn the truth of the Lord and who He is.
Then you have others:
"He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful. But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."
So what you have here is basically a slothful, unfruitful believer. And then you have one that hears the word and embraces it. And it just changes their lives and takes a hold of them. And they start to bear fruit for the kingdom of God.
And so you look at the four different types of believers. Two of them just totally turn their backs on Him. And one you end up becoming unfruitful because they're more focused on the problems of the world today. The day to day living, and they never become fruitful Christians. They're slothful. And what does the Lord say about the slothful servant? He's going to cast them into the same lake as the unbelieving and the hypocrites.
And so this "Once Saved Always Saved" theology that the churches teach is going to dam a lot of people to hell that are deceived. They're deceived. Because what does the Lord say about it? He says "if you love Me keep My commandments." He says to follow Him. To follow Him means what, to do His will. To do His Father's will. And what's His will in our lives? We're supposed to be building the kingdom of God. Building, becoming fruitful servants for Him. And not unfruitful, and not slothful, and not backsliders, and not fence sitters. Which is the same as the unfruitful because they're sitting on the fence instead of getting off the fence. They're sitting on it and they know about the Lord. They have accepted His salvation, His redemption and then they do nothing about it. They do absolutely nothing about it.
The Bible talks about the mustard seed. "And the kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field. Which is indeed the least of all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greatest among herbs and becometh a tree. So that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof." Are you a mustard seed? Have you grown? Everybody starts with their faith at the level of a mustard seed which is the tiniest seed there is. You're just coming into the knowledge of the Lord. Have you grown into a tree that the greatest among the herbs, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches. People come to you for knowledge and truth and understanding?
Are you sharing your faith with others? And that's the one thing everybody's encouraged to do. You know this isn't something that you have to have a special calling or a special annointing or a special gift. So many people get caught up in that, "Well I can't do this because I don't have the calling". And that's not true, we're all commanded to grow in Him and be lights in a world of darkness that has rejected Him. It's for everybody to share their faith and be a witness and testimony of the Lord in this world. To all those we come in contact with. To everyone. It's not something that you hide. Don't hide your salvation. Preach it. Get out there and preach it.
You know something interesting also in the same chapter 13 of Matthew. About the parable of the wheat and the tares. Because if you read about it, the field is the world. And the good seed are the children of the kingdom, the tares are the children of the wicked one. So you have the wheat and the tares. The children of the wheat and the children of the tares. And you look at this wording, in Greek it's pronounced hweeos. And if you look in Strong's it's referring to literal children, to offspring, to descendants. And these are not followers folks, this is referring to offspring.
And of course I've always taught about the serpent seedline. And in this the Lord is talking about two seedlines, the wheat and the tares. About the children of the Lord's and the children of Satan's. And these are literal offspring folks. These are not followers. There is no way that when you start taking the words for exactly what they mean in the Bible, that you can deny and reject that Satan has a serpent seedline here on earth. There is no way you can deny it. You know take things for what they say at face value, instead of having to ignore and manipulate and twist to fit your own ideas, theories or religions. We are at a literal war here on earth with Satan's seed against the Lord's seed. It's always been that way.
And then you have everybody else that's kind of not one or the other, that's kind of on the sidelines. The Lord will deal with those. Salvation is open to them as well. Of course there's some that don't believe that. I do. I do believe His salvation is open to all. Even those who are born in the bad serpent seedline families. I've heard from these people who have accepted the Lord and received His salvation, and afraid they can't have it because they're born with bad seedline blood. And it's not true. Only the spirit of the Lord can call you to Him. And so if the Spirit of the Lord has called you, then you are available for His redemption, for His salvation. So accept it. Accept it. Only the Spirit of the Lord can call those unto Him.
And what does He say, once we're in His hands, He will lose no one that's called to Him and has accepted Him. He's not going to let you fall out of His hands. So stay in His hands. I know a lot of people get wrapped up in "Oh I have O negative blood I must not be the Lord's." (Editors note: I have O negative blood and I don't care - Simon) "I have Rh negative" or whatever it is. And you know what folks, if the Spirit of the Lord has called you, you are His. So rest in peace in the Lord.
That's it for this show, for this week everybody. I'll be back next Monday night at 8 o'clock. I still need donations to stay on the air next week. Visit my website at or I do need donations, would appreciate it.
And I'll see you next week everybody. God bless.