Crystal Skull "demolition." We Did it folks! We're Going to Destroy their big plans this month just like we did in September!
First half of November quiet just as I said it would be. They're targetting Yahs people with chemicals and on the alert folks.
Monday Night with Sherry Shriner
November 14, 2011
It's Been a Quiet Month - Their Big Plans Have Come to Naught
And hello, everybody. You're live. It's Monday Night with Sherry Shriner. And it's November 14. And like I told you, folks, this would be a quiet month, irregardless of everything they had planned and they wanted to do. And that was a lot. I mean, they had some really huge plans. Opening up the stargates, and working the energy leylines throughout the country, and trying to activate the stargates here in America for the arrival of the...they call them Ascended Masters, but they're more like a bunch of fools from Satan's crowd, and so. But, yeah, they had big plans to arrive, and all this. And the Hoover Dam was another thing. You know what? I just told you guys, you know, I don't see anything. I said we're gonna sit back, with our feet up, and have a couple laughs this next few weeks, 'cause nothing's gonna happen. And nothing has. It's November 14, nothing's happened.
Why? Because it's the same as I saw it back in October, when I was looking through the Bible Codes. We're beating them. We're throwing them in so much derision. If you remember back in October, I started an orgone L.A. campaign. And wanted to hurry up and get orgone in San Diego and in L.A. And so, that pretty much wiped me out totally. And everybody who helped support those campaigns sent in orgone to help me pass it out to the Warriors in California. Definitely appreciate that. And things like that don't go unnoticed. I mean, you might have sent in 6 pucks or an entire box, but the thing is, your name's on the success of that campaign because you helped. Those who sent in contributions that month, whether it went to the orgone campaign, whether it went to paying bills so I could stay on the air, you helped. You're a part of it. You're a part of us.
The Most High Notices Everything You Do to Support This Ministry - It Recorded in the Bible Codes
And so, anything you do to help support this ministry doesn't go unnoticed by the Most High. It never does. You know, I can look in Bible Codes and see Warriors' names, and whether they're active or sleeping, you know. Whether they're supporting this ministry or not, you know. And I always get a kick out of that, you know. Because it's just not being able to discern people that you've never met, on the Internet, and you know how many games people can play. They lie about who they are. They lie about what they are. But when you see 'em in the Bible Codes, that, hey, this person loves the Lord, this person's a Warrior, this person supports Sherry Shriner, this person reads her articles, this person listens to her shows, I can see that stuff in the Codes. And so, it really cheers me up. And it really establishes my rapport with those who I consider to be close to me, who are Warriors from the Most High.
Some People of the Lord's Kingdom Are on Different Paths of Truth and Growth
Now granted, my ministry is a one in a million. The Lord has many branches on the tree. Not every person He calls is called out to listen to this ministry. They're on different paths of truth and growth. Maybe they're meant to be in a different part of His tree. And so, I don't argue with those parts of the tree. Their my brethren, I leave them alone. I do my own thing. But those the Lord sends to work with me, we get busy. We get busy. You know, it takes a lot of people to make up one kingdom. You know, you have artists, you have singers, you have workers, you have warriors.
I Like the Warrior Side of the Lord's Kingdom - The Lord's Enemies Are My Enemies
I've always preferred the warrior side. I like going after and attacking the Lord's enemies, because their His enemies are my enemies. Because I love Him. I'm in love with Him. And so, those who love Him, I love. And His enemies--and I'm not talking about people who are just asleep and ignorant and haven't woken up yet. I'm talking about literal seedline enemies sent here by Satan to attack His people and destroy them. Those are the ones that are my enemies, too. Those are the ones I fight against. And so, I always try to distinguish between sleeping, ignorant Christians and Satan's seedline, and Satan's people here on Earth sent to purposely distract, and disrupt, and destroy the Lord's people. The wolves in sheep's clothing.
You know, and the thing about the Lord is He always keeps us busy. You know, when you ask Him, "What can I do? How can I stop this? How can I bring that down?" You know, tearing down the devil's strongholds has been a main part of my ministry for the past 6, 7 years. You know, when the Lord started opening up the alien agenda to me, the fallen angel agenda, I couldn't sit and do nothing. There's nothing in me--there's no quit in me, there is no sit down and go on vacation in me. I couldn't do anything when Satan's got this whole...these armies and factions on Earth purposely working behind the scenes day in and day out to destroy the Lord's people on Earth, and destroy the Lord's Earth, itself. I couldn't sit back and do nothing. So I would seek Him on it, "Well, what can we do? How can we stop this agenda? How can we tear down their strongholds?" And that's what I've been involved with for the last 7, 8 years. And it's been a long haul. It's been a long haul. I couldn't tell ya the stuff I've gone through over the years. And I don't consider it because I'm in the war. I consider it because I love Him. They hate me because I love Him. They hate you because you love Him. And so, we're targets. Satan will literally target you just like he targeted Job.
Bible Codes Revealed Sherry Shriner as Lucifer's Archenemy on Earth
You know, I got a big laugh couple years ago when I started doing a Code on Lucifer. And one of his names is Halayel. He has several different names. And crossing his name was "archenemy Sherry Shriner." Archenemy. His number one enemy on Earth Got a big kick out of that. I worked hard for that.
But that doesn't mean to take it easy, because the attacks come. They target you. I just saw in the Bible Codes I was looking at--I can't even remember what specific Code I was in, but I could see that he was, uh, what do you wanna say? What's the word? He was going before the Lord, like he did with Job, wanting to take me out. He was advocating my death before the Lord. He wanted to take me out.
He hasn't been able to take me out for 8 years. I've had satellite attack weapons, beams, hit my house and do nothing but mildly shake it, with a loud boom. The noise was louder than the small shaking it took. I went through that twice. Two times within 5 minutes because they probably figured something was wrong with their machine and it wasn't working right. Because whatever they had hit with that beam should have been exploded into a million smithereens. I go through stalking. I go through spying, surveillance.
I go through their chemical dumping. And chemtrails don't stick over my area, so the new thing is to send trucks out into my area with bug spray packs and act like they're spraying the sides of the roads for pesticides. Why would they be doing that when it's gonna snow? You know? And so, I just have to go on the offensive and counterattack, and get orgone all over again in the areas. You know? I noticed when they started their spraying couple weeks ago, and I've been battling attacks with sleepiness and tiredness. You I'm always run down 'cause I've got kids to run all day, and stuff like that. Typical mom stuff. But this is just exceptional. I could be sitting at my computer and just be about passed out and asleep.
And so, you know, dealing with that, and now dealing with--my chest has been hurting, it feels like I'm getting bronchitis. Which is usually typical during football season every year. But it's kind of late this year, and you know what? I haven't really been doing a whole lot of screaming and yelling at the football games. And they're over now. You know, I used to lose my voice in September because of football season. Now I'm just losing it because some kind of poison attack's affecting my chest, and so.
You Always Have to Be Either on the Offensive or Defensive with Satan and His People
November 14, 2011
It's Been a Quiet Month - Their Big Plans Have Come to Naught
And hello, everybody. You're live. It's Monday Night with Sherry Shriner. And it's November 14. And like I told you, folks, this would be a quiet month, irregardless of everything they had planned and they wanted to do. And that was a lot. I mean, they had some really huge plans. Opening up the stargates, and working the energy leylines throughout the country, and trying to activate the stargates here in America for the arrival of the...they call them Ascended Masters, but they're more like a bunch of fools from Satan's crowd, and so. But, yeah, they had big plans to arrive, and all this. And the Hoover Dam was another thing. You know what? I just told you guys, you know, I don't see anything. I said we're gonna sit back, with our feet up, and have a couple laughs this next few weeks, 'cause nothing's gonna happen. And nothing has. It's November 14, nothing's happened.
Why? Because it's the same as I saw it back in October, when I was looking through the Bible Codes. We're beating them. We're throwing them in so much derision. If you remember back in October, I started an orgone L.A. campaign. And wanted to hurry up and get orgone in San Diego and in L.A. And so, that pretty much wiped me out totally. And everybody who helped support those campaigns sent in orgone to help me pass it out to the Warriors in California. Definitely appreciate that. And things like that don't go unnoticed. I mean, you might have sent in 6 pucks or an entire box, but the thing is, your name's on the success of that campaign because you helped. Those who sent in contributions that month, whether it went to the orgone campaign, whether it went to paying bills so I could stay on the air, you helped. You're a part of it. You're a part of us.
The Most High Notices Everything You Do to Support This Ministry - It Recorded in the Bible Codes
And so, anything you do to help support this ministry doesn't go unnoticed by the Most High. It never does. You know, I can look in Bible Codes and see Warriors' names, and whether they're active or sleeping, you know. Whether they're supporting this ministry or not, you know. And I always get a kick out of that, you know. Because it's just not being able to discern people that you've never met, on the Internet, and you know how many games people can play. They lie about who they are. They lie about what they are. But when you see 'em in the Bible Codes, that, hey, this person loves the Lord, this person's a Warrior, this person supports Sherry Shriner, this person reads her articles, this person listens to her shows, I can see that stuff in the Codes. And so, it really cheers me up. And it really establishes my rapport with those who I consider to be close to me, who are Warriors from the Most High.
Some People of the Lord's Kingdom Are on Different Paths of Truth and Growth
Now granted, my ministry is a one in a million. The Lord has many branches on the tree. Not every person He calls is called out to listen to this ministry. They're on different paths of truth and growth. Maybe they're meant to be in a different part of His tree. And so, I don't argue with those parts of the tree. Their my brethren, I leave them alone. I do my own thing. But those the Lord sends to work with me, we get busy. We get busy. You know, it takes a lot of people to make up one kingdom. You know, you have artists, you have singers, you have workers, you have warriors.
I Like the Warrior Side of the Lord's Kingdom - The Lord's Enemies Are My Enemies
I've always preferred the warrior side. I like going after and attacking the Lord's enemies, because their His enemies are my enemies. Because I love Him. I'm in love with Him. And so, those who love Him, I love. And His enemies--and I'm not talking about people who are just asleep and ignorant and haven't woken up yet. I'm talking about literal seedline enemies sent here by Satan to attack His people and destroy them. Those are the ones that are my enemies, too. Those are the ones I fight against. And so, I always try to distinguish between sleeping, ignorant Christians and Satan's seedline, and Satan's people here on Earth sent to purposely distract, and disrupt, and destroy the Lord's people. The wolves in sheep's clothing.
You know, and the thing about the Lord is He always keeps us busy. You know, when you ask Him, "What can I do? How can I stop this? How can I bring that down?" You know, tearing down the devil's strongholds has been a main part of my ministry for the past 6, 7 years. You know, when the Lord started opening up the alien agenda to me, the fallen angel agenda, I couldn't sit and do nothing. There's nothing in me--there's no quit in me, there is no sit down and go on vacation in me. I couldn't do anything when Satan's got this whole...these armies and factions on Earth purposely working behind the scenes day in and day out to destroy the Lord's people on Earth, and destroy the Lord's Earth, itself. I couldn't sit back and do nothing. So I would seek Him on it, "Well, what can we do? How can we stop this agenda? How can we tear down their strongholds?" And that's what I've been involved with for the last 7, 8 years. And it's been a long haul. It's been a long haul. I couldn't tell ya the stuff I've gone through over the years. And I don't consider it because I'm in the war. I consider it because I love Him. They hate me because I love Him. They hate you because you love Him. And so, we're targets. Satan will literally target you just like he targeted Job.
Bible Codes Revealed Sherry Shriner as Lucifer's Archenemy on Earth
You know, I got a big laugh couple years ago when I started doing a Code on Lucifer. And one of his names is Halayel. He has several different names. And crossing his name was "archenemy Sherry Shriner." Archenemy. His number one enemy on Earth Got a big kick out of that. I worked hard for that.
But that doesn't mean to take it easy, because the attacks come. They target you. I just saw in the Bible Codes I was looking at--I can't even remember what specific Code I was in, but I could see that he was, uh, what do you wanna say? What's the word? He was going before the Lord, like he did with Job, wanting to take me out. He was advocating my death before the Lord. He wanted to take me out.
He hasn't been able to take me out for 8 years. I've had satellite attack weapons, beams, hit my house and do nothing but mildly shake it, with a loud boom. The noise was louder than the small shaking it took. I went through that twice. Two times within 5 minutes because they probably figured something was wrong with their machine and it wasn't working right. Because whatever they had hit with that beam should have been exploded into a million smithereens. I go through stalking. I go through spying, surveillance.
I go through their chemical dumping. And chemtrails don't stick over my area, so the new thing is to send trucks out into my area with bug spray packs and act like they're spraying the sides of the roads for pesticides. Why would they be doing that when it's gonna snow? You know? And so, I just have to go on the offensive and counterattack, and get orgone all over again in the areas. You know? I noticed when they started their spraying couple weeks ago, and I've been battling attacks with sleepiness and tiredness. You I'm always run down 'cause I've got kids to run all day, and stuff like that. Typical mom stuff. But this is just exceptional. I could be sitting at my computer and just be about passed out and asleep.
And so, you know, dealing with that, and now dealing with--my chest has been hurting, it feels like I'm getting bronchitis. Which is usually typical during football season every year. But it's kind of late this year, and you know what? I haven't really been doing a whole lot of screaming and yelling at the football games. And they're over now. You know, I used to lose my voice in September because of football season. Now I'm just losing it because some kind of poison attack's affecting my chest, and so.
You Always Have to Be Either on the Offensive or Defensive with Satan and His People