MONDAY, MAY 11, 2009
It's US against THEM folks...
Sherry Shriner on.....
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, May 11, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
And hello everybody. You’re live. It’s Monday night May 11, 2009. If you have a question for the show, you can send it to[email protected]. I’ll be looking at questions a little bit later.
Well another week and I’m still on the air. Imagine that. Every time they plan to take me down, Yah just raises me higher. It can’t get any more real than that, folks. I know what their plans are. I don’t know how far they’ll be implemented. I don’t know how far Yah will let them go, but another week on the air. And we’ll just take it week by week. They’re certainly planning to make their move.
I found it amusing; the different routes that they plan to go….they try to go. I can see them. The Lord will show me them in the codes. There’s always something. He doesn’t always show me everything, but when He knows I’ll be amused, He will show it to me or He will tell me about it.
That’s just the life of a warrior, folks. They never stop trying to take you down. Every time you stand up, they try and knock you down. That’s part of being a warrior; just being able to get back up. I don’t need to be hand held by anybody, and neither should you. I listen to people, “Ooohh…Satan is stepping on my toe….he’s hitting me on the head.” I hear stuff all the time. People, you just need to learn how to take things into your own hands. You don’t need anybody else but the Lord. HE has given us all the power we need. We’ve got more power in the fingernail of our pinkies, than Satan has in his entire kingdom! You’ve got the Lord’s Name; what more do you need?
When Satan is dancing on your head, beat him off of it. Don’t sit and take it. That’s just lazy. I know I’m guilty. I’ve been lazy. Satan will be doing crap to me, and I’ll just be too tired to even care. I’ll just roll over and go to sleep. I’ll just let it go. I just get so lazy….you can’t even just say, “Yahushua, please send your warrior angels to chain that thing up and cast it into the abyss.” That’s how easy it is. Satan doesn’t want you to know how easy it is to defeat his kingdom. I haven’t met a warrior yet that doesn’t have a story to tell. They know who you are before you’re born. As soon as you’re born…if you get that far. They attack you in the womb. They were attacking my mother when I was in her womb. They're attacking you when you’ve been inseminated…’re fertilized and going to be a human on Earth and they start attacking you when they know who you are. Somehow they know. They know.
So when you’re born, you just feel different. You just don’t feel like you fit in with everybody else. You experience things other people don’t experience. Because you see things other people don’t experience. You do things. You have things done to you. Every warrior I’ve ever met usually has some kind of sixth sense about the supernatural realm around them because of that. I’ve explained all this in my article, Angels in the Flesh. Those are the ones Satan seems to target, because he knows who they are . So if you haven’t read my article, Angels in the Flesh, you need to do that.
Also my FAQs page.\faqs.htm. I have spiritual warfare prayers on there. I have answers to basic questions on there. You all just need to stand up and fight and quit being babies. Quit being babies. We’re warriors. There is no time for babying in the last days.
I know a lot of people are waking up. The Lord has told me that a lot of people are waking up. He’s sending a lot of people to my lists to get their questions answered by all the other people that are there. I don’t spend my days answering emails with tons of questions. It just gets really annoying for me. I’m not a gabby person. I don’t want to hear anybody’s millions of stories. Everybody thinks, “I need to call you. I need to tell you this.” It’s stuff I’ve heard a million times. I know it’s unique to you, but I’ve heard it a million times. I don’t want to hear it. Go and tell the people on the list. They’ll talk to you. They’ll sympathize with you. They’ll be able to help you more. There are nurturing warriors and there’s just battle hardened toughened warriors. There is definitely a line. I consider myself over on the other side; battle hardened….toughened. Where others will be sympathetic and hand hold, I’ll just be like, “Stand up and take a sword.” Quit whining and sta= nd up.” That’s just the way I view things. I’ve just been through too much over the years. I’ve been where most people are at now. I’ve been there, done that, and have moved on. So I have articles and people in place to help the newbie warriors; the newbie Bride standing up and finding their feet in the spiritual war. The only way you learn is the way I’ve learned. And that s going through it. Everything I’ve learned is because I’ve gone through it and I needed help. I didn’t have anybody but the Most High. I didn’t know one person in the world I could go to and say, “Hey, I’ve got demons dancing on my ceiling at night.” Or “Hey, there’s these tech weapons….white beams coming in my window at night.” You just can’t get any weirder and wilder than some of the things I’ve experienced. I’ve never had anybody to go to. I just went to the Lord. That’s how you learn how to hear His Voice. When you keep praying every night, “Okay, send your angels. Kick them out of here.” And you hide under your blankets. That started when I was real little. As you get older and start to learn more about the war around us and why there is such a war. They want to stop you. They want to beat you down. They want to keep you and prevent you from accomplishing whatever calling is on your life.
If you’re going to end up putting up a website that praises the Lord, they want to stop that. If you’re going to be an Orgone warrior, they want to stop that. If you’re going to be a prayer warrior, they want to stop that. If you’re going to be a supporter of the Lord’s people, they want to stop that. They want to take your funds. They want to do all kinds of things. They’re trying to stop you. They’re in prevention mode. So all the attacks you’ve ever suffered and will continue to, is because they’re in prevention mode. They want to stop you from doing anything.
The one with Satan that I had to learn…..the hardest one to learn is to tell him to “Shut up and go back to Hell.” When he starts beating you over your head with your past sins and how unworthy you are. We tend to fall for that one even harder. When someone starts,”You used to do this.” And “you used to do that. You’re too unworthy of the Lord.” He beats you over the head with past sins. Our Father never stands over us with a baseball bat, ready to hit us when we sin. He’s just not like that. Whenever you start feeling that “I’m unworthy….I’m incapable….I’m not good enough….” Tell Satan to shut up and go back to Hell. Tell him to shut up and don’t listen to it. As soon as he starts talking to your head.
You’ve got to recognize your own thoughts from voices being put in your head. From thoughts being planted in your mind. Those are usually Satan. In this day and age its Satan or technology. You don’t know which one it is. “Is that ELF technology putting thoughts in my head, or Satan’s demons whispering in my ear?” Just shut it down. Don’t even listen to it. When you recognize something in your mind that isn’t from you, shut it down. If it’s demonic, rebuke them in the Name of Yahushua. Command them to leave. If they don’t leave, ask the Lord to send His angels, bind them and cast them into the abyss. If it’s technology, you ask the Lord to burn their equipment beyond recovery and repair. To destroy their equipment being used and targeted towards you. If you aren’t sure, just cover all your bases and ask for both. You’ve got to go on the active. That’s what being a warrior all is about. You know? You’re on the defensive and the offensive. You can’t just say, “Okay, I’m taking a break here.” The only breaks we get are the ones the Lord gives us. When the Lord says, “I’m going to handle things for a while so you can have a break.” Yeah…and we do get those times. When we just get so tired and exhausted and say, “Okay Lord you take over. I need a break. I’ve had enough. I’m tired of it.” But that’s how we learn, folks. That’s how we learn.
Anyway, I’ve been reading the emails this week. They’ve passed more legislation on owning our water. Now the federal government owns all of our water. It’s so interesting because I’ve been seeing how they’re destroying the farms in the Bible Codes. Destroying farming. Destroying farms. They’re going to be going after private farms. They still have inheritance tax legislation. One of their plans is to eliminate inheritance to where you can’t leave your property to your children. That’s on the drawing boards. So that when you die, the government just takes over what you own. You can’t leave anything as an inheritance to any of your children; your families…whatever. They’re going to be going after that too. Now they're destroying our food. They own all of our water. They're trying to control bullets, guns, natural medicine.
You know, basically they're going to tell you when you can eat, drink and sleep, folks. They even have their Volunteer Act. It’s voluntary of course, just like paying your taxes is. To where you can put service in to local charities, groups or organizations, where you are volunteering your time. So they’re going to tell you how much time you’re going to spend with your family now. Because you’re working two jobs or all day and volunteer time to some other place. We spend, as families; we spend so little time to begin with. They’re going to legislate that eventually, to where you can hardly spend any time.
I was reading about crop circles. Warning of lifting the veil by 2012. Some of the latest crop circles in the UK. I notice they’re always out that way. It’s something I’ve been talking about that’s going to be happening when the third and fourth dimension merge. People say, “When…When…When?”
I’ll tell you exactly when. When you see Maitreya arriving or this Sananda/Jesus. When you can see them…and they’re fourth dimension beings. Of course, they claim they are fifth dimension or whatever dimension they’re from. But when you can see them, the veil will be lifted. So what’s that mean for us? We’ve got to deal with this giant. By the way, they are very tall beings. That should be the first red flag for half the people in the world when this Sananda.....this one coming as the False Prophet who calls himself Jesus, is a giant. 9 – 10 feet tall. Do you really think that Yahushua, the Son of God was 9 or 10 feet tall? Even this Maitreya coming is going to be very tall.
That’s one of the things that kept sticking out at me last year when I was watching the Olympics. I’m a big sports nut. I watch sports all the time on television and I watch reality shows. I like reality TV type things and sports. I was watching the Olympics last year and they made a comment. They said “this is the last Olympics…” Something about it being the last of its kind ever. I thought, “Yeah, because after this the giants are going to be taking over.” All the hybrid kids are going to be taking over. It’s all going to be the giants. If you’re not 7 feet tall, you’re going to be eliminated out of those Olympics. Look at Michael Phelps, the swimmer. He’s 6’ 7”. I’ve always talked about the NBA players. We’ve always had that gigantism defect gene that has always been around. Never eliminated. The gigantism defect gene is ancient. It’s from when the fallen angels mated. They cohabitated with human women and had offspring known as the Nephilim. Over the centuries, especially after the flood…well even after the flood. I can’t tell you exactly when the giants were all eliminated off the Earth. They fell before the flood and after. Genesis 6:4 states that. And we know that when Moses left Egypt, Joshua and Caleb destroyed 20 cites of giants. So they’ve always been here. Over time the giants kindof disappeared, but every once in a while you’d have a kid born that was 6 foot 7 or whatever. 7 foot seems to be the tallest. And I’m not going to say that’s the tallest because there is a basketball player that is. It’s a defective gene. I think we’re going to go beyond the defects into real hybrid kids. 50% human, 50% giant/alien. We’ve already got that mix going on in the world today anyway, and it’s going to be increasing. It’s interesting to see the effects of things happening and the things coming.
Right now we’re looking at the total rights of citizens and basic human rights being stripped and controlled by the New World Order. You know, one of the things that strikes me is, do you get it now? Do you get what the New World Order is, folks? Its alien’s dominating and controlling the Earth and putting humans into complete and total subject slavery and ownership to them.
What are aliens? They are fallen angels. That’s all they are. They’re fallen angels. When People think of aliens, they think of the small greys and the little green Martian men. I don’t know where they get the little green Martian men thing, but if you want to see Martians, then look at ancient Egypt. The tall necked Egyptians. They were from Mars. They were hybrid children from Mars who came to Earth and set up civilizations here. The tall necks. The Egyptians. They were from Mars. So what do they have to do with little green men?
I’ve told you what the little greys are. They’re just processed and alien factory plants like we process cars. They’re built “grey tough” (LOL) and they do the bidding for the reptilians and the tall greys on Earth because they have a hard time coming into our dimension. They can just send these little greys; they come, abduct humans, take them up into their ships and then use them for experiments so that they can cross-breed and make their own races. They also send them back and the women give birth to hybrid children. They think they’ve gotten pregnant by their husbands, when they’re actually pregnant by aliens.
What I think that is interesting; a lot of these hybrids….these star-seed children who are born, can tell you who one parent and not the other. What does that tell you? Most of them don’t know who their parents are. They were adopted as young children or they have a story where they know who their mother is, but they don’t who their father is. They call themselves star-seed kids. I know you’ve heard of this. Star-seed children….they are way gifted above and beyond most human children in their gifts. They just call them “gifted” children. There’s the whole X-Men series out about all these kids that have supernatural gifts. These are hybrids.
People ask me about Bill Deagle a lot. He’s a hybrid. He told me he was a hybrid- half human, half alien. I’d gotten into a conversation with him a couple of years ago on the phone when he told me about it. He’s a professed hybrid.
The thing with hybrid children is; they still can be redeemed because they’re half human. They have a soul. Like anybody, they need to choose Yahushua as their Savior and Messiah. What I see with most of them is that they don’t. Most of them serve Satan’s agenda, because they’re manipulated and controlled. By the time they’re born they are chip implanted and controlled. If you start asking them their beliefs, they’ll give you a typical New Age kind of message. Bill Deagle doesn’t believe that Adam and Eve were created on Earth. He believes they were created in test tubes and placed in the Garden of Eden. That’s the typical New Age message. How they created mankind in test tubes. And how our creators are coming back….these Annuniki giants that are coming back. That they were our creators…our forefathers. That’s the typical alien/New Age message. Typically the one that star-seed children and hybrid children end up picking up, if not just outright agnostic; don’t care about religion and don’t believe in it. The ones that do, end up in some kind of New Age thing and pass themselves off of prophets in Christianity like Bill Deagle does. He says he’s a prophet…”Bill Deagle says this….and Bill Deagle says that.” Don’t give me the garbage. He’s a hybrid with a New Age message. That’s just typical of what you run into online.
I know a lot of these people online won’t come near me with a 100 foot pole because they’re afraid of me exposing them for whom and what they are. That’s why you’ll never hear me on some of these radio shows like Alex Jones or Coast to Coast. They don’t want me on their show exposing them for who and what they are. That’s typical. I’ve had people for the last five or six years, “Why don’t you get on Coast to Coast?” They wouldn’t let me on that show with a 100 foot pole. It’s controlled by the New World Order. Most of them are. So they aren’t even allowed to have me as a guest. They are owned and controlled by the government. They all run different agendas. I don’t do a lot of radio shows for that very reason. They are afraid of me. That’s basically why I have my own show.
In other words, it never ends, folks. It just goes day to day.
I want you to get a grasp of exactly what’s going on. I’ve told you that the giants are coming. They will fulfill the passages of Joel chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 9. What you don’t seem to grasp is that the reptilians are already here. The giants are coming, but the reptilians are already here. I’ve told you, there are different factions and groups of Satan’s kingdom. Just because the giants aren’t here yet, doesn’t mean his other groups aren’t already operating on Earth and controlling Earth.
The reptilians have been dominating Earth for the last.....hundreds of years…thousands. In particular in America, that I can think of since the 1930’s, when America started making written agreements with the aliens. Written agreements! “Okay, you can have a base here. We’ll give you this base. You can abduct our people. Just give us your technology.” That’s how we’ve advanced in technology over the years.
Of course who benefits from that? The people that get the technology. The Satan circles keep that amongst themselves. Bill Gates didn’t invent Windows. Satan has had computers and high tech for thousands of years! Just because it went underground for a very long time, doesn’t mean it never existed and wouldn’t come back out later. They make sure that it’s their people getting the money and the benefits from all new technology. All these companies and corporations that are coming out with Windows and Apple; none of that is by accident, folks. None of it. None of our technology coming within the next 10 – 15 years (should we for some reason still be here) wouldn’t be by accident. I don’t think we’re going to make it past 2012. I would be surprised if we got to 2012.
So people need to think. The reptilians are already here. They are already controlling the Earth. They have a council above the Earth. The New Age calls them the Ashtar Command. They have a starship Capricorn. They have the Shema star. They have different home bases they can use. They reside above our Earth; our atmosphere. There’s a council of them. Their hybrid children are here on Earth. If you look at every government in the world today. If you look at America. Bush’s Clinton’s…..they’re all possessed and controlled by these reptilians. You look at every country. Europe, Canada, Australia; they are all controlled by reptilians. They all have reptilian possession. You can think of it as demonic possession. Christians understand demon possession. This is a reptilian possession, where they actually have reptilians inside of them instead of demons, that can actually shape-shift and control these beings.
There are two different types where it affects women and men differently. When you look at the men who are reptilian possessed, they all have those squinty snake eyes. You look at Donald Rumsfeld, the Bush’s. Joseph Biden just makes my skin crawl when I look at him. Then you’ve got Al Gore. Then you’ve got the wide eyed look. Wooo! The surprised look. The wide eyed look. You get that from Hillary, Condoleezza Rice, and Nancy Pelosi. It’s like the women get the wide eyed look and the men get the squinty snake eyes look. Interesting to watch the State of the Union address or something in Congress when they’re all together. It’s really kindof nasty. It’s like that in every government of every nation right now. All these leaders are reptilian controlled have reptilian possession in them. And they protect that possession.
These are seedline families. All of them are related from 13 seedlines. I’ve got that on my website at You can look for the serpent seedline families. And that’s why you get these charts on You Tube and across the internet how everybody is related. So and so is a second cousin of so and so. And you’ve got the celebrities and the politicians and all these people….they’re all related. That’s because they’re all from the same bloodlines. They protect those bloodlines. All their children always intermarry within the bloodlines. And it keeps their bloodlines pure so they can be possessed and be able to shape-shift back into their original forms as reptilians, instead of being stuck in human forms all the time. Arizona Wilder talks about that in her You Tube video interview with David Icke. Where she’s been to Washington parties and has seen them shape-shift into reptilians. That’s their natural form. Then they just go back to their human forms, as George Bush and Clinton…and all them. They’re all aliens, folks.
These aliens are the ones stripping our human rights away from us. They pose as humans so they can destroy the humans on Earth. The thing about it is, people can’t see it. They can’t grasp it. That’s why they’re not doing anything about it. They are not human who is running Washington today. And even if a human does get elected somehow….they own all the parties. They control who gets to run, who gets to win and who loses. All of its controlled. That person that isn’t possessed would just go to Washington and become possessed. They would just reptilian possess him while he’s there. Soul-scalp him. Possess his body. So that’s what we’re up against, folks. It’s us against them. It’s us against these reptilians who are controlling the Earth.
When Satan comes, he either rises up through Obama. I don’t see Obama lasting longer than 5 months. Or whoever else takes his place. I’ve told you to watch out for that route. Not the Obama/Benny Hinn route. All these different routes that can be taken of who fulfills the roles of Antichrist and the False Prophet. The reason I’m not so big on Obama is because I know he’s not going to last long. He’s burning now. I’ve seen in the Bible Codes where this Orgone that we have everywhere is affecting him so badly, that he’s burning now. It says, “face mask.” Its kindof interesting that they can blame it on the flu. “I’m wearing a face mask because I don’t want to get the flu.” When the real reason is the Orgone has a stench to them. They can’t stand to breathe it. It asphyxiates them. It makes them nauseous. So they’ll start wearing face masks. I see “Obama face mask”, so I’m anxious to see when he starts wearing one. I know he’s been suffering since January. He can’t stay in the White House. That’s why he’s doing so much traveling. He has to be the friendliest President in the history of America. He just travels to see everybody. It’s because he can’t stand to stay in the White House.
I’ve said this; watch for them to eventually move the White House. They’re going to go into the rocks and caves eventually. Probably NORAD. We’ve got plenty of Orgone out in NORAD. We’ve got it everywhere. The Lord’s people don’t sit on their butts. We get busy. We’ve been busy. If I didn’t have people to help, I’d do it myself. Lucky for me over the years, I’ve had supporters to help with missions; financially and just going out and doing it themselves, getting Orgone out.
We’ve been busy. Everybody protecting their own areas, because knowing that it burns them, they’re not going to want to be in their area. And trust me; you are not going to want these beings in your area. And you don’t want to just get your area; you want the towns and cities around you.
It’s a job that never ends, folks. It’s not going to end until the Lord takes us home. I would love to just have it set up to where they can’t even stand America and they don’t stay here at all, but leave. Isn’t that what the Tribulation Period is about? It’s about the wicked being destroyed. It’s about the wicked being destroyed. It’s not about the righteous being taken off the Earth; it’s about the wicked on the Earth being destroyed. How does the Lord do that? He does that through His people. People don’t understand how HE works, and that’s why they can’t grasp that. They keep waiting for the Lord to just dump His bowl judgments over the world….literally.
“It’s just going to happen.”
How is it going to happen?
“The Lord is going to dump a bowl and 1/3 of the trees are going to burn up and plagues are going to come.”
Really, how is that going to happen?
They don’t grasp that the Lord uses people on Earth; whether they are His own or not. He will use people and events on Earth to make those things come about. The angel holding the bowl over…that’s allegory. That’s picturesque. That’s “just imagine this…”
But then you get into the how and they why. How is it going to happen and when? You guys always want to know when. I can’t even figure it out in the Bible Codes; I’m just terrible with times. The Lord has told me to ignore the times. I can’t help it. I’m worse than you guys. I want to know when.
We have to watch events. That’s why He said to watch for signs in the skies and watch Israel. That was always His admonition in the New Testament about when these things would be. When would we be in the last days? He always said one of two things; watch for signs in the skies, or watch Israel.
So define Israel. The land of Israel or the people of Israel. The land of Israel is over in the Middle East. The people of Israel….there are more people of Israel in the United States than anywhere else in the world. Interesting isn’t it? Define Israel. Define last days Israel. Even the Bible Codes separates the land of Israel from the people of Israel. They are two different things.
Most of the Jews in Israel today; the Talmud-Satan worshippers over there are not real Jews. People ask me, “Well, who are the real Jews?” You know what? It doesn’t even matter today because the bloodline thing of Israel was demolished when the Lord died on the cross and rose again. Everybody who accepts His Redemption; accepts Him as their Messiah, becomes a Jew….becomes an Israelite. Becomes one of His. It’s no longer about the 12 tribes of Israel and whose line goes where and if you’re born from one of those lines. It’s about His new covenant with Israel is about those who worship Him and accept Him and follow Him. That’s Israel today.
I’ll tell you what. There’s only a handful of Israel in actual Israel today. They persecute the Christians over there. They’re not welcome. They’re not wanted. Torah believing Jews are not wanted. It’s all Talmud worshiping, Satanist, Mason freaks over there. Zionism isn’t even about religion. It’s a political agenda. We call it the New World Order here in America; they call it Zionism in Israel. The churches have you believing that every time the word “Zion” or “Zionism” is mentioned, it’s Jerusalem. So they rally all the Christians around to protect Israel because of Jerusalem. It’s all such a game being played.
This Talmud is the most blasphemous satanic book on the planet. It talks about Yahushua, the Son of God burning in excrement in Hell and how they want to kill all His believers and….it’s just complete blaspheme. And the things they say about His mother Mary; complete blaspheme. And the churches support this. The churches want all the Christians in America to support Israel and send them their money. For what? To further propagate the blaspheme they teach about the Son of God over there? And to give them more clout and power to persecute the real Christians that are over there? It’s sickening. It’s disgusting.
I had a friend over there that’s just disappeared off the internet for about 10 months. I haven’t heard from him. He’s just disappeared. He did a lot of work for this ministry. And he’s just disappeared. I don’t know where he is. I pray for his safety.
They persecute the Christians over there, folks. You think it’s bad in America; you haven’t been to Israel and proclaim that you’re a messianic Jew. Even the Messianics in America are all so messed up on the Pauline doctrines; all teaching Paul. Let the people teach Yahushua. Can’t they see that there are two different doctrines. Yahushua and the Apostles and then the Pauline doctrine. They are two different things.
That’s what I wanted to talk about today; look what’s around you. Look at who’s controlling you. Look what our governments are. Once you can grasp that, then you’ll start to get an idea of the New World Order and what’s coming.
I just have to shake my head. At first I get mad. Why isn’t the militia standing up and going against the government? All this has to come to pass. And it is going to come to pass because America is going to be destroyed. Before that happens, America is going to be thrown into martial law. That is coming. That is going to happen. It’s disguised as the Antichrists war on the saints. These things are very real. We’re watching Bible prophecy come alive in our lifetimes, folks. In our lifetimes. Bible prophecy is finally coming alive. Its set dormant and we’re up to this point. But this is the point that your parents, your grandparents have been waiting for their entire lives….if they are Believers in Yahweh. This is the end times that we are heading into. When we have a President that isn’t even human. Do red flags go off?
People always want to know, how can you have the Antichrists and False prophet to suffer and go to hell? Because they are Satan’s to begin with. Obama is an amoeba. He’s not even human to begin with. He’s a lizard, an animal, a beast, an amoeba. There are so many terms in relations to him that you hardly see his name Obama in the codes. Lately I’ve been findng the term “Egyptian” in the codes referring to him. And you saw the stuff going over the internet about these ancient Egyptian pharaohs. It’s very interesting that he’s just a complex mix of everything that is evil. And he’s our president.
Anyway, I’m going to start answering a few questions. I don’t want to be on too long tonight.
If you have a question for the show, you can send it to [email protected].
Question from a listener: Will this killer flu start up in the fall with a vengeance. It doesn’t seem to be taking.
Answer: It’s going to start up in May with a vengeance. Look for it now. It’s going to start cranking. Look for it to take various forms. The Swine Flu; what they call the Swine Flu was just a wakeup call from the Lord. They’re going to be coming out with more attacks coming up. The Lord is amping up the Orgone. So we’re going to have to sit and watch their demise and what else comes up next. They’re the ones being killed and destroyed. Every time the Lord amps up the Orgone. They’re the ones getting sick; getting disease. They’re the tare nations, the tares the hybrids, the aliens, living amongst us on Earth. They’re the ones getting affected by it.
Question from a listener: Dear Sherry, will a multitude without number die in the Tribulation? And will the 144,000 be the ones preaching the true gospel during the tribulation?
Answer: There are two groups of 144,000. One preaches on Earth and one is taken off the Earth and returned. I wrote an article on the two groups of 144,000. You can read it at Just hit my articles section. That’s one thing that the churches never teach you. That there are two different groups of 144,000. I think that John spelled it out pretty clearly in the Book of Revelation on the two groups.
Question from a listener: As Satan steps up his tricks, do you notice that Yahweh is stepping us His dedicated warriors?
Answer: He’s always had his tricks. I don’t think he’s stepping it up, I think more people are experiencing them because more people are waking up that he has to attack. I’ve been getting his attacks for 42 years now. Just more people are waking up. The first thing he is going to do when you wake up is start attacking you. It is as it is. He wants to keep you down.
Question from a listener: if you hear anything about new aggressive chemtrail operations this past week?
Answer: No, I have big fluffy clouds. And anybody that has orgoned their area has no excuse for chemtrails! Go to my website at If you saturate your areas with Orgone, there will be no chemtrails in them. It’s as simple as that. People just need to get Orgone out in their areas.
Question from a listener: Can you explain again how Christians are to interpret Romans 13?
Answer: Romans is Paul’s book. You want to know my explanation? Rip it out of the Bible. Don’t read Paul’s stuff. Paul was not an Apostle of the Lords. Paul was a manipulator and liar who was a fellow Mason at that time, sent in by the Roman government to infiltrate Christianity at that time. Just go to and read about Paul.
Question from a listener: Is that Sherry Shriner ministry website really endorsed by you?
Answer: I don’t personally know the person that runs that website. He has a lot of my stuff on there. That’s all I can tell you about it. I don’t mind if people want to put up websites and put up my websites and audios. You have my permission. When they take my sites down, at least those sites might be left. And I know that the Lord stands people up to do that kind of thing. I appreciate it.
Question from a listener: Are the orbs that so many folks are seeing really spiritual entities?
Answer: No, most of them are demonic. I learned about them years ago from a friend of mine who was a victim of Montauk project. She talked about how these orbs used to come into her house and then these demons or even military people could step out of them. They are transportation devices. Some of them are spy bots. I know that the military can use these orbs as spy bots. I know that demons can use them as little transportation vehicles. I wouldn’t say they are spiritual entities, no.
Question from a listener: Is all the Swine Flu hype just a New World Order attempt to run things through Congress?
Answer: They’re using it as time to ram legislation through Congress. This stuff has already been written and ready to go. Ever since Obama came into office, or even it would have been John McCain, this legislation was all ready to go. They all work the same agenda. Swine Flu…no. I think that took them by surprise because it is a judgment from the Lord Himself. They’re caught backtracking trying to figure out what it is and put a name on it. They had plans to unleash nuclear and biological attacks, so we just ended up with a Swine Flu. Whatever….
Question from a listener: Is Senator Arlen Specter who just switched parties, really an Elder of Zion?
Answer: He is the biggest pedophile idiot I’ve ever seen in my life. If anybody ever deserved a spot and a reservation in Hell, that would be Arlen Specter. An Elder of Zion….he’s an elder of Hell.
Question from a listener: Is the New World Order soon going to claim that paper money causes a virus and outlaw cash?
Answer: I wouldn’t doubt it. They’re going to do whatever they want. Apparently people don’t care. They just sit back and let them do it. I haven’t heard about it, but I know that Obama’s job is to destroy the money. He’s destroying our money and destroying our farms. I can see that in the codes. Those are his agendas right now.
Question from a listener: Are military troops being trained to shoot at crowds of American protestors?
Answer: Yeah, to an extent. I can’t say. Would they do it? s the question. Would they do it? They really have to demonize people. ”They’re terrorists!” Our military face it. They are 18, 19 and 20 year olds. Wet behind the ears and easily controlled by their commanders. They demonize the Iraqis to them. So they went over there, thinking they are all these monsters and terrorists and find that they were just normal people. Far from what they were told they were. It just depends on how much mind washing and brain washing and mind control they have on them, if they would fire on Americans. They are not necessarily counting on that because we have plenty of Chinese, Russian and German soldiers that will be here for that.
Question from a listener: What’s the real deal with the space shuttle Atlantis going up to fix the Hubble telescope? Did Maitreya’s starship explode or malfunction again?
Answer: (LOL) You guys are smart. You’re catching on. I love it. I was laughing about that earlier today about that space shuttle with my son. The news blurb about showing it going up. I was telling him how stupid and asinine it is because we have all these huge bases and underground bases on almost every planet. They don’t use space shuttles to get there; they use portals. This whole space shuttle thing is just to keep the public smoozled so they keep funding millions and millions and billions into NASA, so they can take that money and give it to the real space agency which is in Pine Gap Australia, and use it for the stuff they need for the bases on the planets. America is very popular on mars. We have all kinds of bases on Mars. Of course not the ones the pictures they beam back down to Earth where it’s this uninhabitable red planet. The real pictures show Mars as very much looking like Earth. If you read, where Michael Ralphe spent time on Mars working for the Navy. He went hiking and stuff outside. It’s a very livable planet. They don’t want people on Earth to know that. They always want to control the view so that what you know is far from the truth of what reality is. They always try to control that.
Maitreya’s starship; it is malfunctioning. It’s not working. His little shema thing. He can move it around. He hasn’t been over here harassing me in ages. He stays away from here. He’s usually down in Texas or on the West Coast. Of course, the Capricorn; one of them is over in Bethlehem, above Bethlehem. They get around…they just move around. Eventually Shema is going to crash. I find it interesting “lightening” is one of the most dominant terms in the Bible Codes. Not only have I been talking about how the Orgone is melting their ships, causing them to crash to the Earth, just wait until some of these bigger starships start malfunction and coming down. Falling like lightening from the sky. “Oh, it’s a meteor!” Yeah, right. Nice meteors.
Question from a listener: What is that fake star, low in the sky before sunrise?
Answer: That’s the shema star. That’s Maitreya’s little white palace in the sky I’ve been talking about for months.
Question from a listener: Do you pray for Obama?
Answer: Obama is not even human! No he cannot be saved. He cannot turn around. He cannot be saved. Christians are just stupid. “Oh, we need to pray for the President!” “We need to pray!” Don’t waste your breath. Pray for his judgment.
Question from a listener: When the Antichrist comes to power are you going to pray for him too?
Answer: No. I work very hard for his destruction. I’ve spent my life working for the destruction of these freaks. So no, I don’t pray for them because they can’t be saved. I would pray for those who could be saved. I’m not wasting my time on those who can’t.
Question from a listener: Approximately how many government interns are monitoring the internet now?
Answer: They are all on my Orgone list. If you want to meet government interns….I see it in the Bible Codes all the time. Satan himself is on that list. I’ve got government up the ying-yang. I’ve got reptilians on the list. I’ve got everything on that list. I don’t know…there has to be thousands of government employees and aliens and everybody else on the internet. If you want to find them you don’t have to go very far. Just go to a Christian group. Go to a Christian list. Go to one of my lists. Tons of them are on it. They never speak because they're afraid that I’ll pick them apart in two seconds, chew them, spit them out and kick them off. Some of them do get bold. I’ll tell you wha= t. They don’t last two months. I usually catch on. I get a little leery at first. I have patience. I give them time to prove who and what they are before I get rid of them. The Lord always points them out to me. It’s getting to be like a drama. Like a soap opera. I don’t have time for it. Eventually they just reveal themselves for what they are when they finally decide to speak up. It’s very interesting.
Question from a listener: Should we rub Orgone all over our skins so that the aliens won’t want to have us for food? Could this work?
Answer: I don’t think rubbing it. Just having it on. Put a pendant on. Put a puck in your pocket. Keep Orgone in your house and your car. Have Orgone everywhere you go. They don’t like adults. They don’t generally like adults for food because they taste nasty, I’ve heard. Because they have addictions like coffee, cigarettes and alcohol, it makes their meat taste bad. That’s why they prefer the children.
Question from a listener: Sherry, that is so crazy. I was thinking the same thing about Swine Flu and money. That people could catch it that way.
Answer: They’ve analyzed money before and how much of it had traces of cocaine powder on it. I imagine there is just about everything you could think of on money.
Question from a listener: Is the mark of the beast something that happens all at once according to Revelation 13, or is it something that will happen gradually? It says the beast will cause all not to be able to buy or sell without the mark. What do you think it might be?
Answer: I think it’s going to be a literal mark or chip of some kind. I think its going to be a cross. Could be the Templar red cross. The mark of Cain was a cross. I think it could be the cross because the Christians would rally around it they’re so stupid. “Oh, the cross!! We love the cross. It reminds us of Jesus sacrifice on the cross.” Ask Him how He feels about a cross. To Him it’s a curse. It’s death. He doesn’t want us remembering His death; He wants us remembering His Resurrection. His life, not His death. He defeated death through His resurrection. So let’s get beyond the death part and get to where He defeats it and was resurrected. That’s what He wants us to remember. Satan wants to keep you at the cross. Satan wants to keep you where Satan thought he had won. Where he thought HE was dead and defeated. That’s where Satan wants to keep you. That’s where he keeps the churches. Look beyond the cross. The Lord rose again. He defeated death. You don’t hear much about that, do you?
Yeah, I think it would probably be a cross. I’ve seen it in the Bible Codes as a possible route. A cross chip implant. A cross tattoo. It could be some kind of barcode. I’ve seen that before. There are several different routes. We don’t know what’s going to happen until it happens. That’s why I spend so much time on this show covering different routes so that when it comes, you’re prepared. Whatever way it happens you’re prepared. You’re not taken by surprise. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like surprises. So we try and get it all pinned down ahead of time.
Question from a listener: Do you see anything in the codes coming up for the end of May and June. Such as the economy, Maitreya’s arrival, gun bans etc.
Answer: What I’ve seen is the destruction of our money and the destruction of our farms. Maitreya’s arrival is in every code. Especially right now for spring because these are his months. So it’s a given. It’s a given. I really don’t see him until the end of July. Then Sananda in September. May and June…the things that don’t happen in May can cross over to June and things like that because they’re delayed. They were supposed to happen in May and don’t.
You can’t do times. I’ve told everybody that. You just can’t do times. When you try, you just end up eating your shoes. They don’t live in linear time. The Lord doesn’t live in linear time. Even the demonic world doesn’t live in linear time. We’re the only ones who live in linear time. There are always only two sources who are planning anything. The Most High and Satan. And neither one of them live in linear time! As humans trying to be finite, we want times. It just doesn’t mesh. We can’t do times, folks. We just have to watch the events as they come.
Comment from a listener: I know I ask this often, but like to keep up to date here. Glad to hear that you made it back for another week. My prayer is for more. If I buy a pendant off your site, will that help your ministry?
Answer: Buying Orgone helps you because it protects you. I don’t make a lot of profit on that. All the supplies I have to keep up on and stuff. I don’t make a profit off of Orgone. That’s why I encourage people top make their own Orgone. They can buy up the supplies themselves and get much more out; compared to if they bought it off my site. The directions are on my website Make your own. If you can’t you can buy it off of me. If you want to just outright help my ministry, send in donations. That’s what helps the ministry. There is Orgone and donations. Donations are what help me.
Question from a listener: What would you say to Satan if you met him?
Answer: (LOL) Actually, I’ve talked to them before. I’ve talked to many of his generals. I’ve cast many of his generals into the abyss. The first thing that always comes to my mind when I run into them is, “You scumbag.” So if I ever was to see Satan, that’s the first thing I would say. “You scumbag.” I know…you’re all shocked.
Question from a listener: Do you think that gun owners should be part of the NRA?
Answer: There are good things about the NRA, and there is bad. There are some Patriots that support it. I would find the Patriot crowd and ask them. I really don’t know about the NRA. I would go hit up the Patriot crowd. Larry Lawson would probably tell you all about it. Find where Larry is at. Mark Kurnich, and Larry Lawson; find out from them about the NRA. They would know.
Question from a listener: I completely understand your frustration with the Christian crowd. I have family. It’s like talking to a brick wall. They get agitated and furious with you if you bring up anything that sounds outside of their teachings(Sherry: and he goes on) Will there come a time when we will be able to reach the church crowd people and break some of them free from the bondage of this false spirit?
Answer: No. That’s why there are so many souls under the altar. They're the ones that died in the Tribulation Period. They were tested for their faith. They're not going to wake up any time soon. Most of them are going to be killed during martial law.
Question from a listener: is there any information you have about tearing down the stronghold. Do we remain just passersby for now?
Answer: I put them in the Lords Hands. I drop seeds and just put them in the Lords Hands and get busy with whatever He needs you to do. You can’t wait for them to catch up. And you can’t stay on their page with them. You’re not getting done what you need to get done. Just put them in the Lord’s Hands and He will send other people to them to water the seeds that you plant. And He does; trust me.
Question from a listener: I’ve been labeled more times than not, an anti-Semitic. First thing they attack you with if you remotely expose anything about the Jews.
Answer: They call me anti-Semitic and I’m like, “Hello. My ancient grandfather was King David.” I’m not anti-Semitic. In fact, I’m more a Jew and an Israelite then they will ever be in their lifetimes. It’s my blood and not theirs. They’re fake blood. Even beyond bloodline, I am a child of the Most High God. So under the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, I’m covered. I’m an Israelite. A true child of the Lords. Don’t call me anti-Semitic. It’s not going to wash here.
Anyway, until next week everybody. And lets count the days and see if I have another show. I’m sure I will. They’re always planning something. Just never know when it will hit. And just being prepared and that’s it. Heads up everybody. I’ll plan to be here next week.
Until then,
Yah bless.
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, May 11, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
And hello everybody. You’re live. It’s Monday night May 11, 2009. If you have a question for the show, you can send it to[email protected]. I’ll be looking at questions a little bit later.
Well another week and I’m still on the air. Imagine that. Every time they plan to take me down, Yah just raises me higher. It can’t get any more real than that, folks. I know what their plans are. I don’t know how far they’ll be implemented. I don’t know how far Yah will let them go, but another week on the air. And we’ll just take it week by week. They’re certainly planning to make their move.
I found it amusing; the different routes that they plan to go….they try to go. I can see them. The Lord will show me them in the codes. There’s always something. He doesn’t always show me everything, but when He knows I’ll be amused, He will show it to me or He will tell me about it.
That’s just the life of a warrior, folks. They never stop trying to take you down. Every time you stand up, they try and knock you down. That’s part of being a warrior; just being able to get back up. I don’t need to be hand held by anybody, and neither should you. I listen to people, “Ooohh…Satan is stepping on my toe….he’s hitting me on the head.” I hear stuff all the time. People, you just need to learn how to take things into your own hands. You don’t need anybody else but the Lord. HE has given us all the power we need. We’ve got more power in the fingernail of our pinkies, than Satan has in his entire kingdom! You’ve got the Lord’s Name; what more do you need?
When Satan is dancing on your head, beat him off of it. Don’t sit and take it. That’s just lazy. I know I’m guilty. I’ve been lazy. Satan will be doing crap to me, and I’ll just be too tired to even care. I’ll just roll over and go to sleep. I’ll just let it go. I just get so lazy….you can’t even just say, “Yahushua, please send your warrior angels to chain that thing up and cast it into the abyss.” That’s how easy it is. Satan doesn’t want you to know how easy it is to defeat his kingdom. I haven’t met a warrior yet that doesn’t have a story to tell. They know who you are before you’re born. As soon as you’re born…if you get that far. They attack you in the womb. They were attacking my mother when I was in her womb. They're attacking you when you’ve been inseminated…’re fertilized and going to be a human on Earth and they start attacking you when they know who you are. Somehow they know. They know.
So when you’re born, you just feel different. You just don’t feel like you fit in with everybody else. You experience things other people don’t experience. Because you see things other people don’t experience. You do things. You have things done to you. Every warrior I’ve ever met usually has some kind of sixth sense about the supernatural realm around them because of that. I’ve explained all this in my article, Angels in the Flesh. Those are the ones Satan seems to target, because he knows who they are . So if you haven’t read my article, Angels in the Flesh, you need to do that.
Also my FAQs page.\faqs.htm. I have spiritual warfare prayers on there. I have answers to basic questions on there. You all just need to stand up and fight and quit being babies. Quit being babies. We’re warriors. There is no time for babying in the last days.
I know a lot of people are waking up. The Lord has told me that a lot of people are waking up. He’s sending a lot of people to my lists to get their questions answered by all the other people that are there. I don’t spend my days answering emails with tons of questions. It just gets really annoying for me. I’m not a gabby person. I don’t want to hear anybody’s millions of stories. Everybody thinks, “I need to call you. I need to tell you this.” It’s stuff I’ve heard a million times. I know it’s unique to you, but I’ve heard it a million times. I don’t want to hear it. Go and tell the people on the list. They’ll talk to you. They’ll sympathize with you. They’ll be able to help you more. There are nurturing warriors and there’s just battle hardened toughened warriors. There is definitely a line. I consider myself over on the other side; battle hardened….toughened. Where others will be sympathetic and hand hold, I’ll just be like, “Stand up and take a sword.” Quit whining and sta= nd up.” That’s just the way I view things. I’ve just been through too much over the years. I’ve been where most people are at now. I’ve been there, done that, and have moved on. So I have articles and people in place to help the newbie warriors; the newbie Bride standing up and finding their feet in the spiritual war. The only way you learn is the way I’ve learned. And that s going through it. Everything I’ve learned is because I’ve gone through it and I needed help. I didn’t have anybody but the Most High. I didn’t know one person in the world I could go to and say, “Hey, I’ve got demons dancing on my ceiling at night.” Or “Hey, there’s these tech weapons….white beams coming in my window at night.” You just can’t get any weirder and wilder than some of the things I’ve experienced. I’ve never had anybody to go to. I just went to the Lord. That’s how you learn how to hear His Voice. When you keep praying every night, “Okay, send your angels. Kick them out of here.” And you hide under your blankets. That started when I was real little. As you get older and start to learn more about the war around us and why there is such a war. They want to stop you. They want to beat you down. They want to keep you and prevent you from accomplishing whatever calling is on your life.
If you’re going to end up putting up a website that praises the Lord, they want to stop that. If you’re going to be an Orgone warrior, they want to stop that. If you’re going to be a prayer warrior, they want to stop that. If you’re going to be a supporter of the Lord’s people, they want to stop that. They want to take your funds. They want to do all kinds of things. They’re trying to stop you. They’re in prevention mode. So all the attacks you’ve ever suffered and will continue to, is because they’re in prevention mode. They want to stop you from doing anything.
The one with Satan that I had to learn…..the hardest one to learn is to tell him to “Shut up and go back to Hell.” When he starts beating you over your head with your past sins and how unworthy you are. We tend to fall for that one even harder. When someone starts,”You used to do this.” And “you used to do that. You’re too unworthy of the Lord.” He beats you over the head with past sins. Our Father never stands over us with a baseball bat, ready to hit us when we sin. He’s just not like that. Whenever you start feeling that “I’m unworthy….I’m incapable….I’m not good enough….” Tell Satan to shut up and go back to Hell. Tell him to shut up and don’t listen to it. As soon as he starts talking to your head.
You’ve got to recognize your own thoughts from voices being put in your head. From thoughts being planted in your mind. Those are usually Satan. In this day and age its Satan or technology. You don’t know which one it is. “Is that ELF technology putting thoughts in my head, or Satan’s demons whispering in my ear?” Just shut it down. Don’t even listen to it. When you recognize something in your mind that isn’t from you, shut it down. If it’s demonic, rebuke them in the Name of Yahushua. Command them to leave. If they don’t leave, ask the Lord to send His angels, bind them and cast them into the abyss. If it’s technology, you ask the Lord to burn their equipment beyond recovery and repair. To destroy their equipment being used and targeted towards you. If you aren’t sure, just cover all your bases and ask for both. You’ve got to go on the active. That’s what being a warrior all is about. You know? You’re on the defensive and the offensive. You can’t just say, “Okay, I’m taking a break here.” The only breaks we get are the ones the Lord gives us. When the Lord says, “I’m going to handle things for a while so you can have a break.” Yeah…and we do get those times. When we just get so tired and exhausted and say, “Okay Lord you take over. I need a break. I’ve had enough. I’m tired of it.” But that’s how we learn, folks. That’s how we learn.
Anyway, I’ve been reading the emails this week. They’ve passed more legislation on owning our water. Now the federal government owns all of our water. It’s so interesting because I’ve been seeing how they’re destroying the farms in the Bible Codes. Destroying farming. Destroying farms. They’re going to be going after private farms. They still have inheritance tax legislation. One of their plans is to eliminate inheritance to where you can’t leave your property to your children. That’s on the drawing boards. So that when you die, the government just takes over what you own. You can’t leave anything as an inheritance to any of your children; your families…whatever. They’re going to be going after that too. Now they're destroying our food. They own all of our water. They're trying to control bullets, guns, natural medicine.
You know, basically they're going to tell you when you can eat, drink and sleep, folks. They even have their Volunteer Act. It’s voluntary of course, just like paying your taxes is. To where you can put service in to local charities, groups or organizations, where you are volunteering your time. So they’re going to tell you how much time you’re going to spend with your family now. Because you’re working two jobs or all day and volunteer time to some other place. We spend, as families; we spend so little time to begin with. They’re going to legislate that eventually, to where you can hardly spend any time.
I was reading about crop circles. Warning of lifting the veil by 2012. Some of the latest crop circles in the UK. I notice they’re always out that way. It’s something I’ve been talking about that’s going to be happening when the third and fourth dimension merge. People say, “When…When…When?”
I’ll tell you exactly when. When you see Maitreya arriving or this Sananda/Jesus. When you can see them…and they’re fourth dimension beings. Of course, they claim they are fifth dimension or whatever dimension they’re from. But when you can see them, the veil will be lifted. So what’s that mean for us? We’ve got to deal with this giant. By the way, they are very tall beings. That should be the first red flag for half the people in the world when this Sananda.....this one coming as the False Prophet who calls himself Jesus, is a giant. 9 – 10 feet tall. Do you really think that Yahushua, the Son of God was 9 or 10 feet tall? Even this Maitreya coming is going to be very tall.
That’s one of the things that kept sticking out at me last year when I was watching the Olympics. I’m a big sports nut. I watch sports all the time on television and I watch reality shows. I like reality TV type things and sports. I was watching the Olympics last year and they made a comment. They said “this is the last Olympics…” Something about it being the last of its kind ever. I thought, “Yeah, because after this the giants are going to be taking over.” All the hybrid kids are going to be taking over. It’s all going to be the giants. If you’re not 7 feet tall, you’re going to be eliminated out of those Olympics. Look at Michael Phelps, the swimmer. He’s 6’ 7”. I’ve always talked about the NBA players. We’ve always had that gigantism defect gene that has always been around. Never eliminated. The gigantism defect gene is ancient. It’s from when the fallen angels mated. They cohabitated with human women and had offspring known as the Nephilim. Over the centuries, especially after the flood…well even after the flood. I can’t tell you exactly when the giants were all eliminated off the Earth. They fell before the flood and after. Genesis 6:4 states that. And we know that when Moses left Egypt, Joshua and Caleb destroyed 20 cites of giants. So they’ve always been here. Over time the giants kindof disappeared, but every once in a while you’d have a kid born that was 6 foot 7 or whatever. 7 foot seems to be the tallest. And I’m not going to say that’s the tallest because there is a basketball player that is. It’s a defective gene. I think we’re going to go beyond the defects into real hybrid kids. 50% human, 50% giant/alien. We’ve already got that mix going on in the world today anyway, and it’s going to be increasing. It’s interesting to see the effects of things happening and the things coming.
Right now we’re looking at the total rights of citizens and basic human rights being stripped and controlled by the New World Order. You know, one of the things that strikes me is, do you get it now? Do you get what the New World Order is, folks? Its alien’s dominating and controlling the Earth and putting humans into complete and total subject slavery and ownership to them.
What are aliens? They are fallen angels. That’s all they are. They’re fallen angels. When People think of aliens, they think of the small greys and the little green Martian men. I don’t know where they get the little green Martian men thing, but if you want to see Martians, then look at ancient Egypt. The tall necked Egyptians. They were from Mars. They were hybrid children from Mars who came to Earth and set up civilizations here. The tall necks. The Egyptians. They were from Mars. So what do they have to do with little green men?
I’ve told you what the little greys are. They’re just processed and alien factory plants like we process cars. They’re built “grey tough” (LOL) and they do the bidding for the reptilians and the tall greys on Earth because they have a hard time coming into our dimension. They can just send these little greys; they come, abduct humans, take them up into their ships and then use them for experiments so that they can cross-breed and make their own races. They also send them back and the women give birth to hybrid children. They think they’ve gotten pregnant by their husbands, when they’re actually pregnant by aliens.
What I think that is interesting; a lot of these hybrids….these star-seed children who are born, can tell you who one parent and not the other. What does that tell you? Most of them don’t know who their parents are. They were adopted as young children or they have a story where they know who their mother is, but they don’t who their father is. They call themselves star-seed kids. I know you’ve heard of this. Star-seed children….they are way gifted above and beyond most human children in their gifts. They just call them “gifted” children. There’s the whole X-Men series out about all these kids that have supernatural gifts. These are hybrids.
People ask me about Bill Deagle a lot. He’s a hybrid. He told me he was a hybrid- half human, half alien. I’d gotten into a conversation with him a couple of years ago on the phone when he told me about it. He’s a professed hybrid.
The thing with hybrid children is; they still can be redeemed because they’re half human. They have a soul. Like anybody, they need to choose Yahushua as their Savior and Messiah. What I see with most of them is that they don’t. Most of them serve Satan’s agenda, because they’re manipulated and controlled. By the time they’re born they are chip implanted and controlled. If you start asking them their beliefs, they’ll give you a typical New Age kind of message. Bill Deagle doesn’t believe that Adam and Eve were created on Earth. He believes they were created in test tubes and placed in the Garden of Eden. That’s the typical New Age message. How they created mankind in test tubes. And how our creators are coming back….these Annuniki giants that are coming back. That they were our creators…our forefathers. That’s the typical alien/New Age message. Typically the one that star-seed children and hybrid children end up picking up, if not just outright agnostic; don’t care about religion and don’t believe in it. The ones that do, end up in some kind of New Age thing and pass themselves off of prophets in Christianity like Bill Deagle does. He says he’s a prophet…”Bill Deagle says this….and Bill Deagle says that.” Don’t give me the garbage. He’s a hybrid with a New Age message. That’s just typical of what you run into online.
I know a lot of these people online won’t come near me with a 100 foot pole because they’re afraid of me exposing them for whom and what they are. That’s why you’ll never hear me on some of these radio shows like Alex Jones or Coast to Coast. They don’t want me on their show exposing them for who and what they are. That’s typical. I’ve had people for the last five or six years, “Why don’t you get on Coast to Coast?” They wouldn’t let me on that show with a 100 foot pole. It’s controlled by the New World Order. Most of them are. So they aren’t even allowed to have me as a guest. They are owned and controlled by the government. They all run different agendas. I don’t do a lot of radio shows for that very reason. They are afraid of me. That’s basically why I have my own show.
In other words, it never ends, folks. It just goes day to day.
I want you to get a grasp of exactly what’s going on. I’ve told you that the giants are coming. They will fulfill the passages of Joel chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 9. What you don’t seem to grasp is that the reptilians are already here. The giants are coming, but the reptilians are already here. I’ve told you, there are different factions and groups of Satan’s kingdom. Just because the giants aren’t here yet, doesn’t mean his other groups aren’t already operating on Earth and controlling Earth.
The reptilians have been dominating Earth for the last.....hundreds of years…thousands. In particular in America, that I can think of since the 1930’s, when America started making written agreements with the aliens. Written agreements! “Okay, you can have a base here. We’ll give you this base. You can abduct our people. Just give us your technology.” That’s how we’ve advanced in technology over the years.
Of course who benefits from that? The people that get the technology. The Satan circles keep that amongst themselves. Bill Gates didn’t invent Windows. Satan has had computers and high tech for thousands of years! Just because it went underground for a very long time, doesn’t mean it never existed and wouldn’t come back out later. They make sure that it’s their people getting the money and the benefits from all new technology. All these companies and corporations that are coming out with Windows and Apple; none of that is by accident, folks. None of it. None of our technology coming within the next 10 – 15 years (should we for some reason still be here) wouldn’t be by accident. I don’t think we’re going to make it past 2012. I would be surprised if we got to 2012.
So people need to think. The reptilians are already here. They are already controlling the Earth. They have a council above the Earth. The New Age calls them the Ashtar Command. They have a starship Capricorn. They have the Shema star. They have different home bases they can use. They reside above our Earth; our atmosphere. There’s a council of them. Their hybrid children are here on Earth. If you look at every government in the world today. If you look at America. Bush’s Clinton’s…..they’re all possessed and controlled by these reptilians. You look at every country. Europe, Canada, Australia; they are all controlled by reptilians. They all have reptilian possession. You can think of it as demonic possession. Christians understand demon possession. This is a reptilian possession, where they actually have reptilians inside of them instead of demons, that can actually shape-shift and control these beings.
There are two different types where it affects women and men differently. When you look at the men who are reptilian possessed, they all have those squinty snake eyes. You look at Donald Rumsfeld, the Bush’s. Joseph Biden just makes my skin crawl when I look at him. Then you’ve got Al Gore. Then you’ve got the wide eyed look. Wooo! The surprised look. The wide eyed look. You get that from Hillary, Condoleezza Rice, and Nancy Pelosi. It’s like the women get the wide eyed look and the men get the squinty snake eyes look. Interesting to watch the State of the Union address or something in Congress when they’re all together. It’s really kindof nasty. It’s like that in every government of every nation right now. All these leaders are reptilian controlled have reptilian possession in them. And they protect that possession.
These are seedline families. All of them are related from 13 seedlines. I’ve got that on my website at You can look for the serpent seedline families. And that’s why you get these charts on You Tube and across the internet how everybody is related. So and so is a second cousin of so and so. And you’ve got the celebrities and the politicians and all these people….they’re all related. That’s because they’re all from the same bloodlines. They protect those bloodlines. All their children always intermarry within the bloodlines. And it keeps their bloodlines pure so they can be possessed and be able to shape-shift back into their original forms as reptilians, instead of being stuck in human forms all the time. Arizona Wilder talks about that in her You Tube video interview with David Icke. Where she’s been to Washington parties and has seen them shape-shift into reptilians. That’s their natural form. Then they just go back to their human forms, as George Bush and Clinton…and all them. They’re all aliens, folks.
These aliens are the ones stripping our human rights away from us. They pose as humans so they can destroy the humans on Earth. The thing about it is, people can’t see it. They can’t grasp it. That’s why they’re not doing anything about it. They are not human who is running Washington today. And even if a human does get elected somehow….they own all the parties. They control who gets to run, who gets to win and who loses. All of its controlled. That person that isn’t possessed would just go to Washington and become possessed. They would just reptilian possess him while he’s there. Soul-scalp him. Possess his body. So that’s what we’re up against, folks. It’s us against them. It’s us against these reptilians who are controlling the Earth.
When Satan comes, he either rises up through Obama. I don’t see Obama lasting longer than 5 months. Or whoever else takes his place. I’ve told you to watch out for that route. Not the Obama/Benny Hinn route. All these different routes that can be taken of who fulfills the roles of Antichrist and the False Prophet. The reason I’m not so big on Obama is because I know he’s not going to last long. He’s burning now. I’ve seen in the Bible Codes where this Orgone that we have everywhere is affecting him so badly, that he’s burning now. It says, “face mask.” Its kindof interesting that they can blame it on the flu. “I’m wearing a face mask because I don’t want to get the flu.” When the real reason is the Orgone has a stench to them. They can’t stand to breathe it. It asphyxiates them. It makes them nauseous. So they’ll start wearing face masks. I see “Obama face mask”, so I’m anxious to see when he starts wearing one. I know he’s been suffering since January. He can’t stay in the White House. That’s why he’s doing so much traveling. He has to be the friendliest President in the history of America. He just travels to see everybody. It’s because he can’t stand to stay in the White House.
I’ve said this; watch for them to eventually move the White House. They’re going to go into the rocks and caves eventually. Probably NORAD. We’ve got plenty of Orgone out in NORAD. We’ve got it everywhere. The Lord’s people don’t sit on their butts. We get busy. We’ve been busy. If I didn’t have people to help, I’d do it myself. Lucky for me over the years, I’ve had supporters to help with missions; financially and just going out and doing it themselves, getting Orgone out.
We’ve been busy. Everybody protecting their own areas, because knowing that it burns them, they’re not going to want to be in their area. And trust me; you are not going to want these beings in your area. And you don’t want to just get your area; you want the towns and cities around you.
It’s a job that never ends, folks. It’s not going to end until the Lord takes us home. I would love to just have it set up to where they can’t even stand America and they don’t stay here at all, but leave. Isn’t that what the Tribulation Period is about? It’s about the wicked being destroyed. It’s about the wicked being destroyed. It’s not about the righteous being taken off the Earth; it’s about the wicked on the Earth being destroyed. How does the Lord do that? He does that through His people. People don’t understand how HE works, and that’s why they can’t grasp that. They keep waiting for the Lord to just dump His bowl judgments over the world….literally.
“It’s just going to happen.”
How is it going to happen?
“The Lord is going to dump a bowl and 1/3 of the trees are going to burn up and plagues are going to come.”
Really, how is that going to happen?
They don’t grasp that the Lord uses people on Earth; whether they are His own or not. He will use people and events on Earth to make those things come about. The angel holding the bowl over…that’s allegory. That’s picturesque. That’s “just imagine this…”
But then you get into the how and they why. How is it going to happen and when? You guys always want to know when. I can’t even figure it out in the Bible Codes; I’m just terrible with times. The Lord has told me to ignore the times. I can’t help it. I’m worse than you guys. I want to know when.
We have to watch events. That’s why He said to watch for signs in the skies and watch Israel. That was always His admonition in the New Testament about when these things would be. When would we be in the last days? He always said one of two things; watch for signs in the skies, or watch Israel.
So define Israel. The land of Israel or the people of Israel. The land of Israel is over in the Middle East. The people of Israel….there are more people of Israel in the United States than anywhere else in the world. Interesting isn’t it? Define Israel. Define last days Israel. Even the Bible Codes separates the land of Israel from the people of Israel. They are two different things.
Most of the Jews in Israel today; the Talmud-Satan worshippers over there are not real Jews. People ask me, “Well, who are the real Jews?” You know what? It doesn’t even matter today because the bloodline thing of Israel was demolished when the Lord died on the cross and rose again. Everybody who accepts His Redemption; accepts Him as their Messiah, becomes a Jew….becomes an Israelite. Becomes one of His. It’s no longer about the 12 tribes of Israel and whose line goes where and if you’re born from one of those lines. It’s about His new covenant with Israel is about those who worship Him and accept Him and follow Him. That’s Israel today.
I’ll tell you what. There’s only a handful of Israel in actual Israel today. They persecute the Christians over there. They’re not welcome. They’re not wanted. Torah believing Jews are not wanted. It’s all Talmud worshiping, Satanist, Mason freaks over there. Zionism isn’t even about religion. It’s a political agenda. We call it the New World Order here in America; they call it Zionism in Israel. The churches have you believing that every time the word “Zion” or “Zionism” is mentioned, it’s Jerusalem. So they rally all the Christians around to protect Israel because of Jerusalem. It’s all such a game being played.
This Talmud is the most blasphemous satanic book on the planet. It talks about Yahushua, the Son of God burning in excrement in Hell and how they want to kill all His believers and….it’s just complete blaspheme. And the things they say about His mother Mary; complete blaspheme. And the churches support this. The churches want all the Christians in America to support Israel and send them their money. For what? To further propagate the blaspheme they teach about the Son of God over there? And to give them more clout and power to persecute the real Christians that are over there? It’s sickening. It’s disgusting.
I had a friend over there that’s just disappeared off the internet for about 10 months. I haven’t heard from him. He’s just disappeared. He did a lot of work for this ministry. And he’s just disappeared. I don’t know where he is. I pray for his safety.
They persecute the Christians over there, folks. You think it’s bad in America; you haven’t been to Israel and proclaim that you’re a messianic Jew. Even the Messianics in America are all so messed up on the Pauline doctrines; all teaching Paul. Let the people teach Yahushua. Can’t they see that there are two different doctrines. Yahushua and the Apostles and then the Pauline doctrine. They are two different things.
That’s what I wanted to talk about today; look what’s around you. Look at who’s controlling you. Look what our governments are. Once you can grasp that, then you’ll start to get an idea of the New World Order and what’s coming.
I just have to shake my head. At first I get mad. Why isn’t the militia standing up and going against the government? All this has to come to pass. And it is going to come to pass because America is going to be destroyed. Before that happens, America is going to be thrown into martial law. That is coming. That is going to happen. It’s disguised as the Antichrists war on the saints. These things are very real. We’re watching Bible prophecy come alive in our lifetimes, folks. In our lifetimes. Bible prophecy is finally coming alive. Its set dormant and we’re up to this point. But this is the point that your parents, your grandparents have been waiting for their entire lives….if they are Believers in Yahweh. This is the end times that we are heading into. When we have a President that isn’t even human. Do red flags go off?
People always want to know, how can you have the Antichrists and False prophet to suffer and go to hell? Because they are Satan’s to begin with. Obama is an amoeba. He’s not even human to begin with. He’s a lizard, an animal, a beast, an amoeba. There are so many terms in relations to him that you hardly see his name Obama in the codes. Lately I’ve been findng the term “Egyptian” in the codes referring to him. And you saw the stuff going over the internet about these ancient Egyptian pharaohs. It’s very interesting that he’s just a complex mix of everything that is evil. And he’s our president.
Anyway, I’m going to start answering a few questions. I don’t want to be on too long tonight.
If you have a question for the show, you can send it to [email protected].
Question from a listener: Will this killer flu start up in the fall with a vengeance. It doesn’t seem to be taking.
Answer: It’s going to start up in May with a vengeance. Look for it now. It’s going to start cranking. Look for it to take various forms. The Swine Flu; what they call the Swine Flu was just a wakeup call from the Lord. They’re going to be coming out with more attacks coming up. The Lord is amping up the Orgone. So we’re going to have to sit and watch their demise and what else comes up next. They’re the ones being killed and destroyed. Every time the Lord amps up the Orgone. They’re the ones getting sick; getting disease. They’re the tare nations, the tares the hybrids, the aliens, living amongst us on Earth. They’re the ones getting affected by it.
Question from a listener: Dear Sherry, will a multitude without number die in the Tribulation? And will the 144,000 be the ones preaching the true gospel during the tribulation?
Answer: There are two groups of 144,000. One preaches on Earth and one is taken off the Earth and returned. I wrote an article on the two groups of 144,000. You can read it at Just hit my articles section. That’s one thing that the churches never teach you. That there are two different groups of 144,000. I think that John spelled it out pretty clearly in the Book of Revelation on the two groups.
Question from a listener: As Satan steps up his tricks, do you notice that Yahweh is stepping us His dedicated warriors?
Answer: He’s always had his tricks. I don’t think he’s stepping it up, I think more people are experiencing them because more people are waking up that he has to attack. I’ve been getting his attacks for 42 years now. Just more people are waking up. The first thing he is going to do when you wake up is start attacking you. It is as it is. He wants to keep you down.
Question from a listener: if you hear anything about new aggressive chemtrail operations this past week?
Answer: No, I have big fluffy clouds. And anybody that has orgoned their area has no excuse for chemtrails! Go to my website at If you saturate your areas with Orgone, there will be no chemtrails in them. It’s as simple as that. People just need to get Orgone out in their areas.
Question from a listener: Can you explain again how Christians are to interpret Romans 13?
Answer: Romans is Paul’s book. You want to know my explanation? Rip it out of the Bible. Don’t read Paul’s stuff. Paul was not an Apostle of the Lords. Paul was a manipulator and liar who was a fellow Mason at that time, sent in by the Roman government to infiltrate Christianity at that time. Just go to and read about Paul.
Question from a listener: Is that Sherry Shriner ministry website really endorsed by you?
Answer: I don’t personally know the person that runs that website. He has a lot of my stuff on there. That’s all I can tell you about it. I don’t mind if people want to put up websites and put up my websites and audios. You have my permission. When they take my sites down, at least those sites might be left. And I know that the Lord stands people up to do that kind of thing. I appreciate it.
Question from a listener: Are the orbs that so many folks are seeing really spiritual entities?
Answer: No, most of them are demonic. I learned about them years ago from a friend of mine who was a victim of Montauk project. She talked about how these orbs used to come into her house and then these demons or even military people could step out of them. They are transportation devices. Some of them are spy bots. I know that the military can use these orbs as spy bots. I know that demons can use them as little transportation vehicles. I wouldn’t say they are spiritual entities, no.
Question from a listener: Is all the Swine Flu hype just a New World Order attempt to run things through Congress?
Answer: They’re using it as time to ram legislation through Congress. This stuff has already been written and ready to go. Ever since Obama came into office, or even it would have been John McCain, this legislation was all ready to go. They all work the same agenda. Swine Flu…no. I think that took them by surprise because it is a judgment from the Lord Himself. They’re caught backtracking trying to figure out what it is and put a name on it. They had plans to unleash nuclear and biological attacks, so we just ended up with a Swine Flu. Whatever….
Question from a listener: Is Senator Arlen Specter who just switched parties, really an Elder of Zion?
Answer: He is the biggest pedophile idiot I’ve ever seen in my life. If anybody ever deserved a spot and a reservation in Hell, that would be Arlen Specter. An Elder of Zion….he’s an elder of Hell.
Question from a listener: Is the New World Order soon going to claim that paper money causes a virus and outlaw cash?
Answer: I wouldn’t doubt it. They’re going to do whatever they want. Apparently people don’t care. They just sit back and let them do it. I haven’t heard about it, but I know that Obama’s job is to destroy the money. He’s destroying our money and destroying our farms. I can see that in the codes. Those are his agendas right now.
Question from a listener: Are military troops being trained to shoot at crowds of American protestors?
Answer: Yeah, to an extent. I can’t say. Would they do it? s the question. Would they do it? They really have to demonize people. ”They’re terrorists!” Our military face it. They are 18, 19 and 20 year olds. Wet behind the ears and easily controlled by their commanders. They demonize the Iraqis to them. So they went over there, thinking they are all these monsters and terrorists and find that they were just normal people. Far from what they were told they were. It just depends on how much mind washing and brain washing and mind control they have on them, if they would fire on Americans. They are not necessarily counting on that because we have plenty of Chinese, Russian and German soldiers that will be here for that.
Question from a listener: What’s the real deal with the space shuttle Atlantis going up to fix the Hubble telescope? Did Maitreya’s starship explode or malfunction again?
Answer: (LOL) You guys are smart. You’re catching on. I love it. I was laughing about that earlier today about that space shuttle with my son. The news blurb about showing it going up. I was telling him how stupid and asinine it is because we have all these huge bases and underground bases on almost every planet. They don’t use space shuttles to get there; they use portals. This whole space shuttle thing is just to keep the public smoozled so they keep funding millions and millions and billions into NASA, so they can take that money and give it to the real space agency which is in Pine Gap Australia, and use it for the stuff they need for the bases on the planets. America is very popular on mars. We have all kinds of bases on Mars. Of course not the ones the pictures they beam back down to Earth where it’s this uninhabitable red planet. The real pictures show Mars as very much looking like Earth. If you read, where Michael Ralphe spent time on Mars working for the Navy. He went hiking and stuff outside. It’s a very livable planet. They don’t want people on Earth to know that. They always want to control the view so that what you know is far from the truth of what reality is. They always try to control that.
Maitreya’s starship; it is malfunctioning. It’s not working. His little shema thing. He can move it around. He hasn’t been over here harassing me in ages. He stays away from here. He’s usually down in Texas or on the West Coast. Of course, the Capricorn; one of them is over in Bethlehem, above Bethlehem. They get around…they just move around. Eventually Shema is going to crash. I find it interesting “lightening” is one of the most dominant terms in the Bible Codes. Not only have I been talking about how the Orgone is melting their ships, causing them to crash to the Earth, just wait until some of these bigger starships start malfunction and coming down. Falling like lightening from the sky. “Oh, it’s a meteor!” Yeah, right. Nice meteors.
Question from a listener: What is that fake star, low in the sky before sunrise?
Answer: That’s the shema star. That’s Maitreya’s little white palace in the sky I’ve been talking about for months.
Question from a listener: Do you pray for Obama?
Answer: Obama is not even human! No he cannot be saved. He cannot turn around. He cannot be saved. Christians are just stupid. “Oh, we need to pray for the President!” “We need to pray!” Don’t waste your breath. Pray for his judgment.
Question from a listener: When the Antichrist comes to power are you going to pray for him too?
Answer: No. I work very hard for his destruction. I’ve spent my life working for the destruction of these freaks. So no, I don’t pray for them because they can’t be saved. I would pray for those who could be saved. I’m not wasting my time on those who can’t.
Question from a listener: Approximately how many government interns are monitoring the internet now?
Answer: They are all on my Orgone list. If you want to meet government interns….I see it in the Bible Codes all the time. Satan himself is on that list. I’ve got government up the ying-yang. I’ve got reptilians on the list. I’ve got everything on that list. I don’t know…there has to be thousands of government employees and aliens and everybody else on the internet. If you want to find them you don’t have to go very far. Just go to a Christian group. Go to a Christian list. Go to one of my lists. Tons of them are on it. They never speak because they're afraid that I’ll pick them apart in two seconds, chew them, spit them out and kick them off. Some of them do get bold. I’ll tell you wha= t. They don’t last two months. I usually catch on. I get a little leery at first. I have patience. I give them time to prove who and what they are before I get rid of them. The Lord always points them out to me. It’s getting to be like a drama. Like a soap opera. I don’t have time for it. Eventually they just reveal themselves for what they are when they finally decide to speak up. It’s very interesting.
Question from a listener: Should we rub Orgone all over our skins so that the aliens won’t want to have us for food? Could this work?
Answer: I don’t think rubbing it. Just having it on. Put a pendant on. Put a puck in your pocket. Keep Orgone in your house and your car. Have Orgone everywhere you go. They don’t like adults. They don’t generally like adults for food because they taste nasty, I’ve heard. Because they have addictions like coffee, cigarettes and alcohol, it makes their meat taste bad. That’s why they prefer the children.
Question from a listener: Sherry, that is so crazy. I was thinking the same thing about Swine Flu and money. That people could catch it that way.
Answer: They’ve analyzed money before and how much of it had traces of cocaine powder on it. I imagine there is just about everything you could think of on money.
Question from a listener: Is the mark of the beast something that happens all at once according to Revelation 13, or is it something that will happen gradually? It says the beast will cause all not to be able to buy or sell without the mark. What do you think it might be?
Answer: I think it’s going to be a literal mark or chip of some kind. I think its going to be a cross. Could be the Templar red cross. The mark of Cain was a cross. I think it could be the cross because the Christians would rally around it they’re so stupid. “Oh, the cross!! We love the cross. It reminds us of Jesus sacrifice on the cross.” Ask Him how He feels about a cross. To Him it’s a curse. It’s death. He doesn’t want us remembering His death; He wants us remembering His Resurrection. His life, not His death. He defeated death through His resurrection. So let’s get beyond the death part and get to where He defeats it and was resurrected. That’s what He wants us to remember. Satan wants to keep you at the cross. Satan wants to keep you where Satan thought he had won. Where he thought HE was dead and defeated. That’s where Satan wants to keep you. That’s where he keeps the churches. Look beyond the cross. The Lord rose again. He defeated death. You don’t hear much about that, do you?
Yeah, I think it would probably be a cross. I’ve seen it in the Bible Codes as a possible route. A cross chip implant. A cross tattoo. It could be some kind of barcode. I’ve seen that before. There are several different routes. We don’t know what’s going to happen until it happens. That’s why I spend so much time on this show covering different routes so that when it comes, you’re prepared. Whatever way it happens you’re prepared. You’re not taken by surprise. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like surprises. So we try and get it all pinned down ahead of time.
Question from a listener: Do you see anything in the codes coming up for the end of May and June. Such as the economy, Maitreya’s arrival, gun bans etc.
Answer: What I’ve seen is the destruction of our money and the destruction of our farms. Maitreya’s arrival is in every code. Especially right now for spring because these are his months. So it’s a given. It’s a given. I really don’t see him until the end of July. Then Sananda in September. May and June…the things that don’t happen in May can cross over to June and things like that because they’re delayed. They were supposed to happen in May and don’t.
You can’t do times. I’ve told everybody that. You just can’t do times. When you try, you just end up eating your shoes. They don’t live in linear time. The Lord doesn’t live in linear time. Even the demonic world doesn’t live in linear time. We’re the only ones who live in linear time. There are always only two sources who are planning anything. The Most High and Satan. And neither one of them live in linear time! As humans trying to be finite, we want times. It just doesn’t mesh. We can’t do times, folks. We just have to watch the events as they come.
Comment from a listener: I know I ask this often, but like to keep up to date here. Glad to hear that you made it back for another week. My prayer is for more. If I buy a pendant off your site, will that help your ministry?
Answer: Buying Orgone helps you because it protects you. I don’t make a lot of profit on that. All the supplies I have to keep up on and stuff. I don’t make a profit off of Orgone. That’s why I encourage people top make their own Orgone. They can buy up the supplies themselves and get much more out; compared to if they bought it off my site. The directions are on my website Make your own. If you can’t you can buy it off of me. If you want to just outright help my ministry, send in donations. That’s what helps the ministry. There is Orgone and donations. Donations are what help me.
Question from a listener: What would you say to Satan if you met him?
Answer: (LOL) Actually, I’ve talked to them before. I’ve talked to many of his generals. I’ve cast many of his generals into the abyss. The first thing that always comes to my mind when I run into them is, “You scumbag.” So if I ever was to see Satan, that’s the first thing I would say. “You scumbag.” I know…you’re all shocked.
Question from a listener: Do you think that gun owners should be part of the NRA?
Answer: There are good things about the NRA, and there is bad. There are some Patriots that support it. I would find the Patriot crowd and ask them. I really don’t know about the NRA. I would go hit up the Patriot crowd. Larry Lawson would probably tell you all about it. Find where Larry is at. Mark Kurnich, and Larry Lawson; find out from them about the NRA. They would know.
Question from a listener: I completely understand your frustration with the Christian crowd. I have family. It’s like talking to a brick wall. They get agitated and furious with you if you bring up anything that sounds outside of their teachings(Sherry: and he goes on) Will there come a time when we will be able to reach the church crowd people and break some of them free from the bondage of this false spirit?
Answer: No. That’s why there are so many souls under the altar. They're the ones that died in the Tribulation Period. They were tested for their faith. They're not going to wake up any time soon. Most of them are going to be killed during martial law.
Question from a listener: is there any information you have about tearing down the stronghold. Do we remain just passersby for now?
Answer: I put them in the Lords Hands. I drop seeds and just put them in the Lords Hands and get busy with whatever He needs you to do. You can’t wait for them to catch up. And you can’t stay on their page with them. You’re not getting done what you need to get done. Just put them in the Lord’s Hands and He will send other people to them to water the seeds that you plant. And He does; trust me.
Question from a listener: I’ve been labeled more times than not, an anti-Semitic. First thing they attack you with if you remotely expose anything about the Jews.
Answer: They call me anti-Semitic and I’m like, “Hello. My ancient grandfather was King David.” I’m not anti-Semitic. In fact, I’m more a Jew and an Israelite then they will ever be in their lifetimes. It’s my blood and not theirs. They’re fake blood. Even beyond bloodline, I am a child of the Most High God. So under the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, I’m covered. I’m an Israelite. A true child of the Lords. Don’t call me anti-Semitic. It’s not going to wash here.
Anyway, until next week everybody. And lets count the days and see if I have another show. I’m sure I will. They’re always planning something. Just never know when it will hit. And just being prepared and that’s it. Heads up everybody. I’ll plan to be here next week.
Until then,
Yah bless.