MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2010
Obama's Death Bill...Chemtrail Avalanche...and More...
Sherry Talk Radio
Aired on 03-22-2010
[3-22-2010 - This show was sabotaged after about 23 minutes in when I started taking callers. You can hear the
first 23 minutes as I'm talking about various things.]
And hello everybody, you’re live. It’s Monday night [March 22nd] with Sherry Shriner on sherrytalkradio, also over at If you have a question for the show, you can e-mail it at [email protected]. I’ll be checking
those during the show. Also, if you have a question, you can call in at 1-877-245-5648, the call-in number for this show.
Thunderstorms are moving in. So if you hear them in the background <laughs>, that’s just the nice weather we’re having
tonight out here in Carrollton, Ohio, folks.
It’s been a bit of a busy week, and - just jumping from one thing to the next. The Lord had me put up a protection page on
how the people in these last days can protect themselves, and I put that up at, also,
You Can Check Out My Facebook Site
You can check out my Facebook site, facebook/sherryshriner. I have a Facebook site, put that up last week, and it’s just
been jumping since then, it’s been pretty busy. I’m not used to all that stuff. <laughs> I looked at the News Feed page, I'm
like, Where is all this stuff coming from? <laughs> It really takes me a while for this stuff, folks. But it’s been one good
source, a way of getting more exposure for the radio show, getting the word out there a little bit more - and so, it’s definitely
On with Daniel Ott on April 10th
On April 10th, at 8:15 Eastern time, I will be on with Daniel Ott. Now, I know I said I wasn’t doing any more
radio shows <laughs>. And I think right after I said that I was invited by Joyce Riley to do her show, The Power Hour, and so
I did that, but I haven’t done any radio shows since. But I’ll be getting back into doing those, and so, April 10th, I’ll be doing
the Daniel Ott show. I always have a good time with Daniel. He can be quite the critic, but he’s an enjoyable one. <laughs>. I
don’t mind Daniel at all. And so, that should be a good interview. It always is when I’m with Daniel Ott, and so, he’s got a
pretty interesting audience, and so I’m sure it’s gonna be a good time.
Passing of Health Care Bill Gives Obama Green Light to Start War on Saints
Tonight, I want to talk a little bit about the health-care bill. And I’ve kind of dropped hints over the past couple of days that, if
the health-care bill is passed, that’s exactly what they need, dotting their "I's," crossing their "T's" to begin the war on the
saints. And so, it’s pretty solemn since yesterday, hearing that they passed the health-care bill, and Obama has got green
light to begin his war on the saints. And that will include most of the population of the United States of America , and so -
they’re are getting ready to commence that, kind of gives them the green light.
I found it interesting - somebody sent me a picture from CNN on the list that showed the Capitol building - and just hoarded
with chemtrails over the Capitol building. And you have to laugh, because - isn’t that a no-fly zone? But they have these tons
and tons of chemtrails over the Capitol building, and it made me realize it’s like the light-going-off kind of thing. But the
aliens feed off of the chemtrails, because where they use the chemtrails to make us sick and poison us, and kill us, and
weaken our immune systems, they feed off of it. And having chemtrails in the air is what makes our atmosphere indusive to
them so that they can be here, because I’ve told you that they dominate the Capitol, they dominate D.C., they’ve soul-
scalped most of the politicians in D.C., and they pretty much run the show in D.C. And I see that all the time in the Bible
codes, all the buffalo are running our Capitol. And I’ve told you that Obama is just a lizard mouthpiece for them, and all the
politicians had just been soul-scalped and taken over. If people could really see what’s going on in America, what’s
controlling America today, they would stop acting like we’re dealing with other human beings that we just don’t agree with,
because we’re not dealing with human beings. They may look human, but they’re not, and so - the fight’s on, folks.
Passover Could Really Jump-Start Their Destruction on America
And, you know, it’s interesting that so many people saying: Hey, we’ve got weeks, we don’t have months, and so all of this
starts to roll. I’ve been telling you myself things are gonna happen pretty quickly. And sure enough I'm thinking, Well, what
comes up in a couple of weeks, that could really jump-start their destruction on America? And here it is, Passover, folks.
Passover starts - What is it? - April 6th, and so, sure enough, they would probably begin one of their rampages during that
time, especially the New Agers, because these ascended masters that are coming want everybody to believe that they're
our gods, and they're our creators, and they want to be holier-than-thou's on Earth, while they speak out on both sides of
their mouth, when they’re talking about wanting to help mankind. They work behind the scenes to destroy it.
They Use the Media Pretty Heavily to Reveal Their Plans
And so, interesting, that in - I think that’s next week - "V" starts again. I think I saw something about the "V" series starting
up. And it was amazing last fall, just with all the little bits of info that V was releasing. Usually they don’t release truth, and so
it’s kind of amazing that they were. Of course, they would mask it in science fiction so that nobody takes them seriously, but
- like I’ve always said, you know, they reveal their plans to mankind, folks. And so, just watch what they’re putting out in the
movies and on television shows. They use the media pretty heavily to reveal their plans to the public. So the public can’t say,
"I didn’t know. I thought that was fiction." <laughs> Well, that’s how they work, folks. And so, anyway, so that starts up in
about two weeks. It will be interesting to see where they pick up.
A Committee of Politicians Will Decide if Grandma Will Get Health Care or Not
So, I was looking at some of the stuff about the health-care bill. And what came to my mind was that everybody has already
forgotten about the thought-crime bill that they passed two years ago, three years ago, in 2007. So that only is the Thought
Crime Prevention bill, sitting on the table in Congress to use against the population of America . But now you have this
draconian health-care legislation.
And one of the things that I find amusing from people who were proponents of the health-care legislation bill - talking about
how, you know, this 70-year-old grandmother wouldn’t get health insurance any other way unless there was the government
taking care of them. <laughs> You just have to laugh, because ... folks, you’re gonna have a committee of politicians
deciding if your 70-year-old grandmother is gonna get health care or not. And what they’re gonna do is point her to the other
section of the bill that you’ve overlooked, called End Game Plan, and make her choose one, because they’re not gonna
take their money to keep a 70-year-old ill person alive. They’re just gonna have them just choose a health-end-game-plan
and have them choose which way they wanna die. And that’s basically how this bill’s gonna roll. And I know that there was
an e-mail circulating around last year, and supposedly from a doctor who had gone over the health-care bill itself. And ... I’m
getting ... I think we’re off the air. Let me see. <laughs>
First NWO/Alien Sabotage of Show, Now Weather Sabotage?
You know, I changed networks because my service was sabotaged over there during the shows, and now the weather is
gonna sabotage the show. <laughs> We can’t win. <laughs> Oh, here we go, you know. <laughs> What are they gonna do?
Make a thunderstorm every Monday night? Maybe we will get snow next week so they take out my satellite service. Oh, you
can hear me. Folks can hear me. That’s ... - I can see nothing. My screen is all blank. And so, if you can still hear me, I’ll
keep talking. <laughs>. I’m on the air. Okay. So if you don’t hear me, let me know. If you stop hearing me. I’m getting IM's
[Instant Messages] from people. So apparently I’m still on the Internet but my whole blogtalkradio thing just kaputts on me.
And <laughs> I can’t see anything. I can’t see callers, I can’t see my switchboard, I can’t see anything.
<laughs> Yes, I’m on the air. Just another day in the life of sherrytalkradio. One of these days we’re gonna have a whole
month where we have like four or eight shows in a row without any problems. Wouldn’t that be amazing? They really just
want me off the air. They really just want to shut me up and put me off the air permanently. And that’s coming up. I’m seeing
a lot of interesting things for the month of May. <laughs> But I still have two months, March and April, to warn you guys of
everything that’s coming up, even though they don’t want me to. <laughs>
Bible Codes Reveal that the Health Care Bill Was Avoidable
Anyway, this health-care bill, basically what it is, folks, it’s going to kill the elderly, kill the weak. If you were born with a
disease, it’s basically survival of the fittest. The fittest will get health care when they need it, but they’re not gonna take your
sickly child that’s been born with a disease and pay a million dollars for the health care over that child’s lifetime to keep it
healthy. They’re not gonna do it, folks. They’re not gonna do it.
When I first initially heard of this bill, I heard it described as each community or each region - I believe it was community - so
you better hope you are in a rich one - <laughs> has a board, and this board takes in all the money from people that are
buying this health insurance in your area. And all the money that’s collected, that’s how they determine who gets health care
in that area and who doesn’t. And so, if you’re in a poor community, you’re in a cow town like I am, and you have maybe a
hundred / two hundred people in your community that are paying into health insurance here, and you get sick. It’s gonna be
between you and John down the street who needs surgery, and you might need surgery, and they’ll decide which one of you
gets it. It’s gonna be rationed, folks. There’s no rationality to this health-care plan, it’s not like insurance you have now. And
the thing that has struck me about it was HMOs didn’t work back in the 80s, those Health Maintenance Organizations.
Those were a total bomb. And this health-care plan is modeled just like an HMO. So interesting that all these people that
were proponents - which I don’t believe there were that many, I think they just hyped it up - <laughs> but there were some,
because we’re going to pay because of these ones who voted for it. As a community, as a nation, we’re going to pay
because we allowed it to happen. We allowed this bill to be signed into law. Everything is back online now. So I’m back
online. <laughs> I can see again.
Either way, because if we had all united together as a nation against these lizards that are running Washington and said
NO, we don’t want your health-care reform, then it wouldn’t have been passed. It would have been avoidable, this whole
destruction that’s coming would have been avoidable. And that’s one thing I always see in the codes, when something is
avoidable, and when we allow something. And so, as a nation, we’re going to pay for all of these people who voted for this
health-care reform. And so because of the sins of a few the deaths of many are gonna be on their hands. And so it’s
basically how it’s gonna pan out, folks, because a lot of people are gonna die based on this health-care reform.
... the thundering is getting vicious out there. <laughs>
And so, as long as they don’t start hitting my window with lightning, I’ll be okay. Of course, I would just stay on the air anyway
and watch the lightning. <laughs>
If you have a question for the show, you can call in at 877-245-5648.
The Lord Told Me to Include Thieves Oil on My Web Page on Last Days Protection
But one of the things that the Lord led me to right before the show - and I always said this is His show, and whatever He
wants to talk about I’ll talk about - and so I found it interesting that when I made up this web page on protection, various ways
to protect yourself in these last days, that I didn’t put thieves oil on it. And He told me to put thieves oil on the website, and
so I did.
And so - at the top of the page I have ways to use orgone to make orgone water to saturate the giants. Just get a big water
soaker. I have guns on my website that shoot up to seventy feet, these super-soaker water guns. You take orgone water,
you put it in that super-soaker water gun, and that will take down a giant faster than a 12-gauge. <laughs> And these things
are gonna be so big, you need a .50 caliber. But orgoned water will burn and destroy the aliens. And so I have that on this
protection page.
I have the orgone on there, I have the MMS on there. MMS is a Miracle Mineral Supplement, and you can, uh...helps knock
out flus and colds. And I’m on a maintenance thing. I do it twice a day to maintain my immune system. The Lord has me on
that for twice a day, so that you don’t become susceptible to these plagues that are coming.
And He also - right before the show - had me put on thieves oil, and thieves oil was a blend of ingredients that thieves and
graverobbers would rub on their hands, and feet, and arms and chest, and they wouldn’t catch Bubonic Plague. They’d go
and rob all the dead people. And they never caught the plague. And so, when they were finally caught, you know, everybody
wanted to know what kept them from getting the Bubonic Plague. And they came out with this medicine. They called it
thieves oil after the thieves that had never gotten sick.
And so, at I have a link on there to where you can get this thieves oil, and also - if you click on the
picture, it will take you to where you can also buy thieves oil right off of And people should start
stocking up on this stuff because it will keep you well, keep you away from the Bubonic and Black plagues that we have
coming. We had Ebola coming. I know that in Ohio and Michigan, Pennsylvania, this whole region - they’re gonna bombard
it with plagues. And so, get your immune systems built up and get ready for the plagues that are coming, you know.
Avalanche of Chemtrail Planes During the Month of March
I was seeing in the codes about how the buffalo are gonna have an avalanche on Earth during the month of March, and so I
kept thinking: Well, maybe this is the month where they all just arrive. And here it was chemtrail planes, because daily it’s
just been a barrage of these chemtrail planes, and these are the alien craft of the buffalo. Yeah, we do have mixed military
craft that shoot out chemtrails, but we also have these terrestrial drones that use white holograph plane look...and they look
like white holograph planes, but they’re just drones. And so, definitely been bombarding the Earth in the month of March,
and so I'm targeting different places. When you see chemtrails sticking in an area in the sky, go hit that area that they’re
above with orgone, because orgone will keep the chemtrails from saturating that area.
I got a question from a listener, gonna bring him on the air, see what they have to say.
If you have a question for the show, you can call in at 877-245-5648.
How Are You Supposed to Keep the Feast of Tabernacles?
Sherry: Hello, caller, you’re on the air.
Caller: Hi, Sherry!
Sherry: Hey, how are you doing?
Caller: I’m fine. I’m calling from Michigan.
Sherry: Michigan?
Caller: Yeah. <laughs>
Sherry: Okay.
Caller: I have a question concerning the Feast of Tabernacles. I’m sorry to get off subject, but this is very important to me.
Um. How are you supposed to keep it? Is it done by sleeping in booths like the scripture says? What do you do on that?
Sherry: Most people aren’t in a position to really celebrate that holiday.
Caller: They’re not?
Sherry: Well, most people live in apartment buildings, town houses, you know. They don’t have a house with a yard. And if
you do, you can build a temporary structure every year and stuff like that. You know, I have a website,,
that has links that can give you information how to celebrate the feasts.
Caller: Okay. But is sleeping in it necessary, because I was also reading the part about you saying that it has something
also to do with the Feast of Gatherings. Is it the same thing? Is it the same Feast?
Sherry: It celebrates the ingathering of the harvest, the last harvest of the year.
Caller: Okay. Now I’m getting it. <laughs> Okay. How do we do that? Is it that one that we celebrate, or is it the Tabernacle?
Sherry: You just do both if you can. I mean, I’m actually in a position this year for the first time in thirty / forty years where I can
actually go build me a little structure. I have a yard now. <laughs>
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: And so, there’s a lot of people with more info on how to celebrate the Feasts than what I know off the top of my head.
Caller: The reason why I’m asking is because I’ve been celebrating the Feasts for about five years going out in a tent.
<laughs> And I was wondering if you’re supposed to do that.
Sherry: It can come in easier if years go. <laughs>
Caller: Yeah. <laughs> I was wondering about that. Okay. And as for Passover, I know that coming, too, ... oh, I love that
one, I love that Feast, I love celebrating it. It’s beautiful.
Sherry: That’s my favorite one of the year. That’s the one I understand. <laughs>
Caller: That’s the one - yeah, I understand <laughs> But will we get in trouble if we don’t to the Tabernacles?
Sherry: No, because - you know what? We celebrate the Feasts by the Spirit of the Lord, and not the letter of the Lord, of
the legalities.
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: We’re not really the Pharisees. It’s the spirit of the law that He wants. He wants us to know that we’re observing them
in some way, whether you’re just reading the Bible, observing that day, ... that day of the Feasts, or you know, however He
leads you to celebrate it. It’s easier, because everybody is in such different circumstances, to ask Him to show you how you
should celebrate that Feast for that day.
Caller: Oh, oh boy.
Sherry: And just listen to how He nags and guides you and leads you into what you should do for that day.
Is My Experience with My Dead Friend the Same Thing as When the 3 Angels Appeared to Abraham?
Caller: Okay. Now, there is another question, too. And then I’ll get off the phone. It’s concerning the angels. I’ve read that
article concerning that. There was someone that I knew a long time ago in 1978 that died. And about a year later I’ve seen
this person again. He came to me, and he was telling me that - he said - he didn't say Yahweh, but he said I am being
allowed for you to see me. And the way he showed me - because he was showing me things that he was able to do. And
one of the things that sticks in my mind is that he ran away from me and he looked like blur. And then he came back to me
and still looked like a blur. But when he stopped, it was him. My question to you is this: Is this the same thing that’s being
mentioned in the old Covenant when the three angels appeared to Abraham? Is it something like that?
Sherry: No, you know what? They always appeared - The angels would appear as humans. And so you couldn’t tell them
apart. I mean, when Jesus walked with the Apostles after his resurrection, they didn’t know it was Him.
Caller: Wow!
Sherry: He joined them walking on the road, and they didn’t know it was Him until He allowed them to see it was Him. And
so they always appeared as humans. They don’t, you know - that sounds like some kind of TV drama.
Caller: Uh huh ...
Sherry: <laughs>
Caller: <laughs>
Sherry: Once you go away in a blur and come back. You have to watch for the satanic deceptions. So that’s why I’m always
so careful about things that I repeat that I see in the codes that the Lord tells me - I make sure I get confirmations on it before
I say anything, because there are so many deceptions out there.
Caller: Okay. Well, thank you very much, Ma'am. You have a good night.
Sherry: All right, thanks for calling in.
Caller: Okay, bye.
Sherry: Bye, bye.
Sherry's Show Ends Early Due to Sabotage
And I’m gonna bring in another caller on the air.
Sherry: Hello, caller, you’re on the air.
Caller: Hello.
Sherry: Hello.
Caller: Yeah. Hi, I’m calling from ... - Can you hear me? Hello, hello, helloooo, helloooo.
Aired on 03-22-2010
[3-22-2010 - This show was sabotaged after about 23 minutes in when I started taking callers. You can hear the
first 23 minutes as I'm talking about various things.]
And hello everybody, you’re live. It’s Monday night [March 22nd] with Sherry Shriner on sherrytalkradio, also over at If you have a question for the show, you can e-mail it at [email protected]. I’ll be checking
those during the show. Also, if you have a question, you can call in at 1-877-245-5648, the call-in number for this show.
Thunderstorms are moving in. So if you hear them in the background <laughs>, that’s just the nice weather we’re having
tonight out here in Carrollton, Ohio, folks.
It’s been a bit of a busy week, and - just jumping from one thing to the next. The Lord had me put up a protection page on
how the people in these last days can protect themselves, and I put that up at, also,
You Can Check Out My Facebook Site
You can check out my Facebook site, facebook/sherryshriner. I have a Facebook site, put that up last week, and it’s just
been jumping since then, it’s been pretty busy. I’m not used to all that stuff. <laughs> I looked at the News Feed page, I'm
like, Where is all this stuff coming from? <laughs> It really takes me a while for this stuff, folks. But it’s been one good
source, a way of getting more exposure for the radio show, getting the word out there a little bit more - and so, it’s definitely
On with Daniel Ott on April 10th
On April 10th, at 8:15 Eastern time, I will be on with Daniel Ott. Now, I know I said I wasn’t doing any more
radio shows <laughs>. And I think right after I said that I was invited by Joyce Riley to do her show, The Power Hour, and so
I did that, but I haven’t done any radio shows since. But I’ll be getting back into doing those, and so, April 10th, I’ll be doing
the Daniel Ott show. I always have a good time with Daniel. He can be quite the critic, but he’s an enjoyable one. <laughs>. I
don’t mind Daniel at all. And so, that should be a good interview. It always is when I’m with Daniel Ott, and so, he’s got a
pretty interesting audience, and so I’m sure it’s gonna be a good time.
Passing of Health Care Bill Gives Obama Green Light to Start War on Saints
Tonight, I want to talk a little bit about the health-care bill. And I’ve kind of dropped hints over the past couple of days that, if
the health-care bill is passed, that’s exactly what they need, dotting their "I's," crossing their "T's" to begin the war on the
saints. And so, it’s pretty solemn since yesterday, hearing that they passed the health-care bill, and Obama has got green
light to begin his war on the saints. And that will include most of the population of the United States of America , and so -
they’re are getting ready to commence that, kind of gives them the green light.
I found it interesting - somebody sent me a picture from CNN on the list that showed the Capitol building - and just hoarded
with chemtrails over the Capitol building. And you have to laugh, because - isn’t that a no-fly zone? But they have these tons
and tons of chemtrails over the Capitol building, and it made me realize it’s like the light-going-off kind of thing. But the
aliens feed off of the chemtrails, because where they use the chemtrails to make us sick and poison us, and kill us, and
weaken our immune systems, they feed off of it. And having chemtrails in the air is what makes our atmosphere indusive to
them so that they can be here, because I’ve told you that they dominate the Capitol, they dominate D.C., they’ve soul-
scalped most of the politicians in D.C., and they pretty much run the show in D.C. And I see that all the time in the Bible
codes, all the buffalo are running our Capitol. And I’ve told you that Obama is just a lizard mouthpiece for them, and all the
politicians had just been soul-scalped and taken over. If people could really see what’s going on in America, what’s
controlling America today, they would stop acting like we’re dealing with other human beings that we just don’t agree with,
because we’re not dealing with human beings. They may look human, but they’re not, and so - the fight’s on, folks.
Passover Could Really Jump-Start Their Destruction on America
And, you know, it’s interesting that so many people saying: Hey, we’ve got weeks, we don’t have months, and so all of this
starts to roll. I’ve been telling you myself things are gonna happen pretty quickly. And sure enough I'm thinking, Well, what
comes up in a couple of weeks, that could really jump-start their destruction on America? And here it is, Passover, folks.
Passover starts - What is it? - April 6th, and so, sure enough, they would probably begin one of their rampages during that
time, especially the New Agers, because these ascended masters that are coming want everybody to believe that they're
our gods, and they're our creators, and they want to be holier-than-thou's on Earth, while they speak out on both sides of
their mouth, when they’re talking about wanting to help mankind. They work behind the scenes to destroy it.
They Use the Media Pretty Heavily to Reveal Their Plans
And so, interesting, that in - I think that’s next week - "V" starts again. I think I saw something about the "V" series starting
up. And it was amazing last fall, just with all the little bits of info that V was releasing. Usually they don’t release truth, and so
it’s kind of amazing that they were. Of course, they would mask it in science fiction so that nobody takes them seriously, but
- like I’ve always said, you know, they reveal their plans to mankind, folks. And so, just watch what they’re putting out in the
movies and on television shows. They use the media pretty heavily to reveal their plans to the public. So the public can’t say,
"I didn’t know. I thought that was fiction." <laughs> Well, that’s how they work, folks. And so, anyway, so that starts up in
about two weeks. It will be interesting to see where they pick up.
A Committee of Politicians Will Decide if Grandma Will Get Health Care or Not
So, I was looking at some of the stuff about the health-care bill. And what came to my mind was that everybody has already
forgotten about the thought-crime bill that they passed two years ago, three years ago, in 2007. So that only is the Thought
Crime Prevention bill, sitting on the table in Congress to use against the population of America . But now you have this
draconian health-care legislation.
And one of the things that I find amusing from people who were proponents of the health-care legislation bill - talking about
how, you know, this 70-year-old grandmother wouldn’t get health insurance any other way unless there was the government
taking care of them. <laughs> You just have to laugh, because ... folks, you’re gonna have a committee of politicians
deciding if your 70-year-old grandmother is gonna get health care or not. And what they’re gonna do is point her to the other
section of the bill that you’ve overlooked, called End Game Plan, and make her choose one, because they’re not gonna
take their money to keep a 70-year-old ill person alive. They’re just gonna have them just choose a health-end-game-plan
and have them choose which way they wanna die. And that’s basically how this bill’s gonna roll. And I know that there was
an e-mail circulating around last year, and supposedly from a doctor who had gone over the health-care bill itself. And ... I’m
getting ... I think we’re off the air. Let me see. <laughs>
First NWO/Alien Sabotage of Show, Now Weather Sabotage?
You know, I changed networks because my service was sabotaged over there during the shows, and now the weather is
gonna sabotage the show. <laughs> We can’t win. <laughs> Oh, here we go, you know. <laughs> What are they gonna do?
Make a thunderstorm every Monday night? Maybe we will get snow next week so they take out my satellite service. Oh, you
can hear me. Folks can hear me. That’s ... - I can see nothing. My screen is all blank. And so, if you can still hear me, I’ll
keep talking. <laughs>. I’m on the air. Okay. So if you don’t hear me, let me know. If you stop hearing me. I’m getting IM's
[Instant Messages] from people. So apparently I’m still on the Internet but my whole blogtalkradio thing just kaputts on me.
And <laughs> I can’t see anything. I can’t see callers, I can’t see my switchboard, I can’t see anything.
<laughs> Yes, I’m on the air. Just another day in the life of sherrytalkradio. One of these days we’re gonna have a whole
month where we have like four or eight shows in a row without any problems. Wouldn’t that be amazing? They really just
want me off the air. They really just want to shut me up and put me off the air permanently. And that’s coming up. I’m seeing
a lot of interesting things for the month of May. <laughs> But I still have two months, March and April, to warn you guys of
everything that’s coming up, even though they don’t want me to. <laughs>
Bible Codes Reveal that the Health Care Bill Was Avoidable
Anyway, this health-care bill, basically what it is, folks, it’s going to kill the elderly, kill the weak. If you were born with a
disease, it’s basically survival of the fittest. The fittest will get health care when they need it, but they’re not gonna take your
sickly child that’s been born with a disease and pay a million dollars for the health care over that child’s lifetime to keep it
healthy. They’re not gonna do it, folks. They’re not gonna do it.
When I first initially heard of this bill, I heard it described as each community or each region - I believe it was community - so
you better hope you are in a rich one - <laughs> has a board, and this board takes in all the money from people that are
buying this health insurance in your area. And all the money that’s collected, that’s how they determine who gets health care
in that area and who doesn’t. And so, if you’re in a poor community, you’re in a cow town like I am, and you have maybe a
hundred / two hundred people in your community that are paying into health insurance here, and you get sick. It’s gonna be
between you and John down the street who needs surgery, and you might need surgery, and they’ll decide which one of you
gets it. It’s gonna be rationed, folks. There’s no rationality to this health-care plan, it’s not like insurance you have now. And
the thing that has struck me about it was HMOs didn’t work back in the 80s, those Health Maintenance Organizations.
Those were a total bomb. And this health-care plan is modeled just like an HMO. So interesting that all these people that
were proponents - which I don’t believe there were that many, I think they just hyped it up - <laughs> but there were some,
because we’re going to pay because of these ones who voted for it. As a community, as a nation, we’re going to pay
because we allowed it to happen. We allowed this bill to be signed into law. Everything is back online now. So I’m back
online. <laughs> I can see again.
Either way, because if we had all united together as a nation against these lizards that are running Washington and said
NO, we don’t want your health-care reform, then it wouldn’t have been passed. It would have been avoidable, this whole
destruction that’s coming would have been avoidable. And that’s one thing I always see in the codes, when something is
avoidable, and when we allow something. And so, as a nation, we’re going to pay for all of these people who voted for this
health-care reform. And so because of the sins of a few the deaths of many are gonna be on their hands. And so it’s
basically how it’s gonna pan out, folks, because a lot of people are gonna die based on this health-care reform.
... the thundering is getting vicious out there. <laughs>
And so, as long as they don’t start hitting my window with lightning, I’ll be okay. Of course, I would just stay on the air anyway
and watch the lightning. <laughs>
If you have a question for the show, you can call in at 877-245-5648.
The Lord Told Me to Include Thieves Oil on My Web Page on Last Days Protection
But one of the things that the Lord led me to right before the show - and I always said this is His show, and whatever He
wants to talk about I’ll talk about - and so I found it interesting that when I made up this web page on protection, various ways
to protect yourself in these last days, that I didn’t put thieves oil on it. And He told me to put thieves oil on the website, and
so I did.
And so - at the top of the page I have ways to use orgone to make orgone water to saturate the giants. Just get a big water
soaker. I have guns on my website that shoot up to seventy feet, these super-soaker water guns. You take orgone water,
you put it in that super-soaker water gun, and that will take down a giant faster than a 12-gauge. <laughs> And these things
are gonna be so big, you need a .50 caliber. But orgoned water will burn and destroy the aliens. And so I have that on this
protection page.
I have the orgone on there, I have the MMS on there. MMS is a Miracle Mineral Supplement, and you can, uh...helps knock
out flus and colds. And I’m on a maintenance thing. I do it twice a day to maintain my immune system. The Lord has me on
that for twice a day, so that you don’t become susceptible to these plagues that are coming.
And He also - right before the show - had me put on thieves oil, and thieves oil was a blend of ingredients that thieves and
graverobbers would rub on their hands, and feet, and arms and chest, and they wouldn’t catch Bubonic Plague. They’d go
and rob all the dead people. And they never caught the plague. And so, when they were finally caught, you know, everybody
wanted to know what kept them from getting the Bubonic Plague. And they came out with this medicine. They called it
thieves oil after the thieves that had never gotten sick.
And so, at I have a link on there to where you can get this thieves oil, and also - if you click on the
picture, it will take you to where you can also buy thieves oil right off of And people should start
stocking up on this stuff because it will keep you well, keep you away from the Bubonic and Black plagues that we have
coming. We had Ebola coming. I know that in Ohio and Michigan, Pennsylvania, this whole region - they’re gonna bombard
it with plagues. And so, get your immune systems built up and get ready for the plagues that are coming, you know.
Avalanche of Chemtrail Planes During the Month of March
I was seeing in the codes about how the buffalo are gonna have an avalanche on Earth during the month of March, and so I
kept thinking: Well, maybe this is the month where they all just arrive. And here it was chemtrail planes, because daily it’s
just been a barrage of these chemtrail planes, and these are the alien craft of the buffalo. Yeah, we do have mixed military
craft that shoot out chemtrails, but we also have these terrestrial drones that use white holograph plane look...and they look
like white holograph planes, but they’re just drones. And so, definitely been bombarding the Earth in the month of March,
and so I'm targeting different places. When you see chemtrails sticking in an area in the sky, go hit that area that they’re
above with orgone, because orgone will keep the chemtrails from saturating that area.
I got a question from a listener, gonna bring him on the air, see what they have to say.
If you have a question for the show, you can call in at 877-245-5648.
How Are You Supposed to Keep the Feast of Tabernacles?
Sherry: Hello, caller, you’re on the air.
Caller: Hi, Sherry!
Sherry: Hey, how are you doing?
Caller: I’m fine. I’m calling from Michigan.
Sherry: Michigan?
Caller: Yeah. <laughs>
Sherry: Okay.
Caller: I have a question concerning the Feast of Tabernacles. I’m sorry to get off subject, but this is very important to me.
Um. How are you supposed to keep it? Is it done by sleeping in booths like the scripture says? What do you do on that?
Sherry: Most people aren’t in a position to really celebrate that holiday.
Caller: They’re not?
Sherry: Well, most people live in apartment buildings, town houses, you know. They don’t have a house with a yard. And if
you do, you can build a temporary structure every year and stuff like that. You know, I have a website,,
that has links that can give you information how to celebrate the feasts.
Caller: Okay. But is sleeping in it necessary, because I was also reading the part about you saying that it has something
also to do with the Feast of Gatherings. Is it the same thing? Is it the same Feast?
Sherry: It celebrates the ingathering of the harvest, the last harvest of the year.
Caller: Okay. Now I’m getting it. <laughs> Okay. How do we do that? Is it that one that we celebrate, or is it the Tabernacle?
Sherry: You just do both if you can. I mean, I’m actually in a position this year for the first time in thirty / forty years where I can
actually go build me a little structure. I have a yard now. <laughs>
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: And so, there’s a lot of people with more info on how to celebrate the Feasts than what I know off the top of my head.
Caller: The reason why I’m asking is because I’ve been celebrating the Feasts for about five years going out in a tent.
<laughs> And I was wondering if you’re supposed to do that.
Sherry: It can come in easier if years go. <laughs>
Caller: Yeah. <laughs> I was wondering about that. Okay. And as for Passover, I know that coming, too, ... oh, I love that
one, I love that Feast, I love celebrating it. It’s beautiful.
Sherry: That’s my favorite one of the year. That’s the one I understand. <laughs>
Caller: That’s the one - yeah, I understand <laughs> But will we get in trouble if we don’t to the Tabernacles?
Sherry: No, because - you know what? We celebrate the Feasts by the Spirit of the Lord, and not the letter of the Lord, of
the legalities.
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: We’re not really the Pharisees. It’s the spirit of the law that He wants. He wants us to know that we’re observing them
in some way, whether you’re just reading the Bible, observing that day, ... that day of the Feasts, or you know, however He
leads you to celebrate it. It’s easier, because everybody is in such different circumstances, to ask Him to show you how you
should celebrate that Feast for that day.
Caller: Oh, oh boy.
Sherry: And just listen to how He nags and guides you and leads you into what you should do for that day.
Is My Experience with My Dead Friend the Same Thing as When the 3 Angels Appeared to Abraham?
Caller: Okay. Now, there is another question, too. And then I’ll get off the phone. It’s concerning the angels. I’ve read that
article concerning that. There was someone that I knew a long time ago in 1978 that died. And about a year later I’ve seen
this person again. He came to me, and he was telling me that - he said - he didn't say Yahweh, but he said I am being
allowed for you to see me. And the way he showed me - because he was showing me things that he was able to do. And
one of the things that sticks in my mind is that he ran away from me and he looked like blur. And then he came back to me
and still looked like a blur. But when he stopped, it was him. My question to you is this: Is this the same thing that’s being
mentioned in the old Covenant when the three angels appeared to Abraham? Is it something like that?
Sherry: No, you know what? They always appeared - The angels would appear as humans. And so you couldn’t tell them
apart. I mean, when Jesus walked with the Apostles after his resurrection, they didn’t know it was Him.
Caller: Wow!
Sherry: He joined them walking on the road, and they didn’t know it was Him until He allowed them to see it was Him. And
so they always appeared as humans. They don’t, you know - that sounds like some kind of TV drama.
Caller: Uh huh ...
Sherry: <laughs>
Caller: <laughs>
Sherry: Once you go away in a blur and come back. You have to watch for the satanic deceptions. So that’s why I’m always
so careful about things that I repeat that I see in the codes that the Lord tells me - I make sure I get confirmations on it before
I say anything, because there are so many deceptions out there.
Caller: Okay. Well, thank you very much, Ma'am. You have a good night.
Sherry: All right, thanks for calling in.
Caller: Okay, bye.
Sherry: Bye, bye.
Sherry's Show Ends Early Due to Sabotage
And I’m gonna bring in another caller on the air.
Sherry: Hello, caller, you’re on the air.
Caller: Hello.
Sherry: Hello.
Caller: Yeah. Hi, I’m calling from ... - Can you hear me? Hello, hello, helloooo, helloooo.