More on the Chinese, Coming Events, and 2012
Sherry Shriner on.....
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, March 2, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
And hello everybody. You’re live. It’s Monday night March 2, 2009. If you’ve got a question for the show you can send it to [email protected]. I’m gonna start over. I don’t think this microphone was on. Hello everybody. It’s March 2. 2009. If you have a question for the show, you can send it to [email protected].
A couple of things I wanted to talk about tonight. I did a radio show; another interview with The Extreme Society Show on Friday night. You can catch the link on my websites, or you can go to their website, I think it was episode 41 over there. The latest broadcast they have on their little download section. A pop up box in the middle of their website. A good interview. I always have a good time over there. Just batting things out and talking about the things that are coming. That’s basically my entire focus. Things that are happening now and things that are coming. It’s almost like the calm before the storm, but there is really no calm. Because if you look at other parts of the country...I was reading an email that somebody had sent out about the latest attack on Berkley Springs, West Virginia. They’re doing door to door...looking for guns. The interesting thing is, the media always says it voluntary, but if you don’t answer the door, they’re going to pound right through it. Look at all the voluntary participants, what happens to them when they don’t participate in these drills?
So I don’t think they’re drills. They’re masking it and hiding it behind the name drills. They’re just getting practice for gun confiscations, search and seizure. So we need to get ready for this kind of thing because.....the first thing that came to my mind was, it’s not a drill. When you look at what happens to these people who don’t participate. They end up in trouble with the local authorities. Then itself, the whole area was noted as having underground bases and government facilities and things for Congress to run to in the event of martial law here. So why would they be targeting that area to confiscate guns? It makes you wonder, they may be ready to start hoarding up over there. We need Orgone warriors to stand up and go get Berkley Springs West Virginia and the entire Morgan Country area. We need to get the entire area. A very easy way to do it is to get a map of the entire country. Then go all the way around it on the map on the country and put an Orgone puck every mile or two, how the Lord leads. Then get center parts of the country itself so that all that kindof meets up in the atmosphere. The Orgone will get saturated in the atmosphere and eventually just cover that entire place, if you do it that way. So just a lot of work needing done there.
Denver International Airport –I’ve heard from several people. I know I sent some out there last year to get it done. We had a warrior get it last year. It just always needs more and more work. That way, in case they have somebody on target and they’re watching, they don’t who else is showing up to get the area. Always need different people....different warriors...different times, standing up to get different areas. Time is certainly at a crunch.
Last week I talked about how the Lord just had China on my heart and mind, and that it was very dominant. Then three days later, Hal Turner posting the confirmation on his website; exactly what the Lord had showed me is coming. I love it when He does that, because I’ll just go on a limb and announce something the Lord has on my mind and heart. I’ve been talking about China for months and how we’re going to be in big trouble because they own all of our mortgages. Then the confirmations come in. So that’s always a blessing in disguise.
Hillary Clinton....I’m going to read this because it’s everything I’ve been saying. It’s everything about China owning our debt, Hillary Clinton’s dominant role in the last days in putting this country in martial law and destroying our economy. It just ties in everything I’ve been talking about for the past year. And my warnings about Hillary Clinton for the past eight and nine years. Just very interesting. It says:
Feds Grant Eminent Domain as Collateral to China
Sources at the United States Embassy in Beijing China have
just CONFIRMED to me that the United States of America has tendered to China a
written agreement which grants to the People's Republic of China, an option
to exercise Eminent Domain within the USA, as collateral for China's continued
purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves!
The written agreement was brought to Beijing by Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton and was formalized and agreed-to during her recent trip to China.
This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its financial
obligations to China, the Communist Government of China would be permitted to
physically take -- inside the USA -- land, buildings, factories, perhaps even
entire cities - to satisfy the financial obligations of the US government.
Put simply, the feds have now actually mortgaged the physical land and
property of all citizens and businesses in the United States. They have given to a
foreign power, their Constitutional power to "take" all of our property, as
actual collateral for continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the
continued carrying of US national debt.
This is an unimaginable betrayal of every man, woman and child in the USA. An
outrage worthy of violent overthrow.
And there have been more updates since then.
I've noticed that the last couple of weeks we’ve been hearing about individual states reclaiming the sovereignty of states apart from the Federal Government as outlined in the tenth amendment of the Constitution. You know, it’s a noble try, but it’s not going to get anywhere. I hate to say it and hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but just because my state or your state stands up and says, “We have our own individual rights as states, separated from the powers of the Federal Government.” It’s not going to get anywhere. This whole thing with China, I’ve been seeing it since last year. They are going to come here. They were amassing on our southern border. I found it very interesting they were coming through Panama. They had tent cities of 100 to 150 miles from the Mexico/United States border and were planning a violent invasion from our southern border. We had warriors stand up and a lot of warriors financially contributed to the project. We went down and sealed our borders with Orgone. This is like phase two. They ended up leaving because they were getting sick. The Orgone was making them very sick. I don’t know if there are still any down there or not, but I know I pretty much put a kink in their plans of a southern invasion.
Another thing that kept hitting me was the fact that they owned our mortgages. The Lord kept warning me about that. China was buying up all of our debt. When they’re buying up all of our debt, it simply means that you’re issued a loan from a bank for the house that you’ve bought. China turns around and buys that loan. The actually own the title to your house. You’re not really paying the bank back; its China you owe the money to, because they own the note on your house. It’s about 95% of the mortgages in America. Not just residences, but businesses. I’ve warned about businesses closing their doors. Without warning, just closing their doors.
Also the Chinese having lists. They’re going to have lists targeting each individual area of all the businesses and houses they own. They’re going to go into these areas. Let’s say they come into Ohio and target Toledo. They can go through Toledo and reclaim all of the businesses and homes that they own. Give people the option....they might give people the option, “Pay up now or you have to leave this property right now”. If the person can’t pay up, they’re forced to leave. The thing is, they’re not going to let these people leave to create tent cities somewhere; they’re going to cart these people off to FEMA camps. This is how they’re going to systematically eliminate millions and millions of Americans. China is at war with America. They’re going to successfully eliminate millions without firing a shot because people aren’t prepared for what’s coming. They don’t see this kind of a war being played out.
Most people are still asleep. They still have faith in their government – Obama’s “change” is going to help us all. He’s going to “change” the country. Yeah, you’re right he is; he’s going to continue to destroy it as much as possible. He’s going to pick up where Bush left off. There’s no difference between the policies of Bush and Cheney because there’s no difference between the parties. They all serve Satan. There’s no two different parties in all these satanic secret societies they’re all members of. They all come out of the same societies. They’re all running the same agendas. So it’s going to be very interesting to see exactly when the Chinese start their rampage on America. Their silent invasion, taking over whole cities, towns and areas. I noticed that this Eminent Domain bill gives them the authorization to take over entire cities. So they would just own the entire city if the Federal Government defaults on their payments to China. Of course they will. The Federal Government is broke. If we went out and wrote bad checks. We’d be in jail for writing bad checks. The Federal Government is spending money they don’t have. This whole stimulus package; the 10 trillion whatever it is. Its all money they don’t have. They’re writing bad checks and they don’t go to jail for that. They just keep getting us deeper and deeper into debt. Eventually someone’s going to stand up to collect that debt, and that’s going to be China. Interesting that it was Hillary that initiated the whole thing. She took the agreement over to China to have them sign it. So they’d already written it out. “Look, if we can’t pay our debts, we’re going to give you the legal right to come in our country and take over anything we own so that the debt will be settled”. And that was instigated and carried out by Hillary Clinton.
You know they don’t have the constitutional power or authority to do that, but they’ve been acting outside the range of the Constitution for the past 8, 10, 15 years. To them its just a dead piece of paper. Nothing they do is constitutional. We have a president elected that’s not even a constitutional president. So...the whole thing is a charade.
You know what? It’s just a million different things being thrown in the melting pot. Most of America being caught in the center of it. We are going to have civil war in this country. It is going to be chaos. Many people keep warning about the coming martial law. Just so many ways that can be instigated. If the Chinese start hitting up certain states and cities, then yeah, they’re going to be met with resistance. They’re going to be met. They’re pushing all these gun laws right now. But when your back’s against the wall folks, keep your guns. Keep your guns. Look what happened to Europe and Australia and all these countries who disarmed because of similar gun laws. Their crime rates went up. They didn’t go down. Their crime rates went way up because the criminals still have their guns.
The people of the United States...I know the pastors are going to be pushing Romans 13, where you’re supposed to obey the government and blah, blah, blah. We’re supposed to obey a government that’s working with alignment with the Lord and His Rules and His Laws. Not one that is corrupt and working in Satan’s best interest to destroy ours. It is our duty and our right to stand up against this corrupt government. You have every right to ignore and disobey the unconstitutional laws that they’re trying to inflict on the citizens of this country. So we need to defend ourselves against these satanists that are taking over America and trying to destroy us as a people.
So keep your guns. Ignore these laws they’re coming out with. They’re unconstitutional. There’s even a safeguard in the Constitution itself that says if any law is passed that is unconstitutional, becomes null and void. Only constitutional laws can be enforced by the courts. So these law they’re passing to take away our Second Amendment rights to own guns are unconstitutional and can’t even be enforced by the courts because its unconstitutional law. We have a right to bear arms. They can’t take that away from us. They can sit and nitpick to death all these little requirements to own a gun, but I’m sure there’s organizations that will stand up and even tie that up in courts. You know, there are so many different rules and regulations and everything else...I’m just ignoring them. I’m not going to give up my guns just so they have an easier time at killing me and my family and my area, storming in there. Their plans are to disarm America so that the Chinese and after them, the aliens can come in without having to worry about being shot and killed. Another reason we need to hold on to our guns and we need to be stocking up more and more on bullets.
I’ve warned about these Chinese; we didn’t even know if the ones coming in were human because they have the largest cloning facility in the world outside Beijing, China. When you’re dealing with a cloned being, you’re dealing with a body that’s possessed by an alien or a demon. Whoever needs a body, has that cloned body to possess. They don’t have souls. They don’t have consciences. So imagine the evil and the terror they can inflict and still sleep at night....if they even sleep. They don’t have a conscience. There’s going to be a lot of terror and a lot of things coming on America.
These things are coming. The Lord is showing me, these things are coming. So that’s what we need to prepare for. It’s not something that might happen. It is happening. He’s been on it with me for too long now, warning me and warning me about the Chinese. This kindof thing is coming, so we need to be prepared. You need to be prepared to be able to stay locked up/holed up in your own house and not go out. And if you have to go out, to be able to defend yourself.
It’s going to get pretty wild. I don’t know when this whole thing is going to come about with the Chinese. I don’t know how much time we have.
Interesting that there is some kind of treaty is being signed during Easter. I don’t know if they’ll make this kindof thing public, or its one of these behind the scenes things that Obama is going to do. But he’s going to sign some treaty with these New Age alien freak ascended masters over the Easter break. So I saw that in the codes for April. I thought that was interesting. Its one of those things they can make public or not. Usually they don’t.
I noticed Share-International is still on the advertising blitz of the coming Maitreya. Somebody had sent a posting on how there was an advertising blitz in Dallas, Texas. Other people have seen it on television. Somebody seeing an ad for Maitreya on ABC and the usual suspects that usually run his ads are CNN, Headline News and during the Larry King Live show.
I’ve been talking about Maitreya since 2004...2005 warning about him. I’ve always stood my ground. No matter how many times people have said, “No it’s not him. It’s’s that.” I’ve never wavered on that. Definitely know there are things coming up with him. I do know that he’s having a hard time right now. They’re burning in space. Very uncomfortable for them; this Orgone war that we have instigated against them in destroying them. I find it amusing; although they’re going to deny it, that their own reverse speech and electronic voice phenomenon reveals the truth that they are indeed burning and on fire. And it is indeed causing their UFOs to crash. It’s just not me talking. We have confirmation from their own voices on reverse speech and EVP. So these things are happening. Just because the major media isn’t announcing it.
I find it amusing; I was praying for the Lord and I asked Him, “We need confirmations because people look at you like a deer in the headlights and don’t know whether to believe you or not.” And some people just need a UFO to land on their head to even believe they exist. I find it amusing that since praying that, we have now two or three instances where metal is being found where it’s crashing through the roofs of homes. Literal chucks of metal and stuff. Very interesting. I don’t know how much more confirmation people have. It’s all around us. These little meteors that I’ve told you are UFOs crashing. So he’s going to have to look at an alternative route. One of the things I’m finding interesting in the codes is, him arriving to the other goons, in a basket of some kind. So that’ll be funny. That’ll be interesting. Their UFOs are crashing. Their UFOs aren’t going to be able to operate in this dimension because of the Orgone. So they’re going to have to find a different route to get here. It’s going to be interesting if they arrive in some kind of what the Bible codes describes as a basket. Some kind of parachute. Something convertible with an open air. You know, all I can give you is the terms that I see in the Bible codes and they can’t always explain what it is they’re trying to, for a future event. It’s as close as they can. It’s convertible. It’s a basket. I don’t know what they’re going to call it. What the technical term for their little ride to Earth is going to be. Very interesting that they’re having to look into alternative methods because the UFOs are crashing.
Now, man-made UFOs shouldn’t be affected by the Orgone, unless they’re made straight from the alien way and technology. I don’t think a lot of them are. They’re just made from GE, Lockheed Martin and some of these other places. Every country around the world has their own UFOs. People need to be able to recognize the difference. I was reading an email the other day. Someone was saying they had seen triangle shaped UFOs, traveling in a V formation. Those are military. I’ll tell you straight up. I can remember watching about eight or nine years ago on Discovery Channel, the airplanes of the future for the United States Air Force. They showed the exact same planes as being described as this person who thought they had seen UFOs. They were black, little triangle planes. So those are military. Those aren’t alien. There’s a distinct difference between just the looks and the colors between military and alien UFOs. Alien UFOs are always gray, or they’re cigar shaped. So that’s pretty tell tale. American and other countries, UFOs are typically black. I know German Foo Fighters, I think they were gray. So you can’t always tell, but the triangular ones that are black are just definitely military. And UFOs don’t fly in formation. Militaries fly in formation. UFO and aliens don’t. Especially the V formation; that’s very American military. Very funny. So people just need to be able to recognize the difference if it’s man-made or if it’s an actual alien UFO.
And yeah, you know we’ve had government; we’ve had technology our government has been hiding for 50 – 60 years. We could have free energy that they use in the underground bases. We could have cars and airplanes that run on practically nothing, but they don’t make money off that. So that’s why it’s still keeping the same old, same old, going on, because they own all the companies that are charging you money to survive. Electricity could be free, but the electric companies wouldn’t make any money off of that so...that’s why they keep all this hidden technology for themselves in the underground bases.
I find it interesting that someone was describing the elevators in an underground base. I was reading that somewhere. Somebody had visited this underground base, I remember I commented on it a year or two ago; this Senator was given a tour of an underground base. They have these elevators; they were run by magnets. And if I remember right, it was aluminum and copper and magnets. Just those three things were what drove the elevators to operate. I was thinking at the time, that’s exactly what we use in Orgone. We have the aluminum, we have the copper, and instead of the magnets we use crystals. But you can also put magnets in Orgone to boost the power of the crystals. I just found it interesting that they were also utilizing the aluminum and copper for free energy in the underground bases, because I’ve always been talking about how Orgone is an energy. So very interesting on that.
I remember he was commenting on all the soldiers that were armed in this underground base. It just floors me that people don’t get it. Why would you need armed people in underground bases? Nobody’s going down there. These things are very technical. All you have to do is block off the entrances or exits or whatever to keep people out, but they’re all over the bases...underneath. These armed guards. It’s very clear to me that they’re there to keep people in. Once you’re in those bases you’re not coming out. Unless you’re a visitor. Then you can go out with praise reports of this underground base, because you know what? In the last days when they start filling up these underground bases with what they call “the elite”, the rich and power players of politics and economy and banks and stuff, they’re going to become the food. That’s why they’re not going to be allowed out of the bases once they’re in. That’s why there are so many armed guards; because they’re going to become the food for the aliens when Americans on the top start becoming extinct because of the mass slaughter that’s coming to the people on the planet. I wouldn’t be heading to an underground base. And amusing that it’s one of the first things; bribes that they give all these people that join these secret societies and join their agendas. They promise to protect them and their families during the hard times. Yeah, they’re going to protect you alright. You’re going to be meatloaf on an alien’s plate. Serves them right for becoming traitors of their own country and people. I don’t pity them. I don’t pity anything at all that’s coming to these people.
Now is the time for people to give their hearts and lives to the Lord. Eventually it’s going to be too late. Martial law is a whole set up for the Antichrist’s silent war on the Saints. He’s not going to sit and announce, “Hey, it’s me. I’m here and going to implement the war on the Saints”. It’s something that he’s just going to do. Our country’s leaders – Obama and Hillary are going to betray the American public and do as the Antichrist tells them to do...leads them to do. So martial law is going to very real and very ugly here in America. People need to prepare for that. The Lord has said He’s going to throw His Church in judgment. It’s not something He’s going to prevent either because He is going to judge His People. So many asleep. So many just going to these feel good churches week after week after week and never reading their own Bibles and never getting it that Yahushua said that He is the Door and to knock on Him. Instead they go to these churches Sunday after Sunday and think they’re doing their Christian duties and financing these false shepherds.
Anyway, I myself have too much work to do to get too caught up in that any more. With time limited, and so many places needing Orgone just for the sheer protection areas that this will create. Also combating our enemies. So many 101 things that it does. I invite anybody else. You’re sick of Satan’s agenda on Earth, just join the Orgone warriors. Go to Start making your own Orgone....getting it out. There’s a whole faction of us. I’ve always referred to us as Faction Four of the 144,000, because we’re certainly not the whole 144,000. There are too few of us. But we’re the ones doing the most damage right now to Satan’s kingdom, so I find that very interesting. I see that in the codes all the time. They don’t fear church goers; they fear Yah’s Warriors. Those who are doing exploits for the Lord in the last days.
So many people think that the fruits they’re building are sitting on the internet griping at everybody else and telling everybody else what they think they should be doing. You know, arguing against the brethren and picking fights and disagreeing with the brethrens doctrines and teachings. Just spending all their time day and night nitpicking and fighting and arguing with the brethren. What fruit is that? What fruit are you building? Every bit of that’s burnable. It’s going to be burned and tossed. When the Lord tests our fruits by the fire and what’s burned is burned and what’s not, you get rewarded for. About 99% of these people online; their works are going to be burned because they are not of Him. He doesn’t lead His People to stand up and pick a fight with the brethren. You know?
And the one thing that’s always gotten on my nerves is how these churchdom Christians and people want to sit around and sing how they’re soldiers in the Lord’s Army. Why don’t you just get up and be one, instead of singing about being one? And setting yourself up as a Watchman, when you’re not. The Lord never stood you up as a Watchman. You stood yourself up. You call yourself one. And that’s half the brethren. These people are not of the Lord. I hear it all the time from Him. I would get so mad and say things to Him and He goes, “Why do you call them My People? Why do you say they’re My People?” That’s exactly what He would say to me. Because He hasn’t stood them up; they’ve stood themselves up. All these online ministries and so-called Watchmen and Prophets and these apostate boards where they post their false visions and prophecies. What’s even worse is when I end up on someone’s tail end of an email list of all these stupid false prophecies that they pass around the internet to each other. You can read the wording and know it’s not Him speaking. They can’t discern it because they’re so used to hearing from demons and sharing the same demons all these other people share that are on these boards. They don’t even know the Lord’s Voice. They have no idea. They pass out somebody’s vision or prophecy hoping “Oh that does sound good. It sounds like it could be from the Lord.” They have no idea and don’t pray and ask Him for discernment to know if it is or isn’t. That’s real basic. When you’re in doubt, ask Him. Ask the Lord “Is this person of you? Is this person of you? Is that from You? Is that You speaking in that? Did you give that person that vision? Did you give that person that word?”
Why don’t people just ask Him direct? The thing is they won’t. They won’t. They’re lazy. “Oh, He won’t answer me.” Well, why won’t He answer you? If you’re a child of God’s, why wouldn’t you expect an answer? Some people have just never learned that in John where as My Sheep hear My voice and I know them. They haven’t learned how to hear His voice, so it’s just a technicality problem of learning how to hear Him. Other people just realize they’re never going to be able to hear them because they’ve got too much sin in their life. You know? They’re alcoholics. They’re drug addicts. They’re living in sin. So they can’t hear from Him clearly.
I get so many attacks on the internet and lies about me. Just vicious attacks. I hate spending my time having to stand up against them. But that’s all they are. They’re lies. They’re vicious. They come up with everything from - I’m a lesbian to I’m a child abuser. Satan uses any kindof tactic he can do and use to come up against me to try to stop me. You know what? He’s not stopping my focus. He can lie as much as he wants, I’m busy. I’m tearing down his strongholds. And his little attacks...these women and these pawns that he uses. They’re not stopping me. You know what? When I get aggravated I used to just put up another website. Now I just go out and throw more Orgone, because I’ve seen what’s tearing down his kingdom. The more we do, the more vicious he gets. The more vicious he gets. So we just have very little time left, very few months.
I was going to talk this past Friday about 2012 on The Extreme Society Show. We talked some about it. Mostly other things....just surviving the things that are coming. I thought it was interesting because I’m praying and asking the Lord during the week. I’m like, “I’m doing this interview Friday on 2012 and I’d really just like to hear from You direct about 2012.” It was really quiet throughout the week, so I thought I was funny come Friday, I’m like, “Okay Lord it’s my interview tonight.”
(Coughing a lot) It’s getting really hot in here and choked up.
But it was Friday night and He finally spoke to me about it. It was really funny. It was really funny. One of His basic ways of working with me is just sometimes using humor. I’ve told you about the things that He’s said over the years to me in answering questions or whatever I give to Him. He just uses humor back at me on it. It was the same thing with 2012. I don’t have His exact words, but it was something to the effect of, who says something has to happen on December 21, 2012 simply because the serpent seed races says there has to be? Just because they say so, something has to happen on December 21, 2012? Because their calendar ends on that date? He was letting me know that He doesn’t operate on their calendar. If they want to end their calendar on Winter Solstice, which is a pagan and satanic holiday, December 21st 2012, then so be it. But He isn’t forced to operate on their calendar.
So I thought it was amusing because even the History Channel has this show on 2012 about the Chinese Echang and the Hopi’s and the Mayans. These races....the Hopi’s and the Mayans are descendents of Atlantis. I’ve talked about them over the years. There’s also hybrid races; serpent seed races throughout that. And the Chinese Echang; the Chinese nation being started by god-kings which were Nephilim. Their whole civilization being...their early emperors were god-kings. That’s very interesting to go back into the Chinese dynasties and the beginnings of their whole culture. They’re obviously a whole different level away from everybody else. The things they eat, the things they do.
One of the things the Lord impressing on my heart all last month about them is how they have strict tourist areas and they watch tourists very closely over there to keep them out of certain areas of China. So why is that? It almost makes you wonder....can they shape-shift? Do they walk around looking like snakes and lizards and they don’t want tourists to see it? It’s already bad enough, the things they eat. Creatures – totally an abomination as far as the Lord is concerned; eating these creatures from Hell like scorpions and spiders and drinking the blood of snakes. Everything about that civilization; just one of satanic....literally just satanic. Of course there are Christians over there. People that have accepted Yahushua as Savior. They kill them for that. They kill them. A lot of the Christians lose their lives over there to keep and hold on to their faith in the Lord. The Lord’s redemption is open and available to them. Just very hideous, the entire culture. And this is the one that’s coming over to America, mind you, to kick us out of our homes and businesses and try to dominate and overthrow America, that our government is holding the door open to.
It’s these races and even the Hopi’s and the Mayans which are hybrid native Indian races. From my research these races are descendents of Atlantis. Some of these Atlantis angels had escaped Atlantis before it was destroyed. They went through the America’s to the America’s and all these races can trace their roots back to descendents of Atlantis. Just another part of hybrid and fallen angel races on Earth, because the people of Atlantis at that time were fallen angels. So, just very interesting some of the cultures that we’re surrounded with on this planet. But it’s their calendar stating December 21, 2012 as the end. Some of them call it Doomsday. Others call it the return of Quetzalcoatl, which is just another term for Satan. I find it interesting that Doomsday has also been termed as the Day of the Lord in the Bible, which isn’t really a day, but a period of time, 42 months....3 1/2 years.
I started looking into the Bible codes on particular December 21, 2012. I didn’t really see anything hair-raising happening that day. Nothing more so than usual. I did see “ashes” and “crater” and “shaking” which would signify earthquakes. Maybe even volcanoes going off. Maybe a comet hitting the Earth because of the crater also a way of describing a volcano. A crater opening. I don’t know. Also what amused me was the term “miracle” because every year at Christmastime Maitreya threatens to arrive at that time. The “miracle” when you’d look up in the sky and see the star. His star. That’s the one he’s been talking about in his advertising blitzes from Share-International right now. About his star in the heavens signifying his arrival.
I’ve warned you about the star coming out of Orion. This orb; this planet; this false New Jerusalem that’s going to be come out Orion’s sword or belt area of that constellation. I’m pretty sure that’s probably the one they’re talking about for this miracle thing. So I really don’t think they’re going to wait until 2012 to arrive, because I think right now they’re pretty much heading into the Antichrist’s war on the Saints, here shortly. So I would be more inclined to believe that that would begin Doomsday, being a general timeframe of the Lord’s Day on Earth; His last 3 1/2 years when He destroys the wicked off of the Earth. I’ll be more inclined to believe that one. That that’s when the Lord’s Day starts, simply because the way things work and everything kindof has its own little system and rules and things like that.
It would be interesting to see that begin with a bang because if you look at December 21, 2012 and they talk about how its Doomsday and they expect volcanoes, earthquakes and a raging of the seas, and cities disappearing in the mountains. That correlates, especially if you look at verses in Isaiah. All these verses in Isaiah to the sixth seal judgment of the earthquake and the great shaking of the land. That happens mid-way through the tribulation period. Probably towards the end of the first half and certainly after the fifth seal; which would symbolize martial law and the deaths of millions of Christians and Believers. So very interesting that kindof correlates, I’m not saying an exact time frame, because the Lord never gives dates on anything. So a time frame being that around that area, perhaps would begin the second half of the trib. If the Lord is going to bring judgment on the Earth. In Isaiah it says He does so because He’s angry because of the wickedness done. Also for vengeance.
What that tells me, to put it in a nutshell, is that He’s judging them because they’ve already done injustice and murder and heinous things to His People, which would indicate that we’ve already gone through a big chunk of martial law in America and possibly the entire world. The entire world experiencing the same kinds of things at that time. He’s had enough and putting His Foot down and boom! We’ve got the sixth seal. The shaking of the Earth, with the great earthquake. So that’s the timeframe I see it as that being starting in December 2012 or sometime during 2012. He’ll have enough and He’ll stand up and He’ll judge. So if you just look at the seals and the things that we have coming. Which means from now until the end of 2012, we’re going to see a lot of ghastly things.
That’s what I’ve been warning about the horses. We’ve got the pale horse and the black horse. A huge famine coming. Pestilences...wars...death and Hell coming, which means that Satan’s forces here on Earth.....the veil being having to see them on Earth. A lot of things between now and 2012 would be happening.
People want to say, they think they have ‘til 2012 and then it’s over. It’s like I said last week, what makes people think they have ‘til June 1, 2009? Simply because so many things are going to be happening between now and 2012. Tens of millions.....hundreds of millions won’t even be alive by then.
It kindof puts things into perspective and timelines and snap people out of apathy and complacency. You’re planning your lives and you’re wasting your time thinking that the next 5 – 10 years are going to be what they were the last. That you’re going to have this normal life that you’ve grown up with so far. Things are changing. Things are drastically changing. People need to snap out of that and start getting ready emotionally, physically and spiritually for being in the last days, because they’re going to hit with a bang. People don’t see it coming. The more I see them trying to hide it, the more you know its coming. The more you know its coming. Obama trying to put everybody to sleep with his “we’re going to heal the economy” and meanwhile they’re signing agreements with China saying, Okay, you can come over. It’s all legal now.” Remember I told you, it all has to be legal. Everything they do in Satan’s little agenda and kingdom have to be legal. So now the Chinese have a legal right because of this treaty that Hillary and our government signed with them, stating that they can come and claim eminent domain over the things that they own if we default on our payments. It doesn’t take much for us to default on our payments because we’re already broke. What are we paying them with? It’s just a matter of time, folks.
I don’t say all this so that you’re panicking; I just say that so that you get right with the Lord. It’s not time to not be with Him. Get right with Him and start doing the things that He wants you to do and He needs you to do. With time being short, you don’t want to go to Heaven and stand before Him and Him say He had all these plans, these things for you to do on Earth and you didn’t do any of them because you never asked Him what He wanted you to do. You know, folks? So seek Him. Seek Him. I know a lot of people just don’t...they’re at a crossroads,”Do I get that home loan?” or “Do I just head to a cave somewhere?” Seek the Lord on it. You don’t want to’re not going to owe the government anything; you’re going to own the Chinese. And they’re just going to take you. Cart you off to a FEMA camp. That’s one thing I’m warning you about, not to go. Not to go with these Chinese. You are as good as dead if you do.
Just a lot of things coming up. And they could be I said Chinese were dominant for the month of April. So they could be here in April. They could start their charades in April. I don’t know what they want to do. It’s just something to think about and plan for, for now.
I’ll start getting into some questions from listeners. If you have a question for the show you can send it to[email protected].
Question: Do we have to worry about Mexico’s violence spilling over into America as well as the other attacks?
Answer: Well, it’s a given. The last days are going to be a time of lawlessness. A time of injustice. A time of rampant sin of evil and vice of every kind. Mexico can’t contain their own people. America isn’t even trying. Pretty much have an open border policy for them, so yeah we’re going to have problems with Mexico.
I find it interesting that the Mexicans have always said they were going to reclaim America in the southwestern states. Now with all the white Americans pretty much leaving California, they pretty much have done what they said they were going to do by reclaiming California. Don’t you think? All the Americans are leaving. So they are winning. L.A. is broke because of all the money they give out to all these illegal aliens that American citizens don’t even get. It serves them right. But the thing is, yeah this whole thing is going to spill all over the country. Like I’ve said, we’re a melting pot right now. Problems with the illegal aliens. We’ll have problems with the Chinese. Just a melting pot right now.
Question: How do people know or tell where the safe havens are for Yah’s people are without tipping off the wrong people?
Answer: Well, you don’t. The Lord knows where they are. If the Lord wants to remove pockets of His People to them, He will do it. I remember Him telling me years ago that even the safe havens that had already been established by people, they were already infiltrated by government agents. In the last days when the Lord wants to protect His People, He’ll do it. He’ll move them around. He’ll put them someplace to be in a place for safety. That’s why I stress so much to people to get into the Lord now and start seeking Him so that He will protect you in the last days. He’ll deem you as one that He wants to protect and He’ll put you into a safe haven somewhere and protect you and your family while the rest of the church goes off into judgment.
Question: When the veil is lifted, will the astral realm be visible?
Answer; That’s the whole difference about the veil being lifted. The whole thing about the veil being lifted; we’re going to have to see all these ugly demonic and alien beings. We’re no longer going to be hid from them; we’re going to see them. Not something you’re going to want to see. They’re ugly. They’re hideous. Just being around strongly demonically possessed people makes me nauseous and sick. Can you imagine just having to see these beings that are dominating them and possessing them? No more hidden. No more being invisible. We’re going to be able to see alien and demonic beings. So that’s what happens when he veil is lifted. It’s going to be gross.
Question from a listener: Have you seen in the codes an attack of a nuclear type in the USA? I see Americans around my area that are preparing for war within the USA. (Sherry: They should be) Do you see that in the codes?
Answer: Yeah, I see a nuke. Some kind of bombing in New York City or Washington D.C. They need a get out of D.C. card. When the Chinese come and start reclaiming all the things that they own, because they have eminent domain here in this country now, Obama is going to be hiding. He’s not even going to be around. Our government is just going to be hiding in the mountains. In the dens and in the rocks and the caves. That’s exactly where they’re going to be. They’re going to be hiding. It’s going to be up to the people left to be able to survive on their own.
Comment from a listener: This is how the Revolutionary War started. The British were buring gun shops.
Sherry: Yeah. Americans need to hold on to their guns and stock more and get more and get more ammo and not get into these unconstitutional requirements and burdens from our own government to try to disarm them. I have a whole article A Call to Arms about Christians defending themselves and it being a duty of yours to defend your life and not let these satanic beings kill you. Some people just say, they’re just going to be like sheep to the slaughter and if it’s they’re time; they’re just going to go to the camps and be hauled off. Well, that’s suicide because you know you’re going to die and you’re not even trying to defend and protect your life. That’s suicide. Protect your life. Defend your life. It’s your duty to stay alive and not let them kill you.
Question from a listener: In 2005 on one of your radio shows, you were talking about Bible codes concerning the half-human, half-robot called the automaton. Have you heard or read any more or new information concerning that topic?
Answer: Yeah. You know what? I’m seeing it and that’s why I keep wondering if these Chinese coming are automatons. Half-human, half-robots. Chip implanted clones. It makes me wonder. I do see it’s coming back up in the codes. In fact it had gone quiet for quite a few years and coming up again. So I’m wondering if it’s not going to be these Chinese that are coming.
Question: Did you know the Democrats are trying to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine?
Answer: Yeah, but you know what? I’m not bringing no alien on my show to give him fair time. They can kiss my big white butt.
Question: Do you think that it could be a possibility that the globalists would crash our economy which would then create chaos all over the world, which would bring in Ahmadinejad 12th Imam which would be the occults teaching “order out of chaos”?
Answer: Well, that’s Maitreya. And he’s waiting to come. That’s exactly what their plan is. Chaos or.....they’re in derision. So they’re combing their plans right now. That’s why I’ve always said, we’ll recognize exactly what they’re doing when they do it because any one route plan they had has been thrown into derision because their UFOs are crashing. The way that Maitreya wanted to arrive to Earth as a great world teacher has been diminished because we’re killing his forces and crashing his UFOs. We’ll have to wait and see their alternative methods of arriving and announcing to the world that they’re here.
Question: Also, have you seen Ted Pikes The Other Israel, making criminals out of Christians?
Answer: No, I haven’t that, but I love Ted Pikes stuff. He’s got some really good material.
Comment: I hope I didn’t ask you too many questions.
Sherry: No, not when they’re easy to answer and really don’t make me think. I don’t have to sit and think about what I said in 2005. Everything I’ve said in 2005 is coming alive today. I heard from one listener who goes back through and listens to all my archives. He said they’re just timeless. It’s like when you listen to a show in 2004, 2005 it’s like listening to a show here in 2009. That’s true because my information is timeless. I just have so much of it; so many teaching over the years that they’re not relative to dates, to times.
Question from a listener: How are we supposed to celebrate or keep the Sabbath? I thought it was evening and the day. Your website says it starts 6am Saturday morning.
Answer: Just ask the Lord. I’ll tell you one thing; He is the Lord of the Day and not the night. And the day doesn’t start at nighttime. It starts from sunrise. Sunrise to sunset is a day. That’s why you can go a whole day. I celebrate Sabbath on Saturday, the seventh day, from sunrise to sunset. You can cook or whatever you want to do once the sun is down. That’s the seventh day. The day starts with the sunrise. I know that people want to get technical and argue all these calendars and all this stuff. You know what? Just throw all that aside and ask Him direct. Ask Him to lead your heart and mind and thoughts on the subject. Then just do as He leads you to do. I don’t let people tech and calendar talk me to death. I just ask Him. I just go to Him.
Question: Sherry, where on your sites can I find the info for the lady who makes the Orgone pendent chains?
Answer: It’s right on Just scroll down the page. Or or My three Orgone sites. She’s on all of them. She’s just right underneath the main order form. I have a whole section for her pendants.
Question: Hello Sherry. Great show as always. My question tonight is, does the Lord Our Father expect us to speak the truth of end times to everyone we know?
Answer: I don’t. Why cast pearls before the swine?
Question: My wife and I are very compelled to tell everyone we know about this truth. When we do all we ever encounter is laughter and rejection. I’m at my whit’s end with trying to tell people, especially family about Yah’s plans for the end times. Should we just stop and focus more on other things? Any response would be appreciated.
Answer: You know I’ve gone through the same thing. I learned a long time ago that results aren’t our responsibility. We can plant seeds with people, but the results are not our job. It’s His job. We just plant the seeds and let Him do the watering and leave the results up to Him. I find that works very effectively. I’m not going to waste my time. If I have to try and convince somebody that the government is evil and we’re about to head into an economic crash. I’m not going to waste my time. They’re head is too far into the sand. I’ve got other things to do. I just plant seeds and move on. I don’t waste my time. If I can’t get anywhere with hit a dead wall....change the subject, move on to something else. Then just move on to something totally and do something else the Lord needs done. You can’t force people to pull their heads out of the sand. What I have found happening is that over the years with these same people that I would just leave seeds with, are now waking up. It couldn’t have happened at a better time because everything is about to hit the fan. But they have woken up. They’re waking up. You just plant seeds and leave it in the Lord’s hands for the results because the results aren’t up to us. Planting the seeds and doing the work is up to us. Just leave it up to Him and move on with whatever He needs you to do.
Question: Can Satanists currently withstand being in close proximity to Orgone for a period of time? I’ve seen the effects when individuals can’t be around it and the effects are within 15 – 20 minutes. I’m wondering if they have some counter mechanism.
Answer: I’ve heard so many various things about people who have on Orgone pendants, or have Orgone pucks with them and sometimes an instant reaction from negative, evil people that can’t stand being around the Orgone. You’re saying it takes 15 – 20 minutes. Whatever. Sometimes it instantaneous, other times it takes longer. They’ll finally figure out, “Something’s burning me. Something’s agitating me. Something’s aggravating me.” I live in a two horse town. Most peop0le here are God fearing. If just don’t run into a lot of evil people out here, so I don’t have the stories that other warriors who live in more metropolitan areas. It’s a various mixture of them. I know my sister won’t go without it in her car. She said she keeps the Orgone in her car and is convinced that because she has the Orgone in her car, the police leave her alone and don’t stop her for tickets. I don’t know if that’s true or not. She’s not one of these heavy footed people, but the times when she wasn’t paying attention and not bothered and not pulled over. She seems to think that’s helped. All these different stories from different people about the effects of Orgone.
I guess I’m just going to wrap up the show tonight. I don’t want to speak too long because this will make this show a longer download for people who are still on dial-up and things like that. The Lord’s People are so varied and strewn across the country and the world. I venture to say most of His People don’t even have a broadband connection or DSL. Very hard for them to even listen to the show, let alone take two hours just to download so they can hear it. That’s why I try to keep this short even though I get started and then I can’t stop talking. I just love spending time with the Lord’s People.
Like I said, once Maitreya does arrive, I’ll start doing more daily broadcasts and shorter broadcasts to keep up to date especially once he’s here and everything he’s doing. Right now we’re just kindof in a prepare mode. Getting ready for the things to hit until they actually do. Once they do, I’ll start doing daily broadcasts.
Until then everybody, just keep preparing. Get back with the Lord. Seek Him. Ask Him to teach you the truth in all things. Ask Him to teach you how to hear Him. How to know it’s Him that’s speaking to you. How to recognize Him when it’s Him leading your thoughts in your heart. Ask Him to guide you in your thoughts. Ask Him to teach you who He is and how to recognize Him. Ask Him these things. Relationship building things. He won’t say no. He will give to you in measure. You’ll find your relationship getting more and more bigger and bigger and closer and closer with Him because you start learning who He is and how He operates. You’ll find that your interest in this world just gets left behind. You don’t care about the things of this world. You value more than gold, your relationship with Him. So that’s how you build it. Those are relationship builders and how your prayer life should be. Trying to seek and learn more about Him and having Him directly teach you. Just tell him, “I’m a dummy. Just show me so I can’t miss it.” Make it very clear to Him. Some people don’t think they can let their hair down and talk to the Lord like that. I talk to Him all the time in different ways. I’m not always formal with Him. I’m doing dishes or cleaning something up. We have a lot of laughs. And a lot of sides to Him. That’s what I want you people to learn in your relationships with Him. How personable He is.
Until next week everybody, Yah bless.
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, March 2, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
And hello everybody. You’re live. It’s Monday night March 2, 2009. If you’ve got a question for the show you can send it to [email protected]. I’m gonna start over. I don’t think this microphone was on. Hello everybody. It’s March 2. 2009. If you have a question for the show, you can send it to [email protected].
A couple of things I wanted to talk about tonight. I did a radio show; another interview with The Extreme Society Show on Friday night. You can catch the link on my websites, or you can go to their website, I think it was episode 41 over there. The latest broadcast they have on their little download section. A pop up box in the middle of their website. A good interview. I always have a good time over there. Just batting things out and talking about the things that are coming. That’s basically my entire focus. Things that are happening now and things that are coming. It’s almost like the calm before the storm, but there is really no calm. Because if you look at other parts of the country...I was reading an email that somebody had sent out about the latest attack on Berkley Springs, West Virginia. They’re doing door to door...looking for guns. The interesting thing is, the media always says it voluntary, but if you don’t answer the door, they’re going to pound right through it. Look at all the voluntary participants, what happens to them when they don’t participate in these drills?
So I don’t think they’re drills. They’re masking it and hiding it behind the name drills. They’re just getting practice for gun confiscations, search and seizure. So we need to get ready for this kind of thing because.....the first thing that came to my mind was, it’s not a drill. When you look at what happens to these people who don’t participate. They end up in trouble with the local authorities. Then itself, the whole area was noted as having underground bases and government facilities and things for Congress to run to in the event of martial law here. So why would they be targeting that area to confiscate guns? It makes you wonder, they may be ready to start hoarding up over there. We need Orgone warriors to stand up and go get Berkley Springs West Virginia and the entire Morgan Country area. We need to get the entire area. A very easy way to do it is to get a map of the entire country. Then go all the way around it on the map on the country and put an Orgone puck every mile or two, how the Lord leads. Then get center parts of the country itself so that all that kindof meets up in the atmosphere. The Orgone will get saturated in the atmosphere and eventually just cover that entire place, if you do it that way. So just a lot of work needing done there.
Denver International Airport –I’ve heard from several people. I know I sent some out there last year to get it done. We had a warrior get it last year. It just always needs more and more work. That way, in case they have somebody on target and they’re watching, they don’t who else is showing up to get the area. Always need different people....different warriors...different times, standing up to get different areas. Time is certainly at a crunch.
Last week I talked about how the Lord just had China on my heart and mind, and that it was very dominant. Then three days later, Hal Turner posting the confirmation on his website; exactly what the Lord had showed me is coming. I love it when He does that, because I’ll just go on a limb and announce something the Lord has on my mind and heart. I’ve been talking about China for months and how we’re going to be in big trouble because they own all of our mortgages. Then the confirmations come in. So that’s always a blessing in disguise.
Hillary Clinton....I’m going to read this because it’s everything I’ve been saying. It’s everything about China owning our debt, Hillary Clinton’s dominant role in the last days in putting this country in martial law and destroying our economy. It just ties in everything I’ve been talking about for the past year. And my warnings about Hillary Clinton for the past eight and nine years. Just very interesting. It says:
Feds Grant Eminent Domain as Collateral to China
Sources at the United States Embassy in Beijing China have
just CONFIRMED to me that the United States of America has tendered to China a
written agreement which grants to the People's Republic of China, an option
to exercise Eminent Domain within the USA, as collateral for China's continued
purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves!
The written agreement was brought to Beijing by Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton and was formalized and agreed-to during her recent trip to China.
This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its financial
obligations to China, the Communist Government of China would be permitted to
physically take -- inside the USA -- land, buildings, factories, perhaps even
entire cities - to satisfy the financial obligations of the US government.
Put simply, the feds have now actually mortgaged the physical land and
property of all citizens and businesses in the United States. They have given to a
foreign power, their Constitutional power to "take" all of our property, as
actual collateral for continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the
continued carrying of US national debt.
This is an unimaginable betrayal of every man, woman and child in the USA. An
outrage worthy of violent overthrow.
And there have been more updates since then.
I've noticed that the last couple of weeks we’ve been hearing about individual states reclaiming the sovereignty of states apart from the Federal Government as outlined in the tenth amendment of the Constitution. You know, it’s a noble try, but it’s not going to get anywhere. I hate to say it and hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but just because my state or your state stands up and says, “We have our own individual rights as states, separated from the powers of the Federal Government.” It’s not going to get anywhere. This whole thing with China, I’ve been seeing it since last year. They are going to come here. They were amassing on our southern border. I found it very interesting they were coming through Panama. They had tent cities of 100 to 150 miles from the Mexico/United States border and were planning a violent invasion from our southern border. We had warriors stand up and a lot of warriors financially contributed to the project. We went down and sealed our borders with Orgone. This is like phase two. They ended up leaving because they were getting sick. The Orgone was making them very sick. I don’t know if there are still any down there or not, but I know I pretty much put a kink in their plans of a southern invasion.
Another thing that kept hitting me was the fact that they owned our mortgages. The Lord kept warning me about that. China was buying up all of our debt. When they’re buying up all of our debt, it simply means that you’re issued a loan from a bank for the house that you’ve bought. China turns around and buys that loan. The actually own the title to your house. You’re not really paying the bank back; its China you owe the money to, because they own the note on your house. It’s about 95% of the mortgages in America. Not just residences, but businesses. I’ve warned about businesses closing their doors. Without warning, just closing their doors.
Also the Chinese having lists. They’re going to have lists targeting each individual area of all the businesses and houses they own. They’re going to go into these areas. Let’s say they come into Ohio and target Toledo. They can go through Toledo and reclaim all of the businesses and homes that they own. Give people the option....they might give people the option, “Pay up now or you have to leave this property right now”. If the person can’t pay up, they’re forced to leave. The thing is, they’re not going to let these people leave to create tent cities somewhere; they’re going to cart these people off to FEMA camps. This is how they’re going to systematically eliminate millions and millions of Americans. China is at war with America. They’re going to successfully eliminate millions without firing a shot because people aren’t prepared for what’s coming. They don’t see this kind of a war being played out.
Most people are still asleep. They still have faith in their government – Obama’s “change” is going to help us all. He’s going to “change” the country. Yeah, you’re right he is; he’s going to continue to destroy it as much as possible. He’s going to pick up where Bush left off. There’s no difference between the policies of Bush and Cheney because there’s no difference between the parties. They all serve Satan. There’s no two different parties in all these satanic secret societies they’re all members of. They all come out of the same societies. They’re all running the same agendas. So it’s going to be very interesting to see exactly when the Chinese start their rampage on America. Their silent invasion, taking over whole cities, towns and areas. I noticed that this Eminent Domain bill gives them the authorization to take over entire cities. So they would just own the entire city if the Federal Government defaults on their payments to China. Of course they will. The Federal Government is broke. If we went out and wrote bad checks. We’d be in jail for writing bad checks. The Federal Government is spending money they don’t have. This whole stimulus package; the 10 trillion whatever it is. Its all money they don’t have. They’re writing bad checks and they don’t go to jail for that. They just keep getting us deeper and deeper into debt. Eventually someone’s going to stand up to collect that debt, and that’s going to be China. Interesting that it was Hillary that initiated the whole thing. She took the agreement over to China to have them sign it. So they’d already written it out. “Look, if we can’t pay our debts, we’re going to give you the legal right to come in our country and take over anything we own so that the debt will be settled”. And that was instigated and carried out by Hillary Clinton.
You know they don’t have the constitutional power or authority to do that, but they’ve been acting outside the range of the Constitution for the past 8, 10, 15 years. To them its just a dead piece of paper. Nothing they do is constitutional. We have a president elected that’s not even a constitutional president. So...the whole thing is a charade.
You know what? It’s just a million different things being thrown in the melting pot. Most of America being caught in the center of it. We are going to have civil war in this country. It is going to be chaos. Many people keep warning about the coming martial law. Just so many ways that can be instigated. If the Chinese start hitting up certain states and cities, then yeah, they’re going to be met with resistance. They’re going to be met. They’re pushing all these gun laws right now. But when your back’s against the wall folks, keep your guns. Keep your guns. Look what happened to Europe and Australia and all these countries who disarmed because of similar gun laws. Their crime rates went up. They didn’t go down. Their crime rates went way up because the criminals still have their guns.
The people of the United States...I know the pastors are going to be pushing Romans 13, where you’re supposed to obey the government and blah, blah, blah. We’re supposed to obey a government that’s working with alignment with the Lord and His Rules and His Laws. Not one that is corrupt and working in Satan’s best interest to destroy ours. It is our duty and our right to stand up against this corrupt government. You have every right to ignore and disobey the unconstitutional laws that they’re trying to inflict on the citizens of this country. So we need to defend ourselves against these satanists that are taking over America and trying to destroy us as a people.
So keep your guns. Ignore these laws they’re coming out with. They’re unconstitutional. There’s even a safeguard in the Constitution itself that says if any law is passed that is unconstitutional, becomes null and void. Only constitutional laws can be enforced by the courts. So these law they’re passing to take away our Second Amendment rights to own guns are unconstitutional and can’t even be enforced by the courts because its unconstitutional law. We have a right to bear arms. They can’t take that away from us. They can sit and nitpick to death all these little requirements to own a gun, but I’m sure there’s organizations that will stand up and even tie that up in courts. You know, there are so many different rules and regulations and everything else...I’m just ignoring them. I’m not going to give up my guns just so they have an easier time at killing me and my family and my area, storming in there. Their plans are to disarm America so that the Chinese and after them, the aliens can come in without having to worry about being shot and killed. Another reason we need to hold on to our guns and we need to be stocking up more and more on bullets.
I’ve warned about these Chinese; we didn’t even know if the ones coming in were human because they have the largest cloning facility in the world outside Beijing, China. When you’re dealing with a cloned being, you’re dealing with a body that’s possessed by an alien or a demon. Whoever needs a body, has that cloned body to possess. They don’t have souls. They don’t have consciences. So imagine the evil and the terror they can inflict and still sleep at night....if they even sleep. They don’t have a conscience. There’s going to be a lot of terror and a lot of things coming on America.
These things are coming. The Lord is showing me, these things are coming. So that’s what we need to prepare for. It’s not something that might happen. It is happening. He’s been on it with me for too long now, warning me and warning me about the Chinese. This kindof thing is coming, so we need to be prepared. You need to be prepared to be able to stay locked up/holed up in your own house and not go out. And if you have to go out, to be able to defend yourself.
It’s going to get pretty wild. I don’t know when this whole thing is going to come about with the Chinese. I don’t know how much time we have.
Interesting that there is some kind of treaty is being signed during Easter. I don’t know if they’ll make this kindof thing public, or its one of these behind the scenes things that Obama is going to do. But he’s going to sign some treaty with these New Age alien freak ascended masters over the Easter break. So I saw that in the codes for April. I thought that was interesting. Its one of those things they can make public or not. Usually they don’t.
I noticed Share-International is still on the advertising blitz of the coming Maitreya. Somebody had sent a posting on how there was an advertising blitz in Dallas, Texas. Other people have seen it on television. Somebody seeing an ad for Maitreya on ABC and the usual suspects that usually run his ads are CNN, Headline News and during the Larry King Live show.
I’ve been talking about Maitreya since 2004...2005 warning about him. I’ve always stood my ground. No matter how many times people have said, “No it’s not him. It’s’s that.” I’ve never wavered on that. Definitely know there are things coming up with him. I do know that he’s having a hard time right now. They’re burning in space. Very uncomfortable for them; this Orgone war that we have instigated against them in destroying them. I find it amusing; although they’re going to deny it, that their own reverse speech and electronic voice phenomenon reveals the truth that they are indeed burning and on fire. And it is indeed causing their UFOs to crash. It’s just not me talking. We have confirmation from their own voices on reverse speech and EVP. So these things are happening. Just because the major media isn’t announcing it.
I find it amusing; I was praying for the Lord and I asked Him, “We need confirmations because people look at you like a deer in the headlights and don’t know whether to believe you or not.” And some people just need a UFO to land on their head to even believe they exist. I find it amusing that since praying that, we have now two or three instances where metal is being found where it’s crashing through the roofs of homes. Literal chucks of metal and stuff. Very interesting. I don’t know how much more confirmation people have. It’s all around us. These little meteors that I’ve told you are UFOs crashing. So he’s going to have to look at an alternative route. One of the things I’m finding interesting in the codes is, him arriving to the other goons, in a basket of some kind. So that’ll be funny. That’ll be interesting. Their UFOs are crashing. Their UFOs aren’t going to be able to operate in this dimension because of the Orgone. So they’re going to have to find a different route to get here. It’s going to be interesting if they arrive in some kind of what the Bible codes describes as a basket. Some kind of parachute. Something convertible with an open air. You know, all I can give you is the terms that I see in the Bible codes and they can’t always explain what it is they’re trying to, for a future event. It’s as close as they can. It’s convertible. It’s a basket. I don’t know what they’re going to call it. What the technical term for their little ride to Earth is going to be. Very interesting that they’re having to look into alternative methods because the UFOs are crashing.
Now, man-made UFOs shouldn’t be affected by the Orgone, unless they’re made straight from the alien way and technology. I don’t think a lot of them are. They’re just made from GE, Lockheed Martin and some of these other places. Every country around the world has their own UFOs. People need to be able to recognize the difference. I was reading an email the other day. Someone was saying they had seen triangle shaped UFOs, traveling in a V formation. Those are military. I’ll tell you straight up. I can remember watching about eight or nine years ago on Discovery Channel, the airplanes of the future for the United States Air Force. They showed the exact same planes as being described as this person who thought they had seen UFOs. They were black, little triangle planes. So those are military. Those aren’t alien. There’s a distinct difference between just the looks and the colors between military and alien UFOs. Alien UFOs are always gray, or they’re cigar shaped. So that’s pretty tell tale. American and other countries, UFOs are typically black. I know German Foo Fighters, I think they were gray. So you can’t always tell, but the triangular ones that are black are just definitely military. And UFOs don’t fly in formation. Militaries fly in formation. UFO and aliens don’t. Especially the V formation; that’s very American military. Very funny. So people just need to be able to recognize the difference if it’s man-made or if it’s an actual alien UFO.
And yeah, you know we’ve had government; we’ve had technology our government has been hiding for 50 – 60 years. We could have free energy that they use in the underground bases. We could have cars and airplanes that run on practically nothing, but they don’t make money off that. So that’s why it’s still keeping the same old, same old, going on, because they own all the companies that are charging you money to survive. Electricity could be free, but the electric companies wouldn’t make any money off of that so...that’s why they keep all this hidden technology for themselves in the underground bases.
I find it interesting that someone was describing the elevators in an underground base. I was reading that somewhere. Somebody had visited this underground base, I remember I commented on it a year or two ago; this Senator was given a tour of an underground base. They have these elevators; they were run by magnets. And if I remember right, it was aluminum and copper and magnets. Just those three things were what drove the elevators to operate. I was thinking at the time, that’s exactly what we use in Orgone. We have the aluminum, we have the copper, and instead of the magnets we use crystals. But you can also put magnets in Orgone to boost the power of the crystals. I just found it interesting that they were also utilizing the aluminum and copper for free energy in the underground bases, because I’ve always been talking about how Orgone is an energy. So very interesting on that.
I remember he was commenting on all the soldiers that were armed in this underground base. It just floors me that people don’t get it. Why would you need armed people in underground bases? Nobody’s going down there. These things are very technical. All you have to do is block off the entrances or exits or whatever to keep people out, but they’re all over the bases...underneath. These armed guards. It’s very clear to me that they’re there to keep people in. Once you’re in those bases you’re not coming out. Unless you’re a visitor. Then you can go out with praise reports of this underground base, because you know what? In the last days when they start filling up these underground bases with what they call “the elite”, the rich and power players of politics and economy and banks and stuff, they’re going to become the food. That’s why they’re not going to be allowed out of the bases once they’re in. That’s why there are so many armed guards; because they’re going to become the food for the aliens when Americans on the top start becoming extinct because of the mass slaughter that’s coming to the people on the planet. I wouldn’t be heading to an underground base. And amusing that it’s one of the first things; bribes that they give all these people that join these secret societies and join their agendas. They promise to protect them and their families during the hard times. Yeah, they’re going to protect you alright. You’re going to be meatloaf on an alien’s plate. Serves them right for becoming traitors of their own country and people. I don’t pity them. I don’t pity anything at all that’s coming to these people.
Now is the time for people to give their hearts and lives to the Lord. Eventually it’s going to be too late. Martial law is a whole set up for the Antichrist’s silent war on the Saints. He’s not going to sit and announce, “Hey, it’s me. I’m here and going to implement the war on the Saints”. It’s something that he’s just going to do. Our country’s leaders – Obama and Hillary are going to betray the American public and do as the Antichrist tells them to do...leads them to do. So martial law is going to very real and very ugly here in America. People need to prepare for that. The Lord has said He’s going to throw His Church in judgment. It’s not something He’s going to prevent either because He is going to judge His People. So many asleep. So many just going to these feel good churches week after week after week and never reading their own Bibles and never getting it that Yahushua said that He is the Door and to knock on Him. Instead they go to these churches Sunday after Sunday and think they’re doing their Christian duties and financing these false shepherds.
Anyway, I myself have too much work to do to get too caught up in that any more. With time limited, and so many places needing Orgone just for the sheer protection areas that this will create. Also combating our enemies. So many 101 things that it does. I invite anybody else. You’re sick of Satan’s agenda on Earth, just join the Orgone warriors. Go to Start making your own Orgone....getting it out. There’s a whole faction of us. I’ve always referred to us as Faction Four of the 144,000, because we’re certainly not the whole 144,000. There are too few of us. But we’re the ones doing the most damage right now to Satan’s kingdom, so I find that very interesting. I see that in the codes all the time. They don’t fear church goers; they fear Yah’s Warriors. Those who are doing exploits for the Lord in the last days.
So many people think that the fruits they’re building are sitting on the internet griping at everybody else and telling everybody else what they think they should be doing. You know, arguing against the brethren and picking fights and disagreeing with the brethrens doctrines and teachings. Just spending all their time day and night nitpicking and fighting and arguing with the brethren. What fruit is that? What fruit are you building? Every bit of that’s burnable. It’s going to be burned and tossed. When the Lord tests our fruits by the fire and what’s burned is burned and what’s not, you get rewarded for. About 99% of these people online; their works are going to be burned because they are not of Him. He doesn’t lead His People to stand up and pick a fight with the brethren. You know?
And the one thing that’s always gotten on my nerves is how these churchdom Christians and people want to sit around and sing how they’re soldiers in the Lord’s Army. Why don’t you just get up and be one, instead of singing about being one? And setting yourself up as a Watchman, when you’re not. The Lord never stood you up as a Watchman. You stood yourself up. You call yourself one. And that’s half the brethren. These people are not of the Lord. I hear it all the time from Him. I would get so mad and say things to Him and He goes, “Why do you call them My People? Why do you say they’re My People?” That’s exactly what He would say to me. Because He hasn’t stood them up; they’ve stood themselves up. All these online ministries and so-called Watchmen and Prophets and these apostate boards where they post their false visions and prophecies. What’s even worse is when I end up on someone’s tail end of an email list of all these stupid false prophecies that they pass around the internet to each other. You can read the wording and know it’s not Him speaking. They can’t discern it because they’re so used to hearing from demons and sharing the same demons all these other people share that are on these boards. They don’t even know the Lord’s Voice. They have no idea. They pass out somebody’s vision or prophecy hoping “Oh that does sound good. It sounds like it could be from the Lord.” They have no idea and don’t pray and ask Him for discernment to know if it is or isn’t. That’s real basic. When you’re in doubt, ask Him. Ask the Lord “Is this person of you? Is this person of you? Is that from You? Is that You speaking in that? Did you give that person that vision? Did you give that person that word?”
Why don’t people just ask Him direct? The thing is they won’t. They won’t. They’re lazy. “Oh, He won’t answer me.” Well, why won’t He answer you? If you’re a child of God’s, why wouldn’t you expect an answer? Some people have just never learned that in John where as My Sheep hear My voice and I know them. They haven’t learned how to hear His voice, so it’s just a technicality problem of learning how to hear Him. Other people just realize they’re never going to be able to hear them because they’ve got too much sin in their life. You know? They’re alcoholics. They’re drug addicts. They’re living in sin. So they can’t hear from Him clearly.
I get so many attacks on the internet and lies about me. Just vicious attacks. I hate spending my time having to stand up against them. But that’s all they are. They’re lies. They’re vicious. They come up with everything from - I’m a lesbian to I’m a child abuser. Satan uses any kindof tactic he can do and use to come up against me to try to stop me. You know what? He’s not stopping my focus. He can lie as much as he wants, I’m busy. I’m tearing down his strongholds. And his little attacks...these women and these pawns that he uses. They’re not stopping me. You know what? When I get aggravated I used to just put up another website. Now I just go out and throw more Orgone, because I’ve seen what’s tearing down his kingdom. The more we do, the more vicious he gets. The more vicious he gets. So we just have very little time left, very few months.
I was going to talk this past Friday about 2012 on The Extreme Society Show. We talked some about it. Mostly other things....just surviving the things that are coming. I thought it was interesting because I’m praying and asking the Lord during the week. I’m like, “I’m doing this interview Friday on 2012 and I’d really just like to hear from You direct about 2012.” It was really quiet throughout the week, so I thought I was funny come Friday, I’m like, “Okay Lord it’s my interview tonight.”
(Coughing a lot) It’s getting really hot in here and choked up.
But it was Friday night and He finally spoke to me about it. It was really funny. It was really funny. One of His basic ways of working with me is just sometimes using humor. I’ve told you about the things that He’s said over the years to me in answering questions or whatever I give to Him. He just uses humor back at me on it. It was the same thing with 2012. I don’t have His exact words, but it was something to the effect of, who says something has to happen on December 21, 2012 simply because the serpent seed races says there has to be? Just because they say so, something has to happen on December 21, 2012? Because their calendar ends on that date? He was letting me know that He doesn’t operate on their calendar. If they want to end their calendar on Winter Solstice, which is a pagan and satanic holiday, December 21st 2012, then so be it. But He isn’t forced to operate on their calendar.
So I thought it was amusing because even the History Channel has this show on 2012 about the Chinese Echang and the Hopi’s and the Mayans. These races....the Hopi’s and the Mayans are descendents of Atlantis. I’ve talked about them over the years. There’s also hybrid races; serpent seed races throughout that. And the Chinese Echang; the Chinese nation being started by god-kings which were Nephilim. Their whole civilization being...their early emperors were god-kings. That’s very interesting to go back into the Chinese dynasties and the beginnings of their whole culture. They’re obviously a whole different level away from everybody else. The things they eat, the things they do.
One of the things the Lord impressing on my heart all last month about them is how they have strict tourist areas and they watch tourists very closely over there to keep them out of certain areas of China. So why is that? It almost makes you wonder....can they shape-shift? Do they walk around looking like snakes and lizards and they don’t want tourists to see it? It’s already bad enough, the things they eat. Creatures – totally an abomination as far as the Lord is concerned; eating these creatures from Hell like scorpions and spiders and drinking the blood of snakes. Everything about that civilization; just one of satanic....literally just satanic. Of course there are Christians over there. People that have accepted Yahushua as Savior. They kill them for that. They kill them. A lot of the Christians lose their lives over there to keep and hold on to their faith in the Lord. The Lord’s redemption is open and available to them. Just very hideous, the entire culture. And this is the one that’s coming over to America, mind you, to kick us out of our homes and businesses and try to dominate and overthrow America, that our government is holding the door open to.
It’s these races and even the Hopi’s and the Mayans which are hybrid native Indian races. From my research these races are descendents of Atlantis. Some of these Atlantis angels had escaped Atlantis before it was destroyed. They went through the America’s to the America’s and all these races can trace their roots back to descendents of Atlantis. Just another part of hybrid and fallen angel races on Earth, because the people of Atlantis at that time were fallen angels. So, just very interesting some of the cultures that we’re surrounded with on this planet. But it’s their calendar stating December 21, 2012 as the end. Some of them call it Doomsday. Others call it the return of Quetzalcoatl, which is just another term for Satan. I find it interesting that Doomsday has also been termed as the Day of the Lord in the Bible, which isn’t really a day, but a period of time, 42 months....3 1/2 years.
I started looking into the Bible codes on particular December 21, 2012. I didn’t really see anything hair-raising happening that day. Nothing more so than usual. I did see “ashes” and “crater” and “shaking” which would signify earthquakes. Maybe even volcanoes going off. Maybe a comet hitting the Earth because of the crater also a way of describing a volcano. A crater opening. I don’t know. Also what amused me was the term “miracle” because every year at Christmastime Maitreya threatens to arrive at that time. The “miracle” when you’d look up in the sky and see the star. His star. That’s the one he’s been talking about in his advertising blitzes from Share-International right now. About his star in the heavens signifying his arrival.
I’ve warned you about the star coming out of Orion. This orb; this planet; this false New Jerusalem that’s going to be come out Orion’s sword or belt area of that constellation. I’m pretty sure that’s probably the one they’re talking about for this miracle thing. So I really don’t think they’re going to wait until 2012 to arrive, because I think right now they’re pretty much heading into the Antichrist’s war on the Saints, here shortly. So I would be more inclined to believe that that would begin Doomsday, being a general timeframe of the Lord’s Day on Earth; His last 3 1/2 years when He destroys the wicked off of the Earth. I’ll be more inclined to believe that one. That that’s when the Lord’s Day starts, simply because the way things work and everything kindof has its own little system and rules and things like that.
It would be interesting to see that begin with a bang because if you look at December 21, 2012 and they talk about how its Doomsday and they expect volcanoes, earthquakes and a raging of the seas, and cities disappearing in the mountains. That correlates, especially if you look at verses in Isaiah. All these verses in Isaiah to the sixth seal judgment of the earthquake and the great shaking of the land. That happens mid-way through the tribulation period. Probably towards the end of the first half and certainly after the fifth seal; which would symbolize martial law and the deaths of millions of Christians and Believers. So very interesting that kindof correlates, I’m not saying an exact time frame, because the Lord never gives dates on anything. So a time frame being that around that area, perhaps would begin the second half of the trib. If the Lord is going to bring judgment on the Earth. In Isaiah it says He does so because He’s angry because of the wickedness done. Also for vengeance.
What that tells me, to put it in a nutshell, is that He’s judging them because they’ve already done injustice and murder and heinous things to His People, which would indicate that we’ve already gone through a big chunk of martial law in America and possibly the entire world. The entire world experiencing the same kinds of things at that time. He’s had enough and putting His Foot down and boom! We’ve got the sixth seal. The shaking of the Earth, with the great earthquake. So that’s the timeframe I see it as that being starting in December 2012 or sometime during 2012. He’ll have enough and He’ll stand up and He’ll judge. So if you just look at the seals and the things that we have coming. Which means from now until the end of 2012, we’re going to see a lot of ghastly things.
That’s what I’ve been warning about the horses. We’ve got the pale horse and the black horse. A huge famine coming. Pestilences...wars...death and Hell coming, which means that Satan’s forces here on Earth.....the veil being having to see them on Earth. A lot of things between now and 2012 would be happening.
People want to say, they think they have ‘til 2012 and then it’s over. It’s like I said last week, what makes people think they have ‘til June 1, 2009? Simply because so many things are going to be happening between now and 2012. Tens of millions.....hundreds of millions won’t even be alive by then.
It kindof puts things into perspective and timelines and snap people out of apathy and complacency. You’re planning your lives and you’re wasting your time thinking that the next 5 – 10 years are going to be what they were the last. That you’re going to have this normal life that you’ve grown up with so far. Things are changing. Things are drastically changing. People need to snap out of that and start getting ready emotionally, physically and spiritually for being in the last days, because they’re going to hit with a bang. People don’t see it coming. The more I see them trying to hide it, the more you know its coming. The more you know its coming. Obama trying to put everybody to sleep with his “we’re going to heal the economy” and meanwhile they’re signing agreements with China saying, Okay, you can come over. It’s all legal now.” Remember I told you, it all has to be legal. Everything they do in Satan’s little agenda and kingdom have to be legal. So now the Chinese have a legal right because of this treaty that Hillary and our government signed with them, stating that they can come and claim eminent domain over the things that they own if we default on our payments. It doesn’t take much for us to default on our payments because we’re already broke. What are we paying them with? It’s just a matter of time, folks.
I don’t say all this so that you’re panicking; I just say that so that you get right with the Lord. It’s not time to not be with Him. Get right with Him and start doing the things that He wants you to do and He needs you to do. With time being short, you don’t want to go to Heaven and stand before Him and Him say He had all these plans, these things for you to do on Earth and you didn’t do any of them because you never asked Him what He wanted you to do. You know, folks? So seek Him. Seek Him. I know a lot of people just don’t...they’re at a crossroads,”Do I get that home loan?” or “Do I just head to a cave somewhere?” Seek the Lord on it. You don’t want to’re not going to owe the government anything; you’re going to own the Chinese. And they’re just going to take you. Cart you off to a FEMA camp. That’s one thing I’m warning you about, not to go. Not to go with these Chinese. You are as good as dead if you do.
Just a lot of things coming up. And they could be I said Chinese were dominant for the month of April. So they could be here in April. They could start their charades in April. I don’t know what they want to do. It’s just something to think about and plan for, for now.
I’ll start getting into some questions from listeners. If you have a question for the show you can send it to[email protected].
Question: Do we have to worry about Mexico’s violence spilling over into America as well as the other attacks?
Answer: Well, it’s a given. The last days are going to be a time of lawlessness. A time of injustice. A time of rampant sin of evil and vice of every kind. Mexico can’t contain their own people. America isn’t even trying. Pretty much have an open border policy for them, so yeah we’re going to have problems with Mexico.
I find it interesting that the Mexicans have always said they were going to reclaim America in the southwestern states. Now with all the white Americans pretty much leaving California, they pretty much have done what they said they were going to do by reclaiming California. Don’t you think? All the Americans are leaving. So they are winning. L.A. is broke because of all the money they give out to all these illegal aliens that American citizens don’t even get. It serves them right. But the thing is, yeah this whole thing is going to spill all over the country. Like I’ve said, we’re a melting pot right now. Problems with the illegal aliens. We’ll have problems with the Chinese. Just a melting pot right now.
Question: How do people know or tell where the safe havens are for Yah’s people are without tipping off the wrong people?
Answer: Well, you don’t. The Lord knows where they are. If the Lord wants to remove pockets of His People to them, He will do it. I remember Him telling me years ago that even the safe havens that had already been established by people, they were already infiltrated by government agents. In the last days when the Lord wants to protect His People, He’ll do it. He’ll move them around. He’ll put them someplace to be in a place for safety. That’s why I stress so much to people to get into the Lord now and start seeking Him so that He will protect you in the last days. He’ll deem you as one that He wants to protect and He’ll put you into a safe haven somewhere and protect you and your family while the rest of the church goes off into judgment.
Question: When the veil is lifted, will the astral realm be visible?
Answer; That’s the whole difference about the veil being lifted. The whole thing about the veil being lifted; we’re going to have to see all these ugly demonic and alien beings. We’re no longer going to be hid from them; we’re going to see them. Not something you’re going to want to see. They’re ugly. They’re hideous. Just being around strongly demonically possessed people makes me nauseous and sick. Can you imagine just having to see these beings that are dominating them and possessing them? No more hidden. No more being invisible. We’re going to be able to see alien and demonic beings. So that’s what happens when he veil is lifted. It’s going to be gross.
Question from a listener: Have you seen in the codes an attack of a nuclear type in the USA? I see Americans around my area that are preparing for war within the USA. (Sherry: They should be) Do you see that in the codes?
Answer: Yeah, I see a nuke. Some kind of bombing in New York City or Washington D.C. They need a get out of D.C. card. When the Chinese come and start reclaiming all the things that they own, because they have eminent domain here in this country now, Obama is going to be hiding. He’s not even going to be around. Our government is just going to be hiding in the mountains. In the dens and in the rocks and the caves. That’s exactly where they’re going to be. They’re going to be hiding. It’s going to be up to the people left to be able to survive on their own.
Comment from a listener: This is how the Revolutionary War started. The British were buring gun shops.
Sherry: Yeah. Americans need to hold on to their guns and stock more and get more and get more ammo and not get into these unconstitutional requirements and burdens from our own government to try to disarm them. I have a whole article A Call to Arms about Christians defending themselves and it being a duty of yours to defend your life and not let these satanic beings kill you. Some people just say, they’re just going to be like sheep to the slaughter and if it’s they’re time; they’re just going to go to the camps and be hauled off. Well, that’s suicide because you know you’re going to die and you’re not even trying to defend and protect your life. That’s suicide. Protect your life. Defend your life. It’s your duty to stay alive and not let them kill you.
Question from a listener: In 2005 on one of your radio shows, you were talking about Bible codes concerning the half-human, half-robot called the automaton. Have you heard or read any more or new information concerning that topic?
Answer: Yeah. You know what? I’m seeing it and that’s why I keep wondering if these Chinese coming are automatons. Half-human, half-robots. Chip implanted clones. It makes me wonder. I do see it’s coming back up in the codes. In fact it had gone quiet for quite a few years and coming up again. So I’m wondering if it’s not going to be these Chinese that are coming.
Question: Did you know the Democrats are trying to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine?
Answer: Yeah, but you know what? I’m not bringing no alien on my show to give him fair time. They can kiss my big white butt.
Question: Do you think that it could be a possibility that the globalists would crash our economy which would then create chaos all over the world, which would bring in Ahmadinejad 12th Imam which would be the occults teaching “order out of chaos”?
Answer: Well, that’s Maitreya. And he’s waiting to come. That’s exactly what their plan is. Chaos or.....they’re in derision. So they’re combing their plans right now. That’s why I’ve always said, we’ll recognize exactly what they’re doing when they do it because any one route plan they had has been thrown into derision because their UFOs are crashing. The way that Maitreya wanted to arrive to Earth as a great world teacher has been diminished because we’re killing his forces and crashing his UFOs. We’ll have to wait and see their alternative methods of arriving and announcing to the world that they’re here.
Question: Also, have you seen Ted Pikes The Other Israel, making criminals out of Christians?
Answer: No, I haven’t that, but I love Ted Pikes stuff. He’s got some really good material.
Comment: I hope I didn’t ask you too many questions.
Sherry: No, not when they’re easy to answer and really don’t make me think. I don’t have to sit and think about what I said in 2005. Everything I’ve said in 2005 is coming alive today. I heard from one listener who goes back through and listens to all my archives. He said they’re just timeless. It’s like when you listen to a show in 2004, 2005 it’s like listening to a show here in 2009. That’s true because my information is timeless. I just have so much of it; so many teaching over the years that they’re not relative to dates, to times.
Question from a listener: How are we supposed to celebrate or keep the Sabbath? I thought it was evening and the day. Your website says it starts 6am Saturday morning.
Answer: Just ask the Lord. I’ll tell you one thing; He is the Lord of the Day and not the night. And the day doesn’t start at nighttime. It starts from sunrise. Sunrise to sunset is a day. That’s why you can go a whole day. I celebrate Sabbath on Saturday, the seventh day, from sunrise to sunset. You can cook or whatever you want to do once the sun is down. That’s the seventh day. The day starts with the sunrise. I know that people want to get technical and argue all these calendars and all this stuff. You know what? Just throw all that aside and ask Him direct. Ask Him to lead your heart and mind and thoughts on the subject. Then just do as He leads you to do. I don’t let people tech and calendar talk me to death. I just ask Him. I just go to Him.
Question: Sherry, where on your sites can I find the info for the lady who makes the Orgone pendent chains?
Answer: It’s right on Just scroll down the page. Or or My three Orgone sites. She’s on all of them. She’s just right underneath the main order form. I have a whole section for her pendants.
Question: Hello Sherry. Great show as always. My question tonight is, does the Lord Our Father expect us to speak the truth of end times to everyone we know?
Answer: I don’t. Why cast pearls before the swine?
Question: My wife and I are very compelled to tell everyone we know about this truth. When we do all we ever encounter is laughter and rejection. I’m at my whit’s end with trying to tell people, especially family about Yah’s plans for the end times. Should we just stop and focus more on other things? Any response would be appreciated.
Answer: You know I’ve gone through the same thing. I learned a long time ago that results aren’t our responsibility. We can plant seeds with people, but the results are not our job. It’s His job. We just plant the seeds and let Him do the watering and leave the results up to Him. I find that works very effectively. I’m not going to waste my time. If I have to try and convince somebody that the government is evil and we’re about to head into an economic crash. I’m not going to waste my time. They’re head is too far into the sand. I’ve got other things to do. I just plant seeds and move on. I don’t waste my time. If I can’t get anywhere with hit a dead wall....change the subject, move on to something else. Then just move on to something totally and do something else the Lord needs done. You can’t force people to pull their heads out of the sand. What I have found happening is that over the years with these same people that I would just leave seeds with, are now waking up. It couldn’t have happened at a better time because everything is about to hit the fan. But they have woken up. They’re waking up. You just plant seeds and leave it in the Lord’s hands for the results because the results aren’t up to us. Planting the seeds and doing the work is up to us. Just leave it up to Him and move on with whatever He needs you to do.
Question: Can Satanists currently withstand being in close proximity to Orgone for a period of time? I’ve seen the effects when individuals can’t be around it and the effects are within 15 – 20 minutes. I’m wondering if they have some counter mechanism.
Answer: I’ve heard so many various things about people who have on Orgone pendants, or have Orgone pucks with them and sometimes an instant reaction from negative, evil people that can’t stand being around the Orgone. You’re saying it takes 15 – 20 minutes. Whatever. Sometimes it instantaneous, other times it takes longer. They’ll finally figure out, “Something’s burning me. Something’s agitating me. Something’s aggravating me.” I live in a two horse town. Most peop0le here are God fearing. If just don’t run into a lot of evil people out here, so I don’t have the stories that other warriors who live in more metropolitan areas. It’s a various mixture of them. I know my sister won’t go without it in her car. She said she keeps the Orgone in her car and is convinced that because she has the Orgone in her car, the police leave her alone and don’t stop her for tickets. I don’t know if that’s true or not. She’s not one of these heavy footed people, but the times when she wasn’t paying attention and not bothered and not pulled over. She seems to think that’s helped. All these different stories from different people about the effects of Orgone.
I guess I’m just going to wrap up the show tonight. I don’t want to speak too long because this will make this show a longer download for people who are still on dial-up and things like that. The Lord’s People are so varied and strewn across the country and the world. I venture to say most of His People don’t even have a broadband connection or DSL. Very hard for them to even listen to the show, let alone take two hours just to download so they can hear it. That’s why I try to keep this short even though I get started and then I can’t stop talking. I just love spending time with the Lord’s People.
Like I said, once Maitreya does arrive, I’ll start doing more daily broadcasts and shorter broadcasts to keep up to date especially once he’s here and everything he’s doing. Right now we’re just kindof in a prepare mode. Getting ready for the things to hit until they actually do. Once they do, I’ll start doing daily broadcasts.
Until then everybody, just keep preparing. Get back with the Lord. Seek Him. Ask Him to teach you the truth in all things. Ask Him to teach you how to hear Him. How to know it’s Him that’s speaking to you. How to recognize Him when it’s Him leading your thoughts in your heart. Ask Him to guide you in your thoughts. Ask Him to teach you who He is and how to recognize Him. Ask Him these things. Relationship building things. He won’t say no. He will give to you in measure. You’ll find your relationship getting more and more bigger and bigger and closer and closer with Him because you start learning who He is and how He operates. You’ll find that your interest in this world just gets left behind. You don’t care about the things of this world. You value more than gold, your relationship with Him. So that’s how you build it. Those are relationship builders and how your prayer life should be. Trying to seek and learn more about Him and having Him directly teach you. Just tell him, “I’m a dummy. Just show me so I can’t miss it.” Make it very clear to Him. Some people don’t think they can let their hair down and talk to the Lord like that. I talk to Him all the time in different ways. I’m not always formal with Him. I’m doing dishes or cleaning something up. We have a lot of laughs. And a lot of sides to Him. That’s what I want you people to learn in your relationships with Him. How personable He is.
Until next week everybody, Yah bless.