MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2008
Sherry Shriner on.....
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, March 17, 2008
Transcribed by Liz Patton
And hello everybody. You’re live; it’s Monday night March 17, 2008.
If you have any questions for the show you can send them to[email protected]. I’ll be checking that in and out.
It’s one of those nights. If I don’t sound too upbeat and cheery, it’s because I’m not.
Some of you have been listening to the show weekly in and out, will remember back in September and October I had found things in the codes that I wasn’t going to reveal because I didn’t want to escalate things at the time; because I knew they were watching what I expose and reveal. They watch very carefully the things I say and expose and reveal on this show. It kind of correlates to how they act and how much time they have to play with.
Back then, the whole thing I found in the codes where the gold vaults were empty. There is no gold in any of the vaults. The reason I didn’t expose it back then was to give the believers in the Lord more time, because most of you are living week to week and aren’t prepared for a coming economic crash.
I knew back then if I had stated back in September/October when it was when I found that, things would have escalated before the end of the year. Now it’s March and we’re seeing it come about. It bought us maybe 5 or 6 months. It’s not going to delay things forever. Eventually people are just going to be caught unprepared.
As much as I hate it, we can’t keep stalling. The only reason that things are delayed as far as they have is because of Maitreya. Certainly not the Lord; He has given them the green light. They can do what they please. It’s their stage right now and the events of the tribulation period will come about.
The only reason that things haven’t’ escalated even further is because of their own indecisiveness in how to act and react to what is going on; actually getting their plans going. That’s where we’re at right now, folks. It just can’t be stalled any longer. There is no gold in the vaults; or practically any substantial money in the banks.
Some of you the Lord has already been telling you to get your money out of the banks. If He is telling you, gives you a nudge at your spirit to get your money out of the bank…get it out. Do as He says. It’s gonna be a snowball…it’s gonna trickle at first…maybe a small bank in a small town will close it’s doors then maybe somewhere else.
What I’m saying may affect you in your area and not everybody all around the nation or world. If what I’m saying resonates with you, then it is to you that I am speaking. I know that some banks will be propped up longer then others. Other people are being told to get their money out of the banks maybe because the bank they have it in is getting ready to close their doors. He’s trying to warn. I know that He will warn about a month or two and then it just hits; whatever He is trying to warn you about.
That’s how you learn to hear His voice too; He nudges your spirit to do things. Then you realize when you don’t do them when you feel that nudging, whatever He said happens. One way of hearing him, you know? I just want to throw that out there because they just can’t hide it any longer. Me talking about it tonight isn’t going to speed it up; it’s already under controlled demolition status. Our economy is tanking.
The global economy is holding up America’s economy right now. It’s all going to tank; it’s going to crash. No one can hold it up any longer. These things I’ve been warning about and you’ve been reading about are going to come to pass.
Some of the things that I’ve been looking for is…there comes a point where for so many years everything I see in the codes is background info; it’s what they are doing in the background that no one else sees. All of a sudden you start to see then come alive. In other words, everything that is being done in the dark is coming to the light and we are seeing all of this manifest now. It’s eye opening really. It’s a total change. As soon as this stuff comes to light, it’s stuff people aren’t going to want to see. None of what is coming is what people are going to want to see.
I’ve been talking about March forever; warning about March because it is always a dominant month – either 2008 or 2009. Dominate month for the beast Maitreya. He is very much operating in the background right now, folks.
What I have found interesting and I sent it out to my lists last week, is the fact that Dick Cheney took an unannounced trip to the Green Zone. People might be wondering what that’s about. I found it interesting because as much as I kept saying the month of March is a dominant month for Maitreya to finally show his face, that Cheney would take off unannounced.
Another thing I’d been saying is that we had been building them a palace in the Green Zone. The whole reason that we have the Green Zone over there is we are building Maitreya this huge home; this huge palace over there.
That’s exactly what it is.
This palace they have built for him under the guise of some sort of U.S. embassy is larger than the Vatican. He can hold a lot of his forces and counsel there; whatever he needs. He has a lot of these alien and demonic forces that are coming. That’s what we’ve been working on. Kind of stumbled on it be accident by the Orgone and everything that the Orgone can do. It has 101 uses. We’re always finding something new that it can do. It’s apocalyptic. The bible codes call it apocalyptic. It’s going to cause a lot of events in the bible to come about.
One of these things is the whole locust thing. I just said it half flippantly last month that Bush is probably over there drilling in the Euphrates River and is going to end up opening the abyss and all the locust come out. You can read about it in Revelation chapter 9 where it talks about the locust coming out the abyss. The Euphrates River always comes up in the codes. They are looking for that gateway over there.
Sure enough, these locusts are actually allies of this Maitreya and the orgone is going to destroy them. It might take 6 months, but they will be destroyed. We are going to be destroying a lot of his forces with this orgone. What we’ve been able to do in our own country is secure it; make it a fortress against Maitreya and his forces. As they try to take it over, they’re going to die trying to. It’s a perpetual war; a constant war.
We’ve been targeting their strongholds throughout the country; their underground bases. The best thing to do is to get it in the water. Get it in the lakes, rivers, oceans and ponds. Get it in the water. These aliens and demonic forces need water. They don’t necessarily eat our food, but they drink our water and bathe in our water. Our water becomes very toxic to them if it has Orgone in it. Orgone doesn’t bother humans, but for some apparent reason it just totally burns and destroys alien and satanic forces.
I thought it was interesting that Cheney took off over to the Green Zone. I do think Maitreya is planning to make his announcement soon that he is here. I haven’t been listening to his people and don’t know what they’re saying, but they usually say they are waiting on our media to announce he is here. If anybody knows our media, they aren’t going to announce much of anything. We’ve been kind of keeping track of Arab and Indian websites to see if they announce anything about Maitreya’s arrival over there, in case they are and we are having a news media blackout here.
Another interesting piece I sent out last week was on the special closed session of the U.S. House of Representatives. Last week was only the fourth time in 176 years that Congress closed its doors to the public. There was a lot of interest in what were they talking about and didn’t want the public to know about. The last time they had a closed session it had to do with NESERA. I have that at
There was strong arming about this whole NESERA program that’s coming. Of course, they are trying to change the name, but it is the beast economic system on earth and what they will enforce with the chip implantation. There was a list of things supposedly leaked out from this closed session meeting of Congress and what they had talked about. Of course as far as the media is concerned, they were talking about Bush’s surveillance provisions in his bill. That’s what they gave for media consumption.
Apparently what they really talked about was:
1. The imminent collapse of the US economy to occur by September of this year.
2. The eminent collapse of U.S. federal finances by February of 2009. So we have economic collapse by September. 2008 and a government collapse by February 2009. I’ve warned folks that whoever was president in 2009 would hand over the power and control of the United States to the antichrist. Here is a timetable there they are giving us.
3. The possibility of civil war inside the USA as a result of the collapse. That would be this September if not, February of next year.
4. Advanced roundups of insurgent U.S. citizens likely to move against the government. 5. The detention of those rounded up at Rex 84 camps constructed throughout the USA. 6. The possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses.
7. The locations of safe facilities for members of Congress and their families to reside during expected massive civil unrest.
8. The unnecessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada and Mexico.
9. The issuance of a new currency the Amero for all three nations, as the proposed solution to the upcoming economic armageddon.
A couple of weeks ago, I said I would talk about the FEMA camps and Rex 84; The Lord wanted me to talk about the coming war against the saints. I don’t even remember what I was talking about, I kind of ran out of time. He still has me back at that because it is coming, folks. Back in the 80’s; this whole thing with Oliver North and Iran-Contra affair selling arms. He traveled the country as some kind of hero being beaten up by our president and congress for putting up a security system.
One of the things about that that makes me sick, I was just a kid at that time, but my parents had dragged me to listen to Oliver North speak.. We went to Cleveland, Ohio to listen to him speak. Republicans are so schmoozzled by him; “He’s a Christian, a Republican.” At that time I had no idea of any aspect of the New World Order at all. Clueless. I was just a kid in my late teens probably.
Now that I look back at it, the whole time he was traveling around the country on speaking engagement being set up as a hero, he is planning our deaths through Rex 84. He was the one that Reagan had put in charge of the Rex 84 program. You look at what 84 is – the future internment of Christians and Patriots in internment camps.
We’ve seen Bush funding it a couple of years ago and giving Halliburton the contract to actually construct these interment camps. There have been pictures circulating on the internet for years of these camps. They aren’t what you expect. When you see them they are just fenced in areas with barbed wire coiled towards the inside to keep people, from climbing out of them. People heave seen them and gotten pictures near water supply area’s out in the middle of deserts and woods where it would take a train, airplane or boat to get to these camps. FEMA centers are in every major city.
They can take over any cities convention center and use them as processing centers to round up civilians. That one just kind of knocked the breath of me lately. I’ve been talking about it for so long, you know its coming; it’s right around the corner. I can’t believe it is here. It is here.
Right now we are looking at a controlled demolition. They knew last year there was no gold in the vaults. They knew, I knew and a couple of smart thinkers knew that the vaults were totally empty of gold and the only thing propping up the economy was that nobody was talking about it. Just trying to give people some time, buying them some time so they could get out and prepare for the coming famine and economic crash that is ahead.
Another thing is when I look at the whole thing with the location of safe facilities for members of Congress and their families to reside during suspected massive civil unrest. That’s a joke. It’s one of those things where your heart hits the floor because you know they will all be killed. Satan has no loyalty; even to his own.
We may not like the members of Congress, and they may be to blame for a lot of the things, but there are still some good people in Congress. I have to believe they aren’t all lizards, greys or taken over and soul-scalped. There has to be somewhere, especially the new ones who were just put in…some normal humans with families left in Congress. They are all going to be killed. I saw that, years ago.
When this while thing starts to go down, the first ones on the trains; the red listed aren’t necessarily the Christians although Satan wants these government officials to believe that, “Oh, we’re going to round up the illegal aliens, possible troublemakers and the Christians, Patriots and bigmouths.”
They will be the first ones rounded up. They have been. After 9/11, I was hearing from people that saw lines and lines of people in handcuffs getting on trains and they were while collared professionals in suits, ties and dresses; government employees. To shut them up and get them out of the way. That’s exactly what they are going to do.
When they no longer need this Congress of ours, they’ll move them to a safe facilities so they have then all in one place so they can take them to their next real destination which will be a slaughter chamber. A lot of these underground cities that have been built and the promises of the government and military, “Help us to fight against and defeat the New World Order. Or, “Help us get these plans though and we will protect you in one of these underground cities or bases.”
The Lord told me that a lot of these underground cites and bases will become their tombs. Either way they’re dead. Even if the government doesn’t willfully kill them like they will the politicians, they will die eventually anyway because those underground cities and bases are gong to become their tombs. I have no joy in talking about this; its just one of those things. There will be so much death and destruction coming up.
They talk about this unavoidable merger of the United States, Canada and Mexico. That is so far beyond my worries right now because that would be after massive martial law here in America. That’s just what puts a hundred pound brick on your head knowing that before that even comes about there is going to be 50, 60, 70, 100 maybe 150 -200 million Americans killed.
The coming martial law. I put this link on my website for The End Game Plan. You can go to It talks about the governments plans to round up all the illegal immigrants they have allowed through our borders just so they can hide behind the illegal round up of Christians and patriots under the guise of illegal immigrants. Having this massive round up plan; they call it the End Game Plan. It makes you realize why they opened put the borders for so long and just let the Mexicans cross the border. Because they’re going to serve a purpose.
They opened the borders and let them cross for years and have done nothing about it. Acted like they were going to do something about just like they acted like they were doing something about the drug war; what they say and what they do are two different things. They talk about a drug war being against drugs, but meanwhile the drug war is a war against America so they can bring drugs into America.
The government’s been behind this for years. They talk about rounding up illegal immigrants, but what they will do is round up Christians and Patriots; who in a New World Order run by Satan will all of a sudden find themselves as illegal immigrants in their own country. Anybody that doesn’t go along with this New World Order is going to be rounded up.
They already have a list, folks. If you’ve been a church tither; if you’ve been a church member, those churches turn all of their membership roles into the state. They have to as part of being a 501(c) (3) church. So they have your name, you address and social security numbers. They know who you are. They’re been surfing the net for years.
People think they can hide behind screen names. That’s not so; they can find out who you are. They own the servers. I’ve been screaming that for years. The CIA owns the servers. They can find you and put you on a list. They have probably millions on their round up list.
What I see happening is this whole controlled demolition that’s going on now, is that eventually they can’t hide it that there is no more gold; there is no more money. The few people that are smart will get to the banks and get their money out now. They’ll just start rounding people up. Instead of announcing having all of the banks close. That would be one route that would cause the civil unrest. To have all the banks shut over night and of course that would cause massive civil chaos.
If they want to go that route and created massive civil chaos, do it that way. Otherwise, route number 2 where they don’t announce the banks are closing, they don’t announce that there is no money. They just start their round up program. Before anybody suspects it; before anybody sees it coming, they begin their round up program. They shut the internet off. I’ve seen them doing that. I don’t think it’s just my sites they are going to shut off, but that is always a possibility. It’s always there. They could take down the entire internet so that people can’t warn each other as to what is coming; what is happening.
Maitreya is behind that and wants them to do that. That’s how they could keep people from learning what’s going on because they’re going city by city, town by town and neighborhoods rounding up Christians, Patriots and loudmouths and taking them to internment camps. They could have millions taken imprisoned and killed before the rest of the world even knows what is going on. The media has a blackout. The media doesn’t talk about it. No one is talking on the internet because there is no internet and no body knows what is going on.
They could last like that for a couple of days, maybe even a couple of weeks. In the meantime, busily just killing millions and millions of Americans. I have always warned, “Do not get on these relocation. Don’t go to the busses, the trains. If there is a terror attack in a city and they will relocate you like they did a dry run in Katrina, don’t do it. There are thousands of adults from New Orleans still missing. You never hear about it. There’s always been this media blackout on it. The separated the kids from the parents, and there are still thousands of parents missing. They’re not just lost, folks. They’re dead; they’re gone. I think Katrina was a dry run for what’s coming. That could go about with little or no big fuss worldwide. You could have 100 million Americans dead before anybody realizes what’s going on over here. I think they’re going to go.
You’ve got your 2 routes – messy or quiet and silently. Whichever route they go, eventually they will just have to close the banks anyway and there would be civil unrest here. By then they would’ve gotten rid of the bigmouths, Christians and patriots.
What especially the Lord wanted me say about this is this whole coming martial law is indeed the antichrist war on the saints. Christians always have a prophetic picture in their mind about what the last days are going to be like. They picture this happens, then that happen.
Events are going to happen in ways you won’t expect them to. That’s one thing the Lord has always told me. We form assumptions and illusions in our own mind based on our beliefs are not necessarily based on the times and what the truth really is. We build our own beliefs and views on the things we have learned through church and religion and things aren’t always going to happen that way.
Most of the churches are waiting for a pre-trib rapture to come, and waiting for this temple in Jerusalem to be built. They are waiting for all these markers to happen, so they sit secure in their homes and they are asleep. That’s exactly what the bible codes say, that America is asleep; they are sleeping. They are under destruction and under siege and they don’t even know it.
Revelation chapter 13 verse 1-8.
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, (Sherry: in the bible codes the leopard is a terrorist) and his feet were as the feet of a bear, (Sherry: communism and socialism) and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: (Sherry: lion being referred to as Judah or the Lord) and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear.
This is exactly the same timetable that I am seeing. I’ve been talking about; there will be the first fruits rapture of 144,000. The bible codes refer to it as a fraction. It really is; it’s just a fraction of the bride.
There are probably millions in the bride and there’s a small group; a fraction of that number of millions. They’re going to be taken off the earth. It’s these that Maitreya- the first beast is really after. Through this Orgone, we have caused so much destruction and death to his kingdom on earth.
Even coming through the aerospace. We’re destroying them in aerospace. Not us, but it is actually the Lord who is kicking up the strength of the orgone that we have put out everywhere. So he is going to be furious when he comes after this particular group; these orgone warriors…..and they are gone. What he does is turns around and goes after the entire bride.
He is the one who is going to start this whole war on the saints. How he is going to hide that is through martial law in America. You’re thinking, “How can this Maitreya in the Middle East going to control anything in America?” We are already aligned with him. America has already made an alliance with this beast. We’ve known for a long time that America has been lead by Satanists. America aligned with Satan years ago. It’s really not a shock…it’s just the way it’s going to happen is so different then the way people expect them to.
You expect some charming antichrist to rise. Someone tall, dark and handsome that the women will be goo-goo eyed over. They misrepresent Daniel and everything Daniel says. It’s not going to happen the way you expect things to happen. It’s not going to be as out front and in your face as you expect. A lot of things happening are done behind the scenes. Like now with Bush going over to Iraq to meet with Maitreya in the Green Zone and planning what they will be doing here in America.
This whole controlled economic crisis…..the economy crashing…..the banks are empty. Starting up the roundup of Christians and patriots; this war on the saints because he is furious. I do expect that the 144,000 will be taken off of the earth before all of that hits the fan. What I do worry about is so many of those sitting in the churches today being asleep to what’s going on.
Even if you are a Pauline Christian sitting in the church today, nowhere does it mention that there would not be a famine or civil war before a rapture will occur in the last days. I’ve been there. I know Baptist theology like the back of my hand. 30 years of it. I’m very astute at it, I might add. I know all your arguments, illusions, delusions and beliefs. Been there, done that.
The Lord pulled me out of it when I started praying for truth in all things. That’s all it takes; a heart for the truth and getting sick of religion; seeking Him for the truth in all things so He can lead you and teach you and pull you away from the errors that you are in. That’s a daily journey, folks; always asking the Lord for the truth in all things. It’s a daily journey with Him. If truth seeking is such a journey, then doesn’t that fly in the face of any kind of pre-illusions that we have about you can read the bible front to back and think you know it and have all the truth that’s in it?
If that was the case, then someone who’s read the bible front to back 100-200 times for 20, 30, 40 years they would pretty much have a grasp of the truth, don’t you think? I’m just looking at my own life because I’ve been reading the bible since I can remember, since I learned how to read. Front to back, front to back, front to back. So it wasn’t a big shock for the Lord to tell me that Paul wasn’t His. I knew that already. You can read Paul’s books and read what the Lord and the Apostles taught and see that there are two different messages being taught. It takes knowledge of the bible to be able to distinguish that.
Back to the basics; things aren’t always going to happen the way that we expect them to. Be prepared for the unexpected. I know that the church is waiting for this huge rapture and this coming war between Russia and Israel. They put Ezekiel 37 and 38 at the middle of the tribulation period because Hal Lindsey tells them to; because he says so. A 32nd degree Mason tells you what to think and everybody jumps. Stop listening to TV preachers and start asking the Lord. Things will start to make a little more sense. Look at Ezekiel 37 and 38 and Revelation 21 and 22. That aligns with Satan’s release at the end of the thousand year millennial reign. It has nothing to do with during the 7 year tribulation period.
What I have seen coming for Jerusalem- Satan is going to have his fleet of UFO’s. I don’t know if that is Sananda’s arrival in September of whatever year. He is having a hard time right now because he was going to have this entrance with Maitreya. It’s hard to tell and convince everybody that you are god when your UFO’s are crashing to the earth.
That’s why I came up with that silly “It’s raining UFO’s” song. That’s exactly what’s happening. The orgone is pulling the UFO’s out of the skies; somehow the orgone is conflicting with these navigation systems in the UFO’s. The Lord has confirmed that to me. They are crashing out of the skies and our media just talks about meteors hitting the earth.
Anywhere we have seen these stories of UFO’s crashing, they are orgoned areas that they have come into contact with. Everyplace that I have read about meteors, I know are orgoned areas; we have a warrior out there. ….a warrior here……..and over there. We’ve got warriors all around the world that have been putting orgone out. These UFO’s are going to run into orgoned areas and just hit the ground.
That’s another reason that whole beast charade….this whole quad; I think there’s 4 of them. Maitreya, Jesus, Mary and Germaine. Germaine is the one who is supposed to lead the beast economic program on earth, the whole NESERA thing. We have 4 of them together. I still see “black beast” in the codes, so I’m not sure who that is. Sometimes Obama’s name comes up, sometimes it doesn’t. There’s an Aryan, an Arab, a woman and a Negro. There are 4 of them mentioned in the bible codes, but you will also see the whole New Age themselves talk about the whole group of ascended masters that they have coming. We have many beasts coming. We won’t be limited to the antichrist.
Don’t forget, we have President Bush who has already pretty much convinced himself that he is messianic; that he’s a prophet of God. He’s going to be on a snorting monoat0mic gold mission to transform and permutate his own human body into one of these light body’s.
It’s a mimicry of a resurrected body and they get this through abusing monoatomic gold; taking great quantities of that daily. For all intense and purposes, I see Bush still being affected by that if he’s going to go that route. He just may go as crazy as to announce to the world that he is god and transform into this light body. It’s a hard one to swallow. King George. He’s already being forced to act; to do his part on the scene of the world’s stage.
The hate-thought crimes bill that I have on my website talks about where even thinking a thought of what they think is terrorism could land you in prison. They’re pulling at straws just to find the legislation and excuses to throw people in prison. They’re going to be using draconian legislation like that one. They may also be pulling out within maybe a couple of weeks, more legislation or they’re going to start enforcing existing legislation. They’re going to take away free speech and make it impossible to speak against King George. That would also be a precursor to these roundups. Many patriots would go under that one. Any rational thinking human being would go under that one.
It’s not ours just to be taken as sheep to the slaughter. Defend yourself; defend your family if they want to send military soldiers to your house. Think back to the Holocaust (don’t send me emails saying it didn’t happen).
Think back to the Jewish Holocaust where millions of Jews were just rounded up taken on trains to Auschwitz. You always wonder, “Why didn’t they do anything to defend themselves? Why didn’t they shoot the soldiers as they came?
Why when they were all standing in line and there were only a few soldiers around with guns, they didn’t team up and just take the guns from the soldiers? There were more of them then the soldiers. They just got on these trains like sheep to the slaughter and went to their deaths.”
That’s the same thing that is coming here to America. Are you going to let them round you up and take you to these trains? Are you going to sit in these barbed wire camps until the trains come to take you to the slaughter house and not do anything? There are always going to be more prisoners then guards.
You are going to die anyway, so at least die trying to get out of there. Get a back bone. We don’t have to be sheep to the slaughter. The sad thing is, most likely we will be. A lot of the bride is going to be tested for their faith and die. They’re waiting for rapture, but what is coming is martial law and death and a time of testing.
I know the government agents love to get online, pose as Christians and say, “The Commandments say thou shall not kill.”Folks, self defense is not killing. It’s not premeditated murder. It’s protecting yourself and your family. There is a difference between “thou shall not kill” and “thou shall not murder.”
That’s exactly what that word should have been translated as, “thou shall not murder.” If they weren’t allowed to kill, then David wouldn’t have been half the warrior he was. The Old Testament Israelites have always been warriors on the battlefield. It’s your God given right to protect yourself and your family.
So don’t let these pastors who are being rolled out by the government to slam Romans 13 down your throat on how to be submissive to government. Read the whole chapter. We are to be submissive to government until they go up against The Most High God. Obviously any kind of martial law, imprisonment and killing of civilians is not of God and you have a perfect right to defend yourself.
I’m going to start to answer some questions from listeners.
Question from a listener: Hi, Sherry. My name is Mike and I live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. XZone Radio sucks. I received 2 pendants that I purchased on March 4th and haven’t seen one chemtrail over my city’s skies.
Sherry: Usually the pendants are just personal protection. Usually If you want to knock out the chemtrails, get Orgone and saturate the area with them. That’s funny.
Question: Does the size of the orgone make a difference in the area that it affects? I would love to know.
Sherry: The difference between the orgone. The 3oz, 5oz and 10oz. If you’re in a city area, I would just pelt it with 3oz muffins. I go to plazas and throw them up on the roofs, throw them into ditches, throw them in bushes where they won’t be seen. Just get your area north south east and west. Do a loop around your area. Go out and get the cow fields and corn fields. If you’re in the suburbs, it’s a little bit harder; but you can lop these things up into people’s gutters and they won’t know. What you want to do is get the little ones, you can hide them better. Once you get out and away from towns and cities, you can get the bigger ones. They will cover 5 miles of atmosphere miles. When you are inside of a city, your atmosphere miles get blocked by trees and buildings. You just need to use more orgone. If you’re out on a good day in a country field, and driving down the highway, one little 3oz puck will cover 3miles; a 5oz every 3-4 miles and a 10oz every 6 miles. It just depends on how well you want to saturate your area. I like to overkill. I encourage you to at least get your areas. Get your homes, your neighborhoods. Get the places that you go to; your stomping grounds – your bank, where you shop, where you buy gas, where your kids go to school. Get those areas as well. Any place that you go, any major routes into your area – so that truckers can get into your area with food and supplies. So while we can, we need to be getting our entire areas. Just ask The Lord to show you where to put them. He is great to take out on orgone missions. He’s a lot of fun and will tell you exactly where to put them.
Question: Does the orgone pendent only work if you wear it? Hillary Clinton is coming to my college tomorrow. I forgot to bring some orgone with me after spring break and only have my pendent. Can I hide it near the entrance to the building? Is Clinton even a shapeshifter or does she just do their bidding?
Sherry: I don’t think she’s a shapeshifter, but don’t quote me on it. She’s a very high ranking Mothers of Darkness witch. She very well could be a shapeshifter. There are some that believe she shape-shifted and scared the life out of Princess Diana when she came to
America and got her to drop her plans to go after John Kennedy Jr. and went back to Europe. Yeah, that would do it. Change into a lizard in front of her. I don’t know if she is as dominant a lizard as others because she is such a possessed witch, literally. She does protect the agenda; she works the omega agenda. The website with her at has her with Al Gore and Dick Cheney. I wouldn’t be surprise if she is a shapeshifter. Just wear your pendent and walk into wherever they are. It’ll annoy them. Anybody like Benny Hinn, Obama coming to your area? Try to get there before them and throw some orgone up on the roof of wherever they will be, or even inside of the facility they will be at, so it has time to assimilate into the air. I always tell people not to expect results right away, it takes a couple of days for the orgone to saturate into the air. Then you hear from others that say it was immediate; that they started to see the effects immediately. It’s really in the Lords hands. It’s His product and in His hands; saturate your area immediately or make you wait a few days.
Question from a listener: Have you seen the 2006 mini-series “Invasion”? This show is really good and has a lot of truth concerning aliens and military conspiracies.
Sherry: I did see it a couple of times. I just got so tired of the whole soap opera thing. I did like the storyline; the characters they had playing the people were killing the series.
That EMT guy was just so annoying; the soap opera guy. He just made the whole series annoying, I couldn’t watch it. I noticed it was a swamp in Florida. Southern Florida… there’s a huge underground base off of the southern tip of Florida. There are all kinds of problems with Florida in general with aliens as it is. It’s interesting that they picked that location for the series.
Question from a listener: Hi Sherry. I’m really scared and don’t know where to go. What is there for me to do? Kill myself?
Sherry: No. Killing yourself is not the answer. The Lord will protect those that are seeking Him and have their eyes open. He will protect. Don’t take one part of scripture and throw out another. In Revelation chapter 3, He will protect the Church of Philadelphia and He describes this church of Philadelphia. They are the ones that are truth seekers. Read between the lines. It is the truth seekers and those that are seeking Him and not embroiled with all these churchdom deceptions right now. If you are even listening to me and you are worried about what is coming, then you have a heart for the Lord; a heart for the truth. Go to Him and ask Him for His protection. He will protect those who truly seek and love Him. Martial law is going to be a time of testing for Him to test the majority of the bride who say that they love Him and do nothing for him. They just sit in these religious boxes week after week.
Question from a listener: You said earlier that you had some information to tell us, but didn’t know if you could reveal it to us because the government is listening. Can you go into detail to prepare us?
Sherry: That would serve no purpose. No. That just prevents things. I already told you about last year anyway. I’ll tell you eventually. The problem with revealing info is if I reveal info, they change their plans. We don’t always want them to change their plans, then they change to somethin
to see why so many people will die in the future because they don’t see the truth for what
it is. The guy was a complete moron and a huge atheist even though he denied it. I
applaud your efforts on the show because someone out there really needed to hear what you were saying. I hope that everyone in Canada doesn’t think this way. I guess I’m used to the Patriots and the people fed up with the government in America than to hear it differently from uneducated people. Yah bless your continuous efforts.
Sherry: Yeah. We’ll take some hits just so the message can get out.
Question from a listener: Sherry, yes Xzone Radio sucks. What a bunch of nut buckets. When is the best time of day to put out orgone? I don’t want to be seen and stopped by police for something as ridiculous as littering. I figure that nighttime is better. What do you think?
Sherry: I have traveled this country at nighttime and have seen one end to the other at night. Defiantly when it starts to get dusk out. I’ve had people take apples with them in case they got pulled over they could tell the cop they threw an apple out the window. If you are on the highway and you’re throwing an orgone puck every 2 miles or so, when you throw it, don’t let your arm go out of the window so they see your arm. Just kind of toss it inside of your car so that it goes out your window without the person behind you seeing your arm. I get in the slow lane, go slow and people pass me. When they are passing me I throw it, or have the passenger throw it if I’m driving. I don’t toss them with people behind me. That’s a big reason I do a lot of traveling at nighttime. People don’t see you. When I was out west, it didn’t really matter because there is nobody on the roads in the deserts. If there are you just drop down to the speed limit and they’ll pass you.
Email from a listener: Hi Sherry. When I was at Benny Hinn they had metal detectors, so try and get there ahead of time if you are planning to give it to him.
Sherry: I don’t think metal detectors can detect orgone. I’ve gone through airports with my orgone pendant on and the metal detector never went off. So, I don’t think there is enough metal in it, or the resin hides it or the Lord just does. I guess I’ll find out at the Capitol. I’m going to try it up here at the court too. I don’t know about the bigger pieces of orgone, but I haven’t noticed it to pick up the pendants. If somebody has gotten through a metal detector with a 3oz or 5 oz puck, let me know. You don’t have to even get inside the facility where he’s at. Just get outside of it; the roof and the area around it. He’s waiting on Satan to arrive and demonic power. He gets his power from demons. If they can’t get inside the building because of orgone, he has no power. They won’t go through the orgoned area to get to him.ill we all be on our own? Should we find a way to get together and survive as a group? What are your thoughts on this? By the way, Rob sucks. Do you think he should be punished for it?
Sherry: He served a purpose. Several years ago I was in a panic to get a safe haven for the Lords people. You start hearing about these groups that are already together. The problem is, the Lord told me, it is all infiltrated by the government. When the time comes for Him to protect who He considers as truly His, who have already been tested and don’t need to be tested through martial law, He will literally protect you and take where you need to be. Just put your faith in Him. Don’t be so fearful.
Question from a listener: I’m worried about Obama as a reptilian. I like what he has to say and am actually a supporter. Since his preacher has come out and made his comments, how has that changed things? Wouldn’t his preacher know if he is a child of Satan or not?
Sherry: Other than his racist comment, I liked what his preacher was saying. He had a lot of truth. We all know the government was behind 9/11 and all this other stuff. He didn’t say anything that others haven’t said. He just has the racist slant. I get so tired of it. I run into more racist black people than I have ever run into racist white people. They’re just so racist. I can’t take a racist slant from any race. I don’t care what race it’s coming from. His racist slant is what really hurts him.
Heads up from a listener: I got through the detector at the airport with a 3oz puck in my backpack.
Sherry: There you go folks. I didn’t think detectors could pick these things up folks. They can’t, so don’t worry about it. Just go and get your orgone done. Stuff them in your purse, in your pockets, whatever works.
Email from a listener; Thank you for talking how we have the right to protect ourselves. I really needed to hear that. I respect and love you so much.
Sherry: I love you too. I love all of you. Some of you really crack me up. Some of you give me a lot of energy and motivation to keep going with what I’m doing becuae of your own love for the Lord.
Question from a listener: Hi Sherry. We love you here in Quebec Canada. Have you ran other bible coeds of leaders such as Stephen Harper of Canada.
Sherry: I’ve been keeping my eyes on Canada since I have so many supporters there; also Australia. I haven’t seen anything coming up. Quebec comes up every once in a while, so I’ve been trying to keep my eye on Quebec. Nothing dominant right now. When something is dominant, I’ll see it. For instance, the Avian Flu in China (which is a bio-attack) we all knew that. America is going into an alliance with Delhi, which is Maitreya’s homebase right now. You’ll see the Chinese at war right now with the Buddhist Tibetans. This is very interesting because that is Maitreya’s stronghold and the whole New Age, Age of Aquarius garbage. The Himalayas are their stronghold. Now you see China acting out against them. Another thing, Japan is coming up in the codes. This renegade iceberg that I’ve been talking about to watch out for, because that’s still in the codes. This huge iceberg that’s going to break off from the north and cause incredible amounts of flooding. I believe it will hit our west coast; maybe Japan and somewhere else. We’ve got a renegade iceberg coming. For that to keep coming up in the codes causes a lot of concern. If the Lord is telling you to get away from the west coast, get away from the west coast. This iceberg is going to be hitting sometime this year.
Email from a listener: Hi Sherry. Yah bless. Great show as always and the remix song with the Weather Girls. Were there shapeshifters when Yahushua was walking the earth? Was Yahushua releasing positive energy?
Sherry: Yeah, I’m such the pop singer now.
The whole orgone energy is His energy. So, I don’t know. The bible codes always refer to it as “biblical” and it refers to it as “apocalyptic”. I know what it’s going to do apocalyptic wise, but I don’t know what it has done in the past. From what I can tell, orgone is something that has always been around, it was just known as something different. I don’t know what it was referred to in the past. I don’t have enough information on it. I know it will cause a lot of the things that the bible talks about; the destruction of the locusts after 6 months and boils on people who are chip implanted. It will burn and cause boils on alien and demonic forces. It’s going to do a lot of things. We’re going to see it too. Unfortunately, he is going to retaliate against the entire bride for it. But, we also know its coming. It’s his war on the saints.
Shape-shifting in front of Yahushua? I have no idea if they did or not. I know the demons knew who He was and would scream out at Him. They know. They know who you are; they know who have the love of the Lord in them as well.
Question: How many orgone warriors do you estimate are in L.A., California? We are 2 out of 144,000. I’m glad you liked the pendants we sent you.
Sherry: Yes, I did like the pendants you sent me. I’m not real sure about California. I’ve sent a lot out there to a lot of Air Force bases out there. It’s funny because they are the ones sending up the planes to spew chemtrails on everybody, and it’s the families themselves buying the orgone to protect their houses from getting these chemtrails on their heads. Just get it out there. Just do what the Lord leads you to do because I can’t put people together. It causes too many problems. So you have to just listen to the Lord. If He tells you to get a certain area with orgone, then get it. Target the water supplies in L.A. There are a bunch of reptilian underground tunnels in L.A. Try to get it in the underground. The sewers, the ditches; whatever the Lord leads you to do. There is so much in L.A. It’s the city of fallen angels before it was the city of angels for a reason. There’s a lot of work to do out there and everywhere.
Email from a listener: Hi Sherry. My brother wants to know how to tell the real from the false miracles. Also my mom would like to say she really appreciates what you are doing. Yah bless and thank you for answering our questions. I love you.
Sherry: I love the Lord’s people.
Everything that’s coming down from Benny Hinn and this Jesus that’s coming, are all false miracles. They may look real and Satan can mimic. It’s like causing the problem and fixing it yourself type thing. Have a demon infest somebody and cause problems and then have the demon go and the person is healed because the demon left. Don’t by it folk’s. Everyone is going to love him. That’s the problem. When he comes, he’ll be healing the sick and the lame, restoring sight to the blind. The majority of the world is going to accept him as the messiah. Then he’s going to say, “I’m just the son. You need to worship Maitreya as god.” Or Heaven forbid, George Bush. Just play it by ear. He’s not going to pull one over on anyone with their eyes half way opened. They’ll all be repulsed by it (those that are still here). We can laugh about it now. It’s going to be the church crowd being led by all these TBN preachers by the hundreds of thousands who will be deceived by this. Benny Hinn and all them will put their support behind these beasts that are coming.
I’ll answer the rest of your questions later.
Email from a listener: I was watching the mini-series on John Adams on HBO. Guess what? Nothing has changed. They couldn’t agree on anything back then either. I was watching the news today and I believe that the economic crash is starting before they wanted to and why the Fed is trying to keep it propped up.
Sherry’: Yeah. It is. They’ve been propping it up since last September and October. You can’t tell me that I was the only one who knew the vaults were empty of gold; they knew. They’ve been propping it up. The only reason, like I’ve said, they are delaying things is because of their own indecisiveness. We are destroying their plans and they have to go to plans, B, C and D because we keep taking their plan A’s away from them. That’s a testament to the Lords warriors.
Question from a listener: Any areas of Quebec that you could suggest? What do the codes say about us here in Québec? Thank you, Sherry. I love you girl.
Sherry: I love you too. Obelisks are excellent targets because they are Satan’s penis symbols all over the place. Target these things. Ask the Lord where to put orgone. He loves to go on these missions. Just go with Him. Head out and ask Him to show you where to put them and go from there. He’ll show you. I love the Lords people and have so much fun. I feel a lot better now then when I did starting this show. I see that destruction is coming and I’ve tried to do my part in holding it off to give the Lords people time.
So that’s where we’re at, folks. I’m not going to answer any more questions tonight and am going to wrap this up. There is no propping up the economy anymore. Even me being silent about it isn’t going to do anything. The banks are empty, the vaults are empty. Boom, the crash is coming. Some of you and me the Lord is telling you to get your money out of the banks, get it out. If you feel like you are fine, then you are fine. What could affect one person in one state, may not affect somebody else somewhere else. The problem with Israel today is we are all over the world. When the prophets used to speak, they used to speak to the people in Israel all in one place. Now when you are speaking to Israel, you are speaking to the entire world. Israel is red, yellow, black and white and all over the world. That makes it impossible to speak something and have it affect everybody all at one time.
I’m going to wrap it up because I’ve said what I had to say tonight. The war on the saints is coming. The roundups are coming. The economic crash is coming. Banks will be closing. If banks are closed, businesses will be closed because they can’t bank. Just think about things folks. Get prepared. Can you go 3 months? Do not head to relocation areas. Don’t go for government support and help; that’s the biggest thin; that’s how they will get you. Stay at home. You should have enough for you and your family to get through 3 months. Don’t be heading out and getting government help, because FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). I warned about this last year and the year before, - FEMA is going to be an arm of the beast and will be taken over and run by these hutch/ tall boy/ grey aliens. When Satan arrives on Earth, they will be the ones running FEMA and enforcing chip implantation and the deaths of all these people that are rounded up. They won’t bat an eye carting people off in trains and taking them to slaughter centers where they will be burned and whatever. These aliens won’t bat an eye. That’s why they’ll be the ones in charge of all of this and taking over FEMA.
Just a heads up until next week. It’ll be interesting to see what else He will let me talk about next week.
Until then, Yah bless everybody.
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, March 17, 2008
Transcribed by Liz Patton
And hello everybody. You’re live; it’s Monday night March 17, 2008.
If you have any questions for the show you can send them to[email protected]. I’ll be checking that in and out.
It’s one of those nights. If I don’t sound too upbeat and cheery, it’s because I’m not.
Some of you have been listening to the show weekly in and out, will remember back in September and October I had found things in the codes that I wasn’t going to reveal because I didn’t want to escalate things at the time; because I knew they were watching what I expose and reveal. They watch very carefully the things I say and expose and reveal on this show. It kind of correlates to how they act and how much time they have to play with.
Back then, the whole thing I found in the codes where the gold vaults were empty. There is no gold in any of the vaults. The reason I didn’t expose it back then was to give the believers in the Lord more time, because most of you are living week to week and aren’t prepared for a coming economic crash.
I knew back then if I had stated back in September/October when it was when I found that, things would have escalated before the end of the year. Now it’s March and we’re seeing it come about. It bought us maybe 5 or 6 months. It’s not going to delay things forever. Eventually people are just going to be caught unprepared.
As much as I hate it, we can’t keep stalling. The only reason that things are delayed as far as they have is because of Maitreya. Certainly not the Lord; He has given them the green light. They can do what they please. It’s their stage right now and the events of the tribulation period will come about.
The only reason that things haven’t’ escalated even further is because of their own indecisiveness in how to act and react to what is going on; actually getting their plans going. That’s where we’re at right now, folks. It just can’t be stalled any longer. There is no gold in the vaults; or practically any substantial money in the banks.
Some of you the Lord has already been telling you to get your money out of the banks. If He is telling you, gives you a nudge at your spirit to get your money out of the bank…get it out. Do as He says. It’s gonna be a snowball…it’s gonna trickle at first…maybe a small bank in a small town will close it’s doors then maybe somewhere else.
What I’m saying may affect you in your area and not everybody all around the nation or world. If what I’m saying resonates with you, then it is to you that I am speaking. I know that some banks will be propped up longer then others. Other people are being told to get their money out of the banks maybe because the bank they have it in is getting ready to close their doors. He’s trying to warn. I know that He will warn about a month or two and then it just hits; whatever He is trying to warn you about.
That’s how you learn to hear His voice too; He nudges your spirit to do things. Then you realize when you don’t do them when you feel that nudging, whatever He said happens. One way of hearing him, you know? I just want to throw that out there because they just can’t hide it any longer. Me talking about it tonight isn’t going to speed it up; it’s already under controlled demolition status. Our economy is tanking.
The global economy is holding up America’s economy right now. It’s all going to tank; it’s going to crash. No one can hold it up any longer. These things I’ve been warning about and you’ve been reading about are going to come to pass.
Some of the things that I’ve been looking for is…there comes a point where for so many years everything I see in the codes is background info; it’s what they are doing in the background that no one else sees. All of a sudden you start to see then come alive. In other words, everything that is being done in the dark is coming to the light and we are seeing all of this manifest now. It’s eye opening really. It’s a total change. As soon as this stuff comes to light, it’s stuff people aren’t going to want to see. None of what is coming is what people are going to want to see.
I’ve been talking about March forever; warning about March because it is always a dominant month – either 2008 or 2009. Dominate month for the beast Maitreya. He is very much operating in the background right now, folks.
What I have found interesting and I sent it out to my lists last week, is the fact that Dick Cheney took an unannounced trip to the Green Zone. People might be wondering what that’s about. I found it interesting because as much as I kept saying the month of March is a dominant month for Maitreya to finally show his face, that Cheney would take off unannounced.
Another thing I’d been saying is that we had been building them a palace in the Green Zone. The whole reason that we have the Green Zone over there is we are building Maitreya this huge home; this huge palace over there.
That’s exactly what it is.
This palace they have built for him under the guise of some sort of U.S. embassy is larger than the Vatican. He can hold a lot of his forces and counsel there; whatever he needs. He has a lot of these alien and demonic forces that are coming. That’s what we’ve been working on. Kind of stumbled on it be accident by the Orgone and everything that the Orgone can do. It has 101 uses. We’re always finding something new that it can do. It’s apocalyptic. The bible codes call it apocalyptic. It’s going to cause a lot of events in the bible to come about.
One of these things is the whole locust thing. I just said it half flippantly last month that Bush is probably over there drilling in the Euphrates River and is going to end up opening the abyss and all the locust come out. You can read about it in Revelation chapter 9 where it talks about the locust coming out the abyss. The Euphrates River always comes up in the codes. They are looking for that gateway over there.
Sure enough, these locusts are actually allies of this Maitreya and the orgone is going to destroy them. It might take 6 months, but they will be destroyed. We are going to be destroying a lot of his forces with this orgone. What we’ve been able to do in our own country is secure it; make it a fortress against Maitreya and his forces. As they try to take it over, they’re going to die trying to. It’s a perpetual war; a constant war.
We’ve been targeting their strongholds throughout the country; their underground bases. The best thing to do is to get it in the water. Get it in the lakes, rivers, oceans and ponds. Get it in the water. These aliens and demonic forces need water. They don’t necessarily eat our food, but they drink our water and bathe in our water. Our water becomes very toxic to them if it has Orgone in it. Orgone doesn’t bother humans, but for some apparent reason it just totally burns and destroys alien and satanic forces.
I thought it was interesting that Cheney took off over to the Green Zone. I do think Maitreya is planning to make his announcement soon that he is here. I haven’t been listening to his people and don’t know what they’re saying, but they usually say they are waiting on our media to announce he is here. If anybody knows our media, they aren’t going to announce much of anything. We’ve been kind of keeping track of Arab and Indian websites to see if they announce anything about Maitreya’s arrival over there, in case they are and we are having a news media blackout here.
Another interesting piece I sent out last week was on the special closed session of the U.S. House of Representatives. Last week was only the fourth time in 176 years that Congress closed its doors to the public. There was a lot of interest in what were they talking about and didn’t want the public to know about. The last time they had a closed session it had to do with NESERA. I have that at
There was strong arming about this whole NESERA program that’s coming. Of course, they are trying to change the name, but it is the beast economic system on earth and what they will enforce with the chip implantation. There was a list of things supposedly leaked out from this closed session meeting of Congress and what they had talked about. Of course as far as the media is concerned, they were talking about Bush’s surveillance provisions in his bill. That’s what they gave for media consumption.
Apparently what they really talked about was:
1. The imminent collapse of the US economy to occur by September of this year.
2. The eminent collapse of U.S. federal finances by February of 2009. So we have economic collapse by September. 2008 and a government collapse by February 2009. I’ve warned folks that whoever was president in 2009 would hand over the power and control of the United States to the antichrist. Here is a timetable there they are giving us.
3. The possibility of civil war inside the USA as a result of the collapse. That would be this September if not, February of next year.
4. Advanced roundups of insurgent U.S. citizens likely to move against the government. 5. The detention of those rounded up at Rex 84 camps constructed throughout the USA. 6. The possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses.
7. The locations of safe facilities for members of Congress and their families to reside during expected massive civil unrest.
8. The unnecessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada and Mexico.
9. The issuance of a new currency the Amero for all three nations, as the proposed solution to the upcoming economic armageddon.
A couple of weeks ago, I said I would talk about the FEMA camps and Rex 84; The Lord wanted me to talk about the coming war against the saints. I don’t even remember what I was talking about, I kind of ran out of time. He still has me back at that because it is coming, folks. Back in the 80’s; this whole thing with Oliver North and Iran-Contra affair selling arms. He traveled the country as some kind of hero being beaten up by our president and congress for putting up a security system.
One of the things about that that makes me sick, I was just a kid at that time, but my parents had dragged me to listen to Oliver North speak.. We went to Cleveland, Ohio to listen to him speak. Republicans are so schmoozzled by him; “He’s a Christian, a Republican.” At that time I had no idea of any aspect of the New World Order at all. Clueless. I was just a kid in my late teens probably.
Now that I look back at it, the whole time he was traveling around the country on speaking engagement being set up as a hero, he is planning our deaths through Rex 84. He was the one that Reagan had put in charge of the Rex 84 program. You look at what 84 is – the future internment of Christians and Patriots in internment camps.
We’ve seen Bush funding it a couple of years ago and giving Halliburton the contract to actually construct these interment camps. There have been pictures circulating on the internet for years of these camps. They aren’t what you expect. When you see them they are just fenced in areas with barbed wire coiled towards the inside to keep people, from climbing out of them. People heave seen them and gotten pictures near water supply area’s out in the middle of deserts and woods where it would take a train, airplane or boat to get to these camps. FEMA centers are in every major city.
They can take over any cities convention center and use them as processing centers to round up civilians. That one just kind of knocked the breath of me lately. I’ve been talking about it for so long, you know its coming; it’s right around the corner. I can’t believe it is here. It is here.
Right now we are looking at a controlled demolition. They knew last year there was no gold in the vaults. They knew, I knew and a couple of smart thinkers knew that the vaults were totally empty of gold and the only thing propping up the economy was that nobody was talking about it. Just trying to give people some time, buying them some time so they could get out and prepare for the coming famine and economic crash that is ahead.
Another thing is when I look at the whole thing with the location of safe facilities for members of Congress and their families to reside during suspected massive civil unrest. That’s a joke. It’s one of those things where your heart hits the floor because you know they will all be killed. Satan has no loyalty; even to his own.
We may not like the members of Congress, and they may be to blame for a lot of the things, but there are still some good people in Congress. I have to believe they aren’t all lizards, greys or taken over and soul-scalped. There has to be somewhere, especially the new ones who were just put in…some normal humans with families left in Congress. They are all going to be killed. I saw that, years ago.
When this while thing starts to go down, the first ones on the trains; the red listed aren’t necessarily the Christians although Satan wants these government officials to believe that, “Oh, we’re going to round up the illegal aliens, possible troublemakers and the Christians, Patriots and bigmouths.”
They will be the first ones rounded up. They have been. After 9/11, I was hearing from people that saw lines and lines of people in handcuffs getting on trains and they were while collared professionals in suits, ties and dresses; government employees. To shut them up and get them out of the way. That’s exactly what they are going to do.
When they no longer need this Congress of ours, they’ll move them to a safe facilities so they have then all in one place so they can take them to their next real destination which will be a slaughter chamber. A lot of these underground cities that have been built and the promises of the government and military, “Help us to fight against and defeat the New World Order. Or, “Help us get these plans though and we will protect you in one of these underground cities or bases.”
The Lord told me that a lot of these underground cites and bases will become their tombs. Either way they’re dead. Even if the government doesn’t willfully kill them like they will the politicians, they will die eventually anyway because those underground cities and bases are gong to become their tombs. I have no joy in talking about this; its just one of those things. There will be so much death and destruction coming up.
They talk about this unavoidable merger of the United States, Canada and Mexico. That is so far beyond my worries right now because that would be after massive martial law here in America. That’s just what puts a hundred pound brick on your head knowing that before that even comes about there is going to be 50, 60, 70, 100 maybe 150 -200 million Americans killed.
The coming martial law. I put this link on my website for The End Game Plan. You can go to It talks about the governments plans to round up all the illegal immigrants they have allowed through our borders just so they can hide behind the illegal round up of Christians and patriots under the guise of illegal immigrants. Having this massive round up plan; they call it the End Game Plan. It makes you realize why they opened put the borders for so long and just let the Mexicans cross the border. Because they’re going to serve a purpose.
They opened the borders and let them cross for years and have done nothing about it. Acted like they were going to do something about just like they acted like they were doing something about the drug war; what they say and what they do are two different things. They talk about a drug war being against drugs, but meanwhile the drug war is a war against America so they can bring drugs into America.
The government’s been behind this for years. They talk about rounding up illegal immigrants, but what they will do is round up Christians and Patriots; who in a New World Order run by Satan will all of a sudden find themselves as illegal immigrants in their own country. Anybody that doesn’t go along with this New World Order is going to be rounded up.
They already have a list, folks. If you’ve been a church tither; if you’ve been a church member, those churches turn all of their membership roles into the state. They have to as part of being a 501(c) (3) church. So they have your name, you address and social security numbers. They know who you are. They’re been surfing the net for years.
People think they can hide behind screen names. That’s not so; they can find out who you are. They own the servers. I’ve been screaming that for years. The CIA owns the servers. They can find you and put you on a list. They have probably millions on their round up list.
What I see happening is this whole controlled demolition that’s going on now, is that eventually they can’t hide it that there is no more gold; there is no more money. The few people that are smart will get to the banks and get their money out now. They’ll just start rounding people up. Instead of announcing having all of the banks close. That would be one route that would cause the civil unrest. To have all the banks shut over night and of course that would cause massive civil chaos.
If they want to go that route and created massive civil chaos, do it that way. Otherwise, route number 2 where they don’t announce the banks are closing, they don’t announce that there is no money. They just start their round up program. Before anybody suspects it; before anybody sees it coming, they begin their round up program. They shut the internet off. I’ve seen them doing that. I don’t think it’s just my sites they are going to shut off, but that is always a possibility. It’s always there. They could take down the entire internet so that people can’t warn each other as to what is coming; what is happening.
Maitreya is behind that and wants them to do that. That’s how they could keep people from learning what’s going on because they’re going city by city, town by town and neighborhoods rounding up Christians, Patriots and loudmouths and taking them to internment camps. They could have millions taken imprisoned and killed before the rest of the world even knows what is going on. The media has a blackout. The media doesn’t talk about it. No one is talking on the internet because there is no internet and no body knows what is going on.
They could last like that for a couple of days, maybe even a couple of weeks. In the meantime, busily just killing millions and millions of Americans. I have always warned, “Do not get on these relocation. Don’t go to the busses, the trains. If there is a terror attack in a city and they will relocate you like they did a dry run in Katrina, don’t do it. There are thousands of adults from New Orleans still missing. You never hear about it. There’s always been this media blackout on it. The separated the kids from the parents, and there are still thousands of parents missing. They’re not just lost, folks. They’re dead; they’re gone. I think Katrina was a dry run for what’s coming. That could go about with little or no big fuss worldwide. You could have 100 million Americans dead before anybody realizes what’s going on over here. I think they’re going to go.
You’ve got your 2 routes – messy or quiet and silently. Whichever route they go, eventually they will just have to close the banks anyway and there would be civil unrest here. By then they would’ve gotten rid of the bigmouths, Christians and patriots.
What especially the Lord wanted me say about this is this whole coming martial law is indeed the antichrist war on the saints. Christians always have a prophetic picture in their mind about what the last days are going to be like. They picture this happens, then that happen.
Events are going to happen in ways you won’t expect them to. That’s one thing the Lord has always told me. We form assumptions and illusions in our own mind based on our beliefs are not necessarily based on the times and what the truth really is. We build our own beliefs and views on the things we have learned through church and religion and things aren’t always going to happen that way.
Most of the churches are waiting for a pre-trib rapture to come, and waiting for this temple in Jerusalem to be built. They are waiting for all these markers to happen, so they sit secure in their homes and they are asleep. That’s exactly what the bible codes say, that America is asleep; they are sleeping. They are under destruction and under siege and they don’t even know it.
Revelation chapter 13 verse 1-8.
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, (Sherry: in the bible codes the leopard is a terrorist) and his feet were as the feet of a bear, (Sherry: communism and socialism) and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: (Sherry: lion being referred to as Judah or the Lord) and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear.
This is exactly the same timetable that I am seeing. I’ve been talking about; there will be the first fruits rapture of 144,000. The bible codes refer to it as a fraction. It really is; it’s just a fraction of the bride.
There are probably millions in the bride and there’s a small group; a fraction of that number of millions. They’re going to be taken off the earth. It’s these that Maitreya- the first beast is really after. Through this Orgone, we have caused so much destruction and death to his kingdom on earth.
Even coming through the aerospace. We’re destroying them in aerospace. Not us, but it is actually the Lord who is kicking up the strength of the orgone that we have put out everywhere. So he is going to be furious when he comes after this particular group; these orgone warriors…..and they are gone. What he does is turns around and goes after the entire bride.
He is the one who is going to start this whole war on the saints. How he is going to hide that is through martial law in America. You’re thinking, “How can this Maitreya in the Middle East going to control anything in America?” We are already aligned with him. America has already made an alliance with this beast. We’ve known for a long time that America has been lead by Satanists. America aligned with Satan years ago. It’s really not a shock…it’s just the way it’s going to happen is so different then the way people expect them to.
You expect some charming antichrist to rise. Someone tall, dark and handsome that the women will be goo-goo eyed over. They misrepresent Daniel and everything Daniel says. It’s not going to happen the way you expect things to happen. It’s not going to be as out front and in your face as you expect. A lot of things happening are done behind the scenes. Like now with Bush going over to Iraq to meet with Maitreya in the Green Zone and planning what they will be doing here in America.
This whole controlled economic crisis…..the economy crashing…..the banks are empty. Starting up the roundup of Christians and patriots; this war on the saints because he is furious. I do expect that the 144,000 will be taken off of the earth before all of that hits the fan. What I do worry about is so many of those sitting in the churches today being asleep to what’s going on.
Even if you are a Pauline Christian sitting in the church today, nowhere does it mention that there would not be a famine or civil war before a rapture will occur in the last days. I’ve been there. I know Baptist theology like the back of my hand. 30 years of it. I’m very astute at it, I might add. I know all your arguments, illusions, delusions and beliefs. Been there, done that.
The Lord pulled me out of it when I started praying for truth in all things. That’s all it takes; a heart for the truth and getting sick of religion; seeking Him for the truth in all things so He can lead you and teach you and pull you away from the errors that you are in. That’s a daily journey, folks; always asking the Lord for the truth in all things. It’s a daily journey with Him. If truth seeking is such a journey, then doesn’t that fly in the face of any kind of pre-illusions that we have about you can read the bible front to back and think you know it and have all the truth that’s in it?
If that was the case, then someone who’s read the bible front to back 100-200 times for 20, 30, 40 years they would pretty much have a grasp of the truth, don’t you think? I’m just looking at my own life because I’ve been reading the bible since I can remember, since I learned how to read. Front to back, front to back, front to back. So it wasn’t a big shock for the Lord to tell me that Paul wasn’t His. I knew that already. You can read Paul’s books and read what the Lord and the Apostles taught and see that there are two different messages being taught. It takes knowledge of the bible to be able to distinguish that.
Back to the basics; things aren’t always going to happen the way that we expect them to. Be prepared for the unexpected. I know that the church is waiting for this huge rapture and this coming war between Russia and Israel. They put Ezekiel 37 and 38 at the middle of the tribulation period because Hal Lindsey tells them to; because he says so. A 32nd degree Mason tells you what to think and everybody jumps. Stop listening to TV preachers and start asking the Lord. Things will start to make a little more sense. Look at Ezekiel 37 and 38 and Revelation 21 and 22. That aligns with Satan’s release at the end of the thousand year millennial reign. It has nothing to do with during the 7 year tribulation period.
What I have seen coming for Jerusalem- Satan is going to have his fleet of UFO’s. I don’t know if that is Sananda’s arrival in September of whatever year. He is having a hard time right now because he was going to have this entrance with Maitreya. It’s hard to tell and convince everybody that you are god when your UFO’s are crashing to the earth.
That’s why I came up with that silly “It’s raining UFO’s” song. That’s exactly what’s happening. The orgone is pulling the UFO’s out of the skies; somehow the orgone is conflicting with these navigation systems in the UFO’s. The Lord has confirmed that to me. They are crashing out of the skies and our media just talks about meteors hitting the earth.
Anywhere we have seen these stories of UFO’s crashing, they are orgoned areas that they have come into contact with. Everyplace that I have read about meteors, I know are orgoned areas; we have a warrior out there. ….a warrior here……..and over there. We’ve got warriors all around the world that have been putting orgone out. These UFO’s are going to run into orgoned areas and just hit the ground.
That’s another reason that whole beast charade….this whole quad; I think there’s 4 of them. Maitreya, Jesus, Mary and Germaine. Germaine is the one who is supposed to lead the beast economic program on earth, the whole NESERA thing. We have 4 of them together. I still see “black beast” in the codes, so I’m not sure who that is. Sometimes Obama’s name comes up, sometimes it doesn’t. There’s an Aryan, an Arab, a woman and a Negro. There are 4 of them mentioned in the bible codes, but you will also see the whole New Age themselves talk about the whole group of ascended masters that they have coming. We have many beasts coming. We won’t be limited to the antichrist.
Don’t forget, we have President Bush who has already pretty much convinced himself that he is messianic; that he’s a prophet of God. He’s going to be on a snorting monoat0mic gold mission to transform and permutate his own human body into one of these light body’s.
It’s a mimicry of a resurrected body and they get this through abusing monoatomic gold; taking great quantities of that daily. For all intense and purposes, I see Bush still being affected by that if he’s going to go that route. He just may go as crazy as to announce to the world that he is god and transform into this light body. It’s a hard one to swallow. King George. He’s already being forced to act; to do his part on the scene of the world’s stage.
The hate-thought crimes bill that I have on my website talks about where even thinking a thought of what they think is terrorism could land you in prison. They’re pulling at straws just to find the legislation and excuses to throw people in prison. They’re going to be using draconian legislation like that one. They may also be pulling out within maybe a couple of weeks, more legislation or they’re going to start enforcing existing legislation. They’re going to take away free speech and make it impossible to speak against King George. That would also be a precursor to these roundups. Many patriots would go under that one. Any rational thinking human being would go under that one.
It’s not ours just to be taken as sheep to the slaughter. Defend yourself; defend your family if they want to send military soldiers to your house. Think back to the Holocaust (don’t send me emails saying it didn’t happen).
Think back to the Jewish Holocaust where millions of Jews were just rounded up taken on trains to Auschwitz. You always wonder, “Why didn’t they do anything to defend themselves? Why didn’t they shoot the soldiers as they came?
Why when they were all standing in line and there were only a few soldiers around with guns, they didn’t team up and just take the guns from the soldiers? There were more of them then the soldiers. They just got on these trains like sheep to the slaughter and went to their deaths.”
That’s the same thing that is coming here to America. Are you going to let them round you up and take you to these trains? Are you going to sit in these barbed wire camps until the trains come to take you to the slaughter house and not do anything? There are always going to be more prisoners then guards.
You are going to die anyway, so at least die trying to get out of there. Get a back bone. We don’t have to be sheep to the slaughter. The sad thing is, most likely we will be. A lot of the bride is going to be tested for their faith and die. They’re waiting for rapture, but what is coming is martial law and death and a time of testing.
I know the government agents love to get online, pose as Christians and say, “The Commandments say thou shall not kill.”Folks, self defense is not killing. It’s not premeditated murder. It’s protecting yourself and your family. There is a difference between “thou shall not kill” and “thou shall not murder.”
That’s exactly what that word should have been translated as, “thou shall not murder.” If they weren’t allowed to kill, then David wouldn’t have been half the warrior he was. The Old Testament Israelites have always been warriors on the battlefield. It’s your God given right to protect yourself and your family.
So don’t let these pastors who are being rolled out by the government to slam Romans 13 down your throat on how to be submissive to government. Read the whole chapter. We are to be submissive to government until they go up against The Most High God. Obviously any kind of martial law, imprisonment and killing of civilians is not of God and you have a perfect right to defend yourself.
I’m going to start to answer some questions from listeners.
Question from a listener: Hi, Sherry. My name is Mike and I live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. XZone Radio sucks. I received 2 pendants that I purchased on March 4th and haven’t seen one chemtrail over my city’s skies.
Sherry: Usually the pendants are just personal protection. Usually If you want to knock out the chemtrails, get Orgone and saturate the area with them. That’s funny.
Question: Does the size of the orgone make a difference in the area that it affects? I would love to know.
Sherry: The difference between the orgone. The 3oz, 5oz and 10oz. If you’re in a city area, I would just pelt it with 3oz muffins. I go to plazas and throw them up on the roofs, throw them into ditches, throw them in bushes where they won’t be seen. Just get your area north south east and west. Do a loop around your area. Go out and get the cow fields and corn fields. If you’re in the suburbs, it’s a little bit harder; but you can lop these things up into people’s gutters and they won’t know. What you want to do is get the little ones, you can hide them better. Once you get out and away from towns and cities, you can get the bigger ones. They will cover 5 miles of atmosphere miles. When you are inside of a city, your atmosphere miles get blocked by trees and buildings. You just need to use more orgone. If you’re out on a good day in a country field, and driving down the highway, one little 3oz puck will cover 3miles; a 5oz every 3-4 miles and a 10oz every 6 miles. It just depends on how well you want to saturate your area. I like to overkill. I encourage you to at least get your areas. Get your homes, your neighborhoods. Get the places that you go to; your stomping grounds – your bank, where you shop, where you buy gas, where your kids go to school. Get those areas as well. Any place that you go, any major routes into your area – so that truckers can get into your area with food and supplies. So while we can, we need to be getting our entire areas. Just ask The Lord to show you where to put them. He is great to take out on orgone missions. He’s a lot of fun and will tell you exactly where to put them.
Question: Does the orgone pendent only work if you wear it? Hillary Clinton is coming to my college tomorrow. I forgot to bring some orgone with me after spring break and only have my pendent. Can I hide it near the entrance to the building? Is Clinton even a shapeshifter or does she just do their bidding?
Sherry: I don’t think she’s a shapeshifter, but don’t quote me on it. She’s a very high ranking Mothers of Darkness witch. She very well could be a shapeshifter. There are some that believe she shape-shifted and scared the life out of Princess Diana when she came to
America and got her to drop her plans to go after John Kennedy Jr. and went back to Europe. Yeah, that would do it. Change into a lizard in front of her. I don’t know if she is as dominant a lizard as others because she is such a possessed witch, literally. She does protect the agenda; she works the omega agenda. The website with her at has her with Al Gore and Dick Cheney. I wouldn’t be surprise if she is a shapeshifter. Just wear your pendent and walk into wherever they are. It’ll annoy them. Anybody like Benny Hinn, Obama coming to your area? Try to get there before them and throw some orgone up on the roof of wherever they will be, or even inside of the facility they will be at, so it has time to assimilate into the air. I always tell people not to expect results right away, it takes a couple of days for the orgone to saturate into the air. Then you hear from others that say it was immediate; that they started to see the effects immediately. It’s really in the Lords hands. It’s His product and in His hands; saturate your area immediately or make you wait a few days.
Question from a listener: Have you seen the 2006 mini-series “Invasion”? This show is really good and has a lot of truth concerning aliens and military conspiracies.
Sherry: I did see it a couple of times. I just got so tired of the whole soap opera thing. I did like the storyline; the characters they had playing the people were killing the series.
That EMT guy was just so annoying; the soap opera guy. He just made the whole series annoying, I couldn’t watch it. I noticed it was a swamp in Florida. Southern Florida… there’s a huge underground base off of the southern tip of Florida. There are all kinds of problems with Florida in general with aliens as it is. It’s interesting that they picked that location for the series.
Question from a listener: Hi Sherry. I’m really scared and don’t know where to go. What is there for me to do? Kill myself?
Sherry: No. Killing yourself is not the answer. The Lord will protect those that are seeking Him and have their eyes open. He will protect. Don’t take one part of scripture and throw out another. In Revelation chapter 3, He will protect the Church of Philadelphia and He describes this church of Philadelphia. They are the ones that are truth seekers. Read between the lines. It is the truth seekers and those that are seeking Him and not embroiled with all these churchdom deceptions right now. If you are even listening to me and you are worried about what is coming, then you have a heart for the Lord; a heart for the truth. Go to Him and ask Him for His protection. He will protect those who truly seek and love Him. Martial law is going to be a time of testing for Him to test the majority of the bride who say that they love Him and do nothing for him. They just sit in these religious boxes week after week.
Question from a listener: You said earlier that you had some information to tell us, but didn’t know if you could reveal it to us because the government is listening. Can you go into detail to prepare us?
Sherry: That would serve no purpose. No. That just prevents things. I already told you about last year anyway. I’ll tell you eventually. The problem with revealing info is if I reveal info, they change their plans. We don’t always want them to change their plans, then they change to somethin
to see why so many people will die in the future because they don’t see the truth for what
it is. The guy was a complete moron and a huge atheist even though he denied it. I
applaud your efforts on the show because someone out there really needed to hear what you were saying. I hope that everyone in Canada doesn’t think this way. I guess I’m used to the Patriots and the people fed up with the government in America than to hear it differently from uneducated people. Yah bless your continuous efforts.
Sherry: Yeah. We’ll take some hits just so the message can get out.
Question from a listener: Sherry, yes Xzone Radio sucks. What a bunch of nut buckets. When is the best time of day to put out orgone? I don’t want to be seen and stopped by police for something as ridiculous as littering. I figure that nighttime is better. What do you think?
Sherry: I have traveled this country at nighttime and have seen one end to the other at night. Defiantly when it starts to get dusk out. I’ve had people take apples with them in case they got pulled over they could tell the cop they threw an apple out the window. If you are on the highway and you’re throwing an orgone puck every 2 miles or so, when you throw it, don’t let your arm go out of the window so they see your arm. Just kind of toss it inside of your car so that it goes out your window without the person behind you seeing your arm. I get in the slow lane, go slow and people pass me. When they are passing me I throw it, or have the passenger throw it if I’m driving. I don’t toss them with people behind me. That’s a big reason I do a lot of traveling at nighttime. People don’t see you. When I was out west, it didn’t really matter because there is nobody on the roads in the deserts. If there are you just drop down to the speed limit and they’ll pass you.
Email from a listener: Hi Sherry. When I was at Benny Hinn they had metal detectors, so try and get there ahead of time if you are planning to give it to him.
Sherry: I don’t think metal detectors can detect orgone. I’ve gone through airports with my orgone pendant on and the metal detector never went off. So, I don’t think there is enough metal in it, or the resin hides it or the Lord just does. I guess I’ll find out at the Capitol. I’m going to try it up here at the court too. I don’t know about the bigger pieces of orgone, but I haven’t noticed it to pick up the pendants. If somebody has gotten through a metal detector with a 3oz or 5 oz puck, let me know. You don’t have to even get inside the facility where he’s at. Just get outside of it; the roof and the area around it. He’s waiting on Satan to arrive and demonic power. He gets his power from demons. If they can’t get inside the building because of orgone, he has no power. They won’t go through the orgoned area to get to him.ill we all be on our own? Should we find a way to get together and survive as a group? What are your thoughts on this? By the way, Rob sucks. Do you think he should be punished for it?
Sherry: He served a purpose. Several years ago I was in a panic to get a safe haven for the Lords people. You start hearing about these groups that are already together. The problem is, the Lord told me, it is all infiltrated by the government. When the time comes for Him to protect who He considers as truly His, who have already been tested and don’t need to be tested through martial law, He will literally protect you and take where you need to be. Just put your faith in Him. Don’t be so fearful.
Question from a listener: I’m worried about Obama as a reptilian. I like what he has to say and am actually a supporter. Since his preacher has come out and made his comments, how has that changed things? Wouldn’t his preacher know if he is a child of Satan or not?
Sherry: Other than his racist comment, I liked what his preacher was saying. He had a lot of truth. We all know the government was behind 9/11 and all this other stuff. He didn’t say anything that others haven’t said. He just has the racist slant. I get so tired of it. I run into more racist black people than I have ever run into racist white people. They’re just so racist. I can’t take a racist slant from any race. I don’t care what race it’s coming from. His racist slant is what really hurts him.
Heads up from a listener: I got through the detector at the airport with a 3oz puck in my backpack.
Sherry: There you go folks. I didn’t think detectors could pick these things up folks. They can’t, so don’t worry about it. Just go and get your orgone done. Stuff them in your purse, in your pockets, whatever works.
Email from a listener; Thank you for talking how we have the right to protect ourselves. I really needed to hear that. I respect and love you so much.
Sherry: I love you too. I love all of you. Some of you really crack me up. Some of you give me a lot of energy and motivation to keep going with what I’m doing becuae of your own love for the Lord.
Question from a listener: Hi Sherry. We love you here in Quebec Canada. Have you ran other bible coeds of leaders such as Stephen Harper of Canada.
Sherry: I’ve been keeping my eyes on Canada since I have so many supporters there; also Australia. I haven’t seen anything coming up. Quebec comes up every once in a while, so I’ve been trying to keep my eye on Quebec. Nothing dominant right now. When something is dominant, I’ll see it. For instance, the Avian Flu in China (which is a bio-attack) we all knew that. America is going into an alliance with Delhi, which is Maitreya’s homebase right now. You’ll see the Chinese at war right now with the Buddhist Tibetans. This is very interesting because that is Maitreya’s stronghold and the whole New Age, Age of Aquarius garbage. The Himalayas are their stronghold. Now you see China acting out against them. Another thing, Japan is coming up in the codes. This renegade iceberg that I’ve been talking about to watch out for, because that’s still in the codes. This huge iceberg that’s going to break off from the north and cause incredible amounts of flooding. I believe it will hit our west coast; maybe Japan and somewhere else. We’ve got a renegade iceberg coming. For that to keep coming up in the codes causes a lot of concern. If the Lord is telling you to get away from the west coast, get away from the west coast. This iceberg is going to be hitting sometime this year.
Email from a listener: Hi Sherry. Yah bless. Great show as always and the remix song with the Weather Girls. Were there shapeshifters when Yahushua was walking the earth? Was Yahushua releasing positive energy?
Sherry: Yeah, I’m such the pop singer now.
The whole orgone energy is His energy. So, I don’t know. The bible codes always refer to it as “biblical” and it refers to it as “apocalyptic”. I know what it’s going to do apocalyptic wise, but I don’t know what it has done in the past. From what I can tell, orgone is something that has always been around, it was just known as something different. I don’t know what it was referred to in the past. I don’t have enough information on it. I know it will cause a lot of the things that the bible talks about; the destruction of the locusts after 6 months and boils on people who are chip implanted. It will burn and cause boils on alien and demonic forces. It’s going to do a lot of things. We’re going to see it too. Unfortunately, he is going to retaliate against the entire bride for it. But, we also know its coming. It’s his war on the saints.
Shape-shifting in front of Yahushua? I have no idea if they did or not. I know the demons knew who He was and would scream out at Him. They know. They know who you are; they know who have the love of the Lord in them as well.
Question: How many orgone warriors do you estimate are in L.A., California? We are 2 out of 144,000. I’m glad you liked the pendants we sent you.
Sherry: Yes, I did like the pendants you sent me. I’m not real sure about California. I’ve sent a lot out there to a lot of Air Force bases out there. It’s funny because they are the ones sending up the planes to spew chemtrails on everybody, and it’s the families themselves buying the orgone to protect their houses from getting these chemtrails on their heads. Just get it out there. Just do what the Lord leads you to do because I can’t put people together. It causes too many problems. So you have to just listen to the Lord. If He tells you to get a certain area with orgone, then get it. Target the water supplies in L.A. There are a bunch of reptilian underground tunnels in L.A. Try to get it in the underground. The sewers, the ditches; whatever the Lord leads you to do. There is so much in L.A. It’s the city of fallen angels before it was the city of angels for a reason. There’s a lot of work to do out there and everywhere.
Email from a listener: Hi Sherry. My brother wants to know how to tell the real from the false miracles. Also my mom would like to say she really appreciates what you are doing. Yah bless and thank you for answering our questions. I love you.
Sherry: I love the Lord’s people.
Everything that’s coming down from Benny Hinn and this Jesus that’s coming, are all false miracles. They may look real and Satan can mimic. It’s like causing the problem and fixing it yourself type thing. Have a demon infest somebody and cause problems and then have the demon go and the person is healed because the demon left. Don’t by it folk’s. Everyone is going to love him. That’s the problem. When he comes, he’ll be healing the sick and the lame, restoring sight to the blind. The majority of the world is going to accept him as the messiah. Then he’s going to say, “I’m just the son. You need to worship Maitreya as god.” Or Heaven forbid, George Bush. Just play it by ear. He’s not going to pull one over on anyone with their eyes half way opened. They’ll all be repulsed by it (those that are still here). We can laugh about it now. It’s going to be the church crowd being led by all these TBN preachers by the hundreds of thousands who will be deceived by this. Benny Hinn and all them will put their support behind these beasts that are coming.
I’ll answer the rest of your questions later.
Email from a listener: I was watching the mini-series on John Adams on HBO. Guess what? Nothing has changed. They couldn’t agree on anything back then either. I was watching the news today and I believe that the economic crash is starting before they wanted to and why the Fed is trying to keep it propped up.
Sherry’: Yeah. It is. They’ve been propping it up since last September and October. You can’t tell me that I was the only one who knew the vaults were empty of gold; they knew. They’ve been propping it up. The only reason, like I’ve said, they are delaying things is because of their own indecisiveness. We are destroying their plans and they have to go to plans, B, C and D because we keep taking their plan A’s away from them. That’s a testament to the Lords warriors.
Question from a listener: Any areas of Quebec that you could suggest? What do the codes say about us here in Québec? Thank you, Sherry. I love you girl.
Sherry: I love you too. Obelisks are excellent targets because they are Satan’s penis symbols all over the place. Target these things. Ask the Lord where to put orgone. He loves to go on these missions. Just go with Him. Head out and ask Him to show you where to put them and go from there. He’ll show you. I love the Lords people and have so much fun. I feel a lot better now then when I did starting this show. I see that destruction is coming and I’ve tried to do my part in holding it off to give the Lords people time.
So that’s where we’re at, folks. I’m not going to answer any more questions tonight and am going to wrap this up. There is no propping up the economy anymore. Even me being silent about it isn’t going to do anything. The banks are empty, the vaults are empty. Boom, the crash is coming. Some of you and me the Lord is telling you to get your money out of the banks, get it out. If you feel like you are fine, then you are fine. What could affect one person in one state, may not affect somebody else somewhere else. The problem with Israel today is we are all over the world. When the prophets used to speak, they used to speak to the people in Israel all in one place. Now when you are speaking to Israel, you are speaking to the entire world. Israel is red, yellow, black and white and all over the world. That makes it impossible to speak something and have it affect everybody all at one time.
I’m going to wrap it up because I’ve said what I had to say tonight. The war on the saints is coming. The roundups are coming. The economic crash is coming. Banks will be closing. If banks are closed, businesses will be closed because they can’t bank. Just think about things folks. Get prepared. Can you go 3 months? Do not head to relocation areas. Don’t go for government support and help; that’s the biggest thin; that’s how they will get you. Stay at home. You should have enough for you and your family to get through 3 months. Don’t be heading out and getting government help, because FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). I warned about this last year and the year before, - FEMA is going to be an arm of the beast and will be taken over and run by these hutch/ tall boy/ grey aliens. When Satan arrives on Earth, they will be the ones running FEMA and enforcing chip implantation and the deaths of all these people that are rounded up. They won’t bat an eye carting people off in trains and taking them to slaughter centers where they will be burned and whatever. These aliens won’t bat an eye. That’s why they’ll be the ones in charge of all of this and taking over FEMA.
Just a heads up until next week. It’ll be interesting to see what else He will let me talk about next week.
Until then, Yah bless everybody.