MONDAY, JULY 18, 2005
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
July 18, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Hello everybody and welcome to the show, I'm Sherry Shriner.
Temple 1 July 4th deep impact. What was it really? Well back then I said it was an alien carrier and that's exactly what is was. If you look at years ago when Hail Bop came and that cult committed suicide in the hopes of catching a ride with them. Now folks you don't catch a ride with a block of ice.
You know these so called comets are not what they are telling you that they are. Most of them are ships, carriers of alien beings and not blocks of ice. If you want to be lied to listen to NASA. I've always said that, Never A Straight Answer NASA. They always give the public disinformation, so don't listen to them. You know, whenever you hear something coming out of NASA's mouth they're lying, and so ask yourself what's the real story.
What's the real story behind what they're trying to shove down your throat because they're never telling you the truth about anything.
Prophet Yeehaw, Ramon Watkins, most of you know he goes around calling himself Prophet Yahweh. I call him Prophet Yeehaw. And he declared on his web site that the nuking on the comet was an act of war. And you know what to the aliens it would be.
You know NASA was attempting to destroy an alien ship headed toward earth. These things by their outward appearances may take on different forms such as ice on it's outward appearance because deep space is cold, and it's freezing. But inside they're hollow and this is where the real inhabitants are, inside these comets and carriers headed to earth.
As far as discovery shuttle goes, I posted on my blog, actually just wondering aloud if the discovery shuttle would be blasted out of the sky like the Columbia and Challenger were by the Russians. And I hadn't posted a code on it, just relaying some thoughts I had. And an hour or two after posting my blog, the launch itself was cancelled. And if you read the writings from the new age crowd, it was cancelled for security reasons.
If you believe in coincidences, that's your prerogative, but I've heard and I do believe they're watching everything I say online very closely and cancelled the launch because of my blog posting. You know, you can laugh about what I'm telling you, but it all comes out in the wash later, and folks I'm always standing when the BS falls around me.
I'm still researching this whole discovery shuttle issue, and what I'm finding despite some of my postings in my blog this week, on the fact that they were bringing a beast prophet to earth. It appears they were trying to terminate a portal opening so they couldn't come to earth.
Some of the findings I found in the code, and I'm going to post the code tonight, are: termination, gateway (that was their main reason for going up), withheld, prevention, Maitreya, Mars, gateway, Shriner, declaration, correctness, Mars, slowed, delayed. And basically what this means folks is that the whole mission of this discovery shuttle was to go up to Mars and close some kind of gateway. It was a termination of a gateway, it was their project.
It was George Bush who cancelled the launch, probably fearing that the Russians would blow it out of the sky. And I had no information that they would I was just musing over the fact, would they. So some people say we bought time with it. I don't think so, we're just trading off folks one horrible regime putting us in slavery and death for another one.
They're just fighting it out amongst themselves. We're always going to be stuck in the center here. But it reveals a lot to me, especially after having spent so much time in the Mars codes several years ago where I learned that this Mabis that Nostradamus talks about would come from Mars. Is Maitreya Mabis? You know I've wondered that a lot on this show before, is Maitreya this Mabis Nostradamus was talking about. And even just all the work I've done on this Maitreya, I don't believe he's permanent. I think he's going to come and go.
He very well could fit the role of Mabis very well because he also is from the Mars area despite what he tells the new age crowd. And we know that they also do have a big base in Mount Belem Brazil in the mountains there. And so something's going on and so I did some research, actually my assistant Rhonda did some research and sent me some articles on the lions gate. And we found this gate they've been talking about, in the new age writings, and it's referirng to a lions gate. And I'm going to get into that in a few minutes. But there is actually a gate opening, gate significance for the month of march. And surprise surprise, they've scheduled a shuttle launch. And so let me get back into that.
But what I have seen and what I'm trying to connect is that this whole Los Vegas UFO event that Ramon Watkins Prophet Yeehaw was going around touting, he was going to summon a ufo down from the sky for two days and hover above Los Vegas. And It didn't happen and if you notice it was cancelled right after the discovery shuttle was cancelled.
So it makes you wonder what was going on, were they hand and hand, and it does come up in the same code with the discovery shuttle. This whole thing about Los Vegas being a meat market for the meat lockers, and you know we warned especially on my show aliens in the news. Peggy Kane and I spent two shows warning about how these people were being baited to go out and meet these ufos, and they would just be taken and used for meat.
I mean these aliens are coming and using humans for food. And I've been warning about that and I'll continue warning about that. And if you saw the movie War of the Worlds which I just saw over the weekend. And some of the things I saw there we just real eyebrow raising. I didn't care for the movie itself. I didn't care for the whole Tom Cruise story line thing. I think it should have been more like a government military thing against the aliens.
And of course they come with these machines that kind of killed the whole thing. But what I found was really interesting was that several months ago I'd had a dream where I was being chased by a ufo and it had this long tube and it was sucking people up, and it was chasing me trying to suck me up in this tube.
And then you watch this movie War of the Worlds and they had the same thing, they had these big machines and these hoses would come down and suck people up. Like whoa one of the things that raised my eyebrows.
But basically folks what's going on is that we are in the middle of a space war, we're in space wars. The greys and reptilians here are trying to prevent the annunaki from coming to earth and taking over.
The greys and reptilians are working through humans through NASA and the government here to accomplish their own agenda of taking over earth for themselves. In retrospect both classes are slaves to the anaks and for now are in their own mutiny and war against them to conquer and control the earth for themselves. The ananaki are returning to earth by the millions in various ways. They have various ships and carriers, Nibiru being one of them as well as the various comets heading this way. I dare call them comets, most of them are just some kind of anonymous object. They are not really comets just anonymous objects. But NASA likes to call them comets and so that's the lingo.
These Annunaki that are coming are 9 to 11 feet tall giants. Picture several hundred million goliaths on the earth because that's what I've seen for our future in visions and from what the Most High has shown me Himself about what's coming. The tall greys and reptilians won't be able to beat them although they won't be put, they will put earth in the middle of complete chaos and destruction as a result of the feud and war against them.
Despite their attempts through NASA and our government to stop them, the Anak will arrive here and subdue the earth while Satan rules as the antichrist.
Folks it isn't if but when. I'm an anointed mouthpiece from the Most High, many things are going to come to pass that will cause men's hearts to fail with fear, and we can have peace and strength from the Most High. Don't be fearful, just be prepared and be aware of the things that are coming.
Many things are coming here and they're all of Satan's design, that will lead us into the great tribulation. Perfect love casts out fear. The Lord doesn't tell us to be afraid but to be prepared. He is forewarning and has been forewarning of the things that will come to pass during the last days. And false interpretations of the scriptures that have put people at ease at a time when they should be seeking Him for strength.
Two nights ago I had a vision of Los Angeles when I was trying to go to sleep. I kept having an open vision of Los Angeles sinking into the ocean and it was like I was in the ocean itself wading in the water. Only I couldn't feel wet. I didn't feel any water, I didn't feel wet I didn't feel cold I didn't feel anything. I was in the water and watching the ocean slowly move up and over LA. And there was tons of debris in the water and a few people here and there in the water as building after building, houses streets the entire city just kind of sunk right into the ocean.
It wasn't like a giant tsunami toppling over the city like I saw with the destruction of Chicago from a comet hitting the great lakes. But it just started falling over into the water like an earthquake was destroying it or something from under the ground causing it to happen. I kept feeling like I was getting farther and farther away from the coastline like I was being pushed further and further out into the ocean.
But I realized that I wasn't moving, the coastline itself was moving inward and the water claiming more and more land as it went in, and that entire part of the coast just sunk it. You know it kept playing over and over again for hours. It was so vivid I kept trying to wake up and then I would realize that my eyes were already open.
But folks you know arm yourselves with the hope, joy and peace we have in the Lord. Don't let your faith be shaken in the coming events. I know I hear from a lot of people, "how do I tell other people about what's coming they all think I'm crazy". Well you know people thought I've been crazy for five or six years now. You know, how do you answer that I mean there's no easy answer.
All you can do is drop seeds, drop some info here and there try to open their eyes. But for the most part, people are going to think that you're crazy. But if you drop seeds tell them some things here and there, then they're going to pick it up and hopefully the Lord will lead them some place else where they can get more information. You know I get sick and tired of people that the Lord will lead to my websites for information and they send me these e-mails, "Send me proof of an alien!" They want proof of a reptilian or grey.
This stage in the game and they want you to hand hold them. You know I can't hand hold anybody. You either see it now or you don't. You know its the things that I've been talking about for five or six years now, and now it's starting to make a whole lot of sense to a whole lot of people. Starting to see these things happen, things I've warned about for ages.
And the government doesn't think I'm crazy. You know they're following me very closely, follow everything I write, everything I say. But everyone else does and that's the way they like it. They don't want people listening to what I have to say or what I have to warn them about, they don't want people prepared. And so that basically where your whole church crowd comes in because they're all kept in the dark about what's coming in.
They're all sitting in these beast churches run by Satan, and the government likes it that way. Keep the people in the churches because they're dumbed down in the churches. They're not told anything and they're all expecting some big pre-trib rapture to come to take them off the earth.
And of course Satan has his own plans, the government has their own plans. They're instigating their own rapture to take millions of people as food. Now these reptilians know that the Anaks are coming and that Nibiru is coming in and they know that the earth is going to be destroyed. So these reptilians that are working through our human government officials and military officials and those up in the space program and the people in charge in the know, are fully planning to leave the earth and leave everybody else here.
They're fully planning to leave the earth and when they do they need to take food with them. And so civilians here folks we are the food. And what better way to get a bunch of people expecting some kind of a rapture to meet them out in the desert or something to be raptured up in these ufos and wisked off and taken into a meat locker.
You know so don't fall for this stuff that these... I know Prophet Yeehaw's on a fifty city tour - he's going to be, he's trying to rack one up right now - to get some media summoning events all over the place to get people's interest up and watching him calling down ufos from the sky. Do ufos exist, yes they do. Do the ones he calls down from the sky, I highly doubt it, they look like holographics to me. But they will, eventually we are going to have real ufos in our skies. But what he's doing is a conditioning process.
He's a CIA sleeper pawn a chip implanted toy of George Bush and that faction there, and they are just trying to collect food because they plan on leaving the earth either March 2006 or March 2007.
George Bush has an RS that was sent to me and it will be put up on my site at soon enough as soon as I get it, I'm expecting some in the mail. But he say's I'm in for three and I'm out. And fully realizing and knowing that he's in till 2007 and that he will not finish his second term, he has no plans of finishing his second term.
And so you know that was the first indication of a year that we've gotten through reverse speech technology about some of their plans. They do reveal months and I try to work in conjunction with the Bible codes on what I find with what these people are finding in reverse speech. And a lot of it is very good. And I'll tell you what these people are scared to death to do anything with what they find in reverse speech, they're afraid the government will come after them. And so what I've done in hiddenspeech, is I have people sending me their findings in and I'll post them on my website and I can post them as anonymous.
And I don't care, I'll put my name on it. You know they've been trying to kill me for five years and they haven't gotten anywhere. I don't fear them and so I'll put my name on it. And the important thing for most people in reverse speech technology is the fact that information just gets out there. That people are informed of what's going on, and a lot of these people that have been getting into this are just shocked at some of the things they're finding, that are being said.
You know people that really didn't believe that there were agendas going on, that all this NWO stuff was nonsense, that it was crazy are really having their beliefs turned upside down listening to what coming out of our own leaders mouths in reverse speech, as they reveal the plans. So it's one thing to hear it from everybody else another thing to hear it for yourself whey you start doing reverse speech technology. So I'll have a lot more clips coming up.
I don't know if I'm still going to be doing the Tuesday aliens in the news show. Everything about me just says cancel that show don't do it. There's something.. you know it's always been weird, something always going on. And I just don't feel lead to keep the show going. I will keep the web site up. I was asked by some readers who can't listen to my shows to keep the website up anyway, keep the information coming on the website about what's going on with the aliens in the news. And if anybody would like to donate some time in transcribing these radio shows, I'm contacted by the deaf audience all the time, "we can't listen to your shows we'd love to know what you're saying".
And so if anyone would like to transcribe these radio shows let me know. Send me an email, [email protected], because there's about, as I'm informed by them, huge groups on the internet. There's over a million deaf in the United States and they want to know what's going on and they can't listen to the radio shows and they would love to read transcriptions of them and I simply can't do that on my own. I have so many other things to do and going on. So if anyone else would like to donate time in doing that please contact me and I'm sure they would definitely appreciate it. They've asked me for it several times to transcribe these shows.
I'm going to jump over here for a little bit. Someone sent me an interesting e-mail on the word church itself, but I wanted to go through something else here for a second because someone living in Miami sent me an e-mail, and I have several people out in Miami who support this radio show. But he told me basically, he just started listening to my shows, and that I had hit it right on the head with Miami. He said he lives near Turkey Point, which is not far from a nuclear facility or the area of one, right in Miami. And lately it had been climbing with Homeland security white vans. So something is definitely going on down there, and basically letting me know that the whole nuclear facility down there is climbing with activity.
And we know that from the codes I'd found last year two years ago, and the code still stands I never rescinded it. It was the fact that Miami having some kind of a dirty bomb or a nuke bomb hitting the city, and our government blaming it on terrorists so that they could go in and nuke Syria for it or Iran. And so that's always been a play, it's still open, it still could happen. I don't remember the month for it, the code is still on the site you can go there and read it.
Another interesting thing is getting a lot of information about the base in Israel, and of course I saw it two weeks ago, and this is just info that Barry Chamish and others, Jerry Golden. Jerry Golden Report, has mentioned it on his website about the base going up and the completion date on that base is August 31 this year 2005. And I found that interesting because I known I've posted back in 2002, 2003, that in September 2005, the Dome of the Rock would go down either by an earthquake or some kind of a missile.
And so is there a war coming up in the middle east, right now, you know, we're swinging over to the other faction the NWO. Trying to keep back and forth between the alien faction and the illuminati faction, who's got what window next. And I was noticing NASA was using my lingo the other day talking about windows. So that was interesting.
Yeah but trying to watch what's going on and whose window of time it is now. If the aliens couldn't get July pulled off then I said it would swing back over to the reptilians. Cause right now we've basically got two factions. We've got the tall greys and we've got the reptilians.
That's basically what we're looking at right now. Because over government is pretty much dominated by the reptilians. They're possessed by them, a lot of the bloodlines can shapeshift and hold human form from the pure reptiles. Then you have the tall greys which are the new age crowd. They run the new age agenda. Their Christ Michael, supposedly the god of the universe, Nebadon, which our universe is called Nebadon, is a tall grey.
Literally a tall grey, I have the article on my website at I also have other articles of information at You can also read more about the Omegans at And I call these greys more or less the Omegans, and then you have the reptilians who are pretty much running the illuminati and the NWO faction of the Bush's and the Rockefellers and all of them, because they're all run by the reptiles. There's different factions among them too, I mean they fight amongst themselves, the Rockefellers against the Rothchilds division and branch, but they're also fighting up against the tall greys.
And what's happened is the aliens, especially the tall greys and the reptilians in rank have always been slaves to the Annunaki. And the Annunaki are not dominant here on earth right now, they're the ones coming to earth. These are the tall Goliaths 9-11, 12 feet. They're going to actually be ruining, ruling the earth, yeah ruining too, ruining and ruling the earth with Satan during the tribulation period. And these are the ones that are going to be enforcing his policies that the false prophet puts out.
They're the ones that are going to be controlling FEMA, the martial law camps, herding and controlling the people and enforcing legislation of worshipping the image of the beast or getting the mark image of the beast. They're going to be the world's policemen and what the church gets all tied up in knots over all the time is trying to put NATO and the G8 and the EU and the UN and trying to fit all these different worlds armies and everything into the prophetic picture of the bible.
But keep in mind that Satan doesn't need humans folks, he doesn't need human armies when he's got hundreds of millions of Goliaths on the way. They can't stop, because what's happened is these greys and reptilians are in a mutiny against the Anak their overlords, their bosses. They're in a mutiny against them. They want to control the earth for themselves. So what they're doing is fighting against the Anak that are coming.
And so these comets that are carrier ships, that our governments calling ice blocks and anything else they can think of, they are trying to blow them out of the sky, try to knock them off of orbit so they can't come into this atmosphere. So they can't come towards earth, because they are carrying the Anak. And of course this was the July 4th deep impact thing, was a play by the reptilians to stop the Anak. The discovery shuttle was by the reptilians, a reptilian card, because what they want to do is go to Mars and close that lions gate.
And I'm going to talk about this lions gate. And this lions gate is important when you get into the twilight zone stuff, the new age stuff, because this lions gate is opening up to bring in their messiah. I don't know if it's Maitreya or if it's going to be Sananda or whoever it's going to be. But the portal opening that's important for their second coming facade. And that's what the reptilians were trying to close, trying to terminate that portal opening.
And so right now, it's kind of a war between the reptilians and the tall greys. I don't really know if it's a war of if they're working together if they're not I mean it's really hard to pin point. One minute you don't think that the whole war thing is a facade and a lie and the next minute you think that they're together. So it's very hard to tell one minute to the next if they're really at war together and it's all charade or if they're really working together. We know that all have the same boss, they all work for Lucifer.
Now Lucifer's not counting on any one way to get to power. He uses various roads, various routes, has various plans. He's used the secret societies and the whole - I don't know if you've seen the diagram of how he's used the NWO to bring to power by man's efforts.
And then he has his own alien efforts his own forces in the skies working, the watchers that are overlooking the earth for years, the ufos. And so they're all working together or working on his side. So there are various, very many different factions, groups and ways that Satan can come to power. He's not counting on any one way. But the thing is with all these different people are fighting against each other to be one that he uses to come to power through.
Because they think that when he comes to power, then they will be the ones rewarded for all of their hard work and effort in getting here. That he's going to give them parts of his kingdom and power. And you've all heard these lies before. No he's the father of lies and he's called the father of lies for good reason. He's lied to them all. And they're going to find out soon enough that he has a nasty retirement plan. That he's a liar. That he doesn't need them once he comes here and gets power. He doesn't need any of them.
He's going to have his own council here. I think I put a graphic on my sight at, a graphic of the council of ten, that used to run Atlantis. And I think that's what we are looking at here.
If you look in Revelation Chapter 13, it talks about the ten crowns and the ten horns. Horns representing leaders and crowns representing power authority. I might have it mixed around here.
But I think that's you know, the church likes to put that as the EU nations. Lord knows there's more than ten EU nations, there's a zillion of them. And I really think, starting to think that the people that nailed that to be Atlantis hit it right on the head. This whole Atlantis council of ten, how he used to rule Atlantis, is how he's going to rule the NWO (if the New Agers get their way).
And the Bible says they come to power with him for one hour. And we know that those nations in the EU, I mean they've been there for ever and not coming to power one hour, they've been in power for many hours. So something to keep an eye on, to be aware of.
Just jumping over here to this e-mail somebody sent me about the word "church" I thought was interesting. I just listened to a Jordon Maxwell interview. It was pretty good but one particular thing he said raised my eyebrows. He talked about how words have hidden meanings that very few are aware about, and he gave church as an example. If you look up the word church in the oxford dictionary of the English language, it will tell you that it goes back to a Scottish word kirk. Kirk can be traced back to the Greek goddess Sirsy - not sure on the spelling. It was called mother Sirsy in ancient Greece. Mother Sirsy becomes mother kirk which becomes mother church. So we get the word church from the Greek goddess Sirsy.
Now comes the interesting part. If you go to a library and look up mother Sirsy in a Greek mythology book, you will read that mother Sirsy was able to hypnotize people and bring them into her house and lock to door behind them. She would rob the people of their intellect and they would lose their minds. Finally she would then turn them into animals and feed off of them.
Something tells me this idea isn't as far fetched as it sounds, and it sounds a lot like our churches today. Get them in, hypnotize them, steal their money, rob them of their senses and feed off of them. Perfect description of most of our churches today.
You get into these bigger feeding frenzy ones and it's Satan at work. He would be amazed, he would be marveled, and I'm sure he is. He's always at Hinn services. I don't know if you've been to my site at lately, but I added some stuff on Benny Hinn. Something I've been seeing all of the time in his reverse speeches that I've done, is that he's always waiting for Satan to arrive until he sees his signal.
And once he sees Satan's signal is when he starts feeding off of the crowd and calling up people to heal them of stuff or giving people demons is basically what he does. But that when he starts his whole charade "I cast out demons" or "helping people", "healing people", but the one thing you hear all the time in his RS is I see the owl, see the owl signal, I see the signal, see the mark, Satan has the birth mark, this one has a mark. He's looking for certain people, I think he sees some kind of a mark on people that he knows that he can deceive and he's also waiting for the owls signal, he always waits for Satan to arrive for the signal.
And that's something that you read in the second part of Revelation 13 where it says that the false prophet does miracles in the sight of the beast. And I've always had Benny Hinn as a candidate on my list, my list for the top ten beasts of the last days, Benny Hinn being a candidate for the false prophet. And when you hear this stuff in reverse speech, he just so prophetic, he's just lining up with scripture. I'm not saying he is, I'm just saying he's a candidate.
He does it all himself, he makes it easy to peg him as one because he's lining himself up as one. We know, I've known for a long time what and who he is and a lot of people that have been fooled, deceived by his churches or have been hurt by them, especially the ones that have been hurt by them, deceived by them and come out of it will turn around and tell you the exact same thing I've been saying for years. That he's a wolf and that's exactly what he is. So this reverse speech stuff is getting interesting.
Some of the other things that I hadn't posted on the site yet that I will be, that I wanted to go ahead and give you some information on is some of the stuff I've been sent about Tony Blair and some of the stuff he's been talking about lately. Lately a lot of his RS's he's still talking about the meat collection projects. He says in reverse speech, "all beef until we have enough". Then he talks about blaming the London bombing on terrorists.
He says, talks about NASA. He's referring to one of the crafts when he says, "it's in the chute, its here and now, NASA he's a board", and he's saying this in reverse speech "NASA he's aboard". I don't know what that's in referrence to. Then he makes a referrence to Nibiru and he say's "sad that we need Nibiru". And in Bush's reversals lately he gives a time frame besides March. Bush saying the timing is still in question. They have to leave the time, their leaving of the earth perfect. Some people believe they're going to try and intercept Nibiru, this Planet x. Some people believe that it's going to be moved up from March back to April. Either way Bush is saying we move out by easter.
And then he says "service my third year in and I'm gone". His third year in office would be 2007, and that's the closest we have about a year that he definitely plans to be gone by 2007, probably March or February of that year.
We know that part of their plan involves gathering up bodies of those killed in Iraq. And it also accounts for the huge discrepancy in the numbers of reported dead and the actual body counts. Cause you'll hear the numbers of how many are dead, but then the bodies that are actually found, it doesn't match up. And we know they lie to begin with on all the death toll numbers to begin with, let alone not to be able to find half the bodies of the numbers they do give us. Because these bodies are being stored up.
They're getting put in the meat lockers. They refer to Queen Elizabeth as being the boss, that many of them are underground already. And it looks like their plan is that they will leave from Rome and go to Cairo, Egypt, underneath one of the obelisks there and it's going to be some kind of staging area to prepare to move out. And Blair's saying raise the Arctic. And I don't know if that's supposed to signify the raising of the Nile back in ancient times when they're trying to raise the Arctic now. We do know that they plan on trying to raise Atlantis.
And what I'm going to do is take a short break here and I'm going to get back into this stuff when I get back. I'll be back in about 30 seconds to a minute.
And welcome back. One of the things that I heard from one of these people that do RS is that they've been getting a lot of RS from politicians so horrendous that they don't know if I will play them on my website, that involves sex, children and murder. But many more that have to do with their departure and the meat gathering leading up to it.
And folks if you send it, I will put it up. As long as it's legitimate RS. Try to send me both the forward and the reverse clips, I like putting both on my site so people can get an entire picture of what's being said. Yeah you send it and I'll put it up. I don't care how bad how gross it is. People need to know what's going on and you can't do it if you're babyfying them, if you're protecting them, hand holding them. Don't hand hold anybody. And so you send it, I'll put it up.
The thing that I had last week, and I wanted to bring this up because I had brought this up before plenty on my show about that Fatima was nothing but a ufo facade, that the virgin Mary, these apparitions around the world are nothing but holographics and that it was practice for the HAARP. Toys that they have, HAARP, based out of Alaska. And there's a book that's out and it says new history reveals the truth about the Fatima incidents. Authors say famed apparitions in 1917 were close encounters with alien beings, and again the same stuff I've being saying. The Fatima incident was an important event in the history of religion in 1917.
Three Portugese shepherds, Jusinta, Fransisco, Lucia, suddenly encountered the virgin Mary illuminated in the splendor of heavenly lights, who told the children three secrets about the fate of the earth. The contacts were followed by an unexplained ariel phenomena called the miracle of the sun, in which the sun was seen to dance in the sky by thousands of awestruck onlookers who flocked to Fatima. The apparitions were presumed to be a case of divine intervention in human affairs assigned in heaven, that the world war then raging in Europe should end. And a shrine sprang up at Fatima that drew millions of believers.
And a myth was invented that the secrets of Fatima would be revealed in the fullness of time. That the testament of faith in a secular age.
But in "Heavenly Lights", Portugese historians, tell the true story of the apparitions of Fatima. The first history of Fatima to be written by Portugese historians based on the original documents "Heavenly Lights" is a result of a 25 year odyssey by the authors in search of the actual facts of the Fatima case.
That began investigation in 1978 when they were given access to secret archives held in a sanctuary in Fatima. The records of Sister Lucia kept at the archives since the incident reveal that the children did not interact with the apparition of the virgin Mary, but with the hologram of an extra terrestrial projected on a beam of light from a space craft hovering high above them. The archives clearly showed the entities encountered at Fatima were not deities from heaven but rather alien beings visiting our planet from elsewhere in the vast cosmos.
This finding was supported by hundreds of other facts from the time of the apparitions. Fatima the authors discovered was the first major ufo case of the twentieth century. And so it goes on. You can get this book it's called "Heavenly Lights - the Apparitions of Fatima and the UfO Phenomena by ...... You can get it at, that's, you might be able to find it at Amazon.
But they're basically saying the same things I've said for five or six years now. It's a holograph and you'll find that Sister Lucia was not in a convent on her own accord, on vacation, resigning herself to becoming a hermit, she was locked up in a Catholic facility all of her life.
She was locked up there to keep her quiet. You know they've played out the whole Fatima thing, the whole secrets thing for their own benefit. You know what agenda can we spew out as we have the world awaiting for the next secret to be revealed, as they plan what secret they're going to have them supposedly revealed. You know the Vatican played the whole thing out to the fullest extent, and of course we know who runs the Vatican.
The Draconians, Satan's seed on earth the Vatican. Behind the white pope position is the black pope position. You can do a Google on black pope and find out the real truth on the Vatican. And all of these factions are tied into the Vatican. The reptilian faction of the Bush's and the Rockefellers and the Rothchilds and even the grey faction of the new age movement all tied into the Vatican, because the Vatican rules everybody.
All of the factions are tied into the Vatican.
Another thing I thought was interesting - you can call in folks with listener call in questions, question or comment you can call in at 260-356-2611 - is the fact that I posted what I've seen about Los Angeles. And someone sent me this article on it, I think it's from "what does it mean" has a whole thing on lizard people underneath Los Angeles.
And they go on to state that there are 270 tunnels beneath Los Angeles arranged in a network and that have been sealed up for the most part with fences, no longer used. There's older tunnels under the Bel Air state, UCLA and below in Los Angeles state historic park. Other tunnels that have been buried there for thousands of years. The Hopi indian legend reports a sub-surface maze existing almost five thousand years ago under LA.
And this is supposedly caves and tunnels that have been inhabited by lizards and reptilians.
Steve: Sherry
Sherry: Yeah
Steve: You have a caller when you're ready
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on
Steve: You're up caller
Caller: Good afternoon Sherry
Sherry: Yes
Caller: Yes, my name is Angelo
Sherry: Hi Angelo, how are you doing?
Angelo: I'm all right. I'd like to state that even though you are going through hard times, everything you say, and I mean everything you say is true. And I want people to know that.
Sherry: If they don't see it now they'll see it later.
Angelo: Yes. You've got a lot of chutzpah, and I've been trying to find a way to find a show, or radio broadcast to talk. I've tried to talk to Rense, David Ike. David Ike had a ..... but my six sense tells me that since he doesn't follow God he doesn't have it.
Sherry: Well yeah
Angelo: You hit it right on the money.
Sherry: Well amen. And you know people ask me about David Ike all the time and they'll send me an e-mail, "what's Dave saying in the article and I'm like why don't you ask Dave? Don't ask me what Dave's saying ask him. He does have a lot of information, he's done a lot of research, He's done a lot of good work. But the problem with Dave is that he doesn't believe in the Most High and that he does channel a lot of his information. And so with him when you read his stuff, you've got to chew the grass and spit out the hay.
Angelo: Yeah that's my understanding. I started to read, to believe he's a mason.
Sherry: David Ike is, He's a 33rd degree mason.
Angelo: Yeah, that explains a lot.
Sherry: Yeah, well that would. I mean you could join Ramon Watkins maybe on a fifty city tour summoning down ufos.
Angelo: Yeah, I mean David Ike is, love is the only thing right.
Sherry: Yeah, .. the new age
Angelo: But it's like, you got to have love from going to point a to point b, I mean its like love, love, love. It doesn't make sense.
Sherry: That's because they push these ascension doctrines. And one of the most dangerous things about the new age agenda, and this whole alien agenda thing and any church that's starts getting into pushing these soul ascension doctrines, in the fact that you're ascending becoming a more spiritual person, a more aware, higher consciousness. Is that they're trying to change your body chemistry to become more fitting for reptilian possession.
Angelo: Ah yes. Like I said, everything that you say, and I mean everything without getting into detail is confirmed and verified, and the light of the spiritual warfare and people need to see. If people will know spirit.... that could actually see things and the light of spiritual warfare.
Sherry: Yeah.
Angelo: I just called in to give you a bravo keep on going.
Sherry: Well it's good to hear from you and I thank you for calling in.
Angelo: Okay.
Sherry: God bless. Listener call in line folks 260-356-2611. Yeah, give me a call with any questions or comments.
And that goes about with anybody online folks. Really good information out there and available and you just have to have discernment, chew the grass and spit out the hay. Because they do reveal their own information and their own secrets and their own agendas through their own people.
They will reveal them. It's part of the rules that they have to from what I read ages ago. I can't explain the rules, but they do reveal everything that their going to do to the public. And that's why the government contracts Hollywood to reveal their agendas through the masons, the producers, the writers and the directors, through Hollywood. And so we come up with a lot of the movies revealing what's coming, conditioning the people.
And even some of their own writers and people that will put up sites, and I know that the new age crowd refers to me as one of these BBB&Gs - big bad boy and girl. I'm a big bad girl. That's their perrogative to consider me as a bad whatever, you know it's silly.
You know anyone that could buy into this ascension garbage, that Maitreya, Sananda and of all of them are trying to spit out. Most of these people, even in the Christian communities are channeling the same garbage.
Just change the terminology a little bit, put a little bit more church terminology in with it and they never notice the difference. They really think they're getting prophecies and words from the Lord and they're channelling these new age spirits. Any kind of changing where, you're changing, you're ascending, you're reaching up, you're rising up, you're becoming a better person more aware, more conscious, more spiritual. This is all new age lingo, it's massed new age lingo.
And what they're really doing is changing your body chemistry, changing your DNA, so that you become more fitting to them for possession. So that's basically what it is. And people don't realize.
I have a friend who runs and he's doing a lot of the pictures, solarizations that the girl over at Wiola Press does. You take a person's picture and solarize it. And what you're looking for, you're not looking for a particular color, I can see a lot of green, if you go to and you'll see all of these people that have the green on them and they're reptiles underneath human skin. You're not looking for color green as much as you're looking for scales, you're looking for scales on their skin. Because scales will represent that they're being inhabited by a reptilian.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay, go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: How are doing Sherry?
Sherry: Hey, good, how are you?
Caller: Pretty good. Good news, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is coming back real soon.
Sherry: Amen.
Caller: Definitely, definitely. Got a couple of questions. I recently got out of the military. So I have a question and I guess I have a statement also. My question is I ordered like $120 worth of orgone from your friend Rhonda Zeoli.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And, I know how that the CIA and all that are like, you know they stop e-mails, they try to prevent everything you know. And I hadn't received it yet.
Sherry: When did you order it?
Caller: A month ago.
Sherry: Okay, well just send me an e-mail at sherrytalkradio and I'll forward it on to her.
Caller: Okay. Yes I tried sending it to you and it didn't go through and I know it's not you I know it's the whole want to be New World Order thing trying to shut us down and they can't.
Sherry: They maybe sitting in a warehouse in Denver, that's one of their favorite places right now.
Caller: Yeah, but Denver airport and all of that.
Sherry: Well there's some kind of warehouse out there, that the post office has. And what they do is they rip off your postage.
Caller: Yeah, they're always trying to do something. But the funny thing is they can never calculate is the Most High God Yahweh always throws a wrench in their plans cause it's always God Yahweh's will.
Sherry: Amen, you know amen.
Caller: And another thing, I got out of the military not so long ago, and I've being going around and unplugging people about ufos. I was on a ship, I was on the USS Portland and we were going across the Atlantic over to Bosnia and Afghanistan stuff, and we'd actually... the crew actually see ufos, and we'd try to report them to the bridge. And the funny thing is the captain and all the people who are in charge told us that we don't see anything that if we spoke about it we'd get in trouble. Isn't that funny?
Sherry: Yeah. Well yeah they don't want to deal with it. I mean, they know it's there.
Caller: Yeah, but you know what the thing is it affects us all, that's what really gets me is, those who are covering it up are like us - you're going to be victims as well.
Sherry: Yeah. Well they have, they're following, you know the orders from the top.
Caller: Yeah, don't think.
Sherry: Disinfo, deny, deny, deny. And so the only thing they can do is follow orders. They're following orders to deny and that's why they have to tell you to do the same thing.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: Official policy is denial. And like I've talked about on this show before, I don't know if you've caught my show before, do we really want disclosure? Because (a few seconds of interference) I don't know what that is, hello. Because if we acknowledge them, they'll come out of the closet. So why don't we just deny them, then they're still in the closet. I think I like them better that way.
Caller: You know what the funny thing is that you've made a comment on War of the Worlds. Most of the American public doesn't know that Hollywood is actually a tool from the elite. They condition the public about what things are going to come in movies and sitcoms.
Sherry: Oh yeah.
Caller: Yeah, leaving them totally vulnerable for those who are plugged into this new world order stuff.
Sherry: You know who produced X-Files was Lion's Gate Productions.
Caller: Exactly.
Sherry: And here I've got information on this "lions gate" to give out tonight.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: New age stuff. The writers were masons. You look at a lot of these movies and shows that are coming out and it's all conditioning... what are they trying to reveal in this one. Every time you sit down to watch something, just ask yourself what are they trying to reveal in this one.
Caller: Yeah, and that's what evil is. Evil is just pure ludicrous you know and that's why they'll fall, another reason they fall is that can't not like be secretive, they have to boast about it you know.
Sherry: Yeah. Were you able to get on land at all when you were out in the war zone?
Caller: Oh yes, yes. I unfortunately seen car bombs and all that good stuff, and actually that's what brought me to Jesus Christ. I was an atheist for a long time believe it or not because as growing up my head was thrown into the church right.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: And I knew, I didn't know how, I know so many of my people know about this is that there's something missing. Eating the apple of the tree didn't make sense, we know that because Cain was actually the offspring of the devil.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: Stuff like this. And what happened was that, this would happen to a lot of people is that they get their faith is massed into it so what we do is rebel against it, but God doesn't give up on us. God says I'm going to come and get you, I'm going to get my sheep that are astray, and what it was when I was close to like I call it the crossover point is I realized that not only my time wasn't up but I had a purpose in my life. My purpose in life was studying the word of Jesus Christ and opening the eyes of all of the people, you know.
Sherry: Amen.
Caller: Yep, thanks a lot Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah, well what I wanted to ask you was is how much of difference between what the media tells us is going on from what you saw yourself?
Caller: This is funny, is just like you said the death tolls are one thing. I'll tell you one thing that I actually got in trouble for is that I received the anthrax vaccination. Well a lot of people, if anyone's listening to this, in the military or thinking about going to the military, I want to put the word out is do the research on the vaccinations.
Sherry: Oh yeah we've been harping about vaccinations period. Not just military just all of them period.
Caller: Exactly and what it is, for all of those people out there listening, go check out gulf war syndrome, go check out depleted uranium. What happens is, is not even like you're blown up or shot, is you're being infected with all these illnesses, cancer, viruses and this is fact research it people. That people are coming back with illnesses and this is on large scale numbers. So I just put the word out and God bless everybody to find the facts.
Sherry: Amen. Did they allow you to have a religious exemption from vaccinations in the military?
Caller: No they're cutting down on that. At first they said they would. But it's kind of like this it's like, what they tell the public is one thing then soon as the doors are shut then the real episode goes on.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And that's what it is and that's why the public pretty much gets pulled on the strings because they get the public, get them by the strings and once the doors are shut then welcome to the real world the real military.
Sherry: Yeah, you signed it and stuck for a couple of years.
Caller: Exactly you're just like a roller coaster ride, like I wasn't expecting this.
Sherry: Yeah, I've always have interesting things to say about the reasons we're over there in Iraq.
Caller: You know they say it's for freedom and I keep telling them the same thing it's ordered chaos, they create the problem we've got the solution and then the new world order's implemented. You know the patriot act...
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: Stalin did that you know.
Sherry: I see that as nothing but a huge meat market over there just sacrificing innocent civilians for Satan. The shedding of innocent blood.
Caller: Yup and that's what all of this is, and this is a spiritual battle, this is Satanism.
Sherry: The more power he has through the shedding of innocent blood and the death of innocents, the more there is of that, the more power he gets, and so the closer he comes to getting to power here on earth as antichrist, we're going to see a lot more deaths and destruction because he needs to feed off of that energy to come, to rise to power.
Caller: Loosh.
Sherry: Yep.
Caller: Yep, but I talked to people who in the military had like pentagrams tatooed on their hands and stuff and I asked them what that was and they were like it's power and I was like do you actually really know what evil is do you actually really know what that represents. And it's out of ignorance because all the New Age movement
Sherry: They think it's cool, they're like these little kids with rebellion and rock music devil worship stuff.
Caller: Exactly.
Sherry: Yeah, they don't know really what it is, they just think it's cool rebellious thing to do.
Caller: And that's how they mind control people to make it like it's cool then you cross over then you've got to make the ultimate decision are you going to still stay with this or are you going to say no
Sherry: Yeah
Caller: God loves you I guess
Sherry: Yeah, well thanks for calling in.
Caller: All right Sherry keep up the fight and everybody else listening we are 144 thousand and we're going to win this.
Sherry: Amen.
Caller: Amen, all right.
Sherry: Thanks a lot.
Caller: God bless.
Sherry: God bless. Folks we're going to go on a five minute break, and we'll be back in about five minutes with the second hour of the show and we'll see you then.
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
July 18, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
And welcome back everybody I'm Sherry Shriner. Before the last call in at the end of the hour, I was talking about these tunnels underneath Los Angeles. I wanted to get back to that, because 270 tunnels underneath Los Angeles arranged in a network in a pattern of a reptilian of a lizard. And there used to be an ancient lizard race that lived under the ground out there. And of course thousands of years ago many believed that these tunnels had been abandoned and that they're flooded now and that they're flooding.
And I was also reading an article the other day about new fault lines being found underneath Los Angeles. And the reason I bring that up is because I saw Los Angeles going into the water. It was just kind of sinking right into the water it wasn't a tsunami coming up over the city devouring it, it was just kind of falling into the water and so various things you can look at as to why and how it happens.
Most likely instigated by earthquakes, could be the result of caving in. All these massive tunnels systems under it are flooding could cause some kind of caving in. Also with the fault lines that have been found underneath LA. And we know it's just a matter of time before the whole west coast goes into the ocean anyway. But I don't see that happening until 2009, so unless LA and other parts of California start sinking into the ocean before that even happens.
That's a possibility and that's why I'm bringing it up that why I'm warning people. Just, you know, what the Lord shows me I pass on. I've always said that to Him whatever He shows me or tells me I teach on and pass on to the public and that's probably why I have 19 websites up. Peopl ask why do you have so many sites and like I try to put different areas of topics on different sites, I couldn't possibly put everything I have on one website as it is. I just have too much information and I'm way too disorganized for that.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611 if you want to call in with your questions or comments. I wanted to talk about, get into this gate this lions gate because I talked about last hour about how this whole shuttle discovery, discovery shuttle was being launched to close the gate.
Steve: Sherry,
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller when you're ready.
Sherry: Okay go ahead on put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hello.
Sherry: Hello,
Caller: Yes I'm Sam from New Jersey and it's just two quick questions. I once heard you say that in the Bible code it talks about Russian actions and attacks on this country where four cities would be hit.
Sherry: Yeah,
Sam: Okay. There's a guy in Washington State his name's Chuck Youngsman and he said that God has shown him, you know, it's the same thing, but he says it's New York, and then Colombia South Carolina, Richmond Virginia and Lexington Kentucky. I also heard you say that one of the cities was Dallas Texas?
Sherry: Yeah.
Sam: What are the other three?
Sherry: It's been a while since I've even been in that code, and the reason I found even that was that I was doing a personal code for somebody else and it ended up being that they lived in Texas, they lived in Dallas and here I'm seeing a nuking of Dallas. And so that was that you know. And I'm looking at it and it's from Russia and it's about an accidental nuking and that's the story given out, and so it sort of fitted with what other people were saying. Other people are saying that it's also multiple cities that are hit that it could be six or seven cities and not just three or four.
Sam: Okay
Sherry: Multiple cities that are hit. And you have to realize that anything found in Bible codes for future events can be changed, it can be cancelled. It can be a path not taken. Because there are always three of four paths that we can take, even up to five at any one time.
Sam: Right.
Sherry: And so what we do determines the outcome for future events. That's why I don't like to use the Bible codes to find future events because you don't know if they're going to happen or not. The things that you can go by you can put in alignment with the Bible itself prophetic events that you know are going to happen. Then you can base your discernment on things that you know are going to happen.
Sam: Right and also one last question. Have you ever heard of man called David Blain?
Sherry: David Blain, no.
Sam: Okay fine, God bless you.
Sherry: Thanks for calling in.
Sam: Thank you
Sherry: God bless. Listener call in line folks 260-356-2611.
I'm going to get back to this star gate because it's this gate that they were attempting to shut. Because they were attempting to stop Maitreya, this Mabis from coming to earth. This is the reptiles fighting against the greys right now inter faction fighting. They've already got the Anaks ticked off hitting their ship temple 1 on July 4th and so now these are fighting it out on earth over whose going to control it the reptiles or the greys. And I'm not talking about the short greys I'm talking about the tall greys the ones the government had a treaty with originally and still do for all these joint human underground bases. And so what this lions gate is, is this gate that they were trying to close.
If you look at the London bombings. The London bombings happened at a 777. Put the numbers together for 2005 for July 7 and it comes out to 777. It's what they call a triple seven vortex. And it's interesting in the twilight zone writings of the new age, that they talk about energy shifts for July beginning on the 6th of July if the new moon opens a lunar cycle and then it's followed on the next day the 7th by a triple seven vortex. And the numerology creates a triple seven and this is supposed to be the ideal time for these new agers about opening the seven chakras to receive into your body the diamond light that will flood through the lions gate portal in July.
And so this is all in conjunction with the twilight zone stuff of the new age. And interestingly enough they actually had a sacrifice and all the London bombings were always serving a dual purpose as a human sacrifice for Satan and at the same time trying to get the people over there to accept those national id cards, accept more government intrusion on their lives, accept more patriot acts to strip away their freedoms.
The reasons for all of their terrorism, and you know the government was behind it just like they were here on 911. And so that was the whole thing with that triple seven vortex. And this star gate, it's called the third star gate, is the Sirius star gate, that's from 26 July to 8 August. And so if NASA is going to re-launch the discovery shuttle, watch them do it during this time. Anytime now before July 8 because it's probably going to take them a couple of days to get up there and they've got to be up there by July 8th, I mean August 8 by August 8th.
And this has something to do with it, I don't get into all this, I call it the twilight zone. It's all this astrological stuff. To me it's just new age terminology, it's how they work by numbers. I'm number blind, I see numbers and they just all look the same. I don't like dealing with numbers, I hate math. And so anytime I have to get into this stuff it's just like the twilight zone to me. So I try not to as much as possible. I'm trying to explain exactly what they're trying to do and why they're trying to do it. But this stargate has significance. It has great significance to their plans and their agendas. And when this gate is opened, it's called the lions gate,
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: it triggers a manifesting of paradise. Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller when you're ready.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hi Sherry my name is Dan.
Shery: Hi Dan how are you doing?
Dan: Good, good, I'm hanging. Sometimes that's all you can do.
Sherry: Sometimes just tie a know and hang on.
Dan: You just hang. I just wanted to make a comment. You know I came to the conclusion first of all about Paul. You know after doing extensive study of revelation and Daniel and then I stumbled onto your website and I said wow, finally somebody! There's somebody else out there that thinks the same way.
Sherry: Yeah, he doesn't make any sense.
Dan: My question is why isn't there more people that caught onto this thing?
Sherry: Well you know what, my e-mails when I first put up that website, I felt for sure I was just going to get bombarded with hate mail, and it was the total opposite. I've gotten 100-1 positive emails over that site with people saying "I'm so glad I found this site it makes so much sense. Now all of the Bible makes sense to me, now this and this makes sense to me." You get rid of Paul and everything else makes sense.
Dan: Right.
Sherry: And one of the main things people say, is that you've got a lot of guts to have that website up. And so it's probably why some of the others haven't put websites and that they're afraid to. They're afraid of the hate mail, the mockery. They don't want to hear it.
Dan: So there is a lot more people that concur?
Sherry: Oh there are thousands and I was amazed.
Dan: My parents are evangelical missionaries to South America, so I was well indoctrinated. So to really extract this thing was almost like pulling a couple of wisdom teeth.
Sherry: Yeah. Well the Lord's waking up His people. He can reach His people. It's those in churchianity who aren't His to begin with that think they are, that are self righteous Pharisees that cling to Paul. Besides they're not open to the truth of the Lord Himself. You know it's almost like it comes down to who will you serve, Saul-Paul or Jesus? They didn't preach the same doctrines. You know we're taught in churches that Paul took precedence and dominance over the other apostles.
Dan: He really did, it's not Christianity it's Paulism.
Sherry: It's Paulism and that's what, you know I grew up Baptist for thirty some years and that's what you're mind controlled into is the fact when Paul came everything he said now took precedence over what Jesus has taught the other twelve apostles. And so that 's why everything in churches today is dominant Paul. And that's why your Sabbath is changed to Sunday, that's why you're celebrating easter bunnies and christmas trees instead of the Lords feasts and festivals.
Dan: I'll tell you until I came unto this realization I was a terrible Christian. I just couldn't buy it you know,
Sherry: It's conflicting.
Dan: I tried. I just couldn't do it. There's something wrong with this stuff.
Sherry: It's conflicting. You read one thing one place, especially Paul because he talks out of both sides of his mouth, and you'll read one thing one place and something else totally different another place. And there are so many contradictions throughout all of it, if you try to put it all together then there's no way you could. It's too conflicting, too contradictory.
Dan: It's rubbish. You can't make any sense of it I mean, the guy just takes you through so many hoops.
Sherry: Yeah. And he was a psychopath and people can't piece it together. And the thing is though he was the only apostle I would ever read growing up, I had all of his stuff memorized. And when I started praying for the truth in all things, it was the first thing the Lord had to show me, was taking me away from Paulisms so I could get to the other truth, so I could get to the truth.
Dan: Yeah.
Sherry: And that's basically with His people today. I've always said I'm not here to build an army, I'm here to wake His up. 144,000 are sleeping they don't know who they are. And they're the ones that are open to the truth when they hear it and they recognize the truth when they hear it. And so many others out there I'll tell you they'll fight you tooth and nail the church people because they've got to have their Paul or their whole world falls apart. Because they don't have a love for the truth.
Dan: Exactly.
Sherry: And it just makes so much more sense when you get rid of the garbage.
Dan: You know and people too haven't seen how much this Paul doctrine has affected the quality of their lives. Everything we do and you know it really has just made a major impact on everything we do the whole quality. You know you have the banks that come in and say hey lets do away with laws about declaring bankruptcy and just, we've become a mean society.
Sherry: Yeah.
Dan: And most people that declare bankruptcy aren't doing it because they're buying color tv's or anything. Mostly it's due to the fact that we don't have health care.
Sherry: Yep.
Dan: You know, we don't see how cruel society has become and a lot of its this influence of Paul, Paul's laws instead of God's laws.
Sherry: Yep. If the churches were following God's laws then a lot of people wouldn't have a problem tithing to them. I get that argument a lot about tithing, is tithing Scriptural and yes it is and no it's not it's both. You know because the Israelites took care of the Levites. You know and you have to take care of your preachers period. But when you look at tithing today they use it to feed off people to fleece off them, be a Benny Hinn and make them believe they have to pay for an anointing. They taking all the money, the pastors are taking the money that are given to them as tithes and not doing with it what the Lord told them to do which if filling the storehouse putting money back to the poor people. If you were in a church today and you went to your pastor you know your electric bills being shut off they would forward you on to social services. You know they wouldn't give you the money to keep your electric on. They're not following what the Lord had told His people to do.
Dan: No they're too busy building buildings.
Sherry: You know they want more cars, they want bigger buildings they want more houses and they're not doing with the money what they're required to do for tithing. And so I wouldn't tithe to them. I wouldn't tithe to them in a day. You know people tell me well where should I tithe, like there's organizations Feed The Children, it's a great one you could tithe to or organizations that are helping children, widows and homeless you know, I wouldn't tithe to the wolves.
Dan: No exactly we should be giving that money directly to the poor.
Sherry: And that's what the Lord tells us to do.
Dan: Instead of giving it to these big church building programs and stuff like that.
Sherry: Yeah.
Dan: You know I used to live in Georgia and I'll tell you what they had a church on ever corner and one in between.
Sherry: Oh they do here to,
Dan: The church of the great salvation and all this and they were everywhere.
Sherry: We have these Christian centers popping up everywhere, these Methodist Christian centers, family fellowship centers. So they're not even like churches anymore they end up being these centers.
Dan: Yeah.
Sherry: And they're huge. They draw a lot of people. I haven't been to any of them but they're all over the place.
Dan: You know my parents come into town and I'll go to church with them just to make them happy, but you know I can't I just can't do it. But you know at the same time you feel kind of left out
Sherry: Yeah, well that's how it is.
Dan: You know and my other question to you is should we not be doing more you know as far as our independence from the system. I mean I don't hear anyone recommending hey let's go you know buy a cabin in the woods or that kind of thing. But you see things in Zacharias you know saying at that time they're going to be calling every man under his own vine and fig tree in other words probably... I mean here I am stuck in a city working for an airline. You know this is probably the worst thing.
Sherry: I would definitely have, if I lived in the city, I live in a three horse town here, two horse town, I would definitely try to prepare a place ahead of time to go when you need to get out of the city. To have some place that you could go. Somewhere else in the mountains in the woods someplace. To have a plan.
Dan: Yeah I think you're right I think we should be talking more about, you know us people getting together and unifying in some sense and saying hey this is how we're going to get independent from the system.
Sherry: Yeah. There's a town in Colorado that was trying to do that and they bombed them about six months ago. And the government sends out these messages you know and they try to instill fear.
Dan: They don't want that, because they don't want people falling off their grid of tax payers.
Sherry: Exactly and install fear and make people like that look occultish and clannish and you know the only way you're going to survive in these last days other than the Lord Himself picking you up putting you somewhere to protect you is getting into a community getting with others and being prepared to leave the cities.
Dan: You know. Two problems. You know I have this one sense where I say the Lord's going to take care of us.
Sherry: Yeah you can't fall off the cliffs into dumb dumb after that, "well the Lord's going to take care of me", well He's already told you to prepare, to be as the ant who prepares for the winter time.
Dan: That's right and also I have this intuition, hey I've got to get the heck out of here.
Sherry: Yeah, He will lead your thoughts if you ask Him to lead and guide your thoughts. Because everyone is different, everyone has a different situation to deal with. You know everybody's city might not be bombed before they go or He comes back.
Dan: Yeah too, I'm widowed putting my last daughter through college. So I figured she's got two more years, I'll do two more years.
Sherry: You know just ask the Lord to guide your thoughts on what to do. Two years from now just sounds killer to me, are we going to hold out two years the same way we are doing today without being in martial law without being in an alien invasion without being in war. What's two years from today a lot of things could happen. The really worst crap hitting the fan years are 2007 - 2010 and those are really going to be the grunge years if you ask me. And so now we have a little bit of leeway. 2005 is still a set up year, you know Planet x coming in is going to cause a lot of destruction, war, when does WWIII actually going to hit is this the July the alien invasion is coming? It's kind of like a setup year and I said it last year for 2004, you know a setup year. 2007 - 2010 are really going to be the grunge years. The fight to survive years.
Dan: Right and as Jesus said he who endures to the end, that doesn't mean like killing our physical bodies, but I think it does mean we got to start doing a lot of preparation.
Sherry: You know a lot of people are going to be persecuted. Christians don't think they're going to be persecuted here in the US, they've got a rude awakening coming.
Dan: Because of the rapture myth.
Sherry: Yeah. A Pauline doctrine.
Dan: We're going to escape all this and all you other guys.. There's reason to believe it's going to be a reverse rapture and God will take the bad people out of the world.
Sherry: Well He does say that, but that's at the end of the age, that's after He comes when the bad people are lifted off the earth. We have so much to go before we get there.
Dan: I think you're right.
Sherry: You know and that's totally toward the end of the whole period and what they do is they misinterpret, misconstrue everything and put everything out of timelines and I'm a timeline oriented person because I'm a literalist and I take the books literally.
Dan: No everybody that's gone on time, what's going to happen on this date
Sherry: I do not do dates because the Lord does not do dates. He does not do dates and when I hear somebody say the Lord told me on July dah dah, you know it's not Him. He does not do dates. And that's the first mark of hearing a false prophecy.
Dan: No I agree.
Sherry: He does not do dates. I laugh with Him all the time you hear this soon thing going and He knows I hate hearing that word soon. I hate it. I hate it what's soon your soon or my soon. You know it goes back and forth, you know you get to the point where you can feel comfortable with your relationship with Him and be laughing and joking with Him and stuff and you know He's not going to hit you over the head. But yeah when I hear dates it just makes my skin crawl.
Dan: Yeah you're right. You know a date popped into my head years ago probably 20 years ago, 2012.
Sherry: Well that's the Hopie date.
Dan: That's the Hopie date but I didn't even know that, but at the same time I can't believe every concoction of my mind.
Sherry: Well 2012 would be time that everything's basically over, so if you backtrack 7 years, the period would have to be starting this year September 2005, if you're going by a seven year period. If you just go by the last half three and a half year period, 42 month period then it would be around 2009, you know 2008.
Dan: And you can't even believe that with the way things are they could even last that long.
Sherry: Yeah, and every time we think it's going to hit now we end up being in a stalled and delayed period, where we go a couple of months without anything happening but a few terrorist attacks here and there because one faction lost their window of opportunity to do something so it swings back to the other one. And so there's a lot of that going on. He's told me that we're out of time. You know whatever happens, He's has told me that once it starts to happen it's going to happen like a flood, bang, bang, bang, instantly. Everything's going to happen like a flood once it starts it's going to happen quick. People aren't going to know what's hitting them. And so once it does happen there's going to be no more lulls and delays like that we feel like we have now. And July isn't over July's always been a dominant month for an alien invasion ufo invasion, it's not over yet. You know and they couldn't get up there to close that lions gate and so we very well could have Matreya appearing here this Mabis appearing here. You know there's still things playing, these months are still viable.
Dan: And too it could take much longer that we think.
Sherry: Oh bite your tounge.
Dan: You never know and too now I am starting to wonder about China being the new Babylon. Have you ever thought about that?
Sherry: Well China's going to be a dominant force in the war of Armaggedon, so they have their role to play and it hasn't come yet.
Dan: They're just raking us over the coals.
Sherry: Well they are going to rake us over the coals, it's their missiles with the Russians that flatten every one of our cities in 2009 and 2010. That would be the attack of Russia and China a lot of prophets have seen and trying to warn about and I've seen it for 2009 that all of our cities are flattened by Russia and space weapons. And the Russians and the Chinese band together because the Russians just want to destroy the United States, China wants the land and so they're going to have an agreement to where China is allowed to have the land here and it will be Russia that helps them get it. They'll use their space weapons against our cities.
Dan: You know it doesn't even have to get that far, I mean North Korea could put a freighter out in the Atlantic ocean and you know with electro magnetic pulse bombs fry our grid.
Sherry: The North Korea war is something the reptilians want the reptile factions want and after it's blown up into a holocaust over there, then they're going to bring in their false Jesus as the messiah, bring him down from the heavens as god. And so that's what they want, the want a North Korea holocaust, they plan on bringing him in after that one takes place. And so that's their plan to blow up the Korean holocaust. You know South Korea have that going, probably a war with Taiwan and then you've got the Israel, I mean Syria and Iran. Everything's getting ready to blow, you never know which card is going to be played when.
Dan: Yeah it's ratched it up here pretty big.
Sherry: Yeah, you just don't know what exactly they're going to decide they have to go with because they have several different plans to get what they want and so you never know exactly which one they're going to go with. And so it's always watching, it's always analyzing, it's always just watching. You know watching who's doing what.
Dan: Definitely a lot of things, oh well here we go.
Sherry: Yeah, yeah.
Dan: On a roller coaster ride.
Sherry: I don't think a lot of people here are going to wake up until we have a city bombed here.
Dan: No people are still going to baseball games and tracking the scores and totally oblivious.
Sherry: And that was part of the plan to get them drunk in their entertainment, get them drunk in sports and entertainments so they're not paying attention to what's going on in the political horizon. That was all part of the plan and it's worked very well.
Dan: You know I have, one of my biggest challenges is dealing with my family. You know my minister father and you know all my siblings are totally into the system.
Sherry: Yeah.
Dan: There's nothing I can do.
Sherry: And they're not going to wake up until..
Dan: I try but it's a hard battle.
Sherry: Yeah it is and you just have to keep fighting. And somebody sent me an e-mail last week I liked they said "I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I don't know what my job is but I applaud you for doing yours." I liked that you know "I don't know what mine is but I applaud you for doing yours," and the Lord will lead people into what he wants them to do. Usually when you start wondering what is it you're supposed to do, you're just already doing it.
Dan: Yeah we don't realize that we think that we need to go and change everything about our lives and maybe that's not...
Sherry: Yeah not everybody has the same callings you know, you've got to keep in mind that the more you're given the more you're required of, the more you're accountable for. You know to whom much is given much is required and I'll tell you it's a war and it's a constant war and I get attacks all the time and I deal with things most people wouldn't dream of constantly and it's not easy putting your head on the front line. He doesn't want all of His people with their heads on the front line, He needs people in the back, you know. Sowing seeds and doing ministry type work and doing things and we're a team you know there is not an "i" in the word army and so not everybody has the same job the same calling but we all work together. If everybody just listens to what He's telling them and listens to the Most High then we're all on the same page. We're all on the same page if we're always listening to Him because He leads us all on the same page.
Dan: We can't always do the same thing. You're right, good thought, good thought. Well good talking to you Sherry and I'll be hoping to call you back sometime.
Sherry: All right call anytime.
Dan: Okay thanks.
Sherry: All right God bless thanks for calling in.
Listener call-in line folks 260-3562611. It's good to hear from folks, its been a quiet summer seems like a lot of people taking off. I haven't heard from John, I still don't know where John is, somebody sent me an e-mail last week asking me how John was. I haven't talked to John so I don't know.
Listener call-in line 260-3562611. I'm going to get back to this star gate. Because this is what they're doing this lions gate that discovery shuttle was trying to shut. What they're using is Isaiah chapter 13 and Matthew chapter 24 and John chapter 10. They're trying to state that all this relates to a gate and this gate corresponds to the second coming of Christ and it involves the star Sirius, December 25th and human sacrifice. And so we know that this isn't our Jesus Christ, our Yahushua. They're using this in conjunction with their own coming of Jesus Christ who is Sananda or Germaine which ever one they pull off, probably the Sananda one because he's the most deception, the biggest deceiver one. But we do know that Maitreya will probably come first as a world teacher to prepare the world for the coming of Sananda, look for Maitreya to come first and then Sananda will come. But that's my thoughts on it I don't have a thus sayeth the Lord on it, it's just something I've always been lead to believe.
And so they're using this gate the opening of this gate which the month of this is July, now, to herald in their own Christ. Because you've heard, I don't know if you follow the garbage over at some of these twilight zone websites where they talk about the second coming and how they're going to have a noble and religious second coming.
Despite all their behind the scenes warmongering and backbiting and fighting. They're going to have a religious second coming darn it. And so this is part of their symbolisms that use and you know how they use number, numbers for everything. But they take Jesus's words when He refers to Himself as the door such that all who knock He will be there to answer. And in Matthew 24 He told His apostles the parable of the fig tree and in John 10 1-6 He uses the parable of the good shepherd, who arrives by the gate. And that's what they're using with this whole lions gate thing. I would tell you to do a Google on lions gate and that's a regular lions gate or the Sirius star gate because that's what they're trying to do because the new agers, the opening of this lions gate is this month till August 8th.
The new agers want to use it to bring in their messiah and the reptiles the bush faction, NASA and the government are trying to close it and prevent him from coming through it. And so it's kind of like a twilight zone star wars type thing going on with this gate thing. Listener call-in line 260-3562611 give me a call folks.
Try to go through this I guess see if there's anything else I can pull out this info on this lions gate. See I can't even get into this without reading a bunch of the hoobab stuff, and I hate reading the hoobab stuff. Twilight Zone new age garbage.
Sirius star gate activates the lions gate of 2005 with activating the goddess or paradise matrix. And so that's what they're trying to do with activating this matrix. And it introduces new energies to the earth and so they're trying to take advantage of these new energies that are coming to the earth. And you know just a lot of new age garbage I could get into you know. Hard for me to even read it let alone trying to teach it. I get the gist of it and that's all I need. So it's all going on the discovery shuttle trying to close it prevent the new age beast prophet from coming through it and so that's what's going on basically.
Temple 1 not over with. They hit and you saw the impact if you we're watching it on the internet or through some other means. Saw the impact of hitting temple 1 with a bomb. You know what I still see that thing for the month of March (2006), going through that so I don't think it's over. In seven months and I think seven months from now is March anyway. I don't know maybe I can't add. Let see, August, September, October, November, December, January, Febuary, yeah it's Febuary. Maybe that's when it comes back to earth because Bush and them, if it was March 2006 where they're hurrying up and trying to leave the earth, maybe because he's pissed off all of these millions of Anaks in temple 1. And so in seven months temple 1, because they're seven months away right now, it took them seven months to get that bomb that craft to them to even hit with a bomb. So they're several months away from earth right now, and so if they did come closer to earth in seven months maybe that's the thing the sets off Bush and all of them, makes them fearful to want to leave the earth. Course I would too if I pissed off one billion Goliaths..
That's basically what coming here to earth through various anomalies and ships and carriers all of these Annunaki are returning. And you can read Sitchen's stuff with a grain of salt. I haven't really ever agreed with much I've read from Sitchen. But it's like anything else chew the grass spit out the hay. You can see a picture developing of something that is kind of true, but not totally true. And that's the problem with them.
Sitchen's one of these people that believes that we were created transplanted here by test tubes and the Annunaki are our creators and all that garbage. And so that's why I refuse to read his garbage.
And so use discernment folks, use discernment on what you read. Ask the Lord to show you where to learn some of the stuff you need to read. And sometimes He'll send you this site that's totally crazy but it has there you need to learn and so you just learn that and leave the rest. So that's basically, you can't study without Him leading and guiding and the same thing that goes with just reading the bible itself. Having Him show you what to read and using discernment and reading it.
I'll look over some of this stuff here. Listener call-in line 260-3562611, go ahead and give me a call. Quiet.
This whole thing trying to explain even further about the reptilians and grey factions that are fighting it out now. Because I know you could read David Ike, his Biggest Secret book where he had a lot of good information, actually pretty accurate information folks.
Some of it's crazy, some of his beliefs are really crazy but some of his information is very good as well and people say the same thing about me. People think I'm nuts and I'm a Jesus freak but they like some info and it works in all different kinds of ways. But he hit it right on the head. And what fascinates me is, because I've read Kathy O'Brian and I've read the other one, their books. And I haven't seen the video of Arizona Wilder and I would love to get the video of her because she was also an mk-ultra sex slave who broke free and came out of that like Kathy O'Brian and has a lot of good information on what she experienced being raised inside the illuminati and being an mk-ultra slave in the illuminati. And she describe seeing the Queen of England shapeshifting and describes her as an 8 foot reptilian. Describes her perfectly, the colors and everything. You might want to check out her information with David Ike is Arizona Wilder if you want further information.
Let's see. Listener call-in line 260-3562611. I've got so much stuff here that I don't think that I'm going to get into it. Because I don't have time to get into this word for word and if I just start picking apart then you'll miss out on a lot of the good information on it. But I've wrote articles on this stuff, the Serpeant Seedline. An article I wrote not too long ago, the serpent and the illuminati. Good learning article about them, both of them talk about genetic corruption, about seedlines. Some people want to argue with you up and down that there's no serpent seedline and whatever. I think Genesis 3:15 states it clear enough that there was enmity between his line and our line.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yes.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Thank you, Sherry.
Sherry: Hello.
Caller: I've heard your program a couple of times now and just trying to get a feel of what you're really talking about when you talk about the reptilians. This code the Bible code.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: Is that that book that man wrote about Bible code?
Sherry: Well he wrote a popular with that book and the fact that you could find codes within the Torah.
Caller: Well you can find stuff in every book I've been hearing on other program, you can take different books and do the same thing.
Sherry: Well that's just a disinfo on the codes thing. I could look up a recipe book and find my name in it if I want to look for the letters, but these are such precise mathematical distance lettering.
Caller: You think God would make it that rough or make us have to read another book to find out what was going on.
Sherry: What's that?
Caller: Do you think God would do that to have us have to go to another book to buy a computer.
Sherry: You don't have to go to another book, it's right out of His word. You don't think that there's layers to His word when He says there is. There's layers and precepts. There's different meaning to just one verse in the bible, there's many layers. And so would it be beyond Him to encode His word, do you think Satan encoded His word because there are codes there. So somebody encoded His word, either it was the Lord or it was Satan. Can't have it both ways.
Caller: So we would have to be able to read a code in order to know what God was saying to us?
Sherry: Well there's deeper meaning there and I believe that for people that He calls to find the meaning of the deeper meanings. Daniel said seal the words till the end of the days.
Caller: I though that was with the Holy Ghost with us on our knees was my feeling.
Sherry: No he says seal the scroll, He's not saying seal your knees, saying seal the scroll until the end of the days. Sealing knowledge, that more wisdom and more knowledge would be opened in the last days.
Caller: Well that was when I was first you know reading the Bible there were some verses that were over my head and I just let it go and the more I read I would read the same verse and I would go oh that's what that means. I would get the knowledge of what it was meaning.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: I wont have all knowledge you know at one time.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: Grow more and more each time I read it and meditate and really want to know the truth. I feel that Jesus lets me know the truth.
Sherry; Yeah.
Caller: I've just heard so, you know there are so many different books out there, you know your left behind and your Billy Grahams and your Rick Warrens and all that garbage, that I really felt that God didn't want it complicated. I mean not what I think that life is all about is having it being complicated. You know you follow Jesus Christ you know the blood of the cross and I'm not into all these symbols your holidays and all that garbage. How Christians can let their children go out on halloween or celebrate christmas you know getting drunk and going into debt is beyond me why people would do that.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And I feel that our time is very close especially with you know the nuclear bombs and that nations coming against us. You know He said if you let strangers run your nation then I'll give them up.
Sherry: Yeah, He would never had wanted His nation to become a melting pot for other nations, that our nation says that's the greatest part of America that we're a melting pot for every other nation. He forbid that. He forbid the Israelite from marrying other nations.
Caller: We're supposed to, you know my mum my father he came from Greece but he learned the language and he wanted to be an American.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: You know I'm so thankful that those people aren't here. It would break his heart to see what we've become. That we have allowed it, we allowed it
Sherry: Yeah, we allowed other nations to bring in strange idols into our land, and then we protected their worship of these idols.
Caller: I've noticed how a lot of people are dumbfounded by the Supreme Court decision on the ten commandments. And it like it's I say to him, I mean I'm not for them being up all over, but they couldn't understand how they could be in Texas and not in Kentucky. And I told him, I said well the reason why is because the one in Texas was given by the masons and the ones in Kansas City was on a sheet of paper. And that's how they were, they were just written on a sheet of paper and the one that was given by the masons, they allowed them to keep it. I mean were gone crazy. I've noticed a lot of people can't figure things out so they just say well I'll go ahead and go back to my TV set.
Sherry: They just sit on the couch where the comfort zone is.
Caller: Yes. I have enjoyed trying, you can't listen to you a couple of times and figure out where you're coming from and I'm learning. I have an open heart, because I don't know everything and you might say a few things and I go yeah that's right. But I have been talking about aliens to my family and they thought I was crazy but I started that back in the earthly 80s and here we are, we're here. So I want to say thank you and God bless you for being out there because you're out there putting your reputation and you know knowledge out there to people and you take the hits when people think you're crazy. And I appreciate the job you are doing and I'd like you to know that.
Sherry: Oh thank you.
Caller: I'll pay attention and try to catch up to you.
Sherry: I don't always makes sense to a lot of people, but just keep listening because I repeat the same stuff over and over and over again.
Caller: Do you? Well that's good and I'll learn a little bit more about this bible code stuff, I was just hoping that God didn't want it too complicated for me because I'm a very simple person.
Sherry: Well that's why He doesn't call everybody into all the same areas. But I have 19 websites and you can go to and look at all of them on the left hand side. And it's various stuff. Everything that He's ever told me or lead me into I put out there for people to learn.
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: And I usually make it pretty clear if its something of my own thoughts or if it's something He's told me, I make the distinctions, especially if it's something of my own thoughts because alot of the time I don't know what's going on, it's my own thoughts.
Caller: Well you know that's where it comes from is from within and I thank you so much for trying to reach us people and to let us know what is going on, especially with the alien.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: God bless you lady, you take care of yourself.
Sherry: All right well thank you for calling in.
Caller: Okay bye.
Sherry: Bye.
And listener call-in folks 260-3562611.
Such a nice caller, I liked that call. Got about maybe about three minutes left or so, five minutes.
Somebody want to call in with a quick question or comment. And that's pretty much the whole, I think she wrapped it all up in that, just what you can anyway even if you can't make sense out of it. Just getting it out there to wake people up. You know I try to make sense of what's going on. Follow prophecy, timelines, Bible timelines. Prophecy something I've been studying since I was 12 years old as a child.
The only thing I would listen to, even younger than that 9, 10 years old, if they weren't talking Bible prophecy in church I wasn't listening. I grew up in the church, grew up Baptist, just the sole interest all my life was Bible prophecy and I was just a follower.
I think Hail Lindsey's book late late planet earth really set it off for me as a child. And you know I studied all the Lindsey books and the Jack Van Impe's and of course all the writers I shun now. And you know that's where it started, and sometimes where you start is the stepping stone and then the Lord will lead you into other areas and toward other people and use those stepping stones as learning experiences basically.
So you never know what you're into till the Lord takes you out of it and reveals what you were into or whatever you know and a lot of things are just learning experiences. You know I got a solid foundation in Bible prophecy from the Baptist denomination and then I was in the Pentecostal denomination for a short time, not too long.
He pulled me out of that and pulled me out of all churches in general. Started teaching me Himself, I started asking Him everyday to reveal the truth in all things to me. And so that's what He did, He pulled me into the proverbial wilderness and started teaching me Himself, and that's what I encourage everybody out there to do, stop listening to man and your own head wisdom.
Start asking the Lord everyday to reveal the truth in all things to you. And be prepared to be surprised at what you learn as false at what you learn as true. Because when you start praying for the truth and He starts revealing it you are going to be surprised it does rock your world it shakes your beliefs up and down.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Because old beliefs you've held on to for a long time thought they were true, you're going to realize we're in error.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller but you've only got about 15 seconds, so I don't know..
Sherry: Yeah, I'm out of time, tell them to call back next week.
Steve: Okay.
Sherry: All right. Yeah I realize I'm out of time folks, I've got about ten seconds here. So yeah, my encouragement to you folks. Seek the Lord and I have articles on my website on how to pray, how to ask Him for things, how to seek Him for things. Read those articles on the websites and learn from Him, learn from Him direct.
Learn how to hear His voice, He says "My sheep hear my voice and they know Me". So learn how to hear His voice. That wraps up the show this week , be back next week, tomorrow at two o'clock Aliens In The News, I'll don't know if I'll be doing the show, but show up anyway I might be.
And we'll see you next week anyway 8-10 right here, God bless everybody and have a good week.
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
July 18, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Hello everybody and welcome to the show, I'm Sherry Shriner.
Temple 1 July 4th deep impact. What was it really? Well back then I said it was an alien carrier and that's exactly what is was. If you look at years ago when Hail Bop came and that cult committed suicide in the hopes of catching a ride with them. Now folks you don't catch a ride with a block of ice.
You know these so called comets are not what they are telling you that they are. Most of them are ships, carriers of alien beings and not blocks of ice. If you want to be lied to listen to NASA. I've always said that, Never A Straight Answer NASA. They always give the public disinformation, so don't listen to them. You know, whenever you hear something coming out of NASA's mouth they're lying, and so ask yourself what's the real story.
What's the real story behind what they're trying to shove down your throat because they're never telling you the truth about anything.
Prophet Yeehaw, Ramon Watkins, most of you know he goes around calling himself Prophet Yahweh. I call him Prophet Yeehaw. And he declared on his web site that the nuking on the comet was an act of war. And you know what to the aliens it would be.
You know NASA was attempting to destroy an alien ship headed toward earth. These things by their outward appearances may take on different forms such as ice on it's outward appearance because deep space is cold, and it's freezing. But inside they're hollow and this is where the real inhabitants are, inside these comets and carriers headed to earth.
As far as discovery shuttle goes, I posted on my blog, actually just wondering aloud if the discovery shuttle would be blasted out of the sky like the Columbia and Challenger were by the Russians. And I hadn't posted a code on it, just relaying some thoughts I had. And an hour or two after posting my blog, the launch itself was cancelled. And if you read the writings from the new age crowd, it was cancelled for security reasons.
If you believe in coincidences, that's your prerogative, but I've heard and I do believe they're watching everything I say online very closely and cancelled the launch because of my blog posting. You know, you can laugh about what I'm telling you, but it all comes out in the wash later, and folks I'm always standing when the BS falls around me.
I'm still researching this whole discovery shuttle issue, and what I'm finding despite some of my postings in my blog this week, on the fact that they were bringing a beast prophet to earth. It appears they were trying to terminate a portal opening so they couldn't come to earth.
Some of the findings I found in the code, and I'm going to post the code tonight, are: termination, gateway (that was their main reason for going up), withheld, prevention, Maitreya, Mars, gateway, Shriner, declaration, correctness, Mars, slowed, delayed. And basically what this means folks is that the whole mission of this discovery shuttle was to go up to Mars and close some kind of gateway. It was a termination of a gateway, it was their project.
It was George Bush who cancelled the launch, probably fearing that the Russians would blow it out of the sky. And I had no information that they would I was just musing over the fact, would they. So some people say we bought time with it. I don't think so, we're just trading off folks one horrible regime putting us in slavery and death for another one.
They're just fighting it out amongst themselves. We're always going to be stuck in the center here. But it reveals a lot to me, especially after having spent so much time in the Mars codes several years ago where I learned that this Mabis that Nostradamus talks about would come from Mars. Is Maitreya Mabis? You know I've wondered that a lot on this show before, is Maitreya this Mabis Nostradamus was talking about. And even just all the work I've done on this Maitreya, I don't believe he's permanent. I think he's going to come and go.
He very well could fit the role of Mabis very well because he also is from the Mars area despite what he tells the new age crowd. And we know that they also do have a big base in Mount Belem Brazil in the mountains there. And so something's going on and so I did some research, actually my assistant Rhonda did some research and sent me some articles on the lions gate. And we found this gate they've been talking about, in the new age writings, and it's referirng to a lions gate. And I'm going to get into that in a few minutes. But there is actually a gate opening, gate significance for the month of march. And surprise surprise, they've scheduled a shuttle launch. And so let me get back into that.
But what I have seen and what I'm trying to connect is that this whole Los Vegas UFO event that Ramon Watkins Prophet Yeehaw was going around touting, he was going to summon a ufo down from the sky for two days and hover above Los Vegas. And It didn't happen and if you notice it was cancelled right after the discovery shuttle was cancelled.
So it makes you wonder what was going on, were they hand and hand, and it does come up in the same code with the discovery shuttle. This whole thing about Los Vegas being a meat market for the meat lockers, and you know we warned especially on my show aliens in the news. Peggy Kane and I spent two shows warning about how these people were being baited to go out and meet these ufos, and they would just be taken and used for meat.
I mean these aliens are coming and using humans for food. And I've been warning about that and I'll continue warning about that. And if you saw the movie War of the Worlds which I just saw over the weekend. And some of the things I saw there we just real eyebrow raising. I didn't care for the movie itself. I didn't care for the whole Tom Cruise story line thing. I think it should have been more like a government military thing against the aliens.
And of course they come with these machines that kind of killed the whole thing. But what I found was really interesting was that several months ago I'd had a dream where I was being chased by a ufo and it had this long tube and it was sucking people up, and it was chasing me trying to suck me up in this tube.
And then you watch this movie War of the Worlds and they had the same thing, they had these big machines and these hoses would come down and suck people up. Like whoa one of the things that raised my eyebrows.
But basically folks what's going on is that we are in the middle of a space war, we're in space wars. The greys and reptilians here are trying to prevent the annunaki from coming to earth and taking over.
The greys and reptilians are working through humans through NASA and the government here to accomplish their own agenda of taking over earth for themselves. In retrospect both classes are slaves to the anaks and for now are in their own mutiny and war against them to conquer and control the earth for themselves. The ananaki are returning to earth by the millions in various ways. They have various ships and carriers, Nibiru being one of them as well as the various comets heading this way. I dare call them comets, most of them are just some kind of anonymous object. They are not really comets just anonymous objects. But NASA likes to call them comets and so that's the lingo.
These Annunaki that are coming are 9 to 11 feet tall giants. Picture several hundred million goliaths on the earth because that's what I've seen for our future in visions and from what the Most High has shown me Himself about what's coming. The tall greys and reptilians won't be able to beat them although they won't be put, they will put earth in the middle of complete chaos and destruction as a result of the feud and war against them.
Despite their attempts through NASA and our government to stop them, the Anak will arrive here and subdue the earth while Satan rules as the antichrist.
Folks it isn't if but when. I'm an anointed mouthpiece from the Most High, many things are going to come to pass that will cause men's hearts to fail with fear, and we can have peace and strength from the Most High. Don't be fearful, just be prepared and be aware of the things that are coming.
Many things are coming here and they're all of Satan's design, that will lead us into the great tribulation. Perfect love casts out fear. The Lord doesn't tell us to be afraid but to be prepared. He is forewarning and has been forewarning of the things that will come to pass during the last days. And false interpretations of the scriptures that have put people at ease at a time when they should be seeking Him for strength.
Two nights ago I had a vision of Los Angeles when I was trying to go to sleep. I kept having an open vision of Los Angeles sinking into the ocean and it was like I was in the ocean itself wading in the water. Only I couldn't feel wet. I didn't feel any water, I didn't feel wet I didn't feel cold I didn't feel anything. I was in the water and watching the ocean slowly move up and over LA. And there was tons of debris in the water and a few people here and there in the water as building after building, houses streets the entire city just kind of sunk right into the ocean.
It wasn't like a giant tsunami toppling over the city like I saw with the destruction of Chicago from a comet hitting the great lakes. But it just started falling over into the water like an earthquake was destroying it or something from under the ground causing it to happen. I kept feeling like I was getting farther and farther away from the coastline like I was being pushed further and further out into the ocean.
But I realized that I wasn't moving, the coastline itself was moving inward and the water claiming more and more land as it went in, and that entire part of the coast just sunk it. You know it kept playing over and over again for hours. It was so vivid I kept trying to wake up and then I would realize that my eyes were already open.
But folks you know arm yourselves with the hope, joy and peace we have in the Lord. Don't let your faith be shaken in the coming events. I know I hear from a lot of people, "how do I tell other people about what's coming they all think I'm crazy". Well you know people thought I've been crazy for five or six years now. You know, how do you answer that I mean there's no easy answer.
All you can do is drop seeds, drop some info here and there try to open their eyes. But for the most part, people are going to think that you're crazy. But if you drop seeds tell them some things here and there, then they're going to pick it up and hopefully the Lord will lead them some place else where they can get more information. You know I get sick and tired of people that the Lord will lead to my websites for information and they send me these e-mails, "Send me proof of an alien!" They want proof of a reptilian or grey.
This stage in the game and they want you to hand hold them. You know I can't hand hold anybody. You either see it now or you don't. You know its the things that I've been talking about for five or six years now, and now it's starting to make a whole lot of sense to a whole lot of people. Starting to see these things happen, things I've warned about for ages.
And the government doesn't think I'm crazy. You know they're following me very closely, follow everything I write, everything I say. But everyone else does and that's the way they like it. They don't want people listening to what I have to say or what I have to warn them about, they don't want people prepared. And so that basically where your whole church crowd comes in because they're all kept in the dark about what's coming in.
They're all sitting in these beast churches run by Satan, and the government likes it that way. Keep the people in the churches because they're dumbed down in the churches. They're not told anything and they're all expecting some big pre-trib rapture to come to take them off the earth.
And of course Satan has his own plans, the government has their own plans. They're instigating their own rapture to take millions of people as food. Now these reptilians know that the Anaks are coming and that Nibiru is coming in and they know that the earth is going to be destroyed. So these reptilians that are working through our human government officials and military officials and those up in the space program and the people in charge in the know, are fully planning to leave the earth and leave everybody else here.
They're fully planning to leave the earth and when they do they need to take food with them. And so civilians here folks we are the food. And what better way to get a bunch of people expecting some kind of a rapture to meet them out in the desert or something to be raptured up in these ufos and wisked off and taken into a meat locker.
You know so don't fall for this stuff that these... I know Prophet Yeehaw's on a fifty city tour - he's going to be, he's trying to rack one up right now - to get some media summoning events all over the place to get people's interest up and watching him calling down ufos from the sky. Do ufos exist, yes they do. Do the ones he calls down from the sky, I highly doubt it, they look like holographics to me. But they will, eventually we are going to have real ufos in our skies. But what he's doing is a conditioning process.
He's a CIA sleeper pawn a chip implanted toy of George Bush and that faction there, and they are just trying to collect food because they plan on leaving the earth either March 2006 or March 2007.
George Bush has an RS that was sent to me and it will be put up on my site at soon enough as soon as I get it, I'm expecting some in the mail. But he say's I'm in for three and I'm out. And fully realizing and knowing that he's in till 2007 and that he will not finish his second term, he has no plans of finishing his second term.
And so you know that was the first indication of a year that we've gotten through reverse speech technology about some of their plans. They do reveal months and I try to work in conjunction with the Bible codes on what I find with what these people are finding in reverse speech. And a lot of it is very good. And I'll tell you what these people are scared to death to do anything with what they find in reverse speech, they're afraid the government will come after them. And so what I've done in hiddenspeech, is I have people sending me their findings in and I'll post them on my website and I can post them as anonymous.
And I don't care, I'll put my name on it. You know they've been trying to kill me for five years and they haven't gotten anywhere. I don't fear them and so I'll put my name on it. And the important thing for most people in reverse speech technology is the fact that information just gets out there. That people are informed of what's going on, and a lot of these people that have been getting into this are just shocked at some of the things they're finding, that are being said.
You know people that really didn't believe that there were agendas going on, that all this NWO stuff was nonsense, that it was crazy are really having their beliefs turned upside down listening to what coming out of our own leaders mouths in reverse speech, as they reveal the plans. So it's one thing to hear it from everybody else another thing to hear it for yourself whey you start doing reverse speech technology. So I'll have a lot more clips coming up.
I don't know if I'm still going to be doing the Tuesday aliens in the news show. Everything about me just says cancel that show don't do it. There's something.. you know it's always been weird, something always going on. And I just don't feel lead to keep the show going. I will keep the web site up. I was asked by some readers who can't listen to my shows to keep the website up anyway, keep the information coming on the website about what's going on with the aliens in the news. And if anybody would like to donate some time in transcribing these radio shows, I'm contacted by the deaf audience all the time, "we can't listen to your shows we'd love to know what you're saying".
And so if anyone would like to transcribe these radio shows let me know. Send me an email, [email protected], because there's about, as I'm informed by them, huge groups on the internet. There's over a million deaf in the United States and they want to know what's going on and they can't listen to the radio shows and they would love to read transcriptions of them and I simply can't do that on my own. I have so many other things to do and going on. So if anyone else would like to donate time in doing that please contact me and I'm sure they would definitely appreciate it. They've asked me for it several times to transcribe these shows.
I'm going to jump over here for a little bit. Someone sent me an interesting e-mail on the word church itself, but I wanted to go through something else here for a second because someone living in Miami sent me an e-mail, and I have several people out in Miami who support this radio show. But he told me basically, he just started listening to my shows, and that I had hit it right on the head with Miami. He said he lives near Turkey Point, which is not far from a nuclear facility or the area of one, right in Miami. And lately it had been climbing with Homeland security white vans. So something is definitely going on down there, and basically letting me know that the whole nuclear facility down there is climbing with activity.
And we know that from the codes I'd found last year two years ago, and the code still stands I never rescinded it. It was the fact that Miami having some kind of a dirty bomb or a nuke bomb hitting the city, and our government blaming it on terrorists so that they could go in and nuke Syria for it or Iran. And so that's always been a play, it's still open, it still could happen. I don't remember the month for it, the code is still on the site you can go there and read it.
Another interesting thing is getting a lot of information about the base in Israel, and of course I saw it two weeks ago, and this is just info that Barry Chamish and others, Jerry Golden. Jerry Golden Report, has mentioned it on his website about the base going up and the completion date on that base is August 31 this year 2005. And I found that interesting because I known I've posted back in 2002, 2003, that in September 2005, the Dome of the Rock would go down either by an earthquake or some kind of a missile.
And so is there a war coming up in the middle east, right now, you know, we're swinging over to the other faction the NWO. Trying to keep back and forth between the alien faction and the illuminati faction, who's got what window next. And I was noticing NASA was using my lingo the other day talking about windows. So that was interesting.
Yeah but trying to watch what's going on and whose window of time it is now. If the aliens couldn't get July pulled off then I said it would swing back over to the reptilians. Cause right now we've basically got two factions. We've got the tall greys and we've got the reptilians.
That's basically what we're looking at right now. Because over government is pretty much dominated by the reptilians. They're possessed by them, a lot of the bloodlines can shapeshift and hold human form from the pure reptiles. Then you have the tall greys which are the new age crowd. They run the new age agenda. Their Christ Michael, supposedly the god of the universe, Nebadon, which our universe is called Nebadon, is a tall grey.
Literally a tall grey, I have the article on my website at I also have other articles of information at You can also read more about the Omegans at And I call these greys more or less the Omegans, and then you have the reptilians who are pretty much running the illuminati and the NWO faction of the Bush's and the Rockefellers and all of them, because they're all run by the reptiles. There's different factions among them too, I mean they fight amongst themselves, the Rockefellers against the Rothchilds division and branch, but they're also fighting up against the tall greys.
And what's happened is the aliens, especially the tall greys and the reptilians in rank have always been slaves to the Annunaki. And the Annunaki are not dominant here on earth right now, they're the ones coming to earth. These are the tall Goliaths 9-11, 12 feet. They're going to actually be ruining, ruling the earth, yeah ruining too, ruining and ruling the earth with Satan during the tribulation period. And these are the ones that are going to be enforcing his policies that the false prophet puts out.
They're the ones that are going to be controlling FEMA, the martial law camps, herding and controlling the people and enforcing legislation of worshipping the image of the beast or getting the mark image of the beast. They're going to be the world's policemen and what the church gets all tied up in knots over all the time is trying to put NATO and the G8 and the EU and the UN and trying to fit all these different worlds armies and everything into the prophetic picture of the bible.
But keep in mind that Satan doesn't need humans folks, he doesn't need human armies when he's got hundreds of millions of Goliaths on the way. They can't stop, because what's happened is these greys and reptilians are in a mutiny against the Anak their overlords, their bosses. They're in a mutiny against them. They want to control the earth for themselves. So what they're doing is fighting against the Anak that are coming.
And so these comets that are carrier ships, that our governments calling ice blocks and anything else they can think of, they are trying to blow them out of the sky, try to knock them off of orbit so they can't come into this atmosphere. So they can't come towards earth, because they are carrying the Anak. And of course this was the July 4th deep impact thing, was a play by the reptilians to stop the Anak. The discovery shuttle was by the reptilians, a reptilian card, because what they want to do is go to Mars and close that lions gate.
And I'm going to talk about this lions gate. And this lions gate is important when you get into the twilight zone stuff, the new age stuff, because this lions gate is opening up to bring in their messiah. I don't know if it's Maitreya or if it's going to be Sananda or whoever it's going to be. But the portal opening that's important for their second coming facade. And that's what the reptilians were trying to close, trying to terminate that portal opening.
And so right now, it's kind of a war between the reptilians and the tall greys. I don't really know if it's a war of if they're working together if they're not I mean it's really hard to pin point. One minute you don't think that the whole war thing is a facade and a lie and the next minute you think that they're together. So it's very hard to tell one minute to the next if they're really at war together and it's all charade or if they're really working together. We know that all have the same boss, they all work for Lucifer.
Now Lucifer's not counting on any one way to get to power. He uses various roads, various routes, has various plans. He's used the secret societies and the whole - I don't know if you've seen the diagram of how he's used the NWO to bring to power by man's efforts.
And then he has his own alien efforts his own forces in the skies working, the watchers that are overlooking the earth for years, the ufos. And so they're all working together or working on his side. So there are various, very many different factions, groups and ways that Satan can come to power. He's not counting on any one way. But the thing is with all these different people are fighting against each other to be one that he uses to come to power through.
Because they think that when he comes to power, then they will be the ones rewarded for all of their hard work and effort in getting here. That he's going to give them parts of his kingdom and power. And you've all heard these lies before. No he's the father of lies and he's called the father of lies for good reason. He's lied to them all. And they're going to find out soon enough that he has a nasty retirement plan. That he's a liar. That he doesn't need them once he comes here and gets power. He doesn't need any of them.
He's going to have his own council here. I think I put a graphic on my sight at, a graphic of the council of ten, that used to run Atlantis. And I think that's what we are looking at here.
If you look in Revelation Chapter 13, it talks about the ten crowns and the ten horns. Horns representing leaders and crowns representing power authority. I might have it mixed around here.
But I think that's you know, the church likes to put that as the EU nations. Lord knows there's more than ten EU nations, there's a zillion of them. And I really think, starting to think that the people that nailed that to be Atlantis hit it right on the head. This whole Atlantis council of ten, how he used to rule Atlantis, is how he's going to rule the NWO (if the New Agers get their way).
And the Bible says they come to power with him for one hour. And we know that those nations in the EU, I mean they've been there for ever and not coming to power one hour, they've been in power for many hours. So something to keep an eye on, to be aware of.
Just jumping over here to this e-mail somebody sent me about the word "church" I thought was interesting. I just listened to a Jordon Maxwell interview. It was pretty good but one particular thing he said raised my eyebrows. He talked about how words have hidden meanings that very few are aware about, and he gave church as an example. If you look up the word church in the oxford dictionary of the English language, it will tell you that it goes back to a Scottish word kirk. Kirk can be traced back to the Greek goddess Sirsy - not sure on the spelling. It was called mother Sirsy in ancient Greece. Mother Sirsy becomes mother kirk which becomes mother church. So we get the word church from the Greek goddess Sirsy.
Now comes the interesting part. If you go to a library and look up mother Sirsy in a Greek mythology book, you will read that mother Sirsy was able to hypnotize people and bring them into her house and lock to door behind them. She would rob the people of their intellect and they would lose their minds. Finally she would then turn them into animals and feed off of them.
Something tells me this idea isn't as far fetched as it sounds, and it sounds a lot like our churches today. Get them in, hypnotize them, steal their money, rob them of their senses and feed off of them. Perfect description of most of our churches today.
You get into these bigger feeding frenzy ones and it's Satan at work. He would be amazed, he would be marveled, and I'm sure he is. He's always at Hinn services. I don't know if you've been to my site at lately, but I added some stuff on Benny Hinn. Something I've been seeing all of the time in his reverse speeches that I've done, is that he's always waiting for Satan to arrive until he sees his signal.
And once he sees Satan's signal is when he starts feeding off of the crowd and calling up people to heal them of stuff or giving people demons is basically what he does. But that when he starts his whole charade "I cast out demons" or "helping people", "healing people", but the one thing you hear all the time in his RS is I see the owl, see the owl signal, I see the signal, see the mark, Satan has the birth mark, this one has a mark. He's looking for certain people, I think he sees some kind of a mark on people that he knows that he can deceive and he's also waiting for the owls signal, he always waits for Satan to arrive for the signal.
And that's something that you read in the second part of Revelation 13 where it says that the false prophet does miracles in the sight of the beast. And I've always had Benny Hinn as a candidate on my list, my list for the top ten beasts of the last days, Benny Hinn being a candidate for the false prophet. And when you hear this stuff in reverse speech, he just so prophetic, he's just lining up with scripture. I'm not saying he is, I'm just saying he's a candidate.
He does it all himself, he makes it easy to peg him as one because he's lining himself up as one. We know, I've known for a long time what and who he is and a lot of people that have been fooled, deceived by his churches or have been hurt by them, especially the ones that have been hurt by them, deceived by them and come out of it will turn around and tell you the exact same thing I've been saying for years. That he's a wolf and that's exactly what he is. So this reverse speech stuff is getting interesting.
Some of the other things that I hadn't posted on the site yet that I will be, that I wanted to go ahead and give you some information on is some of the stuff I've been sent about Tony Blair and some of the stuff he's been talking about lately. Lately a lot of his RS's he's still talking about the meat collection projects. He says in reverse speech, "all beef until we have enough". Then he talks about blaming the London bombing on terrorists.
He says, talks about NASA. He's referring to one of the crafts when he says, "it's in the chute, its here and now, NASA he's a board", and he's saying this in reverse speech "NASA he's aboard". I don't know what that's in referrence to. Then he makes a referrence to Nibiru and he say's "sad that we need Nibiru". And in Bush's reversals lately he gives a time frame besides March. Bush saying the timing is still in question. They have to leave the time, their leaving of the earth perfect. Some people believe they're going to try and intercept Nibiru, this Planet x. Some people believe that it's going to be moved up from March back to April. Either way Bush is saying we move out by easter.
And then he says "service my third year in and I'm gone". His third year in office would be 2007, and that's the closest we have about a year that he definitely plans to be gone by 2007, probably March or February of that year.
We know that part of their plan involves gathering up bodies of those killed in Iraq. And it also accounts for the huge discrepancy in the numbers of reported dead and the actual body counts. Cause you'll hear the numbers of how many are dead, but then the bodies that are actually found, it doesn't match up. And we know they lie to begin with on all the death toll numbers to begin with, let alone not to be able to find half the bodies of the numbers they do give us. Because these bodies are being stored up.
They're getting put in the meat lockers. They refer to Queen Elizabeth as being the boss, that many of them are underground already. And it looks like their plan is that they will leave from Rome and go to Cairo, Egypt, underneath one of the obelisks there and it's going to be some kind of staging area to prepare to move out. And Blair's saying raise the Arctic. And I don't know if that's supposed to signify the raising of the Nile back in ancient times when they're trying to raise the Arctic now. We do know that they plan on trying to raise Atlantis.
And what I'm going to do is take a short break here and I'm going to get back into this stuff when I get back. I'll be back in about 30 seconds to a minute.
And welcome back. One of the things that I heard from one of these people that do RS is that they've been getting a lot of RS from politicians so horrendous that they don't know if I will play them on my website, that involves sex, children and murder. But many more that have to do with their departure and the meat gathering leading up to it.
And folks if you send it, I will put it up. As long as it's legitimate RS. Try to send me both the forward and the reverse clips, I like putting both on my site so people can get an entire picture of what's being said. Yeah you send it and I'll put it up. I don't care how bad how gross it is. People need to know what's going on and you can't do it if you're babyfying them, if you're protecting them, hand holding them. Don't hand hold anybody. And so you send it, I'll put it up.
The thing that I had last week, and I wanted to bring this up because I had brought this up before plenty on my show about that Fatima was nothing but a ufo facade, that the virgin Mary, these apparitions around the world are nothing but holographics and that it was practice for the HAARP. Toys that they have, HAARP, based out of Alaska. And there's a book that's out and it says new history reveals the truth about the Fatima incidents. Authors say famed apparitions in 1917 were close encounters with alien beings, and again the same stuff I've being saying. The Fatima incident was an important event in the history of religion in 1917.
Three Portugese shepherds, Jusinta, Fransisco, Lucia, suddenly encountered the virgin Mary illuminated in the splendor of heavenly lights, who told the children three secrets about the fate of the earth. The contacts were followed by an unexplained ariel phenomena called the miracle of the sun, in which the sun was seen to dance in the sky by thousands of awestruck onlookers who flocked to Fatima. The apparitions were presumed to be a case of divine intervention in human affairs assigned in heaven, that the world war then raging in Europe should end. And a shrine sprang up at Fatima that drew millions of believers.
And a myth was invented that the secrets of Fatima would be revealed in the fullness of time. That the testament of faith in a secular age.
But in "Heavenly Lights", Portugese historians, tell the true story of the apparitions of Fatima. The first history of Fatima to be written by Portugese historians based on the original documents "Heavenly Lights" is a result of a 25 year odyssey by the authors in search of the actual facts of the Fatima case.
That began investigation in 1978 when they were given access to secret archives held in a sanctuary in Fatima. The records of Sister Lucia kept at the archives since the incident reveal that the children did not interact with the apparition of the virgin Mary, but with the hologram of an extra terrestrial projected on a beam of light from a space craft hovering high above them. The archives clearly showed the entities encountered at Fatima were not deities from heaven but rather alien beings visiting our planet from elsewhere in the vast cosmos.
This finding was supported by hundreds of other facts from the time of the apparitions. Fatima the authors discovered was the first major ufo case of the twentieth century. And so it goes on. You can get this book it's called "Heavenly Lights - the Apparitions of Fatima and the UfO Phenomena by ...... You can get it at, that's, you might be able to find it at Amazon.
But they're basically saying the same things I've said for five or six years now. It's a holograph and you'll find that Sister Lucia was not in a convent on her own accord, on vacation, resigning herself to becoming a hermit, she was locked up in a Catholic facility all of her life.
She was locked up there to keep her quiet. You know they've played out the whole Fatima thing, the whole secrets thing for their own benefit. You know what agenda can we spew out as we have the world awaiting for the next secret to be revealed, as they plan what secret they're going to have them supposedly revealed. You know the Vatican played the whole thing out to the fullest extent, and of course we know who runs the Vatican.
The Draconians, Satan's seed on earth the Vatican. Behind the white pope position is the black pope position. You can do a Google on black pope and find out the real truth on the Vatican. And all of these factions are tied into the Vatican. The reptilian faction of the Bush's and the Rockefellers and the Rothchilds and even the grey faction of the new age movement all tied into the Vatican, because the Vatican rules everybody.
All of the factions are tied into the Vatican.
Another thing I thought was interesting - you can call in folks with listener call in questions, question or comment you can call in at 260-356-2611 - is the fact that I posted what I've seen about Los Angeles. And someone sent me this article on it, I think it's from "what does it mean" has a whole thing on lizard people underneath Los Angeles.
And they go on to state that there are 270 tunnels beneath Los Angeles arranged in a network and that have been sealed up for the most part with fences, no longer used. There's older tunnels under the Bel Air state, UCLA and below in Los Angeles state historic park. Other tunnels that have been buried there for thousands of years. The Hopi indian legend reports a sub-surface maze existing almost five thousand years ago under LA.
And this is supposedly caves and tunnels that have been inhabited by lizards and reptilians.
Steve: Sherry
Sherry: Yeah
Steve: You have a caller when you're ready
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on
Steve: You're up caller
Caller: Good afternoon Sherry
Sherry: Yes
Caller: Yes, my name is Angelo
Sherry: Hi Angelo, how are you doing?
Angelo: I'm all right. I'd like to state that even though you are going through hard times, everything you say, and I mean everything you say is true. And I want people to know that.
Sherry: If they don't see it now they'll see it later.
Angelo: Yes. You've got a lot of chutzpah, and I've been trying to find a way to find a show, or radio broadcast to talk. I've tried to talk to Rense, David Ike. David Ike had a ..... but my six sense tells me that since he doesn't follow God he doesn't have it.
Sherry: Well yeah
Angelo: You hit it right on the money.
Sherry: Well amen. And you know people ask me about David Ike all the time and they'll send me an e-mail, "what's Dave saying in the article and I'm like why don't you ask Dave? Don't ask me what Dave's saying ask him. He does have a lot of information, he's done a lot of research, He's done a lot of good work. But the problem with Dave is that he doesn't believe in the Most High and that he does channel a lot of his information. And so with him when you read his stuff, you've got to chew the grass and spit out the hay.
Angelo: Yeah that's my understanding. I started to read, to believe he's a mason.
Sherry: David Ike is, He's a 33rd degree mason.
Angelo: Yeah, that explains a lot.
Sherry: Yeah, well that would. I mean you could join Ramon Watkins maybe on a fifty city tour summoning down ufos.
Angelo: Yeah, I mean David Ike is, love is the only thing right.
Sherry: Yeah, .. the new age
Angelo: But it's like, you got to have love from going to point a to point b, I mean its like love, love, love. It doesn't make sense.
Sherry: That's because they push these ascension doctrines. And one of the most dangerous things about the new age agenda, and this whole alien agenda thing and any church that's starts getting into pushing these soul ascension doctrines, in the fact that you're ascending becoming a more spiritual person, a more aware, higher consciousness. Is that they're trying to change your body chemistry to become more fitting for reptilian possession.
Angelo: Ah yes. Like I said, everything that you say, and I mean everything without getting into detail is confirmed and verified, and the light of the spiritual warfare and people need to see. If people will know spirit.... that could actually see things and the light of spiritual warfare.
Sherry: Yeah.
Angelo: I just called in to give you a bravo keep on going.
Sherry: Well it's good to hear from you and I thank you for calling in.
Angelo: Okay.
Sherry: God bless. Listener call in line folks 260-356-2611. Yeah, give me a call with any questions or comments.
And that goes about with anybody online folks. Really good information out there and available and you just have to have discernment, chew the grass and spit out the hay. Because they do reveal their own information and their own secrets and their own agendas through their own people.
They will reveal them. It's part of the rules that they have to from what I read ages ago. I can't explain the rules, but they do reveal everything that their going to do to the public. And that's why the government contracts Hollywood to reveal their agendas through the masons, the producers, the writers and the directors, through Hollywood. And so we come up with a lot of the movies revealing what's coming, conditioning the people.
And even some of their own writers and people that will put up sites, and I know that the new age crowd refers to me as one of these BBB&Gs - big bad boy and girl. I'm a big bad girl. That's their perrogative to consider me as a bad whatever, you know it's silly.
You know anyone that could buy into this ascension garbage, that Maitreya, Sananda and of all of them are trying to spit out. Most of these people, even in the Christian communities are channeling the same garbage.
Just change the terminology a little bit, put a little bit more church terminology in with it and they never notice the difference. They really think they're getting prophecies and words from the Lord and they're channelling these new age spirits. Any kind of changing where, you're changing, you're ascending, you're reaching up, you're rising up, you're becoming a better person more aware, more conscious, more spiritual. This is all new age lingo, it's massed new age lingo.
And what they're really doing is changing your body chemistry, changing your DNA, so that you become more fitting to them for possession. So that's basically what it is. And people don't realize.
I have a friend who runs and he's doing a lot of the pictures, solarizations that the girl over at Wiola Press does. You take a person's picture and solarize it. And what you're looking for, you're not looking for a particular color, I can see a lot of green, if you go to and you'll see all of these people that have the green on them and they're reptiles underneath human skin. You're not looking for color green as much as you're looking for scales, you're looking for scales on their skin. Because scales will represent that they're being inhabited by a reptilian.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay, go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: How are doing Sherry?
Sherry: Hey, good, how are you?
Caller: Pretty good. Good news, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is coming back real soon.
Sherry: Amen.
Caller: Definitely, definitely. Got a couple of questions. I recently got out of the military. So I have a question and I guess I have a statement also. My question is I ordered like $120 worth of orgone from your friend Rhonda Zeoli.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And, I know how that the CIA and all that are like, you know they stop e-mails, they try to prevent everything you know. And I hadn't received it yet.
Sherry: When did you order it?
Caller: A month ago.
Sherry: Okay, well just send me an e-mail at sherrytalkradio and I'll forward it on to her.
Caller: Okay. Yes I tried sending it to you and it didn't go through and I know it's not you I know it's the whole want to be New World Order thing trying to shut us down and they can't.
Sherry: They maybe sitting in a warehouse in Denver, that's one of their favorite places right now.
Caller: Yeah, but Denver airport and all of that.
Sherry: Well there's some kind of warehouse out there, that the post office has. And what they do is they rip off your postage.
Caller: Yeah, they're always trying to do something. But the funny thing is they can never calculate is the Most High God Yahweh always throws a wrench in their plans cause it's always God Yahweh's will.
Sherry: Amen, you know amen.
Caller: And another thing, I got out of the military not so long ago, and I've being going around and unplugging people about ufos. I was on a ship, I was on the USS Portland and we were going across the Atlantic over to Bosnia and Afghanistan stuff, and we'd actually... the crew actually see ufos, and we'd try to report them to the bridge. And the funny thing is the captain and all the people who are in charge told us that we don't see anything that if we spoke about it we'd get in trouble. Isn't that funny?
Sherry: Yeah. Well yeah they don't want to deal with it. I mean, they know it's there.
Caller: Yeah, but you know what the thing is it affects us all, that's what really gets me is, those who are covering it up are like us - you're going to be victims as well.
Sherry: Yeah. Well they have, they're following, you know the orders from the top.
Caller: Yeah, don't think.
Sherry: Disinfo, deny, deny, deny. And so the only thing they can do is follow orders. They're following orders to deny and that's why they have to tell you to do the same thing.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: Official policy is denial. And like I've talked about on this show before, I don't know if you've caught my show before, do we really want disclosure? Because (a few seconds of interference) I don't know what that is, hello. Because if we acknowledge them, they'll come out of the closet. So why don't we just deny them, then they're still in the closet. I think I like them better that way.
Caller: You know what the funny thing is that you've made a comment on War of the Worlds. Most of the American public doesn't know that Hollywood is actually a tool from the elite. They condition the public about what things are going to come in movies and sitcoms.
Sherry: Oh yeah.
Caller: Yeah, leaving them totally vulnerable for those who are plugged into this new world order stuff.
Sherry: You know who produced X-Files was Lion's Gate Productions.
Caller: Exactly.
Sherry: And here I've got information on this "lions gate" to give out tonight.
Caller: Yeah.
Sherry: New age stuff. The writers were masons. You look at a lot of these movies and shows that are coming out and it's all conditioning... what are they trying to reveal in this one. Every time you sit down to watch something, just ask yourself what are they trying to reveal in this one.
Caller: Yeah, and that's what evil is. Evil is just pure ludicrous you know and that's why they'll fall, another reason they fall is that can't not like be secretive, they have to boast about it you know.
Sherry: Yeah. Were you able to get on land at all when you were out in the war zone?
Caller: Oh yes, yes. I unfortunately seen car bombs and all that good stuff, and actually that's what brought me to Jesus Christ. I was an atheist for a long time believe it or not because as growing up my head was thrown into the church right.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: And I knew, I didn't know how, I know so many of my people know about this is that there's something missing. Eating the apple of the tree didn't make sense, we know that because Cain was actually the offspring of the devil.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: Stuff like this. And what happened was that, this would happen to a lot of people is that they get their faith is massed into it so what we do is rebel against it, but God doesn't give up on us. God says I'm going to come and get you, I'm going to get my sheep that are astray, and what it was when I was close to like I call it the crossover point is I realized that not only my time wasn't up but I had a purpose in my life. My purpose in life was studying the word of Jesus Christ and opening the eyes of all of the people, you know.
Sherry: Amen.
Caller: Yep, thanks a lot Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah, well what I wanted to ask you was is how much of difference between what the media tells us is going on from what you saw yourself?
Caller: This is funny, is just like you said the death tolls are one thing. I'll tell you one thing that I actually got in trouble for is that I received the anthrax vaccination. Well a lot of people, if anyone's listening to this, in the military or thinking about going to the military, I want to put the word out is do the research on the vaccinations.
Sherry: Oh yeah we've been harping about vaccinations period. Not just military just all of them period.
Caller: Exactly and what it is, for all of those people out there listening, go check out gulf war syndrome, go check out depleted uranium. What happens is, is not even like you're blown up or shot, is you're being infected with all these illnesses, cancer, viruses and this is fact research it people. That people are coming back with illnesses and this is on large scale numbers. So I just put the word out and God bless everybody to find the facts.
Sherry: Amen. Did they allow you to have a religious exemption from vaccinations in the military?
Caller: No they're cutting down on that. At first they said they would. But it's kind of like this it's like, what they tell the public is one thing then soon as the doors are shut then the real episode goes on.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And that's what it is and that's why the public pretty much gets pulled on the strings because they get the public, get them by the strings and once the doors are shut then welcome to the real world the real military.
Sherry: Yeah, you signed it and stuck for a couple of years.
Caller: Exactly you're just like a roller coaster ride, like I wasn't expecting this.
Sherry: Yeah, I've always have interesting things to say about the reasons we're over there in Iraq.
Caller: You know they say it's for freedom and I keep telling them the same thing it's ordered chaos, they create the problem we've got the solution and then the new world order's implemented. You know the patriot act...
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: Stalin did that you know.
Sherry: I see that as nothing but a huge meat market over there just sacrificing innocent civilians for Satan. The shedding of innocent blood.
Caller: Yup and that's what all of this is, and this is a spiritual battle, this is Satanism.
Sherry: The more power he has through the shedding of innocent blood and the death of innocents, the more there is of that, the more power he gets, and so the closer he comes to getting to power here on earth as antichrist, we're going to see a lot more deaths and destruction because he needs to feed off of that energy to come, to rise to power.
Caller: Loosh.
Sherry: Yep.
Caller: Yep, but I talked to people who in the military had like pentagrams tatooed on their hands and stuff and I asked them what that was and they were like it's power and I was like do you actually really know what evil is do you actually really know what that represents. And it's out of ignorance because all the New Age movement
Sherry: They think it's cool, they're like these little kids with rebellion and rock music devil worship stuff.
Caller: Exactly.
Sherry: Yeah, they don't know really what it is, they just think it's cool rebellious thing to do.
Caller: And that's how they mind control people to make it like it's cool then you cross over then you've got to make the ultimate decision are you going to still stay with this or are you going to say no
Sherry: Yeah
Caller: God loves you I guess
Sherry: Yeah, well thanks for calling in.
Caller: All right Sherry keep up the fight and everybody else listening we are 144 thousand and we're going to win this.
Sherry: Amen.
Caller: Amen, all right.
Sherry: Thanks a lot.
Caller: God bless.
Sherry: God bless. Folks we're going to go on a five minute break, and we'll be back in about five minutes with the second hour of the show and we'll see you then.
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
July 18, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
And welcome back everybody I'm Sherry Shriner. Before the last call in at the end of the hour, I was talking about these tunnels underneath Los Angeles. I wanted to get back to that, because 270 tunnels underneath Los Angeles arranged in a network in a pattern of a reptilian of a lizard. And there used to be an ancient lizard race that lived under the ground out there. And of course thousands of years ago many believed that these tunnels had been abandoned and that they're flooded now and that they're flooding.
And I was also reading an article the other day about new fault lines being found underneath Los Angeles. And the reason I bring that up is because I saw Los Angeles going into the water. It was just kind of sinking right into the water it wasn't a tsunami coming up over the city devouring it, it was just kind of falling into the water and so various things you can look at as to why and how it happens.
Most likely instigated by earthquakes, could be the result of caving in. All these massive tunnels systems under it are flooding could cause some kind of caving in. Also with the fault lines that have been found underneath LA. And we know it's just a matter of time before the whole west coast goes into the ocean anyway. But I don't see that happening until 2009, so unless LA and other parts of California start sinking into the ocean before that even happens.
That's a possibility and that's why I'm bringing it up that why I'm warning people. Just, you know, what the Lord shows me I pass on. I've always said that to Him whatever He shows me or tells me I teach on and pass on to the public and that's probably why I have 19 websites up. Peopl ask why do you have so many sites and like I try to put different areas of topics on different sites, I couldn't possibly put everything I have on one website as it is. I just have too much information and I'm way too disorganized for that.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611 if you want to call in with your questions or comments. I wanted to talk about, get into this gate this lions gate because I talked about last hour about how this whole shuttle discovery, discovery shuttle was being launched to close the gate.
Steve: Sherry,
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller when you're ready.
Sherry: Okay go ahead on put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hello.
Sherry: Hello,
Caller: Yes I'm Sam from New Jersey and it's just two quick questions. I once heard you say that in the Bible code it talks about Russian actions and attacks on this country where four cities would be hit.
Sherry: Yeah,
Sam: Okay. There's a guy in Washington State his name's Chuck Youngsman and he said that God has shown him, you know, it's the same thing, but he says it's New York, and then Colombia South Carolina, Richmond Virginia and Lexington Kentucky. I also heard you say that one of the cities was Dallas Texas?
Sherry: Yeah.
Sam: What are the other three?
Sherry: It's been a while since I've even been in that code, and the reason I found even that was that I was doing a personal code for somebody else and it ended up being that they lived in Texas, they lived in Dallas and here I'm seeing a nuking of Dallas. And so that was that you know. And I'm looking at it and it's from Russia and it's about an accidental nuking and that's the story given out, and so it sort of fitted with what other people were saying. Other people are saying that it's also multiple cities that are hit that it could be six or seven cities and not just three or four.
Sam: Okay
Sherry: Multiple cities that are hit. And you have to realize that anything found in Bible codes for future events can be changed, it can be cancelled. It can be a path not taken. Because there are always three of four paths that we can take, even up to five at any one time.
Sam: Right.
Sherry: And so what we do determines the outcome for future events. That's why I don't like to use the Bible codes to find future events because you don't know if they're going to happen or not. The things that you can go by you can put in alignment with the Bible itself prophetic events that you know are going to happen. Then you can base your discernment on things that you know are going to happen.
Sam: Right and also one last question. Have you ever heard of man called David Blain?
Sherry: David Blain, no.
Sam: Okay fine, God bless you.
Sherry: Thanks for calling in.
Sam: Thank you
Sherry: God bless. Listener call in line folks 260-356-2611.
I'm going to get back to this star gate because it's this gate that they were attempting to shut. Because they were attempting to stop Maitreya, this Mabis from coming to earth. This is the reptiles fighting against the greys right now inter faction fighting. They've already got the Anaks ticked off hitting their ship temple 1 on July 4th and so now these are fighting it out on earth over whose going to control it the reptiles or the greys. And I'm not talking about the short greys I'm talking about the tall greys the ones the government had a treaty with originally and still do for all these joint human underground bases. And so what this lions gate is, is this gate that they were trying to close.
If you look at the London bombings. The London bombings happened at a 777. Put the numbers together for 2005 for July 7 and it comes out to 777. It's what they call a triple seven vortex. And it's interesting in the twilight zone writings of the new age, that they talk about energy shifts for July beginning on the 6th of July if the new moon opens a lunar cycle and then it's followed on the next day the 7th by a triple seven vortex. And the numerology creates a triple seven and this is supposed to be the ideal time for these new agers about opening the seven chakras to receive into your body the diamond light that will flood through the lions gate portal in July.
And so this is all in conjunction with the twilight zone stuff of the new age. And interestingly enough they actually had a sacrifice and all the London bombings were always serving a dual purpose as a human sacrifice for Satan and at the same time trying to get the people over there to accept those national id cards, accept more government intrusion on their lives, accept more patriot acts to strip away their freedoms.
The reasons for all of their terrorism, and you know the government was behind it just like they were here on 911. And so that was the whole thing with that triple seven vortex. And this star gate, it's called the third star gate, is the Sirius star gate, that's from 26 July to 8 August. And so if NASA is going to re-launch the discovery shuttle, watch them do it during this time. Anytime now before July 8 because it's probably going to take them a couple of days to get up there and they've got to be up there by July 8th, I mean August 8 by August 8th.
And this has something to do with it, I don't get into all this, I call it the twilight zone. It's all this astrological stuff. To me it's just new age terminology, it's how they work by numbers. I'm number blind, I see numbers and they just all look the same. I don't like dealing with numbers, I hate math. And so anytime I have to get into this stuff it's just like the twilight zone to me. So I try not to as much as possible. I'm trying to explain exactly what they're trying to do and why they're trying to do it. But this stargate has significance. It has great significance to their plans and their agendas. And when this gate is opened, it's called the lions gate,
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: it triggers a manifesting of paradise. Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller when you're ready.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hi Sherry my name is Dan.
Shery: Hi Dan how are you doing?
Dan: Good, good, I'm hanging. Sometimes that's all you can do.
Sherry: Sometimes just tie a know and hang on.
Dan: You just hang. I just wanted to make a comment. You know I came to the conclusion first of all about Paul. You know after doing extensive study of revelation and Daniel and then I stumbled onto your website and I said wow, finally somebody! There's somebody else out there that thinks the same way.
Sherry: Yeah, he doesn't make any sense.
Dan: My question is why isn't there more people that caught onto this thing?
Sherry: Well you know what, my e-mails when I first put up that website, I felt for sure I was just going to get bombarded with hate mail, and it was the total opposite. I've gotten 100-1 positive emails over that site with people saying "I'm so glad I found this site it makes so much sense. Now all of the Bible makes sense to me, now this and this makes sense to me." You get rid of Paul and everything else makes sense.
Dan: Right.
Sherry: And one of the main things people say, is that you've got a lot of guts to have that website up. And so it's probably why some of the others haven't put websites and that they're afraid to. They're afraid of the hate mail, the mockery. They don't want to hear it.
Dan: So there is a lot more people that concur?
Sherry: Oh there are thousands and I was amazed.
Dan: My parents are evangelical missionaries to South America, so I was well indoctrinated. So to really extract this thing was almost like pulling a couple of wisdom teeth.
Sherry: Yeah. Well the Lord's waking up His people. He can reach His people. It's those in churchianity who aren't His to begin with that think they are, that are self righteous Pharisees that cling to Paul. Besides they're not open to the truth of the Lord Himself. You know it's almost like it comes down to who will you serve, Saul-Paul or Jesus? They didn't preach the same doctrines. You know we're taught in churches that Paul took precedence and dominance over the other apostles.
Dan: He really did, it's not Christianity it's Paulism.
Sherry: It's Paulism and that's what, you know I grew up Baptist for thirty some years and that's what you're mind controlled into is the fact when Paul came everything he said now took precedence over what Jesus has taught the other twelve apostles. And so that 's why everything in churches today is dominant Paul. And that's why your Sabbath is changed to Sunday, that's why you're celebrating easter bunnies and christmas trees instead of the Lords feasts and festivals.
Dan: I'll tell you until I came unto this realization I was a terrible Christian. I just couldn't buy it you know,
Sherry: It's conflicting.
Dan: I tried. I just couldn't do it. There's something wrong with this stuff.
Sherry: It's conflicting. You read one thing one place, especially Paul because he talks out of both sides of his mouth, and you'll read one thing one place and something else totally different another place. And there are so many contradictions throughout all of it, if you try to put it all together then there's no way you could. It's too conflicting, too contradictory.
Dan: It's rubbish. You can't make any sense of it I mean, the guy just takes you through so many hoops.
Sherry: Yeah. And he was a psychopath and people can't piece it together. And the thing is though he was the only apostle I would ever read growing up, I had all of his stuff memorized. And when I started praying for the truth in all things, it was the first thing the Lord had to show me, was taking me away from Paulisms so I could get to the other truth, so I could get to the truth.
Dan: Yeah.
Sherry: And that's basically with His people today. I've always said I'm not here to build an army, I'm here to wake His up. 144,000 are sleeping they don't know who they are. And they're the ones that are open to the truth when they hear it and they recognize the truth when they hear it. And so many others out there I'll tell you they'll fight you tooth and nail the church people because they've got to have their Paul or their whole world falls apart. Because they don't have a love for the truth.
Dan: Exactly.
Sherry: And it just makes so much more sense when you get rid of the garbage.
Dan: You know and people too haven't seen how much this Paul doctrine has affected the quality of their lives. Everything we do and you know it really has just made a major impact on everything we do the whole quality. You know you have the banks that come in and say hey lets do away with laws about declaring bankruptcy and just, we've become a mean society.
Sherry: Yeah.
Dan: And most people that declare bankruptcy aren't doing it because they're buying color tv's or anything. Mostly it's due to the fact that we don't have health care.
Sherry: Yep.
Dan: You know, we don't see how cruel society has become and a lot of its this influence of Paul, Paul's laws instead of God's laws.
Sherry: Yep. If the churches were following God's laws then a lot of people wouldn't have a problem tithing to them. I get that argument a lot about tithing, is tithing Scriptural and yes it is and no it's not it's both. You know because the Israelites took care of the Levites. You know and you have to take care of your preachers period. But when you look at tithing today they use it to feed off people to fleece off them, be a Benny Hinn and make them believe they have to pay for an anointing. They taking all the money, the pastors are taking the money that are given to them as tithes and not doing with it what the Lord told them to do which if filling the storehouse putting money back to the poor people. If you were in a church today and you went to your pastor you know your electric bills being shut off they would forward you on to social services. You know they wouldn't give you the money to keep your electric on. They're not following what the Lord had told His people to do.
Dan: No they're too busy building buildings.
Sherry: You know they want more cars, they want bigger buildings they want more houses and they're not doing with the money what they're required to do for tithing. And so I wouldn't tithe to them. I wouldn't tithe to them in a day. You know people tell me well where should I tithe, like there's organizations Feed The Children, it's a great one you could tithe to or organizations that are helping children, widows and homeless you know, I wouldn't tithe to the wolves.
Dan: No exactly we should be giving that money directly to the poor.
Sherry: And that's what the Lord tells us to do.
Dan: Instead of giving it to these big church building programs and stuff like that.
Sherry: Yeah.
Dan: You know I used to live in Georgia and I'll tell you what they had a church on ever corner and one in between.
Sherry: Oh they do here to,
Dan: The church of the great salvation and all this and they were everywhere.
Sherry: We have these Christian centers popping up everywhere, these Methodist Christian centers, family fellowship centers. So they're not even like churches anymore they end up being these centers.
Dan: Yeah.
Sherry: And they're huge. They draw a lot of people. I haven't been to any of them but they're all over the place.
Dan: You know my parents come into town and I'll go to church with them just to make them happy, but you know I can't I just can't do it. But you know at the same time you feel kind of left out
Sherry: Yeah, well that's how it is.
Dan: You know and my other question to you is should we not be doing more you know as far as our independence from the system. I mean I don't hear anyone recommending hey let's go you know buy a cabin in the woods or that kind of thing. But you see things in Zacharias you know saying at that time they're going to be calling every man under his own vine and fig tree in other words probably... I mean here I am stuck in a city working for an airline. You know this is probably the worst thing.
Sherry: I would definitely have, if I lived in the city, I live in a three horse town here, two horse town, I would definitely try to prepare a place ahead of time to go when you need to get out of the city. To have some place that you could go. Somewhere else in the mountains in the woods someplace. To have a plan.
Dan: Yeah I think you're right I think we should be talking more about, you know us people getting together and unifying in some sense and saying hey this is how we're going to get independent from the system.
Sherry: Yeah. There's a town in Colorado that was trying to do that and they bombed them about six months ago. And the government sends out these messages you know and they try to instill fear.
Dan: They don't want that, because they don't want people falling off their grid of tax payers.
Sherry: Exactly and install fear and make people like that look occultish and clannish and you know the only way you're going to survive in these last days other than the Lord Himself picking you up putting you somewhere to protect you is getting into a community getting with others and being prepared to leave the cities.
Dan: You know. Two problems. You know I have this one sense where I say the Lord's going to take care of us.
Sherry: Yeah you can't fall off the cliffs into dumb dumb after that, "well the Lord's going to take care of me", well He's already told you to prepare, to be as the ant who prepares for the winter time.
Dan: That's right and also I have this intuition, hey I've got to get the heck out of here.
Sherry: Yeah, He will lead your thoughts if you ask Him to lead and guide your thoughts. Because everyone is different, everyone has a different situation to deal with. You know everybody's city might not be bombed before they go or He comes back.
Dan: Yeah too, I'm widowed putting my last daughter through college. So I figured she's got two more years, I'll do two more years.
Sherry: You know just ask the Lord to guide your thoughts on what to do. Two years from now just sounds killer to me, are we going to hold out two years the same way we are doing today without being in martial law without being in an alien invasion without being in war. What's two years from today a lot of things could happen. The really worst crap hitting the fan years are 2007 - 2010 and those are really going to be the grunge years if you ask me. And so now we have a little bit of leeway. 2005 is still a set up year, you know Planet x coming in is going to cause a lot of destruction, war, when does WWIII actually going to hit is this the July the alien invasion is coming? It's kind of like a setup year and I said it last year for 2004, you know a setup year. 2007 - 2010 are really going to be the grunge years. The fight to survive years.
Dan: Right and as Jesus said he who endures to the end, that doesn't mean like killing our physical bodies, but I think it does mean we got to start doing a lot of preparation.
Sherry: You know a lot of people are going to be persecuted. Christians don't think they're going to be persecuted here in the US, they've got a rude awakening coming.
Dan: Because of the rapture myth.
Sherry: Yeah. A Pauline doctrine.
Dan: We're going to escape all this and all you other guys.. There's reason to believe it's going to be a reverse rapture and God will take the bad people out of the world.
Sherry: Well He does say that, but that's at the end of the age, that's after He comes when the bad people are lifted off the earth. We have so much to go before we get there.
Dan: I think you're right.
Sherry: You know and that's totally toward the end of the whole period and what they do is they misinterpret, misconstrue everything and put everything out of timelines and I'm a timeline oriented person because I'm a literalist and I take the books literally.
Dan: No everybody that's gone on time, what's going to happen on this date
Sherry: I do not do dates because the Lord does not do dates. He does not do dates and when I hear somebody say the Lord told me on July dah dah, you know it's not Him. He does not do dates. And that's the first mark of hearing a false prophecy.
Dan: No I agree.
Sherry: He does not do dates. I laugh with Him all the time you hear this soon thing going and He knows I hate hearing that word soon. I hate it. I hate it what's soon your soon or my soon. You know it goes back and forth, you know you get to the point where you can feel comfortable with your relationship with Him and be laughing and joking with Him and stuff and you know He's not going to hit you over the head. But yeah when I hear dates it just makes my skin crawl.
Dan: Yeah you're right. You know a date popped into my head years ago probably 20 years ago, 2012.
Sherry: Well that's the Hopie date.
Dan: That's the Hopie date but I didn't even know that, but at the same time I can't believe every concoction of my mind.
Sherry: Well 2012 would be time that everything's basically over, so if you backtrack 7 years, the period would have to be starting this year September 2005, if you're going by a seven year period. If you just go by the last half three and a half year period, 42 month period then it would be around 2009, you know 2008.
Dan: And you can't even believe that with the way things are they could even last that long.
Sherry: Yeah, and every time we think it's going to hit now we end up being in a stalled and delayed period, where we go a couple of months without anything happening but a few terrorist attacks here and there because one faction lost their window of opportunity to do something so it swings back to the other one. And so there's a lot of that going on. He's told me that we're out of time. You know whatever happens, He's has told me that once it starts to happen it's going to happen like a flood, bang, bang, bang, instantly. Everything's going to happen like a flood once it starts it's going to happen quick. People aren't going to know what's hitting them. And so once it does happen there's going to be no more lulls and delays like that we feel like we have now. And July isn't over July's always been a dominant month for an alien invasion ufo invasion, it's not over yet. You know and they couldn't get up there to close that lions gate and so we very well could have Matreya appearing here this Mabis appearing here. You know there's still things playing, these months are still viable.
Dan: And too it could take much longer that we think.
Sherry: Oh bite your tounge.
Dan: You never know and too now I am starting to wonder about China being the new Babylon. Have you ever thought about that?
Sherry: Well China's going to be a dominant force in the war of Armaggedon, so they have their role to play and it hasn't come yet.
Dan: They're just raking us over the coals.
Sherry: Well they are going to rake us over the coals, it's their missiles with the Russians that flatten every one of our cities in 2009 and 2010. That would be the attack of Russia and China a lot of prophets have seen and trying to warn about and I've seen it for 2009 that all of our cities are flattened by Russia and space weapons. And the Russians and the Chinese band together because the Russians just want to destroy the United States, China wants the land and so they're going to have an agreement to where China is allowed to have the land here and it will be Russia that helps them get it. They'll use their space weapons against our cities.
Dan: You know it doesn't even have to get that far, I mean North Korea could put a freighter out in the Atlantic ocean and you know with electro magnetic pulse bombs fry our grid.
Sherry: The North Korea war is something the reptilians want the reptile factions want and after it's blown up into a holocaust over there, then they're going to bring in their false Jesus as the messiah, bring him down from the heavens as god. And so that's what they want, the want a North Korea holocaust, they plan on bringing him in after that one takes place. And so that's their plan to blow up the Korean holocaust. You know South Korea have that going, probably a war with Taiwan and then you've got the Israel, I mean Syria and Iran. Everything's getting ready to blow, you never know which card is going to be played when.
Dan: Yeah it's ratched it up here pretty big.
Sherry: Yeah, you just don't know what exactly they're going to decide they have to go with because they have several different plans to get what they want and so you never know exactly which one they're going to go with. And so it's always watching, it's always analyzing, it's always just watching. You know watching who's doing what.
Dan: Definitely a lot of things, oh well here we go.
Sherry: Yeah, yeah.
Dan: On a roller coaster ride.
Sherry: I don't think a lot of people here are going to wake up until we have a city bombed here.
Dan: No people are still going to baseball games and tracking the scores and totally oblivious.
Sherry: And that was part of the plan to get them drunk in their entertainment, get them drunk in sports and entertainments so they're not paying attention to what's going on in the political horizon. That was all part of the plan and it's worked very well.
Dan: You know I have, one of my biggest challenges is dealing with my family. You know my minister father and you know all my siblings are totally into the system.
Sherry: Yeah.
Dan: There's nothing I can do.
Sherry: And they're not going to wake up until..
Dan: I try but it's a hard battle.
Sherry: Yeah it is and you just have to keep fighting. And somebody sent me an e-mail last week I liked they said "I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I don't know what my job is but I applaud you for doing yours." I liked that you know "I don't know what mine is but I applaud you for doing yours," and the Lord will lead people into what he wants them to do. Usually when you start wondering what is it you're supposed to do, you're just already doing it.
Dan: Yeah we don't realize that we think that we need to go and change everything about our lives and maybe that's not...
Sherry: Yeah not everybody has the same callings you know, you've got to keep in mind that the more you're given the more you're required of, the more you're accountable for. You know to whom much is given much is required and I'll tell you it's a war and it's a constant war and I get attacks all the time and I deal with things most people wouldn't dream of constantly and it's not easy putting your head on the front line. He doesn't want all of His people with their heads on the front line, He needs people in the back, you know. Sowing seeds and doing ministry type work and doing things and we're a team you know there is not an "i" in the word army and so not everybody has the same job the same calling but we all work together. If everybody just listens to what He's telling them and listens to the Most High then we're all on the same page. We're all on the same page if we're always listening to Him because He leads us all on the same page.
Dan: We can't always do the same thing. You're right, good thought, good thought. Well good talking to you Sherry and I'll be hoping to call you back sometime.
Sherry: All right call anytime.
Dan: Okay thanks.
Sherry: All right God bless thanks for calling in.
Listener call-in line folks 260-3562611. It's good to hear from folks, its been a quiet summer seems like a lot of people taking off. I haven't heard from John, I still don't know where John is, somebody sent me an e-mail last week asking me how John was. I haven't talked to John so I don't know.
Listener call-in line 260-3562611. I'm going to get back to this star gate. Because this is what they're doing this lions gate that discovery shuttle was trying to shut. What they're using is Isaiah chapter 13 and Matthew chapter 24 and John chapter 10. They're trying to state that all this relates to a gate and this gate corresponds to the second coming of Christ and it involves the star Sirius, December 25th and human sacrifice. And so we know that this isn't our Jesus Christ, our Yahushua. They're using this in conjunction with their own coming of Jesus Christ who is Sananda or Germaine which ever one they pull off, probably the Sananda one because he's the most deception, the biggest deceiver one. But we do know that Maitreya will probably come first as a world teacher to prepare the world for the coming of Sananda, look for Maitreya to come first and then Sananda will come. But that's my thoughts on it I don't have a thus sayeth the Lord on it, it's just something I've always been lead to believe.
And so they're using this gate the opening of this gate which the month of this is July, now, to herald in their own Christ. Because you've heard, I don't know if you follow the garbage over at some of these twilight zone websites where they talk about the second coming and how they're going to have a noble and religious second coming.
Despite all their behind the scenes warmongering and backbiting and fighting. They're going to have a religious second coming darn it. And so this is part of their symbolisms that use and you know how they use number, numbers for everything. But they take Jesus's words when He refers to Himself as the door such that all who knock He will be there to answer. And in Matthew 24 He told His apostles the parable of the fig tree and in John 10 1-6 He uses the parable of the good shepherd, who arrives by the gate. And that's what they're using with this whole lions gate thing. I would tell you to do a Google on lions gate and that's a regular lions gate or the Sirius star gate because that's what they're trying to do because the new agers, the opening of this lions gate is this month till August 8th.
The new agers want to use it to bring in their messiah and the reptiles the bush faction, NASA and the government are trying to close it and prevent him from coming through it. And so it's kind of like a twilight zone star wars type thing going on with this gate thing. Listener call-in line 260-3562611 give me a call folks.
Try to go through this I guess see if there's anything else I can pull out this info on this lions gate. See I can't even get into this without reading a bunch of the hoobab stuff, and I hate reading the hoobab stuff. Twilight Zone new age garbage.
Sirius star gate activates the lions gate of 2005 with activating the goddess or paradise matrix. And so that's what they're trying to do with activating this matrix. And it introduces new energies to the earth and so they're trying to take advantage of these new energies that are coming to the earth. And you know just a lot of new age garbage I could get into you know. Hard for me to even read it let alone trying to teach it. I get the gist of it and that's all I need. So it's all going on the discovery shuttle trying to close it prevent the new age beast prophet from coming through it and so that's what's going on basically.
Temple 1 not over with. They hit and you saw the impact if you we're watching it on the internet or through some other means. Saw the impact of hitting temple 1 with a bomb. You know what I still see that thing for the month of March (2006), going through that so I don't think it's over. In seven months and I think seven months from now is March anyway. I don't know maybe I can't add. Let see, August, September, October, November, December, January, Febuary, yeah it's Febuary. Maybe that's when it comes back to earth because Bush and them, if it was March 2006 where they're hurrying up and trying to leave the earth, maybe because he's pissed off all of these millions of Anaks in temple 1. And so in seven months temple 1, because they're seven months away right now, it took them seven months to get that bomb that craft to them to even hit with a bomb. So they're several months away from earth right now, and so if they did come closer to earth in seven months maybe that's the thing the sets off Bush and all of them, makes them fearful to want to leave the earth. Course I would too if I pissed off one billion Goliaths..
That's basically what coming here to earth through various anomalies and ships and carriers all of these Annunaki are returning. And you can read Sitchen's stuff with a grain of salt. I haven't really ever agreed with much I've read from Sitchen. But it's like anything else chew the grass spit out the hay. You can see a picture developing of something that is kind of true, but not totally true. And that's the problem with them.
Sitchen's one of these people that believes that we were created transplanted here by test tubes and the Annunaki are our creators and all that garbage. And so that's why I refuse to read his garbage.
And so use discernment folks, use discernment on what you read. Ask the Lord to show you where to learn some of the stuff you need to read. And sometimes He'll send you this site that's totally crazy but it has there you need to learn and so you just learn that and leave the rest. So that's basically, you can't study without Him leading and guiding and the same thing that goes with just reading the bible itself. Having Him show you what to read and using discernment and reading it.
I'll look over some of this stuff here. Listener call-in line 260-3562611, go ahead and give me a call. Quiet.
This whole thing trying to explain even further about the reptilians and grey factions that are fighting it out now. Because I know you could read David Ike, his Biggest Secret book where he had a lot of good information, actually pretty accurate information folks.
Some of it's crazy, some of his beliefs are really crazy but some of his information is very good as well and people say the same thing about me. People think I'm nuts and I'm a Jesus freak but they like some info and it works in all different kinds of ways. But he hit it right on the head. And what fascinates me is, because I've read Kathy O'Brian and I've read the other one, their books. And I haven't seen the video of Arizona Wilder and I would love to get the video of her because she was also an mk-ultra sex slave who broke free and came out of that like Kathy O'Brian and has a lot of good information on what she experienced being raised inside the illuminati and being an mk-ultra slave in the illuminati. And she describe seeing the Queen of England shapeshifting and describes her as an 8 foot reptilian. Describes her perfectly, the colors and everything. You might want to check out her information with David Ike is Arizona Wilder if you want further information.
Let's see. Listener call-in line 260-3562611. I've got so much stuff here that I don't think that I'm going to get into it. Because I don't have time to get into this word for word and if I just start picking apart then you'll miss out on a lot of the good information on it. But I've wrote articles on this stuff, the Serpeant Seedline. An article I wrote not too long ago, the serpent and the illuminati. Good learning article about them, both of them talk about genetic corruption, about seedlines. Some people want to argue with you up and down that there's no serpent seedline and whatever. I think Genesis 3:15 states it clear enough that there was enmity between his line and our line.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yes.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Thank you, Sherry.
Sherry: Hello.
Caller: I've heard your program a couple of times now and just trying to get a feel of what you're really talking about when you talk about the reptilians. This code the Bible code.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: Is that that book that man wrote about Bible code?
Sherry: Well he wrote a popular with that book and the fact that you could find codes within the Torah.
Caller: Well you can find stuff in every book I've been hearing on other program, you can take different books and do the same thing.
Sherry: Well that's just a disinfo on the codes thing. I could look up a recipe book and find my name in it if I want to look for the letters, but these are such precise mathematical distance lettering.
Caller: You think God would make it that rough or make us have to read another book to find out what was going on.
Sherry: What's that?
Caller: Do you think God would do that to have us have to go to another book to buy a computer.
Sherry: You don't have to go to another book, it's right out of His word. You don't think that there's layers to His word when He says there is. There's layers and precepts. There's different meaning to just one verse in the bible, there's many layers. And so would it be beyond Him to encode His word, do you think Satan encoded His word because there are codes there. So somebody encoded His word, either it was the Lord or it was Satan. Can't have it both ways.
Caller: So we would have to be able to read a code in order to know what God was saying to us?
Sherry: Well there's deeper meaning there and I believe that for people that He calls to find the meaning of the deeper meanings. Daniel said seal the words till the end of the days.
Caller: I though that was with the Holy Ghost with us on our knees was my feeling.
Sherry: No he says seal the scroll, He's not saying seal your knees, saying seal the scroll until the end of the days. Sealing knowledge, that more wisdom and more knowledge would be opened in the last days.
Caller: Well that was when I was first you know reading the Bible there were some verses that were over my head and I just let it go and the more I read I would read the same verse and I would go oh that's what that means. I would get the knowledge of what it was meaning.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: I wont have all knowledge you know at one time.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: Grow more and more each time I read it and meditate and really want to know the truth. I feel that Jesus lets me know the truth.
Sherry; Yeah.
Caller: I've just heard so, you know there are so many different books out there, you know your left behind and your Billy Grahams and your Rick Warrens and all that garbage, that I really felt that God didn't want it complicated. I mean not what I think that life is all about is having it being complicated. You know you follow Jesus Christ you know the blood of the cross and I'm not into all these symbols your holidays and all that garbage. How Christians can let their children go out on halloween or celebrate christmas you know getting drunk and going into debt is beyond me why people would do that.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: And I feel that our time is very close especially with you know the nuclear bombs and that nations coming against us. You know He said if you let strangers run your nation then I'll give them up.
Sherry: Yeah, He would never had wanted His nation to become a melting pot for other nations, that our nation says that's the greatest part of America that we're a melting pot for every other nation. He forbid that. He forbid the Israelite from marrying other nations.
Caller: We're supposed to, you know my mum my father he came from Greece but he learned the language and he wanted to be an American.
Sherry: Right.
Caller: You know I'm so thankful that those people aren't here. It would break his heart to see what we've become. That we have allowed it, we allowed it
Sherry: Yeah, we allowed other nations to bring in strange idols into our land, and then we protected their worship of these idols.
Caller: I've noticed how a lot of people are dumbfounded by the Supreme Court decision on the ten commandments. And it like it's I say to him, I mean I'm not for them being up all over, but they couldn't understand how they could be in Texas and not in Kentucky. And I told him, I said well the reason why is because the one in Texas was given by the masons and the ones in Kansas City was on a sheet of paper. And that's how they were, they were just written on a sheet of paper and the one that was given by the masons, they allowed them to keep it. I mean were gone crazy. I've noticed a lot of people can't figure things out so they just say well I'll go ahead and go back to my TV set.
Sherry: They just sit on the couch where the comfort zone is.
Caller: Yes. I have enjoyed trying, you can't listen to you a couple of times and figure out where you're coming from and I'm learning. I have an open heart, because I don't know everything and you might say a few things and I go yeah that's right. But I have been talking about aliens to my family and they thought I was crazy but I started that back in the earthly 80s and here we are, we're here. So I want to say thank you and God bless you for being out there because you're out there putting your reputation and you know knowledge out there to people and you take the hits when people think you're crazy. And I appreciate the job you are doing and I'd like you to know that.
Sherry: Oh thank you.
Caller: I'll pay attention and try to catch up to you.
Sherry: I don't always makes sense to a lot of people, but just keep listening because I repeat the same stuff over and over and over again.
Caller: Do you? Well that's good and I'll learn a little bit more about this bible code stuff, I was just hoping that God didn't want it too complicated for me because I'm a very simple person.
Sherry: Well that's why He doesn't call everybody into all the same areas. But I have 19 websites and you can go to and look at all of them on the left hand side. And it's various stuff. Everything that He's ever told me or lead me into I put out there for people to learn.
Caller: Okay.
Sherry: And I usually make it pretty clear if its something of my own thoughts or if it's something He's told me, I make the distinctions, especially if it's something of my own thoughts because alot of the time I don't know what's going on, it's my own thoughts.
Caller: Well you know that's where it comes from is from within and I thank you so much for trying to reach us people and to let us know what is going on, especially with the alien.
Sherry: Yeah.
Caller: God bless you lady, you take care of yourself.
Sherry: All right well thank you for calling in.
Caller: Okay bye.
Sherry: Bye.
And listener call-in folks 260-3562611.
Such a nice caller, I liked that call. Got about maybe about three minutes left or so, five minutes.
Somebody want to call in with a quick question or comment. And that's pretty much the whole, I think she wrapped it all up in that, just what you can anyway even if you can't make sense out of it. Just getting it out there to wake people up. You know I try to make sense of what's going on. Follow prophecy, timelines, Bible timelines. Prophecy something I've been studying since I was 12 years old as a child.
The only thing I would listen to, even younger than that 9, 10 years old, if they weren't talking Bible prophecy in church I wasn't listening. I grew up in the church, grew up Baptist, just the sole interest all my life was Bible prophecy and I was just a follower.
I think Hail Lindsey's book late late planet earth really set it off for me as a child. And you know I studied all the Lindsey books and the Jack Van Impe's and of course all the writers I shun now. And you know that's where it started, and sometimes where you start is the stepping stone and then the Lord will lead you into other areas and toward other people and use those stepping stones as learning experiences basically.
So you never know what you're into till the Lord takes you out of it and reveals what you were into or whatever you know and a lot of things are just learning experiences. You know I got a solid foundation in Bible prophecy from the Baptist denomination and then I was in the Pentecostal denomination for a short time, not too long.
He pulled me out of that and pulled me out of all churches in general. Started teaching me Himself, I started asking Him everyday to reveal the truth in all things to me. And so that's what He did, He pulled me into the proverbial wilderness and started teaching me Himself, and that's what I encourage everybody out there to do, stop listening to man and your own head wisdom.
Start asking the Lord everyday to reveal the truth in all things to you. And be prepared to be surprised at what you learn as false at what you learn as true. Because when you start praying for the truth and He starts revealing it you are going to be surprised it does rock your world it shakes your beliefs up and down.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Because old beliefs you've held on to for a long time thought they were true, you're going to realize we're in error.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: You have a caller but you've only got about 15 seconds, so I don't know..
Sherry: Yeah, I'm out of time, tell them to call back next week.
Steve: Okay.
Sherry: All right. Yeah I realize I'm out of time folks, I've got about ten seconds here. So yeah, my encouragement to you folks. Seek the Lord and I have articles on my website on how to pray, how to ask Him for things, how to seek Him for things. Read those articles on the websites and learn from Him, learn from Him direct.
Learn how to hear His voice, He says "My sheep hear my voice and they know Me". So learn how to hear His voice. That wraps up the show this week , be back next week, tomorrow at two o'clock Aliens In The News, I'll don't know if I'll be doing the show, but show up anyway I might be.
And we'll see you next week anyway 8-10 right here, God bless everybody and have a good week.