MONDAY, JULY 10, 2017
Blacklisted News and Bible Prophecy Watch
Monday, July 10, 2017
And hello, everybody. Welcome to the show. I’m Sherry Shriner. Oh, a couple things I wanna talk about today. You know, the Father’s had me on two things lately. One is the pole flip, and one is those who have crept in unawares. And so, not exactly unawares, we’ve been on their butts for years, but most people have no idea, so. Clueless.
Today it was 61 in Ohio. [laughs] No, it’s not heading into fall or winter. We’re in the middle of summer, so this is fun, and dark. Dark as heck and rainy and all that. You know, it’s not gonna go back to the way it was supposed to be. The way we expect it to be, folks. We’re heading into an imminent pole flip. It’s imminent. I don’t know how…how much more to say that, until you just—you’re in the middle of it. I would say about four to six weeks. That’s not a “thus saith the Lord,” that’s just me. Four to six weeks.
I’ve not seen the sun set lately to see how far over it’s gone. I know we didn’t have that much far over to go. But that could happen overnight. That could drag out for another ten years. So, I’m just watching it, it’s just a sign. Because the sun’s already over about 200 degrees northwest than it’s supposed to be. [laughs] We’re supposed to set in the west. The sun is setting in the northwest. The sun is supposed to arise in the east. The sun is rising in the northeast. [sarcastically] No cause for alarm, folks.
And Nibiru, if you wanna see where that’s coming up, just watch the chemtrail planes at night. Because they always start chemtrailing about two hours before sunset. Maybe even three. They start chemtrailing the area Nibiru can be seen in. Usually, it’s in the southeast. South, southeast.
And so, when you start seeing the chemtrail planes going out, you know they’re hiding something. Because they have this tech they spray. It’s black tech, I call it. I don’t know what it’s called. But it makes the sky black so you can’t see anything. Like, you go outside, you’re lucky to see the moon. All the stars are blackened out. The sky is just grayed-out. They’re doing it to hide the skies. Because they don’t wanna see all these different starships coming in, all these different planets coming in.
So, typically, they start their chemtrailing in the southeast, and sometimes even in the southwest, if the planet we call EP, Enoch’s Planet, second sun, is already up. It’s brilliant at night. It’s beautiful. They try to chemtrail that. And, like I’ve always said, you know, Nibiru will come up out of the south. And so, it seems to be, right now, a little bit over southeast, because that’s where they’re chemtrailing all the time.
The moon is also over there. And I think what’s happening is Nibiru is pulling the moon towards it. The moon’s all out of whack. It’s just all out of whack. It just does what it wants.
You know, when the Father created the earth, He had the sun as the light for the day, and the moon as light for the night. And the sun would rise in the east and set in the west. And the moon was opposite the sun. Opposite the side of the sky. Does it resemble that now? [laughs] No. The moon’ll be rising in the east—er, the sun’ll be rising in the northwest, and the moon’ll be over there in the southeast. It’s crazy. It’s crazy. Last-minute preparations, folks.
Another thing is I was sitting here watching—not really watching, it’s usually just background noise. I have to keep tabs of when commercials come on. And some of the sportscasters and stuff. Because all these things, they’re using fakes and synthetics. They’re not even hiring real actors anymore for commercials. A lot of them are synthetics. I wonder if they get paid. I don’t know.
But I’ve been noticing, for a lot time, if you’re a big Food Network fan, like I am—I’m a foodie, and I love to watch the Food Network show’s competitions. And some of them just look really Lizardy. One of the phenomena I’ve noticed lately is that the humans on TV—I won’t call them humans, but one way to tell that they’re not humans on TV, look at the upper lips, because the upper lip is fading. It’s fading. Every person you see on TV has a sliver. Has a sliver for an upper lip.
You know, most people just have a, you know, a bottom lip and a upper lip almost proportion to each other. Usually the bottom lip’s somewhat fatter than the topper lip. Now look at it. You see all these people on TV with slivers for top lips. It’s, like, “Where is your lip?” I’ve seen it on YouTube videos, too. People talking, politicians and stuff. It’s, like, “Where is your lip?” Because people are always asking me, “How do you tell them amongst us?” And so, this is one of the traits, folks. There’s no upper lip. It’s like a sliver.
I used to always scream about Obama’s purple lips. I couldn’t stand it. It just was my pet peeve. It drove me up a wall. To have to watch Obama on TV and his purple lips. And what I was told was that he has no oxygen in his blood. So his lips weren’t red, because he didn’t have oxygen in his blood, so they would turn purple. And they had, like, 12 clones of Obama. But even I’ve heard that clones have real blood in them, so what’s the heck with this purple-lip stuff, if even clones have blood. Even if clones don’t have blood? I don’t know. But that’s what I was told, so. I guess look for purple lips. No oxygen in their blood.
Another thing is small ears. Ever notice a lot of men, you know, they have these tiny ears. Know it’s like one of those hybrid traits. Because my guys, all the men I know, have these huge ears. Then you see these guys on TV and they have these tiny, little boy ears. It’s, like, what the heck is that? That could be a hybrid bloodline trait going through the lines. Because, like I said, there’s only 1 in 4 with uncontaminated, pure human-dominant bloodline, haha, humans among us. I mean, it’s bad. It’s bad. It’s really bad. And I’ve been screaming for a long time about TVs all fakes. And they’ve been replacing them all with clones and synthetics.
Now it’s, like, the tranny agenda, too. Someone was asking me the other day about Natalie Portman’s husband, and I’m looking at the picture. I was, like, “That’s a tranny.” You know, when you start looking at all these trannies amongst us, they have a couple things in common. The big head, the long neck, the skinny shoulders, the high foreheads. And that’s all from the chemicals they take as transgenders. They start pumping them with chemicals from the time they’re born. That why they’re starting to have this thing—birth certificates where you don’t even name the sex of the baby. That’s probably how all these Brazilian fighters got into the UFC [Ultimate Fighting Championship]. Because, if you look at them, the men look like women, and the women look like men.
The transgenders are just taking over. I was watching softball, of all things, yesterday, and I’m looking at the China—not China, it was the Japanese team. You would think you were looking at a man pitching, from the back. No form of a woman’s figure. Total man. And it even had a 5 o’clock shadow. They were showing the teams after shaking hands. Some of the Japanese players had 5 o’clock mustache shadows. Come on, folks.
The transgenders are just taking over women’s sports. It not fair, it’s just nauseating, it makes me sick and makes me angry, because they should just have their own league. Because now what? The real human women have to form their own real human leagues again, and you have to prove you’re a real human woman born.
I mean, they allowed this in the Olympics years ago. That was the testing ground, with the tennis. All the women, back then, were men. They snuck that in. I think it was the Russians who started it. The Americans, instead of throwing a fit, just came back with their own trannies. Uh, yeah. And some of them are just groomed and pumped with chemicals from the time they’re born. That’s why they’re so huge. That’s why a woman that’s 5’5” has a son that’s 6’7”, and the father’s nowhere around, and he’s just a midget anyway. That’s how you have all these huge kids. Because they’re pumping them with chemicals. Grooming them to be in sports, grooming them to be athletes.
Another thing—and I even posted a video on my Facebook. Somebody caught it. NASA’s Sophia Telescope. They put up a jet plane at night with a Sophia Telescope, and they have workers inside it. And they were showing the hands of one of the NASA engineers working at a computer. And it wasn’t a human hand, it was actually the hand of a tall Grey alien.
But that’s another thing I’ve been noticing is that, if you looking on TV, all of a sudden, people’s hands, all of a sudden, start becoming huge. It’s, like, one of the hardest things to keep from morphing. Because a lot of these people that are just Reptilian in disguise, they’ll just start morphing. Adele did that in concert. She was a—she became a 8-foot Reptilian. And Justin Bieber did it. They just start morphing. They can’t always control that they’re shape-shifting or not.
One of the hardest things for them to hide is their hands. The huge Reptilian hands with the tiny wrist, the skinny wrist. And then the skinny, lanky arms. That’s why a lot of them will wear long-sleeve stuff. Because, when they shift and start to morph, their arms become very bony, very skinny, and their hands become very, very huge.
And so, their thumbs—the one they show on the video—their thumb was, like, 6 inches long. And they don’t have a pinkie, just four fingers. That’s typical of a tall Grey alien. The long four fingers. Some of them only have three on their hands. Some of them have that long thumb. None of them have the little pinkies like we do. But you’ll notice that just with politicians. All of a sudden, Obama’s hands would get monstrously huge. Michael Jackson’s clone used to do that all the time. His hands would get monstrously huge. One of the things for them to hide is to keep their hands from morphing. And another thing, obviously, is the ears.
Other things to look for is probably the foreheads, because even in the cheeks, you can also see—I’ll see—I often see indentations in the cheeks, that are kind of odd. When you look at this stuff on pictures, sometimes you can see demons in people’s foreheads. You know, Obama—seeing a bunch of his pictures—looked like he had millions of demons on his head. All his scars with all his—what, did they just open up his brain and readjust the computer inside? Yeah. [laughs]
You know, we had so long with Obama. And I screamed the whole time. You guys should have learned a ton. So, now, with the Trump Administration, none of this should surprise you. None of this—you should be pros by now. Because it hasn’t changed. That’s why I won’t even get involved with politics anymore. I just refuse to watch it.
You know, it’s, like, Trump and his Saturday Night Live clone, and his cloned kids, and the “duh” look, that MKULTRA “duh” look, you see that a lot on people. His oldest son, Trump, Jr., and his “duh” look. Their eyes just get black and they look soulless, and they just stare and they’re, like, “Duh. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to think. Somebody tell me what to do.” You see that a lot, where they just freeze. It’s like their minds just freeze. They just sit there and don’t know what to say, don’t know what to do. They’re just looking at you like, “Duh.” It’s just that “duh” looking is what I call it. It’s a MKULTRA stare.
You know, all of his kids have been replaced. And I think Eric even said the most brilliant thing ever I heard on TV in a hundred years, when he said the Liberals aren’t human. I think he was actually—meant every word of what he said because he knew. He knew we’re surrounded by aliens, folks. We’re surrounded by those who have crept in unawares.
You know, the Father led me to the scripture in Jude. And I wanna read that. Jude 4 to 8.
4 For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
And it just goes on and on. But what I wanna point out is that they have no love for God. It’s one of the ways of earmarking any of these full-blown hybrids, clones, synthetics. They have no love for the Most High God. They will never acknowledge that they need a Savior. They don’t know what that is. They can’t grasp the concept.
When you look at a lot of humans that have dominant alien DNA in them, they’re all into themselves. And it’s part of this Reptilians traits thing I talked about in one of my last shows last week. Or how they’re so self-ego-driven. They worship themselves. They’re in love with themselves. They can’t grasp the concept of needing a Savior. And so, that’s how you can tell them apart. The wheat from the chaff. The wheat and the tares.
You know, it also says that—in Jude,
6 And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day,
Yeah, the leaders. The leaders. Everybody in the churches is so asleep to anything, because they think, “Oh, all of them are judged and condemned, and they’re not here now.” All the leaders were judged and condemned. Even the Watchers rebellion. 200 that fell were judged and condemned. They’re in chains and in outer darkness, and whatever judgments. But their offspring lived on. They all have children. They all have offspring.
That’s another way that the churches keep their people in stupidity and ignorance. Because they tell them angels can’t have sex. No, that’s why they decided to fall to earth and procreate with human woman; because they can’t have sex. They take one obscure verse in the Bible and apply that to the billions of angels that were ever created. Doesn’t work that way, folks.
There’s many classes and ranks of angels. Perfectly having the ability to have sex, because they wanted to fall to earth and procreate with human women. They also had families, in heaven, because their offspring, who were also—had left heaven with them, are what is above us and known as extraterrestrials. You know them as Nordics, as Pleiades; the ones who are humanoid-looking. Those are the offspring, of the offspring, of the offspring of the angels who fell. It just goes through many generations, folks.
The Bible isn’t an end-all. It doesn’t tell you the end story. It doesn’t tell you the full beginning story. It gives you a picture. “Oh, no. That’s not in the Bible.” Well, neither are TVs, and cable satellites, hahaha, and ELF weapons and technology. You all just use that to stay stupid. You just wanna stay in your ignorance. So many are asleep because they have no discernment. And they have to wake up, because even Yahushua said to discern the times.
Your relationship should be with the living Word Himself. Himself. Not the pages of the KJV [King James Version of the Bible], a book that was written and edited by the Masons and secret societies, who have their own imprints and numbers on it. 13 books of Paul, representing the fact that he was under Illuminati control. 66 books in the Bible, representing that it’s under Illuminati control. Shakespeare encoding his name in the New Testament. He was the one who wrote it. If you think God wrote the KJV, don’t you think He would have had His Son’s name written in it? Do you think He would have translated it to a Greek name, Jesus—because Shakespeare was all into that Greek crap? Come on, folks. Get a relationship with the living Word Himself.
They use the Bible to browbeat you, to keep you in ignorance, to keep you under control. To keep you from knowing the truth of things that are going around you. So that, as Jude described, they creep in unawares, you don’t recognize them. They stand at the pulpits and scream, “Ha satan!” and hide it in tongues, and they’re screaming for Satan. You hear that from Benny HInn, “Ha satan, ha satan!” Kenneth Copeland. They’re calling Satan. They use tongues to mask calling in demons and Satan. And you fill their churches. And you buy them ten vacation homes, and Mercedes, entire airports of airplanes. Seriously?
Sit at the Father’s feet, folks. Ask Him to teach you the truth in all things. There’s not much time left. He said, [John 1:1]
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Guess what didn’t exist when that was penned. The KJV. You know, the KJV’s only about 400-years-old. [sarcastically] Gee, what did the believers do before that was written?
Wake up, folks. We are not the best generation to ever walk the planet. We are the most apostate. You’re apostate. I keep the appointed times and feasts. I honor the Sabbath on the seventh day. And those who listen to me, most of them do, too.
If you’ve been listening to my show for one, two, three, four years, you’re head-level knowledge is so far above anybody else’s, because my knowledge comes straight from the throne, and I give it to you.
So, today’s storm was eventful, because there was some kind of ships coming in. Docking somewhere. Some starship up in space. I don’t know what was going on. I just know it was them. It was not a natural occurrence of precipitation and rain. [laughs] We’re way beyond anything natural and normal, folks. Every time it rains and storms, you can bet there’s a reason behind it, they’re hiding something. Of course, I like the rain. I don’t mind the rain. We need the rain. Rain’s not a curse, rain’s a blessing. They can keep the high winds to themselves.
Put shields over your homes, folks. Protect them from high winds. I’ve taught you how to put shields up. You’re gonna need that in the next coming weeks. Also, I don’t know why it works, but it does. Putting a bowl of vinegar out works, too. It doesn’t matter what size. Just put a bowl of vinegar out and you’ll see the winds leave your area alone. At least, your yard alone. I don’t know why it works, it just does.
Orgone in your area. It’s almost like the double whammy. You gotta have the orgone, and you gotta have the vinegar, and put the shields up, and you’re set. You’re set.
What’s going to be the most annoying for people is the fact the grid is going to be down for probably three, four weeks. Once you lose your electric on the first day of the high winds of the pole flip, you won’t get it back for another three weeks. So, prepare. Prepare, prepare, prepare.
I’ve seen these 5-gallon buckets with toilets seats on them. Haha. You can get them at Amazon. I saw those years ago, and I think I bought one and threw it in the garage. I was looking at those again thinking, “You’ve got to have backup toilets, because toilets are not gonna work without the electric.” Most people who don’t go through the electric not working, if you live in the country, you’re used to it. But you city folks, let me tell you something. The electric goes out, the water doesn’t run. So you’re not gonna be able to flush your toilets with no electric. Because the water does not run.
So there’s a news flash for everybody in the city who’s stuck in apartment buildings and townhomes, and the electric goes out, and your toilets aren’t gonna flush. You better have backup. Composting toilets, buckets with bags and toilet seats, stuff like that. Think ahead, folks. Because, trust me, if you ladies are leaving men to the worry of preparing, they do not think like we do. They’ll tell you to go out and find a tree. And, probably, most of them will be blown over. Who knows what they’re gonna look like after a pole flip?
You know, Enoch says, in the last days all the seasons are gonna be out of sync. The calendar is going to be totally turned around. This will all come about after what the New Agers call is a time of cleansing. [laughs] Time of cleansing’s what they call it. Bible calls it judgment. Science calls it a pole flip. So prepare.
You’re all focusing on the wrong stuff. You’re all focusing on, “Ooh, what am I gonna buy if the currencies revalue.” What are you gonna buy? Who cares if you’re rich, there’s gonna be nothing to buy. You’ll all be making your millions on Bitcoin and blah-blah-blah. You’re not taking it with you. Most of you are going to be dead. You people, putting your faith in your riches and your underground bunkers. I will cheer you on, all the way to your underground bunkers. “Yes, have a safe passage to your underground bunkers. Because you’re just dead men walking.”
How’s that for justice from the Most High? You can’t have love without justice. You cannot urinate on His people, and then expect to just smell like a rose. He’s not gonna let you get away with it. There’s always judgment coming. What do they call it, karma, in the Asian religions? We call it justice and judgment in the Bible. And for a lot of you, it’s coming. And for a lot of us, we pray that it comes and is speeded up. So what’s in the Father’s tool box, if He wants to pull it out of His tool shed, “Oh, look. My people have been praying that this person be destroyed. OK.”
You can be the lamb. And you can pray for the forgiveness and salvation—no, you can’t do that for these fallen beings, because they’re not even human. And a lot of you waste your time on these beings. But you can be the lamb, and do that. Or you can be the lion, and pray for their destruction. Me, I prefer the lion, because I’m done being lamb to enemies. It doesn’t work. I mean, if you disagree with somebody, and you don’t like somebody, that doesn’t make them your enemy, does it? You just don’t agree with that person. And you just move on. I can’t think of anybody I hate. There’s a lot of people I don’t agree with. Doesn’t mean I hate them. I don’t count them as a enemy.
My enemies are Father’s enemies. The ones I go after are the fallen. The fallen here to hurt mankind. Those are enemies. Those are who I go after. And I pray for their death and destruction. Because they just wanna harm, and harm, and harm, and kill humans. My war is not with humans. My enemies are the Father’s enemies. And that’s a huge cry different from just being—uh, not liking something, or being ignorant about something, or not getting along with someone. That doesn’t make them your enemy. An enemy is someone who wants to kill and destroy you.
Sometimes things are just blatantly mistranslated. In the KJV, there’s a point people just wanna sit down on their couches and wait for the Father to come get them. It just makes them so ineffective. Puts you to sleep, makes you ineffective. I’ve been yelling, “Get off the couches. Get off the couches. Get involved.”
Father asked, “Who will stand up for Me against the wicked.” I will. I know a lot of people will. And lot of people will be, like, “[makes sharp sighing sound] Where’s the love in that? Pray for your enemies.” And they’ll be preaching—they’ll be quoting KJV stuff. It’s, like, “OK. Whatever.” [laughs] You sometimes can’t win. Some of these people just do not have callings on their lives, because they’re just beyond repair. They’re gonna start at the bottom floor and have to work their way up in knowledge, and skills, and stuff, because they just wasted so much time on earth in lala-land. And in religious mind control, religious programming. Hmm.
So, the pole flip, which is imminent. And I’m being amused by the continued fakes around us. There’s many of them, folks.
Let’s see. I told you about the small ears, and no lips. The sliver a the top lips, that’s the biggest giveaway now, that you’re looking at a synthetic.
The tranny phenomenon. With the huge heads and big necks, and tiny shoulders and high foreheads. The men are the worst—the female to men are the worst. They really are. Because some of them can get—they pump all that testosterone, and they pump weights, so you really can’t tell that they’re men [Sherry means women –transcriber]. It’s,like, “What?” You really have to look harder, you have to know the stuff to look for, and just harder.
With women, it’s easy. “Turn around. Let me see the back of you.” Because no matter how many surgeries you have, no matter how much estrogen you wanna pump, when you see somebody from the back, you can tell if it’s a woman or a man. Hands down. Hands down. A woman’s butt, you cannot change, unless you wanna be Kim Kardashian and put in ten-mile paddings on your rear. But a woman’s figure, from the back, is just so cut and dry from a man’s figure, from the back. You know when you’re looking at a man, from the back. The butt is just something you cannot—most of them don’t even think of having to reconfigure. And that’s the easiest way to tell sometimes is just the butt.
When they had a picture of Prince William putting on suntan lotion on Kate Middleton’s back, when they were dating, I died laughing. I wasn’t even into the tranny agenda then. I’m thinking, “That’s a man. Look at that butt. That’s the butt of a man. That is not a woman. And they said that was Kate Middleton. I died laughing. All trannies, folks. They do it in your face. It’s in your face, constantly.
Look at all the models, Victoria’s biggest Secret—because none of them are really women. That’s the secret. None of them are women. The pageants, Miss America pageants, a lot of them trannies, straight up trannies. I don’t watch them, but a lot of them straight up trannies. Oh, look who’s involved with that; Donald Trump. Donald Trump has been the biggest supporter of the tranny agenda than anybody else I know. He is a huge supporter of the tranny agenda. Look at how many YouTube videos there are of Melania being a tranny. Now you know.
All of them have to be. If you wanna be in government politics today, your spouse has to be a tranny. Did you know that? Michelle—Michael—that was a tranny. It started with Barbara Bush, that I know of, because that was a Bob. And then, uh, I don’t know that Killary [Hillary Clinton] ever was a tranny. She was just a witch. She was a high-ranking witch. I think they jumped over Killary, because Hillary was just Hillary. May be, I don’t know. I might have missed that one. I know Barbara Bush was a Bob. Then you look at Michelle—Michael. And now you look at Martin; that’s supposed to be Melania. And then you look at the other countries, their wives; trannies. Look at the Royal Lizards; trannies.
It’s all in our faces, folks. They creep in. Creep in amongst us. One of the things the Father was telling me about that scripture [Jude 1:4]—um, let me see if I can go back and find it. They crept in unawares, which means they look like you and me. They look human, they look like us, but they are not like us, they hate the Father. It is speaking about those who are the replacements coming in for humans. Those who have been replaced, soul scalped, taken over by these fallen entities looking for bodies to operate in the third dimension. They creep in unawares. They look like you and me. And they mingle with us. They pose as believers. They pose as Christians in our churches. But they really have no love for the Father. They don’t have a real love for Him. They’re pretenders, they’re fakes, they’re counterfeits. They’re there to lead people away from Him, instead of to Him. They lead the apostasies and the doctrines of devils.
So, anyway, folks, just somethings I wanted to throw out there. Because there’s not a whole lot of time left. What’d I say, four to six weeks? You can just feel it. You can just feel something…something’s gotta give, something’s gotta blow. It’s almost like the bomb that you’re just waiting—the hand grenade, you’re just waiting for somebody to pull the pin. Yep.
They’re all waiting for us to make our move, and we’re waiting for them to make their move. That’s always the stalemate. Because everyone’s waiting, and no one’s moving. The longer they wait, we just get more orgone out and crash more of their ships.
Somebody put out a video the other day. 34 fireballs in the sky. [laughs] You better believe those are UFOs crashing. They come into our orgoned air and they crash. People are, like, “Oh, there’s something going on with the magnetic air, and these ships are crashing.” Those aren’t airplanes, those are UFOs. And they’re crashing because of the orgone. The orgone melts their technology.
We never get credit. They give us credit, because they’re pissed as heck we’re crashing their UFOs. But the scientists and the Christians won’t give the Orgone Warriors credit. Oh, heck no. They’re too busy hating on us. “Oh, orgone, that’s evil. It’s witchcraft.” Really? Did you ask the Father about that? Because if you have a problem with crystals, you’ll have a problem with heaven. He uses gemstones for His own purposes and His own glory, just as the breastplate of the priests. Some of these same Christians will be the ones trying to tell God how He’s supposed to do things. That’s how arrogant they are. They don’t know Him. They don’t talk to Him. But they have an opinion on everything in regards to Him.
When I asked the Father for a way to destroy the strongholds of Lucifer, He led me to orgone. Now look what it’s doing. And it will be the one thing that protects people in the coming pole flip. It will be an area of protection for them, a source of protection. Especially when the creatures are let loose on earth. “Oh, that’s just a minor aspect of the pole flip.” [laughs]
Someone asked me, “What happens after the three days of darkness, where do the creatures go?” I have no idea. I have no idea what happens to them. But for three days of darkness, they’ll be on earth. Eating, and assassinating, and killing humans, the wicked. Because the Father sends them after the wicked. He tells the righteous, “Stay in your homes.” And so, if you’re righteous, you’ll listen to the Father, and you’ll stay in your homes during the three days of darkness.
I’ve already warned you, get rid of the candles, get rid of the lanterns, the oil lamps. Don’t use any of that stuff. It will cause fires in all the earthquakes and the rumblings and the wind blowing. Use batteries. Start stocking up on lanterns that take batteries, flashlights, headlamps. Stay away from anything that can catch on fire. Just use the batteries. And I just bought, like, a hundred batteries on eBay for, like, 30 bucks, so. And Amazon has those cute little lanterns. They take, like, four batteries in there. They’re those LED battery—er, lantern things. I love them.
Anyway, folks, I’ll be back on Wednesday. Don’t forget to support your favorite ministry on the planet. Go to and keep me on the air.
Until Wednesday, folks. Yah bless.
Monday, July 10, 2017
And hello, everybody. Welcome to the show. I’m Sherry Shriner. Oh, a couple things I wanna talk about today. You know, the Father’s had me on two things lately. One is the pole flip, and one is those who have crept in unawares. And so, not exactly unawares, we’ve been on their butts for years, but most people have no idea, so. Clueless.
Today it was 61 in Ohio. [laughs] No, it’s not heading into fall or winter. We’re in the middle of summer, so this is fun, and dark. Dark as heck and rainy and all that. You know, it’s not gonna go back to the way it was supposed to be. The way we expect it to be, folks. We’re heading into an imminent pole flip. It’s imminent. I don’t know how…how much more to say that, until you just—you’re in the middle of it. I would say about four to six weeks. That’s not a “thus saith the Lord,” that’s just me. Four to six weeks.
I’ve not seen the sun set lately to see how far over it’s gone. I know we didn’t have that much far over to go. But that could happen overnight. That could drag out for another ten years. So, I’m just watching it, it’s just a sign. Because the sun’s already over about 200 degrees northwest than it’s supposed to be. [laughs] We’re supposed to set in the west. The sun is setting in the northwest. The sun is supposed to arise in the east. The sun is rising in the northeast. [sarcastically] No cause for alarm, folks.
And Nibiru, if you wanna see where that’s coming up, just watch the chemtrail planes at night. Because they always start chemtrailing about two hours before sunset. Maybe even three. They start chemtrailing the area Nibiru can be seen in. Usually, it’s in the southeast. South, southeast.
And so, when you start seeing the chemtrail planes going out, you know they’re hiding something. Because they have this tech they spray. It’s black tech, I call it. I don’t know what it’s called. But it makes the sky black so you can’t see anything. Like, you go outside, you’re lucky to see the moon. All the stars are blackened out. The sky is just grayed-out. They’re doing it to hide the skies. Because they don’t wanna see all these different starships coming in, all these different planets coming in.
So, typically, they start their chemtrailing in the southeast, and sometimes even in the southwest, if the planet we call EP, Enoch’s Planet, second sun, is already up. It’s brilliant at night. It’s beautiful. They try to chemtrail that. And, like I’ve always said, you know, Nibiru will come up out of the south. And so, it seems to be, right now, a little bit over southeast, because that’s where they’re chemtrailing all the time.
The moon is also over there. And I think what’s happening is Nibiru is pulling the moon towards it. The moon’s all out of whack. It’s just all out of whack. It just does what it wants.
You know, when the Father created the earth, He had the sun as the light for the day, and the moon as light for the night. And the sun would rise in the east and set in the west. And the moon was opposite the sun. Opposite the side of the sky. Does it resemble that now? [laughs] No. The moon’ll be rising in the east—er, the sun’ll be rising in the northwest, and the moon’ll be over there in the southeast. It’s crazy. It’s crazy. Last-minute preparations, folks.
Another thing is I was sitting here watching—not really watching, it’s usually just background noise. I have to keep tabs of when commercials come on. And some of the sportscasters and stuff. Because all these things, they’re using fakes and synthetics. They’re not even hiring real actors anymore for commercials. A lot of them are synthetics. I wonder if they get paid. I don’t know.
But I’ve been noticing, for a lot time, if you’re a big Food Network fan, like I am—I’m a foodie, and I love to watch the Food Network show’s competitions. And some of them just look really Lizardy. One of the phenomena I’ve noticed lately is that the humans on TV—I won’t call them humans, but one way to tell that they’re not humans on TV, look at the upper lips, because the upper lip is fading. It’s fading. Every person you see on TV has a sliver. Has a sliver for an upper lip.
You know, most people just have a, you know, a bottom lip and a upper lip almost proportion to each other. Usually the bottom lip’s somewhat fatter than the topper lip. Now look at it. You see all these people on TV with slivers for top lips. It’s, like, “Where is your lip?” I’ve seen it on YouTube videos, too. People talking, politicians and stuff. It’s, like, “Where is your lip?” Because people are always asking me, “How do you tell them amongst us?” And so, this is one of the traits, folks. There’s no upper lip. It’s like a sliver.
I used to always scream about Obama’s purple lips. I couldn’t stand it. It just was my pet peeve. It drove me up a wall. To have to watch Obama on TV and his purple lips. And what I was told was that he has no oxygen in his blood. So his lips weren’t red, because he didn’t have oxygen in his blood, so they would turn purple. And they had, like, 12 clones of Obama. But even I’ve heard that clones have real blood in them, so what’s the heck with this purple-lip stuff, if even clones have blood. Even if clones don’t have blood? I don’t know. But that’s what I was told, so. I guess look for purple lips. No oxygen in their blood.
Another thing is small ears. Ever notice a lot of men, you know, they have these tiny ears. Know it’s like one of those hybrid traits. Because my guys, all the men I know, have these huge ears. Then you see these guys on TV and they have these tiny, little boy ears. It’s, like, what the heck is that? That could be a hybrid bloodline trait going through the lines. Because, like I said, there’s only 1 in 4 with uncontaminated, pure human-dominant bloodline, haha, humans among us. I mean, it’s bad. It’s bad. It’s really bad. And I’ve been screaming for a long time about TVs all fakes. And they’ve been replacing them all with clones and synthetics.
Now it’s, like, the tranny agenda, too. Someone was asking me the other day about Natalie Portman’s husband, and I’m looking at the picture. I was, like, “That’s a tranny.” You know, when you start looking at all these trannies amongst us, they have a couple things in common. The big head, the long neck, the skinny shoulders, the high foreheads. And that’s all from the chemicals they take as transgenders. They start pumping them with chemicals from the time they’re born. That why they’re starting to have this thing—birth certificates where you don’t even name the sex of the baby. That’s probably how all these Brazilian fighters got into the UFC [Ultimate Fighting Championship]. Because, if you look at them, the men look like women, and the women look like men.
The transgenders are just taking over. I was watching softball, of all things, yesterday, and I’m looking at the China—not China, it was the Japanese team. You would think you were looking at a man pitching, from the back. No form of a woman’s figure. Total man. And it even had a 5 o’clock shadow. They were showing the teams after shaking hands. Some of the Japanese players had 5 o’clock mustache shadows. Come on, folks.
The transgenders are just taking over women’s sports. It not fair, it’s just nauseating, it makes me sick and makes me angry, because they should just have their own league. Because now what? The real human women have to form their own real human leagues again, and you have to prove you’re a real human woman born.
I mean, they allowed this in the Olympics years ago. That was the testing ground, with the tennis. All the women, back then, were men. They snuck that in. I think it was the Russians who started it. The Americans, instead of throwing a fit, just came back with their own trannies. Uh, yeah. And some of them are just groomed and pumped with chemicals from the time they’re born. That’s why they’re so huge. That’s why a woman that’s 5’5” has a son that’s 6’7”, and the father’s nowhere around, and he’s just a midget anyway. That’s how you have all these huge kids. Because they’re pumping them with chemicals. Grooming them to be in sports, grooming them to be athletes.
Another thing—and I even posted a video on my Facebook. Somebody caught it. NASA’s Sophia Telescope. They put up a jet plane at night with a Sophia Telescope, and they have workers inside it. And they were showing the hands of one of the NASA engineers working at a computer. And it wasn’t a human hand, it was actually the hand of a tall Grey alien.
But that’s another thing I’ve been noticing is that, if you looking on TV, all of a sudden, people’s hands, all of a sudden, start becoming huge. It’s, like, one of the hardest things to keep from morphing. Because a lot of these people that are just Reptilian in disguise, they’ll just start morphing. Adele did that in concert. She was a—she became a 8-foot Reptilian. And Justin Bieber did it. They just start morphing. They can’t always control that they’re shape-shifting or not.
One of the hardest things for them to hide is their hands. The huge Reptilian hands with the tiny wrist, the skinny wrist. And then the skinny, lanky arms. That’s why a lot of them will wear long-sleeve stuff. Because, when they shift and start to morph, their arms become very bony, very skinny, and their hands become very, very huge.
And so, their thumbs—the one they show on the video—their thumb was, like, 6 inches long. And they don’t have a pinkie, just four fingers. That’s typical of a tall Grey alien. The long four fingers. Some of them only have three on their hands. Some of them have that long thumb. None of them have the little pinkies like we do. But you’ll notice that just with politicians. All of a sudden, Obama’s hands would get monstrously huge. Michael Jackson’s clone used to do that all the time. His hands would get monstrously huge. One of the things for them to hide is to keep their hands from morphing. And another thing, obviously, is the ears.
Other things to look for is probably the foreheads, because even in the cheeks, you can also see—I’ll see—I often see indentations in the cheeks, that are kind of odd. When you look at this stuff on pictures, sometimes you can see demons in people’s foreheads. You know, Obama—seeing a bunch of his pictures—looked like he had millions of demons on his head. All his scars with all his—what, did they just open up his brain and readjust the computer inside? Yeah. [laughs]
You know, we had so long with Obama. And I screamed the whole time. You guys should have learned a ton. So, now, with the Trump Administration, none of this should surprise you. None of this—you should be pros by now. Because it hasn’t changed. That’s why I won’t even get involved with politics anymore. I just refuse to watch it.
You know, it’s, like, Trump and his Saturday Night Live clone, and his cloned kids, and the “duh” look, that MKULTRA “duh” look, you see that a lot on people. His oldest son, Trump, Jr., and his “duh” look. Their eyes just get black and they look soulless, and they just stare and they’re, like, “Duh. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to think. Somebody tell me what to do.” You see that a lot, where they just freeze. It’s like their minds just freeze. They just sit there and don’t know what to say, don’t know what to do. They’re just looking at you like, “Duh.” It’s just that “duh” looking is what I call it. It’s a MKULTRA stare.
You know, all of his kids have been replaced. And I think Eric even said the most brilliant thing ever I heard on TV in a hundred years, when he said the Liberals aren’t human. I think he was actually—meant every word of what he said because he knew. He knew we’re surrounded by aliens, folks. We’re surrounded by those who have crept in unawares.
You know, the Father led me to the scripture in Jude. And I wanna read that. Jude 4 to 8.
4 For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
And it just goes on and on. But what I wanna point out is that they have no love for God. It’s one of the ways of earmarking any of these full-blown hybrids, clones, synthetics. They have no love for the Most High God. They will never acknowledge that they need a Savior. They don’t know what that is. They can’t grasp the concept.
When you look at a lot of humans that have dominant alien DNA in them, they’re all into themselves. And it’s part of this Reptilians traits thing I talked about in one of my last shows last week. Or how they’re so self-ego-driven. They worship themselves. They’re in love with themselves. They can’t grasp the concept of needing a Savior. And so, that’s how you can tell them apart. The wheat from the chaff. The wheat and the tares.
You know, it also says that—in Jude,
6 And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day,
Yeah, the leaders. The leaders. Everybody in the churches is so asleep to anything, because they think, “Oh, all of them are judged and condemned, and they’re not here now.” All the leaders were judged and condemned. Even the Watchers rebellion. 200 that fell were judged and condemned. They’re in chains and in outer darkness, and whatever judgments. But their offspring lived on. They all have children. They all have offspring.
That’s another way that the churches keep their people in stupidity and ignorance. Because they tell them angels can’t have sex. No, that’s why they decided to fall to earth and procreate with human woman; because they can’t have sex. They take one obscure verse in the Bible and apply that to the billions of angels that were ever created. Doesn’t work that way, folks.
There’s many classes and ranks of angels. Perfectly having the ability to have sex, because they wanted to fall to earth and procreate with human women. They also had families, in heaven, because their offspring, who were also—had left heaven with them, are what is above us and known as extraterrestrials. You know them as Nordics, as Pleiades; the ones who are humanoid-looking. Those are the offspring, of the offspring, of the offspring of the angels who fell. It just goes through many generations, folks.
The Bible isn’t an end-all. It doesn’t tell you the end story. It doesn’t tell you the full beginning story. It gives you a picture. “Oh, no. That’s not in the Bible.” Well, neither are TVs, and cable satellites, hahaha, and ELF weapons and technology. You all just use that to stay stupid. You just wanna stay in your ignorance. So many are asleep because they have no discernment. And they have to wake up, because even Yahushua said to discern the times.
Your relationship should be with the living Word Himself. Himself. Not the pages of the KJV [King James Version of the Bible], a book that was written and edited by the Masons and secret societies, who have their own imprints and numbers on it. 13 books of Paul, representing the fact that he was under Illuminati control. 66 books in the Bible, representing that it’s under Illuminati control. Shakespeare encoding his name in the New Testament. He was the one who wrote it. If you think God wrote the KJV, don’t you think He would have had His Son’s name written in it? Do you think He would have translated it to a Greek name, Jesus—because Shakespeare was all into that Greek crap? Come on, folks. Get a relationship with the living Word Himself.
They use the Bible to browbeat you, to keep you in ignorance, to keep you under control. To keep you from knowing the truth of things that are going around you. So that, as Jude described, they creep in unawares, you don’t recognize them. They stand at the pulpits and scream, “Ha satan!” and hide it in tongues, and they’re screaming for Satan. You hear that from Benny HInn, “Ha satan, ha satan!” Kenneth Copeland. They’re calling Satan. They use tongues to mask calling in demons and Satan. And you fill their churches. And you buy them ten vacation homes, and Mercedes, entire airports of airplanes. Seriously?
Sit at the Father’s feet, folks. Ask Him to teach you the truth in all things. There’s not much time left. He said, [John 1:1]
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Guess what didn’t exist when that was penned. The KJV. You know, the KJV’s only about 400-years-old. [sarcastically] Gee, what did the believers do before that was written?
Wake up, folks. We are not the best generation to ever walk the planet. We are the most apostate. You’re apostate. I keep the appointed times and feasts. I honor the Sabbath on the seventh day. And those who listen to me, most of them do, too.
If you’ve been listening to my show for one, two, three, four years, you’re head-level knowledge is so far above anybody else’s, because my knowledge comes straight from the throne, and I give it to you.
So, today’s storm was eventful, because there was some kind of ships coming in. Docking somewhere. Some starship up in space. I don’t know what was going on. I just know it was them. It was not a natural occurrence of precipitation and rain. [laughs] We’re way beyond anything natural and normal, folks. Every time it rains and storms, you can bet there’s a reason behind it, they’re hiding something. Of course, I like the rain. I don’t mind the rain. We need the rain. Rain’s not a curse, rain’s a blessing. They can keep the high winds to themselves.
Put shields over your homes, folks. Protect them from high winds. I’ve taught you how to put shields up. You’re gonna need that in the next coming weeks. Also, I don’t know why it works, but it does. Putting a bowl of vinegar out works, too. It doesn’t matter what size. Just put a bowl of vinegar out and you’ll see the winds leave your area alone. At least, your yard alone. I don’t know why it works, it just does.
Orgone in your area. It’s almost like the double whammy. You gotta have the orgone, and you gotta have the vinegar, and put the shields up, and you’re set. You’re set.
What’s going to be the most annoying for people is the fact the grid is going to be down for probably three, four weeks. Once you lose your electric on the first day of the high winds of the pole flip, you won’t get it back for another three weeks. So, prepare. Prepare, prepare, prepare.
I’ve seen these 5-gallon buckets with toilets seats on them. Haha. You can get them at Amazon. I saw those years ago, and I think I bought one and threw it in the garage. I was looking at those again thinking, “You’ve got to have backup toilets, because toilets are not gonna work without the electric.” Most people who don’t go through the electric not working, if you live in the country, you’re used to it. But you city folks, let me tell you something. The electric goes out, the water doesn’t run. So you’re not gonna be able to flush your toilets with no electric. Because the water does not run.
So there’s a news flash for everybody in the city who’s stuck in apartment buildings and townhomes, and the electric goes out, and your toilets aren’t gonna flush. You better have backup. Composting toilets, buckets with bags and toilet seats, stuff like that. Think ahead, folks. Because, trust me, if you ladies are leaving men to the worry of preparing, they do not think like we do. They’ll tell you to go out and find a tree. And, probably, most of them will be blown over. Who knows what they’re gonna look like after a pole flip?
You know, Enoch says, in the last days all the seasons are gonna be out of sync. The calendar is going to be totally turned around. This will all come about after what the New Agers call is a time of cleansing. [laughs] Time of cleansing’s what they call it. Bible calls it judgment. Science calls it a pole flip. So prepare.
You’re all focusing on the wrong stuff. You’re all focusing on, “Ooh, what am I gonna buy if the currencies revalue.” What are you gonna buy? Who cares if you’re rich, there’s gonna be nothing to buy. You’ll all be making your millions on Bitcoin and blah-blah-blah. You’re not taking it with you. Most of you are going to be dead. You people, putting your faith in your riches and your underground bunkers. I will cheer you on, all the way to your underground bunkers. “Yes, have a safe passage to your underground bunkers. Because you’re just dead men walking.”
How’s that for justice from the Most High? You can’t have love without justice. You cannot urinate on His people, and then expect to just smell like a rose. He’s not gonna let you get away with it. There’s always judgment coming. What do they call it, karma, in the Asian religions? We call it justice and judgment in the Bible. And for a lot of you, it’s coming. And for a lot of us, we pray that it comes and is speeded up. So what’s in the Father’s tool box, if He wants to pull it out of His tool shed, “Oh, look. My people have been praying that this person be destroyed. OK.”
You can be the lamb. And you can pray for the forgiveness and salvation—no, you can’t do that for these fallen beings, because they’re not even human. And a lot of you waste your time on these beings. But you can be the lamb, and do that. Or you can be the lion, and pray for their destruction. Me, I prefer the lion, because I’m done being lamb to enemies. It doesn’t work. I mean, if you disagree with somebody, and you don’t like somebody, that doesn’t make them your enemy, does it? You just don’t agree with that person. And you just move on. I can’t think of anybody I hate. There’s a lot of people I don’t agree with. Doesn’t mean I hate them. I don’t count them as a enemy.
My enemies are Father’s enemies. The ones I go after are the fallen. The fallen here to hurt mankind. Those are enemies. Those are who I go after. And I pray for their death and destruction. Because they just wanna harm, and harm, and harm, and kill humans. My war is not with humans. My enemies are the Father’s enemies. And that’s a huge cry different from just being—uh, not liking something, or being ignorant about something, or not getting along with someone. That doesn’t make them your enemy. An enemy is someone who wants to kill and destroy you.
Sometimes things are just blatantly mistranslated. In the KJV, there’s a point people just wanna sit down on their couches and wait for the Father to come get them. It just makes them so ineffective. Puts you to sleep, makes you ineffective. I’ve been yelling, “Get off the couches. Get off the couches. Get involved.”
Father asked, “Who will stand up for Me against the wicked.” I will. I know a lot of people will. And lot of people will be, like, “[makes sharp sighing sound] Where’s the love in that? Pray for your enemies.” And they’ll be preaching—they’ll be quoting KJV stuff. It’s, like, “OK. Whatever.” [laughs] You sometimes can’t win. Some of these people just do not have callings on their lives, because they’re just beyond repair. They’re gonna start at the bottom floor and have to work their way up in knowledge, and skills, and stuff, because they just wasted so much time on earth in lala-land. And in religious mind control, religious programming. Hmm.
So, the pole flip, which is imminent. And I’m being amused by the continued fakes around us. There’s many of them, folks.
Let’s see. I told you about the small ears, and no lips. The sliver a the top lips, that’s the biggest giveaway now, that you’re looking at a synthetic.
The tranny phenomenon. With the huge heads and big necks, and tiny shoulders and high foreheads. The men are the worst—the female to men are the worst. They really are. Because some of them can get—they pump all that testosterone, and they pump weights, so you really can’t tell that they’re men [Sherry means women –transcriber]. It’s,like, “What?” You really have to look harder, you have to know the stuff to look for, and just harder.
With women, it’s easy. “Turn around. Let me see the back of you.” Because no matter how many surgeries you have, no matter how much estrogen you wanna pump, when you see somebody from the back, you can tell if it’s a woman or a man. Hands down. Hands down. A woman’s butt, you cannot change, unless you wanna be Kim Kardashian and put in ten-mile paddings on your rear. But a woman’s figure, from the back, is just so cut and dry from a man’s figure, from the back. You know when you’re looking at a man, from the back. The butt is just something you cannot—most of them don’t even think of having to reconfigure. And that’s the easiest way to tell sometimes is just the butt.
When they had a picture of Prince William putting on suntan lotion on Kate Middleton’s back, when they were dating, I died laughing. I wasn’t even into the tranny agenda then. I’m thinking, “That’s a man. Look at that butt. That’s the butt of a man. That is not a woman. And they said that was Kate Middleton. I died laughing. All trannies, folks. They do it in your face. It’s in your face, constantly.
Look at all the models, Victoria’s biggest Secret—because none of them are really women. That’s the secret. None of them are women. The pageants, Miss America pageants, a lot of them trannies, straight up trannies. I don’t watch them, but a lot of them straight up trannies. Oh, look who’s involved with that; Donald Trump. Donald Trump has been the biggest supporter of the tranny agenda than anybody else I know. He is a huge supporter of the tranny agenda. Look at how many YouTube videos there are of Melania being a tranny. Now you know.
All of them have to be. If you wanna be in government politics today, your spouse has to be a tranny. Did you know that? Michelle—Michael—that was a tranny. It started with Barbara Bush, that I know of, because that was a Bob. And then, uh, I don’t know that Killary [Hillary Clinton] ever was a tranny. She was just a witch. She was a high-ranking witch. I think they jumped over Killary, because Hillary was just Hillary. May be, I don’t know. I might have missed that one. I know Barbara Bush was a Bob. Then you look at Michelle—Michael. And now you look at Martin; that’s supposed to be Melania. And then you look at the other countries, their wives; trannies. Look at the Royal Lizards; trannies.
It’s all in our faces, folks. They creep in. Creep in amongst us. One of the things the Father was telling me about that scripture [Jude 1:4]—um, let me see if I can go back and find it. They crept in unawares, which means they look like you and me. They look human, they look like us, but they are not like us, they hate the Father. It is speaking about those who are the replacements coming in for humans. Those who have been replaced, soul scalped, taken over by these fallen entities looking for bodies to operate in the third dimension. They creep in unawares. They look like you and me. And they mingle with us. They pose as believers. They pose as Christians in our churches. But they really have no love for the Father. They don’t have a real love for Him. They’re pretenders, they’re fakes, they’re counterfeits. They’re there to lead people away from Him, instead of to Him. They lead the apostasies and the doctrines of devils.
So, anyway, folks, just somethings I wanted to throw out there. Because there’s not a whole lot of time left. What’d I say, four to six weeks? You can just feel it. You can just feel something…something’s gotta give, something’s gotta blow. It’s almost like the bomb that you’re just waiting—the hand grenade, you’re just waiting for somebody to pull the pin. Yep.
They’re all waiting for us to make our move, and we’re waiting for them to make their move. That’s always the stalemate. Because everyone’s waiting, and no one’s moving. The longer they wait, we just get more orgone out and crash more of their ships.
Somebody put out a video the other day. 34 fireballs in the sky. [laughs] You better believe those are UFOs crashing. They come into our orgoned air and they crash. People are, like, “Oh, there’s something going on with the magnetic air, and these ships are crashing.” Those aren’t airplanes, those are UFOs. And they’re crashing because of the orgone. The orgone melts their technology.
We never get credit. They give us credit, because they’re pissed as heck we’re crashing their UFOs. But the scientists and the Christians won’t give the Orgone Warriors credit. Oh, heck no. They’re too busy hating on us. “Oh, orgone, that’s evil. It’s witchcraft.” Really? Did you ask the Father about that? Because if you have a problem with crystals, you’ll have a problem with heaven. He uses gemstones for His own purposes and His own glory, just as the breastplate of the priests. Some of these same Christians will be the ones trying to tell God how He’s supposed to do things. That’s how arrogant they are. They don’t know Him. They don’t talk to Him. But they have an opinion on everything in regards to Him.
When I asked the Father for a way to destroy the strongholds of Lucifer, He led me to orgone. Now look what it’s doing. And it will be the one thing that protects people in the coming pole flip. It will be an area of protection for them, a source of protection. Especially when the creatures are let loose on earth. “Oh, that’s just a minor aspect of the pole flip.” [laughs]
Someone asked me, “What happens after the three days of darkness, where do the creatures go?” I have no idea. I have no idea what happens to them. But for three days of darkness, they’ll be on earth. Eating, and assassinating, and killing humans, the wicked. Because the Father sends them after the wicked. He tells the righteous, “Stay in your homes.” And so, if you’re righteous, you’ll listen to the Father, and you’ll stay in your homes during the three days of darkness.
I’ve already warned you, get rid of the candles, get rid of the lanterns, the oil lamps. Don’t use any of that stuff. It will cause fires in all the earthquakes and the rumblings and the wind blowing. Use batteries. Start stocking up on lanterns that take batteries, flashlights, headlamps. Stay away from anything that can catch on fire. Just use the batteries. And I just bought, like, a hundred batteries on eBay for, like, 30 bucks, so. And Amazon has those cute little lanterns. They take, like, four batteries in there. They’re those LED battery—er, lantern things. I love them.
Anyway, folks, I’ll be back on Wednesday. Don’t forget to support your favorite ministry on the planet. Go to and keep me on the air.
Until Wednesday, folks. Yah bless.