The Silent Invasion...Has Begun...
Sherry Talk Radio
Originally Aired on
January 16, 2006
And hello everybody. Is the real Dick Cheney dead and gone? I was talking to Peggy Kane
earlier this week. Apparently the reptilians who talk to her have claimed that Dick Cheney…the
real one is dead and gone. That he was tortured. They had gouged out his eyes and then
beheaded him. So the Vice President we have now, the Dick Cheney that we’re seeing, is just a
soul-scalped one. Just a clone. I don’t know if it’s true, but I really wouldn’t doubt it. I posted this
on my blogger.
I want to get into several things tonight. Just stuff that the Lord has brought to my mind. So
many things are happening in 2006. This is another set up year. This is going to be….it’s one
of those years where so many things can happen, and we have to wait and see if they do. I
saw the same kinds of things in 2004; where so many things could have happened that year
and a lot of things were delayed and exposed.
Once you expose their plans, they usually back off of them. They like the element of surprise.
So once their exposed, they’ll usually go to Plan B or C or D.
So its kindof amazing that this whole Avian Flu thing is still going on. It is out there. It’s still a
viable threat, so don’t take your eyes off of that one.
Still coming up; war with Iran. Even Syria. These are all the Middle East going into a big fireball.
This is part of their plans. So these things aren’t just happening out of thin air. They all work
very closely together. They’re all scripting this together. So it’s not a single minded event as
you might think it is. Everybody has their part of the script that they play. They all work behind
this. They’re all in cahoots on this. So whether the Mid East blows up this year or not remains to
be seen. What they wanted to do out of this whole thing in the Middle East, is just have the
whole place on fire and then have their Antichrist; their Sananda descend to Earth in a host of
It was all part of their Blue Beam project they had planned years ago. I expose it on my website
The Watcher Files. There are several other places on the internet that talk about the Blue
Beam Project, the Illuminati’s plans and how they were going to bring in their savior of the world
– who we refer to as the Antichrist. It was all going to be techno….Hollywood sound stage on
the televisions. It was really going to be decked out. So I don’t know if that’s still their plans. I
don’t see that they’ve changed, because they still plan on blowing up the Middle East. They
want to mimic Armageddon. Our Yahushua comes at the Battle of Armageddon. So what they
wanted to do was to ignite their own World War 3 and then bring in their “savior.”
Of course we know that Satan comes first before Yahushua comes. Satan is going to come and
try to implement the world into a whole global government, have a one world religion and have
one global economic system; where everybody has to get his mark - number or name on their
right hand or forehead to even participate in the global economy. The Bible warns us about this
in Revelation chapter 13. So they have their own ways of trying to bring all this into happening.
We just sit back and can watch what’s happening and kindof tell where we are on the prophetic
timetable. I’ve always said that people will have no idea that we’re in the Tribulation Period until
Satan comes in the clouds himself. And most of churchianity…Christianity doesn’t expect to be
here to see that. They all expect a rapture to take them off of the Earth and they won’t be here
for any bad things to happen. And that’s not true. We are going to be here for some of that.
The Lord will protect His Church. The Lord promised the Church of Philadelphia that HE would
save them from the hour of temptation. It all comes down to what is the hour of temptation.
These people want to interpret it as the entire tribulation period, and that’s not so. The hour of
temptation that comes upon the world is once Satan enforces his mark. That is the hour of
temptation that comes upon the world. Of course the Church of Philadelphia will be safe from
that. I do believe that these believers will be hidden…or there is sometime of rapture away from
this, right before this event begins. It does not mean that we won’t be here for all of the events
that happen up until this point. I believe we will all see him coming in the skies, coming in the
clouds mimicking the Lord and the whole world being deceived by it. So we’re going to see this.
Besides that, we have more destructions coming. We’ve got famines and plagues and natural
disasters. More and more Katrina’s coming. Just much more destructions coming, folks. So you
have to be prepared for just about anything. They like the element of surprise. They work of the
element of surprise. So I’ve been warning people exactly who and what is in charge.
By violent aliens and demons. People are being possessed. They're being. All of them always
relize that. The reason you really can’t tell one way or the other; you always see the term
“coma’ when it comes to George Bush. Peggy Kane said something to me that was very
interesting. She said that these people become so possessed by these alien entities that
they’re practically….the real person that’s being possessed is practiclly in a coma. When she
said that my eyebrows just jumped off my head because I’ve seen that term in the Bible codes
all the time, “coma.” It definitely relates to George Bush and I’ve said it all along that he has a
reptilian entity that possesses and controls him. We know that these Illuminati families all do.
They all have the DNA where through blood-drinking rituals that they can prepare their DNA to
be inhabited by reptilians that can posses their bodies and shape-shift back and forth between
humans and aliens. But he’s at the point now…..they’re not friendly beings. Dick Cheney was
afraid of death and was always hiding…..never really being seen in public….hiding and afraid
of them. There is not a glorious ending to any of these people who become deceived by it all.
The promises of wealth, fame, power and fortune…but they know what awaits them at the end.
What awaits them when they die. The lies they were told even getting into this stuff….they
would have great power and wealth in the next life. It’s all lies. They realize that. All of them
always realize that. That they were lied to. So what awaits them they are afraid of and they’re
afraid to die. Hopefully other people will learn just reading my stuff; reading my sites and
listening. There is no pretty end to anyone who worships Lucifer. The Bible clearly states what
awaits all those who reject the Most High. That is the second death- the eternal Lake of Fire.
Other things I mentioned on my blogger this week; I don’t know if I really want to get into all this.
You can read my blogger at What I really want to get into is
something that the Lord told me this morning. After I posted my on blog this morning about
staying out of the traps; staying out of the Satanism’s and the New Age groups. All those
people are candidates for being taken over and they have been. So the Lord gave a word this
morning and I want to talk about that. I was sitting here thinking about the coming alien
invasions. I was thinking to myself, “We’re already having one. We’re all waiting for them to
come in the skies with their UFOs…”
Look around you. People are being possessed. They’re being soul-scalped. Millions of people.
I hear from people all around the world who buy Orgone and send me emails telling me, “they
no sooner planted it around their house and the neighbors are moving out. “ Evil can’t stand to
be around good. This Orgone that I make repels evil and they can’t stand it. It made me realize
how much of our society is starting to be infiltrated by demonic and alien entities.
The Lord basically told me this about this coming invasion; this invasion of the fourth dimension
overtaking the third dimension is three-fold.
The first part is a covert, silent invasion. This includes soul-scalping and replacing or
possessing the bodies of mankind with demonic beings. That’s what we’re seeing now, folks.
We’re seeing a covert, silent invasion. What they’re doing is taking over the bodies of everyday
people. Your neighbors, your employers, your employees. You can walk into the shopping malls
and stadiums…public places, and just everyday people are becoming possessed and soul-
scalped by aliens and demonic beings. I’m going to get to why and how they do that in a couple
of minutes here.
Another aspect of this three-fold invasion is the overt invasion, where you’re going to see more
visible UFOs in the skies as they do flyovers to condition and intimidate mankind of their
presence here on Earth. We’re going to see more flyovers. They have said this all along. That
they're going to start flying over more and more and more.
The third part is the elimination of dissenters – the “if you’re not with us, you’re against us”
mentality. They will eliminate all who oppose them. So this invasion coming, of Satan’s kingdom
to our Earth is three-fold. The covert invasion. The overt invasion. And the elimination of
dissenters. That’s pretty much their plan right there.
We’ve been sitting in this covert, silent invasion for a while now. The Lord told me that it’s been
going on for a while now, but He was allowing it up to point because they were claiming their
own. Now He’s going to start warning His own and I’m going to get into that. I was sitting here at
my computer this morning just thinking about the sheer numbers who have already been taken
over and possessed or soul-scalped by alien and demonic beings. The thought of rabid crowds
came to mind. Why would that come to my mind? Because a lot of the violent civil disruptions
and violent protests taking place around the world are being instigated and led by those
working this alien agenda. It’s these pawns who have been soul-scalped who are the most
vicious and violent. They’re the murderers and rapists spreading hate and terror across the
globe today. They’re not even in possession of their bodies. These are pawns that have been
soul-scalped and possessed by violent aliens and demons. These people….these pawns who
have been replaced are soul-scalped and possessed by alien beings to further the alien
agenda of death, destruction, hatred and violence. Whether they know it or not, they’re working
the alien agenda. Lucifer feeds off of abuse, death and suffering.
Those who are sitting in Lucifer’s traps of false religions are now the candidates for possession
and soul-scalping and many in large numbers are falling prey to those tactics. So if you are in a
false religion. I don’t care what country you are in. You are now a candidate and a prime target
to become immediately and automatically possessed or soul-scalped by aliens or demons.
Radical Islam was a creation of our governments to spread hatred and violence. Islam itself was
created by the Vatican, and the Vatican used our CIA to create the “terrorists.” Lucifer and his
fallen angels termed as “aliens” have infiltrated every nation in our world, whether it be through
politics, religion or entertainment. They are moving our world towards one they can control,
through wars, protests and mayhem to create an evil energy source for their evil selves to feed
off of. Then the answers and solutions to the problems that they created help them get to
further control and slavery of the people.
Most people are too dumb to realize what’s going on, or they're not even paying attention. They
have this mentality “the government will handle it” as they head back to sticking their head in
the sands. They're going to believe the government is going to handle it. They’ve got the
problem, reaction and solution. And when the government owns the sand these people stick
their heads in, they’ll have nowhere to go to but reality and by then it will be too late. The alien
agenda is Lucifer’s agenda. The New World Order was an alien creation instigated by them,
and implemented by their pawns in the secret societies that they control. So the New World
Order itself was nothing but a tool and a toy of this alien agenda. The New Age was just
another tool to deceive the gullible who were not overtly involved in politics or mainstream
religions. They just grabbed that whole other crowd. This whole attempt to unify all religions via
ecumenism was just an attempt to defile Christianity with comprising idolatry by accepting and
unifying with pagan religions. Catholicism is steeped in idolatry and paganism and yet our
mainstream church leaders call for unification of the Vatican. The Vatican is Satan’s seat on
Earth. And these leaders have been possessed or even soul-scalped to promote Lucifer and
his agendas, and the sheep just flock to see or listen to them like they were shepherds of the
Another clever deception has been Christian Zionism. The Lord’s people have no business
supporting Israel today. The Khazar Talmudic Jews run Israel today and 90% or more that claim
to be Jews are Talmud worshipers. The Talmud claims that Jesus is boiling in hot excrement in
Hell. They do not accept Jesus as the Messiah and plan to exterminate all who do. At the same
time, it is the Lords people (Churchianity) that have been deceived into supporting them and
sending them billions of dollars in aid every year. The Lord is not returning His people back to
Israel until He returns Himself. When the United Nations declared Israel a nation in 1948 it was
to soothe their own Illuminati plans of deceptions and world domination. They have deceived
Christian ever since with pro-Zionism cheerleaders such as Hal Lindsey and others who often
wave the Zionist flag for everyone to support Satan worshipping Talmudic Jews. It’s
blasphemous and ludicrous and the churches have fallen for it hook, line and sinker. Anyone
could do five minutes of research and discover that it’s the Khazar Jews that dominate Israel
today. These are the fulfillment of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, who call themselves Jews and are
not. The Khazars are not bloodline Jewish Israelites. It is these Jews that are dominant within
the alien agenda and running most governments around the world today with their Illuminate
agenda backed and supported by the Jesuits and Vatican. Everything goes back to the
Vatican. Why? Because it is Satan’s seat on Earth.
The position and title the Black Pope is the real power in the Vatican, not the white pope. Not
the one that everyone sees playing the position of Pope. It’s the black pope who is Satan’s
second hand man on Earth and runs the governments, religions and militaries of the world.
Satan rules the world through him. And who is the black pope today? Hans Van Kolvembach.
Over the years, the leadership positions in government, military and religions have been
overtaken by aliens and demonic beings to where they now control all the top leadership
positions. I’ve been sounding the alarms on that for years, but now the stakes are changed.
Now that they dominate all the key positions in all areas imaginable, they are moving in to the
public to dominate as many of them as they can.
The Most High told me this, this morning in regards to this:
Yes child they are here in many numbers
A world wide invasion has begun
It has been going for some time now, but it was a select targeting of those who were
already theirs.
Now it’s reaching out to mankind and affecting the populations in every country.
This has been going on for quite some time in a limited amount, but now it is the time
to sound the alarms and warn My people.
They have targeted their own before and I have allowed it. Now they are targeting
Mine and I am warning them.
Those who are not with Me and have their spirits prepared and strengthened in Me
will be overcome by them and I will allow it. I will allow it because I have reached out
to those who call Me by My Name to lead them into truth of their errors and
deceptions and they have refused to listen to Me or to those I have sent to them.
They have refused to listen to My instructions and My warnings and I will no longer
strive for them.
I will give them over to their ways.
I have much patience and if they repent of their ways and return to Me, I will forgive
them and heal them. But they must repent and seek Me.
There has always been a silent invasion, but it will increase and engulf many peoples
of many countries and nations, to prepare for their coming literal presence on Earth.
It is time for many more things to manifest and you will see them Child. I will reveal
them and show them to you.
Warn My people as I lead you to. Those who can hear are of Me.
Prepare My people to head to the mountains and to flee the cities. The time will come
when they are not safe for any of My people. They will be hunted by those who are
here and are coming to target and destroy them.
Yes, they will be looking for My people. My people must flee to the mountains where I
will protect them. Now is the time to prepare. Tell them and warn them of the time that
is coming.
Tell them.
That’s what He gave me earlier this morning.
It’s just so dominant right now. When you look around you, you can see it in people’s eyes. You
get the dead stare. Or you see these people like Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others
where their skin doesn’t real and practically stretched over the thing that is underneath them.
So this is getting very dominant, folks. And as the Lord has said, it’s going to be affecting
populations in every nation on this Earth. A lot these nations are steeped in paganism, steeped
in false religions and errors.
Look at the churches today; 90% of them are sending money and yelling, “Support Israel” when
Israel worships Satan.
So do you really think that the Most High God would want His people sending aide and
supporting a bunch of atheist Satan loving freaks that reject Him as their Messiah? Those are
not real bloodline Jews in Israel today.
There is a handful. There is a minority and they have no voice in Israel. They live there. And
their hands are tied in doing anything about their Zionist government; pretty much the same
way ours are here in the way we pretty much can’t do a thing about our New World Order
government that’s running America.
Our chance of getting them out of power; the window of opportunity is just diminishing. When
they get these guys out of power, the agendas waiting behind the scenes to take over are
going to make these guys look like appetizers. The alien agenda that’s coming is much more
evil and much more wicked than even the New World Order freaks are today, that we’re dealing
with. The constant lies, the constant butchery, and torture that we’re seeing displayed by our
own government and our own military and the aliens pulling their strings across the world in all
the little wars they have our military in just about every corner of the world. We haven’t seen
anything yet. Bush and them are going to look like pansies compared to what these aliens do
that come. Especially compared to what the Antichrists is going to do when he comes, let alone
all these ascended people in the background who say they're ascended masters….and they're
nothing but aliens. This Christ Michael; his name is Hatonn. He runs the New Age part. He
admits that he’s a tall grey alien. You can read it at my website They tell
you openly what they are, but they hide it and they mask it. They preach the good things that
people want to hear; love, unity…we’re going to heal Earths problems…we’re going to solve
your healthcare problems…going to return everyone’s health to them….restore our
environment. With only one little catch - if you’re not with us, you’re against us and we’re going
to eliminate you. So there is no freedom of choice here. There definitely won’t be any freedom
of speech if it has to do with anything in regards against them.
So you haven’t seen anything yet. As bad as the New World Order is, this alien agenda that’s
waiting in the wings behind them to take over power from them. Led by Al Gore and Hillary
Clinton, is a hundred times worse than what we’ve seen with the New World Order. So we’re not
going to get any better getting rid of Bush, Cheney and all these people; it’s going to get much,
much worse. The time has coming when believers of the Most High will no longer be safe from
the alien and demon dominated people around them. People that do not love the Lord are
prime candidates to be soul-scalped and possessed, so these alien and demonic beings can
inhabit a human body. Right now many people around the world are being clobbered by them.
Just as I was writing my article this morning called The Invasion, that’s exactly what’s been going
I’ve been getting emails from people all over the world, so I knew something was up. I knew that
something much more sinister and dominant was happening. Finally the Lord gave me a word
about it this morning that I had just read. Obviously this war; this silent invasion, this covert war
against humanity is becoming more and more and more prevalent today. It’s going to get to the
point where the Lord’s believers aren’t going to be safe living in cities. Every day more and
more humans around the world are becoming possessed and even soul-scalped. And the Lord
is going to allow even His own people to become soul-scalped and possessed as well. And you
might ask why He would allow His own people to? It’s because many of those who call Him by
His Name are sitting happily in errors and delusions, deceiving themselves because they think
they are in the truth, when they are not. They’ve accepted deceptions and lies because they
don’t seek the Lord for His Truth and His Truth in all things. He has warned these people
enough; now they will suffer from their own actions. The only way out of being possessed by
these aliens and demonic freaks is for them to repent and seek Him for forgiveness.
Keep Orgone with you, folks. It repels the evil people around you. See my website at or I received many emails over the past few
weeks from people who have neighbors moving out simply because they planted Orgone
around their homes or simply being plain stared at in public. People who have been possessed
or soul-scalped; anyone who is evil or has an evil entity in them recognizes the positive energy
of Orgone. So they don’t want a thing to do with people that have Orgone. I’ve been saying it all
along, especially for the past year or so- Orgone is a weapon the Lord has given us in these
last days to do exploits with. So we need to be using it. We need to be planting our towns and
our homes. If you leave your house, carry a mini Orgone in your pocket or carry a pendant.
Learn to make it yourself. I have directions on my website. This is one thing that truly repels
evil, folks. Silent invasion is underway and in full force, so be on guard. Make sure you are
walking with the most High and have your spirit strengthened in Him. Recognize what you are
dealing with and when, especially if you work in government, or have to deal with high-ranking
military officials. Most aren’t fully human anymore.
The next step in the three-fold plan is for them to bring it out overtly and start making their
presence to mankind. More and more sightings will be seen until eventually they're just going to
smother us with hundreds…thousands….maybe millions of UFOs in an all out invasion and
literal takeover of Earth. When this happens, its time to head to the hills if not sooner. Do as the
Lord leads you. They are already here by the millions implementing phase one, which is their
silent invasion. When phase two starts you can stick a fork in Earth, because it’s done. Phase
two starts, welcome to the last half of the tribulation period. They’re coming to eliminate the
Lord’s people and those that resist them who can’t be ruled or dominated by them. It’s going to
be an all-out assault on Christians and those that refuse to bow to their presence here. That’s
why the Lord is leading His people to the mountains. Now is the time to prepare. It’s not if this
happens, but when. There is a silent invasion going on and you’ve been warned. Guard
yourselves. Protect yourselves. Seek the Most High for what He wants you to do, or where He
wants you to go. He is giving us time to prepare, so it means it won’t get really bad until 2007 or
2008. Usually when He tells us to prepare for something, usually He gives us a time to prepare.
The time will come when there is no longer time to prepare. You had better be ready and
hidden somewhere. Listen to Him, where HE leads and guides. Ask Him to lead and guide your
thoughts. Learn how He speaks to your heart. Learn how to recognize His Voice. Ask Him to
teach you how.
I hear from people all the time, “How do you hear the Lord’s Voice?” How do you recognize
when the Lord is speaking to you?
Ask Him to teach you how to know. Like I’ve said, we have time to prepare. If you are in the
cities, start planning to get out of them. Try to become more self-reliant and less reliant on
mainstream society. Stock up on food, water and other things if you have to live in the woods
for a while. We have more wars coming, famines, plagues, civil unrest, natural disasters….and
that’s just the beginning. We are heading into the days of the Tribulation, so be prepared and
ready to listen to Yahweh and what He leads you to do.
It’s not going to get any better. We’re not going to go to a pre-9/11 type world where we can sit
and just plan our future. People were worried their about retirement funds….where their kids
were going to go to college. It’s time to get that mindset out of your heads folks. We’re not
going to have a future on this Earth. There are so many things happening now that the only
thing you need to be listening to and planning and preparing for are the times that are coming
ahead. Now more than ever, seeking the Lord, asking Him to reveal to you how to hear Him so
that you can learn how to hear His voice. Ask Him to keep leading and directing your thoughts.
When He does that, He’ll just nudge and nudge and you’ll know its Him. You’re not going to get
peace until He tells you what to do. So there are various ways He works. He’ll lead you to
people. He’ll have someone say something to you. Or He’ll lead you to read something. He
doesn’t work in just one particular way; He works in many different ways. This is definitely a year
to prepare. He had told me that on January 1st and it hasn’t changed. We have time to
prepare. That doesn’t mean that we’re always going to have everything we want, easily
accessible to prepare, so don’t wait until October, November or December to prepare for the
next year. Start doing it now. Start putting a little bit back. Those of you who are on very limited
income, the best way to do it I have found, is to just a couple extra cans here and there. Every
time you go to the store, buy something extra. Just throw it in a storage box. Designate a
storage box and throw it in there. Buy extra stuff. If you see something on sale, buy it and toss
it. You’ll be amazed over time how much stuff you can accumulate, just buying a little extra here
and there. It’s going to be a world of difference when you’re on the run or living out in the
woods and you don’t have any access to society for stuff that you need. So plan ahead.
Especially those living in the cities.
Look around you now. I see it on television. These rabid crowds…it’s just one term that came to
me as I was sitting here this morning. You look in their eyes and they're not even human. They’
re pure black…dead….a soulless stare. It’s just going to become more dominant. It’s going to
become more dominant. The Lord has said the invasion is going to start happening in greater
numbers. All of our key positions; governments, religions, militaries; they’re already taken over
and controlled by alien and demonic entities. So now it’s going to be more of a world-wide
problem as more and more people are possessed and soul-scalped by these beings. And
they're prime targets. They're prime targets because they're not walking with the Lord. They're
not one of His. They’re not walking with Him. And even Christians; the ones He’s tried to reach
and are sitting in errors are just going to start getting worse. Last year it was like you could see
a dividing line forming between the Christians themselves, because it was becoming so
prevalent; those who are just so deceived and those who have gotten out of the churches, out
of mainstream and started seeking the Lord for themselves. It’s going to become even more
dominant this year, folks. And that’s not just between regular people, but between believers or
not, Christians or not.
Be very careful of Christians who are leading churches and leading ministries. Be sure that
they’re one of the Lord’s. Be sure that they're one of His. Don’t take anything face value.
Always ask the Lord. Always seek the Lord to reveal the truth to you in all things. Don’t accept
anything that anyone says without asking the Lord if it’s true.
Learn how to hear Him. Learn how to ask Him for things you don’t have – like discernment,
being able to hear Him. Just keep asking Him for the truth in all things. To reveal the truth to
you. He is our Source. He is our Rock. He is our Lord. So He’s the one we need to be counting
on. Not succumbing to fear. We have nothing to fear from these things. We are warriors. Be
bold in the Lord. If He tells you to head to the mountains because your family needs protected,
then protect your families. Take your children to safe havens. A lot of warriors are just ready to
go to war with these things, but you have to take care of business first and most of us have
children to take care of. Make sure they’re in safe places, then we can go and do exploits for
the Lord. That’s what I’m looking forward to. I’m looking forward taking Satan on. I want to get in
his face just as much as any other warrior out there, or more so. But we have to take care of
our families first. Getting them to safe havens and providing places for other people to go to.
They're going to lose their homes in the coming catastrophes.
I’m trying to get a safe haven prepared for the Lord’s people. If you want to donate money you
can do this at I have a donation button on the site. I don’t have any
more up front for this. So far I’ve got about $2000, and that might buy one acre of land where I
want to buy it right now. So it’s going to take a miracle from the Lord. And that’s what He is; a
God of miracles. I know that He wants to prepare a place for His people and I’m willing to do that
for Him. He has told me to lead His people to the mountains and that’s what I’m going to do.
That’s where we are right now. A year to prepare. A year to get ready. Take care of business.
There are a lot of things coming up the pike in 2007 and 2008. 2009 most likely will be total Hell
on Earth. Probably in total hiding by 2009. I’m not saying that we’re going to be in hiding during
this entire Tribulation period. I’m not saying that at all. I’m just saying that we need to get away
from mainstream population that’s going to be almost dominantly possess and soul-scalped by
alien and demonic beings. You don’t want to be around these people. It’s going to be pure
wickedness and evil here. The Lord is going to move His people away from them. So that’s
where we’re at right now, folks. Just trying to prepare a place and get a place so that we have
one to go to. Obviously the only people allowed in it would be those who would profess Him,
The Most High as Lord, as Yahushua as Lord. It’s going to be a community of believers; that’s
about it. It’s not going to be a controlling one. I’m certainly not running any kind of control group
here. We’re going to need a lot of people to help run this place and become self-suffienciet and
self-reliant so we don’t have to be so reliant on society. We’re going to move away from that. So
that’s where it’s at right now. I’ll keep you updated. Right now…still looking. I have found a lot of
nice land, but it’s simply out of our financial reach, so we do need donations. We do need to
raise a lot of money so that we can find land, so that people know where to go to when they
lose their homes or they need to flee for some reason, out of their cities or out of their areas
and just have the Lord leading people there. So we need to get that set up. We need to get
that established.
I’ve got a lot of laughter out of the whole thing; a lot of mockery out of the Lord’s people who
just find it ludicrous that the Lord Himself would have His people flee to the mountains and hide,
because they expect to be raptured out. If they’re not raptured out before bad things happen
then they fully expect the Lord to just take care of them where they’re at. The Lord is telling
them to prepare to flee to the mountains. You would need a hammer to hit these people over
the head with until they get it. Go back to your couches. Stick your head in the sand and refuse
any kind of pre-warnings from the Lord at all. When you find yourself in the middle of a mud
puddle, you’re going to be reaching out for Him, “Why am I here Lord? Get me out!” He’s going
to turn His back on them. He’s not going to listen to them. Hes going to ignore their cries and
pleas for help. This is a passage in Proverbs that He took me to a couple of weeks ago:
Proverbs 1:22
How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? (Sherry: and these are the couch potatoes)
How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning,
and fools hate knowledge?
They want to criticize everything you say, instead of actually listening to what you do have to
say, then ask the Lord if you’re really from Him.
The Lord says:
Proverbs 1:24-33
Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man
But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:
I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind;
when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they
shall not find me:
For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:
They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.
Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own
For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall
destroy them.
But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
Al l these scorners and these mockers; don’t even plan on calling on the Lord when you’re in
trouble. He is leading you now to prepare. He is warning you. He’s doing what He can now to
open your eyes.
There are always going to be scorners and mockers who have something to say about it. When
they're in trouble they’re going to call upon Him, He says: I also will laugh at your calamity; I
will mock when your fear cometh.
They are not His. These people that talk the talk, but don’t listen to Him….don’t know how to
hear Him. Then when they get in trouble, the first One they’re going to call is Him, and He’s
going to be laughing at their calamities because they're not listening to Him now. He’s telling us
to prepare. So don’t mind when the scoffers and the mockers and the scorners have to say.
Don’t listen to them.
I’ve been hearing it for six or seven years now. People are at the point where they just invent
things about me, because they have nothing bad to say about me, just to discredit me because
that’s their job. People actually get paid by the government to discredit people. So don’t listen
to them. Ask the Lord. Seek the Lord on everything. Ask Him if I’m speaking from Him, and act
People are going to be fleeing their homes. There are going to be more disasters; Katrina’s,
hurricanes, bomb, terrorism, supposed terrorism (which we know is just government
sponsored). There are going to be a lot of things happening this year and into next year….so
it’s the time to prepare. Ask the Lord what He wants you to do and then act according. I don’t
care what part of the world you are in. If you’re on an island, look to get off of it. Look to get to
some mainland. Inside the mainland. The mountains. It won’t help you much being on a
mountain on an island because whole islands are going to sink. Planet X is coming in. As it
comes in, coastlines are going disappear. Mountains are going to disappear. We’re going to
see a re-shaping of a lot of our countries because coastlines are going to disappear…and
islands. If you’re on an island, think about getting off of it. Ask the Lord if He will prepare a way
for you to leave. A lot of people are strapped with money and don;’t have away to leave. Ask
the Lord to prepare a way for you to leave.
Seek Him. Depend on Him. Seek His guidance.
Until next week everybody, have a blessed week with the Lord. Keep asking him every day to
reveal the truth to you in all things. Ask Him to teach you how to pray. Ask Him to teach you how
to hear Him. Three things to keep in mind. Ask for these things daily.
We’ll see you next week. Good-bye.
Originally Aired on
January 16, 2006
And hello everybody. Is the real Dick Cheney dead and gone? I was talking to Peggy Kane
earlier this week. Apparently the reptilians who talk to her have claimed that Dick Cheney…the
real one is dead and gone. That he was tortured. They had gouged out his eyes and then
beheaded him. So the Vice President we have now, the Dick Cheney that we’re seeing, is just a
soul-scalped one. Just a clone. I don’t know if it’s true, but I really wouldn’t doubt it. I posted this
on my blogger.
I want to get into several things tonight. Just stuff that the Lord has brought to my mind. So
many things are happening in 2006. This is another set up year. This is going to be….it’s one
of those years where so many things can happen, and we have to wait and see if they do. I
saw the same kinds of things in 2004; where so many things could have happened that year
and a lot of things were delayed and exposed.
Once you expose their plans, they usually back off of them. They like the element of surprise.
So once their exposed, they’ll usually go to Plan B or C or D.
So its kindof amazing that this whole Avian Flu thing is still going on. It is out there. It’s still a
viable threat, so don’t take your eyes off of that one.
Still coming up; war with Iran. Even Syria. These are all the Middle East going into a big fireball.
This is part of their plans. So these things aren’t just happening out of thin air. They all work
very closely together. They’re all scripting this together. So it’s not a single minded event as
you might think it is. Everybody has their part of the script that they play. They all work behind
this. They’re all in cahoots on this. So whether the Mid East blows up this year or not remains to
be seen. What they wanted to do out of this whole thing in the Middle East, is just have the
whole place on fire and then have their Antichrist; their Sananda descend to Earth in a host of
It was all part of their Blue Beam project they had planned years ago. I expose it on my website
The Watcher Files. There are several other places on the internet that talk about the Blue
Beam Project, the Illuminati’s plans and how they were going to bring in their savior of the world
– who we refer to as the Antichrist. It was all going to be techno….Hollywood sound stage on
the televisions. It was really going to be decked out. So I don’t know if that’s still their plans. I
don’t see that they’ve changed, because they still plan on blowing up the Middle East. They
want to mimic Armageddon. Our Yahushua comes at the Battle of Armageddon. So what they
wanted to do was to ignite their own World War 3 and then bring in their “savior.”
Of course we know that Satan comes first before Yahushua comes. Satan is going to come and
try to implement the world into a whole global government, have a one world religion and have
one global economic system; where everybody has to get his mark - number or name on their
right hand or forehead to even participate in the global economy. The Bible warns us about this
in Revelation chapter 13. So they have their own ways of trying to bring all this into happening.
We just sit back and can watch what’s happening and kindof tell where we are on the prophetic
timetable. I’ve always said that people will have no idea that we’re in the Tribulation Period until
Satan comes in the clouds himself. And most of churchianity…Christianity doesn’t expect to be
here to see that. They all expect a rapture to take them off of the Earth and they won’t be here
for any bad things to happen. And that’s not true. We are going to be here for some of that.
The Lord will protect His Church. The Lord promised the Church of Philadelphia that HE would
save them from the hour of temptation. It all comes down to what is the hour of temptation.
These people want to interpret it as the entire tribulation period, and that’s not so. The hour of
temptation that comes upon the world is once Satan enforces his mark. That is the hour of
temptation that comes upon the world. Of course the Church of Philadelphia will be safe from
that. I do believe that these believers will be hidden…or there is sometime of rapture away from
this, right before this event begins. It does not mean that we won’t be here for all of the events
that happen up until this point. I believe we will all see him coming in the skies, coming in the
clouds mimicking the Lord and the whole world being deceived by it. So we’re going to see this.
Besides that, we have more destructions coming. We’ve got famines and plagues and natural
disasters. More and more Katrina’s coming. Just much more destructions coming, folks. So you
have to be prepared for just about anything. They like the element of surprise. They work of the
element of surprise. So I’ve been warning people exactly who and what is in charge.
By violent aliens and demons. People are being possessed. They're being. All of them always
relize that. The reason you really can’t tell one way or the other; you always see the term
“coma’ when it comes to George Bush. Peggy Kane said something to me that was very
interesting. She said that these people become so possessed by these alien entities that
they’re practically….the real person that’s being possessed is practiclly in a coma. When she
said that my eyebrows just jumped off my head because I’ve seen that term in the Bible codes
all the time, “coma.” It definitely relates to George Bush and I’ve said it all along that he has a
reptilian entity that possesses and controls him. We know that these Illuminati families all do.
They all have the DNA where through blood-drinking rituals that they can prepare their DNA to
be inhabited by reptilians that can posses their bodies and shape-shift back and forth between
humans and aliens. But he’s at the point now…..they’re not friendly beings. Dick Cheney was
afraid of death and was always hiding…..never really being seen in public….hiding and afraid
of them. There is not a glorious ending to any of these people who become deceived by it all.
The promises of wealth, fame, power and fortune…but they know what awaits them at the end.
What awaits them when they die. The lies they were told even getting into this stuff….they
would have great power and wealth in the next life. It’s all lies. They realize that. All of them
always realize that. That they were lied to. So what awaits them they are afraid of and they’re
afraid to die. Hopefully other people will learn just reading my stuff; reading my sites and
listening. There is no pretty end to anyone who worships Lucifer. The Bible clearly states what
awaits all those who reject the Most High. That is the second death- the eternal Lake of Fire.
Other things I mentioned on my blogger this week; I don’t know if I really want to get into all this.
You can read my blogger at What I really want to get into is
something that the Lord told me this morning. After I posted my on blog this morning about
staying out of the traps; staying out of the Satanism’s and the New Age groups. All those
people are candidates for being taken over and they have been. So the Lord gave a word this
morning and I want to talk about that. I was sitting here thinking about the coming alien
invasions. I was thinking to myself, “We’re already having one. We’re all waiting for them to
come in the skies with their UFOs…”
Look around you. People are being possessed. They’re being soul-scalped. Millions of people.
I hear from people all around the world who buy Orgone and send me emails telling me, “they
no sooner planted it around their house and the neighbors are moving out. “ Evil can’t stand to
be around good. This Orgone that I make repels evil and they can’t stand it. It made me realize
how much of our society is starting to be infiltrated by demonic and alien entities.
The Lord basically told me this about this coming invasion; this invasion of the fourth dimension
overtaking the third dimension is three-fold.
The first part is a covert, silent invasion. This includes soul-scalping and replacing or
possessing the bodies of mankind with demonic beings. That’s what we’re seeing now, folks.
We’re seeing a covert, silent invasion. What they’re doing is taking over the bodies of everyday
people. Your neighbors, your employers, your employees. You can walk into the shopping malls
and stadiums…public places, and just everyday people are becoming possessed and soul-
scalped by aliens and demonic beings. I’m going to get to why and how they do that in a couple
of minutes here.
Another aspect of this three-fold invasion is the overt invasion, where you’re going to see more
visible UFOs in the skies as they do flyovers to condition and intimidate mankind of their
presence here on Earth. We’re going to see more flyovers. They have said this all along. That
they're going to start flying over more and more and more.
The third part is the elimination of dissenters – the “if you’re not with us, you’re against us”
mentality. They will eliminate all who oppose them. So this invasion coming, of Satan’s kingdom
to our Earth is three-fold. The covert invasion. The overt invasion. And the elimination of
dissenters. That’s pretty much their plan right there.
We’ve been sitting in this covert, silent invasion for a while now. The Lord told me that it’s been
going on for a while now, but He was allowing it up to point because they were claiming their
own. Now He’s going to start warning His own and I’m going to get into that. I was sitting here at
my computer this morning just thinking about the sheer numbers who have already been taken
over and possessed or soul-scalped by alien and demonic beings. The thought of rabid crowds
came to mind. Why would that come to my mind? Because a lot of the violent civil disruptions
and violent protests taking place around the world are being instigated and led by those
working this alien agenda. It’s these pawns who have been soul-scalped who are the most
vicious and violent. They’re the murderers and rapists spreading hate and terror across the
globe today. They’re not even in possession of their bodies. These are pawns that have been
soul-scalped and possessed by violent aliens and demons. These people….these pawns who
have been replaced are soul-scalped and possessed by alien beings to further the alien
agenda of death, destruction, hatred and violence. Whether they know it or not, they’re working
the alien agenda. Lucifer feeds off of abuse, death and suffering.
Those who are sitting in Lucifer’s traps of false religions are now the candidates for possession
and soul-scalping and many in large numbers are falling prey to those tactics. So if you are in a
false religion. I don’t care what country you are in. You are now a candidate and a prime target
to become immediately and automatically possessed or soul-scalped by aliens or demons.
Radical Islam was a creation of our governments to spread hatred and violence. Islam itself was
created by the Vatican, and the Vatican used our CIA to create the “terrorists.” Lucifer and his
fallen angels termed as “aliens” have infiltrated every nation in our world, whether it be through
politics, religion or entertainment. They are moving our world towards one they can control,
through wars, protests and mayhem to create an evil energy source for their evil selves to feed
off of. Then the answers and solutions to the problems that they created help them get to
further control and slavery of the people.
Most people are too dumb to realize what’s going on, or they're not even paying attention. They
have this mentality “the government will handle it” as they head back to sticking their head in
the sands. They're going to believe the government is going to handle it. They’ve got the
problem, reaction and solution. And when the government owns the sand these people stick
their heads in, they’ll have nowhere to go to but reality and by then it will be too late. The alien
agenda is Lucifer’s agenda. The New World Order was an alien creation instigated by them,
and implemented by their pawns in the secret societies that they control. So the New World
Order itself was nothing but a tool and a toy of this alien agenda. The New Age was just
another tool to deceive the gullible who were not overtly involved in politics or mainstream
religions. They just grabbed that whole other crowd. This whole attempt to unify all religions via
ecumenism was just an attempt to defile Christianity with comprising idolatry by accepting and
unifying with pagan religions. Catholicism is steeped in idolatry and paganism and yet our
mainstream church leaders call for unification of the Vatican. The Vatican is Satan’s seat on
Earth. And these leaders have been possessed or even soul-scalped to promote Lucifer and
his agendas, and the sheep just flock to see or listen to them like they were shepherds of the
Another clever deception has been Christian Zionism. The Lord’s people have no business
supporting Israel today. The Khazar Talmudic Jews run Israel today and 90% or more that claim
to be Jews are Talmud worshipers. The Talmud claims that Jesus is boiling in hot excrement in
Hell. They do not accept Jesus as the Messiah and plan to exterminate all who do. At the same
time, it is the Lords people (Churchianity) that have been deceived into supporting them and
sending them billions of dollars in aid every year. The Lord is not returning His people back to
Israel until He returns Himself. When the United Nations declared Israel a nation in 1948 it was
to soothe their own Illuminati plans of deceptions and world domination. They have deceived
Christian ever since with pro-Zionism cheerleaders such as Hal Lindsey and others who often
wave the Zionist flag for everyone to support Satan worshipping Talmudic Jews. It’s
blasphemous and ludicrous and the churches have fallen for it hook, line and sinker. Anyone
could do five minutes of research and discover that it’s the Khazar Jews that dominate Israel
today. These are the fulfillment of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, who call themselves Jews and are
not. The Khazars are not bloodline Jewish Israelites. It is these Jews that are dominant within
the alien agenda and running most governments around the world today with their Illuminate
agenda backed and supported by the Jesuits and Vatican. Everything goes back to the
Vatican. Why? Because it is Satan’s seat on Earth.
The position and title the Black Pope is the real power in the Vatican, not the white pope. Not
the one that everyone sees playing the position of Pope. It’s the black pope who is Satan’s
second hand man on Earth and runs the governments, religions and militaries of the world.
Satan rules the world through him. And who is the black pope today? Hans Van Kolvembach.
Over the years, the leadership positions in government, military and religions have been
overtaken by aliens and demonic beings to where they now control all the top leadership
positions. I’ve been sounding the alarms on that for years, but now the stakes are changed.
Now that they dominate all the key positions in all areas imaginable, they are moving in to the
public to dominate as many of them as they can.
The Most High told me this, this morning in regards to this:
Yes child they are here in many numbers
A world wide invasion has begun
It has been going for some time now, but it was a select targeting of those who were
already theirs.
Now it’s reaching out to mankind and affecting the populations in every country.
This has been going on for quite some time in a limited amount, but now it is the time
to sound the alarms and warn My people.
They have targeted their own before and I have allowed it. Now they are targeting
Mine and I am warning them.
Those who are not with Me and have their spirits prepared and strengthened in Me
will be overcome by them and I will allow it. I will allow it because I have reached out
to those who call Me by My Name to lead them into truth of their errors and
deceptions and they have refused to listen to Me or to those I have sent to them.
They have refused to listen to My instructions and My warnings and I will no longer
strive for them.
I will give them over to their ways.
I have much patience and if they repent of their ways and return to Me, I will forgive
them and heal them. But they must repent and seek Me.
There has always been a silent invasion, but it will increase and engulf many peoples
of many countries and nations, to prepare for their coming literal presence on Earth.
It is time for many more things to manifest and you will see them Child. I will reveal
them and show them to you.
Warn My people as I lead you to. Those who can hear are of Me.
Prepare My people to head to the mountains and to flee the cities. The time will come
when they are not safe for any of My people. They will be hunted by those who are
here and are coming to target and destroy them.
Yes, they will be looking for My people. My people must flee to the mountains where I
will protect them. Now is the time to prepare. Tell them and warn them of the time that
is coming.
Tell them.
That’s what He gave me earlier this morning.
It’s just so dominant right now. When you look around you, you can see it in people’s eyes. You
get the dead stare. Or you see these people like Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others
where their skin doesn’t real and practically stretched over the thing that is underneath them.
So this is getting very dominant, folks. And as the Lord has said, it’s going to be affecting
populations in every nation on this Earth. A lot these nations are steeped in paganism, steeped
in false religions and errors.
Look at the churches today; 90% of them are sending money and yelling, “Support Israel” when
Israel worships Satan.
So do you really think that the Most High God would want His people sending aide and
supporting a bunch of atheist Satan loving freaks that reject Him as their Messiah? Those are
not real bloodline Jews in Israel today.
There is a handful. There is a minority and they have no voice in Israel. They live there. And
their hands are tied in doing anything about their Zionist government; pretty much the same
way ours are here in the way we pretty much can’t do a thing about our New World Order
government that’s running America.
Our chance of getting them out of power; the window of opportunity is just diminishing. When
they get these guys out of power, the agendas waiting behind the scenes to take over are
going to make these guys look like appetizers. The alien agenda that’s coming is much more
evil and much more wicked than even the New World Order freaks are today, that we’re dealing
with. The constant lies, the constant butchery, and torture that we’re seeing displayed by our
own government and our own military and the aliens pulling their strings across the world in all
the little wars they have our military in just about every corner of the world. We haven’t seen
anything yet. Bush and them are going to look like pansies compared to what these aliens do
that come. Especially compared to what the Antichrists is going to do when he comes, let alone
all these ascended people in the background who say they're ascended masters….and they're
nothing but aliens. This Christ Michael; his name is Hatonn. He runs the New Age part. He
admits that he’s a tall grey alien. You can read it at my website They tell
you openly what they are, but they hide it and they mask it. They preach the good things that
people want to hear; love, unity…we’re going to heal Earths problems…we’re going to solve
your healthcare problems…going to return everyone’s health to them….restore our
environment. With only one little catch - if you’re not with us, you’re against us and we’re going
to eliminate you. So there is no freedom of choice here. There definitely won’t be any freedom
of speech if it has to do with anything in regards against them.
So you haven’t seen anything yet. As bad as the New World Order is, this alien agenda that’s
waiting in the wings behind them to take over power from them. Led by Al Gore and Hillary
Clinton, is a hundred times worse than what we’ve seen with the New World Order. So we’re not
going to get any better getting rid of Bush, Cheney and all these people; it’s going to get much,
much worse. The time has coming when believers of the Most High will no longer be safe from
the alien and demon dominated people around them. People that do not love the Lord are
prime candidates to be soul-scalped and possessed, so these alien and demonic beings can
inhabit a human body. Right now many people around the world are being clobbered by them.
Just as I was writing my article this morning called The Invasion, that’s exactly what’s been going
I’ve been getting emails from people all over the world, so I knew something was up. I knew that
something much more sinister and dominant was happening. Finally the Lord gave me a word
about it this morning that I had just read. Obviously this war; this silent invasion, this covert war
against humanity is becoming more and more and more prevalent today. It’s going to get to the
point where the Lord’s believers aren’t going to be safe living in cities. Every day more and
more humans around the world are becoming possessed and even soul-scalped. And the Lord
is going to allow even His own people to become soul-scalped and possessed as well. And you
might ask why He would allow His own people to? It’s because many of those who call Him by
His Name are sitting happily in errors and delusions, deceiving themselves because they think
they are in the truth, when they are not. They’ve accepted deceptions and lies because they
don’t seek the Lord for His Truth and His Truth in all things. He has warned these people
enough; now they will suffer from their own actions. The only way out of being possessed by
these aliens and demonic freaks is for them to repent and seek Him for forgiveness.
Keep Orgone with you, folks. It repels the evil people around you. See my website at or I received many emails over the past few
weeks from people who have neighbors moving out simply because they planted Orgone
around their homes or simply being plain stared at in public. People who have been possessed
or soul-scalped; anyone who is evil or has an evil entity in them recognizes the positive energy
of Orgone. So they don’t want a thing to do with people that have Orgone. I’ve been saying it all
along, especially for the past year or so- Orgone is a weapon the Lord has given us in these
last days to do exploits with. So we need to be using it. We need to be planting our towns and
our homes. If you leave your house, carry a mini Orgone in your pocket or carry a pendant.
Learn to make it yourself. I have directions on my website. This is one thing that truly repels
evil, folks. Silent invasion is underway and in full force, so be on guard. Make sure you are
walking with the most High and have your spirit strengthened in Him. Recognize what you are
dealing with and when, especially if you work in government, or have to deal with high-ranking
military officials. Most aren’t fully human anymore.
The next step in the three-fold plan is for them to bring it out overtly and start making their
presence to mankind. More and more sightings will be seen until eventually they're just going to
smother us with hundreds…thousands….maybe millions of UFOs in an all out invasion and
literal takeover of Earth. When this happens, its time to head to the hills if not sooner. Do as the
Lord leads you. They are already here by the millions implementing phase one, which is their
silent invasion. When phase two starts you can stick a fork in Earth, because it’s done. Phase
two starts, welcome to the last half of the tribulation period. They’re coming to eliminate the
Lord’s people and those that resist them who can’t be ruled or dominated by them. It’s going to
be an all-out assault on Christians and those that refuse to bow to their presence here. That’s
why the Lord is leading His people to the mountains. Now is the time to prepare. It’s not if this
happens, but when. There is a silent invasion going on and you’ve been warned. Guard
yourselves. Protect yourselves. Seek the Most High for what He wants you to do, or where He
wants you to go. He is giving us time to prepare, so it means it won’t get really bad until 2007 or
2008. Usually when He tells us to prepare for something, usually He gives us a time to prepare.
The time will come when there is no longer time to prepare. You had better be ready and
hidden somewhere. Listen to Him, where HE leads and guides. Ask Him to lead and guide your
thoughts. Learn how He speaks to your heart. Learn how to recognize His Voice. Ask Him to
teach you how.
I hear from people all the time, “How do you hear the Lord’s Voice?” How do you recognize
when the Lord is speaking to you?
Ask Him to teach you how to know. Like I’ve said, we have time to prepare. If you are in the
cities, start planning to get out of them. Try to become more self-reliant and less reliant on
mainstream society. Stock up on food, water and other things if you have to live in the woods
for a while. We have more wars coming, famines, plagues, civil unrest, natural disasters….and
that’s just the beginning. We are heading into the days of the Tribulation, so be prepared and
ready to listen to Yahweh and what He leads you to do.
It’s not going to get any better. We’re not going to go to a pre-9/11 type world where we can sit
and just plan our future. People were worried their about retirement funds….where their kids
were going to go to college. It’s time to get that mindset out of your heads folks. We’re not
going to have a future on this Earth. There are so many things happening now that the only
thing you need to be listening to and planning and preparing for are the times that are coming
ahead. Now more than ever, seeking the Lord, asking Him to reveal to you how to hear Him so
that you can learn how to hear His voice. Ask Him to keep leading and directing your thoughts.
When He does that, He’ll just nudge and nudge and you’ll know its Him. You’re not going to get
peace until He tells you what to do. So there are various ways He works. He’ll lead you to
people. He’ll have someone say something to you. Or He’ll lead you to read something. He
doesn’t work in just one particular way; He works in many different ways. This is definitely a year
to prepare. He had told me that on January 1st and it hasn’t changed. We have time to
prepare. That doesn’t mean that we’re always going to have everything we want, easily
accessible to prepare, so don’t wait until October, November or December to prepare for the
next year. Start doing it now. Start putting a little bit back. Those of you who are on very limited
income, the best way to do it I have found, is to just a couple extra cans here and there. Every
time you go to the store, buy something extra. Just throw it in a storage box. Designate a
storage box and throw it in there. Buy extra stuff. If you see something on sale, buy it and toss
it. You’ll be amazed over time how much stuff you can accumulate, just buying a little extra here
and there. It’s going to be a world of difference when you’re on the run or living out in the
woods and you don’t have any access to society for stuff that you need. So plan ahead.
Especially those living in the cities.
Look around you now. I see it on television. These rabid crowds…it’s just one term that came to
me as I was sitting here this morning. You look in their eyes and they're not even human. They’
re pure black…dead….a soulless stare. It’s just going to become more dominant. It’s going to
become more dominant. The Lord has said the invasion is going to start happening in greater
numbers. All of our key positions; governments, religions, militaries; they’re already taken over
and controlled by alien and demonic entities. So now it’s going to be more of a world-wide
problem as more and more people are possessed and soul-scalped by these beings. And
they're prime targets. They're prime targets because they're not walking with the Lord. They're
not one of His. They’re not walking with Him. And even Christians; the ones He’s tried to reach
and are sitting in errors are just going to start getting worse. Last year it was like you could see
a dividing line forming between the Christians themselves, because it was becoming so
prevalent; those who are just so deceived and those who have gotten out of the churches, out
of mainstream and started seeking the Lord for themselves. It’s going to become even more
dominant this year, folks. And that’s not just between regular people, but between believers or
not, Christians or not.
Be very careful of Christians who are leading churches and leading ministries. Be sure that
they’re one of the Lord’s. Be sure that they're one of His. Don’t take anything face value.
Always ask the Lord. Always seek the Lord to reveal the truth to you in all things. Don’t accept
anything that anyone says without asking the Lord if it’s true.
Learn how to hear Him. Learn how to ask Him for things you don’t have – like discernment,
being able to hear Him. Just keep asking Him for the truth in all things. To reveal the truth to
you. He is our Source. He is our Rock. He is our Lord. So He’s the one we need to be counting
on. Not succumbing to fear. We have nothing to fear from these things. We are warriors. Be
bold in the Lord. If He tells you to head to the mountains because your family needs protected,
then protect your families. Take your children to safe havens. A lot of warriors are just ready to
go to war with these things, but you have to take care of business first and most of us have
children to take care of. Make sure they’re in safe places, then we can go and do exploits for
the Lord. That’s what I’m looking forward to. I’m looking forward taking Satan on. I want to get in
his face just as much as any other warrior out there, or more so. But we have to take care of
our families first. Getting them to safe havens and providing places for other people to go to.
They're going to lose their homes in the coming catastrophes.
I’m trying to get a safe haven prepared for the Lord’s people. If you want to donate money you
can do this at I have a donation button on the site. I don’t have any
more up front for this. So far I’ve got about $2000, and that might buy one acre of land where I
want to buy it right now. So it’s going to take a miracle from the Lord. And that’s what He is; a
God of miracles. I know that He wants to prepare a place for His people and I’m willing to do that
for Him. He has told me to lead His people to the mountains and that’s what I’m going to do.
That’s where we are right now. A year to prepare. A year to get ready. Take care of business.
There are a lot of things coming up the pike in 2007 and 2008. 2009 most likely will be total Hell
on Earth. Probably in total hiding by 2009. I’m not saying that we’re going to be in hiding during
this entire Tribulation period. I’m not saying that at all. I’m just saying that we need to get away
from mainstream population that’s going to be almost dominantly possess and soul-scalped by
alien and demonic beings. You don’t want to be around these people. It’s going to be pure
wickedness and evil here. The Lord is going to move His people away from them. So that’s
where we’re at right now, folks. Just trying to prepare a place and get a place so that we have
one to go to. Obviously the only people allowed in it would be those who would profess Him,
The Most High as Lord, as Yahushua as Lord. It’s going to be a community of believers; that’s
about it. It’s not going to be a controlling one. I’m certainly not running any kind of control group
here. We’re going to need a lot of people to help run this place and become self-suffienciet and
self-reliant so we don’t have to be so reliant on society. We’re going to move away from that. So
that’s where it’s at right now. I’ll keep you updated. Right now…still looking. I have found a lot of
nice land, but it’s simply out of our financial reach, so we do need donations. We do need to
raise a lot of money so that we can find land, so that people know where to go to when they
lose their homes or they need to flee for some reason, out of their cities or out of their areas
and just have the Lord leading people there. So we need to get that set up. We need to get
that established.
I’ve got a lot of laughter out of the whole thing; a lot of mockery out of the Lord’s people who
just find it ludicrous that the Lord Himself would have His people flee to the mountains and hide,
because they expect to be raptured out. If they’re not raptured out before bad things happen
then they fully expect the Lord to just take care of them where they’re at. The Lord is telling
them to prepare to flee to the mountains. You would need a hammer to hit these people over
the head with until they get it. Go back to your couches. Stick your head in the sand and refuse
any kind of pre-warnings from the Lord at all. When you find yourself in the middle of a mud
puddle, you’re going to be reaching out for Him, “Why am I here Lord? Get me out!” He’s going
to turn His back on them. He’s not going to listen to them. Hes going to ignore their cries and
pleas for help. This is a passage in Proverbs that He took me to a couple of weeks ago:
Proverbs 1:22
How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? (Sherry: and these are the couch potatoes)
How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning,
and fools hate knowledge?
They want to criticize everything you say, instead of actually listening to what you do have to
say, then ask the Lord if you’re really from Him.
The Lord says:
Proverbs 1:24-33
Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man
But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:
I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind;
when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they
shall not find me:
For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:
They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.
Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own
For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall
destroy them.
But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
Al l these scorners and these mockers; don’t even plan on calling on the Lord when you’re in
trouble. He is leading you now to prepare. He is warning you. He’s doing what He can now to
open your eyes.
There are always going to be scorners and mockers who have something to say about it. When
they're in trouble they’re going to call upon Him, He says: I also will laugh at your calamity; I
will mock when your fear cometh.
They are not His. These people that talk the talk, but don’t listen to Him….don’t know how to
hear Him. Then when they get in trouble, the first One they’re going to call is Him, and He’s
going to be laughing at their calamities because they're not listening to Him now. He’s telling us
to prepare. So don’t mind when the scoffers and the mockers and the scorners have to say.
Don’t listen to them.
I’ve been hearing it for six or seven years now. People are at the point where they just invent
things about me, because they have nothing bad to say about me, just to discredit me because
that’s their job. People actually get paid by the government to discredit people. So don’t listen
to them. Ask the Lord. Seek the Lord on everything. Ask Him if I’m speaking from Him, and act
People are going to be fleeing their homes. There are going to be more disasters; Katrina’s,
hurricanes, bomb, terrorism, supposed terrorism (which we know is just government
sponsored). There are going to be a lot of things happening this year and into next year….so
it’s the time to prepare. Ask the Lord what He wants you to do and then act according. I don’t
care what part of the world you are in. If you’re on an island, look to get off of it. Look to get to
some mainland. Inside the mainland. The mountains. It won’t help you much being on a
mountain on an island because whole islands are going to sink. Planet X is coming in. As it
comes in, coastlines are going disappear. Mountains are going to disappear. We’re going to
see a re-shaping of a lot of our countries because coastlines are going to disappear…and
islands. If you’re on an island, think about getting off of it. Ask the Lord if He will prepare a way
for you to leave. A lot of people are strapped with money and don;’t have away to leave. Ask
the Lord to prepare a way for you to leave.
Seek Him. Depend on Him. Seek His guidance.
Until next week everybody, have a blessed week with the Lord. Keep asking him every day to
reveal the truth to you in all things. Ask Him to teach you how to pray. Ask Him to teach you how
to hear Him. Three things to keep in mind. Ask for these things daily.
We’ll see you next week. Good-bye.