Sherry Shriner on.....
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, February 2, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
And hello everybody. You’re live; it’s Monday night February 2nd, 2009 . If you have a question for the show, you can send it to [email protected]. I’ll be checking that in and out. It’s been a very tiring day for me. In fact, I’ve spent most of the day sleeping because I spent most of the night working. So I haven’t seen TV at all today. The world could have crashed and I wouldn’t know it. So if I missed something drastic on the news, somebody could let me know. It’s a Monday. I’ve been spending a lot of time out in the garage. In Ohio these winters are getting brutal, or I’m getting too old. I think it’s a mixture of both here.
A couple of things I wanted to talk about tonight. I did an interview Friday night with the Extreme Society show. The link will be posted on their website. Supposed to be sometime today...I just checked and it wasn’t posted yet. I’ll let you know when it’s posted. I also have two interviews this weekend. This Saturday I’m doing an interview with Dr. Rebecca Carley – What’s Ailing America. Then on Sunday, I’ll be doing an interview with Strange Frequencies. I’ll post those links and send them out to my lists probably towards the weekend and give you a reminder that I’m doing those interviews.
I had a real good time Friday night with the Extreme Society Show. Kind of like a panel of people. It was fun. You know, just getting the word out is basically what’s important right now.
The mainstream media. You know, for years....and they spend thousands of dollars on the NSA interns all over the internet in trying to discredit me and make me look like I’m a nut job. Then they go in the Super Bowl and put out a commercial - Lizard Lake . And they just verify everything I’ve been saying for years! So I found it amusing. I don’t know if a lot of you saw that, I posted the link at the You can also go to You and put in “Super Bowl commercial Lizard Lake ”. It was for Sobe.
I’ve warned about these drinks they’re coming out with. Especially if you buy Sobe. I remember when it first came out. Sobe has this Pina Colada drink. I used to drink a lot of that when I was on the road because I loved the taste of that. Then you look at the bottle; it has a lizard on it. I was like, “Oh, my gosh !What is this? It has a lizard on the bottle!” This was back a couple of years ago, when I first got aware it was even out. Now they have out this Life Water. So I did some research on those. I wrote an article, White Powder Gold – The Mono Atomic Destruction of Mankind. They are using these drinks to tweak human DNA. I wrote an article about that last year.
The interesting thing about this Super Bowl commercial was that they have these male actors look men, acting very effeminate. They’re doing ballet and all this silly stuff. At the very end of the commercial, the man shape-shifts into a lizard. It happens very quickly. I’m just amazed that they just verify everything I’ve been talking about. Yeah, keep the discrediting campaigns going and then verify everything I say. It’s kindof funny. Really amusing.
Like I’ve said, stay away from those drinks. It’s about the same thing when this "Jesus" comes and the kool-aid he’s going to be pushing. They have this....I’ve talked about it....the Bible codes call it myrrh. I don’t know. It’s some kind of white powder. You really have to be able to distinguish in the Bible codes if they are talking about this white powder or cocaine, because sometimes it just looks like this white powder? I definitely think it’s different. If someone is a cocaine user addict, the name cocaine will straight up, come up. I’ve warned that Bush was a cocaine addict. We had Clinton . Now we have Obama. It seems like a prerequisite to be President of the United States is to have no ethic, no morals, have no true belief in the One True God and also be a drug addict. Seems to run through as main qualifications to be President of the United States .
The Lord has been showing me lately how they do things. It’s always amusing. It takes a while to soak in too; exactly how they run and control everything. Usually you just look at the opposites. Just look at the opposites because that’s the way they think; they way they work. Look at Obama’s administration. He’s putting in all these Zionists. These NeoCons that we thought we were going to get rid of when Bush finally got his butt bounced out of office. Now the first thing he’s going to do is destroy Jerusalem . You would think he’s putting in all of these Zionists because he’s going to protect Jerusalem , but the truth is, he is going to destroy Jerusalem . They always do the opposites of what they’re going to do. Like if he wasn’t going to destroy Jerusalem , he probably would have loaded his cabinets with.....Arabs or something. I don’t know. He is a pawn of the whole Islam and Arab community. So it’s going to be very interesting.
Remember back in 2001 when I kept warning you guys that 2009 there would be a very dominant female? I figured she would be president because she is so dominant in 2009. And here we are in 2009. Back then I told you it was going to be Hillary Clinton and she wasn’t even a senator of New York . Back then just pretty much known as Bill Clinton’s wife in 2001. Not even heard of very much. I had pegged her as being very dominant in 2009, and that’s exactly the way it is in the codes right now. Hillary is very dominant and she’s going to be pretty much spearheading the complete economic annihilation of this country. While Obama does one thing, Hillary is going to be doing another. It’s going to be like the Bush/Cheney administration. I don’t know why Biden is in there. He might start doing something later. We know in Bush’s administration, Cheney really ran everything. In Obama’s administration, Hillary is the strong one. She is going to be the one to watch out for. It’s going to be interesting.
With Bush we had look-a- likes, we had clones. We had all these things with Bush. You never knew which one would show up for a press conference. Half the time the real one was hiding in an underground base somewhere. They kept him out of the limelight. The same thing is going to happen pretty much I think with Obama. Interesting that with Tim Osama....Osmond...whatever you want to call him; Osama bin Laden and Obama. There are several Osama bin Laden’s and there are several Obama’s. We’re messing with just a bunch of different clones. They’re just being used to market an agenda. They are just pawns.
Hillary is also going to be dominant in crushing Jerusalem . She’s got her hands full this year. She’s going to finish crushing our economy, and then she’s going to go to Jerusalem and crush them. She’s got busy year. I’ve always said she’s going to be dominant in America being in martial law. I do think this will be the year martial law will start in America .
I don’t know about all of these Supreme Court fights; people try to challenge Obama and stuff. They do have something right. Some people say, “Well, he’s president. Why don’ they get over it and just let him be president. And even though he did usurp it and he didn’t win it. Well neither did Bush, because he stole it from Gore.” And you can go on and on and on and on. But the truth is, when they do that and somebody hit the nail right on the head – they can blackmail Obama. They can spend the next few years blackmailing Obama over his birth certificate, over the truth, over this and over that. It’s very true because I see in the codes now how he’s already being blackmailed and bullied. That’s why you need everything legal. So that there are no issues where somebody can blackmail you and then force you to work their agenda for them while you are president. Look at Bush. All he did was work the Oil Cartel agenda the whole time he was president. He was blackmailed up the ying. He had a lot of sin in his life with homosexual behavior and drugs and alcohol. They had him blackmailed up the T. So that’s pretty much the same thing they’re doing with Obama.
We get these ungodly people. We anoint them as king over our nation, and then wonder why our nation is being destroyed. You can just sit back and feel the disgust of God over the whole issue of this country. It’s pretty much turned its back against Him. It’s basically; you get what you asked for. That was pretty much what God had told Israel back in the Old Testament times when He had always been their king. Then they wanted to be like the other nations around them and have their own king and set a king over them. The Lord pretty much told them, “You’re going to get what you asked for. You’re not going to like it.” Very interesting. He always knows what’s best for us, but we always think, “Oh, I know what’s best for me. I want to do this.” So here we go again. Israel as a nation, just going to plunge straight to Hell in a hand basket. That’s pretty much what’s going to happen.
Another thing I wanted to bring up. There was a discussion on my list. Somebody had mentioned something about, “What’s its going to be like during the Millennial Reign?” I find it amusing because this is certainly one thing that the church will think is a mystery that nobody knows. Because they reject most of the Bible at the same time while they act like they are the biggest proponents and teachers of the Bible, they reject most of it. They don’t realize they do it because they’re just so used to doing it.
The Millennial Reign is not going to be any surprise rule by the Lord. The Bible says He’ll establish David in Jerusalem as king over the world at that point. We’re going to be following Torah Law. It’s no big surprise. Now it is to the church because they’ve rejected the Law. The church teaches that the Law was fulfilled....which it was. Which doesn’t mean it was done away with. It just means the sacrificial part of having a perfect sacrifice, which was Yahushua the Son of the God, came and died for our sins and redeemed mankind. The sacrificial part of the Law was fulfilled. It did not mean the entire Law was ended at that point, but that’s the way the church teaches it.
They can’t understand that during the Millennial Reign we will be ruled exactly as David ruled in the Old Testament under Torah Law. The sacrificial requirements are no longer necessary because Yahushua already died. He was the perfect sacrifice, rose again and conquered death. We’re all redeemed. But that doesn’t negate the other 600 and some laws. People think that it’s burdensome, but they don’t really don’t understand the Law itself. If you really look at the Torah Law that the Israelites lived under; there were many laws in regards to business; in regards to society living. It wasn’t just all tedious temple worship and sacrifice stuff. That’s the impression the churches always give you. Even down to just borrowing money; there was no bank set-up. You were not allowed to be charged interest. It was just a lot of protections for people. It covered everything from living on Earth in every aspect. That would be the Law that we will be following in the Millennial Reign.
If you read in Revelation, it even talks about observing the Feasts. We’ll still be observing the Feasts. Even though it’s the Millennial Reign....everything is over. Guess what? We’re still observing the Feasts!! The seven feasts that the Lord established with Israel that the churches rejected. Now they celebrate Easter and Christmas and bunnies. So it’s going to be a shock to most of churchdumb today, that when the Lord comes and sets up His Theocratic rule on Earth during the Millennial Reign, it goes right back to the way the Israelites were ruled in the Old Testament. The church always thinks there’s a hiccup. The Israelites followed that for 4,000 or whatever years, and the church age comes along and all that it null and void. It’s all been replaced by Paul’s doctrines that aren’t even doctrines; they’re just teachings that people accept. Now that the church age is over, we end that and go back to Old Testament times, living under the Law.
If the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever, don’t you think those laws stand today? Don’t you think that they still stand today?
I know the disgust that churches give Messianic Jews thinking they are crazy. Every church does that. Every church thinks they’re the real denomination. That they’re the real church. They all think that.
That’s why I’ve been saying for years; get out of religion and get into a relationship. The churches are apostate. In the last days, it talks about the church of Laodicea . The Lord is standing on the outside of the churches because He’s not involved with the churches. I don’t know how many times He’s told me that He’s not part of them. Everybody always thinks that’s somebody else’s church. “That’s somebody else’s. That’s not my church.” None of them are His. I would be amazed. He told me none of them. So boom, there you go. There you go. There are so many things with the churches today. They have a picture of Satan’s general in them. “Oh look, here’s a picture of Jesus.” They’ve got Satan’s general hanging in all the churches.
I’ve talked about that at I posted a bunch of stuff up this weekend. I spent a lot of time updating my websites, and What I did was post the different scenarios of the different beasts that are coming. I wanted to give you an idea of the things I’ve been seeing in the codes and trying to explain over the past year or two that there are several routes. The one thing I worry about is that I don’t think a lot of people will get deceived by this Maitreya when he comes. Especially America , because he is Arab. America will reject Maitreya either way, because he’s Arab. The Islamic world is gonna love him, but America will reject him. Then you have Jesus coming in September.
The interesting thing is the one 1.6 billion Arabs will reject Jesus, but they’ll accept Maitreya. In America , a lot of them will be fooled by this "Jesus" that’s coming. Because he looks like the Jesus of the churches. I’ve told you who that is. It’s Sananda Esu Immanuel. One of Satan’s generals. "Jesus" is not the Son of Gods real Name. That’s why I give you the importance of calling Him by His real name Yahushua, which means God is Salvation as opposed to Jesus. Yeshua means a horse. Don’t call Him that Talmud name. I don’t like the Talmud name Yeshua, simply because of that. The Talmud is very blasphemous against the Son of God. It’s a very Satanic and blasphemous book. I just stick with what the Hebrews call Him, which is Yahushua. I don’t like the Talmud. I don’t want to go near that thing. I have articles on my website on the Talmud as well. You can read it for yourself and see how much garbage and filth they have in it.
The first scenario being Maitreya coming and Jesus coming. Maitreya is the Antichrist; Jesus is the false prophet. If they have problems with that, which I think eventually they will. They’ll both run into a big problem with the Orgone that we have in the atmosphere; the air, and it’s going to destroy them.
I can see the Orgone causing Maitreya’s forces to crash out of the skies. The UFOs we’re seeing today crashing out of the skies...he’s going to be next. He’s going to be one of them coming down like lightening out of the sky with his UFO. Even Jesus when he arrives. Very tall being and going to be emaciated because of the effects of the Orgone in the air that’s going to destroy them. So I’m looking for both of them to be destroyed. If that happens....if that happens, the next possible scenario would be Obama as the Antichrist and Benny Hinn as the false prophet.
People say no one is going to worship Obama as God and blah, blah, blah. Obama can be incarnated because he is such a shell of a being. He’s a creature; a lizard. The Bible codes call him a beast; an animal; a creature; a lizard. He can be incarnated by Satan very easily. He could be. He’s definitely a candidate. Not so much because he’s Obama, but because he’s the leader of last days Babylon.
If you follow the writings of the Old Testament, they had warned about in the last days, the leader of Babylon playing that role of the man of sin. That’s why I’ve always said, it’s going to be the leader of the United States or if the United States gives control of itself over to a king or somebody else like I’ve been warning about. Especially with Obama giving the keys, you might want to say, to Maitreya to rule over the world. Whoever is leading; whoever is the leader of Babylon in the last days is the Antichrist. It can be our own president. It could be somebody else. Whoever takes control over the United States . That’s simply why there are different scenarios.
Benny Hinn. I’ve posted a lot of stuff on him, to try and wake people up to how evil this guy is. I have waves up of him hissing and growling. You can hear them on my websites. Different stuff that he has said in reverse speech. The Bible codes calls Benny Hinn Satan’s mouthpiece on Earth. He is becoming more and more dominant in the Bible codes. You need to be careful, especially with all these beings in the last days; Obama, Hinn, this Jesus that’s coming and Maitreya. They all use hypnotism to hypnotize the audiences and the people that are listening to them. They all use these hypnotic gestures, their voices. Be very careful of them. I can see in the codes where they use hypnotism. That’s how they’ll get the masses to go along with whatever they want. Some of us are just in shock like, “Well who would follow that? Who would believe that?” But they use hypnotism. Anybody can go along with whatever they want because its going to sound great, “Okay do whatever you want.” They’re under hypnosis and aren’t going to be control of their minds to disagree with these beasts.
The third interesting scenario that I’ve seen is where this Sananda/Jesus that’s coming becomes the Antichrist and Benny Hinn becomes his cheerleader; his false prophet. I can’t at this point....the role of the Antichrist between Maitreya, Obama and Jesus. At this point, it’s whoever survives. This Orgone is going to affect them all. As far as the false prophet goes, Benny Hinn is very strong in that role; waiting to be their cheerleader on Earth. Kindof like their John the Baptist. They talk about Benjamin Creme being Maitreya’s John the Baptist, but if you look in the codes, when he does arrive, it’s going to be this Benny Hinn who’s going to really be his cheerleader on Earth promoting him to America and anyone who will listen to him....which apparently is a lot of people. He’ll be promoting the Antichrist or Jesus or whoever comes. He’s in this whole alien agenda. He’s sold out to Satan. He’s not just a pawn of just Maitreya’s or a pawn of this Jesus/Sananda. He is sold out to the whole alien agenda, so whichever one he is told to promote, that’s the one he’ll promote. He’s just waiting in the wings. Waiting for one of them to show up; this Maitreya to show up.
I found it interesting because I had warned last week about leprosy coming. Not that it’s coming, but it’s already here. (coughing) There’s a huge plague. 15 million people around the world are already plagued with leprosy. I’d seen in the codes where Hinn was in a panic over this leprosy. It occurred to me about the prophecy from Zechariah. It took me a while to find it, but I knew it was in Zechariah somewhere about the false shepherd. I found it online. I did a word search on “shepherd” because I knew it was part of the prophecy. In Zechariah 11: 16 and 17.... (coughing a lot) They don’t want me to talk about this. I feel like I’m choking half the time. It literally feels like someone’s hands are on my neck and I can’t breathe. It says, he will receive a paralyzed or dried up arm and he will go blind in one eye.
Zechariah 11:16-17 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, [which] shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces. Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword [shall be] upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
No one knows how to feed off the flock and fleece the flock worse than Benny Hinn does.
Interesting with this leprosy plague gaining momentum and Hinn being in a panic about it. What would cause his right arm to dry up and his right eye to go blind? These are effects of leprosy. I’m not saying he’s going to get it or anything; I’m just saying there’s just an interesting correlation there. Exactly how this happens to the false shepherd at that point in time, whoever the false shepherd is. If it’s Hinn, or this Sananda/Jesus that comes. It would be even more comical if it was this Sananda because they come as healers. Benny Hinn does too.
The Bible says in Revelation 13 that the false prophet performs many miracles. But he can’t heal himself. (LOL) He has this plague eaten useless, dead, dried up right arm, then goes blind in his right eye and he can’t heal himself. That was almost as bad as when the TBN crowd. When one of them gets cancer, the rest of them just flee. They’re so busy charging everybody else for healings and stuff and when one of their own gets sick, they can’t even heal them. Nobody ever catches this stuff.
I remember calling in to one of Pat Robertson’s shows back when I was in college and just being a brat. I was going to call in and hassle him a little bit during one of his shows. After the phone rang about 100 times, somebody picked up, apologized for the phone ringing so many times and said that half the staff was out sick that night. The first thing I said to this woman who had answered the phone was “Isn’t he a faith healer. He can’t even heal his own staff, but he’s on television telling people to put their hands up to the screens and he’ll heal them?” It really just shocked her. She didn’t know what to say. Because it’s all a scam, folks. It’s all just a business. That’s the way it’s going to work. Benny Hinn and Jesus/Sananda will both be a mess in the last days. Either one plays the role of the false prophet. Yeah, these things are coming.
Another interesting thing with the Antichrist being that he suffers a head wound. Literally, actually dies and comes back. It’s not to when he comes back that he’s worshipped as God. Because he dies and then he comes back. The false prophet says, “Look he’s coming back. He is God!” I don’t think people will worship him as god at the time of his rule, but when he dies and then comes back is when the big push for worshipping this creature as God will happen. Some people say, it’s just describing his kingdom. He suffers a head wound meaning he loses part of his forces or whatever. It could take that route. I could buy that route.
Other interesting thing I see often in the codes is the term “coma”. I’ll see the term coma come up, so I believe whoever dies will just go into a deep coma. They’ll claim he’s dead and hold a state funeral and have this huge funeral and blah, blah. Probably later, I don’t know how much longer later. Probably 3 days to mimic the Lord Himself when He died and rose again three days later. Then three days later, he is going to rise. They’re doing everything in a mimic with Bible prophecy. It’s gonna be interesting.
Also rumblings out of the New Age camp. This whole facade they had planned with the whole Blue Beam project and all that. It won’t happen. A lot of that stuff won’t happen now that the Illuminati... because there are two agendas. You’ve got your New Age agenda and your Illuminati agenda. This Blue Beam won’t happen now. Because they can’t make it happen. We’ve destroyed their whole billion dollar technology with the whole chemtrail issue. We’ve been able to defeat chemtrails with the Orgone Blasters. So if there is an area that is saturated with Orgone, the chemtrails won’t stick. They need these chemtrails to serve as aerosols for their holographics to make the whole Blue Beam project work. So it’s not going to work. I’m watching for different routes that they’re going to use to see if they do stick with the Blue Beam and all that.
It’s always just the thing, folks. You never know exactly what they’re going to do until they do it. The thing is, when you listen to shows like this, you’ll have an idea of all the different plans that they have. When they pull it out of their hat, you’re going to recognize it. That’s what this show is about; informing people of what’s coming so that you’re not taken by surprise. No matter what happens, you’re prepared. You’ve been warned. You’ve heard about that. You knew it was a route. What I’ve been saying over and over and over; don’t stick to just one interpretation and one route of how things are going to happen, because they don’t. Satan doesn’t. He has two or three different routes he can take and that’s what he’s going to do. When you become familiar with that then you know what’s going to happen.
The church is all about being right and having one interpretation. I’m not into being right; I’m into being informing.’s a route they can’s a route over here. And just keeping people aware. There are a lot of deceptions coming up. The church; when I say “the church” it’s basically everybody under this religion/mind control. The churchianity-dumbianity crowd. Instead of asking the Lord every day for the truth in all things, they seek man on Sundays. Every Sunday faithfully because that’s what they think will get them saved and get to Heaven. They seek man for the truth and the answers and they don’t have it. They are apostate. They’re apostate. The Lord has pulled most of His true people out of the churches. Now, He does stand up shepherds in the land and I’ve heard from them. There are good men out there that are leading the churches today. Albeit, they have no fame, they have no fortune, but they have small congregations who love the Lord. That’s more power than any one of these mega churches. These Joel Osteen’s, Benny Hinn’s and Kenneth Copeland’s who sit there and worship Satan all day long.
Stick with what the Lord has you doing. If He has you as a leader over a small congregation, then stick with it. If He’s telling you to leave, leave. It’s not a time not to be listening to Him. You don’t want to be wasting your time because we don’t have a whole lot of time left to build fruits for eternity.
People don’t understand that everything we do here on Earth determines what you’re going to be doing for eternity for the Lord. If you won’t listen to Him now on Earth, how high do you think you’re going to rank in responsibility in eternity....the Millennial Reign or whatever? That’s what you need to be thinking of, folks. Building fruit for Him. You think, “I’m not a pastor. I’m not a radio show person. I’m just a mom. I’m just a dad. There is nothing special about me. I’m not an author. I’m not this. I’m not that.” You know what? Do what the Lord leads you to do because that’s what counts to Him. If you are a reliable go-to person, that’s what counts to Him more so than if you’re some kind of televangelists or a radio person or if you have a website. Just being a dependable go-to person for Him. If He tells you to do something....walk down to the end of your driveway and throw a loaf of bread across the street and come back home. No matter how crazy it sounds and you do it and don’t think twice about it because you know it’s the Lord telling you to do that and you don’t care what the outcome is – you are a go-to person then. That’s what builds your credibility in the Lords eyes. How dependable you are. How reliable you are. He just tells us to do things. The results are up to Him.
I’m not here running a radio show trying to convert souls. You’ll hardly ever hear me sit here and just preach salvation message over and over every week. I hardly ever do that simply because I’m not here to lead souls to Christ. This is not the focus of this radio show. This radio show is to wake people up. Most of the people that listen to this radio are already saved; they’re just wandering aimlessly throughout their lives without purpose because they don’t know to put it back into focus under the leadership of the Lord Himself so He can lead them into what they’re to do. I’ve always said I’m not here to build an army; I’m here to wake one up. So as the times get closer, then you’re going to see the message switch from one of being warriors to one of being evangelists and reaching the lost. I know that over the years, many people have come to the Lord listening to my radio show and reading my websites. That’s just part of the territory because I do love the Lord. I can’t help that. That’s why I’m here and why I do the work I do. My main focus is tearing down the strongholds of Satan. That’s why I focus so much on that.
I know about my own kids.....especially when they’re little; as much as I rag on churches. When they’re little, you really want them to get in as much teaching as they can about the Lord, the Bible and the disciples. So I would put them on a bus to go to a Baptist church. I wanted them to learn everything like I did when I was little. I went to a Baptist church when I was little and even as an adult until the Lord pulled me out. I won’t digress. I put the kids on the bus to go to the church, and by the time they were 8, 9, 10 years old they’re sick of it. They’re sick of it. My son was like 12 years old and goes, “I’m not going to church anymore, Mom. I learn more in one hour on your radio show than I have in 5 years going to that church.” That’s basically week in and week out; all it is, is salvation messages. When you only have 50 – 60 kids in a youth program.....every week it’s the same message. They’re not feeding their flocks. They’re just controlling them with brain dead messages. After a while these kids don’t even listen to it. It’s time to move on and get fed. If you’re not getting fed in your churches, move on to where you can be. I know; I was the same way when I was young at 8 or 9 years old. If they weren’t talking about Bible prophecy, I wasn’t listening. All I wanted to hear about was prophecy. Let’s talk about the second coming of Jesus. That’s what I called Him back when I was little. Jesus; because that’s what the churches tell you to call Him. I started reading on my own. I started having to do research on my own and started going from there because I just couldn’t get it from the churches.
Today so many people just don’t know prophecy. The emails I get from people; even the church crowds are amazing. They don’t know a thing about prophecy. The churches don’t teach it. They don’t talk about it. There is a specific purpose and design in that. When things start to happen, people are blind, dumb and stupid and don’t know what the Bible says about it so they can’ recognize it as a deception. There is a real design in a lot of these pastors not speaking about Bible prophecy in the last days. It’s not their fault either, because as Christians, as Believers, people should be reading the Bible and becoming familiar with what the Bible says. Most people today are just so lazy. They will not read a book. They won’t read a book. I know how it is. I can’t get my son to pick up a book and read it. It’s real easy, folks. You can go anywhere online and read a Bible now. At you can sit and read chapter after chapter, book after book all day. So you don’t want to sit and read? You can point and click. No excuse not knowing what the Bible says.
How many’ve been a Christian for 20, 30, 40 years have never read the Bible from front to back, cover to cover and then come online and argue with me over what it says? I’ve read the Bible 100 times. I’ve read some of those books 1000 times. You always get these people with the big kahuna shoes who want to argue and they’ve never even read the whole Bible. Until you’ve read the whole Bible, how can you sit and pinpoint what makes sense and what doesn’t? What fits in and what doesn’t. What makes sense and what doesn’t.
I’ll tell you what. When you throw out all 13 books of Paul’s, the Bible totally makes sense. That’s where the confusion comes in. Everything switches when you start to get to Paul’s books. Everything switches in the entire Bible at that point. It’s no longer about Yahushuah/Jesus and the Apostles; it’s about Paul. When you throw him out and you just take the Bible for everything else it says – it all makes sense. That’s a huge reason that most people can’t grasp the Bible today.
I know. When I was little, the only verses I would memorize were Paul’s stuff. My favorite books were Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Galatians. Those were the verses I would memorize and read all the time. I liked Timothy. I couldn’t understand Revelation at that point. I would read Hal Lindsey and everybody else because I couldn’t understand Revelation; it was amusing to me. Very amazing. A beast with seven heads and 10 horns coming up out of the sea. That was wild; especially as a kid reading that.
So you learn that symbolism is being used. The codes today are pretty much the same way. You’ll see a word that’s being spoken in the codes that actually means something else. I think all my studies where trying to figure out Revelation and interpreting Revelation is what has helped me to analyze and interpret the codes. When you see terms being used, you know that they’re not literal. The Hebrew’s were using that for a different meaning. It comes very much in use. Everything I’ve done growing up has prepared me for the things and the route and the ministry I have going today. I look back in hindsight...oh, that did help; yeah that did help. My life hasn’t been a complete waste. My college education wasn’t a complete waste.
I get that all the time. “You have three degrees and you don’t work? You don’t have a job?” People just think you’re a lazy bum because you don’t have a job or something. I do have a job. I just don’t get paid for it here on Earth. I’m not building my kingdom on Earth.
February – it’s going to be an interesting month, folks. Watch for the further destruction of our economy. Which is no big surprise. I hear a gasp across the audience now. The government; I don’t know when they will announce their bankruptcy, but I think the end of the month...this is going to be a signal month. This is going to be a very telling month especially if Maitreya will get his whole thing going with his Day of Declaration. I’ve seen Obama working, trying to get his Day of Declaration on the media. Obama is behind the scenes on this one. You can read about Maitreya’s Day of Declaration at my websites, or I think I even have it at I’m trying to get all three websites working together right now. Obama is working with him on that right now. I don’t know if it’s willing or blackmail. I’ve seen it where Maitreya is blackmailing Obama. He’s a bully. It’s going to be interesting to see those two working together.
That’s the biggest things and the next things I see on the agenda; and the clampdown on Christians. Obama isn’t going to be the pushover that Bush Jr. was. Bush Jr. was clueless and had no idea what was going on. Wouldn’t believe things that were going on. Because he never went on the internet. Obama is the complete opposite. Hillary Clinton too. She’s not going to put up with anything either because she’s always on the internet. They’re very aware of what’s going on and what’s being said. They’re going to be clamping down on the bigmouths. You better believe that one. I don’t know how much time the bigmouths will have left to be on the internet. I don’t see anything clamping down in February, but February could be a very significant month just for the finishing off of our economy. The tanking. The drowning. Whatever you want to call it.
The rumor mill in the New Age camp is....and I’ve always said it anyway; that he’s going to crush the Federal Reserve. He’s going to put an end to the Federal Reserve and start this NESERA program. Of course, they’re not going to come out and call it NESARA. They’re going to call it the "Reformation" or whatever.
They’re trying to change the names because everybody can associate with what NESARA is, or a lot of people can because I’ve been harping about it for so long; this NESARA beast economic program at the end of the days, that they’re trying to change the name of it so people won’t recognize it as NESARA, but something else. Either way, it’s the beast economic program. No matter how many times they want to change the name, the plan is still the same. The agenda is still the same. You can read that at That’s what he’s going to be doing. Tearing down the Federal Reserve and implementing NESARA. NESARA is a very socialistic based system. Everything I’ve been screaming about for the last 10 years, you’re going to see happening. It’s going to be a pretty wild ride.
I’m going to answer a few questions, then hang it up for the night.
Question from a listener: Your broadcast sounds a lot better tonight. Did you get your new system working?
Answer: Not yet. I’m working on it. Let’s put it that way. I’m getting a different mike. This mike that the Podcast came with is just awesome. I’m going to get a converter and get it working hopefully by next week. After actually listening to a Podcast as opposed to my audio cast, I can understand why the kids are pulling the hair out of their heads. The problem is the Podcast which do have a lot better sounding quality are like 60 megabytes. To download a Podcast, it’s like 30, 40, 60 megabytes compared to my show which is like 6, 7, 8, 9 megabytes. So you sacrifice a lot of quality when you cut the file size down to like 7 or 8 or 9 megabytes compared to 60. You sacrifice a lot of the sound quality and things like that. The kids don’t like it, but I know the adults don’t want to download a 60 megabyte. Most of you wouldn’t be able to. Most of the Lords people are in scattered two-horse towns around the world and don’t even have high speed access. I’ll just keep it to what I’m doing. What I might do is offer it at both speeds. I’m going to sign up for a Podcast page somewhere and the Podcast will go there. The regular audios will stay at SherryTalkRadio. I’ll do it that way.
Question from a listener: Hello Sherry, I’m seeing a lot of stuff online about a North American Union supposedly taking effect in 2010. Do you see anything in the codes with this? Does this correlate with the RFID chip implant national ID card that’s coming?
Answer: I don’t see anything in the codes about a North American Union. In fact, I’m only going to see what the Lord shows me. The only thing He’s showing me is Maitreya’s destruction and some of the stuff that’s coming up. Not necessarily in terms that I can understand it as a union type thing where we merge with Canada and Mexico and blah, blah, blah. I think we’re going to be in martial law before that happens. If that happens it’s going to be after. It’s going to be down the road after martial law. We definitely have martial law coming in America . I see that happening before a North American union.
Question from a listener: Did you see the commercial with Alec Baldwin? Green lizard tails on his chest. They were making fun of aliens taking over the world too.
Answer: Yeah, somebody else had mentioned it. I saw it, but didn’t hear it. The kids were going. It was commercial time and the place was noisy, so I couldn’t hear what was being said.
Question from a listener: There have been riots in Europe . Just Iceland and France . Funny how I ask other people if they heard about it and they say no. Why isn’t it in the mainstream media?
The main media here doesn’t want the U.S. people see it because they would probably start to riot now.
Answer: There are huge riots going on. There have been in Iceland . People are very upset. And France . You know why? It’s the screenplay of exactly what’s happening in America . There are no jobs and their homes are getting foreclosed now. They’re going through the same economic meltdown that we’re seeing in America . Very telling because in France they’ve had a huge illegal invasion, you might want to call it, of Muslims. So now the French can’t get jobs. Just like in America , where you have this huge illegal invasion of Mexicans and the Americans can’t find jobs. The presidents will sit there and say, “They’re taking jobs nobody else wants.” Really? Well, tell all the carpenters that are out of work because the Mexicans are coming in and working for $5 an hour and taking all the carpenter jobs and everything else. Just lamebrain excuses why they do the things they do in destroying everybody’s economies. That’s what you’re seeing.
We are actually in the third year of global famine. It’s going to start getting a lot worse. Most people won’t realize we’re in a famine until it hits them personally. Until we start seeing famine here in America , they’re really not going to, I guess you could say, care that it’s even going on. A lot of people do care, and they do get involved with food drives and stuff like that. Folks, don’t focus on sending food across the world. We’ve got starving Americans here in America . I thought that was so asinine here in America . Nowhere else in the world would you get a bunch of people together to raise millions to send money to some country in Africa when we have starving people right down the street here in America . We need to take care of people here. Food drives, food pantries going empty by mid-way months that need supplies and food. Donate to these. There are a lot of hungry Americans.
I thought it was interesting that Alec Baldwin was doing the whole lizard commercial thing because Stephen Baldwin is a Christian, allegedly. Then you have Alec Baldwin making fun of the whole lizard thing. I’ll have to go to You Tube and watch that video. Like I’ve said at the beginning of the show, they spend thousands of dollars of interns and employees to discredit me across the internet for years, and then they come out with commercials like these that venerate what I’ve been saying.
Quick question for the show: Could you please name off all of Paul’s books? I don’t know which ones I shouldn’t take to heart and read anymore. I thought it was 12 books that Paul wrote, but I’m not sure.
Answer: I think I put a list of his books at Just go there.
Comment from a listener: Nano-Man here. My teens, and my wife and myself are listeners. Love you, Nano-Man.
Sherry: Good to have Nano-Man and the full family listening to the show. I was asked Friday night what was the biggest thing that I hear from people. Because I hear from thousands of people all the time. I’d say the biggest thing...the same thing I hear from everybody is – "my wife doesn’t believe me. My husband doesn’t believe me. My family doesn’t believe me. Everybody thinks I’m nuts." That seems to be the one thing that I hear the most from everybody. Just that they feel alone because they’re the only ones listening and the only ones who believe what’s happening. Everybody else thinks they’re nuts. And we have lizards in the Super Bowl. C’mon folks. Even the media is trying to wake people up and they won’t wake up. “Oh, what a cute little lizard.” Ugghh. I just want to step on them. You just want to reach your hand through the television screen, grab one and step on it. Yeah, so don’t feel alone. You do have the Lord. And you do have people that are like-minded. Like me and others on the internet that you can listen to. It’s just typical. His people; the ones with their eyes open are just scattered around the world and they’re isolated. I see this in the Bible codes. It’s by design. You may not like it, but it’s for design and purpose. Deal with it. Hang with it and just stay strong in the Lord with it.
Question from a listener: Ever use gold in making Orgone? I get the feeling it works.
Answer: It might. I don’t have gold to put in Orgone. I don’t have gold in my house. I don’t know if it works or not. I’ve never been led to use gold. I don’t have gold. If the Lord tells you to use gold and you’ve got gold, use it. You do what the Lord tells you to do; don’t do what I tell you to do. You do what He tells you to do. He’s the boss.
Question from a listener: Hi Sherry. Last week I read a transcript saying that said Yahushua was a created being. Please explain. Is this really your view?
Answer: He is the begotten Son of God. Jesus/Yahushua was the begotten Son of God. So, yeah. That’s scripture. He’s the begotten Son of God. I’ll leave it at that.
Question: From Quebec City . They seem to have invaded the city a long time ago.
Sherry: Yeah, they did. I see that in the codes.
Question continues: They have families and stuff with reptilian bloodlines. They control the politics and try to shut down public orgoning. How do you overcome public space and the media? Is it possible to organize collectively on such a scale?
Answer: I wouldn’t even worry about trying to organize. Just get out there and do it. Five years ago how many people really understood or believed what Orgone could do? I wasn’t going to sit around and wait for everybody to wake up. I hit the road myself getting it done. Just get out there and do it. Orgone Quebec ; get it done. You don’t want reptilians in your city? Orgone it. Do what the Lord leads you to do. Don’t wait for everybody else. Don’t wait for results, because it’s not up to us to make results; to get results. It’s up to us just to do what the Lord leads us to do. So yeah, I would definitely be orgoning Quebec . Definitely. I know there are warriors around Canada . You’re like one of the top countries listening to this show. Canada . I send Orgone out there all the time. A lot of real Bible believing lovers of Yahushua in Quebec . Quebec , Australia , America . Some scattered across Europe . Although Europe is one of the stronger continents listening to this show, I’ve gotta say, there are probably more warriors in Australia than in Europe as a whole. Interesting for Greece . I love hearing from people out there because it’s Benny Hinn’s stomping grounds out there. I would love to be Orgone more and more of Greece .
Seems like in every area, there is one key warrior who is doing most of the work. That’s why in the Bible codes you’ll see “fraction”. I don’t think there are 144,000 of us. What I think; there is a small fraction of that number that’s doing the orgoning and doing the conquering. Even if you look at America . If I was divide America up into regions, there would be one warrior in each region that seems to be doing all the work. Everybody in Idaho can be thanking a grandma, because she was the one out there two years ago orgoning that state. There just seems to be one powerful warrior in each place.
Then you get into other countries, it’s pretty much the same thing. There’s one person in Greece . There’s one person in Sweden . There’s one person in France . I’m not even going to say France , because I can’t remember ever sending Orgone out to France . The one place where it needs to be because of all these insane Muslims out there; and there’s no Orgone. No wonder the place is going to the pits. Did a lot of work in London . We have a warrior out there who’s done a lot of foot work there in London . Germany – we’ve got a warrior out there. Germany could use some help. Definitely needs help in Germany .
China and Japan . I don’t know what’s going on out there. I know we have a huge amount of warriors and believers in China . We really have a good group of believers in China . These Christians die for their faith daily, folks. They’re not like Americans. They can’t worship freely daily. Of course now we get harassed. They die. They lose their lives in China . There are huge strong warriors out there. I can see in the Bible codes; they’re getting a lot of work done out there. Just because I don’t hear about it or you don’t hear about it doesn’t mean its not getting done, because it is.
It’s always amusing to even see in these Arab countries that they’re not all Muslims. There are a lot of strong believers in the Arab countries. I can see in the codes where these Arab countries are going to start going down and suffering because of the Orgone that’s in their areas. We’ve got warriors out there. Just because I don’t hear about it....especially Iraq . With all the American military out there in Iraq , you’d think we have that conquered with Orgone. Somebody could send their son or daughter who is serving in Iraq some Orgone to get out there in the desert. I don’t know. I still think it is getting done because I see in the codes it’s getting done even though I seem to always get backlash and email when I try and get soldiers in Iraq to get Orgone out there. I get excuses one after the other. I still see its getting done. Whatever...just a heads up that just because we don’t see it getting done, that it’s not getting done.
Question from a listener: You know how the dark forces have special powers in store? Isn’t there a similar awakening of superpowers for Christian warriors? I’ve had dreams about them flying, running fast etc.
Thanks for being you.
Answer: Yeah. The 144,000 when we return with spiritual bodies. Yeah. I can’t go into a whole lot of that because I don’t know a whole lot of it. But we are going to have better, bigger bodies when we come back. The 144,000 will be taken. He will write His Name on our foreheads and then send us back. I think we’re going to be more in the line of helping the second group of 144,000 and being evangelists at that point. It’s coming to a time when our job is over with the Orgone. It’s going to be done, because it’s already destroying the evil and the wicked. We won’t have to get it out anymore. We’re going to be under martial law and things like that, so the message is going to be changed from one of going to war with just helping save souls.
Comment from a listener: I found out from an acquaintance that the serpent seedline is in the Talmud. It’s true. It can be found exactly where it says, Why are the Goim unclean? Because they were not present at Mt. Sinai . When the serpent entered into Eve, he infused her with uncleanness. But the Jews were cleansed from this when they stood on Mt. Sinai . The Goim who were not on Mt. Sinai were not cleansed.
Comment continues: Now it all makes sense why they think of us as a beast without a soul when in actuality they are the very ones who are descendents of Satan.
Sherry: There are a lot of references; this is Abodah Zarah 22b that talks about beast entering Eve. Alot of Hebrew writings do. Even Enoch talks about it. The only people rejecting the serpent seedline is the RCC KJV. (Roman Catholic Church King James Version). The KJV. They masked the terminology and made it an apple.
Question from a listener about Orgone: What about Kentucky ? Is there much coverage in Kentucky ?
Answer: We’ve got a great warrior in Kentucky . I’ll tell you what. You owe a lot of high 5’s and Halleluiahs to a granny out in Kentucky . Every state needs more work. I sit here and harp about stuff, but look at my own state, Ohio . I probably put more Orgone in Arkansas and Texas than I have in Ohio. And I have my own work to do. One of these days I need to shut up and do my own work. I’ve been across the country. I can’t just focus on my own state and I haven’t. I’ve been going into different areas to make protection areas and zones for the Lord’s people to go. You would think a lot of these would be cities, and they’re not. They’re the forests; they’re the country and the deserts. That’s where they’ll go to hide. You don’t want them chasing you into the forests and they won’t be able to if they’re orgoned in protection areas because the Orgone will kill these evil beasts.
Anyway, I’m going to wrap up the show for the night. If you have any questions or comments for next week, you can send them to [email protected]. I’ll be posting stuff about my interviews that are coming up this weekend with Dr. Rebecca Carley and the Strange Frequencies network.
Until next week everybody, Yah bless.
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, February 2, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
And hello everybody. You’re live; it’s Monday night February 2nd, 2009 . If you have a question for the show, you can send it to [email protected]. I’ll be checking that in and out. It’s been a very tiring day for me. In fact, I’ve spent most of the day sleeping because I spent most of the night working. So I haven’t seen TV at all today. The world could have crashed and I wouldn’t know it. So if I missed something drastic on the news, somebody could let me know. It’s a Monday. I’ve been spending a lot of time out in the garage. In Ohio these winters are getting brutal, or I’m getting too old. I think it’s a mixture of both here.
A couple of things I wanted to talk about tonight. I did an interview Friday night with the Extreme Society show. The link will be posted on their website. Supposed to be sometime today...I just checked and it wasn’t posted yet. I’ll let you know when it’s posted. I also have two interviews this weekend. This Saturday I’m doing an interview with Dr. Rebecca Carley – What’s Ailing America. Then on Sunday, I’ll be doing an interview with Strange Frequencies. I’ll post those links and send them out to my lists probably towards the weekend and give you a reminder that I’m doing those interviews.
I had a real good time Friday night with the Extreme Society Show. Kind of like a panel of people. It was fun. You know, just getting the word out is basically what’s important right now.
The mainstream media. You know, for years....and they spend thousands of dollars on the NSA interns all over the internet in trying to discredit me and make me look like I’m a nut job. Then they go in the Super Bowl and put out a commercial - Lizard Lake . And they just verify everything I’ve been saying for years! So I found it amusing. I don’t know if a lot of you saw that, I posted the link at the You can also go to You and put in “Super Bowl commercial Lizard Lake ”. It was for Sobe.
I’ve warned about these drinks they’re coming out with. Especially if you buy Sobe. I remember when it first came out. Sobe has this Pina Colada drink. I used to drink a lot of that when I was on the road because I loved the taste of that. Then you look at the bottle; it has a lizard on it. I was like, “Oh, my gosh !What is this? It has a lizard on the bottle!” This was back a couple of years ago, when I first got aware it was even out. Now they have out this Life Water. So I did some research on those. I wrote an article, White Powder Gold – The Mono Atomic Destruction of Mankind. They are using these drinks to tweak human DNA. I wrote an article about that last year.
The interesting thing about this Super Bowl commercial was that they have these male actors look men, acting very effeminate. They’re doing ballet and all this silly stuff. At the very end of the commercial, the man shape-shifts into a lizard. It happens very quickly. I’m just amazed that they just verify everything I’ve been talking about. Yeah, keep the discrediting campaigns going and then verify everything I say. It’s kindof funny. Really amusing.
Like I’ve said, stay away from those drinks. It’s about the same thing when this "Jesus" comes and the kool-aid he’s going to be pushing. They have this....I’ve talked about it....the Bible codes call it myrrh. I don’t know. It’s some kind of white powder. You really have to be able to distinguish in the Bible codes if they are talking about this white powder or cocaine, because sometimes it just looks like this white powder? I definitely think it’s different. If someone is a cocaine user addict, the name cocaine will straight up, come up. I’ve warned that Bush was a cocaine addict. We had Clinton . Now we have Obama. It seems like a prerequisite to be President of the United States is to have no ethic, no morals, have no true belief in the One True God and also be a drug addict. Seems to run through as main qualifications to be President of the United States .
The Lord has been showing me lately how they do things. It’s always amusing. It takes a while to soak in too; exactly how they run and control everything. Usually you just look at the opposites. Just look at the opposites because that’s the way they think; they way they work. Look at Obama’s administration. He’s putting in all these Zionists. These NeoCons that we thought we were going to get rid of when Bush finally got his butt bounced out of office. Now the first thing he’s going to do is destroy Jerusalem . You would think he’s putting in all of these Zionists because he’s going to protect Jerusalem , but the truth is, he is going to destroy Jerusalem . They always do the opposites of what they’re going to do. Like if he wasn’t going to destroy Jerusalem , he probably would have loaded his cabinets with.....Arabs or something. I don’t know. He is a pawn of the whole Islam and Arab community. So it’s going to be very interesting.
Remember back in 2001 when I kept warning you guys that 2009 there would be a very dominant female? I figured she would be president because she is so dominant in 2009. And here we are in 2009. Back then I told you it was going to be Hillary Clinton and she wasn’t even a senator of New York . Back then just pretty much known as Bill Clinton’s wife in 2001. Not even heard of very much. I had pegged her as being very dominant in 2009, and that’s exactly the way it is in the codes right now. Hillary is very dominant and she’s going to be pretty much spearheading the complete economic annihilation of this country. While Obama does one thing, Hillary is going to be doing another. It’s going to be like the Bush/Cheney administration. I don’t know why Biden is in there. He might start doing something later. We know in Bush’s administration, Cheney really ran everything. In Obama’s administration, Hillary is the strong one. She is going to be the one to watch out for. It’s going to be interesting.
With Bush we had look-a- likes, we had clones. We had all these things with Bush. You never knew which one would show up for a press conference. Half the time the real one was hiding in an underground base somewhere. They kept him out of the limelight. The same thing is going to happen pretty much I think with Obama. Interesting that with Tim Osama....Osmond...whatever you want to call him; Osama bin Laden and Obama. There are several Osama bin Laden’s and there are several Obama’s. We’re messing with just a bunch of different clones. They’re just being used to market an agenda. They are just pawns.
Hillary is also going to be dominant in crushing Jerusalem . She’s got her hands full this year. She’s going to finish crushing our economy, and then she’s going to go to Jerusalem and crush them. She’s got busy year. I’ve always said she’s going to be dominant in America being in martial law. I do think this will be the year martial law will start in America .
I don’t know about all of these Supreme Court fights; people try to challenge Obama and stuff. They do have something right. Some people say, “Well, he’s president. Why don’ they get over it and just let him be president. And even though he did usurp it and he didn’t win it. Well neither did Bush, because he stole it from Gore.” And you can go on and on and on and on. But the truth is, when they do that and somebody hit the nail right on the head – they can blackmail Obama. They can spend the next few years blackmailing Obama over his birth certificate, over the truth, over this and over that. It’s very true because I see in the codes now how he’s already being blackmailed and bullied. That’s why you need everything legal. So that there are no issues where somebody can blackmail you and then force you to work their agenda for them while you are president. Look at Bush. All he did was work the Oil Cartel agenda the whole time he was president. He was blackmailed up the ying. He had a lot of sin in his life with homosexual behavior and drugs and alcohol. They had him blackmailed up the T. So that’s pretty much the same thing they’re doing with Obama.
We get these ungodly people. We anoint them as king over our nation, and then wonder why our nation is being destroyed. You can just sit back and feel the disgust of God over the whole issue of this country. It’s pretty much turned its back against Him. It’s basically; you get what you asked for. That was pretty much what God had told Israel back in the Old Testament times when He had always been their king. Then they wanted to be like the other nations around them and have their own king and set a king over them. The Lord pretty much told them, “You’re going to get what you asked for. You’re not going to like it.” Very interesting. He always knows what’s best for us, but we always think, “Oh, I know what’s best for me. I want to do this.” So here we go again. Israel as a nation, just going to plunge straight to Hell in a hand basket. That’s pretty much what’s going to happen.
Another thing I wanted to bring up. There was a discussion on my list. Somebody had mentioned something about, “What’s its going to be like during the Millennial Reign?” I find it amusing because this is certainly one thing that the church will think is a mystery that nobody knows. Because they reject most of the Bible at the same time while they act like they are the biggest proponents and teachers of the Bible, they reject most of it. They don’t realize they do it because they’re just so used to doing it.
The Millennial Reign is not going to be any surprise rule by the Lord. The Bible says He’ll establish David in Jerusalem as king over the world at that point. We’re going to be following Torah Law. It’s no big surprise. Now it is to the church because they’ve rejected the Law. The church teaches that the Law was fulfilled....which it was. Which doesn’t mean it was done away with. It just means the sacrificial part of having a perfect sacrifice, which was Yahushua the Son of the God, came and died for our sins and redeemed mankind. The sacrificial part of the Law was fulfilled. It did not mean the entire Law was ended at that point, but that’s the way the church teaches it.
They can’t understand that during the Millennial Reign we will be ruled exactly as David ruled in the Old Testament under Torah Law. The sacrificial requirements are no longer necessary because Yahushua already died. He was the perfect sacrifice, rose again and conquered death. We’re all redeemed. But that doesn’t negate the other 600 and some laws. People think that it’s burdensome, but they don’t really don’t understand the Law itself. If you really look at the Torah Law that the Israelites lived under; there were many laws in regards to business; in regards to society living. It wasn’t just all tedious temple worship and sacrifice stuff. That’s the impression the churches always give you. Even down to just borrowing money; there was no bank set-up. You were not allowed to be charged interest. It was just a lot of protections for people. It covered everything from living on Earth in every aspect. That would be the Law that we will be following in the Millennial Reign.
If you read in Revelation, it even talks about observing the Feasts. We’ll still be observing the Feasts. Even though it’s the Millennial Reign....everything is over. Guess what? We’re still observing the Feasts!! The seven feasts that the Lord established with Israel that the churches rejected. Now they celebrate Easter and Christmas and bunnies. So it’s going to be a shock to most of churchdumb today, that when the Lord comes and sets up His Theocratic rule on Earth during the Millennial Reign, it goes right back to the way the Israelites were ruled in the Old Testament. The church always thinks there’s a hiccup. The Israelites followed that for 4,000 or whatever years, and the church age comes along and all that it null and void. It’s all been replaced by Paul’s doctrines that aren’t even doctrines; they’re just teachings that people accept. Now that the church age is over, we end that and go back to Old Testament times, living under the Law.
If the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever, don’t you think those laws stand today? Don’t you think that they still stand today?
I know the disgust that churches give Messianic Jews thinking they are crazy. Every church does that. Every church thinks they’re the real denomination. That they’re the real church. They all think that.
That’s why I’ve been saying for years; get out of religion and get into a relationship. The churches are apostate. In the last days, it talks about the church of Laodicea . The Lord is standing on the outside of the churches because He’s not involved with the churches. I don’t know how many times He’s told me that He’s not part of them. Everybody always thinks that’s somebody else’s church. “That’s somebody else’s. That’s not my church.” None of them are His. I would be amazed. He told me none of them. So boom, there you go. There you go. There are so many things with the churches today. They have a picture of Satan’s general in them. “Oh look, here’s a picture of Jesus.” They’ve got Satan’s general hanging in all the churches.
I’ve talked about that at I posted a bunch of stuff up this weekend. I spent a lot of time updating my websites, and What I did was post the different scenarios of the different beasts that are coming. I wanted to give you an idea of the things I’ve been seeing in the codes and trying to explain over the past year or two that there are several routes. The one thing I worry about is that I don’t think a lot of people will get deceived by this Maitreya when he comes. Especially America , because he is Arab. America will reject Maitreya either way, because he’s Arab. The Islamic world is gonna love him, but America will reject him. Then you have Jesus coming in September.
The interesting thing is the one 1.6 billion Arabs will reject Jesus, but they’ll accept Maitreya. In America , a lot of them will be fooled by this "Jesus" that’s coming. Because he looks like the Jesus of the churches. I’ve told you who that is. It’s Sananda Esu Immanuel. One of Satan’s generals. "Jesus" is not the Son of Gods real Name. That’s why I give you the importance of calling Him by His real name Yahushua, which means God is Salvation as opposed to Jesus. Yeshua means a horse. Don’t call Him that Talmud name. I don’t like the Talmud name Yeshua, simply because of that. The Talmud is very blasphemous against the Son of God. It’s a very Satanic and blasphemous book. I just stick with what the Hebrews call Him, which is Yahushua. I don’t like the Talmud. I don’t want to go near that thing. I have articles on my website on the Talmud as well. You can read it for yourself and see how much garbage and filth they have in it.
The first scenario being Maitreya coming and Jesus coming. Maitreya is the Antichrist; Jesus is the false prophet. If they have problems with that, which I think eventually they will. They’ll both run into a big problem with the Orgone that we have in the atmosphere; the air, and it’s going to destroy them.
I can see the Orgone causing Maitreya’s forces to crash out of the skies. The UFOs we’re seeing today crashing out of the skies...he’s going to be next. He’s going to be one of them coming down like lightening out of the sky with his UFO. Even Jesus when he arrives. Very tall being and going to be emaciated because of the effects of the Orgone in the air that’s going to destroy them. So I’m looking for both of them to be destroyed. If that happens....if that happens, the next possible scenario would be Obama as the Antichrist and Benny Hinn as the false prophet.
People say no one is going to worship Obama as God and blah, blah, blah. Obama can be incarnated because he is such a shell of a being. He’s a creature; a lizard. The Bible codes call him a beast; an animal; a creature; a lizard. He can be incarnated by Satan very easily. He could be. He’s definitely a candidate. Not so much because he’s Obama, but because he’s the leader of last days Babylon.
If you follow the writings of the Old Testament, they had warned about in the last days, the leader of Babylon playing that role of the man of sin. That’s why I’ve always said, it’s going to be the leader of the United States or if the United States gives control of itself over to a king or somebody else like I’ve been warning about. Especially with Obama giving the keys, you might want to say, to Maitreya to rule over the world. Whoever is leading; whoever is the leader of Babylon in the last days is the Antichrist. It can be our own president. It could be somebody else. Whoever takes control over the United States . That’s simply why there are different scenarios.
Benny Hinn. I’ve posted a lot of stuff on him, to try and wake people up to how evil this guy is. I have waves up of him hissing and growling. You can hear them on my websites. Different stuff that he has said in reverse speech. The Bible codes calls Benny Hinn Satan’s mouthpiece on Earth. He is becoming more and more dominant in the Bible codes. You need to be careful, especially with all these beings in the last days; Obama, Hinn, this Jesus that’s coming and Maitreya. They all use hypnotism to hypnotize the audiences and the people that are listening to them. They all use these hypnotic gestures, their voices. Be very careful of them. I can see in the codes where they use hypnotism. That’s how they’ll get the masses to go along with whatever they want. Some of us are just in shock like, “Well who would follow that? Who would believe that?” But they use hypnotism. Anybody can go along with whatever they want because its going to sound great, “Okay do whatever you want.” They’re under hypnosis and aren’t going to be control of their minds to disagree with these beasts.
The third interesting scenario that I’ve seen is where this Sananda/Jesus that’s coming becomes the Antichrist and Benny Hinn becomes his cheerleader; his false prophet. I can’t at this point....the role of the Antichrist between Maitreya, Obama and Jesus. At this point, it’s whoever survives. This Orgone is going to affect them all. As far as the false prophet goes, Benny Hinn is very strong in that role; waiting to be their cheerleader on Earth. Kindof like their John the Baptist. They talk about Benjamin Creme being Maitreya’s John the Baptist, but if you look in the codes, when he does arrive, it’s going to be this Benny Hinn who’s going to really be his cheerleader on Earth promoting him to America and anyone who will listen to him....which apparently is a lot of people. He’ll be promoting the Antichrist or Jesus or whoever comes. He’s in this whole alien agenda. He’s sold out to Satan. He’s not just a pawn of just Maitreya’s or a pawn of this Jesus/Sananda. He is sold out to the whole alien agenda, so whichever one he is told to promote, that’s the one he’ll promote. He’s just waiting in the wings. Waiting for one of them to show up; this Maitreya to show up.
I found it interesting because I had warned last week about leprosy coming. Not that it’s coming, but it’s already here. (coughing) There’s a huge plague. 15 million people around the world are already plagued with leprosy. I’d seen in the codes where Hinn was in a panic over this leprosy. It occurred to me about the prophecy from Zechariah. It took me a while to find it, but I knew it was in Zechariah somewhere about the false shepherd. I found it online. I did a word search on “shepherd” because I knew it was part of the prophecy. In Zechariah 11: 16 and 17.... (coughing a lot) They don’t want me to talk about this. I feel like I’m choking half the time. It literally feels like someone’s hands are on my neck and I can’t breathe. It says, he will receive a paralyzed or dried up arm and he will go blind in one eye.
Zechariah 11:16-17 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, [which] shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces. Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword [shall be] upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
No one knows how to feed off the flock and fleece the flock worse than Benny Hinn does.
Interesting with this leprosy plague gaining momentum and Hinn being in a panic about it. What would cause his right arm to dry up and his right eye to go blind? These are effects of leprosy. I’m not saying he’s going to get it or anything; I’m just saying there’s just an interesting correlation there. Exactly how this happens to the false shepherd at that point in time, whoever the false shepherd is. If it’s Hinn, or this Sananda/Jesus that comes. It would be even more comical if it was this Sananda because they come as healers. Benny Hinn does too.
The Bible says in Revelation 13 that the false prophet performs many miracles. But he can’t heal himself. (LOL) He has this plague eaten useless, dead, dried up right arm, then goes blind in his right eye and he can’t heal himself. That was almost as bad as when the TBN crowd. When one of them gets cancer, the rest of them just flee. They’re so busy charging everybody else for healings and stuff and when one of their own gets sick, they can’t even heal them. Nobody ever catches this stuff.
I remember calling in to one of Pat Robertson’s shows back when I was in college and just being a brat. I was going to call in and hassle him a little bit during one of his shows. After the phone rang about 100 times, somebody picked up, apologized for the phone ringing so many times and said that half the staff was out sick that night. The first thing I said to this woman who had answered the phone was “Isn’t he a faith healer. He can’t even heal his own staff, but he’s on television telling people to put their hands up to the screens and he’ll heal them?” It really just shocked her. She didn’t know what to say. Because it’s all a scam, folks. It’s all just a business. That’s the way it’s going to work. Benny Hinn and Jesus/Sananda will both be a mess in the last days. Either one plays the role of the false prophet. Yeah, these things are coming.
Another interesting thing with the Antichrist being that he suffers a head wound. Literally, actually dies and comes back. It’s not to when he comes back that he’s worshipped as God. Because he dies and then he comes back. The false prophet says, “Look he’s coming back. He is God!” I don’t think people will worship him as god at the time of his rule, but when he dies and then comes back is when the big push for worshipping this creature as God will happen. Some people say, it’s just describing his kingdom. He suffers a head wound meaning he loses part of his forces or whatever. It could take that route. I could buy that route.
Other interesting thing I see often in the codes is the term “coma”. I’ll see the term coma come up, so I believe whoever dies will just go into a deep coma. They’ll claim he’s dead and hold a state funeral and have this huge funeral and blah, blah. Probably later, I don’t know how much longer later. Probably 3 days to mimic the Lord Himself when He died and rose again three days later. Then three days later, he is going to rise. They’re doing everything in a mimic with Bible prophecy. It’s gonna be interesting.
Also rumblings out of the New Age camp. This whole facade they had planned with the whole Blue Beam project and all that. It won’t happen. A lot of that stuff won’t happen now that the Illuminati... because there are two agendas. You’ve got your New Age agenda and your Illuminati agenda. This Blue Beam won’t happen now. Because they can’t make it happen. We’ve destroyed their whole billion dollar technology with the whole chemtrail issue. We’ve been able to defeat chemtrails with the Orgone Blasters. So if there is an area that is saturated with Orgone, the chemtrails won’t stick. They need these chemtrails to serve as aerosols for their holographics to make the whole Blue Beam project work. So it’s not going to work. I’m watching for different routes that they’re going to use to see if they do stick with the Blue Beam and all that.
It’s always just the thing, folks. You never know exactly what they’re going to do until they do it. The thing is, when you listen to shows like this, you’ll have an idea of all the different plans that they have. When they pull it out of their hat, you’re going to recognize it. That’s what this show is about; informing people of what’s coming so that you’re not taken by surprise. No matter what happens, you’re prepared. You’ve been warned. You’ve heard about that. You knew it was a route. What I’ve been saying over and over and over; don’t stick to just one interpretation and one route of how things are going to happen, because they don’t. Satan doesn’t. He has two or three different routes he can take and that’s what he’s going to do. When you become familiar with that then you know what’s going to happen.
The church is all about being right and having one interpretation. I’m not into being right; I’m into being informing.’s a route they can’s a route over here. And just keeping people aware. There are a lot of deceptions coming up. The church; when I say “the church” it’s basically everybody under this religion/mind control. The churchianity-dumbianity crowd. Instead of asking the Lord every day for the truth in all things, they seek man on Sundays. Every Sunday faithfully because that’s what they think will get them saved and get to Heaven. They seek man for the truth and the answers and they don’t have it. They are apostate. They’re apostate. The Lord has pulled most of His true people out of the churches. Now, He does stand up shepherds in the land and I’ve heard from them. There are good men out there that are leading the churches today. Albeit, they have no fame, they have no fortune, but they have small congregations who love the Lord. That’s more power than any one of these mega churches. These Joel Osteen’s, Benny Hinn’s and Kenneth Copeland’s who sit there and worship Satan all day long.
Stick with what the Lord has you doing. If He has you as a leader over a small congregation, then stick with it. If He’s telling you to leave, leave. It’s not a time not to be listening to Him. You don’t want to be wasting your time because we don’t have a whole lot of time left to build fruits for eternity.
People don’t understand that everything we do here on Earth determines what you’re going to be doing for eternity for the Lord. If you won’t listen to Him now on Earth, how high do you think you’re going to rank in responsibility in eternity....the Millennial Reign or whatever? That’s what you need to be thinking of, folks. Building fruit for Him. You think, “I’m not a pastor. I’m not a radio show person. I’m just a mom. I’m just a dad. There is nothing special about me. I’m not an author. I’m not this. I’m not that.” You know what? Do what the Lord leads you to do because that’s what counts to Him. If you are a reliable go-to person, that’s what counts to Him more so than if you’re some kind of televangelists or a radio person or if you have a website. Just being a dependable go-to person for Him. If He tells you to do something....walk down to the end of your driveway and throw a loaf of bread across the street and come back home. No matter how crazy it sounds and you do it and don’t think twice about it because you know it’s the Lord telling you to do that and you don’t care what the outcome is – you are a go-to person then. That’s what builds your credibility in the Lords eyes. How dependable you are. How reliable you are. He just tells us to do things. The results are up to Him.
I’m not here running a radio show trying to convert souls. You’ll hardly ever hear me sit here and just preach salvation message over and over every week. I hardly ever do that simply because I’m not here to lead souls to Christ. This is not the focus of this radio show. This radio show is to wake people up. Most of the people that listen to this radio are already saved; they’re just wandering aimlessly throughout their lives without purpose because they don’t know to put it back into focus under the leadership of the Lord Himself so He can lead them into what they’re to do. I’ve always said I’m not here to build an army; I’m here to wake one up. So as the times get closer, then you’re going to see the message switch from one of being warriors to one of being evangelists and reaching the lost. I know that over the years, many people have come to the Lord listening to my radio show and reading my websites. That’s just part of the territory because I do love the Lord. I can’t help that. That’s why I’m here and why I do the work I do. My main focus is tearing down the strongholds of Satan. That’s why I focus so much on that.
I know about my own kids.....especially when they’re little; as much as I rag on churches. When they’re little, you really want them to get in as much teaching as they can about the Lord, the Bible and the disciples. So I would put them on a bus to go to a Baptist church. I wanted them to learn everything like I did when I was little. I went to a Baptist church when I was little and even as an adult until the Lord pulled me out. I won’t digress. I put the kids on the bus to go to the church, and by the time they were 8, 9, 10 years old they’re sick of it. They’re sick of it. My son was like 12 years old and goes, “I’m not going to church anymore, Mom. I learn more in one hour on your radio show than I have in 5 years going to that church.” That’s basically week in and week out; all it is, is salvation messages. When you only have 50 – 60 kids in a youth program.....every week it’s the same message. They’re not feeding their flocks. They’re just controlling them with brain dead messages. After a while these kids don’t even listen to it. It’s time to move on and get fed. If you’re not getting fed in your churches, move on to where you can be. I know; I was the same way when I was young at 8 or 9 years old. If they weren’t talking about Bible prophecy, I wasn’t listening. All I wanted to hear about was prophecy. Let’s talk about the second coming of Jesus. That’s what I called Him back when I was little. Jesus; because that’s what the churches tell you to call Him. I started reading on my own. I started having to do research on my own and started going from there because I just couldn’t get it from the churches.
Today so many people just don’t know prophecy. The emails I get from people; even the church crowds are amazing. They don’t know a thing about prophecy. The churches don’t teach it. They don’t talk about it. There is a specific purpose and design in that. When things start to happen, people are blind, dumb and stupid and don’t know what the Bible says about it so they can’ recognize it as a deception. There is a real design in a lot of these pastors not speaking about Bible prophecy in the last days. It’s not their fault either, because as Christians, as Believers, people should be reading the Bible and becoming familiar with what the Bible says. Most people today are just so lazy. They will not read a book. They won’t read a book. I know how it is. I can’t get my son to pick up a book and read it. It’s real easy, folks. You can go anywhere online and read a Bible now. At you can sit and read chapter after chapter, book after book all day. So you don’t want to sit and read? You can point and click. No excuse not knowing what the Bible says.
How many’ve been a Christian for 20, 30, 40 years have never read the Bible from front to back, cover to cover and then come online and argue with me over what it says? I’ve read the Bible 100 times. I’ve read some of those books 1000 times. You always get these people with the big kahuna shoes who want to argue and they’ve never even read the whole Bible. Until you’ve read the whole Bible, how can you sit and pinpoint what makes sense and what doesn’t? What fits in and what doesn’t. What makes sense and what doesn’t.
I’ll tell you what. When you throw out all 13 books of Paul’s, the Bible totally makes sense. That’s where the confusion comes in. Everything switches when you start to get to Paul’s books. Everything switches in the entire Bible at that point. It’s no longer about Yahushuah/Jesus and the Apostles; it’s about Paul. When you throw him out and you just take the Bible for everything else it says – it all makes sense. That’s a huge reason that most people can’t grasp the Bible today.
I know. When I was little, the only verses I would memorize were Paul’s stuff. My favorite books were Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Galatians. Those were the verses I would memorize and read all the time. I liked Timothy. I couldn’t understand Revelation at that point. I would read Hal Lindsey and everybody else because I couldn’t understand Revelation; it was amusing to me. Very amazing. A beast with seven heads and 10 horns coming up out of the sea. That was wild; especially as a kid reading that.
So you learn that symbolism is being used. The codes today are pretty much the same way. You’ll see a word that’s being spoken in the codes that actually means something else. I think all my studies where trying to figure out Revelation and interpreting Revelation is what has helped me to analyze and interpret the codes. When you see terms being used, you know that they’re not literal. The Hebrew’s were using that for a different meaning. It comes very much in use. Everything I’ve done growing up has prepared me for the things and the route and the ministry I have going today. I look back in hindsight...oh, that did help; yeah that did help. My life hasn’t been a complete waste. My college education wasn’t a complete waste.
I get that all the time. “You have three degrees and you don’t work? You don’t have a job?” People just think you’re a lazy bum because you don’t have a job or something. I do have a job. I just don’t get paid for it here on Earth. I’m not building my kingdom on Earth.
February – it’s going to be an interesting month, folks. Watch for the further destruction of our economy. Which is no big surprise. I hear a gasp across the audience now. The government; I don’t know when they will announce their bankruptcy, but I think the end of the month...this is going to be a signal month. This is going to be a very telling month especially if Maitreya will get his whole thing going with his Day of Declaration. I’ve seen Obama working, trying to get his Day of Declaration on the media. Obama is behind the scenes on this one. You can read about Maitreya’s Day of Declaration at my websites, or I think I even have it at I’m trying to get all three websites working together right now. Obama is working with him on that right now. I don’t know if it’s willing or blackmail. I’ve seen it where Maitreya is blackmailing Obama. He’s a bully. It’s going to be interesting to see those two working together.
That’s the biggest things and the next things I see on the agenda; and the clampdown on Christians. Obama isn’t going to be the pushover that Bush Jr. was. Bush Jr. was clueless and had no idea what was going on. Wouldn’t believe things that were going on. Because he never went on the internet. Obama is the complete opposite. Hillary Clinton too. She’s not going to put up with anything either because she’s always on the internet. They’re very aware of what’s going on and what’s being said. They’re going to be clamping down on the bigmouths. You better believe that one. I don’t know how much time the bigmouths will have left to be on the internet. I don’t see anything clamping down in February, but February could be a very significant month just for the finishing off of our economy. The tanking. The drowning. Whatever you want to call it.
The rumor mill in the New Age camp is....and I’ve always said it anyway; that he’s going to crush the Federal Reserve. He’s going to put an end to the Federal Reserve and start this NESERA program. Of course, they’re not going to come out and call it NESARA. They’re going to call it the "Reformation" or whatever.
They’re trying to change the names because everybody can associate with what NESARA is, or a lot of people can because I’ve been harping about it for so long; this NESARA beast economic program at the end of the days, that they’re trying to change the name of it so people won’t recognize it as NESARA, but something else. Either way, it’s the beast economic program. No matter how many times they want to change the name, the plan is still the same. The agenda is still the same. You can read that at That’s what he’s going to be doing. Tearing down the Federal Reserve and implementing NESARA. NESARA is a very socialistic based system. Everything I’ve been screaming about for the last 10 years, you’re going to see happening. It’s going to be a pretty wild ride.
I’m going to answer a few questions, then hang it up for the night.
Question from a listener: Your broadcast sounds a lot better tonight. Did you get your new system working?
Answer: Not yet. I’m working on it. Let’s put it that way. I’m getting a different mike. This mike that the Podcast came with is just awesome. I’m going to get a converter and get it working hopefully by next week. After actually listening to a Podcast as opposed to my audio cast, I can understand why the kids are pulling the hair out of their heads. The problem is the Podcast which do have a lot better sounding quality are like 60 megabytes. To download a Podcast, it’s like 30, 40, 60 megabytes compared to my show which is like 6, 7, 8, 9 megabytes. So you sacrifice a lot of quality when you cut the file size down to like 7 or 8 or 9 megabytes compared to 60. You sacrifice a lot of the sound quality and things like that. The kids don’t like it, but I know the adults don’t want to download a 60 megabyte. Most of you wouldn’t be able to. Most of the Lords people are in scattered two-horse towns around the world and don’t even have high speed access. I’ll just keep it to what I’m doing. What I might do is offer it at both speeds. I’m going to sign up for a Podcast page somewhere and the Podcast will go there. The regular audios will stay at SherryTalkRadio. I’ll do it that way.
Question from a listener: Hello Sherry, I’m seeing a lot of stuff online about a North American Union supposedly taking effect in 2010. Do you see anything in the codes with this? Does this correlate with the RFID chip implant national ID card that’s coming?
Answer: I don’t see anything in the codes about a North American Union. In fact, I’m only going to see what the Lord shows me. The only thing He’s showing me is Maitreya’s destruction and some of the stuff that’s coming up. Not necessarily in terms that I can understand it as a union type thing where we merge with Canada and Mexico and blah, blah, blah. I think we’re going to be in martial law before that happens. If that happens it’s going to be after. It’s going to be down the road after martial law. We definitely have martial law coming in America . I see that happening before a North American union.
Question from a listener: Did you see the commercial with Alec Baldwin? Green lizard tails on his chest. They were making fun of aliens taking over the world too.
Answer: Yeah, somebody else had mentioned it. I saw it, but didn’t hear it. The kids were going. It was commercial time and the place was noisy, so I couldn’t hear what was being said.
Question from a listener: There have been riots in Europe . Just Iceland and France . Funny how I ask other people if they heard about it and they say no. Why isn’t it in the mainstream media?
The main media here doesn’t want the U.S. people see it because they would probably start to riot now.
Answer: There are huge riots going on. There have been in Iceland . People are very upset. And France . You know why? It’s the screenplay of exactly what’s happening in America . There are no jobs and their homes are getting foreclosed now. They’re going through the same economic meltdown that we’re seeing in America . Very telling because in France they’ve had a huge illegal invasion, you might want to call it, of Muslims. So now the French can’t get jobs. Just like in America , where you have this huge illegal invasion of Mexicans and the Americans can’t find jobs. The presidents will sit there and say, “They’re taking jobs nobody else wants.” Really? Well, tell all the carpenters that are out of work because the Mexicans are coming in and working for $5 an hour and taking all the carpenter jobs and everything else. Just lamebrain excuses why they do the things they do in destroying everybody’s economies. That’s what you’re seeing.
We are actually in the third year of global famine. It’s going to start getting a lot worse. Most people won’t realize we’re in a famine until it hits them personally. Until we start seeing famine here in America , they’re really not going to, I guess you could say, care that it’s even going on. A lot of people do care, and they do get involved with food drives and stuff like that. Folks, don’t focus on sending food across the world. We’ve got starving Americans here in America . I thought that was so asinine here in America . Nowhere else in the world would you get a bunch of people together to raise millions to send money to some country in Africa when we have starving people right down the street here in America . We need to take care of people here. Food drives, food pantries going empty by mid-way months that need supplies and food. Donate to these. There are a lot of hungry Americans.
I thought it was interesting that Alec Baldwin was doing the whole lizard commercial thing because Stephen Baldwin is a Christian, allegedly. Then you have Alec Baldwin making fun of the whole lizard thing. I’ll have to go to You Tube and watch that video. Like I’ve said at the beginning of the show, they spend thousands of dollars of interns and employees to discredit me across the internet for years, and then they come out with commercials like these that venerate what I’ve been saying.
Quick question for the show: Could you please name off all of Paul’s books? I don’t know which ones I shouldn’t take to heart and read anymore. I thought it was 12 books that Paul wrote, but I’m not sure.
Answer: I think I put a list of his books at Just go there.
Comment from a listener: Nano-Man here. My teens, and my wife and myself are listeners. Love you, Nano-Man.
Sherry: Good to have Nano-Man and the full family listening to the show. I was asked Friday night what was the biggest thing that I hear from people. Because I hear from thousands of people all the time. I’d say the biggest thing...the same thing I hear from everybody is – "my wife doesn’t believe me. My husband doesn’t believe me. My family doesn’t believe me. Everybody thinks I’m nuts." That seems to be the one thing that I hear the most from everybody. Just that they feel alone because they’re the only ones listening and the only ones who believe what’s happening. Everybody else thinks they’re nuts. And we have lizards in the Super Bowl. C’mon folks. Even the media is trying to wake people up and they won’t wake up. “Oh, what a cute little lizard.” Ugghh. I just want to step on them. You just want to reach your hand through the television screen, grab one and step on it. Yeah, so don’t feel alone. You do have the Lord. And you do have people that are like-minded. Like me and others on the internet that you can listen to. It’s just typical. His people; the ones with their eyes open are just scattered around the world and they’re isolated. I see this in the Bible codes. It’s by design. You may not like it, but it’s for design and purpose. Deal with it. Hang with it and just stay strong in the Lord with it.
Question from a listener: Ever use gold in making Orgone? I get the feeling it works.
Answer: It might. I don’t have gold to put in Orgone. I don’t have gold in my house. I don’t know if it works or not. I’ve never been led to use gold. I don’t have gold. If the Lord tells you to use gold and you’ve got gold, use it. You do what the Lord tells you to do; don’t do what I tell you to do. You do what He tells you to do. He’s the boss.
Question from a listener: Hi Sherry. Last week I read a transcript saying that said Yahushua was a created being. Please explain. Is this really your view?
Answer: He is the begotten Son of God. Jesus/Yahushua was the begotten Son of God. So, yeah. That’s scripture. He’s the begotten Son of God. I’ll leave it at that.
Question: From Quebec City . They seem to have invaded the city a long time ago.
Sherry: Yeah, they did. I see that in the codes.
Question continues: They have families and stuff with reptilian bloodlines. They control the politics and try to shut down public orgoning. How do you overcome public space and the media? Is it possible to organize collectively on such a scale?
Answer: I wouldn’t even worry about trying to organize. Just get out there and do it. Five years ago how many people really understood or believed what Orgone could do? I wasn’t going to sit around and wait for everybody to wake up. I hit the road myself getting it done. Just get out there and do it. Orgone Quebec ; get it done. You don’t want reptilians in your city? Orgone it. Do what the Lord leads you to do. Don’t wait for everybody else. Don’t wait for results, because it’s not up to us to make results; to get results. It’s up to us just to do what the Lord leads us to do. So yeah, I would definitely be orgoning Quebec . Definitely. I know there are warriors around Canada . You’re like one of the top countries listening to this show. Canada . I send Orgone out there all the time. A lot of real Bible believing lovers of Yahushua in Quebec . Quebec , Australia , America . Some scattered across Europe . Although Europe is one of the stronger continents listening to this show, I’ve gotta say, there are probably more warriors in Australia than in Europe as a whole. Interesting for Greece . I love hearing from people out there because it’s Benny Hinn’s stomping grounds out there. I would love to be Orgone more and more of Greece .
Seems like in every area, there is one key warrior who is doing most of the work. That’s why in the Bible codes you’ll see “fraction”. I don’t think there are 144,000 of us. What I think; there is a small fraction of that number that’s doing the orgoning and doing the conquering. Even if you look at America . If I was divide America up into regions, there would be one warrior in each region that seems to be doing all the work. Everybody in Idaho can be thanking a grandma, because she was the one out there two years ago orgoning that state. There just seems to be one powerful warrior in each place.
Then you get into other countries, it’s pretty much the same thing. There’s one person in Greece . There’s one person in Sweden . There’s one person in France . I’m not even going to say France , because I can’t remember ever sending Orgone out to France . The one place where it needs to be because of all these insane Muslims out there; and there’s no Orgone. No wonder the place is going to the pits. Did a lot of work in London . We have a warrior out there who’s done a lot of foot work there in London . Germany – we’ve got a warrior out there. Germany could use some help. Definitely needs help in Germany .
China and Japan . I don’t know what’s going on out there. I know we have a huge amount of warriors and believers in China . We really have a good group of believers in China . These Christians die for their faith daily, folks. They’re not like Americans. They can’t worship freely daily. Of course now we get harassed. They die. They lose their lives in China . There are huge strong warriors out there. I can see in the Bible codes; they’re getting a lot of work done out there. Just because I don’t hear about it or you don’t hear about it doesn’t mean its not getting done, because it is.
It’s always amusing to even see in these Arab countries that they’re not all Muslims. There are a lot of strong believers in the Arab countries. I can see in the codes where these Arab countries are going to start going down and suffering because of the Orgone that’s in their areas. We’ve got warriors out there. Just because I don’t hear about it....especially Iraq . With all the American military out there in Iraq , you’d think we have that conquered with Orgone. Somebody could send their son or daughter who is serving in Iraq some Orgone to get out there in the desert. I don’t know. I still think it is getting done because I see in the codes it’s getting done even though I seem to always get backlash and email when I try and get soldiers in Iraq to get Orgone out there. I get excuses one after the other. I still see its getting done. Whatever...just a heads up that just because we don’t see it getting done, that it’s not getting done.
Question from a listener: You know how the dark forces have special powers in store? Isn’t there a similar awakening of superpowers for Christian warriors? I’ve had dreams about them flying, running fast etc.
Thanks for being you.
Answer: Yeah. The 144,000 when we return with spiritual bodies. Yeah. I can’t go into a whole lot of that because I don’t know a whole lot of it. But we are going to have better, bigger bodies when we come back. The 144,000 will be taken. He will write His Name on our foreheads and then send us back. I think we’re going to be more in the line of helping the second group of 144,000 and being evangelists at that point. It’s coming to a time when our job is over with the Orgone. It’s going to be done, because it’s already destroying the evil and the wicked. We won’t have to get it out anymore. We’re going to be under martial law and things like that, so the message is going to be changed from one of going to war with just helping save souls.
Comment from a listener: I found out from an acquaintance that the serpent seedline is in the Talmud. It’s true. It can be found exactly where it says, Why are the Goim unclean? Because they were not present at Mt. Sinai . When the serpent entered into Eve, he infused her with uncleanness. But the Jews were cleansed from this when they stood on Mt. Sinai . The Goim who were not on Mt. Sinai were not cleansed.
Comment continues: Now it all makes sense why they think of us as a beast without a soul when in actuality they are the very ones who are descendents of Satan.
Sherry: There are a lot of references; this is Abodah Zarah 22b that talks about beast entering Eve. Alot of Hebrew writings do. Even Enoch talks about it. The only people rejecting the serpent seedline is the RCC KJV. (Roman Catholic Church King James Version). The KJV. They masked the terminology and made it an apple.
Question from a listener about Orgone: What about Kentucky ? Is there much coverage in Kentucky ?
Answer: We’ve got a great warrior in Kentucky . I’ll tell you what. You owe a lot of high 5’s and Halleluiahs to a granny out in Kentucky . Every state needs more work. I sit here and harp about stuff, but look at my own state, Ohio . I probably put more Orgone in Arkansas and Texas than I have in Ohio. And I have my own work to do. One of these days I need to shut up and do my own work. I’ve been across the country. I can’t just focus on my own state and I haven’t. I’ve been going into different areas to make protection areas and zones for the Lord’s people to go. You would think a lot of these would be cities, and they’re not. They’re the forests; they’re the country and the deserts. That’s where they’ll go to hide. You don’t want them chasing you into the forests and they won’t be able to if they’re orgoned in protection areas because the Orgone will kill these evil beasts.
Anyway, I’m going to wrap up the show for the night. If you have any questions or comments for next week, you can send them to [email protected]. I’ll be posting stuff about my interviews that are coming up this weekend with Dr. Rebecca Carley and the Strange Frequencies network.
Until next week everybody, Yah bless.