A look back at 2009 and a look forward to 2010
Sherry Shriner on.....
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, December 28, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
A Look Back at 2009 and a Look Forward to 2010
And hello everybody. You’re live. It’s Monday night. Sherry Talk Radio. If you have a question for the show, you can send it to [email protected]. I’ll be checking those just a little bit later.
Snow - The Lord's Protection to Thwart "Their" Plans or Is It Part of Satan's Agenda?
…kindof tongue tied here. I don’t even know where to begin. Enjoying that snow? A lot of states are getting snowed in. I learned years ago and I don’t know if it has anything to do with now or not. I remember years ago that Christmas day has always been a big day for attacks by them; especially poison attacks. I used to live in the Snow Belt so I’m used to having
snow around Christmas and the cold and all of that. It usually stays to the Snow Belt states and you are seeing so many involved now. So many states not never gotten hit before are getting the snow. It makes you wonder how many attacks have been thwarted by the snow. Sometimes they’ll have things planned and the Lord will say No, you’re not going to get that
area, and the snow will come. Then you also have their plans and their agendas to try and chill the atmosphere because the Orgone is burning them. Right now, you never know what to expect; what’s coming behind the corner.
INTERPOL in U.S. to Enforce Chip Implants or Vaccinations
Interesting. I was reading this bill that Obama snuck in on the 22nd. This executive order change. What this does as most of you know Interpol (the International Police Organization) Most people just call them the international criminal police that works out of the UN. Well now it’s going to be working out of the US. They’ve established an office in the Department of
Justice building. They pretty much have been given the green thumb to do what they want on US soil. They’re not subject to search and seizure. They’re not subject to enforcing or protecting the Constitution or our Bill of Rights on our soil. In fact, they’re pretty much given a carte blanche to come on US soil and do whatever they want. Then if you try to question them,
they don’t have to answer you. They are not bound by our Constitution or Bill of Rights. So if you want someone else to come in and do your dirty work and operate above the law, then you just create a new agency or bring in an existing one in, give them all the power to do it and have them do it. Pretty interesting, them setting up Interpol. It’s kindof these backdoor
ways. I’ve been warning about the Chinese coming on American soil. I’ve been seeing it all year long. Now we can be seeing as early as February; Chinese troops here in the guise of acting on behalf of Interpol. One of the back door ways they can be using, folks. So keep an eye out for that. If you can’t read the writing on the wall by now…
One of the things I saw in the codes as far as Interpol was that they are going to be the policemen of the entire region, which could be this entire country, and enforcing chip implants or vaccinations. It’s just another way of them continuing on with this hideous chip implantation program. Everything they do folks, surrounds the chip implants. I’ve been harping about that for
weeks. No matter what they say. No matter how many distractions they try to throw out. No matter how they try to minimalize chip implants, they are deadly and they are the main force of their agenda. So they try to minimalize it, hide it and try and push other concerns for it; “Oh this is for the plague. This is to protect people. We’re giving shots.” Meanwhile they have all
these chip implants in the shots. Obama’s healthcare reform bill states that a class two medical device be implanted in the people. And of course, we know that class two medical devices are chip implants. Then you have Interpol coming and they’ll play a policing kind of thing on it. It’s all around the chip implants. I’ve warned you about that, because Satan controls his kingdom through technology and the way he does that is through chip implants. All of his little alien forces, demon forces whatever – they are chip implanted. They are controlled. Interesting there is such a push because his time is becoming so short on Earth. Time is coming to where he’s going to be cast to Earth, and he has to be able to control every person on this planet. Once you’re chip implanted with these ghastly new chips that they have out, they will kill people; they’ll destroy people, maim people, injure people and basically turn them into zombies. Zombies and robots. I’ve been warning stay away from these chip implants.
Interesting enough the locusts that are coming as described in Joel chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 9; part of their description is that the tails have stings like scorpions. One of the things that HE keeps taking me back to over and over and over again is Revelation chapter 9 all the time because this is what’s coming up around the corner.
Maitreya Is Coming, but Don't Put Your Faith in Man's Interpretation of Prophecy
I’ve warned about the arrival of Maitreya. His arrival is coming. What I don’t know is if this Abbadon the destroyer is Maitreya himself or is a character that arrives shortly after Maitreya does. Now I know they're all involved with this Maitreya and these ascended masters from the New Age are very much involved with the abduction of people. I’ve warned throughout the years about how they abduct people. They stock them away as food. They eat the dust of the ground. The dust of the earth. Of course, the dust of the Earth are the people. That’s one of their major things; abducting people. So it’s no surprise that in the New Age circles they're always talking about being cleansed and taken off the Earth and protected during the time of Earths coming cleansing, which is a big joke. Some people refer to it as Satan’s rapture, where he raptures his own bride off of the Earth. What he is basically doing is abducting humans off the earth and taking them to the own bases and taking them to Hell where they will be tormented and tortured and killed from that point on. These people think they are going to go live on different planets and be protected from the evil things that will happen on Earth. They’re just so stupid. That’s exactly what’s going to be happening to them.
And these are the kinds of things that we are fighting against, Folks. These are the kinds of things that if you are part of the resistance against them, you belong to the Most High, you are one of His believers, one of His warriors; these are the things that we are actually fighting against. Not just for ourselves, but for our own neighborhoods, our own cities and towns,
protecting them with Orgone so that the aliens don’t have free reign in them. The Orgone burns them. It’s our defense weapon against them. It destroys them.
I know that CNN for the past year has been touting the coming world teacher and have been advertising this Maitreya that’s coming. One of the things that I’ve been warning over and over again – when he does arrive, folks; definitely know that we are in the Tribulation period. Most people think everything has to line up with certain events. “Oh there has to be the Ezekiel
war.” And they place a Russian and Chinese war and the rebuilding of a temple in Jerusalem. Basically they just prophecy twisted all around and backwards. Ezekiel war - Ezekiel 38 and 39 doesn’t even take place until after the 1000 year Millennial Reign. So don’t put your faith in mans interpretation of prophetic scripture, folks. Just ask the Lord to reveal the truth in all things to you and open your eyes to last day’s prophecies so you can know where you are and where you are in them andwhat’s happening.
They're Moving You into a New World Order (of Satan's Rule on Earth)
A lot of things I’m seeing in the Bible Codes are straight up just fighting our own government. We’re fighting chip implants. They are assassination program. Satan’s war on the saints coming from our own government and through legislations. Through trickery, deceit and deception. Under the guise of vaccinations. Under the guise of healing people. Medical things.
These are the kinds of things that we are fighting now and its going to become much, much more on the increase next year. Next year is just the year of death. That’s all I see. I just keep seeing death, death, death by plagues, famines, chip implants. It doesn’t look like a cheery year next year at all. So if you’ve been aware, you’ve been awake this year and preparing.
Nominating Obama into the White House should have been a huge tip off to most people. The man is not human. He’s an animal. The Bible Codes often refer to him as a lizard, an animal. And he’s pushing the animal agenda. That’s what I’ve warned about. New Age mouthpiece. He’s Maitreya’s mouthpiece that can’t really announce his arrival or anything about the
new religion and politics they’re going to be bringing in. So he’s pushing behind the scenes legislations.
I find it interesting that the Bible Codes refer to them as domesticated bison and domesticated buffalo; meaning they are here under the guise of human beings and pushing their alien agenda on mankind, as humans. I’ve talked about politicians being soul-scalped. And hybrids over the years being born. They’ve had ongoing programs with that. You look at the RFID cards, the chips that are coming out, the climate gate, the crashing economies, the health reforms, the endless executive orders getting everything lined up, T’s crossed, I’s dotted. Just lining up their political agenda as domesticated bison, so that when the last step of their arrival happens, then everything is further into implementation.
They’re moving you into a new world order, they don’t explain to you what that is. People think it’s a new world order of peace and prosperity. They can keep their heads under the sand if that’s what they think it is. We’re looking at a new world order of Satan’s rule on Earth. Of an alien agenda ruling over the Earth. Of the elimination over billions of humans on the Earth. The elimination of the way of life that we’ve developed here on Earth.
They’ve always had this attitude that humans are just cattle to be herded. Cattle herd is one of the terms you’ll often see in the Bible Codes and how they relate to humans, what they think of them as. Basically that’s going to come out more and more. You’re going to find that those who fight against them will be the first ones that they come after to fight against. Interesting. They’ll do it all under the guise of martial law. Under the guise of rounding up big mouths, or calling them terrorists. They’ve got everything is set up so that you can be arrested and whisked away, even be taken out of the country and put on some mystery prison base somewhere. Banished from your own country, even your family members won’t know
where you are at. You know what? It will be this Interpol. These Chinese forces that are coming that will be doing a lot of that kind of work. People will just be disappearing overnight. These Chinese forces, these Interpol forces from the UN won’t be accountable to anybody. Obama has just given them that guarantee in that executive order that they are above every federal agency. A lot of tactics they’ll be using that I’ve been warning about just killing people and getting rid of people., they’ll hide under this Interpol agency.
You’ll also have FEMA. You’ve got FEMA roundups and FEMA camps. These Interpol forces could be the ones that are helping round up people and groups and organizations and anybody on their hit list and taking them to these FEMA camps.
What it does is leave all of these people out of the hands of the federal agencies and the local police. It also gives them no idea of who has been rounded up and exactly what’s going on. It gives them no idea. So these Interpol forces can just start rounding people up. Nobody can question them. Nobody can ask to see their files or who’s been arrested, because they
are above everybody. People can just start disappearing in massive numbers.
This is the kind of things that are coming up for 2010. I never thought we would get this far before the crap hit the fan like this. I certainly expected all of this to happen sooner. It’s been delayed. Delayed, delayed, delayed. So we’re looking at it happening in 2010 now, which has given people time to wake up.
They Talk About Heaven and Bliss, but I See UFOs Arriving Firing Beams on Earth
Some of the other things I’ve been seeing and wanted to warn about particularly is their arrival. What they tell you is far different from what’s going to be happening. They’ll give you a picture of a mass UFO arrival where they just hover above the cities and things like that. Well, that’s not the kind of arrival I see. I don’t know if there are two different types of arrivals
planned, or what’s going on, but the arrival I see is UFOs arriving and firing beams on the Earth and destroying and burning the Earth and killing the people. And they’re coming very angry. They talk about heaven, and bliss and the fifth dimension out of one side of their mouth, and out the other there is nothing but death and destruction coming. It could happen after their
contact, after their massive arrival, to announce Maitreya’s arrival as the world teacher, as Buddha, Krishna and even Moses. He takes on everybody’s titles and says it’s like an all in one guy. He’s an all in one guy. He’s everybody’s messiahs and great prophets all rolled up into one.
So that will be interesting, but the Orgone will start destroying them. It crashes their ships, so that’s why they’ve not been able to pull that one off yet. They are going to have enough ships left to accomplish and fulfill what their purposes are. The Lord will allow Satan to rule the world for 42 months. Not necessarily in the ways he thought he would be able to or in the
luxury he thought he was going to be able to. That’s a credit to the warriors and the people that believe in the Most High who have made it impossible for Satan to fulfill all his plans and wishes while he’s here on Earth. The Lord has given us Orgone and weapons to fight against Satan with. That’s what we’ve been saturating the atmosphere with, covering the world with.
So it’s going to be quite different than what Satan has thought it would be over the last thousands of years as he has planned all of this.
So it’s just more of the same when we start the new year. More vaccinations, more plagues coming, enforcement of health reform, the carbongate, the climategate, Interpol. All of these things eventually will be established, folks. We don’t have much of a fight against a Congress full of lizards. And when they’re already on Earth under the guise of human beings fulfilling their agenda on Earth.
Focusing on the Year Ahead and Reminiscing about the Year Behind
Just the one thing we need to focus on is being spiritually ready for all of these things that are going to be happening and being physically ready; being physically able to stay home when things start hitting the fan. We’ve got Interpol forces that are going to be here. Chinese police forces all over the country eventually. Plagues everywhere. Vaccines everywhere. People
dying of mysterious diseases. Just an increase of everything. Everything getting much, much varied and much worse over the next year.
I sit here and think about everything that happened this year. And boy the only thing we just missed was Maitreya’s arrival. But credit that to the warriors and destroying Shema, his home star, his base star. His home ship. Being able to destroy that and catch that on fire. Boy did that catch them by surprise. That surprised them all. Shocked them all. It will be interesting to
see how they’re going to try and survive on an Earth that has Orgone saturated air. Almost makes you wonder if they’re going to start building dome cities; if their answer to being able to live in our atmosphere is to build domes. Build a dome over D.C. I would expect the strange. Expect the unexpected, because it’s going to jump from one thing to the next of unexpected things for next year. So just a heads up.
I’ve just been sitting here tonight and thinking about the past year wondering how much did we accomplished this year over the year before. Was it worth it just having to stick around for another year? Then you think about all the new people that have woken up. New targets that we’ve been able to hit with the Orgone. In a lot of ways it’s all in the Lords timing. Eventually HE is going to take His 144,000 off the earth. It makes you wonder how much time we’re going to have to deal with until that happens. There have just been so many delays, delays, delays even on that. I don’t know how much more I could talk about the aliens being here on Earth, the aliens coming. I’ve been talking about this stuff for years. I don’t know how many more ways I can say it. It’s almost like…play a recording. They just keep drumming up their agendas and pushing on, so I don’t know.
Every year on the 1st I have quiet time with the Most High. HE usually gives me a word for the next year and what to look out for. It’ll be interesting this year to see what HE has to say for 2010, even though it’s technically really not a new year. The Israelites new year was several months ago. But HE knows what kind of the calendar I’m on. It’s always kindof been a thing
between us. It’ll be interesting. I can just see it now. The death and destruction that’s coming. That’s all I see in the Bible Codes. That’s all I see - Chips, death, chips, death, death, burning, burnt, boiled, death.
So it’s just something to prepare for, folks. I don’t know how you prepare for something like that. You know what? Life as we know it is just going to cease to exist eventually. I don’t know what it takes to get people to wake up and realize that and start preparing for that. The only thing we can do is spend our time standing up and fighting against them. We just need
more and more people joining the war against them. Otherwise they’re just going to have their freewill and reign on humans. Destroying them, killing them, abducting them, chip implanting them so they can turn them into droids and robots. People don’t understand what these chip implants are. They are two-way transistors and can literally just turn you into a zombie
eventually. If not outright killing you and destroying you, just turn you into a zombie.
I’m going to answer a couple of questions. If you have questions for the show, you can send them to [email protected]. Yahoo is messing with me.
I Don't Want to Celebrate Pagan Christmas, but My Family Does. What Should I Do?
Question from a listener: What does a person do when they know the whole Christmas thing is pagan and Satan related and the rest of the family doesn’t agree with it? Even husband and children with documented proof? What does a person who doesn’t want to celebrate this pagan holiday do when it feels like I’m being cornered?
You know what? I had to go through the same things years ago. It’s a process really. Just start planting seeds. Just start planting seeds. Don’t expect miracles overnight. As you pull out the scriptures from Jeremiah and show them how it’s a pagan holiday to decorate the Christmas trees. It’s right there in Jeremiah. It talks about how the pagans would decorate
trees with lights. What we do with the same thing mimicking our Christmas trees and how the whole December 25 is Mithra’s (the sun god) birthday. It had nothing to do with the Lord. Just start planting seeds and every year just become more and more detached from the entire thing. More and more detached yourself and get your kids prepared for that. The only reason
kids don’t want to give up Christmas is because they want presents. You know what? Change their perspective. Change the whole thing and say we’ll have present day two days before or whatever. Just call it a present day. Don’t put up lights. Don’t put up trees. Don’t celebrate the holidays like the pagans do. Even the Christians. They are doing as the pagans do.
So if you look like a duck and act like a duck, what are you? All these pagan Christians. Just plant seeds and ask the Lord to work HIS ways among your family. That’s the biggest thing is just planting seeds, because HE waters them. Pretty soon your kids won’t like it either and understand what a pagan holiday it is. The Lord does miracles, I’ll tell you. So you just have
to seek HIM on that. Ask HIM to guide you in how to teach your family what a pagan holiday that is. Send them somebody else’s stuff to read. So many people close to me, I’ll send them my own stuff, it doesn’t mean anything to them, but send them somebody else’s stuff and it clicks. They’d rather hear it from somebody else than me. Just a way of handling it. And things take time, folks.
Could Obama's Healthcare Bill Possibly Have Something to Do with Satan's Chipping Plan?
Question from listener: Hello Sherry. Do you think that Obama’s healthcare bill could possibly have something to do with Satan’s plan to force everyone to take the chip? I say this because the health plan will require an ID card that may contain an RFID card and forced on to the people.Well there are already provisions in the health reform bill that mandates everybody to be implanted with a chip implant. They call it a class two medical device. So it’s already part of the healthcare reform. Just more stuff they are sneaking in so they can really start enforcing the whole chip implantation program of theirs through any route and various routes. They could use vaccinations. They could use driver’s license or RFID cards, healthcare cards o however they want to bring it about. The whole underlying theme is to chip implant the population. That’s why you want to stay away from the chip implants, folks. That’s the whole thing. Getting control of the people through chip implants and then getting control of governments and their economies. They’ll do that through famines and plagues. So it’s all about control and getting control this year. And that’s going to cause a lot of deaths; just a lot of death throughout the year.
Another thing to watch out for is the Ark of the Covenant. Maitreya and his arrival and bringing in this lookalike ark of the covenant. Another one of the things they’re going to be playing with on the people. And I’ve talked about that before; them springing up the Ark of the Covenant.
I just don’t feel like rehashing the wheels today, folks. Bringing out everything I’ve talked about already all year long. Just a lot of things for 2010 that are just going to carry on from 2009. Then we’re also going to see a lot of their agendas pushing forward. Carbongate, climategate, stargates…
When I Get My Orgone, Where Do I Put It to Fight the Chemtrails?
Question from a listener: When I get my Orgone from you where do I put it to fight the chemtrails?
You want to put it outside around your home. You want to put it inside your home. You want to put it around your neighborhoods, your towns, your cities. Just ask the Lord to guide your thoughts on where to put it, especially if you’ve got towers everywhere with flashing white lights. The white light towers are mind control towers. So you definitely want to get
Orgone around towers. Usually around 3 or 4. You don’t have to get right on top of them, because you don’t want the tower maintenance workers to find them. Get them around the towers. If you’re looking for places to get them in your neighborhoods, get them up in gutters of people’s houses; they won’t even know they're there. Get them in bushes, trees, ditches and places they won’t be found. And just make a circle around you. You want to get north, south, east and west. Then get farther out and farther out. So you want to make almost like a circumference of a circle around your home and then ones that’s farther out from that circle, then one that’s farther out from that circle. It’s just saturating your own areas with
I Made Orgone with the Copper Coil Going the Wrong Way. Should I Break Them Up?
Question from a listener: I made Orgone with the copper going the other way. Should I break them up with a hammer and start over?
Yeah, make sure it’s going the wrong way. What you want it to do is have it going CLOCKWISE. So when you snip your wire, it should look like it’s going forward in a clockwise direction. Some people will look at it and say it’s going counterclockwise. No, the motion goes forward. If you are winding towards the right and looping it around a pipe and always
going towards the right in a clockwise motion, that is the right way it’s supposed to go. Just make sure you actually did it the wrong way before you bust them up.
My Sister Thought I Was Crazy Regarding Orgone, but Her Doctor Confirmed It's Real
Question from a listener: My sister laughed about the Orgone and figured I was crazy, but listen to this. She went to her doctor and started telling her all about the Orgone and Wilhelm Reich. Now there’s a whole different acceptance to how she views it. I thought that was Yah’s way of working for sure.
It is for sure. People that know us will be the last ones they will listen to. If somebody else brings it up they’ll listen. Go figure! That’s just how it is. It’s how it is. So yeah, praise Yah for using that doctor and even bringing it up to her. I know if I mention one little thing to a doctor they’re going to think I’m completely nuts. I don’t usually say anything to doctors about anything.
Should We Consider Leaving America If Chip Implants Become Mandatory?
Question from a listener: Do you think we should consider leaving the country if they make it mandatory for all citizens to get chip implants for this health program?
You know what? If you’ve got money, get out of the country. Get out. Go! It’s going to be Hell on Earth in 2010, literally. If Maitreya arrives, and he probably will in 2010 because Shema has been busting up in chunks since October. He arrives and you have the locust invasion of Revelation chapter 9 with that. And in accordance with that is Joel chapter 2. It’s going
to be very bad here in America. I’m here to fulfill whatever work it is the Lord has me to do. I’m here to fight. I’m here to lead the resistance against them. Whether it be to live or die, I don’t care. I’m just here to do my work, my calling for HIM. For anybody else who is in fear for their lives, and want to protect your lives and your family, then get out of the country. This is
the time to do it. You’re going to lose your opportunity to do so in 2010. Its basically going to be those who are here are going to be stuck here by I’d say the summer of 2010. Hey, if the Lord is leading you to get out, get out. If HE is making a way for you to get out, get out. America is going to be Hell on Earth. I don’t mean to raise alarms with anybody, but that’s just
the way it is.
Do You Think the Terrorist's Plot in the Plane at the Airport Was Government-Sponsored?
Question from a listener: I live near Detroit; do you think the terrorists plot in the plane at the airport was government sponsored terror?
Of course. Anytime you hear Al Qaeda, its government. We all know what Al Qaeda is. A CIA front group. It was their boogeyman they needed to promote this whole war on terrorism here in America so they could start putting more and more draconian controls on Americans and taking away our Constitution and our rights. So anytime you hear Al Qaeda, you know
it’s the government involved. They funded them. They trained them. They backed them. They are chip implanted and mind controlled. You can look at these people that are supposedly these Al Qaida operatives and they look clueless. They don’t look like beasts…murderers…evil people. They just look like normal people, but totally controlled by the chip implants.
There’s a good look for you, folks. People don’t think chip implants are that powerful? Well look at these babies and these kids. I was looking at a photo on the media of the last guy from Detroit thing. He’s 23 years old and looks 16. These people are all chip implanted and are controlled by these chips to do these outrageous things for the government in the name of Al
Qaeda. Yeah, it’s just more false flag terror to keep the terror going. Keep it going. Keep it going. Expect more from Al Qaeda. Expect more from the boogeymen the government creates so they can keep their war on terror going.
You know what kills me is all these people that end up becoming pawns of their chip implants and then coerced through the chip implants to do these things they don’t even know what they’re doing, but the chip implants take over their brains and control them. Then they get to spend the rest of their life in prison. They get beat up. They get tortured for things they don’t
even remember doing or things they had control of doing because the government had them chip implanted and were controlling them to do it. It’s almost like you can be put on remote control. A radio controlled car does what you want it to do from the steering wheel because it’s got a chip in the engine in the body of the car. Whoever has the controller controls the
car. That’s how these chip implants are. You get these chips in these people’s brains and whoever’s got the control can control that person and do whatever they want them to do. On the outside they look totally normal. They look like totally normal human beings. But the simple fact is they don’t have control of their minds. They do what their controllers are making
them do. And that’s exactly the kind of chips that are in the vaccines that are in this big push on chip implants.
Even when the locusts come and they start on the big enforcement of people to get chips, that’s why. Because once you have these chips in you, whoever has the controls of that chip can force you to do whatever they want you to do and you can’t do a thing about it. You don’t even know what you’re doing. You lose all capacity to say no. You lose all capacity to
think for yourself or not do what you’re being forced to do. Yeah, that’s the dangers of the chip implants and that’s why I’ve been spending so much time harping about the dangers of chip implants.
If anybody has a question for the show, I’m going to shut it down here in a few minutes.
Comment about the Snow
We’re in the middle of a snow pounding ourselves. 2 – 4 inches by tomorrow. We typically don’t get that much snow. I’m out here in the southeast part of Ohio. We don’t usually have to put up with the snow that a lot of the Snow Belt areas have to. I’m not liking it.
If you’re going to send me emails, at least let me know if it’s a question for the show or something different. I don’t read the something different. Just questions for the show.
Some Calendar Questions
Simon Keene was a great listener of this show and did a lot of work on the ancient calendars and finding the true Hebrew calendar. He has disappeared. They disappeared him about two years now. I miss him. He’s the one that was really getting into tearing the calendars apart. People want to know if we’re lunar, solar and all that. I have articles on my site at about the calendars. The seventh day of the week is Saturday, so despite whether lunar or solar or whatever calendar you want to be on; the creation calendar or the lunar calendar, the seventh day of the week is Saturday. Sunday is the first day of the week. No matter how many times you want to change a calendar or update it, you just can’t
change that. People try to excuse the thing they do. It’s also the day. Sunrise to sunset is a day. Anything else isn’t right either. You got sunrise to sunset as the day. Sunset to sunrise is night. So the day begins at sunrise. The day ends at sunset. So if you are honoring a Sabbath day, you are to do no work from sunrise to sunset. I know a lot of people will see
Saturday night they like to do this and that and work and whatever. Fine, just wait ‘til sunset. The day is over at sunset on Saturday. Sabbath is Saturday from sunrise to sunset. I found that interesting that more and more people are waking up to a lot of things. At least they are asking questions. They’re showing that they’re breaking out of the mind control sleepdumb
that the churches have put them in.
Anyway, that’s all I’m going to do for the night, folks. I’m going to wrap it up. It’s kindof depressing really. It really is, because I know the things that are coming. For the last couple of weeks it’s just really hit my spirit like a ton of bricks. It’s not going to be an easy year next year folks.
Until next week everybody, Yah bless.
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, December 28, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
A Look Back at 2009 and a Look Forward to 2010
And hello everybody. You’re live. It’s Monday night. Sherry Talk Radio. If you have a question for the show, you can send it to [email protected]. I’ll be checking those just a little bit later.
Snow - The Lord's Protection to Thwart "Their" Plans or Is It Part of Satan's Agenda?
…kindof tongue tied here. I don’t even know where to begin. Enjoying that snow? A lot of states are getting snowed in. I learned years ago and I don’t know if it has anything to do with now or not. I remember years ago that Christmas day has always been a big day for attacks by them; especially poison attacks. I used to live in the Snow Belt so I’m used to having
snow around Christmas and the cold and all of that. It usually stays to the Snow Belt states and you are seeing so many involved now. So many states not never gotten hit before are getting the snow. It makes you wonder how many attacks have been thwarted by the snow. Sometimes they’ll have things planned and the Lord will say No, you’re not going to get that
area, and the snow will come. Then you also have their plans and their agendas to try and chill the atmosphere because the Orgone is burning them. Right now, you never know what to expect; what’s coming behind the corner.
INTERPOL in U.S. to Enforce Chip Implants or Vaccinations
Interesting. I was reading this bill that Obama snuck in on the 22nd. This executive order change. What this does as most of you know Interpol (the International Police Organization) Most people just call them the international criminal police that works out of the UN. Well now it’s going to be working out of the US. They’ve established an office in the Department of
Justice building. They pretty much have been given the green thumb to do what they want on US soil. They’re not subject to search and seizure. They’re not subject to enforcing or protecting the Constitution or our Bill of Rights on our soil. In fact, they’re pretty much given a carte blanche to come on US soil and do whatever they want. Then if you try to question them,
they don’t have to answer you. They are not bound by our Constitution or Bill of Rights. So if you want someone else to come in and do your dirty work and operate above the law, then you just create a new agency or bring in an existing one in, give them all the power to do it and have them do it. Pretty interesting, them setting up Interpol. It’s kindof these backdoor
ways. I’ve been warning about the Chinese coming on American soil. I’ve been seeing it all year long. Now we can be seeing as early as February; Chinese troops here in the guise of acting on behalf of Interpol. One of the back door ways they can be using, folks. So keep an eye out for that. If you can’t read the writing on the wall by now…
One of the things I saw in the codes as far as Interpol was that they are going to be the policemen of the entire region, which could be this entire country, and enforcing chip implants or vaccinations. It’s just another way of them continuing on with this hideous chip implantation program. Everything they do folks, surrounds the chip implants. I’ve been harping about that for
weeks. No matter what they say. No matter how many distractions they try to throw out. No matter how they try to minimalize chip implants, they are deadly and they are the main force of their agenda. So they try to minimalize it, hide it and try and push other concerns for it; “Oh this is for the plague. This is to protect people. We’re giving shots.” Meanwhile they have all
these chip implants in the shots. Obama’s healthcare reform bill states that a class two medical device be implanted in the people. And of course, we know that class two medical devices are chip implants. Then you have Interpol coming and they’ll play a policing kind of thing on it. It’s all around the chip implants. I’ve warned you about that, because Satan controls his kingdom through technology and the way he does that is through chip implants. All of his little alien forces, demon forces whatever – they are chip implanted. They are controlled. Interesting there is such a push because his time is becoming so short on Earth. Time is coming to where he’s going to be cast to Earth, and he has to be able to control every person on this planet. Once you’re chip implanted with these ghastly new chips that they have out, they will kill people; they’ll destroy people, maim people, injure people and basically turn them into zombies. Zombies and robots. I’ve been warning stay away from these chip implants.
Interesting enough the locusts that are coming as described in Joel chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 9; part of their description is that the tails have stings like scorpions. One of the things that HE keeps taking me back to over and over and over again is Revelation chapter 9 all the time because this is what’s coming up around the corner.
Maitreya Is Coming, but Don't Put Your Faith in Man's Interpretation of Prophecy
I’ve warned about the arrival of Maitreya. His arrival is coming. What I don’t know is if this Abbadon the destroyer is Maitreya himself or is a character that arrives shortly after Maitreya does. Now I know they're all involved with this Maitreya and these ascended masters from the New Age are very much involved with the abduction of people. I’ve warned throughout the years about how they abduct people. They stock them away as food. They eat the dust of the ground. The dust of the earth. Of course, the dust of the Earth are the people. That’s one of their major things; abducting people. So it’s no surprise that in the New Age circles they're always talking about being cleansed and taken off the Earth and protected during the time of Earths coming cleansing, which is a big joke. Some people refer to it as Satan’s rapture, where he raptures his own bride off of the Earth. What he is basically doing is abducting humans off the earth and taking them to the own bases and taking them to Hell where they will be tormented and tortured and killed from that point on. These people think they are going to go live on different planets and be protected from the evil things that will happen on Earth. They’re just so stupid. That’s exactly what’s going to be happening to them.
And these are the kinds of things that we are fighting against, Folks. These are the kinds of things that if you are part of the resistance against them, you belong to the Most High, you are one of His believers, one of His warriors; these are the things that we are actually fighting against. Not just for ourselves, but for our own neighborhoods, our own cities and towns,
protecting them with Orgone so that the aliens don’t have free reign in them. The Orgone burns them. It’s our defense weapon against them. It destroys them.
I know that CNN for the past year has been touting the coming world teacher and have been advertising this Maitreya that’s coming. One of the things that I’ve been warning over and over again – when he does arrive, folks; definitely know that we are in the Tribulation period. Most people think everything has to line up with certain events. “Oh there has to be the Ezekiel
war.” And they place a Russian and Chinese war and the rebuilding of a temple in Jerusalem. Basically they just prophecy twisted all around and backwards. Ezekiel war - Ezekiel 38 and 39 doesn’t even take place until after the 1000 year Millennial Reign. So don’t put your faith in mans interpretation of prophetic scripture, folks. Just ask the Lord to reveal the truth in all things to you and open your eyes to last day’s prophecies so you can know where you are and where you are in them andwhat’s happening.
They're Moving You into a New World Order (of Satan's Rule on Earth)
A lot of things I’m seeing in the Bible Codes are straight up just fighting our own government. We’re fighting chip implants. They are assassination program. Satan’s war on the saints coming from our own government and through legislations. Through trickery, deceit and deception. Under the guise of vaccinations. Under the guise of healing people. Medical things.
These are the kinds of things that we are fighting now and its going to become much, much more on the increase next year. Next year is just the year of death. That’s all I see. I just keep seeing death, death, death by plagues, famines, chip implants. It doesn’t look like a cheery year next year at all. So if you’ve been aware, you’ve been awake this year and preparing.
Nominating Obama into the White House should have been a huge tip off to most people. The man is not human. He’s an animal. The Bible Codes often refer to him as a lizard, an animal. And he’s pushing the animal agenda. That’s what I’ve warned about. New Age mouthpiece. He’s Maitreya’s mouthpiece that can’t really announce his arrival or anything about the
new religion and politics they’re going to be bringing in. So he’s pushing behind the scenes legislations.
I find it interesting that the Bible Codes refer to them as domesticated bison and domesticated buffalo; meaning they are here under the guise of human beings and pushing their alien agenda on mankind, as humans. I’ve talked about politicians being soul-scalped. And hybrids over the years being born. They’ve had ongoing programs with that. You look at the RFID cards, the chips that are coming out, the climate gate, the crashing economies, the health reforms, the endless executive orders getting everything lined up, T’s crossed, I’s dotted. Just lining up their political agenda as domesticated bison, so that when the last step of their arrival happens, then everything is further into implementation.
They’re moving you into a new world order, they don’t explain to you what that is. People think it’s a new world order of peace and prosperity. They can keep their heads under the sand if that’s what they think it is. We’re looking at a new world order of Satan’s rule on Earth. Of an alien agenda ruling over the Earth. Of the elimination over billions of humans on the Earth. The elimination of the way of life that we’ve developed here on Earth.
They’ve always had this attitude that humans are just cattle to be herded. Cattle herd is one of the terms you’ll often see in the Bible Codes and how they relate to humans, what they think of them as. Basically that’s going to come out more and more. You’re going to find that those who fight against them will be the first ones that they come after to fight against. Interesting. They’ll do it all under the guise of martial law. Under the guise of rounding up big mouths, or calling them terrorists. They’ve got everything is set up so that you can be arrested and whisked away, even be taken out of the country and put on some mystery prison base somewhere. Banished from your own country, even your family members won’t know
where you are at. You know what? It will be this Interpol. These Chinese forces that are coming that will be doing a lot of that kind of work. People will just be disappearing overnight. These Chinese forces, these Interpol forces from the UN won’t be accountable to anybody. Obama has just given them that guarantee in that executive order that they are above every federal agency. A lot of tactics they’ll be using that I’ve been warning about just killing people and getting rid of people., they’ll hide under this Interpol agency.
You’ll also have FEMA. You’ve got FEMA roundups and FEMA camps. These Interpol forces could be the ones that are helping round up people and groups and organizations and anybody on their hit list and taking them to these FEMA camps.
What it does is leave all of these people out of the hands of the federal agencies and the local police. It also gives them no idea of who has been rounded up and exactly what’s going on. It gives them no idea. So these Interpol forces can just start rounding people up. Nobody can question them. Nobody can ask to see their files or who’s been arrested, because they
are above everybody. People can just start disappearing in massive numbers.
This is the kind of things that are coming up for 2010. I never thought we would get this far before the crap hit the fan like this. I certainly expected all of this to happen sooner. It’s been delayed. Delayed, delayed, delayed. So we’re looking at it happening in 2010 now, which has given people time to wake up.
They Talk About Heaven and Bliss, but I See UFOs Arriving Firing Beams on Earth
Some of the other things I’ve been seeing and wanted to warn about particularly is their arrival. What they tell you is far different from what’s going to be happening. They’ll give you a picture of a mass UFO arrival where they just hover above the cities and things like that. Well, that’s not the kind of arrival I see. I don’t know if there are two different types of arrivals
planned, or what’s going on, but the arrival I see is UFOs arriving and firing beams on the Earth and destroying and burning the Earth and killing the people. And they’re coming very angry. They talk about heaven, and bliss and the fifth dimension out of one side of their mouth, and out the other there is nothing but death and destruction coming. It could happen after their
contact, after their massive arrival, to announce Maitreya’s arrival as the world teacher, as Buddha, Krishna and even Moses. He takes on everybody’s titles and says it’s like an all in one guy. He’s an all in one guy. He’s everybody’s messiahs and great prophets all rolled up into one.
So that will be interesting, but the Orgone will start destroying them. It crashes their ships, so that’s why they’ve not been able to pull that one off yet. They are going to have enough ships left to accomplish and fulfill what their purposes are. The Lord will allow Satan to rule the world for 42 months. Not necessarily in the ways he thought he would be able to or in the
luxury he thought he was going to be able to. That’s a credit to the warriors and the people that believe in the Most High who have made it impossible for Satan to fulfill all his plans and wishes while he’s here on Earth. The Lord has given us Orgone and weapons to fight against Satan with. That’s what we’ve been saturating the atmosphere with, covering the world with.
So it’s going to be quite different than what Satan has thought it would be over the last thousands of years as he has planned all of this.
So it’s just more of the same when we start the new year. More vaccinations, more plagues coming, enforcement of health reform, the carbongate, the climategate, Interpol. All of these things eventually will be established, folks. We don’t have much of a fight against a Congress full of lizards. And when they’re already on Earth under the guise of human beings fulfilling their agenda on Earth.
Focusing on the Year Ahead and Reminiscing about the Year Behind
Just the one thing we need to focus on is being spiritually ready for all of these things that are going to be happening and being physically ready; being physically able to stay home when things start hitting the fan. We’ve got Interpol forces that are going to be here. Chinese police forces all over the country eventually. Plagues everywhere. Vaccines everywhere. People
dying of mysterious diseases. Just an increase of everything. Everything getting much, much varied and much worse over the next year.
I sit here and think about everything that happened this year. And boy the only thing we just missed was Maitreya’s arrival. But credit that to the warriors and destroying Shema, his home star, his base star. His home ship. Being able to destroy that and catch that on fire. Boy did that catch them by surprise. That surprised them all. Shocked them all. It will be interesting to
see how they’re going to try and survive on an Earth that has Orgone saturated air. Almost makes you wonder if they’re going to start building dome cities; if their answer to being able to live in our atmosphere is to build domes. Build a dome over D.C. I would expect the strange. Expect the unexpected, because it’s going to jump from one thing to the next of unexpected things for next year. So just a heads up.
I’ve just been sitting here tonight and thinking about the past year wondering how much did we accomplished this year over the year before. Was it worth it just having to stick around for another year? Then you think about all the new people that have woken up. New targets that we’ve been able to hit with the Orgone. In a lot of ways it’s all in the Lords timing. Eventually HE is going to take His 144,000 off the earth. It makes you wonder how much time we’re going to have to deal with until that happens. There have just been so many delays, delays, delays even on that. I don’t know how much more I could talk about the aliens being here on Earth, the aliens coming. I’ve been talking about this stuff for years. I don’t know how many more ways I can say it. It’s almost like…play a recording. They just keep drumming up their agendas and pushing on, so I don’t know.
Every year on the 1st I have quiet time with the Most High. HE usually gives me a word for the next year and what to look out for. It’ll be interesting this year to see what HE has to say for 2010, even though it’s technically really not a new year. The Israelites new year was several months ago. But HE knows what kind of the calendar I’m on. It’s always kindof been a thing
between us. It’ll be interesting. I can just see it now. The death and destruction that’s coming. That’s all I see in the Bible Codes. That’s all I see - Chips, death, chips, death, death, burning, burnt, boiled, death.
So it’s just something to prepare for, folks. I don’t know how you prepare for something like that. You know what? Life as we know it is just going to cease to exist eventually. I don’t know what it takes to get people to wake up and realize that and start preparing for that. The only thing we can do is spend our time standing up and fighting against them. We just need
more and more people joining the war against them. Otherwise they’re just going to have their freewill and reign on humans. Destroying them, killing them, abducting them, chip implanting them so they can turn them into droids and robots. People don’t understand what these chip implants are. They are two-way transistors and can literally just turn you into a zombie
eventually. If not outright killing you and destroying you, just turn you into a zombie.
I’m going to answer a couple of questions. If you have questions for the show, you can send them to [email protected]. Yahoo is messing with me.
I Don't Want to Celebrate Pagan Christmas, but My Family Does. What Should I Do?
Question from a listener: What does a person do when they know the whole Christmas thing is pagan and Satan related and the rest of the family doesn’t agree with it? Even husband and children with documented proof? What does a person who doesn’t want to celebrate this pagan holiday do when it feels like I’m being cornered?
You know what? I had to go through the same things years ago. It’s a process really. Just start planting seeds. Just start planting seeds. Don’t expect miracles overnight. As you pull out the scriptures from Jeremiah and show them how it’s a pagan holiday to decorate the Christmas trees. It’s right there in Jeremiah. It talks about how the pagans would decorate
trees with lights. What we do with the same thing mimicking our Christmas trees and how the whole December 25 is Mithra’s (the sun god) birthday. It had nothing to do with the Lord. Just start planting seeds and every year just become more and more detached from the entire thing. More and more detached yourself and get your kids prepared for that. The only reason
kids don’t want to give up Christmas is because they want presents. You know what? Change their perspective. Change the whole thing and say we’ll have present day two days before or whatever. Just call it a present day. Don’t put up lights. Don’t put up trees. Don’t celebrate the holidays like the pagans do. Even the Christians. They are doing as the pagans do.
So if you look like a duck and act like a duck, what are you? All these pagan Christians. Just plant seeds and ask the Lord to work HIS ways among your family. That’s the biggest thing is just planting seeds, because HE waters them. Pretty soon your kids won’t like it either and understand what a pagan holiday it is. The Lord does miracles, I’ll tell you. So you just have
to seek HIM on that. Ask HIM to guide you in how to teach your family what a pagan holiday that is. Send them somebody else’s stuff to read. So many people close to me, I’ll send them my own stuff, it doesn’t mean anything to them, but send them somebody else’s stuff and it clicks. They’d rather hear it from somebody else than me. Just a way of handling it. And things take time, folks.
Could Obama's Healthcare Bill Possibly Have Something to Do with Satan's Chipping Plan?
Question from listener: Hello Sherry. Do you think that Obama’s healthcare bill could possibly have something to do with Satan’s plan to force everyone to take the chip? I say this because the health plan will require an ID card that may contain an RFID card and forced on to the people.Well there are already provisions in the health reform bill that mandates everybody to be implanted with a chip implant. They call it a class two medical device. So it’s already part of the healthcare reform. Just more stuff they are sneaking in so they can really start enforcing the whole chip implantation program of theirs through any route and various routes. They could use vaccinations. They could use driver’s license or RFID cards, healthcare cards o however they want to bring it about. The whole underlying theme is to chip implant the population. That’s why you want to stay away from the chip implants, folks. That’s the whole thing. Getting control of the people through chip implants and then getting control of governments and their economies. They’ll do that through famines and plagues. So it’s all about control and getting control this year. And that’s going to cause a lot of deaths; just a lot of death throughout the year.
Another thing to watch out for is the Ark of the Covenant. Maitreya and his arrival and bringing in this lookalike ark of the covenant. Another one of the things they’re going to be playing with on the people. And I’ve talked about that before; them springing up the Ark of the Covenant.
I just don’t feel like rehashing the wheels today, folks. Bringing out everything I’ve talked about already all year long. Just a lot of things for 2010 that are just going to carry on from 2009. Then we’re also going to see a lot of their agendas pushing forward. Carbongate, climategate, stargates…
When I Get My Orgone, Where Do I Put It to Fight the Chemtrails?
Question from a listener: When I get my Orgone from you where do I put it to fight the chemtrails?
You want to put it outside around your home. You want to put it inside your home. You want to put it around your neighborhoods, your towns, your cities. Just ask the Lord to guide your thoughts on where to put it, especially if you’ve got towers everywhere with flashing white lights. The white light towers are mind control towers. So you definitely want to get
Orgone around towers. Usually around 3 or 4. You don’t have to get right on top of them, because you don’t want the tower maintenance workers to find them. Get them around the towers. If you’re looking for places to get them in your neighborhoods, get them up in gutters of people’s houses; they won’t even know they're there. Get them in bushes, trees, ditches and places they won’t be found. And just make a circle around you. You want to get north, south, east and west. Then get farther out and farther out. So you want to make almost like a circumference of a circle around your home and then ones that’s farther out from that circle, then one that’s farther out from that circle. It’s just saturating your own areas with
I Made Orgone with the Copper Coil Going the Wrong Way. Should I Break Them Up?
Question from a listener: I made Orgone with the copper going the other way. Should I break them up with a hammer and start over?
Yeah, make sure it’s going the wrong way. What you want it to do is have it going CLOCKWISE. So when you snip your wire, it should look like it’s going forward in a clockwise direction. Some people will look at it and say it’s going counterclockwise. No, the motion goes forward. If you are winding towards the right and looping it around a pipe and always
going towards the right in a clockwise motion, that is the right way it’s supposed to go. Just make sure you actually did it the wrong way before you bust them up.
My Sister Thought I Was Crazy Regarding Orgone, but Her Doctor Confirmed It's Real
Question from a listener: My sister laughed about the Orgone and figured I was crazy, but listen to this. She went to her doctor and started telling her all about the Orgone and Wilhelm Reich. Now there’s a whole different acceptance to how she views it. I thought that was Yah’s way of working for sure.
It is for sure. People that know us will be the last ones they will listen to. If somebody else brings it up they’ll listen. Go figure! That’s just how it is. It’s how it is. So yeah, praise Yah for using that doctor and even bringing it up to her. I know if I mention one little thing to a doctor they’re going to think I’m completely nuts. I don’t usually say anything to doctors about anything.
Should We Consider Leaving America If Chip Implants Become Mandatory?
Question from a listener: Do you think we should consider leaving the country if they make it mandatory for all citizens to get chip implants for this health program?
You know what? If you’ve got money, get out of the country. Get out. Go! It’s going to be Hell on Earth in 2010, literally. If Maitreya arrives, and he probably will in 2010 because Shema has been busting up in chunks since October. He arrives and you have the locust invasion of Revelation chapter 9 with that. And in accordance with that is Joel chapter 2. It’s going
to be very bad here in America. I’m here to fulfill whatever work it is the Lord has me to do. I’m here to fight. I’m here to lead the resistance against them. Whether it be to live or die, I don’t care. I’m just here to do my work, my calling for HIM. For anybody else who is in fear for their lives, and want to protect your lives and your family, then get out of the country. This is
the time to do it. You’re going to lose your opportunity to do so in 2010. Its basically going to be those who are here are going to be stuck here by I’d say the summer of 2010. Hey, if the Lord is leading you to get out, get out. If HE is making a way for you to get out, get out. America is going to be Hell on Earth. I don’t mean to raise alarms with anybody, but that’s just
the way it is.
Do You Think the Terrorist's Plot in the Plane at the Airport Was Government-Sponsored?
Question from a listener: I live near Detroit; do you think the terrorists plot in the plane at the airport was government sponsored terror?
Of course. Anytime you hear Al Qaeda, its government. We all know what Al Qaeda is. A CIA front group. It was their boogeyman they needed to promote this whole war on terrorism here in America so they could start putting more and more draconian controls on Americans and taking away our Constitution and our rights. So anytime you hear Al Qaeda, you know
it’s the government involved. They funded them. They trained them. They backed them. They are chip implanted and mind controlled. You can look at these people that are supposedly these Al Qaida operatives and they look clueless. They don’t look like beasts…murderers…evil people. They just look like normal people, but totally controlled by the chip implants.
There’s a good look for you, folks. People don’t think chip implants are that powerful? Well look at these babies and these kids. I was looking at a photo on the media of the last guy from Detroit thing. He’s 23 years old and looks 16. These people are all chip implanted and are controlled by these chips to do these outrageous things for the government in the name of Al
Qaeda. Yeah, it’s just more false flag terror to keep the terror going. Keep it going. Keep it going. Expect more from Al Qaeda. Expect more from the boogeymen the government creates so they can keep their war on terror going.
You know what kills me is all these people that end up becoming pawns of their chip implants and then coerced through the chip implants to do these things they don’t even know what they’re doing, but the chip implants take over their brains and control them. Then they get to spend the rest of their life in prison. They get beat up. They get tortured for things they don’t
even remember doing or things they had control of doing because the government had them chip implanted and were controlling them to do it. It’s almost like you can be put on remote control. A radio controlled car does what you want it to do from the steering wheel because it’s got a chip in the engine in the body of the car. Whoever has the controller controls the
car. That’s how these chip implants are. You get these chips in these people’s brains and whoever’s got the control can control that person and do whatever they want them to do. On the outside they look totally normal. They look like totally normal human beings. But the simple fact is they don’t have control of their minds. They do what their controllers are making
them do. And that’s exactly the kind of chips that are in the vaccines that are in this big push on chip implants.
Even when the locusts come and they start on the big enforcement of people to get chips, that’s why. Because once you have these chips in you, whoever has the controls of that chip can force you to do whatever they want you to do and you can’t do a thing about it. You don’t even know what you’re doing. You lose all capacity to say no. You lose all capacity to
think for yourself or not do what you’re being forced to do. Yeah, that’s the dangers of the chip implants and that’s why I’ve been spending so much time harping about the dangers of chip implants.
If anybody has a question for the show, I’m going to shut it down here in a few minutes.
Comment about the Snow
We’re in the middle of a snow pounding ourselves. 2 – 4 inches by tomorrow. We typically don’t get that much snow. I’m out here in the southeast part of Ohio. We don’t usually have to put up with the snow that a lot of the Snow Belt areas have to. I’m not liking it.
If you’re going to send me emails, at least let me know if it’s a question for the show or something different. I don’t read the something different. Just questions for the show.
Some Calendar Questions
Simon Keene was a great listener of this show and did a lot of work on the ancient calendars and finding the true Hebrew calendar. He has disappeared. They disappeared him about two years now. I miss him. He’s the one that was really getting into tearing the calendars apart. People want to know if we’re lunar, solar and all that. I have articles on my site at about the calendars. The seventh day of the week is Saturday, so despite whether lunar or solar or whatever calendar you want to be on; the creation calendar or the lunar calendar, the seventh day of the week is Saturday. Sunday is the first day of the week. No matter how many times you want to change a calendar or update it, you just can’t
change that. People try to excuse the thing they do. It’s also the day. Sunrise to sunset is a day. Anything else isn’t right either. You got sunrise to sunset as the day. Sunset to sunrise is night. So the day begins at sunrise. The day ends at sunset. So if you are honoring a Sabbath day, you are to do no work from sunrise to sunset. I know a lot of people will see
Saturday night they like to do this and that and work and whatever. Fine, just wait ‘til sunset. The day is over at sunset on Saturday. Sabbath is Saturday from sunrise to sunset. I found that interesting that more and more people are waking up to a lot of things. At least they are asking questions. They’re showing that they’re breaking out of the mind control sleepdumb
that the churches have put them in.
Anyway, that’s all I’m going to do for the night, folks. I’m going to wrap it up. It’s kindof depressing really. It really is, because I know the things that are coming. For the last couple of weeks it’s just really hit my spirit like a ton of bricks. It’s not going to be an easy year next year folks.
Until next week everybody, Yah bless.