Maitreya Crashing to Earth...Obama in Limbo...the New Age Agenda in Disarray
Sherry Shriner on.....
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, December 14, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
And hello everybody. You’re live. It’s Monday night December 14th, 2009. If you have a question for the show you can send it to [email protected]. I’ll be looking at those here a little bit later.
Stargate Type Openings in Norway and China - Possibly Caused by Hadron Collider?
I just wanted to get into some things tonight that I’m seeing and what’s going on. You know, there’s just so much going on that we don’t see. It’s almost amusing to watch all their media flip flops.
A lot of interest this week in a spectacle in Norway. You know, I keep seeing all these different … You see these crashes everywhere. You Tubes of meteorites crashing to earth. Of course they're not meteorites, but UFO star ships and chunks of Shema falling to the Earth on fire. Now we’re starting to see these almost computer generated stargate type openings, like the one in Norway. Then you have the one in China. So you half wonder if the Hadron Collider has anything to do with those computer generations, because they could be stargate openings of some kind, but obviously also computer enhanced. Everything they do is going to be Hollywood productions, computer enhancements. Make everything look like its other worldly, out of this world, paranormal super manifestation type things.
It’s going to be very good. I’ve said that from the start; that their ability to mimic heaven and heavenly things is going to shock a lot of people. It’s going to be very, very good. And I’ve warned you of that. We haven’t seen anything yet of what they’re capable of doing. We’re going to see a lot of fascinating things coming up with all their technology. They are way, way more advanced than we are, folks. They can do things that we can’t even think of. So it’s going to get very interesting.
Satan Cannot Reign Here Directly
One of the things I keep seeing. I was looking in Maitreya’s code the last couple of days. Throughout the years I’ve been in and out of his codes looking at him. I find it interesting how we are so dominant in his code. Now why are the Lord’s people – this little ragtag band of Orgone warriors so dominant in Satan’s code? In Maitreya’s codes? I know that some people think that Maitreya is a frontrunner, a John the Baptist for Satan that is coming, and all this. But you know what? Satan cannot rule directly on the Earth. He has to rule through the Antichrist and the False Prophet. So he himself doesn’t reign directly. Not if you go according to what the Bible says. At the end of days, the last of days, the Antichrist and False Prophet are chained by an angel and cast into the Lake of Fire; and Satan is bound and cast into the abyss for 1,000 years. So they are three separate beings. Now this doesn’t say that Satan cannot take over the body of the Antichrist or the False Prophet and work through them. But we do have two separate beings – the Antichrist and the False Prophet, according to the Book of Revelation.
The Satanic Animal Factions
It’s been on for years; people trying to peg exactly who these beasts are. The Bible codes always calls them animals and beasts. You want to talk about a mess? We’ve got bison. We’ve got buffalo. We’ve got bears. We’ve got birds. We’ve got every animal you can think of. These signify different factions; different groupings within Satan’s kingdom. Even buffalo and bison which the normal person knows they are monikers for the same animal, are separate beings in the codes.
The buffalo are these Aryans that are coming. This whole Ashtar Command council. This whole New Age
LaLaLa Land stuff. These are the Aryans. These are the beings coming from Shambhala. The mystical Rainbow City in the center of the Earth. Also the council above the Earth through Shema.
Satan has a palace in Shema. They’ve been trying to salvage that, trying to disconnect it from the part of
Shema that’s on fire. I’ve been telling you since September-October that Shema has been on fire. You can look at it nightly and see the yellow glow off of this thing. Chunks of it have been falling to the Earth off of it. I pretty much wrote it off by the end of October. Its destroyed, gone; moving on to something else now, even though it’s still kindof hanging there in the sky at about 50% of its once brilliance. It used to be very brilliant in the night sky. Very low to the Earth. I don’t know how people don’t see this stuff. They're just stupid. They don’t look. The Lord said to keep your eyes on signs in the skies. He said watch Israel and keep your eyes on the signs in the skies.
The Lord Divorced Old Israel and Established a New Covenant with Mankind
Another thing I find amusing is that Israel itself is such a term that could be a general term. The Lord divorced old Israel. The new Israel is all of those who followed Him. Accepted His new covenant. Accepted His redemption. That’s the new Israel. You get a lot of these ministries and churches today where they are so stuck on the old bloodlines and old tribe lines of old Israel. The Lord divorced them and He made a new covenant with Israel. The new Israel would be anyone who accepts His redemption, receives Him as their Messiah and walks in His ways. That is the new Israel. The whole 12 tribe bloodline Israel thing was done away with. So you have to let bygones be bygones and move into the new covenant that He established with mankind.
So many people get stuck on the bloodline thing. I hear from people all the time, “Oh, I’m so afraid that I’m going to be one of the contaminated bloodlines.” Or “I’ve got contaminated serpent seed mixed in my line and blah, blah, blah…” You know what? After thousands of years of hybridization and interbreeding with mankind, I doubt there is a true bloodline anywhere. Who knows? And the whole thing is, the Lord’s redemption; His salvation that He offers to us isn’t based on what kind of blood you have. It’s not based on your bloodline; it’s based on your heart. Whether you accept Him as your Messiah, or not. So people just need to get rid of the stinkin’ thinking and paranoia. “Oh, I don’t qualify. I have serpent seed in my bloodline.” Or “I’m former Illuminati.” Or “My dad was a Satanist”. Or “My mother is in New Age”. You know what? You’ve got to put all that behind you, because we aren’t saved by our bloodlines; we are saved by His grace. His salvation is open to all. Serpent seed or not. Hybrid lines or not. Serpent race or not. It is open to everybody. I just wanted to make that clear.
Accomplishing Our "assignment" against Maitreya through Orgone
But anyway, as I go off on rabbit trails, what I am finding in Maitreya’s code is that our assignment…my
assignment. I find it interesting that it’s so dominant in his code. Our assignment…and I’ve been saying this all along, that we would start a war against his arrival to Earth. We’ve done this through the Orgone. When I asked the Lord how we could tear down the strongholds of the New World Order and He showed me how to make this Orgone, that’s really become our dominant weapon in the last 5, 6, 7 years; getting this Orgone around the world. So I find it interesting that it indeed is the one thing that destroys their coming to Earth. In Maitreya’s code I see crashing – killing – animal - assignment. That’s what we’ve been doing. We’ve been crashing his UFOs and starships. We’ve been killing his forces. A lot of times you’ll see animal army which signifies Maitreya’s forces. Those around them. The other alien factions. Everybody that would be considered part of their forces, but also with him as well.
The thing about the Norway generation, this computer generation, stargate opening; whatever people want to call it, is they don’t see the crash at the end of it. So what I did at my websites; you can go to or or I put both pictures that were predominant on the internet that day of this portal opening over Norway. Of course I’ve got the one picture on there that shows that there was indeed something that came out of that, but it was crashing. It was on fire. All you see is a huge orange-yellow glow right above the treetops, because the thing is heading to Earth. Somebody actually got a picture of it of something crashing. I see that all the time. When it comes to Maitreya coming to Earth, you’ll see the term crashing and killing. So are we killing his forces and crashing him, or are we killing him too? That’s one of the things I have to start thinking about now, because it’s so dominant. It’s so dominant that we kill Maitreya.
What would they do? What would they do? If he’s been trying to come to Earth since last year and every time he comes to Earth he hits one of our Orgone barriers, which are all over the world by now. It’s crashing their ships, making it impossible for them to enter into our atmosphere with their vehicles. So we’ve been doing our job. This is what we were assigned to do. This was our assignment, and we’ve been accomplishing it. So he has been delayed at every turn. At every turn.
Obama, Maitreya's Messenger, Has Nothing to Announce, So...
You go to these New Age websites. They always have their excuses. One in a thousand. One in ten thousand excuses as to why they haven’t arrived yet. They’ve been trying to! They’ve been trying to, and he’s been crashing every time. Crashes to Earth. I don’t know if he can die. I don’t know if he would just die and get another body, and that’s why there are so many delays, because he has to get another body. I’m not sure at this point. I can’t tell you. I can tell you that I see in the codes that we’re crashing him. That it’s killing him. So interesting.
Another term I often see in the codes as well is paraplegic. What if he just arrives and has to take the body he has and is a paraplegic in a wheelchair? That doesn’t go too well for coming to be a god. Coming claiming he can heal the whole world and he can’t heal himself. It’s interesting times. That’s all I can say.
We’re really on borrowed time. When you look at the derision that’s going on; Because Obama was set up to be their messenger and he’s doing the things they’ve been directing him to do. This whole vaccination program was directed by them. The vaccines coming straight from Shema itself down to Earth. They transport them down here. Now with Shema on fire, they’re trying to salvage Satan’s palace and temple in Shema and also all the vaccinations that they had ready. So they are busy.
The one thing also is that as their messenger he’s got nothing to announce, because they can’t get their act together to get to Earth! So this is why you are seeing Obama kindof fiddling around and kindof backtracking and working the Bush agenda and the whole old New World Order agenda, just kindof keeping that going, because that was another route.
You see, you have the New Age agenda and you have the New World Order agenda. With the rise of Obama as president, he was supposed to be the announcer to bring in this New Age. So he can’t do that because there is nothing to announce. They keep fiddling and crashing and can’t get their plans together. So now he has to backtrack and he’s working the New World Order agenda, keeping that going.
I’ve always told you, Satan has more than one route to come to Earth. He has more than one way, more than one route. What the basis of my show has always been is to reveal to you what all those routes are so that you are fully aware of the different possibilities that they can take. I don’t just say, “They’re going to do this,” but “This is dominant right now.” I’ll tell you that. But they have various routes. Satan isn’t planning on any one route. You have this octopus, this whole web thing where all these different roads and avenues finally lead out and into the center, and the center, of course being his arrival. There are just very many various ways that Satan can work.
They're Causing Global Cooling because the Orgone Is Burning Them and Their Ships
Eventually they're all going to be cast out of heaven and stuck on Earth. They’re going to be captives of Earth. They are no longer going to be able to leave our atmosphere, because the Lord will pin them here. HE will keep them here. That’s coming. It’s looming. I see that in the codes. Their captivity is looming here on Earth. It hasn’t happened quite yet. They’re still fighting against the effects of the Orgone. The carbon that it puts in the air burns them. It burns them. Anybody with a chip implant that gets into contact with Orgone, it burns them. Also these dimensional spaceships, vehicles and crafts that come into…Orgone is dimensional. It will burn and catch on fire their starships and their spacecrafts, so it’s actively working now.
What they’re doing is chilling the atmosphere to try and chill down the burning effects of Orgone. That’s why you’re seeing states in the southwest, states that have never had snow before. It’s probably going to become quite a world-wide phenomenon; countries all over the world experiencing changes in the weather patterns to become quite cooler, because they’re trying to chill the atmosphere. They’re chilling the atmosphere. It’s just one of their countermeasures to try to slow down the effects of this Orgone, so they can get Plan B, C and D’s going, because their Plan A was demolished. Probably B and C too. So they have to come up with these different plans.
The New Age Lies of the Fifth Dimensions - Changing DNA, Cleansing Earth, Ascension
Their biggest thing is to deceive mankind into believing they are fifth dimensional beings and that they’re
coming to Earth to help mankind. A fifth dimensional being would be a heavenly being as opposed to the
fourth dimension, which is Satan’s dominion. You think of demons. You think of astral travel. Any kind of
phenomenon going on with Satan’s dominion, that’s the fourth dimension. Demonic beings, Satan, Hell…
So what they want you to believe is that they can magically turn on…their followers anyway. The kindof
garbage they tell them is, they can activate their DNA to where all 12 strands are working. Then somehow
jump completely over or through the fourth dimension and on to the fifth dimension. You know what? The only way that you’re going to change dimensions on this Earth is to die. It’s to die! When you are absent from the body, your spirit leaves your body and you are either in Heaven with the Lord, or in Hell.
Some of you New Agers say, “We can astral travel.” I know you can. All this astral traveling stuff, but you are still stuck in the fourth dimension. That is Satan’s dimension. That’s still the fourth dimension. You aren’t astral traveling into the fifth dimension. They use Venus as a charade to fool people. They’ve got the planet Venus set up. I have an article I wrote on this years ago called The Venus Alien Trap. These near death experiences where people see Jesus. They see Sananda. They use Venus for that. So they have this whole planet set up to look like Heaven. It’s a fake Heaven. It’s a whole false reality they have set up. That’s all the fourth dimension still. They can’t get near the fifth dimension. All Satan can do is mimic and mock it the best that he can to deceive people.
If you follow New Age rhetoric, the whole thing is about introducing a fifth dimension. I’ve written an article on that. It’s on my websites called the The Lies of the 5th Dimension & The Coming Lies of Maitreya. It’s all about the lies of the whole New Age and the whole fifth dimension rhetoric. They can’t jump through the fourth dimension. It’s a barrier. It’s a barrier. The only way you even get near the fifth dimension is to be dead, first of all, and then your spirit goes to be with the Lord Himself. I’ll tell you right now; these people aren’t on the path to be taken to the fifth dimension by the Lord and the angels themselves. They’re not anywhere near. All they can do is mimic Heaven somewhere in the fourth dimension (Satan’s dominion) and keep going on with these charades of the New Age that they tell them.
I’ve been warning the New Ager’s for years about the dangers of this whole New Age movement and what they’ve been doing. It does affect some, but by the sheer fact that their movement keeps growing, at the same time that more and more leave it, more and more join it because they get all enthralled by all the garbage and the promises. It’s like something for nothing. And people will never get away from “if it’s too good to be true, it is,” because they still want that hope that it’s true. You know? They still want to hang on to this New Age LaLa Land garbage that it’s true. It’s these people that are being affected now, that are going to be affected in the future by losing their souls. They are going to lose their souls.
I’ve known New Agers over the years and I’ve watched them. They just got started in New Age and they still think they’re so cool. They’re being channeled. They’re being used by these New Age ascended masters, these aliens and demons posing as masters. They start channeling them and they put up websites and they establish themselves as I’m a channeler of Maitreya. I’m a channeler of Mother Sekhmet and all these idiots. What slowly happens to these people is they start giving more and more control of themselves to these ascended masters. Under the guise of healing and making them into light beings, they soul-scalp them and destroy them. These people end up with all these health problems and supposedly getting healed and helped by the ascended masters, because oh they're one of the favorites…their channeling them. They end up being soul-scalped.
When all the stuff they’ve said from direct channeling hasn’t happened, because their plans have been
delayed, cancelled and everything else, they just discard them like they're yesterdays candy wrapper, and set somebody else up that is gullible enough to believe that they want to help them and they’ll set them up to be a channeler and blah, blah, blah. So they simply discard the old and bring in the new. Then you have new websites up and new channeler’s channeling the ascended master’s garbage. This has been going on for years!
Most of their messages are the same. The underlying themes of their messages are the same, although
details change all the time. You look at last week’s Norway spectacle. According to them, on that Saturday December 12th, what was it? 1.7 billion people were supposed to be cleansed or taken off the Earth, or killed or whatever? It didn’t happen, so now what are they saying? What are they rushing to now as an excuse as to why that didn’t happen on December 12th? I can guarantee you that whatever excuse they give, the New Age is going to buy it. They’re going to buy it and believe it, because they are under the control of these New Age ascended masters. They’re under their spell. It’s crazy. But that’s it. They keep buying it over and over and over again.
So one of the dangerous things about the whole thing is the whole activation of DNA teachings and what they call ‘the ascension’. The ascension in Christianity was the bodily ascending of Christ from Earth to Heaven. So ascension is one of their biggest teachings where you can ascend from Earth to Heaven. Of course they want you to think it’s the biblical Heaven that we all associate Heaven with, but I guarantee you it’s not. It is the ‘heaven’ that they have waiting for all these gullible and stupid that’s going to take them straight to Hell. It’s going to take them straight to Hell. They’re going to load up on UFOs, thinking they're going straight to the fifth dimension or whatever, and the UFOs are going to take them straight to Hell. Straight to Hell. They’ll be judged and they’re in eternity at that point. All they have to do is get people gullible enough to believe them enough. Have confidence and faith in them enough, to get them to leave Earth. To get on a UFO. Then they have you. Then they have you!
Obama Is Leading Us into Communism through the Beast Economic Program
All this other stuff like NESARA. I’ve got a couple articles on NESARA on my websites. you can go to that website. It will tell you the point blank truth about NESARA. It’s just a carrot in the face of billions of rabbits on Earth. “Here, let us take over Earth and help your economy.” And “We’re going to shorten the work days. Everybody’s going to be rich.” It’s Socialism. It’s Communism; where everybody has the same amount of income, yet everybody is forced to work certain hours and put in community service. You’ll hear all this garbage coming from Obama. He’s taking it from the NESARA agenda. After all, he is supposed to be the New Age mouthpiece, he just doesn’t have anything to announce, so he chips away a little here, so he keeps busy on the New World Order agenda in case the New Age one doesn’t materialize.
That’s how NESARA is. It puts people to sleep. It’s their whole restructuring of mankind’s global economy to try and make it into some kind of a global society, like you can think of the one we would have under the Millennial Reign of Christ. What they call the ‘golden age’ is a mimicry and mockery of the 1000 year Millennial Reign that Yahushua when He returns. After He destroys and gets rid of the wicked off the Earth, which will include all of these New Agers, all of these new world orders, all these globalists. They’ll be gone. Every one of them.
Interestingly enough, in their doctrines, all of the Christians, the people who dissent against them will be
cleansed and killed off. Only they're doing it through martial law and FEMA camps and vaccination programs and plagues.
It's a War between Good and Evil. Which Side Are You On?
It’s definitely a war; good between evil. Mankind is pretty much standing at the brink deciding which side you are going to be on. Are you going to be on the good side or the evil side? Are you going to be on the Most High Gods side or are you going to be on Satan’s side? Satan’s side is huge. The majority of people are there. Every globalist, Satanist, Illuminati. All these ‘we worship mother earth’ people that really do have good intentions, but they are so stupid and can’t think for themselves and buy all these lies and garbage from the New Agers. A lot of them aren’t evil; they’re just gullible. All these New Agers. They’re not evil, just gullible. Then you have the outright evil ones. The sociopath illuminists. The globalists.
But they're all branched on one side, folks. You can’t separate them. They all follow Lucifer. Sanat Kumara. And they call him Aton and Archangel Michael and Mother Sekhmet. They’re all the same, folks! They are all in the same playground. Lucifer controls all of them. Satan controls all of them. You can see the little people that will resist all of that. It’s a minority. It’s a minority. That’s exactly what the Lord said was going to happen in the last days. He said when I return to Earth will I find faith on Earth? Where are My people at? The majority have been swept under the lies of the New Ager’s and the new world orderists. Interesting…or have allowed, set back and were overcome by these fascist police states and taken to FEMA camps because they were put on lists.
Yeah, it’s going to turn into that, folks. We’re going to have martial law. We’re going to have FEMA camps.We’re going to have roundups. We’re going to have massive deaths on a global scale.
They're Going to Destroy America because They Can't Have It
One of the things I see in Maitreya’s code is that this radio show is universal. This radio show is being heard in every country in this world; every island that has a computer. This radio show is global. All these people that I will never meet. Have never heard from. You can just watch America. Watch the demise and the destruction of America to know exactly where you are in end time prophecy if you’re not sure where you are, because America is going to be destroyed.
America is going to completely destroyed, and I’ll tell you why. It’s because “they” can’t have it. This whole Illuminati plan from the beginning where America was born and Satan set up America to be his home base, his home country in the world. They’ve been working since then with their underground bases, exchanging technology with our government, abducting our people, experimenting, feeding off of us and everything else. They have owned America from day one.
And now that push has come to shove, they can’t arrive here. They can’t arrive here because we have taken it away from them. We’ve put up Orgone barriers that are blocking them from entering into our atmosphere without crashing. So they are going to be angry. They are going to be angry. Satan’s initial plans were to rule the world from America. People say, “No, no its Israel”, because that’s where he ends up…his initial plans were to rule from America.
‘Capitals’ for America are very generic. People think of Washington D. C. as our capital and at other times
New York City is the capital because it’s actually the capital behind the capital. New York City is the bankers, the money, the economy that runs Satan’s kingdom and finances it. So we basically do have two capitals here in America, D.C. and New York City. Satan was going to rule and run from one of those places. The story being told is that he can’t do it now. He can’t have America because they can’t arrive here without burning. It’s miserable to them. They can’t breathe here. The air to them is contaminated because the Orgone is a positive energy. Their billion dollar chemtrail program has come to naught because the Orgone can destroy chemtrails and wipe them out.
So with our little efforts of a ragtag band of warriors over the years, we’ve pretty much said, “You can’t have America. You’re not coming here.” So Satan is going to be pissed. He is angry. So if they can’t have it, they’re going to destroy it. They are typical psychopaths. “Well if we can’t have you, no one is.” They’re going to destroy America. It’s almost like a tit for tat kind of thing. “You hurt us; we’re going to hurt you.” But they were going to hurt us from the beginning.
I mean, how many Americans want to end up in cages, being held there until they can be served as food? They feed off of people. They feed off the dust of the Earth, and the dust of the Earth are people. It’s part of their judgment. That’s why Satan doesn’t just leave. You know? It’s like he rebelled against the Lord and was kicked out of heaven. Then over the years more angels rebelled and got kicked out. He has this huge dominion in space. Why doesn’t he just go, since he is a supposed god and create an earth on his own? Why doesn’t he create his own earth? Because he doesn’t have any power to create! He has the power to create an illusion and he does it quite well, but he doesn’t have his own power to create an Earth to where they can just go and have their own place. They need ours. So he’s always dependent on the Creator, even though he claims he is the creator. He is a created being, folks. New Agers and all these people and all these occultic groups never think of this stuff. Why don’t you just go and create your own Earth? He can’t. He doesn’t create. He creates illusions. So he is stuck here on Earth. Part of his judgment makes it that way, because he and his entire dominion is dependent on humans for food. Do you get it now? You can’t wander too far away from your food source, and they don’t.
Satan Doesn't Know Everything, so His Forces Do a Lot of Reconnaissance, Spying
That’s why when you look up in the skies at night and see these UFO starships 30 – 33 degrees above
horizon. They’re not going anywhere. They mimic stars. They look like stars. A lot of them are turning yellow and crashing to Earth. You’ve seen these UFOs that do travel around Earth. These little aluminum, helium type 1 and 2 man vehicles. They come from these starships that are above the Earth. They’re just vehicles.It’s like Star Wars. They fly down here, fly around, abduct a few people and go back home.
And they do a lot of reconnaissance, spying. Satan is not omniscient and omnipresent, he doesn’t know
everything. They do actually have different classifications and ranks within their own groups and so spying is a big thing. They fill up their own computer banks, data information centers or whatever of all the legislation that is going on with the world governments, with politics, with religion, with people. Everything is divided up and everybody has their own categories on what they have to keep updated and what they have to know. So a lot of spying goes on that way.
The internet was the easiest thing in the world for them. They gave mankind the internet. Al Gore claims it was him. It was probably the demon, the lizard that possessed him. That was the biggest tool, because now they can spy on everybody from their own starships. They have computers? Yeah, they do. They listen to my radio show in their starships. It makes you realize how small this universe can actually be, and how our world actually is. We’re all tied together. No one is going anywhere. We’re all tied together. We’re not leaving Earth, and they can’t leave our atmosphere. You know what? We’re all stuck together, and now we’re battling it out.
The Lord's People Are Finally Waking Up to How Satan's Infiltrated Politics and Religions
The Lord’s people are finally waking up to what’s going on and exactly how Satan’s kingdom works and how he’s infiltrated politics and religions. How he’s infiltrated our churches and our pastors. Our leaders who we thought were men of God are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing, serving Satan’s agenda to lead the Christians astray. They put the wolves in charge of the hen houses. Then the hens are praising and worshiping the wolves as their leaders. That’s exactly what you’ve got with churches today. And with so many of them, you just have ignorant leaders. They go along with the program, not realizing that they’re part of the problem instead of waking up and becoming part of the solution. You just have a society that’s imprisoned to this whole satanic structure. This whole Illuminati structure. This globalist structure. Our entertainment, politics and everything about it.
So people are waking up and fighting back. And how can we do that? We do it with the Orgone, because
that’s what destroys them. It contaminates the dust. There is a lot of copper in Orgone, and they hate copper. And crystals. You look at all of the ingredients; it’s what is destroying Satan’s kingdom. So people are waking up every day and getting more and more Orgone out.
To Make Orgone, Get Fiberglass Resin that's Used to Patch Up Holes in Boats, or Cars
In other countries that are waking up and getting involved, I know the one ingredient that throws a lot of people is the fiberglass resin that we use. I know you’ve got boats in your counties, so I know you’ve got fiberglass resin out there, because you have to be able to patch up boats. Fix boat holes and dents…whatever. They use fiberglass resin to do that. It’s a marine quality fiberglass resin strong enough to patch and fix boats. That’s what we use for the Orgone. So you need to find that in your country. What would be used to patch up and fix holes in boats? It’s a fiberglass resin. I don’t know what they would call it in your country, in your language, but that’s the essence of what you need to find. That is the glue that holds all the ingredients together. I have the instructions on how to make your own Orgone at
The Orgone Barriers Are Causing Maitreya's Forces to Malfunction and Crash
You know what? Every day from July on has been a blessing. Their arrival plans in July, and then September, then October, and then December. These are just huge delays and huge cancellations for them. They have tried to arrive. They have tried; they’ve just crashed to Earth.
One of the things that I found really amusing this week in the codes was the fact that everything going on right now is in accordance with what the Bible codes are revealing. Maitreya is trying to arrive and keeps
malfunctioning. The Bible codes call it malfunctioning – crashing. Sherry Shriner is mocking him. I’m
mocking him. The Orgone warriors are calm. Everybody is calm. And Obama is completely pissed off. So you look at these dominant features in the codes and it’s happening right now. It’s happening in real time. I was pleased to see that everybody is just calm.
It’s like I was telling somebody, when he actually arrives then people will believe it. “Here we go finally. It’s
finally happening.” So right now it’s like nobody cares, because he keeps crashing. It’s like, where is he? Don’t tell us that he’s coming, he’s coming, he’s coming. We want to see him.” Meanwhile he keeps trying to come and keeps crashing. So it’s funny.
The Orgone barriers are what’s causing them to malfunction and crash. They’re trying to chill the atmosphere. Chill off all the carbon that Orgone puts into the air. The ether energy. They’re trying to counterattack that. The fact that Orgone is ingenious. That word is still dominant in the codes in regards to the Orgone and the war that we have against them. Ingenious – brilliant. So these things are real time in the codes right now.
We Need $100,000 in Funding to Support the Orgone Missions on a Large Scale, Folks
The other things we can do right now until they get here is to keep getting the Orgone out. What I need from the Lord’s people is $100,000 folks. One hundred thousand dollars. Why? Because I need to buy a big gas guzzling SUV that can haul pipes and loads of boxes of Orgone. And I need to be able to hit the road as needed. For those of you who make Orgone and are getting your own areas, you know how expensive the supplies are. I need to be able to start hoarding up supplies, making pipes, making bucket blasters, making Orgone ahead of time, so that when he finally finds a way to break through the atmosphere; finds a portal that will allow him through without crashing his ships. Because eventually it’s going to happen. Eventually they’re going to find a portal and get through to Earth; that we can chase them. We can go to where they are. We can plant Orgone and chase them out of the areas they are in. Or I can ship it around the world. Or that I can send money to warriors located around the world that don’t have any and say, buy the supplies and get it in your countries. We need to be doing a lot of warning and stuff behind the scenes if we are still here when he arrives. And we can’t do that on a zero bank balance. We need funding. We need serious funding.
You know what? It just goes back to the whole thing to day one. The people the Lord sent here on Earth to be here in the last days to fund this ministry, took off funding others instead. And those ministries are going to burn, be destroyed and are of no use to the Lord. This was His last day’s ministry right here; the people doing exploits in the last days fighting against Satan on the front lines. So we need people to stand up. I need to collect about 100,000 bucks just to get vehicles and supplies that we need and to be able to take off to any part in the country when they do arrive.
They're Talking about Their First Contact Including 10 Million Ships
They’re talking about their first contact including 10 million ships. Now how many of them make it out of 10 million? I think it’s going to be amusing. I think we’re going to see a lot of them crash, but a lot of them will get through. And they’re going to be angry. They could come firing their beams and missiles at cities around the world and destroying and coming in anger, because they are angry when they do get here. Satan is angry. Maitreya is angry. You think they are coming as god beings of light and love?! No, they’re going to be angry! It will be much restraint on their part if they don’t come firing and shooting.
It’s not necessarily going to be the V, where they just hover above Earth and tell mankind that they’re here to help. They’re psychopathic beings. They don’t have human emotions. Being able to show love
is not part of their nature, but anger and hatred are. It’s totally part of their nature. It’s what they are. It will be interesting to see the cards they play when they do arrive. And they are going to arrive eventually. There will be a contact of some kind. I see it more of a confrontation.
I’m not looking to be in some kind of contact with them. I’m 24/7 in confrontation with them. That’s how every other warrior on this planet should be as well when they arrive, because they are not coming for the goodness of mankind. Wake up people! They don’t love mankind. They want to destroy and eat mankind. So we need to be busy preparing ourselves for their arrivals so that they just crash and burn.
Like I said, eventually the Lord is going to cast Satan to Earth. He’s going to be stuck here. He’s not going to be able to leave again. That’s truly when he’s going to be on a rampage against the Lord people and all those who don’t like him, have resisted him, resisters against the New World Oder.
This whole charade here on Earth. He’s never going to implement NESARA or any of those other things.
Those are just buzz words to get people to accept him, like him and want him to come to Earth. You know, they invite him. “Oh, come. Help us on Earth!” Those are just buzz words. He’s not going to implement any of that stuff. He just wants to get his feet in control of Earth and humanity. What he doesn’t see coming is the fact that he will literally be stuck here. He won’t be able to fly off and live away at the same time that he’s controlling it. It’s going to be very amusing.
I’m going to answer a few questions.
Obama's in Limbo
I’m going to be busy this month watching the skies, seeing what’s going on in the backgrounds, because there is so much going on and we are at crunchy time. Amusing just watching Obama just struggling, not knowing exactly what to do, because he can’t do his job as messenger of the New Age when they can’t get their plans going.
I Recall a Vision of Lucifer the Dragon...I'm Not Sure What It Meant
Question from a listener: I recall about 12 years ago while in the hospital after a near fatal automobile accident, a vision of Lucifer the dragon. A huge ugly winged reptile, of green and red and purple scales, who was glistening and yet imprisoned in a block of clear quartz crystal. Does this make any sense to you? I’m not sure what it meant.
No, I’m not a dream interpreter. Sometimes our dreams can be symbolic. That’s why you have to pay attention to every detail in your dreams. The color of things and what they are doing, because they are symbolic and it means something. I’ve just never been a dream interpreter.
Could the Appearance of the Norway Portal Be a Sign that Maitreya Has Crashed?
Question from a listener: When I first saw the pictures (referring to the Norway crash pictures), I thought it was interesting that this portal appeared before Olizards acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize. Could this be a message that Maitreya has crashed and burned?
I don’t know. [laughs] This is somebody else’s interpretation. They were trying to set it up so that when Obama went. That he was supposed to be recognized as the messiah so that people would correlate his appearance in Norway with this spectacle in the sky. Interesting they might have to go that route if Maitreya is dead. If he has crashed and simply can’t get the New Age agenda off the ground because of that, that they would simply just overtake Obama’s body and go that route. Interesting.
Why Pull Out Tiger Wood's Story on Same Day that Obama Accepted Nobel Prize?
Question from a listener: What do you think of the mainstream media pulling out the Tiger Wood’s affair story on the same day that Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize?
Probably just trying to keep down the huge ruckus against it. Why do you give a war time president a peace prize? The nominations for the Peace Prize were due two weeks I think, even before he took office. You can tell it’s a set up. Coming as a ‘man of peace’. What they usually do is speak out of both sides of their mouth as he amps up the war in the Middle East. So I don’t know. It was probably just a distraction to try and keep dissent groups quiet.
Do people really think he is about peace? He started a war with Pakistan and it escalated to Afghanistan.
They are stupid enough too. You know what? There are so many Americans that are waking up. Even the
Democrats that voted him in are finally seeing that he’s not doing much for them. They voted him in, and
thought he was going to be this great guy who was going to line all their pockets with gold and silver and make life generally better for all of them. After seeing that he’s really not going to do anything…and all the people that voted him in just because of his promises that he was going to end the war, are finally realizing that he isn’t going to end the war.
We should really have some kind of accountability in American politics where these politicians promise
something, they have to deliver or at least attempt to, or it’s an automatic impeachment. We could have a re-vote and put somebody else in office. They should be forced to have to even attempt to live up to their
campaign promises. In American politics you can say anything you want, then when you get elected based on lies, you don’t have to do anything. Those should be impeachable offenses. People should get to re-vote another candidate in who will actually try and keep his campaign promises. But we know that’s not going to happen. Not when you have Satan running your country and both of your party politics. Generally in control and has everything under wraps.
You can sit here and wait for the FEMA camps to start loading up, and being part of the sheeple being herded into them, or you can get on your feet and start getting involved with fighting back and tearing down their strongholds. The way we do that is with the Orgone Blasters.
It’s just amusing out of the billions on Earth, that this little ragtag band of about…I don’t know…a thousand? A few thousand Orgone warriors are the only ones who are a real threat to Satan and his agenda. The only ones that are dominant in his code. Why isn’t Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland and the Pope and the churches in America and Europe and the Catholics and the Protestants? Why aren’t any of them dominant in his code as a threat to him? Because they’re not!
Who is the threat? The Orgone warriors. The Orgone warriors. Sherry Shriner and the Orgone warriors. That’s his biggest threat, his only threat in the codes other than the Most High God Himself.
I love seeing the correlations about how the leader of this remnant is a direct follower, believer of the Most High God. I could tell you of the names that they refer to Him as, but that just gives decoders too much ammo. I do have keys of understanding the codes that no one else will ever have. The Lord won’t give them and I’m not going to. I won’t tell the names and what to look for. But it’s interesting. I love seeing the confirmations over and over again. The same things that I’ll tell you, the same things that I find in my codes; I can go to Satan’s code and Maitreya’s code and see the same things. Confirmations, one after the other. We are the only ones on Earth that he is afraid of…that is even beginning to be a threat to him.
Not all Orgone is made the same. That’s one of his big things too; trying to dispute Orgone. “You don’t need to make it with that kind of resin. You don’t need to make it with those ingredients. Change it up. It’s not hurting us.” He goes in all these dispute attacks to try to make us change our recipes to make different types of Orgone. When you take out one element or characteristic of an Orgone blaster, you are no longer making the Orgone that hurts him. So all he has to do is get all these other pagans and all these other New Age and other gullible into believing that you can change it. Don’t put clear crystals in it. Put something else in. Don’t put copper wire in it, or wind it the other way. Use it with epoxy resin instead of fiberglass resin.” All he has to do is get you to change a few ingredients, because it totally changes the chemistry, the chemical makeup of that Orgone. Then you are no longer making the specific type of Orgone that destroys him. So he doesn’t care if you are making Orgone; he only cares if you are making our Orgone. It’s our brand, our recipe, our specific Orgone that is destroying him and his kingdom. You can learn how to make it for free at’s that easy. It’s the only thing that’s destroying him.
Meanwhile as they are crashing and burning to earth and can’t figure out a way to get here, he sits on the
internet and fights against the Orgone warriors as best as he can.
That’s pretty much what is dominant in the codes right now. Obama is just kindof in limbo between the two factions right now. They can’t get anything going, so he’s having to backtrack and work the New World Order branch of it. Interesting
Anyway, that’s all I’m going to talk about tonight, folks. Like I said, I’m going to keep up to date with what’s going on. Signs in the skies, watching the skies. Watch for more of their graphics in the skies, for more of their crashing in the skies and anything else.
Until next week everybody, Yah bless.
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, December 14, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
And hello everybody. You’re live. It’s Monday night December 14th, 2009. If you have a question for the show you can send it to [email protected]. I’ll be looking at those here a little bit later.
Stargate Type Openings in Norway and China - Possibly Caused by Hadron Collider?
I just wanted to get into some things tonight that I’m seeing and what’s going on. You know, there’s just so much going on that we don’t see. It’s almost amusing to watch all their media flip flops.
A lot of interest this week in a spectacle in Norway. You know, I keep seeing all these different … You see these crashes everywhere. You Tubes of meteorites crashing to earth. Of course they're not meteorites, but UFO star ships and chunks of Shema falling to the Earth on fire. Now we’re starting to see these almost computer generated stargate type openings, like the one in Norway. Then you have the one in China. So you half wonder if the Hadron Collider has anything to do with those computer generations, because they could be stargate openings of some kind, but obviously also computer enhanced. Everything they do is going to be Hollywood productions, computer enhancements. Make everything look like its other worldly, out of this world, paranormal super manifestation type things.
It’s going to be very good. I’ve said that from the start; that their ability to mimic heaven and heavenly things is going to shock a lot of people. It’s going to be very, very good. And I’ve warned you of that. We haven’t seen anything yet of what they’re capable of doing. We’re going to see a lot of fascinating things coming up with all their technology. They are way, way more advanced than we are, folks. They can do things that we can’t even think of. So it’s going to get very interesting.
Satan Cannot Reign Here Directly
One of the things I keep seeing. I was looking in Maitreya’s code the last couple of days. Throughout the years I’ve been in and out of his codes looking at him. I find it interesting how we are so dominant in his code. Now why are the Lord’s people – this little ragtag band of Orgone warriors so dominant in Satan’s code? In Maitreya’s codes? I know that some people think that Maitreya is a frontrunner, a John the Baptist for Satan that is coming, and all this. But you know what? Satan cannot rule directly on the Earth. He has to rule through the Antichrist and the False Prophet. So he himself doesn’t reign directly. Not if you go according to what the Bible says. At the end of days, the last of days, the Antichrist and False Prophet are chained by an angel and cast into the Lake of Fire; and Satan is bound and cast into the abyss for 1,000 years. So they are three separate beings. Now this doesn’t say that Satan cannot take over the body of the Antichrist or the False Prophet and work through them. But we do have two separate beings – the Antichrist and the False Prophet, according to the Book of Revelation.
The Satanic Animal Factions
It’s been on for years; people trying to peg exactly who these beasts are. The Bible codes always calls them animals and beasts. You want to talk about a mess? We’ve got bison. We’ve got buffalo. We’ve got bears. We’ve got birds. We’ve got every animal you can think of. These signify different factions; different groupings within Satan’s kingdom. Even buffalo and bison which the normal person knows they are monikers for the same animal, are separate beings in the codes.
The buffalo are these Aryans that are coming. This whole Ashtar Command council. This whole New Age
LaLaLa Land stuff. These are the Aryans. These are the beings coming from Shambhala. The mystical Rainbow City in the center of the Earth. Also the council above the Earth through Shema.
Satan has a palace in Shema. They’ve been trying to salvage that, trying to disconnect it from the part of
Shema that’s on fire. I’ve been telling you since September-October that Shema has been on fire. You can look at it nightly and see the yellow glow off of this thing. Chunks of it have been falling to the Earth off of it. I pretty much wrote it off by the end of October. Its destroyed, gone; moving on to something else now, even though it’s still kindof hanging there in the sky at about 50% of its once brilliance. It used to be very brilliant in the night sky. Very low to the Earth. I don’t know how people don’t see this stuff. They're just stupid. They don’t look. The Lord said to keep your eyes on signs in the skies. He said watch Israel and keep your eyes on the signs in the skies.
The Lord Divorced Old Israel and Established a New Covenant with Mankind
Another thing I find amusing is that Israel itself is such a term that could be a general term. The Lord divorced old Israel. The new Israel is all of those who followed Him. Accepted His new covenant. Accepted His redemption. That’s the new Israel. You get a lot of these ministries and churches today where they are so stuck on the old bloodlines and old tribe lines of old Israel. The Lord divorced them and He made a new covenant with Israel. The new Israel would be anyone who accepts His redemption, receives Him as their Messiah and walks in His ways. That is the new Israel. The whole 12 tribe bloodline Israel thing was done away with. So you have to let bygones be bygones and move into the new covenant that He established with mankind.
So many people get stuck on the bloodline thing. I hear from people all the time, “Oh, I’m so afraid that I’m going to be one of the contaminated bloodlines.” Or “I’ve got contaminated serpent seed mixed in my line and blah, blah, blah…” You know what? After thousands of years of hybridization and interbreeding with mankind, I doubt there is a true bloodline anywhere. Who knows? And the whole thing is, the Lord’s redemption; His salvation that He offers to us isn’t based on what kind of blood you have. It’s not based on your bloodline; it’s based on your heart. Whether you accept Him as your Messiah, or not. So people just need to get rid of the stinkin’ thinking and paranoia. “Oh, I don’t qualify. I have serpent seed in my bloodline.” Or “I’m former Illuminati.” Or “My dad was a Satanist”. Or “My mother is in New Age”. You know what? You’ve got to put all that behind you, because we aren’t saved by our bloodlines; we are saved by His grace. His salvation is open to all. Serpent seed or not. Hybrid lines or not. Serpent race or not. It is open to everybody. I just wanted to make that clear.
Accomplishing Our "assignment" against Maitreya through Orgone
But anyway, as I go off on rabbit trails, what I am finding in Maitreya’s code is that our assignment…my
assignment. I find it interesting that it’s so dominant in his code. Our assignment…and I’ve been saying this all along, that we would start a war against his arrival to Earth. We’ve done this through the Orgone. When I asked the Lord how we could tear down the strongholds of the New World Order and He showed me how to make this Orgone, that’s really become our dominant weapon in the last 5, 6, 7 years; getting this Orgone around the world. So I find it interesting that it indeed is the one thing that destroys their coming to Earth. In Maitreya’s code I see crashing – killing – animal - assignment. That’s what we’ve been doing. We’ve been crashing his UFOs and starships. We’ve been killing his forces. A lot of times you’ll see animal army which signifies Maitreya’s forces. Those around them. The other alien factions. Everybody that would be considered part of their forces, but also with him as well.
The thing about the Norway generation, this computer generation, stargate opening; whatever people want to call it, is they don’t see the crash at the end of it. So what I did at my websites; you can go to or or I put both pictures that were predominant on the internet that day of this portal opening over Norway. Of course I’ve got the one picture on there that shows that there was indeed something that came out of that, but it was crashing. It was on fire. All you see is a huge orange-yellow glow right above the treetops, because the thing is heading to Earth. Somebody actually got a picture of it of something crashing. I see that all the time. When it comes to Maitreya coming to Earth, you’ll see the term crashing and killing. So are we killing his forces and crashing him, or are we killing him too? That’s one of the things I have to start thinking about now, because it’s so dominant. It’s so dominant that we kill Maitreya.
What would they do? What would they do? If he’s been trying to come to Earth since last year and every time he comes to Earth he hits one of our Orgone barriers, which are all over the world by now. It’s crashing their ships, making it impossible for them to enter into our atmosphere with their vehicles. So we’ve been doing our job. This is what we were assigned to do. This was our assignment, and we’ve been accomplishing it. So he has been delayed at every turn. At every turn.
Obama, Maitreya's Messenger, Has Nothing to Announce, So...
You go to these New Age websites. They always have their excuses. One in a thousand. One in ten thousand excuses as to why they haven’t arrived yet. They’ve been trying to! They’ve been trying to, and he’s been crashing every time. Crashes to Earth. I don’t know if he can die. I don’t know if he would just die and get another body, and that’s why there are so many delays, because he has to get another body. I’m not sure at this point. I can’t tell you. I can tell you that I see in the codes that we’re crashing him. That it’s killing him. So interesting.
Another term I often see in the codes as well is paraplegic. What if he just arrives and has to take the body he has and is a paraplegic in a wheelchair? That doesn’t go too well for coming to be a god. Coming claiming he can heal the whole world and he can’t heal himself. It’s interesting times. That’s all I can say.
We’re really on borrowed time. When you look at the derision that’s going on; Because Obama was set up to be their messenger and he’s doing the things they’ve been directing him to do. This whole vaccination program was directed by them. The vaccines coming straight from Shema itself down to Earth. They transport them down here. Now with Shema on fire, they’re trying to salvage Satan’s palace and temple in Shema and also all the vaccinations that they had ready. So they are busy.
The one thing also is that as their messenger he’s got nothing to announce, because they can’t get their act together to get to Earth! So this is why you are seeing Obama kindof fiddling around and kindof backtracking and working the Bush agenda and the whole old New World Order agenda, just kindof keeping that going, because that was another route.
You see, you have the New Age agenda and you have the New World Order agenda. With the rise of Obama as president, he was supposed to be the announcer to bring in this New Age. So he can’t do that because there is nothing to announce. They keep fiddling and crashing and can’t get their plans together. So now he has to backtrack and he’s working the New World Order agenda, keeping that going.
I’ve always told you, Satan has more than one route to come to Earth. He has more than one way, more than one route. What the basis of my show has always been is to reveal to you what all those routes are so that you are fully aware of the different possibilities that they can take. I don’t just say, “They’re going to do this,” but “This is dominant right now.” I’ll tell you that. But they have various routes. Satan isn’t planning on any one route. You have this octopus, this whole web thing where all these different roads and avenues finally lead out and into the center, and the center, of course being his arrival. There are just very many various ways that Satan can work.
They're Causing Global Cooling because the Orgone Is Burning Them and Their Ships
Eventually they're all going to be cast out of heaven and stuck on Earth. They’re going to be captives of Earth. They are no longer going to be able to leave our atmosphere, because the Lord will pin them here. HE will keep them here. That’s coming. It’s looming. I see that in the codes. Their captivity is looming here on Earth. It hasn’t happened quite yet. They’re still fighting against the effects of the Orgone. The carbon that it puts in the air burns them. It burns them. Anybody with a chip implant that gets into contact with Orgone, it burns them. Also these dimensional spaceships, vehicles and crafts that come into…Orgone is dimensional. It will burn and catch on fire their starships and their spacecrafts, so it’s actively working now.
What they’re doing is chilling the atmosphere to try and chill down the burning effects of Orgone. That’s why you’re seeing states in the southwest, states that have never had snow before. It’s probably going to become quite a world-wide phenomenon; countries all over the world experiencing changes in the weather patterns to become quite cooler, because they’re trying to chill the atmosphere. They’re chilling the atmosphere. It’s just one of their countermeasures to try to slow down the effects of this Orgone, so they can get Plan B, C and D’s going, because their Plan A was demolished. Probably B and C too. So they have to come up with these different plans.
The New Age Lies of the Fifth Dimensions - Changing DNA, Cleansing Earth, Ascension
Their biggest thing is to deceive mankind into believing they are fifth dimensional beings and that they’re
coming to Earth to help mankind. A fifth dimensional being would be a heavenly being as opposed to the
fourth dimension, which is Satan’s dominion. You think of demons. You think of astral travel. Any kind of
phenomenon going on with Satan’s dominion, that’s the fourth dimension. Demonic beings, Satan, Hell…
So what they want you to believe is that they can magically turn on…their followers anyway. The kindof
garbage they tell them is, they can activate their DNA to where all 12 strands are working. Then somehow
jump completely over or through the fourth dimension and on to the fifth dimension. You know what? The only way that you’re going to change dimensions on this Earth is to die. It’s to die! When you are absent from the body, your spirit leaves your body and you are either in Heaven with the Lord, or in Hell.
Some of you New Agers say, “We can astral travel.” I know you can. All this astral traveling stuff, but you are still stuck in the fourth dimension. That is Satan’s dimension. That’s still the fourth dimension. You aren’t astral traveling into the fifth dimension. They use Venus as a charade to fool people. They’ve got the planet Venus set up. I have an article I wrote on this years ago called The Venus Alien Trap. These near death experiences where people see Jesus. They see Sananda. They use Venus for that. So they have this whole planet set up to look like Heaven. It’s a fake Heaven. It’s a whole false reality they have set up. That’s all the fourth dimension still. They can’t get near the fifth dimension. All Satan can do is mimic and mock it the best that he can to deceive people.
If you follow New Age rhetoric, the whole thing is about introducing a fifth dimension. I’ve written an article on that. It’s on my websites called the The Lies of the 5th Dimension & The Coming Lies of Maitreya. It’s all about the lies of the whole New Age and the whole fifth dimension rhetoric. They can’t jump through the fourth dimension. It’s a barrier. It’s a barrier. The only way you even get near the fifth dimension is to be dead, first of all, and then your spirit goes to be with the Lord Himself. I’ll tell you right now; these people aren’t on the path to be taken to the fifth dimension by the Lord and the angels themselves. They’re not anywhere near. All they can do is mimic Heaven somewhere in the fourth dimension (Satan’s dominion) and keep going on with these charades of the New Age that they tell them.
I’ve been warning the New Ager’s for years about the dangers of this whole New Age movement and what they’ve been doing. It does affect some, but by the sheer fact that their movement keeps growing, at the same time that more and more leave it, more and more join it because they get all enthralled by all the garbage and the promises. It’s like something for nothing. And people will never get away from “if it’s too good to be true, it is,” because they still want that hope that it’s true. You know? They still want to hang on to this New Age LaLa Land garbage that it’s true. It’s these people that are being affected now, that are going to be affected in the future by losing their souls. They are going to lose their souls.
I’ve known New Agers over the years and I’ve watched them. They just got started in New Age and they still think they’re so cool. They’re being channeled. They’re being used by these New Age ascended masters, these aliens and demons posing as masters. They start channeling them and they put up websites and they establish themselves as I’m a channeler of Maitreya. I’m a channeler of Mother Sekhmet and all these idiots. What slowly happens to these people is they start giving more and more control of themselves to these ascended masters. Under the guise of healing and making them into light beings, they soul-scalp them and destroy them. These people end up with all these health problems and supposedly getting healed and helped by the ascended masters, because oh they're one of the favorites…their channeling them. They end up being soul-scalped.
When all the stuff they’ve said from direct channeling hasn’t happened, because their plans have been
delayed, cancelled and everything else, they just discard them like they're yesterdays candy wrapper, and set somebody else up that is gullible enough to believe that they want to help them and they’ll set them up to be a channeler and blah, blah, blah. So they simply discard the old and bring in the new. Then you have new websites up and new channeler’s channeling the ascended master’s garbage. This has been going on for years!
Most of their messages are the same. The underlying themes of their messages are the same, although
details change all the time. You look at last week’s Norway spectacle. According to them, on that Saturday December 12th, what was it? 1.7 billion people were supposed to be cleansed or taken off the Earth, or killed or whatever? It didn’t happen, so now what are they saying? What are they rushing to now as an excuse as to why that didn’t happen on December 12th? I can guarantee you that whatever excuse they give, the New Age is going to buy it. They’re going to buy it and believe it, because they are under the control of these New Age ascended masters. They’re under their spell. It’s crazy. But that’s it. They keep buying it over and over and over again.
So one of the dangerous things about the whole thing is the whole activation of DNA teachings and what they call ‘the ascension’. The ascension in Christianity was the bodily ascending of Christ from Earth to Heaven. So ascension is one of their biggest teachings where you can ascend from Earth to Heaven. Of course they want you to think it’s the biblical Heaven that we all associate Heaven with, but I guarantee you it’s not. It is the ‘heaven’ that they have waiting for all these gullible and stupid that’s going to take them straight to Hell. It’s going to take them straight to Hell. They’re going to load up on UFOs, thinking they're going straight to the fifth dimension or whatever, and the UFOs are going to take them straight to Hell. Straight to Hell. They’ll be judged and they’re in eternity at that point. All they have to do is get people gullible enough to believe them enough. Have confidence and faith in them enough, to get them to leave Earth. To get on a UFO. Then they have you. Then they have you!
Obama Is Leading Us into Communism through the Beast Economic Program
All this other stuff like NESARA. I’ve got a couple articles on NESARA on my websites. you can go to that website. It will tell you the point blank truth about NESARA. It’s just a carrot in the face of billions of rabbits on Earth. “Here, let us take over Earth and help your economy.” And “We’re going to shorten the work days. Everybody’s going to be rich.” It’s Socialism. It’s Communism; where everybody has the same amount of income, yet everybody is forced to work certain hours and put in community service. You’ll hear all this garbage coming from Obama. He’s taking it from the NESARA agenda. After all, he is supposed to be the New Age mouthpiece, he just doesn’t have anything to announce, so he chips away a little here, so he keeps busy on the New World Order agenda in case the New Age one doesn’t materialize.
That’s how NESARA is. It puts people to sleep. It’s their whole restructuring of mankind’s global economy to try and make it into some kind of a global society, like you can think of the one we would have under the Millennial Reign of Christ. What they call the ‘golden age’ is a mimicry and mockery of the 1000 year Millennial Reign that Yahushua when He returns. After He destroys and gets rid of the wicked off the Earth, which will include all of these New Agers, all of these new world orders, all these globalists. They’ll be gone. Every one of them.
Interestingly enough, in their doctrines, all of the Christians, the people who dissent against them will be
cleansed and killed off. Only they're doing it through martial law and FEMA camps and vaccination programs and plagues.
It's a War between Good and Evil. Which Side Are You On?
It’s definitely a war; good between evil. Mankind is pretty much standing at the brink deciding which side you are going to be on. Are you going to be on the good side or the evil side? Are you going to be on the Most High Gods side or are you going to be on Satan’s side? Satan’s side is huge. The majority of people are there. Every globalist, Satanist, Illuminati. All these ‘we worship mother earth’ people that really do have good intentions, but they are so stupid and can’t think for themselves and buy all these lies and garbage from the New Agers. A lot of them aren’t evil; they’re just gullible. All these New Agers. They’re not evil, just gullible. Then you have the outright evil ones. The sociopath illuminists. The globalists.
But they're all branched on one side, folks. You can’t separate them. They all follow Lucifer. Sanat Kumara. And they call him Aton and Archangel Michael and Mother Sekhmet. They’re all the same, folks! They are all in the same playground. Lucifer controls all of them. Satan controls all of them. You can see the little people that will resist all of that. It’s a minority. It’s a minority. That’s exactly what the Lord said was going to happen in the last days. He said when I return to Earth will I find faith on Earth? Where are My people at? The majority have been swept under the lies of the New Ager’s and the new world orderists. Interesting…or have allowed, set back and were overcome by these fascist police states and taken to FEMA camps because they were put on lists.
Yeah, it’s going to turn into that, folks. We’re going to have martial law. We’re going to have FEMA camps.We’re going to have roundups. We’re going to have massive deaths on a global scale.
They're Going to Destroy America because They Can't Have It
One of the things I see in Maitreya’s code is that this radio show is universal. This radio show is being heard in every country in this world; every island that has a computer. This radio show is global. All these people that I will never meet. Have never heard from. You can just watch America. Watch the demise and the destruction of America to know exactly where you are in end time prophecy if you’re not sure where you are, because America is going to be destroyed.
America is going to completely destroyed, and I’ll tell you why. It’s because “they” can’t have it. This whole Illuminati plan from the beginning where America was born and Satan set up America to be his home base, his home country in the world. They’ve been working since then with their underground bases, exchanging technology with our government, abducting our people, experimenting, feeding off of us and everything else. They have owned America from day one.
And now that push has come to shove, they can’t arrive here. They can’t arrive here because we have taken it away from them. We’ve put up Orgone barriers that are blocking them from entering into our atmosphere without crashing. So they are going to be angry. They are going to be angry. Satan’s initial plans were to rule the world from America. People say, “No, no its Israel”, because that’s where he ends up…his initial plans were to rule from America.
‘Capitals’ for America are very generic. People think of Washington D. C. as our capital and at other times
New York City is the capital because it’s actually the capital behind the capital. New York City is the bankers, the money, the economy that runs Satan’s kingdom and finances it. So we basically do have two capitals here in America, D.C. and New York City. Satan was going to rule and run from one of those places. The story being told is that he can’t do it now. He can’t have America because they can’t arrive here without burning. It’s miserable to them. They can’t breathe here. The air to them is contaminated because the Orgone is a positive energy. Their billion dollar chemtrail program has come to naught because the Orgone can destroy chemtrails and wipe them out.
So with our little efforts of a ragtag band of warriors over the years, we’ve pretty much said, “You can’t have America. You’re not coming here.” So Satan is going to be pissed. He is angry. So if they can’t have it, they’re going to destroy it. They are typical psychopaths. “Well if we can’t have you, no one is.” They’re going to destroy America. It’s almost like a tit for tat kind of thing. “You hurt us; we’re going to hurt you.” But they were going to hurt us from the beginning.
I mean, how many Americans want to end up in cages, being held there until they can be served as food? They feed off of people. They feed off the dust of the Earth, and the dust of the Earth are people. It’s part of their judgment. That’s why Satan doesn’t just leave. You know? It’s like he rebelled against the Lord and was kicked out of heaven. Then over the years more angels rebelled and got kicked out. He has this huge dominion in space. Why doesn’t he just go, since he is a supposed god and create an earth on his own? Why doesn’t he create his own earth? Because he doesn’t have any power to create! He has the power to create an illusion and he does it quite well, but he doesn’t have his own power to create an Earth to where they can just go and have their own place. They need ours. So he’s always dependent on the Creator, even though he claims he is the creator. He is a created being, folks. New Agers and all these people and all these occultic groups never think of this stuff. Why don’t you just go and create your own Earth? He can’t. He doesn’t create. He creates illusions. So he is stuck here on Earth. Part of his judgment makes it that way, because he and his entire dominion is dependent on humans for food. Do you get it now? You can’t wander too far away from your food source, and they don’t.
Satan Doesn't Know Everything, so His Forces Do a Lot of Reconnaissance, Spying
That’s why when you look up in the skies at night and see these UFO starships 30 – 33 degrees above
horizon. They’re not going anywhere. They mimic stars. They look like stars. A lot of them are turning yellow and crashing to Earth. You’ve seen these UFOs that do travel around Earth. These little aluminum, helium type 1 and 2 man vehicles. They come from these starships that are above the Earth. They’re just vehicles.It’s like Star Wars. They fly down here, fly around, abduct a few people and go back home.
And they do a lot of reconnaissance, spying. Satan is not omniscient and omnipresent, he doesn’t know
everything. They do actually have different classifications and ranks within their own groups and so spying is a big thing. They fill up their own computer banks, data information centers or whatever of all the legislation that is going on with the world governments, with politics, with religion, with people. Everything is divided up and everybody has their own categories on what they have to keep updated and what they have to know. So a lot of spying goes on that way.
The internet was the easiest thing in the world for them. They gave mankind the internet. Al Gore claims it was him. It was probably the demon, the lizard that possessed him. That was the biggest tool, because now they can spy on everybody from their own starships. They have computers? Yeah, they do. They listen to my radio show in their starships. It makes you realize how small this universe can actually be, and how our world actually is. We’re all tied together. No one is going anywhere. We’re all tied together. We’re not leaving Earth, and they can’t leave our atmosphere. You know what? We’re all stuck together, and now we’re battling it out.
The Lord's People Are Finally Waking Up to How Satan's Infiltrated Politics and Religions
The Lord’s people are finally waking up to what’s going on and exactly how Satan’s kingdom works and how he’s infiltrated politics and religions. How he’s infiltrated our churches and our pastors. Our leaders who we thought were men of God are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing, serving Satan’s agenda to lead the Christians astray. They put the wolves in charge of the hen houses. Then the hens are praising and worshiping the wolves as their leaders. That’s exactly what you’ve got with churches today. And with so many of them, you just have ignorant leaders. They go along with the program, not realizing that they’re part of the problem instead of waking up and becoming part of the solution. You just have a society that’s imprisoned to this whole satanic structure. This whole Illuminati structure. This globalist structure. Our entertainment, politics and everything about it.
So people are waking up and fighting back. And how can we do that? We do it with the Orgone, because
that’s what destroys them. It contaminates the dust. There is a lot of copper in Orgone, and they hate copper. And crystals. You look at all of the ingredients; it’s what is destroying Satan’s kingdom. So people are waking up every day and getting more and more Orgone out.
To Make Orgone, Get Fiberglass Resin that's Used to Patch Up Holes in Boats, or Cars
In other countries that are waking up and getting involved, I know the one ingredient that throws a lot of people is the fiberglass resin that we use. I know you’ve got boats in your counties, so I know you’ve got fiberglass resin out there, because you have to be able to patch up boats. Fix boat holes and dents…whatever. They use fiberglass resin to do that. It’s a marine quality fiberglass resin strong enough to patch and fix boats. That’s what we use for the Orgone. So you need to find that in your country. What would be used to patch up and fix holes in boats? It’s a fiberglass resin. I don’t know what they would call it in your country, in your language, but that’s the essence of what you need to find. That is the glue that holds all the ingredients together. I have the instructions on how to make your own Orgone at
The Orgone Barriers Are Causing Maitreya's Forces to Malfunction and Crash
You know what? Every day from July on has been a blessing. Their arrival plans in July, and then September, then October, and then December. These are just huge delays and huge cancellations for them. They have tried to arrive. They have tried; they’ve just crashed to Earth.
One of the things that I found really amusing this week in the codes was the fact that everything going on right now is in accordance with what the Bible codes are revealing. Maitreya is trying to arrive and keeps
malfunctioning. The Bible codes call it malfunctioning – crashing. Sherry Shriner is mocking him. I’m
mocking him. The Orgone warriors are calm. Everybody is calm. And Obama is completely pissed off. So you look at these dominant features in the codes and it’s happening right now. It’s happening in real time. I was pleased to see that everybody is just calm.
It’s like I was telling somebody, when he actually arrives then people will believe it. “Here we go finally. It’s
finally happening.” So right now it’s like nobody cares, because he keeps crashing. It’s like, where is he? Don’t tell us that he’s coming, he’s coming, he’s coming. We want to see him.” Meanwhile he keeps trying to come and keeps crashing. So it’s funny.
The Orgone barriers are what’s causing them to malfunction and crash. They’re trying to chill the atmosphere. Chill off all the carbon that Orgone puts into the air. The ether energy. They’re trying to counterattack that. The fact that Orgone is ingenious. That word is still dominant in the codes in regards to the Orgone and the war that we have against them. Ingenious – brilliant. So these things are real time in the codes right now.
We Need $100,000 in Funding to Support the Orgone Missions on a Large Scale, Folks
The other things we can do right now until they get here is to keep getting the Orgone out. What I need from the Lord’s people is $100,000 folks. One hundred thousand dollars. Why? Because I need to buy a big gas guzzling SUV that can haul pipes and loads of boxes of Orgone. And I need to be able to hit the road as needed. For those of you who make Orgone and are getting your own areas, you know how expensive the supplies are. I need to be able to start hoarding up supplies, making pipes, making bucket blasters, making Orgone ahead of time, so that when he finally finds a way to break through the atmosphere; finds a portal that will allow him through without crashing his ships. Because eventually it’s going to happen. Eventually they’re going to find a portal and get through to Earth; that we can chase them. We can go to where they are. We can plant Orgone and chase them out of the areas they are in. Or I can ship it around the world. Or that I can send money to warriors located around the world that don’t have any and say, buy the supplies and get it in your countries. We need to be doing a lot of warning and stuff behind the scenes if we are still here when he arrives. And we can’t do that on a zero bank balance. We need funding. We need serious funding.
You know what? It just goes back to the whole thing to day one. The people the Lord sent here on Earth to be here in the last days to fund this ministry, took off funding others instead. And those ministries are going to burn, be destroyed and are of no use to the Lord. This was His last day’s ministry right here; the people doing exploits in the last days fighting against Satan on the front lines. So we need people to stand up. I need to collect about 100,000 bucks just to get vehicles and supplies that we need and to be able to take off to any part in the country when they do arrive.
They're Talking about Their First Contact Including 10 Million Ships
They’re talking about their first contact including 10 million ships. Now how many of them make it out of 10 million? I think it’s going to be amusing. I think we’re going to see a lot of them crash, but a lot of them will get through. And they’re going to be angry. They could come firing their beams and missiles at cities around the world and destroying and coming in anger, because they are angry when they do get here. Satan is angry. Maitreya is angry. You think they are coming as god beings of light and love?! No, they’re going to be angry! It will be much restraint on their part if they don’t come firing and shooting.
It’s not necessarily going to be the V, where they just hover above Earth and tell mankind that they’re here to help. They’re psychopathic beings. They don’t have human emotions. Being able to show love
is not part of their nature, but anger and hatred are. It’s totally part of their nature. It’s what they are. It will be interesting to see the cards they play when they do arrive. And they are going to arrive eventually. There will be a contact of some kind. I see it more of a confrontation.
I’m not looking to be in some kind of contact with them. I’m 24/7 in confrontation with them. That’s how every other warrior on this planet should be as well when they arrive, because they are not coming for the goodness of mankind. Wake up people! They don’t love mankind. They want to destroy and eat mankind. So we need to be busy preparing ourselves for their arrivals so that they just crash and burn.
Like I said, eventually the Lord is going to cast Satan to Earth. He’s going to be stuck here. He’s not going to be able to leave again. That’s truly when he’s going to be on a rampage against the Lord people and all those who don’t like him, have resisted him, resisters against the New World Oder.
This whole charade here on Earth. He’s never going to implement NESARA or any of those other things.
Those are just buzz words to get people to accept him, like him and want him to come to Earth. You know, they invite him. “Oh, come. Help us on Earth!” Those are just buzz words. He’s not going to implement any of that stuff. He just wants to get his feet in control of Earth and humanity. What he doesn’t see coming is the fact that he will literally be stuck here. He won’t be able to fly off and live away at the same time that he’s controlling it. It’s going to be very amusing.
I’m going to answer a few questions.
Obama's in Limbo
I’m going to be busy this month watching the skies, seeing what’s going on in the backgrounds, because there is so much going on and we are at crunchy time. Amusing just watching Obama just struggling, not knowing exactly what to do, because he can’t do his job as messenger of the New Age when they can’t get their plans going.
I Recall a Vision of Lucifer the Dragon...I'm Not Sure What It Meant
Question from a listener: I recall about 12 years ago while in the hospital after a near fatal automobile accident, a vision of Lucifer the dragon. A huge ugly winged reptile, of green and red and purple scales, who was glistening and yet imprisoned in a block of clear quartz crystal. Does this make any sense to you? I’m not sure what it meant.
No, I’m not a dream interpreter. Sometimes our dreams can be symbolic. That’s why you have to pay attention to every detail in your dreams. The color of things and what they are doing, because they are symbolic and it means something. I’ve just never been a dream interpreter.
Could the Appearance of the Norway Portal Be a Sign that Maitreya Has Crashed?
Question from a listener: When I first saw the pictures (referring to the Norway crash pictures), I thought it was interesting that this portal appeared before Olizards acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize. Could this be a message that Maitreya has crashed and burned?
I don’t know. [laughs] This is somebody else’s interpretation. They were trying to set it up so that when Obama went. That he was supposed to be recognized as the messiah so that people would correlate his appearance in Norway with this spectacle in the sky. Interesting they might have to go that route if Maitreya is dead. If he has crashed and simply can’t get the New Age agenda off the ground because of that, that they would simply just overtake Obama’s body and go that route. Interesting.
Why Pull Out Tiger Wood's Story on Same Day that Obama Accepted Nobel Prize?
Question from a listener: What do you think of the mainstream media pulling out the Tiger Wood’s affair story on the same day that Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize?
Probably just trying to keep down the huge ruckus against it. Why do you give a war time president a peace prize? The nominations for the Peace Prize were due two weeks I think, even before he took office. You can tell it’s a set up. Coming as a ‘man of peace’. What they usually do is speak out of both sides of their mouth as he amps up the war in the Middle East. So I don’t know. It was probably just a distraction to try and keep dissent groups quiet.
Do people really think he is about peace? He started a war with Pakistan and it escalated to Afghanistan.
They are stupid enough too. You know what? There are so many Americans that are waking up. Even the
Democrats that voted him in are finally seeing that he’s not doing much for them. They voted him in, and
thought he was going to be this great guy who was going to line all their pockets with gold and silver and make life generally better for all of them. After seeing that he’s really not going to do anything…and all the people that voted him in just because of his promises that he was going to end the war, are finally realizing that he isn’t going to end the war.
We should really have some kind of accountability in American politics where these politicians promise
something, they have to deliver or at least attempt to, or it’s an automatic impeachment. We could have a re-vote and put somebody else in office. They should be forced to have to even attempt to live up to their
campaign promises. In American politics you can say anything you want, then when you get elected based on lies, you don’t have to do anything. Those should be impeachable offenses. People should get to re-vote another candidate in who will actually try and keep his campaign promises. But we know that’s not going to happen. Not when you have Satan running your country and both of your party politics. Generally in control and has everything under wraps.
You can sit here and wait for the FEMA camps to start loading up, and being part of the sheeple being herded into them, or you can get on your feet and start getting involved with fighting back and tearing down their strongholds. The way we do that is with the Orgone Blasters.
It’s just amusing out of the billions on Earth, that this little ragtag band of about…I don’t know…a thousand? A few thousand Orgone warriors are the only ones who are a real threat to Satan and his agenda. The only ones that are dominant in his code. Why isn’t Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland and the Pope and the churches in America and Europe and the Catholics and the Protestants? Why aren’t any of them dominant in his code as a threat to him? Because they’re not!
Who is the threat? The Orgone warriors. The Orgone warriors. Sherry Shriner and the Orgone warriors. That’s his biggest threat, his only threat in the codes other than the Most High God Himself.
I love seeing the correlations about how the leader of this remnant is a direct follower, believer of the Most High God. I could tell you of the names that they refer to Him as, but that just gives decoders too much ammo. I do have keys of understanding the codes that no one else will ever have. The Lord won’t give them and I’m not going to. I won’t tell the names and what to look for. But it’s interesting. I love seeing the confirmations over and over again. The same things that I’ll tell you, the same things that I find in my codes; I can go to Satan’s code and Maitreya’s code and see the same things. Confirmations, one after the other. We are the only ones on Earth that he is afraid of…that is even beginning to be a threat to him.
Not all Orgone is made the same. That’s one of his big things too; trying to dispute Orgone. “You don’t need to make it with that kind of resin. You don’t need to make it with those ingredients. Change it up. It’s not hurting us.” He goes in all these dispute attacks to try to make us change our recipes to make different types of Orgone. When you take out one element or characteristic of an Orgone blaster, you are no longer making the Orgone that hurts him. So all he has to do is get all these other pagans and all these other New Age and other gullible into believing that you can change it. Don’t put clear crystals in it. Put something else in. Don’t put copper wire in it, or wind it the other way. Use it with epoxy resin instead of fiberglass resin.” All he has to do is get you to change a few ingredients, because it totally changes the chemistry, the chemical makeup of that Orgone. Then you are no longer making the specific type of Orgone that destroys him. So he doesn’t care if you are making Orgone; he only cares if you are making our Orgone. It’s our brand, our recipe, our specific Orgone that is destroying him and his kingdom. You can learn how to make it for free at’s that easy. It’s the only thing that’s destroying him.
Meanwhile as they are crashing and burning to earth and can’t figure out a way to get here, he sits on the
internet and fights against the Orgone warriors as best as he can.
That’s pretty much what is dominant in the codes right now. Obama is just kindof in limbo between the two factions right now. They can’t get anything going, so he’s having to backtrack and work the New World Order branch of it. Interesting
Anyway, that’s all I’m going to talk about tonight, folks. Like I said, I’m going to keep up to date with what’s going on. Signs in the skies, watching the skies. Watch for more of their graphics in the skies, for more of their crashing in the skies and anything else.
Until next week everybody, Yah bless.