Interview with Tim White
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
August 22, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 22 August 2005 - 1st hour
And hello folks and welcome to the show, I'm Sherry Shriner. I will be taking listener comments and questions for the first half hour of the show tonight. You can call in now at 260-356-2611. Tim White will be the guest tonight. He will be calling in after the first half hour break, until then if you have a comment and question you can call in at 260-356-2611. You can also contact me at [email protected] throughout the show with your comments or questions, or through Yahoo Instant Messenger at [email protected]. is now over 1000 Mb of space, just behind So these two sites are not just space grubbers, but bandwith grubbers and I need your donations folks to keep these sites up and going. I do appreciate those who do support this ministry on a continual basis. And that's what I need more of, people to commit to supporting this radio show and online radio show on a monthly or weekly basis. And so I'm just going to count on the Lord for that as He leads people to this ministry, the more He sends the more I can do. And it's those two sites alone folks out of the 20 that I have now that are just real grubbers, and I want to keep those sites free.
Anyone could tell you that putting stuff available for download on the internet just soaks bandwidth up. And people think traffic's free, and it's not free. You know you can pay a minimal amount for space but getting traffic to your website is like a parking lot. The more people you have going to your site, the bigger parking lots you need, you have to pay for that space. It's almost like a rental. You have to pay for all the cars coming into the parking lot. And that's what we do, we have to pay for traffic that's what bandwith is. And so if I have 50,000 people, visiting one website a week, I have to pay for that traffic and that's what bandwidth is, that's how they charge you on it.
So stuff on the internet is not free. I know a lot of people seem to think the only thing you have to pay is a one time monthly fee of hosting costs and that's not true at all unless you have a site nobody visits. I have 3 million hits a month on my websites and I haven't even tallied in 6 months or so. So it could be higher than that now, I don't know, I know it's global, Every time I looked at the website traffic, countries I can't even pronounce a lot of them. Just a lot of different smaller countries, countries I've never heard of, and that's on top of the ones your are familiar with. I could probably name 150 off the top of my head, and the other 30 or 40 just get you. And that's just how it is, it's the internet. And so I've got listener supporters around the world and I enjoy hearing from them.
So just keep stuff free folks, let's just keep it free. I know the minute I start charging for something because I have to, I start hearing from everybody else, "how can you charge?", "why isn't is free?". You know a lot of people expect you to keep offering things for free and I do, I try. I certainly don't have a lavish lifestyle, and so I'm doing the best I can.
You can also download audio files now both of my books. "Aliens on the Internet" and "Bible Codes Revealed, the Coming UFO Invasion". You can read those books or listen to those books for free now in audio file format at And of course all of my articles are in audio format. And I've been putting up some books on the Nag Hammadi Library. And that's a real interesting library folks because these books were the ones that the Roman government was originally after to destroy. And that's what started the whole Christian persecution during the early church history. Was to wipeout all of the books and transcripts that they had, so that they could control what the early church believers had. And the way they did that was with the Council of Nicea in 300AD and 325AD to control what the church believers had and were reading. And that's how they came up eventually years later with the KJB. And so if you want to know the what the real truth is back with the early church taught, you've got to dig back. Dig back before 300AD you can find books during that era, you can get a better grip on what the truth really is instead of being told what the truth is. And everyone of us that has been born has been told what the truth is and what to believe and what not to believe. And so it's a conditioning process that you have to overcome.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611, you can also contact me at [email protected], either through e-mail or yahoo instant messenger, for the first half hour of this show...
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: .... on what comes on. Yes.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hi, I've just been listening to you.
Sherry: Hey how are you doing?
Caller: I'm doing all right. I have a question. A while back you were saying that they had to go up in space before the 8th to open up a gate?
Sherry: Yeah, to close that stargate that was opening.
Caller: How would you do that, how would you open or close it or whatever?
Sherry: Well it's all occultic stuff. There was some lions gate that was opening up in space at that time and so it was my belief that they were trying to close that gate to prohibit something from coming through that gate. And so they had that window, I think it was August 8th or 11th, I could be mistaken.
Caller. Did they do it?
Sherry: I have no idea. I have no idea, but I was reading something the other day that they have to go back up in March which was kind of significant. I think I said on an earlier show when they tried to hit that ice block a couple.. last month or so, I can't even remember the name of it, the one that they did just hit with the nuke.
Caller: Yeah, like Copper Stone?
Sherry: Yeah that it would be coming back in March next year. And now they're saying they're have to send up another shuttle in March of next year.
Caller: Well gee whizz.
Sherry: So there's something going on there.
Caller: I have another question. This Planet X (unclear), when is it actually supposed to come close?
Sherry: Planet X, when it comes close, you know a lot of people are going to be feeling it. As it starts getting closer, it's going to cause a lot of destruction. That's what's causing a lot of the earthquakes now, a lot of the earth plates to move. A lot of the solar flares that we're having now. So as it starts to come closer and closer and closer we're going to end up with more and more destruction.
Caller: How long are these things going to be before we start seeing some serious stuff?
Sherry: Well it should have been already. I mean the Lord's held it back. It's something the Lord can speed up or delay. And as mankind reacts and further continues to rebel against Him, He's going to speed it up or He can delay it.
Caller: It's just something I was told, I've been thinking about. Paul... (speaking together) ....I've often wondered why he's always different from the rest of them.
Sherry: Yeah, the whole thing when you look at anything about prophecy and relation to that, He can speed it up or He can delay it.
Caller: Thank you very much, you're doing a good job.
Sherry: All right thanks for calling in.
Caller: Bye.
Sherry: Bye.
Listener call in folks 260-3562611. I wasn't really prepared to talk about NASA, I had that name on the tip of my tounge about that. That block of ice they were blowing up last month, that I was saying was an alien carrier and they were calling it a comet. And it will be back in July. They might knock it off of orbit for a little bit so somethings going on... not July but March of 2006. And so all of a sudden I'm reading that NASA is sending a shuttle back up again in March of 2006 that they just had up again this month in August.
Yeah there's definitely space wars going on that we're not hearing about. The Lord just tells us to watch, to watch for His coming, to watch for the signs, to watch, watch, watch, that means to pay attention. So you may not always be able to explain what's going on but at least you're paying attention, you know something's going on. Threre's so many people in apathy and complacency and not paying attention to a thing that's going on, so when you start to talk to them about current events about what's really going on they have no idea. They're clueless or they call you a conspiracy nut. And what's a conspiracy, a conspiracy is nothing but questions that aren't being answered. And so they accumulate because no one will answer them.
And what do you call a conspiracy that's been proven true? Do you call it conspiracy, what do you call in when it's been proven true? There’s a lot of truth behind conspiracies, I mean they don't start from anywhere. It would just be called disinfo, That fact that it being a conspiracy means there's a lot of truth, just nobody will verify it, no official verification. They throw those words out to scare people off from questioning govenment tactics and military tactics and things that are really going on behind the scenes. They don't want you aware of what's going on they want you back on your couch watching Sunday football and leaving them alone. They want the population clueless.
And so that's why we have radio shows like this. I'll bring this stuff up, talk about it the best I can for as long as I can. You know we're not always going to have time on the air to talk, Tribulation period's coming closer and closer. The Lord say's times over as we know it, that things are going to start happening, and once it starts happening it's going to start happening like a flood. And so it happens all at once and you're looking through all this information over the last two months and I told you back in July that it would switch back over to the NWO faction for the month of September and October. And it has and that's what we're looking at, I'm looking at.
And the stuff, the threats of going to war with Iran have not gone away. Syria's not been mentioned as much, so it makes you wonder if they throw Iran at you. You don't know if it's conditioning because they really plan on doing a, going after Iran, with Syria really their target or vice versa. You know there's no weapons of mass destruction in Iran, and it's the same garbage, the same hogwash they fed us about Iraq. The UN inspectors already said, Iran isn't close to having weapons of mass destruction. And president Bush's whole argument is that they one day could. If you want to sacrifice your kids for a probability or even a possibilty or a theoretic? I mean come on folks we've already sacrificed enough in Iraq?
I like Cindy Sheehan's statement when she said for pro war people, why don't you take our soldiers places in Iraq and let the ones who want to come home, come home. That's fitting. If you're so pro war in Iraq, so for this war in Iraq, go take some soldier’s place so he can come home. Because I tell you what, a big chunk of that military no longer supports the war over there. There was a huge mutiny going on behind the scenes that media isn't ever going to tell you about. You know several generals in war time, especially one that is seperated from his wife and then being kicked out of the army for adultery. You know they're false charges. Or they're talking about generals painting grafitti on cars in parking lots. Give me a break. When you start seeing generals in a war time getting kicked out of the army you know it's a serious mutiny's taking place and whatever reason they're giving you is a bunch of hogwash. And that's exactly what's going on.
And the military is going to stand up, there is only so much they're going to take. They know that they don't have the numbers to continue the war in Iraq. They keep dwindling and dwindling. They wouldn't listen to the military leaders when they went into Iraq. And I was reading something with president Bush the other day, back with his comments about the Vietnam War, and his statement saying we lost the Vietnam War because the polititcians got involved with it and took the control and power out of the military leadership's hands. What are we doing in Iraq here? We've tied our military leaders' hands and the politicians have taken charge of it. And so it's the same scenario and it going to end up with the same outcome, where this one is worse, It's going to be much worse, because they have no plans of bringing your kids home.
You know in Vietnam they brought your kids home, in Iraq they don't plan to. It was their whole push to gain dominance there, the imperialistic control of the Middle East. But Americans have never been imperialistic. You know we've never been the type that we have to dominate the world. America was just happy being home in America. You know they keep throwing out this garbage that we have to protect our homeland from terrorists. Well why don’t we absolve the current government, re-elect a new one and get rid of all the terrorists because it wasn't Iraqis or towel heads or arabs or anybody that attacked our towers here on American soil, it was our own government. They planned it, they implemented it, and they blamed it on somebody else because they wanted a foothold in the Middle East.
And it was the government, there was a huge lawsuit still going on with the families of New York who have finally been waking up slowly to the fact the government was involved with 911. Huge lawsuit against them. You don't hear a lot about them in the daily media. You'll hear about it on the internet, but you're not goint to hear about real news from Fox News or CBS or ABC, they're all owned by the government, the CIA. And between the CIA and the Mossad they own all the news networks. And they even have one now that they've put up a studio in the Pentagon. So you can get your propaganda straight from the Pentagon now. Makeshift news in the Pentagon, it's not news it's propaganda. And some of you have seen some of these videos coming out, these propaganda videos. You know, sometimes you don't know if you’re waking up in America or if you're waking up in Russia. A real fine line, I don't see a difference anymore between it.
And so obviously you're not being told the truth. And we could very well be at war in September, October, because the plans have already gone out. That if there is another terrorist attack here in American which there will be and they keep telling you there will be because they're planning it. When there is, Cheney, Vice President Dick Cheney, has given the military direct orders to strike Iran whether they're in fault with it or not. So they're planning it, planning an attack they're not even threatening, since 911, that there would be another attack here. And we know there is, because they're planning it. They've sent out directives all over the place for the military to come up with scenarios on how to work more terrorist attacks here in American. Supposedly scenarios they're giving is three strikes simultaneous attacks on three cities at one time or even up to fifteen. And so they're working with the Pentagon on what the civillian response and the military response would be, if these attacks took place. So you know they're just preparing.
And one of things I found interesting is that, this has been reported in the Washington Post on August 8, is that what they've done is that a lot of people say is the Comittas Passe Act that prohibits the military from acting on civillian soil. Well they have gone around the Comittas Passe Act to justify the military acting on civillian soil because of article 2 of the constitution that requires the commander and chief to protect the nation. And so they can use that one phrase where he's committed treason all over for the last four years on for protecting the nation, to use troops on our own soil. And so they're going around everything. They're finding loopholes in everything, because the Comittas Passe Act of 1878 restricts the use of troops on domestic law enforcement. But what they're going to do is say the commander and chief is required to protect the nation. So they're going to go round it and use troops in that regard.
Another thing they've done, is that they're expanding the national guard. I think up to 128 units accross the country, they've been expanding the national guard. So that's one other way that they're going to use troops here in America. And the national guard has always been a civillian more or less type of military. So that's what they would do. Go to the national guard, put that under the control of the homeland security, and have their troops, their way in through that. They're not necessarily going to be looking for legalisms. They do what they want and they justify it later, and we've been seeing that for four years now. You know if the commander and chief is required by law to protect the nation, where was he at 911, why was he behind the planning of it? So ask yourself these questions. They look at the constitution and laugh at it and spit all over it. And they're going to keep doing it.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611, if you have any comments or questions. And it looks like Bush was in Salt Lake City this week. He's defending the war in Iraq on Monday out at Salt Lake City. And this is one of the things (unclear) statements he makes. He says, "we must confront threats before they fully materialise". Bush said in a speech to National Convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars. It's like... I'm not going to finish reading that. But that's what he said we must confront threats before they fully materialise. You know this is one of these theoretic things. Like that movie, I can't remember what it's call, where you're arrested before hand for thinking you're going to do something illegal. I think Tom Cruise starred in that movie. That's what it reminds me of. You think of doing something illegal and you're arrested. (I think Sherry was referring to the movie "Minority Report" - Simon) And he already states that his policy for the war, he doesn't have an exit strategy. Stay the course it what he repeatedly says, and of course that's not a policy. Stay the course, you're going to stay the course, and on the other hand he'll say that they don't have, or they going to start pulling out.... you know he speaks out of both sides of his mouth. I wish I could find that one quote he had. Not in front of me. But I thought it was interesting because it showed him in one day, what was it in two days, speaking out of both sides of his mouth when it came to the war.
I wanted to read something that Mike Rodgers in Tokyo wrote and it was called "The Most Honorable Thing a Patriot could do". And I just wanted to read the first few paragraphs of this. It says:
"Fight for your country my friends.
Fight for the poor and destitute.
Fight for the poor children who will never again have a mother or father.
Fight for the aged and the handicapped.
Fight for truth, justice and peace.
Fight for your country.
Do not fight for a political belief.
Do not lay down your life for criminals, liars and thieves.
Fight to put those same criminals where they belong in prision.
Fight for your country. Do not fight for someone elses country.
Do not die far off in some foreign land.
Do not die for the great of an emperor or king.
Fight to protect your homes and your loved ones, for there is nothing in this world more important than that.
As the good Lord blesses you with health, happy family and love and you one day die in your sleep as a righteous old man or woman, rejoice that you stood for truth in your days on this earth for you shall surely be rewarded by Him."
I thought that was a good testament for patriotism there. And he was supporting Cindy Sheehan's cause in Texas. And of course she has temporarily left her post in Texas, I guess her mother had a stroke. But it's still growing down in Crawford Texas. She will probably be back. Protestors are still gathering down there. A couple of senators, a senator who has just lost her son in May in Iraq, who had previously been pro war, now gathering with the Crawford camp in Texas to fight against the war. And so I thought this was fitting that I read it, and when I read it here..... This is a poem somebody wrote a letter that somebody wrote, "Not my kid", it says:
"Dear Mr. President.
You are not getting my kid to fight in your filthy wars.
You are not getting my kid to burn from your radioactive weapons.
You are not getting my kid to opt in through high school.
You are not getting my kid through a national service draft
You are not getting my kid through another false flag op
You are not getting my kid with a $30,000 sign up bonus.
You are not getting my kid from your kiddy ROTC army
You've already got Cindy's kid and ,1845 other mom's kids too
You are not getting my kid Mr. President, go send your own."
And that was written by an anonymous writer. And I think that sums it up. You'll get our kids Mr. President when you send your own daughters on the front line.
And that's what it takes folks is just a bunch of mothers in mourning that have lost their kids over in Iraq, and veterans fed up with it. Veterans and those who have lost loved ones are the most effective in the anti war movement. They wouldn't listen to anybody before the war started, back before the war started when all of us were talking about that it would be an annihilation and the war would never end over there. And we were warning about the war. Everybody called you non patriotic and ready to hang you up by your shoe strings. And then a couple of years when it's exactly what we warned about years ago, now they can finally see that the wars going nowhere. I don't know what they thought it was going to be a second Persian Gulf when you walk in and it's over in 8 days.
Even look at that. Over 500,000 – 80,0000 soldiers who served in the Persian Gulf War one, are now disabled, and a lot of them are dead from DU diseases and the radiation they suffered over there. And now we've got the same thing with DU poisoning and radiation from this war, and in this war, you know the death numbers are totally defalted. You have no idea what the real numbers are. I heard they only announced 10%, so add 90% to whatever number they're giving you for a death toll and that's your real number. Add 90% to that. Also with the injured do the same thing add 90%. And of course for Iraq they're not going to give you real numbers, but we've been hearing that the numbers in Iraq are huge. And it's not going to stop here folks. They have no love for life. These are Satanists we are dealing with. The only words they know is destroy, destroy and kill because they consider this all suffering and death and murder, as sacrifices to Satan.
So it's not going to stop anytime soon. If it doesn't stop, you know we're going to have our own war here in American fighting against a Satanic and corrupt government. You know it's time for militias to rise, it's time to speak out, to hold candle light vigils on the whitehouse lawn, on the penta-lawn, on the Crawford lawn. You know there's nothing more effective than citizens, just everyday grassroots citizens standing up and fighting against a corrupt government. If Iraq doesn't stop, we're going to be in Iran next, and then we're going to be in Syria and we're doing this all for Israel, we're doing this for oil, we're doing this for gates, we're doing this for occultic reasons, not one bit of it has to do with protecting american interests.
We weren't bothered before 911, we haven't been bothered after, it was all implemented and instigated by our own government for their own greed and occultic reasons in the Middle East. And you know that's one thing you don't hear a lot about is the huge occultic push in the Middle East that the all the occultic reasons why they're over there. Because of gates, stargates being over there in Iraq. And in that airspace over there a huge stargate. And so all these satan freaks want control of the stargate. And as we see more of it coming up, I talked about the lions gate opening. And all of this stuff is astological and that's why a lot of the warnings for last days signs are in the skies. Signs in the skies. A lot of this stuff going on that people don't pay attention to they just believe whatever NASA says. And so you just have to dig for the truth, search out the truth and try to find out what's going on truthwise.
You know, there's a lot of babble about indictments coming down for Bush, but it's not going to happen folks. I don't see it happening, until it's going to happen and what has happened already. Just don't see it happening especially since you can't just indict a president. He would have to go through impeachment. And we've already seen the balls our congressmen have they don't exist. You know they're changing votes in congress now. Congressman have complained they're voting their votes are being changed and nothing's being done. Patriot Acts are passed, nothing was done to stop them. Do you really think an impeachment process is going to go through congress. I really don't have faith in our congress at all at this point. I don't think anything's going to happen as far as indictments go. Big deal, frame them. It was a nice thought, but it wasn't going to happen. I don't see it happening. Not unless the New Age steps in with their Maitreya and they have their own game and stuff going on there. Whatever they want to do, whatever card they want to play.
Number's 260-356-2611, I've got five minutes left in this hour or this half hour segment if you want to call in. I've got an e-mail from one of the listeners. I'll have to read this later. Something about Fox News I'll get back to it later. A couple of other e-mails. If you have a question specific for this show, just put it in the subject line, question for the show, question to be answered during the show, or something like that.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: Your guest is up.
Sherry: Okay. What we're going to do folks is take about a three minute break, Steve? About a three minute break and then we'll be back with Tim White. We're going to talk more tonight about the NWO and what their plans are for the upcoming months and what they've been doing. So we'll be right back in about two to three minutes.
And welcome back everybody. With me is tonight is Tim White. Hello Tim and welcome to the show.
Tim: Hello, how are you Sherry?
Sherry: I'm doing real good.
Tim: I'm getting back a little late, I had to get my calling card and at my local (unclear) and the store was acually swamped with what I would view as mostly illegal aliens.
Sherry: This is Colorado.
Tim: Yes it is. It's a very very serious problem. The informed people or certainly aware of, the absolute influx from illegals from the southern border is definitely crisis proportions, of course this is all according to plan. But now we've got border emergencies on the border of Arizona and New Mexico. Arnold Swarchnazi is still wondering whether to have an emergency along the southern California border. But I think that's something that's going to happen not by his choice. He's going to be forced to because there's so many people in southern California who are so extraordinarly angry and upset with what's going on here, that they're going to have to stop the flow here. And it's going to have to be done in a very ugly manner I'm afraid.
Sherry: Didn't two states declare emergencies this week, last week, Arizona and New Mexico?
Tim: Yes and I forsee it happening in other states. Actually it's not going to be involving in the border, it's just going to be I think something that's going to be happening because it's just such a serious problem. And it's radically altered Colorado that's for sure. It's radically altered the construction industry. People that need to find jobs aren't. It's (unclear) to a certain degree. I remember years ago, not too many years ago, four or five years ago, up in Aspen (unclear) and major resort areas around Colorado, the contractors were putting people on sometimes dozens and dozens on a homesite. You know that might be a 10 or 15 or 20 million dollar home, that might be 150-200 people working on the home. possibly upwards of half or more would be illegal aliens. Without green cards or anything, and they'd be working there up to about 28-29 days. And then a phone call would be made to INS or something, and people would show up on the job and there would be a whole new crew needed because all the illegals were taken away. And they didn't have to be paid either, so that was a huge thing. Not something I'm certainly condoning by these contractors. But now the minute men are starting to look to crack down on the contractors into allowing this kind of a situation to happen.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: And so we're just being totally, totally overrun. What's going on the border involving the zadists which are basically paramilitary forces. And speaking with Dennis Bossack down in Deming New Mexico, who has his website ufolab, just put that into google and his site will pull up. And he's been screaming his head off for years about what's going on down there..
Sherry: I'm loosing him Steve.
Tim: Pardon?
Sherry: I'm losing him, I can barely hear him, he's getting fainter and fainter and fainter.
Tim: Oh yeah.
Sherry: I can barely hear you.
Tim: You can barely hear me now.
Sherry: Let me see if I can... I've got my phone turned all the way up. All right there you go, you're better.
Tim: It's a cell phone I apologise folks, but cell phones being what they are. But anyway the question is just heating up on just everywhere you look. On every point of the compass has got a major serious problem that everybody's facing. The situation with the chinese is an entirely different matter here. And Denver has a big connection with what's going on with the chinese agenda because of the flow of technology. I believe a lot of it was coming through Denver, was being facilitated through Denver connections here. And I was just talking to a friend of mine in San Diego this morning, and he was reading me a couple of articles that had come out in a San Diego newspaper about major operations, construction operations that are now being conducted by Cosco, a China ocean shipping company.
Sherry: Right.
Tim: Which is the largest container ship fleet in the world.
Sherry: I was talking about that last week with Larry. If you get stuck at any kind of trainstop, you just sit and watch all the Cosco containers going by, and they're all owned by China.
Tim: Exactly and they're moving approximately 48 million container units which are measured in 20 foot increments. They're shipping over 48 million per year and..
Sherry: And this isn't high chairs.
Tim: Pardon?
Sherry: People hear of Cosco and you think of highchairs and playpens and car seats, but we know that Cosco shipping containers, I know it's been aledged that they're moving in weapons. They've been shipping in weapons for years.
Tim: Well they started that when they took over Long Beach and if fact they actually started things probably before they took over Long Beach. To which apparently this was officially done by executive order or presidential decision directive by president Bill Clinton when he signed the port over, supposedly a 36 year lease to COSCO. This occurred in January 1998, this was after it looked like there might have been a chance of having it turned down in the house and senate. But that precluded with an executive order. And so there was already COSCO operations that were going on there for quite some time before that date.
There was a friend of mine who was with the University of Denver, and he was also a naval reserve officer. He was a sworn officer for a craft. He would be called to active duty for 2 - 4 week stints. And in December 1997 he was called to about a 3 week active duty period and that meant he had to go out to San Diego, San Diego Navy Base and North Island. He's in uniform when he gets there. He drives up to the gate at San Diego Navy Base and there's not a front guard at the gate like normal. There's no guard post at all like normal. And he's just aghast, because some months longer since he had been there, and that was totally removed. And so he has to drive onto base, and he's looking for a particular place to go. And he finally asks where he is to go, and he says, "by the way, what happened to the guard post?" And they say, "Oh they took that out". And he says, "Why? It's supposed to be a secure base. People just can't get on the base". And I guess what he was told was that they took the base entrance guard post out, and this occurred at other entrances to the base also, because they were having too many problems with drive by shootings.
Now apparently they were having incidences which was involving automatic weapons at times. So where were the gangs getting this stuff? Well COSCO had been bringing in AK47s for some period of time to Long Beach even before they signed lease documents with the city of Long Beach. Because the base was turned over, the Long Beach Naval facility at Long Beach, is the largest container port in the entire west coast of North America. And it was regarded as a very strategic port. But in September of 1994 it was turned over with the whole bunch of other base closings. And almost immediately the mayor of Long Beach Mayor O'Neil started marketing it and the facilities to the Chinese. And for the three years that it took for all of this deal to come together, she made 10 or 12 trips directly to Bejing, the mayor of Long Beach, Mayor O'Neil. I can't remember her first name.
But this was just a total outrage. So there were various groups that got together in southern California to try and stop this. And there was a major group that was out of Orange County. They were numbering in the hundreds and I guess with the newsletter it was getting into the thousands of people that were part of this coalition of groups. They were trying everything they could to try and make sure this deal never went through with the Chinese.
But to get back to my friend that showed up at the San Diego Navy Base. This really posed a big question in his mind. If they're closing down guard posts to major military facilities and he's hearing that automatic weapons are being brandished are being used. He heard other rumours related to what I'm saying about COSCO bringing weapons in in containers. These were weapons that were manufactured by UNRICO which is an arms manufacturer that is 100% owned by the PLA. And COSCO itself is owned 100% by the PLA, the Peoples Liberation Army. This is the core of red China. He decided that he's going up to Long Beach. This was in a period when there was a whole lot of demolition going on simultaneous with a whole lot of new construction. So he's goes up to Long Beach, the former naval facility at Long Beach, and he's in uniform still. He goes to the gate. And he's denied entry by a guard at the gate who is Chinese and holding an AK47. Denying a US naval officer entrance.
This being in December of 1997. He was so alarmed, this individual's name is Bill, Bill's so alarmed, he never would call me, but called me from Long Beach and he told me this. And he was just livid that this was occuring. When you're dealing with this long range agenda here that the United States has been at work at for over 30 years now, since about 1971 or 1972. I believe it was the year when Nixon went to China with Henry Kissenger to open up China for relations, political relations with the United States. While Nixon was meeting with Mao Tse Tung, Kissinger was busy hatching all sorts of deals with Chou En Lai. And at that time George Bush Snr. was special envoy to China. This was clearly a skull and bones agenda. It says so right in Anthony Sutton's book "Americas Secret Establishment, the Order of Skull and Bones". It lays out the entire skull and bones agenda. So what's going on from that period of time to now is purely a skull and bones agenda which strategic probes which go into what is being planned through all these various think tanks, pre-eminent of which is the Club of Rome.
Sherry: Didn't Clinton also, pretty much, open up Los Alamos to the Chinese and sell a lot of...
Tim: Absolutely, absolutely. And all the deals that were done with Loral and with Lockheed and Martin Marietta, now it's become Lockheed Martin. And we have a major, major facility here south west of Denver approximately 15 miles from where I'm sitting right now. The Lockheed Martin missile manufacturing facility that manufactures the atlas series of large launch vehicles, for quote unquote, commercial or military or NASA payloads. But there's no such thing as commercial payloads, I really tend to totally disbelieve that. But then the titan series of missiles are manufactured there at Lockheed Martin facility. And some of the major technology transfers to the Chinese were involving Lochheed Martin, Loral, many of the other aerospace companies, Norchwhipp, Grummon Norchwhip, Norchwhip Grummon I should say.
Sherry: And these are all companies that also a JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory. These are companies that are involved..
Tim: Absolutely, this is all linked, I'm just talking about the aerospace industry.
Sherry (Tim interjected with "absoultely" a few times): These are all companies involved with what we call ufos, that our government builds and makes their own ufos. That's what I think they're doing is giving China a lot of capability because we know our government has their own ufos.
Tim: Beyond what I'm saying here about the existance of, for instance Lockheed Martin, is the only large missile outside of the delta launch series that are manufactured in southern California and many of those missiles are also assembled here in Colorado but down in Pueblo which about 120 miles south of here.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: But literally, Colorado is the home for the manufacture of these missiles. It's the only facility of its kind in the entire western hemisphere.
Sherry: You know what I think they're doing, is that they're buying, because we also know they're buying weapons and defence weapons from Russia.
Tim: Oh absolutely. (speaking together for a few seconds) the largest of the Titan launch vehicles are using Russian made "energia" engines which are the finest of its kind as far as thrust for size and weight, of those rocket engines. But beyond just talking about the manufacturing facilities, we've had a situation that's existed in Denver here since the visit in the summer of 2000 by president Zemin, president of Red China. And he was here for two days. Now Denver is really thought of by most people as a nice place to live, mountains out here. You know we have the stock show every year, we have huge stock yard facilities here. Denver's always had this wild west still in the minds of some people. A cow town. But it's always acted as a good cover for what actually exists here. But for the president of China to be here for two days, to have Mayor Wellington Webb roll out the red carpet, and I don't mean that as a pun, it actually occurred. And present him with the key of the city and presume him to stay here for two days while everyone's asking him, "what's up with that?"
There was a proposal that was put out at that time, of course it wasn't something that just came up at that time, it has probably been in the works for many many years. Mayor Wellington Webb's Economic Development Office started putting out a proposal to the Denver City Council for the Economic Development Office to open up an office in Shanghai. The Economic Development Office has other offices opened in other cities in other countries. But we can actually talk real trade of commercial goods for these other cities, but when we have an office opened up in Shanghai, that brings up a whole different set of products. That office was being bandied about for a few months. It was being voted down by the Denver City Council. It was initially being turned down, it didn't look like it was going to pass initially. This was tying directly into other information that I had been gathering for the previous 5 or 6 years. And I started linking what was going on with this office with other things that I knew involving the British that are here in Denver. Involving MI6.
That's actually what's in the background of the Denver Economic Development Office, has been for many many years. In fact the Economic Development Office was attempted to get taken over by a british national from New Zealand. She'd been in Colorado for over 15 years. She'd been with the Economic Development Office for several years. She was instrumental in bringing British Airways here to Denver International Airport. British Airways is the british flag carrier, so that's very significant. To make a long story short, because of this woman's acivities that I had been hearing about for the previous three years, I determined that she was an MI6 agent. Her name is Donnie Turner. Her real name is Bronwyn Joy Turner. Her name is actually listed in the Denver phone book. And she has two phone numbers there.
This also (unclear) the british imperial plan, as the British has been involved with the Chinese for so many years. Through the ownership of Hong Kong which had recently been turned over in 1997. Everything is now in the orbit of the red chinese. We have a direct link from Denver to Shanghai. I checked on the internet today, and that office is still open. And I started connecting dots of who was involved with the Economic Development Office and what their likely activities were. I started putting this out in many many conversations over my phone. This is before I even had e-mail address or on the internet.
Sherry: Can we connect the Chinese owning any of our underground bases at all?
Tim: I've not seen anything referencing that. I wouldn't doubt it. I mean we probably have had Chinese military touring our facilities in Colorado Springs. I know for sure that we've had the Russians here doing exactly the same thing. So I wouldn't doubt that we've had Chinese or dignitaries, so called politicians. And all their politicians all have military backgrounds or they're actually in the military but they're undercover of diplomatic passports or whatever.
Sherry: Yeah and this is all under the guise of United Nations moving soldiers here in the States. Some kind of plan they had activated.
Tim: Oh yeah, that ties in with the NATO ministers meeting that we had here in September of 2003. That was in Colorado Springs at the Broadmoor resort which is very very well known world wide. That was timed, NATO defence ministers meeting, was timed approximately three weeks after the brand new underground headquaters of the northern command opened. The underground headquarters are under Peterson Airforce Base. My understanding is that the defence ministers came in early enough, before the meeting came together. Was that these ministers were given a tour of the base facilities in Colorado Springs. Primarily north com headquaters, Peterson Airforce Base which is the US space command headquaters there. And then my understanding is that they were treated to a technology experiment, technology demonstration, Shriver Airforce Base and that's where the space warfare center is. They were given a tour of the capabilities that have been established in Colorado Springs over many decades.
As we all know the military has taken on a whole new meaning now with homeland security. Northern Command being the military cheek of FEMA, and military keep of homeland security. And we have these facilities that are being toured by all of these various military and dignitaries of other countries. When the defence ministers were meeting here, they literally had black uniformed security people keeping people away from their homes within a two block radius of the perimeter of Broadmoor, which is a sizeable piece of property. But homes that are surrounding, larges parts, areas around the Broadmoor resort. These are all very high-in homes of very well to do people. But they were being kept from accessing their own homes for the duration of the ministers meetings.
But what happened also at the defence ministers meetings, was that the final countries that were former soviet block countries, that had been under consideration of becoming members of NATO. I believe that there were nine countries that were left, that were seeking to become members of NATO. And one of those, I had already had in mind was Slovenia. Now the reason I was bringing this up, was this ties into a document, this ties into an association of military forces that's coming right out of the Pentagon. It's called the National Guard State Partnership Program. And what that is 14 states, I have a book here, I should have pulled out the exact page, I could have read jsut one simple paragraph to put this in perspective. We have the national guards of 14 different states aligning themselves in a military pact with 14 former soviet block countries, and Colorado has partnered up with Slovenia.
So at that meeting they had their official entrance, these nine countries that were left, that hadn't already been assimilated into NATO, their official entrance into NATO occurred at that time. And they started also, they were talking about the new military alliances that they had formed up with new missions. And some of these missions were policing actions under the NATO banner, which NATO is the military arm of the UN in actuality. No mistake about that. This has to do with policing actions, and this has to do with the new agenda that northern command was created for.
And northern command is going to be the command structure that's going to be utilising NATO forces, that are going to be used in this country because our troops are everywhere else but here. And the ones that are here, they are not going to be used for taking care of us, they're going to be shipped out with the next confrontation we get in to which is looking like Iran. If the neo con commu-nazis have their way, and it looks like they will. They're doing everything they can to do so. But the combat ready forces we have left in this country, they're going to be taken out immediately. And then chaos is going to ensue with the crash of the economy that's coming. So we are going to be policed under martial law by foreign forces. This has been clear for many many years.
Mark Koernke first came out, going on 15 years ago, in trying to warn on what's going down. Mark being a former Pentagon analyst and privy to information and he started blowing the whistle on all this stuff. He started producing a couple of video tapes. One of them is called "America in Peril". He was coming out with all of this and trying to warn what was going to happen, with coming down the pipe. It was including the construction of concentration camps, the number of which is over a 100 major ones, and over 500 satellite camps that are now probably up to 600 in number.
Sherry: Yeah they're just holding tanks.
Tim: I'm talking fast here, I'm tying a lot of diverse information together here and the knowledgeable people are (unclear) me, I'm presuming. And I'm not saying anything new to a lot of people. But a lot is really a, when you say a lot of people, you really just have to figure how many that really is.
Sherry: Yeah, we're just basically looking at all of the plans taking place. They eventually throw this entire country into martial law, with foreign troops overseeing the citizens here. And so many people just don't understand or realise what's going on. They don't see the preparations taking place behind the scenes until people come on the radio and start talking about it.
Tim: Yeah well my God, we've been arming our enemies, and this has been going on since the beginning of WWII and it hasn't stopped. We've been arming our enemies ever since.
Sherry: Yeah, and I think the icing on the cake was Bill Clinton opening up Los Alamos to the Chinese and then turning around and signing over their own seaport off the coast of California to the Chinese. I mean that was the icing on the cake. (talking together for a few seconds)
Tim: Yeah that's not the only thing, because when the FBI raided Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant here, which is about 15 miles north west of where I am sitting, which is up towards the Dencer foothills, just before the foothills, a little bit south of Bolder. And the Rocky Flat Plant first came on line, in think it was in 1952, 1953. And what that plant was doing was manufacturing what was called "putts". And these were made out of plutonium and were the triggering device of nuclear weapons. So they were made all various shapes, various weights, various sizes. And all those were being shipped to the Pantex plant in Amarillo and that's where all the nuclear weapons in our arsenal were being assembled. Amarillo Texas at Pantex Plant. So all those putts were manufactured for many many years up until 1989 when the Rocky Flat Plant was raided by the FBI.
Sherry: All right Tim, we're going to have to take a break here. We're going to take a five minute break folks, and you just want to hang on the line Tim?
Tim: Yes.
Sherry: Okay, we're going to back in about five minutes for the second hour of this show. We'll be right back folks.
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
August 22, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 22 August 2005 - 1st hour
And hello folks and welcome to the show, I'm Sherry Shriner. I will be taking listener comments and questions for the first half hour of the show tonight. You can call in now at 260-356-2611. Tim White will be the guest tonight. He will be calling in after the first half hour break, until then if you have a comment and question you can call in at 260-356-2611. You can also contact me at [email protected] throughout the show with your comments or questions, or through Yahoo Instant Messenger at [email protected]. is now over 1000 Mb of space, just behind So these two sites are not just space grubbers, but bandwith grubbers and I need your donations folks to keep these sites up and going. I do appreciate those who do support this ministry on a continual basis. And that's what I need more of, people to commit to supporting this radio show and online radio show on a monthly or weekly basis. And so I'm just going to count on the Lord for that as He leads people to this ministry, the more He sends the more I can do. And it's those two sites alone folks out of the 20 that I have now that are just real grubbers, and I want to keep those sites free.
Anyone could tell you that putting stuff available for download on the internet just soaks bandwidth up. And people think traffic's free, and it's not free. You know you can pay a minimal amount for space but getting traffic to your website is like a parking lot. The more people you have going to your site, the bigger parking lots you need, you have to pay for that space. It's almost like a rental. You have to pay for all the cars coming into the parking lot. And that's what we do, we have to pay for traffic that's what bandwith is. And so if I have 50,000 people, visiting one website a week, I have to pay for that traffic and that's what bandwidth is, that's how they charge you on it.
So stuff on the internet is not free. I know a lot of people seem to think the only thing you have to pay is a one time monthly fee of hosting costs and that's not true at all unless you have a site nobody visits. I have 3 million hits a month on my websites and I haven't even tallied in 6 months or so. So it could be higher than that now, I don't know, I know it's global, Every time I looked at the website traffic, countries I can't even pronounce a lot of them. Just a lot of different smaller countries, countries I've never heard of, and that's on top of the ones your are familiar with. I could probably name 150 off the top of my head, and the other 30 or 40 just get you. And that's just how it is, it's the internet. And so I've got listener supporters around the world and I enjoy hearing from them.
So just keep stuff free folks, let's just keep it free. I know the minute I start charging for something because I have to, I start hearing from everybody else, "how can you charge?", "why isn't is free?". You know a lot of people expect you to keep offering things for free and I do, I try. I certainly don't have a lavish lifestyle, and so I'm doing the best I can.
You can also download audio files now both of my books. "Aliens on the Internet" and "Bible Codes Revealed, the Coming UFO Invasion". You can read those books or listen to those books for free now in audio file format at And of course all of my articles are in audio format. And I've been putting up some books on the Nag Hammadi Library. And that's a real interesting library folks because these books were the ones that the Roman government was originally after to destroy. And that's what started the whole Christian persecution during the early church history. Was to wipeout all of the books and transcripts that they had, so that they could control what the early church believers had. And the way they did that was with the Council of Nicea in 300AD and 325AD to control what the church believers had and were reading. And that's how they came up eventually years later with the KJB. And so if you want to know the what the real truth is back with the early church taught, you've got to dig back. Dig back before 300AD you can find books during that era, you can get a better grip on what the truth really is instead of being told what the truth is. And everyone of us that has been born has been told what the truth is and what to believe and what not to believe. And so it's a conditioning process that you have to overcome.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611, you can also contact me at [email protected], either through e-mail or yahoo instant messenger, for the first half hour of this show...
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: .... on what comes on. Yes.
Steve: You have a caller.
Sherry: Okay go ahead and put him on.
Steve: You're up caller.
Caller: Hi, I've just been listening to you.
Sherry: Hey how are you doing?
Caller: I'm doing all right. I have a question. A while back you were saying that they had to go up in space before the 8th to open up a gate?
Sherry: Yeah, to close that stargate that was opening.
Caller: How would you do that, how would you open or close it or whatever?
Sherry: Well it's all occultic stuff. There was some lions gate that was opening up in space at that time and so it was my belief that they were trying to close that gate to prohibit something from coming through that gate. And so they had that window, I think it was August 8th or 11th, I could be mistaken.
Caller. Did they do it?
Sherry: I have no idea. I have no idea, but I was reading something the other day that they have to go back up in March which was kind of significant. I think I said on an earlier show when they tried to hit that ice block a couple.. last month or so, I can't even remember the name of it, the one that they did just hit with the nuke.
Caller: Yeah, like Copper Stone?
Sherry: Yeah that it would be coming back in March next year. And now they're saying they're have to send up another shuttle in March of next year.
Caller: Well gee whizz.
Sherry: So there's something going on there.
Caller: I have another question. This Planet X (unclear), when is it actually supposed to come close?
Sherry: Planet X, when it comes close, you know a lot of people are going to be feeling it. As it starts getting closer, it's going to cause a lot of destruction. That's what's causing a lot of the earthquakes now, a lot of the earth plates to move. A lot of the solar flares that we're having now. So as it starts to come closer and closer and closer we're going to end up with more and more destruction.
Caller: How long are these things going to be before we start seeing some serious stuff?
Sherry: Well it should have been already. I mean the Lord's held it back. It's something the Lord can speed up or delay. And as mankind reacts and further continues to rebel against Him, He's going to speed it up or He can delay it.
Caller: It's just something I was told, I've been thinking about. Paul... (speaking together) ....I've often wondered why he's always different from the rest of them.
Sherry: Yeah, the whole thing when you look at anything about prophecy and relation to that, He can speed it up or He can delay it.
Caller: Thank you very much, you're doing a good job.
Sherry: All right thanks for calling in.
Caller: Bye.
Sherry: Bye.
Listener call in folks 260-3562611. I wasn't really prepared to talk about NASA, I had that name on the tip of my tounge about that. That block of ice they were blowing up last month, that I was saying was an alien carrier and they were calling it a comet. And it will be back in July. They might knock it off of orbit for a little bit so somethings going on... not July but March of 2006. And so all of a sudden I'm reading that NASA is sending a shuttle back up again in March of 2006 that they just had up again this month in August.
Yeah there's definitely space wars going on that we're not hearing about. The Lord just tells us to watch, to watch for His coming, to watch for the signs, to watch, watch, watch, that means to pay attention. So you may not always be able to explain what's going on but at least you're paying attention, you know something's going on. Threre's so many people in apathy and complacency and not paying attention to a thing that's going on, so when you start to talk to them about current events about what's really going on they have no idea. They're clueless or they call you a conspiracy nut. And what's a conspiracy, a conspiracy is nothing but questions that aren't being answered. And so they accumulate because no one will answer them.
And what do you call a conspiracy that's been proven true? Do you call it conspiracy, what do you call in when it's been proven true? There’s a lot of truth behind conspiracies, I mean they don't start from anywhere. It would just be called disinfo, That fact that it being a conspiracy means there's a lot of truth, just nobody will verify it, no official verification. They throw those words out to scare people off from questioning govenment tactics and military tactics and things that are really going on behind the scenes. They don't want you aware of what's going on they want you back on your couch watching Sunday football and leaving them alone. They want the population clueless.
And so that's why we have radio shows like this. I'll bring this stuff up, talk about it the best I can for as long as I can. You know we're not always going to have time on the air to talk, Tribulation period's coming closer and closer. The Lord say's times over as we know it, that things are going to start happening, and once it starts happening it's going to start happening like a flood. And so it happens all at once and you're looking through all this information over the last two months and I told you back in July that it would switch back over to the NWO faction for the month of September and October. And it has and that's what we're looking at, I'm looking at.
And the stuff, the threats of going to war with Iran have not gone away. Syria's not been mentioned as much, so it makes you wonder if they throw Iran at you. You don't know if it's conditioning because they really plan on doing a, going after Iran, with Syria really their target or vice versa. You know there's no weapons of mass destruction in Iran, and it's the same garbage, the same hogwash they fed us about Iraq. The UN inspectors already said, Iran isn't close to having weapons of mass destruction. And president Bush's whole argument is that they one day could. If you want to sacrifice your kids for a probability or even a possibilty or a theoretic? I mean come on folks we've already sacrificed enough in Iraq?
I like Cindy Sheehan's statement when she said for pro war people, why don't you take our soldiers places in Iraq and let the ones who want to come home, come home. That's fitting. If you're so pro war in Iraq, so for this war in Iraq, go take some soldier’s place so he can come home. Because I tell you what, a big chunk of that military no longer supports the war over there. There was a huge mutiny going on behind the scenes that media isn't ever going to tell you about. You know several generals in war time, especially one that is seperated from his wife and then being kicked out of the army for adultery. You know they're false charges. Or they're talking about generals painting grafitti on cars in parking lots. Give me a break. When you start seeing generals in a war time getting kicked out of the army you know it's a serious mutiny's taking place and whatever reason they're giving you is a bunch of hogwash. And that's exactly what's going on.
And the military is going to stand up, there is only so much they're going to take. They know that they don't have the numbers to continue the war in Iraq. They keep dwindling and dwindling. They wouldn't listen to the military leaders when they went into Iraq. And I was reading something with president Bush the other day, back with his comments about the Vietnam War, and his statement saying we lost the Vietnam War because the polititcians got involved with it and took the control and power out of the military leadership's hands. What are we doing in Iraq here? We've tied our military leaders' hands and the politicians have taken charge of it. And so it's the same scenario and it going to end up with the same outcome, where this one is worse, It's going to be much worse, because they have no plans of bringing your kids home.
You know in Vietnam they brought your kids home, in Iraq they don't plan to. It was their whole push to gain dominance there, the imperialistic control of the Middle East. But Americans have never been imperialistic. You know we've never been the type that we have to dominate the world. America was just happy being home in America. You know they keep throwing out this garbage that we have to protect our homeland from terrorists. Well why don’t we absolve the current government, re-elect a new one and get rid of all the terrorists because it wasn't Iraqis or towel heads or arabs or anybody that attacked our towers here on American soil, it was our own government. They planned it, they implemented it, and they blamed it on somebody else because they wanted a foothold in the Middle East.
And it was the government, there was a huge lawsuit still going on with the families of New York who have finally been waking up slowly to the fact the government was involved with 911. Huge lawsuit against them. You don't hear a lot about them in the daily media. You'll hear about it on the internet, but you're not goint to hear about real news from Fox News or CBS or ABC, they're all owned by the government, the CIA. And between the CIA and the Mossad they own all the news networks. And they even have one now that they've put up a studio in the Pentagon. So you can get your propaganda straight from the Pentagon now. Makeshift news in the Pentagon, it's not news it's propaganda. And some of you have seen some of these videos coming out, these propaganda videos. You know, sometimes you don't know if you’re waking up in America or if you're waking up in Russia. A real fine line, I don't see a difference anymore between it.
And so obviously you're not being told the truth. And we could very well be at war in September, October, because the plans have already gone out. That if there is another terrorist attack here in American which there will be and they keep telling you there will be because they're planning it. When there is, Cheney, Vice President Dick Cheney, has given the military direct orders to strike Iran whether they're in fault with it or not. So they're planning it, planning an attack they're not even threatening, since 911, that there would be another attack here. And we know there is, because they're planning it. They've sent out directives all over the place for the military to come up with scenarios on how to work more terrorist attacks here in American. Supposedly scenarios they're giving is three strikes simultaneous attacks on three cities at one time or even up to fifteen. And so they're working with the Pentagon on what the civillian response and the military response would be, if these attacks took place. So you know they're just preparing.
And one of things I found interesting is that, this has been reported in the Washington Post on August 8, is that what they've done is that a lot of people say is the Comittas Passe Act that prohibits the military from acting on civillian soil. Well they have gone around the Comittas Passe Act to justify the military acting on civillian soil because of article 2 of the constitution that requires the commander and chief to protect the nation. And so they can use that one phrase where he's committed treason all over for the last four years on for protecting the nation, to use troops on our own soil. And so they're going around everything. They're finding loopholes in everything, because the Comittas Passe Act of 1878 restricts the use of troops on domestic law enforcement. But what they're going to do is say the commander and chief is required to protect the nation. So they're going to go round it and use troops in that regard.
Another thing they've done, is that they're expanding the national guard. I think up to 128 units accross the country, they've been expanding the national guard. So that's one other way that they're going to use troops here in America. And the national guard has always been a civillian more or less type of military. So that's what they would do. Go to the national guard, put that under the control of the homeland security, and have their troops, their way in through that. They're not necessarily going to be looking for legalisms. They do what they want and they justify it later, and we've been seeing that for four years now. You know if the commander and chief is required by law to protect the nation, where was he at 911, why was he behind the planning of it? So ask yourself these questions. They look at the constitution and laugh at it and spit all over it. And they're going to keep doing it.
Listener call in line 260-356-2611, if you have any comments or questions. And it looks like Bush was in Salt Lake City this week. He's defending the war in Iraq on Monday out at Salt Lake City. And this is one of the things (unclear) statements he makes. He says, "we must confront threats before they fully materialise". Bush said in a speech to National Convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars. It's like... I'm not going to finish reading that. But that's what he said we must confront threats before they fully materialise. You know this is one of these theoretic things. Like that movie, I can't remember what it's call, where you're arrested before hand for thinking you're going to do something illegal. I think Tom Cruise starred in that movie. That's what it reminds me of. You think of doing something illegal and you're arrested. (I think Sherry was referring to the movie "Minority Report" - Simon) And he already states that his policy for the war, he doesn't have an exit strategy. Stay the course it what he repeatedly says, and of course that's not a policy. Stay the course, you're going to stay the course, and on the other hand he'll say that they don't have, or they going to start pulling out.... you know he speaks out of both sides of his mouth. I wish I could find that one quote he had. Not in front of me. But I thought it was interesting because it showed him in one day, what was it in two days, speaking out of both sides of his mouth when it came to the war.
I wanted to read something that Mike Rodgers in Tokyo wrote and it was called "The Most Honorable Thing a Patriot could do". And I just wanted to read the first few paragraphs of this. It says:
"Fight for your country my friends.
Fight for the poor and destitute.
Fight for the poor children who will never again have a mother or father.
Fight for the aged and the handicapped.
Fight for truth, justice and peace.
Fight for your country.
Do not fight for a political belief.
Do not lay down your life for criminals, liars and thieves.
Fight to put those same criminals where they belong in prision.
Fight for your country. Do not fight for someone elses country.
Do not die far off in some foreign land.
Do not die for the great of an emperor or king.
Fight to protect your homes and your loved ones, for there is nothing in this world more important than that.
As the good Lord blesses you with health, happy family and love and you one day die in your sleep as a righteous old man or woman, rejoice that you stood for truth in your days on this earth for you shall surely be rewarded by Him."
I thought that was a good testament for patriotism there. And he was supporting Cindy Sheehan's cause in Texas. And of course she has temporarily left her post in Texas, I guess her mother had a stroke. But it's still growing down in Crawford Texas. She will probably be back. Protestors are still gathering down there. A couple of senators, a senator who has just lost her son in May in Iraq, who had previously been pro war, now gathering with the Crawford camp in Texas to fight against the war. And so I thought this was fitting that I read it, and when I read it here..... This is a poem somebody wrote a letter that somebody wrote, "Not my kid", it says:
"Dear Mr. President.
You are not getting my kid to fight in your filthy wars.
You are not getting my kid to burn from your radioactive weapons.
You are not getting my kid to opt in through high school.
You are not getting my kid through a national service draft
You are not getting my kid through another false flag op
You are not getting my kid with a $30,000 sign up bonus.
You are not getting my kid from your kiddy ROTC army
You've already got Cindy's kid and ,1845 other mom's kids too
You are not getting my kid Mr. President, go send your own."
And that was written by an anonymous writer. And I think that sums it up. You'll get our kids Mr. President when you send your own daughters on the front line.
And that's what it takes folks is just a bunch of mothers in mourning that have lost their kids over in Iraq, and veterans fed up with it. Veterans and those who have lost loved ones are the most effective in the anti war movement. They wouldn't listen to anybody before the war started, back before the war started when all of us were talking about that it would be an annihilation and the war would never end over there. And we were warning about the war. Everybody called you non patriotic and ready to hang you up by your shoe strings. And then a couple of years when it's exactly what we warned about years ago, now they can finally see that the wars going nowhere. I don't know what they thought it was going to be a second Persian Gulf when you walk in and it's over in 8 days.
Even look at that. Over 500,000 – 80,0000 soldiers who served in the Persian Gulf War one, are now disabled, and a lot of them are dead from DU diseases and the radiation they suffered over there. And now we've got the same thing with DU poisoning and radiation from this war, and in this war, you know the death numbers are totally defalted. You have no idea what the real numbers are. I heard they only announced 10%, so add 90% to whatever number they're giving you for a death toll and that's your real number. Add 90% to that. Also with the injured do the same thing add 90%. And of course for Iraq they're not going to give you real numbers, but we've been hearing that the numbers in Iraq are huge. And it's not going to stop here folks. They have no love for life. These are Satanists we are dealing with. The only words they know is destroy, destroy and kill because they consider this all suffering and death and murder, as sacrifices to Satan.
So it's not going to stop anytime soon. If it doesn't stop, you know we're going to have our own war here in American fighting against a Satanic and corrupt government. You know it's time for militias to rise, it's time to speak out, to hold candle light vigils on the whitehouse lawn, on the penta-lawn, on the Crawford lawn. You know there's nothing more effective than citizens, just everyday grassroots citizens standing up and fighting against a corrupt government. If Iraq doesn't stop, we're going to be in Iran next, and then we're going to be in Syria and we're doing this all for Israel, we're doing this for oil, we're doing this for gates, we're doing this for occultic reasons, not one bit of it has to do with protecting american interests.
We weren't bothered before 911, we haven't been bothered after, it was all implemented and instigated by our own government for their own greed and occultic reasons in the Middle East. And you know that's one thing you don't hear a lot about is the huge occultic push in the Middle East that the all the occultic reasons why they're over there. Because of gates, stargates being over there in Iraq. And in that airspace over there a huge stargate. And so all these satan freaks want control of the stargate. And as we see more of it coming up, I talked about the lions gate opening. And all of this stuff is astological and that's why a lot of the warnings for last days signs are in the skies. Signs in the skies. A lot of this stuff going on that people don't pay attention to they just believe whatever NASA says. And so you just have to dig for the truth, search out the truth and try to find out what's going on truthwise.
You know, there's a lot of babble about indictments coming down for Bush, but it's not going to happen folks. I don't see it happening, until it's going to happen and what has happened already. Just don't see it happening especially since you can't just indict a president. He would have to go through impeachment. And we've already seen the balls our congressmen have they don't exist. You know they're changing votes in congress now. Congressman have complained they're voting their votes are being changed and nothing's being done. Patriot Acts are passed, nothing was done to stop them. Do you really think an impeachment process is going to go through congress. I really don't have faith in our congress at all at this point. I don't think anything's going to happen as far as indictments go. Big deal, frame them. It was a nice thought, but it wasn't going to happen. I don't see it happening. Not unless the New Age steps in with their Maitreya and they have their own game and stuff going on there. Whatever they want to do, whatever card they want to play.
Number's 260-356-2611, I've got five minutes left in this hour or this half hour segment if you want to call in. I've got an e-mail from one of the listeners. I'll have to read this later. Something about Fox News I'll get back to it later. A couple of other e-mails. If you have a question specific for this show, just put it in the subject line, question for the show, question to be answered during the show, or something like that.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: Your guest is up.
Sherry: Okay. What we're going to do folks is take about a three minute break, Steve? About a three minute break and then we'll be back with Tim White. We're going to talk more tonight about the NWO and what their plans are for the upcoming months and what they've been doing. So we'll be right back in about two to three minutes.
And welcome back everybody. With me is tonight is Tim White. Hello Tim and welcome to the show.
Tim: Hello, how are you Sherry?
Sherry: I'm doing real good.
Tim: I'm getting back a little late, I had to get my calling card and at my local (unclear) and the store was acually swamped with what I would view as mostly illegal aliens.
Sherry: This is Colorado.
Tim: Yes it is. It's a very very serious problem. The informed people or certainly aware of, the absolute influx from illegals from the southern border is definitely crisis proportions, of course this is all according to plan. But now we've got border emergencies on the border of Arizona and New Mexico. Arnold Swarchnazi is still wondering whether to have an emergency along the southern California border. But I think that's something that's going to happen not by his choice. He's going to be forced to because there's so many people in southern California who are so extraordinarly angry and upset with what's going on here, that they're going to have to stop the flow here. And it's going to have to be done in a very ugly manner I'm afraid.
Sherry: Didn't two states declare emergencies this week, last week, Arizona and New Mexico?
Tim: Yes and I forsee it happening in other states. Actually it's not going to be involving in the border, it's just going to be I think something that's going to be happening because it's just such a serious problem. And it's radically altered Colorado that's for sure. It's radically altered the construction industry. People that need to find jobs aren't. It's (unclear) to a certain degree. I remember years ago, not too many years ago, four or five years ago, up in Aspen (unclear) and major resort areas around Colorado, the contractors were putting people on sometimes dozens and dozens on a homesite. You know that might be a 10 or 15 or 20 million dollar home, that might be 150-200 people working on the home. possibly upwards of half or more would be illegal aliens. Without green cards or anything, and they'd be working there up to about 28-29 days. And then a phone call would be made to INS or something, and people would show up on the job and there would be a whole new crew needed because all the illegals were taken away. And they didn't have to be paid either, so that was a huge thing. Not something I'm certainly condoning by these contractors. But now the minute men are starting to look to crack down on the contractors into allowing this kind of a situation to happen.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: And so we're just being totally, totally overrun. What's going on the border involving the zadists which are basically paramilitary forces. And speaking with Dennis Bossack down in Deming New Mexico, who has his website ufolab, just put that into google and his site will pull up. And he's been screaming his head off for years about what's going on down there..
Sherry: I'm loosing him Steve.
Tim: Pardon?
Sherry: I'm losing him, I can barely hear him, he's getting fainter and fainter and fainter.
Tim: Oh yeah.
Sherry: I can barely hear you.
Tim: You can barely hear me now.
Sherry: Let me see if I can... I've got my phone turned all the way up. All right there you go, you're better.
Tim: It's a cell phone I apologise folks, but cell phones being what they are. But anyway the question is just heating up on just everywhere you look. On every point of the compass has got a major serious problem that everybody's facing. The situation with the chinese is an entirely different matter here. And Denver has a big connection with what's going on with the chinese agenda because of the flow of technology. I believe a lot of it was coming through Denver, was being facilitated through Denver connections here. And I was just talking to a friend of mine in San Diego this morning, and he was reading me a couple of articles that had come out in a San Diego newspaper about major operations, construction operations that are now being conducted by Cosco, a China ocean shipping company.
Sherry: Right.
Tim: Which is the largest container ship fleet in the world.
Sherry: I was talking about that last week with Larry. If you get stuck at any kind of trainstop, you just sit and watch all the Cosco containers going by, and they're all owned by China.
Tim: Exactly and they're moving approximately 48 million container units which are measured in 20 foot increments. They're shipping over 48 million per year and..
Sherry: And this isn't high chairs.
Tim: Pardon?
Sherry: People hear of Cosco and you think of highchairs and playpens and car seats, but we know that Cosco shipping containers, I know it's been aledged that they're moving in weapons. They've been shipping in weapons for years.
Tim: Well they started that when they took over Long Beach and if fact they actually started things probably before they took over Long Beach. To which apparently this was officially done by executive order or presidential decision directive by president Bill Clinton when he signed the port over, supposedly a 36 year lease to COSCO. This occurred in January 1998, this was after it looked like there might have been a chance of having it turned down in the house and senate. But that precluded with an executive order. And so there was already COSCO operations that were going on there for quite some time before that date.
There was a friend of mine who was with the University of Denver, and he was also a naval reserve officer. He was a sworn officer for a craft. He would be called to active duty for 2 - 4 week stints. And in December 1997 he was called to about a 3 week active duty period and that meant he had to go out to San Diego, San Diego Navy Base and North Island. He's in uniform when he gets there. He drives up to the gate at San Diego Navy Base and there's not a front guard at the gate like normal. There's no guard post at all like normal. And he's just aghast, because some months longer since he had been there, and that was totally removed. And so he has to drive onto base, and he's looking for a particular place to go. And he finally asks where he is to go, and he says, "by the way, what happened to the guard post?" And they say, "Oh they took that out". And he says, "Why? It's supposed to be a secure base. People just can't get on the base". And I guess what he was told was that they took the base entrance guard post out, and this occurred at other entrances to the base also, because they were having too many problems with drive by shootings.
Now apparently they were having incidences which was involving automatic weapons at times. So where were the gangs getting this stuff? Well COSCO had been bringing in AK47s for some period of time to Long Beach even before they signed lease documents with the city of Long Beach. Because the base was turned over, the Long Beach Naval facility at Long Beach, is the largest container port in the entire west coast of North America. And it was regarded as a very strategic port. But in September of 1994 it was turned over with the whole bunch of other base closings. And almost immediately the mayor of Long Beach Mayor O'Neil started marketing it and the facilities to the Chinese. And for the three years that it took for all of this deal to come together, she made 10 or 12 trips directly to Bejing, the mayor of Long Beach, Mayor O'Neil. I can't remember her first name.
But this was just a total outrage. So there were various groups that got together in southern California to try and stop this. And there was a major group that was out of Orange County. They were numbering in the hundreds and I guess with the newsletter it was getting into the thousands of people that were part of this coalition of groups. They were trying everything they could to try and make sure this deal never went through with the Chinese.
But to get back to my friend that showed up at the San Diego Navy Base. This really posed a big question in his mind. If they're closing down guard posts to major military facilities and he's hearing that automatic weapons are being brandished are being used. He heard other rumours related to what I'm saying about COSCO bringing weapons in in containers. These were weapons that were manufactured by UNRICO which is an arms manufacturer that is 100% owned by the PLA. And COSCO itself is owned 100% by the PLA, the Peoples Liberation Army. This is the core of red China. He decided that he's going up to Long Beach. This was in a period when there was a whole lot of demolition going on simultaneous with a whole lot of new construction. So he's goes up to Long Beach, the former naval facility at Long Beach, and he's in uniform still. He goes to the gate. And he's denied entry by a guard at the gate who is Chinese and holding an AK47. Denying a US naval officer entrance.
This being in December of 1997. He was so alarmed, this individual's name is Bill, Bill's so alarmed, he never would call me, but called me from Long Beach and he told me this. And he was just livid that this was occuring. When you're dealing with this long range agenda here that the United States has been at work at for over 30 years now, since about 1971 or 1972. I believe it was the year when Nixon went to China with Henry Kissenger to open up China for relations, political relations with the United States. While Nixon was meeting with Mao Tse Tung, Kissinger was busy hatching all sorts of deals with Chou En Lai. And at that time George Bush Snr. was special envoy to China. This was clearly a skull and bones agenda. It says so right in Anthony Sutton's book "Americas Secret Establishment, the Order of Skull and Bones". It lays out the entire skull and bones agenda. So what's going on from that period of time to now is purely a skull and bones agenda which strategic probes which go into what is being planned through all these various think tanks, pre-eminent of which is the Club of Rome.
Sherry: Didn't Clinton also, pretty much, open up Los Alamos to the Chinese and sell a lot of...
Tim: Absolutely, absolutely. And all the deals that were done with Loral and with Lockheed and Martin Marietta, now it's become Lockheed Martin. And we have a major, major facility here south west of Denver approximately 15 miles from where I'm sitting right now. The Lockheed Martin missile manufacturing facility that manufactures the atlas series of large launch vehicles, for quote unquote, commercial or military or NASA payloads. But there's no such thing as commercial payloads, I really tend to totally disbelieve that. But then the titan series of missiles are manufactured there at Lockheed Martin facility. And some of the major technology transfers to the Chinese were involving Lochheed Martin, Loral, many of the other aerospace companies, Norchwhipp, Grummon Norchwhip, Norchwhip Grummon I should say.
Sherry: And these are all companies that also a JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory. These are companies that are involved..
Tim: Absolutely, this is all linked, I'm just talking about the aerospace industry.
Sherry (Tim interjected with "absoultely" a few times): These are all companies involved with what we call ufos, that our government builds and makes their own ufos. That's what I think they're doing is giving China a lot of capability because we know our government has their own ufos.
Tim: Beyond what I'm saying here about the existance of, for instance Lockheed Martin, is the only large missile outside of the delta launch series that are manufactured in southern California and many of those missiles are also assembled here in Colorado but down in Pueblo which about 120 miles south of here.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: But literally, Colorado is the home for the manufacture of these missiles. It's the only facility of its kind in the entire western hemisphere.
Sherry: You know what I think they're doing, is that they're buying, because we also know they're buying weapons and defence weapons from Russia.
Tim: Oh absolutely. (speaking together for a few seconds) the largest of the Titan launch vehicles are using Russian made "energia" engines which are the finest of its kind as far as thrust for size and weight, of those rocket engines. But beyond just talking about the manufacturing facilities, we've had a situation that's existed in Denver here since the visit in the summer of 2000 by president Zemin, president of Red China. And he was here for two days. Now Denver is really thought of by most people as a nice place to live, mountains out here. You know we have the stock show every year, we have huge stock yard facilities here. Denver's always had this wild west still in the minds of some people. A cow town. But it's always acted as a good cover for what actually exists here. But for the president of China to be here for two days, to have Mayor Wellington Webb roll out the red carpet, and I don't mean that as a pun, it actually occurred. And present him with the key of the city and presume him to stay here for two days while everyone's asking him, "what's up with that?"
There was a proposal that was put out at that time, of course it wasn't something that just came up at that time, it has probably been in the works for many many years. Mayor Wellington Webb's Economic Development Office started putting out a proposal to the Denver City Council for the Economic Development Office to open up an office in Shanghai. The Economic Development Office has other offices opened in other cities in other countries. But we can actually talk real trade of commercial goods for these other cities, but when we have an office opened up in Shanghai, that brings up a whole different set of products. That office was being bandied about for a few months. It was being voted down by the Denver City Council. It was initially being turned down, it didn't look like it was going to pass initially. This was tying directly into other information that I had been gathering for the previous 5 or 6 years. And I started linking what was going on with this office with other things that I knew involving the British that are here in Denver. Involving MI6.
That's actually what's in the background of the Denver Economic Development Office, has been for many many years. In fact the Economic Development Office was attempted to get taken over by a british national from New Zealand. She'd been in Colorado for over 15 years. She'd been with the Economic Development Office for several years. She was instrumental in bringing British Airways here to Denver International Airport. British Airways is the british flag carrier, so that's very significant. To make a long story short, because of this woman's acivities that I had been hearing about for the previous three years, I determined that she was an MI6 agent. Her name is Donnie Turner. Her real name is Bronwyn Joy Turner. Her name is actually listed in the Denver phone book. And she has two phone numbers there.
This also (unclear) the british imperial plan, as the British has been involved with the Chinese for so many years. Through the ownership of Hong Kong which had recently been turned over in 1997. Everything is now in the orbit of the red chinese. We have a direct link from Denver to Shanghai. I checked on the internet today, and that office is still open. And I started connecting dots of who was involved with the Economic Development Office and what their likely activities were. I started putting this out in many many conversations over my phone. This is before I even had e-mail address or on the internet.
Sherry: Can we connect the Chinese owning any of our underground bases at all?
Tim: I've not seen anything referencing that. I wouldn't doubt it. I mean we probably have had Chinese military touring our facilities in Colorado Springs. I know for sure that we've had the Russians here doing exactly the same thing. So I wouldn't doubt that we've had Chinese or dignitaries, so called politicians. And all their politicians all have military backgrounds or they're actually in the military but they're undercover of diplomatic passports or whatever.
Sherry: Yeah and this is all under the guise of United Nations moving soldiers here in the States. Some kind of plan they had activated.
Tim: Oh yeah, that ties in with the NATO ministers meeting that we had here in September of 2003. That was in Colorado Springs at the Broadmoor resort which is very very well known world wide. That was timed, NATO defence ministers meeting, was timed approximately three weeks after the brand new underground headquaters of the northern command opened. The underground headquarters are under Peterson Airforce Base. My understanding is that the defence ministers came in early enough, before the meeting came together. Was that these ministers were given a tour of the base facilities in Colorado Springs. Primarily north com headquaters, Peterson Airforce Base which is the US space command headquaters there. And then my understanding is that they were treated to a technology experiment, technology demonstration, Shriver Airforce Base and that's where the space warfare center is. They were given a tour of the capabilities that have been established in Colorado Springs over many decades.
As we all know the military has taken on a whole new meaning now with homeland security. Northern Command being the military cheek of FEMA, and military keep of homeland security. And we have these facilities that are being toured by all of these various military and dignitaries of other countries. When the defence ministers were meeting here, they literally had black uniformed security people keeping people away from their homes within a two block radius of the perimeter of Broadmoor, which is a sizeable piece of property. But homes that are surrounding, larges parts, areas around the Broadmoor resort. These are all very high-in homes of very well to do people. But they were being kept from accessing their own homes for the duration of the ministers meetings.
But what happened also at the defence ministers meetings, was that the final countries that were former soviet block countries, that had been under consideration of becoming members of NATO. I believe that there were nine countries that were left, that were seeking to become members of NATO. And one of those, I had already had in mind was Slovenia. Now the reason I was bringing this up, was this ties into a document, this ties into an association of military forces that's coming right out of the Pentagon. It's called the National Guard State Partnership Program. And what that is 14 states, I have a book here, I should have pulled out the exact page, I could have read jsut one simple paragraph to put this in perspective. We have the national guards of 14 different states aligning themselves in a military pact with 14 former soviet block countries, and Colorado has partnered up with Slovenia.
So at that meeting they had their official entrance, these nine countries that were left, that hadn't already been assimilated into NATO, their official entrance into NATO occurred at that time. And they started also, they were talking about the new military alliances that they had formed up with new missions. And some of these missions were policing actions under the NATO banner, which NATO is the military arm of the UN in actuality. No mistake about that. This has to do with policing actions, and this has to do with the new agenda that northern command was created for.
And northern command is going to be the command structure that's going to be utilising NATO forces, that are going to be used in this country because our troops are everywhere else but here. And the ones that are here, they are not going to be used for taking care of us, they're going to be shipped out with the next confrontation we get in to which is looking like Iran. If the neo con commu-nazis have their way, and it looks like they will. They're doing everything they can to do so. But the combat ready forces we have left in this country, they're going to be taken out immediately. And then chaos is going to ensue with the crash of the economy that's coming. So we are going to be policed under martial law by foreign forces. This has been clear for many many years.
Mark Koernke first came out, going on 15 years ago, in trying to warn on what's going down. Mark being a former Pentagon analyst and privy to information and he started blowing the whistle on all this stuff. He started producing a couple of video tapes. One of them is called "America in Peril". He was coming out with all of this and trying to warn what was going to happen, with coming down the pipe. It was including the construction of concentration camps, the number of which is over a 100 major ones, and over 500 satellite camps that are now probably up to 600 in number.
Sherry: Yeah they're just holding tanks.
Tim: I'm talking fast here, I'm tying a lot of diverse information together here and the knowledgeable people are (unclear) me, I'm presuming. And I'm not saying anything new to a lot of people. But a lot is really a, when you say a lot of people, you really just have to figure how many that really is.
Sherry: Yeah, we're just basically looking at all of the plans taking place. They eventually throw this entire country into martial law, with foreign troops overseeing the citizens here. And so many people just don't understand or realise what's going on. They don't see the preparations taking place behind the scenes until people come on the radio and start talking about it.
Tim: Yeah well my God, we've been arming our enemies, and this has been going on since the beginning of WWII and it hasn't stopped. We've been arming our enemies ever since.
Sherry: Yeah, and I think the icing on the cake was Bill Clinton opening up Los Alamos to the Chinese and then turning around and signing over their own seaport off the coast of California to the Chinese. I mean that was the icing on the cake. (talking together for a few seconds)
Tim: Yeah that's not the only thing, because when the FBI raided Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant here, which is about 15 miles north west of where I am sitting, which is up towards the Dencer foothills, just before the foothills, a little bit south of Bolder. And the Rocky Flat Plant first came on line, in think it was in 1952, 1953. And what that plant was doing was manufacturing what was called "putts". And these were made out of plutonium and were the triggering device of nuclear weapons. So they were made all various shapes, various weights, various sizes. And all those were being shipped to the Pantex plant in Amarillo and that's where all the nuclear weapons in our arsenal were being assembled. Amarillo Texas at Pantex Plant. So all those putts were manufactured for many many years up until 1989 when the Rocky Flat Plant was raided by the FBI.
Sherry: All right Tim, we're going to have to take a break here. We're going to take a five minute break folks, and you just want to hang on the line Tim?
Tim: Yes.
Sherry: Okay, we're going to back in about five minutes for the second hour of this show. We'll be right back folks.
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
August 22, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 22 August 2005 - 2nd hour
And welcome back to the show everybody. I'm Sherry Shriner. That's Satan's bells ringing in the churches today. And as the world pushes towards a one world religion with unified churches and an ecumunical system, at the same time it's pushing to world global political system, a global government. And with me tonight is Tim White, and we're talking about this global government push, especially here in the United States. Welcome back to the show Tim.
Tim: Hello again.
Sherry: And we've been talking about the New World Order and the United Nations and NATO and everything involved. And just trying to give people a picture of some of the things that have been going on behind the scenes, that you're not going to hear about in the daily news.
Tim: Well we left off before the commercial break was... we were talking about what Clinton was doing with the nuclear weapons program at Los Alamos and you were mentioning basically opening up the labs to Chinese spying. Which they didn't really have to spy since we were giving the stuff away basically. And we were allowing the access to occur when the Chinese want it, (unclear) I think in a lot of instances.
Sherry: Yeah, one of the things I can't understand is that we're giving them all of our technology. They're just building anti defense systems against them. And then they're wondering why the Russians weapons are superior to ours, because we sell off our technology.
Tim: Yeah because we still don't have a defense against the Russian sunbird missile.
Sherry: Yeah, the sunbird missile is the best one out there.
Tim: Absolutely.
Sherry: They've also got space weapons
Tim: I mentioned before we went to the break Sherry, was what was occuring at Rocky Flats starting in 1989 when the FBI raided the place and shut the plant down for all of these totally outrageous environmental crimes..
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah Steve, hang on a second Tim.
Tim: ... all of these nuclear materials.
Sherry: Hang on a second Tim. Yes Steve.
Steve: His volume level is fading on me.
Sherry: Yeah. Okay. There's nothing I can do, he's on a cell phone.
Tim: Where do I need to go here?
Steve: I don't know if he's moving around or what.
Tim: How much hasn't been heard here?
Sherry: That's better.
Steve: That's good there if you can hold it Tim.
Sherry: Yeah stand there.
Tim: Okay, I'll keep my head in this exact position.
Everyone: LOL, LOL, LOL.
Sherry: Can you hear me now?
Tim: Can you hear me now, good. I can understand why that commercial now. What I was talking about was Rocky Flats and what occurred there, when the FBI came in in 1989 and raised the place. They had over 80 agents that shut the place down. And it stayed shut. And what happened was that we had quite a few tons of plutonium that was there in storage. By 1989 there was quite a lot of nuclear weapons program that had wound down, and so the production levels weren't quite what they were in previous years. We had, I'm trying to remember exactly, but we had something in the order of 35 or 40 tons of plutonium there at Rocky Flats. This situation with the investigation went on for several years. But things really took a bit of a change after Clinton took office. And he started providing the conduits through his absolute total treason, for the Chinese and the Russians to aquire further technology. And actually I'm pretty sure that the Chinese probably were given technology way preceding what occurred at Los Alomos.
What happened shortly after Clinton took office was that there was over a ton of plutonium that was taken from Rocky Flat and shipped to Israel. And it ended up in Dimona in the Negev Desert. And Dimona is where the Israelis make their nuclear weapons. And it's strongly thought that some of that plutonium has found it's way into the Israeli made micro nuclear devices, that Joe Vyles so courageously exposed as what was used in the Bali bombing. And it was probably used, possibly even though here's different theories at what happened at Oklahoma City. But there's theories put out there. And in fact Bill Eagle was talking about this in some of his programs, that another micro device that was used in Oklahoma City. And possibly the same type of nuclear device, micro nukes tht was used at the World Trade Center on September 11 in the basement areas. Because of the fact that molten pools of steel existed for somewhere in the order of two weeks or more. Where the heat was so great that the steel in the basement literally stayed molten all this time. This can be proved by many many people in expert fields. And this came right out of Colorado. Colorado made plutonium if you will.
We've been just absolutely steam rollered, not just the people in this country but the people in the entire planet, have been steam rolled by this kind of criminal government that we've had for so many decades. You can't say well this started during so and so's administration or so and so's administration. I mean this goes way way back.
Sherry: Yeah it does.
Tim: There's not people here that don't have guilt, everybody that we can talk about as far as the president had guilt every step of the way. (talking together)... responsible for some part and parcel of the entire grand plan that has been so unfolded now that people that are really paying attention, can almost predict with some kind of accuracy what is going to happen next.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: But the people that are still believing that the government is for the people and the government's here to help us...
Sherry: They haven't been listening to this show long enough then.
Tim: I mean that's not the case.
Sherry: Yeah that's not the case at all. They're pushing towards a one world government. Nothing anybody can really do to stop it at this point. It's like a train that's unstoppable.
Tim: I'm sitting in the middle of it here. You know Sherry, Denver among knowledgeable people is very very well known as the NWO center.
Sherry: Doesn't Kofi Annan have a residence there?
Tim: My understanding is that.. I've heard two different locations on Kofi Annan's residence. I've heard it in an area south west of Sedalia Colorado which is immediately south of Denver about not more than 18 or 20 miles and a little bit north of Castle Rock Colorado. But south west of Sedalia over the first several ranges of the foothills somewhere down in the south part river area. Somewhere in the area of Deckers. But I've also heard that his ranch is in an area south east of Denver, about 30 - 35 miles in an area around Franktown or Elizabeth.
But I think that it's a known fact that Kofi Annan does have sizeable property out here. But many other of the shakers and rattlers and the bi-people reptiles that are the ones behind all of this scheme of enslaving the planet. They are very very well represented here in Colorado.
Sherry: And don't they plan.. isn't Denver Colorado actually supposed to be the east coast capital of the NWO?
Tim: Actually the capital of the west.
Sherry: West Coast capital.
Tim: Yeah.
Sherry: So the east coast and Atlanta for some reason, it's really not that..
Tim: Well we have facilities here that Atlanta certainly can't claim and Denver has the largest federal presence of anywhere outside of Washington DC. And it's been that way since the early 50s when Eisenhower established his western white house out here.
Sherry: Oh definitely. I've also heard from those in the know, I got an e-mail last year about huge underground bases being built in the Georgia region.
Tim: Oh yeah, yeah.
Sherry: (speaking together) relation to Atlanta, they've given me the mountains that they were going in.
Tim: Yeah but what we have here Sherry, is the infrastructure that we have here, is unlike anything in the world.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: Because we are a military communications, command and control center. And we're also communication center for so called commercial transmission from cable or satellite dish. And most of the major cable or satellite dish operators are headquartered out here. And they have large satellite dish installations here. The euphanism that's usually used for that is C3I. It stands for communications, command, control and intelligence and we have it in abundance here.
Now I've just recently read, the Buckley Airf orce Base, 10 miles east of where I'm at, is the most important downlink in the entire North American Continent or the entire Western Hemisphere. Because of the structure that exists, the infrastructure that exists in Colorado Springs, plus what we have here in Denver. Plus there's satellite facilities that are up in Meeker Colorado. And it's all tied in with what we have here centralised, almost in the center of Colorado. This is meant for the control of the entire planet and also meant for the control of space. It's all here. Not only that, but what we have under the oceans, our nuclear submarine fleet, they communicate through Buckley Air force Base here. And all of that is transferred down to NORAD and also transferred to Northern command, the space warfare center, the US space command. I mean it's linked. We have hundreds of facilities at Buckley that are providing all of these com links to all of our nuclear forces, not matter if they're on land or under the ocean.
Sherry: And that's where the GPS is also..
Tim: GPS is controlled through Shriver Air force Base, about 39 GPS satellites are controlled from there. That's why the Colorado Springs is such an important place for the NATO ministers to meet, because the police force, the military force of the planet is coming right out of NATO. That's the whole grand concept of NATO, and the bogus dissolving of the Soviet Union, the bogus dissolving of Eastern Europe. Everything has been morphed into a new farm, to hide, to fully deceive what's really going on. If people think that communism is actually dead, then possibly that person's ability to think is probably dead also. It's just taken a different form. It's totally totally different. It's been (unclear) the former communism we have now. The top, literally the top communist that we have in this country, the top fabianist we have, and that's George Bush Sr. And this is all fabianists agenda. (speaking together) ... the process of gradualism of incrementalism.
Sherry: Anybody wants to send Tim White a question, you can contact him.. I can read the question over the air. You can send it to [email protected] either through e-mail or yahoo instant messenger. If you want to send Tim a question or a comment.
Tim: I could give my e-mail address since I'm so well known, everyone knows me as [email protected]. A lot of people know who I am.
Sherry: Yeah. Or you can contact Steve at and he can read it to us over the air. So you can get involved listeners, if you want to get involved in this conversation and ask Tim a question. Feel free to do so.
Tim: A lot of people might not know how to spell phantom but it's spelled the way it usually is. "phantom", just like phantom of the opera.
Sherry: Probably see your name in a lot of the yahoo groups lists. I know you send out a lot of information on what's going on.
Tim: Some stuff that I send out, if fact quite a lot of what I've done over the last two years, has been sending out information that I've (unclear) up from my own experiences from people I personally know. Things that have happened to me, things that I've been told that I caused because of putting information out. I got a lot of very high level people very upset when I started connecting the dots, related to the Denver Economic Development Office opening up their trade office in Shanghai.
My girlfriend at the time here in Colorado, who I refer to as Colorado's illuminati pop princess because of her involvement with the medical marajuana agenda here in Colorado for over 20 years. Her name is Doreen Bishop. She had been involved for the better part of 20 years with somebody that's well known by the name of George Sorrows. And this was in the medical marajuana agenda, the legalisation of drugs and for hemp, for paper fuel and fibre. Now that all sounds very honorable and everything but George Sorrows doesn't do anything without ulterior motives. And George Sorrows, because Doreen Bishop knows just who I am, and he's right in with this whole agenda to his eyeballs. But he has created and is funding over 100 various foundations for all of these various social engineering programs. A lot of them are NWO connected you know. A lot of these programs are right out of Brave New World, 1984, and he's not the common person's friend by any stretch of the immagination.
Anyway to get back with Doreen Bishop. The Economic Development Office at the time of the visit of president Zemin, was headed up by a person by the name of Ron Burnstein. Ron Burnstein happens to be the first cousin of Doreen Bishop. Another very prominant first cousin of Doreen Bishop is Norman Brokaw, who is the chairman of the board, essentially the owner, of the William Morris agency headquartered in Hollywood. Doreen Bishop, born and raised in Hollywood. She's been an illuminati princess her entire life, obviously because she's born into it.
But Doreen, you know I would be talking several hours a day, and I would be relating to her what I knew up in the background of the Denver Economic Development Office. And the real reason why that office would be opened. And I had this confirmed years subsequent to the summer of 2000 that this office was actually being used as a channel for the transferrence of military top secret, above top secret hardware, technology, plans, documents, whatever it took for Denver to do it's part in transferrence of technology.
And what is here, we have between Colorado Springs and in Denver, we have much more aerospace technology that's been manufactured here than what people realise. And when we have this facility that I mentioned earlier, the Lockheed Martin missile manufacturing facility in Waterton Canyon in Littleton, and we have satellites that are being produced in (unclear). In fact on CBS news one evening, I think about 4 years, 5 years ago, they actually showed a satellite that was being delivered to the National Reconissance Office, which is the largest operator of spy satellites, that are being used for worldwide survellience. This is also part of the Echelon Network that is operated by BNSA. But they showed, it was a $550 million satellite, that was manufactured here in Littleton at the Lockheed Martin facility. And in the background was a huge banner, nobody really saw this before on he CBS evening news but there it was, the NRL, the National Reconnissance Office in a big huge banner up on the wall. Now here to (unclear) the NRL was not even acknowledged as even existing. So we're having this kind of stuffed in our face of what they're doing.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: And we're transferring our deepest secrets to the Chinese. We've been doing it with the Russians all of these years. We have this whole fast thing of them being our enemies, the Russians that is (speaking together). Pardon?
Sherry: The whole cold war being a lie.
Tim: Oh absolutely, the architect of the cold war being General Reinhard Gehlen who was the head of the soviet intelligence apparatus that was run through his headquarters. He was the top intelligence chief for Adolf Hitler. And he ran the soviet division of nazi intelligence. That, by the way, was all brought into this country as we all know by project paper clip. He was the architect of the cold war, this whole false cold war, that cost trillions upon trillions upon trillions of dollars. Millions of millions of lives under this false front that the soviets are our enemies. Well we've armed our enemies. They're much stronger than what's being acknowledged.
Sherry: Well they've always protrayed Russia as.. you know the same way they do Mexico. The starving peasants, the out house in the back yard, the shacks, the loaf of bread that they're standing in line for for a week. The way we portray them is far from what reality is.
Tim: Well there's a very interesting video tape that was produced by Terry Reeve, a former CIA asset and others that he was associated with. And this video tape ran for over an hour and a half. And it was showing what was done in Mexico with the Maquiladora, and the Maquiladora were manufacturing plants that were established by our wonderful "buy America first" corporations. Manufacturing operations were being transferred out of this country along with millions of jobs. This was the giant sucking sound that was mentioned by Ross Perot. So the video tape was produced along the lines of what Ross Perot was saying about the giant sucking sound. That's where all of our jobs, that's where all of our industry is going with the Maquiladora zone which is a 40 I think maybe 60 mile wide zone extending into Mexico. And it's also north of the border also, people don't realise that either. But you know these people are being paid probably about a quarter of what American workers were being paid. You know they're working at facilities that are absolutely world class state of the art. (speaking together) Maquiladora are being supplied through the services of COSCO bringing parts of all sizes and shapes and uses out of Japan. But Japan now is outsourcing parts made in China. And they're being brought in to the west coast ports and supplying the Maquiladora with parts that used to be made here, or the entire product that used to be made here, that are now being made everywhere else but here.
And my friend in San Diego is telling me, to refer back to an article I was reading about what COSCO was doing in Mexico. They're enlargening and deepening the port in Ensenada, adding new docking facilities, two huge cranes to offload the containers coming in off the COSCO container ships. They're also doing a rail line in from Ensenada, and I believe it's running up the collector cal, so they're going to be bringing goods into southern California. And I'm sure they're going to be doing it on the NAFTA highway that is due to be completed, coming up from the south going all the way up into Canada, through Texas and all the states north of Texas. I believe this is, I'm trying to remember the exact interstate route, but it's being widen with flood lanes going in each direction, at least for certain parts of the road. This is for the transferrence of goods being made in Mexican Maquiladora, that's being brought into the United States and being brought into Canada. And this is all under the auspices of NAFTA and CAFTA and GATT and the World Trade Organisation.
It's marginalizing everything. We don't have borders now. Literally, we don't have borders now.
Sherry: Yeah, we've been building a highway, expanding one from Mexico through Texas. And I've been hearing a lot about a new highway going in down there.
Tim: Yeah they call it the NAFTA Highway.
Sherry: I got a question for you from a listener.
Tim: Go ahead.
Sherry: They want to know, "do you believe in ufos and if so, what is the basis of your belief?"
Tim: Well certainly ufos are a real thing. I think that ufos have been here, in fact ufos in many conversations I refer to ufos as something different. So that the wrong idea isn't taken by people who aren't quite informed or people that are actually skeptics. So I try not to use ufo actually. I try to use extremely advance aerospace technology. When talking about aerospace, we're talking about the air above us, and then space being beyond our immediate confines of this planet. The capability is absolutely there. I believe we have at least three different varieties. That which is made here by our technology, virtually all of it coming out of the head of Nikola Tesla. We have aerospace vehicles that are back engineered of alien origin. And we have aerospace vehicles of alien origin that we still don't know who operates them in reality.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: But we've had interaction with alien species for so many years now. We have interactive US alien bases. Dulce would probably be the one that comes first to mind in that. Yeah absolutely if you want to call them ufos they absolutely do exist. I think the agenda for the use of ufos is multi fold, you can't say it's this or that. But that technology has been used against us and is being used against us. And they're going to come right out in the open and actually use it against us, just like the movies are preparing us for. Those movies are nothing but conditioning movies. That's what Hollywood is used for.
Sherry: "Signs", comes to mind. The movie "Signs".
Tim: I've not seen that but I'm not a big movie goer myself. I don't send my money to Hollywood.
Sherry: They made a blunder with ET. They brought him out as a cute, cuddly, you want to take him home to your kids ET. But they had to come out with "Signs", to make it a lot more hostile. Give people a reason to be afraid of them because when they originally created ET they were under the impression that these aliens were nice. And they learned they weren't, so they came out with "Signs". Try to backtrack a little bit.
Tim: Yeah, so you know depending on... you can get into the Pleiadians, you know and he's been visiting Billy Meyer, they don't certainly look like the bug eyed little grey men.
Sherry: Yeah, well there's different types of races of aliens and I've gotten on this show plenty of my websites displayed. You have your humanoid and you have your enki and the enlil and of course Sitchin screws it all around. Skritchen get's everybody confused on who's what and what's what. And so I never read Sitchin, he's just disinfo, he's government disinfo. He's touting the whole theory that mankind was created by alien test tubes. You can go in the bible codes for ten minutes and discredit Zacharias Sitchin. So I don't even read his material, but I hear a lot from other people who do and what he says. That's why I've got over 50 articles on my websites alone. and of course the, dealing with the different types of aliens and the groups.
Tim: Well they absolutely do exist. I mean I've not come face to face with an alien. The closet thing to an alien I came face to face with was with a cyborg and that was back in June of 1997. In fact my experience I related to Abe Delick and his response to my experience was extremely interesting to say the least.
Sherry: Do you see a lot of ufos in Denver?
Tim: No our people that somehow are tuned, I'm not in a situation where I'm working right now to be really observant of the star like I used to. There's a lot of other people that I'm aware of that have seen them. In fact there's a website, I'm trying to remember, I think you know the name of this website. It's run by a fellow out in Denver whose last name is Greenwald. Yeah, I'm trying to remember... I can't remember offhand. I was thinking of that very site last week but I didn't write it down.
Sherry: Most people don't realise the huge population of new age and Satanists that you have in Denver.
Tim: Oh yeah not just in Denver but Colorado as a whole. And one of the major major centers. In fact when you talking major new age centers I'm talking planet y here. I'm talking Crestone Colorado which is on the eastern side of the St Louis Valley, which is south west central part of Colorado. It's an area that, the St Louis Valley is nearly 9000 sq miles so it's larger than the State of Massachusetts. And on the eastern side, the north eastern part of the St Louis Valley is almost at the very north eastern tip, is the great sand dunes, which are the largest sand dunes, I believe they're the largest sand dunes in the Western Hemisphere and not just North America.
Sherry: I have another question for you.
Tim: Crestone is a little bit east of there. There's high high ufo activity, that's in that area. And there's a.. my understanding is that there's a satellite facility that are connected underground with the Dulce Base. The large property owner in that area is Murray Strong. And Murray Strong is the defacto head of the UN. Kofi Annan is nothing more than a little puppet. Murray Strong is actually the defacto ruler over the UN. He's very very closely associated with Mikhail Gorbachev, Prince Philip, Prince Charles. These people at the forefront of the so called environmental movement. This goes directly to the heart of the UN treaty of biodiversity, but that's part of the grand deception of what the biodiversity treaty is all about. And the net bottom line of that document, which is 1060 pages, is depopulation of earth by 80% plus, and for the re-wilding of the planet. Now that term re-wilding is just starting to get some legs now. It's been out there for many many years. This is all Club of Rome agenda. This was really put into motion I believe in 1992 at the summit in Rio De Janeiro, that was headed up by Murray Strong. This I believe, if my memory serves me right, that meeting in Rio De Janeiro is off agenda 21.
Under the UN treaty of biodiversity, the implementation of that is in full swing. It can be seen in many many parts of this country and the people that wake up to what's going on, usually start to see it when they enter many of the national parks that we have here. Where the carved wooden signs that usually denote entrance into a national park. For instance here in Colorado they finally put the sign up. Not too long back, they tried it several years ago, but what it says on the sign, "Rocky Mountain National Park - a UN Biosphere Preserve". They tried putting that sign up several years back, and there was an absolute uproar. That sign was taken down about as fast as it got put up.
Sherry: Yeah. Well residents in Florida have been throwing a fit for years about the UN biodiversity.
Tim: Yeah, well I was watching seven years ago, I was watching one of these AAA travel logs that they have on TBS. And you know various national parks and showing the average American family, 2.5 kids with the plastic wood panel station wagon, with the luggage rack on top, entering Great Smokey National Park. Right at the beginning of the program was Great Smokey National Park - a UN Biosphere Preserve. So these signs have been going up for quite a number of years. And not only that, we're dealing with world heritage sites also, the UN World Heritage Site. They actually have these signs at the Statue of Liberty Monument. They have that at Independence Hall. I mean, we have been taken over by a UN agenda. It's been that way ever since the UN was created in San Francisco and they raised the UN flag for the first time in, when was it, September 1945 in San Francisco I believe it was.
Sherry: I have a listener question for you.
Tim: Go ahead.
Sherry: Does Tim know if the Denver area has a Bohemian Grove type secret local area and whatever's (unclear) Bohemian Grove?
Tim: Well not in the same sense as the Bohemian Grove is known to be, but there's lots of activities that actually do go on here for sure. But it's under a different venue and a different cover. And probably the thing that comes out most in mind is what's know as the Kimball Castle, south of Denver in Sedalia, the same town that I mentioned a little bit earlier when Sherry was asking where Kofi Annan has a residence here in Colorado. But this Tweet Kimball Castle, Tweet Kimball was a very well placed woman in the scheme of things. Her husband Meir Ruddick was with the CIA. And I'm trying to remember the person that... Frank Wisner. Frank Wisner was a very close friend of Tweet Kimball's husband, Merritt Ruddick. Frank Wisner was the one that was heading up for the OSS, he was the one heading up the importation of the paper clip nazis into this country. Meetings were being held at Tweet Kimball's castle, south of Denver here, very high level CIA meetings that were being conducted here. And as many people that were coming through. High level people that were former card carrying nazis. Not that they ever really quit because they still are, the ones that are still alive. And not to mention the fourth reich nazis that have come into being with project paper clip.
And what is conducted there, now this is information that I'm originally the one feeding this information to Mr federal whistle blower himself, bogus Stew Webb. Stew Webb started talking about Tiffany Lamp meetings. Now I had heard about Tiffany Lamp meetings. Tiffany Lamp meeting are conducted in other locations, besides Tweet Kimballs Castle which house many..original Tiffany Lamp within the castle. There are other locations. There are states where there are many Tiffany Lamps that exist. Probably Fritz Springmire might be the best source for other locations where Tiffany Lamp meetings could be held. Unfortunately Fritz is in prison. Set up on 100% bogus charges.
But to get back to Tweet Kimballs Castle, where very high level satanist meetings are conducted there on the summer and winter soltices. And Stew Webb keeps on saying, "well you know everybody's got to grab a camera and take photos of all the limosines showing up". Well these people show up at the Kimball Castle, but it's not on the surface. That castle is connected underground with tunnels, and I'm sure, I have it literally confirmed by another source of mine, it is connected underground with the Lockheed Martin missile manufacturing facility which is about ten miles as the crow flies due west of the castle.
Sherry: And wasn't it Anton Mazey's son who said he spent a lot of time growing up at that castle with his father?
Tim: Well that's supposedly the story that's out. I wouldn't doubt that a bit. But Stew Webb has on his site Kimball Castle with a photo up there, and there's an article from that, and I'm not promoting Stew Webb's site. Sherry knows and other people that are listening that know the situation between myself and Stew Webb know, I am certainly not promoting Stew Webb's site. There's a (unclear) situation with Stew Webb.
Sherry: We're favorites of Stew Webb aren't we?
Tim: Oh boy! The article that is linked with that called, "The Prime of Tweet Kimball". And this gets into what I'm talking about here. But that article was authored by a independent journalist friend of mine by the name of Joe Calhoun. But Stew Webb has taken it as his own information, and other information that I got from other people here in this area. I'm the one that pieced together where these Tiffany Lamp meetings were being held tied in with the Kimball Castle, and this was before I knew of this article by Joe Calhoun.
My background as a custom craftsman on the very high end. I have many many millionaires, probably 5 or 6 billionaires thrown in among my cliental. And over all of the years I picked pieces of information and added it to the sum total of what I've come to know over the last 15 years, but certainly over the last 10 most especially. And some of what I've learned, actually goes back to what I learned while I was in Vietnam and shortly thereafter. After I got back from Vietnam. And I started connecting some dots with some other information that I was looking into.
So I can go backward and forward in time with what I know, according to what particular subject, or even a particular name, what I could add to that. I guess it all starts with my being in Vietnam and when I was in Denang and I determined one day I was going to find out what happened there, why, who was behind it, what were the real purposes for the war. Little did I know all of these years later, 35 years later, that I would be in the position I'm in now, knowing what I know now. And being as angry as I am with what I know.
Sherry: Yeah. I do have confirmation of a link here. Somebody sent in information from Greenwald's website on line.
Tim: Yes.
Sherry: It's
Tim:, yes. Thank you.
Sherry: A listener sent that in.
Tim: But Greenwald, he's a Denver character, and he actually what he does for making money, he doesn't really make money with blackvault, but he's actually a Denver bar tender.
Now to get into some of the other things that exist out here in Colorado. Back in June of 1998, Stew Webb had been hanging around me like the sleeze that he is for six months. And we paid a visit one day to a fellow, a legal office of a fellow by the name of Declan O'Donnell. Now Declan O'Donnell had his offices in a quote unquote former catholic church, by the name of St. Teresa's Catholic Church. And of all addresses that this church would have was 3300 East 14 Avenue. 3300 being a very significant masonic number, 33.
Declan O'Donnell has law offices there, and when we pulled up to the building, I was the one driving, on the 14 street side of that building was a very curious thing. And it was the UNICEF card and gift shop. I couldn't believe it, here was a UN organization with a card and gift shop within a catholic church. Which by the way when we entered to go see Declan O'Donnell, we walked right by a still operating chaple within the church. And we walked in because Stew Webb had some information that he had to give Declan O'Donnell because he was doing a class action lawsuit for the people that lost 10s upon 10s, getting into the 100s upon 100s of millions of dollars, that they lost in a CIA front that was known as M&L Business' Unions. Declan O'Donnell also I find out later he's a very high level lay person within the archdiocese of Denver.
Now while Stew Webb was talking to Declan O'Donnell, I was looking around the meeting room, and I'm looking at an erase board, like a magic marker erase board. And up on the top of that was the Lunar Development Authority. And I'm looking at that with great interest. Then I look in the corner of the room and there's a braided United States flag, gold fringed United States flag. A gold fringed Colorado State flag. Peeking in the back of that was just a little bit of blue, that I recognized immediately as the UN emblem. So while Stew Webb was talking to Declan O'Donnell I got up and started walking around the room to stretch my legs. And I walk over there and I pull away the braided US flag, and I pull out the entire UN flag, hanging on a flagstaff there.
But I also started noticing some publications that are on the bookcase there. And one of these publications was for the United Societies in Space. USIS. You can put that directly into Google, USIS, stands for the United Societies in Space. Also there was a publication of the World Space Bar Association. The WSBA, the World Space Bar Association. Both of which were created and headed up by Declan O'Donnell. And so this told me a whole lot, and I understand from what Declan was telling me later after I talked to him for a few minutes. But he got tight lipped because I was asking questions that were a little bit too knowledgeable sounding. So he kind of buttoned up but they were looking to get a seat at the UN as an NGL, a non-governmental organization.
You can look up these websites, you'll find out that there's extremely high people that are involved in this. Many people within the space program, astronauts, all of whom by the way are 33 degree masons. Declan O'Donnell himself I'm convinced is another high level mason. But this is tied into an agenda that is all UN. And this is for the control of space, the legal control of space. And you're talking about establishing bases on the moon or establishing mining operations on the moon. You know economic development of various kinds on the moon and mars. But you know, it's already being done. It's already been done. We already have bases in both locations.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: If not other places.
Sherry: I have a question from a listener who would like to know, what idea you have for a time frame of how much longer this country has before we head into martial law.
Tim: It really looks big, because anybody that's really watching things over the internet, I mean there are so many different scenarios that are being bandied about. Various cities are being mentioned. Estimated number of people they're going to kill, with bio-weapons or dirty bombs or backpack nukes..
Sherry: They keep pushing the chemical attacks. Do you think it's going to be chemical or nuke?
Tim: We have a type of nuclear device, I think we're going to have possibly, maybe a neutron bomb type of thing which is going to kill people with a burst of awful radiation..
Sherry: I've heard from credible sources that a chemical attack just would not fly, that it would dissipitate downwind...
Tim: Too many atmospheric conditions that you have to deal with. The model to create you know a scenario that would be workable would take every Cray computer that exists on the planet.
Sherry: So you don't really think it's chemical either because I just don't, I think it's going to be some kind of...
Tim: I mean the most powerful computers that we have outside of Fort Meade which is headquarters of National Security Agency, the most powerful computers exist here in Colorado Springs. I got that again out of Bill Eagle out of a conversation two weeks ago. And the most powerful Cray computers in existence are the new generation that was developed by Seymore Cray, when he reestablished Cray computers here in Colorado Springs, from where he was located in Minnisota. Seymore Cray was probably the most brilliant computer designer ever. And he got taken out, he was assassinated right outside at the entrance of the air force academy. He was assassinated by car accident.
Sherry: Build the computer then take him out.
Tim: Because he developed what's called the galleon arsenised chip, which replaced silicon base chips that are the basis of the brains behind any computer. And it took many many years and many hundreds of millions of dollars to finally develop the galleon arsenised chip. They were perfected, and as soon as they were perfected, they took Seymore Cray out.
Sherry: Well we've got to wrap up this show Tim. Is there anything you would like to say in the last minute or so before I have to wrap up.
Tim: Well I guess I got kind of wound up here. I could probably talk for another hour and a half. Perhaps another time, but that's just a small part of what's going on here. I could talk about so much other stuff that exists here and why Denver and Colorado Springs and Colorado as a whole has taken on a kind of significance that is over looked by most.
Sherry: Yeah, everybody's looking at DC or Texas, and really a lot of the action and the main stuff going on is right there in Denver.
Tim: Oh yeah, Oh yeah that's right, (music started playing) Denver's got a perfect covers as being a cow town
Sherry: Thanks for being on the show.
Tim: Thank you Sherry, I appreciate you for having me on and good night to all.
Sherry: Good night, we enjoyed having you on.
That wraps up the show for tonight folks. We'll be back next week Monday night 8 - 10 eastern time. Transcriptions of this show should be available for this week. If my transcriber in Israel can get it to me. As soon as he gets it to me, I'll have it up. Thanks to all for listening we'll see you all next week 8 - 10. Good night and God bless.
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
August 22, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 22 August 2005 - 2nd hour
And welcome back to the show everybody. I'm Sherry Shriner. That's Satan's bells ringing in the churches today. And as the world pushes towards a one world religion with unified churches and an ecumunical system, at the same time it's pushing to world global political system, a global government. And with me tonight is Tim White, and we're talking about this global government push, especially here in the United States. Welcome back to the show Tim.
Tim: Hello again.
Sherry: And we've been talking about the New World Order and the United Nations and NATO and everything involved. And just trying to give people a picture of some of the things that have been going on behind the scenes, that you're not going to hear about in the daily news.
Tim: Well we left off before the commercial break was... we were talking about what Clinton was doing with the nuclear weapons program at Los Alamos and you were mentioning basically opening up the labs to Chinese spying. Which they didn't really have to spy since we were giving the stuff away basically. And we were allowing the access to occur when the Chinese want it, (unclear) I think in a lot of instances.
Sherry: Yeah, one of the things I can't understand is that we're giving them all of our technology. They're just building anti defense systems against them. And then they're wondering why the Russians weapons are superior to ours, because we sell off our technology.
Tim: Yeah because we still don't have a defense against the Russian sunbird missile.
Sherry: Yeah, the sunbird missile is the best one out there.
Tim: Absolutely.
Sherry: They've also got space weapons
Tim: I mentioned before we went to the break Sherry, was what was occuring at Rocky Flats starting in 1989 when the FBI raided the place and shut the plant down for all of these totally outrageous environmental crimes..
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah Steve, hang on a second Tim.
Tim: ... all of these nuclear materials.
Sherry: Hang on a second Tim. Yes Steve.
Steve: His volume level is fading on me.
Sherry: Yeah. Okay. There's nothing I can do, he's on a cell phone.
Tim: Where do I need to go here?
Steve: I don't know if he's moving around or what.
Tim: How much hasn't been heard here?
Sherry: That's better.
Steve: That's good there if you can hold it Tim.
Sherry: Yeah stand there.
Tim: Okay, I'll keep my head in this exact position.
Everyone: LOL, LOL, LOL.
Sherry: Can you hear me now?
Tim: Can you hear me now, good. I can understand why that commercial now. What I was talking about was Rocky Flats and what occurred there, when the FBI came in in 1989 and raised the place. They had over 80 agents that shut the place down. And it stayed shut. And what happened was that we had quite a few tons of plutonium that was there in storage. By 1989 there was quite a lot of nuclear weapons program that had wound down, and so the production levels weren't quite what they were in previous years. We had, I'm trying to remember exactly, but we had something in the order of 35 or 40 tons of plutonium there at Rocky Flats. This situation with the investigation went on for several years. But things really took a bit of a change after Clinton took office. And he started providing the conduits through his absolute total treason, for the Chinese and the Russians to aquire further technology. And actually I'm pretty sure that the Chinese probably were given technology way preceding what occurred at Los Alomos.
What happened shortly after Clinton took office was that there was over a ton of plutonium that was taken from Rocky Flat and shipped to Israel. And it ended up in Dimona in the Negev Desert. And Dimona is where the Israelis make their nuclear weapons. And it's strongly thought that some of that plutonium has found it's way into the Israeli made micro nuclear devices, that Joe Vyles so courageously exposed as what was used in the Bali bombing. And it was probably used, possibly even though here's different theories at what happened at Oklahoma City. But there's theories put out there. And in fact Bill Eagle was talking about this in some of his programs, that another micro device that was used in Oklahoma City. And possibly the same type of nuclear device, micro nukes tht was used at the World Trade Center on September 11 in the basement areas. Because of the fact that molten pools of steel existed for somewhere in the order of two weeks or more. Where the heat was so great that the steel in the basement literally stayed molten all this time. This can be proved by many many people in expert fields. And this came right out of Colorado. Colorado made plutonium if you will.
We've been just absolutely steam rollered, not just the people in this country but the people in the entire planet, have been steam rolled by this kind of criminal government that we've had for so many decades. You can't say well this started during so and so's administration or so and so's administration. I mean this goes way way back.
Sherry: Yeah it does.
Tim: There's not people here that don't have guilt, everybody that we can talk about as far as the president had guilt every step of the way. (talking together)... responsible for some part and parcel of the entire grand plan that has been so unfolded now that people that are really paying attention, can almost predict with some kind of accuracy what is going to happen next.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: But the people that are still believing that the government is for the people and the government's here to help us...
Sherry: They haven't been listening to this show long enough then.
Tim: I mean that's not the case.
Sherry: Yeah that's not the case at all. They're pushing towards a one world government. Nothing anybody can really do to stop it at this point. It's like a train that's unstoppable.
Tim: I'm sitting in the middle of it here. You know Sherry, Denver among knowledgeable people is very very well known as the NWO center.
Sherry: Doesn't Kofi Annan have a residence there?
Tim: My understanding is that.. I've heard two different locations on Kofi Annan's residence. I've heard it in an area south west of Sedalia Colorado which is immediately south of Denver about not more than 18 or 20 miles and a little bit north of Castle Rock Colorado. But south west of Sedalia over the first several ranges of the foothills somewhere down in the south part river area. Somewhere in the area of Deckers. But I've also heard that his ranch is in an area south east of Denver, about 30 - 35 miles in an area around Franktown or Elizabeth.
But I think that it's a known fact that Kofi Annan does have sizeable property out here. But many other of the shakers and rattlers and the bi-people reptiles that are the ones behind all of this scheme of enslaving the planet. They are very very well represented here in Colorado.
Sherry: And don't they plan.. isn't Denver Colorado actually supposed to be the east coast capital of the NWO?
Tim: Actually the capital of the west.
Sherry: West Coast capital.
Tim: Yeah.
Sherry: So the east coast and Atlanta for some reason, it's really not that..
Tim: Well we have facilities here that Atlanta certainly can't claim and Denver has the largest federal presence of anywhere outside of Washington DC. And it's been that way since the early 50s when Eisenhower established his western white house out here.
Sherry: Oh definitely. I've also heard from those in the know, I got an e-mail last year about huge underground bases being built in the Georgia region.
Tim: Oh yeah, yeah.
Sherry: (speaking together) relation to Atlanta, they've given me the mountains that they were going in.
Tim: Yeah but what we have here Sherry, is the infrastructure that we have here, is unlike anything in the world.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: Because we are a military communications, command and control center. And we're also communication center for so called commercial transmission from cable or satellite dish. And most of the major cable or satellite dish operators are headquartered out here. And they have large satellite dish installations here. The euphanism that's usually used for that is C3I. It stands for communications, command, control and intelligence and we have it in abundance here.
Now I've just recently read, the Buckley Airf orce Base, 10 miles east of where I'm at, is the most important downlink in the entire North American Continent or the entire Western Hemisphere. Because of the structure that exists, the infrastructure that exists in Colorado Springs, plus what we have here in Denver. Plus there's satellite facilities that are up in Meeker Colorado. And it's all tied in with what we have here centralised, almost in the center of Colorado. This is meant for the control of the entire planet and also meant for the control of space. It's all here. Not only that, but what we have under the oceans, our nuclear submarine fleet, they communicate through Buckley Air force Base here. And all of that is transferred down to NORAD and also transferred to Northern command, the space warfare center, the US space command. I mean it's linked. We have hundreds of facilities at Buckley that are providing all of these com links to all of our nuclear forces, not matter if they're on land or under the ocean.
Sherry: And that's where the GPS is also..
Tim: GPS is controlled through Shriver Air force Base, about 39 GPS satellites are controlled from there. That's why the Colorado Springs is such an important place for the NATO ministers to meet, because the police force, the military force of the planet is coming right out of NATO. That's the whole grand concept of NATO, and the bogus dissolving of the Soviet Union, the bogus dissolving of Eastern Europe. Everything has been morphed into a new farm, to hide, to fully deceive what's really going on. If people think that communism is actually dead, then possibly that person's ability to think is probably dead also. It's just taken a different form. It's totally totally different. It's been (unclear) the former communism we have now. The top, literally the top communist that we have in this country, the top fabianist we have, and that's George Bush Sr. And this is all fabianists agenda. (speaking together) ... the process of gradualism of incrementalism.
Sherry: Anybody wants to send Tim White a question, you can contact him.. I can read the question over the air. You can send it to [email protected] either through e-mail or yahoo instant messenger. If you want to send Tim a question or a comment.
Tim: I could give my e-mail address since I'm so well known, everyone knows me as [email protected]. A lot of people know who I am.
Sherry: Yeah. Or you can contact Steve at and he can read it to us over the air. So you can get involved listeners, if you want to get involved in this conversation and ask Tim a question. Feel free to do so.
Tim: A lot of people might not know how to spell phantom but it's spelled the way it usually is. "phantom", just like phantom of the opera.
Sherry: Probably see your name in a lot of the yahoo groups lists. I know you send out a lot of information on what's going on.
Tim: Some stuff that I send out, if fact quite a lot of what I've done over the last two years, has been sending out information that I've (unclear) up from my own experiences from people I personally know. Things that have happened to me, things that I've been told that I caused because of putting information out. I got a lot of very high level people very upset when I started connecting the dots, related to the Denver Economic Development Office opening up their trade office in Shanghai.
My girlfriend at the time here in Colorado, who I refer to as Colorado's illuminati pop princess because of her involvement with the medical marajuana agenda here in Colorado for over 20 years. Her name is Doreen Bishop. She had been involved for the better part of 20 years with somebody that's well known by the name of George Sorrows. And this was in the medical marajuana agenda, the legalisation of drugs and for hemp, for paper fuel and fibre. Now that all sounds very honorable and everything but George Sorrows doesn't do anything without ulterior motives. And George Sorrows, because Doreen Bishop knows just who I am, and he's right in with this whole agenda to his eyeballs. But he has created and is funding over 100 various foundations for all of these various social engineering programs. A lot of them are NWO connected you know. A lot of these programs are right out of Brave New World, 1984, and he's not the common person's friend by any stretch of the immagination.
Anyway to get back with Doreen Bishop. The Economic Development Office at the time of the visit of president Zemin, was headed up by a person by the name of Ron Burnstein. Ron Burnstein happens to be the first cousin of Doreen Bishop. Another very prominant first cousin of Doreen Bishop is Norman Brokaw, who is the chairman of the board, essentially the owner, of the William Morris agency headquartered in Hollywood. Doreen Bishop, born and raised in Hollywood. She's been an illuminati princess her entire life, obviously because she's born into it.
But Doreen, you know I would be talking several hours a day, and I would be relating to her what I knew up in the background of the Denver Economic Development Office. And the real reason why that office would be opened. And I had this confirmed years subsequent to the summer of 2000 that this office was actually being used as a channel for the transferrence of military top secret, above top secret hardware, technology, plans, documents, whatever it took for Denver to do it's part in transferrence of technology.
And what is here, we have between Colorado Springs and in Denver, we have much more aerospace technology that's been manufactured here than what people realise. And when we have this facility that I mentioned earlier, the Lockheed Martin missile manufacturing facility in Waterton Canyon in Littleton, and we have satellites that are being produced in (unclear). In fact on CBS news one evening, I think about 4 years, 5 years ago, they actually showed a satellite that was being delivered to the National Reconissance Office, which is the largest operator of spy satellites, that are being used for worldwide survellience. This is also part of the Echelon Network that is operated by BNSA. But they showed, it was a $550 million satellite, that was manufactured here in Littleton at the Lockheed Martin facility. And in the background was a huge banner, nobody really saw this before on he CBS evening news but there it was, the NRL, the National Reconnissance Office in a big huge banner up on the wall. Now here to (unclear) the NRL was not even acknowledged as even existing. So we're having this kind of stuffed in our face of what they're doing.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: And we're transferring our deepest secrets to the Chinese. We've been doing it with the Russians all of these years. We have this whole fast thing of them being our enemies, the Russians that is (speaking together). Pardon?
Sherry: The whole cold war being a lie.
Tim: Oh absolutely, the architect of the cold war being General Reinhard Gehlen who was the head of the soviet intelligence apparatus that was run through his headquarters. He was the top intelligence chief for Adolf Hitler. And he ran the soviet division of nazi intelligence. That, by the way, was all brought into this country as we all know by project paper clip. He was the architect of the cold war, this whole false cold war, that cost trillions upon trillions upon trillions of dollars. Millions of millions of lives under this false front that the soviets are our enemies. Well we've armed our enemies. They're much stronger than what's being acknowledged.
Sherry: Well they've always protrayed Russia as.. you know the same way they do Mexico. The starving peasants, the out house in the back yard, the shacks, the loaf of bread that they're standing in line for for a week. The way we portray them is far from what reality is.
Tim: Well there's a very interesting video tape that was produced by Terry Reeve, a former CIA asset and others that he was associated with. And this video tape ran for over an hour and a half. And it was showing what was done in Mexico with the Maquiladora, and the Maquiladora were manufacturing plants that were established by our wonderful "buy America first" corporations. Manufacturing operations were being transferred out of this country along with millions of jobs. This was the giant sucking sound that was mentioned by Ross Perot. So the video tape was produced along the lines of what Ross Perot was saying about the giant sucking sound. That's where all of our jobs, that's where all of our industry is going with the Maquiladora zone which is a 40 I think maybe 60 mile wide zone extending into Mexico. And it's also north of the border also, people don't realise that either. But you know these people are being paid probably about a quarter of what American workers were being paid. You know they're working at facilities that are absolutely world class state of the art. (speaking together) Maquiladora are being supplied through the services of COSCO bringing parts of all sizes and shapes and uses out of Japan. But Japan now is outsourcing parts made in China. And they're being brought in to the west coast ports and supplying the Maquiladora with parts that used to be made here, or the entire product that used to be made here, that are now being made everywhere else but here.
And my friend in San Diego is telling me, to refer back to an article I was reading about what COSCO was doing in Mexico. They're enlargening and deepening the port in Ensenada, adding new docking facilities, two huge cranes to offload the containers coming in off the COSCO container ships. They're also doing a rail line in from Ensenada, and I believe it's running up the collector cal, so they're going to be bringing goods into southern California. And I'm sure they're going to be doing it on the NAFTA highway that is due to be completed, coming up from the south going all the way up into Canada, through Texas and all the states north of Texas. I believe this is, I'm trying to remember the exact interstate route, but it's being widen with flood lanes going in each direction, at least for certain parts of the road. This is for the transferrence of goods being made in Mexican Maquiladora, that's being brought into the United States and being brought into Canada. And this is all under the auspices of NAFTA and CAFTA and GATT and the World Trade Organisation.
It's marginalizing everything. We don't have borders now. Literally, we don't have borders now.
Sherry: Yeah, we've been building a highway, expanding one from Mexico through Texas. And I've been hearing a lot about a new highway going in down there.
Tim: Yeah they call it the NAFTA Highway.
Sherry: I got a question for you from a listener.
Tim: Go ahead.
Sherry: They want to know, "do you believe in ufos and if so, what is the basis of your belief?"
Tim: Well certainly ufos are a real thing. I think that ufos have been here, in fact ufos in many conversations I refer to ufos as something different. So that the wrong idea isn't taken by people who aren't quite informed or people that are actually skeptics. So I try not to use ufo actually. I try to use extremely advance aerospace technology. When talking about aerospace, we're talking about the air above us, and then space being beyond our immediate confines of this planet. The capability is absolutely there. I believe we have at least three different varieties. That which is made here by our technology, virtually all of it coming out of the head of Nikola Tesla. We have aerospace vehicles that are back engineered of alien origin. And we have aerospace vehicles of alien origin that we still don't know who operates them in reality.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: But we've had interaction with alien species for so many years now. We have interactive US alien bases. Dulce would probably be the one that comes first to mind in that. Yeah absolutely if you want to call them ufos they absolutely do exist. I think the agenda for the use of ufos is multi fold, you can't say it's this or that. But that technology has been used against us and is being used against us. And they're going to come right out in the open and actually use it against us, just like the movies are preparing us for. Those movies are nothing but conditioning movies. That's what Hollywood is used for.
Sherry: "Signs", comes to mind. The movie "Signs".
Tim: I've not seen that but I'm not a big movie goer myself. I don't send my money to Hollywood.
Sherry: They made a blunder with ET. They brought him out as a cute, cuddly, you want to take him home to your kids ET. But they had to come out with "Signs", to make it a lot more hostile. Give people a reason to be afraid of them because when they originally created ET they were under the impression that these aliens were nice. And they learned they weren't, so they came out with "Signs". Try to backtrack a little bit.
Tim: Yeah, so you know depending on... you can get into the Pleiadians, you know and he's been visiting Billy Meyer, they don't certainly look like the bug eyed little grey men.
Sherry: Yeah, well there's different types of races of aliens and I've gotten on this show plenty of my websites displayed. You have your humanoid and you have your enki and the enlil and of course Sitchin screws it all around. Skritchen get's everybody confused on who's what and what's what. And so I never read Sitchin, he's just disinfo, he's government disinfo. He's touting the whole theory that mankind was created by alien test tubes. You can go in the bible codes for ten minutes and discredit Zacharias Sitchin. So I don't even read his material, but I hear a lot from other people who do and what he says. That's why I've got over 50 articles on my websites alone. and of course the, dealing with the different types of aliens and the groups.
Tim: Well they absolutely do exist. I mean I've not come face to face with an alien. The closet thing to an alien I came face to face with was with a cyborg and that was back in June of 1997. In fact my experience I related to Abe Delick and his response to my experience was extremely interesting to say the least.
Sherry: Do you see a lot of ufos in Denver?
Tim: No our people that somehow are tuned, I'm not in a situation where I'm working right now to be really observant of the star like I used to. There's a lot of other people that I'm aware of that have seen them. In fact there's a website, I'm trying to remember, I think you know the name of this website. It's run by a fellow out in Denver whose last name is Greenwald. Yeah, I'm trying to remember... I can't remember offhand. I was thinking of that very site last week but I didn't write it down.
Sherry: Most people don't realise the huge population of new age and Satanists that you have in Denver.
Tim: Oh yeah not just in Denver but Colorado as a whole. And one of the major major centers. In fact when you talking major new age centers I'm talking planet y here. I'm talking Crestone Colorado which is on the eastern side of the St Louis Valley, which is south west central part of Colorado. It's an area that, the St Louis Valley is nearly 9000 sq miles so it's larger than the State of Massachusetts. And on the eastern side, the north eastern part of the St Louis Valley is almost at the very north eastern tip, is the great sand dunes, which are the largest sand dunes, I believe they're the largest sand dunes in the Western Hemisphere and not just North America.
Sherry: I have another question for you.
Tim: Crestone is a little bit east of there. There's high high ufo activity, that's in that area. And there's a.. my understanding is that there's a satellite facility that are connected underground with the Dulce Base. The large property owner in that area is Murray Strong. And Murray Strong is the defacto head of the UN. Kofi Annan is nothing more than a little puppet. Murray Strong is actually the defacto ruler over the UN. He's very very closely associated with Mikhail Gorbachev, Prince Philip, Prince Charles. These people at the forefront of the so called environmental movement. This goes directly to the heart of the UN treaty of biodiversity, but that's part of the grand deception of what the biodiversity treaty is all about. And the net bottom line of that document, which is 1060 pages, is depopulation of earth by 80% plus, and for the re-wilding of the planet. Now that term re-wilding is just starting to get some legs now. It's been out there for many many years. This is all Club of Rome agenda. This was really put into motion I believe in 1992 at the summit in Rio De Janeiro, that was headed up by Murray Strong. This I believe, if my memory serves me right, that meeting in Rio De Janeiro is off agenda 21.
Under the UN treaty of biodiversity, the implementation of that is in full swing. It can be seen in many many parts of this country and the people that wake up to what's going on, usually start to see it when they enter many of the national parks that we have here. Where the carved wooden signs that usually denote entrance into a national park. For instance here in Colorado they finally put the sign up. Not too long back, they tried it several years ago, but what it says on the sign, "Rocky Mountain National Park - a UN Biosphere Preserve". They tried putting that sign up several years back, and there was an absolute uproar. That sign was taken down about as fast as it got put up.
Sherry: Yeah. Well residents in Florida have been throwing a fit for years about the UN biodiversity.
Tim: Yeah, well I was watching seven years ago, I was watching one of these AAA travel logs that they have on TBS. And you know various national parks and showing the average American family, 2.5 kids with the plastic wood panel station wagon, with the luggage rack on top, entering Great Smokey National Park. Right at the beginning of the program was Great Smokey National Park - a UN Biosphere Preserve. So these signs have been going up for quite a number of years. And not only that, we're dealing with world heritage sites also, the UN World Heritage Site. They actually have these signs at the Statue of Liberty Monument. They have that at Independence Hall. I mean, we have been taken over by a UN agenda. It's been that way ever since the UN was created in San Francisco and they raised the UN flag for the first time in, when was it, September 1945 in San Francisco I believe it was.
Sherry: I have a listener question for you.
Tim: Go ahead.
Sherry: Does Tim know if the Denver area has a Bohemian Grove type secret local area and whatever's (unclear) Bohemian Grove?
Tim: Well not in the same sense as the Bohemian Grove is known to be, but there's lots of activities that actually do go on here for sure. But it's under a different venue and a different cover. And probably the thing that comes out most in mind is what's know as the Kimball Castle, south of Denver in Sedalia, the same town that I mentioned a little bit earlier when Sherry was asking where Kofi Annan has a residence here in Colorado. But this Tweet Kimball Castle, Tweet Kimball was a very well placed woman in the scheme of things. Her husband Meir Ruddick was with the CIA. And I'm trying to remember the person that... Frank Wisner. Frank Wisner was a very close friend of Tweet Kimball's husband, Merritt Ruddick. Frank Wisner was the one that was heading up for the OSS, he was the one heading up the importation of the paper clip nazis into this country. Meetings were being held at Tweet Kimball's castle, south of Denver here, very high level CIA meetings that were being conducted here. And as many people that were coming through. High level people that were former card carrying nazis. Not that they ever really quit because they still are, the ones that are still alive. And not to mention the fourth reich nazis that have come into being with project paper clip.
And what is conducted there, now this is information that I'm originally the one feeding this information to Mr federal whistle blower himself, bogus Stew Webb. Stew Webb started talking about Tiffany Lamp meetings. Now I had heard about Tiffany Lamp meetings. Tiffany Lamp meeting are conducted in other locations, besides Tweet Kimballs Castle which house many..original Tiffany Lamp within the castle. There are other locations. There are states where there are many Tiffany Lamps that exist. Probably Fritz Springmire might be the best source for other locations where Tiffany Lamp meetings could be held. Unfortunately Fritz is in prison. Set up on 100% bogus charges.
But to get back to Tweet Kimballs Castle, where very high level satanist meetings are conducted there on the summer and winter soltices. And Stew Webb keeps on saying, "well you know everybody's got to grab a camera and take photos of all the limosines showing up". Well these people show up at the Kimball Castle, but it's not on the surface. That castle is connected underground with tunnels, and I'm sure, I have it literally confirmed by another source of mine, it is connected underground with the Lockheed Martin missile manufacturing facility which is about ten miles as the crow flies due west of the castle.
Sherry: And wasn't it Anton Mazey's son who said he spent a lot of time growing up at that castle with his father?
Tim: Well that's supposedly the story that's out. I wouldn't doubt that a bit. But Stew Webb has on his site Kimball Castle with a photo up there, and there's an article from that, and I'm not promoting Stew Webb's site. Sherry knows and other people that are listening that know the situation between myself and Stew Webb know, I am certainly not promoting Stew Webb's site. There's a (unclear) situation with Stew Webb.
Sherry: We're favorites of Stew Webb aren't we?
Tim: Oh boy! The article that is linked with that called, "The Prime of Tweet Kimball". And this gets into what I'm talking about here. But that article was authored by a independent journalist friend of mine by the name of Joe Calhoun. But Stew Webb has taken it as his own information, and other information that I got from other people here in this area. I'm the one that pieced together where these Tiffany Lamp meetings were being held tied in with the Kimball Castle, and this was before I knew of this article by Joe Calhoun.
My background as a custom craftsman on the very high end. I have many many millionaires, probably 5 or 6 billionaires thrown in among my cliental. And over all of the years I picked pieces of information and added it to the sum total of what I've come to know over the last 15 years, but certainly over the last 10 most especially. And some of what I've learned, actually goes back to what I learned while I was in Vietnam and shortly thereafter. After I got back from Vietnam. And I started connecting some dots with some other information that I was looking into.
So I can go backward and forward in time with what I know, according to what particular subject, or even a particular name, what I could add to that. I guess it all starts with my being in Vietnam and when I was in Denang and I determined one day I was going to find out what happened there, why, who was behind it, what were the real purposes for the war. Little did I know all of these years later, 35 years later, that I would be in the position I'm in now, knowing what I know now. And being as angry as I am with what I know.
Sherry: Yeah. I do have confirmation of a link here. Somebody sent in information from Greenwald's website on line.
Tim: Yes.
Sherry: It's
Tim:, yes. Thank you.
Sherry: A listener sent that in.
Tim: But Greenwald, he's a Denver character, and he actually what he does for making money, he doesn't really make money with blackvault, but he's actually a Denver bar tender.
Now to get into some of the other things that exist out here in Colorado. Back in June of 1998, Stew Webb had been hanging around me like the sleeze that he is for six months. And we paid a visit one day to a fellow, a legal office of a fellow by the name of Declan O'Donnell. Now Declan O'Donnell had his offices in a quote unquote former catholic church, by the name of St. Teresa's Catholic Church. And of all addresses that this church would have was 3300 East 14 Avenue. 3300 being a very significant masonic number, 33.
Declan O'Donnell has law offices there, and when we pulled up to the building, I was the one driving, on the 14 street side of that building was a very curious thing. And it was the UNICEF card and gift shop. I couldn't believe it, here was a UN organization with a card and gift shop within a catholic church. Which by the way when we entered to go see Declan O'Donnell, we walked right by a still operating chaple within the church. And we walked in because Stew Webb had some information that he had to give Declan O'Donnell because he was doing a class action lawsuit for the people that lost 10s upon 10s, getting into the 100s upon 100s of millions of dollars, that they lost in a CIA front that was known as M&L Business' Unions. Declan O'Donnell also I find out later he's a very high level lay person within the archdiocese of Denver.
Now while Stew Webb was talking to Declan O'Donnell, I was looking around the meeting room, and I'm looking at an erase board, like a magic marker erase board. And up on the top of that was the Lunar Development Authority. And I'm looking at that with great interest. Then I look in the corner of the room and there's a braided United States flag, gold fringed United States flag. A gold fringed Colorado State flag. Peeking in the back of that was just a little bit of blue, that I recognized immediately as the UN emblem. So while Stew Webb was talking to Declan O'Donnell I got up and started walking around the room to stretch my legs. And I walk over there and I pull away the braided US flag, and I pull out the entire UN flag, hanging on a flagstaff there.
But I also started noticing some publications that are on the bookcase there. And one of these publications was for the United Societies in Space. USIS. You can put that directly into Google, USIS, stands for the United Societies in Space. Also there was a publication of the World Space Bar Association. The WSBA, the World Space Bar Association. Both of which were created and headed up by Declan O'Donnell. And so this told me a whole lot, and I understand from what Declan was telling me later after I talked to him for a few minutes. But he got tight lipped because I was asking questions that were a little bit too knowledgeable sounding. So he kind of buttoned up but they were looking to get a seat at the UN as an NGL, a non-governmental organization.
You can look up these websites, you'll find out that there's extremely high people that are involved in this. Many people within the space program, astronauts, all of whom by the way are 33 degree masons. Declan O'Donnell himself I'm convinced is another high level mason. But this is tied into an agenda that is all UN. And this is for the control of space, the legal control of space. And you're talking about establishing bases on the moon or establishing mining operations on the moon. You know economic development of various kinds on the moon and mars. But you know, it's already being done. It's already been done. We already have bases in both locations.
Sherry: Yeah.
Tim: If not other places.
Sherry: I have a question from a listener who would like to know, what idea you have for a time frame of how much longer this country has before we head into martial law.
Tim: It really looks big, because anybody that's really watching things over the internet, I mean there are so many different scenarios that are being bandied about. Various cities are being mentioned. Estimated number of people they're going to kill, with bio-weapons or dirty bombs or backpack nukes..
Sherry: They keep pushing the chemical attacks. Do you think it's going to be chemical or nuke?
Tim: We have a type of nuclear device, I think we're going to have possibly, maybe a neutron bomb type of thing which is going to kill people with a burst of awful radiation..
Sherry: I've heard from credible sources that a chemical attack just would not fly, that it would dissipitate downwind...
Tim: Too many atmospheric conditions that you have to deal with. The model to create you know a scenario that would be workable would take every Cray computer that exists on the planet.
Sherry: So you don't really think it's chemical either because I just don't, I think it's going to be some kind of...
Tim: I mean the most powerful computers that we have outside of Fort Meade which is headquarters of National Security Agency, the most powerful computers exist here in Colorado Springs. I got that again out of Bill Eagle out of a conversation two weeks ago. And the most powerful Cray computers in existence are the new generation that was developed by Seymore Cray, when he reestablished Cray computers here in Colorado Springs, from where he was located in Minnisota. Seymore Cray was probably the most brilliant computer designer ever. And he got taken out, he was assassinated right outside at the entrance of the air force academy. He was assassinated by car accident.
Sherry: Build the computer then take him out.
Tim: Because he developed what's called the galleon arsenised chip, which replaced silicon base chips that are the basis of the brains behind any computer. And it took many many years and many hundreds of millions of dollars to finally develop the galleon arsenised chip. They were perfected, and as soon as they were perfected, they took Seymore Cray out.
Sherry: Well we've got to wrap up this show Tim. Is there anything you would like to say in the last minute or so before I have to wrap up.
Tim: Well I guess I got kind of wound up here. I could probably talk for another hour and a half. Perhaps another time, but that's just a small part of what's going on here. I could talk about so much other stuff that exists here and why Denver and Colorado Springs and Colorado as a whole has taken on a kind of significance that is over looked by most.
Sherry: Yeah, everybody's looking at DC or Texas, and really a lot of the action and the main stuff going on is right there in Denver.
Tim: Oh yeah, Oh yeah that's right, (music started playing) Denver's got a perfect covers as being a cow town
Sherry: Thanks for being on the show.
Tim: Thank you Sherry, I appreciate you for having me on and good night to all.
Sherry: Good night, we enjoyed having you on.
That wraps up the show for tonight folks. We'll be back next week Monday night 8 - 10 eastern time. Transcriptions of this show should be available for this week. If my transcriber in Israel can get it to me. As soon as he gets it to me, I'll have it up. Thanks to all for listening we'll see you all next week 8 - 10. Good night and God bless.