Interview with Larry Lawson
Part 1 not available
Part 7 not available
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
August 15, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 15 August 2005 - 1st hour
And hello everybody and welcome to the show, I'm Sherry Shriner. I announced on my blogger this morning a new website I'm putting up, so for those who think there's a conspiracy behind why I have so many websites, you know you can eat your hearts out, I'm putting up another one. This one will focus on audios, and it's the only thing that's going to be on this site, mp3 formatted audios. Audios I have on my sites I formally made all of my articles translated from text to audio. The link to my radio archives. I'm going to be doing some Bible books, such as Enoch and others in audio format. And this is a ministry to reach out to those who can't read English very well, for those who can't read very well for one reason or another or would just rather listen, while driving their cars because they don't have time to read. So this is something I've been working on and it should be up some time tonight or tomorrow. I've been uploading files all day long and it's taken time to get all these audio files uploaded. It's just gone on and on and on, the site might not even be up till tomorrow. I'm not even half way done and I've been uploading all day. And I don't know if any of you got DSL but it's just crazy. It'll tell you, you have four minutes left, and you look away for two seconds and you look back and it's up to two hours or something. You can't get a steady connection. I can't and so it's just crazy, and so I've been uploading files all day long.
You know earlier this year, and it's hard to believe that now when I look back... It's the middle of August now, and celebrating the one year anniversary of this show. It started a year ago this month. Back in January and February, maybe it was even March, my first book came out. "Bible Codes Revealed, The Coming UFO invasion", and then this guy sent me an e-mail, and he asked me, he goes, "I contacted your publisher, they said no, because I know this sounds crazy, but would you send me your entire manuscript via e-mail, as an attachment." And what he wanted to do was take all of the chapters and convert it to audio, so he could listen to it while he was driving to work. And so he sent me copies of all the files back then, of course they're buried in myYahoo gigs of mail space, I've got 60% of it, I've got over 6000 e-mails sitting in their, so they've been sitting in my e-mails.
And recently, about a month ago, he contacted me again, and I never though about it much back then, just went a head and gave him the manuscript, so he could do that. He contacts me again and want's the manuscript again (latest book) so he could convert it all to audio files. And so this time what I did was, you know it just hit me, you know we talked back and forth. And this is such a ministry to people, to be able to listen to audios instead of having to sit and read. And so he's putting up a website, he's doing his own, he's going to be doing a lot of his own translating things from text to audio for people and I'm going to do the same, offering the same thing from my stuff.
And the website will be at Nothing there yet, but hopefully tonight or tomorrow. If you go to, I'll announce it on my blogger, you'll be able to start listening to all of my stuff instead of reading it.
Tonight Larry Lawson is back. We're going to pick up where we left off last week and talk about what's going on with the NWO, Zionism and the Bush White House, and he will be calling in at about 8:30 pm.
I do have two people transcribing shows now. A lady here in the States I think but I haven't heard back from her in regards to one of them she was transcribing. And also a listener in Israel, Simon Keen, who has been busy transcribing these shows, people can read them instead of having to listen to them. And this a real ministry for those who can't hear or access the shows on line. You know it takes an incredible lot of work to transcribe two hours of talking. So I really appreciate Simon standing up and stepping in to get the work done. You know he's a real warrior for Yahweh in Israel, and like I've said many times this show is global, literally over 130 countries listening at any time. Over 140 to 150 countries visiting my websites, downloading the archives, and so I really appreciate that.
I got some cartoons in the mail today from a listener in Nicaragua. They're pretty funny and he hand-drew these himself, an artist cartoonist, and I'm going to try to scan those on the computer. I really don't know anything about my scanner, the only thing I use is my printer, so I might try to do that. I really enjoyed hearing from him from all the way out in Nicaragua.
I've heard from missionaries in New Zealand, I can't even pronounce their names, but I've gotten their letters. I appreciate hearing from them. Africa, Australia, Canada, Central and South America, just people everywhere. And you know what, I get e-mails and I get letters in the mail, people that send letters to my post office box. And I make a terrible pen pal. I just don't ever sit down and write or type letters out, but I do read everything that's sent to me. Don't always get back to people and it's not that I'm rude or not reading everything that's sent in, it's just that I don't always respond. And it could be a flaw, I don't know I'm just so swampled and stuff. But I do appreciate reading things people send in.
I've got a friend out in Minnesota that writes and sends in tracts and cartoons and stuff she pulls out of the paper. And so I hear from people all over, I really have a lot of fun with that, I really appreciate that. Sometimes the Lord will have somebody send me something that makes me laugh you know whatever. You know I having a good time doing this, it's been a year now.
I'm no longer doing "Aliens in the News" on Tuesdays. I've stopped doing that show. So I'll just be doing this show here on Monday nights. So I'm not going to get into that but I've just stopped doing the show and so that's all I'm going to say about that for now.
Was reading this thing from Kelly McGinley in and she sent something out about what's going on this month, out in the Bohemian Grove in California. And I wanted to go through that. This month 2,500 world leaders met in the Russian River in Sonoma Valley in California. There's a 2,700 acre retreat there called the Bohemian Grove. It was founded in 1872 and it's main use is a yearly gathering of all the elite . It's like an all male San Fransisco Club. Other groups include Pacific Union and Olympic clubs. The membership there includes every republican president and some democrats since 1923, cabinet officals, CEOs of large corporations, media mogules and leaders of major financial institutions including the Federal Reserve are all invited. Amongst some of the members, prestigious members there, George Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Thomas Watson Jr., IBM, Philip Hawley, William Casey CIA, Ralph Bailey Dupont, AW Clausen worldbank, Walter Cronkite, William F Buckley, many from the current Bush administration, such as Tom Ridge, Collin Powel, Donald Rumsfeld, have been seen entering the Grove. Bill Clinton's been there, Arnold Swarchenegger. Rumors have it that Prince Charles and Yasser Arafat have been on the guest list there.
And so this is pretty much a who's who kind of club that meets out in San Fransisco in the Sonoma Valley several times a year. Of course August being the main the time of the year. And what they do is that, you know what goes on here besides the meeting of a lot of secret societies and men that belong to secret societies. And I've done a Bible code on Bohemian Grove. And George Bush Sr. is really one of the headmasters of this Grove. He helps run this Grove. But what they do is all occultic and it's, you know they do a lot of bizzar rituals there. Satanic ceremonies occur there. They have their opening ceremony which is called "Cremation of Care" and it includes a high priest and pallbearers in bright red hoods and flowing black robes. They carry a coffin with a skeleton which is burned, representing the killing of the cares of this world. And all of this occurs at the feet of a giant sized owl.
This bizzar ritual can be seen at Alex Jones' website. You can go to or And he's a reporter that snuck into this Grove years ago and took video of it. Throughout the years there's been several slip ups by some major people. Nixon once allegedly recorded as saying he had attended and it was the most... I'm not going to repeat what he said about it, but one of the most probably effeminate places you could imagine. Rumsfeld once spoke of it in a speech he gave at the Hudson Institute. And the media's helped to keep it secret. The major media does not report about the Bohemian Grove even though every year, hundreds and even thousands of protestors and spies enter the place protest outside of it. The gathering of the world's lizards if you ask me. The gathering of the world's elite, the gathering of the world's lizards. These alien hybrids. And they try to keep it secret. George W. Bush Jr. when asked about it said that he had joined a secret society when he was at Yale in his senior year, but then he wouldn't talk anymore about it. We know John Kerry, Skull and Bonesman, Skull and Bonesman are all involved with the Bohemian Grove that I know of.
More stuff that takes place there, policy being made there. Usually presidential candidates are being discussed there. Who's going to be running in the next election. And this is like an american side of the Bilderberg convention, where the Bilderbergers get a meeting every year in Europe and meet and decide what's going to happen over the next year, what policies are going to be implemented. This is the same kind of things that they meet in this Bohemian Grove and they have these satanic rituals in front of this huge owl. Another name for this owl is Molech. The word itself Bohemian means someone who leads a loose and unsettled life. In the witchcraft books an owl represents wisdom and death. In the Scriptures, God calls for all of the groves to be cut down because of what took place in them. The most notorious events that took place in groves involve sodomy, and of course one of the most things talked about the go on at the Bohemian Grove in San Francisco obviously, is all of the sodomy, the pedophilia, the homosexuality that takes place.
Deuteronomy 12:3 states, "and you shall overthrow their altars and break their pillars and burn their groves with fire. And you shall cut down the graven images of their gods and destroy the names out of that place." You know so it's hard to imagine that leaders from around the world participate in such bizzare rituals, but they do folks. They do and the Bohemian Grove is just one of their places. We know that they have a castle out in Colorado that they meet at once a year as well where they sacrifice an infant. And you know I've been saying over and over again on this show, that these people are leading our world governments and our governments are Satanic. You know they claim to be Christian and they talk about religion, they talk God but they are clearly Satanic, they worship Satan.
And I've brought up before about what their real bloodlines are. You know the fact that these illuminati families that run the NWO that the Bushes are trying to permit here, and they're knee deep in it. They're not even 100% pure human. They're Caananite seed and the thing about a lot of these NWO is they know who they are, they just twist everything. You know they will talk about being sons of Cain. They know who they are but to them the sons of Cain are the elite. To them anybody else is not worthy of being anything but slaves. And so they just twist everything. And so I talk about that a lot on my site, serpant seedlines, the serpant and the illuminati. I have several articles there as well.
I wanted to get into a little bit about what's been going on with generals lately. Two generals lately been fired. And I talked about this on my blogger a little bit. I want to backtrack a little bit, because I remember I talked to Larry two weeks ago and told him I had read on line about Chicago police allegedly catching four British MI6 agents on July 18 attempting to blow up the Dirkson Federal building where the grand jury is convened. And shortly afterward now you're hearing all this stuff about the federal prosecutor going to be fired by Bush. Or that indictments were handed down against Bush and Cheney. I'm going to talk a little bit about that tonight, get into that. We got in that a little bit last week. And we know that one of things that has come out is that these live drills have been their excuse to carry out attacks. And we had always known that there was a connection, thanks to all the people who have put a lot of hard work and investigation work into 911.
One of the early things that had come out in the state out is that on 911, the morning of 911, there was a drill, about planes being crashed into the world trade towers. There was a drill that day that our government was participating in. And of course we know on that day planes crashed into the world trade towers. And so the door's kind of opening up to where you can see that when the say a drill is taking place, they're using it as a backdoor entrance to really implement a live drill. And so apparently this one general was trying to stop it from happening. And so what they did, they slapped sex charges on him and fired him. It's like I said in my blogger you know, they do bank robbery charges on patriots and it wouldn't be too hard for anybody to believe there's a sex scam in the military.
But what they're doing here is going after generals because this general was clearly trying to stop any kind of attack. The latest drill being that there would be a ship coming in to South Carolina, and a nuke bomb would be on it. And then it would be planted in a city somewhere and be blown up. The blast's a trial then. Apparently they found out that this drill was going to go live. And so this general tried to stop it from happening. You know these are real patriots standing up for America against Bush and their wanabe terrorism here. They plan no end for terrorism here. They were the ones behind 911, they were the ones behind Oklahoma City bombings. They set up patsies to take the fall, and then they scream terrorism, safety and security and pass draconian legislations to tighten the noose around the necks of Americans to take our freedoms away, take our liberties away, take our constitution away. And so it's never ending. You know they change tactics, the change ways of doing it. That's a report that came out that I was looking at.
Apparently Dick Cheney has given orders to immediately invade Iran after the next terror attack in the US even if there's no evidence Iran is involved. And so the standing orders out there. No matter what happens here in the United States, Iran is to be attacked whether they're involved or not. And of course you're not going to hear about this in the mainstream media. But they do have his orders, I mean people from intelligence communities have been releasing this stuff on the internet. They really want Iran. The want to get into Iran. It's not necessarily us it's the zionists running our government, the neocons. They're letting them have their way. And so a lot of people expecting a terror attack on our soil this month. Probably anytime in the dates 20th - 29th. I've seen about five or six dates people are plastering around. It would be on this date, it would be on that date, it will be on the 18th because they missed the 9th and the occult freaks do everything by numbers.
And so two to three weeks left. I really don't know if the going to, if they're going to be successful in doing anything here. I've looked in the codes. Bush assassination code is still strong for this month and next month. I'm not going to get in to the details of how they do it, because why should I help them out. If they're going to do it, then let them do it. At this point I don't even care because at this point it doesn't matter which faction is running this country, they're sold out to Satan. Even with some of these real patriots standing up against the Bushites and the criminals and Nazis running our government, it just doesn't look like much of a chance for America to be restored at this point, because those who will come on charge, you get rid of some criminals and you end up with more. And the Christians are always the ones in the center of all these factions, they're the main target to be gotten rid of. So any way you look at it, it doesn't matter who's in charge of our government, the Christians are going to be persecuted, they're going to be killed off because they're too much of a nuisance and in the way. And so let the factions fight it out, I'm not going to help them out.
We could see some fireworks here August or September. Also another thing dominant in September, is the temple mount in Israel, could see some things happening over there. So just some things to keep an eye on, keep an eye out on.
I released an article on my newslist this week, about a Drunvalo Melchizedek is his name. And Diane Cooper interviewed him. He's real New Age and he has a different spin on things. But what I thought was interesting, you know with all these things, you have to chew the grass and spit out the hay, is that he was saying that 60 million children alone have non human DNA. And it goes along with the fact of Daniel, Daniel forewarning in the last days, last days empire iron being mixed with miry clay and I know that is alien seed mixed with human seed. We've going to see a lot of hybrid contamination of human DNA. It was going to be the dominant power nation in the last days, and that's what we're seeing. So the New Agers are coming out with their info of course and their own angles. And what he calls this, is he divides three different kinds of children emerging in the world today. One being super psychic children of China, the second being the indigo children and the third being called the children of AIDS.
And what he does is he breaks it down and he talks about the super psychics of China which are just very psychic, pass every psychic test. You can turn cards over in another room and then they'll tell you what they are, and they're just very psychic, very psychic kids. And they're not just in China, apparently this type of kid has been spreading all over the world. In the US we refer to them more as indigo children. And these indigo children have also been called star children, children born with special gifts. You've seen this in the movies. Hollywood's been conditioning, X men, X men II, X men the original and these movies conditioning people, even Spy Kids, for the fact that kids have special powers and talents. And so what is it is just a bloodline just a heredity, they're half human half alien.
Another one coming out is the children of AIDS. And so these are kids that are born and tested positive for AIDS and then a year later or even several years later, they are tested again and they have no trace of AIDS or HIV. And so what they've been doing is, they've noticed that the human DNA all over the world has twenty codons turned on at all times of their own DNA. They are called codons. But a lot of these AIDS kids have 24 turned on. It's more than any other human being, and it helps these kids have a stronger immune system. So what they're doing is they're finding out that a lot of kids being born with 24 of their codons of their DNA strand being turned on instead of the normal 20.
And so I think that what their also finding now is that this is also being a phenomena that's going on with adults. It's something that's kind of new, something they're just finding out now. And I know that the New Agers have some kind of thing about changing your DNA and all this stuff, and that's exactly what it is. People are showing up all over the place born with it or not with new DNA, the 24 codons turned on instead of the 20. And so it's a mutation type of thing that's going on. So I've always been against all of this New Age dribble about you know, diet programs and meditation. And yeah yoga works in that way too, because they have a lot of these different religions and things that do to increase awareness but of course they use different terminology to hide the fact that what they're really trying to do is get humans to turn on those four extra codons in their DNA. You'll hear a lot of it in their ascension garbage dribble. Ascending to new heights, becoming more spiritually aware. They mask it with terminology.
And I've always felt that this exact reason they're doing it, is that humans become more viable for possession by aliens. Because they can walk right in, we think of it as demonic possession or evil spirits will possess a person and that does happen. But what we're looking at now is also an alien possession, where aliens can step in and possess a person. And I've referred to that before as soul scalping, where they step in and they take over a person's soul, they take over their body I guess we should say. And the person, the real person who owns that body, their soul is basically trapped at that point. Their body is being controlled by an outside being, by an alien. And sometimes they've done things where these peoples souls can be taken out of their bodies and imprisoned. They can be imprisoned in underground bases. And so I talked a little bit about that too in my article, "The Prisoners of Dulce Base", a joint human alien base in New Mexico, Dulce, New Mexico. You can read about soul scalping and what happens there. Part of the article I wrote on that too as well.
So it's happening, it's happening. You just don't want to.. the Lord created us as we are and you know, you don't need to change your DNA to become more spiritually aware. Don't fall for this New Age garbage, the doctrines that they're coming out with because it just makes you more of a candidate for alien possession. That's all it is. You're going to see a lot of this stuff coming up, everything that's come out of the New Age movement has eventually hit our churches, and what they do is mask the terminology. They hide it. They use different spiritual terms so that people don't really understand what they're really talking about.
And the New Agers are working with church leaders. You can watch five minutes of TBN and see that. If they're not working on compromise and call it unity and the Lord never told us to compromise Him or His gospel, His message. We're never to compromise with the world to get along with them for the sake of unity. The Lord brought a sword, you know not a blanket, to share the same blanket. He brought a sword, division, because we would always be outsiders. We would always be strangers to the world, those who follow the Most High. And so unity is compromise and it's a tool of Satan's for this one world religion, that he's going to bring about, this one world government.
And you have all of these church people that people respect that are going to tout it and they already are. I sat and watched this thing on TBN for five minutes the other day and right after Chuck Colson they brought on some catholic guy. Of course he didn't have on his catholic garb but his title he was a director from some catholic thing. And he was there for unity to promote unity among the churches. And so they're traveling around together at these seminars to promote unity and tolerance. And basically what they're not telling you, it's just one big compromise. So stay away from that stuff.
Another thing is this New Age stuff coming in. I'm not going to have time to get into it tonight but I will next week because Larry's going to be on in five, couple of minutes. We're going to take a break. Larry Lawson's going to be on, but I'm going to get into some of their plans. You know you can read about this Sananda. If you want to do a Google on Sananda and he has websites all over the internet. He looks like Jesus Christ of the Bible that the churches have pictures up all over the place telling people, giving people the impression that's what Jesus looks like. Most church goers know that we really don't know what He looks like, but they've adopted this picture of this long brown haired Jesus, and this is is this new age Sananda, it isn't Jesus at all. Sananda's not coming as a lookalike of the real Yahushua, the real Jesus Christ, they've just been hanging Sananda's picture all of these years.
So a lot of deceptions coming and they're going to be really good. The Lord said they would be good and they're going to be good. They are good. You know if you talk about this stuff, half the people in the churches today they think you're crazy. And so yeah the deceptions are going to be good. And their hitting all of these networks, these religious networks.
Another thing I wanted to get into forewarn people of. I received an e-mail about someone who wanted me to expose certain people on the doctrines they teach. And I'm really not going after certain people per say, I would rather expose doctrines than people. And so if you're forewarned about doctrines what are right what are wrong then you can see the people teaching and stay away from them. The Lord very rarely has me stand up and attack anybody by name and if He does, its stand up say what I have, sit back down and that's the end of it, I don't dwell on it.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: Your guest is up whenever you're ready.
Sherry: Okay. I'll have him on after the break. We'll take a break here in a minute. But what I want to do before I go on break here is just forewarn people of the Matthew 24 Scripture that says, "they will say Jesus is in the desert, Jesus is in the wilderness. He's here, he's there", and Jesus forewarns us, Yahushua forewarns us not to go. He says don't go. And so when you have all these people standing up, they're collecting groups saying that they're collecting the bride together, they're gathering the bride for the raptures. Don't go folks, don't go. The Lord does not collect His people, HE will collect His bride, HE will collect His bride. In the meantime His bride's all over the world scattered and that's the way it's going to remain until He collects them. And so no he is not collecting all of His people in groups to meet or to gather in deserts or wildernesses or even anywhere even in church or anywhere. He is not collecting His people. So a lot of people coming out with those kind of teachings that they're forming all prophet groups all watchman groups or whatever, bride groups collect bride groups. Don't fall for it, don't even listen to it. The Lord has His people scattered in highways and byways for a reason and so I'll get into more of that next week.
We're going to take a break. Between two and three minute break, and when I come back Larry Lawson's up, he's my guest tonight, and we're going to talk more about what's going on with the Bushite camp and Bohemian Grove and all that and the NWO. So we'll be back in about two to three minutes folks. We'll see you then.
And welcome back everybody. With me is Larry Lawson. Hello Larry.
Larry: Hello Sherry.
Sherry: How are you doing tonight.
Larry: Well I've got my clock set right now.
Sherry: A few problems last week folks, namely Larry's memory (joking).
Larry: Well I blame the Hoosher politicians here, they've never got the settings of the times right here in Indiana, so we're always confused as to..
Sherry: Right that state's always a mess.
Larry: Yes.
Sherry: I mean even for a time Ohio and Indiana are on the same time for a while there, then it switches all back again to crazyness. I couldn't live on that time schedule over there.
Larry: You had mentioned earlier, I was listening to you a little bit about the incidence there in Chicago that have been reported by various people.
Sherry: Yeah I sent you that. Did you see that I forwarded it to you. I finally found one of them.
Larry: There's a lot of smoke screen and disinformation out there, it's very difficult to know what is what.
Sherry: That is something about the MI6 that had been captured in Chicago. That came out of the New Age camp originally.
Larry: Well what I was going to say is we've also got others out there who are putting out information that people need to be aware of basically beware of because you and I know them to be disinformers in the cointelpro camp.
Sherry: Yeah, because we've been personal targets for years.
Larry: Right and it's important to kind of separate this because these lies and liars are propping each other up and I really want to set the stage, so people can see just how many of them out there that there are.
Sherry: There is very many, I mean we've been friends for what maybe two or three years now, I don't remember. Two, three, four years?
Larry: It's interesting being friends with somebody on the internet, it's amazing how much stuff you can stir up and how much you can influence.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: to who are liars.
Sherry: Yeah and we've seen so many people come up as patriots and then just unravel before your eyes themselves to reveal themselves who they are what they are and who they're working for.
Larry: Yeah, the lot the way you can tell is who they align with.
Sherry: Yeah, their alignments their friends.
Larry: It's very interesting, I'm sitting here looking at a link here at, where apparently Alex Jones interviewed Tom Flocco on Friday, Friday August 12. By the way you guys might want to get a pencil handy, cause I might spew out a few websites that you might want to check out. My e-mail address if you have questions on any of this is [email protected], and Sherry can tell you that I've never asked for a dime for anything I've done. Just to give you some background, I'm just a homegrown Hoosier here who like other people on the internet have been forwarding what I think are important news stories around the internet. Gradually over time I've come to pick up who the liars are and who aren't and we're still finding new ones everyday.
Sherry: You run a news list, why don't you tell everybody how they can join your news list.
Larry: Same thing send me an e-mail to [email protected].
Sherry: Or they can contact me and I'll forward the info on.
Larry: Or you can go to and the newsletters that I send out are sent to several Yahoo groups. One of them's called, LLnews has the old newsletters. there's LLnews 2 and LLnews 5. One of them got deleted but all of them are there at including some of the audio links that I hope to play here this evening. Because these people condemn themselves in their own words and with what they've done. You know I started doing this about 2000, and like I said any story that looked good, that looked important, looked like it was being covered up by the media. I like others would start forwarding. And then come 2002 one particular individual that you and I know so well, by the name of Stew Webb, he had been forwarding sensationalist type material, we thought he was one of the good little patriots. So I would forward material forward comment and let people make up their own minds. It was very interesting to watch Stew come out and attack me, threaten me with lawsuits and jail along with his buddy Barbara Hartwell, who is a self proclaimed CIA victim of mind control, who's turned out to be another CIA disinformer. Attacking people like Fritz Springmire who'd done extensive work on illuminati families. We're talking about the Bush bloodlines.
Sherry: Yeah I've got his work on my website at the watcherfiles.
Larry: Frtiz's then written a number of books on CIA mind control, illuminati bloodlines. Fritz was setup on phony bank robbery charges. They said he had no arsenal. He had an FKF and some ammo etc. The same thing happened with Mark Koernke. You look at the actions of these people verses what they say because what they say can sound good. Anyway I was asked to co-host a radio program. Mark Koernke was a Michigan patriot who had formed Michigan militia and was actually active in trying to get people to prepare to physically defend against the NWO. And if you look at who the government has gone after people, this will give you a clue as to who they really fear. Mark Koernke, Fritz Springmire, Bob Stewart, Bill Cooper and others who actively encouraged physical defence against tyrannical government. They have no qualms against fingering Israel and Zionism as part of the problem.
Anyway I was asked to Mark Koernke's show when Mark was also setup on phony bank robbery charges in Michigan and put away. He's still in a prison. It was a fed that actually pulled the bank robbery and they couldn't charge him on robbery charges. And so he was afraid for his son's life and had taken off in a car. The police rammed his car and put him in jail for endangering a police officer even though they rammed his car, and absconding. They couldn't plug him for bank robbery charges and of course the ADL condemns him you know lamentfully.
Again he was actively preparing people to defend physically against the NWO. We're not talking about the video of the month club like Alex and Joyce Wylie and others have become. (speaking together) saying the other day the government lied and infiltrated a bunch of groups and people ought to get these groups back together again. Except perhaps militias. Now I'm not in a militia I'm doing Mark's program on radio but I fully encourage their existence. The BATF was blowing up lighter trucks one year before the Oklahoma City bombing. And they turn around and as soon as the building was blown up, they turn around they say it must have been an ammonium fertilizer bomb. They staged this event to be blamed on militia groups even though Timothy McVey was thrown out after one meeting in a militia group there in Michigan. Again this was used to taint the militia movement and they were infiltrated. I fully encourage militia groups to regroup. That's the only way you are going to defend yourselves.
Sherry: Yeah, and a lot of them are. A lot of them are.
Larry: Now, back to..... you know you build your truth tower like you do a jigsaw puzzel. A piece at a time.
Sherry: Yes.
Larry: You attach one piece to another piece and another piece and if something doesn't fit, you don't have a bunch of pride attached to that, you take the puzzle piece out and you find one that does fit. Well you know over time we came to find out the Barbara Hartwell and Stew Webb were about as big a phonies as you could get. In April 2003 they both posted screeds on the internet saying that we filed a court case against George Bush. You know, new criminal NWO traitor blah blah blah blah. Well my wife happened to be a clerk for Tippekin New County. The suggestion was made to call the court in Colorado. Guess what there was absolutely no court case filed. After I put this out on the internet complete with the telephone number for people to call, saying call them yourselves. You know first we were attacked again by Stewey and Barb, Stewey and Blabs and then come July 2003 they said they filed another court case, of course this one was done in such a way, you couldn't find out any information on it. But you know the old saying, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
You and I had also seen Stewey put out a bogus restraining order trying to hush us up. And seriously folks, he put out this restraining order, telling us we were under threat of jail if we continued to attack the great Stewey.
Sherry: Yeah, at that point I didn't know who he was, I had never even talked to him and I was on this thing for stalking. And I didn't even know who he is. Had never turned to him. So it's been entertaining
Larry: He accused you of being a child beater, he accused me of being, FBI division 5 working with.... He accused us all of working for Ted Gunderson.
Sherry: Yeah now he just has me as a wannabe somewhere with Ted Gunderson and of course I've never met the man. I had him on my radio show and he missed the show he slept through it. But yeah he just puts all.. he grabs at straws and tries to put things together. It's just ridiculous. You know what who the good people are usually, is find out who he hates.
Larry: Yeah, this is a thing, lies and liars lie together and this is where I'm leading up to because we've go this story here lately that even the American Free Press has run on the basis of Blake Szymanski, sitting Thomas Hennigan, well Thomas Hennigan is the one that run with Stew Webb supposedly as president and vice president under their little ticket. Hennigan parrots Stew Webb's lies. Says he's a stock broker in California and he's got ties to the grand jury blah blah blah. Again there was a very interesting situation that happened on Genesis radio. I have audio clips here, I've played them before but it's very important for people to hear this because it sets up exactly who lied and just about everybody lied. For example here's one where Stewey had gotten on his show and he was talking about you know, the United States is going to be attacked by a million Chinese robotoids. No joke folks it's kind of like the terminator type. Well out of a few but there's no good, there's no shortage of Chinese to throw at the United States. They're funnelling through the Panama Canal and if I had good loyal Chinese robotoids I'd keep them for the inner circle. I wouldn't throw them outside, I'd keep them for the inner defense.
Sherry: Yeah well you know what floored me is that China owns Cosco and that if you were stuck on a train waiting for a train to pass, you'll see all the Cosco containers. And they've been running for years and I've heard that they're bringing in their own weapons through these containers.
Larry: Yeah and sure they could have bombs and other things, but as far as technology for... I just don't buy the robotoid thing. And this is just one bogus story out of a bunch of them that Stewey sensationalized. But anyway I knew that these guys were put up on GCN radio by John Stadtmiller, who was a friend of Mark Koernke, at least he pretended to be a friend of Mark Koernke. He later said he was glad that Mark Koernke got arrested. Stadtmiller is one of the money grabbing phony patriots. He's apparently advocating people go down to Mexico to take pictures of the illegal immigrants coming over. Like that's going to do a lot of good folks, take pictures.
Sherry: You don't have to go down to Mexico you can sit at our border.
Larry: And the minute men have had very good success with this but notice that the ones that are put up before millions, you know Alex Jones and Joyce and some of these others put on George Noory and others. They don't seem to advocate standing your ground. They don't advocate physical defense against the NWO when the NWO is coming to take you to FEMA camps and kill you. You have every right according to the bible to defend yourself and screw these guys who would block someplace.
Sherry: Actually you are commanded to defend yourself.
Larry: Yes you are.
Sherry: And people take the passive position of sitting back and doing nothing because the churches have lulled them to sleep thinking that they can't defend themselves because you're supposed to lay over and die. And that is not true.
Larry: I'll be glad to play this clip here because this is important. At the time I was doing Mark Koernke's show on Genesis and I knew that Stewey and Blabs were coming up and I had warned the owner Ted Anderson and Stadtmiller and Alex that these guys were on air soliciting money for a court case that they had never filed. Now that's called fraud and they didn't want to hear it. So when I knew that they were coming up and I knew that Hartwell had had a history of attacking Fritz Springmire because he had good information on the CIA mind control and she was trying to smoke screen it. I wanted to alert the listeners there. Listen to how quick Alex jumps on this and tries to spin this folks, and then I'll tell you what happened here. Okay here we go maybe I'll have to adjust the volume.
(clip) Alex: Indiana, Larry you're on the air, go ahead.
Larry: Alex I heard you talking about Craig Robert yesterday and I think that was a very good topic. You know some might consider that (unclear) important to know that you do have to something even if the odds look like they're against you. The way I read the bible though we may not win this especially if we don't wake up enough people up. You got to know even though the odd are against you, you've still go to defend your family, you're still have to try because you are going to answer for what you do. I also wanted to thank you for staying pretty much on topic, there's a lot of hosts that are budding topics of aliens and you know a million Chinese robotoids coming across the air and it's important to maintain credibility enough, and not make patriots look like idiots through these kind of topics that are getting out.
Alex: Well that's done to discredit wider topics to mix things in that can't be proven.
Larry: Okay that wasn't the one where I called in but that was setting this up. I believe this is a clip where I called in.
Alex: You're on the air go ahead.
Larry: Yes, your offer to disagree with you on something still open Alex?
Alex: Sure it is, go ahead.
Larry: Okay. I agree with you about that rat poison being partial truth mixed with lies. I agree with you that Fritz Springmire is a good guy who had (unclear) put out on mind control and illuminati. I agree that plugging that a million Chinese robotoids are smoke screens for larger topics. So is it a bad thing to point out that we shouldn't be listening to people perpetrating these things, like Stew Webb is going to do on Jeremy Floyd's show.
Alex: You know something. We've got the NWO to fight..
Larry: They are the NWO Alex.
Alex: and I not going to have, I'm not going to have people stir up stuff on my show against this radio network. I've got the NWO to fight. I don't sit here..
Larry: They are the NWO Alex.
Alex: Let me assure you that that network is not the NWO and
Larry: Barbara Hartwell CIA is not the NWO?
Alex: Who?
Larry: Jeremy Floyd is going to have Stew Webb with Barbara Hartwell who is CIA cutting down Fritz Springmire spreading disinformation this evening.
Alex: No that's... I'm listenin to it. I'll call in and disagree with him and I appreciate your call Larry. Look folks, I'm not going to sit here. This show's been successful. I've got legislation, legislation with your help defeated (unclear) locally. We've been able to defeat the Bill of...
Larry: He goes on blah blah blah to site local resolutions against the Patriot Act as if these pieces of paper are going to mean a damn thing when the troops come in with guns to take over your counties etc.
Sherry: Right.
Larry: He talks about getting talk show hosts on etc. And the guy is opposed to physically resisting the NWO, "Buy my videos and buy my books but by golly don't actually physically resist them. You don't want to go there." It's coming they're backing us into a wall, and people aren't prepared. That was what Mark Koernke was actually doing, which is why he was an actual threat to the globalist. That's why they put him in jail. There's a big difference here between these guys. Now it's interesting what happened here. Stewey and Blabs came up on Jeremy Floyd's show and Alex did call in. And he booted them both of the air. He told them not to.. you know to get them off the air. Floyd was stopped at that point, as a matter of fact that weekend that show was no longer there. But interestingly enough neither was Mark Koernke's show which we were doing. Now bare in mind Stadtmiller was running one called the National Intelligence Report. We were running Mark's show which was always called the Intelligence Report. Mark started republic radio which then became... was usurped by Genesis Radio, and it was very interesting how this was maneuvered to get us off the air because we were exposing how the Zionists benefitted and participated in 911. And Alex always stomped on any listener that called in and mentioned that. Michael Trudo who had a big stake in Genesis, he was a very pro Zionist individual. Reportedly Morlyn Maddicks was also a co-owner of Genesis. Genesis was affiliated with ABC and now was overtly controlled by ABC. A caller into the power hour said warning them they're going mainstream and Alex said to the caller no we're not.
Well go to take a look at the schedule now folks. It looks pretty mainstream to me. So here's a guy who says he never lies, who lies. Again his definition of rat poison is 95% truth and 5% mixed in with lies to get you to buy the lie. He fits his own definition. How are these people able to jet around the country to appear on George Noory you know when animal rights activists are banned from flight. Now I want to play you a little clip of Stewey so you can get the flavor of this freak. Him attacking Sherry, myself, Don Boettcher the co-host with myself on the intel report. Nancy Koernke wife of Mark who is now jailed political prisoner. And understand the flavor of this guy he makes a bunch of accusations but he never backs them up. And the purpose of this is, is we get this Bush indictment story which is supposedly sited by Tom Hennigan and others. They're really propping these guys up on something called Truth Radio which has got almost all the liars on it now. Rick Stanley, Jeremy Floyd and others being propped up by another liar, Sherman Skolnick. You know these guys give you partial truth mixed with lies. But in order to put Stewey up, you either have to be incredibly stupid or pushing an alternative agenda. Here's a sample of Stewey..
(audio clip) Stew Webb: Ted Gunderson, Tom Gaul, Brenda Nigery, Tim White, Larry Lawson, Doug Mollan, Keneth Adachi, Sherry Shriner, Don Boettcher, Nancy Koernke, Virginia McCall and Pam Schuffert. These are the one that are hooked up with Ted Gunderson. Everytime that they start coming out of the woodwork, you can tell because I mean believe me I've been a target of every one of them. I know what I'm talking about and I've got the (unclear) in the evidence. That Gunderson's on the payroll of the BCF, Nidery's on the payroll of the BCF, Tim White's on the payroll of the FBI in Denver. Larry Lawson he's a mind control of the BCF. Doug Moores on the FBI payroll of San Fransisco, Kenith Adachi I don't know who's payroll yet he's on I just know he's liked a lot of Ted Gunderson's spin stories and Sherry Shriner along with him. Now all of a sudden we've got talk show host Don Boettcher, Nancy Koernke and Virginia McCall a reporter are all jumping in the bandwagon. These spin doctors forum and I find that kind of ironic. Troubles me a lot. And I tell you, I haven't been happy in the past with Nancy Koernke because Nancy stuck me up on a show that I was supposed to be against. Then made it look like I was cowering for credibility purposes of her show. And maybe for ten minutes, I did some preshoots which she had done. Now that was over a year and a half ago and I said I'd never do another show again with the woman because she wasn't credible. So anyway I'll leave it at that.
Larry: Come through pretty good?
Sherry: Yeah. He just throws that out of this garbage, "because I know what I'm talking about." Apparently he doesn't.
Larry: The problem is that Thomas Hennigan which is his buddy parrots what Stewey says. Now he says I'm a mind control BCF and his material on his website says I work with some guy McKane down in Florida.
Sherry: Well Brenda Nigrey works with the airline out in California.
Larry: Yeah a TSA and she's a flake and a half too. A lot of these.... there's a lot of smoke out there folks. There's a lot of smoke. A lot of them banter back and forth to make it look like there's some sort of real argument just like the republicans and the democrats banter back and forth.
Sherry: Yeah and the only we bring it up is because, it's just to show that the real people are constantly attacked by these idiots being you and me and others that are mentioned are constantly under attack by these people. They don't even come in contact with them. I don't. I'm but forever under attack by them.
Larry: It's very interesting Linda Kennedy just sent out a very interesting read and I just posted this, it's called "The Bolsheviks are coming". It's a very lengthy post. You can find that, I have to find the link on that.
Sherry: We're going to have to take a break here.
Larry: All right.
Sherry: What we're going to do is take a break for the top of the hour and come back in about five minutes. So we'll just stay on the line. Okay but you'll be live we'll take about a five minute break. Folks and so we'll be back in about five minutes. We're going to pick up where we left off with Larry Lawson as my guest tonight. So we'll see you back in about five minutes.
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
August 15, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 15 August 2005 - 1st hour
And hello everybody and welcome to the show, I'm Sherry Shriner. I announced on my blogger this morning a new website I'm putting up, so for those who think there's a conspiracy behind why I have so many websites, you know you can eat your hearts out, I'm putting up another one. This one will focus on audios, and it's the only thing that's going to be on this site, mp3 formatted audios. Audios I have on my sites I formally made all of my articles translated from text to audio. The link to my radio archives. I'm going to be doing some Bible books, such as Enoch and others in audio format. And this is a ministry to reach out to those who can't read English very well, for those who can't read very well for one reason or another or would just rather listen, while driving their cars because they don't have time to read. So this is something I've been working on and it should be up some time tonight or tomorrow. I've been uploading files all day long and it's taken time to get all these audio files uploaded. It's just gone on and on and on, the site might not even be up till tomorrow. I'm not even half way done and I've been uploading all day. And I don't know if any of you got DSL but it's just crazy. It'll tell you, you have four minutes left, and you look away for two seconds and you look back and it's up to two hours or something. You can't get a steady connection. I can't and so it's just crazy, and so I've been uploading files all day long.
You know earlier this year, and it's hard to believe that now when I look back... It's the middle of August now, and celebrating the one year anniversary of this show. It started a year ago this month. Back in January and February, maybe it was even March, my first book came out. "Bible Codes Revealed, The Coming UFO invasion", and then this guy sent me an e-mail, and he asked me, he goes, "I contacted your publisher, they said no, because I know this sounds crazy, but would you send me your entire manuscript via e-mail, as an attachment." And what he wanted to do was take all of the chapters and convert it to audio, so he could listen to it while he was driving to work. And so he sent me copies of all the files back then, of course they're buried in myYahoo gigs of mail space, I've got 60% of it, I've got over 6000 e-mails sitting in their, so they've been sitting in my e-mails.
And recently, about a month ago, he contacted me again, and I never though about it much back then, just went a head and gave him the manuscript, so he could do that. He contacts me again and want's the manuscript again (latest book) so he could convert it all to audio files. And so this time what I did was, you know it just hit me, you know we talked back and forth. And this is such a ministry to people, to be able to listen to audios instead of having to sit and read. And so he's putting up a website, he's doing his own, he's going to be doing a lot of his own translating things from text to audio for people and I'm going to do the same, offering the same thing from my stuff.
And the website will be at Nothing there yet, but hopefully tonight or tomorrow. If you go to, I'll announce it on my blogger, you'll be able to start listening to all of my stuff instead of reading it.
Tonight Larry Lawson is back. We're going to pick up where we left off last week and talk about what's going on with the NWO, Zionism and the Bush White House, and he will be calling in at about 8:30 pm.
I do have two people transcribing shows now. A lady here in the States I think but I haven't heard back from her in regards to one of them she was transcribing. And also a listener in Israel, Simon Keen, who has been busy transcribing these shows, people can read them instead of having to listen to them. And this a real ministry for those who can't hear or access the shows on line. You know it takes an incredible lot of work to transcribe two hours of talking. So I really appreciate Simon standing up and stepping in to get the work done. You know he's a real warrior for Yahweh in Israel, and like I've said many times this show is global, literally over 130 countries listening at any time. Over 140 to 150 countries visiting my websites, downloading the archives, and so I really appreciate that.
I got some cartoons in the mail today from a listener in Nicaragua. They're pretty funny and he hand-drew these himself, an artist cartoonist, and I'm going to try to scan those on the computer. I really don't know anything about my scanner, the only thing I use is my printer, so I might try to do that. I really enjoyed hearing from him from all the way out in Nicaragua.
I've heard from missionaries in New Zealand, I can't even pronounce their names, but I've gotten their letters. I appreciate hearing from them. Africa, Australia, Canada, Central and South America, just people everywhere. And you know what, I get e-mails and I get letters in the mail, people that send letters to my post office box. And I make a terrible pen pal. I just don't ever sit down and write or type letters out, but I do read everything that's sent to me. Don't always get back to people and it's not that I'm rude or not reading everything that's sent in, it's just that I don't always respond. And it could be a flaw, I don't know I'm just so swampled and stuff. But I do appreciate reading things people send in.
I've got a friend out in Minnesota that writes and sends in tracts and cartoons and stuff she pulls out of the paper. And so I hear from people all over, I really have a lot of fun with that, I really appreciate that. Sometimes the Lord will have somebody send me something that makes me laugh you know whatever. You know I having a good time doing this, it's been a year now.
I'm no longer doing "Aliens in the News" on Tuesdays. I've stopped doing that show. So I'll just be doing this show here on Monday nights. So I'm not going to get into that but I've just stopped doing the show and so that's all I'm going to say about that for now.
Was reading this thing from Kelly McGinley in and she sent something out about what's going on this month, out in the Bohemian Grove in California. And I wanted to go through that. This month 2,500 world leaders met in the Russian River in Sonoma Valley in California. There's a 2,700 acre retreat there called the Bohemian Grove. It was founded in 1872 and it's main use is a yearly gathering of all the elite . It's like an all male San Fransisco Club. Other groups include Pacific Union and Olympic clubs. The membership there includes every republican president and some democrats since 1923, cabinet officals, CEOs of large corporations, media mogules and leaders of major financial institutions including the Federal Reserve are all invited. Amongst some of the members, prestigious members there, George Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Thomas Watson Jr., IBM, Philip Hawley, William Casey CIA, Ralph Bailey Dupont, AW Clausen worldbank, Walter Cronkite, William F Buckley, many from the current Bush administration, such as Tom Ridge, Collin Powel, Donald Rumsfeld, have been seen entering the Grove. Bill Clinton's been there, Arnold Swarchenegger. Rumors have it that Prince Charles and Yasser Arafat have been on the guest list there.
And so this is pretty much a who's who kind of club that meets out in San Fransisco in the Sonoma Valley several times a year. Of course August being the main the time of the year. And what they do is that, you know what goes on here besides the meeting of a lot of secret societies and men that belong to secret societies. And I've done a Bible code on Bohemian Grove. And George Bush Sr. is really one of the headmasters of this Grove. He helps run this Grove. But what they do is all occultic and it's, you know they do a lot of bizzar rituals there. Satanic ceremonies occur there. They have their opening ceremony which is called "Cremation of Care" and it includes a high priest and pallbearers in bright red hoods and flowing black robes. They carry a coffin with a skeleton which is burned, representing the killing of the cares of this world. And all of this occurs at the feet of a giant sized owl.
This bizzar ritual can be seen at Alex Jones' website. You can go to or And he's a reporter that snuck into this Grove years ago and took video of it. Throughout the years there's been several slip ups by some major people. Nixon once allegedly recorded as saying he had attended and it was the most... I'm not going to repeat what he said about it, but one of the most probably effeminate places you could imagine. Rumsfeld once spoke of it in a speech he gave at the Hudson Institute. And the media's helped to keep it secret. The major media does not report about the Bohemian Grove even though every year, hundreds and even thousands of protestors and spies enter the place protest outside of it. The gathering of the world's lizards if you ask me. The gathering of the world's elite, the gathering of the world's lizards. These alien hybrids. And they try to keep it secret. George W. Bush Jr. when asked about it said that he had joined a secret society when he was at Yale in his senior year, but then he wouldn't talk anymore about it. We know John Kerry, Skull and Bonesman, Skull and Bonesman are all involved with the Bohemian Grove that I know of.
More stuff that takes place there, policy being made there. Usually presidential candidates are being discussed there. Who's going to be running in the next election. And this is like an american side of the Bilderberg convention, where the Bilderbergers get a meeting every year in Europe and meet and decide what's going to happen over the next year, what policies are going to be implemented. This is the same kind of things that they meet in this Bohemian Grove and they have these satanic rituals in front of this huge owl. Another name for this owl is Molech. The word itself Bohemian means someone who leads a loose and unsettled life. In the witchcraft books an owl represents wisdom and death. In the Scriptures, God calls for all of the groves to be cut down because of what took place in them. The most notorious events that took place in groves involve sodomy, and of course one of the most things talked about the go on at the Bohemian Grove in San Francisco obviously, is all of the sodomy, the pedophilia, the homosexuality that takes place.
Deuteronomy 12:3 states, "and you shall overthrow their altars and break their pillars and burn their groves with fire. And you shall cut down the graven images of their gods and destroy the names out of that place." You know so it's hard to imagine that leaders from around the world participate in such bizzare rituals, but they do folks. They do and the Bohemian Grove is just one of their places. We know that they have a castle out in Colorado that they meet at once a year as well where they sacrifice an infant. And you know I've been saying over and over again on this show, that these people are leading our world governments and our governments are Satanic. You know they claim to be Christian and they talk about religion, they talk God but they are clearly Satanic, they worship Satan.
And I've brought up before about what their real bloodlines are. You know the fact that these illuminati families that run the NWO that the Bushes are trying to permit here, and they're knee deep in it. They're not even 100% pure human. They're Caananite seed and the thing about a lot of these NWO is they know who they are, they just twist everything. You know they will talk about being sons of Cain. They know who they are but to them the sons of Cain are the elite. To them anybody else is not worthy of being anything but slaves. And so they just twist everything. And so I talk about that a lot on my site, serpant seedlines, the serpant and the illuminati. I have several articles there as well.
I wanted to get into a little bit about what's been going on with generals lately. Two generals lately been fired. And I talked about this on my blogger a little bit. I want to backtrack a little bit, because I remember I talked to Larry two weeks ago and told him I had read on line about Chicago police allegedly catching four British MI6 agents on July 18 attempting to blow up the Dirkson Federal building where the grand jury is convened. And shortly afterward now you're hearing all this stuff about the federal prosecutor going to be fired by Bush. Or that indictments were handed down against Bush and Cheney. I'm going to talk a little bit about that tonight, get into that. We got in that a little bit last week. And we know that one of things that has come out is that these live drills have been their excuse to carry out attacks. And we had always known that there was a connection, thanks to all the people who have put a lot of hard work and investigation work into 911.
One of the early things that had come out in the state out is that on 911, the morning of 911, there was a drill, about planes being crashed into the world trade towers. There was a drill that day that our government was participating in. And of course we know on that day planes crashed into the world trade towers. And so the door's kind of opening up to where you can see that when the say a drill is taking place, they're using it as a backdoor entrance to really implement a live drill. And so apparently this one general was trying to stop it from happening. And so what they did, they slapped sex charges on him and fired him. It's like I said in my blogger you know, they do bank robbery charges on patriots and it wouldn't be too hard for anybody to believe there's a sex scam in the military.
But what they're doing here is going after generals because this general was clearly trying to stop any kind of attack. The latest drill being that there would be a ship coming in to South Carolina, and a nuke bomb would be on it. And then it would be planted in a city somewhere and be blown up. The blast's a trial then. Apparently they found out that this drill was going to go live. And so this general tried to stop it from happening. You know these are real patriots standing up for America against Bush and their wanabe terrorism here. They plan no end for terrorism here. They were the ones behind 911, they were the ones behind Oklahoma City bombings. They set up patsies to take the fall, and then they scream terrorism, safety and security and pass draconian legislations to tighten the noose around the necks of Americans to take our freedoms away, take our liberties away, take our constitution away. And so it's never ending. You know they change tactics, the change ways of doing it. That's a report that came out that I was looking at.
Apparently Dick Cheney has given orders to immediately invade Iran after the next terror attack in the US even if there's no evidence Iran is involved. And so the standing orders out there. No matter what happens here in the United States, Iran is to be attacked whether they're involved or not. And of course you're not going to hear about this in the mainstream media. But they do have his orders, I mean people from intelligence communities have been releasing this stuff on the internet. They really want Iran. The want to get into Iran. It's not necessarily us it's the zionists running our government, the neocons. They're letting them have their way. And so a lot of people expecting a terror attack on our soil this month. Probably anytime in the dates 20th - 29th. I've seen about five or six dates people are plastering around. It would be on this date, it would be on that date, it will be on the 18th because they missed the 9th and the occult freaks do everything by numbers.
And so two to three weeks left. I really don't know if the going to, if they're going to be successful in doing anything here. I've looked in the codes. Bush assassination code is still strong for this month and next month. I'm not going to get in to the details of how they do it, because why should I help them out. If they're going to do it, then let them do it. At this point I don't even care because at this point it doesn't matter which faction is running this country, they're sold out to Satan. Even with some of these real patriots standing up against the Bushites and the criminals and Nazis running our government, it just doesn't look like much of a chance for America to be restored at this point, because those who will come on charge, you get rid of some criminals and you end up with more. And the Christians are always the ones in the center of all these factions, they're the main target to be gotten rid of. So any way you look at it, it doesn't matter who's in charge of our government, the Christians are going to be persecuted, they're going to be killed off because they're too much of a nuisance and in the way. And so let the factions fight it out, I'm not going to help them out.
We could see some fireworks here August or September. Also another thing dominant in September, is the temple mount in Israel, could see some things happening over there. So just some things to keep an eye on, keep an eye out on.
I released an article on my newslist this week, about a Drunvalo Melchizedek is his name. And Diane Cooper interviewed him. He's real New Age and he has a different spin on things. But what I thought was interesting, you know with all these things, you have to chew the grass and spit out the hay, is that he was saying that 60 million children alone have non human DNA. And it goes along with the fact of Daniel, Daniel forewarning in the last days, last days empire iron being mixed with miry clay and I know that is alien seed mixed with human seed. We've going to see a lot of hybrid contamination of human DNA. It was going to be the dominant power nation in the last days, and that's what we're seeing. So the New Agers are coming out with their info of course and their own angles. And what he calls this, is he divides three different kinds of children emerging in the world today. One being super psychic children of China, the second being the indigo children and the third being called the children of AIDS.
And what he does is he breaks it down and he talks about the super psychics of China which are just very psychic, pass every psychic test. You can turn cards over in another room and then they'll tell you what they are, and they're just very psychic, very psychic kids. And they're not just in China, apparently this type of kid has been spreading all over the world. In the US we refer to them more as indigo children. And these indigo children have also been called star children, children born with special gifts. You've seen this in the movies. Hollywood's been conditioning, X men, X men II, X men the original and these movies conditioning people, even Spy Kids, for the fact that kids have special powers and talents. And so what is it is just a bloodline just a heredity, they're half human half alien.
Another one coming out is the children of AIDS. And so these are kids that are born and tested positive for AIDS and then a year later or even several years later, they are tested again and they have no trace of AIDS or HIV. And so what they've been doing is, they've noticed that the human DNA all over the world has twenty codons turned on at all times of their own DNA. They are called codons. But a lot of these AIDS kids have 24 turned on. It's more than any other human being, and it helps these kids have a stronger immune system. So what they're doing is they're finding out that a lot of kids being born with 24 of their codons of their DNA strand being turned on instead of the normal 20.
And so I think that what their also finding now is that this is also being a phenomena that's going on with adults. It's something that's kind of new, something they're just finding out now. And I know that the New Agers have some kind of thing about changing your DNA and all this stuff, and that's exactly what it is. People are showing up all over the place born with it or not with new DNA, the 24 codons turned on instead of the 20. And so it's a mutation type of thing that's going on. So I've always been against all of this New Age dribble about you know, diet programs and meditation. And yeah yoga works in that way too, because they have a lot of these different religions and things that do to increase awareness but of course they use different terminology to hide the fact that what they're really trying to do is get humans to turn on those four extra codons in their DNA. You'll hear a lot of it in their ascension garbage dribble. Ascending to new heights, becoming more spiritually aware. They mask it with terminology.
And I've always felt that this exact reason they're doing it, is that humans become more viable for possession by aliens. Because they can walk right in, we think of it as demonic possession or evil spirits will possess a person and that does happen. But what we're looking at now is also an alien possession, where aliens can step in and possess a person. And I've referred to that before as soul scalping, where they step in and they take over a person's soul, they take over their body I guess we should say. And the person, the real person who owns that body, their soul is basically trapped at that point. Their body is being controlled by an outside being, by an alien. And sometimes they've done things where these peoples souls can be taken out of their bodies and imprisoned. They can be imprisoned in underground bases. And so I talked a little bit about that too in my article, "The Prisoners of Dulce Base", a joint human alien base in New Mexico, Dulce, New Mexico. You can read about soul scalping and what happens there. Part of the article I wrote on that too as well.
So it's happening, it's happening. You just don't want to.. the Lord created us as we are and you know, you don't need to change your DNA to become more spiritually aware. Don't fall for this New Age garbage, the doctrines that they're coming out with because it just makes you more of a candidate for alien possession. That's all it is. You're going to see a lot of this stuff coming up, everything that's come out of the New Age movement has eventually hit our churches, and what they do is mask the terminology. They hide it. They use different spiritual terms so that people don't really understand what they're really talking about.
And the New Agers are working with church leaders. You can watch five minutes of TBN and see that. If they're not working on compromise and call it unity and the Lord never told us to compromise Him or His gospel, His message. We're never to compromise with the world to get along with them for the sake of unity. The Lord brought a sword, you know not a blanket, to share the same blanket. He brought a sword, division, because we would always be outsiders. We would always be strangers to the world, those who follow the Most High. And so unity is compromise and it's a tool of Satan's for this one world religion, that he's going to bring about, this one world government.
And you have all of these church people that people respect that are going to tout it and they already are. I sat and watched this thing on TBN for five minutes the other day and right after Chuck Colson they brought on some catholic guy. Of course he didn't have on his catholic garb but his title he was a director from some catholic thing. And he was there for unity to promote unity among the churches. And so they're traveling around together at these seminars to promote unity and tolerance. And basically what they're not telling you, it's just one big compromise. So stay away from that stuff.
Another thing is this New Age stuff coming in. I'm not going to have time to get into it tonight but I will next week because Larry's going to be on in five, couple of minutes. We're going to take a break. Larry Lawson's going to be on, but I'm going to get into some of their plans. You know you can read about this Sananda. If you want to do a Google on Sananda and he has websites all over the internet. He looks like Jesus Christ of the Bible that the churches have pictures up all over the place telling people, giving people the impression that's what Jesus looks like. Most church goers know that we really don't know what He looks like, but they've adopted this picture of this long brown haired Jesus, and this is is this new age Sananda, it isn't Jesus at all. Sananda's not coming as a lookalike of the real Yahushua, the real Jesus Christ, they've just been hanging Sananda's picture all of these years.
So a lot of deceptions coming and they're going to be really good. The Lord said they would be good and they're going to be good. They are good. You know if you talk about this stuff, half the people in the churches today they think you're crazy. And so yeah the deceptions are going to be good. And their hitting all of these networks, these religious networks.
Another thing I wanted to get into forewarn people of. I received an e-mail about someone who wanted me to expose certain people on the doctrines they teach. And I'm really not going after certain people per say, I would rather expose doctrines than people. And so if you're forewarned about doctrines what are right what are wrong then you can see the people teaching and stay away from them. The Lord very rarely has me stand up and attack anybody by name and if He does, its stand up say what I have, sit back down and that's the end of it, I don't dwell on it.
Steve: Sherry.
Sherry: Yeah.
Steve: Your guest is up whenever you're ready.
Sherry: Okay. I'll have him on after the break. We'll take a break here in a minute. But what I want to do before I go on break here is just forewarn people of the Matthew 24 Scripture that says, "they will say Jesus is in the desert, Jesus is in the wilderness. He's here, he's there", and Jesus forewarns us, Yahushua forewarns us not to go. He says don't go. And so when you have all these people standing up, they're collecting groups saying that they're collecting the bride together, they're gathering the bride for the raptures. Don't go folks, don't go. The Lord does not collect His people, HE will collect His bride, HE will collect His bride. In the meantime His bride's all over the world scattered and that's the way it's going to remain until He collects them. And so no he is not collecting all of His people in groups to meet or to gather in deserts or wildernesses or even anywhere even in church or anywhere. He is not collecting His people. So a lot of people coming out with those kind of teachings that they're forming all prophet groups all watchman groups or whatever, bride groups collect bride groups. Don't fall for it, don't even listen to it. The Lord has His people scattered in highways and byways for a reason and so I'll get into more of that next week.
We're going to take a break. Between two and three minute break, and when I come back Larry Lawson's up, he's my guest tonight, and we're going to talk more about what's going on with the Bushite camp and Bohemian Grove and all that and the NWO. So we'll be back in about two to three minutes folks. We'll see you then.
And welcome back everybody. With me is Larry Lawson. Hello Larry.
Larry: Hello Sherry.
Sherry: How are you doing tonight.
Larry: Well I've got my clock set right now.
Sherry: A few problems last week folks, namely Larry's memory (joking).
Larry: Well I blame the Hoosher politicians here, they've never got the settings of the times right here in Indiana, so we're always confused as to..
Sherry: Right that state's always a mess.
Larry: Yes.
Sherry: I mean even for a time Ohio and Indiana are on the same time for a while there, then it switches all back again to crazyness. I couldn't live on that time schedule over there.
Larry: You had mentioned earlier, I was listening to you a little bit about the incidence there in Chicago that have been reported by various people.
Sherry: Yeah I sent you that. Did you see that I forwarded it to you. I finally found one of them.
Larry: There's a lot of smoke screen and disinformation out there, it's very difficult to know what is what.
Sherry: That is something about the MI6 that had been captured in Chicago. That came out of the New Age camp originally.
Larry: Well what I was going to say is we've also got others out there who are putting out information that people need to be aware of basically beware of because you and I know them to be disinformers in the cointelpro camp.
Sherry: Yeah, because we've been personal targets for years.
Larry: Right and it's important to kind of separate this because these lies and liars are propping each other up and I really want to set the stage, so people can see just how many of them out there that there are.
Sherry: There is very many, I mean we've been friends for what maybe two or three years now, I don't remember. Two, three, four years?
Larry: It's interesting being friends with somebody on the internet, it's amazing how much stuff you can stir up and how much you can influence.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: to who are liars.
Sherry: Yeah and we've seen so many people come up as patriots and then just unravel before your eyes themselves to reveal themselves who they are what they are and who they're working for.
Larry: Yeah, the lot the way you can tell is who they align with.
Sherry: Yeah, their alignments their friends.
Larry: It's very interesting, I'm sitting here looking at a link here at, where apparently Alex Jones interviewed Tom Flocco on Friday, Friday August 12. By the way you guys might want to get a pencil handy, cause I might spew out a few websites that you might want to check out. My e-mail address if you have questions on any of this is [email protected], and Sherry can tell you that I've never asked for a dime for anything I've done. Just to give you some background, I'm just a homegrown Hoosier here who like other people on the internet have been forwarding what I think are important news stories around the internet. Gradually over time I've come to pick up who the liars are and who aren't and we're still finding new ones everyday.
Sherry: You run a news list, why don't you tell everybody how they can join your news list.
Larry: Same thing send me an e-mail to [email protected].
Sherry: Or they can contact me and I'll forward the info on.
Larry: Or you can go to and the newsletters that I send out are sent to several Yahoo groups. One of them's called, LLnews has the old newsletters. there's LLnews 2 and LLnews 5. One of them got deleted but all of them are there at including some of the audio links that I hope to play here this evening. Because these people condemn themselves in their own words and with what they've done. You know I started doing this about 2000, and like I said any story that looked good, that looked important, looked like it was being covered up by the media. I like others would start forwarding. And then come 2002 one particular individual that you and I know so well, by the name of Stew Webb, he had been forwarding sensationalist type material, we thought he was one of the good little patriots. So I would forward material forward comment and let people make up their own minds. It was very interesting to watch Stew come out and attack me, threaten me with lawsuits and jail along with his buddy Barbara Hartwell, who is a self proclaimed CIA victim of mind control, who's turned out to be another CIA disinformer. Attacking people like Fritz Springmire who'd done extensive work on illuminati families. We're talking about the Bush bloodlines.
Sherry: Yeah I've got his work on my website at the watcherfiles.
Larry: Frtiz's then written a number of books on CIA mind control, illuminati bloodlines. Fritz was setup on phony bank robbery charges. They said he had no arsenal. He had an FKF and some ammo etc. The same thing happened with Mark Koernke. You look at the actions of these people verses what they say because what they say can sound good. Anyway I was asked to co-host a radio program. Mark Koernke was a Michigan patriot who had formed Michigan militia and was actually active in trying to get people to prepare to physically defend against the NWO. And if you look at who the government has gone after people, this will give you a clue as to who they really fear. Mark Koernke, Fritz Springmire, Bob Stewart, Bill Cooper and others who actively encouraged physical defence against tyrannical government. They have no qualms against fingering Israel and Zionism as part of the problem.
Anyway I was asked to Mark Koernke's show when Mark was also setup on phony bank robbery charges in Michigan and put away. He's still in a prison. It was a fed that actually pulled the bank robbery and they couldn't charge him on robbery charges. And so he was afraid for his son's life and had taken off in a car. The police rammed his car and put him in jail for endangering a police officer even though they rammed his car, and absconding. They couldn't plug him for bank robbery charges and of course the ADL condemns him you know lamentfully.
Again he was actively preparing people to defend physically against the NWO. We're not talking about the video of the month club like Alex and Joyce Wylie and others have become. (speaking together) saying the other day the government lied and infiltrated a bunch of groups and people ought to get these groups back together again. Except perhaps militias. Now I'm not in a militia I'm doing Mark's program on radio but I fully encourage their existence. The BATF was blowing up lighter trucks one year before the Oklahoma City bombing. And they turn around and as soon as the building was blown up, they turn around they say it must have been an ammonium fertilizer bomb. They staged this event to be blamed on militia groups even though Timothy McVey was thrown out after one meeting in a militia group there in Michigan. Again this was used to taint the militia movement and they were infiltrated. I fully encourage militia groups to regroup. That's the only way you are going to defend yourselves.
Sherry: Yeah, and a lot of them are. A lot of them are.
Larry: Now, back to..... you know you build your truth tower like you do a jigsaw puzzel. A piece at a time.
Sherry: Yes.
Larry: You attach one piece to another piece and another piece and if something doesn't fit, you don't have a bunch of pride attached to that, you take the puzzle piece out and you find one that does fit. Well you know over time we came to find out the Barbara Hartwell and Stew Webb were about as big a phonies as you could get. In April 2003 they both posted screeds on the internet saying that we filed a court case against George Bush. You know, new criminal NWO traitor blah blah blah blah. Well my wife happened to be a clerk for Tippekin New County. The suggestion was made to call the court in Colorado. Guess what there was absolutely no court case filed. After I put this out on the internet complete with the telephone number for people to call, saying call them yourselves. You know first we were attacked again by Stewey and Barb, Stewey and Blabs and then come July 2003 they said they filed another court case, of course this one was done in such a way, you couldn't find out any information on it. But you know the old saying, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
You and I had also seen Stewey put out a bogus restraining order trying to hush us up. And seriously folks, he put out this restraining order, telling us we were under threat of jail if we continued to attack the great Stewey.
Sherry: Yeah, at that point I didn't know who he was, I had never even talked to him and I was on this thing for stalking. And I didn't even know who he is. Had never turned to him. So it's been entertaining
Larry: He accused you of being a child beater, he accused me of being, FBI division 5 working with.... He accused us all of working for Ted Gunderson.
Sherry: Yeah now he just has me as a wannabe somewhere with Ted Gunderson and of course I've never met the man. I had him on my radio show and he missed the show he slept through it. But yeah he just puts all.. he grabs at straws and tries to put things together. It's just ridiculous. You know what who the good people are usually, is find out who he hates.
Larry: Yeah, this is a thing, lies and liars lie together and this is where I'm leading up to because we've go this story here lately that even the American Free Press has run on the basis of Blake Szymanski, sitting Thomas Hennigan, well Thomas Hennigan is the one that run with Stew Webb supposedly as president and vice president under their little ticket. Hennigan parrots Stew Webb's lies. Says he's a stock broker in California and he's got ties to the grand jury blah blah blah. Again there was a very interesting situation that happened on Genesis radio. I have audio clips here, I've played them before but it's very important for people to hear this because it sets up exactly who lied and just about everybody lied. For example here's one where Stewey had gotten on his show and he was talking about you know, the United States is going to be attacked by a million Chinese robotoids. No joke folks it's kind of like the terminator type. Well out of a few but there's no good, there's no shortage of Chinese to throw at the United States. They're funnelling through the Panama Canal and if I had good loyal Chinese robotoids I'd keep them for the inner circle. I wouldn't throw them outside, I'd keep them for the inner defense.
Sherry: Yeah well you know what floored me is that China owns Cosco and that if you were stuck on a train waiting for a train to pass, you'll see all the Cosco containers. And they've been running for years and I've heard that they're bringing in their own weapons through these containers.
Larry: Yeah and sure they could have bombs and other things, but as far as technology for... I just don't buy the robotoid thing. And this is just one bogus story out of a bunch of them that Stewey sensationalized. But anyway I knew that these guys were put up on GCN radio by John Stadtmiller, who was a friend of Mark Koernke, at least he pretended to be a friend of Mark Koernke. He later said he was glad that Mark Koernke got arrested. Stadtmiller is one of the money grabbing phony patriots. He's apparently advocating people go down to Mexico to take pictures of the illegal immigrants coming over. Like that's going to do a lot of good folks, take pictures.
Sherry: You don't have to go down to Mexico you can sit at our border.
Larry: And the minute men have had very good success with this but notice that the ones that are put up before millions, you know Alex Jones and Joyce and some of these others put on George Noory and others. They don't seem to advocate standing your ground. They don't advocate physical defense against the NWO when the NWO is coming to take you to FEMA camps and kill you. You have every right according to the bible to defend yourself and screw these guys who would block someplace.
Sherry: Actually you are commanded to defend yourself.
Larry: Yes you are.
Sherry: And people take the passive position of sitting back and doing nothing because the churches have lulled them to sleep thinking that they can't defend themselves because you're supposed to lay over and die. And that is not true.
Larry: I'll be glad to play this clip here because this is important. At the time I was doing Mark Koernke's show on Genesis and I knew that Stewey and Blabs were coming up and I had warned the owner Ted Anderson and Stadtmiller and Alex that these guys were on air soliciting money for a court case that they had never filed. Now that's called fraud and they didn't want to hear it. So when I knew that they were coming up and I knew that Hartwell had had a history of attacking Fritz Springmire because he had good information on the CIA mind control and she was trying to smoke screen it. I wanted to alert the listeners there. Listen to how quick Alex jumps on this and tries to spin this folks, and then I'll tell you what happened here. Okay here we go maybe I'll have to adjust the volume.
(clip) Alex: Indiana, Larry you're on the air, go ahead.
Larry: Alex I heard you talking about Craig Robert yesterday and I think that was a very good topic. You know some might consider that (unclear) important to know that you do have to something even if the odds look like they're against you. The way I read the bible though we may not win this especially if we don't wake up enough people up. You got to know even though the odd are against you, you've still go to defend your family, you're still have to try because you are going to answer for what you do. I also wanted to thank you for staying pretty much on topic, there's a lot of hosts that are budding topics of aliens and you know a million Chinese robotoids coming across the air and it's important to maintain credibility enough, and not make patriots look like idiots through these kind of topics that are getting out.
Alex: Well that's done to discredit wider topics to mix things in that can't be proven.
Larry: Okay that wasn't the one where I called in but that was setting this up. I believe this is a clip where I called in.
Alex: You're on the air go ahead.
Larry: Yes, your offer to disagree with you on something still open Alex?
Alex: Sure it is, go ahead.
Larry: Okay. I agree with you about that rat poison being partial truth mixed with lies. I agree with you that Fritz Springmire is a good guy who had (unclear) put out on mind control and illuminati. I agree that plugging that a million Chinese robotoids are smoke screens for larger topics. So is it a bad thing to point out that we shouldn't be listening to people perpetrating these things, like Stew Webb is going to do on Jeremy Floyd's show.
Alex: You know something. We've got the NWO to fight..
Larry: They are the NWO Alex.
Alex: and I not going to have, I'm not going to have people stir up stuff on my show against this radio network. I've got the NWO to fight. I don't sit here..
Larry: They are the NWO Alex.
Alex: Let me assure you that that network is not the NWO and
Larry: Barbara Hartwell CIA is not the NWO?
Alex: Who?
Larry: Jeremy Floyd is going to have Stew Webb with Barbara Hartwell who is CIA cutting down Fritz Springmire spreading disinformation this evening.
Alex: No that's... I'm listenin to it. I'll call in and disagree with him and I appreciate your call Larry. Look folks, I'm not going to sit here. This show's been successful. I've got legislation, legislation with your help defeated (unclear) locally. We've been able to defeat the Bill of...
Larry: He goes on blah blah blah to site local resolutions against the Patriot Act as if these pieces of paper are going to mean a damn thing when the troops come in with guns to take over your counties etc.
Sherry: Right.
Larry: He talks about getting talk show hosts on etc. And the guy is opposed to physically resisting the NWO, "Buy my videos and buy my books but by golly don't actually physically resist them. You don't want to go there." It's coming they're backing us into a wall, and people aren't prepared. That was what Mark Koernke was actually doing, which is why he was an actual threat to the globalist. That's why they put him in jail. There's a big difference here between these guys. Now it's interesting what happened here. Stewey and Blabs came up on Jeremy Floyd's show and Alex did call in. And he booted them both of the air. He told them not to.. you know to get them off the air. Floyd was stopped at that point, as a matter of fact that weekend that show was no longer there. But interestingly enough neither was Mark Koernke's show which we were doing. Now bare in mind Stadtmiller was running one called the National Intelligence Report. We were running Mark's show which was always called the Intelligence Report. Mark started republic radio which then became... was usurped by Genesis Radio, and it was very interesting how this was maneuvered to get us off the air because we were exposing how the Zionists benefitted and participated in 911. And Alex always stomped on any listener that called in and mentioned that. Michael Trudo who had a big stake in Genesis, he was a very pro Zionist individual. Reportedly Morlyn Maddicks was also a co-owner of Genesis. Genesis was affiliated with ABC and now was overtly controlled by ABC. A caller into the power hour said warning them they're going mainstream and Alex said to the caller no we're not.
Well go to take a look at the schedule now folks. It looks pretty mainstream to me. So here's a guy who says he never lies, who lies. Again his definition of rat poison is 95% truth and 5% mixed in with lies to get you to buy the lie. He fits his own definition. How are these people able to jet around the country to appear on George Noory you know when animal rights activists are banned from flight. Now I want to play you a little clip of Stewey so you can get the flavor of this freak. Him attacking Sherry, myself, Don Boettcher the co-host with myself on the intel report. Nancy Koernke wife of Mark who is now jailed political prisoner. And understand the flavor of this guy he makes a bunch of accusations but he never backs them up. And the purpose of this is, is we get this Bush indictment story which is supposedly sited by Tom Hennigan and others. They're really propping these guys up on something called Truth Radio which has got almost all the liars on it now. Rick Stanley, Jeremy Floyd and others being propped up by another liar, Sherman Skolnick. You know these guys give you partial truth mixed with lies. But in order to put Stewey up, you either have to be incredibly stupid or pushing an alternative agenda. Here's a sample of Stewey..
(audio clip) Stew Webb: Ted Gunderson, Tom Gaul, Brenda Nigery, Tim White, Larry Lawson, Doug Mollan, Keneth Adachi, Sherry Shriner, Don Boettcher, Nancy Koernke, Virginia McCall and Pam Schuffert. These are the one that are hooked up with Ted Gunderson. Everytime that they start coming out of the woodwork, you can tell because I mean believe me I've been a target of every one of them. I know what I'm talking about and I've got the (unclear) in the evidence. That Gunderson's on the payroll of the BCF, Nidery's on the payroll of the BCF, Tim White's on the payroll of the FBI in Denver. Larry Lawson he's a mind control of the BCF. Doug Moores on the FBI payroll of San Fransisco, Kenith Adachi I don't know who's payroll yet he's on I just know he's liked a lot of Ted Gunderson's spin stories and Sherry Shriner along with him. Now all of a sudden we've got talk show host Don Boettcher, Nancy Koernke and Virginia McCall a reporter are all jumping in the bandwagon. These spin doctors forum and I find that kind of ironic. Troubles me a lot. And I tell you, I haven't been happy in the past with Nancy Koernke because Nancy stuck me up on a show that I was supposed to be against. Then made it look like I was cowering for credibility purposes of her show. And maybe for ten minutes, I did some preshoots which she had done. Now that was over a year and a half ago and I said I'd never do another show again with the woman because she wasn't credible. So anyway I'll leave it at that.
Larry: Come through pretty good?
Sherry: Yeah. He just throws that out of this garbage, "because I know what I'm talking about." Apparently he doesn't.
Larry: The problem is that Thomas Hennigan which is his buddy parrots what Stewey says. Now he says I'm a mind control BCF and his material on his website says I work with some guy McKane down in Florida.
Sherry: Well Brenda Nigrey works with the airline out in California.
Larry: Yeah a TSA and she's a flake and a half too. A lot of these.... there's a lot of smoke out there folks. There's a lot of smoke. A lot of them banter back and forth to make it look like there's some sort of real argument just like the republicans and the democrats banter back and forth.
Sherry: Yeah and the only we bring it up is because, it's just to show that the real people are constantly attacked by these idiots being you and me and others that are mentioned are constantly under attack by these people. They don't even come in contact with them. I don't. I'm but forever under attack by them.
Larry: It's very interesting Linda Kennedy just sent out a very interesting read and I just posted this, it's called "The Bolsheviks are coming". It's a very lengthy post. You can find that, I have to find the link on that.
Sherry: We're going to have to take a break here.
Larry: All right.
Sherry: What we're going to do is take a break for the top of the hour and come back in about five minutes. So we'll just stay on the line. Okay but you'll be live we'll take about a five minute break. Folks and so we'll be back in about five minutes. We're going to pick up where we left off with Larry Lawson as my guest tonight. So we'll see you back in about five minutes.
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
August 15, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 15 August 2005 - 2nd hour
(At the beginning of the audio, during the AC DC "Hell Bells" introduction, I could hear someone speaking in the background. I picked up only a few words "..... attacking each other...... talking about one another.....this person's a government agent..............tuning in..............", but he was really rambling. - Simon).
Hello everybody welcome back to the show. That's Satan's bells ringing in the churches today. Tonight we're taking a different look, a different twist on things. Looking at the NWO patriot movement. Particularly the ones who are online. And with me is my guest Larry Lawson, long time standing American patriot, supporter of the United States constitution and what we're talking about tonight is some of these phony patriots that work the internet to spread disinformation. To work against real patriots. Welcome back to the show Larry.
Larry: Thank you. On Genesis you've also got Joyce Riley who does the Power Hour who's also giving out some truth again mixed with some disinformation. And she's been vehemently attacked by somebody named Linda Kennedy. And if you want to see some of the details that Linda Kennedy has said who has been affiliated with Joyce go to But she sent out a very interesting post this evening called "The Bolsheviks are coming". Part of this sights the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which a lot of people say this is BS, but all of them have been implemented folks.
Sherry: Yeah I have them on my site. It's one of those articles I wouldn't take down, I refused to take down, and so I got kicked out of Paypal, because that's one of the articles they wanted taken off my website. And I wouldn't bend to them.
Larry: See the thing is on Genesis, during the Intel Report, I kept pointing out how the Israelis were involved in 911, how they worship something called the Talmud which I know you talked about on your show verses the Torah. The Talmud is Satanism incarnate folks. There is a difference between Zionists and real Jews. I've got a friend in Indianapolis who's a Jew, I don't hate people of different races. I do hate the embodiment of Satanism which is in Zionism and the Talmud.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: And anyway she sited Protocol number 10, it says, "Literature and journalism are the two most important educative forces and therefore our government will become a proprietor of the majority of the journals. This will neutralize the injurious influence of the privately owned press and will put us in the possession of tremendous influence of the public mind. If we give permits for ten journals, we shall our selves found thirty and so on in the same proportion. This however must in no wise be suspected by the public for which reasons all journals published by us will be the most opposite in appearance, tendencies and opinions, thereby creating confidence in us and bringing over to us quite unsuspicious opponents who will thus fall in our trap and be rendered harmless." Like the John Birch society you know this creep John Birch has been putting out this garbage, it is a front for Zionism.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: You can't go to any of their meetings and mention Zionism you'll be tossed out. And it's very interesting folks if you examine what Cynthia Sheehan has said. She said my son died for Israel not the US, and of course that's caused the Zionist pigs in the media to squeal the loudest, because they're the ones trying to be the gatekeepers of this information, so they turn around and call her leftist liberal etc, which is a crock.
Sherry: Well one of the problems I run into is the fact of terminology itself. The church crowd confuses Zionism as supporting the Jews of the Bible. They confuse it all together.
Larry: Yeah Revelations 2:9 clearly say there's a difference. It clearly says, "I know of the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews but do lie."
Sherry: And these are the Zionists we come up against. We're not coming up against bible believing Jews. We're coming up against these ones who lie, they're Satanists, they worship Satan. They hide under the umbrella term call themselves Zionist.
Larry: They call themselves Jews, they talk about anti-semitism when they themselves for the most cases are not even semites. They are eastern European communists, Khazars, Ashkenazis and they're the most anti-semetic people around.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: They accuse others of what they do themselves. They have a history of staging terror on their enemies like the labor affair in Egypt where the Mossad was caught planting bombs to be blamed on the arabs there. They just celebrated that ten year event, by honoring those in abstentia. They haven't repented, they thought this was a good thing. Half a dozen of them were caught video taping the world trade center building coming down and laughing about it.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: The planted transmitters in Lybia to make Reagan think they was a problem there, and bombed Lybia killing Gadafi's niece. They have a history of doing these sneaky conniving slimey things. And then when we talk about it, "oh your a hateful anti semite", says the ADL and the FPLC which push homosexuality and protect Israel, who are not biblical. They're exactly the antithesis of what Jews are supposed to be.
Now continuing this tenth protocol, we've got the official organs parroting things and protecting things. "So in the front rank will stand organs of an official character, they will always stand guard of our interests and therefore their influence will be comparatively insignificant." Isn't that interesting, they'll stand guard over our interest, but most people won't pay attention to them. This is like the White House spokes people like Madeleine Albright, Ari Fleischer, Scott McClellan, Colin Powell, Condolesa Rice etc. The mouthpieces of the enemy. Geared to the big time wrestling crowd who just accepts that professional wrestling is real without question, the phony neocons.
Then it says, "In the second rank will be the semi-official organs whose part will be to attack the tepid and indifferent. These are people and organizations like CNN, Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Rilley, Ollie North, etc who will all keep you on the right left arguments devoting your attention from real issues you never even hear about in the phony news that resembles a soap opera.
Now here's the biggy folks. "In the third rank we shall set up or own to all appearance opposition which in a least one of it's organs will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents of heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards. Most of the alledged alternative news, much of the internet etc. All of our newspaper will be of all possible complexions aristocratic, republican, revolutionary even anarchial so long of course as the constitution exists." In other words, they setup their own bogus, phony, false, opposition. I've been told for a long time that Alex Jones has married Violet Nickels who is supposedly is Jewish. And he won't let anybody who calls in his show hardly talk about this Zionist issue. You can hear him grit his teeth when somebody calls in and talks about the Don Grand Deprix, I can't quite remember his name, or any others who expose these Zionists. Look what Benjamin Freedman said about Zionism. I have that post if anybody's listening. E-mail me at [email protected]. The Talmud itself extols the murder of chiristians by beheading. Go out and buy one of the dogon things. If you get these Zionist on the internet that tell you're misrepresenting it, you're misquoting it, you're putting it out of context. Read the damnable thing for yourself. It's online even. I've got a url for where this is online. You're very right to stand against this Sherry.
Sherry: ...the things I have up. I have an article on my site it's called excerpts from the Talmud, tidbits from the Talmud. And they go through it and the things that it says about Jesus, you can't say over the air. And here I'm called anti-semite for exposing this stuff when they're talking about our Messiah burning in dungs of crap in hell. And they relegate Him to levels you can't even imagine. It's a purely satanic book and by exposing it, instead of getting support for standing against it and not being bullied, Christians will come against me and say, "You should have taken those articles down". No I'm not going to allow them to claim that the Talmud is a Christian book, here's what it says, it proves otherwise.
Larry: It's very interesting I was arguing with Joyce one day because I called in, she asked me to call in and was trying to convince me they were the good guys, and Dave actually came up with the idea of doing a show on the Talmud and Joyce nixed the idea almost immediately. Linda Kennedy here in this article says, and this springs me back to the Bolsheviks and who they really were and still are today. About 30 years after this book was published in 1917, these Bolsheviks invaded and overthrew the Russian government. In the same second rank history channel documentary, the second rank admits that these Bolsheviks were communists and primarily made up of Khazar's and Ashkenazi. Although not using this particular description for these communists. They just classify themselves all as Jews even though real history and the bible differentiates between real Jews and those who claim to be Jews but are not. Revelations 2:9, "I know your afflictions and your poverty, yet you are rich. I know the slander of those who say they areJjews and are not, but are a Synogog of Satan."
Sherry: The problem with even doing the whole show on the Talmud is you can't quote from it itself because it's so horrible. You can talk about it but you can't even quote directly from it. A lot of it is just pure blasphemous, you wouldn't dare.
Larry: I mean, it basically says that adultery and paedophilia and any sexual perversion is okay for these chosenites.
Sherry: It's okay for a rabbi to have sex with a girl six years under age, six years of age.
Larry: Yeah and how does a rabbi end up getting herpes, you know giving herpes to a kid that they perform circumcision on, because they do it orally folks. These are some sick puppies.
Sherry: What they say is, it's okay for a Jewish man to steal or lie but go to a different city and do it, and do it to a gentile, don't do it to a fellow Jew. I mean this stuff's incredible, it's actually in the Talmud.
Larry: In Israel itself, the real Jews, the real Hebrew Jews are treated just like dirt, just as Christians are there.
Sherry: Yeah they are. Bible believing Jews in Israel are pretty much like the patriots are here in America. You know they don't get a say in anything, they're fighting but their voices aren't heard. They're drowned out.
Larry: Look at the immense amount of influence that they have in the Bush administration, supposedly Bush is of this ilk, and you were talking about his lineage. Look they put Mikey Chertoff who's a Zionist, a foaming at the mouth zionist. Rumsfeld is in there, Douglas Thebes and others. The FBI has literally handed down indictments on the American Israeli Political Action Committee for spying for Israel and sending classified information to them. They're trying to setup this war with Iran. Again Albert Pike and other illuminists planned three world wars from 76 back, the third to be between the political Zionists and the arabs. This is a plan of the Satanists folks, it's been in writing and of course it's confiscated by Rothschild so you can't read it in the museum where it used to be. But these are the guys that are setting this up. These Zionist gangsters, the ones that have taken our gold away and replaced it with paper. You might as well get a lot of it to burn because that's all it's going to be worth pretty soon.
Sherry: Well David Vey over at The Cutting Edge exposes a lot of that too. He reveals their plans.
Larry: He does but he even said that some people are reporting that Debka that worldnetdaily which Joey Farah, he's a big Zionist propagandist....
Sherry: Debka's Mossad run.
Larry: Yeah and he even says that and yet he sights a lot of Debka material.
Sherry: Joseph Farah, I've always seen him as a double agent, same thing disinfo.
Larry: I wanted to go back to this story of what happened with us and the Intel Report, because we were kicked off of Genesis for exposing Zionist involvement. Shortly after that happened they did a lot of spin to try and continue to say that they were the good guys. Bare in mind I called Alex and Stadtmiller and the owner Ted Anderson to tell these guys that you know they had these flaws in the network. They kicked him off the network and then we get this little clip, I want you to hear this...
(audio clip) John: ... meantime we have people who are supposedly on our side, that are supposed to be concerting all the ammunition down range to destroy the enemy, that seems fit to sit around and scratch each others eye's out. I am amazed.
Alex: Well that's really it. I mean that is really it. What is co and tell pro, stirring up fights, stirring up rumors, attacking people, telling lies (unclear). Who's affecting change? Who's getting bills thrown out. Who's getting the Patriot Act repealed in cites? Who's bringing out new talk show hosts? Who's networking and fighting and being positive? That's your patriot. Your evil people are those saying they're patriots but spewing out with ridiculous propaganda and lies. But the good news is people are not paying attention to that. They're moving forward, people know things are wrong. They know we're under attack. They don't want to hear the propaganda that's been to neutralize them and to get them to hesitate.
Larry: I'm sorry folks, again your getting resolutions passed on the local level is nice, but that piece of paper is like throwing blanks at the NWO. It's not going to stop them when they declare martial law and come in with guns and tanks. Only those that have been physically trying to prepare people to fight them back, like Bob Stewart who sold cheap 50 calibre rifle kits. The zionist findstein in California and others are trying to stop now. They set him up and imprisoned him. Only those who are prepared to physically resist are threats to the NWO. I'm sorry, Alex and John and Joyce and some of these other phonies out there, Rick Stanley and others, are not threats to the NWO. The buy my latest video. You want to buy a video, contact Nancy Koernke and get all three of Mark's "America in Peril" series videos for $30. You know that the price of one of "the video of the month" videos. How many do you need to know they're the bad guys? How many books do you need? Do you see where I'm going? Always those who are real physical threats to the NWO scare them. You know these big mouths making bucks selling the latest snake oil or whatever, they're not a threat to them.
Sherry: I don't even listen to these people.
Larry: It's important to listen to them and understand what they're saying. You know it's like I got on that government watch group and I saw that post about Bush supposedly indicted. Hey I thought that that was pretty neat. And then to my horror when I come across Thomas Hennigan's name.
Sherry: Same thing because I saw that Tom Flocco, how you pronounce his last name? And thinking wow what's this, and then when I saw Hennigan's and Webb's names, I thought forget this.
Larry: What's very interesting is what happened with regard to that story. Tom Flocco's putting it out, I immediately go to his website, well first I posted in the watch four group, this is bogus just look at the sources. I heard Joyce Riley post it, say it on her show. So I called into her show. At first I talked about how here in Indiana, we now sign an evidence log to get codex while daddy Bush can sell all the cocaine and heroin he wants. She had mentioned in Oregon that you now have to get a prescription to get codex, that's the essence of codex.
So I got that out, and then I mentioned okay this story you mentioned about Tom Flocco it is sitting a known co and tell pro fraud Hennigan whose buddy's Stew Webb. And she's I know who this is blah blah blah, attacks me and then Dave Von Kleist attacks me telling me that I don't research my stories before I put them out. Oh like they just did with this story with Flocco. Anyway I went to Tom Flocco's website and he had an open forums there where anyone can register and post. So immediately I began posting why Stew Webb and Hennigan were disinformers.
A number of back and forth banters ensued for a couple of days and all of a sudden, Flocco pulls his website from where it was and puts it in another site where you cannot post in a forums area. In other words take my word for it, nobody else is. And he said he couldn't post to his website even though the original post was made by him. He could have responded at any time. He didn't want any counter information to his propaganda on his website. So he accused his webmaster, white star a guy named Bob, of not allowing him access to his site. It's a complete crock, he lied. And look who props up these liars folks, look who's buddies with Stewey and Hartwell. Al Martin Lock, Gerald Phosby who's the other one, you know, Sherman Skolnick. He's constantly put up on cloak and dagger.
After this indecent at Genesis, we went to Truth Radio. Craig Douglas who was also a good anti-zionist, explained the story of how Republic Radio started by Mark Koernke was usurped by Genesis, and what had happened there. We then began doing some radio shows there at Truth. Well gosh gully gee here comes Jeremy Floyd over to Truth Radio, and this little information battle ensues. The owner there, a guy named Richard Palmquist lied in some e-mails and forged an e-mail address from Don Betcher, who didn't even have a computer trying to enlist me in this argument. And then he played games with the finances that were required to keep the show going there. So now you can hear the show if you go online to I'm generally on there Sundays and I'm supposed to be on there tomorrow night. 7pm - 8pm. That's Indiana time which, God knows what that it Sherry, is it central time?
Sherry: That would be, 7-8pm Indiana time, would be 8-9pm eastern.
Larry: But no good deed went unpunished at Genesis Radio. So I'm telling you folks they're hiding the... it's like an onion. There's layer after layer after layer, they don't care if you get the outer layers, as long as you don't get to the core of the onion. That's the gist, and I encourage feedback if there's any clip that you want a copy of. You know you can go to the yahoo groups, and can go to and there in the files area. You can e-mail me direct at [email protected].
Sherry: Yeah, you're one of these guys that just keeps meticulous files on everything. I don't save anything.
Larry: Well see that's the thing. My newsletters were almost also like a daily journal. If I had an interaction or conflict, it was documented there. That's why these freaks have had such problems because (talking together) they're liars.
Sherry: You probably have e-mails I wrote you three years ago saved.
Larry: If they were information I posted in the newsletters, probably.
Sherry: Yeah and....
Larry: We can grow and learn from what we've seen on the internet.
Sherry: Yeah and you can always pull back you said this two years ago, you said this three years ago. And I've seen you do it to a lot of these disinfo people to prove that they're lying and how their stories change over the time. And I've helped you uncover and expose a couple of these people, when they've come out. They always changes their handles, when one is outted, they just change a name and come back.
Larry: Yes, (talking together) Barbara Hartwell now posting under the name Sherwood Percivile. Her website's been removed.
Sherry: I've never really gotten into the whole Barbara Hartwell thing.
Larry: Well again its kind of a sideline, I try and treat it just like a sideline, but again there are people out there that believe her crap.
Sherry: She hasn't come up against me at all. So the people that just amuse me, like Stew Webb or other people, that I have to counter claim. Waste my time.
Larry: Here's an example that was important. The business between Joyce Riley and Linda Kennedy. Who's telling the truth there? Well I found it very interesting that there's a yahoo group called the Power Hour. It was anything, you know anything officially tied to them or the Power Hour, it was somebody just started this. But here comes William Louis you know police state 2000. And he's the one that did and directed the, "In Plain Sight" video that they have.
And he setup a bogus e-mail addy and pretended that, "gosh guy there's a new website out, a new yahoo group that's attacking Linda Kennedy. Check it out. " And it was him. The ip address and everything was him. He finally admitted that, but at first he denied it. You know it was a game he played and he also posted for Israel, again for the zionists. Again these are very telling red flags folks. There might be some truth in the movie, "In Plain Sight", but again what's their core agenda.
This guys consistently come out and smacked Linda Kennedy. Linda Kennedy has a series of questions.. it's like Joyce coming on the other day and said, "well do you believe I was in the military now." Well I see you in the uniform, but that wasn't what Linda Kennedy said. She said you weren't in the military during the 1991 Gulf War, and she has documents that she got under the Freedom of Information Act that supposedly proves this. Now if people can't ask questions without demonizing the messenger, I think there's a problem there. You're getting some truth, yeah, and I do listen to them, because you can tell sometimes when they're giving you truth and sometimes when it's disinformation.
It's very interesting today, this morning, that they were again talking about the Bush indict story and Dave was sitting it and Joyce said, she distanced herself away from it saying, "I haven't seen any independent confirmation of that." And that was very very interesting. So apparently they felt the heat on this. She knows what a flake Stew Webb is. But here we have Alex Jones who has Tom Flocco up on Friday, and apparently that interview's online where you can hear it. You can go to Now again I read that off kind of quick, if you need the url, e-mail me at [email protected]. I haven't listened to this yet. I was going to try and catch it and call in and mention that you know you're sitting a cointel pro perp here. But I didn't hear it, so I didn't get to do that, I just love watching Alex turn purple whenever I call in. Which he does.
Sherry: I've never even listened to his show. Not once.
Larry: Well it's very interesting.
Sherry: And I've never ever listened to a Jeff Rense show, I was a guest on there. But I've never listened to a show up until that point.
Larry: Jeff Rense also had Greg Szymanski on who, after this came out, I e-mailed Greg and I said hey the guys you are sitting Tom Hennigan here is a co and tell pro fraud. And he comes on Jeff Rense's show and says, "I completely support this source". Folks there's a problem there, if somebody won't investigate the material you're checking in, you tell them their affiliated with the government spilling out, spewing out disinformation, their either incredibly stupid or the have another agenda. Now Rick Stanley is both.
But again you also have the American Free Press who also posted Greg Szymanski's post here who's sitting Thomas Hennigan. I'm telling you folks this guy is bogus. Anybody that's going to call me, you know "a mind controlled person working for Ted Gunderson", you know it's bogus. The only time I've talked to Ted Gunderson is on the Stan Solomon show, who is a local Indiana zionist here, who now thank God is off the air. Fortunately through some of the efforts that I made. And we also had him up on the Intel Report after we moved to Truth Radio. Just to give... I'm sorry we had him up on the Intel Report at Genesis after Stewey attacked you. Just to give him a platform to respond. But you and I don't work for him do we Sherry.
Sherry: I don't even know the man.
Larry: I haven't even heard...
Sherry: That was funny saying I was stalking him because I'm a mother with four kids, I never leave my house. On the internet, I hadn't even talked to the guy. So he comes up with these outrageous sensationalist stuff. He can't prove a thing, but he will turn around and say, "I know what I'm talking about, I can prove it." Well let's see it.
Larry; Yeah, "I know what I'm talking about, they tried to kill me a millions times", give me a break, If they want to kill, you they'll kill you.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: That's why I don't buy Alex and Joyce's and some of the others, if they were real threats they'd have IRS problems, they certainly wouldn't be able to get on a plane and fly to Britain and bull-hoard parliament for crying out loud. Give me a break folks, They wouldn't be on George Noory's show talking to millions.
Sherry: I can't even get near that show, they wouldn't consider me as a guest. George Noory or Art Bell. And I've had plenty of people, probably at least one hundred, e-mail them, asking them to put me on the show, because they carbon copied me these e-mails sent in. And I'm like don't even waste your time, they won't even let me on the show it's CIA run. They own that network. I'll never see the light of day on it and I haven't.
Larry: It's tied in with this tenth protocol where they set up their own phony opposition. I knew Art Bell was a shill a long time ago. So did Joe Copper. He wrote an extensive bit on Art Bell. And this George Noory, it's good cop bad cop. And I think we're going to see a great big good cop bad cop scenario as these nukes go off and world war three is engaged. First it's going to be in the nukes, then it's going to be the aliens. They're both the bad guys, I think the aliens, the fallen angels are going to come in here and pretend to stop the nuclear war and pretend to be our saviors.
Sherry: Yeah, "We're your saviors, guess what, we created you in test tubes and we've got the test tubes to prove it." You know it's part of their plan, the illuminati to bring out old archeological digs and evidence to prove their claims.
Larry: Exactly.
Sherry: Waiting for them to pull out a test tube it's going to be hillarious. I don't know if I'll be here to see it, but...
Larry: And it's going to be one heck of a show (talking together) Project Blue Beam and other things lined up. And if you notice folks, on TV they are really pushing the alien abduction sci fi shows, as well as on history channel and others.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: They're conditioning you and getting you ready for this. Oh the governments covering it up. No it isn't, Bill Cooper's right, they're working with them.
Sherry: Bill Cooper's had a.. what happened with him is that he sent out... he wrote articles with mixed signals in them. So people are very confused about his writings. Because he comes out in one of his letters and states that it's a whole fake thing, the military's faking it, it's actually the military that's putting on these little suits and posing as aliens and all this. But then he came out later and said no that's the lie, there are really aliens. So he kind of speaks out of both sides of his mouth, because he wasn't real sure of what was going on. So people get confused by William Cooper.
Larry: Well, I think he's like a lot of us Sherry, I think he was looking for the truth.
Sherry: He was, but what he did was he came back and said I was originally wrong, this is the one. And so when you look at all of his writings together, they seem to contradict. (talking together for a few seconds)
Larry: ..agreed with me on chemtrails. They're using chemtrails for a number of purposes. They've already admitted using it for weather modification, for biological testing.
Sherry: Yeah, well you have to understand that the aliens too are also doing chemtrails. And that's why people say they're watching these planes just disappear in full view. They're looking at them one minute, and the next minute they disappear, totally disappear. Have you heard of that?
Larry: I've seen it.
Sherry: Yeah, because they're not just run by our military, by our air force. They're also a separate project being done by the aliens themselves. With their own agenda with them.
Larry: Well, I don't .... I can't really say that it was an alien. I do know they have camoflage technology too where..
Sherry: Holographs that look like airplanes. And I've seen them lose their holographic cloaks and you could see it as some kind of a drone with a large buzz to it.
Larry: I try not to talk about something, unless I actually see it. I do believe that we do have the fallen angels here. I do believe that they're interdimensional and not extra terrestrial.
Sherry: Exactly.
Larry: I just can't look up at the sky and see the big dipper and think, yeah there's all these different planets are coming from these various places. It's like the big dipper was painted there just like the bible says..
Sherry: Well the Bible talks about the pleades in orion and it talks about these different areas where they live. We know that Lucifer inhabits the heavenlies, the first and second heavens.
Larry: He's going to be thrown down here, confined here. You're not going to heaven when you die folks, there's a judgement, but it talks about by those that have done right by Christ will come back here for a thousand years. Now I happen to like material form, I don't know if I'm really ready for a spiritual existence. The idea of being back here for a thousand years is appealing, and also getting the answers to the questions that I've wanted. He say's he's not the author of confusion, but there's a lot of confusion here. And He talks in the future that the truth will go out from quote Zion. I hope to hear what the actual truth is. I'd like to see people actually made healthy through various plants and things that are feely available verses the FDA breaking into your home at 4 o'clock in the morning if you actually have a cancer cure. They're trying to screen off your vitamins and minerals.. (talking together for a few seconds)
Sherry: .. that can fix cancers.
Larry: I've got one more example here. We've got five minutes for an audio clip?
Sherry: Yeah. We've got about 20 minutes left of this show.
Larry: Okay here's one that I think is very important because I think we're going to see this. They've been gearing up for years for biological attack. But as I said chemtrails are used for 3D mapping and weather modification. They've just got a bill introduced now, to legalize weather modification. Create a department of weather modification. They're the ones that are causing the droughts.
Every time we've got a rain front coming in they'll spray ahead of, above and into the incoming rain front and dissipate the rain. That's what we're doing, that's why we have the droughts. It's kind of silly having to turn around and legalize what they're already doing. We should be able to sue them for causing the drought. What courts actually going to go against the feds. But anyway here's an example of truth hidden in plain sight. You know one of the things we seen as x-files and it's spin off the Lone Gunman. The Lone Gunman has an episode where, you know they're flying a remote controlled plane into the world trade center building which, that was aired a few months before 911.
Steve: Larry.
Larry: And the clip that they had in there, you know one of the characters gabs was talking to him about this being to increase arm sales. Fly a plane into down town Manhattan and you have a dozen (unclear) screaming to be smart bombed. It's about increasing arms sales.
Steve: Sherry.
Larry: And it was truth in plain sight.
Sherry: Yes. Hang on a second Larry. What's up Steve?
Steve: That TV show that Larry's talking about, The Lone Gunman.
Larry: Yes.
Steve: That is all out on DVD now and I picked up that episode. It is very good. People need to get that.
Larry: Didn't it send the hair up on the back of your neck?
Steve: Oh.... spooky.
Larry: It is very spooky, and I've actually got the clip where they're talking about arm sales and things here. You really ought to see that if you can folks, even if you borrow it from somebody. It's the pilot episode.
Steve: Yeah, I've got the whole series now on DVD.
Larry: How much was it?
Steve: Oh gees, 20, 30 bucks.
Larry: That's not bad. I highly recommend getting it just to show people that episode and let them know what happened a few months before 911. Chris Carter who did the Lone Gunman and X Files, you know he's buddies with the CIA there. The CIA has project mocking bird which is designed to spike, control and manipulate stories and well as introduce information for propaganda and conditioning purposes. Now I've got one here that should also send the hair up on the back of your neck. This is from X Files the movie. And this is a clip half way through where Martin Landau is talking to David Duchovny about deliberately releasing a biological agent. And you know we've heard he talk about cutting loose this flu. They're talking about mandatory vaccinations, if anything happens. If you don't take them then they're going to take all your property and all this other crap. Listen to what is said here. This is about four minutes.
(The audio ran for about 1:45 minutes. Unfortunately, it was not clear enough for me to transcribe - Simon)
Larry: Now did that come through?
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: Now folks that's exactly what these scumbags are planning. You've got history channel and others document how Rockefellers pulled a guy a body out of glacial ice to get the Spanish flu virus. Which they continually tell us is due to be released again at any time. We're due for another pandemic. There's a book out called pandemic which also does some conditioning here. They have enhanced this. They've turned around and spilled the misinformation that somebody broke into a lab and stole it, and it could go loose at any time. We've got all these mysterious viles sent off to various doctors offices and testing labs without any explanation of what they are. Some of the viles have been broken. They've simply been sent out and said, "test this, tell us what you think this is and let us know." The government is planning on deliberately releasing this.
SARS was an experimental attempt at this and it didn't work. I'm telling you, they're planning this at some point, that's why we've got the mandatory vaccination programs in place.
Sherry: I think it's the vaccinations itself that are going to hurt people.
Larry: And it could be. They're either going to be the deadly organism themselves and/or they will likely have the RFID chips at the same time, because they're small enough that they can implant them under the guise of giving you a vaccine. So you don't want them in either case. If they come to force you to take them, shoot them in the head. They come to take your kids to force them into the draft. Shoot them in the head. I'm telling you folks, you need to physically resist these guys. Start killing them off. And as Soldgen Easten says, "if enough people do this, their cursed machine will grind to a hault, because they're cowards."
Down in Waco it took a few women and some guys to put the fear of God in the ATF, and if they'd had pressed it home, they'd have won. Instead they showed mercy to these scum, and they got their house burned down. You need to take a lesson from that. We're dealing with total satanic, drooling wolves here. And they're coming for everybody.
Again these phony patriots on these talk shows that are not advocating.. you know I'm not talking about going out blowing up buildings and all of this stuff. I'm advocating preparedness. Getting ready to fight them. Getting ready as far as food, water and provisions goes. They're going to cut it all off. With the next staged event, they've already got road blocks and check points they're going to setup. They're going to have the names of people like Sherry and myself who have been naughty and nice to the NWO. That have been naughty are going to go to these detention camps and probably get our heads cut off. They do have lists. Everything is on a computer system. That's why the want the RFIDs in place.
Now I don't know about where you're at Sherry, but here in Indiana, we've got an interstate that goes all around Indianapolis, couple of 65. Around the interstate, in between every exit, they have put loops in the highway. They've cut them in every lane. And these loops are tied to a stainless steel box on the side of the road. The stainless steel box has a pole going up it with a camera looking down at the box. And now they're adding something else ominous to it. It also looks like almost an animometer, capped with four projectiles sticking out of the top. I suspect they're probably microphones, but I don't know. These are done to register RFID chips. As you pass over on each of these loops on the interstate, they'll know exactly where you're at. And they're testing them out now with the RDIF chips, the initial inputs in their tires and other things buy at wallyworld, Chinamart. But they want them in your drivers licenses or in your license tags.
When I had to pass by one of the boxes, you know I'm nosy I stopped by the side of the road. And they had one of the boxes there. I looked inside, and they even have circuit board cards there supposedly tell you how many passengers are in each vehicle. How they're going to know that. That's no going to tell you by sheer weight folks. They're preparing to read our RFID chips. Now Linda Thompson who was chased out of here, out of Indiana a long time ago, made videos called "America under siege", "Waco 2, the Big Deception", and she was organizing militias to fight down at Waco. They chased her out of here on bogus gun charges. She documented how the highway system has been set up, called the Intelligent Vehicle Highway System, the IVHS. And she documented the laws setting this in place.
There's a lot of stuff that they've done, step by step by step, and then they use the pretext of terror which they stage to herd us like little sheep to the next pen. And they're getting ready for the slaughter. One thing I wanted to advocate while you can still get it, because codex is going to eliminate a lot of your ability to defend yourself from disease. There is a product out on the market that you should be able to find readily, it's called airborne. Now I've tried oregone and I've tried miracle 2 and I've tried all this snake oil that Joyce and others have sold, and I haven't noted anything wonderful. But let me tell you this airborne, which is supposedly made by a school teacher, has vitamin A, B, C, E, ecanatia, jinsing, ginggo and other things in it. All the things they don't want you to have. And you feel a cold or a flu starting to come on you take this stuff. It's in tablet form, put it in water and it dissolves like a (unclear) it will absorb quickly because it's liquid. It knocks it right out Sherry. Now that excites me. If you still feel a little whoosy half way through the day you take another one. But I've seen it work over and over again. Now they're already bad mouthing ecanatia so you better get this stuff while you can. Still there?
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: You were quiet.
Sherry: I'm just letting you roll. You're on a roll take it.
Larry: It was very interesting, I called the company and tried to warn them about codex and some woman named Barbara answered and said, "Oh no, my husband's a congressman, he say's it's never going to happen". I say,"Yeah congressman here lie all the time". And of course that brought a very cold silent response.
Sherry: What do you think about that story that came out today about the North Carolina congressman who said his vote was changed.
Larry: I don't know that I've seen that.
Sherry: Okay he came out.. there was information coming out that he voted against CAFTA, I'm switching gears to CAFTA now.
Larry: Well CAFTA has codex in it.
Sherry: Well yeah. He voted against it, but an official on the official role, somebody changed his vote. It passed by two votes. What they did, they changed two of those votes so it would pass.
Larry: I heard somebody call in and say that, that one person voted no, another woman abstained. The one that abstained, her press secretary would not return calls, which is what a press secretary is supposed to do. They basically cheated and shoved this thing through down our throats. It was that close so they had to cheat. But this is more control, that CAFTA did not technically pass.
Sherry: No it didn't pass.
Larry: But who's going to stop them? Who's.... you know the media's not going to turn around and admit that. They are going to say, "it passed, you'll have to deal with it. This is what you wanted!" But anyway I just wanted to share with people. I called this same airborne company, got Barbara on the phone, and mentioned you know that CAFTA passed, it's got codex in it. "Yeah we were talking about that this morning, we don't know what we're going to do about that." I said, "well I called somebody there and they said their congressman said it wasnt going to and they never lie!" I was just trying to help them out. Then she got all courteous, "would you like me to pass on a message?" No it's okay, I'll e-mail her a message, thank you. I knew it was her. I'm like that Sherry, I just don't like these people that are willfully ignorant.
You know people that say there's nothing you can do about it, there's always something you can do about it. I will even use Alex Jones videos like "911 Road to
Tyranny", but I have to add to people when I give it to them, this tells you nothing about how the Israelis are involved and that's intentional. You ask the question, "who stands to gain?" And yet every time someone would call into the show mentioning Israel, he'd have to downplay it. He would have to spike the story. There's a problem there folks.
There's a problem with attacking somebody like Mark Koernke who is in prison for putting out good videos on the NWO in 1990, 1991, years before these things happened. There's a problem with somebody who's a money grubbing patriot who went down to John Grey's house in Texas took video of his home and sold it to 2020 for $20000. That story is still on the internet. You are getting controlled stories even from the supposed alternative patriots. So this is not infighting within the patriots I'm trying to tell you these guys are not what they seem to be. Yeah, you're getting some truth, use that truth that you can but understand the game here.
Sherry: Yeah that's what I always say too. Chew the grass, spit out the hay. Everybody's got some good info, even David Ike, and you just chew the grass and spit out the hay.
Larry: Anybody that wants to know anything about me, I'm more than happy to talk to them both on the telephone or by e-mail. I mean I was born and raised here in Indiana. Born here in 1961. You know I'm living here in a south western county. My wife just got elected auditor. That's the closest ties I have to any government that there is. We both do what we can to fight some of the globalist agenda, like planning and zoning on a local level and other tyranny.
I've had FBI out here at my home, secret service here twice because of comments on Clinton and Bush. They haven't thrown me in gaol, these were comments like Clinton should have been impeached, tried and executed for high treason for giving China military technology. The Bush incident involved pulling a picture someone else had forwarded, which turned out to be a Bush necon moron, you know it had a picture of a guy with a sniper rifle. It said, "when all else fails, vote from the rooftops". I didn't say Bush was an idiot, I just give the secret service his information and since he's up in Canada I doubt that there's anything they could do about it anyway. I didn't feel too guilty about passing that on to them. I showed them I was not the originator of the photo.
So there's no ties to the feds here, there's no ties to Ted Gunderson. I haven't heard from the guy. We have disinformers pushing a story that Bush is supposedly indicted. To the best of my knowledge, the only way that a sitting president can be convicted is through impeachment. You know conviction in congress. I just don't see this story as truthfull. I don't see Thomas Hennigan actually talking with the grand jury there. This guy is a bogus fraud. He is an associate with a known co and tell pro liar, Stew Webb, who's an associate with a known CIA liar Barbara Hartwell, who ally with others.
We've seen this throughout the years folks. I can document it. So the only thing I can think of them pushing this story is to try and stave off revolution in this country. People thinking that maybe justice is going to prevail and these guy will be taken down, before they stage a nuclear 911 and get us involved in an Iran war and shove the draft down our throats etc, etc. I don't see this story as real. They know that we're at the boiling point, and I think they're trying to stave off revolution. The purpose of the homeland gestapo which was formed in Clinton's term, was to keep the American people down as the economy collapsed. That's the whole purpose of the homeland gestapo.
Again you really need to understand this. I don't automatically suspect Jeff Rense. I do have some problems with America Free Press even though they do expose Israel. For example Saddam Hussein, the one that they claim was caught out of a hidey hole, his teeth aren't even the same as the real Saddam Hussein's.
Sherry: I've been talking about this clone they caught for a while. I have a lot of stuff on the watcher files about it.
Larry: If you look at his teeth folks. The real Saddam had lots of money he spent it lavishly on himself, his furnishings some of the money he spent on his teeth. He had nice pearly white, perfectly straight, loved to grin and show them off quite a bit.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: The guy they dragged out of the hidey hole had raggedy, jagged, yellow teeth. It is not the same guy, and ever since they got caught with that, they've been showing him at a distance, and talking about doing a trial. And they might fix his teeth so it looks the same now.
Sherry: And also that picture, I even have it on my site, where they doctored it, because they pulled him out of this hole, and there's dates on the trees and this was supposedly taken in December. And there was dates on the trees, they wouldn't have had dates on the trees.
Larry: They miss little things like that and we'll point them out on the internet and yeah they doctor pictures and send them back out as authentic. But we've caught them in this. And step by step if you catch the little things you can see where they're lying. There's a good movie out directed by John Carpenter done back in the 70s and it's called "They Live". And it's very prophetic. It basically says that society is controlled by extra-terrestrials. They control society, they run everything, there's all kind of covert subliminal messages around.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: They come up with these special glasses where you can see everything. You train yourself to understand what you're looking at and see through these deceptions, that's your special glasses. Once you do, it gets easier and easier to spot the frauds. Just like in the movie, there's a lot of people that will fight you tooth and nail rather than let you put those glasses on the see what's going on. They would much rather be more comfortable believing in the lie rather than knowing what's going on. But once they do, just like the black gentleman in the movie, once they do they cannot pretend that it's not going on. They join the fight you know, even if it leads to their own death. Very telling movie "They Live" directed by John Carpenter. Check it out.
Another one to check out if you want to see what the gobalists basic wet dreams are for society. "The Handmaids Tale". Robert DeVol and others, where they start out showing people being unloaded from cattle cars. There's a general economic agricultural disaster which I believe is being caused deliberately by the chemtrail. Food shortages and stuff, there's a general vague war on terrorism, you know everybody dressed in black.
Sherry: I have a question for you Larry from a listener. This guy says he's interested in John Grey that you mentioned last week.
Larry: Right.
Sherry: "I remember when Alex Jones supposedly helping him, and he suddenly dropped the subject like a lead balloon, after he had sold the video to 2020. Then we were told by Alex, that Chuck Norris was taking over helping out John Grey. Then I never heard another thing about him. Does Larry know what might have come from that situation?"
Larry: All I know is that John Stadtmiller helped cover up that story at Genesis. There is a url, let me see if I'll be able to bring this up. I will be able to here, there is a url that you can look at to read the story online. And...
Steve: Yes Larry.
Larry: Huh?
Steve: Larry.
Larry: Yes.
Steve: The last time I looked at the url I think you're calling up, it still doesn't tell us where it stands now though. I think that, isn't that the e-mailer's question Sherry?
Sherry: Yeah....
Larry: I don't know what happened with Grey.
Steve: Nobody seems to know what is going on now down there. It's all covered up quiet.
Larry: Yeah, and since Alex had a hand in getting that information to 2020. Here's the guy who was barricaded in his home, he's a good Christian, he was fighting with the local authorities there and was waiting them out. Alex pretended he was a good guy, went in and video taped his home and basically showed the whole thing to 2020.
Sherry: Right well we've got to wrap up this show Larry.
Larry: [email protected], I thank you very much for inviting me Sherry. Anybody ask me anything you want.
Sherry: All right. Well thanks for coming on.
Larry: You take care.
Sherry: Bye.
Larry: Bye.
Sherry: And next week folks we'll be back here 8-10pm eastern. I may have another patriot on the show with me. Tim White. I've got that in the works now, we'll see what happens by next week. Hope you were blessed by the show and you can catch the archives at
We'll see you next week God bless.
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
August 15, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 15 August 2005 - 2nd hour
(At the beginning of the audio, during the AC DC "Hell Bells" introduction, I could hear someone speaking in the background. I picked up only a few words "..... attacking each other...... talking about one another.....this person's a government agent..............tuning in..............", but he was really rambling. - Simon).
Hello everybody welcome back to the show. That's Satan's bells ringing in the churches today. Tonight we're taking a different look, a different twist on things. Looking at the NWO patriot movement. Particularly the ones who are online. And with me is my guest Larry Lawson, long time standing American patriot, supporter of the United States constitution and what we're talking about tonight is some of these phony patriots that work the internet to spread disinformation. To work against real patriots. Welcome back to the show Larry.
Larry: Thank you. On Genesis you've also got Joyce Riley who does the Power Hour who's also giving out some truth again mixed with some disinformation. And she's been vehemently attacked by somebody named Linda Kennedy. And if you want to see some of the details that Linda Kennedy has said who has been affiliated with Joyce go to But she sent out a very interesting post this evening called "The Bolsheviks are coming". Part of this sights the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which a lot of people say this is BS, but all of them have been implemented folks.
Sherry: Yeah I have them on my site. It's one of those articles I wouldn't take down, I refused to take down, and so I got kicked out of Paypal, because that's one of the articles they wanted taken off my website. And I wouldn't bend to them.
Larry: See the thing is on Genesis, during the Intel Report, I kept pointing out how the Israelis were involved in 911, how they worship something called the Talmud which I know you talked about on your show verses the Torah. The Talmud is Satanism incarnate folks. There is a difference between Zionists and real Jews. I've got a friend in Indianapolis who's a Jew, I don't hate people of different races. I do hate the embodiment of Satanism which is in Zionism and the Talmud.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: And anyway she sited Protocol number 10, it says, "Literature and journalism are the two most important educative forces and therefore our government will become a proprietor of the majority of the journals. This will neutralize the injurious influence of the privately owned press and will put us in the possession of tremendous influence of the public mind. If we give permits for ten journals, we shall our selves found thirty and so on in the same proportion. This however must in no wise be suspected by the public for which reasons all journals published by us will be the most opposite in appearance, tendencies and opinions, thereby creating confidence in us and bringing over to us quite unsuspicious opponents who will thus fall in our trap and be rendered harmless." Like the John Birch society you know this creep John Birch has been putting out this garbage, it is a front for Zionism.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: You can't go to any of their meetings and mention Zionism you'll be tossed out. And it's very interesting folks if you examine what Cynthia Sheehan has said. She said my son died for Israel not the US, and of course that's caused the Zionist pigs in the media to squeal the loudest, because they're the ones trying to be the gatekeepers of this information, so they turn around and call her leftist liberal etc, which is a crock.
Sherry: Well one of the problems I run into is the fact of terminology itself. The church crowd confuses Zionism as supporting the Jews of the Bible. They confuse it all together.
Larry: Yeah Revelations 2:9 clearly say there's a difference. It clearly says, "I know of the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews but do lie."
Sherry: And these are the Zionists we come up against. We're not coming up against bible believing Jews. We're coming up against these ones who lie, they're Satanists, they worship Satan. They hide under the umbrella term call themselves Zionist.
Larry: They call themselves Jews, they talk about anti-semitism when they themselves for the most cases are not even semites. They are eastern European communists, Khazars, Ashkenazis and they're the most anti-semetic people around.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: They accuse others of what they do themselves. They have a history of staging terror on their enemies like the labor affair in Egypt where the Mossad was caught planting bombs to be blamed on the arabs there. They just celebrated that ten year event, by honoring those in abstentia. They haven't repented, they thought this was a good thing. Half a dozen of them were caught video taping the world trade center building coming down and laughing about it.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: The planted transmitters in Lybia to make Reagan think they was a problem there, and bombed Lybia killing Gadafi's niece. They have a history of doing these sneaky conniving slimey things. And then when we talk about it, "oh your a hateful anti semite", says the ADL and the FPLC which push homosexuality and protect Israel, who are not biblical. They're exactly the antithesis of what Jews are supposed to be.
Now continuing this tenth protocol, we've got the official organs parroting things and protecting things. "So in the front rank will stand organs of an official character, they will always stand guard of our interests and therefore their influence will be comparatively insignificant." Isn't that interesting, they'll stand guard over our interest, but most people won't pay attention to them. This is like the White House spokes people like Madeleine Albright, Ari Fleischer, Scott McClellan, Colin Powell, Condolesa Rice etc. The mouthpieces of the enemy. Geared to the big time wrestling crowd who just accepts that professional wrestling is real without question, the phony neocons.
Then it says, "In the second rank will be the semi-official organs whose part will be to attack the tepid and indifferent. These are people and organizations like CNN, Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Rilley, Ollie North, etc who will all keep you on the right left arguments devoting your attention from real issues you never even hear about in the phony news that resembles a soap opera.
Now here's the biggy folks. "In the third rank we shall set up or own to all appearance opposition which in a least one of it's organs will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents of heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards. Most of the alledged alternative news, much of the internet etc. All of our newspaper will be of all possible complexions aristocratic, republican, revolutionary even anarchial so long of course as the constitution exists." In other words, they setup their own bogus, phony, false, opposition. I've been told for a long time that Alex Jones has married Violet Nickels who is supposedly is Jewish. And he won't let anybody who calls in his show hardly talk about this Zionist issue. You can hear him grit his teeth when somebody calls in and talks about the Don Grand Deprix, I can't quite remember his name, or any others who expose these Zionists. Look what Benjamin Freedman said about Zionism. I have that post if anybody's listening. E-mail me at [email protected]. The Talmud itself extols the murder of chiristians by beheading. Go out and buy one of the dogon things. If you get these Zionist on the internet that tell you're misrepresenting it, you're misquoting it, you're putting it out of context. Read the damnable thing for yourself. It's online even. I've got a url for where this is online. You're very right to stand against this Sherry.
Sherry: ...the things I have up. I have an article on my site it's called excerpts from the Talmud, tidbits from the Talmud. And they go through it and the things that it says about Jesus, you can't say over the air. And here I'm called anti-semite for exposing this stuff when they're talking about our Messiah burning in dungs of crap in hell. And they relegate Him to levels you can't even imagine. It's a purely satanic book and by exposing it, instead of getting support for standing against it and not being bullied, Christians will come against me and say, "You should have taken those articles down". No I'm not going to allow them to claim that the Talmud is a Christian book, here's what it says, it proves otherwise.
Larry: It's very interesting I was arguing with Joyce one day because I called in, she asked me to call in and was trying to convince me they were the good guys, and Dave actually came up with the idea of doing a show on the Talmud and Joyce nixed the idea almost immediately. Linda Kennedy here in this article says, and this springs me back to the Bolsheviks and who they really were and still are today. About 30 years after this book was published in 1917, these Bolsheviks invaded and overthrew the Russian government. In the same second rank history channel documentary, the second rank admits that these Bolsheviks were communists and primarily made up of Khazar's and Ashkenazi. Although not using this particular description for these communists. They just classify themselves all as Jews even though real history and the bible differentiates between real Jews and those who claim to be Jews but are not. Revelations 2:9, "I know your afflictions and your poverty, yet you are rich. I know the slander of those who say they areJjews and are not, but are a Synogog of Satan."
Sherry: The problem with even doing the whole show on the Talmud is you can't quote from it itself because it's so horrible. You can talk about it but you can't even quote directly from it. A lot of it is just pure blasphemous, you wouldn't dare.
Larry: I mean, it basically says that adultery and paedophilia and any sexual perversion is okay for these chosenites.
Sherry: It's okay for a rabbi to have sex with a girl six years under age, six years of age.
Larry: Yeah and how does a rabbi end up getting herpes, you know giving herpes to a kid that they perform circumcision on, because they do it orally folks. These are some sick puppies.
Sherry: What they say is, it's okay for a Jewish man to steal or lie but go to a different city and do it, and do it to a gentile, don't do it to a fellow Jew. I mean this stuff's incredible, it's actually in the Talmud.
Larry: In Israel itself, the real Jews, the real Hebrew Jews are treated just like dirt, just as Christians are there.
Sherry: Yeah they are. Bible believing Jews in Israel are pretty much like the patriots are here in America. You know they don't get a say in anything, they're fighting but their voices aren't heard. They're drowned out.
Larry: Look at the immense amount of influence that they have in the Bush administration, supposedly Bush is of this ilk, and you were talking about his lineage. Look they put Mikey Chertoff who's a Zionist, a foaming at the mouth zionist. Rumsfeld is in there, Douglas Thebes and others. The FBI has literally handed down indictments on the American Israeli Political Action Committee for spying for Israel and sending classified information to them. They're trying to setup this war with Iran. Again Albert Pike and other illuminists planned three world wars from 76 back, the third to be between the political Zionists and the arabs. This is a plan of the Satanists folks, it's been in writing and of course it's confiscated by Rothschild so you can't read it in the museum where it used to be. But these are the guys that are setting this up. These Zionist gangsters, the ones that have taken our gold away and replaced it with paper. You might as well get a lot of it to burn because that's all it's going to be worth pretty soon.
Sherry: Well David Vey over at The Cutting Edge exposes a lot of that too. He reveals their plans.
Larry: He does but he even said that some people are reporting that Debka that worldnetdaily which Joey Farah, he's a big Zionist propagandist....
Sherry: Debka's Mossad run.
Larry: Yeah and he even says that and yet he sights a lot of Debka material.
Sherry: Joseph Farah, I've always seen him as a double agent, same thing disinfo.
Larry: I wanted to go back to this story of what happened with us and the Intel Report, because we were kicked off of Genesis for exposing Zionist involvement. Shortly after that happened they did a lot of spin to try and continue to say that they were the good guys. Bare in mind I called Alex and Stadtmiller and the owner Ted Anderson to tell these guys that you know they had these flaws in the network. They kicked him off the network and then we get this little clip, I want you to hear this...
(audio clip) John: ... meantime we have people who are supposedly on our side, that are supposed to be concerting all the ammunition down range to destroy the enemy, that seems fit to sit around and scratch each others eye's out. I am amazed.
Alex: Well that's really it. I mean that is really it. What is co and tell pro, stirring up fights, stirring up rumors, attacking people, telling lies (unclear). Who's affecting change? Who's getting bills thrown out. Who's getting the Patriot Act repealed in cites? Who's bringing out new talk show hosts? Who's networking and fighting and being positive? That's your patriot. Your evil people are those saying they're patriots but spewing out with ridiculous propaganda and lies. But the good news is people are not paying attention to that. They're moving forward, people know things are wrong. They know we're under attack. They don't want to hear the propaganda that's been to neutralize them and to get them to hesitate.
Larry: I'm sorry folks, again your getting resolutions passed on the local level is nice, but that piece of paper is like throwing blanks at the NWO. It's not going to stop them when they declare martial law and come in with guns and tanks. Only those that have been physically trying to prepare people to fight them back, like Bob Stewart who sold cheap 50 calibre rifle kits. The zionist findstein in California and others are trying to stop now. They set him up and imprisoned him. Only those who are prepared to physically resist are threats to the NWO. I'm sorry, Alex and John and Joyce and some of these other phonies out there, Rick Stanley and others, are not threats to the NWO. The buy my latest video. You want to buy a video, contact Nancy Koernke and get all three of Mark's "America in Peril" series videos for $30. You know that the price of one of "the video of the month" videos. How many do you need to know they're the bad guys? How many books do you need? Do you see where I'm going? Always those who are real physical threats to the NWO scare them. You know these big mouths making bucks selling the latest snake oil or whatever, they're not a threat to them.
Sherry: I don't even listen to these people.
Larry: It's important to listen to them and understand what they're saying. You know it's like I got on that government watch group and I saw that post about Bush supposedly indicted. Hey I thought that that was pretty neat. And then to my horror when I come across Thomas Hennigan's name.
Sherry: Same thing because I saw that Tom Flocco, how you pronounce his last name? And thinking wow what's this, and then when I saw Hennigan's and Webb's names, I thought forget this.
Larry: What's very interesting is what happened with regard to that story. Tom Flocco's putting it out, I immediately go to his website, well first I posted in the watch four group, this is bogus just look at the sources. I heard Joyce Riley post it, say it on her show. So I called into her show. At first I talked about how here in Indiana, we now sign an evidence log to get codex while daddy Bush can sell all the cocaine and heroin he wants. She had mentioned in Oregon that you now have to get a prescription to get codex, that's the essence of codex.
So I got that out, and then I mentioned okay this story you mentioned about Tom Flocco it is sitting a known co and tell pro fraud Hennigan whose buddy's Stew Webb. And she's I know who this is blah blah blah, attacks me and then Dave Von Kleist attacks me telling me that I don't research my stories before I put them out. Oh like they just did with this story with Flocco. Anyway I went to Tom Flocco's website and he had an open forums there where anyone can register and post. So immediately I began posting why Stew Webb and Hennigan were disinformers.
A number of back and forth banters ensued for a couple of days and all of a sudden, Flocco pulls his website from where it was and puts it in another site where you cannot post in a forums area. In other words take my word for it, nobody else is. And he said he couldn't post to his website even though the original post was made by him. He could have responded at any time. He didn't want any counter information to his propaganda on his website. So he accused his webmaster, white star a guy named Bob, of not allowing him access to his site. It's a complete crock, he lied. And look who props up these liars folks, look who's buddies with Stewey and Hartwell. Al Martin Lock, Gerald Phosby who's the other one, you know, Sherman Skolnick. He's constantly put up on cloak and dagger.
After this indecent at Genesis, we went to Truth Radio. Craig Douglas who was also a good anti-zionist, explained the story of how Republic Radio started by Mark Koernke was usurped by Genesis, and what had happened there. We then began doing some radio shows there at Truth. Well gosh gully gee here comes Jeremy Floyd over to Truth Radio, and this little information battle ensues. The owner there, a guy named Richard Palmquist lied in some e-mails and forged an e-mail address from Don Betcher, who didn't even have a computer trying to enlist me in this argument. And then he played games with the finances that were required to keep the show going there. So now you can hear the show if you go online to I'm generally on there Sundays and I'm supposed to be on there tomorrow night. 7pm - 8pm. That's Indiana time which, God knows what that it Sherry, is it central time?
Sherry: That would be, 7-8pm Indiana time, would be 8-9pm eastern.
Larry: But no good deed went unpunished at Genesis Radio. So I'm telling you folks they're hiding the... it's like an onion. There's layer after layer after layer, they don't care if you get the outer layers, as long as you don't get to the core of the onion. That's the gist, and I encourage feedback if there's any clip that you want a copy of. You know you can go to the yahoo groups, and can go to and there in the files area. You can e-mail me direct at [email protected].
Sherry: Yeah, you're one of these guys that just keeps meticulous files on everything. I don't save anything.
Larry: Well see that's the thing. My newsletters were almost also like a daily journal. If I had an interaction or conflict, it was documented there. That's why these freaks have had such problems because (talking together) they're liars.
Sherry: You probably have e-mails I wrote you three years ago saved.
Larry: If they were information I posted in the newsletters, probably.
Sherry: Yeah and....
Larry: We can grow and learn from what we've seen on the internet.
Sherry: Yeah and you can always pull back you said this two years ago, you said this three years ago. And I've seen you do it to a lot of these disinfo people to prove that they're lying and how their stories change over the time. And I've helped you uncover and expose a couple of these people, when they've come out. They always changes their handles, when one is outted, they just change a name and come back.
Larry: Yes, (talking together) Barbara Hartwell now posting under the name Sherwood Percivile. Her website's been removed.
Sherry: I've never really gotten into the whole Barbara Hartwell thing.
Larry: Well again its kind of a sideline, I try and treat it just like a sideline, but again there are people out there that believe her crap.
Sherry: She hasn't come up against me at all. So the people that just amuse me, like Stew Webb or other people, that I have to counter claim. Waste my time.
Larry: Here's an example that was important. The business between Joyce Riley and Linda Kennedy. Who's telling the truth there? Well I found it very interesting that there's a yahoo group called the Power Hour. It was anything, you know anything officially tied to them or the Power Hour, it was somebody just started this. But here comes William Louis you know police state 2000. And he's the one that did and directed the, "In Plain Sight" video that they have.
And he setup a bogus e-mail addy and pretended that, "gosh guy there's a new website out, a new yahoo group that's attacking Linda Kennedy. Check it out. " And it was him. The ip address and everything was him. He finally admitted that, but at first he denied it. You know it was a game he played and he also posted for Israel, again for the zionists. Again these are very telling red flags folks. There might be some truth in the movie, "In Plain Sight", but again what's their core agenda.
This guys consistently come out and smacked Linda Kennedy. Linda Kennedy has a series of questions.. it's like Joyce coming on the other day and said, "well do you believe I was in the military now." Well I see you in the uniform, but that wasn't what Linda Kennedy said. She said you weren't in the military during the 1991 Gulf War, and she has documents that she got under the Freedom of Information Act that supposedly proves this. Now if people can't ask questions without demonizing the messenger, I think there's a problem there. You're getting some truth, yeah, and I do listen to them, because you can tell sometimes when they're giving you truth and sometimes when it's disinformation.
It's very interesting today, this morning, that they were again talking about the Bush indict story and Dave was sitting it and Joyce said, she distanced herself away from it saying, "I haven't seen any independent confirmation of that." And that was very very interesting. So apparently they felt the heat on this. She knows what a flake Stew Webb is. But here we have Alex Jones who has Tom Flocco up on Friday, and apparently that interview's online where you can hear it. You can go to Now again I read that off kind of quick, if you need the url, e-mail me at [email protected]. I haven't listened to this yet. I was going to try and catch it and call in and mention that you know you're sitting a cointel pro perp here. But I didn't hear it, so I didn't get to do that, I just love watching Alex turn purple whenever I call in. Which he does.
Sherry: I've never even listened to his show. Not once.
Larry: Well it's very interesting.
Sherry: And I've never ever listened to a Jeff Rense show, I was a guest on there. But I've never listened to a show up until that point.
Larry: Jeff Rense also had Greg Szymanski on who, after this came out, I e-mailed Greg and I said hey the guys you are sitting Tom Hennigan here is a co and tell pro fraud. And he comes on Jeff Rense's show and says, "I completely support this source". Folks there's a problem there, if somebody won't investigate the material you're checking in, you tell them their affiliated with the government spilling out, spewing out disinformation, their either incredibly stupid or the have another agenda. Now Rick Stanley is both.
But again you also have the American Free Press who also posted Greg Szymanski's post here who's sitting Thomas Hennigan. I'm telling you folks this guy is bogus. Anybody that's going to call me, you know "a mind controlled person working for Ted Gunderson", you know it's bogus. The only time I've talked to Ted Gunderson is on the Stan Solomon show, who is a local Indiana zionist here, who now thank God is off the air. Fortunately through some of the efforts that I made. And we also had him up on the Intel Report after we moved to Truth Radio. Just to give... I'm sorry we had him up on the Intel Report at Genesis after Stewey attacked you. Just to give him a platform to respond. But you and I don't work for him do we Sherry.
Sherry: I don't even know the man.
Larry: I haven't even heard...
Sherry: That was funny saying I was stalking him because I'm a mother with four kids, I never leave my house. On the internet, I hadn't even talked to the guy. So he comes up with these outrageous sensationalist stuff. He can't prove a thing, but he will turn around and say, "I know what I'm talking about, I can prove it." Well let's see it.
Larry; Yeah, "I know what I'm talking about, they tried to kill me a millions times", give me a break, If they want to kill, you they'll kill you.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: That's why I don't buy Alex and Joyce's and some of the others, if they were real threats they'd have IRS problems, they certainly wouldn't be able to get on a plane and fly to Britain and bull-hoard parliament for crying out loud. Give me a break folks, They wouldn't be on George Noory's show talking to millions.
Sherry: I can't even get near that show, they wouldn't consider me as a guest. George Noory or Art Bell. And I've had plenty of people, probably at least one hundred, e-mail them, asking them to put me on the show, because they carbon copied me these e-mails sent in. And I'm like don't even waste your time, they won't even let me on the show it's CIA run. They own that network. I'll never see the light of day on it and I haven't.
Larry: It's tied in with this tenth protocol where they set up their own phony opposition. I knew Art Bell was a shill a long time ago. So did Joe Copper. He wrote an extensive bit on Art Bell. And this George Noory, it's good cop bad cop. And I think we're going to see a great big good cop bad cop scenario as these nukes go off and world war three is engaged. First it's going to be in the nukes, then it's going to be the aliens. They're both the bad guys, I think the aliens, the fallen angels are going to come in here and pretend to stop the nuclear war and pretend to be our saviors.
Sherry: Yeah, "We're your saviors, guess what, we created you in test tubes and we've got the test tubes to prove it." You know it's part of their plan, the illuminati to bring out old archeological digs and evidence to prove their claims.
Larry: Exactly.
Sherry: Waiting for them to pull out a test tube it's going to be hillarious. I don't know if I'll be here to see it, but...
Larry: And it's going to be one heck of a show (talking together) Project Blue Beam and other things lined up. And if you notice folks, on TV they are really pushing the alien abduction sci fi shows, as well as on history channel and others.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: They're conditioning you and getting you ready for this. Oh the governments covering it up. No it isn't, Bill Cooper's right, they're working with them.
Sherry: Bill Cooper's had a.. what happened with him is that he sent out... he wrote articles with mixed signals in them. So people are very confused about his writings. Because he comes out in one of his letters and states that it's a whole fake thing, the military's faking it, it's actually the military that's putting on these little suits and posing as aliens and all this. But then he came out later and said no that's the lie, there are really aliens. So he kind of speaks out of both sides of his mouth, because he wasn't real sure of what was going on. So people get confused by William Cooper.
Larry: Well, I think he's like a lot of us Sherry, I think he was looking for the truth.
Sherry: He was, but what he did was he came back and said I was originally wrong, this is the one. And so when you look at all of his writings together, they seem to contradict. (talking together for a few seconds)
Larry: ..agreed with me on chemtrails. They're using chemtrails for a number of purposes. They've already admitted using it for weather modification, for biological testing.
Sherry: Yeah, well you have to understand that the aliens too are also doing chemtrails. And that's why people say they're watching these planes just disappear in full view. They're looking at them one minute, and the next minute they disappear, totally disappear. Have you heard of that?
Larry: I've seen it.
Sherry: Yeah, because they're not just run by our military, by our air force. They're also a separate project being done by the aliens themselves. With their own agenda with them.
Larry: Well, I don't .... I can't really say that it was an alien. I do know they have camoflage technology too where..
Sherry: Holographs that look like airplanes. And I've seen them lose their holographic cloaks and you could see it as some kind of a drone with a large buzz to it.
Larry: I try not to talk about something, unless I actually see it. I do believe that we do have the fallen angels here. I do believe that they're interdimensional and not extra terrestrial.
Sherry: Exactly.
Larry: I just can't look up at the sky and see the big dipper and think, yeah there's all these different planets are coming from these various places. It's like the big dipper was painted there just like the bible says..
Sherry: Well the Bible talks about the pleades in orion and it talks about these different areas where they live. We know that Lucifer inhabits the heavenlies, the first and second heavens.
Larry: He's going to be thrown down here, confined here. You're not going to heaven when you die folks, there's a judgement, but it talks about by those that have done right by Christ will come back here for a thousand years. Now I happen to like material form, I don't know if I'm really ready for a spiritual existence. The idea of being back here for a thousand years is appealing, and also getting the answers to the questions that I've wanted. He say's he's not the author of confusion, but there's a lot of confusion here. And He talks in the future that the truth will go out from quote Zion. I hope to hear what the actual truth is. I'd like to see people actually made healthy through various plants and things that are feely available verses the FDA breaking into your home at 4 o'clock in the morning if you actually have a cancer cure. They're trying to screen off your vitamins and minerals.. (talking together for a few seconds)
Sherry: .. that can fix cancers.
Larry: I've got one more example here. We've got five minutes for an audio clip?
Sherry: Yeah. We've got about 20 minutes left of this show.
Larry: Okay here's one that I think is very important because I think we're going to see this. They've been gearing up for years for biological attack. But as I said chemtrails are used for 3D mapping and weather modification. They've just got a bill introduced now, to legalize weather modification. Create a department of weather modification. They're the ones that are causing the droughts.
Every time we've got a rain front coming in they'll spray ahead of, above and into the incoming rain front and dissipate the rain. That's what we're doing, that's why we have the droughts. It's kind of silly having to turn around and legalize what they're already doing. We should be able to sue them for causing the drought. What courts actually going to go against the feds. But anyway here's an example of truth hidden in plain sight. You know one of the things we seen as x-files and it's spin off the Lone Gunman. The Lone Gunman has an episode where, you know they're flying a remote controlled plane into the world trade center building which, that was aired a few months before 911.
Steve: Larry.
Larry: And the clip that they had in there, you know one of the characters gabs was talking to him about this being to increase arm sales. Fly a plane into down town Manhattan and you have a dozen (unclear) screaming to be smart bombed. It's about increasing arms sales.
Steve: Sherry.
Larry: And it was truth in plain sight.
Sherry: Yes. Hang on a second Larry. What's up Steve?
Steve: That TV show that Larry's talking about, The Lone Gunman.
Larry: Yes.
Steve: That is all out on DVD now and I picked up that episode. It is very good. People need to get that.
Larry: Didn't it send the hair up on the back of your neck?
Steve: Oh.... spooky.
Larry: It is very spooky, and I've actually got the clip where they're talking about arm sales and things here. You really ought to see that if you can folks, even if you borrow it from somebody. It's the pilot episode.
Steve: Yeah, I've got the whole series now on DVD.
Larry: How much was it?
Steve: Oh gees, 20, 30 bucks.
Larry: That's not bad. I highly recommend getting it just to show people that episode and let them know what happened a few months before 911. Chris Carter who did the Lone Gunman and X Files, you know he's buddies with the CIA there. The CIA has project mocking bird which is designed to spike, control and manipulate stories and well as introduce information for propaganda and conditioning purposes. Now I've got one here that should also send the hair up on the back of your neck. This is from X Files the movie. And this is a clip half way through where Martin Landau is talking to David Duchovny about deliberately releasing a biological agent. And you know we've heard he talk about cutting loose this flu. They're talking about mandatory vaccinations, if anything happens. If you don't take them then they're going to take all your property and all this other crap. Listen to what is said here. This is about four minutes.
(The audio ran for about 1:45 minutes. Unfortunately, it was not clear enough for me to transcribe - Simon)
Larry: Now did that come through?
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: Now folks that's exactly what these scumbags are planning. You've got history channel and others document how Rockefellers pulled a guy a body out of glacial ice to get the Spanish flu virus. Which they continually tell us is due to be released again at any time. We're due for another pandemic. There's a book out called pandemic which also does some conditioning here. They have enhanced this. They've turned around and spilled the misinformation that somebody broke into a lab and stole it, and it could go loose at any time. We've got all these mysterious viles sent off to various doctors offices and testing labs without any explanation of what they are. Some of the viles have been broken. They've simply been sent out and said, "test this, tell us what you think this is and let us know." The government is planning on deliberately releasing this.
SARS was an experimental attempt at this and it didn't work. I'm telling you, they're planning this at some point, that's why we've got the mandatory vaccination programs in place.
Sherry: I think it's the vaccinations itself that are going to hurt people.
Larry: And it could be. They're either going to be the deadly organism themselves and/or they will likely have the RFID chips at the same time, because they're small enough that they can implant them under the guise of giving you a vaccine. So you don't want them in either case. If they come to force you to take them, shoot them in the head. They come to take your kids to force them into the draft. Shoot them in the head. I'm telling you folks, you need to physically resist these guys. Start killing them off. And as Soldgen Easten says, "if enough people do this, their cursed machine will grind to a hault, because they're cowards."
Down in Waco it took a few women and some guys to put the fear of God in the ATF, and if they'd had pressed it home, they'd have won. Instead they showed mercy to these scum, and they got their house burned down. You need to take a lesson from that. We're dealing with total satanic, drooling wolves here. And they're coming for everybody.
Again these phony patriots on these talk shows that are not advocating.. you know I'm not talking about going out blowing up buildings and all of this stuff. I'm advocating preparedness. Getting ready to fight them. Getting ready as far as food, water and provisions goes. They're going to cut it all off. With the next staged event, they've already got road blocks and check points they're going to setup. They're going to have the names of people like Sherry and myself who have been naughty and nice to the NWO. That have been naughty are going to go to these detention camps and probably get our heads cut off. They do have lists. Everything is on a computer system. That's why the want the RFIDs in place.
Now I don't know about where you're at Sherry, but here in Indiana, we've got an interstate that goes all around Indianapolis, couple of 65. Around the interstate, in between every exit, they have put loops in the highway. They've cut them in every lane. And these loops are tied to a stainless steel box on the side of the road. The stainless steel box has a pole going up it with a camera looking down at the box. And now they're adding something else ominous to it. It also looks like almost an animometer, capped with four projectiles sticking out of the top. I suspect they're probably microphones, but I don't know. These are done to register RFID chips. As you pass over on each of these loops on the interstate, they'll know exactly where you're at. And they're testing them out now with the RDIF chips, the initial inputs in their tires and other things buy at wallyworld, Chinamart. But they want them in your drivers licenses or in your license tags.
When I had to pass by one of the boxes, you know I'm nosy I stopped by the side of the road. And they had one of the boxes there. I looked inside, and they even have circuit board cards there supposedly tell you how many passengers are in each vehicle. How they're going to know that. That's no going to tell you by sheer weight folks. They're preparing to read our RFID chips. Now Linda Thompson who was chased out of here, out of Indiana a long time ago, made videos called "America under siege", "Waco 2, the Big Deception", and she was organizing militias to fight down at Waco. They chased her out of here on bogus gun charges. She documented how the highway system has been set up, called the Intelligent Vehicle Highway System, the IVHS. And she documented the laws setting this in place.
There's a lot of stuff that they've done, step by step by step, and then they use the pretext of terror which they stage to herd us like little sheep to the next pen. And they're getting ready for the slaughter. One thing I wanted to advocate while you can still get it, because codex is going to eliminate a lot of your ability to defend yourself from disease. There is a product out on the market that you should be able to find readily, it's called airborne. Now I've tried oregone and I've tried miracle 2 and I've tried all this snake oil that Joyce and others have sold, and I haven't noted anything wonderful. But let me tell you this airborne, which is supposedly made by a school teacher, has vitamin A, B, C, E, ecanatia, jinsing, ginggo and other things in it. All the things they don't want you to have. And you feel a cold or a flu starting to come on you take this stuff. It's in tablet form, put it in water and it dissolves like a (unclear) it will absorb quickly because it's liquid. It knocks it right out Sherry. Now that excites me. If you still feel a little whoosy half way through the day you take another one. But I've seen it work over and over again. Now they're already bad mouthing ecanatia so you better get this stuff while you can. Still there?
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: You were quiet.
Sherry: I'm just letting you roll. You're on a roll take it.
Larry: It was very interesting, I called the company and tried to warn them about codex and some woman named Barbara answered and said, "Oh no, my husband's a congressman, he say's it's never going to happen". I say,"Yeah congressman here lie all the time". And of course that brought a very cold silent response.
Sherry: What do you think about that story that came out today about the North Carolina congressman who said his vote was changed.
Larry: I don't know that I've seen that.
Sherry: Okay he came out.. there was information coming out that he voted against CAFTA, I'm switching gears to CAFTA now.
Larry: Well CAFTA has codex in it.
Sherry: Well yeah. He voted against it, but an official on the official role, somebody changed his vote. It passed by two votes. What they did, they changed two of those votes so it would pass.
Larry: I heard somebody call in and say that, that one person voted no, another woman abstained. The one that abstained, her press secretary would not return calls, which is what a press secretary is supposed to do. They basically cheated and shoved this thing through down our throats. It was that close so they had to cheat. But this is more control, that CAFTA did not technically pass.
Sherry: No it didn't pass.
Larry: But who's going to stop them? Who's.... you know the media's not going to turn around and admit that. They are going to say, "it passed, you'll have to deal with it. This is what you wanted!" But anyway I just wanted to share with people. I called this same airborne company, got Barbara on the phone, and mentioned you know that CAFTA passed, it's got codex in it. "Yeah we were talking about that this morning, we don't know what we're going to do about that." I said, "well I called somebody there and they said their congressman said it wasnt going to and they never lie!" I was just trying to help them out. Then she got all courteous, "would you like me to pass on a message?" No it's okay, I'll e-mail her a message, thank you. I knew it was her. I'm like that Sherry, I just don't like these people that are willfully ignorant.
You know people that say there's nothing you can do about it, there's always something you can do about it. I will even use Alex Jones videos like "911 Road to
Tyranny", but I have to add to people when I give it to them, this tells you nothing about how the Israelis are involved and that's intentional. You ask the question, "who stands to gain?" And yet every time someone would call into the show mentioning Israel, he'd have to downplay it. He would have to spike the story. There's a problem there folks.
There's a problem with attacking somebody like Mark Koernke who is in prison for putting out good videos on the NWO in 1990, 1991, years before these things happened. There's a problem with somebody who's a money grubbing patriot who went down to John Grey's house in Texas took video of his home and sold it to 2020 for $20000. That story is still on the internet. You are getting controlled stories even from the supposed alternative patriots. So this is not infighting within the patriots I'm trying to tell you these guys are not what they seem to be. Yeah, you're getting some truth, use that truth that you can but understand the game here.
Sherry: Yeah that's what I always say too. Chew the grass, spit out the hay. Everybody's got some good info, even David Ike, and you just chew the grass and spit out the hay.
Larry: Anybody that wants to know anything about me, I'm more than happy to talk to them both on the telephone or by e-mail. I mean I was born and raised here in Indiana. Born here in 1961. You know I'm living here in a south western county. My wife just got elected auditor. That's the closest ties I have to any government that there is. We both do what we can to fight some of the globalist agenda, like planning and zoning on a local level and other tyranny.
I've had FBI out here at my home, secret service here twice because of comments on Clinton and Bush. They haven't thrown me in gaol, these were comments like Clinton should have been impeached, tried and executed for high treason for giving China military technology. The Bush incident involved pulling a picture someone else had forwarded, which turned out to be a Bush necon moron, you know it had a picture of a guy with a sniper rifle. It said, "when all else fails, vote from the rooftops". I didn't say Bush was an idiot, I just give the secret service his information and since he's up in Canada I doubt that there's anything they could do about it anyway. I didn't feel too guilty about passing that on to them. I showed them I was not the originator of the photo.
So there's no ties to the feds here, there's no ties to Ted Gunderson. I haven't heard from the guy. We have disinformers pushing a story that Bush is supposedly indicted. To the best of my knowledge, the only way that a sitting president can be convicted is through impeachment. You know conviction in congress. I just don't see this story as truthfull. I don't see Thomas Hennigan actually talking with the grand jury there. This guy is a bogus fraud. He is an associate with a known co and tell pro liar, Stew Webb, who's an associate with a known CIA liar Barbara Hartwell, who ally with others.
We've seen this throughout the years folks. I can document it. So the only thing I can think of them pushing this story is to try and stave off revolution in this country. People thinking that maybe justice is going to prevail and these guy will be taken down, before they stage a nuclear 911 and get us involved in an Iran war and shove the draft down our throats etc, etc. I don't see this story as real. They know that we're at the boiling point, and I think they're trying to stave off revolution. The purpose of the homeland gestapo which was formed in Clinton's term, was to keep the American people down as the economy collapsed. That's the whole purpose of the homeland gestapo.
Again you really need to understand this. I don't automatically suspect Jeff Rense. I do have some problems with America Free Press even though they do expose Israel. For example Saddam Hussein, the one that they claim was caught out of a hidey hole, his teeth aren't even the same as the real Saddam Hussein's.
Sherry: I've been talking about this clone they caught for a while. I have a lot of stuff on the watcher files about it.
Larry: If you look at his teeth folks. The real Saddam had lots of money he spent it lavishly on himself, his furnishings some of the money he spent on his teeth. He had nice pearly white, perfectly straight, loved to grin and show them off quite a bit.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: The guy they dragged out of the hidey hole had raggedy, jagged, yellow teeth. It is not the same guy, and ever since they got caught with that, they've been showing him at a distance, and talking about doing a trial. And they might fix his teeth so it looks the same now.
Sherry: And also that picture, I even have it on my site, where they doctored it, because they pulled him out of this hole, and there's dates on the trees and this was supposedly taken in December. And there was dates on the trees, they wouldn't have had dates on the trees.
Larry: They miss little things like that and we'll point them out on the internet and yeah they doctor pictures and send them back out as authentic. But we've caught them in this. And step by step if you catch the little things you can see where they're lying. There's a good movie out directed by John Carpenter done back in the 70s and it's called "They Live". And it's very prophetic. It basically says that society is controlled by extra-terrestrials. They control society, they run everything, there's all kind of covert subliminal messages around.
Sherry: Yeah.
Larry: They come up with these special glasses where you can see everything. You train yourself to understand what you're looking at and see through these deceptions, that's your special glasses. Once you do, it gets easier and easier to spot the frauds. Just like in the movie, there's a lot of people that will fight you tooth and nail rather than let you put those glasses on the see what's going on. They would much rather be more comfortable believing in the lie rather than knowing what's going on. But once they do, just like the black gentleman in the movie, once they do they cannot pretend that it's not going on. They join the fight you know, even if it leads to their own death. Very telling movie "They Live" directed by John Carpenter. Check it out.
Another one to check out if you want to see what the gobalists basic wet dreams are for society. "The Handmaids Tale". Robert DeVol and others, where they start out showing people being unloaded from cattle cars. There's a general economic agricultural disaster which I believe is being caused deliberately by the chemtrail. Food shortages and stuff, there's a general vague war on terrorism, you know everybody dressed in black.
Sherry: I have a question for you Larry from a listener. This guy says he's interested in John Grey that you mentioned last week.
Larry: Right.
Sherry: "I remember when Alex Jones supposedly helping him, and he suddenly dropped the subject like a lead balloon, after he had sold the video to 2020. Then we were told by Alex, that Chuck Norris was taking over helping out John Grey. Then I never heard another thing about him. Does Larry know what might have come from that situation?"
Larry: All I know is that John Stadtmiller helped cover up that story at Genesis. There is a url, let me see if I'll be able to bring this up. I will be able to here, there is a url that you can look at to read the story online. And...
Steve: Yes Larry.
Larry: Huh?
Steve: Larry.
Larry: Yes.
Steve: The last time I looked at the url I think you're calling up, it still doesn't tell us where it stands now though. I think that, isn't that the e-mailer's question Sherry?
Sherry: Yeah....
Larry: I don't know what happened with Grey.
Steve: Nobody seems to know what is going on now down there. It's all covered up quiet.
Larry: Yeah, and since Alex had a hand in getting that information to 2020. Here's the guy who was barricaded in his home, he's a good Christian, he was fighting with the local authorities there and was waiting them out. Alex pretended he was a good guy, went in and video taped his home and basically showed the whole thing to 2020.
Sherry: Right well we've got to wrap up this show Larry.
Larry: [email protected], I thank you very much for inviting me Sherry. Anybody ask me anything you want.
Sherry: All right. Well thanks for coming on.
Larry: You take care.
Sherry: Bye.
Larry: Bye.
Sherry: And next week folks we'll be back here 8-10pm eastern. I may have another patriot on the show with me. Tim White. I've got that in the works now, we'll see what happens by next week. Hope you were blessed by the show and you can catch the archives at
We'll see you next week God bless.