Interview with Janet Phalen. The Poisoning of Our Water Supply.
Part 1 not available
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
August 1, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 01 August 2005 - 1st hour
Hello folks and welcome to the show.
I have had a couple of weeks off to walk away from everything and relax somewhat.
You know it's been a lot of attacks lately and it looks like I took the right time off. You know I don't force my beliefs on anyone but apparently those who disagree with what I do believe and think and teach, think they should spend all of their time on forcing their beliefs on me and everyone else.
You know folks I don't teach anything that isn't of the Lord. If people disagree they should seek the Lord instead of their own head wisdom and attacking me and everyone else, who has taken the time to seek Him directly and learn from Him. If they don't agree they need to move on. We don't attack people and we certainly don't stalk them and become hateful cowards against them, neither do we want them in our home. And so why would people complain they're kicked out of our e-mail lists and our yahoo groups and our forums because they're obnoxious, rude, hateful and condescending.
You know as far as I'm concerned it's good riddance of them. My moderators have full control to run the groups and lists I own and run and I will stand behind what ever actions they take. You know you wouldn't invite someone into your home who was obnoxious and rude you would tell them to leave and so that's what we do and we show the hateful crowd the door and basically that's what all of them are.
You know I hear from everybody, the Islamic crowd who personally would like to tie me to a stake and set me on fire for coming against Mohammad and their idea of Allah. I hear it from the prophet yeehaw crowd for coming up against him and his charade of calling down ufos. I get death threats from the new age crowd for exposing their Satanic doctrines and leaders they call christs and ascended masters. I get it from the church crowd for exposing Pauline doctrines and how he divided early Christianity and steered the early believers away for the past 2000 years, away from the true teachings of the Lord and what He commanded His disciples and apostles to teach and do. And the church was replaced by Paul who negated all of them and took over Christianity with his double forked tounge and mind replacing the truth with lies.
You know when Jesus left He commanded His disciples and apostles to do and preach all that He had commanded them. Them, Paul wasn't there when He said that. He commanded His disciples and apostles to continue on what He had taught them and then Paul introduced himself on the scene, the church accepted his teachings and did away with everything that the Lord had commanded the early apostles to teach. So there is a big division in the church. And so those who want to ride Paul's coat tails instead of the Lord's, come up against me for revealing and exposing all of that.
And so I get it from everyone, the Satanists, the New Agers, those who call themselves Christians, the church crowd, just everyone folks and I hear it from everyone.
And then there's the minority the handful that Yahweh has set aside that do know the truth and recognize it when they see it and hear it on my websites and radio shows. And I hear from these people every day who thank me for standing up and standing in and hanging in to reveal the truth in all things as the Most High leads me to it. You know it gets tiring, but what keeps me going is my supporters in every country across the globe, Israel, Australia, Europe the United States, Africa, they're everywhere. And these are the ones the Most High has me reach and keep informed because they know Him so they know who I am in Him.
And so through all the muck and all the hatred and all the lies and all the slandering against me that takes place, I will stand through it all and keep exposing what needs exposed, teaching what needs to be taught, standing firm in the Most High as His mouthpiece in these last days. You know I got an e-mail request to comment on the Harry Walter and Zeph Daniel interview that they had. And I didn't really want to give it two seconds of my time, I didn't hear the interview, I didn't listen to it. I've been on a break the past couple of weeks and the whole thing from my perspective if things were said about me so be it. You know I'm sure it was an attempt to slander me if anything else. I don't agree with either of those two on various things. I can agree to disagree with others on doctrines while the same others simply can't. They keep it going and going and going, to divide to keep dissension and hatred going, and I want nothing to do with it or them. You know Harry Walter was a co-host of this show and he resigned. He didn't agree with an article I wrote on the Serpant Seedlines so he resigned. Since then he's been distorting things I say, distorting events as they happened lying outright about various things, and I'm not going to feed into his game. You know it's his own charade, his personal agenda for some reason against me and Reality Radio Network to keep his own traffic going to his website, it's all he's looking for.
You know he's not a real pastor, he's not certified by God or man, just a screenwriter from Philadelphia who insists on being called Pastor Harry (his real name is Richard Landes), and at the time I did my show I didn't really care since titles for man don't really mean anything to me anyway. But it's obvious from his actions he's not speaking from the Lord either. You know the Lord doesn't set up someone to be a pastor to come against His own. Harry reads and studies scripture like anybody else, but then he expounds his own views on them. He doesn't hear from the Lord, he doesn't seek the Lord on the truth. He expounds everything he teaches and believes from what his own viewpoint is. And those types of folks are a dime a dozen. You know Zeph Daniel believes in the serpant seedlines, so what they discussed I've no idea unless Zeph's changed his beliefs again which seems to happen quite a bit over there. You know there's the belief of the day week or the month. So whatever folks, I don't want to get into it. I didn't hear the interview myself. It's not fair for me to comment on it since I didn't hear it and I have no interest in hearing it. There's nothing either of them have to say that I would be interested in hearing. So unless somebody has a specific question on something they said I can address, then fine. But as far as I'm concerned this whole thing just keeps going and going, it's worse that the easter bunny, I wish somebody would just take the batteries out, with this whole thing on Harry. It's over, it's done with. He was on the show, he resigned. It's over, get over it. You know he needs to get over it and move on. People agree to disagree on doctrines and views all the time. I don't have anything on my website about him. I've talked about,,, I've had to address this situation over and over again, because he can't just move on. Some kind of handicap, bitterness, hatred, anger whatever, I don't know what the deal is. We simply agree to disagree on a doctrine and that's the way it is. So why would it upset him so much when if somebody actually believes in this doctrine when Gen 3:15 states it clearly, and I have articles on my website about the Serpant Seedline. That's his own problem and he's going to have to learn to deal with it. I'm not going to deal with it on this show anymore. The lies and the distortions, I've never taught a white Israel, I've never taught that. And some of the other things he is saying that I have taught, that I teach, I don't. So clearly anybody could read my material to understand and learn what it is the things I do teach and say instead of saying what I say.
Obviously they don't read my material if they're quoting it wrong, otherwise it's just a vendetta to purposely lie against me. And so that's all it is, and so you guys are going to have to read them on your own. Read through me websites, see what he's saying and take it from there. Because I can't hand hold all of these little arguments all over the internet, these slanders and distortions about the things I do teach that are obviously wrong. I never tell anybody to follow me, I tell people to seek the Lord. I don't want people following me. I don't have a following.
You know I just teach what the Lord reveals and people can go to my websites or not, you don't have to choose to go to my sites, you don't have to choose to read the material. But the thing is with mine is that the Lord just leads people to my stuff to where some of these other people use desperation attempts and tactics to get interest to get people to go to their sites and believe what they have to say. Because they have nothing but head knowledge and those people are a dime a dozen. You know everybody could read a book and then expound their own views on it. And people do that all the time and then call themselves experts and pass themselves off as experts (as Harry does), whatever. You decide, decide for yourself.
Listener call-in line tonight 260-356-2611.
Like I've said I've been off for the last couple of weeks. I needed a break. It was good to get away and in the middle of summer and chaos was starting with school again. And I know a lot of you have kids and it's that time to starting thinking about getting ready for school again. And if your kids are in sports like mine are, I've got two in football and one in cheerleading, next year I'll have three in football... it just gets chaos this time of year. And so I'm a little bit behind on news and what's going on, I didn't even keep up with that while I was taking a break. I didn't want to hear anything. I didn't want to hear what's going on, the world's going to hell in a hand basket if I'm here or not. You know I'm working 24/7 or not these things are going to happen and everything that could happen or possibly going to happen in the future is on my websites. I mean it's in the articles I've written it's in the articles I've posted. I've got 19 websites of information and people stumbling on them everyday, the Lord leading people to these websites everyday. And just clearly those who come against me on the attack, and that's the way it's going to happen. I didn't pay attention to it, but I think the people around me get more affected by it than I do. I clearly could just brush it off and walk away, I don't even pay attention to it. But I do have listeners who will ask for clarifications on things. You know so this is one of those times I'll spend time clarifying things. I don't keep doing this and keeping it up because it's not worth my time to have to defend myself, ask the Lord why. And clearly you're going to have to understand that when the Lord stands someone up, I'm not saying things that tickle other people's ears and I do go against a lot of common views because they're wrong. They're not right they're wrong.
The church's been deceived and in deception for thousands of years, hundreds of years. That's why we have over 56,000 denominations alone, just with the Protestant denominations because of all the disagreements over doctrinal issues. It happens.
A lot of things happening this week with prophet Yeehaw travelling the nation. A warning to go out to coast to coast listeners about, to the up and coming spokesperson Benjamin Creme, last time people listened to him. "People were complaining of loud ringing in their head and some were hospitalized. You might want to warn your listeners." Yeah so I'll put that out there. I guess I don't know what's going on over at Coast to Coast, but if he's going to have Benjamin Creme on his show, and I've stated this before folks, don't listen to these people, don't even watch them on TV. They do have a lot of mind control capability. I've seen it in the Bible codes plenty of times. I've been warned about it by the Lord Himself not to watch these people. And so I guess that's what's happening, a lot of people who listened to one of Benjamin Creme's interviews on Coast to Coast, a lot of people got hospitalized from a ringing in their heads. And it's going to get worse, that's the icing on the cake, not even that it probably just of piece of the cake, an ingredient because, this stuff isn't going away. It's going to build and build and build, it's getting a lot bigger we're getting closer to a lot of things to start happen.
Tonight I wanted to go over Matthew 24. You know I didn't really know what I wanted to do tonight on this show. And certainly didn't want to think about it while I was on break. And so I started thinking about it today, and Matthew 24 just kept coming to my mind, and so that's what I'm going to talk about tonight. If not then the Serpant Seedline if I get time, the first or second hour, go over the Serpant Seedline doctrine, a lot of people confused over what that is. And so a lot of clarification, you can also read this off my websites, I have it on my websites, and it's in one of my books as well. I have two books out now, "Bible Codes revealed, the coming UFO invasion", which came out earlier in the year. And now I have out "Aliens on the Internet", which is a book that came out just a couple of months ago, maybe one or two months ago. So I have two books out that are loaded with info, and all of the info that is in those books are articles on websites, so can just read it for free on my websites you can just go through and read those articles I have.
You know there's a lot of people some believing that this prophet, calls himself prophet Yahweh, I just call him prophet Yeehaw, that he could be Maitreya. And it's a possibility because whenever they throw a card down and you think you know what they're doing they change the cards, they change the deck they get a new one. But the standard quota always comes about. These beasts are coming. They call themselves christs they cause themselves Sananda Immanuel, the one that looks like Jesus of the Bible. Maitreya is supposed to be a world teacher. Saint Germaine is supposed to establish a new economic system here, in the world. The call it NESARA. And so you know there's just a lot of things. I spend all of this time, all the past year, week in and week out on my website and on these radio shows warning you of what's coming. And I know a lot of people listening to the archives of these shows, getting about 50,000 to 100,000 people a month listening to the archives of these radio shows. And this is global.
This isn't just the United States and in fact my biggest audiences are getting to be overseas. It's just outstanding, it's spectacular. You know 3 or 4 or 5 years ago the Lord said You will speak to the nations and the nations are definitely listening. And as we get towards the last day the attacks are going to get greater because of that. And I'm used to it, sometimes you need to just walk away. So that's basically what I've done the last couple of weeks. I'm behind on e-mails. Trying to get caught up on those, I appreciate hearing from a lot of you, a lot of support, outside of the just what I call the jerk e-mails, I get those as well, and I read about a sentence of them and just delete them. But you know the moderators of my lists have been kept busy. And you know what I do appreciate them I thank them for standing up. When I need to sit down they can stand up and take over things and so I appreciate that.
Might have to start transcribing these shows. In the last radio show I was looking for.. made an announcement on getting someone to transcribe these radio shows for the deaf crowd. I'm hearing a lot from them, there's a huge deaf population on the internet and they want to know what's being said during these radio shows. There's no transcription of them, and I certainly don't have time to go through and type out all of these shows. So if anybody else, if you're more than a one-hand pecker on the keyboard and it wouldn't take you a week to do it. Even then whoever wants to stand up and be a transcriber for these shows it would be appreciated, otherwise I can't offer that. I can't possibly take on anything more myself.
I have not done any transcribing for speech reversals lately. I think the last one I did was George Bush in his supreme court announcement and that's on the website You can hear it there. I'll probably get more into that this week. Fox news always has...the thing about a lot of these clips on the internet is that they're short and I need longer clips. I need to be able to sit and go through. The longer someone talks the more reversals they're going to give obviously and so I just need longer clips.
So a lot of you if you can send me links to clips on the internet of people that you're interested in hearing if anything's being said in reverse. And I am more interested in stuff happening now, stuff that's being recorded now. From the Pentagon, from the White house because that's the kind of focus and direction I'm heading into right now. What they're saying, Tony Blair, George Bush, Dick Cheney, you know these people who are in the news all the time. You know presidential leaders, leaders of countries and military leaders especially on the war in Iraq. And these are the ones that are the top of the game of the illuminati, and so these are the ones we want to target.
These are the ones that have the information, these are the ones that say things they don't realize they're saying in reverse and expose their agenda. And so I definitely want to stay on target and track of these people. The Maitreyacrowd, the new age crowd, this Benjamin Creme and all these, I mean they're waiting in the wings for the cue, for the green light to go, and that's the only thing that's keeping them back and right now what we're looking at is the new world order playing their hand and their agenda. And so it's a back and forth thing, and by hearing them speak and doing backward reversals on what they're saying, hopefully we'll find extra nuggets and gems of what their real agenda is at the time. Because we know that they throw out a lot of bunny trails for people to go down and they're on the road forward and everybody else is searching and focusing on bunny trails and rabbit trails. I've probably spent a lot of time exposing these rabbit trails just so you know what they are. So you are familiar with them if they come back, if they come into play in the news.
Listener call-in line 260-356-2611.
I put an article out on my list last week about a church being built in Jerusalem. What's interesting is that they're building a new church facility in the heart of Jerusalam. They're calling it the Pavillion which is a new state of the art facility located right in the heart of Jerusalem. And I've always seen in the Bible codes the word pavillion. Pavillion, pavillion, pavillion and I was thinking what is this pavillion? Because if it was a temple it would just come out and say it was a temple even in the codes. And so I was trying to think maybe it was a masked term for some kind of makeshift pavillion in the desert that Maitreya puts together. Or is it referring to a congressional building, you know congress? So it was interesting to see this thing hit the news about this huge state of the art church facility going up in Jerusalem called the Pavillion. It's this paviliion alone which is really a pet project of TBN.
I know they built it, based it on Psalm 27:5, "for in time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavillion, in the secret place of His tabernacle shall He hide me. He shall set me high apon a rock. And so based on this verse they have built this huge pavillion in the heart of Jerusalem. And of course I don't know if this is the same one, that there is any relation to the pavillion that I've seen related with Maitreya in the Bible codes. But it's this pavillion in the Bible codes that a lot of death is going to take place. Maitreya uses it to hatch people up. I've always called him a hatchet man, and he's going to use it for that purpose. It's going to be his stomping ground, he's got this pavillion the he's going to be operating in.
And so you never know folks, it's just one of those things that you just keep an eye on. One of those things that just pops out of nowhere that you don't expect to see, and all of a sudden it's there. Is it pieces of the puzzle coming together, I don't know. You know, but just one of those things to keep an eye on, this huge pavillion being built in Jerusalem. Especially if it's got the funding and the backing of anything related to TBN, which I call The Beast Network. And this whole article, "A Church After God's Heart Grows In The Heart of Jerusalem. " The name of the article can be found at, in the cbn news division of that website. And again it was probably, the middle east section, posted last week about this pavillion going up.
And so yeah real interesting.
Listener call-in line 260-356-2611 for those who want to call in. I've lost contact with a lot of people, taking a break and that's fine I think I was in need of one. A lot of you may catch these on archives and so listener call ins, I've lost contact with them. So hopefully it will get back into a routine again. One of the things I wanted to bring up in regards to the Serpant Seedline. And that being part of the illuminati is that the leader of the earth's illuminati is called Pindar. And Pindar is a member of the 13 ruling families. And this Pindar is always male. This title Pindar is an abbreviated term for pinnacle of the draco also know as "penis of the dragon". And symbolically this represents the top of power. control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion and fear. The holder of this rank reports to the pure breed reptilian leader, in the center of the earth. Pindar is also purely reptilian. His father is supposedly the father of Prince Charles or Pindar is supposedly the father of Prince Charles and also has connections to snow dragons, which is the white draco race. And these snow dragons live in the Lybian desert. And I've talked about that kind of before, about the white reptilian race in the Lybian desert. I don't know if this is related or not.
But it's interesting because I'm looking at some of this information on Pindar. And this is the top earth ranking leader of the illuminati. You'll hear a lot of disinfo, you'll hear a lot of stuff, women run all the witchcraft, racism, Satanism and all this crap. It's always been a male in charge. I don't want to to get steered away by disinfo, steered away by what you hear. This isn't pinhead. Pinhead is that guy, I can't remember the name of that movie he was in, but you know who pinhead is. That's who I was thinking of when I saw this Pindar. But the more pieces to the puzzle. The 13 illuminati families, very organized, have kept their blood lines pure, have kept them clean from contamination from being pure human. Because they like their alien hybrid contamination, and their leader being Pindar. So that's information for no reason, other than giving you some information on it.
I want to go over, I want to start this before we go on break here in about five minutes. But the Lord lead me into Matthew 24 today, so I've been looking through this, and I want to read through this on comment on some of this because so many people jump ahead and don't understand what they're reading, take things out of context. So I just wanted to read through it. I want to start with verse 4. "Jesus answered and said unto them, "take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and deceive many." That's what you're hearing, we're seeing know. We've always seen that with cult gurus who come and go and say that they're Christ. Jim Jones comes to mind, Maitreya and all of these guys, the entire new age, the calls themselves Christ, that they can ascend to godhood and become Christ. "And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, see that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes and divers places.
All these are the beginnings of sorrows, then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you, and you shall be hated of all nations for My Name's sake. And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate another. And many false prophets shall arise and shall deceive many." I want to stop here and back up a little bit. "You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars", and that's what we're in now - we've been. "All these things must come to pass the end is not yet. Nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom. Famines, pestilences, earthquakes in various places, and these are just the beginning of sorrows". Everything that we are seeing now, with the wars, pestilences, famines, these are the beginning of sorrows. You might want to look at it as the beginning of the feel judgments. "They shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and you shall be hated of all nations for My Name's sake." And this is talking about a world wide persecution against believers.
Basically though the heart of this persecution, because He's talking to His disciples, He is talking to those who would become His bride, the Israel the true Israel, those who accept Him. Would be persecuted. Another way of seeing this folks is that this isn't just a church persecution. We're also going to see this rising up in our own churches. You're going to see, like I see it now. I get it all the time from the church crowd. Because the church crowd right now is the most hateful crowd out there. They're the most vindictive, the most vicious.
Any one of these people that are trying to save the world coming on my forums and lists, would be the first ones to hang us up on a tree and nail us. I mean they would hang you upside down, nail you burn you in a thousand different ways. They're vicious. It is going to be the regular church crowd today that will come up against this remnant of true believers in the Lord, the ones who don't go along with the modern agenda established by the Roman Catholic Church some 1500 - 1800 years ago.
When they decided what was going to be believed and what wasn't going to be in the churches. What was tossed in and what was left out. Who was going to replace what. You know they've mangled everything. If you study what the early church believers taught, what the early church fathers taught. The disciples themselves and what Jesus told them before He left, compared to what's being taught now, it's two different things. And all of these people involved with the systems there like the TBN, the churches, the followers of Benny Hinn, Pat Robertson all of these beast prophets, all of these churches today.
The churches with the self help guru seminars, masked in religious terminology. These are the very ones who will come up against the real believers of the Most High, and most of the real believers of the Most High today aren't even sitting in churches. Most of them aren't, they've left them, they've left them along time ago. And there's going to be a real division a war between the churches themselves. Church believers who don't buy into the system that they have tried to put everybody in mind control under since they've been born. Since you've been born they have tried to mould you into their box of what to believe and what not to believe, what is true and what isn't. We're going to take a break here folks and we're going to come back in about 2-3 minutes. Listener call-in line 260-356-2611 for those who want to call in, and we'll be right back.
And welcome back everybody. I've got a guest calling in tonight, and this is something I worked out for last week and couldn't get it through. And didn't know if it was going to happen for this week or not. And apparently it has. Janet Phelan, I'm going to switch tracks here tonight, Janet Phelan is calling in and what she has is a lot of information. And we were talking earlier in the week about how they are poisoning our water supply. And just getting this information out has been a real hassle for her. She's suffered a lot of harassment persecution. I know I sent her a phone card to this show and it came back with the postage ripped off and I wasn't real sure this interview was going to get off tonight. But she's on the line and I'm going to bring her on and we're going to go ahead and do this interview tonight. Welcome Janet to the show.
Janet: Hello Sherry, I'm so glad to be on this show.
Sherry: Yeah, I sent you an e-mail earlier today, I don't know if you got it.
Janet: No I had not gotten the e-mail but I didn't get the phone card, but I made other arrangements.
Sherry: Yeah, I sent you an e-mail because I sent it and it got sent back with the postage ripped off.
Janet: That's very strange.
Sherry: Well they do that to my stuff. I used to do the orgone orders myself and it was one of the typical harassments I'd get. Doesn't even leave the city, they'd rip if off and then tell me "how did you mail without postage on to begin with". You know so it's one of the things I deal with around here. But I'm glad to have you on the show tonight. Why don't you tell our listeners who you are and some of the work you've done.
Janet: Okay. My name is Janet Phalen. I have been a reporter for over 25 years. I have written for the Los Angeles Times, the Long Beach Press Telegram, Santa Monica Daily Press. I've had some things published in We Magazine and other publications both regional and national. And actually I just got, just today I the advanced copy of my first book which is a book of poetry entitled "The Hitler Poems", and actually it's not about Hitler it's more about George Bush. But that just came in, my advanced copy came into day. I have been a reporter, I was on board the Santa Monica Daily Press. I was working there as a columnist and I was aware, I had been aware for some time there had been plans in place to use water as a weapon. And I know that when you start talking about this stuff, people will immediately consider you to be of diminished mentality, so I knew that I had to document this.
Sherry: Conspiracy theory.
Janet: to substantiate it. So I went over to city hall in Santa Monica, in my nice little reporter get up. And said, "gee we've been digging up the streets a lot lately, could I see the water records?" And within 24 hours I didn't have a job anymore.
Sherry: Wow.
Janet: I didn't,,, no hint of conspiracy, nothing you know... never hinted I though anything unusual was going on, but that was the end of my job. And at this point it seems to be the end of my mainstream media career. This particular system which they have been working on at least since 911 if not before, the water records became secured a week after 911.
Sherry: Everybody's net grids or just Santa Monica?
Janet: Oh actually... I researched this in Santa Monica and in Los Angeles. Because I'm here on the west side of Los Angeles, however the system is everywhere. Everywhere in the United States of America. It is referenced in the Patriot Act under the extension of the biological weapons statute. Now there are a lot of problems about 911. A lot of people are making similarities to the Weitzberg fires and we certainly see the administration behaving in a very aggressive way towards a non aggessing countries.
But at this time we don't really see a solid extermination plan in place. We see things lining up that suggest that that's a test of social Darwinism is now in play. You know they're getting the safety nets. We getting you know... there's no affordable housing in LA that's for sure. You know we have a lot of other things going on fiscally that would seem that we are facing you know a very tough time.
That the fittest or the economically successful will survive and those who are not successful may not. But although there are hints of concentration camps and hints of this and that, there has not yet surfaced a solid data of an extermination vehicle. This system is an extermination vehicle, it is a targeting vehicle, so that with this system with the water supply they can target an individual residence and skip over other residences.
And when I was researching this, I was looking into this for quite a while before I kind of surfaced and made that request for the records. And I wanted to make sure that I knew exactly what I was looking for. And there's a particular valve that they use in water works, it's called a T valve. Now this particular valve has several capabilities.
It has the capability of shutting on or off water. It also has the capability because of it's structure, of making an addition into the water system for the residence in which a T valve is in front of. Now according to the blue prints, and I did get a look at blue prints although the agencies that order the work would not let me see blue prints.
They would not even admit they knew what a T valve was, and that was very shocking because they have been using T valves for on and off water turning for over 50 years. However they have a particular capability. With a T valve in front of every single residence, which is what we certainly have in LA, and what appear to have across the country, you can make a targeting addition into the water supply.
You have a street with like number 1, number 3, number 5, you numbered residences on one side of the street, you can go into number 3 and skip number 1 and 5, or you can turn them all on and do 1, 3, and 5 or you can skip the entire block. Now unfortunately the department of water and power professes to lie to me and they lie to me in print. My first interview at DWP, department of water and power in downtown Los Angeles. I met with the head engineer for new water work. Her name is Julie Spacht. And with the head engineer for the western district of Los Angeles. His name is Michael Downs. And they were very glad to show me all kinds of maps where all the reservoirs were, they're not really interested, they're not worried about terrorists dumping anything into reservoirs. But when I asked the question about a T valve they went cross-eyed and stupid, and Julie the head engineer for new water works in Los Angeles, told me she didn't know even what they looked like and could I draw her one so she could get a look at what these strange T valves are. They've been using them over 50 years. At this time they are replacing every single T valve in Los Angeles with ones that respond to computer commands.
Sherry: Now what is it exactly? Is it a fire, water hydrant? How can you tell if you have a T valve in front of your house?
Janet: First of all it's under the street, you can't tell unless you see a blue print.
Sherry: Because I've just had, they've done water works under the pipes here just last year. In front of mine, nobody elses.
Janet: Well they're doing it everywhere I'm not surprised they did it there Sherry.
Sherry: Nobody elses house just mine. And I know I've been battling being poisoned off and on all the time.
Janet: Well people are not being poisoned by the water at this point because they're working on this system and there are other things that have to line up globally before this system gets put into play. There are certain populuses that will be targeted by this. It's shocking to say this, because of the enormous support that our government seems to advent for the State of Israel, but this is an anti-semitic administration. And one of the reasons I believe that we are in Iraq beside you know everybody's yelling about oil, but that's a good decoy excuse.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: However I do not believe that it's about the oil, that's a great perk you know, but I believe we need those bases. We have built at least four bases there now and we have the capability to launch an attack on another country. Now let's say we launch an attack on Israel, let's say this anti-semitic administration, and believe me it is. Let's say they launch an attack on Israel. They blame it on Ben Laden. We lose, the American Jews lose their safety net. Israel was established after the horrific events of WWII and Hitler, and we all know that, I hope we all know by now, the listeners know that Prescott Bush was the money man for Hitler. Our president's grandfather was the money man for Hitler in the US. Now suppose they hit Israel and blame it you know on Ben Laden or whoever the scapegoat of the moment is.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: Then what would happen to American Jews? The US wont be there to save us this time.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: That is one of the population centers that is at risk, there are other populations that are at risk also.
Sherry: You realize that they're building a huge base in Israel now. 50 square miles this base is over in Israel. They've been putting together, they have a target date. It has to be done by October of this year. I've always been waiting for the betrayal, because people want to say that the Zionists are running our government. Zionists aren't real Jews, they're the Serpant Seedline, they're Satan's people and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if the United States attacked Israel.
Janet: I think Sharon is deeply in bed with this.
Sherry: Yes. He is.
Janet: I think..... Hitler was part Jewish so we have some very confusing affiliations here.
Sherry: Hitler was Edomite, he had this Edomite bloodline in him. The same one George Bush has. All of them are connected by Edomite bloodline. Anyone in power right now in the State of Israel is not a true Israelite. Not what we would call a true Jew. They're Edomite bloodline Jews, they're Satans seedline and that's why I get so attacked when I come out with this information on the seedlines that are really behind the scenes running everything.
Janet: There have been books written you know with the titles "What is a Jew?" There are people, there are bad Christians, there are good Christians. There are bad Jews, there are good jews (talking together, can't hear what's being said) who turn on their own and sacrifice their own for their own wellbeing. And it seems the Jews who are in power right now have a little bit of a character problem. They have little bit of an issue about you know standing up for life. Jews are actually supposed to be you know more invested in life that in the hereafter, that is one of the trademarks of Judaism, that you are actually concerned with the sanctity of life. Well I wouldn't say that is true of Sharon.
Sherry: Well he's... they're all in the NWO agenda together.
Janet: Right.
Sherry: And it's his job to destroy the Nation of Israel which is what he's doing.
Janet: It's exactly what he's doing.
Sherry: He's doing his job, and it's the people over there that are helpless to stop them, as much as we are helpless to stop the Bush administration here from destroying America.
Janet: Right.
Sherry: You know they can't do anything.
Janet: People don't understand that there are a lot of things happening, and it's very difficult to connect the dots. If we needed a base in the Middle East to attack Israel, Iraq would be perfect.
Sherry: Yeah well right now they're building their own in Israel. They've got their own going up, it's a huge storage facility. 18, 20 warehouses, pictures that Barry Chamish put up. I don't know if you've kept up with some of the info he's put out lately.
Janet: No, I've missed that.
Sherry: Right, so they're exposing this base that Americans are building in Israel now and eventually it supposed to be given over to the UN to control.
Janet: The UN is kind of an interesting phenomena. Some people say that Hitler actually accomplished his aims, because he got the UN established.
Sherry: Well every time they do something they do it to... WWI we got the League of Nations, WWII we got the United Nations.
Janet: WWIII we get the NWO.
Sherry: You'll see what comes out...something's brought about as a result. I think we're looking at the masses.. I was just talking about earlier before break the coming persecution and how we haven't seen it yet like we're going to. First I think it will start off between the churches themselves, amongst the churches, believers. Believers against believers and it's going to spread out. Eventually we're going to see the concentration camps coming into being. And we've warned about that on this show. And there's many people on the internet who have been warning about concentration camps being built for the NWO agenda. I've been warning that the aliens themselves will be the ones running these things. And of course you go from agenda to agenda to agenda to agenda. But you've stumbled on to one aspect about this whole water supply thing that's very interesting.
Janet: I've been aware about the warnings about concentration camps and I do know that if this system does get activated, they'll be able to wipe out the people if they need to without putting them into camps. So I don't know about the camps. I've looked at some of those websites, and it's not something that I've documented myself and as a reporter I accept and look at new information, but I have documented this business about the water system. Just to get back to that for a moment, when I approached Santa Monica about this, and I had already been bereft of a job and was doing this freelance. The first letter that I got back from the city of Santa Monica, remember I did both cities, Santa Monica and Los Angeles, they're adjacent. First letter I got back and it's on the website, and by the way the title of the article is "Public Extermination Project". If you Google that title the article will come up so you can see what I am talking about. When I went to Santa Monica city hall about this, I got a letter back, a very curious letter back from the city's attorney's office after I made my request for records. And unfortunately once again we have a letter replete with lies. The first statement in that letter which is on the website, issued by Joseph Lawrence who is the assistant city attorney in Santa Monica stated, that were no documents responsive to my request. And my request at that point was very broad. I was requesting records on waterline work from 2000, September 2001 on. Now he stated that there were no documents. However during the period of time I was requesting this, at that very day I made that request, they were digging up the street two blocks away from Joseph Lawrence's office doing water work. So if there are no documents responsive to that request, I think Ben Laden is out here on the west coast, commandeering city crews and digging up the streets, because if they're aren't any records it must be a terrorist attack. Right?
Sherry: Yes.
Janet: So that was lie number one. Lie number two in that letter. He quoted basically stated, restated or actually attempted to restate the Public Records Act. And he said that the Public Records Act in California is not meant to facilitate research. Well excuse me I don't believe Joseph Lawrence has read the Public Records Act, because that's exactly what it's meant to do. It is meant to assist in information gathering. And what is information gathering? It's research, so basically he lied twice. And then he just kind of made a grab for something and said that, "well you know certain records can't be released because it would impede efficient government operation." So first of all there are no records. Second of all he wont release the records he doesn't have because the Public Records Act doesn't mandate it. And then he sites another decision saying he doesn't have to because it will impede efficient government operation. Which is a jaunt. You know he was really reaching for every excuse possible. You know it's very shocking when public servants start to massively betray the popular. And we see it happening at the highest levels of power, we're also seeing it in city governments. They're protecting information, they're protecting information that has federal implications.
Sherry: Right.
Janet: Because as I said this particular system appears to be attempted to be legalized in section 8:17 of the Patriot Act which is the extension of the biological weapons statute. Now I found that particular section of the Patriot Act after I wrote the article. It was before the first interview I did on this which was on KPSK last year. It was right before the interview, I was thrown into the Patriot Act and I seized on the wording there and it was shocking. Because basically what they are saying they're legalizing a system where you can set up a delivery system for the delivery of toxins. Now what are toxins? Toxins are poisons, so they're legalizing a system which can poison people. The next question when I saw this, I said oh my goodness there must be an error here, they must be talking about some king of wartime issue. So I scrolled down section A:17 to the list of restricted persons who may or may not be involved in these delivery systems and toxins. And they're not talking about a military operation. The only restricted persons are those with a felony record and those who have been judged insane. So I guess nobody at DWP is considered a criminal or insane, although people who would actually authorize or work on this system and lie about it, I would say are both criminal and insane.
Sherry: So you're saying that this whole thing is buried in terminology of expanding biological weapons?
Janet: (Made a noise indicating agreement)
Sherry: And so within this whole cause of delivery systems of biological weapons, they are actually referring to just establishing water lines?
Janet: It doesn't talk about water, it says delivery systems and toxins.
Sherry: Toxins. (both talking together for a few seconds)
Janet: Sherry, what teed me off, is when I was researching this, at one time I was in the presence of an FBI agent, who referred to.. who knew very well what I was looking at and looking into at that time. He referred to it as a delivery system, he referred to the water work as a delivery system. So when I ran across that verbage in the Patriot Act, it stopped me cold. Because there it was. This is a nation of laws, we are supposed to be governed by laws. Now if they wanted to do something really appalling, because this is a nation based on the constitution and the Bill of Rights and a whole compendium of laws, they would try to legalize it wouldn't they. And that is what they have done in section 8:17 of the Patriot Act, they have legalized a system which can produce mass death. Now I called the department of justice when I found this section, I called the department of justice. I spoke with somebody in the press office there, named Mark Covalo who is now no longer there. And I referred to it on the line I have a question about the Patriot Act, (unclear). So I asked him about section 8:17 and he was very nervous and I asked him, I asked him basically as a slam down question. Is this system meant to legalize the inducement of death being termination of life? At that point Mr. Covalo simply blurted out, why don't you call the house judiciary committee, they passed the damn thing. And he would not answer any more questions. He got off the line and will not return my calls. He has since left the DOJ, his replacement also will not return my calls. So I called over to the house judiciary committee. I got the council office, and basically asked the same question, and the man on the other end of the line started stuttering really nonsense. He said no we're talking about masks, masks to prevent toxicity. I said no there is nothing there about masks about delivery systems for toxins. I said no are you talking about a system that can result in the termination of life. He had to get off the line, had to take another call, hung up. In fact I can't get anybody at the house now to return my calls. Sounds to me like we've got a covert operation.
Sherry: Oh yeah and you've got a lot of heat for uncovering this. We're going to have to take a break and we're going to come back in five minutes for the second part of the show. Can you hang on for five minutes?
Janet: Absolutely Sherry.
Sherry: Okay, what we're going to do folks is take a break for five minutes, and we'll be right back with the second hour of this show. We'll be right back.
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
August 1, 2005 - 1st hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 01 August 2005 - 1st hour
Hello folks and welcome to the show.
I have had a couple of weeks off to walk away from everything and relax somewhat.
You know it's been a lot of attacks lately and it looks like I took the right time off. You know I don't force my beliefs on anyone but apparently those who disagree with what I do believe and think and teach, think they should spend all of their time on forcing their beliefs on me and everyone else.
You know folks I don't teach anything that isn't of the Lord. If people disagree they should seek the Lord instead of their own head wisdom and attacking me and everyone else, who has taken the time to seek Him directly and learn from Him. If they don't agree they need to move on. We don't attack people and we certainly don't stalk them and become hateful cowards against them, neither do we want them in our home. And so why would people complain they're kicked out of our e-mail lists and our yahoo groups and our forums because they're obnoxious, rude, hateful and condescending.
You know as far as I'm concerned it's good riddance of them. My moderators have full control to run the groups and lists I own and run and I will stand behind what ever actions they take. You know you wouldn't invite someone into your home who was obnoxious and rude you would tell them to leave and so that's what we do and we show the hateful crowd the door and basically that's what all of them are.
You know I hear from everybody, the Islamic crowd who personally would like to tie me to a stake and set me on fire for coming against Mohammad and their idea of Allah. I hear it from the prophet yeehaw crowd for coming up against him and his charade of calling down ufos. I get death threats from the new age crowd for exposing their Satanic doctrines and leaders they call christs and ascended masters. I get it from the church crowd for exposing Pauline doctrines and how he divided early Christianity and steered the early believers away for the past 2000 years, away from the true teachings of the Lord and what He commanded His disciples and apostles to teach and do. And the church was replaced by Paul who negated all of them and took over Christianity with his double forked tounge and mind replacing the truth with lies.
You know when Jesus left He commanded His disciples and apostles to do and preach all that He had commanded them. Them, Paul wasn't there when He said that. He commanded His disciples and apostles to continue on what He had taught them and then Paul introduced himself on the scene, the church accepted his teachings and did away with everything that the Lord had commanded the early apostles to teach. So there is a big division in the church. And so those who want to ride Paul's coat tails instead of the Lord's, come up against me for revealing and exposing all of that.
And so I get it from everyone, the Satanists, the New Agers, those who call themselves Christians, the church crowd, just everyone folks and I hear it from everyone.
And then there's the minority the handful that Yahweh has set aside that do know the truth and recognize it when they see it and hear it on my websites and radio shows. And I hear from these people every day who thank me for standing up and standing in and hanging in to reveal the truth in all things as the Most High leads me to it. You know it gets tiring, but what keeps me going is my supporters in every country across the globe, Israel, Australia, Europe the United States, Africa, they're everywhere. And these are the ones the Most High has me reach and keep informed because they know Him so they know who I am in Him.
And so through all the muck and all the hatred and all the lies and all the slandering against me that takes place, I will stand through it all and keep exposing what needs exposed, teaching what needs to be taught, standing firm in the Most High as His mouthpiece in these last days. You know I got an e-mail request to comment on the Harry Walter and Zeph Daniel interview that they had. And I didn't really want to give it two seconds of my time, I didn't hear the interview, I didn't listen to it. I've been on a break the past couple of weeks and the whole thing from my perspective if things were said about me so be it. You know I'm sure it was an attempt to slander me if anything else. I don't agree with either of those two on various things. I can agree to disagree with others on doctrines while the same others simply can't. They keep it going and going and going, to divide to keep dissension and hatred going, and I want nothing to do with it or them. You know Harry Walter was a co-host of this show and he resigned. He didn't agree with an article I wrote on the Serpant Seedlines so he resigned. Since then he's been distorting things I say, distorting events as they happened lying outright about various things, and I'm not going to feed into his game. You know it's his own charade, his personal agenda for some reason against me and Reality Radio Network to keep his own traffic going to his website, it's all he's looking for.
You know he's not a real pastor, he's not certified by God or man, just a screenwriter from Philadelphia who insists on being called Pastor Harry (his real name is Richard Landes), and at the time I did my show I didn't really care since titles for man don't really mean anything to me anyway. But it's obvious from his actions he's not speaking from the Lord either. You know the Lord doesn't set up someone to be a pastor to come against His own. Harry reads and studies scripture like anybody else, but then he expounds his own views on them. He doesn't hear from the Lord, he doesn't seek the Lord on the truth. He expounds everything he teaches and believes from what his own viewpoint is. And those types of folks are a dime a dozen. You know Zeph Daniel believes in the serpant seedlines, so what they discussed I've no idea unless Zeph's changed his beliefs again which seems to happen quite a bit over there. You know there's the belief of the day week or the month. So whatever folks, I don't want to get into it. I didn't hear the interview myself. It's not fair for me to comment on it since I didn't hear it and I have no interest in hearing it. There's nothing either of them have to say that I would be interested in hearing. So unless somebody has a specific question on something they said I can address, then fine. But as far as I'm concerned this whole thing just keeps going and going, it's worse that the easter bunny, I wish somebody would just take the batteries out, with this whole thing on Harry. It's over, it's done with. He was on the show, he resigned. It's over, get over it. You know he needs to get over it and move on. People agree to disagree on doctrines and views all the time. I don't have anything on my website about him. I've talked about,,, I've had to address this situation over and over again, because he can't just move on. Some kind of handicap, bitterness, hatred, anger whatever, I don't know what the deal is. We simply agree to disagree on a doctrine and that's the way it is. So why would it upset him so much when if somebody actually believes in this doctrine when Gen 3:15 states it clearly, and I have articles on my website about the Serpant Seedline. That's his own problem and he's going to have to learn to deal with it. I'm not going to deal with it on this show anymore. The lies and the distortions, I've never taught a white Israel, I've never taught that. And some of the other things he is saying that I have taught, that I teach, I don't. So clearly anybody could read my material to understand and learn what it is the things I do teach and say instead of saying what I say.
Obviously they don't read my material if they're quoting it wrong, otherwise it's just a vendetta to purposely lie against me. And so that's all it is, and so you guys are going to have to read them on your own. Read through me websites, see what he's saying and take it from there. Because I can't hand hold all of these little arguments all over the internet, these slanders and distortions about the things I do teach that are obviously wrong. I never tell anybody to follow me, I tell people to seek the Lord. I don't want people following me. I don't have a following.
You know I just teach what the Lord reveals and people can go to my websites or not, you don't have to choose to go to my sites, you don't have to choose to read the material. But the thing is with mine is that the Lord just leads people to my stuff to where some of these other people use desperation attempts and tactics to get interest to get people to go to their sites and believe what they have to say. Because they have nothing but head knowledge and those people are a dime a dozen. You know everybody could read a book and then expound their own views on it. And people do that all the time and then call themselves experts and pass themselves off as experts (as Harry does), whatever. You decide, decide for yourself.
Listener call-in line tonight 260-356-2611.
Like I've said I've been off for the last couple of weeks. I needed a break. It was good to get away and in the middle of summer and chaos was starting with school again. And I know a lot of you have kids and it's that time to starting thinking about getting ready for school again. And if your kids are in sports like mine are, I've got two in football and one in cheerleading, next year I'll have three in football... it just gets chaos this time of year. And so I'm a little bit behind on news and what's going on, I didn't even keep up with that while I was taking a break. I didn't want to hear anything. I didn't want to hear what's going on, the world's going to hell in a hand basket if I'm here or not. You know I'm working 24/7 or not these things are going to happen and everything that could happen or possibly going to happen in the future is on my websites. I mean it's in the articles I've written it's in the articles I've posted. I've got 19 websites of information and people stumbling on them everyday, the Lord leading people to these websites everyday. And just clearly those who come against me on the attack, and that's the way it's going to happen. I didn't pay attention to it, but I think the people around me get more affected by it than I do. I clearly could just brush it off and walk away, I don't even pay attention to it. But I do have listeners who will ask for clarifications on things. You know so this is one of those times I'll spend time clarifying things. I don't keep doing this and keeping it up because it's not worth my time to have to defend myself, ask the Lord why. And clearly you're going to have to understand that when the Lord stands someone up, I'm not saying things that tickle other people's ears and I do go against a lot of common views because they're wrong. They're not right they're wrong.
The church's been deceived and in deception for thousands of years, hundreds of years. That's why we have over 56,000 denominations alone, just with the Protestant denominations because of all the disagreements over doctrinal issues. It happens.
A lot of things happening this week with prophet Yeehaw travelling the nation. A warning to go out to coast to coast listeners about, to the up and coming spokesperson Benjamin Creme, last time people listened to him. "People were complaining of loud ringing in their head and some were hospitalized. You might want to warn your listeners." Yeah so I'll put that out there. I guess I don't know what's going on over at Coast to Coast, but if he's going to have Benjamin Creme on his show, and I've stated this before folks, don't listen to these people, don't even watch them on TV. They do have a lot of mind control capability. I've seen it in the Bible codes plenty of times. I've been warned about it by the Lord Himself not to watch these people. And so I guess that's what's happening, a lot of people who listened to one of Benjamin Creme's interviews on Coast to Coast, a lot of people got hospitalized from a ringing in their heads. And it's going to get worse, that's the icing on the cake, not even that it probably just of piece of the cake, an ingredient because, this stuff isn't going away. It's going to build and build and build, it's getting a lot bigger we're getting closer to a lot of things to start happen.
Tonight I wanted to go over Matthew 24. You know I didn't really know what I wanted to do tonight on this show. And certainly didn't want to think about it while I was on break. And so I started thinking about it today, and Matthew 24 just kept coming to my mind, and so that's what I'm going to talk about tonight. If not then the Serpant Seedline if I get time, the first or second hour, go over the Serpant Seedline doctrine, a lot of people confused over what that is. And so a lot of clarification, you can also read this off my websites, I have it on my websites, and it's in one of my books as well. I have two books out now, "Bible Codes revealed, the coming UFO invasion", which came out earlier in the year. And now I have out "Aliens on the Internet", which is a book that came out just a couple of months ago, maybe one or two months ago. So I have two books out that are loaded with info, and all of the info that is in those books are articles on websites, so can just read it for free on my websites you can just go through and read those articles I have.
You know there's a lot of people some believing that this prophet, calls himself prophet Yahweh, I just call him prophet Yeehaw, that he could be Maitreya. And it's a possibility because whenever they throw a card down and you think you know what they're doing they change the cards, they change the deck they get a new one. But the standard quota always comes about. These beasts are coming. They call themselves christs they cause themselves Sananda Immanuel, the one that looks like Jesus of the Bible. Maitreya is supposed to be a world teacher. Saint Germaine is supposed to establish a new economic system here, in the world. The call it NESARA. And so you know there's just a lot of things. I spend all of this time, all the past year, week in and week out on my website and on these radio shows warning you of what's coming. And I know a lot of people listening to the archives of these shows, getting about 50,000 to 100,000 people a month listening to the archives of these radio shows. And this is global.
This isn't just the United States and in fact my biggest audiences are getting to be overseas. It's just outstanding, it's spectacular. You know 3 or 4 or 5 years ago the Lord said You will speak to the nations and the nations are definitely listening. And as we get towards the last day the attacks are going to get greater because of that. And I'm used to it, sometimes you need to just walk away. So that's basically what I've done the last couple of weeks. I'm behind on e-mails. Trying to get caught up on those, I appreciate hearing from a lot of you, a lot of support, outside of the just what I call the jerk e-mails, I get those as well, and I read about a sentence of them and just delete them. But you know the moderators of my lists have been kept busy. And you know what I do appreciate them I thank them for standing up. When I need to sit down they can stand up and take over things and so I appreciate that.
Might have to start transcribing these shows. In the last radio show I was looking for.. made an announcement on getting someone to transcribe these radio shows for the deaf crowd. I'm hearing a lot from them, there's a huge deaf population on the internet and they want to know what's being said during these radio shows. There's no transcription of them, and I certainly don't have time to go through and type out all of these shows. So if anybody else, if you're more than a one-hand pecker on the keyboard and it wouldn't take you a week to do it. Even then whoever wants to stand up and be a transcriber for these shows it would be appreciated, otherwise I can't offer that. I can't possibly take on anything more myself.
I have not done any transcribing for speech reversals lately. I think the last one I did was George Bush in his supreme court announcement and that's on the website You can hear it there. I'll probably get more into that this week. Fox news always has...the thing about a lot of these clips on the internet is that they're short and I need longer clips. I need to be able to sit and go through. The longer someone talks the more reversals they're going to give obviously and so I just need longer clips.
So a lot of you if you can send me links to clips on the internet of people that you're interested in hearing if anything's being said in reverse. And I am more interested in stuff happening now, stuff that's being recorded now. From the Pentagon, from the White house because that's the kind of focus and direction I'm heading into right now. What they're saying, Tony Blair, George Bush, Dick Cheney, you know these people who are in the news all the time. You know presidential leaders, leaders of countries and military leaders especially on the war in Iraq. And these are the ones that are the top of the game of the illuminati, and so these are the ones we want to target.
These are the ones that have the information, these are the ones that say things they don't realize they're saying in reverse and expose their agenda. And so I definitely want to stay on target and track of these people. The Maitreyacrowd, the new age crowd, this Benjamin Creme and all these, I mean they're waiting in the wings for the cue, for the green light to go, and that's the only thing that's keeping them back and right now what we're looking at is the new world order playing their hand and their agenda. And so it's a back and forth thing, and by hearing them speak and doing backward reversals on what they're saying, hopefully we'll find extra nuggets and gems of what their real agenda is at the time. Because we know that they throw out a lot of bunny trails for people to go down and they're on the road forward and everybody else is searching and focusing on bunny trails and rabbit trails. I've probably spent a lot of time exposing these rabbit trails just so you know what they are. So you are familiar with them if they come back, if they come into play in the news.
Listener call-in line 260-356-2611.
I put an article out on my list last week about a church being built in Jerusalem. What's interesting is that they're building a new church facility in the heart of Jerusalam. They're calling it the Pavillion which is a new state of the art facility located right in the heart of Jerusalem. And I've always seen in the Bible codes the word pavillion. Pavillion, pavillion, pavillion and I was thinking what is this pavillion? Because if it was a temple it would just come out and say it was a temple even in the codes. And so I was trying to think maybe it was a masked term for some kind of makeshift pavillion in the desert that Maitreya puts together. Or is it referring to a congressional building, you know congress? So it was interesting to see this thing hit the news about this huge state of the art church facility going up in Jerusalem called the Pavillion. It's this paviliion alone which is really a pet project of TBN.
I know they built it, based it on Psalm 27:5, "for in time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavillion, in the secret place of His tabernacle shall He hide me. He shall set me high apon a rock. And so based on this verse they have built this huge pavillion in the heart of Jerusalem. And of course I don't know if this is the same one, that there is any relation to the pavillion that I've seen related with Maitreya in the Bible codes. But it's this pavillion in the Bible codes that a lot of death is going to take place. Maitreya uses it to hatch people up. I've always called him a hatchet man, and he's going to use it for that purpose. It's going to be his stomping ground, he's got this pavillion the he's going to be operating in.
And so you never know folks, it's just one of those things that you just keep an eye on. One of those things that just pops out of nowhere that you don't expect to see, and all of a sudden it's there. Is it pieces of the puzzle coming together, I don't know. You know, but just one of those things to keep an eye on, this huge pavillion being built in Jerusalem. Especially if it's got the funding and the backing of anything related to TBN, which I call The Beast Network. And this whole article, "A Church After God's Heart Grows In The Heart of Jerusalem. " The name of the article can be found at, in the cbn news division of that website. And again it was probably, the middle east section, posted last week about this pavillion going up.
And so yeah real interesting.
Listener call-in line 260-356-2611 for those who want to call in. I've lost contact with a lot of people, taking a break and that's fine I think I was in need of one. A lot of you may catch these on archives and so listener call ins, I've lost contact with them. So hopefully it will get back into a routine again. One of the things I wanted to bring up in regards to the Serpant Seedline. And that being part of the illuminati is that the leader of the earth's illuminati is called Pindar. And Pindar is a member of the 13 ruling families. And this Pindar is always male. This title Pindar is an abbreviated term for pinnacle of the draco also know as "penis of the dragon". And symbolically this represents the top of power. control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion and fear. The holder of this rank reports to the pure breed reptilian leader, in the center of the earth. Pindar is also purely reptilian. His father is supposedly the father of Prince Charles or Pindar is supposedly the father of Prince Charles and also has connections to snow dragons, which is the white draco race. And these snow dragons live in the Lybian desert. And I've talked about that kind of before, about the white reptilian race in the Lybian desert. I don't know if this is related or not.
But it's interesting because I'm looking at some of this information on Pindar. And this is the top earth ranking leader of the illuminati. You'll hear a lot of disinfo, you'll hear a lot of stuff, women run all the witchcraft, racism, Satanism and all this crap. It's always been a male in charge. I don't want to to get steered away by disinfo, steered away by what you hear. This isn't pinhead. Pinhead is that guy, I can't remember the name of that movie he was in, but you know who pinhead is. That's who I was thinking of when I saw this Pindar. But the more pieces to the puzzle. The 13 illuminati families, very organized, have kept their blood lines pure, have kept them clean from contamination from being pure human. Because they like their alien hybrid contamination, and their leader being Pindar. So that's information for no reason, other than giving you some information on it.
I want to go over, I want to start this before we go on break here in about five minutes. But the Lord lead me into Matthew 24 today, so I've been looking through this, and I want to read through this on comment on some of this because so many people jump ahead and don't understand what they're reading, take things out of context. So I just wanted to read through it. I want to start with verse 4. "Jesus answered and said unto them, "take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and deceive many." That's what you're hearing, we're seeing know. We've always seen that with cult gurus who come and go and say that they're Christ. Jim Jones comes to mind, Maitreya and all of these guys, the entire new age, the calls themselves Christ, that they can ascend to godhood and become Christ. "And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, see that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes and divers places.
All these are the beginnings of sorrows, then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you, and you shall be hated of all nations for My Name's sake. And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate another. And many false prophets shall arise and shall deceive many." I want to stop here and back up a little bit. "You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars", and that's what we're in now - we've been. "All these things must come to pass the end is not yet. Nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom. Famines, pestilences, earthquakes in various places, and these are just the beginning of sorrows". Everything that we are seeing now, with the wars, pestilences, famines, these are the beginning of sorrows. You might want to look at it as the beginning of the feel judgments. "They shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and you shall be hated of all nations for My Name's sake." And this is talking about a world wide persecution against believers.
Basically though the heart of this persecution, because He's talking to His disciples, He is talking to those who would become His bride, the Israel the true Israel, those who accept Him. Would be persecuted. Another way of seeing this folks is that this isn't just a church persecution. We're also going to see this rising up in our own churches. You're going to see, like I see it now. I get it all the time from the church crowd. Because the church crowd right now is the most hateful crowd out there. They're the most vindictive, the most vicious.
Any one of these people that are trying to save the world coming on my forums and lists, would be the first ones to hang us up on a tree and nail us. I mean they would hang you upside down, nail you burn you in a thousand different ways. They're vicious. It is going to be the regular church crowd today that will come up against this remnant of true believers in the Lord, the ones who don't go along with the modern agenda established by the Roman Catholic Church some 1500 - 1800 years ago.
When they decided what was going to be believed and what wasn't going to be in the churches. What was tossed in and what was left out. Who was going to replace what. You know they've mangled everything. If you study what the early church believers taught, what the early church fathers taught. The disciples themselves and what Jesus told them before He left, compared to what's being taught now, it's two different things. And all of these people involved with the systems there like the TBN, the churches, the followers of Benny Hinn, Pat Robertson all of these beast prophets, all of these churches today.
The churches with the self help guru seminars, masked in religious terminology. These are the very ones who will come up against the real believers of the Most High, and most of the real believers of the Most High today aren't even sitting in churches. Most of them aren't, they've left them, they've left them along time ago. And there's going to be a real division a war between the churches themselves. Church believers who don't buy into the system that they have tried to put everybody in mind control under since they've been born. Since you've been born they have tried to mould you into their box of what to believe and what not to believe, what is true and what isn't. We're going to take a break here folks and we're going to come back in about 2-3 minutes. Listener call-in line 260-356-2611 for those who want to call in, and we'll be right back.
And welcome back everybody. I've got a guest calling in tonight, and this is something I worked out for last week and couldn't get it through. And didn't know if it was going to happen for this week or not. And apparently it has. Janet Phelan, I'm going to switch tracks here tonight, Janet Phelan is calling in and what she has is a lot of information. And we were talking earlier in the week about how they are poisoning our water supply. And just getting this information out has been a real hassle for her. She's suffered a lot of harassment persecution. I know I sent her a phone card to this show and it came back with the postage ripped off and I wasn't real sure this interview was going to get off tonight. But she's on the line and I'm going to bring her on and we're going to go ahead and do this interview tonight. Welcome Janet to the show.
Janet: Hello Sherry, I'm so glad to be on this show.
Sherry: Yeah, I sent you an e-mail earlier today, I don't know if you got it.
Janet: No I had not gotten the e-mail but I didn't get the phone card, but I made other arrangements.
Sherry: Yeah, I sent you an e-mail because I sent it and it got sent back with the postage ripped off.
Janet: That's very strange.
Sherry: Well they do that to my stuff. I used to do the orgone orders myself and it was one of the typical harassments I'd get. Doesn't even leave the city, they'd rip if off and then tell me "how did you mail without postage on to begin with". You know so it's one of the things I deal with around here. But I'm glad to have you on the show tonight. Why don't you tell our listeners who you are and some of the work you've done.
Janet: Okay. My name is Janet Phalen. I have been a reporter for over 25 years. I have written for the Los Angeles Times, the Long Beach Press Telegram, Santa Monica Daily Press. I've had some things published in We Magazine and other publications both regional and national. And actually I just got, just today I the advanced copy of my first book which is a book of poetry entitled "The Hitler Poems", and actually it's not about Hitler it's more about George Bush. But that just came in, my advanced copy came into day. I have been a reporter, I was on board the Santa Monica Daily Press. I was working there as a columnist and I was aware, I had been aware for some time there had been plans in place to use water as a weapon. And I know that when you start talking about this stuff, people will immediately consider you to be of diminished mentality, so I knew that I had to document this.
Sherry: Conspiracy theory.
Janet: to substantiate it. So I went over to city hall in Santa Monica, in my nice little reporter get up. And said, "gee we've been digging up the streets a lot lately, could I see the water records?" And within 24 hours I didn't have a job anymore.
Sherry: Wow.
Janet: I didn't,,, no hint of conspiracy, nothing you know... never hinted I though anything unusual was going on, but that was the end of my job. And at this point it seems to be the end of my mainstream media career. This particular system which they have been working on at least since 911 if not before, the water records became secured a week after 911.
Sherry: Everybody's net grids or just Santa Monica?
Janet: Oh actually... I researched this in Santa Monica and in Los Angeles. Because I'm here on the west side of Los Angeles, however the system is everywhere. Everywhere in the United States of America. It is referenced in the Patriot Act under the extension of the biological weapons statute. Now there are a lot of problems about 911. A lot of people are making similarities to the Weitzberg fires and we certainly see the administration behaving in a very aggressive way towards a non aggessing countries.
But at this time we don't really see a solid extermination plan in place. We see things lining up that suggest that that's a test of social Darwinism is now in play. You know they're getting the safety nets. We getting you know... there's no affordable housing in LA that's for sure. You know we have a lot of other things going on fiscally that would seem that we are facing you know a very tough time.
That the fittest or the economically successful will survive and those who are not successful may not. But although there are hints of concentration camps and hints of this and that, there has not yet surfaced a solid data of an extermination vehicle. This system is an extermination vehicle, it is a targeting vehicle, so that with this system with the water supply they can target an individual residence and skip over other residences.
And when I was researching this, I was looking into this for quite a while before I kind of surfaced and made that request for the records. And I wanted to make sure that I knew exactly what I was looking for. And there's a particular valve that they use in water works, it's called a T valve. Now this particular valve has several capabilities.
It has the capability of shutting on or off water. It also has the capability because of it's structure, of making an addition into the water system for the residence in which a T valve is in front of. Now according to the blue prints, and I did get a look at blue prints although the agencies that order the work would not let me see blue prints.
They would not even admit they knew what a T valve was, and that was very shocking because they have been using T valves for on and off water turning for over 50 years. However they have a particular capability. With a T valve in front of every single residence, which is what we certainly have in LA, and what appear to have across the country, you can make a targeting addition into the water supply.
You have a street with like number 1, number 3, number 5, you numbered residences on one side of the street, you can go into number 3 and skip number 1 and 5, or you can turn them all on and do 1, 3, and 5 or you can skip the entire block. Now unfortunately the department of water and power professes to lie to me and they lie to me in print. My first interview at DWP, department of water and power in downtown Los Angeles. I met with the head engineer for new water work. Her name is Julie Spacht. And with the head engineer for the western district of Los Angeles. His name is Michael Downs. And they were very glad to show me all kinds of maps where all the reservoirs were, they're not really interested, they're not worried about terrorists dumping anything into reservoirs. But when I asked the question about a T valve they went cross-eyed and stupid, and Julie the head engineer for new water works in Los Angeles, told me she didn't know even what they looked like and could I draw her one so she could get a look at what these strange T valves are. They've been using them over 50 years. At this time they are replacing every single T valve in Los Angeles with ones that respond to computer commands.
Sherry: Now what is it exactly? Is it a fire, water hydrant? How can you tell if you have a T valve in front of your house?
Janet: First of all it's under the street, you can't tell unless you see a blue print.
Sherry: Because I've just had, they've done water works under the pipes here just last year. In front of mine, nobody elses.
Janet: Well they're doing it everywhere I'm not surprised they did it there Sherry.
Sherry: Nobody elses house just mine. And I know I've been battling being poisoned off and on all the time.
Janet: Well people are not being poisoned by the water at this point because they're working on this system and there are other things that have to line up globally before this system gets put into play. There are certain populuses that will be targeted by this. It's shocking to say this, because of the enormous support that our government seems to advent for the State of Israel, but this is an anti-semitic administration. And one of the reasons I believe that we are in Iraq beside you know everybody's yelling about oil, but that's a good decoy excuse.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: However I do not believe that it's about the oil, that's a great perk you know, but I believe we need those bases. We have built at least four bases there now and we have the capability to launch an attack on another country. Now let's say we launch an attack on Israel, let's say this anti-semitic administration, and believe me it is. Let's say they launch an attack on Israel. They blame it on Ben Laden. We lose, the American Jews lose their safety net. Israel was established after the horrific events of WWII and Hitler, and we all know that, I hope we all know by now, the listeners know that Prescott Bush was the money man for Hitler. Our president's grandfather was the money man for Hitler in the US. Now suppose they hit Israel and blame it you know on Ben Laden or whoever the scapegoat of the moment is.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: Then what would happen to American Jews? The US wont be there to save us this time.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: That is one of the population centers that is at risk, there are other populations that are at risk also.
Sherry: You realize that they're building a huge base in Israel now. 50 square miles this base is over in Israel. They've been putting together, they have a target date. It has to be done by October of this year. I've always been waiting for the betrayal, because people want to say that the Zionists are running our government. Zionists aren't real Jews, they're the Serpant Seedline, they're Satan's people and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if the United States attacked Israel.
Janet: I think Sharon is deeply in bed with this.
Sherry: Yes. He is.
Janet: I think..... Hitler was part Jewish so we have some very confusing affiliations here.
Sherry: Hitler was Edomite, he had this Edomite bloodline in him. The same one George Bush has. All of them are connected by Edomite bloodline. Anyone in power right now in the State of Israel is not a true Israelite. Not what we would call a true Jew. They're Edomite bloodline Jews, they're Satans seedline and that's why I get so attacked when I come out with this information on the seedlines that are really behind the scenes running everything.
Janet: There have been books written you know with the titles "What is a Jew?" There are people, there are bad Christians, there are good Christians. There are bad Jews, there are good jews (talking together, can't hear what's being said) who turn on their own and sacrifice their own for their own wellbeing. And it seems the Jews who are in power right now have a little bit of a character problem. They have little bit of an issue about you know standing up for life. Jews are actually supposed to be you know more invested in life that in the hereafter, that is one of the trademarks of Judaism, that you are actually concerned with the sanctity of life. Well I wouldn't say that is true of Sharon.
Sherry: Well he's... they're all in the NWO agenda together.
Janet: Right.
Sherry: And it's his job to destroy the Nation of Israel which is what he's doing.
Janet: It's exactly what he's doing.
Sherry: He's doing his job, and it's the people over there that are helpless to stop them, as much as we are helpless to stop the Bush administration here from destroying America.
Janet: Right.
Sherry: You know they can't do anything.
Janet: People don't understand that there are a lot of things happening, and it's very difficult to connect the dots. If we needed a base in the Middle East to attack Israel, Iraq would be perfect.
Sherry: Yeah well right now they're building their own in Israel. They've got their own going up, it's a huge storage facility. 18, 20 warehouses, pictures that Barry Chamish put up. I don't know if you've kept up with some of the info he's put out lately.
Janet: No, I've missed that.
Sherry: Right, so they're exposing this base that Americans are building in Israel now and eventually it supposed to be given over to the UN to control.
Janet: The UN is kind of an interesting phenomena. Some people say that Hitler actually accomplished his aims, because he got the UN established.
Sherry: Well every time they do something they do it to... WWI we got the League of Nations, WWII we got the United Nations.
Janet: WWIII we get the NWO.
Sherry: You'll see what comes out...something's brought about as a result. I think we're looking at the masses.. I was just talking about earlier before break the coming persecution and how we haven't seen it yet like we're going to. First I think it will start off between the churches themselves, amongst the churches, believers. Believers against believers and it's going to spread out. Eventually we're going to see the concentration camps coming into being. And we've warned about that on this show. And there's many people on the internet who have been warning about concentration camps being built for the NWO agenda. I've been warning that the aliens themselves will be the ones running these things. And of course you go from agenda to agenda to agenda to agenda. But you've stumbled on to one aspect about this whole water supply thing that's very interesting.
Janet: I've been aware about the warnings about concentration camps and I do know that if this system does get activated, they'll be able to wipe out the people if they need to without putting them into camps. So I don't know about the camps. I've looked at some of those websites, and it's not something that I've documented myself and as a reporter I accept and look at new information, but I have documented this business about the water system. Just to get back to that for a moment, when I approached Santa Monica about this, and I had already been bereft of a job and was doing this freelance. The first letter that I got back from the city of Santa Monica, remember I did both cities, Santa Monica and Los Angeles, they're adjacent. First letter I got back and it's on the website, and by the way the title of the article is "Public Extermination Project". If you Google that title the article will come up so you can see what I am talking about. When I went to Santa Monica city hall about this, I got a letter back, a very curious letter back from the city's attorney's office after I made my request for records. And unfortunately once again we have a letter replete with lies. The first statement in that letter which is on the website, issued by Joseph Lawrence who is the assistant city attorney in Santa Monica stated, that were no documents responsive to my request. And my request at that point was very broad. I was requesting records on waterline work from 2000, September 2001 on. Now he stated that there were no documents. However during the period of time I was requesting this, at that very day I made that request, they were digging up the street two blocks away from Joseph Lawrence's office doing water work. So if there are no documents responsive to that request, I think Ben Laden is out here on the west coast, commandeering city crews and digging up the streets, because if they're aren't any records it must be a terrorist attack. Right?
Sherry: Yes.
Janet: So that was lie number one. Lie number two in that letter. He quoted basically stated, restated or actually attempted to restate the Public Records Act. And he said that the Public Records Act in California is not meant to facilitate research. Well excuse me I don't believe Joseph Lawrence has read the Public Records Act, because that's exactly what it's meant to do. It is meant to assist in information gathering. And what is information gathering? It's research, so basically he lied twice. And then he just kind of made a grab for something and said that, "well you know certain records can't be released because it would impede efficient government operation." So first of all there are no records. Second of all he wont release the records he doesn't have because the Public Records Act doesn't mandate it. And then he sites another decision saying he doesn't have to because it will impede efficient government operation. Which is a jaunt. You know he was really reaching for every excuse possible. You know it's very shocking when public servants start to massively betray the popular. And we see it happening at the highest levels of power, we're also seeing it in city governments. They're protecting information, they're protecting information that has federal implications.
Sherry: Right.
Janet: Because as I said this particular system appears to be attempted to be legalized in section 8:17 of the Patriot Act which is the extension of the biological weapons statute. Now I found that particular section of the Patriot Act after I wrote the article. It was before the first interview I did on this which was on KPSK last year. It was right before the interview, I was thrown into the Patriot Act and I seized on the wording there and it was shocking. Because basically what they are saying they're legalizing a system where you can set up a delivery system for the delivery of toxins. Now what are toxins? Toxins are poisons, so they're legalizing a system which can poison people. The next question when I saw this, I said oh my goodness there must be an error here, they must be talking about some king of wartime issue. So I scrolled down section A:17 to the list of restricted persons who may or may not be involved in these delivery systems and toxins. And they're not talking about a military operation. The only restricted persons are those with a felony record and those who have been judged insane. So I guess nobody at DWP is considered a criminal or insane, although people who would actually authorize or work on this system and lie about it, I would say are both criminal and insane.
Sherry: So you're saying that this whole thing is buried in terminology of expanding biological weapons?
Janet: (Made a noise indicating agreement)
Sherry: And so within this whole cause of delivery systems of biological weapons, they are actually referring to just establishing water lines?
Janet: It doesn't talk about water, it says delivery systems and toxins.
Sherry: Toxins. (both talking together for a few seconds)
Janet: Sherry, what teed me off, is when I was researching this, at one time I was in the presence of an FBI agent, who referred to.. who knew very well what I was looking at and looking into at that time. He referred to it as a delivery system, he referred to the water work as a delivery system. So when I ran across that verbage in the Patriot Act, it stopped me cold. Because there it was. This is a nation of laws, we are supposed to be governed by laws. Now if they wanted to do something really appalling, because this is a nation based on the constitution and the Bill of Rights and a whole compendium of laws, they would try to legalize it wouldn't they. And that is what they have done in section 8:17 of the Patriot Act, they have legalized a system which can produce mass death. Now I called the department of justice when I found this section, I called the department of justice. I spoke with somebody in the press office there, named Mark Covalo who is now no longer there. And I referred to it on the line I have a question about the Patriot Act, (unclear). So I asked him about section 8:17 and he was very nervous and I asked him, I asked him basically as a slam down question. Is this system meant to legalize the inducement of death being termination of life? At that point Mr. Covalo simply blurted out, why don't you call the house judiciary committee, they passed the damn thing. And he would not answer any more questions. He got off the line and will not return my calls. He has since left the DOJ, his replacement also will not return my calls. So I called over to the house judiciary committee. I got the council office, and basically asked the same question, and the man on the other end of the line started stuttering really nonsense. He said no we're talking about masks, masks to prevent toxicity. I said no there is nothing there about masks about delivery systems for toxins. I said no are you talking about a system that can result in the termination of life. He had to get off the line, had to take another call, hung up. In fact I can't get anybody at the house now to return my calls. Sounds to me like we've got a covert operation.
Sherry: Oh yeah and you've got a lot of heat for uncovering this. We're going to have to take a break and we're going to come back in five minutes for the second part of the show. Can you hang on for five minutes?
Janet: Absolutely Sherry.
Sherry: Okay, what we're going to do folks is take a break for five minutes, and we'll be right back with the second hour of this show. We'll be right back.
Sherry Shriner
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
August 1, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 01 August 2005 - 2nd hour
And welcome back everybody, I'm Sherry Shriner. Welcome back to the show.
With me tonight is Janet Phelan and she is a news reporter from California who uncovered in the Patriot Act authorization for local governments and counties to install delivery of toxins, to revamp our water supply systems. To exterminate and kill massive amounts of populations. And tonight we're talking about it. Welcome back to the show Janet.
Janet: Hello Sherry.
Sherry: And we talked about in the last half hour about this public extermination project that you stumbled upon as a news reporter in Santa Monica, California.
Janet: Right, Once again for those who are just coming on to the show. If you Google the title of the article, "Public Extermination Project", you can read the article. I also want to say, for those who would like to contact me about this, my e-mail is [email protected]. I also would like to very briefly Sherry to thank Tim White in Denver Colorado for suggesting I contact you about this.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: He has been very helpful in trying to get the word out about this particular project, this particular article. This article seems to be a test by the left as well as the right. It seems to be kind of a litmus test of people's true intentions, who are involved in political work now.
Sherry: Right, There is no left or right, just one big agenda.
Janet: Well..
Sherry: Everybody working together.
Janet: Unfortunately it seems like not for everybody, but for many people that seems to be true.
Sherry: Yeah, Tim's been a long time friend of mine. He's been on this show. Yeah and he was the one who told me about you, put us together. So this is another kink in their armour I guess. Just one more thing to expose about them. They're just.. every time you turn around, they're coming at you with something.
Janet: Well lately it does seem like that.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: I was alive, I was eleven years old when J F Kennedy was shot, and my father who was an investigative reporter and best selling author, was involved in researching the Kennedy assassination. And he didn't think there was a conspiracy. My father was, my father would not take, would not go into camps so to speak, political camps. He considered himself a liberal. But he like to research and understand things himself. And you know I was very young at the time and I listened to my father and he really didn't think there was a conspiracy, but he certainly found them in other places. His article on Richard Nixon was credited with the Nixon Huges loan, was credited by governor Pat Brown in California. With costing the governmentorial seat to Richard Nixon and granting enough votes for Pat Brown to get that seat. However I did not grow up with a conspiratorial background. I was kind of disinterested in those things, I thought they were preoccupations of idle minds. So I don't go looking for conspiracies but I certainly have stumbled on one.
Sherry: Yeah and this goes in line... I think a lot of people have been aware of possible attack of the Minnesota water system. That's just always kind of been out there. Probably a rabbit trail to keep everybody away from where the real focus areas are at the moment. I know that St. Paul in Minnesota and Twin Cities in Minnesota have come up as possible places for biological terror attacks via the water system. And so to hear what you've been describing going on in California where they can install T valves in front of peoples homes, where they can target one residence or one street or one area, neighborhood at a time and poison them through the water supply.
Janet: Right.
Sherry: And this is something that could be happening nationwide. Have you seen it happening anywhere else?
Janet: Apparently it is, apparently the project is a nationwide project. I've been getting e-mails and contacts now from people all over the country saying, "they've been doing the water works in front of my house" and "they've been doing water works down the street." It seems that there's been a lot of infrastructure work since 911.
Sherry: Yeah you know one of the things I noticed two years ago was when they came out with this, every state was given money to improve their bridges, infrastructure money, to reinforce all the bridges no matter how big or small. So that it can hold all these military vehicles that are going to be here.
Janet: Right. It's going to get very scary in the next few years.
Sherry: Yeah. In our town they have reinforced all these little heebob bridges out here, and widening them for what's going to be military vehicles when they start transporting and picking people up in the country in the cities and transporting them to these camps, during martial law, during lock down. I mean we're going to have a NWO whether we agree with it or not, whether we want one or not, and right now they're just legally masking it in all of the legislation that is coming out. And you stumbled on it in section 8:17 of the Patriot Act, legalizing them to deliver toxins in our water supply.
Janet: Right in essence that's pretty much guts the due process clause of the Bill of Rights. You cannot be deprived of life or liberty or possessions without due process. Well apparently the due process is section 8:17 of the Patriot Act, apparently that was our due process.
Sherry: That was our due process?
Janet: Right.
Sherry: Here drink some water.
Janet: Yeah, have a glass of eternity. Now the way this toxicity is working, some people have become hip to this and saying, "Well I just won't cook with the water " Well unfortunately with the kind of toxins they're using, it seems that showering will be dangerous.
Sherry: Really?
Janet: Showering, because the skin is also a sense organ and with the toxins that they are apparently using with is that they can in through the skin and cause the some kinds of problems.
Sherry: Do you have any types of the name of the toxins they are using or plan on using?
Janet: Yeah I would sure like to know that. I have been attempting to get all of the samples of this stuff. I've been actually just came from a house tap, but that's a whole other story. I have a sample. I have been attempting to get this tested. Now I am not apparently able at this point to get this tested, because the chemists, the lab I have approached are refusing to test. The one lab that I did get to agree to test this. There were some peculiar things going on about that. I was taking the bus to the lab, you know we had set this up for the next day. I was talking the bus to the lab and I had to go to a bus depot where several buses in several different lines left. Now I'm waiting for the bus and I'm very dressed down. I'm wearing jeans and a T shirt and I have a little satchel with my water sample in it. And someone walks up to me and goes, "so you're a freelance writer". And I go, "no no I'm just waiting for the bus". He says, "oh yeah you write poetry to huh". Well actually yeah I do and that book that I have that I mentioned that just came out is a poetry book. And I'm looking and I'm thinking, "hmm have I been made?" And the woman says to me, "and you're getting on the number 10 line". Well as I said it was a depot, several bus lines left, it was the number 10 that went to the lab. So I figured at that point, that maybe there had been attention paid to my visits. By the time I got to the lab it was pretty clear I was not going to get a test of this. So it pretty much shut down on me right then and there. So I do not have the sample tested. I don't know how to, I think it would be very useful to do so. Now interestingly enough, as we know there have been a bunch of unusual deaths recently among microbiologists and other scientists who are working on particular projects. In February 2005, this year Lisa Ungara (unsure of the spelling), who was a chemist in (placename is unclear) which is on the east coast, whose job was water testing was found dead at work. Her body dumped into a tank. So maybe that's why I can't get it tested. I'm not sure.
Sherry: Yeah, they're shutting down any kind of access. Are there any kind of home water.. I guess those wouldn't really work, get your own kind of home kits or something?
Janet: The thing about that is there are some things that filter out micro-organisms, but we don't know what this is.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: We don't know if it's arsenic, we don't know if it's.. we don't know what it is.
Sherry: I wouldn't be surprised if it's not arsenic because I've seen it come up lots of times in the Bible codes, in relation to coffee. And I'm thinking how can they poison our coffee? I see the term arsenic all the time, so it wouldn't surprise me. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Janet: Well whatever it is, having gotten curious and well actually this is the whole story about how this happened, but I did envibe some of the stuff and it does attack the cardiac functioning. That it goes, they're not messing around, they're not, it's not like something slow going like cancer, it goes straight to your cardiac functioning.
Sherry: So a lot of these people that are being targetted would just drop over in cardiac arrest.
Janet: I'm sorry, what?
Sherry: They would just drop over of heart attacks.
Janet: Yeah. They would drop over of heart attacks and strokes. Actually after I envibed it and I realized that I got very sick, I went to the doctors immediately like emergency and my blood pressure would just rest at about 110 over 70 was 280 over 200, and that was from drinking water.
Sherry: From drinking water.
Janet: That was from drinking water and that was when I got curious about what would happen if I drank some. Yes it will cause cardiac failure or stroke. And since the person can't live without water, you can go without food for quite awhile, but water and air are the two basic necessities for human life on this planet. So if they mess up the water what are you going to do. Most people won't realize what the problem is, they'll just die. Some people will figure out pretty quickly that something's going wrong and maybe able to do something to help themselves. You know like go elsewhere. It's a very evil plan because basically they're allowing people to kill themselves. If they drink water, people will be killing themselves rather than someone coming to your door. like a storm trooper knocking it down and plugging you full of bullets.
Sherry: Yeah they don't plan on coming after you, they just plan on coming in to clean up. They have the clean-up crews (talking together) taking all the dead bodies.
Janet: There's going to have to be an awfully big clean-up crew for this mess.
Sherry: You know I mean well we've heard of where they've stockpiled millions of body bags outside of certain cities. You know that stuff being going around for years and now you're seeing why. It's not just a four o'clock massive bombardment of soldiers taking people out of their homes, just walk in and clean people up because they're already dead.
Janet: They have all these waste trucks, if they can pick up garbage now then I guess they can be picking up people. I hope it's my fervent hope that by disemminating this information, somehow the information can reach a critical mass along with the RVMs and something can be done. Because if everybody knows or critical mass, amount of people know this is going to happen, maybe they won't be able to pull it off and that is the reason I am trying to get on the air as much as possible about this. In the hope that maybe somehow or another this can be diverted and life can be saved.
Sherry: I've seen it over and over again, people don't think well you're just one person who cares what you have to say it's not going to affect their agenda. They're bigger they're more powerful it's more of them than you. But I've seen it over and over again that if you expose what they are going to do, they switch tactics.
Janet: Well they probably would switch tactics, they probably have some backup plans.
Sherry: Well they always do.
Janet: They probably do. But all I can think about is that human life is precious and holy and that the government does not have the right to take life.
Sherry: Right.
Janet: And they're doing it left and right. They doing it, they're coming at the people who know.
Sherry: And they're committing treason.
Janet: They're coming at people who are attempting to expose them. Kill the messenger, kill the messenger.
Sherry: Yeah well they always come after the messengers.
Janet: Right, oh yes they do, they do. Speaking of this messenger who now is unable to work in conventional media, there has been some retaliation. I do want to speak a bit briefly because it is part and parcel of this situation. My apartment has been seized, my bank account has been emptied out, my safety deposit boxes where there was gold, diamonds and all kinds of stuff have been gone into and my assets have been seized. People are not aware that this level of retaliation can actually happen but it can happen and it needs to be stated because I believe it adds credence to the information. There has been a real shutdown an attempt to shutdown of my ability to continue doing what I am doing. Just to mention that may add credence to the weight of this information.
Sherry: You really got to wonder why they do the things they do because so many people, myself and Tim and Larry and you and so many people that worked everyday to expose the NWO, they really give us no option. Because you cannot go out and get a job. I have three college degrees, I was in news, my background is in news. There are very many others who have degree or special skills and cannot get jobs, and they really leave you no choice but to go ahead and spend your time exposing them.
Janet: Well actually I believe they create the monster they intended to supress.
Sherry: Yes they do (speaking together for a few seconds)
Janet: because your information has lead you into a place where, You know I've had a jobs since this has happened and they show up, you know they show up and they threaten the boss. So they leave you no option but to come at them with the truth. Because I believe that the pen is the only accessible weapon.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: Or the words over the radio, same thing basically.
Sherry: Yeah. And good for us that you know we've got the internet for now.
Janet: Yes.
Sherry: When they shut the internet down there goes any form of really viable communication. We've heard threats, now they're coming out with the new internet, testing it in colleges now. The next one that's coming out.
Janet: Really.
Sherry: Yeah, and I've heard that the next one, you know they make it sound like oh it's faster downloads and whatever, but what it's basically going to do is make it illegal for anyone to have an information website that isn't licensed by the government. So all of these websites that people like me have up will come down. You can be thrown in jail for putting up an information, that has news or information on it, if you're not licensed by the government to have it up.
Janet: Well they're really trying to control everybody and everything. You know the thing about the vitamin supplements and legislating away our right to take vitamin C, basically legislating away our right to control our own lives.
Sherry: Right.
Janet: These are obssessive control freaks. Now the ultimate control is to decide who lives and who dies. That is the big control and apparently they are going for the big control. It's very sad because it is a total perversion of life, it is a total perversion of the capabilities that we are given as human beings to respect life is gone
Sherry: Yeah. And how people could be so fooled to thinking that our government is still protecting and defending the constitution of American when they've passed acts like the Patriot Act with all these hidden clauses and intents and purposes in it. You know of this section 8:17 is taking place in Santa Monica, California. That they've got it going, implemented in every other city in every other state.
Janet: Right exactly, this Santa Monica law is a national law.
Sherry: Yeah this is national, the Patriot Act is national which mean every city is going to have to set this up, and they probably already have. I mean I've seen water works done here.
Janet: I think so, actually it appears so.
Sherry: Yeah. And it really gives you no choice, people have to leave their homes and head for the country just to survive when it gets down to it.
Janet: Or head for the mountains.
Sherry: Yeah head to the mountains, that's where we're going to be.
Janet: That's what they always say, when the end is near head for the hills.
Sherry: Yeah, and then they're going to chemtrail you to death. They'll be targetting the hills. Everywhere you turn, there's another disaster waiting, there's something waiting. You know I took the last two weeks off as the world's going to go to hell in a handbasket if I'm here or not. I needed a break, I took two weeks off, I've been hammering this stuff for years. You know day in and day out, 19 websites, 2 radio shows and it just gets to you. It's just like, "is it doing any good?" Then you hear from people. But certainly it's a seesaw, you know attacks on one end and the people you can help on the other and I know it keeps us going. Keeps everybody going exposing these agendas.
Janet: The thing is right now there are core issues I mean some people are dealing, I know the larush people are trying to deal with the monetary system, other people are still hammering away on 911. The core issues right now are life and death, they are life and death issues and I believe that if all the concerned citizens and all the people who are marching and writing letters, all of which is very very good hearted but seems to be very ineffective right now. If they could mobilize around core issues which are life and death issues that maybe we would be able to make an impact.
Sherry: Yeah, well people since 911, I mean I don't think it's a secret, not much of one that the government was involved. A lot of groups, a lot of people involved in exposing the government's participation. And it's almost like they, to the point where, "yeah we did it, so what what are you going to do?" What are you going to do about it, I have seen anything that's really been effective for people to do to stand up and protest. I mean the media won't cover it or they lie about the numbers, they lie about everything. People pretty much believe what they see or hear on television and nothing else.
Janet: I know.
Sherry: The mass majority aren't going to go onto the internet and find out the truth and the ones who do end up on the internet just feel completely powerless to do anything against it.
Janet: I want to say why I am on the air. That I sent over a copy of the article "Public Extermination Project" with the relevant section, section 8:17 of the Patriot Act along with a letter deliniating a request. And I sent this to my congressional representative who is Henry Waxman out here in Los Angeles. The request stated that under unusual circumstances a private citizen may under sponsorship of her representative address a joint session of congress. Now I also stated in that letter that I was requesting that Henry Waxman would sponsor me to do this. I stated that following the upheaval in this country after the attacks of 911, I do not believe the US congress intended to legalize genocide, unfortunately it appears to have been the case. I sent this letter over to Henry Waxman over a month ago. He has been completely silent. There has been no response. I am urging those who are listening to the program who support my efforts, to call Henry Waxman's office either in Washington DC in Los Angeles and support my request. He is an elected representative, he was not elected to have his citizenry killed. He was elected to uphold the constitution and the Bill of Rights. He needs to be held accountable.
Sherry: Yeah they're still being elected as we know to uphold the constitution and not uphold the Patriot Act.
Janet: Right.
Sherry: There is a law in the constitution that negates and says any law that's passed that runs contrary to the constitution is illegal. And so this whole Patriot Act, basically based on the constitution is illegal in itself, cannot be enforced because it's illegal.
Janet: There are a couple of laws that seem to negate either the Patriot Act as a whole or parts of the Patriot Act. One is (unclear) 18 section 242 which is deprivation of civil rights under color of law, which is exactly what the Patriot Act is.
Sherry: Right.
Janet: There is also a law the actually makes genocide illegal, but section 8:17 of the Patriot Act seems to be running counter to that, being the expansion of the biological weapons statute applies to domestic issues. So we have almost irreconcilable conflicts in life. Somebody needs to stand up and address this. Henry Waxman is a democrat, he also happens to be Jewish, but he is a democrat and he needs to stand up and state that he did not get elected, he did not run for office, he did not work to uphold the constitution in order to avert his eyes while plans are being made to kill citizenry.
Sherry: Right. So if everybody contacted their own, some kind of massive effort getting together. Because you know this is got to be happening in every state now. People probably see...
Janet: Somebody needs to bear the burden of stepping forward. Robert Foster has been attempting to do some things. There are isolated pockets of efforts by other members of the legislature but they are mitigated, they are weak and they are not in concert with enough force and enough other parties involved to make a difference.
Sherry: Right, and they're probably afraid they're going to end up on a small airplane ride.
Janet: Well, you know that's always, my representative actually's probably afraid of the airplane ride, which is probably why he's not responding.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: He needs to have some guts.
Sherry: Ron Paul, representative Ron Paul, did you address him?
Janet: Not yet, he is not my representative.
Sherry: He's the one in Texas though, he's the one that you'd go to to say, "hey this is going on too far".
Janet: Okay. Well I'm getting a very short list of names.
Sherry: There's always two. There's Cynthia McKinney in Georgia and Ron Paul in Texas, and Ron Paul is the one that's been the patriot hero, that has stood up against this Patriot Act and has come to the defense of constitutionalists. And if you made him aware of what's going on, he might be able to do something about it. But yeah the list is very small of people could even contact that would go to bat for the citizens of American.
Janet: Right, it was very interesting Sherry is that while there has been definitely a right wing coup, it seems to have been another kind of coup because people don't seem to have the guts that they used to have and I refer to it as a spiritual coup. It seems that, by the fact the American Revolution and I keep thinking where are all the power of ears. There are many people who know exactly how serious times are, exactly what is going to happen and they're averting their gaze at this Henry Waxman. They are not being held accountable, they are not standing up and they are basically on a little treadmill of business as usual while they know very well that we are going head long for disaster.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: Where are all the power of ears?
Sherry: One of the problems is that people think that the churches will stand up, that if something is really bad that the churches would stand up and do something. And I've been hammering it out for years that these churches are already owned and controlled by the beast prophets of Satan himself. They've been dumbed down into submission of the NWO agenda, their owned and controlled by their own leaders and that's why you're not going to get anything out of the church community to stand up and fight. And there's no power leaders in the church communities today because they're all waiting for someone else to do it, and they're not going to. The leaders that are leaders in positions today are there to keep the people dumbed down.
Janet: Well one of the problems of the churches although not the only problem is that there are gate keepers in churches. The people in power in the churches, generally tend to know what the issues are, and generally tend to know what is going to happen. And they're not standing up at the pulpit or whatever week after week and explaining it to people. They are once again going along the treadmill of business as usual. And there are many people, the flock, the flock some of them know some of them don't know. But it seems to be a lot of concern among people, if they stand up they will end up in deep trouble and maybe on that airplane ride. So people are exerting their sense of self protectiveness and in so doing they are abandoning in a sense other people who don't know and who are at risk. And so when I speak of a spiritual coup I'm speaking of a rising up of the "what about me. It might hurt me", and people are becoming much more grounded in the "me" and less concerned about other people, which is not a spiritual stance. So it is evident in the churches, it is very evident in the churches. I was going to that Shir Shalom which is one of the reform congregations of the jewish faith in Santa Monica. I had an appointment with rabbi Comestaniales who is the rabbi there. And Rabbi Comestaniales (spelled like it sounds) is every week protesting the war in Iraq. Well I had a little appointment with him and I went and showed him some photographs of T valves and asked him if he knew when this system was activated. And he looked very frightened and he said he did not know. And when I saw how frightened he looked I thanked him, I left. I came back two days later for Friday night services, I was yanked out of the sanctuary by security and was told not to come back. That is exactly what happened, not to come back. So that was a gate keeper issue. I don't believe, I mean I've known about this, I've never talked to anybody at the congregation about this, but I had known about this project. Maybe he was afraid I was going to start wording out their plans for genocide through the water system. I don't know what he was afraid of. But he certainly didn't want me coming back. So I didn't come back. That is a gate keeper issue and that is a corrupt gate keeper issue.
Sherry: Oh there's plenty of those.
Janet: Well yeah I know. That's a synagoge, that's a church basically so the churches are now...
Sherry: Most of them aren't even in churches today, most people that do follow the Lord, the teachings and commandments of the Lord, find themselves very incompatible with churches today (speaking together for a few seconds). Anything, any kind of numbers, I just watched an interview the other night that Joel Osteen on CNN, and he did not, he wasn't talking about the word of the Lord he was talking about self help. He's a self help teacher that mixes it with religion and how his father would be so proud. That he took a 16,000 congregation and now he's reaching a 100,000 a week or whatever. You know we're just not seeing churches today that preach the gospel, we're seeing self help seminars one after, you know week after week after week. And funding these beasts, giving them your tithes and offerings and keeping them with lavish lifestyles. And the Bible describes the last day church, church of Laodecia where the Lord is standing on the outside of the door of them and He's not welcome inside of them.
Janet: Oh very much so, very much so.
Sherry: Yeah that's what a lot of churches are, so we're not going to get help from the "religious communities" because they're all owned by the NWO agenda. They're being run and dominated by them. Their leaders are in positions of power of the entire communities per say. In general I'm still a fan of just the small mom and pop church on the corner. I'm a fan of those, but when it comes to those, we have no leadership, we have no general leadership today for believers none. You can find that on the internet, but you're not going to find it through the Joel Deans, the CBN's, the TBN's because they're all sold out to Satan and the NWO. And we don't have it in congress, the political right wing. I hear this right wing and left wing. There's no wings they're all just out on the edge, they're all working together for the NWO agenda. And so it's not a matter of it but when all this suddenly comes crashing down on everybody. Everything we've been stating together over the years is going to happen. The camps, the martial laws, the persecutions, and now we've got deliberate planning of mass genocide through our water supply. And all of this is the result, if you look back at it, of 911.
Janet: It all comes back to 911.
Sherry; Yes. It all comes back to 911. People say that 911 is going to be the basis of WWIII, it's going to be the basis for death itself. Billions of people. We're in the Middle East, we're not going anywhere. We've got bases in Iraq now. We've got one going up in Israel. Just a matter of time, if they don't get their way with Iran, then they'll go into Iran, otherwise they'll just step aside and install their own leader, then we can bypass Iran and just go straight to Syria and North Korea. You know it's just a matter of time. The NWO has wanted a nuclear holocaust over in the Korean Peninsular for a while now. It's the whole basis of the next phase of their plans, is a Korean war. So we're just looking at stages here, phases. What phases are we going into now? But this stuff that hits home, this stuff like. Because you've seen the water works people, the city water crews doing this kind of work that you're describing. And it hits home then when you see it done already.
Janet: Well I must say that the men working on the streets do not know what they are doing. They do not know the implications of what they are doing.
Sherry: They're just get work orders.
Janet: They are simply replacing valves. The foremen don't know. But the people up in those tall buildings in downtown LA who are planning the work and issuing the orders know very well what they are doing. So once again we have a kind of need to know basis for information, and the guys on the street don't need to know that they're actually constructing a death machine.
Sherry: Right (talking together for a few seconds)... how you recognize it. How could they specifically target, how they do it, how they target an individual home. Something from their end of something that's been installed on the streets itself. Or they just push a button inside their own headquarters and they can target a home.
Janet: Well see, the way I believe this is going, I'm not sure but I the way I believe this is going to work is, they have profilers. They have files on every single American. And they know what your (unclear) is, what your income level is, what your political persuasion. They've got files on everybody so I believe at this time they are constructing lists. You know those who will be saved and those who won't be saved. Those, to use another biblical term, those who will be passed over and those who won't be passed over.
Sherry: Well according to their plans about 5.5 billion will be passed over or killed I should say.
Janet: Those that will not be passed over.
Sherry: not passed over
Janet: Will be targeted, right, right.
Sherry: 5.5 billion.
Janet: Right. Well they're making the decisions right now. So the way that I understand it works is, they're not going to say, "we're going to do Mr. Jones right now, next week we'll do Mr. Smith, the week after that we'll do Yaakov and his wife down the street." I believe and I'm not sure that I understand that maybe when it gets activated it's going to be everywhere at once. They are going to turn on the lines. And I believe that that is when martial law will be declared, because we'll have people dying everywhere
Sherry: Wow.
Janet: People will be racing around. The problem with this Sherry is that they have been able to do some things with public water as well, and that is another aspect to this story. There's something called access control technology. Let's say you want to get into a government building that is more or less secured. If you had been fed into a system already.. Okay, access control technology involving biometrics. Your photograph is taken, it is digitalized and scanned and fed into a computer system. You stand in front of a facial recognition system, if you have been fed into the system already the door to the secure building will open. This is something they have been doing for years. The same system works with public water. If they have facial recognition systems aimed at public water and in many places, not all places, but in many places they do, People who will figure out very quickly that something wrong with the water in their house, will go outside some place else to get water but maybe it's just not going to work out, because they're not messing around with this. They have put billions of dollars into this system. This is going to be I believe one of the, not the only, but one of the major pushes for depopulation. People are not going to be able to rehydrate.
Sherry: So the massive rush is going to be on for well water.
Janet: Well, yeah, I mean really....get your little filtrations systems that will get out the amoebas and stuff and head for the hills.
Sherry: But the problem is, you don't know what they're using to..
Janet: I'm sorry.
Sherry: I'm sure that they're controlling every infiltration system out there putting in stuff that they won't be able to detect. This is a billion dollar delivery system that they're putting in place. They're going to be able to beat it, they're going to protect their own system make sure it works. So anything we come with, isn't going to be able to beat them.
Janet: Well in terms of this toxin no, but there are still places in the country where there's pure running water. You know streams and so on but as long as you have, there are little filter systems that will take out amoebas and stuff. I am not talking about poison or arsenic, I'm talking about well water, running water you know things like that. Beyond that I don't know. It's looking very grim and I don't like to say but it's looking grim. I like to say that people need to know what's going to happen so they can protect themselves.
Sherry: Yes, if anybody has a question for Janet you can e-mail me or IM me a question for her at [email protected]. You can send it via yahoo messenger, sherrytalkradio or you can send it via e-mail at sherrytalkradio and I'll keep an eye on this if anybody has questions you can send them to me and I'll as them over the air for her to answer.
Janet: Right or people could e-mail me directly. Once again it's [email protected]. So you could e-mail Sherry or e-mail me directly and I would be glad to respond. If we have any hackers out there, any really good hackers that think they may be able to find a back door to this system. Hey I'm at the computer e-mail me right now.
Sherry: I do have a question from a listener. They're asking if you could briefly mention the legislator regarding vitamin C. I think that comes down to the bills that were just passed that outlaw a lot of these alternative medicines.
Janet: What was the question exactly about that?
Sherry: Could you briefly mention the legislator regarding vitamin C?
Janet: The codex legislating away the ability to buy supplements and vitamins. Yeah. I believe you will be able to get 200 mlg of vitamin C anything more than that you'll have to go to a physician and that's a gate keep in order get it.
Sherry: Yeah and what's that a flintstone?
Janet: A what?
Sherry: A flintstone pill?
Janet: Yeah well. The people I know, actually today I got an e-mail from someone I know in Los Angeles who says she's spending all her expendable income right now to stock up on vitamins. She was just making, mass, mass purchases.
Sherry: Vitamins have a shelf life.
Janet: Well I guess she didn't realize that.
Sherry: I've never been one into these kinds of medicines anyway, but I certainly don't believe that anybody else should be limited and taken away from them. I've never been a pill taker. And especially once I found out that a lot of these vitamins do have shelf lives, so how can you stock? How do you stock for years ahead of time if you wanted to prepare for years ahead of time, because they have a shelf life to them. And research, that's what I've read vitamin C a lot of these pills, the potency level drops after 30 days on them. So I don't know. I'm not an expert on it. But I watched the bills and kind of keep my eye on what's being passed and stuff. But there are so many things that I can't get into because of other things and other areas I have to pay attention to. So I bring people like you on this show, and Tim knows a lot of people, Tim White, and he puts me in touch with a lot of people, "you've got to have this person, and this person". This shows never been an interview oriented show, which is why I don't interview I just have conversations.
Janet: Yes you certainly do and it's very comfortable speaking with you.
Sherry: My main goal on this show has always just been to get information out there and I give my guests free reign of what they want to say. I don't limit them, and I've been on radio shows where they lead you by the leash and they give you 10 seconds to answer a question and then they jump on commercial break,
Janet: Right I have too.
Sherry: Yeah you can't teach, you can't get information out. You can't carry a train of thought and they're breaking it and saying we've got to go on break. They make you very uncomfortable to where you can sit back and start explaining something. You know they keep you on a leash the whole time. And that's why my show, when I bring guests on they just pretty much have full reign of what they want to say and how long they want to say it. We have a timeline here, but I certainly don't put anyone on a leash. And this shows always been more of a information based and even the call-in the call-in questions we get and the listener call-ins have always been civil. It's never been a hate based show. I've never had to sit here and defend myself on the air against anybody. Certainly on my own yahoo groups and lists and you know how the attacks go, the disinfo agents get a hold of your groups and where you hang out and they just make it miserable. Or just the hate crowds.
Janet: Oh I know, I know that they're everywhere. One simply needs to smile sweetly and keep walking. That's my tactic as far as that goes. The thing about information is I believe that information is curative. I believe that information is medicinal. I believe that if we do not know, if we are in the dark or choosing not to access information we have no way to protect ourselves. We have no way to become free and only enough information and the proper information will allow us to be free. And it was Jesus who said that the truth shall set you free. I believe that. And I'm not making any money off these interviews, I'm not making any money these days at all. But I feel this story is so important.
Sherry: Has anybody mainstream picked up on it?
Janet: Oh this is what happens when the story tried to go mainstream. There was fellow named Fred Agalar, he had been working at the LA times for about 15 years and he and I were talking quite a bit when I was researching this. He urged me to send over the finished article at the LA times, he was going to bring it to the attention of the Times. He brought it to the attention of the Times, Fred Agalar is no longer at the Times. That's what's happening to this story vis a vis mainstream media.
Sherry: Well you know what, if you e-mail me with the project information stuff, I'll put that on my websites.
Janet: Great.
Sherry: I don't have anything on my website with regards to water attacks. I do have information on some of the Patriot Act stuff, but nothing that pin pointed the particular extension you stumbled on. For installing delivery systems for mass genocide basically.
Janet: Right. The verbiage is very very shocking. It's basically legal if you do it peacefully. So they're talking about peacefully poisoning. Peacefully poisoning people that sounds like the height of Satanism. I mean hell if you're going to kill people get violent about it, be upfront about who you are. Come with the storm troopers, give us a chance to defend ourselves. Don't peacefully offer us a glass of water.
Sherry: Yeah, yeah. It's always something every time you turn around.
Janet: I know, I know.
Sherry: Get me back to the aliens, they shall see them coming.
Janet: I do feel that I have discussed this to the extent where I need to at this point. I would like to thank you for having me on the air.
Sherry: Well I appreciate it having you here. I know it's been hard trying to get this together. I wasn't even sure this interview was going to go off tonight, because
Janet: Well I had a plan B (talking together for a few seconds) I have mail that doesn't come through. I have all kinds of stuff going on. Maybe there might be a problem with the phone card, so a very good friend in Westwood who was very supportive of what I am doing and at this point is making plans to move to Spain, because she feels this country is becoming unliveable, has agreed to let me use her phone and I'm standing actually in her kitchen area looking at the piles and piles of boxes as she empties out her home.
Sherry: You literally, I mean your life's pretty much come to a halt just trying to expose this information.
Janet: Well when one begins to be retaliated against, when there begins to be obviously a massive energies directed at one and there certainly have been at me, one realizes that one is on the right track and one needs to stay on that track.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: And that is what I have decided to do.
Sherry: And it's vicious and people just think you're always saying you're being attacked and you're always doing this and that, and they don't understand it until it starts hitting them what it means. Most people don't, most people take people like you for granted, they don't realize the sacrifice involved. And that goes for everybody trying to expose this NWO agenda. They don't realize the sacrifices and the things people go through just to be able to sit on the internet and sit on internet radio shows and talk. They don't realize it. They take it for granted, and one of these days it's all going to come down.
Janet: If nothing is done it will all come down, but I keep hoping that information will reach a critical mass and there will be a mobilization of efforts.
Sherry: Well I'd like to thank you for being on this show, I'm going to wrap this up.
Janet: Thank you so much Sherry for having me on the air. I'm very pleased to be able to speak with you. It was a pleasure having the opportunity to get the information out there too.
Sherry: All right.
Janet: Thank you and we'll be in touch.
Sherry: Okay, thanks a lot Janet.
Janet: Okay.
Sherry: Right bye.
Janet: Bye.
Sherry: And I'll have her information on my website at sherrytalkradio when she sends me it, I'll put a page up and we'll get this information out. Just something incredible that stumbled on, that she found out about and she's been working to expose how the Patriot Act has sneakily put in acts inside of it that allow for massive delivery systems of genocide. They're going to be using our water systems to poison and kill people. And this is all legal, it's being masked and hidden inside the Patriot Act. Not something that a lot of people are aware of. And certainly her life coming under massive retaliation and harassment for trying to get this information out. And naturally I'll do what I always do when it comes to this stuff, I'll put it on my websites. Plenty of them. Put it out there, some people just can't be intimidated it makes us stronger and we'll get the information out. And that's how you can honor people who do spend their lives and do put their lives on the line to inform others. And I see it all the time, I see it everyday in a lot of people doing the same thing and the way you can honor them is keep their work going, keep it alive, get it out there. Get the information out there. I'm not sure how we can protect ourselves against it, but knowing what they're doing is half the battle. Just knowing it. Sometimes you start exposing their tactics, they do stop them, they do switch them and change them. And I don't think everybody in America today and around the world wants to have to worry about if the glass of water they poured out of the kitchen sink is the last one they're ever going to have. I'm going to work and get this information out even or the more.
That wraps up the show for this week folks, be back next week Monday night 8 o'clock with listener call-in. We'll pick that back up. I'll pick that back up with Matthew 24, I want to get into that. And what I'll do is address more again, seems to be a hot topic of this show, the serpent seedline. Exactly who they are, how they tie in to the illuminati and how everything is all connected. If you look at everything I've written, it's all pieces of the puzzle. It's just all pieces and it all comes together. And so everything's connected. There's nothing new here that I've ever written about on any of my sites any of the articles because they all just fit in together. They're pieces of the puzzle and when you start putting the puzzle together, you realize just exactly how everything does operate and who's running what, who's doing what, who's part of what. And so that's going to be it.
We're going to wrap it up for tonight. I'll be back next week at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow I'll be on the air with "Aliens in the News" at 1 o'clock central 2 o'clock eastern time. you can check that site out. And certainly listen to the archives of this show at Download, record them onto CDs pass them around. This show is global being listened to in over 140 countries right now. And so just get the information out there any way you can. You can record them on CDs and pass them around. You have my full permission to do so.
We'll see you next week folks, have a good week. God bless.
Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network -
August 1, 2005 - 2nd hour
Transcribed by Simon Keen, a listener in Israel:
Sherry Shriner Radio Broadcast - Reality Radio Network - 01 August 2005 - 2nd hour
And welcome back everybody, I'm Sherry Shriner. Welcome back to the show.
With me tonight is Janet Phelan and she is a news reporter from California who uncovered in the Patriot Act authorization for local governments and counties to install delivery of toxins, to revamp our water supply systems. To exterminate and kill massive amounts of populations. And tonight we're talking about it. Welcome back to the show Janet.
Janet: Hello Sherry.
Sherry: And we talked about in the last half hour about this public extermination project that you stumbled upon as a news reporter in Santa Monica, California.
Janet: Right, Once again for those who are just coming on to the show. If you Google the title of the article, "Public Extermination Project", you can read the article. I also want to say, for those who would like to contact me about this, my e-mail is [email protected]. I also would like to very briefly Sherry to thank Tim White in Denver Colorado for suggesting I contact you about this.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: He has been very helpful in trying to get the word out about this particular project, this particular article. This article seems to be a test by the left as well as the right. It seems to be kind of a litmus test of people's true intentions, who are involved in political work now.
Sherry: Right, There is no left or right, just one big agenda.
Janet: Well..
Sherry: Everybody working together.
Janet: Unfortunately it seems like not for everybody, but for many people that seems to be true.
Sherry: Yeah, Tim's been a long time friend of mine. He's been on this show. Yeah and he was the one who told me about you, put us together. So this is another kink in their armour I guess. Just one more thing to expose about them. They're just.. every time you turn around, they're coming at you with something.
Janet: Well lately it does seem like that.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: I was alive, I was eleven years old when J F Kennedy was shot, and my father who was an investigative reporter and best selling author, was involved in researching the Kennedy assassination. And he didn't think there was a conspiracy. My father was, my father would not take, would not go into camps so to speak, political camps. He considered himself a liberal. But he like to research and understand things himself. And you know I was very young at the time and I listened to my father and he really didn't think there was a conspiracy, but he certainly found them in other places. His article on Richard Nixon was credited with the Nixon Huges loan, was credited by governor Pat Brown in California. With costing the governmentorial seat to Richard Nixon and granting enough votes for Pat Brown to get that seat. However I did not grow up with a conspiratorial background. I was kind of disinterested in those things, I thought they were preoccupations of idle minds. So I don't go looking for conspiracies but I certainly have stumbled on one.
Sherry: Yeah and this goes in line... I think a lot of people have been aware of possible attack of the Minnesota water system. That's just always kind of been out there. Probably a rabbit trail to keep everybody away from where the real focus areas are at the moment. I know that St. Paul in Minnesota and Twin Cities in Minnesota have come up as possible places for biological terror attacks via the water system. And so to hear what you've been describing going on in California where they can install T valves in front of peoples homes, where they can target one residence or one street or one area, neighborhood at a time and poison them through the water supply.
Janet: Right.
Sherry: And this is something that could be happening nationwide. Have you seen it happening anywhere else?
Janet: Apparently it is, apparently the project is a nationwide project. I've been getting e-mails and contacts now from people all over the country saying, "they've been doing the water works in front of my house" and "they've been doing water works down the street." It seems that there's been a lot of infrastructure work since 911.
Sherry: Yeah you know one of the things I noticed two years ago was when they came out with this, every state was given money to improve their bridges, infrastructure money, to reinforce all the bridges no matter how big or small. So that it can hold all these military vehicles that are going to be here.
Janet: Right. It's going to get very scary in the next few years.
Sherry: Yeah. In our town they have reinforced all these little heebob bridges out here, and widening them for what's going to be military vehicles when they start transporting and picking people up in the country in the cities and transporting them to these camps, during martial law, during lock down. I mean we're going to have a NWO whether we agree with it or not, whether we want one or not, and right now they're just legally masking it in all of the legislation that is coming out. And you stumbled on it in section 8:17 of the Patriot Act, legalizing them to deliver toxins in our water supply.
Janet: Right in essence that's pretty much guts the due process clause of the Bill of Rights. You cannot be deprived of life or liberty or possessions without due process. Well apparently the due process is section 8:17 of the Patriot Act, apparently that was our due process.
Sherry: That was our due process?
Janet: Right.
Sherry: Here drink some water.
Janet: Yeah, have a glass of eternity. Now the way this toxicity is working, some people have become hip to this and saying, "Well I just won't cook with the water " Well unfortunately with the kind of toxins they're using, it seems that showering will be dangerous.
Sherry: Really?
Janet: Showering, because the skin is also a sense organ and with the toxins that they are apparently using with is that they can in through the skin and cause the some kinds of problems.
Sherry: Do you have any types of the name of the toxins they are using or plan on using?
Janet: Yeah I would sure like to know that. I have been attempting to get all of the samples of this stuff. I've been actually just came from a house tap, but that's a whole other story. I have a sample. I have been attempting to get this tested. Now I am not apparently able at this point to get this tested, because the chemists, the lab I have approached are refusing to test. The one lab that I did get to agree to test this. There were some peculiar things going on about that. I was taking the bus to the lab, you know we had set this up for the next day. I was talking the bus to the lab and I had to go to a bus depot where several buses in several different lines left. Now I'm waiting for the bus and I'm very dressed down. I'm wearing jeans and a T shirt and I have a little satchel with my water sample in it. And someone walks up to me and goes, "so you're a freelance writer". And I go, "no no I'm just waiting for the bus". He says, "oh yeah you write poetry to huh". Well actually yeah I do and that book that I have that I mentioned that just came out is a poetry book. And I'm looking and I'm thinking, "hmm have I been made?" And the woman says to me, "and you're getting on the number 10 line". Well as I said it was a depot, several bus lines left, it was the number 10 that went to the lab. So I figured at that point, that maybe there had been attention paid to my visits. By the time I got to the lab it was pretty clear I was not going to get a test of this. So it pretty much shut down on me right then and there. So I do not have the sample tested. I don't know how to, I think it would be very useful to do so. Now interestingly enough, as we know there have been a bunch of unusual deaths recently among microbiologists and other scientists who are working on particular projects. In February 2005, this year Lisa Ungara (unsure of the spelling), who was a chemist in (placename is unclear) which is on the east coast, whose job was water testing was found dead at work. Her body dumped into a tank. So maybe that's why I can't get it tested. I'm not sure.
Sherry: Yeah, they're shutting down any kind of access. Are there any kind of home water.. I guess those wouldn't really work, get your own kind of home kits or something?
Janet: The thing about that is there are some things that filter out micro-organisms, but we don't know what this is.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: We don't know if it's arsenic, we don't know if it's.. we don't know what it is.
Sherry: I wouldn't be surprised if it's not arsenic because I've seen it come up lots of times in the Bible codes, in relation to coffee. And I'm thinking how can they poison our coffee? I see the term arsenic all the time, so it wouldn't surprise me. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Janet: Well whatever it is, having gotten curious and well actually this is the whole story about how this happened, but I did envibe some of the stuff and it does attack the cardiac functioning. That it goes, they're not messing around, they're not, it's not like something slow going like cancer, it goes straight to your cardiac functioning.
Sherry: So a lot of these people that are being targetted would just drop over in cardiac arrest.
Janet: I'm sorry, what?
Sherry: They would just drop over of heart attacks.
Janet: Yeah. They would drop over of heart attacks and strokes. Actually after I envibed it and I realized that I got very sick, I went to the doctors immediately like emergency and my blood pressure would just rest at about 110 over 70 was 280 over 200, and that was from drinking water.
Sherry: From drinking water.
Janet: That was from drinking water and that was when I got curious about what would happen if I drank some. Yes it will cause cardiac failure or stroke. And since the person can't live without water, you can go without food for quite awhile, but water and air are the two basic necessities for human life on this planet. So if they mess up the water what are you going to do. Most people won't realize what the problem is, they'll just die. Some people will figure out pretty quickly that something's going wrong and maybe able to do something to help themselves. You know like go elsewhere. It's a very evil plan because basically they're allowing people to kill themselves. If they drink water, people will be killing themselves rather than someone coming to your door. like a storm trooper knocking it down and plugging you full of bullets.
Sherry: Yeah they don't plan on coming after you, they just plan on coming in to clean up. They have the clean-up crews (talking together) taking all the dead bodies.
Janet: There's going to have to be an awfully big clean-up crew for this mess.
Sherry: You know I mean well we've heard of where they've stockpiled millions of body bags outside of certain cities. You know that stuff being going around for years and now you're seeing why. It's not just a four o'clock massive bombardment of soldiers taking people out of their homes, just walk in and clean people up because they're already dead.
Janet: They have all these waste trucks, if they can pick up garbage now then I guess they can be picking up people. I hope it's my fervent hope that by disemminating this information, somehow the information can reach a critical mass along with the RVMs and something can be done. Because if everybody knows or critical mass, amount of people know this is going to happen, maybe they won't be able to pull it off and that is the reason I am trying to get on the air as much as possible about this. In the hope that maybe somehow or another this can be diverted and life can be saved.
Sherry: I've seen it over and over again, people don't think well you're just one person who cares what you have to say it's not going to affect their agenda. They're bigger they're more powerful it's more of them than you. But I've seen it over and over again that if you expose what they are going to do, they switch tactics.
Janet: Well they probably would switch tactics, they probably have some backup plans.
Sherry: Well they always do.
Janet: They probably do. But all I can think about is that human life is precious and holy and that the government does not have the right to take life.
Sherry: Right.
Janet: And they're doing it left and right. They doing it, they're coming at the people who know.
Sherry: And they're committing treason.
Janet: They're coming at people who are attempting to expose them. Kill the messenger, kill the messenger.
Sherry: Yeah well they always come after the messengers.
Janet: Right, oh yes they do, they do. Speaking of this messenger who now is unable to work in conventional media, there has been some retaliation. I do want to speak a bit briefly because it is part and parcel of this situation. My apartment has been seized, my bank account has been emptied out, my safety deposit boxes where there was gold, diamonds and all kinds of stuff have been gone into and my assets have been seized. People are not aware that this level of retaliation can actually happen but it can happen and it needs to be stated because I believe it adds credence to the information. There has been a real shutdown an attempt to shutdown of my ability to continue doing what I am doing. Just to mention that may add credence to the weight of this information.
Sherry: You really got to wonder why they do the things they do because so many people, myself and Tim and Larry and you and so many people that worked everyday to expose the NWO, they really give us no option. Because you cannot go out and get a job. I have three college degrees, I was in news, my background is in news. There are very many others who have degree or special skills and cannot get jobs, and they really leave you no choice but to go ahead and spend your time exposing them.
Janet: Well actually I believe they create the monster they intended to supress.
Sherry: Yes they do (speaking together for a few seconds)
Janet: because your information has lead you into a place where, You know I've had a jobs since this has happened and they show up, you know they show up and they threaten the boss. So they leave you no option but to come at them with the truth. Because I believe that the pen is the only accessible weapon.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: Or the words over the radio, same thing basically.
Sherry: Yeah. And good for us that you know we've got the internet for now.
Janet: Yes.
Sherry: When they shut the internet down there goes any form of really viable communication. We've heard threats, now they're coming out with the new internet, testing it in colleges now. The next one that's coming out.
Janet: Really.
Sherry: Yeah, and I've heard that the next one, you know they make it sound like oh it's faster downloads and whatever, but what it's basically going to do is make it illegal for anyone to have an information website that isn't licensed by the government. So all of these websites that people like me have up will come down. You can be thrown in jail for putting up an information, that has news or information on it, if you're not licensed by the government to have it up.
Janet: Well they're really trying to control everybody and everything. You know the thing about the vitamin supplements and legislating away our right to take vitamin C, basically legislating away our right to control our own lives.
Sherry: Right.
Janet: These are obssessive control freaks. Now the ultimate control is to decide who lives and who dies. That is the big control and apparently they are going for the big control. It's very sad because it is a total perversion of life, it is a total perversion of the capabilities that we are given as human beings to respect life is gone
Sherry: Yeah. And how people could be so fooled to thinking that our government is still protecting and defending the constitution of American when they've passed acts like the Patriot Act with all these hidden clauses and intents and purposes in it. You know of this section 8:17 is taking place in Santa Monica, California. That they've got it going, implemented in every other city in every other state.
Janet: Right exactly, this Santa Monica law is a national law.
Sherry: Yeah this is national, the Patriot Act is national which mean every city is going to have to set this up, and they probably already have. I mean I've seen water works done here.
Janet: I think so, actually it appears so.
Sherry: Yeah. And it really gives you no choice, people have to leave their homes and head for the country just to survive when it gets down to it.
Janet: Or head for the mountains.
Sherry: Yeah head to the mountains, that's where we're going to be.
Janet: That's what they always say, when the end is near head for the hills.
Sherry: Yeah, and then they're going to chemtrail you to death. They'll be targetting the hills. Everywhere you turn, there's another disaster waiting, there's something waiting. You know I took the last two weeks off as the world's going to go to hell in a handbasket if I'm here or not. I needed a break, I took two weeks off, I've been hammering this stuff for years. You know day in and day out, 19 websites, 2 radio shows and it just gets to you. It's just like, "is it doing any good?" Then you hear from people. But certainly it's a seesaw, you know attacks on one end and the people you can help on the other and I know it keeps us going. Keeps everybody going exposing these agendas.
Janet: The thing is right now there are core issues I mean some people are dealing, I know the larush people are trying to deal with the monetary system, other people are still hammering away on 911. The core issues right now are life and death, they are life and death issues and I believe that if all the concerned citizens and all the people who are marching and writing letters, all of which is very very good hearted but seems to be very ineffective right now. If they could mobilize around core issues which are life and death issues that maybe we would be able to make an impact.
Sherry: Yeah, well people since 911, I mean I don't think it's a secret, not much of one that the government was involved. A lot of groups, a lot of people involved in exposing the government's participation. And it's almost like they, to the point where, "yeah we did it, so what what are you going to do?" What are you going to do about it, I have seen anything that's really been effective for people to do to stand up and protest. I mean the media won't cover it or they lie about the numbers, they lie about everything. People pretty much believe what they see or hear on television and nothing else.
Janet: I know.
Sherry: The mass majority aren't going to go onto the internet and find out the truth and the ones who do end up on the internet just feel completely powerless to do anything against it.
Janet: I want to say why I am on the air. That I sent over a copy of the article "Public Extermination Project" with the relevant section, section 8:17 of the Patriot Act along with a letter deliniating a request. And I sent this to my congressional representative who is Henry Waxman out here in Los Angeles. The request stated that under unusual circumstances a private citizen may under sponsorship of her representative address a joint session of congress. Now I also stated in that letter that I was requesting that Henry Waxman would sponsor me to do this. I stated that following the upheaval in this country after the attacks of 911, I do not believe the US congress intended to legalize genocide, unfortunately it appears to have been the case. I sent this letter over to Henry Waxman over a month ago. He has been completely silent. There has been no response. I am urging those who are listening to the program who support my efforts, to call Henry Waxman's office either in Washington DC in Los Angeles and support my request. He is an elected representative, he was not elected to have his citizenry killed. He was elected to uphold the constitution and the Bill of Rights. He needs to be held accountable.
Sherry: Yeah they're still being elected as we know to uphold the constitution and not uphold the Patriot Act.
Janet: Right.
Sherry: There is a law in the constitution that negates and says any law that's passed that runs contrary to the constitution is illegal. And so this whole Patriot Act, basically based on the constitution is illegal in itself, cannot be enforced because it's illegal.
Janet: There are a couple of laws that seem to negate either the Patriot Act as a whole or parts of the Patriot Act. One is (unclear) 18 section 242 which is deprivation of civil rights under color of law, which is exactly what the Patriot Act is.
Sherry: Right.
Janet: There is also a law the actually makes genocide illegal, but section 8:17 of the Patriot Act seems to be running counter to that, being the expansion of the biological weapons statute applies to domestic issues. So we have almost irreconcilable conflicts in life. Somebody needs to stand up and address this. Henry Waxman is a democrat, he also happens to be Jewish, but he is a democrat and he needs to stand up and state that he did not get elected, he did not run for office, he did not work to uphold the constitution in order to avert his eyes while plans are being made to kill citizenry.
Sherry: Right. So if everybody contacted their own, some kind of massive effort getting together. Because you know this is got to be happening in every state now. People probably see...
Janet: Somebody needs to bear the burden of stepping forward. Robert Foster has been attempting to do some things. There are isolated pockets of efforts by other members of the legislature but they are mitigated, they are weak and they are not in concert with enough force and enough other parties involved to make a difference.
Sherry: Right, and they're probably afraid they're going to end up on a small airplane ride.
Janet: Well, you know that's always, my representative actually's probably afraid of the airplane ride, which is probably why he's not responding.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: He needs to have some guts.
Sherry: Ron Paul, representative Ron Paul, did you address him?
Janet: Not yet, he is not my representative.
Sherry: He's the one in Texas though, he's the one that you'd go to to say, "hey this is going on too far".
Janet: Okay. Well I'm getting a very short list of names.
Sherry: There's always two. There's Cynthia McKinney in Georgia and Ron Paul in Texas, and Ron Paul is the one that's been the patriot hero, that has stood up against this Patriot Act and has come to the defense of constitutionalists. And if you made him aware of what's going on, he might be able to do something about it. But yeah the list is very small of people could even contact that would go to bat for the citizens of American.
Janet: Right, it was very interesting Sherry is that while there has been definitely a right wing coup, it seems to have been another kind of coup because people don't seem to have the guts that they used to have and I refer to it as a spiritual coup. It seems that, by the fact the American Revolution and I keep thinking where are all the power of ears. There are many people who know exactly how serious times are, exactly what is going to happen and they're averting their gaze at this Henry Waxman. They are not being held accountable, they are not standing up and they are basically on a little treadmill of business as usual while they know very well that we are going head long for disaster.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: Where are all the power of ears?
Sherry: One of the problems is that people think that the churches will stand up, that if something is really bad that the churches would stand up and do something. And I've been hammering it out for years that these churches are already owned and controlled by the beast prophets of Satan himself. They've been dumbed down into submission of the NWO agenda, their owned and controlled by their own leaders and that's why you're not going to get anything out of the church community to stand up and fight. And there's no power leaders in the church communities today because they're all waiting for someone else to do it, and they're not going to. The leaders that are leaders in positions today are there to keep the people dumbed down.
Janet: Well one of the problems of the churches although not the only problem is that there are gate keepers in churches. The people in power in the churches, generally tend to know what the issues are, and generally tend to know what is going to happen. And they're not standing up at the pulpit or whatever week after week and explaining it to people. They are once again going along the treadmill of business as usual. And there are many people, the flock, the flock some of them know some of them don't know. But it seems to be a lot of concern among people, if they stand up they will end up in deep trouble and maybe on that airplane ride. So people are exerting their sense of self protectiveness and in so doing they are abandoning in a sense other people who don't know and who are at risk. And so when I speak of a spiritual coup I'm speaking of a rising up of the "what about me. It might hurt me", and people are becoming much more grounded in the "me" and less concerned about other people, which is not a spiritual stance. So it is evident in the churches, it is very evident in the churches. I was going to that Shir Shalom which is one of the reform congregations of the jewish faith in Santa Monica. I had an appointment with rabbi Comestaniales who is the rabbi there. And Rabbi Comestaniales (spelled like it sounds) is every week protesting the war in Iraq. Well I had a little appointment with him and I went and showed him some photographs of T valves and asked him if he knew when this system was activated. And he looked very frightened and he said he did not know. And when I saw how frightened he looked I thanked him, I left. I came back two days later for Friday night services, I was yanked out of the sanctuary by security and was told not to come back. That is exactly what happened, not to come back. So that was a gate keeper issue. I don't believe, I mean I've known about this, I've never talked to anybody at the congregation about this, but I had known about this project. Maybe he was afraid I was going to start wording out their plans for genocide through the water system. I don't know what he was afraid of. But he certainly didn't want me coming back. So I didn't come back. That is a gate keeper issue and that is a corrupt gate keeper issue.
Sherry: Oh there's plenty of those.
Janet: Well yeah I know. That's a synagoge, that's a church basically so the churches are now...
Sherry: Most of them aren't even in churches today, most people that do follow the Lord, the teachings and commandments of the Lord, find themselves very incompatible with churches today (speaking together for a few seconds). Anything, any kind of numbers, I just watched an interview the other night that Joel Osteen on CNN, and he did not, he wasn't talking about the word of the Lord he was talking about self help. He's a self help teacher that mixes it with religion and how his father would be so proud. That he took a 16,000 congregation and now he's reaching a 100,000 a week or whatever. You know we're just not seeing churches today that preach the gospel, we're seeing self help seminars one after, you know week after week after week. And funding these beasts, giving them your tithes and offerings and keeping them with lavish lifestyles. And the Bible describes the last day church, church of Laodecia where the Lord is standing on the outside of the door of them and He's not welcome inside of them.
Janet: Oh very much so, very much so.
Sherry: Yeah that's what a lot of churches are, so we're not going to get help from the "religious communities" because they're all owned by the NWO agenda. They're being run and dominated by them. Their leaders are in positions of power of the entire communities per say. In general I'm still a fan of just the small mom and pop church on the corner. I'm a fan of those, but when it comes to those, we have no leadership, we have no general leadership today for believers none. You can find that on the internet, but you're not going to find it through the Joel Deans, the CBN's, the TBN's because they're all sold out to Satan and the NWO. And we don't have it in congress, the political right wing. I hear this right wing and left wing. There's no wings they're all just out on the edge, they're all working together for the NWO agenda. And so it's not a matter of it but when all this suddenly comes crashing down on everybody. Everything we've been stating together over the years is going to happen. The camps, the martial laws, the persecutions, and now we've got deliberate planning of mass genocide through our water supply. And all of this is the result, if you look back at it, of 911.
Janet: It all comes back to 911.
Sherry; Yes. It all comes back to 911. People say that 911 is going to be the basis of WWIII, it's going to be the basis for death itself. Billions of people. We're in the Middle East, we're not going anywhere. We've got bases in Iraq now. We've got one going up in Israel. Just a matter of time, if they don't get their way with Iran, then they'll go into Iran, otherwise they'll just step aside and install their own leader, then we can bypass Iran and just go straight to Syria and North Korea. You know it's just a matter of time. The NWO has wanted a nuclear holocaust over in the Korean Peninsular for a while now. It's the whole basis of the next phase of their plans, is a Korean war. So we're just looking at stages here, phases. What phases are we going into now? But this stuff that hits home, this stuff like. Because you've seen the water works people, the city water crews doing this kind of work that you're describing. And it hits home then when you see it done already.
Janet: Well I must say that the men working on the streets do not know what they are doing. They do not know the implications of what they are doing.
Sherry: They're just get work orders.
Janet: They are simply replacing valves. The foremen don't know. But the people up in those tall buildings in downtown LA who are planning the work and issuing the orders know very well what they are doing. So once again we have a kind of need to know basis for information, and the guys on the street don't need to know that they're actually constructing a death machine.
Sherry: Right (talking together for a few seconds)... how you recognize it. How could they specifically target, how they do it, how they target an individual home. Something from their end of something that's been installed on the streets itself. Or they just push a button inside their own headquarters and they can target a home.
Janet: Well see, the way I believe this is going, I'm not sure but I the way I believe this is going to work is, they have profilers. They have files on every single American. And they know what your (unclear) is, what your income level is, what your political persuasion. They've got files on everybody so I believe at this time they are constructing lists. You know those who will be saved and those who won't be saved. Those, to use another biblical term, those who will be passed over and those who won't be passed over.
Sherry: Well according to their plans about 5.5 billion will be passed over or killed I should say.
Janet: Those that will not be passed over.
Sherry: not passed over
Janet: Will be targeted, right, right.
Sherry: 5.5 billion.
Janet: Right. Well they're making the decisions right now. So the way that I understand it works is, they're not going to say, "we're going to do Mr. Jones right now, next week we'll do Mr. Smith, the week after that we'll do Yaakov and his wife down the street." I believe and I'm not sure that I understand that maybe when it gets activated it's going to be everywhere at once. They are going to turn on the lines. And I believe that that is when martial law will be declared, because we'll have people dying everywhere
Sherry: Wow.
Janet: People will be racing around. The problem with this Sherry is that they have been able to do some things with public water as well, and that is another aspect to this story. There's something called access control technology. Let's say you want to get into a government building that is more or less secured. If you had been fed into a system already.. Okay, access control technology involving biometrics. Your photograph is taken, it is digitalized and scanned and fed into a computer system. You stand in front of a facial recognition system, if you have been fed into the system already the door to the secure building will open. This is something they have been doing for years. The same system works with public water. If they have facial recognition systems aimed at public water and in many places, not all places, but in many places they do, People who will figure out very quickly that something wrong with the water in their house, will go outside some place else to get water but maybe it's just not going to work out, because they're not messing around with this. They have put billions of dollars into this system. This is going to be I believe one of the, not the only, but one of the major pushes for depopulation. People are not going to be able to rehydrate.
Sherry: So the massive rush is going to be on for well water.
Janet: Well, yeah, I mean really....get your little filtrations systems that will get out the amoebas and stuff and head for the hills.
Sherry: But the problem is, you don't know what they're using to..
Janet: I'm sorry.
Sherry: I'm sure that they're controlling every infiltration system out there putting in stuff that they won't be able to detect. This is a billion dollar delivery system that they're putting in place. They're going to be able to beat it, they're going to protect their own system make sure it works. So anything we come with, isn't going to be able to beat them.
Janet: Well in terms of this toxin no, but there are still places in the country where there's pure running water. You know streams and so on but as long as you have, there are little filter systems that will take out amoebas and stuff. I am not talking about poison or arsenic, I'm talking about well water, running water you know things like that. Beyond that I don't know. It's looking very grim and I don't like to say but it's looking grim. I like to say that people need to know what's going to happen so they can protect themselves.
Sherry: Yes, if anybody has a question for Janet you can e-mail me or IM me a question for her at [email protected]. You can send it via yahoo messenger, sherrytalkradio or you can send it via e-mail at sherrytalkradio and I'll keep an eye on this if anybody has questions you can send them to me and I'll as them over the air for her to answer.
Janet: Right or people could e-mail me directly. Once again it's [email protected]. So you could e-mail Sherry or e-mail me directly and I would be glad to respond. If we have any hackers out there, any really good hackers that think they may be able to find a back door to this system. Hey I'm at the computer e-mail me right now.
Sherry: I do have a question from a listener. They're asking if you could briefly mention the legislator regarding vitamin C. I think that comes down to the bills that were just passed that outlaw a lot of these alternative medicines.
Janet: What was the question exactly about that?
Sherry: Could you briefly mention the legislator regarding vitamin C?
Janet: The codex legislating away the ability to buy supplements and vitamins. Yeah. I believe you will be able to get 200 mlg of vitamin C anything more than that you'll have to go to a physician and that's a gate keep in order get it.
Sherry: Yeah and what's that a flintstone?
Janet: A what?
Sherry: A flintstone pill?
Janet: Yeah well. The people I know, actually today I got an e-mail from someone I know in Los Angeles who says she's spending all her expendable income right now to stock up on vitamins. She was just making, mass, mass purchases.
Sherry: Vitamins have a shelf life.
Janet: Well I guess she didn't realize that.
Sherry: I've never been one into these kinds of medicines anyway, but I certainly don't believe that anybody else should be limited and taken away from them. I've never been a pill taker. And especially once I found out that a lot of these vitamins do have shelf lives, so how can you stock? How do you stock for years ahead of time if you wanted to prepare for years ahead of time, because they have a shelf life to them. And research, that's what I've read vitamin C a lot of these pills, the potency level drops after 30 days on them. So I don't know. I'm not an expert on it. But I watched the bills and kind of keep my eye on what's being passed and stuff. But there are so many things that I can't get into because of other things and other areas I have to pay attention to. So I bring people like you on this show, and Tim knows a lot of people, Tim White, and he puts me in touch with a lot of people, "you've got to have this person, and this person". This shows never been an interview oriented show, which is why I don't interview I just have conversations.
Janet: Yes you certainly do and it's very comfortable speaking with you.
Sherry: My main goal on this show has always just been to get information out there and I give my guests free reign of what they want to say. I don't limit them, and I've been on radio shows where they lead you by the leash and they give you 10 seconds to answer a question and then they jump on commercial break,
Janet: Right I have too.
Sherry: Yeah you can't teach, you can't get information out. You can't carry a train of thought and they're breaking it and saying we've got to go on break. They make you very uncomfortable to where you can sit back and start explaining something. You know they keep you on a leash the whole time. And that's why my show, when I bring guests on they just pretty much have full reign of what they want to say and how long they want to say it. We have a timeline here, but I certainly don't put anyone on a leash. And this shows always been more of a information based and even the call-in the call-in questions we get and the listener call-ins have always been civil. It's never been a hate based show. I've never had to sit here and defend myself on the air against anybody. Certainly on my own yahoo groups and lists and you know how the attacks go, the disinfo agents get a hold of your groups and where you hang out and they just make it miserable. Or just the hate crowds.
Janet: Oh I know, I know that they're everywhere. One simply needs to smile sweetly and keep walking. That's my tactic as far as that goes. The thing about information is I believe that information is curative. I believe that information is medicinal. I believe that if we do not know, if we are in the dark or choosing not to access information we have no way to protect ourselves. We have no way to become free and only enough information and the proper information will allow us to be free. And it was Jesus who said that the truth shall set you free. I believe that. And I'm not making any money off these interviews, I'm not making any money these days at all. But I feel this story is so important.
Sherry: Has anybody mainstream picked up on it?
Janet: Oh this is what happens when the story tried to go mainstream. There was fellow named Fred Agalar, he had been working at the LA times for about 15 years and he and I were talking quite a bit when I was researching this. He urged me to send over the finished article at the LA times, he was going to bring it to the attention of the Times. He brought it to the attention of the Times, Fred Agalar is no longer at the Times. That's what's happening to this story vis a vis mainstream media.
Sherry: Well you know what, if you e-mail me with the project information stuff, I'll put that on my websites.
Janet: Great.
Sherry: I don't have anything on my website with regards to water attacks. I do have information on some of the Patriot Act stuff, but nothing that pin pointed the particular extension you stumbled on. For installing delivery systems for mass genocide basically.
Janet: Right. The verbiage is very very shocking. It's basically legal if you do it peacefully. So they're talking about peacefully poisoning. Peacefully poisoning people that sounds like the height of Satanism. I mean hell if you're going to kill people get violent about it, be upfront about who you are. Come with the storm troopers, give us a chance to defend ourselves. Don't peacefully offer us a glass of water.
Sherry: Yeah, yeah. It's always something every time you turn around.
Janet: I know, I know.
Sherry: Get me back to the aliens, they shall see them coming.
Janet: I do feel that I have discussed this to the extent where I need to at this point. I would like to thank you for having me on the air.
Sherry: Well I appreciate it having you here. I know it's been hard trying to get this together. I wasn't even sure this interview was going to go off tonight, because
Janet: Well I had a plan B (talking together for a few seconds) I have mail that doesn't come through. I have all kinds of stuff going on. Maybe there might be a problem with the phone card, so a very good friend in Westwood who was very supportive of what I am doing and at this point is making plans to move to Spain, because she feels this country is becoming unliveable, has agreed to let me use her phone and I'm standing actually in her kitchen area looking at the piles and piles of boxes as she empties out her home.
Sherry: You literally, I mean your life's pretty much come to a halt just trying to expose this information.
Janet: Well when one begins to be retaliated against, when there begins to be obviously a massive energies directed at one and there certainly have been at me, one realizes that one is on the right track and one needs to stay on that track.
Sherry: Yeah.
Janet: And that is what I have decided to do.
Sherry: And it's vicious and people just think you're always saying you're being attacked and you're always doing this and that, and they don't understand it until it starts hitting them what it means. Most people don't, most people take people like you for granted, they don't realize the sacrifice involved. And that goes for everybody trying to expose this NWO agenda. They don't realize the sacrifices and the things people go through just to be able to sit on the internet and sit on internet radio shows and talk. They don't realize it. They take it for granted, and one of these days it's all going to come down.
Janet: If nothing is done it will all come down, but I keep hoping that information will reach a critical mass and there will be a mobilization of efforts.
Sherry: Well I'd like to thank you for being on this show, I'm going to wrap this up.
Janet: Thank you so much Sherry for having me on the air. I'm very pleased to be able to speak with you. It was a pleasure having the opportunity to get the information out there too.
Sherry: All right.
Janet: Thank you and we'll be in touch.
Sherry: Okay, thanks a lot Janet.
Janet: Okay.
Sherry: Right bye.
Janet: Bye.
Sherry: And I'll have her information on my website at sherrytalkradio when she sends me it, I'll put a page up and we'll get this information out. Just something incredible that stumbled on, that she found out about and she's been working to expose how the Patriot Act has sneakily put in acts inside of it that allow for massive delivery systems of genocide. They're going to be using our water systems to poison and kill people. And this is all legal, it's being masked and hidden inside the Patriot Act. Not something that a lot of people are aware of. And certainly her life coming under massive retaliation and harassment for trying to get this information out. And naturally I'll do what I always do when it comes to this stuff, I'll put it on my websites. Plenty of them. Put it out there, some people just can't be intimidated it makes us stronger and we'll get the information out. And that's how you can honor people who do spend their lives and do put their lives on the line to inform others. And I see it all the time, I see it everyday in a lot of people doing the same thing and the way you can honor them is keep their work going, keep it alive, get it out there. Get the information out there. I'm not sure how we can protect ourselves against it, but knowing what they're doing is half the battle. Just knowing it. Sometimes you start exposing their tactics, they do stop them, they do switch them and change them. And I don't think everybody in America today and around the world wants to have to worry about if the glass of water they poured out of the kitchen sink is the last one they're ever going to have. I'm going to work and get this information out even or the more.
That wraps up the show for this week folks, be back next week Monday night 8 o'clock with listener call-in. We'll pick that back up. I'll pick that back up with Matthew 24, I want to get into that. And what I'll do is address more again, seems to be a hot topic of this show, the serpent seedline. Exactly who they are, how they tie in to the illuminati and how everything is all connected. If you look at everything I've written, it's all pieces of the puzzle. It's just all pieces and it all comes together. And so everything's connected. There's nothing new here that I've ever written about on any of my sites any of the articles because they all just fit in together. They're pieces of the puzzle and when you start putting the puzzle together, you realize just exactly how everything does operate and who's running what, who's doing what, who's part of what. And so that's going to be it.
We're going to wrap it up for tonight. I'll be back next week at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow I'll be on the air with "Aliens in the News" at 1 o'clock central 2 o'clock eastern time. you can check that site out. And certainly listen to the archives of this show at Download, record them onto CDs pass them around. This show is global being listened to in over 140 countries right now. And so just get the information out there any way you can. You can record them on CDs and pass them around. You have my full permission to do so.
We'll see you next week folks, have a good week. God bless.