MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2009
Sherry Shriner on.....
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, April 13, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
And hello everybody. You’re live. It’s Monday night, April 13th, 2009. If you have a question for the show, you can send it to [email protected]. I’ll be checking that throughout the show. There's a couple of things I want to talk about tonight.
I’ve been looking at a lot of You Tube videos. If I look at more than one, it’s a lot for me. I don’t wander around too much on the internet. I’ve been noticing that a lot of people are warning about these graves that the government has been digging out in Tulsa in these huge tracts of land. And they're lining up these concrete graves, I should say. And there’s like 50 of them in one area. They have them buried. I guess that each one can hold about 40 people; if you just wanted to stack dead people in them. There are just tons of these being prepared throughout the country. And also the FEMA trains. Miles and miles and miles of them are being seen in New York City and also in other areas of the country. Right now, it seems to be a lot of Arizona and New York City.
Also a bio-attack; First Energy Corporation out of Akron, Ohio is preparing its employees for a comingbio-attack. So a lot of things are getting ready. A lot of little red flag warnings that our government is getting ready to step up and move on with their plans on bio and chemical attacks here in America. I’ve warned about a pandemic that’s coming that I’ve seen.
The Lord doesn’t get me real excited about attacks that they’re planning. He always pretty much keeps me focused on what we’re doing to them instead of what they’re doing to us. So when I do see something that they're planning; a bio-attack or a pandemic or something…I often have to look at it because I’m seeing a pandemic coming and the one thing I see associated with that is leprosy. We’re thinking…this is 2009. Leprosy is one of
these Old Testament plagues where the lepers were cast outside of the city and forced to fend for themselves and even shut off in quarantined communities where they would just basically wait to die. There is no cure. Leprosy is a flesh-eating disease; a skin eating disease.
There are already 15 million cases throughout the world right now. We don’t hear a lot about it here in America. In fact, we hear nothing about it. I’ll go out on a limb and say nothing, because I’ve heard nothing about leprosy in
America or even affecting other countries. This is interesting. There is going to be a leprosy plague that hits America. When I see that in the Bible codes, the one thing that comes to my mind is retaliation. Leprosy is one of those plagues that the Lord inflicts on the wicked. It could be several things. It could be the result He inflicts a leprosy plague on this nation because of what they plan to do to us. Is there some kind of influenza flu or virus flu that they're going to unleash on America? I know that Americans are bracing for Avian Flu.
I’ve told you that Avian Flu is Bird Flu. It’s alien flu. It’s only going to affect aliens and hybrids. We’re going to see much more of that taking place in the East. I see that happening in the Middle East and in the Asian nations.
Often when I see Asia in the Bible codes, it’s not just China, but it could also be the Middle Eastern countries. So it’s definitely something that’s going to be affecting the Philistines in the Middle East and in the eastern countries. By Philistines, I’m talking about these aliens that are coming; these Anaks. I’ve talked about howthey’ve been arriving on Earth and hiding in the deserts and things like that. The Lord is going to step up and amplify the power of the Orgone that we have put around the world. We’ve been able to spread around the world by warriors in almost every country in the world. He’s going to amplify the power of that. Every time that He amplifies it, we start seeing a big scream about Bird Flu and Bird Flu deaths. Last Fall He told me that He was going to amplify it and all we really saw over here in America was how it was affecting as they called it “minimal” numbers in China. Then you see blurbs of Chinese news and all the people are walking around with masks over their faces. So its affecting them much more than the American media is telling us here. That was in correlation also with what they said was milk contamination. Interesting that at the same time the Lord told me He was going to amplify the Orgone, both of those things kind of hit the news in a big way; the milk contamination and the Bird Flu/Avian Flu in China. So that’s going to continue especially going to the end of April and May, you’re going to see an increase of Avian Flu in all of these tare nations. You may see it here in America.
What concerns me the most is the leprosy. I don’t know exactly what…is this going to be the old plague of leprosy or a new mutant strain that kills people right away. Leprosy can take years to die from. It’s not a fast hitting disease. It’s a hard hitting disease, but it’s very slow. Like a pain-staking process of just waiting to die. It can take several years. The way that they’re preparing, you would think that they expect some kind of bio-attack that would kill people in a matter of days. So if that ones the case, then the leprosy is just a retaliation from the Most High for what they have done to the people here in America. Its very interesting because we do have things coming up. They’re going to get their agenda going. It's almost in retaliation for what they Orgone is doing to
them. They’re going to retaliate. They’ve got to take control of America.
They’ve got their man in the White House….their thing in the White House - Obama. The Bible codes describe him as a lizard, a reptile and he’s always seemingly to be aligned with the Arabs and this Maitreya that’s coming.
Interesting that they Arabs don’t claim him as one of their own, but from what I can tell, it’s not that he’s a religious….that he’s aligned with the religion, it’s just who and what he is. He’s here to fulfill and push the alien agenda here in America. He’s a reptile. He’s one of these Satan hybrids. He’s one of these people that are just here to further the alien agenda here in America. Of course the alien agenda is one that I’ve been screaming and talking about for 10 years now, and warning people that this was coming to America. It’s here. You hear it and you see it in all the legislation that they’re throwing out.
Something that I wanted to go over is aliens overthrowing America. This has been a message of mine for years now. I have articles on it. I’ve done radio shows on it. I’ve posted blogs about it. I wanted to go over that again tonight. I know that my audience changes. We get new people all the time who haven’t heard of things that I get tired of talking about, but they haven’t heard me talk about them. It seems like every time that I talk about it, I can give a new perspective to it to help people understand exactly what’s going on. I have the article on my website
Aliens Will Overthrow America. Go to or and look on my articles pages.It’s listed there. The presence of aliens is nothing new to America….and nothing new to Earth itself. They have been here for thousands of years. They are identified in the Bible as fallen angels who rebelled against God and were kicked out of Heaven. One of their main names is the Annuniki….Annuk. We’ve also heard of reptilians and lizards. Like I’ve talked about, there are many different factions of aliens/fallen angels. It’s all these fallen angels are.
The Bible says there are two types of beings; terrestrial and celestial. If these aliens….these fallen angels were nice little aliens that want to help mankind, they would be celestial beings. They would be in Heaven with the Most
High, serving Him in Heaven. Not terrestrial beings, cast out of Heaven and forced to live in the Earth’s atmosphere and under our Earth. There is a huge difference. One of the things that the whole New Age movement wants you to think is that these are ascended masters…healers…world teachers…that they're our creators. They come up with all of these different lies to try and steer mankind away from the truth of who and what they really are. They’re just fallen angels, folks. They do travel in UFOs. They do have their own form of transportation. They live in the hollow planets and moons around our Earth. They live in cities underneath our earth. These aren’t conspiracy theories.
There is a lot of truth to a lot of this. The reason that they nail it as “it’s just a conspiracy theory” is so that people ignore it and go back to sleep. You never even hear the churches touch these kinds of subject. They don’t give
any real meat of teachings in them. One of the reasons that the Lord pulled me out of the churches years ago and told me that I would teach His prophets. His shepherds that He has stood up, who want to do the right thing and end up being laughed out of their congregations by the very people that should be supporting them. I’ve heard from many pastors who have had to leave their churches because they couldn’t even begin to speak the truth. The people want to speak falsehoods. They want to hear apostasies. They want to hear feel good theologies.
Kudos to the men who say, “I’m not going to give in to them. I’m not going to be a part of them. I’m not going to be judged for that.” And have left these apostate churches; these apostate congregations, simply because they couldn’t speak truth to them. That’s what they need to do. They need to leave. There is no greater judgment than what the Lord will give His shepherds that He stood up to lead and teach His people, and they didn’t do their jobs. Or they led their people into errors and apostasies. I couldn’t think of a greater judgment than on these
shepherds’ heads. Any leader or anyone put as a mouthpiece or in a leadership position for the Lord; one of the greatest judgments is whether they were speaking from Him or just continuing the apostasies and falsehoods that have been prevalent throughout our ages. So I give a lot of credit to the pastors who have just walked away instead of giving the people what they wanted to hear. They have itching ears, but don’t want the truth. They just want to hear feel good theologies.
You’ll see them fill up the beast churches that are dominant today and then wonder why God is going to judge America. The first people He is going to judge is the church. The first people to fall under judgment is going to be the church. You see all this stuff in preparation for martial law and bio-attacks, just to fulfill the New World Order agenda, but don’t forget Who is in charge. They can’t do anything without the Lord’s approval. People seem to forget that He uses mankind to get done what He needs to get done or He decrees to be done on Earth. So if the church is going to be the first ones judged, then who do you think is going to be effected by these coming attacks by our government against the people? It’s a war on the churches. It’s a war on the Saints. It’s just going
to be hidden very well under the terms of martial law and bio and chemical attacks. They are basically coming after the church crowd here on Earth. The Lord is going to allow it because they are under His Judgment, simply
because they are so blind and want to stay in their errors. They don’t seek Him for the truth. The Lord said to seek Him. He didn’t say to go and get boxed in on Sunday worship services week after week after week….and that defines who you are as a Christian.
I don’t know how many people I’ve heard from that are walking away from the churches simply because they go week after week after week it’s the same teachings….the same preaching. Saying, “Paul said this. Paul said that.” They don’t want to hear about Paul; they want to hear what the Lord said. The salvation messages week after week after week are good, but when you get beyond the baby stages, you need meat to grow and that’s one thing you will not get in the churches today. You don’t get the truth and don’t hear anything beyond the basics. That’s why the numbers are dwindling. The Lord is leading His people out of the apostate churches in America today. They make it sound like it’s a bad thing. “People aren’t going to church anymore!” I wonder why.
Because they are so apostate.
But anyway, back to what I was talking about; the different factions and the different aliens. “Alien” is just a term for fallen angel. They also create their own races. You see the small greys and some of these ugly, ugly alien races that have been created by Satan and by these other fallen angels. He’s never stopped trying to be God. He’s never stopped trying to create his own races. He’ll never be able to re-create mankind, which is what he has wanted to do. It’s the breath from the Most High Himself that made man a living soul. When He breathed His Breath into the nostrils of man. Satan can’t do that. He can’t replicate that. The best he can come up with is the Neanderthal races and these ugly different alien races.
The best thing that he can do to mimic mankind is to clone mankind. They’ve come up with that technology where they can clone humans, chip implant them and have them controlled by the chip implants. Cloned beings don’t
have souls. That’s been one of my biggest concerns, because the Chinese having the largest cloning facility in the world outside of Beijing, China and we’re coming up on a time when the Chinese are going to be dominating America. So what exactly are we dealing with? With humans or clones? If its cloned beings; if we’re going to be dealing with Chinese clones here in America running around like military solider and they’re chip implanted…then our Orgone will affect them. That’s a plus for us. Orgone doesn’t affect normal humans. If they
are wicked and evil it will affect them. Cloned beings would be considered wicked and evil because they’re not beings made from the Lord. They would be an abomination. They don’t have souls. They’re controlled by the chip implants that are in their brains. So the Orgone would affect them. So what I’m thinking is, “all these coffins and body bags they keep putting everywhere, that’s for themselves. “
I really don’t think that they’re going to affect humans. I think this is all going to be for their own deaths. I keep seeing it in the Codes. I was talking to my friend saying,”You know what? I don’t see our deaths. I see theirs.” I see hybrid deaths and the deaths of these aliens in America and these tares that are coming to America. I see their deaths. So that’s what I think they are preparing for. I think they are preparing for our deaths. I think they think they will kill Americans and are getting body bags, but storing them up for themselves.
Look at what we did to Dulce Base. We destroyed the aliens in Dulce Base and Also on other bases around the country with just Orgone. All these aliens have to do…these Chinese tare races…they all work together. These cloned Chinese that are coming and led by our Department of Homeland Security, mind you. They aren’t coming over here blindly, waging war on America a. They are actually led by the butthead that is running our Homeland Security. He comes up in the codes as well. This has all been scripted and master-minded.
I do think that orgoned areas will be protection areas for people to go to. Orgone your cities, your towns and your neighborhoods. I do think that it is going to affect these Chinese. I do think that it’s going to kill these Chinese
soldiers that are coming. If I’m wrong, so be it. What do we have to lose in trying to protect ourselves? I don’t think that the Lord would have me waste all my time on this on a whim. I know it affects aliens. We’ve annihilated the
beings that inhabited that Shema star. I’ve been talking about that every week because I see it strongly in the codes. We’ve killed them. We’ve annihilated them. Maitreya will survive. The main generals will survive because they have a role to fulfill on Earth. But the foot soldiers are dying. It’s the same thing we saw on Dulce and these other bases that we were able to get a hold of with this Orgone to where they’re just burning, boiling and dying.
The atmosphere is going to be amplified with Orgone, so we’re going to see a lot more UFOs crashed out of the atmosphere. A lot more booms in the air and the government saying it’s a meteor…a weather balloon or a Russian satellite…whatever excuse they come up with, we’re going to have many, many, many more crashes coming out of the skies because the Lord is going to amplify the Orgone and saturate the air in space. It melts their metal; it burns their inhabitants and is causing them to die. We are going to see a lot more crashes coming out of the sky. You can call it lightening because that’s what I’m seeing in the Bible codes. It refers to them as lightening. And this Orgone is causing the lightening that’s been created and made right now because there’s all
these UFO ships crashing.
So there are definitely two sides to this war. You see one side amused, which are the Orgone Warriors. The Lord’s faction that is doing the Orgone that is amused. Then you have Satan’s faction which is the New World Order, which is very angry. So yeah, totally two sides. Then you have all these people in the middle, doing nothing and don’t know what’s going on. I can’t concentrate and focus on them when we have so much going on.
I’ve spent the better part of a week getting prepared for a project that I’ve been working on. We have some last minute tie-ins to do…things to get done. Like I’ve said, this month of April and the G-20 Summit seems like a
global Orgone awareness month, I’ve called it. All the nations are becoming aware more and more of what Orgone is capable of doing, has done and is going to do. We don’t know how much time we have left before they come after the church to clamp down and stop the Orgone.
All this is kindof like swirling around the toilet and all getting ready to flush at the same time. That’s basically what it is. Everything is going to hit at once. There is just so much going on that they’re preparing for and we’re doing
what we can. It’s almost like a chessboard. If they move our pawn, they’re going to move their night. It’s basically what it is. Swirling in the toilet bowl right now. It’s up to the next person to make their move, you know?
I’ve definitely made a huge move this week with a project that I’ve been working on. I know some warriors are working on some missions that the Lord has sent them on. So we’re getting ready. We’re pretty much ready for this arrival….this turnabout of America. Everybody has seen it coming….changing our nation into a socialistic, fascist police state. It’s going to keep heading that way. Eventually just leading into outright civil war here in America, and chaos. I’m just waiting to see what their move is going to be. It seems to me that they're still in
set-up mode; moving their trains in place.
I would look for an attack in Phoenix Arizona. If they were going to nuke a city, it would be Phoenix, because that’s symbolic to them. The phoenix rising up out of the ashes - symbolically Phoenix, Arizona to re-create that whole thing where the Phoenix rises up out of the ashes. Also it had been on their script, it was one of the cities they would blow up. And also considering the fact that they are digging these concrete coffin areas. I would look for an attack on Phoenix.
Also New York City… an Anthrax attack on New York City that would kill instantly. They wouldn’t need trains unless they were going to transport dead bodies in trains. It seems to me they would be clamping down on social
chaos and collecting people and putting them on these FEMA trains and then taking them to FEMA camps. I’m not sure why they need the trains in New York City if they are planning a bio-attack; an Anthrax attack that literally
kills them the second they breathe the air. I had seen that plane in a vision years ago in a vision, flying over what I believe is New York City. I’m not sure what city it was. It was near a body of water. People just falling over dead.
They would walk out of a library or mall, breathe the air and drop over dead. So it’s been interesting that in the codes I’ve seen Anthrax. I’ve seen leprosy. I’ve seen man things that I can’t even seem to call yet. But those are the two main things – Anthrax and leprosy. The deaths itself are caused by the Orgone on the alien and the tare nations. The Avian Flu is the effect of the Orgone. I don’t even know what they’re going to call it here in America when these tares start falling over dead.
It’s a war, folks. It’s a war and you need to decide which side you are on. Sitting on the sidelines just puts you at wasting time. You’re not going to be any safer sitting on the sidelines than on the frontlines. I’ll tell you where the fun is; it’s on the frontlines. I’m still here. The Lord has protected me for years. He protects His people. You see all these people getting ready to be taken down and out in martial law and your life is over. What did you do with your life when you were alive and had some time to do something for Him. I don’t want to sit on the sidelines and hope and watch that maybe they’ll put it off for another year. Delay is something dominant. I see delay in the codes all the time. Delay, delay, delay. And it’s not the Lord delaying anything; it’s them. It’s them because they’re in such chaos.
Yeah, how’s that water in D.C.” How’s that air in D.C.? These tares…these reptiles who have taken over our governments and military; enjoy the air. Go out and enjoy a good walk. (LOL) This Orgone is going to be destroying them. All we can do is wait. It’s like a waiting game too whenever the Lord decides to amplify it. It’s like a waiting game now. We’ve certainly been making ours.
I’ve been hearing from people that have had visions of Chinese. I’ve been warning about the Chinese coming to America. They are going to mobilize and come here eventually….this month, next month, next April? I don’t know
when. When you see them you’ll know it’s them. I can tell you April is dominant, but I can’t tell you what year. So we always have to keep our eyes open. That’s the only way that we know what we know what’s going on. By
keeping our eyes open. Years and months are being delayed on their plans because of so much of their own death and destruction. Satan was planning on coming here with a host of angels mimicking God in Heaven and this angelic host. You can’t very well do that when all of his angels are dying, dead and crashing to the Earth. (LOL) So as we wreck his plans he has to come up with new ones. I can’t help but laugh.
So we buy time…do we have time? I know with Obama pushing out more and more of his socialistic legislation to clamp down on the freedoms of Americans, doing the exact same thing as Bush did; one draconian legislation after another. Being hidden in bills being passed by congress without any discussing over them. He’s picking up exactly where Bush has left off. There are no real changes anywhere. His change is from capitalism and democracy and freedom to socialism. That’s his “change.”
I don’t have anything else that the Lord wants me to speak about tonight. I usually just sit and wait. Like I’ve said we’re waiting now to see what their next move is going to be. Seeing if they are going to attack American cities.
Like I said, Phoenix Arizona and New York City would be my first two guesses right now for attacks. Also for Ohio. I’ve never seen any nuking for Ohio, but I’ve seen bio-attacks. Yeah, they’re going to be coming after Ohio because this is where I’m at. They can’t get me because I’m so well protected. It will be interesting to see what else they try to get around me. Akron is not too far from where I live, so we’ll have to see if they're going to attack Akron and Canton and some of these areas with bio-attacks. We’ll see what they’re going to do. But as they are sitting and planning and chewing up their time clock I can see the Lord already making His plans with an attack of leprosy on the wicked of this nation. I think its retaliation, so I can’t even begin to say what He is retaliating for, other than some of these outright attacks from the New World Order to start martial law here in America, rounding up citizens and taking them to these FEMA camps.
There was always an opening in April for the Day of Declaration. I’ve seen where Obama will be financing this. Taking over our media and announcing that he’s here to be our world teacher and help mankind and blah, blah, blah. So April is a dominant time for that. April, May, June and July. I’m seeing a lot of dates coming up in for July. So July might be really interesting. They were supposed to try and push one of their Day of Declaration things for this time in April….around Passover time. And certainly still in Passover time….observing the Feast of Unleavened Bread, so they could decide to go ahead with one their day of declarations.
Their arrival is eminent. That’s why you need to spend some time reading my article Aliens Will Overthrow America so that you can understand who and what they are. Who and what they are. I keep seeing they are coming….they are arriving. These world teachers. These ascended masters. This article will explain who and what they are. We’re running out of time.
I wanted to mention the fires in Oklahoma and Texas. Whenever you see a lot of forced fires….and there are definitely forced fires in Texas. When you read of hurricane winds of over 100 miles an hour to push fires along, they are really pushing for some dead Orgone energy….some dead energy to breathe. Heads up and 10 thumbs up to the warriors out there getting Orgone in Texas and Oklahoma. It’s obviously affecting them because they can’t survive out there. So they start these fires up because it creates a dead air….it creates dead and that’s what they need to survive. I don’t know to explain it. They just survive off of dead things. Dead air. Dead energy.
A couple of years ago when I was out west orgoning a lot of areas out there. I had even gone out to Vegas. It was really funny; they knew I was out there. We went to see the white tigers. My friend had wanted to see the white tigers so we stopped by to see them. As we were sitting there…..when you first go in to this little zoo at the Mirage Casino, or whatever it’s called, they talk to the people….so we’re sitting there listening to this lady talking, describing what’s in the zoo and giving us a little background on it….this airplane flew overhead and put this
huge S in the sky. It was so funny. I was like, ”Okay, is that S for Sherry? What is the S?”
The whole time we were there you could see these low flying black helicopters everywhere, all the time. This is the city itself. Not a military base. Area 51 is quite a ways away. These little black helicopters have no reason for being this close to a city….and nobody seems to notice this stuff. I was only in Vegas for a day and a half. I could last that long. I couldn’t stand Vegas. No offence to people that live there. I just couldn’t stand Vegas. It is literally sin city. I had gone down there as a starting point because I had orgoned from north of Vegas itself all the way up to Salt Lake City….had come over all the way across from Arizona. There were those lakes in the west there that were the main water sources for Vegas and other areas that we had gotten with Orgone. So we had a lot of work to do out in that area. It was amusing when I came home. I said watch for the fires to start now. Sure enough they did. I wasn’t home three days and the fires were starting in Utah and other states to create Orgone energy in the air because we had put so much positive Orgone energy in the air with our positive Orgone out that way.
It’s very much a war, folks. If you can’t see it now; you’ll never see it. You just can’t see it. The Lord said that He would make it so obvious that even the blind could see. If even the blind can see, then so help them. UFOs are falling out of the air. They’re desperate to survive. Fires are just a form of desperation to survive until they can move out of areas and get into other areas that they can survive and breathe in. It’s definitely just a war going on and continuing to go on until the Lord Himself puts a stop to it.
I know the other day…..I was doing my usual thing working on codes and stuff. For some reason I just felt the need to go get up and walk to my front door and look outside. I often do that. It’s not like its….just to get some exercise. It’s tiring sitting at a computer. At this particular time that I happened to open up my door and look outside, there was a man walking towards my house. When he saw me he abruptly turned away, jumped into his car and took off. I don’t know what he wanted. I don’t know what their game plan is, but for some reason the Lord wanted me to stop whatever it is he was going to be doing. Because he was walking very close up towards my house. Another one bites the dust as far as I’m concerned. Their plans are nothing to me.
Anyway, I’m going to take some questions from listeners and see what you guys are up to this week. If you have any questions, you can send them to [email protected].
Question from a listener: Have you see the Angels and Demons sequel to the DaVinci Code? It mentions Sananda and also implicates the Vatican.
Answer: I haven’t seen it. The DaVinci code was another Illuminati masterpiece….so they think. I’m not sure I’d waste my time on Angels and Demon,s since that stuff is put out by the Illuminati itself. Sananda is involved with the Vatican. I find it interesting that its still kindof a war. Rome has been coming up in the codes quite a bit. This earthquake over there recently was a little bit of retaliation. When the aliens don’t get their way they can produce
an earthquake, a fire….whatever they want to do from space. Its some kind of war going on between the aliens and the Vatican itself. Like I’ve said they are always fighting amongst themselves.
Question from a listener: They are getting ready for something really big, but also gun control around the same time. I wonder what cities will get it first.
Answer: I would go with…like I said, New York City. And also a city out west. Probably Phoenix. One of the
Arizona cities. Tempe, Arizona or Tampa, Florida. I’ve been seeing that come up in the codes and I don’t know if it’s Tempe, Arizona or Tampa, Florida because its falling so similar. Just a heads up.
Question from a listener: Sherry, in just two more days there will be tea parties all over this nation. The Acorn crocks are ready to hit the streets and make a living Hell. Obama is using these groups to attack anyone opposing his Communist ideas. My feeling is that we are weeks away from a revolution in this country. Please give us your thoughts. Is there anything in the codes about this coming?
Answer: Civil war is going to come to America. I think that they’ll try and use an influx of Chinese soldiers to suppress a civil war and take control of the populous. So that’s why I’ve said I can’t call it ‘til I see it because
they’ve got different routes that they can use. People are aware of what Obama is doing to this country and what he is inciting and causing. That’s why they’re buying guns and ammunition. They know the crap is about to hit the
fan. So they just need to keep preparing. You don’t want to be taken into custody by foreign soldiers or be taken to one of these FEMA camps. Don’t let them take you alive. It’s going to be a fight.
Comment from a listener: I read some articles about many of these churches doing Easter egg searches. Isn’t the Easter bunny, Easter eggs and Easter based on the sun god? Is this even when Yahushua was really crucified, died and resurrected?
Sherry: It doesn’t get any worse than an apostate church that celebrates the bunnies, Easter eggs and eats ham. That has to be the worst holiday out of all of them; the sheer paganism involved with Easter alone. It just has to be
the worst out of all of them. Easter…the fertility god Queen Ishtar...the whole thing is pure paganism. Then they top it off by having ham, which is an abomination. To eat pig is an abomination in the Bible. People say that’s Old
Testament….no that was New Testament too. It’s today too. Not just back then. They always have excuses as to why they keep continuing honoring paganism in the churches today instead of correcting them, throwing them out,
admitting they’re wrong and starting over. They just throw up excuses. I can’t get anywhere with them. And that’s the reason why the people are getting fed up and leaving them.
Comment from a listener: Sherry, I lived in Vegas for three months and couldn’t stand it either. There were literally 60 – 80 black helicopters flying towards the city all following each other. I didn’t find out where they were going.
Very strange.
Sherry: Just the day and a half that I was there, they were just up and down. It’s not like they had anywhere in particular they were going. They would just be up and down….up and down. It was very strange. I had never seen so many. It was just a constant harassment of black helicopters. And it really was just one or two of them, not like there was a whole fleet. The S in the sky was very interesting. It was a heart love S. I don’t know what that was about. They didn’t finish whatever it was they were trying to do…I don’t know. I just got tired of watching them. It truly is just a city waiting to be destroyed by the Lord. But I also love the heart of the people that are out there. There are Christians that have said, we don’t want God to destroy Vegas it’s our home. What they’ve been doing is plastering the place with Orgone. Almost doing the Lot thing, where Lot stood up for Sodom when the Lord said He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorra and Lot was sticking up for his city. That’s pretty much what the warriors are doing out in Vegas. I don’t know if it’s chasing out any of the evil or wicked that are there, but they’ve been busy covering Vegas with Orgone since then. I know there is a lot of Orgone in Vegas right now.
I didn’t do a lot of Vegas itself. The Lord said just let the evil ones have it. So I left it and started covering from the north all the way up to Salt Lake City and pretty much wiping out the Mormon temple. It had been a hangout for Sananda and his little Capricorn ship and all the little ships they were hanging out above Salt Lake City. So we chased them out of there and we went to Quebec. Quebec got busy and chased them out. Now they’re in Rome. I don’t know if much Orgone is being done in Rome. They could be there for a while until some warriors stand up over there and get the Vatican area. Italy is one of those countries….I don’t even think I’ve sent Orgone to anywhere in Italy. I don’t know of any warriors in Italy. There are a few countries here and there that haven’t gotten involved. The warriors in those countries. If there are warriors in Italy, they need to stand up and get the Vatican. I don’t always know what’s going on either. The Lord doesn’t always tell me who is doing what and where. I don’t
always know, but I’ll hear after the fact a lot of times.
Question from a listener: I wondered if your Orgone could be used to help perform exorcisms.
Answer: Yeah, just put it in the room. Just put a possessed person around Orgone and they will react very adversely to it. Eventually the demon will just leave the person because they don’t want to be around the Orgone.
Question from a listener: Is one 3 ounce Orgone puck enough to cover a mile of air?
Answer: It is if you’re in the country. If you are in the city, you need to break it up smaller. I saturate the cities. Like every thousand feet, I put an Orgone puck. It depends on what kind of area that you’re covering. If you’re out in a
cow town, then one puck. You know what? You never have enough Orgone. You need to saturate towns, countries, cities and farms. The reason that I did so much work in the Ozark mountains was to make safe havens for the Lords people to run to if they needed to get out of their cities, towns and areas where alien invasions or Chinese invasions or our military is rounding up. The Ozark Mountains will be a safe place for them to go. I know a warrior out in Washington is covering some mountainous areas out that way too. That’s what people need to be doing. Not just covering our cities and towns, but also forests and mountain areas in the country so that people that are on the run will be protected. We need it all over the world….all over the country.
You can never have enough Orgone. You can never have too much. It doesn’t hurt people. If you have a lot of Orgone and put it in your gardens, watch your plants grow much more lush…more green. It purifies water. It keeps the toxins out of the air. You’ll notice a huge difference because it’s a positive living energy. Anything evil or dead can’t stand being around it. It’s a war folks, and you need to decide which side you are on. The Lord’s side fighting against the wicked or the wicked side fighting against the Lord’s people. Just standing back and doing nothing puts you in lukewarmness….you’re just lukewarm. I wouldn’t want to be caught in lukewarm water in the last days because you will be tried and tested by death…by fire, by marital law, by imprisonments, by beheadings. Just a lot of various ways that they Lord is going to be testing this whole lukewarm Bride crowd. I won’t call them Bride, because He gets mad when I do that. This churchdumb; these people in the churches today that call on Him and sing about how much they love Him and tell everybody what a great Christian they are. He says why do you call them Mine? You need to be doers and not just talkers. Getting off the fence and making a decision who you belong to; the Lord Himself? Or are you going to belong to the nonchalant crowd who are
sheeple that the New World Order is going to be guiding and taking over.
Anyway, I’m going to wrap it up for tonight. I don’t know what I’ll be talking about next week. I never normally do until the week comes. I’ll keep an eye on bio-attacks in New York City and Phoenix. It’s either Tempe or Tampa, Florida. These Anthrax plans they have. And also an announcement…day of declaration of these Philistines that are arriving. These Anaks. These ascended masters. I see them arriving more so in Arabia and in the Middle East than here, but Obama will be financing for them to take over our media for their day of declaration crap. I don’t know if that will be this April or they will push it off to July or what they’re going to be doing.
The war is on.
Until next week everybody, Yah bless.
Sherry Talk Radio
Monday, April 13, 2009
Transcribed by Liz Patton
And hello everybody. You’re live. It’s Monday night, April 13th, 2009. If you have a question for the show, you can send it to [email protected]. I’ll be checking that throughout the show. There's a couple of things I want to talk about tonight.
I’ve been looking at a lot of You Tube videos. If I look at more than one, it’s a lot for me. I don’t wander around too much on the internet. I’ve been noticing that a lot of people are warning about these graves that the government has been digging out in Tulsa in these huge tracts of land. And they're lining up these concrete graves, I should say. And there’s like 50 of them in one area. They have them buried. I guess that each one can hold about 40 people; if you just wanted to stack dead people in them. There are just tons of these being prepared throughout the country. And also the FEMA trains. Miles and miles and miles of them are being seen in New York City and also in other areas of the country. Right now, it seems to be a lot of Arizona and New York City.
Also a bio-attack; First Energy Corporation out of Akron, Ohio is preparing its employees for a comingbio-attack. So a lot of things are getting ready. A lot of little red flag warnings that our government is getting ready to step up and move on with their plans on bio and chemical attacks here in America. I’ve warned about a pandemic that’s coming that I’ve seen.
The Lord doesn’t get me real excited about attacks that they’re planning. He always pretty much keeps me focused on what we’re doing to them instead of what they’re doing to us. So when I do see something that they're planning; a bio-attack or a pandemic or something…I often have to look at it because I’m seeing a pandemic coming and the one thing I see associated with that is leprosy. We’re thinking…this is 2009. Leprosy is one of
these Old Testament plagues where the lepers were cast outside of the city and forced to fend for themselves and even shut off in quarantined communities where they would just basically wait to die. There is no cure. Leprosy is a flesh-eating disease; a skin eating disease.
There are already 15 million cases throughout the world right now. We don’t hear a lot about it here in America. In fact, we hear nothing about it. I’ll go out on a limb and say nothing, because I’ve heard nothing about leprosy in
America or even affecting other countries. This is interesting. There is going to be a leprosy plague that hits America. When I see that in the Bible codes, the one thing that comes to my mind is retaliation. Leprosy is one of those plagues that the Lord inflicts on the wicked. It could be several things. It could be the result He inflicts a leprosy plague on this nation because of what they plan to do to us. Is there some kind of influenza flu or virus flu that they're going to unleash on America? I know that Americans are bracing for Avian Flu.
I’ve told you that Avian Flu is Bird Flu. It’s alien flu. It’s only going to affect aliens and hybrids. We’re going to see much more of that taking place in the East. I see that happening in the Middle East and in the Asian nations.
Often when I see Asia in the Bible codes, it’s not just China, but it could also be the Middle Eastern countries. So it’s definitely something that’s going to be affecting the Philistines in the Middle East and in the eastern countries. By Philistines, I’m talking about these aliens that are coming; these Anaks. I’ve talked about howthey’ve been arriving on Earth and hiding in the deserts and things like that. The Lord is going to step up and amplify the power of the Orgone that we have put around the world. We’ve been able to spread around the world by warriors in almost every country in the world. He’s going to amplify the power of that. Every time that He amplifies it, we start seeing a big scream about Bird Flu and Bird Flu deaths. Last Fall He told me that He was going to amplify it and all we really saw over here in America was how it was affecting as they called it “minimal” numbers in China. Then you see blurbs of Chinese news and all the people are walking around with masks over their faces. So its affecting them much more than the American media is telling us here. That was in correlation also with what they said was milk contamination. Interesting that at the same time the Lord told me He was going to amplify the Orgone, both of those things kind of hit the news in a big way; the milk contamination and the Bird Flu/Avian Flu in China. So that’s going to continue especially going to the end of April and May, you’re going to see an increase of Avian Flu in all of these tare nations. You may see it here in America.
What concerns me the most is the leprosy. I don’t know exactly what…is this going to be the old plague of leprosy or a new mutant strain that kills people right away. Leprosy can take years to die from. It’s not a fast hitting disease. It’s a hard hitting disease, but it’s very slow. Like a pain-staking process of just waiting to die. It can take several years. The way that they’re preparing, you would think that they expect some kind of bio-attack that would kill people in a matter of days. So if that ones the case, then the leprosy is just a retaliation from the Most High for what they have done to the people here in America. Its very interesting because we do have things coming up. They’re going to get their agenda going. It's almost in retaliation for what they Orgone is doing to
them. They’re going to retaliate. They’ve got to take control of America.
They’ve got their man in the White House….their thing in the White House - Obama. The Bible codes describe him as a lizard, a reptile and he’s always seemingly to be aligned with the Arabs and this Maitreya that’s coming.
Interesting that they Arabs don’t claim him as one of their own, but from what I can tell, it’s not that he’s a religious….that he’s aligned with the religion, it’s just who and what he is. He’s here to fulfill and push the alien agenda here in America. He’s a reptile. He’s one of these Satan hybrids. He’s one of these people that are just here to further the alien agenda here in America. Of course the alien agenda is one that I’ve been screaming and talking about for 10 years now, and warning people that this was coming to America. It’s here. You hear it and you see it in all the legislation that they’re throwing out.
Something that I wanted to go over is aliens overthrowing America. This has been a message of mine for years now. I have articles on it. I’ve done radio shows on it. I’ve posted blogs about it. I wanted to go over that again tonight. I know that my audience changes. We get new people all the time who haven’t heard of things that I get tired of talking about, but they haven’t heard me talk about them. It seems like every time that I talk about it, I can give a new perspective to it to help people understand exactly what’s going on. I have the article on my website
Aliens Will Overthrow America. Go to or and look on my articles pages.It’s listed there. The presence of aliens is nothing new to America….and nothing new to Earth itself. They have been here for thousands of years. They are identified in the Bible as fallen angels who rebelled against God and were kicked out of Heaven. One of their main names is the Annuniki….Annuk. We’ve also heard of reptilians and lizards. Like I’ve talked about, there are many different factions of aliens/fallen angels. It’s all these fallen angels are.
The Bible says there are two types of beings; terrestrial and celestial. If these aliens….these fallen angels were nice little aliens that want to help mankind, they would be celestial beings. They would be in Heaven with the Most
High, serving Him in Heaven. Not terrestrial beings, cast out of Heaven and forced to live in the Earth’s atmosphere and under our Earth. There is a huge difference. One of the things that the whole New Age movement wants you to think is that these are ascended masters…healers…world teachers…that they're our creators. They come up with all of these different lies to try and steer mankind away from the truth of who and what they really are. They’re just fallen angels, folks. They do travel in UFOs. They do have their own form of transportation. They live in the hollow planets and moons around our Earth. They live in cities underneath our earth. These aren’t conspiracy theories.
There is a lot of truth to a lot of this. The reason that they nail it as “it’s just a conspiracy theory” is so that people ignore it and go back to sleep. You never even hear the churches touch these kinds of subject. They don’t give
any real meat of teachings in them. One of the reasons that the Lord pulled me out of the churches years ago and told me that I would teach His prophets. His shepherds that He has stood up, who want to do the right thing and end up being laughed out of their congregations by the very people that should be supporting them. I’ve heard from many pastors who have had to leave their churches because they couldn’t even begin to speak the truth. The people want to speak falsehoods. They want to hear apostasies. They want to hear feel good theologies.
Kudos to the men who say, “I’m not going to give in to them. I’m not going to be a part of them. I’m not going to be judged for that.” And have left these apostate churches; these apostate congregations, simply because they couldn’t speak truth to them. That’s what they need to do. They need to leave. There is no greater judgment than what the Lord will give His shepherds that He stood up to lead and teach His people, and they didn’t do their jobs. Or they led their people into errors and apostasies. I couldn’t think of a greater judgment than on these
shepherds’ heads. Any leader or anyone put as a mouthpiece or in a leadership position for the Lord; one of the greatest judgments is whether they were speaking from Him or just continuing the apostasies and falsehoods that have been prevalent throughout our ages. So I give a lot of credit to the pastors who have just walked away instead of giving the people what they wanted to hear. They have itching ears, but don’t want the truth. They just want to hear feel good theologies.
You’ll see them fill up the beast churches that are dominant today and then wonder why God is going to judge America. The first people He is going to judge is the church. The first people to fall under judgment is going to be the church. You see all this stuff in preparation for martial law and bio-attacks, just to fulfill the New World Order agenda, but don’t forget Who is in charge. They can’t do anything without the Lord’s approval. People seem to forget that He uses mankind to get done what He needs to get done or He decrees to be done on Earth. So if the church is going to be the first ones judged, then who do you think is going to be effected by these coming attacks by our government against the people? It’s a war on the churches. It’s a war on the Saints. It’s just going
to be hidden very well under the terms of martial law and bio and chemical attacks. They are basically coming after the church crowd here on Earth. The Lord is going to allow it because they are under His Judgment, simply
because they are so blind and want to stay in their errors. They don’t seek Him for the truth. The Lord said to seek Him. He didn’t say to go and get boxed in on Sunday worship services week after week after week….and that defines who you are as a Christian.
I don’t know how many people I’ve heard from that are walking away from the churches simply because they go week after week after week it’s the same teachings….the same preaching. Saying, “Paul said this. Paul said that.” They don’t want to hear about Paul; they want to hear what the Lord said. The salvation messages week after week after week are good, but when you get beyond the baby stages, you need meat to grow and that’s one thing you will not get in the churches today. You don’t get the truth and don’t hear anything beyond the basics. That’s why the numbers are dwindling. The Lord is leading His people out of the apostate churches in America today. They make it sound like it’s a bad thing. “People aren’t going to church anymore!” I wonder why.
Because they are so apostate.
But anyway, back to what I was talking about; the different factions and the different aliens. “Alien” is just a term for fallen angel. They also create their own races. You see the small greys and some of these ugly, ugly alien races that have been created by Satan and by these other fallen angels. He’s never stopped trying to be God. He’s never stopped trying to create his own races. He’ll never be able to re-create mankind, which is what he has wanted to do. It’s the breath from the Most High Himself that made man a living soul. When He breathed His Breath into the nostrils of man. Satan can’t do that. He can’t replicate that. The best he can come up with is the Neanderthal races and these ugly different alien races.
The best thing that he can do to mimic mankind is to clone mankind. They’ve come up with that technology where they can clone humans, chip implant them and have them controlled by the chip implants. Cloned beings don’t
have souls. That’s been one of my biggest concerns, because the Chinese having the largest cloning facility in the world outside of Beijing, China and we’re coming up on a time when the Chinese are going to be dominating America. So what exactly are we dealing with? With humans or clones? If its cloned beings; if we’re going to be dealing with Chinese clones here in America running around like military solider and they’re chip implanted…then our Orgone will affect them. That’s a plus for us. Orgone doesn’t affect normal humans. If they
are wicked and evil it will affect them. Cloned beings would be considered wicked and evil because they’re not beings made from the Lord. They would be an abomination. They don’t have souls. They’re controlled by the chip implants that are in their brains. So the Orgone would affect them. So what I’m thinking is, “all these coffins and body bags they keep putting everywhere, that’s for themselves. “
I really don’t think that they’re going to affect humans. I think this is all going to be for their own deaths. I keep seeing it in the Codes. I was talking to my friend saying,”You know what? I don’t see our deaths. I see theirs.” I see hybrid deaths and the deaths of these aliens in America and these tares that are coming to America. I see their deaths. So that’s what I think they are preparing for. I think they are preparing for our deaths. I think they think they will kill Americans and are getting body bags, but storing them up for themselves.
Look at what we did to Dulce Base. We destroyed the aliens in Dulce Base and Also on other bases around the country with just Orgone. All these aliens have to do…these Chinese tare races…they all work together. These cloned Chinese that are coming and led by our Department of Homeland Security, mind you. They aren’t coming over here blindly, waging war on America a. They are actually led by the butthead that is running our Homeland Security. He comes up in the codes as well. This has all been scripted and master-minded.
I do think that orgoned areas will be protection areas for people to go to. Orgone your cities, your towns and your neighborhoods. I do think that it is going to affect these Chinese. I do think that it’s going to kill these Chinese
soldiers that are coming. If I’m wrong, so be it. What do we have to lose in trying to protect ourselves? I don’t think that the Lord would have me waste all my time on this on a whim. I know it affects aliens. We’ve annihilated the
beings that inhabited that Shema star. I’ve been talking about that every week because I see it strongly in the codes. We’ve killed them. We’ve annihilated them. Maitreya will survive. The main generals will survive because they have a role to fulfill on Earth. But the foot soldiers are dying. It’s the same thing we saw on Dulce and these other bases that we were able to get a hold of with this Orgone to where they’re just burning, boiling and dying.
The atmosphere is going to be amplified with Orgone, so we’re going to see a lot more UFOs crashed out of the atmosphere. A lot more booms in the air and the government saying it’s a meteor…a weather balloon or a Russian satellite…whatever excuse they come up with, we’re going to have many, many, many more crashes coming out of the skies because the Lord is going to amplify the Orgone and saturate the air in space. It melts their metal; it burns their inhabitants and is causing them to die. We are going to see a lot more crashes coming out of the sky. You can call it lightening because that’s what I’m seeing in the Bible codes. It refers to them as lightening. And this Orgone is causing the lightening that’s been created and made right now because there’s all
these UFO ships crashing.
So there are definitely two sides to this war. You see one side amused, which are the Orgone Warriors. The Lord’s faction that is doing the Orgone that is amused. Then you have Satan’s faction which is the New World Order, which is very angry. So yeah, totally two sides. Then you have all these people in the middle, doing nothing and don’t know what’s going on. I can’t concentrate and focus on them when we have so much going on.
I’ve spent the better part of a week getting prepared for a project that I’ve been working on. We have some last minute tie-ins to do…things to get done. Like I’ve said, this month of April and the G-20 Summit seems like a
global Orgone awareness month, I’ve called it. All the nations are becoming aware more and more of what Orgone is capable of doing, has done and is going to do. We don’t know how much time we have left before they come after the church to clamp down and stop the Orgone.
All this is kindof like swirling around the toilet and all getting ready to flush at the same time. That’s basically what it is. Everything is going to hit at once. There is just so much going on that they’re preparing for and we’re doing
what we can. It’s almost like a chessboard. If they move our pawn, they’re going to move their night. It’s basically what it is. Swirling in the toilet bowl right now. It’s up to the next person to make their move, you know?
I’ve definitely made a huge move this week with a project that I’ve been working on. I know some warriors are working on some missions that the Lord has sent them on. So we’re getting ready. We’re pretty much ready for this arrival….this turnabout of America. Everybody has seen it coming….changing our nation into a socialistic, fascist police state. It’s going to keep heading that way. Eventually just leading into outright civil war here in America, and chaos. I’m just waiting to see what their move is going to be. It seems to me that they're still in
set-up mode; moving their trains in place.
I would look for an attack in Phoenix Arizona. If they were going to nuke a city, it would be Phoenix, because that’s symbolic to them. The phoenix rising up out of the ashes - symbolically Phoenix, Arizona to re-create that whole thing where the Phoenix rises up out of the ashes. Also it had been on their script, it was one of the cities they would blow up. And also considering the fact that they are digging these concrete coffin areas. I would look for an attack on Phoenix.
Also New York City… an Anthrax attack on New York City that would kill instantly. They wouldn’t need trains unless they were going to transport dead bodies in trains. It seems to me they would be clamping down on social
chaos and collecting people and putting them on these FEMA trains and then taking them to FEMA camps. I’m not sure why they need the trains in New York City if they are planning a bio-attack; an Anthrax attack that literally
kills them the second they breathe the air. I had seen that plane in a vision years ago in a vision, flying over what I believe is New York City. I’m not sure what city it was. It was near a body of water. People just falling over dead.
They would walk out of a library or mall, breathe the air and drop over dead. So it’s been interesting that in the codes I’ve seen Anthrax. I’ve seen leprosy. I’ve seen man things that I can’t even seem to call yet. But those are the two main things – Anthrax and leprosy. The deaths itself are caused by the Orgone on the alien and the tare nations. The Avian Flu is the effect of the Orgone. I don’t even know what they’re going to call it here in America when these tares start falling over dead.
It’s a war, folks. It’s a war and you need to decide which side you are on. Sitting on the sidelines just puts you at wasting time. You’re not going to be any safer sitting on the sidelines than on the frontlines. I’ll tell you where the fun is; it’s on the frontlines. I’m still here. The Lord has protected me for years. He protects His people. You see all these people getting ready to be taken down and out in martial law and your life is over. What did you do with your life when you were alive and had some time to do something for Him. I don’t want to sit on the sidelines and hope and watch that maybe they’ll put it off for another year. Delay is something dominant. I see delay in the codes all the time. Delay, delay, delay. And it’s not the Lord delaying anything; it’s them. It’s them because they’re in such chaos.
Yeah, how’s that water in D.C.” How’s that air in D.C.? These tares…these reptiles who have taken over our governments and military; enjoy the air. Go out and enjoy a good walk. (LOL) This Orgone is going to be destroying them. All we can do is wait. It’s like a waiting game too whenever the Lord decides to amplify it. It’s like a waiting game now. We’ve certainly been making ours.
I’ve been hearing from people that have had visions of Chinese. I’ve been warning about the Chinese coming to America. They are going to mobilize and come here eventually….this month, next month, next April? I don’t know
when. When you see them you’ll know it’s them. I can tell you April is dominant, but I can’t tell you what year. So we always have to keep our eyes open. That’s the only way that we know what we know what’s going on. By
keeping our eyes open. Years and months are being delayed on their plans because of so much of their own death and destruction. Satan was planning on coming here with a host of angels mimicking God in Heaven and this angelic host. You can’t very well do that when all of his angels are dying, dead and crashing to the Earth. (LOL) So as we wreck his plans he has to come up with new ones. I can’t help but laugh.
So we buy time…do we have time? I know with Obama pushing out more and more of his socialistic legislation to clamp down on the freedoms of Americans, doing the exact same thing as Bush did; one draconian legislation after another. Being hidden in bills being passed by congress without any discussing over them. He’s picking up exactly where Bush has left off. There are no real changes anywhere. His change is from capitalism and democracy and freedom to socialism. That’s his “change.”
I don’t have anything else that the Lord wants me to speak about tonight. I usually just sit and wait. Like I’ve said we’re waiting now to see what their next move is going to be. Seeing if they are going to attack American cities.
Like I said, Phoenix Arizona and New York City would be my first two guesses right now for attacks. Also for Ohio. I’ve never seen any nuking for Ohio, but I’ve seen bio-attacks. Yeah, they’re going to be coming after Ohio because this is where I’m at. They can’t get me because I’m so well protected. It will be interesting to see what else they try to get around me. Akron is not too far from where I live, so we’ll have to see if they're going to attack Akron and Canton and some of these areas with bio-attacks. We’ll see what they’re going to do. But as they are sitting and planning and chewing up their time clock I can see the Lord already making His plans with an attack of leprosy on the wicked of this nation. I think its retaliation, so I can’t even begin to say what He is retaliating for, other than some of these outright attacks from the New World Order to start martial law here in America, rounding up citizens and taking them to these FEMA camps.
There was always an opening in April for the Day of Declaration. I’ve seen where Obama will be financing this. Taking over our media and announcing that he’s here to be our world teacher and help mankind and blah, blah, blah. So April is a dominant time for that. April, May, June and July. I’m seeing a lot of dates coming up in for July. So July might be really interesting. They were supposed to try and push one of their Day of Declaration things for this time in April….around Passover time. And certainly still in Passover time….observing the Feast of Unleavened Bread, so they could decide to go ahead with one their day of declarations.
Their arrival is eminent. That’s why you need to spend some time reading my article Aliens Will Overthrow America so that you can understand who and what they are. Who and what they are. I keep seeing they are coming….they are arriving. These world teachers. These ascended masters. This article will explain who and what they are. We’re running out of time.
I wanted to mention the fires in Oklahoma and Texas. Whenever you see a lot of forced fires….and there are definitely forced fires in Texas. When you read of hurricane winds of over 100 miles an hour to push fires along, they are really pushing for some dead Orgone energy….some dead energy to breathe. Heads up and 10 thumbs up to the warriors out there getting Orgone in Texas and Oklahoma. It’s obviously affecting them because they can’t survive out there. So they start these fires up because it creates a dead air….it creates dead and that’s what they need to survive. I don’t know to explain it. They just survive off of dead things. Dead air. Dead energy.
A couple of years ago when I was out west orgoning a lot of areas out there. I had even gone out to Vegas. It was really funny; they knew I was out there. We went to see the white tigers. My friend had wanted to see the white tigers so we stopped by to see them. As we were sitting there…..when you first go in to this little zoo at the Mirage Casino, or whatever it’s called, they talk to the people….so we’re sitting there listening to this lady talking, describing what’s in the zoo and giving us a little background on it….this airplane flew overhead and put this
huge S in the sky. It was so funny. I was like, ”Okay, is that S for Sherry? What is the S?”
The whole time we were there you could see these low flying black helicopters everywhere, all the time. This is the city itself. Not a military base. Area 51 is quite a ways away. These little black helicopters have no reason for being this close to a city….and nobody seems to notice this stuff. I was only in Vegas for a day and a half. I could last that long. I couldn’t stand Vegas. No offence to people that live there. I just couldn’t stand Vegas. It is literally sin city. I had gone down there as a starting point because I had orgoned from north of Vegas itself all the way up to Salt Lake City….had come over all the way across from Arizona. There were those lakes in the west there that were the main water sources for Vegas and other areas that we had gotten with Orgone. So we had a lot of work to do out in that area. It was amusing when I came home. I said watch for the fires to start now. Sure enough they did. I wasn’t home three days and the fires were starting in Utah and other states to create Orgone energy in the air because we had put so much positive Orgone energy in the air with our positive Orgone out that way.
It’s very much a war, folks. If you can’t see it now; you’ll never see it. You just can’t see it. The Lord said that He would make it so obvious that even the blind could see. If even the blind can see, then so help them. UFOs are falling out of the air. They’re desperate to survive. Fires are just a form of desperation to survive until they can move out of areas and get into other areas that they can survive and breathe in. It’s definitely just a war going on and continuing to go on until the Lord Himself puts a stop to it.
I know the other day…..I was doing my usual thing working on codes and stuff. For some reason I just felt the need to go get up and walk to my front door and look outside. I often do that. It’s not like its….just to get some exercise. It’s tiring sitting at a computer. At this particular time that I happened to open up my door and look outside, there was a man walking towards my house. When he saw me he abruptly turned away, jumped into his car and took off. I don’t know what he wanted. I don’t know what their game plan is, but for some reason the Lord wanted me to stop whatever it is he was going to be doing. Because he was walking very close up towards my house. Another one bites the dust as far as I’m concerned. Their plans are nothing to me.
Anyway, I’m going to take some questions from listeners and see what you guys are up to this week. If you have any questions, you can send them to [email protected].
Question from a listener: Have you see the Angels and Demons sequel to the DaVinci Code? It mentions Sananda and also implicates the Vatican.
Answer: I haven’t seen it. The DaVinci code was another Illuminati masterpiece….so they think. I’m not sure I’d waste my time on Angels and Demon,s since that stuff is put out by the Illuminati itself. Sananda is involved with the Vatican. I find it interesting that its still kindof a war. Rome has been coming up in the codes quite a bit. This earthquake over there recently was a little bit of retaliation. When the aliens don’t get their way they can produce
an earthquake, a fire….whatever they want to do from space. Its some kind of war going on between the aliens and the Vatican itself. Like I’ve said they are always fighting amongst themselves.
Question from a listener: They are getting ready for something really big, but also gun control around the same time. I wonder what cities will get it first.
Answer: I would go with…like I said, New York City. And also a city out west. Probably Phoenix. One of the
Arizona cities. Tempe, Arizona or Tampa, Florida. I’ve been seeing that come up in the codes and I don’t know if it’s Tempe, Arizona or Tampa, Florida because its falling so similar. Just a heads up.
Question from a listener: Sherry, in just two more days there will be tea parties all over this nation. The Acorn crocks are ready to hit the streets and make a living Hell. Obama is using these groups to attack anyone opposing his Communist ideas. My feeling is that we are weeks away from a revolution in this country. Please give us your thoughts. Is there anything in the codes about this coming?
Answer: Civil war is going to come to America. I think that they’ll try and use an influx of Chinese soldiers to suppress a civil war and take control of the populous. So that’s why I’ve said I can’t call it ‘til I see it because
they’ve got different routes that they can use. People are aware of what Obama is doing to this country and what he is inciting and causing. That’s why they’re buying guns and ammunition. They know the crap is about to hit the
fan. So they just need to keep preparing. You don’t want to be taken into custody by foreign soldiers or be taken to one of these FEMA camps. Don’t let them take you alive. It’s going to be a fight.
Comment from a listener: I read some articles about many of these churches doing Easter egg searches. Isn’t the Easter bunny, Easter eggs and Easter based on the sun god? Is this even when Yahushua was really crucified, died and resurrected?
Sherry: It doesn’t get any worse than an apostate church that celebrates the bunnies, Easter eggs and eats ham. That has to be the worst holiday out of all of them; the sheer paganism involved with Easter alone. It just has to be
the worst out of all of them. Easter…the fertility god Queen Ishtar...the whole thing is pure paganism. Then they top it off by having ham, which is an abomination. To eat pig is an abomination in the Bible. People say that’s Old
Testament….no that was New Testament too. It’s today too. Not just back then. They always have excuses as to why they keep continuing honoring paganism in the churches today instead of correcting them, throwing them out,
admitting they’re wrong and starting over. They just throw up excuses. I can’t get anywhere with them. And that’s the reason why the people are getting fed up and leaving them.
Comment from a listener: Sherry, I lived in Vegas for three months and couldn’t stand it either. There were literally 60 – 80 black helicopters flying towards the city all following each other. I didn’t find out where they were going.
Very strange.
Sherry: Just the day and a half that I was there, they were just up and down. It’s not like they had anywhere in particular they were going. They would just be up and down….up and down. It was very strange. I had never seen so many. It was just a constant harassment of black helicopters. And it really was just one or two of them, not like there was a whole fleet. The S in the sky was very interesting. It was a heart love S. I don’t know what that was about. They didn’t finish whatever it was they were trying to do…I don’t know. I just got tired of watching them. It truly is just a city waiting to be destroyed by the Lord. But I also love the heart of the people that are out there. There are Christians that have said, we don’t want God to destroy Vegas it’s our home. What they’ve been doing is plastering the place with Orgone. Almost doing the Lot thing, where Lot stood up for Sodom when the Lord said He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorra and Lot was sticking up for his city. That’s pretty much what the warriors are doing out in Vegas. I don’t know if it’s chasing out any of the evil or wicked that are there, but they’ve been busy covering Vegas with Orgone since then. I know there is a lot of Orgone in Vegas right now.
I didn’t do a lot of Vegas itself. The Lord said just let the evil ones have it. So I left it and started covering from the north all the way up to Salt Lake City and pretty much wiping out the Mormon temple. It had been a hangout for Sananda and his little Capricorn ship and all the little ships they were hanging out above Salt Lake City. So we chased them out of there and we went to Quebec. Quebec got busy and chased them out. Now they’re in Rome. I don’t know if much Orgone is being done in Rome. They could be there for a while until some warriors stand up over there and get the Vatican area. Italy is one of those countries….I don’t even think I’ve sent Orgone to anywhere in Italy. I don’t know of any warriors in Italy. There are a few countries here and there that haven’t gotten involved. The warriors in those countries. If there are warriors in Italy, they need to stand up and get the Vatican. I don’t always know what’s going on either. The Lord doesn’t always tell me who is doing what and where. I don’t
always know, but I’ll hear after the fact a lot of times.
Question from a listener: I wondered if your Orgone could be used to help perform exorcisms.
Answer: Yeah, just put it in the room. Just put a possessed person around Orgone and they will react very adversely to it. Eventually the demon will just leave the person because they don’t want to be around the Orgone.
Question from a listener: Is one 3 ounce Orgone puck enough to cover a mile of air?
Answer: It is if you’re in the country. If you are in the city, you need to break it up smaller. I saturate the cities. Like every thousand feet, I put an Orgone puck. It depends on what kind of area that you’re covering. If you’re out in a
cow town, then one puck. You know what? You never have enough Orgone. You need to saturate towns, countries, cities and farms. The reason that I did so much work in the Ozark mountains was to make safe havens for the Lords people to run to if they needed to get out of their cities, towns and areas where alien invasions or Chinese invasions or our military is rounding up. The Ozark Mountains will be a safe place for them to go. I know a warrior out in Washington is covering some mountainous areas out that way too. That’s what people need to be doing. Not just covering our cities and towns, but also forests and mountain areas in the country so that people that are on the run will be protected. We need it all over the world….all over the country.
You can never have enough Orgone. You can never have too much. It doesn’t hurt people. If you have a lot of Orgone and put it in your gardens, watch your plants grow much more lush…more green. It purifies water. It keeps the toxins out of the air. You’ll notice a huge difference because it’s a positive living energy. Anything evil or dead can’t stand being around it. It’s a war folks, and you need to decide which side you are on. The Lord’s side fighting against the wicked or the wicked side fighting against the Lord’s people. Just standing back and doing nothing puts you in lukewarmness….you’re just lukewarm. I wouldn’t want to be caught in lukewarm water in the last days because you will be tried and tested by death…by fire, by marital law, by imprisonments, by beheadings. Just a lot of various ways that they Lord is going to be testing this whole lukewarm Bride crowd. I won’t call them Bride, because He gets mad when I do that. This churchdumb; these people in the churches today that call on Him and sing about how much they love Him and tell everybody what a great Christian they are. He says why do you call them Mine? You need to be doers and not just talkers. Getting off the fence and making a decision who you belong to; the Lord Himself? Or are you going to belong to the nonchalant crowd who are
sheeple that the New World Order is going to be guiding and taking over.
Anyway, I’m going to wrap it up for tonight. I don’t know what I’ll be talking about next week. I never normally do until the week comes. I’ll keep an eye on bio-attacks in New York City and Phoenix. It’s either Tempe or Tampa, Florida. These Anthrax plans they have. And also an announcement…day of declaration of these Philistines that are arriving. These Anaks. These ascended masters. I see them arriving more so in Arabia and in the Middle East than here, but Obama will be financing for them to take over our media for their day of declaration crap. I don’t know if that will be this April or they will push it off to July or what they’re going to be doing.
The war is on.
Until next week everybody, Yah bless.